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The Scouts of the World Award Discovery Workshop was conducted by the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters at Doddaballapur, Karnataka from 4th to 8th December 2021 in which 124 participants actively took part. In the history of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, it was the rst-ever workshop organized for young people below 26 years of age. Scouts of the world award is an initiative of the World Organization of the Scout Movement,whichisthehighestawardforanyscoutsandnonscouts received after completing their 80 hours service project and uploading on scout.org. Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, S e c r e t a r y General, President-in-Council BSG and State Chief Commissioner of Karnataka State launched the ofcial website of Scouts of the World Award - India designed by Mr. Ashwin Palani. During the closing ceremony, Mr. M.A. Khalid, Additional Chief National Commissioner of BSG India and Mrs. Radha Venkatesh, State Commissioner (Guide) BSG Karnataka were present. They gave away the participation certicatestoalltheparticipants.
Nd2 Scoutsoftheworldawarddiscoveryworkshop
2nd Scouts of the World Award Discovery Workshop was organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides at National Training Centre, Pachmarhi from 16th to 22nd December 2021 in which 72 participants from 13 State Associations of the Bharat Scouts and Guides participated. Messenger of Peace modules and Scouts 4SDGs were introduced to the participants. Introduction to Messenger of Peace Initiative was taken by Mr. Amar B. Chettri, NSO MoP Coordinator. After the introduction, ve MoP Stations – Ale le Song, What Peace means to me, Networking Game, Story Telling and Creating account on www.scout.org were led by the ve moderators – Mrs. Shalini Jain, Mr. Shubham Singh, Mr. Ritesh Agarwal, Ms. Priyanka Prajapat and Mr. Karthik Ramachandran under the supervision of Mr. Madhusudan Avala. 4SDGs introduction and Patrimonito Badge was taken by Mr. Madhusudan Avala, and SDG Hub was introduced to the participants. 17 SDGs were facilitated by the moderators. Participants of the workshop took part in the GrandCampreandpresentedtheCulturesofIndia.