thebestof Guernsey business newsletter - January 2013

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January January2013 2013 January 2013

Update Update


Tirelessly working totomake make your business thebest bestitit it can be... Tirelessly working to the best can be... Tirelessly working makeyour your business business the can be...


LOVE ISISLOVE Our aim is to provide the best businesses in Guernsey with a

world class

Inside this month

thebestof Guernsey is run by Kate Heywood and Nicole Bromley.

1. Testimonials

2. Dual-branded postcards 3. Newsletters

4. Commercial photos

I was in the car last week when the Beatles’ 5. Certificates marketing service. classic need iswhen love” came on the are in the loft and the IThe wasdecorations in the “All car you lastback week the Beatles’ 6. Brand Awareness radio. I caught myself inadvertently singing excitement Christmas and New Year now We’ll raise your profile, classic “All of you need is love” came onisthe 7. Campaigns connect you to new contacts along and I was a bit shocked when the DJ a dimming memory. For those fortunate enough radio. I caught inadvertently singing and customers myself - and maximise 8. Bus Promotions announced that the song wasJanuary 45 yearssales, old! to have had some money left the your along1967 andbusiness I– Where waspotential. a do bitthe shocked when the 9. An Evening withDJ years which now start on Boxing Day,go? were a great 10. Social Media old! announced that the song was 45 years We really do care about every Even now, after so many listens, it’s a opportunity toBusiness grab aMembers bargain or song twothat andI defy getanyone one of our to feel uplifted when they hear it.11. Blog 1967 not –and Where do the years go? we areretail there every step of some quality therapy. 12. Events So I after was aensure particularly perky when I arrived at my the way in to thebestof Even now, so manythat listens, it’smood a song that I defy anyone destination to see one of our existing Members. There works for you. However, unless you are one of the lucky souls holidaying on awere ski not to feel uplifted when they hear it. 13. Video

Take a look at your Business The people behind the business 14aim Days of 2013 Our to passionately promote the best Take a is look atLove your Business businesses in Guernsey with a New members this month Therange people behind the business broad ofbehind online and The people the business offline marketing initiatives. Tip of the month Working wellwethis Every business feature New members month has been recommended New members byTip local so you can of people the month use them with confidence knowing they truly are one of the best at what they do.

an d Mo re...

Mor oree...... anandd M

mainon reasons for my visit,that’s firstlyit!toAll help crystallise and slope ortwo baking a tropical beach, there is to look 14. Special offers for members So I was in a particularly perky mood when I arrived at my clarify a super powerful offer that we could put out on our forward to now is February! January can be a miserable month for 15.inOnline Banners destination to see one ofthe ourwebsite Members. There were newsletters and on pull more business for at many businesses but February isexisting even to less welcome as the public him during a specific campaign that he had lined up and, two main reasons for my visit, firstly to help crystallise and 16. Mobile Website and Appalso large tighten the purse strings in readiness for the central heating Call Us: 01481 246822 tosuper present him withoffer a certificate, recognising his clarify powerful that weofficially could put out on our Our 17 marketing tools bill andacount the cost of Christmas past. However, at thebestof 17. Website feature Email: business ason one ofwebsite the very to best in in town. newsletters the more business Guernsey, weand LOVE February becausepull February is the month for when him during a specific campaign that lined up and, also we ask islanders to focus on the best ofhe ourhad local businesses. We don’t give these away lightly, but when the number of positive,

to present him with a certificate, officially glowing recognising his reviews from customers reaches a certain threshold, it’s business as one of the very best in town. entirely appropriate that we confer genuine ”Best of” status on our

Coming Soon

fab Member businesses.

Yes,don’t our highly successful 14 Days of Campaign is backof and we aim to We give these away lightly, butLove when the number positive, Onbusiness this occasion, the response got when I produced the framed drive your way, just whenI you need it! glowing reviews from customers reaches a certain threshold, it’s certificate from my bag was somewhat unexpected. entirely wethe confer genuine ”Best of” status on our If you areappropriate not familiar that with it; “That’s amazing” he exclaimed, “no one’s given me a certificate since fab Member businesses. campaign, running from 1st February

I was swimming at school in the 1960s”. until Valentine’s Day, encourages On this occasion, the response I got when I produced the framed thebestof Guernsey BuslocalAnd that’stowhen I realised that, just like Paul McCartney and John people ‘share some love’ certificate from“It’s my bag wasyou somewhat unexpected. Lennon said, love…” People need to be providing reviews for some of need Get your business seen daily bybythousands in aneasy…all exclusive slot is alongside other best appreciated and told how good they are yet, as a society, we shy away “That’s amazing” he exclaimed, “no one’s given me a certificate since their favourite Guernsey businesses. businesses on our fully wrapped bus! Call for more info. from it. INow was in swimming at school in the 1960s”. its 4th year, this nationwide campaign run across all regions Getting thebestof Your Membership And that’siswhen I realised that, just like Paul McCartney and John of the British Isles where thebestof Lennon said, “It’s easy…all you need is love…” People need to be (24th Jan 9-11.30/3.30–5 @Hotel Bonbusinesses. Port) represent local appreciated and told how good they are yet, as a society, we shy away


FREE sessions bringing new and existing members/their employees together to discover from it. how to maximise and get best value from our services - register today!

14 Days of Love (1st-14th Feb)


Are you Guernsey’s Most Loved Business or Most Loved in your category nationwide? Our

Many members who We’rebestof muchGuernsey quicker to complain have taken part over the last three than compliment. We don’t years have hesitate todone pick incredibly fault, yet well, winning or placing in the top five miss oodles of opportunity to in their categories, or even in the on topa100 congratulate and commend jobbusinesses well done. in the whole of the country! As a result they have That’s why I’m on a mission over the next few received some great publicity and are able to endorse weeks to sprinkle my own particular type of love their business with our official ‘most loved’ kitemark.

to everyone I meet. Don’t worry, I’m not going ‘Most loved’ businesses in Guernsey overIthe last three all hippy and bohemian on you – and certainly years have been Sueco (2010), Baan– Thai Restaurant haven’t been smoking anything but wouldn’t it (2011) and Bonboniera (2012). Last year we received be just fab if we all collaborated and focused our thousands reviews for local businesson members who efforts, forofjust a couple of weeks, spreading achieved results in placing nationally. Four the love fantastic around and making people feel great? local businesses placed in the top 100 of all businesses toIsles become expert at catching people inI’m thegoing British including Bonboniera, We’re much quicker toBluchip, complain doing things well, so I can tell them how fab Things To Do Guernsey and Debbie Duport Dancing, than compliment. We don’t theyplaced are – because I know, in a fault, small way, nine first hesitate in their category and 26yet in theit’ll top to pick make them feel better – just like I did whentoI was five for their category nationally. miss oodles of opportunity

The of reviews almost doubles run credibility up to Valentines Day. I’m going towhen work my they have been posted or placed with a third party; little socks off to get as many people as possible anyone can write what they on their own favourite media, in our area to “Show somelike love” to their but much more difficult to encourage plant reviews with to localit’sbusinesses. I want to people independent websites or publications. Good reviews fill in a postcard, or log on to our website and by real customers position your business as trusted and leave a nice comment about a great local business dependable. that’s done something well - including yours. However, it is easy to seetirelessly why reviews So many although entrepreneurs labour dayare so important endorsing services prospective after day, in month afteryour month and,to often for little customers, howover manythe reviews support your reward. Well, next actually few weeks I want at marketing messages? How many are actually detailed least part of their reward to be the feeling they’ll enough to make new client believetell thatthem you’ve get when lots ofa their customers just helped someone similar and could how appreciated they to arethem for what theypotentially do. help them too? When asking your clients for a review, Come on,Valentines join in. You can loggoing on now and leave encourage them to include information actually run up to Day. I’m tothat work my a review on any of your fellow businesses on backs up your marketing messages, explains what they little socks off to get as many people as possible thebestof. helptowith, why some they chose and what it was inneeded our area “Show love”you to their favourite like working you. local businesses. I all want encourage peopleisto “Love, love,with love, youtoneed is love…love all

listening to that song on theonradio like fill in need…” atopostcard, orrun logupon to our website andwork my congratulate commend a joband, welljust done. you to Valentines Day. I’magain going tothis We’re much quicker complain this worthwhile How Does itand Work? Please support campaign my customer did when I gave him that certificate. leave a don’t nice comment local littleabout socks off a to great get as many people as possible than compliment. We All customer reviews* collected from 1 March 2012 year by either encouraging your customers tobusiness help That’s why I’m on a feeling mission over the next few It was an awesome and I want more of ithesitate to pick in our area to “Show some love” to their favourite fault, yet that’s done something well including yours. until 14my February 2013 will be added to miss oodles ofbuild your business profile by giving you a review,people or to local businesses. I want to encourage opportunity to weeks to sprinkle own particular type of love and Imidnight want toon spread it around. fill in a postcard, or log on to our website and congratulate and commend on a job well done. our ‘Love-O-Meter’ which will ultimately show who the add a review yourself on thebestof Guernsey for a So many entrepreneurs tirelessly daylocallocal to everyone I meet. Don’t worry, I’m not going leave a labour nice comment about a great business That’s why I’m on a mission over the next few Will you help me? ‘Most Loved’ both–locally and nationally. company that you’ve had great service This is that’s done something wellfrom. - including yours. after day, month after month and, often for little all hippy andbusinesses bohemianare, on you and Iweeks certainly to sprinkle my own particular type of love This means that businesses have consistently beenDon’t worry, a campaign that really works and have So many entrepreneurs labour tirelessly tothe everyone I it meet. I’m notWell, going reward. over the next few we weeks I numerous want atday haven’t been smoking anything – do but Imagine what damage wethat could towouldn’t gloom, after day, month after month and, often for little all hippy and bohemian on you – and I certainly active during the year will be well positioned to feature members who have seen their business profile (and least part of their reward to be feeling they’ll be just and fab ifmisery we all ifcollaborated and focused our doom we all got together onbeen this reward. Well, overthe the next few weeks I want at haven’t smoking anything – but wouldn’t it prominently. profits) grow by totheir it. reward leastcustomers part of be thejust feeling they’ll just fab if we all collaborated and focused our get when lots ofcommitting their tell tothem efforts, spreading one. for just a couple of weeks, on be get when lots of their customers tell them just efforts, for just a couple of weeks, on spreading *Onlylove business membersand with amaking minimum ofpeople five reviewsfeel will be accepted. how appreciated they are for what they do. the around great? we would love to see even Guernsey how appreciated they more are for what they do. around peopleyear feel great? As part of that, we’ll be running our the 14 love Days of and making This Come on, join in. You can log on now and leave I’m going to become expert at catching people What does all this love mean for local businesses listed amongst the top 100 and winning Come on, join in. You can log on now and leave I’m going to become at catching people Love campaign from expert 1st to 14th February, in the a review on any of your fellow businesses on doing things well, so I can tell them how fab businesses? national category. atheir fellow businesses on doing things well, so I can tell them how thebestof. theyfab are – because I know, in areview small way,on it’ll any of your So why is it so vitally important to your business to make them feel better – just like I did when I was thebestof. they are – because I know, in a small way, it’ll “Love, love, love, all you need is love…love is all how listening to that song on theWe radioknow and, just like many of you entrepreneurs work collectthem customer reviews? Well,like statistics show Ithat you need…” make feel better – just I did when was my customer did when I gave him that certificate. tirelessly daylove, afterall dayyou to provide service forisour “Love, love, need isalove…love all people are times more likelyradio to engage with you feeling and It was an like awesome I want more of it listening toten that song on the and, just island community and we want you to know just how you need…” and I want to spread it around. if you have reviews - whether onhim yourthat website, other my customer did when I gave certificate. appreciated you are! Will you help me? marketing, email marketing printed Itonline was an awesome feeling and I or want morematerial of it Have a great month... Imagine damage we could do to the gloom, - if you don’t reviews, that marketing is 10what times and I want tohave spread it around. doom and misery if we all got together on this

Have a great month...

e l o c i N & e K at

Offer of the Month

Nicole & Nico le & e t a K Will you K at e £12help per14me?hour off Corporate Winners of Days of Love 2013 to be announced online on 15th February. Have a great month... Imagine what damage we could do to the gloom, Seated Acupressure Massage! less effective.


As part of that, we’ll be running our 14 Days of Love campaign from 1st to 14th February, in the

doom and misery if we all got together on this one. Reduce employee stress and sickness with 20

Offer of the Month

K a t e & N i co l e

minute acupressure As part of that,seated we’ll be running our massage 14 Days oftreatments by Offer oftreatments the Month Sport Remedial Massage Clinic. These work on muscular, circulatory Love £12 campaign from 1st to 14th February, in the per&hour off Corporate and nervous systems, stimulating 60+ pressure points Seated Acupressure Massage! £12 per hour off Corporate on the head, torso and arms. Delivered at your work place or Seated event,Acupressure these fully clothed treatments using ergonomic Massage! Reduce employee stress and sickness with 20 minute seated acupressure chairs, relieve muscle pain and improve energy Reduce employee stresslevels. and sickness with 20

massage treatments by Sport & Remedial Massage Clinic. These treatments minute seated acupressure massage treatments by Sport & Remedial Massage Clinic. These treatments work on muscular, circulatory Book min sessions for your staff at systems, £48 perstimulating hr – just £16 per session (normally work on20 muscular, circulatory and nervous 60+ pressure points on the and nervous systems, stimulating 60+ pressure points on the head, torso and arms. head, torso and‘BEST arms. OF Delivered at your work place or event, these fully clothed treatments using £20). Quote GSY’. Book before 31st Jan. Delivered at your work place or event, these fully clothed treatments using ergonomic ergonomic chairs, relieve muscle pain and improve energy chairs, relieve muscle pain andlevels. improve energy levels.

Offer of the Month Tel: 01481 724723

Book 20 min for your £48 per hr(normally – just £16 per£20). session (normally Book 20 min sessions for your staff at £48 persessions hr – just £16staff peratsession £20). Quote ‘BEST OF GSY’. Book before 31st Jan. Quote ‘BEST OF GSY’. Book before 28th February.

£12 per hour off Corporate Seated Acupressure Massage!Tel: 01481 724723 Tel: 01481 724723

Reduce employee stress and sickness with 20 minute seated acupressure massage treatments by 2013 Update Update January January 2013 Update January 2013 Sport & Remedial Massage Clinic. These treatments work on muscular, circulatory

The People People Behind Behind The The Business Business The John John Hibbs, Hibbs, Director Director of of PF+A PF+A Limited John Limited Together Togetherwith withAlex AlexWhitmore Whitmoreand andPeter Peter Falla, I run PF+A Limited dedicated Falla, I run PF+A Limited - dedicateddesign design professionals professionalsoffering offeringinspiring inspiringpractical practical architectural architecturalsolutions. solutions.We Wehave haveaaproven proven track trackrecord recordof ofachieving achievingplanning planningsuccess success ininGuernsey Guernseyover overthe thelast last20 20years yearsand andpride pride ourselves ourselveson onour ourpersonable personabledown-to-earth down-to-earth approach approachto toclient clientrelationships. relationships. Who Whoisisthe themost mostinteresting interestingperson personyou’ve you’vemet? met? Andi and had loads ofofof great Andi AndiPeters Peters Peters- -he heknew knew kneweveryone everyone everyone and and had had loads loads great great stories. stories. Myfirst firstjob jobwas... was... My Actually Actuallyworking working workingfor for forPF+A PF+A PF+ALtd Ltd Ltd(or (or (orCloss Closs ClossFalla Falla FallaAssociates Associates AssociatesLtd Ltd Ltd wasthen). then). asasititwas When Whenyou youare arenot notworking workingwhere wherecan canwe wefind findyou? you? Playing Playing squash, squash, football, football, racquetball racquetball or or bridge. bridge. Playing squash, football, racquetball or bridge. What Whatmakes makes makesyour your yourarchitectural architectural architecturalservices services servicesdifferent? different? different? What We We have have an an experienced experienced and and diverse diverse team team that that can can cater cater for for We have an experienced and diverse team that can cater for all allstyles styles stylesand andtypes types typesof ofofdevelopment. development. development. The The whole whole office office has has apositive positive upbeat upbeat approach approach that that filters filters all and The whole office has aapositive upbeat approach that filters through throughfrom from fromPeter Peter Peterand and andAlex Alex Alexat atatthe the thetop. top. top. through How Howwould would wouldyou you youdescribe describe describePF+A PF+A PF+Ain ininthree three threewords? words? words? How Dedicated, Dedicated,Practical, Practical, Practical,Inspiring. Inspiring. Inspiring. Dedicated, What’s What’sthe the thebest best bestpiece piece pieceof ofofadvice advice adviceyou you youhave have havebeen been beengiven given givenand and andwhy? why? why? What’s Give Give every every new new venture venture a a year, year, whatever whatever it it is is job, job, sport sport or or move move toto anew new place. place. Even Even ifyou you hate hate itafter after six six Give every new venture a year, whatever it is - job, sport or move to aanew place. Even ififyou hate ititafter six months monthsstick stick stickwith with withitititfor for foraaayear. year. year. months

uuldldd IItIttcccoooul ! ! uu!


bbbe e c u od ‘Intr eople the p d your n behi ess. n ow busi to kn

Your Yourclaim claimto fame? Your claim totofame? fame? There’s There’s a a picture picture ofme meon onthe the theside side sideof ofofthe the theOutdoor Outdoor OutdoorGuernsey Guernsey Guernseyvan! van! van! There’s a picture of of me on What Whatwere wereyou youhoping hopingwe’d we’dask askyou, you,but butdidn’t? didn’t? What were you hoping we’d ask you, but didn’t? My My favourite favourite joke joke which which is: is: A A young young mum mum gets gets on on abus bus carrying carrying her her My favourite joke which is: A young mum gets on a abus carrying her baby. baby. The The bus bus driver driver in in disgust disgust says says “That’s “That’s the the ugliest ugliest baby baby I’ve I’ve ever ever baby. The bus driver in disgust says “That’s the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen. seen.Sit Sit Sitat atthe theback backso soII Ican’t can’tsee seeitititwhilst whilstI’m I’mdriving!” driving!”The Themum, mum, seen. at the back so can’t see whilst I’m driving!” The mum, visibly visibly upset, upset, walks walks to to the the rear rear of of the the bus bus and and sits sits down. down. A A kindly kindly visibly upset, walks to the rear of the bus and sits down. A kindly old oldlady lady ladyleans leans leansover over overoffering offering offeringaaatissue tissue tissueto totowipe wipe wipeaway away awayher her hertears tears tearsand and andasks, asks, asks, old “What’s “What’shappened happeneddear?” dear?” dear?”The Theyoung younggirl girl girlreplies, replies, replies,“The “Thebus busdriver driversaid said “What’s happened The young “The bus driver said some some very very mean mean things things to to me”. me”. To To which which the the old old lady lady says, says, “Well, “Well, some very mean things to me”. To which the old lady says, “Well, that’s that’snot noton, on,poor poor pooryou. you. you.I’ll I’llI’lltell tell tellyou you youwhat, what, what,you you yougo go go back back toto the the front frontofof that’s not on, back to the front the the bus bus and and tell tell him him you you won’t won’t be be spoken spoken to to like like that. that. I’ll I’ll hold hold your of the bus and tell him you won’t be spoken to like that. I’ll holdyour your monkey. monkey. ”” monkey.”

ur love We’d about yo e more and shar team e!’ r it he

PF+A Limited PF+A PF+ALimited Limited 01481 01481712633 712633 01481 712633 www.pfa.ggArticle Article

Update January 2013

Working Well... Martel-Dunn Recruitment Consultants Embrace Social Media Who would have thought, back in those halcyon days of 1998, when Martel-Dunn Recruitment was established, that they would now be regularly posting jobs and business updates on social media sites and within seconds reaching their target market? Thankfully gone are the days of dread and trepidation in electronically connecting with their clients and candidates, lest every man and his dog were to view their emails. Oh how speedily and confidently the world has turned! Working in a challenging and shifting employment market, Martel-Dunn Recruitment has always put the needs of their clients and candidates first and pride themselves on NEVER compromising on confidentiality. So when the time came to consider utilising social media they contacted thebestof Guernsey to take the strain and manage this side of their business. “Outsourcing our social media management to thebestof Guernsey was well timed and allows us to get on with our core business of consulting with clients and candidates. We are excited by the speed of change within social media in particular, and our critical business decision to outsource to the professionals at the bestof Guernsey has enabled us to embrace this change.” Sandra Martel-Dunn – Martel-Dunn Recruitment

your e r a h ‘S esses c c u s ss busine ow n k s u t and le rking o w s ’ what you.’ r o f l l we

Social media brings with it specific challenges and the existing Martel-Dunn Recruitment logo had to be brought kicking and screaming into the modern day with a more contemporary graphic. thebestof Guernsey suggested a button ‘M-D’ logo which was developed and designed by Colour Monster and is now used across Martel-Dunn Recruitment’s social media platforms. “Kate and Nicole were fabulous sounding boards and worked closely with us to develop our new M-D button which has been very well received. We now proudly display social media icons on our upgraded website, marketing material, advertisements and email signature, spreading the word that we are communicating with our candidates on behalf of our clients via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.” Sandra Martel-Dunn – Martel-Dunn Recruitment

Looking for... At thebestof Guernsey we are on the lookout for other great members. This month we are looking for....

• Bridal Shops • Childcare Nurseries • Health Clubs • Indian Restaurants If you can recommend a business that’s given you a good service please contact the team...

01481 246822

Martel-Dunn Recruitment sponsor several Touch Rugby teams in the summer and winter leagues as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy and having a Facebook presence has been a great way of engaging with the players, promoting their games and highlighting the ‘Martel-Dunn Recruits’ wins. “As a local business, being part of thebestof Guernsey has extended our client range, resulting in some excellent business referrals. In addition, the regular networking events have enabled us to enjoy the company of other owner-managed businesses in an informal and fun way. Between them, Kate and Nicole have conjured up a close client camaraderie for which they should be duly proud and we are delighted that they have worked their magic on us!” Sandra Martel-Dunn – Martel-Dunn Recruitment Martel-Dunn Recruitment No 3 Cornet Street St Peter Port Guernsey, GY1 1BZ 01481 730565 Find Martel-Dunn Recruitment on: Facebook - Twitter - @MartelDunn

Update January 2013

We’ve uncovered more hidden gems over the last few weeks. A big welcome to the following businesses who have joined us recently: ‘We’re delighted to have welcomed more new members over the last few weeks. Here’s an introduction to the following local businesses that have joined us:’

Give them a call & make them feel welcome Give them a call & make them feel welcome Forest Road Garage

…is an independent family run Forest Road Garage new and used car dealer offering …is an independent family run a wide range of quality vehicles, new and used car dealer offering specialising in of Mazda and Kia a wide range quality vehicles, models, as well as professional specialising in Mazda and Kia car repairs models, asand wellservicing. as professional car repairs servicing. Call: 01481 and 235753 or Email: Call: 01481 235753 or Email:

Officeworks Officeworks

…are…are professional andand friendly professional friendly specialists in office partitioning specialists in office partitioning and equipment andand suspended and equipment suspended ceiling services offering free ceiling services offering free consultations, free quotes andand consultations, free quotes service. greatgreat service. 01481 241416 or Email: Call:Call: 01481 241416 or Email:

The & TheFarmhouse Farmhouse Hotel Hotel & Restaurant Restaurant …is …isa acontemporary contemporary44star star boutiquehotel hoteloffering offeringstylish stylish boutique accommodation, wine and dine accommodation, wine and dine restaurant, seasonal award winning restaurant seasonal award winning a la carte menu, function rooms, a la carte menu, function rooms, conferencefacilities, facilities,bars barsand and the the conference perfect wedding venue with its perfect wedding venue with its beautiful gardens, gazebos and beautiful gardens, gazebos and outdoor swimming pool. outdoor swimming pool. Call: 01481 264181 or Email: Call: 01481 264181 or Email:

Perelle Butchers a professional and friendly Clydesdale Bank

family butchers offering the …offers savings products finest quality meats carefully designed for residents of offshore selected to ensure the best centres, expatriates, and those flavours all at excellent value. using tax structures that need Call:offshore 01481 266028 flexible financial Or Email: solutions.

Call: 01481 754910 or Email: info@


…offers a low level kite and pole

Aerial-i aerial photography service, as Call: 07781 126479 or Email:

…offers a low level kite and pole well as stunning light painting aerial photography service, as and creative photographic well as other stunning light painting formats for a diverse range of and other creative photographic clients. formats for a diverse range of clients. Call: 07781 126479 or Email:

1st Point Electrical

1sta Point Electrical …is small team of experienced …is a small team of experienced qualified electricians able to qualified electricians able to provide cost-effective domestic provide cost-effective domestic and commercial electrical and commercial electrical services. They also alsooffer offeraawide wide services. They range of specialist services range of specialist services including underfloorheating, heating, including underfloor indoor and outdoor LED lighting indoor and outdoor LED lighting and renewable energy. and renewable energy. Call: Call: 01481 01481 247136 247136 or Email:

Rockmount Rockmount

… is gastro pub pub in in … aisfamily-run a family-run gastro one of Guernsey’s finest locations one of Guernsey’s finest locations offering delicious bar bar meals every offering delicious meals every day, a dedicated sports bar, the day, a dedicated sports bar, the Rocky Rooftop with stunning sea Rocky Rooftop with stunning sea views and live music in the public views and live music in the public bar.

bar. Call: 01481 256757 or Email: Call: 01481 256757 or Email:

Pro Clean

Pro … is a Clean car valeting service which

… is a pride car valeting service takes in cleaning eachwhich takes pride in new, cleaning each vehicle, old or at your home orold work. are vehicle, or Pro new,Clean at your self-sufficient with their own home or work. Pro Clean are water and electricity supply, selfsufficient with their own water Honda pressure washer, machine and electricity supply, Honda buffer andwasher, only themachine best Auto pressure buffer Glym products. and only the best Auto Glym products. Call: 07781 439689 or Email: Call: 07781 439689 or Email:

Business Spotlight...

Rohais Dental Surgery provide appropriate dental care of a high standard and at a reasonable price. Originally established in 1973 as Tom Milner in the Grange, Pam Allaway took over the practice and moved to the Rohais in 1990, first at the Medical Centre and then to the present address in Badminton Hall Drive. The practice has been modernised over the years to keep abreast of new dentistry techniques and equipment to make the patients’ treatment more comfortable. The surgery is conveniently situated off the main road behind Roy’s Ceramics where there is designated surgery parking.

The Clinical Team Pam Allaway BDS Pam was born and educated in Guernsey and trained as a dentist at Bristol University Dental School, qualifying in 1970. She had been in general practice in the UK for 10 years before returning to Guernsey in 1984 and taking over Tom Milner’s Practice. Besides this practice, Pam worked part-time at the School Dental Clinic (now Children’s Dental Service) for eight years. Tracey Wilkinson Tracey has been in dental nursing for many years with a short break to have her son Joe. She was formerly a dental nurse at Children’s Dental Clinic where she took the opportunity to take the National Dental Nurse Exam, which she passed in 1998. She later attained the Oral Health Education Certificate in 2003. Tracey thoroughly enjoys the challenges of general dentistry since joining the Rohais Dental Surgery. Pam and Tracey both undertake regular training and attend courses to keep up to date with the latest techniques and materials. For your safety, they comply with all the relevant UK / EU standards on cross infection and sterilisation procedures.

Professional dental treatments include: o o o o o o o o o o

Cosmetic Dentistry - tooth coloured fillings, porcelain veneers, crowns and tooth whitening. Orthodontics - simple tooth straightening treatments referring patients to a qualified orthodontist in Guernsey. Implants - patients who request implants are referred to a local surgeon who can advise them. Dentures - a more cost-effective alternative to bridgework or implants. Anxious patients - as a team, we address your concerns and have a CD player for your personal choice of music if you wish to bring it with you, or can accommodate ipods or MP3 players. Failing that we have a selection of teddies to grip! Conscious Sedation - this can be ‘inhalation sedation’ which is breathing a mixture of special gases to relax you, sometimes known as gas and air or Entonox. Sedative Drugs - Administered by an injection into a vein in your arm. IV Sedation General Anaesthesia - (available at the PEH for the extremely anxious patient). Children - children are very welcome at the practice.

A current fee scale is available and you will always be given an estimate of any treatment. Please contact Rohais Dental Surgery if you require further information on any treatment or to make an appointment.

(01481) 725866

of A tche graphic man ith oud haailer urrent fee sw cale is alvailable nd you will always be given an estimate of any treatment. A current fee scale is available and you will always be given an estimate of any treatment. 6 bestofguernsey shaped speech bubbles if possible with the business l ogo integrated Please contact Rohais Dental Surgery if you require Please contact Roohais Surgery f m you require o Children -­‐ c hildren a re ery welcome an t athe ractice. or tio somehow further ivnformation ny Dptental reatment ake an appointment

What the Customers Say

further information on any  treatment to make an appointment (01481) o7r 25866  ( 01481) 7 25866 A current fee scale is available and you will always be given an estimate of any treatment.


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“I have found Paul to be a highly knowledgeable and professional massage therapist. I say this as someone who has been to a few osteopaths and physiotherapists in the past.... the way he works feels very gentle and relaxing but proves to be very deep tissue work indeed!” Paul S said about Berries Bakery: “Michelle made a cake for my daughter’s 21st and it was fantastic! An added bonus was that the two tiers were different, with a lovely Victoria sponge and a fabulous chocolate sponge. It was a bit short notice but Michelle pulled out all the stops to get the cake done in time.”

Joanne S said about Shades of Grace:

“After visiting this salon for the first time, I can confidently say I will never go anywhere else! Grace and Amanda are so welcoming and friendly. I absolutely love my colour and cut, and cannot recommend this salon highly enough!”

Franc L said about Cranfords Estate Agents: “My boyfriend and I recently purchased a property through Cranfords and received the best service we have ever experienced. The team are friendly, professional and available to talk to at any time. They went above and beyond what any estate agent would do to help us with the property. We would recommend them to anyone.”

thebestof Guernsey is run by Kate Heywood and Nicole Bromley.

Our aim is to provide the best businesses in Guernsey with a

first class marketing service. We’ll raise your profile, connect you to new contacts and customers - and maximise your business potential. We really do care about every one of our Business Members and we are there every step of the way to ensure that thebestof works for you.

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“We are passionate about local business and encouraging islanders to ‘buy local’. Every business featured on thebestof Guernsey has been recommended by local people so you can use them with confidence, knowing they truly are one of the best at what they do.”


16. Monthly competitions 17. Dual-branded review cards

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Coming Soon thebestof Guernsey Bus Get your business seen daily by thousands in an exclusive slot alongside other best businesses on our fully wrapped bus! Call for more information.

Getting thebestof Your Membership (28th Feb 9-11.30/3.30-5 @ Hotel Bon Port) FREE sessions bringing new and existing members/their employees together to discover how to maximise and get best value from our services - register today!

14 Days of Love (1st-14th Feb) Are you Guernsey’s ‘most loved’ Business or ‘most loved’ in your category nationwide? Our campaign is back encouraging local people to support local business so keep collecting those reviews!

An Evening with thebestof Guernsey (12th Mar 6-8pm @ Cobo Bay Hotel) Join us for another of our popular social networking events hosted by the award winning Cobo Bay Hotel. Please confirm if you’re able to attend – email reminders will be sent nearer the time. Email Tel: 246822

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