Annual Report 2021, Bharat Scouts and Guides, India

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NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS LAKSHMI MAZUMDAR BHAWAN, 16, MAHATMA GANDHI MARG I. P. ESTATE, NEW DELHI - 110002 Phones : +91-11-23378667, 23378702, Email :, Website :










THE BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES VISION STATEMENT By 2024, The Bharat Scouts and Guides will be a globally visible, consistently growing, self-reliant premium youth movement that is gender balanced, vibrant and responsive to trends. Providing young people with value-based, attractive and challenging youth programme, through competent leaders, effective communication, optimum use of technology and efcient management.

CONTENTS S. No. Table of Contents



Presentation ...............................................................................................................................................................i


Ofce Bearers.................................................................................................................................................. ii-vii


National Executive Committee/National Finance Committee.............................................. viii


Staff of National Headquarters, NTC and Regional Ofces............................................... ix-x


International Events ...................................................................................................................................... 1-2


National Level Meetings .............................................................................................................................3-4


National Events ............................................................................................................................................ 5-18


Digital Involvement...................................................................................................................................19-21






Community Development Actitivites.......................................................................................................27


Membership Growth .................................................................................................................................28-29


Regional Events ........................................................................................................................................ 30-37


Lakshmi Mazumdar Award 2019-20 ......................................................................................................38


CNC Shield Competition 2019-20 ........................................................................................................39


Award for Numerical & Percentage Growth Increase in Census Year 2019-20.........40


Indian Scout Guide Fellowship..................................................................................................................41


National Training Centre, Pachmarhi .................................................................................................. 42


National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi............................................................................................ 43


National Youth Adventure Institute, Gadpuri ...................................................................................44


Reports from States ................................................................................................................................. 45-60


Supply Service Department ....................................................................................................................... 61


Finance at a Glance...................................................................................................................................... 62


Census 2020-21........................................................................................................................................63-65


Obituary................................................................................................................................................................. 66


Our Special Thanks ......................................................................................................................................... 67

We have compiled the Annual report with utmost efforts , if there are any error in words or in names, please ignored in view of our efforts.

PRESENTATION The National Executive Committee of the Bharat Scouts and Guides takes pleasure in presenting the report of its achievement in the year 2020-2021. The year under-report is a historic year for the Bharat Scout and Guides. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the activities and events for young members of the organization were organized digitally. Adult Leader’s Training was conducted on a virtual platform and through activity pack successfully which were appreciated by all throughout the country as well as by World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts & World Organization of Scout Movement. When the Honourable Prime Minister of India announced lockdown in the entire country due to Covid-19 pandemic, Project SANKALP came with a gust of wind for the organization. Later BSG launched some more projects through activity packs like Udaan, Plastic Tide Turners, Fit India Hit India, Hamara Samvidhan Hamari Pehchan etc. The Beginners Course - an initiative of Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner of the Bharat Scouts and Guides introduced online and ofine. Online Reorientation Course for Trainers and Online PreALT course for both the wings were designed and conducted to the rst time. A good number of trainers and Unit leaders were benetted from these online courses during the pandemic.100 years of Rangering the closing ceremony was celebrated nationwide. To provide weekly reports and information about future activities, the Organization initiated BSG News channel in English and Hindi on BSG YouTube platform. To support “Fit India” initiatives of the Govt. of India and have good health among the members of our organization and the community, Yoga with BSG and Mind Gym, a regular programme telecasted on BSG YouTube Channel from Monday to Saturday at 7.00 A.M. and every Sunday at 9.00 P.M. respectively. Our Chief National Commissioner, Dr K.K. Khandelwal has been awarded the APR Chairman’s Award while Dr Cyrus B. Wadia, Leader Trainer (Scouts) of BS&G Maharashtra State is conferred APR Award for distinguished services for the year 2020 by the World Scout Bureau, Asia-Pacic Region. It is also, a proud moment for all of us that Miss. Sonakhi Malla, Ranger of Odisha State received the ‘Olave Award’ of WAGGGS We also have our own World Guide Song in Hindi. The Bharat Scouts and Guides have also been invited for the rst time by the Delhi Police in its 73rd Delhi Police Rising Day Celebration which is a historical and memorable moment for all of us. The projects run by the Bharat Scouts and Guides on BSG Membership Growth – Spear 4.5 million Scouts with WOSM, Her World Her Voice with WAGGGS, DDUGKY project at Haryana and Uttar Pradesh on Skill Development, PMKVY on Skill Development with NSDC, Free Being Me, HP – World on Wheels, Ticket to Life etc. nancially supported the organization. First time in the history of Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Youth Committee become active and has organised number of virtual programmes during the pandemic. We appreciate the dedicated and committed services of our Scouts/Guides/ Rovers/Rangers, Unit Leaders, Volunteers & Professional Leaders during the Covid-19 pandemic as Covid Warriors in serving the community as well as District & local administration. Due to commendable services of all the stakeholders of the movement, our organization has been appreciated by Local administration /State /Central Government as well as WOSM & WAGGGS. We thank all the State Associations for their untiring efforts in bringing better visibility of the organization. 1I














MS. RUPINDER BRAR, IRS Honorary Vice President From 11/12/2020


DR. K.K. KHANDELWAL, IAS (RETD.) Addl. Chief National Commissioner

Chief Commissioner (S)

Chief Commissioner (G)

Chief Commissioner (G)

SHRI M.A. KHALID from 17/08/2020


MS. RUPINDER BRAR, IRS (Upto 24.09.2020)

DR. (SMT.) MANIK BARSALEY (From 25.09.2020)

International Commissioner (S)

International Commissioner (G)



National Commissioner (Cubs)

National Commissioner (Scouts)

National Commissioner (Rovers)

National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources)






OFFICE BEARERS National Commissioner (Bulbuls)

National Commissioner (Guides)

National Commissioner (Rangers)

National Commissioner of Guides (Adult Resources)

SMT. AASHIKA JAIN, IAS (up to 24.09.2020)




National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Cubs

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Scouts

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Rovers

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for NTC





National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Bulbuls

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Guides

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Rangers

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Public Relations





National Commissioner (Hqrs.) National Commissioner (Hqrs.) National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Coordination for Community Development Services for Skill Development




v 1

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for (Growth & Resources)

SHRI S. N. ROY, IAS up to-03/09/2020

OFFICE BEARERS National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for (Growth & Resources)

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Railway Affairs

National Commissioner (Hqrs.) for Disaster Management

National Treasurer

DR. HARISH L METHA from- 04/09/2020

SHRI ASHUTOSH GARG up to-24/09/2020

SHRI PAWAN SRIVASTAVA, I. P. S. up to-24/09/2020


Dy. National Commissioner (Scouts)

Dy. National Commissioner (Rovers)

Dy. National Commissioner (Hqrs.)

Dy. National Commissioner (Guides)

SHRI SUBHASH CHANDER from- 25/09/2020

SHRI JITESH SHETH from- 12/03/2021



Dy. International Commissioner (Scouts)

Dy. International Commissioner (Guides)

National Advisor (Finance)

National Advisor (Growth)




National Advisor (Rly.Affairs)

National Advisor (Rly. Affairs)

National Advisor (Finance)

SHRI J. K. SAHA up to-24/09/2020





National Advisor (Guide Development)

DR. (SMT.) MANIK BARSALEY up to-24/09/2020

OFFICE BEARERS National Advisor (Financial Resources)

National Advisor (Legal Affairs)

Legal Advisor

Hony. Legal Advisor

SHRI MAHESH KANOONGO from-07/12/2020




Hony. Legal Advisor

Medical Advisor

Chairman (BSG Foundation)

Convenor (Legislature Wing)

SHRI AJAY JAIN, (ADVOCATE) up to-24/09/2020

DR. PRADEEP SINGH from-25/09/2020

SHRI RAJESH AGARWAL from-25/09/2020


Managing Editor (BSG Magazine)

Sub-Editor (BSG Magazine)

SHRI RAJESH AGARWAL up to-24/09/2020


vii 1


Shri Ashok Kumar Shrivastava, ASC (S)


N. E. Railway


Dr. J. S. Negi, Former SC (S)


Himachal Pradesh


Shri Jogendra Prasad, ASC (S)


West Bengal


Shri K. B. Shanmukhappa, Vice President




Adv. V. K. Narvekar, SC (S)




Shri G. Parameswar, SOC (S)




Shri Hanuman Prasad, STC (S)


N. V. S.


Shri Manoj R. Nair, SOC (S)


Central Railway


Shri Onkar Singh, SOC (S)



10. Shri Prakash Disoria, SOC (S) Up to 21-08-2020


Madhya Pradesh

11. Shri Rama Murti Dora, State Secretary



12. Shri R. S. Shekhawat, State Commissioner (Prog.)



13. Shri S. K. Sajeeth, Scouter Representative


Andhra Pradesh

14. Shri S. S. H. Zaidi, SOC (S)



15. Shri Santosh Kumar Dixit, L.T. (S)


Uttar Pradesh

16. Shri Thankhuma, STC (S)



17. Shri Vishnubhai D. Upadhyay, Former State Secretary



18. Smt. Anamika Das, SOC (G)



19. Smt. Janaki Venugopal, Former SOC (G)



20. Smt. K. Lalliantluangi, SC (G)



21. Smt. Kiran Thakur, Former Jt. State Secretary


Himachal Pradesh

22. Smt. Nasreen Khan, Former SC (G)



23. Smt. Vandana Tewari


Uttar Pradesh

24. Dr.(Ms.) Veena Pradhan, I.A.S., Former SC (G)




Shri Ashok Kumar Khanna




Shri Jagdishbhai B. Bhavsar




Smt. Madhuri T. Deodhar



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Shri Krishnaswamy R.

Execu ve Director & Joint Director of Scouts (Programme & Training)


Smt. Darshana Pawaskar

Joint Director of Guides (Programme & Training) /Joint Director (SS) I/c


Smt. Surekha Shrivastava

Deputy Director of Guides


Miss M. N. Machamma

Deputy Director of Guides (Girl Programme) I/c


Shri Amar B. Che ri

Deputy Director of Scouts (Boy Programme)


Shri Arup Sarkar

Deputy Director of Scouts


Shri Anand Kumar

Accounts Officer


Shri Deepak Mehra

Supply Service Officer



Joint Director, NTC/ Deputy Director of Scouts, L.T.I/c

Up to 08/07/2020

Shri Raj Kumar Kaushik

Deputy Director of Scouts, L.T.I/c

from 08/07/2020 to Up to 04/11/2020

Shri Krishnaswamy R.

Deputy Director of Scouts, L.T. I/c

From 04/11/2020

Miss M. N. Machamma

Deputy Director of Guides, L. T.


Shri S. S. Ray

Assistant Director, NAI

Up to 09/03/2021


Shri Arun Chandra Patar

Western Region, NYC Gadpuri & I/c Na onal Youth Adventure Ins tute

Up to 31/07/2020

Shri Siddharth Mohanty

I/c of Western Region, NYC, Gadpuri Northern Region

from31/07/2020 Up to 12/03/2021 Up to 15/03/2021

Shri S. S. Ray

Western Region, I/c of NYC, Gadpuri and I/c of Na onal Youth Adventure Ins tute

From 10/03/2021

Smt. Kumud Mehra

Southern Region


Shri Analendra Sarma

N. E. Region


Miss Shivangi Saxena

Central Region


Shri Bablu Goswami

I/c AD of Eastern Region


From 28/07/2020


(Scouts), Western Region

Upto 31/08/2020

Shri Mahinder Sharma

(Scouts), Northern Region


Shri Bablu Goswami

(Scouts), Eastern Region


Miss Ruby Parbat

(Guides), N. E. Region

Upto 31/08/2020

Shri Ch. Birendra Kumar Singh

(Scouts), Southern Region

Upto 14/07/2020


ix 1x

INTERNATIONAL EVENTS ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONAL EDUCATION FORUM The Bharat Scouts and Guides participated in the 5 days virtual workshop on "Education Forum" organised by the World Scout Bureau /Asia-Pacic Region. The Bharat Scouts and Guides was privileged to present it's 10 minutes best practises on Youth programme and implementation of World Scout Programme in the NSO through Video presentation during the closing ceremony of the forum on 12th December in which top World Scout Leaders were present and appreciated the efforts of the organisation.

MEMBERSHIP RETENTION DURING COVID-19 The Bharat Scouts and Guides participated in the 3 days virtual Webinar on "Membership Retention during COVID-19 pandemic" organised by the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM). The Bharat Scouts and Guides was privileged to present its 10 minutes best practises on Membership Retention Strategy during Covid-19 pandemic in the NSO through Power Point Presentation during the closing ceremony on 17th December. The presentation on services during COVID -19 was done with a Q & A session. Many top leaders of World Scouting were present and appreciated the efforts of the organisation.

WORLD SCOUT ACADEMY Representatives of the Bharat Scouts and Guides under the Leadership of Shri J.C. Mohanty, International Commissioner (Scouts) participated in opening & closing ceremony of a 100 day Webinar on “World Scout Academy”. The World Scout Academy an online initiative has provided digital platform of immense scope and promoted a range of learning opportunities and equipped the NSO’s with the relevant Scouting knowledge and skills to successfully lead the organisation and facilitate scouting in the new societal realities caused due to novel Covid-19 pandemic.

PREPARED TO LEARN PREPARED TO LEAD WORKSHOP It was held at National Headquarters; New Delhi from 19th to 22nd March 2021 in which 39 participants from 21 State Associations and 20 Facilitators and Staff Members from different States of India participated with full zeal and enthusiasm. Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, National Commissioner (Guides) was the Chief Guest for the inaugural ceremony. Ms. Dharshini Mugunam, Lead Facilitator, WAGGGS. WAGGGS representative team under the leadership of Ms. Dharshini Mugunam, Lead Facilitator, WAGGGS, Ms. Annina Kainu & Ms. Collete Stone, Volunteer in WAGGGS for mission team, Ms. Nadia EM Skeete, Volunteer in WAGGGS for leadership practice and consultant at Western Hemisphere, Regional Training Consultant and Bharat Scouts and Guides Staff were present at the event.


INTERNATIONAL EVENTS OLAVE AWARD WINNER SONAKHI MALLA 2020 The Olave Award is an international award to honour the memory of the World Chief Guide, Lady Olave Baden-Powell, and to keep alive her belief in the spirit of service. It is awarded by WAGGGS at every World Conference to Girl Guide and Girl Scout groups that have created positive change in their community. Each triennium there is a theme and Member Organisations are invited to nominate local projects that have contributed to this theme. The Olave Awards provide an opportunity to highlight outstanding grassroots/local projects, and for Member Organisations to inspire and be inspired by each other’s’ stories. Sonakhi Malla from Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides was awarded the Olave Award for the year 2020 for her outstanding work on Menstrual health hygiene.


NATIONAL LEVEL MEETINGS VIRTUAL STATE SECRETARIES CONFERENCE The Virtual State Secretaries Conference was held on 12th May 2020 under the chairmanship of Dr. J.C. Mohanty, International Commissioner (Scout). Total 44 State Secretaries attended the meeting. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner and Dr. H.P. Chettri, Chief Commissioner(S) also present and guided the conference. The situation of Covid-19 was discussed in details and retention of youth was analysed.

VIRTUAL NATIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING The Virtual National Planning Committee Meeting was held on 30th April 2020 under the chairmanship of Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner. Total 41 State Chief Commissioners and State Commissioners attended the meeting. During the meeting discussion on Care & Share, Mask Bank, Proposed Schedule of Events 2020-2021 and Introduction of Beginners Course Online were discussed.

VIRTUAL MEETING OF THE STATE SECRETARIES The 2nd Virtual Meeting of the State Secretaries of the Bharat Scouts and Guides held online via Zoom Webinar on 07th July, 2020, under the chairmanship of Dr. K. K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner in which 30 states participated. Discussion on Registration for Youth Ministry Portal, Govt. of India. Update in regard to the Rashtrapati Award and the direction of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports towards recruitment of third party Agency to conduct President Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger Examination were held. New Scheme to be designed in regard to President Scout/Guide/Rover/Ranger Certicate Examination, Update in regard to OYMS Registration, Financial Dues-IRF, Flag Day & Supply Service Department. Online Beginners Course- already launched, Online ROT Course(Guide Wing), ALT/LT Course in Zoom Webinar, Basic and Advance Course, Yoga, Free Being Me, Plastic Tide Turner, U-Report, Better World Frame Work, Musical Hungama, etc., YouTube Channel of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, Training and Testing (Sopan wise) were discussed in length.

NATIONAL COUNCIL MEETING Seventieth Ordinary Annual General Meeting of the National Council of the Bharat Scouts and Guides was held virtually on 29th November 2020 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, Hon’ble President of the Association in which following discussions were held i.e. Proposed amendments in Rules and slight modications duly placed before the house was also approved unanimously. Proposed change in Ranger uniform was presented by Miss. Ibakordor Laboo, Ranger from Meghalaya State through power point presentation. Announcement of Awards of various National level Competitions of the year 2019-2020 i.e. Chief National Commissioner Shield, Lakshmi Mazumdar Award, Awards for Numerical Growth in Census were declared. Achievements/Highlights of the Bharat Scouts and Guides from December 2019 to November 2020 were also presented during the meeting. Dr. K. P. Mishra, Vice President, Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary General of President-in-Council and Hon’ble Chief National Commissioner appreciated the


NATIONAL LEVEL MEETINGS efforts made by the staff of the National Headquarters during COVID-19 Pandemic in organising various virtual activities towards engaging the members during this crisis.

VIRTUAL NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Virtual Meetings of the National Executive Committee of the Bharat Scouts and Guides were held on 11 June, 2020 and 14th September, 2020 under the Chairmanship of Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.), Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts and Guides. He briefed the house about the progress made in the pending matters of Rashtrapati Scout & Guides, Rovers & Rangers Certicates for the year 2016-17 with the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Govt. of India. He also briefed the house about his meeting with the Hon’ble Minister of Sports & Youth Affairs, Govt. of India regarding Rashtrapati Certicates matter and multiple scout organisations functioning in the country. The house also discussed various issues pertaining to strengthening the Supply Service Department of the NHQ, revision of census based award, on-going CSR projects of the Govt. of India, case of NPCC construction matter, damaged and loss of property of NHQ due to water logging, district census and formation of district association etc.

NATIONAL PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Virtual Meetings of the National Programme Committee were held on 16 September, 2020 and 16 March, 2021 to discussed on Youth programme, alternative syllabus, New Education Policy, Child Protection Policy and Rastrapati Award etc.

NATIONAL TRAINING COMMITTEE Virtual Meetings of the National Training Committee were held on 17 September, 2020 and 17 March, 2021 to discussed on Training Courses, Online Courses, ROT and Pre ALT Syllabus, Youth Programme, Alternative Syllabus etc.

VIRTUAL MEETINGS OF NATIONAL YOUTH COMMITTEE A Virtual Meeting of National Youth Committee of the Bharat Scouts and Guides was held on 12/01/2021 with 51 participants. On this occasion 158th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda was also celebrated. Youths are the pillar of this Nation and future of this generation. Agenda wise discussions were held during the meeting. Another Virtual Meeting of National Youth Committee of the Bharat Scouts and Guides was held on 14th February, 2021 in which 22 participants attended. The youth committee discussed important issues related to the youths of the country such as update on U- Report, Membership Growth, BS&G Partnership with UNICEF, Plan to organised virtual events etc.


NATIONAL EVENTS NATIONAL EVENTS VIRTUAL WEBINAR-CAREER COUNSELLING To commemorate National Youth Day a National Level Virtual Webinar on “Career Counselling” was organized through Zoom Webinar on 10th January 2021. The programme was inaugurated by Mrs. Geetha Nataraj, National Vice President of the Bharat Scouts and Guides and State Commissioner (Guide), BSG Karnataka with her inspiring words. Session on Career Counselling was taken by Col. Gurpreet Singh, Sena Medal for Gallantry in Kargil War, 1999, Shri Shasikumar BN, Public Administration, Maharaja College, University of Mysore, Shri Anil Kumar, Faculty of Criminology, Maharaja College and by Shri YashrajBhardawaj, Co-Founder, Zenith Vipers Group.

GROW YOUR WINGS CONFERENCE National event “Grow Your Wings “Conference for Rangers and Ranger leaders organized by Bharat Scouts and Guides National Headquarter from 19th September to 23rd September 2020. 60 delegates from 33 State Associations and participated in the conference. The conference was inaugurated by Ms. Rupinder Brar, IRS Additional Director General, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India and Chief Commissioner (Guides) with the presence of International commissioner Guide Mrs. A Swer, Vice President, Mrs. Geeta Nataraj Vice president and other ofcials. A Motivational Speech was delivered by Mrs. Sushma Sahu Member of National Commission for women.

VIRTUAL NATIONAL YOUTH FORUM Virtual National Youth Forum for the First time from 8th to 10th April, 2020 in which 3000 Rovers and Rangers registered online from all over the country. The opening ceremony of the forum was held on 8th April morning. Various subjects such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), E-Report, Environment Education, Education of COVID-19 prevention, Scouts of the World Award, Panda Badge, Tide-Tunner Challenge Badge were discussed. Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General, World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and Ms. Ana Maria Mideros Gadea, Chair World Board, WAGGGS addressed the youth on the closing ceremony and appreciated the idea of online forum. Mr. S. Prassanna Shrivastava, Director, Organisational Development & MoP WOSM/Asia-Pacic Region also blessed the young people of the forum. Mr. Madhusudan Avala, Dy. International Commissioner of Scouts coordinated the forum along with other youth.

YOUTH WEEK CELEBRATION On the occasion on 158th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, the Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated Youth Week from 09th to 11th January 2021. The day was celebrated by organizing three days Webinar on Tide Turners Plastic Challenge, Career Counselling, Mock Parliament. A National Level Virtual Webinar on “Tide Turners Plastic Challenge” was held virtually through Zoom Webinar on 09th January 2021. Dr Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice President and State Chief Commissioner of Odisha graced the virtual gathering and blessed the participants. Session on Plastic Tide Turner was taken by Mr. Shanmugan V, Research Scholar IIT-G in which he explained about the Tide turner’s programme. Another National Level


NATIONAL EVENTS Virtual Webinar on “Flash Mob Dance, Mock Parliament and Declamation” was also organized by National Headquarters on 11th January 2021 virtually through Zoom. Flash Mob dance, Mock Parliament and Declamation were shown during the webinar which was performed by the young members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. National Youth Day was observed digitally on 12.01.2021 in a grand manner. On this day, meeting of the National Youth Committee the BSG was also organised to commemorate the day.

ALL FAITHS PRAYER All Faiths Prayer meeting was organised on 13th Sept 2020 throughout the country - to pay homage to Shri (Late) Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble former President of India and also a tribute to Hon’ble leaders and all the members of the movement who left us during COVID crisis period. Around 3.5 Lakhs members participated at Unit/Local/District level prayer meet.

SINGING FIESTA—(VIRTUAL NATIONAL LEVEL SINGING COMPETITION) Singing Fiesta a Virtual National Singing Competition for the Scouts/Guides of the age group below 30 years where 65 participated in the nal round and the winners were 1st Position

Maina Rao


2nd Position

Diezelhou Sothu


3rd Position

Nikita Choudhury


3rd Position

Amal Prakash K


SHELTER HOME SERVICE The National Headquarters adopted 13 Shelter Homes at different locations in Delhi from 20th April to 31st May, 2020 in which more than 100 volunteers rendered their services. NHQ Professionals and staff dedicated as Covid warriors and rendered their distinguished services in the Shelter Homes along with Delhi State volunteers. WOSM provided nancial support to undertake SHELTER HOME services. The Bharat Scouts and Guides was felicitated by Delhi Police for its support during the pandemic.


NATIONAL EVENTS HUM KISISE KAM NAHI The Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters organized the grande nale of the competition from 5thto 9th of July, 2020 in which 306 participants from 38 State Associations from all the six Regions actively participated. Mr. Kumar Sanu, a leading Bollywood Indian Playback Singer was the Chief Judge of the Grand Finale Competition. Shri Manoj Tiwari, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) from North East Delhi was the Guest of Honour and Shri Babul Supriyo, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), Music Director and Television presenter was the Chief Guest of the Grand Finale competition. Mrs. Mathura Dixit from Karnataka State emerged as Winner of Grand Finale and Mrs. Seema Thapa, 1ST Runner-up from N.F. Railway and Mr. Indrapal Singh 2nd Runner-up from Madhya Pradesh State Association were emerged respectively.

MUSICAL HUNGAMA Musical Hungama Virtual National Musical Instrument Competition was organized by the National Headquarters from 24th July to 30th August 2020. A very famous face of Bollywood lm Industry and also Assam lm industries Singer Mr. Pulak Banerjee, as a chief Guest. After the Quarter Final, out of 90 participants, 31 participants from 16 State Associations judged for semi-nal Round from all the Regions. The theme was “Mera Desh Mera Watan”. Bihar Folk Singer Mrs. Neetu Kumari Navgeet and Mr. Vishal Kumar Assistant Commandant of India Coast Guard were present as special guest. Mr. Ravi Kishan, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) was present as a Chief Guest. He is also a leading Tollywood to Hollywood Film and TVs Show Producer. Mr. Vimal Kumar Meena, Additional Commissioner of Income Tax, Film Range, Mumbai was present as Guest-of-Honour during the grand nale. During the Grand Finale, World Guide Song ‘Hindi’ was released in the presence of WAGGGS representative Ms. Heidi, Chairperson WAGGGS World Board and Ms. Browyn Hughes, Chairperson, Asia Pacic Committee, WAGGGS.


NATIONAL EVENTS FOR HER WORLD-TALK SHOW For Her World is an informative Talk show of WAGGGS Initiatives. This programme started by National Headquarters, in the month of September and continued till December covering all the WAGGGS Advocacy projects.

Nataraj, Vice President, BSG, Dr. V. Vijayalakshmi, National Commissioner (G) and Ms. Delali Mortty, Global Programmes Manager, WAGGGS were present as guests. Various sessions related to Action on Body Condence (ABC) and Free Being Me was delivered by the experts from different states.

STOP THE VIOLENCE On 15th September, 2020 webinar on Free Being Me was organized. The guest for the webinar was Smt. Geetha Nataraj, Vice President, BSG and State Commissioner (Guides), Karnataka. Smt. Kavitha Kalvakuntla, Honorable Member of Legislative Council, Nizamabad, and State Chief Commissioner of BSG, Telangana and Ms. Razia Begum, National Headquarters Commissioner (Public Relations) of BSG blessed the participants .Ms. Chamathya Fernando, STV Global facilitator and currently serving as a member of the Generation Equality Global Youth Task Force set up by UN Women and Ms. Nefeli Themeli, Global Programmes Manager for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and currently managing the Voices Against Violence curriculum which is developed in collaboration with UN Women were the global facilitators of the webinar.

FREE BEING ME On 15th September, 2020 webinar on Free Being Me was organized. Smt. Vimala Meghwal, VicePresident, BSG was the Chief Guest and Ms. Amelia Swer, International Commissioner (G) was the Guest of Honor. A question and answer session was involved and all the Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders actively participated. About 120 attendees attended the session. Ms. Anna Shegal, Chief Executive, WAGGGS joined during the session and appreciated the work.

SURF SMART A webinar on Surf smart was organized and the Chief Guest of the programme was Ms. Amelia Swer, International Commissioner (G), BSG, Ms. Sandhya Rani, Dy. National Commissioner (G) & State Chief Commissioner of Andhra Pradesh was present as a guest-of-honour. The special guest was Smt. Prearna Shakya, Global Programme Manager, WAGGGS.

ACTION ON BODY CONFIDENCE On 22nd September, 2020 webinars on Action on Body Condence (ABC) Programme. Smt. Geeta 8

NATIONAL EVENTS The webinar covered all the three sessions of Surf Smart i.e. CONNECT, PROTECT and RESPECT delivered by speakers from different states of the country.

Various sessions on SDG Goals were taken by the experts of the subjects.

KAMP - RED PRIDE On 15-12-2020 organised a webinar KAMP - Red Pride. The Webinar was inaugurated by Dr. V Naga Prasunamba, Chief Health Director, South Central Railway. Smt. T. Hema Sunitha, State Commissioner (G), Southern Railway. Ackissah Thandiwe Baluti,


On 01.12.2020 organised a webinar BE THE CHANGE. Guests of the programme were Sri V Chinna Veerabhadrudu, IAS, Director of School Education & State Chief Commissioner of Andhra Pradesh, BSG, Sri Bhika Raam Meena, Director of Sports and Youth Affairs UT of Lakshadweep, Sri. P K Syed Ali, Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs UT

YESS Programme Assistant Manager, WAGGGS was also present in the webinar along with the staff members of National Headquarters. The Talk show of KAMP (RED PRIDE) was very interesting with informative about the Health and Hygiene and Menstruation.

of Lakshadweep. The Talk show of BE THE CHANGE was interesting and informative about the goals.



DURING OCTOBER 2020 As Host State, Karnataka State Association conducted different competitions all over India to encourage Rangers with their ability and skills like Video Competition on the subject of MY DREAMS - MY PLANS TO REALIZE IT. In this competition, 145 Rangers have actively participated from different States among which following - Rangers who have won the prizes.

The year 2019-2020 was dedicated to Rangering Centenary Celebrations in India with the Theme: “GO, GROW, GLOW”. The National Level Inauguration was held at Jaipur, Rajasthan on 1908-2019 and went on till 23-08-2019. State Level Inauguration of Rangering Centenary Celebrations was held from 07-09-2019 to 10-09-2019, at Udupi, of Karnataka State.A Mega Event, Mini Jamboree was held at Khurda, Orissa State from 0112-2019 to 07-12-2019. Sri. P.G.R. Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner of Karnataka and Secretary General of President in Council addressed the gathering.

1. Aayushi Jain from Rajasthan 2. Pritisha Adhikary from Eastern Railway 3. Aliza Khan from Uttar Pradesh 4. Consolation Prizes – (i) Prapti Arali from Karnataka (ii) Shivani Sharma from Uttar Pradesh

As Part Of Concluding Of Rangering Centenary Celebrations - A National Level Program Conducted And Hosted By Karnataka State, Virtually With The Following Competitions And Activities.


DURING SEPTEMBER 2020 A Virtual Conference for the Rangers called “GROW YOUR WINGS” was held at National Headquarters, New Delhi for the Rangers from 19th to 23rd September 2020 on different subjects related to Rangering.

MY ACHIEVEMENT–THE PATH I FOLLOWED We also conducted Essay Writing activity to encourage Rangers in their Writing Skill on the subject MY ACHEIVEMENT – THE PATH I FOLLOWED and there were 366 Rangers who participated from 10

NATIONAL EVENTS all over India, and the winners are as follows from different States. –

PARLIAMENT for Rangers and the topics given were as follows – 1. Disaster Management of Natural Calamities like Floods, Earthquakes management. 2. New Education Policies – revised policies according to today’s situation with built in culture. 3. New laws to be made to control Pandemics like COVID-19. 4. Laws to be made for migrant workers. 5. Zero Hunger – To End Hunger, Achieve Food security, Improve Nutrition, Promote Sustainable Agriculture. 6. Unemployment faced by the Youth after COVID-19 Pandemic. 7. Education System during COVID-19 Period.

Rangers who have won the prizes 1. Ms. Mariya Omega Kujur from South East Central Railway 2. Ms. Pritisha Adhikary from Eastern Railway 3. Ms. Amulya from Telangana State


DURING NOVEMBER 2020 An activity called the “DIVAS - AROUND THE WORLD”. The Rangers expected to depict the role of great personalities with costumes. 103 Rangers participated. Among them the Rangers who won prizes were –


Ms. N Nivedita from East Coast Railway


Ms. Prapti Arali from Karnataka


Ms. Tejaswini Mishra from Odisha


Consolation prizes –

(I) (ii) (iii)


21 Groups of Rangers participated in the competition and winners are as follows – 1. Barrackpore L A Ranger Team from West Bengal. 2. Khordha Road Ranger Team from East Coast Railway. 3. Open Ranger Team Alwar from Rajasthan.

Ms. Sukanya Sen from Eastern Railway Ms. Shilpa B from Karnataka Ms. Aliza Khan from Uttar Pradesh

MOCK PARLIAMENT – DIKAVATI SANSAD To bring awareness about the Parliament and Constitution, we conducted the MOCK




Chair from WAGGGS have appreciated the event. Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General of WOSM and Mr. Craig Turpie Chairman of World Scout Committee WOSM also appreciated this programme. On this occasion Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary General, President-In-Council BSG India & State Chief Commissioner, BSG Karnataka released the Glimpses of Rangering 100 years and appreciated the team of Rangering Centenary. Blessings were received for this event from Mr. M. A. Khalid, Additional Chief National Commissioner, Smt. Pankaj Mittal, National Commissioner (Rangers), BSG, respectively. Shri P.G.R. Sindhia announced the prizes and presented the digital cheque to the winners of 4 events. The book “PRERANA” was also released in the programme. The event was led by Smt. Geetha Nataraj, Vice President BSG and her team of dedicated staff.


Rangering Centenary Closing Ceremony the Grand Finale of Rangering Centenary (1919-2020) closing ceremony was held on 28th December 2020. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Pramoda Devi Wadiyar, Maharani of Mysuru and Vice-Patron of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Karnataka State as a Chief Guest of the event. In her speech, Dr. Wadiyar appreciated all the Rangers who actively participated in the centenary celebrations. Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, Hon. President, the Bharat Scouts and Guides, India released a Digital Souvenir “PRUTHVI” on the occasion with blessings by Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd) Chief National Commissioner. Mrs. Anna Segall, Chief Executive Ofcer and Mrs. Heidi Jokinen, elected World Board


NATIONAL EVENTS BETTER WORLD FRAMEWORK National Headquarters organised a webinar to impart knowledge of Better World Framework – World Scout Programme from 05th to 8th August, 2020. Mr. J. R. C. Pangilinan, Regional Director, WSB/APR was the chief guest and inaugurated the event with an enthusiastic speech to the young members of BSG in the presence of the ofce bearers of BSG-India - Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary General, President in Council, Dr. H.P. Chhetri, Chief Commissioner (S), Shri J.C. Mohanty, IAS (Retd.), International Commissioner (S), Mrs. Amelia Swer, International Commissioner (G), Mr. Madhusudhan A.S., Dy. International Commissioner (S). Plenary session of the webinar was lead by Mr. S. Prassanna Shrivastava, Director Organizational Development and Messenger of Peace, WSB/APR on the subject what is peace and what is Messenger of Peace and why all the Scouts and Guides are called Messenger of Peace. Ms. Kate Aranzamendez from WSB/APR contributed to the webinar by explaining about how Scouts built culture of Peace and how one can become a Messengers of Peace which involves four steps - Inspire, Learn, Decide, do and Share. Ms. Cynthia Marquez, Senior Manager, Educational Initiatives and MoP, World Scout Bureau, Global Support Centre, Kualalumpur, Mr. Syd Castillo, Director, Educational Methods, WOSM/APR, Ms. Lau Hooi Lia, Scout Association of Malaysia, Ms. Luz L. Tray, Director, Communication & Partnership, World Scout Bureau and Mr. Peter Blatch, Member World Scout Committee and WOSM Consultant from Australia also took sessions on important topics.


NATIONAL EVENTS YOGA WITH BSG Yoga with BSG under the initiative of ‘FIT INDIA MOVEMENT’ was inaugurated on 27th August 2020 via Zoom Webinar in which 60 participants joined which was also streamed linked and telecasted live on BS&G YouTube channel. Dr Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice President and State Chief Commissioner Odisha State was the Chief Guest for the inaugural ceremony. 10 International participants from Colombia, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Spain, El Salvador, Serbia, South Korea, and Singapore also joined to view the programme. It started with alternate days a week then further it was telecasted daily, by march we telecasted around 90 episodes and engaged 75000 viewers.


NATIONAL EVENTS FIT INDIA HIT INDIA Fit India was launched with a view to make tness an integral part of our daily lives. The mission of the Movement is to bring about behavioural changes and move towards a more physically active lifestyle. Towards achieving this mission, Fit India proposes to undertake various initiatives and conduct events to achieve the following objectives: v To promote tness as easy, fun and free. v To spread awareness on tness and various physical activities that promote tness through focused campaigns. v To encourage indigenous sports. v To make tness reach every school, college/university etc. v To create a platform for citizens of India to share information, drive awareness and encourage sharing of personal tness stories. Supporting the Government of India initiative the Bharat Scouts and Guides, one of the largest Youth Organisation spread all over the country motivated its members to take active part in the activity of Fit India Freedom Run to encourage tness and help all to get freedom from Obesity, Laziness, stress, anxiety, diseases etc. Total 519249 members of BSG participated in Fit India Freedom Run and covered 627209 freedom run kilometres.


NATIONAL EVENTS 22ND FEBRUARY The World thinking day was celebrated with the theme “Stand Together For Peace” series of webinars were conducted to understand peace and how to keep up with peace were taught and practiced. On 22nd Feb a ceremony was organised at the National Headquarters, New Delhi. Joint Director (G) presented the importance of the day in the form of a video. APRWA G G G S t e a m t o o a t t e n d e d t h e celebration virtually & addressed the house. Hon’ble President & Chief National Commissioner addressed the gathering with inspirational words. The Golden Arrow Award presentation ceremony for the year 2020 was held in which 4552 Cubs from 15 states, namely, Chhattisgarh, Eastern Railway, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, K.V.S., Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, N. F. Railway, Punjab, Rajasthan, Southern Railway, Tamilnadu, West Bengal were declared eligible for the award certicate. 3997 Bulbuls from 14 states such as Chhattisgarh, Eastern Railway, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, K.V.S., Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, N.F. Railway, Punjab, Rajasthan, Southern Railway and Tamilnadu were declared eligible for the award certicate. Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, President, Bharat Scouts and Guides was the Chief Guest of the day, Dr. K. K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner was the Guest of Honour. The Golden Arrow Award Certicates were presented by the Hon’ble President, Due to Covid-19 pandemic, Golden Arrow Award Certicate were received by the Unit Leaders on representative basis. New Members of Friends to Bharat Scouts and Guides and Volunteers who rendered service during COVID19 were felicitated. Hon’ble Charges & Course Certicates were also presented by Hon’ble Chief National Commissioner. In addition to this, Appreciation Certicates to the NHQ professionals were presented by the Chief National Commissioner for their dedicated services. Thinking day fund was also collected. The Cubs and Bulbuls of Haryana & Uttar Pradesh states presented beautiful cultural programme which was appreciated by one and all. 16


“Gandhi Darshan – an ideology of Mahatma Gandhi” was organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters on 2nd October, 2020 on the auspicious occasion of 151st Birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi via Zoom Webinar. Hon’ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh Smt Anandiben Patel was the Chief Guest of the programme. Honb’le Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner of the Bharat Scouts and Guides presented the welcome address. Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary General of the President–In–Council of the Bharat Scouts and Guides addressed the occasion. Dr Anil Kumar Jain, Hon’ble President of the Bharat Scouts and Guides graced the occasion with his golden words. After his presidential address, “Vaishnava Jan to” was presented by Scouts and Guides. Honb’le Chief Guest inaugurated the programme and blessed the participants. Our Scouts and Guides gave a very innovative introduction to the historical places in the life of Gandhiji– Manibhawan, Champaran Satyagrah – Bihar, Dandi March – Gujarat and Non Cooperation Movement – Sabarmati. Various teams of Scouts and Guides were present at the places and gave a virtual tour of the places. Dr. Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice-President, Ms Amelia Swer, International Commissioner (Guide) also graced the occasion.


NATIONAL EVENTS BSG FOUNDATION DAY On 07th November, 2020 the Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated 70th Foundation Day with multifaceted programme. As a part of the celebrations, Blood Donation camps were organised in collaboration with Indian Red Cross Society and other organisations at unit/ local/district /state level throughout the country. More than 2546 unit blood was donated at 150 locations. Apart from these, two blood donation camps were organised at Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi and Bharat Scouts and Guides, Ghaziabad District, Uttar Pradesh State where about 97 units of blood were collected by Indian Red Cross Society. The Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders from Haryana, Delhi, Jamiat Youth Club, Uttar Pradesh and Professionals of Bharat Scouts and Guides donated blood. Hon’ble President, Bharat Scouts and Guides Dr. Anil Kumar Jain graced the programme and addressed the participants. He also inaugurated the BSG News Channel. Additional Chief National Commissioner also addressed the programme. The Rovers and Rangers and the professional who have rendered the service during lockdown period were recognized by presenting a Certicate of Appreciation by the Director, Bharat Scouts and Guides.


DIGITAL INVOLVEMENT SANKALP 1st ever online activity in BSG launched during Covid – 19 lockdown period for the members of the organisation. Project “SANKALP” was introduced as a special Online Scout Guide Mela of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. This was a compilation of activities for young people viz. Scouts/Guides, Rovers/Rangers and Unit leaders and they engaged themselves at home during the Challenging time of Covid-19 and keep in touch with Scout Guide friends.

Sankalp brought both educational and fun, Scouting Guiding to the homes of young people across the country. They learnt about Nature, Environment, SDG’s and digitally engaged as global citizens through a range of 4 different set of Challenges & activities. The best part was, they did all of these at the comfort of their home along with their family.More than 30,000 members registered and participated in the project Sankalp. The WAGGGS and the WOSM, APR appreciated the SANKALP Project;


DIGITAL INVOLVEMENT UDAAN After getting huge success of project “SANKALP” the Bharat Scouts and Guides introduced project “UDAAN – WINGS OF HOPE” - special online Scouting Guiding activities for Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders. Through this project we engaged our youth at home during challenging time of COVID-19 and inspired them to spend quality time with their family members.

The youth participated in various challenges and enjoyed the activities through a set of 17 different challenges like Master Chef, I am U-Reporter, Tide Turner Plastic Challenge, Government Initiatives, Mask Making, Best of Waste, and Ambassador of Scouting/Guiding etc. 17,438 youth members completed the activities and were awarded a beautiful digital certicate.


DIGITAL INVOLVEMENT BSG NEWS CHANNEL Looking into the digital involvement and fading of print media during pandemic to keep our members connected. On 8th Nov BSG news Channel was launched, It provides information on event highlights and gave information on the upcoming events; through BSG YouTube Live every Sunday at 08.00 pm and 8.30 pm in English and Hindi respectively..


COVID - 19 There is Pandemic Covid-19 spreading throughout the world and during the Pandemic, different types of Online as well as physical courses were organised by the Bharat Scouts and Guides for the promotion of the Community from this spreadable disease. From the rst day of the lockdown i. e. 23/03/2020, our young Rovers/Rangers and leaders started working online and through mobile and many people aware about this Pandemic for using Mask, maintaining social distancing, hand wash and also stay at home. When the Government relaxed the lockdown partially, the young Rovers/Rangers and the leaders started their services in preparation of mask, food making and distribution, maintaining social distance in different places, sanitisation of public places and ration distribution, etc. at all the corners of the Country. The State Associations of the Bharat Scouts and Guides is running number of service activities on Covid-19 awareness campaign throughout India. Hon’ble Youth Minister, Mr. Kiren Rijiju appreciated the services rendered by Scouts and Guides in his tweet. Our youth rendered their yeomen services by making and distribution of mask, ration and meals, helping local and district administration in different areas, motivating community for social distancing, hand wash etc. and adhering to Covid protocols.

NATIONAL ADVENTURE CAMP CUM COVID-19 AWARENESS CAMPAIGN National Adventure Camp Cum Covid-19 Awareness Campaign was organised at National Youth Complex Gadpuri, Haryana, under Fit India Movement, from 09th to 13th September, 2020. 62 participants from seven states and 13 staff members participated. During the seven days camp, door to door campaign and Nukkad Natak were organised to spread the message of safety from Covid-19, hike and run was also organised under Fit India initiative. The participants enjoyed the adventure bases at NYC, Gadpuri.

NATIONAL LEVEL COVID PROTECTION CUM ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS PROGRAMME National Level Covid Protection Cum Environment Awareness Programme was held at Trikuta Bhavan Katra, Jammu and Kashmir from 24th to 28th February, 2021 in which 98 participants attended from Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, N.F. Railway, Kerala, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, S.E. Railway, Telangana, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan.

SHELTER HOME SERVICE The National Headquarters adopted 13 Shelter Homes at different locations in Delhi from 20th April to 31st May, 2020 in which more than 100 volunteers rendered their services. NHQ Professionals and staff dedicated as Covid warriors and rendered their distinguished services in the Shelter Homes along with Delhi State volunteers. WOSM provided nancial support to undertake SHELTER HOME services. The Bharat Scouts and Guides was felicitated by Delhi Police for its support during the pandemic.


COVID - 19 The Government of India given recognition in regard to the services rendered by the young leaders of the Bharat Scouts and Guides and appreciated at all level. Even World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) has invited the Bharat Scouts and Guides to give their presentation about the services rendered during the Pandemic COVID-19. When the Vaccination drive started by the Govt. of India, the Bharat Scouts and Guides also helped the local administration in all respect whatever is required at local level. The appreciation based on the COVID report received from Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh got Special Award which was given by Shri S. K. Aggarwal of Indian Scout and Guide Fellowship from Mumbai District. Shri Ramesh Kumar, Chief Executive Ofcer of Shri Mata Vashino Devo Shrine Board, J&K inaugurated the programme and Shri Amit M., Superintendent of Police Katra, was the guest of Honour.


PROJECT LAUNCHING OF HP- WORLD ON WHEELS BUS CSR project with HP – World on Wheel (HP-WoW) For the promotion of digital literacy among rural children M/s HP India Sales Pvt. Ltd. has provided a bus with mobile computer lab with 21 Computers having all modern facilities. UNO Minda and Spark Minda Group Co-sponsor the project. HP-World on Wheels bus inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Haryana on 08 March, 2020. Due to Covid pandemic the project was held-up for few periods and now it’s started with 76 students at Hasanpur district near Gurugram from 07.01.2021. The programme focusing on digital literacy of the youth, the women and the children of the Community. This is one of the initiatives of Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner Dr. K. K. Khandelwal.

TIDE TURNERS PLASTIC CHALLENGE BSG has worked on the “Tide Turners Plastic Challenge Badge Programme (TTPC)” - United Nation Environment Programme along with WAGGGS & WOSM to create awareness on Zero percent Plastic and save the earth. About 2.2 Lakhs Leaders/Rovers/Rangers are working on it which is an ongoing process. A National Level Virtual Webinar on “Tide Turners Plastic Challenge” was held on 09th January 2021. The programme started with BSG Prayer followed by welcome address delivered by Ms. Ayantika Kundu, Regional Media Correspondent of Eastern Region. Dr. Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice President and State Chief Commissioner of Odisha graced the virtual gathering as a Chief Guest & blessed the participants. Session on Plastic Tide Turners was led by Mr. Shanmugan V, Research Scholar IIT-G in which he explained about the Tide Turner’s programme More than 15000 Scouts and guides are working on project .

PRADHAN MANTRI KAUSHAL VIKAS YAJONA PMKVY, Skill India - Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yajona (PMKVY) skill development training programme was successfully completed in Gujarat (Dahod), Jammu and Kashmir (Kargil, Baramulla), Haryana (Mewat), Madhya Pradesh (Rajgarh), Odisha (Kandhamal) and Delhi (Shahdara) states. 1920 (64 batches) candidates trained, 1860 candidates were assessed and 1528 candidates successfully passed. So far 1370 candidates placed in different companies. 24

PROJECT HER WORLD, HER VOICE (UPS) BSG Undertook the project Her World her voice to promote gender equality through enabling all girls and young women to reach their full potential and be active members of society. Under this project we would be partnering along with two branches of UNICEF ie : Generations Unlimited and U reporter. The project is run with the following states as Telangana Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Nagaland, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Maharashtra and Goa.

DIN DAYAL UPADDHAY GRAMEEN KAUSHAL YOJANA The Bharat Scouts and Guides empanelled with the Din Dayal Upaddhay Grameen Kaushal Yojana scheme at Haryana state with sanctioned target of 280 candidates in 2 job roles in 2 districts (Hisar, Sirsa). The training centre at Hisar was established in March 2020, however commencement was initiated in December 2020 due to covid-19 pandemic. 1st batch in Fashion Designer job role was started in December 2020 with 26 candidates. 2nd batch in Sampling Tailor was commenced in January 2021 with the capacity of 25 candidates. Now overall 44 out of total 51 candidates have completed the training successfully However, total 26 candidates from both job roles are placed successfully in PAN HR Solution Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur, Rajasthan and RS HR Team Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Rewari, Haryana as per Standard operating procedure.

TICKET TO LIFE (TTL) Two units namely Baba Hardyal Singh Troop,Handiaya, Punjab under the leadership of Ms. Amritpal Kaur and Gandhi Scout Troop,Moradabad, Northern Railway under the leadership of Mr. Harjinder Chahal are running successfully from last three years. The members of both the units meet once a week regularly but this year due to Covid 19 pandemic their regular troop meetings got effected their unit leaders tried their best to keep them connected through virtual meetings or working in a small group. The young members got beneted from Ticket to Life projects are: v Drop out children are able to join back School Education v Eliminating the potential threats to society of anti-social individuals by turning these children in positive responsible persons v Scouting is seen as an educational movement and supportive in character building in young people Asia Pacic Region, WOSM extended their support for the project for further two years i.e., 2020 & 2021;


PROJECT FREE BEING ME The second Phase of the Free being Me project which started from 2017 we had to conclude the phase in Dec 2020 but due to the Pandemic and the lock downs the project timeline was extended and the project concluded with achieving the target in which we reached 695384 members under this project.


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders throughout the country organised number of Community Development Activities which includes Swachhta Pakhwada, Cleanliness Drive, Awareness Campaign, Tree Plantation, Maintain social distancing etc. They cleaned Railway Stations, Bus Stands, Parks and other Public places and motivated the citizens to keep their surroundings clean and green. Rovers/Rangers and Unit Leaders rendered their services in Amphan affected areas of West Bengal and other coastal states. They made shelters for the affected families in West Bengal in the month of May, 2020. During Covid-19 pandemic, Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers and Unit Leaders also helped the people and migrant labours at various quarantine centres in the country to keep them mentally and physically t. To keep the community t and healthy, the Bharat Scouts and Guides started “Yoga With BSG” online Yoga Programme 27th August, 2020. This online Yoga Programm was thrice in a week through BSG YouTube Channel at 7.00 A.M. Since then around 7000 members watched and practicing yoga in their daily life. Blood Donation Camps were also organised by various District and State Associations of the Bharat Scouts and Guides to support community in the ght against Covid-19. The services rendered by the members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides in the community during Covid-19 were highly appreciated by the Government at various levels.


MEMBERSHIP GROWTH Based on the WOSM and BSG Vision & Secretary-General Mr. Ahmed's appeal and the dream of our Honorable President Dr. Anil Kumar Jain and Honourable Chief National Commissioner Dr. K. K. Khandelwal to reach 1 Crore census (i.e., 60 lakhs members for Scout Wing & 40 lakhs members for Guide Wing) by 2025, the Bharat Scouts and Guides aimed to expand the number of Youth in the organization. To plan and prepare a National Membership Growth Strategy was at the National Headquarters, New Delhi. In the presence of expertise from WOSM and NHQ Professionals and Ofce Bearers we developed the National Membership Growth Strategy. After that the Membership Growth works had been started in a wellplanned manner. Based on National Growth Strategy we had developed the State Growth Strategy for all the states and to implement the strategy properly, the State Growth Coordinators in each states appointed. For the capacity building of our State Growth Coordinators, with the help of WOSM consultants, BSG conducted Six Webinars between 20 to 30 June 2020 on topics like- Composing Smart Objectives, Youth Programme, Engaging Communication, Good Governance Strong Organization, Adult in Scouting and Partnership for Growth. Three national Membership Growth Core Committee meetings virtually on December 2020, January and February 2021 respectively and the forum discussed on the activities of Membership Growth Plan and establishment of Membership Growth Cell. Following to the Core Committee meetings, on February 2021, a well-organizedand independent Membership Growth Cell established and three Growth Cell personnel appointed at the National Headquarters, New Delhi, India. The Growth Cell looking towards the objective, action plans of National Growth Strategy and to support and coordinate with all the States for the activities, programs and training planned under Membership Growth in BSG. BSG membership Growth project “Spear 4.5 million Scouts“ is supported by WOSM.

STATE MEMBERSHIP GROWTH COORDINATORS TRAINING The rst State Membership Growth Coordinators Training programme was conducted at the National Headquarters, New Delhi from 23rd to 25th March, 2021 in which 19 participants from 19 states participated. A Solemn Opening ceremony was held in which Additional Chief National Commissioner Shri M. A. Khalid, KAS (Retd.) and Shri J. C. Mohanty, International Commissioner (Scouts); Shri S. K. Biswas, National Commissioner of Scout (AR) Dr. (Mrs.) Pankaj Mittal, National Commissioner (Ranger), Mr. Goran Gjorgjiev, Manager (Growth), WOSM; Ms. Caryl Mae Trinidad Tacalan, Project In-Charge, Membership Growth, APR/WOSM also joined virtually. Shri S. Prassanna Shrivastava, Shri Madhusudan A. S. and Shri Raj Kumar Kaushik, along with all the professionals of NHQ and RHQ joined physically. 28

MEMBERSHIP GROWTH PRC ON MEMBERSHIP GROWTH The PRC on Membership Growth was conducted from 26th to 31st March 2021 in continuation of training programme for Coordinators of Membership Growth. Vision 2024 plan was reviewed and Action Plan was prepared for next 4 years based on the Membership Growth Plan of ve years. All the professionals assured to achieve the target xed for their areas. Other than the Growth, youth programme, good governance, communication, adult resources and nance priorities were also discussed in detail. Mr. M.A. Khalid, Additional Chief National Commissioner and Mr. S.K. Biswas, National Commissioner for Scout (Adult Resources) were also present from 26th to 31st March, 2021 and gave their expertise opinions. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner blessed the participants on 28th March, 2021 and celebrated holi festival along with all the professionals. Revised guidelines and syllabus for Prime Minister Shield Competition and Upa-rashtrapati Award Competition was also partly drafted.

ONLINE YOUTH MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION Online Youth Membership registration portal was developed and registration started. Except the remote districts of Tripura and Andaman & Nicobar states, all other states completed the registration up to district level Around 194655 individual members are registered. More than 100 virtual workshops were conducted regionally in which more than 2000 participants were trained to work on the different level of the platform.


REGIONAL EVENTS CENTRAL REGION Virtual Meet for State Ofcials of Central Region to discuss schedule of events was held on 21st April, 2020 in which 13 state ofcials from 06 Regional States participated. Regional Workshop on Tide Turner Plastic Challenge was held virtually via skype on 06th May, 2020 with 16 state ofcials from Regional States participated. Regional Headquarters has organized four Virtual Workshops for Online Youth Membership System for State, District ofcials/Co-ordinators of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh between 20th to 22nd May, 2020 in which 161 members participated. Singing Fiesta Quarter Final round for Scouts /Guides /Rovers/Rangers of Central Region States was organized virtually on 23rd May, 2020. 104 participants were selected from Audition round for the competition. Virtual Workshop and Training for the registration on Online Youth Membership Portal for State/ District Coordinator of West Central Railway, North Western Railway, South East Central Railway were held on 24th & 26th May, 2020 repetitively. 26 State/District co-ordinators attended the workshop. Virtual meeting with ASOC/DOC (Scout/Guide) of Madhya Pradesh State regarding registration of Local Association on OYMS portal was conducted on 08th June, 2020 in which 34 members participated. Regional Level Round for ‘Ham Kisi Se Kam Nahi’ was organized on 29th June, 2020 for 14 youth leaders of the Regional States. Quarter Final Round of ‘Musical Hungama’ was organized at Regional level for 94 Scouts /Guides /Rovers/ Rangers/Unit Leader on 19th August, 2020. Workshop on Adults in Scouting was organized virtually for the State Ofcial of Regional States on 29th August, 2020 in which 90 participants attended. Virtual Meeting on ‘Fit India Hit India’ for the state ofcial of Central Region was organized on 03rd September, 2020 in which 90 members attended. Virtual Meeting for Registration on MOYAS, OYMS, FRIENDS OF BSG was held for Unit Leaders from 15th to 18th October, 2020 in which 339 Unit Leaders participated. Regional Level Workshop for FBM/ABC & U-reporter was conducted on 08th January, 2021 for the State/District ofcial and Co-ordinators in which 73 members attended. Virtual Meeting for Individual Registration on OYMS Portal for Coordinators of North Western Railway State was organized on 10th January, 2020 & 12th February, 2021. Virtual Meeting on Tide Turner Plastic Challenge ofine activity was organized for Regional States on 11th February, 2021 along with 97 members. 30

REGIONAL EVENTS EASTERN REGION INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Eastern Regional Headquarters observed 6th International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2020. 413 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders had joined the digital yoga platform. Yoga awareness have been organized in all the regional states by trained leaders with an unique idea i.e Digital yoga competition due to pandemic situation. Shri Kali Prasad Mishra, State Chief Commissioner, Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides inaugurated the Competition.

WORKSHOP ON ADULTS IN SCOUTING A Workshop on “Adults in Scouting” was organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides, Eastern Region through Zoom Webinar on 4th July 2020 in which 28 participants from 7 State Associations participated. Session on Adults in Scouting – its scope, components and various areas of development, inputs on Girl Programme – Global Programmes – Free Being Me, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Voice Against Violence, Sustainable Development Goals and Surf Smart, the Core Projects of WAGGGS – Global & Regional Events, Thinking Day & Girl – Led Advocacy, six areas of WAGGGS Leadership Mindsets etc. Were taken place.

VIRTUAL WEBINAR ON FIT INDIA The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Eastern Regional Headquarters has organized Regional Level Virtual Webinar on Fit India on 15th August 2020. This virtual programme was attended by 345 participants.

THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD The Virtual Celebration of International Day of the Girl (IDG) - “Share Your Power” was conducted by Eastern Region on 11th October, 2020. Ms. Garima Srivastava, State Commissioner (Guide), East Central Railway was the Chief Guest of the celebration. Ms Vimla Meghwal, National Vice President, the Bharat Scouts and Guides inaugurated the programme. Participants from various Eastern Regional States gave speeches, poems and shared their thoughts in the programme. Discussions on the problems faced by girls and how can we overcome those solutions were put forth by the girls in a two way conversation.

WORKSHOP ON FREE BEING ME AND ACTION ON BODY CONFIDENCE Regional Level Workshop on Free Being Me and Action on Body Condence was organized at State Training Center, Ganganagar, West Bengal from 15th to 17th January 2021 in which 45 Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders from Bihar, East Central Railway, Eastern Railway, Odisha and West Bengal participated. Various sessions on Free Being Me like – Image Myth, Beauty around the world, Take the Pledge, Where does Image Myth Come from, Airbrushing spot the difference, Outside Inside Cost of Image Myth, Media Detective etc. were delivered. The second day of the workshop started with Yoga with BSG followed by ag ceremony. Sessions on Action on Body Condence – Introduction to ABC, Introduction to Advocacy,


REGIONAL EVENTS EASTERN REGION Taking Action, Project Planning and evaluation were delivered. Mr. Shyamal Kumar Biswas, National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources) graced the occasion and blessed the participants. The participants were asked to deliver their Action Plan which they will implement in their respective District/State Associations.


REGIONAL EVENTS NORTHERN REGION WORKSHOP ON OYMS Virtual Regional Level workshop for Online Youth Membership Registration System was conducted on 05th September 2020 in which 20 candidates participated from 09 states.

VIRTUAL SCOUTERS & GUIDERS MEET The Virtual Scouters & Guiders Meet of Northern Region was held from 8th to 12th September 2020 in which 59 participants joined from 12 States & one Dist. (Jamiat Youth Club). Sessions like Fit India, WAGGGS Initiatives, WOSM Initiatives, Upa- Rashtrapati Award Competition, PMSC, OYMS and Adventure Initiatives were thoroughly discussed with the help of resource persons from RHQ and NHQ. State Ofcials were invited for their valuable remarks every day.

THINKING DAY CELEBRATION Thinking day Celebration activity were conducted on 07th, 14th and 21st Feb 2021. In which 711 participants have registered through google form from 17 states association.

SDGS TO CREATE A BETTER WORLD Regional level programme on SDGs to create a Better World was conducted on 25thOct, 01st Nov, 8th Nov, 15thNov & 22nd Nov. 2020. Purpose of programme was to develop the competencies of young people to become global active citizens by taking action around issues related to sustainable development.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR YOUTH Online Regional Level Skill Development Programme for Youth was conducted from 8th to 11th Feb. 2021. 08 States participated in the programme e.g. Jammu & Kashmir, Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jamiyat Youth Club, Northern Railway. Various skill based subject like best out of waste, craft work, candle making, Tie and die etc. were the focus session of the programme.

WAGGGS INITIATIVES Total 17 FBM/ABC workshops were conducted by Uttarakhand, North Eastern Railway, and Uttar Pradesh State.


REGIONAL EVENTS NORTH EAST REGION The members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides of North Eastern Part of the Country created great impact in Scouting /Guiding in India and an example of real diversity and inclusion. They are actively working everywhere to support the community to ght against Covid-19. Thousands of Scouts and Guides are active in all the States of North East Region– Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, N F Railway, Sikkim and Tripura supporting their communities in various form like - Campaign for Awareness on Covid-19; Supporting Local Administration in distribution of Food and Essential Commodities to the needy people; Supplying Food and packed lunch food for life project; distributed Food items and sanitizers; Mask Bank - Preparing and distributing Mask to public; Home delivery of essential items; rendering service at quarantine centre, hospital etc.; Supporting local administration in maintaining Social distance in public place like Market, Railway Station, Bus Stand etc.; Offering State Headquarters/State Training Centre to the government for Covid-19 services; Contributing to Government relief Fund Expressing gratitude to the Covid Warriors etc. The year 2020-21 started with the pandemic and making life difcult to survive but like every dark clouds has a silver lining - the scout-guide fraternity in North Eastern Region use optimum modern technology and try to develop the relation among the members virtually. All the State ofcials, leaders and young members meet in regular basis through various online platforms. Due to geographic structure it is very difcult to get together in one place for all the states but virtual platform make it very easy. During the pandemic the RHQ was able to conduct various online events.

PHOTO CONTEST FOR CUBS BULBULS Regional Level Photo Contest was organized among the Cubs and Bulbuls of N. E. Region. The Cubs and Bulbuls were requested to send their photos about the best moment they have spent during this lockdown period. They were motivated to do good turns within the home. 45 entries were received from all the states.

6TH INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA VIRTUALLY North East Region of the Bharat Scouts and Guides has organized a Regional Level virtual YOGA Competition entitled “I love Yoga”. On 21st June, 2020. The webinar was inaugurated by Shri Chandrjit Saikia, State Chief Commissioner, BSG, N. F. Railway & Chairman Railway Recruitment Board, Guwahati.

CELEBRATED INTERNATIONAL DAY OF GIRL (IDG) The North East Region of the Bharat Scouts and Guides organized Celebration of International Day of Girls by conducting Drawing & Painting Competition among the Cubs & Bulbuls, Scouts & Guides of age Group 07 – 17 years and Talk show of Senior Guides and Ranger of age Group 15 – 25 years. The Drawing & Painting Competition were conducted through Google Form with the Theme ‘MY PERSONAL HERO EMBLEM' 34

REGIONAL EVENTS NORTH EAST REGION and is conducted separately for boys and girls. 48 Paintings from boys and 63 Paintings from girls were received by RHQ. 01 Bulbul, 03 Guides, 01 Cub and 02 Scouts were awarded after the judgement.

VIRTUAL MEET OF SCOUTERS AND GUIDERS A Virtual Meet of the Scouters and Guiders was organized by the North East Regional Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides on 28th & 29th July through Zoom Webinar for the rst time. 400+ Unit Leaders and Trainers registered for the event through online. The Webinar was inaugurated by Shri P.S. Singh, MLA, Govt. of Manipur on 28th July, 2020. The purpose of the Meet was to encourage the Scouters and Guiders to deliver more activities to the Scouts and Guides digitally.

VIRTUAL QUIZ COMPETITION FOR ROVERS AND RANGERS Virtual Quiz Competition of Rovers and Rangers was organized on 10th August 2020 in which 24 participants from 09 regional states participated. Out of 24 participants, 09 Rovers and Rangers were selected to represent their states. Shri Bipul Kumar Borah - Renowned Artist and Quiz Master from Guwahati, Assam who have contribution as Radio, Doordarshan, Stage artist and many more was present as the Chief Guest.

VIRTUAL STORY TELLING COMPETITION FOR CUBS AND BULBULS A virtual story telling competition was organized for the Cubs and Bulbuls. 36 Cubs and Bulbuls took part from Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram and N.F. Railway.

VIRTUAL SCOUTS & GUIDES TALK A Virtual Scout Guide Talk was organized by the North East Regional Hadquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides on 10th and 11th September 2020 through Zoom Webinar. 47 Scouts and Guides names are recommended by 8 States. The Webinar was inaugurated by Shri A.K. Absar Hazarika, ACS (Retd.) State Chief Commissioner of Assam State on 10th September 2020. Dr. H.P. Chhetri, Chief Commissioner (S) and State Chief Commissioner, Sikkim blessed the participants.

REGIONAL LEVEL VIRTUAL SCOUTS AND GUIDES MELA Regional Level Virtual Scouts and Guides Mela was organized by the Regional Headquarters where out of nine states except Mizoram, 08 states participated and present their culture and heritage along with scouting/guiding skill through different activities like Flock Dance, Song, Exhibition, Patriotic dance and Song etc. The Mela (fest) was inaugurated by Shri Sanjive Roy, General Manger, N.F. Railway in presence of other dignitaries from National Headquarters and all the Regional States. Mrs. Amelia Swer, International Commissioner (G) and State Secretary Meghalaya, Shri Chandrajit Saikia, Chairman, RRB, Guwahati and SCC, N F Railway, and other guest of hounor were present to boost the morale of the Scouts and Guides. 35

REGIONAL EVENTS NORTH EAST REGION ONLINE FREE BEING ME-ACTION ON BODY CONFIDENCE TRAINING WORKSHOP Online Free Being Me - Action on Body Condence Training Workshop was successfully conducted by N.E. Region from 02nd to 04th February 2021


REGIONAL EVENTS SOUTHERN REGION REGIONAL LEVEL CAMPFIRE CARNIVAL PART -1 ON 15TH JUNE, 15TH JULY, 15TH AUGUST 2020. On the occasion of the 74th Independence Day, the Bharat Scouts and Guides - Southern Region, conducted Phase-III of the Virtual Campre Carnival to engage the young minds digitally during the COVID- 19 Pandemic. The virtual campre was dedicated to all the COVID Warriors worldwide. This was in continuation of 1st and 2nd regional level virtual campre, which was held on 15th June and 15th July, 2020 respectively. It was a grand success with 53 participants from 8 Regional States of Southern Region participated with their awesome performances. The theme was ‘CAMPFIRE CARNIVAL’. The Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers presented patriotic songs, dances, skits, dramas, mono acting, mime, etc. On 15th June 2020, Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary General, President-in-Council, BSG, was the Chief Guest of the programme. On 15th July 2020, Shri Harish L. Metha, Deputy National Commissioner (Scouts),BSG, was the Chief Guest of the programme. On 15th August 2020 Shri Jeevan Babu. K , IAS, Director of General Education, Kerala and State Chief Commissioner, BSG, Kerala was present as Guest of Honour. Mrs. K. Alamelu, Leader Trainer (Guides) & Former Joint Director (SS) BSG, Mr. Chowdhary, Actor, Director, Singer, Producer and Rashtrapati Rover 1998 batch from South Central Railway was present.



Name of Unit




Don Bosco Scouts and Guides




Officers Colony Group Kanchrapara

Eastern Railway



KC Gurukul Public School, Udhampur

Jammu & Kashmir



Kanika Public School, Karnal




Mahatma Gandhi Bengaluru






Name of Unit


Subas Ch. Bose Open Group, Faridabad



Maa Saraswati Rover Crew, Kota




33 Wa Aadarsh Rover Crew







Name of Unit


Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Rohicha Khurd Jodhpur



Kalpana Chawla Unit




Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Niwaru




Ms. Agnes Open Guide Company




Gossaigaon Girls High School Guide Company




DAV Centenary Public School, Karnal




Pyndengumiong Presbyterian Secondary School







Name of Unit


M. Teresa Ranger Team of Bargaon ITI Group




Jhanshi Ki Rani Open Group, Faridabad




Vedanta PG Girls College, Sikar













First Second Third


















Cub Section

Scout Section

Rover Section






Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh







Bulbul Section

Guide Section

Ranger Section


Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh











Cub Section

Scout Section

Rover Section


Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh





South W. Railway






Bulbul Section

Guide Section

Ranger Section


Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh











Increase in Number

Increase in Percentage



Uttar Pradesh


Uttar Pradesh







1st State Secretaries Virtual Meet held on 10th May 2020 & attended by 32 State secretaries/ representatives along with key leaders of Indian SGF. Inaugurated by Dr. K. P. Mishra, National Vice President & SCC/ Odisha BS&G and President Odisha State SGF. Justice Kalpesh Jhaveri delivered Presidential Address and Executive President Mr. M.A.K. Mecci recognized all participants. Secretary General, Scouts of China Evergreen Association Taiwan - Eiling Wang was guest and addressed about Environment care and T. Gunasheelan from B.P. Guild Malaysia delivered congratulatory note for efforts of Ind SGF. 1st International Cell met virtually on 1st July 2020 chaired by Chief Justice Kalpesh Jhaveri (Rtd) – President in Chief, in the presence of Advisors Satish R. Khanna & Madhu Kalia, SG Seema Rathi, M. A. K. Mecci and convened by International Secretary Diana Kharshiing. Building Bridges Beyond Boundaries Virtual International Meet – Partnership Special On 14th June 2020, Over 53 overseas Adult Scouts Guides along with Key Leaders from Bangladesh, Malaysia, Oman, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Maldives, South Korea, Singapore joined & Indian SGF represented by around 70 members. 5th Adventure for Adults was held physically on 16th to 20th February, 2021, in Scout Training Centre Pilikula Mangalore, hosted by Karnataka State SGF, attended by 40 participants. 2nd International Cell met virtually on 23rd February 2021, discussed and resolved issues related to overseas, International Participation and Partnership. Meeting was chaired by Honorable Justice Kalpesh Jhaveri (Rtd) Mrs. Geeta Mittal President Indian SGF, convened by Diana E. Kharshiing International Secretary.

41 1

NATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE, PACHMARHI SCOUT WING During the year 2020-21, the National Training Centre, Pachmarhi could only organize 03 Residential Courses. v Two Courses for Assistant Leader Trainers (SW) with 116 participants were held in the month of

February and March, 2021. v One Special Basic Course for Commissioners of Chhattisgarh state with 27 Commissioners

organized at NTC, Pachmarhi. During the lockdown period online courses were developed by the National Headquarters and 04 Online Courses for Pre-ALT (SW) and 04 Re-orientation Courses for Trainers (SW) were conducted on Zoom Meetings. Total 159 Pre-ALT candidates qualied and 184 Trainers were recommended for Renewal of their Honourable Charges. The National Headquarters had made special provision for issue of HWB Parchments and Honourable Charges of ALTs and LTs. 347 HWB Parchment were issued, 71 number of ALT and 25 number of LT Honourable charges were issued during the year 2020-2021.

GUIDE WING During the year 2020-21, the National Training Centre, Pachmarhi organized 08 online courses and 01 Residential course. v Three online ROT (G) Course was organized on Zoom in which 146 trainers attended from 25

States. v Five online Pre ALT (G) Course was organized on Zoom in which 213 Unit Leaders attended from

24 states. v One Residential Course for Assistant Leader Trainer’s with 69 candidates from 11 states

attended. During the year 73 No. of HWB Parchment were issued to the Unit leaders of the state. 15 No. of ALT Hon’ble Charge and 22 No. of LT Hon’ble Charge was issued. 85 No. of Hon’ble Charge of the Trainers were renewed. During the year National Headquarters had made special provision for renewal of Hon’ble Charge of the Trainers due to Covid-19 pandemic. 42

NATIONAL ADVENTURE INSTITUTE, PACHMARHI During the lockdown period, efforts were made to be in touch with the past candidates and also to create awareness and value of environment and open air activities through Webiners /Zoom meetings named the “Adventure Fest”. Prominent leaders in the eld of adventure including experts of Mountaineering Institutes were introduced on YouTube channel of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. From November 2020 till March, 2021, 15 Adventure programme were conducted with 808 No. of participants. Special efforts were made to introduce adventure to Adult leaders, Head of the Institutions from the State of Haryana to expand the outreach was successful.


NATIONAL YOUTH ADVENTURE INSTITUTE, GADPURI National Youth Adventure Programme under the banner FIT INDIA was held at Manali, Himachal Pradesh from 22nd to 26th December, 2020 in which 116 youth participants from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, East Coast Railway and Rajasthan participated. Another National Youth Adventure Programme was conducted at the same place from 28th to December, 2020 to 1st January, 2021 in which 157 participants from Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Odisha, Western Railway, Gujarat, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Kerala and Dadar Nagar Haveli respectively attended. 1st Special National Youth Adventure Programme was conducted at Bhopalpani, Dehradun from 11th to 15th January, 2021 in which 103 participants attended from Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh states. The 2nd Special National Youth Adventure Programme was also held at the same place from 18th to 22nd January, 2021 in which 51 participants from Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh attended. All the participants enjoyed the trekking to Bhopalpani village track, Hill Top and visited nearby places of Bhopalpani and Historical & Religious Places such as Shanti Kunj, Haridwar, Mussorie and Lal Bhadur Shastri Govt. Training Institute, Mussorie. National Youth Adventure Programme was conducted at Nirmal Nature Campsite, South Goa from 1st to 5th Feb, 2021 in which 53 participants from Chhattisgarh, Eastern Railway, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, S.E. Railway, Tamilnadu and Uttar Pradesh attended. The programme was inaugurated on 1st Feb, 2021 by Mr. James Fernandes, State Secretary, Goa. Another National Youth Adventure Programme was conducted at the same place from 8thto 12thFeb, 2021 in which 149 participants from Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, West Central Railway and West Bengal actively participated. The course was inaugurated on 8th February, 2021 by Dr. Uday Gaonkar, Deputy Director, Dept. of Education, Goa cum Vice President BSG Goa. The participants were taken for trekking to Chandreshwar Bhothnath Temple in Paroda and visit to place of importance in Goa such as Shiroda Beach, Dona Paula beach, Mahavir garden Miramar and Calangute beach, Bagha Beach. Session on Free Being Me and U-Report etc. were also imparted in the adventure programmes. Special National Youth Adventure Programme was conducted at Manali, Himachal Pradesh from 17th to 21st March, 2021 in which 32 participants from Himachal Pradesh, Northern Railway, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand attended. All the participants enjoyed the trekking to Parsha Fall Trek, Hadimba Temple, Rock climbing, Rappelling, obstacles and Zip Line. Participants also visited Sishu and Atal Tunnel.

44 1

REPORT FROM STATES participants. Chaturth Charan, Heerakh Pankh, Tritiya Sopan Training and Testing Camps were conducted by the State. 09 Rajya Puraskar Testing Camps for Scouts and Guides were conducted in which 567 participants took part.

ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR Covid-19 Warrior Mr. Samir Kumar Das, DOC (S), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar, BSG performed his duty at Quarantine Centres like Hotel Karpagam Dreams, Bird line, Port Blair for more than 25 days. Fit India Awareness Program was organized in the South Andaman Zone by Shri Samir Kumar Das, State Co-ordinator. 35 participants attended the programme. Swachtta Abhiyan Drive was conducted in South Andaman Zones with 30 Scout Masters and Guide Captains. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the State during COVID-19 pandemic.

ASSAM Flood Relief Camps were organised at Rangia, Kaziranga, Morigaon and Nagaon Districts of the State. Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leader participated in FIT INDIA Programme from 15th August, 2020 and continued upto 2nd October, 2020. A Cycle Hike was organised by Gossaigaon Girls High School. The State organised a Beginners Course for Unit Leaders at J.N. College, Boko on 19th December, 2020 with 53 participants. Basic Course for Scout Masters and Guide Captains were organised at Don Bosco High School, Boko from 4th to 10th January, 2021 with 15 Scout Masters and 15 Guide Captains. Basic Training Course for Scout Masters and Guide Captains were conducted at Sapatgram College, Dhubri from 16th to 22nd January, 2021 in which 26 Scout Masters and 15 Guide Captains were trained. Basic Training Course for Rover Leader and Ranger Leader was conducted at Sapatgram College, Dhubri from 16th to 22nd January, 2021 in which 16 Rover Leaders and 15 Ranger Leaders participated in the course. Online Pre-ALT Course for Guide Wing was conducted from 17th to 23rd February, 2021. 30 Rovers and Rangers from Guwahati City rendered Services at Sukleswar Devalaya on 11th March, 2021. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


Shri Biswabhusan Harichandan, Hon’ble Governor of Andhra Pradesh and Chief Patron of Andhra Pradesh State Bharat Scouts and Guides inaugurated State function at Governor Secretariat on 7th November, 2020. The short lm prepared by the State on the creation of Awareness of Scouts and Guides Activities and Training Programmes to the school children was released by the Hon’ble Governor. Advanced Course for Guide Captains was conducted from 27th Jan. to 2nd Feb. 2021 at Marripalem, Visakhapatnam in which 29 Guide Captains attended. Basic Course for Guide Captain was conducted from 25th Feb. to 03rd March, 2021 at Srikakulam with 40 participants. 02 Basic Courses for Scout Masters, 01 Basic Course for Rover Scout Leaders and 01 Basic Course for Cub Masters were conducted with 101

ARUNACHAL PRADESH State Council Meeting of Bharat Scouts and Guides Arunachal Pradesh was held on 16th March 2021 at State Training Centre, Naharlagun which was presided by the Hon’ble Minister (Education,


REPORT FROM STATES Cultural Affairs & Indigenous Affairs) Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh and President BSG, Arunachal Pradesh. Shri Er. Taba Tedir. Special Secretary (Secondary) Education and other distinguished guest were present along with the council members. The BSG Arunachal Pradesh State conducted a HIKING IN NATURE Program based on Hiking & Camping; Cooking Competition cum Nature Study


Online Beginners Course was conducted. 03 Online Trainer Meets were organised in the month of May, June and October, 2020 by Chhattisgarh State Bharat Scouts and Guides. State organised All Faith Prayer Meeting at State Headquarters Raipur on 2nd October, 2020. State Level Youth Forum for Rovers & Rangers was organised from 14th to 15th October, 2020. State Level Youth Sangam was organised at State Training Centre, Jhanki Abhanpur, Raipur from 20th to 22nd February, 2021. Mountaineering programmes, State level Nature Study Camps were organised by the State. Himalaya Wood Badge Course for Scout Masters, Guide Captains and Ranger Leader were organised in the month of March, 2021.

for the Scouts and Guides of different govt. schools. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID19 pandemic.

BIHAR Prepared and distributed 46497 masks during April to July, 2020. Scouts/Guide/Rovers/Rangers and Unit Leaders throughout the state rendered their service in distribution of relief material, sanitization, social distancing, distribution of food etc. during Covid-19 pandemic. State Level Virtual District Organising Commissioners Meet was organized by the state on 13th June, 2020. Covid Awareness Rallies were organised in various districts of the state. All the District Organising Commissioners of the State attended State Level Online Youth Membership System meeting on 19th June, 2020. 25 Rovers of Saran District of Bihar State distributed ood relief materials to 190 family members. Scouts/Guides/ Rovers/Rangers and Unit Leaders of various districts of the State rendered their services during religious festivals.

CENTRAL RAILWAY Central Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated International Day of Yoga on 21st of June, 2020 with the good participation of Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers along with their Unit leaders. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic. CENTRAL TIBETAN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION In view of the Covid pandemic, Drawing competition on ‘Corona Virus’, Essay competition on ‘Swachhata’ and Tree plantation were organised by the Scouts and Guides in and around their houses. Activities to bring awareness towards health and 46

REPORT FROM STATES cleanliness were conducted. World Peace Day was celebrated on 21st September, 2020 in which painting, slogan writing etc. were organised virtually. World Thinking Day, Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, BSG Foundation Day, Anti Smoking, Anti Drugs campaign, Constitution Day, World Red Cross Day, Communal Harmony Day were observed throughout CTSA.

CHANDIGARH U.T. Masks Bank was started during Covid-19 in which Scouts & Guides from various schools of Chandigarh contributed 3000 masks which were distributed in the needy areas of Chandigarh. Chandigarh State Bharat Scouts and Guides has organised online Beginners Course with 78 Scout Masters and Guide Captains. The State organised various online activities like- Patrol gathering, Flag making, Online information exchange, Promise and good turn, Camping in the room, Camp cooking etc.

Virtual Patriotic Song Competition was organised on 25th January, 2021. Three Beginners Courses for Cub Masters, Scout Masters, Rover Scout Leaders, Flock Leaders, Guide Captains and Rangers Leaders were organised virtually in the month of February, 2021 in which 65 participants attended.

EASTERN RAILWAY Eastern Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides organised 1st All Indian Railways Virtual Solo Dance Competition during the Covid pandemic. Participants from 16 Railway Zones took part in the competition and performed different dances of India. State level virtual career counselling was organised from 5th to 6th December, 2020. Himalaya Wood Badge Courses for all six sections were organised by the state at STP, Madhupur from 16th to 22nd February, 2021. Chaturth Charan / Heerak Pankh Testing Camps for Cubs and Bulbuls

DADAR NAGAR HAVELI Dadar Nagar Haveli Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers maintained social distancing at ATM and public places with police Department. A Workshop of Action on Body Condence was conducted at State Headquarters, Dadar Nagar Haveli on 9th July, 2020 in which 16 Scouts and Guides actively participated. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic. DELHI Delhi State Bharat Scouts and Guides organised a Virtual Meeting on Covid-19 on 6th May, 2020 under the leadership of Dr. (Mrs.) Manik Barsaley, State Chief Commissioner. Online Road Safety Campaign was organised on 28th July, 2020 with 268 participants. The state organised 100 Years of Rangering on the theme “Go-Grow-Glow” on 31st December, 2020. On the eve of Republic Day 47

REPORT FROM STATES were organised with 56 Cubs and 45 Bulbuls. Rajya Puraskar Testing Camps for Scouts /Guides /Rovers and Rangers were organised with 111 Scouts, 64 Guides, 48 Rovers and 15 Rangers. State organised service at different places of the State during lockdown. Scouts/Guides/Rovers/ Rangers and Unit Leaders of all the districts made masks and distributed to the needy. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY During Covid-19 situation and lockdown the members of East Central Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides distributed 5 Lakh Food Packets, 50,000 water bottles, milk packets to the migrants came from Shramik Special Trains. Rovers and Rangers were deployed to maintain social distancing norms at KIUL from 05th to 19th May, 2020. About one lakh masks were prepared and distributed by the Scouts and Guides to the Railway employees. Scouts and Guides rendered their service in Thermal Screening and distribution of Homeopathic medicine at Railway Station and colonies. Awareness programme, Street Play etc. were organised to aware people about the effect and preventive measures of CORONA. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


GOA During the Covid-19 pandemic & lockdown East Coast Railway BS&G organised online ‘Drawing Competition’ with the theme ‘India ghts Corona’ for Cubs/Bulbuls, Scouts /Guides. Tiny tots from all the districts actively participated in the competition and showed their talent. State Level PreRashtrapati & Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp for both the wings were organised from 6th to 10th July 2020 in which 92 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers & 25 Unit Leaders participated. Rovers & Rangers of Head Quarters Open Group, Khurda Road Division helped the Hospital authorities to manage & run 10 Pulse Polio Booths at different places on 30th & 31st Jan 2021. Tennis Ball Cricket Tournament ‘Scout Premier League- 2021’ was organised from 13th to 14th Feb. 2021 at District Training Centre, Khurda Road in which 4 teams of Scouts and Rovers participated. The Stanpole Players lifted the trophy for the year 2020.

40 Scouts/Guides and Unit Leaders participated in plantation drive on World Environment Day. Beginners Course was conducted at Mushtifund High School, Cujira, Bambolim, Goa from 6th to 9th July, 2020 in which 13 candidates participated. Virtual Webinar on Covid 19 challenges to Education and the way forward was conducted in collaboration with Rotary Club, Panaji on 10th September 2020 which was attended by 600 Scouts Masters and Guide Captains from different districts of the state. Free Being Me Workshop48

REPORT FROM STATES Action on Body Condence was organised by the State with 36 participants. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

GUJARAT Patrol Leaders Camps were organised in 19 districts of Gujarat State. Social Service Camps and Mask Bank were organised in 24 districts of the State. 03 Basic Courses and 05 Advanced Courses were organised in Scout and Guides Wing. Scouting For Boys and Aids to Scout Mastership Books were published in Gujarati language by the Gujarat State Bharat Scouts and Guides. The State has developed three training centres at Boriavi, Navasari and Thaltej through the donations from well-wishers. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

Shri L.S. Verma ,who appreciated the work done by the team BSG Haryana. Masks prepared in lakhs by Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers & unit leaders were distributed to needy & poor persons in slums and to police workers. Volunteers distributed masks and sanitizers at Railway Stations. 24 Beginners Courses were organised at blocks and district level with 1226 participants. In order to provide sufcient blood to the needy during this hour of crisis 25 Blood Donation Camps were organised at various places throughout the state in collaboration with Red Cross Society. 1034 Units of blood were donated for the welfare of the humanity. Lamp Dance-“Share the Light”presented online by Rangers of Faridabad was selected by the National Headquarters to represent APR on behalf of BSG India in WAGGGS. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.



Keeping in view the services rendered during COVID -19 by volunteers of the state, Chief Minister Haryana sent an appreciation letter and appreciated the seless services rendered by Haryana State Bharat Scouts and Guides. District administration also honoured the volunteers on 15 August, 2020 and 26 January, 2021 respectively for serving community during COVID-19. Copy of Report on COVID -19 was presented to the Honb’le Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Shri S. Sandeep Singh by State Training Commissioner (S)

The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Himachal Pradesh has organised State Level Virtual District Organising Commissioner’s Meet and District Training Commissioner’s Meet on 16th May, 2020. State Level Virtual WAGGGS Initiative Programme was organised from 23rd May to 2nd June, 2020 with 298 participants. Online Advanced Course for Scout Masters and Guide Captains were organised in the month of August, 2020 in which 63 Scout Masters and 58 Guide Captains were trained. State 49

REPORT FROM STATES Level online Skill Development Programme was organised by the state from 25th to 30th Sept. 2020 in which 450 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers took part. The state organised virtual programme on 21st September, 2020 to commemorate International Day of Peace. Shri Bandaru Dattatrey, H.E. Governor of Himachal Pradesh was the Chief Guest and Shri Govind Sing Thakur, Hon’ble Education Minister attended as special guest of the programme. State Level Virtual Beginners Courses, State Finance Committee Meeting and other meetings were also orgnised by the state. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

State Headquarters, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu on 12th and 13th February, 2021 under the theme Green and Clean Energy. “Free Being Me” Workshops for unit leaders of different government and private Institutions were organized in different districts of the state. Dwitiya Sopan Camp was organised at Srinagar International School, Pampore with 42 Scouts and Guides. Basic Course for Scout Masters and Basic Course for Guide Captains were organised at SHQ, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu with 33 unit leaders. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

JHARKHAND On the occasion of May Day, the members of Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand distributed food and mask to the labours of Hazaribagh area during the period of Covid-19 pandemic. World Environment Day was observed by Hazaribagh, Bokaro, Lohardga, Dumka, Ramgarh, Dhanbad, Chatra, Kodrma and East Singhbhum on 05th June, 2020 in which Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders actively participated. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


JAMMU AND KASHMIR Online Election Awareness Campaign was organised by Scouts and Guides of Udhampur on 29th November, 2020. One day informative cum introduction programmes was held at SHQ, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu in which 47 teachers participated from various zones of Jammu District. Webinar on Fit India Movement was organized by Reasi & Udhampur districts on 15th December, 2020. J&K Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted Saksham 2021 activities of India Oil Corporation Limited at

Jamiat Youth Club Bharat Scouts and Guides organised one Basic Course for Scout Masters and one Basic Course for Rover Scout Leaders at Jamia Husainia, Kishan Ganj, Bihar from 22nd to 28th March, 2021 in which 31 Scout Masters and 31 Rover Scout Leaders were trained. 9,65,656 Masks, 6,76,066 Sanitizers, food packets, P.P.E. Kits were distributed by Jamiat Youth Club in different districts 50

REPORT FROM STATES of the country during Covid-19. 5308 Scouters/Rovers participated in Fit India programme. 5730 Scouters and Rovers assisted local administration during Covid-19 pandemic. 65 Oxygen cylinders were supplied in hospitals of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh by Jamiat Youth Club. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

the State. The State collected more than Rs. 50 Lakhs from Volunteers, staff, district and local associations and contributed in Covid-19 Fund for C.M. Care.

KERALA Kerala State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted State level online Quiz Competition for selected Cubs and Bulbuls on 14th November, 2020 and for Scouts/Guides, Rovers & Rangers on 07th November and 20th November, 2020 respectively. During ood, Central Region of Kerala State BSG collected materials such as Coat, Bed, Blanket, Pillow, T-Shirts, Dinner set etc. worth Rs. 4 Lakhs and distributed among 9 families of landslide affected people of Pettimudi, Munnar. State organised workshop of Plastic Tide Turners Challenge for DOCs at State level. Online Rajya Puraskar Test for Scouts and Guides were conducted in January, 2021 in which 3872 Scouts and 5337 Guides were qualied for Rajya Puraskar. Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp for Rovers and Rangers were held at Crescent Public School, Chalakudy during last week of March, 2021 in which 27 Rovers and 6 Rangers qualied for Rajya Puraskar Award. Online Chaturth Charan, Heerak Pank Test for Cubs and Bulbuls were conducted in the state. DOCs Meets and online Beginners Courses were organized by the State. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Adult Leaders and Volunteers of Karnataka State Bharat Scouts and Guides prepared more than 45,00000 masks and distributed to Police and other departments and in public. The state organised various competitions online i.e. Painting, Patriotic singing, Virtual Science Exhibition etc. in which more than 6000 young people were engaged. 15000 Rovers/Rangers, Adult Leaders and Ofce bearers rendered their services and helped the District Administration in Road Safety, Crowd Control and Covid Testing etc. during Covid Pandemic. State organised more than 20 Dialogue Café with Great Leaders/Celebrities who interacted with young people. CPR Training for more than 2000 young people was organised by the State with the support of Shri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Research. More than 20 Webinars were organised on SDG Goal 3- Good Health and Well Being by the State.100 Years of Rangering Valedictory Celebration was successfully hosted by

KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Online Komal Pankh ,Rajat Pankh,Pratham Charan, Dwitiya Charan, Pravesh and Pratham Sopan testing camps for Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts and Guides were organised at Vidyalaya level in the state. Dwitiya Sopan, Tritiya Sopan Online Testing Camps for Scouts/ Guides were organised at District/Divisional (Regional) levels. The Cubs/ Bulbuls advancement programme and Utsav were organised at 51

REPORT FROM STATES participants took part. One District Commissioners’ online Meeting was conducted with 49 members. Online Re-Orientation Course was organized with 14 participants. 05 participants took part in online Pre-ALT Course.

MAHARASHTRA Hon’ble Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Governor of Maharashtra inducted as Patron of Maharashtra State Bharat Scouts and Guides at Raj Bhawan, Mumbai on 15th December, 2021. 407 Cubs and 417 Bulbuls were selected for Golden Arrow Award. 53 Rajya Puraskar Testing Camps for Scouts & Guides were held at different places in the state in which 476 Scouts and 497 Guides were qualied for Rajya Puraskar. Scouts/Guides and Unit Leaders participated in WAGGGS & WOSM activities. Many Voluntary Members, Unit Leaders contributed their one month pension & salary amount to the Prime Minister/Chief Minister Relief Fund. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was organised in all the districts of the state. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

District/Divisional level. 100 Scouters and Guiders from all Regions participated in three days State Level Virtual workshop of online Youth Membership Registration System. 976 Scout and Guide Units registered for Prime Minister Shield Competition. 1219 Cubs and 1296 Bulbuls received Golden Arrow Award. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.



1,70,000 food packets were distributed with the help of stakeholders of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Madhya Pradesh during Covid-19 pandemic. Community Kitchen was run continuously for a month at State Training Centre, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal and District Education Ofcer Campus, Tulsinagar, Bhopal during the pandemic. Food packets, milk, ration material, masks were distributed in various districts of all the divisions of the state. 3116 members registered their names and rendered services during Covid-19 pandemic. 04 Beginners Courses were organised by the State in which 117

Manipur state actively conducted various programme apart from the covid Warrior services. Plastic Tide Turner Challenge and Fit India movement are remarkable. Foundation Day of BSG also celebrated following the Covid Protocol. First Basic Course for Ranger Leaders was conducted 52

REPORT FROM STATES from 22nd to 28th February 2021 with 17 participants. Dr. Padma Guha Agarwala, ALT Ranger from BSG, Assam State was the Leader of the Course. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

Red Cross Society, Meghalaya Branch. 37 members donated blood. State Level Workshop on Free Being Me- Action on Body Condence was organised from 22nd to 24th February, 2021. Meghalaya Bharat Scouts and Guides contributed Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. One Lakh Only) to the Chief Mi ni s ter’ s Reli ef F und through Nati onal Headquarters. Mask Bank was launched in all the districts of the state in which members made the Masks and handed over them to District Authorities and different centres for distribution. 35,000 Masks were contributed by the state. Rovers/Rangers participated in various programmes and activities virtually.

MIZORAM State Council Meeting of Mizoram State held on 12th February 2021 at the Chief Minister Meeting Hall of Govt. of Mizoram. The Chief Minister, Govt. of Mizoram Mr. Zoramthanga presided over the meeting where the ofcials of Sports and education department were present along with the state council members of Mizoram BSG. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by other districts of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.



A Workshop for Plastic Tide Tuners was conducted with 24 Rovers, Rangers and unit Leaders. Mask Banks were started in various district of the state. Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders prepared and distributed thousands of masks, sanitizer etc. to the needy. 02 State level and 03 district level Free Being Me, Action on Body Condence Workshops were organised in the state. The state organized a cleanliness drive at Kohima on 13th June, 2020. 57 members of Nagaland State BSG participated in walkathon/cyclothon at Kohima on 01st October. 85 Scouts and Guides participated in India’s 75 Years of Independence “ Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” on 12th March, 2021. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was organised in various

Three days Virtual District Level Ofcer’s Meet cum Workshop was organised by the Meghalaya Bharat Scouts and Guides. About 40 members from different districts of the state participated in this meet. 25 Scouts/Guides and Unit Leaders of Ri-Bhoi district participated in Fit India Freedom Run organised in commemoration of 151st Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. 0n 7th November, 2020, a Blood Donation Camp was organised at State Headquarters in collaboration with Indian


REPORT FROM STATES districts of the state. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

masks to the pilgrims during Kumbh Snan Days at Haridwar. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN Mask were prepared and distributed by Scouts, Guides and Unit Leaders of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti State Association to the needy people in May, 2020 during the lockdown period in different part of the country. Tree Plantation Programmes were conducted on the occasion of World Environment Day and Sankalp Parv all over the country by Scouts and Guides of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas on 05th and 28th June, 2020 respectively. Online Prathan Sopan and Dwitiya Sopan Training camp were conducted. Scouts, Guides and Unit Leaders participated in Skill Development Programme from 08th to 12th October, 2020. Painting competition for Scouts and Guides was conducted virtually.

NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY Rovers and Rangers of Jhansi District of N.C. Railway State BSG helped the administration in Covid Testing at Jhansi Railway Station. Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders of Prayagraj, Agra and Jhansi districts of the state prepared 45000 masks and deposited in Mask Bank. 16 members of Agra district participated in World Earth Day on 22nd April, 2020 and planted saplings at DTC, Mathura. Scouts and Guides of Prayagraj, Agra and Jhansi district participated in various programmes organised under Fit India Freedom Run. Awareness Rally was organised on ‘Swacch Rail, Swacch Bharat’ under Swacchta Pakhwara from 16th Sept. to 02nd Oct. 2020. Dwitiya Sopan, Tritiya Sopan and Nipun Testing Camps were conducted in the state.

NORTHERN RAILWAY District Commissioners’ Virtual Meet was organised by Northern Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides on 05th June, 2021. On the occasion of International Day of Yoga, an Online Yoga Workshop was organised by the state from 17th to 21st June, 2020. Run For Peace programme was organised on the occasion of International Day of Peace on 21st October, 2010.Drawing Completion and Cyclothon was organised from 07th to 31st December, 2021 at Kapurthala. Online Beginners Course was organised on 22nd January, 2021 in which 28 members participated. Webinar on Stop The Violence was organised under WAGGGS Project. One Basic and one Advanced Course for Scout Masters were conducted from 18th to 24th March, 2021 at Leela Bery State Training Centre, Raiwala. Rovers of Moradabad District rendered their services in sanitizing, social distancing and distribution of


Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders of all the districts of N.E. Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides distributed food, drinking water, masks etc. to the passengers of Shramik Special Trains at various Railway Stations during May-2020 to July, 2020. Awareness Campaign was organised through Nukkad Natak and Posters by the Scouts and Guides for the prevention from Covid-19. Free 54

REPORT FROM STATES Being Me- Action on Body Condence (ABC) Training was organised from 18th to 20th February, 2021 at Syed Modi Railway, Gorakhpur with 50 participants. District Rallies were organised in Gorakhpur and Izzatnagar districts of the state. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID19 pandemic.

Environment Day was organised with the theme “Better Environment, Better Tomorrow” in all the Divisions of the state. Various programmes and activities were organised for prevention of Covid19 pandemic. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


N.F. Railway State has successfully conducted 03 Days Workshops on FBM-ABC during February and March 2021. The participants learned through different activities like perfect looking girl or boy, image myth and talk show, Beauty around the world, Mirror, No more Body shaming etc. World Thinking Day and Founders’ Day was observed in huge manner by all the members of the state. Badarpur District Association of N.F. Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides organised First Aid Training Camp at Badarpur District Hut from 26th to 28th March, 2021 in which 133 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers actively participated. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

Beginners Courses were organised Virtually in which 272 members trained. 33 Basic and Advanced Training Courses for Cub Masters, Flock Leaders, Scouts Masters, Guide Captains, Rover Scout Leaders and Ranger Leaders were organised by the state in which 770 unit leaders were trained. Trainers Meet, Refresher Course for Trainers were organised with 87 participants virtually. District Secretaries Meet was organised. Rajya Puraskar Test for Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers were organised virtually in which 28 districts of the state participated. Adventure Programmes for Scouts/ Guides, Rovers & Rangers were conducted at State Training Centre, Bargaon, Sundargarh and STC, Barunei, Khordha with 600 participants. National Integration & 18th State Jamborette was held with 500 Scouts, Guides & Unit Leaders. State Level Workshop on “Free Being Me” and “Action on Body Condence” for Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders were organised at State Headquarters, Bhubaneswar with 60 participants. During this

NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY Swachhta Pakhwara was organised under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan from 16th to 30th September, 2021 in Ajmer, Bikaner, Jaipur and Jodhpur Division of North Western Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides. Awareness campaign on World 55

REPORT FROM STATES pandemic covid-19, the state organized digital competitions, webinars for Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


Independence Day, Republic Day, Flag Day, Thinking Day, International Women’s Day, World Environment Day, World International Yoga Day, World Scarf Day, International Child Day, All Faith Prayer, World AIDS Day, International Day of Peace, and Gandhi Jayanti were celebrated all over the state virtually.

4586 New units were registered throughout the state during the year 2020-21. 625 teachers were imparted Basic Training and motivated to start Scout/Guide units. 11521 Scouters & Guiders attended Online Beginners Courses. 4612 participants from Guide Wing participated in Rajya Puraskar Training Camp. Desert Training, & Skill Development programme was organised at state level. 5354 Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated in 11 activities organised at the state level. 711 Cubs/Bulbuls, Scouts/Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated in State level Rangoli painting competition. To aware people about Environment and Covid Vaccination, 27043 participants joined 140669 Km. Cycle Hike under Fit India-Hit India initiative. 7057 Scouts and 4464 Guides participated in 33 Webinars. 246139 participants rendered their valuable services in the community through various innovative activities such as Pulse Polio Immunization, Blood Donation, Environment Awareness, Road Safety Awareness etc.

PUNJAB Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders of the Bharat Scouts & Guides, Punjab rendered their services and helped the administration, Police Department and distributed food packets, masks etc. during Covid-19 pandemic. Online Quiz Competition, Orientation programmes for Rovers/Rangers and young people were also organised by the State Headquarters. Beginners Courses were organised with 746 participants. Adventure Programme, Basic & Advanced Courses were held at STC, Tara Devi. PUDUCHARRY Scouters of Puducherry State Bharat Scouts and Guides were called for duty along with State Disaster Management and Health Department during Covid-19 pandemic. To discuss programme during pandemic period, an online Scouters, Guiders, DOCs & DTCs Meeting was conducted by the state on 19th July, 2020. The state organised Zoom Camp Fire for Scouts and Guides on 14th August, 2020. International Day of Yoga was celebrated virtually with the assistance of Mr. Hemanth Balaji, Yoga Resource Person.

SIKKIM Virtual Patriotic Song Competition on the theme “Hum Ve Desh Ka Shaan Hai” was organized by the Sikkim State of the Bharat Scouts and Guides from 13th to 20th August, 2020 in which 17 Scouts, Guides and Ranger participated. Dr. H.P. Chhettri, State Chief Commissioner and Chief Commissioner 56

REPORT FROM STATES for Rovers & Rangers was organized at STC, Mandapam from 18.02.2021 to 21.02.2021. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


(S) was the Chief Guest. Fraternity Members of State Association and the State Chief Commissioner Dr. H.P. Chhetri had contributed Rs. 100,000/- only to the Chief Minister’ Relief Fund in combating the challenge posed by Covid-19. State Association had conducted the First Virtual Dance Competition for Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers from 18th to 29th September, 2020. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

55 Scouts/Guides, Rover/Rangers and Unit Leaders rendered valuable service in door to door distribution of medicine to the pensioners & employees during the Lockdown for a period of 60 days. Training for Scouts & Guides at unit level were organised throughout the state in the month of April2020. Seminars on Promotion of Scouting/Rovering were held at Nandalur and Guntakal Training Centres. Awareness Marches, Tree Plantation, distribution of food, masks etc. were organised by various districts of the South Central Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

SOUTHERN RAILWAY Online Multi Talent Competitions and Fun @ Weblion Online Competitions for Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers were organised by the state. Webinar on Rovering to Success, Scouting For Boys and Wolf Cub Handbook was organized during July, 2020. The state organised Scouting Sun Rise Day, DOC/DTC Meeting, Trainers Meet for Scout Wing, Webinar on Online Youth Membership System (OYMS), Virtual Yo u t h C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g . W e b i n a r o n Advancement of Cubs/ Bulbuls, Scouts/ Guides, Rovers/ Rangers was organized during Sept/2020. The State also organised Specialized Training on First Aid, Mapping & Compass. Rajyapuraskar Award Testing Camp & Pre-Rashtrapati Award Testing was organized in all the districts of the State during the Month of Dec, 2020. Online Chaturtha Charan/ Heerakh Pankh Testing Camp for Cubs & Bulbuls was organized on 6th & 7th Dec, 2020. Physical Fitness Training & Coastal Trekking Camp

SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY Tritiya Sopan and Nipun Virtual Testing Camps for Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers were conducted by Ranchi, Chakradharpur, Kharagpur, Adra and Central District during July to September, 2020 in which 66 Scouts, 38 Guides, 62 Rovers and 46 Rangers appeared for the test. Training Team Members Meet was held virtually on 11th & 13th July, 2021 with the participation of all the trainers of the State. State Level Rajya Puraskar Virtual/Physical 57

REPORT FROM STATES testing camp was organised from 26th to 31st December, 2020 with 42 Scouts, 12 Guides, 34 Rovers and 07 Rangers. State Level Basic Course for Cub Masters, Scout Master and Rover Scout Leaders were conducted. Members of the State participated in various online programmes organised by the National Headquarters. 146 Covid Awareness Rallies were organised by the State. Masks were prepared and distributed in all the Railway Divisions of the State.

Mapping and Star Gazing was conducted at State Training and Trekking Centre, Castle Rock from 21st to 25th February, 2021. Scouts and Guides of the state assisted medical staff in Rapid/Antigen Test for Covid-19 organised at DRM/Hubballi ofce. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


SOUTH EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY During Covid pandemic Scouts/Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders of South East Central Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides rendered their services for passengers of Shramik Special Trains at various Railway Stations. Organised Awareness Programme for prevention from Covid. During the year Youth Forum, Handicraft Competition, Poster Making Competitions, JOTAJOTI, online Disaster Management Course and Nature Study cum Hike were organised by the state. Basic Courses for Unit Leaders of Scout & Guide Wing were also organised in the state. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

Youth Committee Meeting, Workshops on Messenger of Peace, Free Being Me & ABC, Rovering to Success etc. were held virtually in Maharishi District in the month of June, 2020.Online Refresher Course for Unit Leaders, Beginners Courses were conducted in various districts of the State. Basic Course for Cub Masters, Scout Masters, Rover Scout Leaders, Flock Leaders, Guide Captains, and Rangers Leaders were conducted in various districts of the State. Awareness programmes on Hand wash, wearing mask and social distancing were organised in all the district of Tamilnadu State Bharat Scouts and Guides. Scouts/Guides, Rovers/Rangers and Unit Leaders all over the state rendered their services and distributed food packets, fruits etc. during lockdown. Various District and State Level Meetings were organized virtually. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID19 pandemic.

SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY State celebrated 70th Foundation Day at State Training Centre with Blood Donation Camp in collaboration with Rashtrotthana Blood Bank. South Western Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted Beginners/Refresher Course at State Training Centre, Hubli from 07th to 12th December, 2020. To commemorate 158th Birth Anniversary of Swamy Vivekananda the state has organised 115 Km. two wheeler rally from Hubballi to Castle Rock. Awareness Programme on Covid-19 precaution & Vaccinations was organised on 18th & 19th January, 2021. Specialized Course on 58

REPORT FROM STATES participated in Mask Bank Activity and prepared thousands of masks. All the District Associations have rendered services to people at various places and distributed Masks provision, food for migrant people and poor needy peoples.

TRIPURA Tripura State Bharat Scouts and Guides actively conducted various programmes apart from the Covid Warrior Services. The state organised Patrol Leaders Training Camp from 19th to 23rd February, 2021 at Kalyanpur H.S. School, Khowai District. Mock Drill on Flood & Fire, First Aid & Rescue was organized at Kalyanpur, Khuchpara on 17th of February under the leadership of Mr. Abhijit Acharjee, Rover Scout Leader. Capacity Building Training on First Aid and Rescue was organized at Sukanta Pally Near Kalibari, TMC area of Khowai District on 26th of February, 2021. Shri Rajib Saha, State Coordinator for Membership Growth and OYMS took special initiative under the leadership of the Director, Sports and Youth Department and organised state and district level workshops to complete the task. International Language Day, World Thinking Day etc. were celebrated by the Scouts and Guides of the State. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.


During the month of May and June, 2020 Five Online Training Courses were organised in which 164 participants trained. Online Rover/Ranger Testing Camp was organised with 48 participants. Online Tide Turner Plastic Challenge Programme was conducted in which 119 Scouts, Guides and Unit Leader actively participated. State Level Workshop on Free Being Me was organized by Uttarakhand State Bharat Scouts and Guides at Pithoragarh on 12th March, 2021 in which 41 Scouts and Guides participated actively. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

TELANGANA The Bharat Scouts & Guides Telangana State Association has conducted 18 Training Camps/Courses during the year 2020-21 for both Scout and Guide wings. 04 State Level Workshop on Free Being Me & Action on Body condence for Unit Leaders, Scout, Guides, Rovers and Rangers were conducted with 241 participants. 06 Beginners Course for Scout and Guide Wing were held with 147 participants. 04 Basic Courses for Scout Masters, 03 Basic Course for Guide Captains and 01 Advanced Course for Scout Masters were conducted by the state in which 187 Unit Leaders were trained. State Association has contributed Rs 62,260/- each towards CM and PM Care and Share Fund on 15-05-2020. Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders of all the district

UTTAR PRADESH Uttar Pradesh State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted 90 Basic Courses for Scout Masters and Guide Captain in which 1310 unit leaders were trained. 06 Advanced Course for Scout Masters & Guide Captains were conducted in which 117 unit leaders were trained. 04 Basic Course for Rover Leaders & Ranger Leaders were conducted and 42 unit leaders were trained. 04 Advanced Course for 59

REPORT FROM STATES Rover Leaders & Ranger Leaders were conducted and 43 unit leaders were trained. 02 Himalaya Wood Badge Courses for Scout Wing were conducted at State Training Centre, Parayagraj from 12th to 18th Mach, 2021 in which 63 unit leaders were trained. Free Being Me Workshop was held at State Headquarters, Lucknow from 21st to 23rd March, 2021 in which 40 Scouters and Guiders participated. Mask Banks were launched almost in all the districts of the state. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

Government to help ght Covid-19 pandemic. Rovers and Scouters of the state rendered commendable services in Amphan Cyclone affected areas and constructed shelter for the homeless in Sundarban.

WESTERN RAILWAY Western Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated International Day of Yoga on 21st of June, 2020. Scouts & Guides participated in large number with enthusiasm along with Unit Leaders. On this occasion Scouts & Guides demonstrated different skills of Yoga. Senior Ofce Bearers of the State were also present and encouraged the participants. Scouts and Guides of Western Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides assisted in thermal Screening of Passengers at Vadodara Railway Station. Their services were highly appreciated by the Railway Authorities. Masks were prepared and distributed amongst the needy by each district of the state during COVID-19 pandemic.

WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY State Level Camp cum Solo Dance Competition was organised by the Western Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides at Railway Pub House, Gwari Ghat, Jabalpur on 20th December, 2020 in which 60 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated from three District Association. 3rd State Camporee was organised at Jabalpur from 29th to 31st January, 2021 in which 150 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated. Scouts & Guides rendered their services during Covid pandemic and distributed meals, drinking water, masks etc. at various railway stations of the State.

* All the States Celebrated Number of Important Days like Independence Day, Republic Day, Flag Day, World Thinking Day, International Women’s Day, World Environment Day, World International Yoga Day, World Scarf Day, International Day of Child, All Faith Prayer, World AIDS Day, International Day of Peace and Gandhi Jayanti in a grand manner physically where ever government guideline permitted or virtually. Lacs of Scouts and Guides, Rover and Rangers rendered different type of services to celebrate the Days.

WEST BENGAL West Bengal State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted Online Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp for Scouts and Rovers on 27th September, 2020 in which 206 Scouts and Rovers from various districts of the state participated. Virtual Astronomy Camp for Cubs was organised from 4th to 6th December, 2020 in which 408 Cubs participated. Two state level workshops on Free Being Me and Action on Body Condence were organised by the state during January & March, 2021. West Bengal State contributed Rs. 2,00,000/- to the State

* The reports of the following States are as per NHQ Magazine- Central Railway, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Jharkhand and Western Railway


SUPPLY SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Supply Service Department of the Bharat Scouts & Guides is committed to provide better quality and authentic Scout, Guide Equipment & Literature at no prot no loss basis to the members of the organisation. Our motto is “Quality Services at affordable Price”. A variety of Scout Guide Equipment including uniform paraphernalia, badges are available in the department. Efforts were made to standardize the badges with computerised design and borders to bring them to the international standard. T-Shirts, P-cap, Tracksuit and other items were prepared for National Adventure Programmes. New souvenirs and quality products were introduced in this year. We have come up with many designed products with BSG logo and have supplied customised products. We have supplied souvenir for Foundation day on 7th November -2020. Strict quality control measures are in place to maintain quality of the product. The materials are procured from the manufacturers directly to have the best quality and price. In the year of 2020-2021 Books, Progress Card of Cubs/Bulbuls, Scouts/Guides, Rovers/Rangers, Scouting for Boys Hindi, Scouting for Boys (English), Pravesh Scout (Hindi), Beginners Course (English), Pravesh Scout (English), Beginners Course (Hindi ), Pravesh Guide (English ) and Life Story of B.P. (English) were published by the Supply Service Department. All gift materials of National Adventure Institute (Pachmarhi, M.P) and National Youth Adventure Institute (Gadpuri, Haryana) are supplied by Supply Service Department. We thank all State Associations for their continuous support and we look forward for more patronization from the State Association.


FINANCE AT A GLANCE The Bharat Scouts & Guides receives annual grant from Govt. of India every year for its activities. The Financial Assistance approved from Govt. of India i.e. 2019-2020 is Rs.150.00 lacs. An amount of Rs.75.00 lacs was released by the Ministry during the year. As per Utilization Certicate a sum of Rs.75.00 Lacswas receivable from Ministry. However a letter was received from Ministry dated 16th October, 2020 denying to release of balance Rs.75.00 Lacs. Therefore provision of Rs.75.00 Lacs is written back during the Financial Year 2020-2021. We had submitted the budget proposal to the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, New Delhi amounting to Rs.628.08 Lacs. No sanction against Grant in Aid for the Financial Year 2020-2021 has been received due to Covid-19 Pandemic. The year under report shows an overall net expenditure over income of Rs.13.28 lacs for the year 2020-2021 compared to the previous year net income over expenditure was Rs.126.46 lacs. The Income & Expenditure of the year ended 31st March 2021 at a glance as given as under:Sl.




Support fee for NHQ.

RS.( IN LACS) 400.18



2 3

Participation Charges, NAI Interest

18.07 22.45

2 3

4 5

Supply Service Department Other Receipts

32.99 175.52

4 5



Activities & Other Expenditure, NHQ / NAI Hostel Services National Adventure Institute, Admn. Exps. Supply Service Department Transferred to General Reserve Fund GRANT TOTAL


RS.( IN LACS) 452.79 28.76 115.51 65.43 (13.28) 649.21

CENSUS 2020-21 SCOUT WING The Membership Census in respect of Scout Wing has been increased from 37,43,997 in 20192020 to 38,34,347in 2020-2021. There is an increase of 90,350 members in the year i.e. 2.41%. Out of 54 States/Districts, only 31 States have submitted their Census Reports. There are 12 States whose census has deceased gone down compared to the last year. 23 States/Districts Census were not received at NHQ and last year census taken in the statement till preparation of the report.

GUIDE WING The Membership Census of Guide Wing has been increased from 23,50,532 in 2019-2020 to 24,15,584 in 2020-2021. There is an increase of 65,052 members in the year i.e. 2.77%. Out of 54 States/Districts, only 31 States have submitted their Census Reports. The Census of 09 States has deceased compared to the last year. 23 States/Districts Census were not received at NHQ and last year census taken in the statement till preparation of the report. The Overall gures shown there is a total increase of 1,55,402 in membership together i.e. 2.55% which is against the National Target of 10% growth of Census in the year 2020-2021.





1 Andaman & Nicobar 2 Andhra Pradesh 3 Arunachal Pradesh 4 Assam *5 Bihar *6 Central Railway *7 Chandigarh U.T. *8 Chattisgarh *9 Dadra Nagar Haveli 10 Delhi 11 Eastern Railway *12 East Coast Railway 13 East Central Railway *14 Goa *15 Gujarat 16 Haryana 17 Himachal Pradesh 18 Jammu & Kashmir *19 Jharkhand 20 Karnataka 21 K.V.S. 22 Kerala *23 Madhya Pradesh 24 Maharashtra 25 Manipur 26 Meghalaya 27 Mizoram 28 Nagaland *29 N.V.S. *30 N. E. Railway 31 N. F.Railway *32 Northern Railway *33 North Central. Rly. *34 North Westn. Rly. 35 Odisha 36 Puducherry *37 Punjab 38 Rajasthan 39 Sikkim *40 S. C. Railway *41 S. W. Railway 42 S. E. Railway 43 S.E. Central Rly. 44 Southern Railway 45 Tamil Nadu 46 Telangana 47 Tripura 48 Uttar Pradesh *49 Uttarakhand *50 West Bengal *51 Western Railway *52 West Central Rly. 53 CTSA *54 Jamiat Youth Club TOTAL



536 8,976 1,103 190 6,936 527 840 18,600 307 737 935 404 1,272 323 2,347 2,61,444 178 352 160 81,938 53,621 4,885 8,928 1,40,708 1,326 193 264 62 1,906 810 328 205 233 4,838 312 13,040 1,32,648 232 196 394 312 1,344 825 17,328 408 41,208 252 2,781 225 215 1,920 8,20,052

591 40,928 4,370 4,307 31,584 946 4,000 34,200 597 2,025 1,393 716 2,155 23,350 21,760 3,35,843 18,014 3,804 6,400 2,18,361 75,168 50,334 79,488 5,56,401 2,379 10,284 1,906 1,582 18,206 3,025 1,327 1,732 505 793 37,507 1,280 27,310 6,50,944 2,314 1,559 552 958 2,888 1,448 2,01,401 6,176 324 1,42,192 29,280 5,484 924 884 132 20,672 26,92,703

NO. OF ROVERS 1,848 18 168 128 334 7,830 57 168 725 143 695 5 1,219 42,010 665 111 192 39,975 806 4,272 5,517 312 629 62 39 1,988 552 6,999 480 1,069 5,357 3,348 30,886 207 486 835 563 345 776 1,176 1,416 91 4,536 1,068 768 645 502 23,904 1,95,925



174 1,730 149 162 1,363 138 90 3,412 33 196 412 134 235 478 886 5,328 1,489 135 214 11,518 6,131 2,338 3,034 29,331 131 392 89 88 1,177 607 146 820 228 230 2,219 53 1,487 27,173 132 73 62 226 95 404 8,013 269 37 4,396 1,662 657 178 123 9 1,052 1,21,338

28 12 16 1 40 2 66 27 1 1 66 40 15 31 1 82 33 36 37 4 4 2 2 12 1 4 42 1 1 4 68 2 1 1 2 22 708

30 40 29 21 52 5 20 14 35 30 108 44 63 45 6 235 89 239 246 202 40 38 68 40 83 30 40 22 67 2 50 315 6 28 51 48 130 690 121 97 17 14 3 68 3,621

TOTAL 2020-2021 1,301 53,540 5,692 4,827 40,056 1,967 4,930 64,134 999 3,148 3,479 1,498 4,414 24,157 26,321 6,44,735 20,409 4,487 6,987 3,52,058 1,35,010 58,684 96,001 7,32,195 4,188 11,573 2,393 1,815 19,383 7,611 2,865 9,921 1,418 2,347 50,000 1,648 45,239 8,42,008 2,891 2,342 1,843 2,111 4,672 3,502 2,28,052 8,269 452 1,93,090 32,385 9,788 1,990 1,740 144 47,638 38,34,347

TOTAL 2019-2020 1,608 54,488 7,089 9,787 40,056 1,967 4,930 64,134 999 3,148 4,025 1,498 4,104 24,157 26,321 6,37,515 20,705 4,546 6,987 3,52,058 1,39,983 58,257 96,001 7,32,195 3,308 11,573 2,379 1,742 19,383 7,611 2,865 9,921 1,418 2,347 48,710 1,755 45,239 7,65,330 2,891 2,342 1,843 2,112 3,710 3,181 2,11,029 8,269 1,689 1,93,090 32,385 9,788 1,990 1,740 161 47,638 37,43,997

Increase/ Decrease (307) (948) (1,397) (4,960) (546) 310 7,220 (296) (59) (4,973) 427 880 14 73 1,290 (107) 76,678 (1) 962 321 17,023 (1,237) (17) 90,350

* 23 States have not submitted their Census Reports. Figures taken as per previous year Census. 64

Increase/ Decrease (%) (19.09) (1.74) (19.71) (50.68) (13.57) 7.55 1.13 (1.43) (1.30) (3.55) 0.73 26.60 0.59 4.19 2.65 (6.10) 10.02 (0.05) 25.93 10.09 8.07 (73.24) (10.56) 2.41

THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, NEW DELHI-110002. ANNUAL CENSUS FOR THE YEAR 2020 - 2021 (GUIDE WING) SL. NO. 1 2 3 4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9 10 11 *12 13 *14 *15 16 17 18 *19 20 21 22 *23 24 25 26 27 28 *29 *30 31 *32 *33 *34 35 36 *37 38 39 *40 *41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 *49 *50 *51 *52 53 *54


NO. OF Bulbuls

NO. OF Guides

Andaman & Nicobar Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Central Railway Chandigarh U.T. Chattisgarh Dadra Nagar Haveli Delhi Eastern Railway East Coast Railway East Central Railway Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka K.V.S. Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland N.V.S. N. E. Railway N.F.Railway Northern Railway North Central. Rly. North Westn. Rly. Odisha Puducherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim S.C. Railway S.W. Railway S. E. Railway S.E. Central Rly. Southern Railway Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Western Railway West Central Rly. CTSA Jamiat Youth Club TOTAL

610 3,888 1,117 393 5,568 370 840 18,000 357 874 557 364 1,011 362 2,501 1,57,744 130 320 160 64,711 47,721 6,704 3,840 1,26,608 700 822 348 29 1,189 418 338 126 102 7,610 192 2,616 50,051 270 201 261 201 958 718 16,752 144 6 39,720 264 3,787 144 190 1,152 5,74,059

730 21,600 4,510 2,140 11,040 674 4,000 33,600 539 1,827 656 654 1,293 23,262 14,331 1,75,361 14,623 4,408 4,000 1,60,536 55,111 64,319 31,776 4,97,971 1,055 13,172 2,221 1,505 18,335 2,636 1,056 1,212 195 222 16,911 864 5,952 1,81,184 2,515 1,541 384 645 2,441 966 1,35,324 7,520 156 1,15,152 11,616 6,759 424 700 125 1,728 16,63,477

NO. OF Rangers 864 18 129 96 184 7,830 57 113 221 82 294 4 327 9,718 709 92 192 25,231 238 1,920 5,298 170 568 124 63 934 328 2,634 191 330 4,547 288 21,209 219 106 118 380 429 280 1,188 408 16 4,440 672 141 180 320 96 93,996



110 873 80 138 581 93 90 3,200 37 192 207 94 122 322 656 5,744 1,318 152 139 8,784 4,674 2,683 1,233 24,241 93 570 130 90 1,024 334 94 495 90 66 1,600 35 310 9,185 137 52 39 104 95 279 5,630 258 14 3,323 590 482 62 88 17 4 81,053

28 5 5 1 30 1 45 10 37 40 5 16 82 17 36 33 5 2 1 6 2 24 1 4 1 40 3 1 1 1 483

20 5 29 21 27 3 22 6 24 17 65 46 51 43 5 110 71 228 108 151 23 38 68 30 52 20 13 16 73 2 15 108 5 16 24 31 130 610 108 66 6 7 3 2,516

1,450 27,273 5,735 2,800 17,319 1,343 4,930 62,687 993 3,029 1,647 1,263 2,747 23,950 17,880 3,48,650 16,831 5,055 4,501 2,59,388 1,07,577 74,254 38,894 6,54,305 2,041 15,203 2,896 1,719 19,359 5,145 1,916 4,693 602 736 30,747 1,093 9,183 2,61,761 3,146 1,916 802 1,355 3,923 2,274 1,59,028 8,331 192 1,63,285 13,253 11,236 817 1,306 145 2,980 24,15,584

TOTAL 2019-2020 1,411 26,818 7,288 6,824 17,319 1,343 4,930 62,687 993 3,029 2,167 1,263 2,555 23,950 17,880 3,44,728 18,914 5,284 4,501 2,59,388 1,09,388 72,641 38,894 6,54,305 1,929 15,203 2,875 1,603 19,359 5,145 1,916 4,693 602 736 29,900 1,018 9,183 2,27,549 3,146 1,916 802 1,356 2,305 2,038 1,26,204 8,331 1,180 1,63,285 13,253 11,236 817 1,306 166 2,980 23,50,532

Increase/ Decrease 39 455 (1,553) (4,024) (520) 192 3,922 (2,083) (229) (1,811) 1,613 112 21 116 847 75 34,212 (1) 1,618 236 32,824 (988) (21) 65,052

* 23 States have not submitted their Census Reports. Figures taken as per previous year Census. 65

Increase/ Decrease (%) 2.76 1.70 (21.31) (58.97) (24.00) 7.51 1.14 (11.01) (4.33) (1.66) 2.22 5.81 0.73 7.24 2.83 7.37 15.04 (0.07) 70.20 11.58 26.01 (83.73) (12.65) 2.77


Shri V. R. Ghanathey, Former Joint Director Bharat Scouts and Guides National Headquarter, New Delhi. 2. Shri G. Ranga Rao, Former Director, Bharat Scouts & Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi. 3. Shri Bishnu Charan Das, Hon’ble MLA, former Minister & President of Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 4. Smt. Susheela Changappa, Leader Trainer (Guide) of Karnataka State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 5. Shri Prakash Desoriya, State Organising Commissioner (Scout) of Madhya Pradesh State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 6. Dr. S. Namasivayam, District Chief Commissioner of Maharishi District Tamilnadu State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 7. Smt. N.K. Chaya, Leader Trainer & Assistant State Commissioner (Guide) of Karnataka State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 8. Shri Antim Das (Rover) of Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 9. Shri D. K. Jain, Former Deputy Director (Project) of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi. 10. Ms. Debahuti Das, Assistant Leader Trainer (Guide) of Odisha State Bharat Scouts & Guides. 11. Smt. Fathima M. Annigeri, Guide Captain, Gadag District of Karnataka State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 12. Shri Ramesh Kumar, Leader Trainer (Scout) and Former DOC (Scout), Rohtak District of Haryana State Bharat Scouts and Guides.



H.E. The President of India.


H.E. The Vice-President of India.


H.E. The Prime Minister of India.


Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.


Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India.


Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.


Ministry of Railways, Government of India.


Hon’ble Chief Ministers of All the States.


All State Governments and State Associations for their continued co-operation.

10. World Scout Bureau, World Organisation of Scout Movement (WOSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 11. World Bureau, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), London, UK. 12. Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, Mr. S. Prassanna Shrivastava, Mr. Goran Gjorgjiev and Mr. Param Palani, WOSM for their support for Membership Growth. 13. Ms. Sarah Nancollas ,CEO, Ms. Ana Maria Mideros, Chair, World Board and all WAGGGS team 14. Regional Director, WOSM, Asia Pacic Regional Support Centre. 15. Regional Director, WAGGGS, Asia Pacic Region. 16. SANGAM, World Centre, Pune. 17. World Scout Foundation, Geneva. 18. Consulate General and Embassies of different Countries. 19. Press, Radio and Doordarshan and Electronic Media. 20. Commissioner of Police, New Delhi. 21. Members of Bharat Scouts and Guides Foundation. 22. Youth Hostels Association of India. 23. Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan. 24. All the Advisors and Consultants. 25. Tea Board of India. 26. Donors and well-wishers of the Movement.



LAKSHMI MAZUMDAR BHAWAN, 16, MAHATMA GANDHI MARG I. P. ESTATE, NEW DELHI - 110002 Phones : +91-11-23378667, 23378702, Email :, Website :

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbMl fotu LVsVesaV o"kZ 2024 rd] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l fo”o Lrj ij l{ke yhMlZ }kjk çHkkoh lapkj ,oa çkSn~;ksfxdh ds dq”ky mi;ksx vkSj çcU/ku ds ek/;e ls ;qokvkas dks ewY;k/kkfjr] vkd"kZd vkSj pqukSrhiw.kZ ;qok dk;ZØe çnku djus okyk] fujUrj c<+rk gqvk vkRefuHkZj çhfe;e ;qok laxBu gksxk tks fd ySafxd lUrqyu] thoar vkSj :>kuksa ds çfr mÙkjnk;h gksxkA

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vkiwfrZ lsok foHkkx



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x.kuk 2020&21






gekjk lknj vkHkkj





gekjs vf/kdre ç;klksa ds i”pkr Hkh ;fn fgUnh “kCnksa esa ;k fdlh uke esa dksbZ =`fV jg x;h gks rks d`i;k gekjh dksf”k”k dks ns[krs gq, ut+j vUnkt fd;s tkus dh vis{kk ds fy;s çkFkZuk djrs gSaA

çLrqfrdj.k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh jk’Vªh; dk; lfefr dks o’kZ 2020&2021 dh miyfC/k;ksa dks çLrqr djrs gq, g’kZ dk vuqHko gks jgk gSA çfrosnu o’kZ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fy, ;g ,d ,sfrgkfld o’kZ gSA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds dkj.k] laxBu ds ;qok lnL;ksa ds fy, vf/kdka'k xfrfof/k;k¡ vkSj dk;ZØe fMftVy :i ls vk;ksftr fd, x,A o;Ld yhMj çf'k{k.k ,d vkHkklh eap ij ,oa xfrfof/k iSd ds ek/;e ls lQyrkiwoZd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftldks leLr ns'k ds lkFk&lkFk World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts ,oa World Organization of Scout Movement }kjk ljkgk x;kA tc Hkkjr ds ekuuh; ç/kkuea=h us dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds dkj.k iwjs ns'k esa rkykcanh dh ?kks’k.kk dh] ifj;kstuk ladYi laxBu ds fy, gok ds ,d >ksads dh rjg ls vkbZA rRi'pkr Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us mM+ku] IykfLVd VkbM VuZj] fQV bafM;k fgV bafM;k] gekjk lafo/kku gekjh igpku vkfn tSlh xfrfof/k iSd ds ek/;e ls dqN ifj;kstuk,a “kq: dhA MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh ,d igy ^^n fcfxulZ dkslZ dks vkWuykbu ,oa vkWQykbu çkjEHk fd;k x;kA çf'k{kdksa ds fy, vkWuykbu iqufoZU;kl ikB~;Øe ,oa nksuksa foHkkxksa ds** fy, vkWuykbu çh&,,yVh ikB~;Øe dks igyh ckj fMtkbu dj lapkfyr fd;k x;kA egkekjh ds nkSjku bu vkWuykbu ikB~;Øeksa ls vPNh la[;k esa çf'k{kd vkSj ;wfuV yhMlZ ykHkkfUor gq,A jastfjax ds 100 o’kZ&lekiu lekjksg iwjs ns'k esa euk;k x;kA fganh esa gekjk viuk oyZ~M xkbM l‚Ux Hkh gSA lkIrkfgd fjikVZ ,oa Hkfo’; dh xfrfof/k;ksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh çnku djus ds fy,] laxBu us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ;wV;wc IysVQkeZ ij vaxzsth ,oa fgUnh esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l U;wt pSuy “kq: fd;kA Hkkjr ljdkj dh ^^fQV bafM;k^^ igy dks leFkZu çnku djus rFkk gekjs laxBu ds lnL;ksa ,oa lekt esa vPNs LokLF; gsrq ;ksxk fon ch,lth ,oa ekbaM fte uked fu;fer dk;ZØeksa dk ch,lth ;wV;wc pSuy ij Øe'k% çR;sd lkseokj ls 'kfuokj çkr% 7%00 cts o çR;sd jfookj jkf= 9%00 cts lh/kk çlkj.k fd;k tkrk gSA fo'o LdkmV C;wjks] ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks= }kjk gekjs eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky dks ,ihvkj pS;jeSu iqjLdkj ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gS] tcfd MkW- lkbjl ch- okfM;k] yhMj Vªsuj ¼LdkmV~l½ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l egkjk’Vª jkT; dks o’kZ 2020 gsrq ,f'k;k iz'kkar {ks=h; fof'k’V lsok iqjLdkj ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSA ;g ge lHkh ds fy, xoZ dk {k.k gS fd fel- lksuk[kh eYyk] vksfM'kk jkT; dh jsatj dks muds leiZ.k ,oa dfBu ifjJe ds fy, oSXl dk ^vksyso vokMZ^ feykA oSXl }kjk fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa dbZ Lo;alsodksa ,oa o;Ld usrkvksa dks Hkh lEekfur fd;k x;kA fnYyh iqfyl }kjk vius 73osa fnYyh iqfyl LFkkiuk fnol lekjksg esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks çFke ckj vkeaf=r fd;k x;k tks ge lHkh ds fy, ,d ,sfrgkfld ,oa ;knxkj {k.k gSA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbMl }kjk ch,lth lnL;rk o`f) ij lapkfyr ifj;kstuk,a okste ds lkFk y{; 4-5 fefy;u LdkmV~l] oSXl ds lkFk Her World Her Voice] gfj;k.kk ,oa mÙkj çns'k esa dkS'ky fodkl ij MhMh;wthdsokbZ ifj;kstuk] ,u,lMhlh ds lkFk dkS'ky fodkl ij ih,edsohokbZ] Ýh chbax eh] ,pih&oYMZ vkWu OghYl] fVdV Vw ykbQ vkfn us laxBu dks vkfFkZd :i ls leFkZu fn;kA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds bfrgkl esa çFke ckj] jk’Vªh; ;qok lfefr lfØ; gqbZ ,oa egkekjh ds nkSjku dbZ vkHkklh dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu fd;kA ge vius LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ] ;wfuV yhMlZ] Lo;alsodksa vkSj o`fÙkd yhMlZ }kjk dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku leqnk; ds lkFk&lkFk ftyk ,oa LFkkuh; ç'kklu dh lsok esa lefiZr vkSj çfrc) mudh lsokvkas dh ljkguk djrs gSaA vkUnksyu ds lHkh fgr/kkjdksa dh ljkguh; lsokvksa ds dkj.k] gekjs laxBu dks LFkkuh; ç'kklu@jkT;@dsUnz ljdkj ds lkFk&lkFk okste ,oa oSXl }kjk ljkgk x;k gSA ge lHkh jkT; la?kksa dks laxBu dh csgrj n`';rk ykus esa muds vFkd ç;klksa ds fy, /kU;okn nsrs gSaA 1I

vUrjkZ"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ ,f'k;k&ç'kkUr {ks=h; f'k{kk eap Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us fo”o LdkmV C;wjks@,f”k;k ç”kkUr {ks= }kjk ^^f”k{kk eap^^ ij vk;ksftr 5 fnolh; vkHkklh dk;Z”kkyk esa çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA 12 fnlEcj dks Qksje ds lekiu lekjksg ds nkSjku Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks ohfM;ks çLrqfr ds ek/;e ls ,u,lvks esa ;qok dk;ZØe ,oa fo”o LdkmV dk;ZØe ds dk;kZUo;u ij 10 feuV dh loksZÙke çFkkvksa dks çLrqr djus dk volj feyk] ftlesa “kh’kZ fo”o usrk mifLFkr Fks vkSj mUgksaus laxBu ds ç;klksa dh ljkguk dhA

dksfoM&19 ds nkSjku lnL;rk çfr/kkj.k fo'o LdkmV laxBu ¼okSte½ }kjk ^^dksfoM&19 ds nkSjku lnL;rk çfr/kkj.k^^ ij vk;ksftr 3 fnolh; vkHkklh osfcukj esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks 17 fnlEcj dks lekiu lekjksg ds nkSjku ikoj IokbaV çstsaVs”ku ds ek/;e ls ,u,lvks esa dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku lnL;rk çfr/kkj.k j.kuhfr ij viuh 10 feuV dh loksZÙke çFkkvksa dks çLrqr djus dk volj feykA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh çLrqfr nsus ds fy, iSuy esa “kkfey fd;k x;kA fo”o LdkmfVax ds dbZ usrk Hkh mifLFkr Fks vkSj mUgksaus laxBu ds ç;klksa dh ljkguk dhA

fo'o LdkmV vdkneh Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds çfrfuf/k;ksa us Jh ts-lh- egkfUr] vUrjkZ’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV~l½ ds usr`Ro esa ^^fo”o LdkmV vdkneh^^ ij 100 fnolh; oscukj ds mn~?kkVu ,oa lekiu lekjksg esa Hkkx fy;kA fo”o LdkmV vdkneh dh vkWuykbu igy us O;kid nk;js dk fMftVy eap çnku fd;k gS ,oa lh[kus ds voljksa dh ,d J`a[kyk dks c<+kok fn;k gS rFkk ,u,lvks dks çklafxd LdkmfVax Kku ,oa dkS”ky çnku fd;k gS rkfd laxBu dk lQyrkiwoZd usr`Ro fd;k tk lds vkSj dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds dkj.k ubZ lkekftd okLrfodrkvksa esa LdkmfVax dh lqfo/kk fey ldsA

fçis;MZ Vw yuZ fçis;MZ Vw yhM dk;Z’kkyk fçis;MZ Vw yuZ fçis;MZ Vw yhM dk;Z”kkyk jk’Vªh; eq[;ky;] ubZ fnYyh esa fnuk¡d 19 ls 22 ekpZ] 2021 rd vk;ksftr dh x;h ftlesa 21 jkT; la?kksa ds 39 çfrHkkfx;ksa ,oa Hkkjr ds fofHkUu jkT;ksa ds 20 QSflfyVsVj ,oa LVkWQ lnL;ksa us iwjs tks”k ,oa mRlkg ds lkFk Hkkx fy;kA MkW- oh- fot;ky{eh] jk’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] mn~?kkVu lekjksg dh eq[; vfrfFk FkhaA ;g dk;Z'kkyk jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; dh ns[k js[k esa lqJh /kjf”kuh eqxque] yhM QSflfyVsVj] oSXl] lqJh vfUuuk dsuw ,oa lqJh dksysV LVksu] fe”ku Vhe ds fy, oSXl es Lo;alsoh] lqJh ukfn;k bZ,e LdhVs] oSXl esa Lo;alsoh if”peh gSEi”kk;j esa usr`Ro vH;kl ,oa lykgdkj] {ks=h; çf”k{k.k lykgdkj vkSj Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LVkQ dh enn ls lQyrkiwoZd lEiUu gqbZA


vUrjkZ"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ vksyso vokMZ 2020 vksyso vokMZ oYMZ phQ xkbM] ysMh vksyso cSMsu&i‚osy dh Le`fr dks lEekfur djus vkSj lsok dh Hkkouk esa muds fo”okl dks thfor j[kus ds fy, ,d varjjk"Vªh; iqjLdkj gSA ;g WAGGGS }kjk gj fo”o lEesyu esa xyZ xkbM vkSj xyZ LdkmV lewgksa dks lEekfur fd;k tkrk gS ftUgksaus vius leqnk; esa ldkjkRed cnyko yk;k gSA çR;sd =SokÆ"kd esa ,d Fkhe gksrh gS vkSj lnL; laxBuksa dks LFkkuh; ifj;kstukvksa dks ukekafdr djus ds fy, vkeaf=r fd;k tkrk gS ftUgksaus bl fo"k; esa ;ksxnku fn;k gSA vksyso vokM~lZ mR—"V tehuh@LFkkuh; ifj;kstukvksa dks mtkxj djus vkSj lnL; laxBuksa dks ,d&nwljs dh dgkfu;ksa ls çsfjr vkSj çsfjr gksus dk volj çnku djrs gSaA vksfM'kk jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l dh lksuk[kh eYyk dks ^^ekfld èkeZ LoPNrk** ij muds mR—"V dk;Z ds fy, o"kZ 2020 ds fy, vksyso vokMZ ls lEekfur fd;k x;kA


jk"Vªh; Lrj dh cSBd jkT; lfpoksa dk vkHkklh lEesyu jkT; lfpoksa dk vkHkklh lEesyu fnuk¡d 12 ebZ] 2020 dks MkW- ts-lh- egkfUr] vUrjkZ’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ dh v/;{krk esa lEiUu gqvkA cSBd esa dqy 44 jkT; lfpoksa us Hkkx fy;kA MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr ,oa MkW- ,p-ih- {ks=h] eq[; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ Hkh lEesyu esa mifLFkr jgs vkSj ekxZn”kZu fd;kA dksfoM+&19 dh fLFkfr ij foLrkj ls ppkZ dh xbZ vkSj ;qokvksa ds çfr/kkj.k dk fo”ys’k.k fd;k x;kA

jk"Vªh; ;kstuk lfefr dh vkHkklh cSBd jk’Vªh; ;kstuk lfefr dh vkHkklh cSBd MkW- ds- ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr dh v/;{krk esa fnuk¡d 30 vçSy] 2020 dks vk;ksftr gqbZA cSBd esa dqy 41 jkT; eq[; vk;qDrksa ,oa jkT; vk;qDrksa us Hkkx fy;kA cSBd ds nkSjku ds;j ,aM “ks;j] ekLd cSad] 2020&2021 ds dk;ZØeksa dh çLrkfor vuqlwph ,oa fcfxulZ dkslZ dks çkjEHk djus ij ppkZ dh xbZA

jkT; lfpoksa dh vkHkklh cSBd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds jkT; lfpoksa dh f}rh; vkHkklh cSBd MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr dh v/;{krk esa twe osfcukj ds ek/;e ls fnuk¡d 07 tqykbZ] 2020 dks vkWuykbu vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa 30 jkT;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA ;qok ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds iksVZy esa iathdj.k] jk’Vªifr LdkmV@xkbM@jksoj@jsatj iqjLdkj ijh{kk vk;ksftr djus ds fy, rhljs i{k dh ,tsalh ds fy, ;qok ekeys ,oa [ksy ea=ky; ds funsZ”kksa ds laca/k esa v|ru vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jk’Vªifr LdkmV@ xkbM@jksoj @ jsatj çek.k i= ijh{kk] vksokbZ,e,l iathdj.k ds laca/k esa v|ru] foÙkh; cdk;k&vkbZvkj,Q] >aMk fnol ,oa vkiwfrZ lsok foHkkx ds laca/k esa ubZ ;kstuk rS;kj djuk] vkWuykbu fcfxulZ dkslZ] vkWuykbu vkjvksVh dkslZ ¼xkbM foax½] ,,yVh@,yVh dkslZ] csfld ,oa ,Mokal dkslZ] ;ksxk] Ýh chbax eh] IykfLVd VkbM VuZj] ;w &fjiksVZ] csVj oYMZ Ýse odZ ,oa E;wftdy gaxkek vkfn twe osfcukj ,oa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ;wV;wc pSuy] çf”k{k.k ,oa ijh{k.k¼lksiku okj½ ij foLrkj ls ppkZ dh xbZA

jk"Vªh; ifj"kn dh cSBd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh jk’Vªh; ifj’kn dh lÙkjoha vkHkklh lkekU; okf’kZd vke cSBd laLFkk ds v/;{k ekuuh; MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu dh v/;{krk esa fnuk¡d 29 uoEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr gqbZ] ftlesa fu;eksa esa çLrkfor la”kks/ku lnu ds le{k fof/kor j[ks x, ,oa iquZ fopkj foe”kZ fd;k x;kA ekewyh la”kks/kuksa dks Hkh loZlEefr ls vuqeksfnr fd;k x;kA fel- bckdksMksZj ykcw] es?kky; jkT; dh jsatj }kjk jsatj dh onhZ esa çLrkfor cnyko dks ikoj IokbaV çstsaVs”ku ds ek/;e ls çLrqr fd;kA o’kZ 2019&2020 dh jk’Vªh; Lrj dh fofHkUu çfr;ksfxrkvksa ds iqjLdkjksa vFkkZr eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr “khYM] y{eh etwenkj iqjLdkj ,oa tux.kuk es la[;kRed o`f) ds fy, iqjLdkj ?kksf’kr fd, x,A cSBd ds nkSjku Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh fnlEcj] 2019 ls uoEcj] 2020 rd dh miyfC/k;k¡ Hkh çLrqr dh xbZA MkW- ds-ih- feJk] mik/;{k] Jh ih-thvkj- flaf/k;k] egklfpo] çslhMsaV&bu&dkmafly ,oa ekuuh; eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr us dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds 3

jk"Vªh; Lrj dh cSBd nkSjku lnL;ksa dks O;Lr j[kus dh fn”kk esa fofHkUu vkHkklh xfrfof/k;ksa ds vk;kstu esa jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; ds deZpkfj;ksa }kjk fd, x, ç;klksa dh ljkguk dhA

vkHkklh jk"Vªh; dk; lfefr Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh jk’Vªh; dk;Zdkjh lfefr dh vkHkklh cSBdas MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls¼lsfu-½] eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh v/;{krk esa fnuk¡d 11 twu o 14 flrEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr gqbZA ekuuh; eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr us o’kZ 2016&17 ds jk’Vªifr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ çek.k i= ds yafcr ekeyksa ds lEcU/k esa ;qok dk;Z ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds lkFk gqbZ çxfr ds ckjs esa lnu dks voxr djk;kA mUgksaus jk’Vªifr çek.k i= çdj.k ,oa ns”k esa dk;Zjr dbZ LdkmV laxBuksa ds lEcU/k esa ekuuh; [ksy ,oa ;qok dk;Z ea=h Hkkjr ljdkj ds lkFk gqbZ viuh cSBd ds ckjs eas Hkh lnu dks voxr djk;kA lnu us jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; ds vkiwfrZ lsok foHkkx dks etcwr djus] lsall vk/kkfjr iqjLdkj esa la”kks/ku] Hkkjr ljdkj dh py jgh lh,lvkj ifj;kstuk] ,uihlhlh fuekZ.k ekeys] tyteko vkfn ds dkj.k jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; dh lEifÙk dk uqdlku ftys dh lsall ,oa ftyk la?k dk xBu vkfn ds ckjs esa ppkZ dhA

jk"Vªh; dk;ZØe lfefr ;qok dk;ZØe] oSdfYid ikBîØe] uà f'k{kk uhfr] cky laj{k.k uhfr vkSj jk"Vªifr iqjLdkj vkfn ij ppkZ ds fy, 16 flracj] 2020 vkSj 16 ekpZ] 2021 dks jk"Vªh; dk;ZØe lfefr dh vkHkklh cSBdsa vk;ksftr dh xb±A

jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k lfefr çf'k{k.k ikBîØe] v‚uykbu ikBîØe] vkjvksVh vkSj çh ,,yVh ikBîØe] ;qok dk;ZØe] oSdfYid ikBîØe vkfn ij ppkZ djus ds fy, 17 flracj] 2020 vkSj 17 ekpZ] 2021 dks jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k lfefr dh vkHkklh cSBdsa vk;ksftr dh xb±A

jk"Vªh; ;qok lfefr dh opqZvy cSBd Hkkjr LdkmV~l vkSj xkbM~l dh jk"Vªh; ;qok lfefr dh opqZvy cSBd 12@01@2021 dks 51 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk vk;ksftr dh xà FkhA bl volj ij Lokeh foosdkuan dh 158oÈ t;arh Hkh eukà xÃA ;qok bl jk"Vª ds LraHk gSa vkSj bl ih<+h ds Hkfo"; gSaA cSBd ds nkSjku ,tsaMk okj ppkZ gqÃA Hkkjr LdkmV vkSj xkbM dh jk"Vªh; ;qok lfefr dh ,d vkSj vkHkklh cSBd 14 Qjojh] 2021 dks vk;ksftr dh xà ftlesa 22 çfrHkkfx;ksa us cSBd esa Hkkx fy;kA ;qok lfefr us ns'k ds ;qokvksa ls lacafèkr egRoiw.kZ eqíksa ij ppkZ dh tSls ;w&fjiksVZ ij viMsV] lnL;rk o`f)] ;wfulsQ ds lkFk ch,l ,aM th lk>snkjh] opqZvy bosaV vk;ksftr djus dh ;kstuk vkfnA 4

jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ vkHkklh osfcukj&dfj;j ijke”kZ jk’Vªh; ;qok fnol eukus gsrq jk’Vªh; Lrj dk vkHkklh osfcukj ^^dfj;j ijke”kZ^^ twe osfcukj ds ek/;e ls fnuk¡d 10 tuojh] 2021 dks vk;ksftr fd;kA Jherh xhrk uVjkt] jk’Vªh; mik/;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa jkT; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½ ch,lth] dukZVd us vius çsjd “kCnksa ds lkFk dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA duZy xqjçhr flag] lsuk esMy QkWj czsojh bu dkjfxy ;q)] 1999] Jh “k”khdqekj ch-,u-] yksd ç”kklu] egkjktk dkWyst] eSlwj fo”ofo|ky;] Jh vfuy dqekj] vijk/k foKku ladk;] egkjktk dkWyst ,oa Jh ;”kjkt Hkkj)kt] lg&laLFkkid] tsfuFk okbilZ xzqi }kjk dfj;j dkmalfyax ij l= fy;s x;sA xzks ;wvj foaxl 19 flracj ls 23 flracj 2020 rd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk vk;ksftr jk"Vªh; dk;ZØe Þxzks ;wvj foaxlÞ jsatlZ vkSj jsatj usrkvksa ds fy, lEesyuA 33 jkT; la?kksa ds 60 çfrfufèk;ksa vkSj lEesyu esa Hkkx fy;kA lEesyu dk mn~?kkVu lqJh :Çinj cjkM+] vkÃvkj,l vfrfjä egkfuns'kd] i;ZVu ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk fd;k x;kA Hkkjr ds vkSj eq[; vk;qä ¼xkbM½ varjkZ"Vªh; vk;qä xkbM Jherh , Losj] mikè;{k] Jherh xhrk uVjkt mikè;{k vkSj vU; vfèkdkfj;ksa dh mifLFkfr ds lkFkA jk"Vªh; efgyk vk;ksx dh lnL; Jherh lq"kek lkgw }kjk ,d çsjd Hkk"k.k fn;k x;kA

opqZvy us'kuy ;wFk Qksje Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l] jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; us igyh ckj 8 ls 10 vçSy] 2020 rd opqZvy us'kuy ;wFk Qksej dk vk;kstu fd;k Fkk] ftlesa iwjs ns'k ls 3000 jksolZ vkSj jsatlZ us v‚uykbu iathdj.k fd;k FkkA eap dk mn~?kkVu lekjksg 8 vçSy dh lqcg vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA lrr fodkl y{; ¼,lMhth½] Ã&fjiksVZ] i;kZoj.k f'k{kk] dksfoM&19 jksdFkke dh f'k{kk] LdkmV~l v‚Q n oYMZ vokMZ] ikaMk cSt] VkbM&Vîwuj pSysat cSt tSls fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ij ppkZ dh xÃA LdkmV ewoesaV ds foÜo laxBu ¼MCY;wvks,l,e½ ds egklfpo Jh vgen vygsankoh vkSj MCY;w,ththth,l dh ps;j oYMZ cksMZ lqJh ,uk ekfj;k feMjksl xkfM;k us lekiu lekjksg esa ;qokvksa dks lacksfèkr fd;k vkSj v‚uykbu eap ds fopkj dh ljkguk dhA Jh ,l çlUuk JhokLro] funs'kd] laxBukRed fodkl vkSj MoP WOSM@,f'k;k&ç'kkar {ks= us Hkh eap ds ;qokvksa dks vk'khokZn fn;kA Jh eèkqlwnu voyk] mi- LdkmV~l ds varjkZ"Vªh; vk;qä us vU; ;qokvksa vkSj mi ds lkFk eap dk leUo; fd;kA

;qok lIrkg lekjksg Lokeh foosdkuUn dh 158oha t;arh ds volj ij] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us fnuk¡d 9 ls 11 tuojh] 2021 rd ;qok lIrkg euk;kA VkbM VuZlZ IykfLVd pSyast] dfj;j dkmalfyax] ekWd ikfyZ;kesaV ij rhu fnolh; osfcukj dk vk;kstu dj bl fnu dks euk;k x;kA jk’Vªh; Lrj ij ,d vkHkklh osfcukj ^^VkbM VuZlZ IykfLVd pSysat^^ twe osfcukj ds ek/;e ls fnuk¡d 9 tuojh] 2021 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA MkW-


jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ dkyh çlkn feJk] jk’Vªh; mik/;{k ,oa jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] us vksfM”kk jkT; vfrfFk ds :i esa vkHkklh lekjksg dh “kksHkk c<+kbZ ,oa çfrHkkfx;ksa dks vk”khokZn fn;kA Jh “kueqxu oh-] fjlpZ LdkWyj vkbZvkbZVh us IykfLVd VkbM VuZlZ ij l= dk usr`Ro fd;k] ftlesa VkbM VuZj ds dk;ZØe ds ckjs esa O;k[;k nhA ^^¶yS”k ekWc Mkal] ekWd ikfyZ;keasV ,oa fMDyses”ku^^ ij ,d vU; jk’Vªh; Lrj dk vkHkklh osfcukj fnuk¡d 11 tuojh] 2021 rd jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk twe ds ek/;e ls vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA osfcukj ds nkSjku ¶yS”k ekWc Mkal] ekWd ikfyZ;kesaV ,oa fMDyses”ku fn[kk;k x;k] ftls Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds ;qok lnL;ksa }kjk çLrqr fd;k x;kA jk’Vªh; ;qok fnol dks fMftVy :i ls HkO; rjhds ls fnuk¡d 12 tuojh] 2021 dks euk;kA bl fnu dks eukus ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh jk’Vªh; ;qok lfefr dh cSBd Hkh vk;ksftr dh xbZA

loZ /keZ çkFkZuk Hkkjr ds iwoZ jk’Vªifr ¼LoxhZ;½ Jh ç.kc eq[kthZ dks J)katfy nsus ds lkFk&lkFk gesa dksfoM+ ladV dh vof/k ds nkSjku NksM+dj pys x, ns”k ds ekuuh; usrkvksa ,oa vkUnksyu ds lHkh lnL;ksa dks J)ktfy nsus ds fy, iwjs ns”k esa 13 flrEcj] 2020 dks loZ/keZ çkFkZuk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ;wfuV@LFkkuh;@ftyk Lrj dh çkFkZuk lHkk esa yxHkx 3-5 yk[k lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA

ÇlÇxx fQ,LVk& ¼vkHkklh jk"Vªh; Lrj dh xk;u çfr;ksfxrk½ ÇlÇxx fQ,LVk 30 o"kZ ls de vk;q oxZ ds LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ds fy, ,d opqZvy us'kuy ÇlÇxx çfr;ksfxrk ftlesa 65 us Qkbuy jkmaM esa Hkkx fy;k vkSj fuEu fyf[kr dks fot;h ?kksf"kr fd;k x;k%& çFke LFkku & eSukjko jktLFkku nwljk LFkku & Mkbt+sygkSlksFkw ukxkySaM r`rh; LFkku & fufdrk pkSèkjh dsUæh; fo|ky; laxBu jkT; rhljk LFkku & vey çdk'k ds dsjy

vkJ; x`g lsok jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; us 20 vçSy ls 31 eÃ] 2020 rd fnYyh esa fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij 13 vkJ; x`gksa dks xksn fy;k] ftlesa 100 ls vfèkd Lo;alsodksa us viuh lsok,a nÈA ,u,pD;w ds vf/kdkfj;ksa vkSj deZpkfj;ksa us dksfoM ;ks)kvksa ds :i esa leiZ.k fd;k vkSj fnYyh jkT; ds Lo;alsodksa ds lkFk 'ksYVj gkse esa viuh fof'k"V lsok,a çnku dÈA MCY;wvks,l,e us 'ksYVj gkse lsok,a 'kq: djus ds fy, foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku dhA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l }kjk fd xbZ lsokvksa dks fnYyh iqfyl }kjk izla'kk fd xbZAA


jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ ge fdlh ls de ugha vkHkklh jk"Vªh; xk;u çfr;ksfxrk Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk ge fdlh ls de ugha vkHkklh jk’Vªh; xk;u çfr;ksfxrk fnuk¡d 5 ls 9 tqykbZ] 2020 rd vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa lHkh Ng {ks=ksa ds 38 jkT; la?kksa ds 306 çfrHkkfx;kas us Hkkx fy;kA Jh dqekj “kkuw] çeq[k ckWyhoqM Hkkjrh; ik”oZ xk;d] xzSaM fQukys çfr;ksfxrk ds eq[; fu.kkZ;d FksA ekuuh; Jh eukst frokjh] lkaln ¼yksdlHkk½ mÙkj iwohZ fnYyh ,oa ekuuh; Jh ckcqy lqfç;ks] laln lnL; ¼yksdlHkk½] laxhr funs”kd dk;ZØe ds vfrfFk FksA dukZVd jkT; dh Jherh eFkqjk nhf{kr xzSaM fQukys dh fotsrk ds :i esa mHkjha] mÙkj iwoZ lhekUr jsyos dh Jherh lhek Fkkik] çFke fotsrk ,oa e/; çns”k ds Jh banziky flag f}rh; mifotsrk jgsA

laxhr gaxkek vkHkklh jk"Vªh; laxhr ok|;a= çfr;ksfxrk jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk laxhr gaxkek vkHkklh jk’Vªh; laxhr ok|;a= çfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fnuk¡d 24 tqykbZ ls 30 vxLr] 2020 rd fd;k x;kA Jh iqyd cuthZ] ckWyhoqM fQYe m|ksx ds ,d cgqr çfl) psgjs ,oa vle fQYe m|ksx ds xk;d dks eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa Hkkx fy;kA DokZVj Qkbuy ds ckn 90 çfrHkkfx;ksa esa ls] 16 jkT; la?kksa ds 31 çfrHkkxh lHkh {ks=ksa ls lsehQkbuy jkmaM ds fy, pqus x;sA dk;ZØe Fkhe ^^esjk ns”k esjk oru^^ FkhA fcgkj dh yksd xkf;dk Jherh uhrw dqekjh uoxhr ,oa Hkkjrh; rVj{kd cy ds lgk;d dekaMsaV Jh fo”kky dqekj] fof”k’V vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA Jh jfo fd”ku] lkaln ¼yksdlHkk½ eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA og gkWyhoqM ,oa VkWyhoqM fQYeksa ,oa Vhoh “kks ds fuekZrk Hkh gSaA Jh foey dqekj eh.kk] vfrfjDr vk;dj vk;qDr] fQYe jsat] eqcabZ xzSaM fQukys ds nkSjku fof”k’V vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA xzSaM fQukys ds nkSjku] fo”o xkbM xhr dks fgUnh esa lqJh gsbMh] ps;jilZu oSXl fo”o cksMZ ,oa lqJh czksfou g;wtsl] ps;jilZu] ,f”k;k iSflfQd desVh] oSXl dh mifLFkfr esa fjyht fd;k x;kA 7

jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ Q‚j gj oYMZ&V‚d 'kks J`a[kyk fnuk¡d 22 flrEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr dhA Jherh xhrk uVjkt] mik/;{k] ch,lth] MkW- ohfot;y{eh] jk’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] ,oa lqJh Msykyh eksVVhZ] oSf”od dk;ZØe çca/kd] oSXl vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FkhaA fofHkUu jkT;ksa ds fo”ks’kKksa }kjk ,D”ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ¼,chlh½ ,oa Ýh chbax eh ls lEcfU/kr fofHkUu l= vk;ksftr fd, x,A

Q‚j gj oYMZ WAGGGS igy dk ,d lwpukRed V‚d 'kks gSA ;g dk;ZØe flracj ds eghus esa jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk 'kq: fd;k x;k vkSj fnlacj rd tkjh jgk ftlesa lHkh WAGGGS odkyr ifj;kstukvksa dks 'kkfey fd;k x;kA

LVkWi n ok;ysal&VkWd 'kks ¼QkWj gj oYMZ½ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk LVkWi n ok;ysal&VkWd “kks ¼QkWj gj oYMZ½ osfcukj fnuk¡d 15 flracj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA Jherh xhrk uVjkt] mik/;{k] ch,lth ,oa jkT; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] osfcukj dh vfrfFk FkhA Jherh dfork dYodqaryk] ekuuh; lnL;] fo/kku ifj’kn futkekckn] ,oa jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] rsyaxkuk ,oa lqJh jft;k csxe] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; vk;qDr ¼tulEidZ½] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] us çfrHkkfx;ksa dks vk”khokZn fn;kA lqJh peF;k QukZaMks] ,lVhoh Xykscy QSflyVsVj ,oa orZeku esa ;w,u ohesu }kjk LFkkfir tujs”ku bDdsfyVh Xykscy ;wFk VkLd QkslZ dh lnL; vkSj oYMZ ,lksfl,”ku vkWQ xyZ xkbM~l ,oa xyZ LdkmV~l ¼oSXl½] dh Xykscy dk;ZØe eSustj lqJh usQsyh Fksesyh esa ok;l vxsaLV ok;ysal ikB~;Øe la;qDr jk’Vª efgyk bR;kfn lw=/kkj FksA

Ýh chbax eh ij&QkWj gj oYMZ VkWd 'kks Ýh chbax eh&QkWj gj oYMZ ij ,d VkWd “kks Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; esa fnuk¡d 15 flrEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;kA Jherh foeyk es?koky] mik/;{k] ch,lth eq[; vfrfFk ,oa lqJh vesfy;k Losj] vUrjkZ’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] fof”k’V vfrfFk FkhA lHkh LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us ç”uksÙkj l= esa lfØ; :i ls Hkkx fy;kA l= esa yxHkx 120 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA lqJh vUuk “ksxy] eq[; dk;Zdkjh] oSXl l= ds nkSjku lfEefyr gqbZ ,oa dk;ksZa dh ljkguk dhA

'kkjhfjd vkRefo'okl&VkWd 'kks ¼QkWj gj lQZ LekVZ&VkWd 'kks ¼QkWj gj oYMZ½ oYMZ½

QkWj gj oYMZ oSXl igy dk ,d lwpukRed VkWd “kks gSA ;g dk;ZØe jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk flrEcj ds eghus esa “kq: fd;k x;k ,oa fnlEcj rd tkjh jgk

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us VkWd “kks ^^QkWj gj oYMZ^^ dh fujarjrk esa ,D”ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ¼,chlh½ dk;ZØe ij osfcukj dh 8

jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ “kkflr çns”k y{;}hi dk;ZØe ds vfrfFk FksA ^^ch n psat dk VkWd “kks** fnypLi ,oa y{;ksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjhiw.kZ FkkA fo’k;ksa ds fo”ks’kKksa }kjk ,lMhth y{;ksa ij fofHkUu l= fy, x,A

ftlesa lHkh oSXl odkyr ifj;kstukvksa dks lfEefyr fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe dh eq[; vfrfFk lqJh vesfy;k Losj] vUrjkZ’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] ch,lth Fkh ,oa lqJh la/;k jkuh] mi&jk’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] vka/kz çns”k dh jkT; eq[; vk;qDr Jherh dfork dyok dqaryk ,oa Jherh çsj.kk “kkD;] Xykscy dk;ZØe eSustj oSXl fof”k’V vfrfFk FkhA osfcukj esa ns”k ds fofHkUu jkT;ksa ds oDrkvksa }kjk fn, x, lQZ LekVZ dusDV] çksVsDV vkSj jsLisDV ds lHkh rhu l= lfEefyr FksA

dSEi &jsM çkbM&VkWd 'kks ¼QkWj gj oYMZ½ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk QkWj gj oYMZ VkWd “kks&dSEi&jsM çkbM ¼oSXl igy½ gsrq osfcukj dk vk;kstu fnuk¡d 15 fnlEcj] 2020

ch n psat&VkWd 'kks ¼QkWj gj oYMZ½

dks fd;k x;kA MkW- oh- ukxk çlwuEck] eq[; LokLF; funs”kd] nf{k.k e/; jsyos us osfcukj dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA Jherh Vh- gsek lquhrk] jkT; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] nf{k.k jsyos] fel- ,fdlkg FkkaMhos cywrh] ;l dk;ZØe lgk;d eSustj] oSXl ,oa jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; ds LVkWi lnL;ksa lfgr osfcukj esa mifLFkr FkhaA dSEi ¼jsM çkbM½ VkWd “kks LokLF; ,oa LoPNrk vkSj ekfld /keZ ds ckjs esa tkudkjh ds lkFk cgqr gh jkspd FkkA

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk QkWj gj oYMZ&VkWd “kks& ch n psat ¼oSXl igy½ gsrq osfcukj dk vk;kstu fnuk¡d 01 fnlEcj] 2020 dks fd;k x;kA Jh oh- fpUuk ohjHknzMq] Hkk-ç-ls-] Ldwy

f”k{kk funs”kd ,oa jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] vkU/kz çns”k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] Jh Hkhdk jke eh.kk] funs”kd] [ksy ,oa ;qok dk;Z ds y{;}hi ,oa Jh ihds- lS;n vyh] [ksy ,oa ;qok dk;Z funs”kky;] dsUnz 9

jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ 100 lky jsatfjax vDVwcj 2020 ds nkSjku estcku jkT; ds :i esa] dukZVd jkT; la?k us jsatjksa dks mudh {kerk vkSj dkS'ky ds lkFk çksRlkfgr djus ds fy, iwjs Hkkjr esa fofHkUu çfr;ksfxrkvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k tSls% esjs liuksa ds fo"k; ij ohfM;ks çfr;ksfxrk & bls lkdkj djus dh esjh ;kstuk,¡A bl çfr;ksfxrk esa fofHkUu jkT;ksa ls 145 jsatjksa us lfØ; :i ls Hkkx fy;k gS] ftuesa ls fuEufyf[kr gSa& jsatlZ ftUgksaus iqjLdkj thrs gSa%&

o"kZ 2019&2020 Hkkjr esa jsatfjax 'krkCnh lekjksg dks Fkhe ds lkFk leÆir fd;k x;k Fkk% Þtkvks] c<+ks] pedksßA jk"Vªh; Lrj dk mn~?kkVu 19&08&2019 dks t;iqj] jktLFkku esa gqvk vkSj 23&08&2019 rd pykA jsatfjax 'krkCnh lekjksg dk jkT; Lrjh; mn~?kkVu dukZVd jkT; ds mMqih esa 07&09&2019 ls 10&09&2019 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA ,d esxk bosaV] feuh tacksjh 01&12&2019 ls 07 rd mM+hlk jkT; ds [kqnkZ esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA &12&2019A Jh- ih-th-vkj- Çlfèk;k] dukZVd ds jkT; eq[; vk;qä vkSj ifj"kn esa vè;{k ds egklfpo us lHkk dks lacksfèkr fd;kA

1- jktLFkku dh vk;q"kh tSu 2- iwoZ jsyos ls çhfr'kk vfèkdkjh 3- mÙkj çns'k ls vyhtk [kku 4- lkaRouk iqjLdkj & ¼i½ dukZVd ls çkfIr vjyh ¼ii½ mÙkj çns'k dh f'kokuh 'kekZ

jsatfjax 'krkCnh lekjksg ds lekiu ds Hkkx ds :i esa & dukZVd jkT; }kjk vk;ksftr ,d jk"Vªh; Lrj dk dk;ZØe ;k oLrqr% fuEufyf[kr çfr;ksfxrkvksa vkSj xfrfofèk;ksa ds lkFk;s dk;ZØe fd;s x,A

flracj 2020 ds nkSjku jsatlZ ls lacafèkr fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ij 19 ls 23 flracj 2020 rd jsatlZ ds fy, Þxzks ;ksj ÇoXlÞ uked ,d vkHkklh lEesyu jk"Vªh; eq[;ky;] uà fnYyh esa jsatjksa ds fy, vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA

esjh miyfCèk&ftl iFk dk eSaus vuqlj.k fd;k geus esjh miyfCèk & ftl iFk dk vuqlj.k fd;k 10

jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ fy, geus jsatjksa ds fy, e‚d ikÆy;kesaV dk vk;kstu fd;k vkSj fn, x, fo"k; bl çdkj Fks

Fkk] ml fo"k; ij jsatjksa dks muds ys[ku dkS'ky esa çksRlkfgr djus ds fy, fucaèk ys[ku xfrfofèk Hkh vk;ksftr dh vkSj iwjs Hkkjr ls 366 jsatjksa us Hkkx fy;k] vkSj fotsrk fofHkUu jkT;ksa ls bl çdkj gSaA &

1- çk—frd vkinkvksa tSls ck<+] Hkwdai çcaèku dk vkink çcaèkuA

iqjLdkj thrus okys jsatlZ 1- lqJh ekfj;k vksesxk dqtwj nf{k.k iwoZ eè; jsyos ls 2- iwoZ jsyos ls lqJh çhfr'kk vfèkdkjh 3- rsyaxkuk jkT; ls lqJh vewY;k

2- uà f'k{kk uhfr;k¡ & fcYV bu dYpj ds lkFk vkt dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj la'kksfèkr uhfr;kaA 3-

uoacj 2020 ds nkSjku


tSlh egkekjh dks fu;af=r djus ds fy, u, dkuwu cuk, tk,axsA

Þfnol & vjkmaM n oYMZÞ uked ,d xfrfofèk%&

4- çoklh dkexkjksa ds fy, cuk, tkus okys dkuwuA

jsatlZ ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd os os'kHkw"kk ds lkFk egku O;fäRoksa dh Hkwfedk dk fp=.k djsaA 103 jsatjksa us Hkkx fy;kA muesa iqjLdkj thrus okys jsatlZ Fks & 1- iwoZ rV jsyos ls lqJh ,u fuosfnrk 2- dukZVd ls lqJh çkfIr vjyh

5- thjks gaxj & Hkw[k dks lekIr djus ds fy,] [kk| lqj{kk çkIr djus ds fy,] iks"k.k esa lqèkkj djus ds fy,] lrr —f"k dks c<+kok nsus ds fy,A 6-


egkekjh ds ckn ;qokvksa ds lkeus

csjkstxkjhA 7-

COVID&19 vofèk ds nkSjku f'k{kk ç.kkyhA

çfr;ksfxrk esa jsatjksa ds 21 lewgksa us Hkkx fy;k vkSj fotsrk bl çdkj gSa & 1- if'pe caxky ls cSjdiqj ,y , jsatj VheA 2- ÃLV dksLV jsyos dh [kksjèkk jksM jsatj VheA 3- jktLFkku ls vksiu jsatj Vhe vyojA

3- vksfM'kk ls lqJh rstfLouh feJk 4- lkaRouk iqjLdkj & ¼i½ iwoZ jsyos ls lqJh lqdU;k lsu ¼ii½ dukZVd ls lqJh f'kYik ch ¼iii½ mÙkj çns'k ls lqJh vyhtk [kku

fn[kkoVh laln laln vkSj lafoèkku ds ckjs esa tkx:drk ykus ds 11

jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡

Jh vgen vygsankoh vkSj oYMZ LdkmV desVh WOSM ds vè;{k Jh Øsx ViÊ us Hkh bl dk;ZØe dh ljkguk dhA bl volj ij Jh ih-th-vkjÇlfèk;k] egklfpo] vè;{k dkmafly ch,lth bafM;k vkSj jkT; eq[; vk;qä] ch,lth dukZVd us 100 lky dh jsatfjax dh >yd tkjh dh vkSj jsaÇtx 'krkCnh dh Vhe dh ljkguk dhA bl vk;kstu ds fy, Jh ,e , [kkfyn] vfrfjä eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qä] Jh ,e-,- [kkfyn o MkW- iadt feÙky] jk"Vªh; vk;qä ¼jsatlZ½] ch,lth] dk vk'khokZn çkIr gqvkA Jh ih-th-vkj- Çlfèk;k us iqjLdkjksa dh ?kks"k.kk dh vkSj 4 dk;ZØeksa ds fotsrkvksa dks fMftVy psd çnku fd;kA dk;ZØe esa Þçsj.kkÞ iqLrd dk Hkh foekspu fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe dk usr`Ro Jherh xhrk uVjkt] mikè;{k ch,lth vkSj leÆir deZpkfj;ksa dh Vhe us fd;kA

fnlacj 2020 ds nkSjku jsatÇjx lsaVsujh ¼1919&2020½ lekiu lekjksg dk xzSaM fQukys 28 fnlacj 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu eSlwj dh egkjkuh M‚- çeksnk nsoh okfM;kj vkSj dukZVd jkT; ds Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l ds mi&laj{kd us ,d çeq[k ds :i esa fd;k FkkA dk;ZØe ds vfrfFkA vius Hkk"k.k esa M‚- okfM;kj us 'krkCnh lekjksg esa lfØ; :i ls Hkkx ysus okys lHkh jsatjksa dh ljkguk dhA M‚- vfuy dqekj tSu] ekuuh;- vè;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l] bafM;k us bl volj ij M‚- ds-ds[kaMsyoky] vkÃ,,l ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qä] Jherh vUuk lsxy] eq[; dk;Zdkjh vfèkdkjh vkS j Jherh gs b Mh tks f dus u ] MCY;w,ththth,l ls fo”o cksMZ vè;{k pquh xb±] us bl vk;kstu dh ljkguk dhA WOSM ds egklfpo 12

jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ csgrj fo’o <kapk jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; us 05 ls 8 vxLr] 2020 rd csgrj fo”o :ijs[kk & fo”o LdkmV dk;ZØe dk Kku çnku djus ds fy, ,d osfcukj dk vk;kstu fd;k gSA Jh tsvkjlh ikafxfyuu] {ks=h; funs'kd] MCY;w,lch@,ihvkj eq[; vfrfFk Fks vkSj mUgksaus ,d mRlkgh Hkk"k.k ds lkFk dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA ch,lth&bafM;k ds inkfèkdkfj;ksa Jh ihthvkj Çlfèk;k] egklfpo] ifj"kn esa vè;{k] M‚- ,p-ih- {ks=h] eq[; vk;qä ¼Ldkm~V½] Jh ts-lh- eksgarh] vkÃ,,l ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½] varjkZ"Vªh; vk;qä ¼Ldkm~V½] Jherh vesfy;k Losj] varjkZ"Vªh; vk;qä ¼xkbM½] Jh eèkqlwnu ,-,l-] mi&varjkZ"Vªh; vk;qä ¼Ldkm~V½ mifLFkfr esa ch,lth ds ;qok lnL; 'kkfey FksA osfcukj ds iw.kZ l= dk usr`Ro Jh ,l çlUuk JhokLro] funs'kd laxBukRed fodkl vkSj 'kkafr nwr] MCY;w,lch@,ihvkj us 'kkafr D;k gS vkSj ^^'kkafr dk nwr D;k gS vkSj lHkh LdkmV~l vkSj xkbM~l dks 'kkafr nwr D;ksa dgk tkrk gSA lqJh dsV vjut+kesaMst+ us osfcukj esa ;ksxnku fn;k gS fd dSls LdkmV~l us 'kkafr dh laL—fr dk fuekZ.k fd;k vkSj dSls dksà 'kkafr dk lans'kokgd cu ldrk gS ftlesa pkj pj.k 'kkfey gSaA lqJh ÇlfFk;k ekdsZt+] ofj"B çcaèkd] 'kSf{kd igy vkSj ,evksih] oYMZ LdkmV C;wjks] Xykscy liksVZ lsaVj] dqvkykyaiqj] Jh flM dSfLVyks] funs'kd] 'kSf{kd rjhds] MCY;wvks,l,e @ ,ihvkj] lqJh ykm gwà fy;k] LdkmV ,lksfl,'ku v‚Q eysf'k;k] lqJh ywt ,y- Vªs] funs'kd] lapkj vkSj Hkkxhnkjh] oYMZ LdkmV C;wjks vkSj Jh ihVj CySp] lnL; oYMZ LdkmV desVh vkSj v‚LVªsfy;k ds MCY;wvks,l,e lykgdkj us Hkh egRoiw.kZ fo"k;ksa ij l= fy;kA


jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ ch,lth lax ;ksx *fQV bafM;k ewoesaV* dh igy ds rgr ch,lth ds lkFk ;ksx dk mn~?kkVu 27 vxLr 2020 dks twe osfcukj ds ekè;e ls fd;k x;k ftlesa 60 çfrHkkxh 'kkfey gq, ftls ch,l ,aM th ;wVîwc pSuy ij ykbo VsyhdkLV Hkh fd;k x;kA mn~?kkVu lekjksg ds eq[; vfrfFk vksfM'kk jkT; ds jk"Vªh; mikè;{k vkSj jkT; ds eq[; vk;qä M‚ dkyh çlkn feJk FksA dk;ZØe dks ns[kus ds fy, dksyafc;k] ftEckCos] eaxksfy;k] Lisu] vy lYokMksj] lÆc;k] nf{k.k dksfj;k vkSj Çlxkiqj ds 10 varjkZ"Vªh; çfrHkkxh Hkh 'kkfey gq,A


jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ fQV bafM;k fgV bafM;k fQV bafM;k dks fQVusl dks gekjs nSfud thou dk vfHkUu vax cukus dh –f"V ls y‚Up fd;k x;k FkkA vkanksyu dk fe'ku O;ogkj esa cnyko ykuk vkSj vfèkd 'kkjhfjd :i ls lfØ; thou 'kSyh dh vksj c<+uk gSA bl fe'ku dks çkIr djus dh fn'kk esa] fQV bafM;k fuEufyf[kr mís';ksa dks çkIr djus ds fy, fofHkUu igy djus vkSj dk;ZØe vk;ksftr djus dk çLrko djrk gS% Ÿ fQVusl dks vklku] etsnkj vkSj eq¶r ds :i esa c<+kok nsukA Ÿ fQVusl vkSj fofHkUu 'kkjhfjd xfrfofèk;ksa ds ckjs esa tkx:drk QSykus ds fy, tks dsafær vfHk;kuksa ds ekè;e ls fQVusl dks c<+kok nsrs gSaA Ÿ Lons'kh [ksyksa dks c<+kok nsukA Ÿ fQVusl dks gj Ldwy] d‚yst@fo”ofo|ky; vkfn rd igqapkus ds fy,A Ÿ Hkkjr ds ukxfjdksa ds fy, tkudkjh lk>k djus] tkx:drk c<+kus vkSj O;fäxr fQVusl dgkfu;ksa dks lk>k djus ds fy, çksRlkfgr djus ds fy, ,d eap rS;kj djukA Hkkjr ljdkj dh igy dk leFkZu djrs gq,] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l] tks iwjs ns'k esa QSys lcls cM+s ;qok laxBu esa ls ,d gS] us vius lnL;ksa dks fQVusl dks çksRlkfgr djus vkSj eksVkis ls eqfä ikus esa lHkh dh enn djus ds fy, fQV bafM;k ÝhMe ju dh xfrfofèk esa lfØ; Hkkx ysus ds fy, çsfjr fd;kA vkyL;] ruko] Çprk] jksx vkfnA ch,lth ds dqy 519249 lnL;ksa us fQV bafM;k ÝhMe ju esa Hkkx fy;k vkSj 627209 Lora=rk ju fdyksehVj dh nwjh r; dhA


jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ 22 Qjojh 22 Qjojh dks fo”o fpUru fnol gksus ds dkj.k ^”kkafr ds fy, ,d lkFk [kM+s gksa^ fo’k; ds lkFk jk’Vªh; eq[;ky;] ubZ fnYyh esa euk;kA la;qDr funs”kd ¼xkbM½ us ohfM;ks ds :i esa bl fnu ds egRo dks çLrqr fd;kA ,f”k;k iSflfQd {ks=@oSXl Vhe us Hkh vkHkklh lekjksg esa Hkkx fy;k ,oa lHkh dks lEcksf/kr fd;kA ekuuh; v/;{k ,oa eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr us çsjd “kCnksa ds lkFk lHkk dks lEcksf/kr fd;kA fpUru fnol QaM Hkh ,df=r fd;k x;kA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk o’kZ 2020 gsrq xksYMu ,jks iqjLdkj çLrqfr lekjksg fnuk¡d 22 Qjojh] 2021 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftlesa 15 jkT;ksa NÙkhlx<+] iwohZ jsyos] gfj;k.kk] dukZVd] dsjy] dsoh,l] tEew ,oa d”ehj] e/; çns”k] egkjk’Vª] ,u-,Q-jsyos] iatkc] jktLFkku] nf{k.k jsyos] rfeyukMq ,oa if”pe caxky ls 4552 dc~l ,oa 13 jkT;ksa&NÙkhlx<+] iwohZ jsyos] tEew ,oa d”ehj] dukZVd] dsjy] dsoh,l] e/; çns”k] egkjk’Vª] ,u-,Q-jsyos] iatkc] jktLFkku] nf{k.k jsyos ,oa rfeyukMq ls 3997 cqycqYl dks iqjLdkj çek.k i= ds fy, ik= ?kksf’kr fd;kA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds dkj.k] ;wfuV yhMlZ }kjk çfrfuf/k ds vk/kkj ij xksYMu ,jks vokMZ lfVZfQdsV çkIr fd;s x;sA MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu] v/;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk;ZØe ds eq[; vfrfFk ,oa MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr fof”k’V vfrfFk FksA ekuuh; v/;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk lacaf/kr bdkb;ksa ds usrkvksa dks xksYMu ,jks iqjLdkj çek.k i= çnku fd;s x;sA ÝsaMl Vw ch,lth ,oa dksfoM+&19 ds nkSjku lsok çnku djus okys Lo;alsodksa dks lEekfur fd;k x;kA ekuuh; eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr }kjk vkWusjcqy pktZ ,oa f'kfoj çek.k i= Hkh çnku fd;s x;sA blds vfrfjDr jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; ds o`fÙkd yhMlZ dks mudh lefiZr lsokvksa ds fy, eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr }kjk ç'kfLr i= çnku fd;s x;sA gfj;k.kk ,oa mÙkj çns”k jkT;ksa ds dc~l ,oa cqycqYl us lqUnj lkaLd`frd dk;ZØeksa dh çLrqfr nh] ftldh lHkh us ç”kalk dhA


jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ egkRek&150

jk’Vªfirk egkRek xk¡/kh dh 151oha t;arh ds volj ij Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk ^^xk¡/kh n”kZu&egkRek xk¡/kh dh ,d fopkj/kkjk^^ twe osfcukj ds ek/;e ls fnuk¡d 2 vDVwcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA mÙkj çns”k ,oa e/; çns”k dh jkT;iky Jherh vkuanhcsu iVsy] dk;ZØe dh eq[; vfrfFk FkhaA ekuuh; MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr us Lokxr Hkk’k.k çLrqr fd;kA Jh ih-th-vkj- flaf/k;k] egklfpo] çslhMasV&bu&dkmafly us bl volj ij lEcksf/kr fd;kA ekuuh; MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu] v/;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us vius lqugjs “kCnksa ds lkFk bl volj dh “kksHkk c<+kbZ] muds v/;{kh; Hkk’k.k ds ckn LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk ^^oS’.ko tu rks^^ çLrqr fd;k x;kA ekuuh; eq[; vfrfFk us dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu fd;k ,oa çfrHkkfx;ksa dks vk”khokZn fn;kA MkW- dkyh çlkn feJk] jk’Vªh; mik/;{k] lqJh vesfy;k Losj] vUrjkZ’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½ Hkh bl volj ij mifLFkr FkhaA


jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ ch,lth LFkkiuk fnol Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us 70ok¡ LFkkiuk fnol cgqvk;keh dk;ZØeksa ds lkFk 07 uoEcj] 2020 dks euk;kA leLr ns”k esa ;wfuV@LFkkuh;@ftyk@jkT; Lrj ij bafM;u jsM ØkWl lkslkbVh ,oa vU; laxBuksa ds lg;ksx ls jDrnku f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A 150 LFkkuksa ij 2546 ;wfuV ls vf/kd jDrnku fd;k x;kA bldss vfrfjDr] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky;] ubZ fnYyh ,oa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] xkft;kckn ftyk] mÙkj çns”k jkT; esa nks jDrnku f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x, tgk¡ bafM;u jsM ØkWl lkslkbVh }kjk yxHkx 97 ;wfuV jDr ,d= fd;k x;kA gfj;k.kk] fnYyh] tehvr ;wFk Dyc] mÙkj çns”k ds jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ rFkk Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds o`fÙkd yhMlZ us jDrnku fd;kA ekuuh; MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu] v/;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us dk;ZØe dh “kksHkk c<+kbZ ,oa çfrHkkfx;ksa dks lEcksf/kr fd;k] mUgksaus ch,lth U;wt pSuy dk Hkh mn~?kkVu fd;kA vij eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr us Hkh dk;ZØe dks lEcksf/kr fd;kA jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa o`fÙkd yhMlZ ftUgksaus ykWdMkmu vof/k ds nkSjku lsok çnku dh gS] mUgsa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds funs”kd us ç'kfLr i= nsdj lEekfur fd;kA


fMftVy Hkkxhnkjh ladYi nksuksa] ns'k Hkj ds ;qokvksa ds ?kjksa esa LdkmÇVx xkbÇMx ysdj vk,A mUgksaus ç—fr] i;kZoj.k] ,lMhth ds ckjs esa lh[kk vkSj pqukSfr;ksa vkSj xfrfofèk;ksa ds 4 vyx&vyx lsVksa ds ekè;e ls oSf”od ukxfjdksa ds :i esa fMftVy :i ls tqM+s lcls vPNh ckr ;g Fkh fd mUgksaus ;g lc vius ifjokj ds lkFk vius ?kj ij vkjke ls fd;kA 30]000 ls vfèkd lnL;ksa us iathdj.k djk;k vkSj ifj;kstuk ladYi esa Hkkx fy;kA WAGGGS vkSj WOSM, APR us ladYi ifj;kstuk dh ljkguk dhA

laxBu ds lnL;ksa ds fy, dksfoM&19 y‚dMkmu vofèk ds nkSjku ch,lth esa igyh ckj v‚uykbu xfrfofèk 'kq: dh xÃA çkstsDV ÞladYiÞ dks Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l ds ,d fo'ks"k v‚uykbu LdkmV xkbM esyk ds :i esa is'k fd;k x;k FkkA ;g ;qokvksa ds fy, xfrfofèk;ksa dk ,d ladyu Fkk vFkkZr LdkmV~l@xkbM~l] jksolZ@jsatlZ vkSj ;wfuV yhMlZ vkSj mUgksaus dksfoM &19 ds pqukSrhiw.kZ le; ds nkSjku ?kj ij [kqn dks O;Lr j[kks vkSj LdkmV xkbM nksLrksa ds laidZ esa jgksA 'kSf{kd vkSj euksjatd


fMftVy Hkkxhnkjh mM+ku ;qokvksa us fofHkUu pqukSfr;ksa esa Hkkx fy;k vkSj 17 fofHkUu pqukSfr;ksa tSls ekLVj 'ksQ] vkà ,e ;w&fjiksVZj] VkbM VuZj IykfLVd pSysat] ljdkjh igy] ekLd esÇdx] csLV v‚Q osLV] vkSj LdkmÇVx @ xkbÇMx ds jktnwr vkfn ds ekè;e ls xfrfofèk;ksa dk vkuan fy;kA 17]438 ;qok lnL;ksa us xfrfofèk;ksa dks iwjk fd;k vkSj ,d lqanj fMftVy ç çkIr fd;kA

ladYi ifj;kstuk dh Hkkjh lQyrk ds ckn Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l us çkstsDV ÞmM+ku & ÇoXl v‚Q gksiÞ & LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ vkSj ;wfuV yhMlZ ds fy, fo'ks"k v‚uykbu LdkmÇVx xkbÇMx xfrfofèk;ksa dh 'kq#vkr dhA bl ifj;kstuk ds ekè;e ls geus vius ;qokvksa dks dksfoM&19 ds pqukSrhiw.kZ le; ds nkSjku ?kj ij gh O;Lr j[kk vkSj mUgsa vius ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ds lkFk xq.koÙkkiw.kZ le; fcrkus ds fy, çsfjr fd;kA


fMftVy Hkkxhnkjh ch-,l-th U;wt pSuy gekjs lnL;ksa dks tksM+s j[kus ds fy, egkekjh ds nkSjku ÇçV ehfM;k dh fMftVy Hkkxhnkjh yqIr gksrh dks ns[krs gq,A 8 uoacj dks ch,lth U;wt pSuy y‚Up fd;k x;k Fkk] ;g bosaV gkbykbV~l ds ckjs esa tkudkjh çnku djrk gS vkSj vkus okyh ?kVukvksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh nsrk gS( ch,lth ds ekè;e ls çR;sd jfookj dks vaxzsth vkSj Çgnh esa jkr 08-00 cts ,oa jkr 8-30 cts ;wVîwc ij ykbo ns[kasA


dksfoM&19 nqfu;k Hkj esa egkekjh dksfoM &19 QSy jgh gS vkSj egkekjh ds nkSjku] bl QSyus okyh chekjh ls leqnk; dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmV~l vkSj xkbM }kjk fofHkUu çdkj ds v‚uykbu vkSj lkFk gh 'kkjhfjd ikBîØe vk;ksftr fd, x, FksA y‚dMkmu ds igys fnu 23@03@2020 ls gekjs ;qok jksolZ@jsatlZ vkSj usrkvksa us v‚uykbu vkSj eksckby ds ekè;e ls dke djuk 'kq: dj fn;k vkSj dà yksxksa dks ekLd dk mi;ksx djus] lkekftd nwjh cuk, j[kus] gkFk èkksus vkSj ?kj ij jgus ds fy, bl egkekjh ds ckjs esa tkx:d fd;kA tc ljdkj us y‚dMkmu esa vkaf'kd :i ls <hy nh rks ;qok jksolZ@jsatlZ vkSj usrkvksa us ekLd rS;kj djus] Hkkstu cukus vkSj forj.k] fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij lkekftd nwjh cuk, j[kus] lkoZtfud LFkkuksa dh lQkà vkSj jk'ku forj.k vkfn esa viuh lsok,a 'kq: dj nÈA Hkkjr LdkmV vkSj xkbM ds jkT; la?k iwjs Hkkjr esa dksfoM &19 tkx:drk vfHk;ku ij dà lsok xfrfofèk;k¡ pyk jgs gSaA ekuuh; ;qok ea=h Jh fdjsu fjfttw us vius V~ohV esa LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l }kjk çnku dh xà lsokvksa dh ljkguk dhA gekjs ;qokvksa us ekLd] jk'ku vkSj Hkkstu cukus vkSj forj.k djus] fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa LFkkuh; vkSj ftyk ç'kklu dh enn djus] lkekftd nwjh] gkFk èkksus vkfn ds fy, leqnk; dks çsfjr djus vkSj dksfoM çksVksd‚y dk ikyu djds viuh lsok çnku dhA jk"Vªh; lkgfld f'kfoj lg dksfoM&19 tkx:drk vfHk;ku fQV bafM;k ewoesaV ds rgr 09 ls 13 flracj] 2020 rd jk"Vªh; ;qok ifjlj xMiqjh] gfj;k.kk esa jk"Vªh; lkgfld f'kfoj lg dksfoM&19 tkx:drk vfHk;ku dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA lkr jkT;ksa ds 62 çfrHkkfx;ksa vkSj 13 LVkQ lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA lkr fnolh; f'kfoj ds nkSjku dksfoM&19 ls lqj{kk dk lans'k QSykus ds fy, ?kj&?kj tkdj vfHk;ku vkSj uqôM+ ukVd dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k] fQV bafM;k igy ds rgr gkbd ,aM ju dk Hkh vk;kstu fd;k x;kA çfrHkkfx;ksa us ,uokÃlh] xniqjh esa lkgfld fBdkuksa dk vkuan fy;kA jk"Vªh; Lrj ij dksfoM laj{k.k ,oa i;kZoj.k tkx:drk dk;ZØe 24 ls 28 Qjojh] 2021 rd f=dqVk Hkou dVjk] tEew vkSj d'ehj esa jk"Vªh; Lrj ds dksfoM laj{k.k lg i;kZoj.k tkx:drk dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftlesa vkaèkz çns'k] paMhx<+] NÙkhlx<+] gfj;k.kk] tEew vkSj d'ehj] ,u-,Q jsyos] dsjy] egkjk"Vª] eè; çns'k] ,l-Ã- jsyos] rsyaxkuk] mÙkjk[kaM vkSj jktLFkku ls 98 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA vkJ; x`g lsok jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; us 20 vçSy ls 31 eÃ] 2020 rd fnYyh esa fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij 13 vkJ; x`gksa dks xksn fy;k] ftlesa 100 ls vfèkd Lo;alsodksa us viuh lsok,a nÈA ,u,pD;w ds is'ksojksa vkSj deZpkfj;ksa us dksfoM ;ks)kvksa ds :i esa leiZ.k fd;k vkSj fnYyh jkT; ds Lo;alsodksa ds lkFk 'ksYVj gkse esa viuh fof'k"V lsok,a çnku dÈA MCY;wvks,l,e us 'ksYVj gkse lsok,a 'kq: djus ds fy, foÙkh; lgk;rk çnku dhA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l dks fnYyh iqfyl }kjk egkekjh ds nkSjku leFkZu ds fy, lEekfur fd;k x;k FkkA 22

dksfoM&19 Hkkjr LdkmV vkSj xkbM ds ;qok usrkvksa }kjk çnku dh xà lsokvksa ds lacaèk esa Hkkjr ljdkj us ekU;rk nh vkSj lHkh Lrj ij ljkguk dhA ;gka rd fd LdkmV ewoesaV ds foÜo laxBu WOSM vkSj oYMZ ,lksfl,'ku v‚Q xyZ xkbM~l ,aM xyZ LdkmV~l WAGGGS us Hkkjr LdkmV~l vkSj xkbM~l dks egkekjh COVID&19 ds nkSjku çnku dh xà lsokvksa ds ckjs esa viuh çLrqfr nsus ds fy, vkeaf=r fd;k gSA tc ljdkj }kjk Vhdkdj.k vfHk;ku 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA Hkkjr ds] Hkkjr LdkmV~l vkSj xkbM~l us Hkh LFkkuh; ç'kklu dks LFkkuh; Lrj ij tks dqN Hkh vko';d gS] gj rjg ls enn dhA jktLFkku] NÙkhlx<+ vkSj mÙkj çns'k ls çkIr COVID fjiksVZ ds vkèkkj ij ljkguk dks fo'ks"k iqjLdkj feyk ftldh jkf'k bafM;u LdkmV ,aM xkbM Qsyksf'ki ds Jh ,l ds vxzoky }kjk nh xbZA Jh ekrk oS’.kks nsoh Jkbu cksMZ] tEew&d'ehj ds eq[; dk;Zdkjh vfèkdkjh Jh jes'k dqekj us dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu fd;k vkSj Jh vfer ,e] iqfyl vèkh{kd dVjk] fof'k"V vfrfFk FksA


ifj;kstuk ,pih&oYMZ vkWu OghYl cl dk ‘kqHkkjaHk ,pih ds lkFk lh,lvkj ifj;kstuk & oYMZ v‚u Oghy ¼,pih&okg½ xzkeh.k cPpksa ds chp fMftVy lk{kjrk dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, esllZ ,pih bafM;k lsYl çkA fyfeVsM us lHkh vkèkqfud lqfoèkkvksa okys 21 daI;wVjksa ds lkFk eksckby daI;wVj ySc ds lkFk ,d cl çnku dh gSA ;w,uvks ÇeMk vkSj LikdZ ÇeMk lewg ifj;kstuk ds lg&çk;kstd gSaA ,pih&oYMZ v‚u OghYl cl dk mn~?kkVu gfj;k.kk ds eq[;ea=h }kjk 08 ekpZ] 2020 dks fd;k x;kA dksfoM egkekjh ds dkj.k ;g ifj;kstuk dqN le; ds fy, #dh gqà Fkh vkSj vc bls 07-01-2021 ls xq#xzke ds ikl gluiqj ftys esa 76 Nk=ksa ds lkFk 'kq: fd;k x;k gSA ;qokvksa] efgykvksa vkSj leqnk; ds cPpksa dh fMftVy lk{kjrk ij dsafær dk;ZØe fd;kA ;g ekuuh; eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qä M‚ ds ds [kaMsyoky dh igyksa esa ls ,d gSA

VkbM VuZj IykfLVd pqukSrh ch,lth us 'kwU; çfr'kr IykfLVd ij tkx:drk iSnk djus vkSj i`Foh dks cpkus ds fy, MCY;w,ththth,l vkSj MCY;wvks,l,e ds lkFk ÞVkbM VuZj IykfLVd pSysat cSt çksxzke ¼VhVhihlh½Þ & la;qä jk"Vª i;kZoj.k dk;ZØe ij dke fd;k gSA yxHkx 2-2 yk[k yhMj@jksolZ@jsatlZ bl ij dke dj jgs gSa tks ,d lrr çfØ;k gSA 09 tuojh 2021 dks ÞVkbM VuZlZ IykfLVd pSysatÞ ij ,d jk"Vªh; Lrj dk opqZvy osfcukj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA dk;ZØe dh 'kq#vkr ch,lth çkFkZuk ds lkFk gqÃ] ftlds ckn lqJh v;afrdk dqaMw] iwoÊ {ks= dh {ks=h; ehfM;k laoknnkrk us Lokxr Hkk"k.k fn;kA vksfM'kk ds jk"Vªh; mikè;{k vkSj jkT; ds eq[; vk;qä M‚- dkyh çlkn feJk us eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa opqZvy lHkk dh 'kksHkk c<+kà vkSj çfrHkkfx;ksa dks vk'khokZn fn;kA IykfLVd VkbM VuZj ij l= dk usr`Ro Jh 'kueqxu oh] fjlpZ Ld‚yj vkÃvkÃVh&th us fd;k] ftlesa mUgksaus VkbM VuZj ds dk;ZØe ds ckjs esa crk;kA

iz/kkuea=h dkS’ky fodkl ;kstuk ih,edsohokÃ] fLdy bafM;k & çèkkuea=h dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk ¼ih,edsohoký dkS'ky fodkl çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe xqtjkr ¼nkgksn½] tEew vkSj d'ehj ¼dkjfxy] ckjkewyk½] gfj;k.kk ¼esokr½] eè; çns'k ¼jktx<+½] vksfM'kk ¼daèkeky½ esa lQyrkiwoZd iwjk fd;k x;kA vkSj fnYyh ¼'kkgnjk½ jkT;A 1920 ¼64 cSp½ ds mEehnokjksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;k] 1860 mEehnokjksa dk ewY;kadu fd;k x;k vkSj 1528 mEehnokjksa dks lQyrkiwoZd mÙkh.kZ fd;k x;kA vc rd 1370 mEehnokjksa dks vyx&vyx daifu;ksa esa j[kk x;k gSA 24

ifj;kstuk gj oYMZ gj okSbl~ ch,lth us lHkh yM+fd;ksa vkSj ;qofr;ksa dks mudh iwjh {kerk rd igqapus vkSj lekt ds lfØ; lnL; cuus esa l{ke cukus ds ekè;e ls ySafxd lekurk dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, mudh vkokt ifj;kstuk dh 'kq#vkr dhA bl ifj;kstuk ds rgr ge ;wfulsQ dh nks 'kk[kkvksa ds lkFk lk>snkjh djsaxs vFkkZr% tsujs'ku vufyfeVsM vkSj ;w fjiksVZjA ;g ifj;kstuk fuEufyf[kr jkT;ksa vkaèkz çns'k] if'pe caxky] fcgkj] ukxkySaM] mÙkjk[kaM] jktLFkku] vle] mÙkj çns'k] NÙkhlx<+] egkjk"Vª+] rsyaxkuk vkSj xksok ds lkFk pykà tk jgh gSA

nhu n;ky mik/;k; xzkeh.k dkS’ky ;kstuk Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l us gfj;k.kk jkT; esa nhu n;ky mikè;k; xzkeh.k dkS'ky ;kstuk ds lkFk fglkj] fljlk esa 2 ukSdjh Hkwfedkvksa esa 280 mEehnokjksa ds Loh—r y{; ds lkFk lwphc) fd;kA fglkj esa çf'k{k.k dsaæ ekpZ 2020 esa LFkkfir fd;k x;k Fkk] gkykafd dksfoM &19 egkekjh ds dkj.k fnlacj 2020 esa 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA QS'ku fMtkbuj t‚c jksy esa igyk cSp fnlacj 2020 esa 26 mEehnokjksa ds lkFk 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA uewuk ntÊ esa nwljk cSp tuojh 2021 esa 25 mEehnokjksa dh {kerk ds lkFk 'kq: fd;k x;k FkkA vc dqy 51 mEehnokjksa esa ls 44 us lQyrkiwoZd çf'k{k.k iwjk dj fy;k gS ysfdu ,p,lvkj,y,e ds var esa fdlh rduhdh leL;k ds dkj.k lHkh mEehnokjksa dk ewY;kadu yafcr gSA gkykafd] nksuksa ukSdjh Hkwfedkvksa ls dqy 26 mEehnokjksa dks iSu ,pvkj l‚Y;w'ku çkbosV esa lQyrkiwoZd j[kk x;k gSA fyfeVsM] t;iqj] jktLFkku vkSj vkj,l ,pvkj Vhe l‚Y;w'kal çkA fyfeVsM] jsokM+h] gfj;k.kk ekud lapkyu çfØ;k ds vuqlkjA

fVdV Vw YkkbQ ¼VhVh,y½ lqJh ve`riky dkSj ds usr`Ro esa ckck gjn;ky Çlg Vªwi] gafM;k] iatkc vkSj Jh gjÇtnj pgy ds usr`Ro esa xkaèkh LdkmV Vªwi] eqjknkckn] mÙkj jsyos uke dh nks bdkb;k¡ fiNys rhu o"kks± ls lQyrkiwoZd py jgh gSaA nksuksa bdkb;ksa ds lnL; lIrkg esa ,d ckj fu;fer :i ls cSBd dj jgs gSa] ysfdu bl lky dksfoM 19 egkekjh ds dkj.k mudh fu;fer lSU; cSBdsa çHkkfor gqb±] ysfdu Hkys gh mudh bdkà ds usrkvksa us mUgsa vkHkklh cSBdksa ;k ,d NksVs lewg esa dke djus ds ekè;e ls tksM+s j[kus dh iwjh dksf'k'k dhA fVdV Vw ykbQ ifj;kstukvksa ls ykHkkfUor gq, ;qok lnL; gSa% Ÿ Mª‚i vkmV cPps okil Ldwyh f'k{kk esa 'kkfey gks ldrs gSa 25

ifj;kstuk Ÿ bu cPpksa dks ldkjkRed ftEesnkj O;fä;ksa esa cnydj vlkekftd O;fä;ksa ds lekt ds fy, laHkkfor

[krjksa dks [kRe djuk Ÿ LdkmÇVx dks ,d 'kSf{kd vkanksyu vkSj ;qok yksxksa esa pfj= fuekZ.k esa lgk;d ds :i esa ns[kk tkrk gS blds vykok] ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=] MCY;wvks,l,e us bl ifj;kstuk ds fy, vkxs nks lky ;kuh 2020 vkSj 2021 ds fy, viuk leFkZu c<+k;k(

Qzh chbax eh Qzh chbax eh çkstsDV dk nwljk pj.k tks 2017 ls 'kq: gqvk Fkk] gesa fnlacj 2020 esa pj.k lekIr djuk Fkk] ysfdu egkekjh vkSj y‚d Mkmu ds dkj.k ifj;kstuk dh le;lhek c<+k nh xbZ Fkh vkSj ifj;kstuk y{; dks çkIr djus ds lkFk lekIr gqbZ ftlesa ge bl dk;Z ds 695384 rd dk okrkoj.kA


lkeqnkf;d fodkl xfrfofèk;ka ns'k Hkj esa LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ vkSj ;wfuV yhMlZ us dà lkeqnkf;d fodkl xfrfofèk;ksa dk vk;kstu fd;k ftlesa LoPNrk i[kokM+k] LoPNrk vfHk;ku] tkx:drk vfHk;ku] o`{kkjksi.k] lkekftd nwjh cuk, j[kuk vkfn 'kkfey gSaA mUgksaus jsyos LVs'kuksa] cl LVSaMksa] ikdks± vkSj vU; lkoZtfud lQkà dhA lkFk gh ukxfjdksa dks vius vklikl lkQ&lqFkjk vkSj gjk&Hkjk j[kus ds fy, çsfjr fd;kA jksolZ@jsatlZ vkSj ;wfuV yhMlZ us if'pe caxky vkSj vU; rVh; jkT;ksa ds vEQku çHkkfor {ks=ksa esa viuh lsok,a nÈA mUgksaus eÃ] 2020 ds eghus esa if'pe caxky esa çHkkfor ifjokjksa ds fy, vkJ; LFky cuk,A dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku] LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@jksolZ@jsatlZ vkSj ;wfuV yhMlZ us ns'k ds fofHkUu DokjaVkbu dsaæksa esa yksxksa vkSj çoklh etnwjksa dks ekufld vkSj 'kkjhfjd :i ls fQV j[kus esa enn dhA leqnk; dks fQV vkSj LoLFk j[kus ds fy,] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l us 27 vxLr] 2020 dks Þ;ksx fon ch,lthÞ v‚uykbu ;ksx dk;ZØe 'kq: fd;kA ;g v‚uykbu ;ksx dk;ZØe lIrkg esa rhu ckj ch,lth ;wVîwc pSuy ds ekè;e ls lqcg 7-00 cts yxHkx 7000 lnL; ns[kdj vius nSfud thou esa ;ksx dk vH;kl djrs gSaA dksfoM&19 ds f[kykQ yM+kà esa leqnk; dk leFkZu djus ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmV~l vkSj xkbM ds fofHkUu ftyk vkSj jkT; la?kksa }kjk jänku f'kfoj Hkh vk;ksftr fd, x,A dksfoM&19 ds nkSjku leqnk; esa Hkkjr LdkmV vkSj xkbM ds lnL;ksa }kjk çnku dh xà lsokvksa dh ljdkj }kjk fofHkUu Lrjksa ij vR;fèkd ljkguk dh xÃA


lnL;rk o`f) MCY;wvks,l,e vkSj ch,lth fotu vkSj egklfpo Jh vgen dh vihy vkSj gekjs ekuuh; vè;{k M‚ vfuy dqekj tSu vkSj ekuuh; eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qä M‚ dsds [kaMsyoky ds lius ds vkèkkj ij 1 djksM+ dh tux.kuk ¼;kuh LdkmV Çox ds fy, 60 yk[k lnL;½ rd igqapus ds lius ds vkèkkj ij vkSj xkbM Çox ds fy, 40 yk[k lnL;½ 2025 rd] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l dk mís'; laxBu esa ;qokvksa dh la[;k dk foLrkj djuk gSA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,aM xkbM~l ds fy, jk"Vªh; lnL;rk fodkl j.kuhfr dh ;kstuk cukus vkSj rS;kj djus ds fy,] ,u,pD;w us jk"Vªh; eq[;ky;] uà fnYyh esa ,d HkkSfrd cSBd vk;ksftr dh FkhA WOSM ,oa NHQ ds inkfèkdkfj;ksa dh fo'ks"kKrk dh mifLFkfr esa geus jk"Vªh; lnL;rk fodkl j.kuhfr fodflr dhA mlds ckn lqfu;ksftr rjhds ls lnL;rk o`f) dk dke 'kq: fd;k x;kA jk"Vªh; fodkl j.kuhfr ds vkèkkj ij geus lHkh jkT;ksa ds fy, jkT; fodkl j.kuhfr fodflr dh Fkh vkSj j.kuhfr dks Bhd ls ykxw djus ds fy,] çR;sd jkT; esa jkT; fodkl leUo;d fu;qä fd, x, FksA gekjs jkT; fodkl leUo;dksa dh {kerk fuekZ.k ds fy,] MCY;wvks,l,e lykgdkjksa dh enn ls] ch,lth us 20 ls 30 twu 2020 ds chp Ng osfcukj vk;ksftr fd, Fks tSls& LekVZ mís';] ;qok dk;ZØe] lapkj layXu djuk] lq'kklu etcwr laxBu] LdkmÇVx esa o;Ld vkSj fodkl ds fy, lk>snkjhA rc ch,lth us oLrqr% fnlacj 2020] tuojh vkSj Qjojh 2021 esa Øe'k% rhu jk"Vªh; lnL;rk fodkl dksj lfefr dh cSBdsa vk;ksftr dh FkÈ vkSj eap us lnL;rk fodkl ;kstuk dh xfrfofèk;ksa vkSj lnL;rk fodkl çdks"B dh LFkkiuk ij ppkZ dh FkhA dksj desVh dh cSBdksa ds ckn] Qjojh 2021 dks] ,d lqO;ofLFkr vkSj Lora= lnL;rk xzksFk lsy dh LFkkiuk dh xà vkSj rhu xzksFk lsy dÆe;ksa dks jk"Vªh; eq[;ky;] uà fnYyh] Hkkjr esa fu;qä fd;k x;kA fodkl çdks"B jk"Vªh; fodkl j.kuhfr ds mís';] dk;Z ;kstukvksa dh vksj ns[k jgk gS vkSj ch,lth esa lnL;rk o`f) ds rgr fu;ksftr xfrfofèk;ksa] dk;ZØeksa vkSj çf'k{k.k ds fy, lHkh jkT;ksa ds lkFk leFkZu vkSj leUo; djrk gSA BSG lnL;rk fodkl ifj;kstuk ÞLih;j 4-5 fefy;u LdkmV~l WOSM }kjk leÆFkr gSA

jkT; lnL;rk o`f) leUo;d çf'k{k.k igyk jkT; lnL;rk fodkl leUo;d çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe 23 ls 25 ekpZ] 2021 rd jk"Vªh; eq[;ky;] uà fnYyh esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k Fkk ftlesa 19 jkT;ksa ds 19 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;k FkkA ,d xaHkhj mn~?kkVu lekjksg vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa vfrfjä eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qä Jh ,e , [kkfyn] ds,,l ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½ vkSj Jh ts lh eksgarh] varjkZ"Vªh; vk;qä ¼LdkmV~l½( Jh ,l ds fcLokl] LdkmV ds jk"Vªh; vk;qä ¼,vkj½ M‚ ¼Jherh½ iadt feÙky] jk"Vªh; vk;qä ¼jsatj½] Jh xksjku xkstZtho] çcaèkd ¼fodkl½] MCY;wvks,l,e( lqJh Caryl Mae Trinidad Tacalan ifj;kstuk çHkkjh] lnL;rk o`f)] APR/WOSM Hkh oLrqr% 'kkfey gqb±A Jh ,l çlUuk JhokLro] Jh eèkqlwnu ,-,l- vkSj Jh jkt dqekj dkSf'kd] ,u,pD;w vkSj vkj,pD;w ds lHkh o`fRrdksa ds lkFk 'kkjhfjd :i ls 'kkfey gq,A 28

lnL;rk o`f) ih-vkj-lh- lnL;rk of) lnL;rk o`f) ij ihvkjlh 26 ls 31 ekpZ 2021 rd lnL;rk o`f) ds leUo;dksa ds fy, çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe dh fujarjrk esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k FkkA fotu 2024 ;kstuk dh leh{kk dh xà vkSj ikap lky dh lnL;rk o`f) ;kstuk ds vkèkkj ij vxys 4 o"kks± ds fy, dk;Z ;kstuk rS;kj dh xÃA lHkh o`fRrdksa us vius {ks=ksa ds fy, fuèkkZfjr y{; dks çkIr djus dk vk”oklu fn;kA fodkl ds vykok ;qok dk;ZØe] lq'kklu] lapkj] o;Ld lalkèku vkSj foÙk çkFkfedrkvksa ij Hkh foLrkj ls ppkZ dh xÃA Jh ,e-,- [kkfyn] vij eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qä vkSj Jh ,l-ds- fcLokl] jk"Vªh; LdkmV ¼o;Ld lalkèku½ vk;qä Hkh 26 ls 31 ekpZ] 2021 rd mifLFkr jgs vkSj mUgksaus viuh fo'ks"kKrk dh jk; nhA M‚- ds-ds- [kaMsyoky] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qä us 28 ekpZ] 2021 dks çfrHkkfx;ksa dks vk'khokZn fn;k vkSj lHkh is'ksojksa ds lkFk gksyh dk R;ksgkj euk;kA çèkku ea=h 'khYM çfr;ksfxrk vkSj mi&jk"Vªifr iqjLdkj çfr;ksfxrk ds fy, la'kksfèkr fn'kkfunsZ'k vkSj ikBîØe Hkh vkaf'kd :i ls rS;kj fd;k x;k FkkA

v‚uykbu ;qok lnL;rk iathdj.k v‚uykbu ;qok lnL;rk iathdj.k iksVZy fodflr fd;k x;k vkSj iathdj.k 'kq: gqvkA f=iqjk vkSj vaMeku vkSj fudksckj jkT;ksa ds nwjLFk ftyksa dks NksM+dj] vU; lHkh jkT;ksa us ftyk Lrj rd iathdj.k iwjk dj fy;k gS yxHkx 194655 O;fäxr lnL; iath—r gSaA {ks=h; Lrj ij 100 ls vfèkd vkHkklh dk;Z'kkyk,a vk;ksftr dh xb± ftuesa 2000 ls vfèkd çfrHkkfx;ksa dks eap ds fofHkUu Lrjksa ij dke djus ds fy, çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA


{ks=h; xfrfof/k;ka e/; {ks= vkHkklh ehV dk;ZØeksa dh vuqlwph ij ppkZ djus gsrq e/; {ks= ds jkT; vf/kdkfj;ksa ds fy, fnuk¡d 21 vçSy] 2020 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftelsa 06 {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds 13 jkT; vf/kdkfj;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA VkbM VuZj IykfLVd pSysat ij {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk vkHkklh :i ls Ldkbi ds ek/;e ls 06 ebZ] 2020 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ Fkh ftlesa {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds 16 jkT; vf/kdkfj;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA 20 ls 22 ebZ] 2020 ds chp jktLFkku] e/; çns'k ,oa NÙkhlx<+ jkT; ds ftyk vf/kdkfj;ksa@leUo;dksa ds fy, vkWuykbu ;qok lnL;rk ç.kkyh gsrq vkHkklh dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k] ftlesa 161 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA e/; {ks= ds jkT;ksa ds LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@jksolZ@jsatlZ ds fy, flafxax fQ,LVk DokZVj jkmaM fnuk¡d 23 ebZ] 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA çfr;ksfxrk ds fy, vkWfM'ku jkmaM ls 104 çfrHkkfx;ksa dk p;u fd;k x;kA if'pe e/; jsyos] mÙkj if'pe jsyos] nf{k.k iwoZ e/; jsyos ds jkT;@ftyk leUo;d ds fy, vkWuykbu ;qok lnL;rk iksVZy ij iathdj.k ds fy, vkHkklh dk;Z'kkyk ,oa çf'k{k.k 24 ,oa 26 ebZ] 2020 rd dh xbZA dk;Z'kkyk esa 26 jkT;@ftyk leUo;dksa us Hkkx fy;kA vksokbZ,e,l iksVZy ij yksdy ,lksfl,'ku ds iathdj.k ds laca/k esa e/; çns'k jkT; ds ,,lvkslh@Mhvkslh ¼LdkmV@xkbM½ ds lkFk vkHkklh cSBd 8 twu] 2020 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa 34 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds 14 ;qok usrkvksa ds fy, 29 twu] 2020 dks ^ge fdlh ls de ugha^ ds fy, {ks=h; Lrj dk nkSj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 19 vxLr] 2020 dks 94 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@jksolZ@jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ gsrq {ks=h; Lrj ij ^E;wftdy gaxkek^ dk DokZVj Qkbuy jkmaM vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds jkT; vf/kdkfj;ksa gsrq LdkmfVax esa o;Ldksa ij dk;Z'kkyk fnuk¡d 29 vxLr] 2020 dks vk;ksftr gqbZ ftlesa 90 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA e/; {ks= ds jkT; vf/kdkjh gsrq ^fQV bafM;k fgV bafM;k^ ij vkHkklh cSBd fnuk¡d 03 flrEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr gqbZ ftlesa 90 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA ,evksokbZ,,l@vksokbZ,e,l] ÝsUMl vkWQ ch,lth ij iathdj.k ds fy, vkHkklh cSBd fnuk¡d 15 ls 18 vDVwcj] 2020 rd ;wfuV yhMlZ ds fy, vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa 339 ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jkT;@ftyk vf/kdkjh ,oa leUo;dksa gsrq Ýh chbax eh@,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ,oa ;w&fjiksVZj ds fy, {ks=h; Lrj dh dk;Z'kkyk fnuk¡d 08 tuojh] 2021 dks vk;ksftr gqbZ] ftlesa 73 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA mÙkj if'pe jsyos jkT; ds leUo;dksa gsrq vksokbZ,e,l iksVZy ij O;fDrxr iathdj.k ds fy, vkHkklh cSBd fnuk¡d 10 tuojh 2020 ,oa 12 Qjojh 2021 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA VkbM VuZj IykfLVd pSyast vkWQykbu xfrfof/k ij {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds fy, vkHkklh cSBd 11 Qjojh] 2021 dks 97 lnL;ksa ds lkFk vk;ksftr dh xbZA 30

{ks=h; xfrfof/k;ka iwohZ {ks= vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] iwohZ {ks=h; eq[;ky; }kjk 06Vok¡ vUrjkZ’Vªh; ;ksx fnol fnuk¡d 21 twu] 2020 dks euk;kA 413 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ fMftVy ;ksx eap esa lfEefyr gq,A egkekjh dh fLFkfr ds dkj.k lHkh {ks=h; jkT;ksa esa çf'kf{kr usrkvksa }kjk ,d vf}rh; fopkj vFkkZr fMftVy ;ksx çfr;ksfxrk ds lkFk ;ksx tkx:drk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA Jh dkyh çlkn feJk] jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] vksfM'kk jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us çfr;ksfxrk dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA

LdkmfVax esa o;Ld ij dk;Z'kkyk Hkkjr Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] iwohZ {ks= }kjk ^^LdkmfVax es o;Ld^^ ij ,d dk;Z'kkyk twe osfcukj ds ek/;e ls fnuk¡d 4 tqykbZ] 2020 dks vk;ksftr gqbZ] ftlesa 7 jkT; la?kksa ls 28 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA oSXl dh igy] ckfydk dk;ZØe&Xykscy dk;ZØeksa&Ýh chbax eh] MkboflZVh bfDdVh ,oa baDywtu] fgalk cUn djks] lLVsuscy MsoyiesaV xksYl ,oa lQZ LekVZ] oSXl dh eq[; ifj;kstukvksa] oSf'od ,oa {ks=h; dk;ZØe] fpUru fnol ,oa xyZ&ysM ,Moksdslh] oSXl yhMjf'ki ekbaMlsV ds Ng {ks=ksa vkfn dk Hkh o.kZu fd;k x;kA

fQV bafM;k ij vkHkklh osfcukj Hkkjr Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] iwohZ {ks= }kjk fQV bafM;k ij {ks=h; Lrj vkHkklh osfcukj fnuk¡d 15 vxLr] 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;kA 345 çfrHkkfx;kas us bl vkHkklh dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA

vUrjkZ"Vªh; ckfydk fnol 11 vDVwcj] 2020 dks iwohZ {ks= }kjk vUrjkZ’Vªh; ckfydk fnol ¼vkbZMhth½&^^viuh 'kfDr lk>k djsa^^ dk vkHkklh mRlo vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA lqJh xfjek JhokLro] jkT; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] iwoZ e/; jsyos lekjksg dh eq[; vfrfFk FkhA Jherh foeyk es?koky] jk’Vªh; mik/;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA dk;ZØe esa fofHkUu iwohZ {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds çfrHkkfx;kas us Hkk’k.k] dfork,a nha ,oa vius fopkj lk>k fd,A efgykvksa ds lkeus vkus okyh leL;kvksa ,o amuls fuiVusa okys lek/kkuksa ds ckjs esa yM+fd;ksa }kjk nksrjQk ckrphr dh xbZA

Ýh chbax eh ,oa ,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ij dk;Z'kkyk Ýh chbax eh ,oa ,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ij {ks=h; Lrj dh dk;Z'kkyk jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] xaxkuxj] if'pe caxky esa fnuk¡d 15 ls 17 tuojh] 2021 rd vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa fcgkj] iwoZ e/; jsyos] iwohZ jsyos] vksfM+'kk ,oa if'pe caxky ds 45 jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA Ýh chbax eh ij&best feFk] C;wVh vjkmaM n oYMZ] Vsd n Iyst] best feFk dgka ls vkrk gS] ,;jczf'kax LikWV fMQjsal] vkmVlkbM bulkbM dkWLV vkWQ best feFk] ehfM;k fMVsfDVo vkfn tSls fofHkUu l= fy, x,A dk;Z'kkyk ds nwljs fnu dh “kq:vkr ch,lth ds


{ks=h; xfrfof/k;ka iwohZ {ks= lkFk ;ksx ,oa /otkjksg.k ls gqbZA 'kkjhfjd vkRefo'okl ij l=&,chlh dk ifjp;] odkyr dk ifjp;] dk;Zokgh djuk] ifj;kstuk ;kstuk ,oa ewY;kadu ij l= vk;ksftr fd, x,A Jh ';key dqekj fc'okl] jk’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼o;Ld lalk/ku½ us bl volj ij Hkkx fy;k ,oa çfrHkkfx;ksa dks vk'khokZn fn;kA çfrHkkfx;ksa dks viuh dk;Z ;kstuk nsu ds fy, dgk x;k ftls os vius lacaf/kr ftyk@jkT; la?kksa esa ykxw djsaxsA


{ks=h; xfrfof/k;ka mÙkjh {ks= vksokbZ,e,l ij {ks=h; Lrj dh ,d fnolh; vkWuykbu dk;Z'kkyk vkWuykbu ;qok lnL;rk iathdj.k ç.kkyh gsrq {ks=h; Lrj dh vkHkklh dk;Z'kkyk fnuk¡d 5 flrEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa 9 jkT;ksa ls 20 çfrHkkxh lfEefyr gq,A

vkHkklh LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ ehV mÙkjh {ks= dh vkHkklh LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ ehV fnuk¡d 8 ls 12 flrEcj] 2020 rd vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa 12 jkT;ksa ,oa ,d ftys tehvr ;wFk Dyc ls 59 çfrHkkxh lfEefyr gq,A fQV bafM;k] oSXl igy] okSte igy] mi&jk’Vªifr iqjLdkj çfr;ksfxrk] ç/kkuea=h 'khYM çfr;ksfxrk] vksokbZ,e,l ,oa lkgfld igy tSls l=ksa ij {ks=h; ,oa jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; ds lalk/ku O;fDr;ksa dh enn ls xgu ppkZ dh xbZA jkT; ds vf/kdkfj;ksa dks mudh cgqewY; fVIif.k;ksa ds fy, çfrfnu vkeaf=r fd;k x;kA

fpUru fnol lekjksg 07] 14 ,oa 21 Qjojh] 2021 dks vkHkklh fpUru fnol lekjksg xfrfof/k vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa 17 jkT;ksa ls 711 çfrHkkfx;ksa us xwxy QkWeZ ds ek/;e ls iathdj.k djk;k ,oa lgHkkfxrk dhA

csgrj fo'o cukus ds fy, ,lMhth ij {ks=h; Lrj dk dk;ZØe csgrj fo'o cukus gsrq ,lMhth ij {ks=h; Lrj dk dk;ZØe 25 vDVwcj] 1 uoEcj] 8 uoEcj] 15 uoEcj ,oa 22 uoEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe dk mn~ns'; lrr~ fodkl ds fy, lacaf/kr vkl ikl ds eqnnksa dh dkjZokbZ djds lfØ; oSf'od ukxfjd cukus gsrq ;qokvksa dh {kerk dk fodkl djuk FkkA

;qokvksa gsrq vkWuykbu {ks=h; dkS'ky fodkl dk;ZØe ;qokvksa gsrq vkWuykbu {ks=h; dkS'ky fodkl dk;ZØe mÙkjh {ks= }kjk fnuk¡d 8 ls 11 Qjojh] 2021 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA bl dk;ZØe esa 8 jkT;ksa tEew ,oa dk'ehj] paMhx<+] fnYyh] gfj;k.kk] mÙkj çns'k] mÙkjk[k.M] tehvr ;wFk Dyc ,oa mÙkj jsyos us Hkkx fy;kA fofHkUu dkS'kyksa ij vk/kkfjr fo’k; tSls csLV vkmV vkWQ osLV] Øk¶V odZ] dSaMy cukuk] VkbZ ,oa MkbZ vkfn dk;ZØe ds eq[; l= FksA

oSXl igy mÙkjk[k.M] iwoksZÙkj jsyos ,oa mÙkj çns'k jkT; }kjk dqy 17 Ýh chbax eh@'kkjhfjd vkRefo'okl dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA


{ks=h; xfrfof/k;ka mÙkj iwoZ {ks= ns'k ds mÙkj iwohZ Hkkx ds Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lnL;ksa us Hkkjr esa LdkmfVax@xkbfMax esa cgqr çHkko Mkyk ,oa okLrfod fofo/krk vkSj lekos'k dk ,d mnkgj.k fn;kA dksfoM+&19 ds f[kykQ yM+us ds gsrq os leqnk; dk leFkZu djus ds fy, gj txg lfØ; :i ls dke dj jgs gSaA iwoksZÙkj {ks= ds lHkh jkT;ksa esa gtkjksa LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l lfØ; gSa&v:.kkpy çns'k] vle] ef.kiqj] es?kky;] fetksje] ukxkySaM] ,u,Q- jsyos] flfDde ,oa f=iqjk fofHkUu :iksa esa vius leqnk;ksa dh lgk;rk djrs gSa tSls&dksfoM+&19 ij tkx:drk ds fy, vfHk;ku] t:jrean yksxksa dks Hkkstu ,oa vko';d oLrqvksa ds forj.k esa LFkkuh; ç'kklu dh enn djuk] Hkkstu vkSj iSd yap dh vkiwfrZ] thou ds fy, Hkkstu ifj;kstuk] [kk| lkexzh ,oa lSfuVkbtj forfjr djuk] ekLd cSad] ekLd rS;kj djuk ,oa turk dks forfjr djuk] vko';d oLrqvksa dh gkse fMyhojh] laxjks/k dsUnz] vLirky vkfn esa lsok çnku djuk] cktkj] jsyos LVs'ku ,oa cl LVSaM vkfn lkoZtfud LFkkuksa ij lkekftd nwjh cuk, j[kus esa LFkkuh; ç'kklu dh lgk;rk djuk] ljdkj dks dksfoM+&19 lsokvksa ds fy, jkT; eq[;ky;@jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz çnku djuk] ljdkjh jkgr dks’k esa ;ksxnku djuk ,oa dksfoM ;ks)kvksa vkfn dk vkHkkj O;Dr djukA o’kZ 2020&2021 egkekjh ds lkFk “kq: gqvk vkSj thou dks eqf'dy cuk fn;k] ysfdu gj jkr ds i'pkr ,d lqcg gksrh gSA mÙkj iwohZ {ks= esa LdkmV xkbM fcjknjh loksZÙke vk/kqfud rduhd dk mi;ksx dj lnL;ksa ds chp vkHkklh :i ls laca/k fodflr djus dk ç;kl djrh gSA jkT; ds lHkh vf/kdkjh] usrk ,oa ;qok lnL; fofHkUu vkWuykbu eapksa ds ek/;e ls fu;fer :i ls feyrs gSaA HkkSxksfyd lajpuk ds dkj.k lHkh jkT;ksa ds fy, ,d LFkku ij ,d lkFk feyuk cgqr eqf'dy gS ysfdu vkHkklh eap bls cgqr vklku cukrk gSA egkekjh ds nkSjku {ks=h; eq[;ky; fofHkUu vkWuykbu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr djus esa l{ke gSA dc~l cqycqYl gsrq {ks=h; QksVks çfr;ksfxrk iwoksZÙkj {ks= ds dc~l ,oa cqycqYl ds chp {ks=h; QksVks çfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA dc~l ,oa cqycqYl ls vuqjks/k fd;k x;k Fkk fd os bl ykWdMkmu vof/k ds nkSjku fcrk, x, lcls vPNs iy ds ckjs esa viuh rLohjsa HkstsaA mUgsa ?kj ds vUnj HkykbZ ds dk;Z djus ds fy, çsfjr fd;k x;kA lHkh jkT;ksa ls 45 çfof’V;k¡ çkIr gqbZA

06Bok¡ vkHkklh vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol lekjksg Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds mÙkj iwoZ {ks= us fnuk¡d 21 twu] 2020 dks ^^vkbZ yo ;ksxk^^ uke ls ,d {ks=h; vkHkklh ;ksx çfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fd;kA Jh panzthr lSfd;k] jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] ch,lth] ,u-,Q-jsyos ,oa v/;{k jsyos HkrhZ cksMZ] xqgkokVh us osfcukj dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA

vUrjkZ"Vªh; ckfydk fnol lekjksg ¼vkbZMhth½ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] mÙkj iwoZ {ks=h; eq[;ky us 7 ls 17 o’kZ ds dc~l ,oa cqycqYl] LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds


{ks=h; xfrfof/k;ka mÙkj iwoZ {ks= fy, Mªkbax ,oa isafVax çfr;ksfxrk ,oa 15 ls 25 o’kZ dh ofj’B xkbM~l ,oa jsatlZ gsrq VkWd “kks vk;ksftr dj vUrjkZ’Vªh; ckfydk fnol lekjksg euk;kA Mªkbax ,oa isafVax çfr;ksfxrk ^^ekbZ iluZy ghjks ,Ecye^^ fo’k; ds lkFk xwxy QkWeZ ds ek/;e ls ckyd ,oa ckfydkvksa gsrq i`Fkd :i ls vk;ksftr dh xbZA {ks=h; eq[;ky; }kjk ckydksa ls 48 ,oa ckfydkvksa ls 63 isafVaXl çkIr dh xbZA fu.kZ; ds mijkUr 01cqycqy] 03 xkbM~l] 01 dc] 02 LdkmV~l dks iqjLd`r fd;k x;kA

vkHkklh LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ ehV Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds mÙkj iwoZ {ks=h; eq[;ky; }kjk çFke ckj twe osfcukj ds ek/;e ls fnuk¡d 28 ,oa 29 tqykbZ dks LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ dh ,d vkHkklh ehV dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA 400 ;wfuV yhMlZ ,oa VªsulZ us vkWuykbu ds ek/;e ls bl vk;kstu gsrq iathdj.k djk;kA osfcukj dk mn~?kkVu Jh ih-,l- flag] fo/kk;d] ef.kiqj ljdkj }kjk 28 tqykbZ] 2020 dks fd;k x;kA ehV dk mn~ns'; LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ dks LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l fMftVy ds fy, vkSj vf/kd xfrfof/k;k¡ çnku djus gsrq çsfjr djuk FkkA

jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq {ks=h; vkHkklh ç'uksÙkjh çfr;ksfxrk jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq vkHkklh ç'uksÙkjh çfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fnuk¡d 10 vxLr] 2020 dks fd;k x;k] ftlesa 9 {ks=h; jkT;ksa ls 24 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA 24 çfrHkkfx;ksa esa ls 9 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks muds jkT;ksa dk çfrfuf/kRo djus ds fy, pquk x;kA Jh fciqy dqekj cksjk] xqokgkVh] vle ds tkus ekus dykdkj ,oa ç'uksÙkjh ekLVj ftudk jsfM;ks] nwjn'kZu] eap dykdj ,oa dbZ vU; :i esa ;ksxnku gS] eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA

dc~l ,oa cqycqYl gsrq {ks=h; vkHkklh dgkuh çfr;ksfxrk dc~l ,oa cqycqYl gsrq vkHkklh dgkuh çfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA v:.kkpy çns'k] vle] ef.kiqj ,oa iwoksZÙkj lhekUr jsyos ls 36 dc~l ,oa cqycqYl us Hkkx fy;kA

vkHkklh LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l VkWd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] mÙkj iwoZ {ks=h; eq[;ky; }kjk vkHkklh LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l VkWd twe osfcukj ds ek/;e ls fnuk¡d 10 ls 11 flrEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA 8 jkT;ksa }kjk 47 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ukeksa dh flQkfj'k dh xbZA osfcukj dk mn~?kkVu Jh ,-ds- vclj gtkfjdk] ,lh,l ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½] jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] vle jkT; }kjk 10 flrEcj] 2020 dks fd;k x;kA MkW- ,p-ih- {ks=h] eq[; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ ,oa jkT; eq[; vk;qDr flfDde us çfrHkkfx;ksa dks vk'khokZn fn;kA

{ks=h; LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l vkHkklh esyk {ks=h; eq[;ky; }kjk {ks=h; vkHkklh LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l esyk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k] ftlesa fetksje dks NksM+dj ukS jkT;ksa esa ls 08 jkT;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA ,oa fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa tSls yksd u`R;] xhr] çn'kZuh] ns'kHkfDr u`R; ,oa xhr


{ks=h; xfrfof/k;ka mÙkj iwoZ {ks= rFkk LdkmfVax@xkbfMax dkS'ky ds lkFk viuh laLd`fr ,oa fojklr dks çLrqr fd;kA esyk ¼mRlo½ dk mn~?kkVu Jh latho jkW;] egkçca/kd] iwoksZÙkj lhekUr jsyos }kjk jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; ,oa lHkh {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds vU; x.kekU; O;fDr;ksa dh mifLFkfr esa fd;k x;kA Jherh vesfy;k Losj] vUrjkZ’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½ ,oa jkT; lfop es?kky;] Jh panzthr lSfd;k] v/;{k] vkj-vkj-ch- xqokgkVh ,oa jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] iwoksZÙkj lhekUr jsyos] Jh jktdqekj dkSf'kd] funs'kd] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa Jh d`’.kkLokeh vkj-] dk;Zdkjh funs'kd] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa vU; fof'k’V vfrfFk LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk eukscy c<+kus ds fy, mifLFkr FksA

vkWuykbu Ýh chbax eh 'kkjhfjd vkRefo’okl çf’k{k.k dk;Z’kkyk vkWuykbu Ýh chbax eh 'kkjhfjd vkRefo'okl çf'k{k.k dk;Z'kkyk dk lapkyu mÙkj iwoZ {ks= }kjk 2 ls 4 Qjojh] 2021 rd fd;k x;kA


{ks=h; xfrfof/k;ka nf{k.k {ks= {ks=h; dSEiQk;j dkfuZoy 74osa Lora=rk fnol ds volj ij] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] nf{k.k {ks= us dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku ;qokvksa dks fMftVy :i ls tksM+us ds fy, vkHkklh dSEiQk;j dkfuZoy ds rhljs pj.k dk vk;kstu fd;kA vkHkklh dSEiQk;j fo”o ds lHkh dksfoM+ ;ks)kvksa lefiZr FkkA ;g igys ,oa nwljs {ks=h; Lrj ds vkHkklh dSEiQk;j Øe'k%15 twu] 15 tqykbZ ,oa rhljs vkHkklh dSEiQk;j 15 vxLr] 2020 ds Øe esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA nf{k.k {ks= ds 8 {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds 53 çfrHkkfx;ksa us vius “kkunkj çn'kZu ds lkFk blesa Hkkx ysdj dk;ZØe dks lQy cuk;kA bl dSEiQk;j dh Fkhe ^dSEiQkj dkfuZoy^ FkhA LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us ns'kHkfDr xhr] u`R;] fLdV] ukVd] eksuks ,fDVax vkfn çLrqr fd,A 15 twu] 2020 dks Jh ih-th-vkj- flaf/k;k] egklfpo] çslhMsaV &bu&dkmafly] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] dk;ZØe ds eq[; vfrfFk FksA 15tqykbZ] 2020 dks Jh gjh'k ,y- esFkk] mi&jk’Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV~l½] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] dk;ZØe ds eq[; vfrfFk FksA Jh thou ckcw ds-] ¼Hkk-ç-ls-½] funs'kd] lkekU; f'k{kk dsjy ,oa jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] dsjy lEekfur vfrfFk ds :i esa fnuk¡d 15 vxLr] 2020 dks mifLFkr FksA Jherh ds- vykesyw] yhMj Vªsuj ¼xkbM-½ ,oa iwoZ la;qDr funs'kd ¼lg&lsok,a-½] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] Jh pkS/kjh] vfHkusrk] funs'kd] xk;d] fuekZrk ,oa jk’Vªifr jksoj 1998 cSp nf{k.k e/; jsyo ,oa funs'kd] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa la;qDr funs'kd ¼xkbM½ mifLFkr FksA


bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf'ki

jkT; lfpoksa dh çFke vkHkklh cSBd 10 ebZ 2020 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftles bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf”ki ds çeq[k usrkvksa ds lkFk 32 jkT; lfpoksa@çfrfuf/k;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA MkW- ds-ih- feJk] jk’Vªh; mik/;{k ,oa jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] vksfM'kk Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa v/;{k vksfM'kk jkT; LdkmV xkbM QSyksf”ki }kjk cSBd dk mn~?kkVu fd;k x;kA U;k;ewfrZ Jh dYis'k >kosjh us v/;{kh; Hkk’k.k fn;k ,oa Jh ,e-,-ds-esDdh] dk;Zdkjh v/;{k us lHkh çfrHkkfx;ksa dk Lokxr fd;kA egklfpo] LdkmV~l vkWQ pkbuk ,ojxzhu ,lksfl,'ku rkboku&bZfyax okax vfrfFk Fks vkSj mUgksasus i;kZoj.k dh ns[kHkky ds ckjs esa] lEcksf/kr fd;k rFkk ch-ih- fxYM eysf”k;k ls Vh- xquk'khyu us bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf”ki baMLVªh; ,lth,Q ds ç;klksa ds fy, nhA çFke vUrjkZ’Vªh; çdks’B dh cSBd fnuk¡d 1 tqykbZ] 2020 dks eq[; U;k;/kh'k Jh dYis'k >kosjh ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½ çslhMsaV bu phQ dh v/;{krk esa vk;ksftr gqbZA lykgdkj lrh'k vkj- [kUuk ,oa e/kq dkfy;k] ,lth] lhek jkBh],e-,-ds- esDdh dh mifLFkfr esa vUrjkZ’Vªh; lfpo Mk;uk [kf'kZax }kjk lapkfyr dh xbZA fcfYMax fcztst ch;ksaM okaMªht ehV ikVZujf”ki fo'ks’k 14 twu] 2020 dks vk;ksftr gqbZ] ckaXykns'k] eysf'k;k] vkseku] Jhyadk] usiky] FkkbZySaM] eky}ho] nf{k.k dksfj;k ,oa flaxkiqj ds çeq[k usrkvksa ds lkFk 53 ls vf/kd fons'kh o;Ld LdkmV xkbM lfEefyr gq, ,oa bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf”ki dk çfrfuf/kRo yxHkx 70 lnL;kas }kjk fd;k x;kA o;Ldksa ds fy, 5ok¡ ,Mosapj 16 ls 20 Qjojh] 2021 rd LdkmV Vªsfuax lsaVj fifydqyk esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftldh estckuh dukZVd jkT; ,lth,Q us dhA blesa 40 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA f}rh; vUrjkZ’Vªh; çdks’V dh vkHkklh cSBd 23 Qjojh] 2021 dks gqbZ] ftlesa fons'kksa] vUrjkZ’Vªh; Hkkxhnkjh ,oa lk>snkjh ls lacaf/kr eqnnksa ij ppkZ dh xbZ vkSj mudk lek/kku fd;k x;kA cSBd dh v/;{krk ekuuh; U;k;ewfrZ ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½] Jherh xhrk feÙky] v/;{k] bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf”ki us dh ,oa Mk;uk bZ[kf'kZax] vUrjkZ’Vªh; lfpo }kjk cSBd lapkfyr dh xbZA

38 1

jk"Vªh; çf’k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h LdkmV foHkkx o’kZ 2020&21 ds nkSjku jk’Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h dsoy 03 vkoklh; f”kfoj vk;ksftr dj ldkA Ÿ 116 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj ¼Ldkm foax½ ds fy, Qjojh ,oa ekpZ] 2021 eghus esa nks f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA Ÿ jk’Vªh; çf”k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h esa NÙkhlx<+ jkT; ds 27 vk;qDrksa ds fy, ,d csfld dfe”uj dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ykWdMkmu vof/k ds nkSjku jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk vkWuykbu ikB~;Øe vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ,oa çh&,,yVh ¼LdkmV½ ds fy, 04 vkWuykbu ikB~;Øe ,oa LdkmV foHkkx ds çf”k{kdksa ds fy, 04 jh&vksfj,aVs'ku dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x,A dqy 159 çh&,,yVh mEehnokjksa us vgZrk çkIr dh ,oa 184 çf'k{kdkas dks muds vkWujscqy pktZ ds uohuhdj.k gsrq vuq'kaflr fd;k x;kA jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us fgeky; oqM cSt ikpZesaV ,oa lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj ,oa yhMj Vªsuj ds vkWujscqy pktZ tkjh djus ds fy, fo'ks’k çko/kku fd;kA o’kZ 2020&2021 ds nkSjku 347 fgeky; oqM cSt ikpZesaV 71 lgk;d yhMj Vªsujksa ,oa 25 yhMj Vªsujksa ds vkWujscqy pktZ tkjh fd, x,A

xkbM foHkkx o’kZ 2020&21 ds nkSjku jk’Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h es 08 vkWuykbu f”kfoj ,oa 01 vkoklh; f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA Ÿ twe ij 03 vkWuykbu vkj-vks-Vh- ¼xkbM½ f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x, ftlesa 25 jkT;ksa ls 146 çf'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA Ÿ twe ij 05 vkWuykbu çh&,,yVh ¼xkbM½ f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x, ftlesa 24 jkT;ksa ls 213 ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA Ÿ lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj ds fy, 01 vkoklh; f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 11 jkT;ksa ls 69 mEehnokjksa us Hkkx fy;kA o’kZ ds nkSjku jkT; ds bdkbZ usrkvksa dks 73 fgeky; oqM cSt ikpZesaV tkjh fd, x,A 15 lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj ,oa 22 yhMj Vªsujksa vkWujscqy pktZ tkjh fd, x,A çf'k{kdksa ds 85 vkWujscqy pktZ uohuhd`r fd, x,A o’kZ ds nkSjku jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds dkj.k çf'k{kdkas ds ikpZesaV uohuhdj.k ds fy, fo'ks’k çko/kku fd;kA


jk"Vªh; lkgfld laLFkku] ipe<h ykWdMkmu vof/k ds nkSjku] iwoZ mEehnokjksa ds lkFk lEidZ esa jgus ,oa ^^,Mosapj QsLV^^ uked osfcukj@twe cSBdksa ds ek/;e ls i;kZoj.k vkSj [kqyh gok dh xfrfof/k;ksa ds lEcU/k esa tkx:drk ,oa ewY; mRiUu djus ds ç;kl fd, x,A ioZrkjksg.k laLFkkuksa ds fo'ks’kKksa lesr lkgfld {ks= ds çeq[k yhMlZ dks Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds ;wV;wc pSuy ij is'k fd;k x;kA uoEcj] 2020 ls ekpZ 2021 rd] 808 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk 15 lkgfld dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A o;Ld yhMlZ dks lkgfld xfrfof/k;ksa ls ifjfpr djkus ds fo'ks’k ç;kl fd, x,A gfj;k.kk jkT; ds laLFkkuksa ds çeq[kksa us vkmVjhp dk foLrkj djus esa lQyrk çkIr dhA


jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld laLFkku] xniqjh jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld laLFkku dk;ZØe fQV bafM;k ds cSuj rys jk’Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe 22 ls 26 fnlEcj] 2020 rd eukyh] fgekpy çns”k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa mÙkj çns”k] e/; çns”k] NÙkhlx<+] vk¡/kz çns”k] iwoZ rVh; jsyos ,oa jktLFkku ds 116 ;qok çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA blh LFkku ij 28 fnlEcj] 2020 ls 01 tuojh] 2021 rd ,d vU; jk’Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa Øe”k% e/; çns”k] NÙkhlx<+] jktLFkku] vksfM”kk] if”pe jsyos] xqtjkr] if”pe caxky] egkjk’Vª] dsjy ,oa nknj uxj gosyh jkT;ksa ds 157 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA çFke fo”ks"k jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe 11 ls 15 tuojh] 2021 rd Hkksikyikuh] nsgjknwu esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa vk¡/kz çns”k] jktLFkku] mÙkjk[k.M] egkjk’Vª ,oa NÙkhlx<+ jkT;ksa ls 103 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA f}rh; fo”ks’k jk’Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe Hkh blh LFkku ij 18 ls 22 tuojh] 2021rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa fcgkj] egkjk’Vª] jktLFkku] mÙkjk[k.M ,oa mÙkj çns”k ds 51 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA lHkh çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkksikyikuh xzke VªSd] fgy VkWi Vªsfdax dk vkuUn fy;k ,oa Hkksikyikuh ds vkl&ikl ds LFkkuksa ,sfrgkfld ,oa /kkfeZd LFkkuksa tSls “kkafrdqat] gfj}kj] yky cgknqj “kkL=h jktdh; çf”k{k.k laLFkku] elwjh vkfn dk Hkze.k fd;kA jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe 1 ls 15 Qjojh] 2021 rd fueZy uspj dSEilkbV] nf{k.k xksok esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa NÙkhlx<+] iwoZ jsyos] e/; çns”k] jktLFkku] nf{k.k iwoZ jsyos] rfeyukMq ,oa mÙkj çns”k jkT;ksa ls 53 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA dk;ZØe dk “kqHkkjEHk 01 Qjojh] 2021 dks Jh tsEl QukZafMt] jkT; lfpo xksok }kjk fd;k x;kA blh LFkku ij ,d vU; jk’Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe 8 ls 12 Qjojh] 2021 rd fd;k x;k ftlesa vka/kz çns”k] NÙkhlx<+] gfj;k.kk] tEew ,oa d”ehj] dukZVd] e/; çns”k] jktLFkku] if”pe e/; jsyos ,oa if”pe caxky ls 149 çfrHkkfx;ksa us lfØ;rkiwoZd Hkkx fy;kA dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu 8 Qjojh] 2021 dks MkW- mn; xkaodj] mifuns”kd] f”k{kk foHkkx] xksok lg mik/;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] xksok }kjk fd;k x;kA çfrHkkfx;ksa dks Vªsfdax gsrq pUnzs”oj HkwrukFk eafnj ijksnk ys tk;k x;k ,oa xksok ds egRoiw.kZ LFkku tSls f”kjksM+k chp] Mksuk ikmyk chp] egkohj xkMZu ehjkekj vkSj dyaxqV chp] ck?kk chp dk Hkze.k djk;k x;kA lkgfld dk;ZØeksa esa Ýh chbax eh ,oa ;w&fjiksVZ vkfn ij l= Hkh vk;ksftr fd, x,A fo'ks"k jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe 17 ls 21 ekpZ] 2021 rd eukyh] fgekpy çns”k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa fgekpy çns”k] mÙkj jsyos] rsyaxkuk] mÙkj çns”k ,oa mÙkjk[k.M ls 32 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA lHkh çfrHkkfx;ksa us ik”kkZ QkWy Vªsad] gfM+Eck eafnj rd Vªsfdax ,oa jkWd DykbfEcax] jSifyax] vkClVsdYl ,oa fti ykbu dk vkuUn fy;kA çfrHkkfx;ksa us f”k”kq ,oa vVy lqjax dk Hkh nkSjk fd;kA

41 1

çkUrh; çfrosnu v.Meku vkSj fudksckj }hi dksfoM+&19 ;ks)k Jh lehj dqekj nkl] ftyk laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½] iksVZ Cys;j] v.Meku vkSj fudksckj] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us 25 fnuksa ls vf/kd le; rd gksVy dkjikxe MªhEl] cMZ ykbu] tSls laxjks/k dsUnzksa ij viuh lsok,a nhA fQV bafM;k tkx:drk dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu nf{k.k v.Meku vapy esa Jh lehj dqekj nkl] jkT; leUo;d }kjk fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe esa 35 çfrHkkfx;kas us Hkkx fy;kA 30 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dsIVu~l ds lkFk nf{k.k v.Meku {ks=ksa esa LoPNrk vfHk;ku pyk;k x;kA dksfoM+&19 ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa ds chp forfjr fd, x,A vkU/kz çns'k

dsIVu~l gsrq csfld dkslZ 25 Qjojh ls 03 ekpZ 2021 rd Jh dkdqye esa 40 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 101 çfrHkkfx;kas ds lkFk LdkmV ekLVlZ ds fy, 02 csfld dkslZ] jksoj LdkmV yhMlZ gsrq 01 csfld dkslZ] ,oa dc ekLVlZ gsrq 01 csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; }kjk prqFkZ pj.k] ghjd ia[k] r`rh; lksiku çf”k{k.k ,oa ijh{k.k f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq 09 jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x, ftlesa 567 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA vle jkT; ds jafx;k] dkthjaxk] eksjhxk¡o vkSj uxk¡o ftyksa esa ck<+ jkgr f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us 15 vxLr] 2020 ls 2 vDVwcj] 2020 rd pyus okys fQV bafM;k dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA xkslkbZxk¡o xYlZ gkbZ Ldwy }kjk lkbfdy jSyh vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; us 56 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk ;wfuV yhMlZ gsrq ,d fcfxulZ dkslZ 19 fnlEcj] 2020 dks ts-,u- dkWyst] cksdks esa vk;ksftr fd;kA MkWu ckWLdks gkbZ Ldwy] cksdks esa 4 ls 10 tuojh] 2021 rd 15 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa 15 xkbM dSIVu~l ds lkFk LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x,A 16 ls 22 tuojh] 2021 rd lIrxzke dkWyst] /kqjoh esa LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq csfld çf”k{k.k f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 26 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa 15 xkbM dSIVu~l dks çf”kf{kr fd;k x;kA jksoj yhMlZ ,oa jsatj yhMlZ gsrq csfld çf”k{k.k f”kfoj 16 ls 22 tuojh] 2021 rd lIrxzke dkWyst] /kqjoh esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftlesa 16 jksoj yhMlZ ,oa 15 jsatj yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA xkbM foHkkx gsrq vkWuykbu çh&,,yVh f”kfoj 17 ls 23 Qjojh] 2021 rd vk;ksftr fd;k

Jh fo”oHkw’k.k gfjpanu] ekuuh; jkT;iky vka/kz çns”k ,oa eq[; laj{kd vka/kz çns”k jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us 7 uoEcj] 2020 dks jkT;iky lfpoky; esa jkT; lekjksg dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA ekuuh; jkT;iky }kjk jkT; }kjk Ldwyh cPpksa ds fy, LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l xfrfof/k;ksa vkSj çf”k{k.k dk;ZØeksa dh tkx:drk ds fuekZ.k ij rS;kj y?kq fQYe dk foekspu fd;k x;kA xkbM dsIVu~l gsrq ,Mokal dkslZ 27 tuojh ls 2 Qjojh 2021 rd eSfjiyse] fo”kk[kkiVVue esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 29 xkbM dsIVuksa us Hkkx fy;kA xkbM 45 42

çkUrh; çfrosnu x;kA xqokgkVh “kgj ds 30 jksolZ ,oa jstlZ 11 ekpZ] 2021 dks lqDys”oj nsoky; esa viuh lsok,a çnku dhA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa ds chp forfjr fd, x,A v:.kkpy çns'k

egkekjh ds nkSjku jkgr lkexzh ds forj.k] LoPNrk] lkekftd nwjh] Hkkstu forj.k vkfn esa viuh lsok,a çnku dhA jkT; }kjk 13 twu] 2020 dks jkT; Lrjh; ftyk laxBuk;qDrksa dh vkHkklh cSBd dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa dksfoM+ tkx:drk jSfy;ksa dks vk;kstu fd;k x;kA jkT; ds leLr ftyk laxBuk;qDrksa us 19 twu] 2020 dks jkT; Lrjh; vkWuykbu ;qok lnL;rk ç.kkyh cSBd esa Hkkx fy;kA fcgkj jkT; ds lkj.k ftys ds 25 jksolZ us 190 ifjokjksa dks ck<+ jkgr lkexzh forfjr dhA jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa ds LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@ jksolZ@jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us /kkfeZd R;ksagkjksa ds nkSjku viuh lsok,a çnku dhA NÙkhlx<+

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l v:.kkpy çns”k dh jkT; ifj’kn dh cSBd 16 ekpZ] 2021 dks jkT; çf”k{k.k dsUnz] ukgjyxqu esa vk;ksftr gqbZ ftldh v/;{krk ekuuh; ea=h ¼f”k{kk] lk¡Ld`frd ,oa Lons”kh ekeys½ v:.kkpy çns”k ljdkj ,oa v/;{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l v:.kkpy çns”k }kjk dh xbZA Jh ,j-rck rsfnj] fo”ks’k lfpo ¼ek/;fed½ f”k{kk ,oa ifj’kn ds lnL;ksa lesr vU; fof”k’V vfrfFk mifLFkr FksA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l v:.kkpy çns”k jkT; us fofHkUu jktdh; Ldwyksa ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fy, gkbfdax ,oa dSfEiax ij vk/kkfjr gkbfdax bu uspj ,oa dqfdax çfr;ksfxrk lg çd`fr v/;;u dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;kA fcgkj fcgkj jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fofHkUu ftyksa ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us vçsy ls tqykbZ 2020 ds nkSjku 46497 ekLd rS;kj dj forfjr fd,A jkT; Hkj es a LdkmV~ l @xkbM~ l @ jksolZ@jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us dksfoM+&19

vkWuykbu fcfxulZ dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA NÙkhlx<+ jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk ekg ebZ] twu ,oa vDVwcj] 2020 esa 03 vkWuykbu VªsulZ ehV dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA jkT; us 2 vDVwcj] 2020 dks jkT; eq[;ky;] jk;iqj esa loZ/keZ çkFkZuk lHkk dk vk;kstu fd;kA jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq jkT; Lrjh; ;qok eap dk vk;kstu 14 ls 15 vDVwcj] 2020 rd fd;k x;kA jkT; Lrjh; ;qok laxe dk vk;kstu jkT; çf”k{k.k dsUnz] >k¡dh] vHkuiqj] jk;iqj esa 20 ls 22 Qjojh] 2021 rd fd;k x;kA jkT; }kjk ioZrkjksg.k dk;ZØe] jkT; Lrjh; çd`fr v/;;u f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A LdkmV ekLVlZ] xkbM 45 43

çkUrh; çfrosnu dSIVu~l ,oa jsatj yhMlZ gsrq fgeky; oqM cSt f”kfoj ekpZ 2021 ekg esa vk;ksftr fd, x,A e/; jsyos e/; jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa muds ;wfuV yhMlZ dh vPNh çfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk 21 twu] 2020 dks vUrjkZ’Vªh; ;ksx fnol euk;kA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd cukdj t:jreanksa ds chp forfjr fd; x,A dsUnzh; frCcrh Ldwy ç'kklu dksfoM+ egkekjh ds n`f’Vxr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk vius ?kjksa ,oa vklikl ^dksjksuk ok;jl^ ij fp=dyk çfr;ksfxrk] ^LoPNrk^ ij fucU/k çfr;ksfxrk ,oa o`{kkjksi.k dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA LokLF; vkSj LoPNrk ds çfr tkx:drk ykus gsrq xfrfof/k;k¡ vk;ksftr dh xbZA 21 flrEcj] 2020 dks fo”o “kkafr fnol euk;k x;k ftlesa vkHkklh fp=dyk] ukjk ys[ku vkfn vk;ksftr fd, x,A p.Mhx<+ ;w-VhdksfoM+&19 ds nkSjku ekLd cSad dh “kq:vkr dh xbZ ftlesa p.Mhx<+ ds fofHkUu Ldwyksa ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us 3000 ekLd dk ;ksxnku fn;k ftUgsa p.Mhx<+ ds t:jrean {ks=ksa esa forfjr fd;k x;kA p.Mhx<+ jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us 78 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l dh çfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk vkWuykbu fcfxulZ dkslZ dk vk;kstu fd;kA jkT; }kjk isVªksy xSnfjax] /ot cukuk] vkWuykbu lwpukvksa dk vknku&çnku] çfrKk ,oa HkykbZ dk;Z] d{k esa f”kfoj yxkuk] f”kfoj esa Hkkstu cukuk vkfn fofHkUu vkWuykbu xfrfof/k;k¡ vk;ksftr dh xbZA nknj uxj gosyh nknj uxj gosyh LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa

jsatlZ us iqfyl foHkkx ds lkFk ,Vh,e ,oa lkoZtfud LFkkuksa ij lkekftd nwjh dk ikyu djk;kA 09 tqykbZ] 2020 dks jkT; eq[;ky;] nknj uxj gosyh esa “kkjhfjd vkRefo”okl ij dk;Zokgh dk;Z”kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa 16 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us lfØ;rkiwoZd Hkkx fy;kA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd cukdj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A fnYyh

fnYyh jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us jkT; eq[; vk;qDr MkW- ¼Jherh½ ekfud clZys ds usr`Ro esa 6 ebZ] 2020 dks dksfoM+&19 ij ,d vkHkklh cSBd dk vk;kstu fd;kA 268 çfrHkkfx;ksa dh çfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk 28 tqykbZ] 2020 dks vkWuykbu lM+d lqj{kk vfHk;ku vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; us 31 fnlEcj] 2020 dks ^^xks&xzks&Xyks^^ fo’k; ij jsatfjax “krkCnh o’kZ dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;kA x.kra= fnol dh iwoZ la/;k ij 25 tuojh] 2021 dks vkHkklh ns”kHkfDr xhr çfr;ksfxrk vk;ksftr dh xbZA dc ekLVlZ] LdkmV ekLVlZ] jksoj LdkmV yhMlZ] ¶ykWd yhMlZ xkbM dSIVu~l ,oa jsatj yhMlZ gsrq vkHkklh fcfxulZ dkslZ Qjojh] 2021 ekg esa vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 65 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA 45 44

çkUrh; çfrosnu iwoZ jsyos

rVh; jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us dc~l@cqycqYl] LdkmV~l@xkbM~l gsrq ^bafM;k QkbV~l dksjksuk^ fo’k; ij vkWuykbu ^^fp=dkjh çfr;ksfxrk^^ dk vk;kstu fd;kA çfr;ksfxrk esa lHkh ftyksa ds uUgsa&eqUuksa us c<+&p<+dj Hkkx fy;k ,oa viuh çfrHkk dk ifjp; fn;kA nksuksa foHkkxksa gsrq jkT; Lrjh; iwoZ&jk’Vªifr ,oa jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f”kfoj dk vk;kstu 6 ls 10 tqykbZ] 2020 rd fd;k x;k ftlesa 92 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa 25 ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA eq[;ky; Lora= xzqi] iwoZ jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us dksfoM+ [kqnkZ jksM fMohtu ds jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us 30 ,oa 31 egkekjh ds nkSjku çFke vf[ky Hkkjrh; jsyos tuojh] 2021 dks fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij 10 iYl iksfy;ks vkHkklh lksyks Mkal çfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fd;kA çfr;ksfxrk esa 16 jsyos tksuksa ds çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;k ,oa Hkkjr d fofHkUu u`R;ksa dk çn”kZu fd;kA jkT; Lrjh; vkHkklh dSfj;j dkmalfyax 5 ls 6 fnlEcj] 2020 rd vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; }kjk lHkh Ng vuqHkkxksa ds fy, fgeky; oqM cSt f”kfoj 16 ls 22 Qjojh] 2021 rd jkT; çf”k{k.k ikdZ] e/kqiqj esa vk;ksftr fd, x,A 56 dc~l ,oa 45 cqycqYl dh çfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk prqFkZ pj.kA ghjd cwFkksa ds çca/ku ,oa lapkyu esa vLirky ds ia[k tk¡p f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A 111 LdkmV~l] vf/kdkfj;ksa dh lgk;rk dhA Vsful ckWy] fØdsV 64 xkbM~l] 48 jksolZ ,oa 15 jsatlZ dh çfrHkkfxrk ds VwukesaV ^LdkmV çhfe;j yhx&2021^ dk vk;kstu lkFk LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq jkT; 13 ls 14 Qjojh] 2021 rd ftyk çf”k{k.k dsUnz] iqjLdkj tk¡p f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A jkT; us [kqnkZ jksM ij fd;k x;k ftlesa LdkmV~l ,oa jksolZ ykWdMkmu ds nkSjku jkT; ds fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij lsok dh 4 Vheksa us Hkkx fy;kA LVSuiksy Iys;lZ us o’kZ dk;Z Ø e vk;ks f tr fd,A lHkh ftyks a ds 2020 dh VªkQh vius uke dhA LdkmV~l@xkbM~l@jksolZ@jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us ekLd cukdj t:jreanksa dks ck¡VsA iwoZ e/; jsyos dksfoM+&19 egkekjh esa jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ,oa ykWdMkmu ds nkSjku iwoZ ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa ds chp forfjr fd, e/; jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lnL;ksa us Jfed Lis”ky Vªsuksa ls vk, çokfl;ksa dks 5 x,A yk[k [kkn~; iSdsV] 50]000 ikuh dh cksrysa] nw/k ds iwoZ rVh; jsyos iSdsV forfjr fd,A fdÅy esa lkekftd nwjh dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ,oa ykWdMkmu ds nkSjku iwoZ 45

çkUrh; çfrosnu ekunaMksa dks cuk, j[kus gsrq 5 ls 19 ebZ] 2020 rd jksolz ,oa jsatlZ dh çfrfu;qDr fd;k x;A LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk ,d yk[k ekLd cukdj jsyos deZpkfj;ksa dks forfjr fd, x,A LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us jsyos LVs”ku vkSj dkWyksfu;ksa es aFkeZy LØhfuax ,oa gksE;ksiSfFkd nok ds forj.k esa viuh lsok,a çnku dhA yksxksa dks dksjksuk ds çHkko ,oa mlls cpko ds mik;ksa ds ckjs esa tkx:d djus ds fy, tkx:drk dk;ZØe] uqDdM+ ukVd vkfn vk;ksftr fd, x,A dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreankas ds chp forfjr fd, x,A xksok

t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A xqtjkr xqtjkr jkT; ds 19 ftyksa esa isVªksy yhMlZ dSEi vk;ksftr fd, x,A jkT; ds 24 ftyksa esa lekt lsok f'kfoj ,oa ekLd cSad dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA LdkmV ,oa xkbM foHkkxksa esa 03 csfld ,oa 05 ,Mokal f'kfojksa dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA xqtjkr jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk LdkmfVax QkWj ckW;t ,oa ,M~l Vw LdkmVekLVjf'ki iqLrdsa xqtjkrh Hkk"kk esa izdkf'kr dh xbZaA jkT; us 'kqHkfpUrdksa ls izkIr nku ls cksfj;koh] uolkjh ,oa Fkyrst rhu izf'k{k.k dsUnz fodflr fd,A gfj;k.kk

fo”o i;kZoj.k fnol ij 40 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us ikS/kkjksi.k vfHk;ku esa Hkkx fy;kA eq”rsQaM gkbZ Ldwy] dqthjk] cEcksfye] xksok esa 6 ls 9 tqykbZ] 2020 rd fcfxulZ dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 13 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA jksVjh Dyc] i.kth ds lg;ksx ls f”k{kk ds fy, dksfoM+&19 pqukSfr;ksa ,oa vkxs dh jkg fo’k; ij vkHkklh osfcukj dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa ds 600 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; }kjk 36 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk ”kkjhfjd vkRefo”okl ij dk;Zokgh Ýh chbax eh dk;Z”kkyk vk;ksftr dh xbZA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj

jkT; ds Lo;alsodksa }kjk dksfoM&19 ds nkSjku iznku dh xbZ lsokvksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq,] eq[;ea=h] gfj;k.kk jkT; us ,d iz'kalk i= Hkstk vkSj gfj;k.kk jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk iznku dh xbZ fu%LokFkZ lsokvksa dh ljkguk dhA ftyk iz'kklu us Hkh dksfoM&19 ds nkSjku leqnk; dh lsok djus ds fy, Lo;alsodksa dks Øe'k% 15 vxLr] 2020 ,oa 26 tuojh] 2021 dks lEekfur fd;kA jkT; izf'k{k.k vk;qDr Jh ,y-,l- oekZ }kjk ekuuh; [ksy ,oa ;qok dk;Z ea=h Jh ,l- lanhi flag dks dksfoM&19 ij izfrosnu dh izfr HksaV dh xbZ ftUgksaus Vhe Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,o xkbM~l gfj;k.kk }kjk fd, x, dk;ksZa dh ljkguk dhA LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa 45 46

çkUrh; çfrosnu ;wfuV yhMlZ }kjk yk[kksa dh la[;k esa rS;kj fd, x, ekLd >qXxh&>ksifM+;ksa esa t#jreanksa] xjhcksa rFkk iqfyldfeZ;ksa dks forfjr fd, x,A Lo;alsodksa us jsyos LVs'kuksa ij ekLd ,oa lSfuVkbtj ckWaVsA 1226 izfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk CykWd ,oa ftyk Lrj ij 24 fofxulZ dkslZ fd, x,A ladV dh bl ?kM+h esa t#jreanksa dks i;kZIr jDr miyC/k djkus gsrq jsM ØkWl lkslkbVh ds lg;ksx ls jkT; Hkj esa fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij 25 jDrnku f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A ekuork ds dY;k.k gsrq 1034 ;wfuV jDrnku fd;k x;kA Qjhnkckn dh jsatlZ }kjk izLrqr vkWuykbu ySEi MkWal Þ'ks;j n ykbV^ dks jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk fo'o xkbM laxBu esa Hkkjr dh vksj ls ,f'k;k iz'kkar {ks= dk izfrfuf/kRo djus ds fy, pquk x;kA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A fgekpy izns'k

ftlesa 63 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,o 58 xkbM dsIVu~l dks izf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA jkT; }kjk jkT; Lrjh; vkWuykbu dkS'ky fodkl dk;ZØe 25 ls 30 flrEcj] 2020 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 450 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; us 21 flrEcj] 2020 dks vUrjkZ’Vªh; 'kkafr fnol eukus gsrq vkHkklh dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;kA Jh cank# nRrk=s;] egkefge jkT;iky] fgekpy izns'k dk;ZØe ds eq[; vfrfFk ,oa Jh xksfcUn flag Bkdqj] ekuuh; f'k{kk ea=h fof'k"V vfrfFk ds #i esa mifLFkr FksA jkT; }kjk jkT; Lrjh; fcfxulZ dkslZ] jkT; for lfefr cSBd ,oa vU; cSBds Hkh vk;ksftr dh xbZaA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A >kj[k.M ebZ fnol ds volj ij >kj[k.M jkT; ds gtkjhckx ftys ds lnL;ksa us dksfoM&19 egkekjh dh vof/k ds nkSjku gtkjhckx {ks= ds etnwjksa dks Hkkstu ,oa ekLd forfjr fd,A 05 twu] 2020 dks gtkjhckx] cksdkjks] yksgkjnxk] nqedk] jkex<+] /kuckn] prjk] dksMjek ,oa iwohZ flagHkwe }kjk fo'o i;kZoj.k euk;k x;k ftlesa LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us lfØ;rkiwoZd Hkkx fy;kA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A tEe ,oa d'ehj Å/keiqj ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk 29 uoEcj] 2020 dks vkWuykbu pquko tkx#drk vfHk;ku dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA jkT; eq[;ky; xkWa/khuxj] tEew esa ,d fnolh; lwpukRed lg ifjp; dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa tEew ftys ds fofHkUu

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,o xkbM~l] fgekpy izns'k us fnukWad 16 ebZ] 2020 dks jkT; Lrjh; vkHkklh ftyk laxBuk;qDrksa ,oa ftyk izf'k{k.kk;qDrksa dh cSBd dk vk;kstu fd;kA jkT; Lrjh; vkHkklh cSSXl igy dk;ZØe 23 ebZ ls 02 twu] 2020 rd 298 izfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ekg vxLr] 2020 esa LdkmV ekLVlZ ,o xkbM dsIVu~l gsrq vkWuykbu ,MokaLM dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x, 45 47

çkUrh; çfrosnu

Ldwykas ls 47 f'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA fj;klh ,oa Å/keiqj ftyksa }kjk 15 fnlEcj] 2020 dks fQV bafM;k vkUnksyu ij osfcukj vk;ksftr dh xbZA tEew ,oa d'ehj Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us xzhu ,aM Dyhu ,uthZ fo"k; ds vUrxZr 12 ,oa 13 Qjojh] 2021 dks jkT; eq[;ky;] xkWa/khuxj] tEew esa bafM;u vkW;y dkiksZjs'ku fyfeVsM dh l{ke 2021 xfrfof/k;ksa dk lapkyu fd;kA jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa fofHkUu jktdh; ,oa futh laLFkkuksa ds ;wfuV yhMlZ gsrq ßÝh chbax ehß dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA 42 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lkFk Jhuxj baVjus'kuy Ldwy iaiksj esa f}rh; lksiku f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 33 ;wfuV yhMlZ dh izfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk jkT; eq[;ky;] xkWa/khuxj] tEew esa LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x,A dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A

}kjk ns'k ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa 9]65]656 ekLd] 6]76]066 lSfuVkbtlZ] [kkus ds iSdsV~l] ih-ih-bZfdV~l dk forj.k fd;k x;kA fQV bafM;k dk;ZØe esa 5308 LdkmVlZ@jksolZ us Hkkx fy;kA 5730 LdkmV~l ,oa jksolZ us dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku LFkkuh; iz'kklu dh lgk;rk dhA teh;r ;wFk Dyc }kjk fnYyh ,oa mRrj izns'k ds vLirkyksa esa 65 vkWDlhtu flyasMjksa dh vkiwfrZ dh xbZA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A


dukZVd jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ] o;Ld yhMlZ ,oa Lo;alsodksa us 45]00]000 ls vf/kd ekLd rS;kj fd, rFkk iqfyl ,oa vU; foHkkxksa esa rFkk lkoZtfud #i ls forfjr fd,A jkT; us iafVax] ns'kHkfDr xk;u] vkHkklh foKku izn'kZuh vkfn tSlh fofHkUu vkWuykbu izfr;ksfxrkvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k ftlesa

teh;r ;wFk Dyc teh;r ;wFk Dyc Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us 22 ls 28 ekpZ, 2021 rd tkfe;k gqlSfu;k] fd'kuxat] fcgkj esa LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa jksoj LdkmV yhMlZ gsrq ,d&,d csfld dkslZ dk vk;kstu fd;k ftlesa 31 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa 31 jksoj yhMlZ dks izf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA dksfoM&19 ds nkSjku teh;r ;wFk Dyc 45 48

çkUrh; çfrosnu 6000 ls vf/kd ;qok lfEefyr gq,A 15000 jksolZ@jsatlZ] o;Ld yhMlZ] ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us dksfoM egkekjh ds nkSjku lM+d lqj{kk] HkhM+ fu;a=.k ,oa dksfoM ijh{k.k vkfn esa viuh lsok,a iznku dj ftyk iz'kklu dh enn dhA jkT; us egku yhMlZ@lsfyfczVht ds lkFk 20 ls vf/kd Mk;ykWx dSQs dk vk;kstu fd;k ftUgksaus ;qokvksa ls ckrphr dhA jkT; }kjk Jh t;nso baLVhV~;wV vkWQ dkfMZ;ksokLdqyj lkbal ,aM fjlpZ ds lg;ksx ls 2000 ls vf/kd ;qokvksa ds fy, lhihvkj izf'k{k.k vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; }kjk lrr fodkl y{; 3&vPNs LokLF; ,oa dY;k.k ij 20 ls vf/kd osfcukj vk;ksftr dh xbZaA jkT; }kjk jsatfjax 'krkCnh o"kZ lekiu lekjksg lQyrkiwoZd vk;ksftr v;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; us Lo;alsodksa] deZpkfj;ksa] ftyk ,oa LFkkuh; la?kksa ls 50 yk[k #i;s ls vf/kd ,df=r fd, ,oa lh-,e- ds;j] dksfoM&19 fuf/k esa ;ksxnku fn;kA

xkbM~l jkT; iqjLdkj gsrq lQy gq,A ekpZ 2021 ds vfUre lIrkg ds nkSjku ØslsaV ifCyd Ldwy] pykdqM+h esa jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq jkT; iqjLdkj tkWp f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 27 jksolZ ,oa 06 jsatlZ us jkT; iqjLdkj vokMZ gsrq lQyrk izkIr dhA jkT; esa dCl ,oa cqycqYl gsrq vkWuykbu prqFkZ pj.k] ghjd ia[k tkWap vk;ksftr dh xbZaA jkT; }kjk ftyk laxBuk;qDrksa dh cSBd ,oa vkWuykbu fcfxulZ dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x,A dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A

dsUnzh; fo|ky; laxBu

dsjy dsjy jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us p;fur dCl ,oa cqycqYl ds fy, Øe'k% 14 uoEcj] 2020 rFkk LdkmV~l@xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq 07 uoEcj] 2020 dks jkT; Lrjh; vkWuykbu iz'uksRrjh izfr;ksfxrk vk;ksftr dhA ck<+ ds nkSjku dsjy jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds e/; {ks= us 4 yk[k #i;s dh dher ds dksV] foLrj] dacy] rfd,] Vh&'kVZ] fMuj lSV vkfn tSlh lkexzh ,d= dh ,oa isV~VheqMh] eqUukj ds HkwL[kyu izHkkfor yksxksa ds 09 ifjokjksa ds chp forfjr fd,A jkT; us] jkT; Lrj ij ftyk laxBuk;qDrksa gsrq IykfLVd VkbM VuZj dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr dhA tuojh 2021 esa LdkmV ,oa xkbM gsrq vkWuykbu jkT; iqjLdkj tkWp vk;ksftr dh xbZa ftlesa 3872 LdkmV~l ,oa 5337

jkT; esa fo|ky; Lrj ij dCl] cqycqYl] LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq vkWuykbu dksey ia[k] jtr ia[k] izFke pj.k] f}rh; pj.k] izos'k ,oa izFke lksiku tkWp f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A LdkmV~l@xkbM~l gsrq ftyk@e.My ¼{ks=h;½ Lrjksa ij vkWuykbu f}rh; lksiku] r`rh; lksiku tkWp f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A ftyk@e.My Lrj ij dCl@cqycqYl mUufr dk;ZØe ,oa mRlo vk;ksftr fd, x,A vkWuykbu ;qok lnL;rk iathdj.k iz.kkyh dh rhu fnolh; jkT; Lrjh; vkHkklh dk;Z'kkyk esa lHkh {ks=ksa ds 100 LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA iz/kkuea=h 'khYM izfr;ksfxrk gsrq 976 LdkmV ,oa xkbM ;wfuV~l iathd`r gqbZaA 1219 dCl ,oa 1296 cqycqYl us Lo.kZ rhj iqjLdkj izkIr fd;kA dksfoM&19 45 49

çkUrh; çfrosnu egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd jkT; esa fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A 53 jkT; iqjLdkj tkWap f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 476 LdkmV~l ,oa 497 xkbM~l jkT; iqjLdkj e/; izns'k gsrq lQy gq,A LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us fo'o xkbM laxBu ,oa fo'o LdkmV laxBu dh xfrfof/k;ksa esa Hkkx fy;kA dbZ Lo;alsoh lnL;ksa] ;wfuV yhMlZ us viuh ,d eghus dh isa'ku ;k osrujkf'k dk iz/kkuea=h@eq[;ea=h jkgr dks"k esa ;ksxnku fn;kA jkT; ds leLr ftyksa esa LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku vk;ksftr dk fd;k x;kA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A xkbM~l] e/; izns'k ds fgr/kkjdksa dh enn ls Hkkstu ef.kiqj ds 1]70]000 iSdsV~l forfjr fd, x,A egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; izf'k{k.k dsUnz] xkW/khuxj] Hkksiky ,oa ftyk f'k{kk vf/kdkjh dk;kZy; ifjlj] rqylh uxj] Hkksiky esa fujarj ,d ekg rd lkeqnkf;d jlksbZ dk lapkyu fd;k x;kA izns'k ds lHkh laHkkxksa ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa Hkkstu ds iSdsV~l] jk'ku lkexzh] nw/k] ekLd vkfn dk forj.k fd;k x;kA 3116 lnL;ksa us dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku viuk iathdj.k djk;k ,oa lsok,a iznku dhaA jkT; }kjk 04 fcfxulZ ef.kiqj jkT; us dksfoM+ ;ks)k lsokvksa ds vfrfjDr dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 117 izfrHkkfx;ksa us lfØ; :i ls fofHkUu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd,A Hkkx fy;kA 49 lnL;ksa ds lkFk ftyk vk;qDrksa dh IykfLVd VkbM VuZj pSysat ,oaf QV bafM;k ewoesaV ,d vkWuykbu cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA 14 mYys[kuh; gSaA dksfoM+ çksVksdkWy dk ikyu djrs gq, izfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk vkWuykbu fj&vksfj,aVs'ku dkslZ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk LFkkiuk fnol Hkh dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA vkWuykbu izh&,,yVh euk;k x;kA 17 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk jsatj yhMlZ gsrq dkslZ esa 05 izfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA çFke csfld dkslZ 22 ls 28 Qjojh] 2021 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA vle jkT; dh MkW- inek xq/k egkjk"Vª egkjk"Vª ds jkT;iky ekuuh; Jh Hkxr flag vxzoky] lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj ¼jsatj½] yhMj vkWQ nh dks';kjh 15 fnlEcj] 2020 dks jktHkou eqacbZ esa dkslZ FkhaA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds egkjk"Vª jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa ds laj{kd ds #i esa 'kkfey gq,A Lo.kZ rhj iqjLdkj gsrq chp forfjr fd, x,A 407 dCl ,oa 417 cqycqYl dk p;u fd;k x;kA 45 50

çkUrh; çfrosnu eq[;ky; ds ek/;e ls :- 1]00]000@& ¼,d yk[k :i;s ek=½ dk eq[;ea=h jkgr dks’k esa ;ksxnku fn;kA jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa ekLd cSad dk “kqHkkjEHk fd;k x;k ftlesa lnL;ksa us ekLd cukdj forj.k gsrq ftyk çkf/kdj.k ,oa fofHkuu dsUnzksa dks lkSaisA jkT; }kjk 35]000 ekLd dk ;ksxnku fn;k x;kA jksaolZ ,oa jsatlZ us fofHkUu vkHkklh dk;ZØeksa ,oa xfrfof/k;ksa esa Hkkx fy;kA


fetksje jkT; dh jkT; ifj’kn dh cSBd 12 Qjojh] 2020 dks fetksje ljdkj ds eq[;ea=h cSBd gkWy esa vk;ksftr gqbZA Jh tksjeFkaxk] eq[;ea=h] fetksje ljdkj us cSBd dh v/;{krk dh tgk¡ fetksje Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds jkT; ifj’kn lnL;ksa ds lkFk&lkFk [ksy ,oa f”k{kk foHkkx ds vf/kdkjh mifLFkr FksA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds vU; ftyksa }kjk ekLd cukdj t:jreanksa ds chp ukxkySaM forfjr fd, x,A


24 jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ ds lkFk IykfLVd VkbM VulZ gsrq ,d dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa ekLd cSad çkjEHk fd, x,A LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us gtkjksa ekLd] lSfuVkbtj vkfn rS;kj dj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd,A jkT; esa 02 jkT; Lrj;h ,oa 036 ftyk Lrjh; Ýh chbax eh] ,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal dk;Z'kkyk,a vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; us 13 twu] 2020 dks dksfgek esa ,d LoPNrk vfHk;ku dk vk;kstu fd;kA ukxkySaM jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lnL;ksa us 01 vDVwcj dks dksfgek esa okWdFkku@lkbDyksFkkWu esa Hkkx fy;kA 85 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us 12 ekpZ] 2021 dks Hkkjr dh vktknh ds 75 o’kZ ds ^^vktknh dk ve`r egksRlo^^ dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys

es?kky; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk rhu fnolh; vkHkklh ftyk Lrj;h vf/kdkjh cSBd lg dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA bl cSBd esa jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa ls yxHkx 40 lnL;ksa us Hkxk fy;kA egkRek xk¡/kh dh 151oha t;arh ds miy{; esa vk;ksftr fQV bafM;k ÝhMe ju esa jh&HkksbZ ftys ds 25 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA bafM;u jsM ØkWl lkslkbVh] es?kky; 'kk[kk ds lg;ksx ls jkT; eq[;ky; ij 07 uoEcj] 2020 dks ,d jDrnku f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 37 lnL;ksa us jDrnku fd;kA Ýh chbax eh&,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ij jkT; Lrjh; dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu 22 ls 24 Qjojh] 2021 rd fd;k x;kA es?kky; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~ l us jk’Vª h ; 45 51

çkUrh; çfrosnu }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa esa ck¡Vs x,A

jkT; izf'k{k.k dsUnz] jk;okyk esa fd;k x;kA eqjknkokn ftys ds jksolZ us gfj}kj esa dqEHk Luku ds fnuksa esa rhFkZ;kf=;ksa dks lSusVkbt djus] lkekftd nwjh dk ikyu djkus ,oa ekLd forj.k esa viuh lsok,a nhaA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A

uoksn; fo|ky; lfefr uoksn; fo|ky; lfefr jkT; la?k ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ }kjk ebZ] 2020 es ns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa esa ykWdMkmu vof/k ds nkSjku ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A tokgj uoksn; fo|ky;ksa ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk Øe'k% 05 ,oa 28 twu] 2020 dks lEiw.kZ ns”k esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol ,oa ladYi ioZ ds volj ij o`{kkjksi.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A vkWuykbu çFke lksiku ,oa f}rh; lksiku çf”k{k.k f”kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A LdkmV~l] xkbM~l ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us 08 ls 12 vDVwcj] 2020 rd dkS”ky fodkl dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq vkHkklh :i ls fp=dyk çfr;ksfxrk vk;ksftr dh xbZA

mRrj e/; jsyos mRrj e/; jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds >kWalh ftys ds jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us >kWalh jsyoss LVs'ku ij dksfoM ijh{k.k esa lgk;rk dhA jkT; ds iz;kxjkt] vkxjk ,oa >kWlh ftyksa ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us 45000 ekLd rS;kj dj ekLd cSad esa tek fd,A vkxjk ftys ds 16 lnL;ksa us 22 viszy] 2020 dks fo'o i`Foh fnol esa Hkkx fy;k ,oa ftyk izf'k{k.k dsUnz] eFkqjk esa ikS/ks yxk,A iz;kxjkt] vkxjk ,oa >kWalh ftys ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us fQV bafM;k ÝhMe ju ds vUrxZr vk;ksftr fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa esa Hkkx fy;kA LoPNrk i[kokM+k ds vUrxZr 16 flrEcj ls 02 vDVwoj] 2020 rd ^LoPN jsy] LoPN Hkkjr^ ij tkx#drk jSyh vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; esa f}rh; lksiku] r`rh; lksiku ,oa fuiq.k tkWap f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A

mRrj jsyos

mRrj jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk 05 twu, 2021 dks ftyk vk;qDrksa dh vkHkklh cSBd dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol ds volj ij jkT; }kjk 17 ls 21 twu] 2020 rd ,d vkWuykbu ;ksx dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA 21 vDVwoj] 2020 dks vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol ds volj ij ju QkWj ihl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 07 ls 31 fnlEcj] 2021 rd diwjFkyk esa iwoksZRrj jsyos fp=dyk izfr;ksfxrk ,oa lkbDyksFkkWu dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA vkWuykbu fcfxulZ dkslZ dk vk;kstu 22 tuojh] 2021 dks fd;k x;k ftlesa 28 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA oSXl ifj;kstuk ds vUrxZr LVkWi n ok;ysal fo"k; ij osfcukj vk;ksftr dh xbZA LdkmV ekLVlZ gsrq ,d csfld ,oa ,d ,MokWal dkslZ dk vk;kstu 18 ls 24 ekpZ] 2021 rd yhykosjh

45 52

çkUrh; çfrosnu iwoksZRrj jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lHkh ftyksa ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us ebZ&2020 ls tqykbZ&2020 ds nkSjku fofHkUu jsyos LVs'kuksa ij Jfed Lis'ky Vªsuksa ds ;kf=;ksa dks Hkkstu] is;ty] ekLd vkfn forfjr fd,A LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk dksfoM&19 ls cpko gsrq uqDdM+ ukVd ,oa iksLVjksa ds ek/;e ls tkx#drk vfHk;ku vfHk;ku pyk;k x;kA Ýh chbax eh&,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ¼,chlh½ izf'k{k.k 18 ls 20 Qjojh] 2021 rd lS;n eksnh jsyos LVsfM;e] xksj[kiqj esa 50 izfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; ds xksj[kiqj ,oa bTtruxj ftyksa esa ftyk jSfy;kWa vk;ksftr dh xbZaA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A

LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds cnjiqj ftyk la?k }kjk izkFkfed fpfdRlk izf'k{k.k f'kfoj dk vk;kstu 26 ls 28 ekpZ] 2021 rd cnjiqj ftyk gV ij fd;k x;k ftlesa 133 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us lfØ;rkiwoZd Hkkx fy;kA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A

mRrj if'pe jsyos mRrj if'pe jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds vtesj] chdkusj] t;iqj ,oa tks/kiqj e.My esa LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku ds vUrxZr 16 ls 30 flrEcj] 2020 rd LoPNrk i[kckM+k vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol ij jkT; ds lHkh laHkkxksa esa ^ csgrj i;kZoj.k] csgrj dy^ fo"k; ij tkx#drk vfHk;ku dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA dksfoM&19 egkekjh dh jksdFkke ds fy, fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa ,oa xfrfof/k;ksa dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa ds chp esa forfjr fd, x,A

iwoksZRrj lhekar jsyos

vksfM+'kk vkHkklh fcfxulZ dkslsZt vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 272 lnL;ksa dks izf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA jkT; }kjk dc ekLVlZ] ¶ykWd yhMlZ] LdkmV ekLVlZ] xkbM dssIVu~l] jksoj LdkmV yhMlZ ,oa jsatj yhMlZ gsrq iwoksZRrj lhekar jsyos jkT; us Qjojh ,oa ekpZ 2021 ds nkSjku Ýh chbax eh&,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ij 03 fnolh; dk;Z'kkykvksa dk lQyrkiwoZd vk;kstu fd;kA izfrHkkfx;ksa us fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa tSls fd ijQsDV yqfdax xyZ ;k Cvk;] best feFk ,oa VkWd 'kks] O;wVh vjkmaM n oYMZ] fejj] uks eksj ckWMh 'ksfeax vkfn ds ek/;e ls lh[kA jkT; ds lHkh lnL;ksa }kjk cM+s iSekus ij fo'o fparu fnol ,oa LFkkiuk fnol euk, x,A iwoksZRrj lhekar jsyos Hkkjr 45 53

çkUrh; çfrosnu 33 csfld ,oa ,Mokal izf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 770 ;wfuV yhMlZ dks izf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA 87 izfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk vkHkklh vkHkklh #i ls VªsulZ ehV ,oa izf'k{kdksa gsrq iqu'p;kZ ikB~;Øe vk;ksftr fd, x,A ftyk lfpoksa dh cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq vkHkklh #i ls jkT; iqjLdkj tkWp vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa jkT; ds 28 ftyksa us Hkkx fy;kA 600 izfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk jkT; izf'k{k.k dsUnz] cM+xkWo] lqUnjx<+ ,oa jkT; izf'k{k.k dsUnz] c#usbZ] [kksj/kk esa LdkmV~l@xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq lkgfld dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A 500 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ ds lkFk jk"Vªh; ,drk ,oa 18oha jkT; tEcksjsV vk;ksftr gqbZA jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ gsrq Þ Ýh chbax ehÞ ,oa Þ,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsalÞ ij jkT; Lrjh; dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu 60 izfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk jkT; eq[;ky;] Hkqcus'oj esa fd;k x;kA bl dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; us dCl] cqycqYl] LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ gsrq fMftVy izfr;ksfxrkvkssa ,oa osfcukjksa dk vk;kstu fd;kA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa esa forfjr fd, x,A

fcfxulZ dkslsZt vk;ksftr fd, x,A lkgfld dk;ZØe] csfld ,oa ,Mokal çf'k{k.k f'kfoj jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] rkjknsoh ij vk;ksftr fd, x,A

iqnqpsjh dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; vkink çca/ku ,oa LokLF; foHkkx ds lkFk&lkFk iqnqpsjh jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds LdkmVlZ dks Hkh M;wVh ds fy, cqyk;k x;kA egkekjh dh vof/k ds nkSjku dk;ZØe ij ppkZ djus gsrq jkT; }kjk 19 tqykbZ] 2020 dks LdkmVlZ] xkbMlZ] ftyk laxBuk;qDrksa ,oa ftyk çf'k{k.k vk;qDrksa dh ,d vkWuykbu cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; us 14 vxLr] 2020 dks LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq twe dSEiQk;j vk;ksftr fd;kA ;ksx lalk/ku O;fDr Jh gseaFk ckykth dh lgk;rk ls vkHkklh :i ls vUrjkZ’Vªh; ;ksx fnol euk;k x;kA


iatkc o’kZ 2020&2021 ds nkSjku jkT; Hkj esa 4586 uohu bdkbZ;ksa dk iathdj.k gqvkA 625 f'k{kdksa dks csfld çf'k{k.k nsdj mUgsa LdkmV@xkbM ;wfuV çkjEHk djus gsrq çsfjr fd;k x;kA 11521 LdkmVlZ@xkbMlZ us vkWuykbu fcfxulZ dkslZ esa Hkkx fy;kA xkbM foHkkx ls 4612 çfrHkkfx;ksa us jkT; iqjLdkj çf'k{k.k f'kfofj esa Hkkx fy;kA jkT; Lrj ij e:LFky çf'k{k.k ,oa dkS'ky dk;ZØe

jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] iaatkc ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku Hkkstu ds iSdsV] ekLd vkfn forfjr fd, ,oa ç'kklu rFkk iqfyl foHkkx dh enn dj viuh lsok,a çnku dhA jkT; eq[;ky; }kjk jksolZ@jsatlZ ,oa ;qokvksa ds fy, vkWuykbu ç'uksÙkjh çfr;ksfxrk] mUeq[khdj.k dk;ZØe Hkh vk;ksftr fd, x,A 746 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk 45 54

çkUrh; çfrosnu fodkl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; Lrj ij vk;ksftr 11 xfrfof/k;ksa esa 5354 dc~l] cqycqYl] LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; Lrjh; jaxksyh isafVax çfr;ksfxrk esa 711 dc~l] cqycqYl] LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA i;kZoj.k ,oa dksfoM+ Vhdkdj.k ds ckjs eas yksxksa dks tkx:d djus ds fy, 27043 çfrHkkfx;ksa us fQV bafM;k&fgV bafM;k igy ds vUrxZr 140669 fdyksehVj lkbfdy gkbd esa Hkkx fy;kA 33 osfcukjksa esa 7057 LdkmV~l ,oa 4464 xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA 246139 çfrHkkfx;ksa us fofHkUu uohu xfrfof/k;ksa tSls iYl iksfy;ks Vhdkdj.k] jDrnku] i;kZoj.k tkx:drk] lM+d lqj{kk tkx:drk vkfn ds ek/;e ls leqnk; esa viuh cgqewY; lsok,a çnku dhA

18 ls 29 fnlEcj] 2020 rd LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ ds fy, çFke vkHkklh u`R; çfr;ksfxrk vk;ksftr dhA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj] t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A

nf{k.k jsyos jkT; }kjk dc~l] cqycqYl] LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq vkWuykbu eYVh VSyasV çfr;ksfxrk,a ,oa Qu ,V osfCy;u vkWuykbu çfr;ksfxrk,a vk;ksftr dh xbZA tqykbZ] 2020 ds nkSjku jksofjax Vw lDlsl] LdkmfVax QkWj Cvk;t ,oa oqYQ dc gSaMcqd ij osfcukj vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; us LdkmfVax lujkbt Ms] Mhvkslh@MhVhlh ehfVax] LdkmV foax gsrq VªsulZ ehV] vkWuykbu ;wFk esaEcjf'ki flLVe ¼vksokbZ,e,l½ ij osfcukj] vkHkklh ;qok lfefr cSBd vk;ksftr dhA flrEcj&2020 ds nkSjku dc~l@cqycqYl] LdkmV~l@xkbM~l] jksolZ@jsatlZ dh mUufr ij osfcukj vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; us çkFkfed mipkj] ekufp=.k] ,oa dEikl ij fo'ks’k çf'k{k.k Hkh vk;ksftr fd,A fnlEcj] 2020 ekg ds nkSjku jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa jkT; iqjLdkj ,okMZ tk¡p f'kfoj ,oa çh&jk’Vªifr ,okMZ tk¡p vk;ksftr dh xbZA dc~l ,oa cqycqYl gsrq vkWuykbu prqFkZ pj.k@ghj[k ia[k tk¡p f'kfoj dk vk;kstu 6 ,oa 7 fnlEcj] 2020 dks fd;k x;kA jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gssrq 'kkjhfjd LokLF; çf'k{k.k ,oa rVh; Vªsfdax f'kfoj dk vk;kstu 18 ls 21 Qjojh] 2021 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] eaMie esa fd;k x;kA dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa esa forfjr fd, x,A


flfDde jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk 13 ls 20 vxLr] 2020 rd ^^ge os ns'k dk 'kku^^ fo’k; ij vkHkklh ns'kHkfDr xhr çfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa 17 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA MkW- ,p-ih- {ks=h] jkT; eq[; vk;qDr ,oa eq[; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ dk;ZØe ds eq[; vfrfFk FksA jkT; la?k fcjknjh ds lnL; ,oa jkT; eq[; vk;qDr MkW,p-ih- {ks=h us dksfoM+&19 }kjk mRiUu pqukSrh dk nf{k.k e/; jsyos lkeuk djus ds fy, eq[;eq=h jkgr dks’k esa :- 55 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l] jksolZ@jsatlZ ,o ;wfuV 1]00]000@& ek= dk ;ksxnku fn;kA jkT; la?k us yhMlZ us ykWdMkmu ds nkSjku 6 fnuksa dh vof/k ds 45 55

çkUrh; çfrosnu jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk vk;ksftr fofHkUu vkWuykbu dk;ZØeksa esa Hkkx fy;kA jkT; }kjk 146 dksfoM+ tkx:drk jSfy;k¡ vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; ds lHkh jsy eaMyksa esa ekLd rS;kj dj forfjr fd, x,A

nf{k.k iwoZ e/; jsyos fy, isa'kuHkksfx;ksa ,oa deZpkfj;ksa dks ?kj&?kj nok forj.k esa cgqeqY; lsok çnku dhA vçsy&2020 ekg esa jkT; jkT; Hkj esa bdkbZ Lrj ij LdkmV ,oa xkbM ds çf'k{k.k dk vk;ks t u fd;k x;kA LdkmfVax@jksofjax dks c<+kok nsus ij uankywj ,oa xqrdky çf'k{k.k dsUnzksa ij laxksf’B;k¡ vk;ksftr dh xbZA nf{k.k e/; jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,o ads fofHkUu ftyksa }kjk tkx:drk ekpZ] o`{kkjksi.k] Hkkstu] ekLd forj.k vkfn dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds izR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t#jreanksa esa forfjr fd, x,A

dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku nf{k.k iwoZ e/; jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us fofHkUu jsyos LVs'kuksa ij Jfed Lis'ky Vªsuksa ds ;kf=;ksa gsrq viuh lsok,a nhaA dksfom+ ls cpko ds fy, tkx:drk dk;ZØe vk;ksft fd,A o’kZ ds nkSjku jkT; }kjk ;qok eap] gLrf'kYi çfr;ksfxrk] iksLVj esafdax çfr;ksfxrk] tksVk&tksVh] vkWuykbu vkink çca/ku f'kfoj ,oa çd`fr v/;;u lg gkbd dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA jkT; es aLdkmV ,oa xkbM foHkkx ds ;wfuV yhMlZ gsrq csfld dkslZ Hkh vk;ksftr fd, x,A dksfoM+&19 ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa esa forfjr fd, x,A

nf{k.k iwoZ jsyos

nf{k.k if'pe jsyos

tqykbZ ls flrEcj] 2020 ds nkSjku jk¡ph] pØ/kjiqj] vknzk ,oa e/; ftys }kjk LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq r`rh; lksiku ,oa fuiq.k vkHkklh tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,] ftlesa 66 LdkmV~l] 62 jksolZ ,oa 46 jsatlZ tk¡p gsrq lfeefyr gq,A jkT; ds lHkh çf'k{kdksa dh çfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk çf'k{k.k ny lnL;ksa dh vkHkklh cSBd 11 ,oa 13 tqykbZ] 2021 dks vk;ksftr gqbZA jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj vkHkklh@'kkjhfjd tk¡p f'kfoj 26 ls 31 fnlEcj] 2020 rd 42 LdkmV~l] 12 xkbM~l] 34jksolZ ,oa 07 jsatlZ ds lkFk vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA dc ekLVlZ] LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa jksoj yhMlZ gsrq jkT; Lrjh; csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jkT; ds lnL;ksa us

jkT; us jk’VªksRFkku CyM cSad ds lg;ksx ls jDrnku f'kfoj ds lkFk jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ij 70ok¡ LFkkiuk fnol euk;kA nf{k.k if'pe jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us 7 ls 12 fnlEcj] 2020 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k ds U nz ] gq c yh es a fcfxulZ dkslZ@iqu'p;kZ ikB~;Øe vk;ksftr fd;kA Lokeh foosdkuUn dk 158ok¡ tUeo’kZ eukus gsrq jkT; us gqcyh ls dSly jkWd rd 115 fdyksehVj dh nksifg;k jSyh dk vk;kstu fd;kA dksfoM+&19 ,gfr;kr ,oa Vhdkdj.k ij tkx:drk dk;ZØe 18 ,oa 19 tuojh] 2021 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA eSfiax ,oa LVkj xsftax ij fo'ks’k f'kfoj 21 ls 25 45 56

çkUrh; çfrosnu çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd cukdj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A

Qjojh] 2021 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] dSly jkWd ij vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l {ks=h; jsy çca/kd@gqcyh dk;kZy; esa vk;ksftr dksfoM+&19 ds jSfiM@,aVhtu VsLV esa esfMdy LVkQ dh lgk;rk dhA dksfoM+&19 ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A

f=iqjk f=iqjk jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us dksfoM+ ;ks)k lsokvksa ds vykok fofHkfUu dk;ZØeksa dk lfØ; :i ls lapkyu fd;kA jkT; us 19 ls 23 Qjojh] 2021 rd dY;k.kiqj gk;j lsds.Mªjh Ldwy ftyk [kksokbZ esa isVªksy yhMj çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;kA Jh vfHkthr vkpk;Z] jksoj LdkmV yhMj ds usr`Ro esa dY;k.kiqj] [kqpikjk esa fnuk¡d 17 Qjojh dks ck<+ ,oa vkx] çkFkfed lgk;rk ,oa cpko ij ekWd fMªy dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA [kksokbZ ftys ds Vh,elh {ks= dkyhckMh ds fudV lqdkark iYyh esa çkFkfed lgk;rk ,oa cpko ij {kerk fuekZ.k çf'k{k.k dk vk;kstu fnuk¡d 26 Qjojh] 2021 dks fd;k x;kA Jh jktho lkgk] jkT; leUo;d] lnL;rk o`f) ,oa vksokbZ,e,l us funs'kd [ksy ,oa ;qok foHkkx ds usr`Ro esa fo'ks’k igy dh ,oa dk;Z dks iwjk djus ds fy, jkT; ,oa ftyk Lrjh; dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu fd;kA jkT; ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk vUrjkZ’Vªh; Hkk’kk fnol ,oa fo'o fpUru fnol vkfn euk;k x;kA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A


ekg twu] 2020 esa egf’kZ ftys esa ;qok lfefr dh cSBd] eSlstj vkWQ ihl] Ýh chbax eh ,oa ,ohlh] jksofjax Vw lDlsl vkfn ij vkHkklh dk;ZZ'kkyk,a vk;ksftr gqbZA jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa ;wfuV yhMlZ gsrq iqu'p;kZ ikB~;Øe] fcfxulZ dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x,A jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa esa dc ekLVlZ] LdkmV ekLVlZ] jksoj LdkmV yhMlZ] ¶ykWd yhMlZ] xkbM dSIVu~l ,oa jsatj yhMlZ ds fy, csfld f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x,A rfeyukMq jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lHkh ftyksa esa gkFk /kqykbZ] ekLd iguusa ,oa lkekftd nwjh ij tkx:drk dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A jkT; Hkj esa ykWdMkmu ds nkSjku LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkstu ds iSdsV~l] Qy] vkfn forfjr fd, rFkk viuh lsok,a nhA fofHkUu ftyk ,oa jkT; Lrjh; cSBdsa vkHkklh :i ls vk;ksftr dh xbZA dksfoM+&19 ds nkSjku jkT; ds

rsyaxkuk Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l rsyaxkuk jkT; us o’kZ 2020&2021 ds nkSjku LdkmV ,oa xkbM nksuksa foHkkxksa ds fy, 18 çf'k{k.k f'kfoj@ikB~;Øe vk;ksftr fd, x,A 241 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ gsrq Ýh chbax eh ,oa ,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ij 04 jkT; Lrjh; dk;Z'kkyk,a vk;ksftr dh xbZA 147 45 57

çkUrh; çfrosnu dk;Z'kkyk fiFkkSjkx<+ esa fnuk¡d 12 ekpZ] 2021 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 41 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us lfØ; :i ls Hkkx fy;kA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A

çfrHkkfx;kas ds lkFk LdkmV ,oa xkbM foHkkx gsrq 06 fcfxulZ dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x,A jkT; }kjk LdkmV ekLVlZ gsrq 04 csfld dkslZ] xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq 03 csfld dkslZ ,oa LdkmV ekLVlZ gsrq 01 ,Mokal dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;s] ftlesa 187 ;wfuV yhMlZ çf'kf{kr fd, x,A jkT; la?k us fnuk¡d 15 ebZ] 2020 dks eq[;ea=h ,oa ç/kkuea=h ds;j ,oa 'ks;j

mÙkj çns'k mÙkj çns'k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq 90 csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s ftuesa 1310 ;wfuV yhMlZ çf'kf{kr fd;s x;sA LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq 06 ,Mokal dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x, ftlesa 117 ;wfuV yhMlZ çf'kf{kr fd, x,A jksoj yhMlZ ,oa jsatj yhMlZ gsrq 04 csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 42 ;wfuV yhMlZ çf'kf{kr fd, x,A jksoj yhMlZ ,oa jsatj yhMlZ gsrq 04 ,Mokal dkslZ vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 43 ;wfuV yhMlZ çf”kf{kr fd, x,A LdkmV foHkkx gsrq 02 fgeky; oqM cSt dkslZ jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ç;kxjkt esa fnuk¡d 12 ls 18 ekpZ] 2021 rd vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 63 ;wfuV yhMlZ çf'kf{kr fd, x,A Ýh chbax eh dk;Z'kkyk jkT; eq[;ky; y[kuÅ esa fnuk¡d 21 ls 23 ekpZ] 2021 rd vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 40 LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; ds yxHkx lHkh ftyksa esa ekLd cSad çjkEHk fd, x,A dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A

QaM esa çR;sd ds fy, 62]260@& :i;s dk ;ksxnku fn;kA lEiw.kZ ftys ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us ekLd cSad xfrfof/k esa Hkkx fy;k ,oa gtkjksa ekLd rS;kj fd,A lHkh ftyk la?kksa us fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij yksxksa dks lsok,a çnku dh ,oa çoklh yksxksa] xjhcksa ,oa t:jrean yksxksa dks ekLd] jk”ku Hkkstu forfjr fd;kA

mÙkjk[k.M ekg ebZ ,oa twu] 2020 ds nkSjku ik¡p vkWuykbu çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd, x, ftuesa 164 çfrHkkfx;ksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA 48 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk vkWuykbu jksoj@jsatj tk¡p f'kfoj dk vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA vkWuykbu VkbM VuZj IykfLVd pSysat dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 119 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA mÙkjk[k.M jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk Ýh chbax eh ij jkT; Lrjh;

if'pe e/; jsyos if'pe e/; jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk jkT; Lrjh; f'kfoj lg lksyks u`R; çfr;ksfxrk jsyos ic gkml] Xokjh ?kkV] tcyij esa fnuk¡d 20 fnlEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] ftlesa rhu ftyk la?kksa ls 60 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa 45 58

çkUrh; çfrosnu 2]00]000@& dk lg;ksx çnku fd;kA jkT; ds jksolZ ,oa LdkmVlZ us vEQku pØokr çHkkfor {ks=ksa esa ljkguh; lsok,a çnku dh ,oa lqanjcu esa cs?kjksa ds fy, vkJ; dk fuekZ.k fd;kA

jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA r`rh; jkT; dSEiwjh tcyiqj esa fnuk¡d 29 ls 31 tuojh] 2021 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr gqbZ] ftlesa 150 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; ds fofHkUu jsyos LVs'kuksa ij LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us dksfoM+& egkekjh ds nkSjku Hkkstu] is;ty ,oa ekLd forj.k esa viuh lsok,a nhaA

if'pe jsyos if'pe jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us fnuk¡d 21 twu] 2020 dks vUrjkZ’Vªh; ;ksx fnol euk;kA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us ;wfuV yhMlZ ds lkFk cM+h la[;k esa mRlkg ds lkFk Hkkx fy;kA bl volj ij LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us ;ksx ds fofHkUu dkS'kyksa dk çn'kZu fd;kA jkT; ds ofj’B inkf/kdkfj;ksa us mifLFkr gksdj çfrHkkfx;ksa dk mRlkgo/kZu fd;kA if'pe jsyos jkT; ds LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us oMksnjk jsyos LVs'ku ij ;kf=;ksa dh FkeZy LØhfuax esa lgk;rk dhA jsyos vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk mudh lsokvksa dh cgqr ljkguk dh xbZA dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku jkT; ds çR;sd ftys }kjk ekLd rS;kj dj t:jreanksa dks forfjr fd, x,A

if'pe caxky if'pe caxky jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us LdkmV~l ,oa jksolZ gsrq vkWuykbu jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj fnuk¡d 27 fnlEcj] 2020 dks vk;ksftr fd;k ftuesa jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa ls 206 LdkmV~l ,oa jksolZ us Hkkx fy;kA dc~l gsrq vkHkklh [kxksy foKku f'kfoj fnuk¡d 4 ls 6 fnlEcj] 2020 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftuesa 408 dc~l us Hkkx fy;kA tuojh ,oa ekpZ] 2021 ds nkSjku jkT; }kjk Ýh chbax eh ,oa ,D'ku vkWu ckWMh dkWfUQMsal ij nks jkT; Lrjh; dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA if'pe caxky jkT; us dksfoM+&19 egkekjh ls yM+us esa enn djus ds fy, jkT; ljdkj dks :-

45 59

vkiwfrZ lsok foHkkx Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk vkiwfrZ lsok foHkkx laxBu ds lnL;ksa dks fcuk ykHk gkfu ds vk/kkj ij csgrj xq.koÙkk ,oa çkekf.kd LdkmV xkbM lkexzh ,oa lkfgR; çnku djus gsrq çfrc) gSA gekjk vkn”kZ okD; gS ^^lLrh dher ij xq.koÙkkiw.kZ lsok,a^^A foHkkx esa onhZ] lkexzh] cSt lfgr fofHkUu çdkj ds LdkmV xkbM ds midj.k miyC/k gSaA cStksa dks vUrjkZ’Vªh; Lrj dk cukus ds fy, dEI;wVhd`r fMtkbu ,oa ckMZj ds lkFk ekudhdj.k djus dk ç;kl fd;k x;kA jk’Vªh; lkgfld dk;ZØeksa gsrq Vh&”kVZ] ih&dSi] VªSdlwV ,oa vU; lkeku rS;kj fd, x,A bl o’kZ u;s Le`fr fpUg ,oa xq.koÙkkiw.kZ mRikn is”k fd, x,A geus Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l yksxksa ds lkFk dbZ mRikn fMtkbu dj rS;kj fd;s ,oa vuqdwfyr mRiknksa dh vkiwfrZ dhA geus 7 uoEcj] 2020 LFkkiuk fnol ds Le`fr fpUg dh vkiwfrZ dhA mRikn dh xq.koÙkk cuk, j[kus gsrq l[r xq.koÙkk fu;a=.k mik; fd, x,A loksZÙke xq.koÙkk ,oa dher gsrq lh/ks fuekZrkvksa ls lkexzh [kjhnh tkrh gSA o’kZ 2020&2021 esa dCl@cqycqYl] LdkmV~l@xkbM~l] jksolZ@jsatlZ çxfr dkMZ] LdkmfVax QkWj ckW;t ¼fgUnh½] LdkmfVax QkWj ckW;t ¼vaxzsth½] ços”k LdkmV ¼fgUnh½] fcfxulZ dkslZ ¼vaxzsth½] ços”k LdkmV ¼vaxzsth½] fcfxulZ dkslZ ¼fgUnh½] ços”k xkbM ¼vaxzsth½ ,oa ykbQ LVksjh vkWQ ch-ih- ¼vaxzsth½ iqLrdsa çdkf”kr dh xbZA vkiwfrZ lsok foHkkx }kjk jk’Vªh; lkgfld laLFkku] ipe<+h ¼e/; çns”k½ ,oa jk’Vªh; ;qok lkgfld laLFkku] xniqjh ¼gfj;k.kk½ dh lHkh migkj lkexzh dh vkiwfrZ dh tkrh gSA ge lHkh jkT; la?kksa dks muds fujUrj lg;ksx ds fy, /kU;okn nsrs gSa ,o age jkT; la?k ls vkSj vf/kd Ø; vkns”k çkIr djus dh vis{kk djrs gSaA


foÙk ,d n`f"V esa xfrfof/k;ksa ds lapkyu gsrq Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks Hkkjr ljdkj ls çfro’kZ okf’kZd vuqnku çkIr gksrk gSA o’kZ 2019&2020 esa Hkkjr ljdkj ls :i;s 150-00 yk[k dh foÙkh; lgk;rk çkIr gqbZA o’kZ ds nkSjku ea=ky; }kjk :i;s 75-00 yk[k dh jkf”k tkjh dh xbZA mi;ksfxrk çek.k i= ds vuqlkj ea=ky; ls :i;s 75-00 yk[k dh jkf”k çkIr Fkh rFkkfi] ea=ky; ls fnuk¡d 16 vDVwcj] 2020 dks ,d i= çkIr gqvk ftlesa “ks’k :i;s 75-00 yk[k tkjh djus ls budkj fd;k x;kA vr% foÙkh; o’kZ 2020&2021 ds nkSjku :i;s 75-00 yk[k dk çko/kku okil fy[kk tkrk gSA geus ;qok dk;Z ,oa [ksy ea=ky;] ubZ fnYyh dks :i;s 628-08 yk[k dk ctV çLrko çLrqr fd;k FkkA dksfoM+&2019 egkekjh ds dkj.k foÙkh; o’kZ 2020&2021 gsrq lgk;rk vuqnku ds fy, dksbZ Lohd`fr çkIr ugha gqbZA çfrosnu o’kZ 2020&2021 esa vk; ds le{k “kq) O;; 13-28 yk[k :i;s jgk tks fd xr o’kZ dh “kq) O;; ds le{k 123-46 “kq) vk; n”kkZrk gSA 31 ekpZ 2021 dks lekIr gksus okys o’kZ dk vk; ,oa O;; ,d n`f’V es fuEuor gS%& Øela -


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x.kuk 2020&21 LdkmV foHkkx o’kZ 2019&2020 ds 37]43]997 x.kd lnL;ksa ls c<+dj 2020&2021 esa dqy 38]34]347 x.kuk gqbZ gSA o’kZ esa dqy 90]350 lnL;ksa dh o`f) gqbZ gS tks fd dqy x.kuk dh 2-41 çfr”kr jghA 54 jkT;ksa@ftyksa esa ls dsoy 31 jkT;ksa us viuh tux.kuk fjiksVZ çLrqr dhA 12 ,sls jkT; gSa ftudh tux.kuk fiNys o’kZ dh rqyuk esa de gqbZ gSA çfrosnu rS;kj gksus rd 23 ftyk@jkT; dh tux.kuk jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; esa çkIr ugha gqbZ vr% fiNys o’kZ dh tux.kuk dks esa fy;k x;k gSA

xkbM foHkkx o’kZ 2019&2020 ds 23]50]532 x.kd lnL;ksa ls c<+dj 2020&2021 esa dqy 24]15]584 x.kuk gqbZ gSA o’kZ esa dqy 65]052 lnL;ksa dh o`f) gqbZ gS tks fd dqy x.kuk dh 2-77 çfr”kr jghA 54 jkT;ksa@ftyksa esa ls dsoy 31 jkT;ksa us viuh tux.kuk fjiksVZ çLrqr dhA 09 ,sls jkT; gSa ftudh tux.kuk fiNys o’kZ dh rqyuk esa de gqbZ gSA çfrosnu rS;kj gksus rd 23 ftyk@jkT; dh tux.kuk jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; esa çkIr ugha gqbZ vr% fiNys o’kZ dh tux.kuk dks esa fy;k x;k gSA dqy feykdj nksuksa foHkkxksa esa 1]55]402 lnL;ksa dh o`f) gqbZ gS tks fd dqy x.kuk dk 2-55 çfr”kr gS tks fd o’kZ 2020&2021 ds jk’Vªh; y{; 10 çfr”kr ds foijhr gSA ¼x.kuk rkfydk vaxzsth [k.M esa ns[ksa½


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egkefge jk’Vªifr] Hkkjr x.kekU; egkefge mi&jk’Vªifr] Hkkjr x.kekU; ekuuh; ç/kkuea=h] Hkkjr ljdkj x`g ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ;qok ekeys ,oa [ksy ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj fons”k ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj jsy ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj lHkh jkT;ksa ds ekuuh; eq[;ea=h lHkh jkT; ljdkjsa ,oa jkT; laxBu] muds fujUrj lg;ksx ds fy;s fo”o LdkmV C;wjks] fo”o LdkmV laxBu ¼okste½ dqvkykyEiqj] eysf”k;k fo”o xkbM C;wjks] xyZ xkbM ,oa xyZ LdkmV fo”o laxBu ¼oSXl½] yUnu] ;w-dsJh vgen vygankch] egklfpo] Jh ,l- izlUuk JhokLro] Jh xksju tkWtZtho ,oa Jh ije iykuh fo'o LdkmV~ laxBu dks lnL;rk fodkl ,oa ifj;kstukvksa esa lgk;rk gsrqA lqJh lkjk ukudksyl] eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh] lqJh vuk ekfj;k] v/;{k] fo'o cksMZ ,oa leLr oSXl Vhe {ks=h; funs”kd] fo”o LdkmV C;wjks] ,f”k;k ç”kkUr {ks= liksZV lsUVj {ks=h; funs”kd] oSXl] ,f”k;k ç”kkUr {ks= laaxe] fo”o dsUnz] iw.ks fo”o LdkmV Qkm.Ms”ku] tsusok lHkh jktnwrkoklksa ds okf.kT; nwrkokl foHkkx çsl] jsfM;ks ,oa nwjn”kZu rFkk bysDVªkWfud ehfM;k iqfyl vk;qDr] ubZ fnYyh Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l Qkm.Ms”ku ds lnL;x.k ;wFk gkWLVy ,lksfl;s”ku vkWQ bafM;k usg: ;qok dsUnz laxBu lHkh ijke”kZnkrk ,oa lykgdkj Vh cksMZ vkWQ bafM;k vkUnksyu ds nkunkrk ,oa “kqHkfpUrd






Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, Mahatma Gandhi Marg I. P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002 Email : Web : Phones : +91-11-23378667/23378702

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