BSG Magazine 2016

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Price 19.50 per copy

July, 2016

The Bharat Scouts & Guides Creating a Better World

Bharat Scouts & Guides


Hon’ble Chief National Commissioner, BS&G planting a sapling at STC, Songir, District Dhule, Maharashtra on 07.04.2016.

Tree Plantation "Haritha Haram" by Shri Sitaram Nayak, Member of Parliament held at STC, Jeedimetla, Telanganga State.

Tree Plantation drive at STC, Gholvad by Scouts of Western Railway State.

Tree Plantation drive by Scouts and Guides of Dadra Nagar Haveli State.

Guides of Punjab State preparing sapling for plantation.

Tree plantation by Scouts of N. E. Railway State.


Bharat Scouts & Guides



Thought for the Month Peace begins with a smile.

Official Monthly Organ of

THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES National Headquarters, Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, Mahatama Gandhi Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 Tel: 0091-11-23370724, 23378667, Fax : 23370126 E-mail :, Website :

'kkafr dh 'kq#vkr ,d eqLdjkgV ls gksrh gS

Vol. 62

July, 2016

No. 07

CONTENTS From Editor’s Desk


Personally Speaking


National Events


New BS&G Fellowship Member


National Training Centre


Dr. (Smt.) V. Vijayalakshmi National Commissioner (Guide)

National Adventure Institute


Advisory Board Shri M. A. Khalid International Commissioner (Scout)

WAGGGS and WOSM Global Initiatives


Yoga Fest in the Regions

21 11

Smt. Rakesh Dhawan International Commissioner (Guide)

Reports from States


Dr. H.C. Das Dy. National Commissioner (Scout)

Scout Camp on the Air


Dr. (Smt.) Sudha Prakash Dy. National Commissioner (Guide)

Quiz No. 206


Editor Shri K. Sukumara Director

Individual Annual Subscription

` 180/-

Institutional Annual Subscription

` 600/-

Individual Subscription for 10 year

` 1500/-

Institutional Subscription for 10 year Individual and Institutional Annual Subscription for countries other than India (For One Year)

` 5000/USD-25

Individual and Institutional Annual Subscription for countries other than India ( For Ten Year)


EDITORIAL BOARD Chief Patron Shri B. I. Nagarale, I.A.S. (Retd.) Chief National Commissioner Patrons Dr. H. P. Chhetri National Commissioner (Scout)

Sub Editor : Smt. Surekha Shrivastava Joint Director (Support Service)

Price ` 19.50 per copy


Bharat Scouts & Guides



lEiknd dh dye ls

Editor's Desk

dksbZ Hkh nq%[k dk vuqHko ughsa djuk pkgrk gS] Hkys gh iy Hkj ds fy;s gksA ge nq%[k ds fuokj.k ls larq"V ugha gS] ge vuUr larqf"V dks vuqHko djuk pkgrs gSA ,d ckj ,d ;qok O;fDr esjs ikl vk;k vkSj dgk ^^esjh dksbZ leL;k ;k nq%[k ugh gS] fQj Hkh eSa larq"V ugha gw¡A esjs thou ls dqN NwVk gqvk gSA eSaus cgqr lh dksf'k'ksa dh ysfdu vkReh;rk dh ughaA ;gh dkj.k gS fd eSa ;gk¡ vk;k gw¡^^A bl ;qok vkneh ds ikl fuokj.k ds fy, dksbZ leL;k ugha gSA fQj Hkh og vius vkidks iw.kZrk esa ugha ikrk gSA og tks fo'okl j[krk gSa og lgh gS fd thou esa vkus okyh cgqr cM+h 'kwU;rk dk fuokj.k djus esa vkReh;rk ,d egRoiw.kZ dqath gSA vuUr larqf"V {kf.kd phtksa ls ugha ikbZ tk ldrhA fo'o dh oLrq,sa rFkk ifjfLFkfr;k¡] fujarj cnyrh jgh gaS] gekjh tkx:drk çk;% bu cnyrh ifjLfFkfr;ksa ds lkFk igpkuh tkrh gSA QyLo:i tc dHkh Hkh ifjLfFkfr;ksa esa ifjorZu vkrk gS ge mlls çHkkfor gksrs gSaA ;g mlh voLFkk ds lekukUrj gSA tc ge ,d flusek ns[k jgs gks] flusek dh dbZ ?kVuk;s ges HkkoukRed rFkk 'kkjhfjd :i ls çHkkfor djrh gSA vf/kdrj le; ds fy, ge dgkuh ds lkFk ?kqy&fey tkrs gSaA ge vius vki dks ukVdh;rk esa iw.kZ :i ls cgkus ds fy;s vfo'oklksa dks dqN le; ds fy;s fojke nsrs gSa] Hkys gh n'kkZ;h xbZ phtsa iw.kZ :i ls vokLrfod gh D;ksa u gksA lekukUrj :i ls gekjs thou esa dqN cqfu;knh phtsa gS ftldk ge vuqHko djrs gSa o fujUrj gSA og vkRek ;k Lo;a gSA ;g vkRekfHkO;fDr gh gesa ckgjh fo'o rFkk 'kjhj] fopkj] Hkkouk] bPNk rFkk vklfDr dks le>us esa ennxkj lkfcr gksxhA lp essa] ;g ekufld lajpukvksa dj cnyko ugha gS vfirq bu ifjorZuksa ds ihNs vifjorZuh; rRoksa dh tkx:drk dk ewfrZ :i gS fd okLro esa ge dkSu gSaA ge vius vki dks vifjorZuh; vkRek ds lkFk ns[kus ds ctk; ges'kk mu voLFkkvksa ds lkFk Lo;a dks tksM+rs gSa bl dkj.k gekjk thou HkkoukRed f[kykSuk cu tkrk gSA bl dkj.k ge vius O;olkf;d O;fDrRo rFkk vkilh lEcU/k ls tqM+h gqbZ igpku ds ladV esa iM+ tkrs gSA ;g ladV ftruk vf/kd gS mlls Hkh cgqr T;knk xgjk gSA bl vFkZ esa Hkys gh ckgjh :i ls ge igpku dh ladV ds y{k.kksa ls Hkys gh çHkkoh u gks ijUrq ge lHkh blls tqM+h my>uksa esa f?kjs gq, gSaA ikBdks eSa mijksDr lHkh ladYiukvksa dks vkids lkFk bl laLFkk ds lnL; ds :i esa lk>k dj jgk gw¡ laxBu ds lnL; ds :i eas esjh D;k igpku gS\ Lo;alsod ;k osruHkksxh tks Hkh gks ysfdu eSa laxBu ds ek/;e ls lekt dh lsok dj jgk g¡wA laxBu ds lnL; ds :i esa eq>s LdkmV çfrKk ,oa fu;e dk vuqikyu djuk pkfg,A LdkmV fu;e ds vuq:i thou ;kiu djuk pkfg,A eq>s laLFkk ds çfr oQknkj gksuk pkfg,A eq>s esjs O;olk; mifu;e] fu;e] esjs yksxksa] lgdehZ rFkk mPp vf/kdkfj;ksa ds çfr oQknkj gksuk pkfg,A ;fn eSa laLFkk ds fdlh lnL; ds fo:) fy[k jgk gw¡ rks eSa ml O;fDr dks gh ugha vfirq iwjs laxBu dks gkfu ig¡pk jgk gw¡A ;fn gekjs ?kj esa ,d NksVk pwgk ijs'kku djrk gS vkSj ;fn ge ml pwgs ls NqVdkjk ikuk pkgrs gSa rks D;k ge vius iwjs ?kj dks vkx yxkrs gSa\ tc ge laLFkk ds çfr oQknkj ugha jg ldrs] rks ;g laLFkk dks NksM+us ds fy;s lgh le; gS rkfd laLFkk dh Nfo cuh jgsA eSa vk'kk djrk gw¡ fd vki lHkh eq>ls lger gksaxsA ge lHkh lkFk feydj dke djs vkSj laLFkk dks vR;Ur mPpkbZ;ksa ds f'k[kj rd ys tk,sA

No one wants to experience sorrow, even briefly. But we are not satisfied with the mere removal of sorrow; we also want to experience lasting happiness. Once a young man came to me and said “I don’t have any problems or sorrow, but I still don’t feel content. Something is missing from my life. I have tried many things so far, but not spirituality. That is why I came here” This young man did not have any problems to solve, but still he did not feel complete. He believed correctly, that spirituality might hold the key to filling the inexplicable void in his life. Lasting happiness cannot be obtained from something that doesn’t last. The situations and objects of the world are constantly changing, and our awareness is usually focussed on and identified with these changing circumstances. As a result, whenever the circumstances change, we are affected. This is similar to what happens when we watch a movie. The various incidents in the movie affect us emotionally, even physiologically. Most of the time we get involved in the story. They are willing to totally suspend disbelief for the sake of being swept up in the drama, even though the events portrayed might be totally unrealistic. Similarly, there is a changeless substratum for all the experiences we undergo in life. That is the Atrman or self. This self manifests as the awareness that allows us to perceive both the world outside, as well as our own body, thoughts, emotions, desires and attachments. In truth, it is not these changing mental formations but the changeless awareness behind them that is who we really are. Instead of identifying with this changeless self, we always identify with different experiences, and thus our life became like an emotional roller coaster. Because of this, many of us suffer from a kind of identity crisis we usually think of, related to our profession personality or relationships- it runs much deeper than any of these. In this sense, even if we don’t have the visible symptoms of an identity crisis in fact we are all suffering from varying degrees of confusion about our identity. I share all the above concepts with you readers as the member of this organisation. As a member what is my identity? May be a professional or volunteer, but I serve the society through this organisation. As the member I ought to follow the Scout Promise and Law. I have to live according to the Scout Law. I must be loyal to the organisation. I should be loyal to my profession, loyal to the Byelaws, Rules, my people, colleagues, my higher officers. If I start writing against any member of the organisation, I am damaging the whole organisation and not that individual. If a small rat disturbs in our home and if we want to get rid of that rat, do we burn our whole house? When we are not able to be loyal, it is high time to leave the organisation so as to keep the image of the organisation. I hope you will all agree with me. Let us work together, live together, share together and take this organisation to high....high and very high.

MkW- ds- lqdqekjk funs'kd

Dr. K. Sukumara Director


Bharat Scouts & Guides




Speaking.... Bharat Scouts and Guides made elaborate arrangements to promote 2nd International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2016. Five Regional level Yoga Festivals were organised to train more than 1000 Yoga Instructors to promote yoga as a part of daily routine among youth members of the movement. AYUSH Ministry also systematically planned Yoga activities on this day where Scouts & Guides participated with enthusiasm to the fullest extent. All the State Associations organised yoga practices from unit level to State Level on 21st June, 2016. Our members also participated in this event which was jointly organised by other Social and Youth Organisations. About 200 members of our movement participated in the curtain raiser event held at ‘India Gate’ on 18th June, 2016. Van-Mahotsava is being organised by various States and District Associations as the monsoon is advancing from Southern tip of our country to Northern Parts. Some districts also undertook awareness programmes to prevent diseases associated with rain and floods. As schools are re-opening after summer vacations, our units are back into action with regular unit programmes. National Youth Complex Development Committee met under the Chairmanship of Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS, State Chief Commissioner of Haryana to review the progress made in infrastructure development which has been undertaken by NHQ. We are hosting the 3rd meeting of National Youth Coordination Committee at our National Headquarters. This will bring various agencies close for working in the field of Youth Development more effectively. This committee has been constituted on instructions from Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. National level youth organisations are the members of this committee.


f}rh; vUrjk"ZVªh; fnol dks c<k+ok nuss ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmVl ~ ,oa xkbMl ~ }kjk 21 tuw dks O;kid bratke fd, x,A nfSud fnup;kZ ds fgLls ds #i eas ;kx s dks c<k+ok nuss ds fy;s 5 {k= s h; Lrj ;kx s lekjkgs vk;kfstr dj vkUnky s u ds ,d gtkj ls vf/kd ;kx s ifz'k{kdkas dks ifz'kf{kr fd;k x;kA vk;"qk e= a ky; us bl fnu dh ;kt s ukc) rjhds ls ;kx s xfrfof/k;kas dh ;kt s uk cukb]Z tgka LdkmVl ~ ,oa xkbMl ~ us mRlkg ,oa ijws iHzkko ds lkFk Hkkx fy;kA lHkh jkT; l?akkas }kjk bdkbZ Lrj ,oa jkT; Lrj ij ;kx s vH;kl dk vk;kt s u 21 tuw dks fd;k x;kA vU; lkekftd ,oa ;oqk lx a Bukas }kjk l;aDqr #i ls vk;kfstr bl dk;Ø Z e eas gekjs lnL;kas us Hkh Hkkx fy;kA gekjs lx a Bu ds yxHkx 200 lnL;kas us ^bfaM;k xVs* ij vk;kfstr lekjkgs eas lgHkkfxrk dhA gekjs n'sk ds nf{ fljss ls mÙkjh Hkkxkas dh vkjs c<+ jgs ekul w u ij fofHkUu jkT;kas vkjS ftyk l?akkas }kjk ou egkRslo dk vk;kt s u fd;k x;k tk jgk gAS dN q ftyk eas ckfj'k vkjS ck<+ ls tM q s+ jkx s kas dks jkd s us ds fy, tkx#drk dk;Ø Z e py jgs gAS xfe;Zkas dh NVqf~V;kas ds ckn fo|ky; [ky q us ls gekjh bdkb;Zkas fQj ls fu;fer bdkbZ dk;Ø Z ekas ds lkFk okil vk jgh gAS jk"Vªh; ;oqk ifjlj fodkl lfefr dh v/;{krk MkWd-sd-s [k.My s oky] vkb,Z,l] jkT; e[q; vk;Dqr] gfj;k.kk }kjk dh xb]Z ftleas jk"Vªh; e[q;ky; ds }kjk gkuss okys cfqu;knh <kp a s ds fodkl eas gbqZ ix z fr dh leh{kk dh xbAZ gekjs jk"Vªh; e[q;ky; ij vk;kfstr rr`h; jk"Vªh; ;oqk leUo; lfefr dh cBSd dh et s ckuh ge dj jgs gAS ;g ;oqkvkas ds fodkl {k= s eas dke dj jgs fofHkUu ,tfsal;kas dks vkjS vf/kd iHzkkoh <x a ls djhc yk,xkA Hkkjr ds ekuuh; i/zkkue= a h ds fun'Zsk ij lfefr xfBr dh xbZ gAS jk"Vª Lrjh; ;oqk lx a Bu bl lfefr ds lnL; gAS oXSl ds ,d vujqk/sk iLzrko ij fnYyh eas oXSl ds fo’o lEey s u dh et s ckuh djus ds ,d vLFkk;h ldkjkRed et a jwh dk ijke'kZ Hkkjr LdkmVl ~ ,oa xkbMl ~ 5

Bharat Scouts & Guides


ds jk"Vªh; Lrj ds inkf/kdkfj;kas ,oa jk"Vªh; e[q;ky; ds foHkkxk/;{kkas }kjk fn;k x;kA oXSl ,oa Hkkjr LdkmVl ~ ,oa xkbMl ~ }kjk ikz#i ,evk;sw ij gLrk{kj fd;s tkus ij bls geus ikzIr fd;k x;kA Hkkjr eas vk;kfstr vkxkeh fo'o lEey s u ds ikzjfaHkd lo{Zsk.k vkjS et s ckuh ds fy, rkjS rjhd s kas ds iLzrko dks vfare #i nuss ds fy, oXSl vius vf/kdkfj;kas eas ls ,d dks ifzrfu;Dqr djx s kA ekuuh; e[q;e= a h] dukVZd jkT; vkjS dukVZd jkT; ds jkT; e[q; vk;Dqr }kjk Hkkjr LdkmVl ~ ,oa xkbMl ~ ds 17 oha jk"Vªh; tEcjwh dh et s ckuh dh r;Skfj;kas dh leh{kk grsq cXsaky# q eas ekuuh; e[q;e= a h ds ljdkjh vkokl ij ,d mPp Lrjh; vf/kdkfj;kas dh cBSd dh xbZ FkhA 17 oha jk"Vªh; tEcjwh dh et s ckuh dk vFkkg fgr djus ds fy, ekuuh; e[q;e= a h] dukVZd dk Hkkjr LdkmVl ~ ,oa xkbMl ~ vkHkkjh gAS =oSkf"kd Z ;kt s uk 2017&2020 dh ppkZ djus ds fy, fo’o vkUnky s u ds fo’o lx a Bu }kjk ifsjl] Qkzl a eas nks fnolh; lx a k"sBh vk;kfstr dh xbAZ okTSe ds 20 p;fur ,u,lvkt s dks x.qkkRed ,oa ek=kRed l/qkkj ykus ds fy, ikz#i ;kt s uk cukdj fo'o LdkmV lfefr ds le{k j[kk tkus eas viuh fo'k"skKrk dk ;kx s nku nuss ds fy, mUgas vkefa=r fd;k x;kA Hkkjr LdkmVl ~ ,oa xkbMl ~ ds e[q; jk"Vªh; vk;Dqr ds #i eas cBSd esa Hkkx yuss dk e> q s lkHSkkX; ikzIr gv q kA fopkj&foe'kZ cgrq gh iHzkkoh jgAs fo'o LdkmV vknaky s u ds fotu 2023 ij Hkh ppkZ gbqZ vkjS bls ikzIr djus ds fy, ,d j.kuhfr ij xHakhjrk ls fopkj fd;k x;kA blls Hkkjr LdkmVl ~ ,oa xkbMl ~ eas fo’o LdkmfVx a ds fo’okl dk irk pyrk gAS ;g dk;Ø Z e i.wkrZ% okTSe }kjk foÙk ikfs"kr fd;k x;kA n'sk ds vf/kd ls vf/kd 55 yk[k ;oqk ykx s kas ds fy, icz/aku vkjS ;oqkvkas ds dk;Ø Z ekas ds forj.k eas gekjh n{krk eas l/qkkj ykus ds fy;s ftls okTSe }kjk fodflr fd;k x;k gS thlVS ¼Xykcsy leFkuZ vkdyu midj.k½ eas Hkkx yuss dk fu.k;Z Hkh geus fy;k gAS

On a request proposal from WAGGGS to host the World Conference of WAGGGS in Delhi, a tentative positive nod in consultation with the National level office bearers and HODs at the NHQ has been given by BSG. A draft MOU to be signed by WAGGGS & BSG has also been received. The WAGGGS deputed one of its executives to make preliminary survey and to finalise modalities for hosting the ensuing World Guide Conference, proposed to be held in India in September, 2017. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka and State Chief Commissioner of Karnataka State had a meeting with a high level officials to review the th preparations for hosting the 17 National Jamboree of the Bharat Scouts & Guides at the official residence of Hon’ble Chief Minister in Bengaluru. BSG is grateful to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka for showing unfathomable interest in hosting the National Jamboree. The World Organisation of Scout Movement Organised a two day forum in Paris, France to discuss about the Triennial Plan 2017-2020. 20 selected NSOs of WOSM were invited to contribute their expertise in formulating draft plan of qualitative and quantitative improvement to be placed before the World Scout Committee. I had the privilege to attend the meeting in my capacity as Chief National Commissioner of Bharat Scouts & Guides. The deliberations were very effective. Vision 2023 of World Scout Movement was also discussed and a strategy to achieve it was given a serious thought. This shows the faith the World Scouting reposes in Bharat Scouts and Guides. The event was fully funded by WOSM. We have also decided to participate in the GSAT (Global Support Assessment Tool) which has been developed by WOSM to improve our efficiency in management and delivery of youth programmes to more than 5.5 million young people of the country. With Scouting / Guiding Greetings.

ch- vkbZ- uxjkys] Hkk-iz-ls-¼lsok fuo`Ùk½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr

B. I. Nagarale, I.A.S. (Retd.) Chief National Commissioner 6

Bharat Scouts & Guides


National Events NYC Development Committee Meeting NYC Development Committee Meeting of Bharat Scouts and Guides was held at National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Haryana on 11th July, 2016 under the chairmanship of Dr. K. K. Khandelwal, I.A.S., State Chief Commissioner, Haryana. Dr. K. Sukumara, Director, BS&G welcomed the Chief Guest and all other invited members. The National Projects Construction Corporation engineers have explained the progress of construction work carried out at NYC, Gadpuri through powerpoint presentation. Vote of thanks by Smt. Surekha Shrivastava, JDSS I/C.

Bharat Scouts and Guides Rescue Team from NTC On the request of the District Collector, Hoshangabad due to heavy rain in the District, all agencies were invited for the rescue purpose and on instruction of Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner Shri B. I. Nagarale, IAS (Retd), the Bharat Scouts & Guides National Training Centre and National Adventure Institute have also deputed rescue team consisting 09 staff members under the leadership of Sh. Aman Singh, Jr. Instructor, National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi. The rescue team has worked at Raikhedi, Near Raikhedi River and Narmada Bridge at Sandia. The team has assisted the Sub Divisional Magistrate, Pipariya for rescuing the village people and also clear the obstacles for stagnation of water. Team has also supported village people to transport from one end to another. They were deputed with full rescue materials like rope, carabiners, safety harness, helmets, gloves, structures and office vehicles. It was appreciated by the District Collector. Service was rendered from 9th to 11th July, 2016.

New BS&G Fellowship Member State:



Dr. S.V. Jagadeesan

Date of Birth: 27.03.1964 About :

He was a Scout for 15 years. He is District and State President of Hr. School. He is also the correspondent of the St. Pauls Hr. Secondary School, Dharmapuri District, Tamilnadu. His vision is to make Tamilnadu completely literate and stressed.

Awards :

Olave Award-2008, , Kalaignar Award by Dr. Kalaignar Karunanidhi, Ex. Chief Minister of Tamilnadu for service to Scouting. ANNA Award for Best Correspondent and Kamarasar Award etc. Many Awards for creating awareness on Female infanticide, Aids Control, Environment Protect, Conservation of Forests, Road Safety and Education.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


National Training Centre, Pachmarhi The following Courses were conducted at NTC, Pachmarhi during June, 2016.

Scout Wing 1. Pre-ALT Course (Scout Wing) Pre-ALT Course (Scout Wing) for Eastern and North Eastern Regions was held at Ganganagar, West Bengal from 15th to 19th June 2016. The participants and staff were welcomed by the Leader of the Course. There were 30 participants from West Bengal-10, Odisha-03, Eastern Rly-05, East Coast Rly-01, Assam-05, Jharkhand-04, Sikkim-01, Tripura-01. Subjects like Fundamentals, 14 Programme Ideals, Unit Meeting on Courses, Youth Programme, How Adults Learn, Teaching Method & Learning Process, Micro Teaching, Leadership Competencies, Campfire on Courses, Counselling on Courses, World Adult Resource Policy, National Adult Resource Policy, support to Leaders, Value Based Scouting, Prime Minister Shield Competition and Upa Rashtrpaati Award were dealt. Importance was given to practical and skill subjects like Flag Procedure, Presentation of Pennant, Morning Inspection, Duty Change, Knotting, Lashing, First Aid, Mapping, Simple Drill, Troop Meeting, Micro Teaching etc. Assessment was made based on the above mentioned subjects. Every day, time was given for the skills tests i.e. Lashing, Knotting, Map Reading, Bandages and tests were conducted. The aim was to test the skills upto Tritiya Sopan level before recommending them for ALT Course. Demonstration of B. P. Six was given and cleared all the doubts of participants. The trainees were busy with various indoor and outdoor learning activities related to the development of qualities and skills of a trainer. Learning opportunities were created for the trainees through formal sessions and Demonstration, Group Discussion, Personal and Group Assignment, Self study of handouts and provided personal support by Counsellors. Shri M. S. Qureshi, Jt. Director, NTC was the Leader of the Course assisted by Shri S. S. Ray, Asst. Director, Eastern Region.

2. Re-orientation Course for Trainers (Scout Wing) The Re-orientation Course of Trainers for Eastern and North Eastern Region was conducted at Bhubaneshwar from 21st to 23rd June, 2016. There were 21 participants from Odisha-16, Eastern Rly-01, Jharkhand-01, Chhattisgarh-01, West Bengal01, North West Railway-01. Shri K. P. Mishra, Vice President, Bharat Scouts & Guides and State Chief Commissioner of Odisha State BS&G inaugurated the Course on 21st June, 2016 and blessed the participants. Topics such as Fundamentals of Bharat Scouts & Guides, recent changes in the Scheme of Training (Scout Wing), Leadership Competencies, Value Based Scouting, Six Areas of Training, Partnership works in Qualitative and Quantitative aspects, Formal and Informal Training, Formulation of Course Objectives, World Adult Resource Policy, Personal Support, Self Training, Principles of Management, Evaluation, Training Administration, Principles of Organization & Levels of Organization, Community Development & National Level Trends, Youth Programme relating with Adult Leader Training, Transactional Analysis etc. How to Read Training Study and new procedure for sending NTC for registration were explained briefly. Shri M. S. Qureshi, Joint Director, National Training Centre was the Leader of the Course and Shri Shyamal Karak, LT(S) & former SOC(S), Eastern Railway assisted the Course.

Guide Wing Re–Orientation Course (Guide Wing) Regional level Re-Orientation Course for Trainers of Eastern & North East Region was conducted at State Headquarters, Bhubaneswar, Odisha from 21st to 23rd June 2016 with 13 participants & 02 staff members from Eastern Railway – 01, East


Bharat Scouts & Guides


Coast Railway – 01 and Odisha – 11. On the first day, the course was inaugurated by Shri K.P. Mishra, State Chief Commissioner of Odisha state as well as National Vice President. As per the syllabus, the course was conducted, giving importance to practical side specially Roll call drill, Guides Own, Company meeting, Flock Meeting, Team Meeting etc. The Assistant Director, Eastern Region visited the course and witnessed the camp fire as guest of honour. The course was conducted by Ms. M.N. Machamma, DDGLT with the help of invited staff from Odisha state.

National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi 348th National Adventure Programme was conducted at National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi from 03rd to 09th June 2016 in which 129 participants from Uttar Pradesh-30, KVS Kolkatta Region-22, KVS Dehradun Region-43, N.F. Railway-17, Haryana-08, Rajasthan-14, Odisha-01 and 20 staff participated. Activities like Rock Climbing, Obstacles Crossing, Riffle & Pistol Shooting, Archery, Horse Riding and Boating were conducted. All the participants enjoyed the trekking to Bee fall, Jatashankar, Rajendra Giri, Pandav Caves and Sangam. A session on “Free Being Me” was dealt on 7th. As part of “SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN” participants cleaned the surroundings of “BEE FALL”. On 4th June 2016, Mr. Gajendra Yadav, State Chief Commissioner, Chhattisgarh State Bharat Scouts & Guides was the Chief Guest and family members of NAI / NTC staff attended the Grand Campfire as special invitees. The programe was appreciated by the guests. Mr. Siddharth Mohanty, Asst. Director, NAI, Pachmarhi was the leader of the programme. 349th National Adventure Programme was conducted at National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi from 12th to 18th June 2016 in which 356 participants from NVS Patna-50, N.F. Railway18, KVS Silchar-50, NVS Kathiar-46, Odisha-06, Uttar Pradesh-05, Delhi-01, KVS Bhopal-18, Telangana-01, Uttarkhand-09, KVS Hyderabad-21, NVS Ranchi-57, Madhya Pradesh-17, Eastern Railway-03, Rajasthan-03, KVS Jabalpur-05, NVS Burdwan-46 and 27 staff attended. Activities like Rock Climbing, Obstacles Crossing, Riffle & Pistol Shooting, Archery, Horse Riding and Boating were conducted. All the participants enjoyed the trekking to Bee fall, Jatashankar, Rajendra Giri, Pandav Caves and Sangam. A session on “Free Being Me” was dealt. Participants cleaned the surroundings of “BEE FALL” under SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN. On 17th, Mr. Rakesh Sharma, Director of Sanjay Gandhi Sansthan was the Chief Guest and family members of NAI / NTC staff attended the Grand Campfire as special invitees. Mr. Siddharth Mohanty, Asst. Director, NAI, Pachmarhi was the Leader of the programme.

WAGGGS and WOSM Global Initiatives Jammu & Kashmir •

Surf Smart Training Programme was conducted at Cambridge Noorani Educational Institute, Nagbal, Shopian on 21st June 2016. 102 Scouts/Guides and Adult Leaders of district Shopian took active part in all the three activities of Surf Smart.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


In the training programme all the three activities (Connect, Protect and Respect) were conducted. The response of the participants was highly appreciated by the Chief Guest Mr. Shabir Ahmed, District Treasurer, Shopian during the interaction with participants on certificate and badge distributions. One of the activity “Beat the Virus” (in the form of game) which was more enjoyed by the participants during the progamme. Mr. Haroon Malik conducted the programme. th One day Surf Smart training Programme was held at Srinagar International School, Patlibagh, Pulwama on 29 June 2016 in which 84 Scouts, Guides and Adult Leaders of district Pulwama participated and took active part in all the activities of Surf Smart. The training programme was conducted by Mr. Haroon Malik.

mÙkj jsyos Qzh chbax eha dk f’kfoj lEiUu mÙkj jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk oSXl ds izkstsDV Qzh chbax eha dk f'kfoj fnukad 15 ls 19 twu] 2016 rd dh vof/k esa lyksxM+k es vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA bl f'kfoj esa mÙkj jsyos ds fQjkstiqj] vEckyk] gSMDokVj fnYyh] eqjknkckn ,oa y[kuÅ vkj-lh- ,Qftyksa dh 55 cqycqYl] xkbM~l ,oa o;Ld usrkvksa us izfrHkkx fd;kA f'kfoj ds nkSjku Jherh lksukyh 'kekZ us izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa ds lkeus Qzh chbax eha ds ckjs esa vius fopkjksa ls voxr djok dj mudk mRlkgo/kZu fd;kA tks fuEukuqlkj gS&xyZ LdkmV ds 'kkjhfjd vkRefo'okl Økafr dk izkjEHk gks ldsA 'kkjhfjd vkRefo'okl rFkk vkRelEeku ds ek/;e ls yM+fd;ksa dks leFkZ cukukA ge dqN xfrfof/k;ka djds ns[ksaxs rkfd ge tSls fn[krs gS mlds ckjs esa vf/kd vkRefo'okl eglwl gksA ge tSls fn[krs gS mlds ckjs esa xfoZr vkSj [kq'kh eglwl djuk gh 'kkjhfjd vkRefo'okl dgykrk gSA ;fn fo'o dh lHkh xyZ xkbM ,oa xyZ LdkmV Hkkx ysrs gS rks 10 yk[k yM+fd;ka fo'o dks cnys ds fy, ltx gksxhaA ge bl dk;ZØe esa ltxrk ls Hkkx ysa rFkk viuk ;ksxnku vius dk;Z {ks= esa nsaA tc fdlh {ks= dks fodflr djuk gksrk gS rks mlesa laxBu dk cgqr cM+k ;ksxnku gksrk gS mlesa lcls egRoiw.kZ ;ksxnku fo'okl ,oa vkilh rkyesy dk gSA ge vius o;Ld usrkvksa dh ckr ekusxas vkSj gj le; ,d nwljs ls lân;rk ls is'k vk;sxsaA f'kfoj dk lapkyu Jherh lksukyh 'kekZ] jkT; çf'k{k.k vk;qDr ¼xkbM½ }kjk fd;k x;k rFkk Jherh izhfr vkuUn us f'kfoj esa izf'k{k.k fn;kA Southern Railway Free Being Me programme for Scouts and Guides of RMK School, Kavarapet was organised by Southern Railway State BS&G on 4.5.2016 at STC, Ketti. FBM Coordinator, Salem district assisted the programme.

Tamilnadu th

Messengers of Peace was initiated in Maharishi District, Coimbatore on 5 June 2016, during the Bunny Leader training course in which 28 participated. Mr. Balaji Murugan, MoP local coordinator of Tamilnadu conducted the programme.


Bharat Scouts & Guides



Yoga Fest in the Regions Eastern Region- STC, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand th


Regional Level Yoga Fest was organised from 20 to 22 June 2016. 127 Sr. Scout/Guides/Rovers and Rangers from Bihar-20, East Central Railway-03, East Coast Railway-21, Eastern Railway-13, Jharkhand-26, Odisha-14, South Eastern Railway-22 and West Bengal-01 along with 07-Staff member have participated. The Yoga Fest was inaugurated on 20th June by the Chief Guest Smt, Sarita Dadel District Education Officer, Hazaribagh. Shri Sardar Pritam Singh, Vice President, Bharat Scouts & Guides, Shri Bipin Kumar, State Secretary and many other dignitaries were present during the inaugural function. On the 2nd day morning, yoga and Asanas were demonstrated by the experts of PATANJALI Yogpith and invited Staff members. Yoga Awareness Rally was organized. Shri Bhimsen Tuti Superintendent of Police, Hazaribagh blessed the participants and flagged off the rally. In the afternoon Scouts, Guides, Rovers, and Rangers performed Street skit “on need of yoga” in different areas of Hazaribagh Town to create awareness among the local public. The Valedictory function was organized in which Shri Dablu Mahto President AJSU Student Union was present as the Chief Guest and Shri Bipin Kumar, State Secretary, BSG Jharkhand State inaugurated the camp fire. On the 3rd day Debate Competition was organized on Importance of Yoga. Prize distribution ceremony was organized and Shri Niraj Kumar, Secretary, Red Cross Society was the Chief Guest. Regional Level Yoga Fest was successfully conducted under the leadership of Shri Bablu Goswami, Regional Organizing Commissioner (Scout), Eastern Region with the help of invited dynamic and experienced staff members.

Northern Region- Mathura, North Central Railway nd

To celebrate the 2 International Yoga Day, the “Regional level Yoga Fest” of th nd Northern Region was conducted from 20 to 22 June, 2016. 103 candidates from Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Northern Railway, N.C. Railway, N.E. Railway, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samity, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand participated in the event along with 7 Staff members. The Opening Ceremony was held at 4.30 pm where Shri Yatindra Pal Singh, Additional General Manager, N.C. Railway graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Shri Mudit Chandra, Sr. DPO, IRPF, Agra Division and District Commissioner (S) was Guest of Honour along with other Railway Officials. The theme of the Yoga Fest “DO YOGA FOR HEALTH AND PERSONALITY” was


Bharat Scouts & Guides


announced by the Chief Guest during Opening Ceremony. He requested the Rovers and Rangers to organise awareness campaign on “Swachh Bharat” along with YOGA campaign at Mathura Railway Station. Railway Officers, their Family members and other Railway Staff along with about 200 participants besides residents of Railway Colony people participated. The Yoga session was conducted as per Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) issued by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. The activities such as Prayer, Sadilaja/Chaalan Kriyas/Loosening Practices, Yogaasana (Yoga Postures), Kapaalabhaati, Pranayama, Dhyana/Meditation, Sankalpa, Shaanti Paatha were practised. Rovers, Rangers, Unit Leaders, Railway Officers and Colony people appreciated the way entire session was planned and conducted. “Do Yoga for Health and Personality” Awareness Rally was started from DTC, Mathura, Agra Division. The Awareness Rally was flagged off by Shri N.P.Singh, Area Manager, Mathura. The rally covered Railway Colonies to Mathura Railway Station. Micro Yoga was practised on the way with general public. A Video Show and a short Film on Yoga “Jeevan Ki Sampoornta” published by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India was viewed and enjoyed by one and all. On the morning of 22nd June, Football Match was organized for Rovers and Rangers separately to create awareness and popularize the Football game amongst Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers in our country. The best players were awarded Trophies. The participants practiced the Micro Yoga once again with words of command and got their doubts cleared doubts. Brief information about WAGGGS and WOSM initiatives were informed to Rovers and Rangers. The Yoga Fest was conducted by Shri Arup Sarkar, Assistant Director, Northern Region with the help of invited dynamic and experience staff members.

North East Region- Maligoan, Assam, N.F. Railway State Regional Level Yoga Fest was hosted by the N.F. Railway State BS&G. 125 participants from Assam, Arunachal, Nagaland, N.F. Railway, Sikkim and Tripura State attended. 500 Scouts & Guides from N.F. Railway State and Assam nd nd State participated in the 2 International Day of Yoga on 22 of June. th

On 20 June 2016 Mr. Khagesh Das, SOC (S) inaugurated the Yoga Fes at Rang Bhawan, Maligoan. On 21st June 2016 they organized Yoga programme at Maligoan Indore Stadium with the help of Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). Mr. H.K. Jaggi, GM, N.F. Railway and Mrs. Jaggi, President N.F. Railway Women’s Welfare Organisation witnessed the occasion. As a part of celebration, Scouts & Guides formed Human Chain for creating the awareness of the public at Maligoan city. They organized Peace March for Yoga awareness at Paltan Bazar and Pan bazar in Guwahati City. Dr H.C. Das, Dy. National Commissioner (S), BS&G, NHQ and State Chief Commissioner of Assam State witnessed the Peace March. The Valedictory Function was organized at Don Basco Auditorium. Dr. H.C. Das was the Chief Guest and the Principal of Don Basco was the Guest of Honor. Mrs. Vijaya Laxmi, Principal, Dharam Public School, Palwal, Haryana was the Special Guest and Mrs. Sulekha Chakraborty, State Commissioner (Guide), Assam State was the Guest of the Valedictory Function. The Participants presented cultural programme which was appreciated by all the guests, officials of Don Basco and Media persons who were present there. During the Yoga Fest apart from Scouts & Guides regular activities such as Peace initiation by WOSM (MoP), WAGGGS Global Project, Surf Smart, Swachh Bharat etc.were also conducted. A film on Yoga "YOG-JEEVAN KI SAMPOORNATA" supplied by the Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India was displayed in the evening. An input session was delivered by Ms. Sangita, Instructor of Patanjali Yoga Group, N.E. Region about Isha Yoga. Dr H.C. Das, Dy. National Commissioner (S), BS&G, NHQ and State Chief Commissioner of Assam State was present in all the important events. While blessing the participants, Mr. Khagesh Das, SOC (S), N.F. Railway inspired the


Bharat Scouts & Guides


Scouts & Guides to build a healthy Nation and create a better world as messengers of peace. The event created a good impact among the young members of our organization. On 22nd June 2016 All Faiths Prayer meeting was conducted. The Yoga Fest came to an end with the lowering of the flag and National Anthem. Shri Ashok Kumar Mohapatra, Assistant Director, N.E. Region was the Leader of the Yoga Fest duly assisted by 9 Staff Members from N.E. Regional State.

Western Region- RPF Berrak, Loco Colony, Kota, West Central Railway th

Regional Level Yoga Fest of Western Region was conducted from 20 to 22nd June 2016. 114 Sr. Scouts/Guides/Rovers and Rangers from Chhattisgarh-10, Goa-7, Gujarat-8, Madhya Pradesh-8, Maharashtra-6, N.W. Railway-9, Rajasthan-16, W.R. Railway-35, Western Railway-4 along with 10 Staff member participated. Mr. Arvind Pandey, Expert in Yoga from Patanjali and expert of Yoga gave demonstration. All the participants have enjoyed the movie related to Yoga. 2nd International Day of Yoga was celebrated on 21st June 2016. Mrs. Seema Kumar DRM, Kota WCR and President of BS&G Kota, was the Chief Guest. All the officers of W.C. Railway also joined Yoga activities. One day Awareness Rally of Yoga Day was organised from Kota Railway Station to DTC, Kota. Mr. P.K.B. Meshram, ADRM and District Chief Commissioner, BS&G Kota inaugurated the Awareness Rally. In “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” participants cleaned the surroundings of loco colony, W.C. Railway. Messengers of Peace, Free Being Me and Surf Smart were also introduced to the participants. Mrs. Kumud Mehra, Assistant Director, Western Region was the Leader of the camp.

Andman & Nicobar International Day of Yoga was celebrated in South Andaman, Wimbelygunj, Mayabunder, Rangat and Diglipur District of Andaman & Nicobar.

Andhra Pradesh Scouts of Chatrapathi Sivaji Scouts Troop, Nidamanruru, Krishna Nagar participated with Hon’ble Chief Minister of Shri Chandra Babu Naidu during the International Day of Yoga. Shivaji Open Troop participated in Yoga Day held at Vishakhapatnam and Guntur District by power of Girl Guide Company.

Arunachal Pradesh nd

The 2 International Day of Yoga was organized by the State Headquarters, Bharat Scouts and Guides, Arunachal Pradesh at State Training Centre on 21st June’2016. 40 Scouts and Guides from D-Sector UP School and GHSS Polo colony along with four officials from Uttar Pradesh State and HM, D-Sector UP School participated. Shri Tara Nyompu, B.P.Ed. (PET) Yoga Instructor from KV No.1 Naharlagun demonstrated all the asanas and pranayama.

fcgkj fcgkj jkT; ds leLr ftyksa }kjk fo'o ;ksx fnol euk;k x;kA ftyk Hkkxyiqj Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh vksj ls ^fo'o ;ksx fnol^ lekjksg dk vk;kstu LFkkuh; LdkmV@xkbM ifjlj] ekfud ljdkj] Hkkxyiqj esa fnukad 21 twu] 2016 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa fofHkUu fo|ky; ,oa egkfo|ky; ds 250 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ] LdkmVj@xkbMj ,oa laLFkk ds lHkh vf/kdkfj;ksa us ;ksx fnol esa Hkkx fy;kA blh rjg vjfj;k }kjk $2 yh vdkneh] Qkjfclxat esa fo'o ;ksx fnol 21 twu 2016 dks euk;k x;kA ftlesa yxHkx 80 LdkmV ,oa 30 xkbMksa us Hkkx fy;kA 13

Bharat Scouts & Guides


NÙkhlx<+ NÙkhlx<+ jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftyk jk;iqj }kjk /kjlhok] frYnk] vHkuiqj o vkjax vkfn fo|ky;ksa esa fo'o ;ksx fnol 21 twu] 2016 dks euk;k x;kA bl volj ij dCl] cqycqYl] LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ o jsatlZ ds }kjk ;ksx rFkk vklu fd;s x;s o ;ksx ds ykHkksa ds ckjs esa çkpk;ksZ o LdkmVj@xkbMj ds ek/;e ls tkudkjh nh xbZA

nknj ,oa ukxj gosyh nknj uxj gosyh jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds flycklk] [kuosy] okih] neu] latku ,oa ukjxksy ds jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us varjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol Vkmu gkWy esa euk;k x;kA LokLF; funsZ'kd MkW- oh-ds-nkl ds funsZ'kkuqlkj MkW- osadVs'k] MkW- yrk lkcys vkfn Hkh mifLFkr FksA Delhi st


On 21 June 2016 2 International Day of Yoga was organised at the Central Park, Connaught Place, New Delhi in which National Leaders, bureaucrats and foreign delegates participated. The Scouts and Guides from various educational institutions & open groups took part in the event which was held at State Headquarters, Daryaganj New Delhi. It is needless to mention “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with you, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga day.”

Eastern Railway nd

2 International Day of Yoga was organised by 1st Sealdah Group at Dr. B.C. Roy Officers’ Club (Ground Floor) Sealdah on 21st June 2016 in which 350 Scouts and Guides with Shri Pandab Roy and other officers participated.

East Central Railway The Bharat Scouts & Guides, Sonpur Division of East Central Railway celebrated 2nd International Day of yoga. 100 Scouts Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated.

East Coast Railway International Yoga Day was celebrated across all districts of E. Coast Railway on 21st June, 2016 in which 240 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated.

Jharkhand nd

The Bharat Scouts & Guides, Jharkhand State Association observed 2 International Day of Yoga at State Level. More than 150 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers at Jamshedpur and 200 at Dumka District Association participated in the programme.

Karnataka Second International Day of Yoga was celebrated in all the District Associations of Karnataka State BSG. Scouts and Guides of Government Primary School Kodihalli, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara District, Karnataka celebrated International Day of Yoga.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


gfj;k.kk fnukad 21 twu] 2016 dks vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa euk;k x;kA ekuuh; iz/kkuea=h Jh ujsUnz eksnh th ds vkg~oku ij p.Mhx<+ ds Ldwyksa es Hkh ;wfuV yhMlZ us ;kssx fnol ds volj ij lHkh fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks ;ksx dk vH;kl djok;k rFkk fuR; izfr ;ksx djus dk lans'k fn;kA

egkjk"Vª egkjk"Vª jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk lkaxyh] vgenuxj] vkSjaxkckn] tkyuk o dksYgkiqj vkfn ftyksa }kjk fo'o ;ksx fnol 21 twu] 2016 dks euk;k x;kA ftlesa 947 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ,oa LdkmVj@xkbMj o Ldwy ds Nk=@Nk=kvksa us Hkkx fy;kA

e/; çns’k e/; çns'k jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftyk la?k dVuh ds rRoko/kku eas panz'ks[kj vktkn vksiu jksolZ Øw] ,oa enj Vsjslk vksiu jsatj Vhe] dVuh ds jksolZ@jsatlZ }kjk f}rh; ^vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol^ ftyk Lrj ij ftyk Lrjh; ;ksx fnol dk;ZØe esa mRlkgiwoZd Hkkx fy;kA blds vfrfjDr tcyiqj] nsokl o gks'kaxkckn ftyksa esa Hkh ^vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol^ fnukad 21 twu 2016 dks euk;k x;k ftlesa mDr ftyksa ds 2428 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@LdkmVlZ@ xkbMlZ@ Nk++=@Nk=k;s o vU; xzkeh.k ukxfjdksa us Hkh Hkkx fy;kA Northern Railway Northern Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated “International Yoga Day” at Northern Railway Training Centre, st Salogra on 21 June 2016. More than 145 members participated with great enthusiasm and spirit.

fo'o vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol ds volj ij mÙkj jsyos }kjk yhyk csjh izf’k{k.k dsUnz] jk;kokyk esa fQjkstiqj] jsy fMCck dkj[kkuk] diwjFkyk] vEckyk] fnYyh] eqjknkckn] vkj-Mh-,lvks-] y[kuÅ ftyksa ds djhc 300 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa lnL;x.kksa us izfrHkkx fd;kA ;ksx xq# Jh Hkxrdk.Miky us ;ksx izf'k{k.k fn;kA bl volj ij Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds inkf/kdkjh Hkh mifLFkr FksA Odisha “International Yoga Day” is a global health awareness day celebrated every st 21 June. Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides organised the day not only in Bhubaneswar but also in different districts of the State. More than 412 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers joined this programme at Bhubaneswar.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


jktLFkku fo'o ;ksx fnol ij ftyk lhdj }kjk ;ksx tu psruk jSyh fudkyh xbZ] jSyh dks Jh js[kkjke [khPkM] ftyk f'k{kk vf/kdkjh ek- f'k{kk] lhdj us gjh >.Mh fn[kkdj jokuk fd;kA Southern Railway nd

45 Cubs/Bulbuls participated in the 2 International Day of Yoga organised by Southern Railway. Yoga activities are conducted during the Chaturtha Caran/Heerak Pankh Training Camp, Hoskote Camping & Training Centre. Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts & Guides of Vaigai Scouts & Guides Group, Madurai District rendered service by distributing Pamphlets on Yoga Day at Railway Colony on 29th May 2016.

South East Central Railway nd

2 International Day of Yoga was orgainsed by South East Central Railway in the schools of Bilaspur, Raipur and Nagpur Districts.100 Scouts and Guides participated.

Tamilnadu •

Tamilnadu State, BSG conducted “International Day of Yoga” at State Headquarters on 21.06.2016 in which 400 Scouts and Guides from 13 districts participated.

Karur, Trichy and Bharani Park Districts celebrated “International Day of Yoga” in their district Headquarters. 5700 Scouts and Guides took part in it.

Anan Scout and Guide Groups, Coimbatore District Tamilnadu Celebrated International Day of Yoga on 21 June 2016.

400 Scouts and Guides of Ponneri District of Tamilnadu participated in the activities organised in connection with the International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2016 at State Headuarters.

MVM Scout Group & MVM Guide Group conducted International Yoga Day at Maharishi Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School Chetpet. More than 250 Scouts and Guides & 30 Scouters & Guides from Maharishi Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School, Chetpet participated.

Telangana International Day of Yoga was celebrated at the Headquarters of Secundrabad District on 21.06.2016 with 120 Scouts and Guides.

mÙkjk[k.M nd

2 International Day of Yoga was organised by DAV Inter College Pauri, Garhwal Uttarakhand in which 120 Scouts and Guides participated.

fnukad 21 twu] 2016 dks uSuhrky o fiFkkSjkx<+ ftyksa ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk fo|ky; ifjlj esa fo'o ;ksx fnol euk;k x;kA ftlesa nksuksa ftyksa ds 223 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA


Bharat Scouts & Guides


mÙkj çns’k mÙkj çns'k jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk fo'o ;ksx fnol y[kum eq[;ky; esa MkW- vo/k ujs'k 'kekZ] çknsf'kd eq[;k;qDr dh v/;{krk esa euk;k x;kA bl volj ij eq[;ky; ds vf/kdkjh@deZpkjhx.k Hkh mifLFkr FksA y[kum ifCyd Ldwy esa 700 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l us ;kssx f'kfoj esa Hkkx fy;kA ds-Mh- flag ckcw LVsfM;e] gtjrxat esa ftyk ç'kklu }kjk vk;ksftr ;ksx f'kfoj dh O;oLFkkvksa esa LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@jksolZ@jsatlZ us viuk egRoiw.kZ ;ksxnku fn;kA mÙkj çns'k jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l tuin QStkckn o vkVZ vkWQ fyfoax laLFkk ds la;qDr rRoko/kku esa vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol ds volj ij fu%'kqYd ;ksx f'kfoj dk vk;kstu fnukad 21 twu] 2016 dks fd;k x;kA ftlesa fofHkUu f'k{k.k laLFkkukas o Lora= nykas ds 150 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l us Jh vuwi eYgks=k ds usr`Ro esa viuh lsok,¡ nhA mÙkj çns'k jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftyk fetkZiqj ds rRoko/kku esa ^fo'o ;ksx fnol^ Øe'k% guqeku x<+h efUnj] dSygV] pqukj] fon~;k laLdkj ifCyd Ldwy] vnygkV] pqukj o jktdh; b.Vj dkWyst] fetkZiqj] esas fnukad 21 twu] 2016 dks euk;k x;k ftlesa rhuksa LFkkuksa ij 978 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l] inkf/kdkjh x.k] Ldwyh cPpksa o xzkeh.k ukxfjdksa us ;ksx f'kfoj esa Hkkx fy;kA ß;ksx lans’kÞ ¼vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol ds volj ij½ West Bengal iartfy dk lfn;ksa iqjkuk lans'k] djs a ;ksx] cukvks LokLF;] O;fDr vkSj ns'kA “International Day of Yoga” was celebrated at Bagnan 21 oh lnh esa iqu% ;ksx}kj dks [kV[kVk;k] High School by the Bagnan High School Scout Group (Unit II) under Uluberia District Association. Ardha 21 twu dks fQj] fo'o dks ;kn fnyk;kA Chandrasan, Singhasan, Yoga Mudra, Padmasan, Å?krs ukxfjdksa dks] uhn ls f>a>ksjdj txk;kA Bajrasan etc. were demonstrated explaining their vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol dh] xq.koÙkk dks crk;kA advantages. 32 scouts of the unit were present. bfrgkl dh vaxqyh idM+] orZeku esa ykSV vk;k] ;ksx dks iqu% tu&tu vkSj ?kj&?kj igqpk;kaAA fo'o vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol ds volj ij if'pe LdkmfVax dks] ch- ih- dk gS lans'k] dksydrk }kjk Kku Hkkjrh ckfydk Ldwy ds izkax.k esa 12 ftls ekurs] fo'o ds dbZ ns'kA Ldwyksa ds 600 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us ;ksx fd;kA bl tkurk gS] LdkmV LoLFk jguk] volj ij Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds inkf/kdkjh Hkh Hkxkrk jksx] fl[kkrk fujksx jgukA mifLFkr FksA djrk fur] lw;Z ueLdkj vkSj ;ksx vH;kl] cuk;s lqUnj lekt] djrk ,slk iz;klA ns'k gekjk] lHkh dq#{ks=ksa esa vkxs vkrk] fo'o 'kkafr] izse] HkkbZpkjk gS ykrkA olq/kSo dqaVqcde Hkko fo'o dks fn[kkrk] ;ksx vkSj LdkmfVax dk] fo'o dks yksgk euokrkA gj LdkmV gS dgrk] lh[kks vkSj fl[kkvks] lcdks vki le>kvksA ;ksx dks xys yxkvks] thou dks [kq'kgky cukvksA &czts'k dqekj] ,y-Vh- ¼LdkmV½] ds-fo-] v#oadkMq] lg jkT; izf'k{k.k vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½] ds-fo-la- jkT;


Bharat Scouts & Guides


Reports from States Andhra Pradesh •

Tritiya Sopan Testing Camp was conducted at Lepakshi, Anantapur st th District from 1 to 05 June 2016. The participants participated in the Swatchh Bharat” activities as a regular feature.

The World Blood Donor Day was celebrated by Red Cross Society, Telangana at Raj Bhavan, Governor’s Secretariat on 14th June 2016. Rovers, Rangers and SHQ Staff of Andhra Pradesh actively participated.

fcgkj ftyk Hkkxyiqj }kjk 8 ls 12 twu] 2016 dh vof/k esa ihjiSarh esa izkFkfed fpfdRlk lgk;rk izf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 155 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA

NÙkhlx<+ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l NRrhlx<+ jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa 05 twu] 2016 dks fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol ds miy{k esa LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds }kjk tu lk/kkj.k dks tkxzr djus dk dk;Z mRlkgiw.kZ fd;k x;kA ftlds varxZr tu tkxj.k jSyh] o`{kkjksi.k dk;Z vkfn dk dk;Z fd;k x;kA blh rjg jk;iqj ds ljLorh f'k'kq eafnj uokikjk esa ftyk laxBu vk;qDr xkbM Jherh ekuoh prqosZnh ds usr`Ro esa xkbM~l }kjk o`{kkjksi.k fd;k x;kA

nknj ,oa ukxj gosyh nknj ,oa ukxj gosyh jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l vkSj ou foHkkx ds la;qDr rRoko/kku esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol u{k= ou ds izkax.k esa euk;k x;kA vktkn jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ }kjk ou cpkusa gsrq uqDdM+ ukVd izLrqr fd;k x;k ftlsa ogka mifLFkr i;ZVdksa us cgqr ljkgkA

bZLV lsUVªy jsyos bZLV lsUVªy jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l o jkT; eq[;ky; gkthiqj ds rRoko/kku esa jkT; iqjLdkj LdkmV@xkbM ,oa fuiq.k jksoj@jsatj p;u f'kfoj jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] x<+gjk essa fnukad 27 ebZ ls 1 twu 2016 rd dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa lksuiqj] eqxyljk;] /kuckn] nkukiqj] leLrhiqj o x<+gjk vkfn ftyksa ds 128 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ,oa jksolZ@jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA f'kfoj dk lapkyu Øe'k% Jh uhjt panz feJk ¼LdkmV½ o Jherh eerk jk; ¼xkbM½ }kjk fd;k x;kA East Coast Railway •

The Head Quarters of Open Group, Khurda Road observed the World th Environment Day on 5 June 2016. During the programme tree plantation, cleaning of District Head Quarters and campus was done and activities on Swacch Bharat Abhiyan were also undertaken. 90 Scouts, Guides, Rovers & Rangers took oath to save Environment. Miss. Prava Rani Chhotaray, S.O.C. (G) flagged off the rally. They made aware the public to save Environment by displaying placards, posters, etc.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


They planted saplings in the Railway Colonies. The THEME OF THE DAY- “Fight against the illegal trade in wildlife” was followed. On 6th June the Scouts and Guides planted 100 saplings and cleaned the premises of East Coast Railway Mixed Higher Secondary School, Khurda Road and Rovers & Rangers planted 200 saplings at Kusumati/Near Indian Oil Gas factory. Similarly tree plantation and awareness programme was organized by WAT, CD and SBP districts. th


State level testing camp of Khurda Road was held from 17 to 19 July,16 at District Training Centre Khurda Road. Rajya puraskar, Rashtrapati Testing was conducted in which 16 Scouts, 10 Rovers, 25 Guides and 7 Rangers participated from all four districts of East Coast Railway. Written tests and scouting skills were examined base-wise by experienced leaders.

A summer camp was organized at Mancheswar by Central District from 2 to 10 June under the guidance of Mrs. Manju Ray, SCC.



Eastern Railway •

State Level Basic Training Courses for CMs, SMs, GCs and FLs were organised at State th th Training Park, Madhupur from 7 to 13 June, 2016.

Sidhu Kanhu open group and Sarojini Guide Company, Sahibganj district, Malda organised Water Service at Sahibganj station from 09th to 11th July 2016.

Level Crossing Service was organised By Barrackpore Group at Palta and Shyamnagar which is under Sealdah Division. Excellent Service was extended by our Scouts, Guides & Rovers.

The Inter Group Foot Ball Tournament was organised by Officers' Colony Group, Rover Section in memory of Late Sri Bijan Das(SM/OCG) & Sri Sagar Prasad Turi. The th th tournament was held from 11 to 12 July, 2016 among the 4 Groups of Kanchrapara District Association & Halisahar 8th Group, Sealdah District Association. The Halisahar 8th Group got Champions Trophy & South Group got Runners Trophy.

Disaster Mock Training was conducted by Sealdah Division/ E.Rly on 25.06.2016. Scouts and Rovers of Sealdah District Association took part.

Goa •

Award distribution ceremony for Rajyapuraskar awards was held on 18th April 2015 at the Institute of Menezes Braganza Hall, Panaji, Goa. Hon’ble Ms. Mridula Sinha, Governor of Government of Goa was the Chief Guest, Adv. Francis D’ Souza, Dy. CM, Govt. of Goa and President of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Goa State presided over the Ceremony, Mr. R. G. Desai, Vice President, Mrs. Minacshi Martins, Vice President, Mr. P. R. Nadkarni, State Chief Commissioner, Adv. Vinayak Narvekar, S. C. (S), Mrs. Swati Malik, S C (G), Mr. James Fernandes (S.S.) Mrs. Shobha Mhadgut (Jt. S. S.), other office bearers and in all 400 Scouts and Guides and invitees attended the event. 25 Scouts and 25 Guides were awarded Rajya Puraskar by Hon’ble Ms. Mridula Sinha, Governor of Government of Goa. Adult Leaders were also awarded Highest earnings in Bob–A–Job, Long Service Recognition, Late Baba Sukhthankar Award for Outstanding Scouter, Guider and Outstanding Districts by Hon’ble Mridula Sinha, Governor of Government of Goa.

Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp was held from 25 to 29 April 2016 at Nirmal Nature Campsite, Quepem, Tilamol, Goa in which 50 Scouts and Guides participated.



Himachal Pradesh th

On 16 June 2016, Scouts and Guides of Him Academy Public School, Hiranagar, Hamirpur organised a charity rally for cloth distribution. Mr. Sunil, Scoutmaster along with students distributed clothes to migrant labourers who are forced to live in abject poverty. Mrs. C.P. Lakhanpal, School Director lauded the efforts of young students for oganising charity event for such a noble cause.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


gfj;k.kk gfj;k.kk jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] paMhx<+ }kjk jkT; izf'k{k.k dsUnz] rkjknsoh] f'keyk esa fnukad 4 ls 8 twu] 2016 rd gfj;k.kk ds LdkmV~l ds fy, jkT; iqjLdkj tkaPk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa 260 LdkmV~l us Hkkx fy;kA f'kfoj ds lapkyd Jh oh-ds- caly] jkT; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV~l½ FksA fnukad 5 twu] 2016 dks jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa Ik;kZoj.k fnol cM+h tksj 'kksj ls euk;k x;kA lHkh Ldwyksa esa LdkmV~l o LdkmV ekLVlZ uss ikS/ksa dh ns[kHkky dh ftEesokjh yhA jSfy;ksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA gfj;k.kk jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk fnukad 25 ls 27 twu] 2016 rd eukyh esa Mh-vks-lht@Mh-Vh-lht ds fy, dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa LdkmV foHkkx ls 22 Mh-vks-lht@Mh-Vh-lht us Hkkx fy;kA Jheku vkj,l [kjc] funs'kd] ekSfyd f'k{kk foHkkx us LdkmfVax@xkbfMax dks mPp f'k[kj rd ys tkus dk lans'k fn;kA jkT; iqjLdkj LdkmV~l@jksolZ ,oa ,MoSapj izksxzke@izf'k{k.k f'kfoj dk vk;kstu jkT; izf'k{k.k dsUnz rkjknsoh] ¼f'keyk½ esa fnukaad 10 ls 16-06-16 rd fd;k x;k ftlesa 163 LdkmV~l@jksolZ o LdkmV ekLVlZ us viuh lfdz; Hkkxhnkjh dhA f'kfoj dk lapkyu jkT; izf'k{k.k vk;qDr ¼LdkmV~l½ Jh ,y-,l oekZ us fd;k A twu] 2016 esa than us 5 jDr nku f'kfojksa dks vk;kstu fd;k ftlesa 331 dc ekLVlZ us ekuo/keZ ds rgr jDr nku fd;kA LFkkuh; iz'kklu us iz'kalk dh vkSj jDrnku ohjksa dk eukscy c<+k;k vkSj lekt esa lsok dk lans'k fn;kA Jammu and Kashmir •

Tritiya Sopan Training Camps were held at Srinagar, Budgam, Pulwama, Ganderbal and Bandipora from 15th to 20th June, 2016 in which 435 Scouts and Guides participated.

J&K State Bharat Scouts and Guides District Srinagar organized a Seerat cum Naat Competition at Oak Hill Institute of Education, Srinagar in which 15 Schools participated. The Chief Guest was Inspector General of Police, Telecom, Mubarak Ahmed Ganai. Mr. Imran khan DOC (s) Presented vote of thanks.

Two-day Seerat Conference was organized by the voluntary social service organization, "Ganderbal Civic Forum" (GCF) in collaboration with "Jammu & Kashmir State Bharat Scouts & Guides" from 23rd to 25th June, 2016.

Three Days Patrol Leaders` Training Programme was organized by District Youth Services & Sports office, Srinagar at th th Youth Hostel, Srinagar form 27 to 29 June 2016, in which 40 Patrol Leaders, district Srinagar participated.

Karnataka •

Working towards Vision 2024, it was the first time the state conducted Basic Course for Morarji Desai Residential Schools with a view to promote educational levels by increasing enrolment and retention and to bring down dropout rate with greater focus on quality education. Morarji Desai Residential Schools are in function across Karnataka for 6th to 10th Std. students. There are 64 Morarji Desai Residential Schools, 4 Minority Model Residential Schools, 9 Pre University residential colleges & 5 Muslim residential Schools running under the directorate of Minorities, Karnataka. Total 42 Scout Masters and 31 Guide Captains were trained at State Training Centres, Kondajji & Doddaballapur.

Conducted Advanced Course for 25 Rover Leaders and 35 Scout Masters at State Training Centres, Kondajji & Doddaballapur during the month.

Advanced Course for 48 Guide Captains and 17 Flock Leaders was conducted at State Training Centre, Kondajji.

Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp was conducted for 734 Guides & 704 Scouts at State Training Centres, Kondaji & Doddaballapur & District Training Centre, Dharwad & Sakthinagar, Raichur. `Free Being Me` Badge Work was conducted and certificates and badges were awarded to the candidates. In all the Camps WAGGGS Global Project was delivered by Ms. S K. Prabha, Jt. State Secretary and State Co-coordinator for Free Being Me, Karnataka BSG. Swachh Bharat activities were taken as compulsory activities in all the camps.


Bharat Scouts & Guides




Rajyapuraskar Testing for 122 Rovers and 140 Rangers was conducted at STC, Doddaballapur from 26 to 30 June 2016.

The World Environment Day was celebrated at Shri Kanteerava Indoor Stadium, Bangalore by the Govt. of Karnataka in which about 2000 Scouts and Guides participated from Bangalore South, Bangalore North, Bangalore Rural, Ramanagara and Chickballapur District Association. The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Bangalore South District arranged Cycle Rally from 5 different points of the city. Hon’ble Transport Minister, Karnataka State Shri Ramalinga Reddy flagged off the Cycle Rally started from Kormangala, Bangalore. Route March started from Shanthigruha, State Headquarters was flagged off by Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner, Karnataka BSG. All the Scouts and Guides completed cycle rally and route march through the Bangalore City and gathered at Shri Kanteerava Indoor Stadium. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka State Shri Siddaramaiah addressed the gathering.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan •

North Zone Rajyapurskar Testing Camp of KVS State was orgainsed for Scouts held at KV Janakpuri, Delhi and for th th Guides at KV, Tagore Garden, Delhi from 12 to 16 July, 2016 in which 358 Scouts and 239 Guides from Agara, Gurgoan and Delhi Regions particiapated. Mr. U.N. Khaware, Add. Commissioner (ACAD), KVS and State Commissioner visited the camp site. Dr. K. Sukumara, Director, Bharat Scouts & Guides was the Chief Guest for closing th ceremony on 16 July, 2016. Shri Brajesh Kumar, LT (S) of Chennai Division was the Leader of the Camp for Scout and Smt. Archana Shrivastava, ALT (G) of Bhopal Division was the leader of Guides. • The Bharat Scouts & Guides Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan organised North Eastern Zone Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp 2016 for Scouts held at Tinsukia from 12th to 16th July, 2016 in which 182 Scouts from Guwahati, Silchar and Tinsukia Regions particiapated. The Camp was th inaugurated on 12 July 2016 by Shri. S.C. Ghose, Deputy Commandant, GC, CRPF, Khatkhati. The campers were tested in various scouting skills like Pioneering, First Aid, Estimation, Compass and Mapping, Knots and Lashings etc., which are vital skills for a Scout.

On 15.07.2016, Grand Campfire was organized in which Shri Shahnawaz Khan, DIGP, GC, CRPF, Khatkhati graced the occasion as chief guest. Md. Nasimuddin, Principal, KV Khatkhati left no stones unturned for the success of the camp. Shri G. BhuvanBabu, LT (S) of Chennai Division was the Leader of the Camp, ably assisted by Mr. S.S. Srimali, ALT (S) of Ahamadabad division.

Madhya Pradesh

"Strategic Planning Workshop" The Bharat Scouts & Guides Madhya Pradesh State conducted "Strategic Planning Workshop" on VISION-2024 at State Training Centre, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh from 26th to 28th June, 2016. 64 participants including all the DOCs, DTCs, ASOCs, and SOC (S), SOC(G), STC(S), STC(G) and State Secretary of Madhya Pradesh attended the Workshop.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


On 26th June 2016, Mr. D. S. Raghav, State Commissioner (S), BS&G, Madhya Pradesh inaugurated the workshop. Mr. Krishnaswami R., Jt. Director (S) and Administrative Officer, BS&G, NHQ took the session on objectives of workshop. Mr. Paras Jain, State Chief Commissioner (S), BS&G, Madhya Pradesh was the Chief Guest in the closing ceremony. All the officers of State had taken keen interest in workshop. Strategic Planning Workshop was conducted by Mr. Krishnaswami R, Jt. Director (S) and Administrative Officer, BS&G, NHQ duly assisted by Mrs. Kumud Mehra, Asst. Director, Western Region.

• jkT; Lrjh; cSt çf'k{kd@ijh{kd dk;Z'kkyk jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] xk¡/khuxj] Hkksiky esa fnukad 6 ls 8 twu 2016 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ftlesa jkT; Lrj ds 70 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA LdkmfVax ds {ks= esa e/; çns'k jkT; dks çFke LFkku ij ykus gsrq Jh Mh-,l- jk?ko] jkT; vk;qDr rFkk Jh çdk'k fnlksfj;k] jkT; lfpo us çfrHkkfx;ksa dks lEcksf/kr djrs gq, dgk gS fd gesa nyks ls tqM+uk t:jh gS rHkh ge LdkmfVax dk fodkl dj ldsxsaA dk;ZØe ds lekiu lekjksg esa Jh v'kksd vxZy] v/;{k ,oa Jh pUnzçdk'k f'kogjs] lgk;d jkT; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ mifLFkr FksA f'kfoj dk lapkuyu Jherh vfurk vadqyusjdj] jkT; laxBu vk;qDr ¼xkbM½ }kjk fd;k x;kA • ftyk nsokl] lkxj ,oa eqjSuk eas jsyos LVs'ku ij ty lsok f'kfoj fnukad 2 ebZ ls 6 twu] 2016 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k ftlesa 170 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@jksolZ@LdkmVj@xkbMj ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us viuh lsok;sa nhA • ftyk dVuh esa enj Vsjslk vksiu jsatj Vhe ,oa pUnz'ks[kj vktkn vksiu jksolZ Øw] dVuh ds la;qDr rRoko/kku esa fnukad 5 ls 25 twu] 2016 rd ftyk eq[;ky; esa vfHk:fp dsUnz f'kfoj dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa 52 çfrHkkfx;ksa us QkWd Mkal] osLVuZ Mkal] Qkbu vkVZ] Mªkbax] isfUVax] iksaV esfdax] osLV eVsfj;y vkVZ fMtkbu] esagnh] d<+kbZ o 'krjaat vkfn dk çf'k{k.k mRlkgiwoZd çkIr fd;kA • jkT; Lrj ij ^çf'k{k.k ny laxks"Bh^ dk vk;kstu jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] xka/khuxj] Hkksiky esa fnukad 24 ls 26 twu] 2016 rd fd;k x;kA ftlesa çns'k ds 45 çf'k{kdksa us laxks"Bh esa çf'k{k.k çkIr fd;kA • fnYyh ifCyd Ldwy] e.MykjksM+] ftyk tcyiqj }kjk fnukad 26 twu] 2016 dks vUrjkZ"Vªh; u'kkeqfDr fnol dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA mDr volj ij LdkmV@xkbM }kjk xzke fiifj;kdyk esa u'kkeqfDr jSyh fudkydj uxjokfl;ksa dks blds çfr tkx:d fd;k x;kA Meghalaya •

Meghalaya Open Ranger Team organised World Environment Day celebration at Spark Home for Street Children on th 6 June 2016. The Rangers organised drawing competition and Tree Plantation with the children.

Rovers and Rangers rendered their service in the State Level Inter School Athletic Meet 2016 at J.N. Sport Complex th organised by the East Khasi Hills District on 7 June 2016. Their service was highly appreciated by the Sport Department.

Training Counsellors Meet of East Khasi Hills District was conducted at State Headquarters on 9th June 2016.

Mizoram The Bharat Scouts & Guides Mizoram State conducted the Rajya Puraskar Scouts & th st Guides Testing Camp at STC, Tanhril, Aizawi, Mizoram from 27 June to 1 July, 2016 in which 200 candidates participated.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


mÙkj jsyos • mÙkj jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk jkT; iqjLdkj] jk"Vªifr] fuiq.k tkap f'kfoj dk vk;kstu 18 ls 22-062016 rd dh vof/k esa yhyk csjh izf'k{k.k dsUnz] jk;okyk esa fd;k x;kA • blh rjg lM+d lqj{kk vfHk;ku jk;okyk esa pyk;k x;kA ftldsa rgr 20-06-2016 dks iksLVj eSfdax rFkk 21-062016 dks tkx#drk jSyh dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ftlesa fofHkUu ftyksa ds 24 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA • mÙkj jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk 19-06-2016 dks ty laj{k.k tkx#drk vfHk;ku] jk;okyk esa pyk;k x;kA blesa fQjkstiqj] jsy fMCck dkj[kkuk&diwjFkyk] vEckyk] fnYyh] eqjknkckn] vkj-Mh-,l-vks-] y[kuÅ ftys ds 300 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l us izfrHkkx fd;kA bl volj ij iksLVj eSfdax izfr;ksfxrk ,oa tkx#drk jSyh dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftls Jh lat; dqekj] jkT; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ us gjh >.Mh fn[kkdj jokuk fd;kA blh rjg 20-06-2016 dks o`{kjksi.k tkx#drk vfHk;ku pyk;k x;kA North Western Railway The Bharat Scouts & Guides, North Western Railway conducted Advance Courses for Guide Captains and Ranger Leaders at State Training Centre, Bandikui, Jaipur from 21st to 27th June 2016 in which 14 Guide Captains and 09 Ranger Leaders including Staff attended. Mrs. Sunita Shrimali, ALT (G) and Ms. Dhanvantri Vishnoi, LT (R) conducted the courses.

Odisha •

Odisha State Bharat Scouts & Guides observed World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) by organising awareness rally in the locality with 112 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers, Unit Leaders & State Headquarters staff. Awareness Campaigns, short dramas having the message of Tobacco free youth have been played by Scouts, Guides, Rovers & Rangers. Leaflets have been distributed.

The Basic Training Course for Ranger Leaders was held at State Headquarters, th th Unit-3, Bhubaneswar from 6 to 12 June 2016. 6 RLs underwent training. The course was conducted under the leadership of Mrs. Pushpanjali Mahapatra LT (R).

State Youth Committee was held at State Headquarters, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Members participated actively in the Group discussion. The presence of State Chief Commissioner and State Secretary was an encouragement to the participants.

iwoksZÙkj jsyos jkT; iqjLdkj LdkmV@xkbM p;u f'kfoj o fuiq.k jksoj@jaastj p;u f'kfoj Lo.kZ t;Urh jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] dkBxksnke esa fnukad 2 ls 6 twu] 2016 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ftlesa lHkh ftyksa ls 143 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l jksolZ] jsatlZ] LdkmVj] xkbMj o f'kfoj ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA ftyk la?k bTtruxj eas fnukad 4 twu] 2016 dks eq[; laj{k.k vf/kdkjh Jh ,u-ds- vfEcds'k] eq[; jkT; vk;qDr }kjk ,d u;s ftyk çf'k{k.k dsUnz dk mn~?kkVu jkeuxj esa fd;k x;kA jsy leikj tkx:drk lIrkg fnukad 4 ls 10 twu] 2016 rd euk;k x;kA dk;ZØe dk 'kqHkkjEHk Jh ,u- ds- vfEcds'k] jkT; eq[; vk;qDr us jsy leikj tkx:drk jSyh dks gjh >.Mh fn[kkdj jokuk fd;kA 23

Bharat Scouts & Guides


LdkmV ekLVj csfld dkslZ ,oa jksoj LdkmV yhMj ,Mokal dkslZ Lo.kZ t;Urh jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] dkBxksnke esa fnukad 10 ls 16 twu] 2016 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ftlesa iwoksZÙkj jsyos ds lHkh ftyksa ls 40 LdkmV ekLVj o 16 jksoj LdkmV yhMj us Hkkx fy;kA f'kfoj ds nkSjku egkf'kojfXu dk;ZØe esa laLFkk ds ofj"B inkf/kdkjh Jh ,u-dsvfEcds'k] eq[; jkT; vk;qDr eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA mDr nksuksa dkslZ dk lapkyu Jh vuqt jatu] jkT; çf'k{k.k vk;qDr ds usr`Ro esa fd;k x;kA LdkmV ekLVj csfld dkslZ dk lapkyu Jh x.ks'k] lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj o jksoj LdkmV yhMj ,Mokal dkslZ dk lapkyu Jh lq[knso flag] lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj ¼jksoj½ }kjk fd;k x;kA Punjab Doctor`s Day was organised by Blue Ocean Guide Group at Government Senior Secondary School Handiaya (Barnala), Punjab on 1st July 2016. They visited the local Doctors around the village and civil hospital, Handiaya.

Puducherry 50 Scouts and Guides of BSG, Puducherry participated in Mission Swachh Bharat in the State Level Camping at Patrol Leaders Training Camp and Annual Training Camp at Puducherry and Karaikal.

jktLFkku LFkkuh; la?k] ykylksV ftyk nkSlk jktLFkku ds rRoko/kku esa fodykax lgk;rk f'kfoj fnukad 30 ,oa 31 ebZ 2016 dks nks fnolh; f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ftlesa 15 LdkmVlZ us viuh lsok;sa nhaA f'kfoj ds nkSjku Hkxoku egkohj fodykax lgk;rk lfefr] ekyoh; uxj }kjk 72 VªkbZ lkbZfdy] 20 Oghy ps;j] 95 Jo.k ;a=] 35 cS'kk[kh] 14 d`f=e iSj] 30 dSyhilZ o 48 NfM+;k vkfn midj.k fu%'kqYd forfjr djds 325 fodykax O;fDr;ksa dks fn;s x;sA LFkkuh; la?k] chdkusj }kjk xzh"edkyhu dkS'ky fodkl izf'k{k.k f'kfoj ,oa vfHk#fp dsUnz dk lkaLd`frd dk;ZØe ds lkFk lEiUu gqvkA f'kfoj esa flykbZ] egsUnh] lkt&lTtk] C;qVhf'k;u] u`R;] gS.M jkbZfVax] fp=dyk] isfUVx vkfn dk izf'k{k.k fn;kA ftyk eq[;ky; lhdj ds rRoko/kku ty LokoyEcu ,oa laj{k.k ,oa ty cpkvksa ij lhdj 'kgj esa tu psruk jSyh dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA iqjkus eVdksa ij ukjk ys[ku ,oa ty dh leL;k gksus vf/kdkfj;ks ds lkeus eVds ugh QksMus ds lUns'k fn;k ftlesa 600 ls vf/kd LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@jksolZ@jsatlZ mifLFkr FksA jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV o xkbM }kjk jkT; Lrjh; LdkmVj xkbMj gkbZd 'kSf{kd Hkze.k dk dk;Zdze flfDde jkT; ds xaxVksd esa fnukad 27 twu ls 1 tqykbZ] 2016 rd dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k ftlesa jktLFkku jkT; ds LVsV dfe'uj leUo; ih lh tSu] jkT; lfpo ,l vkj tSu ds usr`Ro esa 117 LdkmV xkbM inkf/kdkfj;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA flfdEe jkT; ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa us ny dk Lokxr fd;k rFkk mUgsa Hkze.k djokrs gqos flfdEe laLd`fr ls voxr djok;kA Sikkim St. Xavier’s of Pakyong, East District Sikkim ovserved World Anti Drug Day on 26th June, 2016.

Southern Railway •

The Southern Railway State Bharat Scouts & Guides conducted “FOOT BALL” match for Cubs & Bulbuls on 24.06.2016 at Hoskote Camping & Training Centre, Perambur to popularize Foot Ball amongst the Youth in connection with U-17 FIFA World Cup Foot Ball Tournament in India during October 2017.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


4 Young Cub Teams and 2 Young Bulbul Teams played 4 Foot Ball Matches. These 6 Teams were named after Colors & Birds. Prizes were distributed to the winners and runners of the Cub and Bulbul Teams. Man of the Match (Cubs) & Man of the Match (Bulbuls) were also awarded. Before the Football Match a questionnaire on Foot Ball was given to Cubs & Bulbuls to create Awareness among them about FIFA -17 World Cup – October 2017. •

Rajyapuraskar & Rashtrapati Testing Cam for Scouts/ Guides/ Rovers/ Rangers was held at State Training Centre, Ketti, Nilgiris District from 24th to 28th June 2016 in which 258 participants attended.

Scouts & Rovers rendered service in Staff Contact Programme and Tree Plantation Programme. The State Organising Commissioner/Scouts was in-charge of the Tree Plantation Programme in Railway Hospital premises.

ICF District organised an Inter Unit Cricket Tournament for Scouts & Guides on 7th to 8th May 2016. In all 8 teams participated in the Tournament. The tournament was inaugurated by the District Commissioner/Scouts & District Secretary of ICF District.

Scouts & Guides of Vaigai Scout & Guide Group, Madurai District created Awareness on use of Bio-Toilet at Madurai Railway Junction and also conducted Tree Plantation Progamme at Railway Hospital, Madurai on 30.05.2016.

Salem District Scouts & Guides assisted in conducting games for Children and Raiway Staff at Raiwlay Institute, Erode in connection Rail Hamsafar Saptaah Sanmanjasya Diwas on 30.05.2016. Scouts and Guides planted more than 40 Saplings in and around Railway Colony, Erode.

Chaturtha Charan/Heerak Pankh Training Camp for Cubs & Bulbuls was conducted at Hoskote Camping & Training Centre from 23rd to 25th June 2016. 27 Cubs & 18 Bulbuls participated in the Training. th

Blood Donation Campaign was conducted on 14 June in connection with the World Blood Donor Day at Southern Railway Hospital Perambur. The Campaign started with 5 Scouters, 6 Rovers as Donors and 8 Scouts in the service team. The Camp was inaugurated by the Medical Officer of the Blood Bank Department and appreciated the efforts taken by the Young Adults to donate blood voluntarily. 22 Donors donated the blood.

South Eastern Railway S.E. Railway BS&G, Kharagpur, District Association organised Blood Donation Camp on the occasion of World Blood Donation Day by Kharagpur Blood volunteer organisation at Durga Mandir.

South Western Railway •

World Environment Day was celebrated in all the divisions of S. W. Railway. About th th 3000 saplings were planted by Scouts and Guides on 5 & 6 June 2016 at Mysore, Bangalore and Hubli.

An awareness camping was organized for unmanned level crossing gates of Railway Track and Safety Awareness Programme at Bangalore Station premises

from 06th to 10th June 2016. •

Rajyapuraskar Scouts & Guides Testing Camp was conducted at State Training th th Centre, Ketty, Southern Railway from 24 to 28 May 2016 along with Southern Railway, BSG.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


Tamilnadu •

• •

Teachers of Karur Vetri Vinayaka Matric Hr. Sec. School, Karur have taken part in Adult Leaders Training held at Coonoor. Courses for Flock Leaders, Guide Captains and Scout Masters at Basic level, Advance and Himalaya Wood Badge courses for Guide Captains and Scout Masters were conducted during April and May, 2016. Dr. Rajendran, State Secretary inaugurated the training programmes. He thanked the adult leaders for their active participation. Bunny Leader Course was organized by the Maharishi District BS&G from 4th to 6th June 2016 at M/s.Maharishi Vidya Mandir Sr.Sec.School, Coimbatore in which 28 Guiders participated. th rd The Bharat Scouts & Guides Maharishi District conducted the Tritiya Sopan Camp for (zone-1) from 30 June to 3 July 2016 at Mirs camp site. 275 Scouts, 161 Guides and 20 Scouters & Guiders with 5 staff participated in the Camp.

Telangana •

Tree Plantation was organised on 30th June 2016, at State Training Centre, Jeedimetla Telanagana. Hon’ble Member of Parliament Shri Sitaram Nayak was present on the occasion.

Uttar Pradesh World Day against child labour was celebrated by 200 rovers and rangers of St. John’s College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh on 12th June 2016. Mrs. Rekha S. Chauhan, Magistrate of Agra city flagged off the Awareness Rally. Shri Sudhir Kumar Shakya conducted the meet.

uspj de Vªsfdax@fuiq.k tkap f'kfoj çf'k{k.k dsUnz] 'khryk[ksr] vYeksM+k esa fnukad 4 ls 8 twu] 2016 rd dh vof/k easa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ftlesa 50 jksolZ@jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol ds volj ij tuin jk;cjsyh LdkmV@xkbM ,oa jksoj@jsatj }kjk fnukad 5 twu] 2016 dks ,d fo'kky jSyh dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ftlesa 500 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ,o jkasolZ@jstlZ us Hkkx fy;kA bl volj ij lHkh LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ,o jkasolZ@jstlZ viuss&viuss gkFkksa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol ls lEcfU/kr LyksXu] ifVVdk,a] cSulZ] o uqDdM ukVd ds ek/;e ls ukxfjdksa esa tkx`fr mRiUu djus ds fy, blls lEcf/kUr ukjs yxk jgs FksA Ikk;fu;fjax de LVheslu dkslZ çknsf'kd çf'k{k.k dsUnz] 'khryk[ksr] vYeksM+k esa fnukad 9 ls 11 twu] 2016 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 270 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ,oa jksolZ@jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA ,Mokal xkbM dSIVu@,Mokal jsatj yhMj@,Mokal ¶ykWd yhMj rFkk csfld ¶ykWd yhMj f'kfoj çknsf'kd çf'k{k.k dsUnz] 'khryk[ksr] vYeksM+k ¼mÙkjk[k.M½ esa fnukad 25 ls 31 ebZ] 2016 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ftlesa 109 xkbMj] LdkmV ekLVj o jksoj yhMj us Hkkx fy;kA West Bengal State Level Patrol Leader Training Course was organised at State Training Center, Ganganagar from 10th to 12th June, 2016 in which 55 Scouts participated.

Western Railway nd

2 District Rally of Western Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides, Mumbai District Association was organised at Training Centre, Gholvad from 29th to 31st May 2016 under the theme “Conserve Water”. More than 107 Scouts, Guides, Rover, Rangers and Unit Leaders participated.

Ahmedabad District Association of Western Railway has conducted Blood Donation Drive at Divisional Railway Hospital, Sabarmati on 14th June 2016. More than 97 Units of Blood were donated by public and the volunteers of Scouts & Guides Association and other staff members of Railway hospital took part.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


Scout Camp on the Air Shri Ramhari Advisor of IT, Kerala BSG A three-day SCOTA (Scout Camp on the Air) was organised recently by Council for IT and External Services (CITES) of Kerala State Bharat Scouts and Guides at Calvary Mount near Cheruthoni in Idukki district. 33 Rovers and 10 Rangers from different parts of the state were given expert training in the camp on how to integrate emergency communication methods using HAM Radio along with different methods on rescue and evacuation, which Rovers and Rangers have already learned in the earlier stages of scouting. This year also, SCOTA pitched their tents during the morning hours of 17th June 2016, uphill the Calvary Mount, where one of the India’s strongest HAM Radio VHF Repeater is in place along with a base camp at Calvary High School. The camp was inaugurated by Shri. G. K. Gireesh, State Organizing Commissioner and assisted by Shri. P. Prasanth, Asst State Organizing Commissioner and Ramhari Narayanan, Coordinator of the event and Manager for IT and External Services Team from State Headquarters, Thiruvananthapuram. The night assembly went very serious when a debate on “Is the Rescue Services in place are sufficient?” was declared. This was followed by an interactive discussion with Shri. P. Prasanth, Asst. State Organizing Commissioner who chaired “Meet the Commissioners” event followed by the refresher sessions for FIRST AID and Carrying Methods. This was followed by the camp song and then lights out. Early the second day, there was a morning walk where the team enjoyed with the misty winds around the campsite. Kerala Fire and Rescue force gave additional training to the participants on technical methods of rescue and evacuation during an emergency. The interactive session with the fire crew was inaugurated by Shri. Sakkeer Hussain, State Secretary of Kerala State Bharat Scouts and Guides. Session on how the HAM radio works in an emergency situation was taken by T. Manoj, Secretary and Custodian of HAMs Emergency Communication Society of Idukki. The camp included a mock drill on 18th June, performed in heavy rainfall giving a real- time experience for the participants on emergency rescue operations. The event was KSBSG – CITES SCOTA 2016 performed as a combined rescue operation on a mocked landslide, in which District Administration of Idukki, Kerala Fire and Rescue Force, Kerala Police Department, HAMs Emergency Communication Society and Kerala State Bharat Scouts and Guides played their roles precisely. Hon. Additional District Magistrate of Idukki led the event where a small team of Rovers and Rangers turned themselves as the causalities. There was a barbeque arranged for the participants, while they interacted with Hon. State Secretary asking questions on various aspects of scouting. During morning hours of the third day, there was a hike uphill the repeater station and to the wind spot. There were sessions led by Mr. Nasif C. M and Tomy Kurian, executives from CITES, and Rashtrapati Rovers. There was also a Scarf and Woggle competition, where the participants designed their own scarves and woggles. The winners are awarded with all the scarves and woggles. Dr. A. Kowsigan, IAS, Hon. District Collector of Idukki chaired the closing ceremony, where he interacted with the participants listening to their camp impressions and giving away the certificates. Mr. Shaiju Babu of Mavelikkara and Ms. Farsana Parveen of Chavakkad were awarded the best Rover and Ranger merits respectively. The adieu to the event was in tears as we received request to extend the camp for two more days. SCOTA is designed and executed by CITES Team with an objective of developing a sense of social commitment and equipping them to handle an emergency situation with all possible methods of Radio Scouting Techniques. Kerala State Bharat Scouts and Guides is half way in bringing its fully equipped Rescue Team under CITES to service, which will possibly be commissioned by the end of this year by the State Headquarters.


Bharat Scouts & Guides


Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports


Illegal use of name of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt of India by “The Scouts/Guides Organization”. It has come to the notice of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports that “The Scouts/Guides Organization” having its headquarters at 4- B Mahalaxmi Squire, Sector 12, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad (UP) 201012 is misusing the name of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt of India in their letter head stating that it is affiliated with the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. The Organization has also sought application for various posts for appointment in their Regional Office, Nagpur in Local Newspaper namely “Lokmat, Nagpur Edition” dated 14/05/2016 misusing the name of Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India by stating that it is affiliated with the Ministry. It is hereby informed to all general public and concerned authorities that Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports has neither given any recognition or affiliation to The Scouts/Guides Organization nor is giving grant-in-aid to this organization to conduct scouting and guiding activities in any State/UT of the country. The organization is also not an autonomous body under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports as claimed by them in their letterhead/banners/posters.



Name : Ms. Pravarani Chhotray, Add. : CPO’s Office, Rail Sadan Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar Odisha Age : 57 E-mail :

1. 1925 6. Bhopal, 1990

Name : Mr. T.V. Moorthi, 28, V.M.K. Nagar, Dharapuram Tamil Nadu Age : 69 E-mail :

2. Gidney 7. Bhutan

Name : Ms. Sunita Barmaiya Name : Shri Ramesh Patnaik Add. : Plot No. 273, Babadeep Add. : B.No.L-10/1, Kamptee Road, Singh Nagar, Nagpur, Opp. Railway Workshop, Post Bezan Bagh, State : SEC Railway Nagpur-04 State S.E.C. Railway Age : 46 Age : 47 E-mail : E-mail:

3. 1971 8. Singapore

4. 1951 9. Horseshoe Formation

Name :Ms. Asraf Zamali Add. : Kurdh Road, East Coast Railway, Age : 48 E-mail :

5. Lady B.P. 10. Agnes Baden Powell


01 August 2016 12 August 2016 15 August 2016 20 August 2016


Scarf Day Internarional Youth Day Independence Day Sadbhawana Day

5. 05 September 2016 6. 10 September 2016 7. 21 September


Teacher’s Day Pachmari Day International Day of Peace

Gone Home Shri Ral Sailo Hynniewta, former SOC (Scout) of Meghalaya State Bharat Scouts & Guides, expired on 06.07.2016 at Shillong. We deeply mourn his death and convey our deepest condolences to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace. 28

Bharat Scouts & Guides



Bharat Scouts & Guides



uiz 206 time

Test your Scouting / Guiding knowledge 1. 2.


(Only for below 25 years).

Your answers along with recent passport size photograph should reach us on or before 15th August, 2016. The names and photos of first five lucky winners after draw will be published in the Magazine of August, 2016 issue with correct answers.

Question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

When was the 6th International Scouts Gathering held? Where was the 16th All India Jamborett held? When was the 20th National Rover Moot held? Where was 2nd SAANSO & 14th National Scout Jamboree held? When was Fifth National Jamboree held? Who is the second President of BS&G? Who is the third National Commissioner of BS&G? Who is the first Director of BS&G? Who is the second International Commissioner (G) of BS&G? Who is the author of “Scouting Round the World”? Tear here

Search the answers in the maze below & submit your answer by tearing at the line above:

Answer sheet: F V Y B S V A I Z P S X W T Q J I P X F L N W D




T . C Z E N Z B T N Z M O Z O T H G R W V U H F


J M Z O A R A G N A R . G I R H S K H W F P E M



Y S V H E C V 4 1 0 2 Y R A U R B E F 0 1 M1 E


W A J P C L 2 3 M 2 7 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 D


S I F R Q O G V B U M I N A Y L A K U L W Q T .










I X M R S . M O L I N A D U T T A M F J A U D N

Passport size photograph

Name :_______________________________ Address:______________________________ _____________________________________ State:________________________________ Age:_________________________________ E-mail:________________________________

RUSH YOUR ANSWERS TO : The Editor, THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES, National Headquarters, Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-02 Email:


Bharat Scouts & Guides


Cubs and Bulbuls participating in Training Camp of Southern Railway State.

Free Being Me activities by Scouts and Guides of Jammu &

An Awareness Rally on Anti Drug Day by Sikkim State.

Awareness Rally on World Environment Day by Rajasthan State.

Scouts and Rovers of Northern Railway participated in poster making competition during the Road Safety Abhiyan.

Rovers and Rangers on emergency rescue operations during the Scout Camp on the Air at Calvary, Idukki district, Kerala state.

Kashmir State.


Bharat Scouts & Guides



Date of Publication: 25/07/2016 Regd. as Newspaper RNI-14418/58 Delhi Postal Regd. No. DL(C)-01/1222/2015-17 Total Pages : 32

Licenced to post without Pre-payment U(C)-33/2015-17 Posted in New Delhi P.S.O. on 25/26-07-2016

If not delivered please return to:

The Bharat Scouts & Guides Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi -110 002 E-mail: Website: Printed and Published by: Shri K. Sukumara, Director, on behalf of the Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi and printed at Dolphin Printo-Graphics, 4E/7, 1st Floor, Pabla Building, Jhandewalan Extn., New Delhi - 110055 and Published at 16, M. G. Marg, I. P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002 (India) Editor Shri K. Sukumara

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