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Honourable Shri Ram Nath Kovind
Honourable Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu
Honourable Shri Narendra Modi
The Bharat Scouts and Guides
VISION STATEMENT By 2024, The Bharat Scouts and Guides will be a globally visible, consistently growing, selfreliant premium youth movement that is gender balanced, vibrant and responsive to trends. Providing young people with value-based, attractive and challenging youth programme, through competent leaders, effective communication, optimum us of technology and efficient management.
Table of Contents
Office Bearers ........................................................................................ i-iv
National Headquarters Commissioners .................................................. iv
National Executive Committee.................................................................. v
Staff of National Headquarters, NTC and Regional Offices.................... vi
International Events............................................................................... 1-8
National Events ................................................................................... 9-17
Indian Scout Guide Fellowship .............................................................. 20
Regional Events ................................................................................ 21-24
National Training Centre, Pachmarhi ............................................... 25-26
National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi ................................................ 27
National Youth Adventure, Gadpuri, Haryana......................................... 28
Reports from States .......................................................................... 29-50
Supply Service Department.................................................................... 51
Finance at a Glance ............................................................................... 52
Growth of Membership ........................................................................... 53
Obituary .................................................................................................. 56
Thanks.................................................................................................... 57
PRESENTATION PRESENTATION The National Executive Committee of the Bharat Scouts and Guides takes pleasure in presenting the report of its achievements in the year 2018-2019. The year under report is a historic year for the Bharat Scouts and Guides. The National Conference of State Chief Commissioners and State Secretaries was held at the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides on 20th May, 2018 under the chairmanship of Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner and was attended by the representatives of 30 states. The Indian contingent consisting of 221 participants and leaders participated in 3rd SAANSO and 10th National Scout Jamboree of Bangladesh at National Scout Training Centre, Mouchak, Gazipur, Bangladesh from 8th to 14th March, 2019. The year 2018-19 is a remarkable year in the history of Bharat Scouts and Guides for its maximum participation in the International Events. 100 Years of Rovering was celebrated all-over the country by organising various activities on Rovering. We appreciate the State Associations who have made their state plan to achieve the priorities as identified in the National Plan. Membership growth is still a concern for the organisation, we need to identify the possibilities and ensure growth. The State Association made exemplary results in the field of image and visibility; however we need to do a lot in the area of growth and quality. We thank all the states for their untiring efforts to bring better results than the previous year.
Dr. Anil Kumar Jain Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) i
Shri K. P. Mishra
Smt. Kempi Pakam
Shri Satya Narayan Sharma
Smt. Geetha Nataraj
Shri Ashok Argal
Dr. (Smt.) Vimla Meghwal ii
National Commissioner (S)
National Commissioner (G)
Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.)
Shri M.A. Khalid
Dr. (Smt.) Manik Barsaley
International Commissioner (S)
Dy. National Commissioner (S)
International Commissioner (G)
Dy. National Commissioner (G)
Dr. J.C. Mohanty, IAS
Dr. Harish L. Metha
Smt. Amelia Swer
Smt. K. Sandhya Rani
National Treasurer
Smt. Namita Goel iii
2. Shri B.N. Sharma, IAS
Govt. Programmes
3. Dr. Prabhat Kumar, IAS
4. Shri D.R.K. Sarma
5. Shri S. Dipinder Singh, IAS
6. Smt. Seema Jaunsari
7. Dr. (Smt.) Sikha Banerjee
8. Ms. Razia Begum
Public Relations
9. Shri K. Sukumara
10. Shri Ashutosh Garg
Railway Affairs
11. Shri Pawan Bansal
Managing Editor
ADVISORS 1. Shri Janardan D. Pandya
2. Advocate Shri Abhinav Bajaj
3. Shri Ashutosh Kumar
NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (2016-2021) 1. Shri Ashok Kumar Shrivastava
Shri S.K. Sajeeth
2. Dr. J.S. Negi
Shri S.S.H. Zaidi
3. Shri Jogendra Prasad
Shri Santosh Kumar Dixit
4. Shri K.B. Shanmukhappa
Shri Thankhuma
5. Adv. V.K. Narvekar
Shri Vishnubhai D. Upadhyay
6. Shri G. Parameswar
Smt. Anamika Das
7. Shri Hanuman Prasad
Smt. Janaki Venugopal
8. Shri Manoj R.Nair
Smt. K. Lalliantluangi
9. Shri Onkar Singh
Smt. Kiran Thakur
10. Shri Prakash Disoria
Smt. Nasreen Khan
11. Shri Rama Murti Dora
Smt. Vandana Tewari
12. Shri R.S. Shekhawat
Dr. (Smt.) Veena Pradhan, IAS
NATIONAL FINANCE COMMITTEE (2016-2021) 1. Shri Ashok Kumar Khanna 2. Shri Jagdishbhai B. Bhavsar 3. Smt. Madhuri T. Deodhar
Director (Officiating)
Ms. Suman Lata Arora
Joint Director (Guides)
Shri Raj Kumar Kaushik
Joint Director & ADO
Shri Amar Bahadur Chettri
Deputy Director (Boy Programme)
Smt. Surekha Shrivastava
Deputy Director of Guides (Project)
Shri Arup Sarkar
I/c Deputy Director of Scouts (Project)
Shri Anand Kumar
Account Officer
Shri Deepak Mehra
Supply Service Officer
Joint Director, NTC
Ms. M.N. Machamma
Deputy Director of Guide (Ldr.Trg.)
Shri Siddharth Mohanty
Assistant Director, NAI
Shri S.S. Ray
Assistant Director, NAI
STAFF AT REGIONAL OFFICES Assistant Directors Shri Arup Sarkar
Northern Region
Shri Arun Chandra Patar
Southern Region
Smt. Kumud Mehra
Western Region
Shri S.S. Ray
Eastern Region
Shri Ashok Kumar Mohapatra
N.E. Region/NTC, Pachmarhi
(Scout), Northern Region
Ms. Shivangi Saxena
(Guide), Northern Region
Shri Analendra Sarma
(Scout), Southern Region
Ms. Kriti Chandwani
(Guide), Southern Region
Shri Mahinder Sharma
(Scout), Western Region
Shri Bablu Goswami
(Scout), Eastern Region
Ms. Ruby Parbat
(Guide), Eastern Region
Shri Ch. Birendra Kumar Singh
(Scout), N.E. Region vi
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
INTERNATIONAL EVENTS INTERNATIONAL EVENTS APR Financial Resource Sub Committee Meeting Asia Pacific Region Financial Resource Sub Committee Meeting was held at Manila, Philippines on 31st March and 1st April, 2018. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.) Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner who is a member of Asia Pacific Region Financial Resources Sub Committee representing Bharat Scouts and Guides attended the meeting.
4th APR Messenger of Peace NSO Coordinators Meet, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 4th Asia Pacific Regional Messenger of Peace NSO Coordinators Meet was held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 9th to 13th April, 2018. More than 17 National Scout Organisation (NSO) of WOSM participated. The Meet started on 9th April, 2018. Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General, (WOSM) was the Chief Guest who addressed the participants. Shri Amar B. Chettri, Deputy Director (Boys Programme) represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides.
6th International Community Development Camp 6th International Community Development Camp was held at Chandpur, Bangladesh, 200 Km. away from Dhaka from 1st to 5th April, 2018. Five members represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Dr. Chindhai Jayaraman was the contingent leader. The Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the camp.
Asia Pacic Regional Conference for Leaders of Girls Asia Pacific Regional Conference for Leaders of Girls was held at Tagaytay City, Philippines from 18th to 23rd April, 2018. More than 42 members from 16 Asia Pacific Countries participated in the Conference. Mrs. K.V. Rama Lakshmi, and Mrs. G. Kameshwari, of Kendriaya Vidyalaya Sangathan represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides in this Conference. Ms. Mary Belle D. Marinas, Chairperson, A s i a P a c i fi c C o m m i t t e e WA G G G S inaugurated the Conference.
Asia-Pacic Regional Workshop on ‘Quality Training of Adults’ Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on ‘Quality Training of Adults’ was held at Sarimbu Scout Camp Jalan Bahtera, Limchu Kang, Singapore from 02nd to 05th May, 2018. Shri L.T. Lokesh and Shri M. Prabhakar Bhat from Karnataka State and Shri Abhay Singh Shekhawat and Shri Jangir Prahlad Rai from Rajasthan represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides in this workshop.
Action on Body Condence Training “Action on Body Confidence Training” was conducted at Nairobi, Kenya from 04th to 06th May, 2018. 44 participants from 15 countries attended the training programme. Ms. M.N. Machamma, Deputy Director Guide (Leader Training) represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides.
APR Workshop on Creating Impact through Brand Positioning & Advocacy APR Workshop on Creating Impact through Brand Positioning & Advocacy was organized from 7th to 10th May, 2018 at Kuala Lumpur. 40 participants from 14 NSOs attended. Shri Alexander Alloysius Raj, SOC (Scouts), Shri Puvvula Naga Narenda Kumar, ADC (Cub) from South Central Railway and Shri Suresh Krishna Raj, Scout Master of Karnataka State represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides.
3rd National Scout Jamboree of Nepal Scouts 3rd National Scout Jamboree of Nepal Scouts was held at Kakani, Nuwakot Nepal from 30th May to 4th June, 2018. The Indian Contingent consisting 35 members led by Shri H.C. Shrivastava of Uttar Pradesh attended. Shri K.P. Sharma Oli, Hon’ble Prime Minister of Nepal inaugurated the Jamboree. National Emblem of India and Scarf of Bharat Scouts and Guides was presented to the Hon’ble Prime Minister on the occasion. Adventures activities, Cultural programmes and youth exchange between SAARC countries were the main attractions of the Jamboree.
Asia Pacic Regional Disaster Management Workshop Buan, South Korea Asia Pacific Regional Disaster Management Workshop was conducted at Buan, South Korea from 21st to 25th June, 2018. Shri K. Jayaraman of Tamil Nadu State represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides in this workshop.
A P R Wo r k s h o p o n D i v e r s i t y a n d Inclusion Asia Pacific Regional Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion was conducted at BP International Hotel, Manila, Philippines from 22nd to 26th June, 2018. Shri Analendra Sarma, ROC (S), Southern Region, Ms. Saroj Bala Gaur, Shri Siya Ram from Haryana, Shri Vinod Kumar Mehra, Shri Dharmendra Singh from Rajasthan and Dr. Bharshetty Hanman from Karnataka represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides in this workshop.
Asia Pacic Regional Workshop on Youth Involvement, Australia Asia Pacific Regional Workshop on Youth Involvement was conducted at Pax Hill, Ballarat, Melbourne, Australia from 7th to 10th July, 2019. Ms. Lalfamkimi of Mizoram and Mrs. Kempi Pakkam of Arunachal Pradesh represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides in this workshop.
Dialogue for Peace Facilitator’s Training for Asia Pacic Region Dialogue for Peace Facilitator’s Training for Asia Pacific Region was organised at Gold Camp, Naypitaw, Myanmar from 22nd to 25th July, 2018. Shri E. Sarathraj, ASSO represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides in the training.
International Nomads Camp Mr. Haroon Malik of Jammu Kashmir who was on Internship at Suncheon Scout Centre was selected to represent Bharat Scouts and Guides on the playing team of International Nomads Camp-2018 at Astana City, Kazakhstan from 6th to 8th August, 2018. The camp was conducted in traditional Kazakh system bred-baursak.Games for teambuilding like blind maze, swamp, crossing and pendulum were also organized.
17th Nippon Scout Jamboree-2018 17th Nippon Scout Jamboree-2018 was held at Tokyo in Suzu City from 4th to 10 August, 2018 in which 45 participants from Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu participated. This was the biggest contingent that has ever represented India in Japan National Jamboree.
Trekking to Kilimanjaro Trekking to Kilimanjaro was organised at Africa from 24th July to 6th August 2018. Mr. G. Bhavani Shankar and Mr. P. Prasanna Kumar from Andhra Pradesh State participated in the programme.
Asia Pacic Regional Workshop on Environment Education Asia Pacific Regional Workshop on Environment Education in Scouting was organised at Hotel Migmar, Thimphu, Bhutan from 21st to 25th August, 2018. Shri Bablu Goswami, ROC (S) Eastern Region, Mr. Kanniappan Jayaraman, Deepa Manilal Gohil and Hardika Shekhva represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides in the workshop. 9th Asia Pacic Regional Scout Youth Forum 9th Asia Pacific Regional Scout Youth Forum was conducted at Philippines from 9th to 12th October, 2018. Mr. Lakshmi Kiran and Mr. Shiva Hari from Southern Railway, Mr. Harshad Ismail from Karnataka, Mr. Rahul Rungta, Mr. Amir Hussain, Mr. Kumar Ritesh Aggarwal, Miss. Pallobi Biswas and Miss. Debanwita Halder from West Bengal represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides in the Youth Forum. Kumar Ritesh was elected to YAMG of APR Scout Committee. Asia Pacic Regional Scout Conference Asia Pacific Regional Scout Conference was held at International Convention Centre, Philippines from 15th to 20th October, 2018. The Indian Contingent was led by Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.). The delegation consisted of 6 delegates, 10 observers and 2 awardees. For the first time in the history of APR Conference, the highest number of youth representation from Bharat Scouts and Guides was recorded. Mr. B.I. Nagarale, SCC of Maharashtra attended the conference in h i s ca p a ci ty a s me mb e r APR Sco u t Committee. 6
During the conference our youth delegate was inducted to Youth Adult Management Group. Shri Kumar Ritesh Aggarwal was elected to YAMG from the Youth Forum which preceded the Conference. Two of our members were presented with Messenger of Peace Hero Award. Shri Jyothi Charan Chauhan of Himachal Pradesh and Ms. Amirtpal Kaur of Punjab received the award. 2 Commendation Certificates were also won by Mrs. Anamika Das of Odisha and Shri Ashwini Srivastava of Uttar Pradesh. The project of Dr. Ajay Jain of Mysuru, Karnataka won award in Diversity and Inclusion category for extending Scouting to tribal areas. The following members of BSG were nominated to various APR Committees. 1
Dr. Krishna Kumar Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.)
Shri M.A. Khalid
Dr. (Mrs.) Veena Pradhan
Plaque of appreciations were presented to BSG for sustained membership growth and hosting 3rd APR NSO coordinators gathering of Messengers of Peace. Our delegates succeeded in bringing desirable changes in conference resolution for youth involvement in decision making at NSO level. Our participation in APR Leader Trainer Course, APR Youth forum and APR Conference were seen as vibrancy of Scouting in India.
5th Wood Badge Course 5th Wood Badge Course was conducted at Parsa Scouts Training Centre, Kabul, Afghanistan from 12th to 19th November, 2018. Shri M.S. Qureshi, Joint Director (NTC) was deputed by the Bharat Scouts and Guides to assist the course. Shri Mohammad Tamim was the Leader of the Course.
Scout Moot Rover Centenary, Hong Kong Scout Moot Rover Centenary was organised at Hong Kong Scout Association from 23rd to 26th December, 2018. Akankshi S. Parmar, Om P. Trivedi, Prachi M.Upadhyay of Gujarat State and Daffiyne I. Dakhar of Meghalaya represented Bharat Scouts and Guides.
3rd SAANSO and 10th National Scout Jamboree of Bangladesh 3rd SAANSO and 10th National Scout Jamboree of Bangladesh was held from 8th to 14th March, 2019 at National Scout Training Centre, Mouchak, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Indian Contingent consists of 221 participants and leaders from 17 States participated. We were allotted in Village Tajuddin Ahmed in Jasim Uddin sub camp and Imran Noor sub camp. On 9th March morning our participants were taken out for Study Tour.In the evening, sub camp wise Campfire was conducted. On 10th March the Jamboree was inaugurated by H.E. the President of Bangladesh. Our Chief National Commissioner Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, National Commissioner (Scout) Shri M.A. Khalid and International Commissioner (Scout) Dr. J.C. Mohanty were special invitees at inaugural function. Green Debate was organised in the evening where Indian Contingent got first prize. On 11th March morning, Indian Contingent participated in Hiking and Backwoods Cooking.In the evening, the Contingent participated in “Faiths and Beliefs” assembly. Besides this, “First Aid and Pioneering” were organized.4 Patrols of Scouts and 4 Patrols of Guides participated in the event. Village Campfire was organised in the evening. On 13th March, “Learning by Doing”, “SDG” were held. Three programmes were selected from India for Grand Campfire. Hon’ble Education Minister of Bangladesh graced the occasion as Chief Guest. On 14th March our members enjoyed Obstacles and Fun bases and participated in International Night. Shri Arup Sarkar, Deputy Director Scouts (Project) I/c led the Contingent and Ms. Ruby Parbat, ROC (G), as Deputy Leader.
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
NATIONAL EVENTS NATIONAL EVENTS Golden Arrow Award Rally The Golden Arrow Award Rally was conducted at National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Haryana from 19th to 21st May, 2018 in which 129 Cubs and Bulbuls from 15 State Associations of the Bharat Scouts and Guides participated. The National Level Golden Arrow Award Rally was introduced in the year 2003 to encourage qualitative development in the area of Cubbing and Flock. The event fosters friendship and fraternity among the young Cubs and Bulbuls representing different religious, linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The Golden Arrow Award Presentation Ceremony was organised at the Auditorium of the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, President of the Bharat Scouts and Guides along with Shri K.P. Mishra, Shri Satya Narayan Sharma both Vice-Presidents and Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner presented the Golden Arrow Award Certificates to the Awardees on representative basis on 20th May, 2018. The Cubs and Bulbuls presented Cultural Programmes representing various regions. The Golden Arrow Award Rally 2018 was conducted at National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Haryana from 19th to 23rd February, 2019 in which 295 Cubs and Bulbuls and Unit Leaders from 14 State Associations of the Bharat Scouts and Guides actively participated. Golden Arrow Award Certificate presentation ceremony was held on 22nd February, 2019. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.) & Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts and Guides was the Chief Guest and Shri Maniram Sharma, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Palwal presided over the function. Cubs and Bulbuls received the Certificates from the hands of Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner, IAS (Retd.). National Conference of State Chief Commissioners and State Secretaries The National Conference of State Chief Commissioners and State Secretaries was held at the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides on 20th May, 2018. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner chaired the meeting. It was attend by the representatives of 30 States. 10 State Chief Commissioners, 21 State Secretaries, 02 State Commissioners (S), 01 State Commissioner (G), 01 State Commissioner (P), 05 SOCs and STCs attended the meeting. 9
National Commissioner of Scouts and Guides, Deputy National Commissioner of Guides and International Commissioner of Guides were also present. The Meet discussed on Vision 2024 of the Bharat Scouts and Guides and Action Plan for achieving the targets in each priority area. The conference proposal to allow the Public Schools and Govt. Schools students to participate in Scouting and Guiding activities with relaxation from full uniform for membership expansion was also reviewed. Proposals received from various quarters for amendments in the Rules of the Bharat Scouts and Guides were also discussed at length to arrive at consensus for good governance in the field of scouting and guiding in the country. The meet also discussed the challenges of having un-recognised scout associations in the country and dangers of the youth being cheated by touts in the name of Scouting. National Youth Forum The National Level Youth Forum was organised to celebrate 100 years of Rovering and to provide leadership role for youth in formulating programmes. The forum was held at Dr. Annie Besant Scout Training Centre, Doddaballapur,Karnataka from 26th to 30th May, 2018.352 Rovers and Rangers representing 34 State Associations attended the event. The planning of the forum was managed by a youth monitoring team of 10 young people. The forum was inaugurated by Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary General of President-in-Council in the presence of Shri M.A. Khalid, National Commissioner of Scout. Honourable Chief National Commissioner Dr. K.K. Khandelwal released the special T. Shirt of centenary year and planted a sapling to commemorate the 100 years of Rovering. The youth forum was addressed by Shri Srinath T.V., Former Executive Director WOSM, Kulalumpur (presently he is the Regional Director of Eurasia) on WOSM initiatives and opportunities available for youth in Scouting at International Level. We promoted a young team to represent India at APR Youth Forum at Manila, Philippines to be held in October, 2018. As a result of this Forum, we promoted a youth team to plan and execute youth events. Kumar Ritesh Agarwal was identified as youth delegate to contest at APR YAMG. This forum turned out to be a milestone in empowering youth in decision making. 10
National Level Environmental Awareness Cum Coastal Trekking Programme The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters organised National Level Environmental Awareness Cum Coastal Treking Programme from 5th to 9th September 2018 in which 182 participants and staff from 25 State Associations participated. The event was hosted by Puducherry State BS&G. On 6th September 2018, Trekking for about 17 kilometers through Sea-coast from Kopling to Madaviputhukuppam, Villupuram was organised. On 7th September 2018, a real and enjoyable Trek through the sea-shore was started in the morning covering 19 Kilometers passing through deep Coastal area and Fishermen’s Village. In the evening, Valedictory function and Grand Campfire of the event was organised. Shri L. Kumar, IAS, Director of School Education, Govt. of Puducherry, State Chief Commissioner, Puducherry State BS&G was the Chief Guest. The participants presented beautiful colorful cultural programmes depicting different traditional cultures. A Play-act on Community Development Project by BS&G was highly appreciated and lauded. Shri Amar B. Chettri, Deputy Director (BP) was the Leader of the Programme. National Youth Forum National Youth Forum was organised at Jagatpura, Jaipur (Rajasthan) from 12th to 16th September 2018 in which 245 Rovers and Rangers from 23 States of Bharat Scouts and Guides participated. The event started with the Flag Ceremony followed by the inaugural ceremony. Shri N. Panwar, State Commissioner (Rover), Shri S.M. Verma, IAS, State Commissioner (Hqrs.), Shri Bhaskar A. Sawant, IAS, State Commissioner (Scouts) and other dignitaries were present on the occasion. Shri Amar B. Chettri, Deputy Director (Boy Programme) presented introduction of the Youth Forum followed by the opening remarks by Mr. Syd Castillo, Director of the Educational Method, APR, WOSM. The cultural programme was presented by local Rajasthan cultural group. On 14th September 2018, the session on Diversity and Inclusion was delivered by Shri Analendra Sarma, ROC (S) followed by input session on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) by Mr. Laxmi Kiran. In the evening participants enjoyed Talent Night and Ethnic Fashion Show. On 15th September 2018, Forum begun by introducing MoP in 07 different stations, which 11
was led by Mr. Madhusudan Avala followed by input session in WSEP (World Scout Environment Progamme) by Mr. Bablu Goswami, ROC (S). A grand Campfire was organised in which Shri J.C. Mohanty, IAS & State Chief Commissioner, Rajasthan State BSG and International Commissioner (Scouts) Bharat Scouts and Guides was the Chief Guest and other dignitaries of Rajasthan Bharat Scouts and Guides were also present. Shri Amar B. Chettri, Deputy Director (Boys Programme) was the Leader of the Forum. The youth forum was organised under Messengers of Peace Initiatives. National Level Disaster Management Training Course, Bhopal A National Level Disaster Management Training was organised at Paryavaran Parisar, Arera Colony, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh from 24th to 28th October, 2018. 42 Unit Leaders from 18 State of Indian Union received training on management of situation arising out of natural disaster of floods, landslides, earthquakes and tsunami. Training for Opening and operating relief centres, during disaster, training on dealing with fire, road accidents, building collapse etc. in urban and rural areas was also given. This event was jointly sponsored by Regional Disaster Management Institute Bhopal and National Headquarters. National Level Rover Ranger Moot The National Level Rover Ranger Moot was held at Muddenahalli Chikkaballapura Karnataka from 01st to 05th November, 2018 with 1500 participants from 27 States. Participants were welcomed by a special laser show and celebration of Karnataka Rajayotsava. The Moot was inaugurated in the divine presence of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Shri Madhusudanji; H.E. Governor of Karnataka Shri Vajubhai Vala; Sri PGR Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner and also few dignitaries. Hon'ble Governor inspired the young people with his speech to develop patriotism by heart, mind & soul. This moot had various interactive sessions, group discussions, Module activities, fun & intellectual activities pick & speak, WAGGGS initiative activities as well as WOSM initiatives. As a part of Community Development Activity, Rovers & Rangers visited nearby schools where they taught songs of Scouting and Guiding. The musical consort by Sai Angles Bron Band was memorizing & the grand campfire was very colorful.
National Level Cultural Exchange Programme National Level Cultural Exchange Programme was organised from 15th to 1 9 t h N o v e m b e r, 2 0 1 8 w i t h 3 1 5 Rovers/Rangers & staff from 19 States at State Training Centre Jagatpura, Rajasthan. The programme was inaugurated by Smt. Mughda Sinha, IAS, Govt. of Rajasthan with a motivational speech to the Rovers & Rangers. The activities such as State Exposition, Exhibition, Food Plaza, Marriage, Festivals of different states, Folk Songs, Folk Dances, Integration Games, etc were presented by the states in an inspiring manner. Participants enjoyed the visit to Zoological Park, Ajmer. In addition to the activities, Surf Smart Survey & Workshop was conducted. Shri Sanwar Mal Verma, IAS Rajasthan Roadways graced the occasion as Chief Guest of the closing ceremony. The participants were presented certificates & Mementos by the Chief Guest. The winners of different competitions, were also given prizes.
National Integration Camp During the year under report, we organised National Integration Camps at Sirsa, Haryana from 5th to 9th December, 2018;Khurda, Odisha from 14th to 19th December, 2018;Maligaon, Assam from 15th to 19th December, 2018;Palakkad, Kerala from 27th to 31st December, 2018 and Ganganagar, West Bengal from 5th to 7th March, 2019. 3313 young people representing the diversity of India, hills, plains, coastals and deserts met each other’s counterpart to exchange the heritage and culture of India. Patriotic songs, folk songs, folk dances, exhibition of musical instruments, costumes, food specialities of their regions were presented. The geography, economy, culture, education, industries, etc., were presented as “State Exposition”. Village market, religious festivals, marriages of various religious and areas were presented in the form of skits. H.E. Governor of Assam Prof. Jagdish Mukhi, graced the camp held at Maligaon. Prof. Ganeshi Lal, Governor of Odisha graced the camp held at Khurda. Hon’ble Shri K. Babu, MLA graced the camp held at Palakkad. The Bharat Scouts and Guides is having a manual to organise National Integration camps in the form of a booklet “100 Ideas for National Integration”. 13
National Youth Week Celebration Camp National Youth Week Celebration was conducted at District Training Centre Aurangabad, Bihar from 9th to 13th January, 2019 in which 194 Rovers & Rangers from 23 state associations and 9 staff members actively participated. The Youth Week Celebration camp was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Shri Ashok Kumar Sinha, Hon’ble Member of Legislative Assembly, Rafiganj by lighting the traditional lamp in the glorious presence of Shri Rajan Kumar Singh, Hon’ble Member of Legislative Council, Aurangabad; Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Sub Divisional Officer, Aurangabad and other dignitaries. In the opening ceremony participants presented very high standard colorful cultural progammes. In addition to other activities,“Surf Smart”& “Messenger of Peace” were also conducted. The programme based on Community Development named as “Action on Community Development” and “Play and Skit” were presented by our young energetic Rovers and Rangers. In the evening, play and skit was inaugurated by Shri Anand Shakar, Member of Legislative Assembly, Aurangabad by lighting the traditional lamp. Shri Sanjay Yadav, Mukhiya, Ghatrain Panchayat, Madanpur was present as Guest of Honour. The valedictory function was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Shri Rahul Ranjan Mahival, IAS, District Magistrate, Aurangabad by lighting the traditional lamp in the presence of Shri Harivansh Singh, District Secretary and other dignitaries. National Tribal/Grameen Rover Ranger Carnival The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters organised first National Level Tribal/Grameen Rover Ranger Carnival at I.T.I. Bargaon, Sundargarh District, Odisha State from 9th to 13th January, 2019. 450 participants, staff, Service Rovers & Rangers from 18 State Associations of the country participated. The Carnival was officially inaugurated on 9th January 2019 in the evening by Shri Prafulla Majhi, Hon’ble M.L.A. in the presence of Shri K.P. Mishra, Vice President BSG & SCC Odisha State and Shri Rama Chandra Nayak, Founder Secretary, I.T.I. Bargaon by lighting the traditional lamp to mark the opening of the event. Many other dignitaries from the local authorities of Bargaon were also present to witness the function. The inaugural 14
ceremony was a colorful opening of the event with cultural progammes presented by the host Odisha State Association, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand participants. On 10th morning, Shri Jual Oram, Hon’ble Minister for Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India visited the carnival during the Tribal/Rural Bazar, State Exhibition and Food Plaza Competition. He visited all the State Stalls and tasted various traditional dishes prepared by the Rovers and Rangers on the spot. In his blessings, he highly lauded the activities of the Bharat Scouts and Guides and ensured support to the organisation. During the day, 100 years of Rangering was celebrated in which Her Excellency Lady Governor of Jharkhand State Smt. Drupadi Murmu was the Chief Guest. 100 years of Rangering was celebrated by cutting the Cake by the Hon’ble Governor, releasing of ballons and inaugurating the plaque constructed at I.T.I. Bargaon as a token of memory towards observance of centenary year of Rangering. Hon’ble Governor blessed the Rovers & Rangers and highly lauded the cultural programmes presented by the participants. On 13th January 2019, after all faith prayers, the closing ceremony of the event was organised in which Shri Prafulla Mallick, Hon’ble Minister for Steel & Mines, Govt. of Odisha was present as a Chief Guest. Ms. Sonali Chand, Tehsildar & BDO, Bargaon was also present as Hon’ble Guest. Hon’ble Minister presented prizes & certificates of various competitions organised during the carnival and blessed the participants. National Open Unit Rally The National Youth Adventure Institute of The Bharat Scouts and Guides organised “National Open Unit Rally” at National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Palwal, Haryana from 9th to 13th January 2019 in which 193 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Contingent Leaders and staff from 20 State Associations actively participated. Programmes like Group Discussion, Youth Forum, Drawing/Painting Competition, Discussions on various topics such as Community Development Project and Service Project, Fund Raising were held. In addition to these, other activities like Prime Minister Shield Competition and Up-Rashtrapati Award, Folk Dance Competition, Folk Song, Trekking, Obstacles/Adventure Bases Crossing, Archery, Rifle Shooting, Horse Riding, Fun Activities, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Campfire and Cultrual Programme were also organised. On the occasion of “Youth Day” a grand function was organised at the campsite. A youth team from the Mahindra Telephones also joined and enjoyed the activities. Ms. Sumanlata Arora, Director In-Charge BSG, and Mr. Ram Kumar, Programme Officer Haryana were also present in the Grand Campfire on Youth Day. Kumbh Mela Service Camp-2019 The Ist Phase of National Level Kumbh Mela Service Camp was organised by the Bharat Scouts and Guides at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh from 13th to 22nd January, 2019 in which 80 Rovers and Rover Leaders from 11 State associations participated.
2nd Phase with Divya Kumbh Bhavya Kumbh was organised from 23rd January to 1st February, 2019 in which 82 Rovers from 11 State associations participated. Shri O.P. Singh, Superintendent of Police (Traffic), Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh inaugurated the camp. 3rd Phase was organised at Sangam (Base Camp at Sector No. 14, Sangam Lower Marg) Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh from 2nd to 11th February, 2019 in which 122 Rovers from 16 States participated. Dr. (Mrs.) Sudha Prakash, Former Vice President BSG National Association visited the camp and appreciated the services of Rovers. 4th Phase was conducted from 12th to 21st February, 2019 in which 67 Rovers and Unit Leaders from 12 state association participated. Guard of Honour to Shri Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India. Rovers rendered their services to the pilgrims, assisted the police and administration in smooth conduct of Holy Kumbh Bath. Rovers were divided patrol wise for rendering their services. River Cleaning under Namami Gange, awareness campaign among the locals. Rovers were engaged in Traffic control duties in various Kumbh Mela Chowrahe. Kumbha Mela holy bathing points to help devotees at Triveni sangam. Announcing for lost and found, helping the old people to lift and carry, carrying causalities to the hospital. Smt. Hema Malini, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) visited the camp and appreciated the Rovers for their good work. Md. Ibrahim, Deputy Director, Prayagraj Mandal and Mr. Buland Pratap Rai, Regional Game Co-ordinator were present. Shri Anesh Kumar, ROC (S) Northern Region, Shri Bablu Goswami, ROC (S) Eastern Region, Shri Arun Chandra Patar, Assistant Director Southern Region and Shri Ch. Birendra Kumar Singh, Regional Organising Commissioner (Scout) North East Region were the Leader of the Kumbh Mela Service Camps. Dialogue for Peace and Better World Framework facilitator’s Training Dialogue for Peace and Better World Framework facilitator’s Training was conducted at National Headquarters from 18th to 22nd September, 2018. 29 representatives of Scout wing were given training on promotion of peace by a team of Director Educational Methods of WOSM/APR Mr. Syd Castillo and specialization staff from Nepal, Singapore and India. The programme was funded under “Messenger of Peace”.
Visit of Regional Messenger of Peace Evaluation Team A team headed by World Scout Committee M e m b e r M r. P e t e r B l a t c h a n d representatives of WOSM Central Office, Kulalumpur and Regional support centre, Manila visited India to interact with our active volunteers to contribute to “MoP” initiatives”. The team visited the slum school organised by Ms. Rinku Tomer of Uttar Pradesh and our National Youth Complex, Gadpuri. They also called on Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.) Chief National Commissioner to share their experiences and appreciations to Bharat Scouts and Guides for contributing in “Creating a better world” through Messenger of Peace. National Council Meeting The National Council Meeting of the Bharat Scouts and Guides was held at National Headquarters, New Delhi on 01st December, 2018 under the chairmanship of Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, Hon'ble President and Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha). Shri Krishnaswamy R., Officiating Director welcomed the Hon'ble President, Chief National Commissioner and members of National Council. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.), Chief National Commissioner highlighted the achievements of the organisation during the current year. He said that special efforts are being made to increase the participation of the youth in the Scout Guide activities and the target of reaching the membership of one crore will be achieved with the full support of State Associations. Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, Hon'ble President appreciated the good work done by the organisation during the current year and said that continuous efforts are being made to get more financial support from the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India for youth related activities. Bharat Scouts and Guides Diary, Calendar, Pragati Path (Hindi) & Nipun Rover Ranger were released and online shop of BS&G was launched by Dr. Anil Kumar Jain. Awards were presented to the states for overall increase in census of both the wings. Lakshmi Mazumdar Awards and Chief National Commissioner Awards were also presented to the winning states during the meeting. The Meeting ended with vote of thanks. 17
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
LAKSHMIMAZUMDAR MUZUMDAR AWARD LAKSHMI AWARD2018-2019 2018-2019 THE BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, NEW DELHI-110002 List of Lakshmi Mazumdar Award Competition for the Year 2017-2018 S.No. Name of the State 1 Haryana 2 Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Section Name of Unit Scout Kanika Public School, Karnal Scout Raja Ram Mohan Roy, K.V. ONGC, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Jawahar Scout Unit, Model English School, Thane
Uttar Pradesh
Jagannath Prashad Manohar Lal Scout Troop Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
57th Rabindranath Tagore Open Rover Crew, Valur, Chavakkad
DAV Centenary Public School, Karnal
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
Mata Jija Bai Guide Company, Bhopal
8 9 10 11
Kerala Maharashtra Haryana Kerala
Guide Guide Ranger Ranger
Ranger Mother Teresa Ranger Team, Sungargarh
21st KNR (G) Company, Kannur Van. Laxmibai Kelkar GuideCompany Dhule G.V.M. Girls College, Sonipat 409th Annie Besant Open Ranger Team, Chavakkad
List of Chief National Commissioner Shield Competition for the Year-2017-2018 S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name of the State Haryana Karnataka Rajasthan Karnataka Haryana Rajasthan Odisha
Section Scout Scout Scout Guide Guide Guide Guide
Position 1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position Special Appreciation 18
AWARD FOR NUMERICAL GROWTH Increase in Census 2017-2018 (Cub Section) Increase in Census Postition Sl.No. State 24,068 1st 1 Haryana 8,147 2nd 2 Maharashtra 7.443 3rd 3 Karnataka Increase in Census 2017-2018 (Scout Section) 30,748 1st 1 Karnataka 21,666 2nd 2 Haryana 13,294 3rd 3 Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Increase in Census 2017-2018 (Rover Section) 6,242 1st 1 Haryana 3,738 2nd 2 Karnataka 2,017 3rd 3 Odisha Increase in Census 2017-2018 (Bulbul Section) 11,330 1st 1 Haryana 8,197 2nd 2 Karnataka 8,094 3rd 3 Maharashtra Increase in Census 2017-2018 (Guide Section) 31,188 1st 1 Karnataka 23,412 2nd 2 Tamilnadu 15,814 3rd 3 Haryana Increase in Census 2017-2018 (Ranger Section) 1,998 1st 1 Karnataka 590 2nd 2 Haryana 576 3rd 3 Uttar Pradesh Overall Increase in Census 2017-2018 (Both Wings) 83,312 1st 1 Karnataka 79,710 2nd 2 Haryana 33,331 3rd 3 Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Overall Average Percentage Increase in Census 2017-2018 (Both Wings) 64.06% 1st 1 East Coast Railway 48.57% 2nd 2 South Eastern Railway 42.23% 3rd 3 Andhra Pradesh
Indian Scout Guide Fellowship The Indian Scout Guide Fellowship is an organisation for “Adult’s” who are actively supporting the activities of Scouting Guiding in the country our relationship was rejuvinated during the year under report. The Indian Scout Guide Fellowship supported formation and growth of State association in Dadra, Nagar, Haveli and Daman and Diu. The Asia Pacific foundation of fellowship was inaugurated in a ceremony held at Ahmedabad. The General Assembly of Indian Scout Guide Fellowship was held at National Headquarter of Bharat Scouts and Guides in Septembers, 2018. The Indian Scout Guide Fellowship recognises the services of active youth and adult members by honouring with various prizes. “The bounds of active members of Bharat Scouts and Guides and former Scouts and Guides with Indian Scout Guide Fellowship has reached new horizons.
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
Regional Level Cub Bulbul Utsav Five Regional Level Cub Bulbul Utsavs were conducted at Chamtapathar, Guwahati, Garhara, E.C. Railway (Bihar), Delhi, Kollam (Kerala) and Ramtek, Nagpur (Maharashtra). 864 Cubs, Bulbuls and Unit Leaders participated in the Utsavs. Cub Bulbul activities of Grand Howd, Cub greeting, Bulbul greeting, Totom Pole & Bulbul tree decoration, Play acting Jungle plays, Dances were competitive items. Exhibition, Drawing, Painting, Handicrafts etc. were enjoyed by participants and appreciated by visitors. Red flower and Kalarav provided the young ones opportunity to present their cultural talents. The Cub Bulbul Utsav not only provides an opportunity for emotional integration but also for many a first time experience of train journey or visit to a State other than their own. Adv. K. Raju, Hon’ble Forest Minister of Kerala State, formally inaugurated the Utsav. Smt. J. Mercy Kuttyamma, Hon’ble Minister of Fisheries, Government of Kerala was the Chief Guest of the valedictory function held at Kollam. Regional Disaster Management Workshops The Sustainable Development Goal-11 aims at Sustainable cities and communities. The climate change and unscientific use of natural resources invites both manmade and natural disasters. We introduced “Disaster Preparedness” badge to create awareness and build resource team. Regional level disaster preparedness workshops were organised at Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Dehradun (Uttarakhand), Korba (Chhattisgarh) and Ganganagar (West Bengal). The National level agencies such as, Fire and Safety, Department of Metrology were invited in addition to the States’ fire and rescue services. St John’s Ambulance brigade also extended its expertise for training. 402 Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders were trained in disaster management and awareness on general and localised disasters that India faces. Skill Development Programme Skill Development Programmes were conducted at Moradabad (Northern Railway), Garhara (East Central Railway) and Bangalore 321 young people from Eastern, Southern and 21
Northern Regional States were trained in various skills directing to vocational trades covering Hair Dressing, Fashion Designing, Fabrication, Food Processing, Value Addition to traditional fabrics, Agricultural Production; etc. Experts in the field of vocational guidance training and personality development were involved in the programmes to enrich the knowledge growth. Handicraft and Vocational Training Handicraft and Vocational Training Courses were conducted at Vadodara (Gujarat), Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and Puducherry (Puducherry), 427 young Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers were given training to create useful home gadgets, office and school stationary, clock repairing, soap making, glass painting, screen printing and dye were vocational skills that become part of the training programme. This will contribute to empower both male and female candidates in earning livelihood. Honorable Justice Shri S.C. Verma, (Former Lokayukta) Administrator, Uttar Pradesh State Bharat Scouts and Guides was the Chief Guest who inaugurated the course. Regional Level Youth Forums The Sustainable Development Goal 4 & 5 calls for quality in Education and Gender Equality. Rovers and Rangers in our organisation represent the aspirations of our future generations. Youths plan and conduct the events and formulate future actions for creating a better world. We organised four Regional Level Youth Forums at Tawa, Jammu (J&K), Kadappa (Andhra Pradesh), Madhupur (Eastern Railway) and Daman and Div. 346 Youth members from13 States Associations were consulted during the youth forums on National Project, Youth Programmes and participation of young people in decision making. A session on Personality Development was delivered by Dr. Rakesh Minhas, IAS, District Collector.
Regional Level Standard Judging Camp Regional Level Standard Judging Camps for Scouts and Guides were conducted at Jhansi (East Central Railway) and Jedimetla (Telangana). 209 Scouts and Guides along with their Unit Leaders participated in demonstration of Skills on Camp Craft, Pioneering, First Aid, Estimation, Map making and Cooking. Competition on Campfire and Exhibition on handicraft were also a part of Standard Judging. On 4th September, 2018 evening, a colourful Grand Campfire was organised in which DRMJhansi Division, North Central Railway graced the occasion as Chief Guest and he presented Grade Certificates and Participation Certificates to the states. ADRM Jhansi Division, North Central Railway graced the occasion as Guest of Honour along with other distinguished guests. Yoga Festival In connection with 4th International Day of Yoga, four Yoga Festivals were organised at Hajipur (Vaishali) Bihar, Goa, Ambala (Haryana) and Domalguda (Hyderabad) Telangana with 720 members in attendance. Theory and practice of yoga in daily life yoga is best for healthy living. Presence of yoga in youth programmes of Bharat Scouts and Guides, Yoga Instructor, Badge curriculum, methods of yoga practices in camps, events and gathering were the contents for deliberations. International Day of Yoga was celebrated in the presence of the dignitaries. Union Minister
Shri Ram Vilas Paswan graced the Vaishali Yoga Programme. All over the country Bharat Scouts and Guides participated in International Day of Yoga. Rover Ranger Moot to Commemorate 100 Years of Rovering Regional Level Rover Ranger Moot was organised to commemorate 100 years of Rovering at State Training Centre, Adra, S.E.Railway from 16th to 20th January, 2019 in which 166 participants from 8 States with 10 staff members of State Associations took part. The Moot was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Mr. S.K. Srivastava (DRM) Adra. Colourful balloons fluttered in the air with a logo depicting 100 years of Rovering. The main attraction of the closing was Food Plaza and State Exhibition. All the States prepared delicious traditional dishes of their States. In the evening Grand Campfire was organised by SOC (S) S.E. Railway in the presence of Mr. J.K. Saha, the State Chief Commissioner/PCME. Certificates and Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions by the Chief Guest.
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
NATIONALTRAINING TRAINING CENTRE, NATIONAL CENTRE,PACHMARHI PACHMARHI Scout Wing The National training team of Bharat Scouts and Guides consists of 1347 assistant leader trainers 185 from Cub, 1057 from Scout and 102 from Rover sections. We have 521 active leader trainees on rolls. 73 from Cub, 413 from Scout and 35 from Rover sections. During year under report 146 scouters were appointed assistant leader trainers (25 Cub, 96 Scout and 25 Rover) similarly 36 honourable charges of Leader trainers were issued to 7 from cub section, 26 from Scout section and 3 from Rover section. Himalaya Wood Badge Course certificates were issued to 112 Cub master, 561 Scout masters and 88 Rover Leaders. 759 parchments were presented in all. 127 Cub, 572 Scout and 60 Rover leaders received the same during 2018-2019. National Training Centre conducted 5 wood badge courses. One each for Cub and Rover section and 3 for Scout section. 42 Cub masters, 39 Rover leaders and 104 Scout masters attended. 90 prospective trainers attended 2 Pre-ALT courses and 184 Scouters completed Assistant Leader Trainers Course through 4 courses. 43 attended Leader Trainer courses during 20182019. 43 trainers attended re-orientation courses conducted at National Training Centre, Pachmarhi. Guide Wing The National training team of Bharat Scouts and Guides consists of 782 assistant leader trainers, 113 from Flock, 640 from Guide and 29 from Ranger section. We have 365 active leader trainees on rolls. 47 from flock, 300 from Guide and 18 from Ranger section. During year under report 113 guiders were appointed assistant leader trainers (14 Bulbul, 91 Guide and 8 Ranger) similarly 31 honourable charges of Leader trainers were issued to 5 from bulbul section and 26 from Guide section. Himalaya Wood Badge Course certificates were issued to 77 Flock leaders, 274 Guide captains and 39 ranger leaders. 317 parchments were presented in all. 41 Flock leaders, 228 guide captains and 48 ranger leaders received the same during 2018-2019. 25
National Training Centre conducted 4 wood badge courses. One each for Flock and Ranger section and two for guide section. 24 flock leaders, 27 ranger leaders and 54 guide captains attended. 60 prospective trainers attended 2 Pre-ALT courses and 52 guiders completed Assistant Leader Trainers Course. 16 trainers attended re-orientation course conducted at National Training Centre, Pachmarhi. Achievements of States in Adult Leader Training. 48 Patrol Leaders Training Courses with 3272 participants, 2 Commissioners Courses with 8 participants, 3 Training Counsellors Courses with 50 participants, 45 Badge Instructors Course with 2048 participants, 2 Organisers Courses with 85 participants, 72 Refreshers/ Re-orientation Courses with 5208 participants and 52 Other Courses with 15336 participants, 62 Seminar with 2129 participants, 01 Forum with 55 participants, 86 Workshop with 6424 participants, 5 Symposium with 270 participants, Exhibition with 10089 participants and 52 Informal Training programmes with 15336 participants attended. To support Adult Leaders informal also training, 568 District Training Commissioner and 425 Training Counsellors were appointed by the States.
National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi National Adventure Programme Twenty-five Adventure Programme were conducted during the year. Apart from fifteen regular National Adventure Programme ten Special National Adventure Programme was conducted for the school students and Scouts Guides of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat states. On the request of the Forest Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh, a rescue training camp was also conducted exclusively for the employees of Forest Department where 34 employees from various district of Madhya Pradesh participated The total participation was 5838 out of which 2713 Scouts, 478 Non-Scouts, 2380 Guides, 267 Non-Guides participated from all over the country. Ample learning opportunities were created throughout these seven days programme, a fitting set of activities comprising of Hiking, Trekking to beautiful and popular spots inside Satpura Ranges, obstacles course at Laxmi Mazumder park with zip line, shooting, archery, horse riding, boating, rock climbing etc. were conducted. 1st SAANSO and 21st International Adventure programme. The 1st SAANSO Adventure Programme in conjunction with 21st International Adventure Programme was held from 2nd to 8th February 2019. In which 464 participants from Bangladesh, Srilanka and 17 States of India participated. Challenging and attractive programme including Parasailing, Hot air ballooning, and Zip line above the Pachmarhi Lake were offered to the participants as advanced adventure. This programme was inaugurated by Dr. K. K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.), Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts and Guides on 2nd February 2019 and Shri Satyam Mohan, CEO, Cantonment Board Pachmarhi was the chief guest of Grand Campfire on 7th February 2019. The institute contributed to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, body confidence programme (FBM) and promotion of Environmental Education in all its programmes.
National Youth Adventure Institute Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Palwal, Haryana National Youth Adventure Institute which started on 22nd February, 2018 at the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Youth Complex, Gadpuri, Palwal, Haryana is committed to the promotion of the adventures among the Youth as well as those who are not Scouts or Guides. The National Youth Adventure Institute, Gadpuri, Haryana conducted 18 National Youth Adventure Programmes, 02 Special National Youth Adventure Programmes, 01 Three Day Adventure Activity, and 02 One Day Adventure Activity. 2872 youth from all over the country participated. On the request of Haryana Education Department, Panchkula, one day training programme for the teachers was organized. The adventure programmes were attended by 490 teachers from Haryana. Chief National Commissioner Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Deputy Commissioner of Palwal, Mr. Mani Ram Sharma, IAS and Mr. Peter Blatch, member World Scout Committee, Mr. Syd Castillo, Director, Educational methods and Mr. Tom, Manager, Evaluation of WOSM visited the centre and witnessed our activities. During the year 2018-19, we planted 300 saplings in our campus under the CSR Mission of Mahindra Telephonics Company who extended support for tree plantation in our campus. During all the programmes,“FREE BEING ME” and Swachh Bharat Sunder Bharat activities were conducted.
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
REPORTSFROM FROM STATES REPORTS STATES Andaman and Nicobar Island Zonal level annual training camps were conducted by all 9 districts with 150 Scouts and Guides. Orientation on Scouting/Guiding was conducted for teachers of Govt. Colleges. 165 Scouts/Guides qualified for Pratham Sopan, Rovers and Rangers of Port Blair participated in the ceremonial parade on the occasion of Republic Day and Independence Day. Thinking Day was celebrated all over the island. Andhra Pradesh 6 Rajyapuraskar Testing Camps, 5 Patrol Leaders Training programmes, 4 Tritiya Sopan Testing Camps were conducted for Scouts, similarly for Guides, 2 Rajyapuraskar, 3 Patrol Leaders Training programmes and 5 Tritya Sopan Testing Camps were organised. 7 Scout Master Basic, 2 Rover Scout Leader Basic and 2 Cub Master Basic and 5 Advanced Course for Scout Masters and one Cub Masters Advanced training programmes were conducted. In Guide Wing 6 Basic Courses of Guide Captain and one Course for Flock Leader were conducted. One Advanced Course for Guide Captain was conducted. Independence Day, Republic Day, Thinking Day were celebrated at State and district levels. Various districts organised Earth Day, World Environment Day, World Health Day, Tree Plantation, adoption of monuments under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Arunachal Pradesh 4th International Yoga Day was observed on 21st June, 2018 at State Headquarters, Bharat Scouts and Guides along with rest of the country. 19th Rajya Puraskar Award Ceremony was held at Raj Bhawan on 22nd June, 2018. H.E. the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Dr. B.D. Mishra awarded Certificates to 69 Scouts and 75 Guides. State Level Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp was held at SHQ, Polo Colony, Naharlagun from 24th to 28th July, 2018. 50 Scouts and 42 Guides qualified in the Testing Camp. State 29
Level Tritiya Sopan Training and Testing camp was held from 20th to 25th August 2018. 222 participants attended the camp. Advanced Trained and HWB Holders Workshop with 29 Scouters and Guiders was conducted. State Level Strategic Planning Workshop was conducted. Basic Course for Scout masters and Guide captains was conducted in which 23 Scouters and 17 Guiders participated. 2nd State Level Standard Judging camp was conducted at State Training Centre, Polo Colony, Naharlagun from 6th to 10th December 2018 which was attended by 350 participants.
Assam Rajyapurakar Rally was held on 24th April, 2018. Hon’ble Governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi, presented awards to 351 Rajyapuraskar awardees. Two District Level Patrol Leader Training Camps were organised at Cachar and Dhubri. Sibsagar Disrict Rally was organised. Life members meet was held with State Chief Commissioner. Ambubachi Service Camp at Kamakhya Temple was organised with 250 Rovers and Rangers. State Level Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations were attended by Scouts and Guides. World Environment Day, Blood Donation and Symposium of Child Protection were also organised by the State.
Bihar District rallies at Vaishali, Saran were conducted. Under Namami Gange, cleaning of river banks of Ganga and Narayani rivers were taken up by the scouts and guides. Service camps were organised on the occasion of Mahashivaratri, Chhat Puja and Kartik Purnima at different locations of the state. Independence Day, Republic Day, Thinking Day, World Environment Day, World Scout Scarf Day, Teachers Day were observed by the districts. International Day of Yoga was observed with the support of Ministry of AYUSH.
Chhattisgarh State Level Rover Ranger Samagam was organised in Durg. Rover Centenary Celebration was inaugurated by Shri Kedar Kashyap, Minister for School Education, Govt. of Chhattisgarh. In the celebration of Rover Centenary, 2000 Rovers and Ranges rendered their services at different places in the city to encourage peoples to associate with scouting. State Level Badge Examiner and Badge Instructor Course were conducted with 88 Scouters and Guiders. State Level Mountaineering, Skill Development and Disaster Management Courses were organised in which 50 Rovers and Rangers took part. 05 Rajya Puraskar Scouts and Guides testing camps were conducted in which 1159 Scouts and Guides participated. Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp for Rovers/Rangers was conducted in which 246 Rovers/Rangers participated. Basic and Advanced Courses for Cub Master, Scout Master, Rover Leader, Flock Leader, Guide Captain and Ranger Leader were organised in which 506 Unit Leaders were trained. 04 State Level Adventure Programmes were conducted at National Training Centre, Pachmarhi in which 2681 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders participated. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Foundation Day, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, Tree Plantation, “Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao”, Sadbhawana Diwas, World Scarf Day were celebrated at all districts of the State. Chandigarh U.T. The State Association rejuvenated its units by organising orientation courses for Group Leaders with 56 Heads of institutions, 128 Scout masters and Guide captains. Basic Course for Scout masters and Guide captains with 62 participants was held at Taradevi. Tritiya Sopan of First Aid training programme for Scouts/Guides was organised. Van Mahotsav, Thinking Day, World Environment Day, International Women Day, Teachers day and Foundation Day of Bharat Scouts and Guides were observed.
Central Railway Central Railway organised Rajyapuraskar testing camp with 37 participants. Community Singing Course under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Service Camps were conducted. All divisions of Central Railway, members of the State Association participated in third party feedback on railway passenger amenities throughout railway. During Railway Week Scout skill exhibition was organised at Nagpur. General Manager of Central Railway visited the event. 14 new unit leaders were trained during the year. Dadra Nagar Haveli State Scarf was released by Chief National Commissioner Dr. K.K. Khandelwal. State observed Republic Day, Thinking Day, Road Safety Week, Youth Day, Independence Day. Clothes were distributed on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti in partnership with Rotary International. State Level Youth Forum was organised. New Rover Ranger Unit and Unit for children with special needs were inaugurated. Delhi Rajyapuraskar Testing Camps for Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers were organised. Pre-Rashtrapati testing camp for Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers was conducted at State Headquarters,113-A, Daryaganj, New Delhi on 28th July, 2018 and 29th July,2018 in which 62 participants participated in the testing camp World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Foundation Day, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, Tree Plantation, “Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao”, Sadbhawana Diwas, World Scarf Day, were celebrated at all districts of the State. Eastern Railway Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was implemented by all districts and month long campaign on awareness was conducted in all major railway stations and railway colonies under the railway zone. Scouts and Guides created awareness programmes on use of plastic and its effects on our environment. Rovers and Rangers participated in blood donation programmes on Youth 32
Day. Oral Re-hydration awareness was conducted in flood affected areas of the West Bengal State. District level competitions for cub and bulbul were organised for promotion of the cub bulbul activities. Republic Day, Thinking Day, International Day of Yoga, Independence Day, Youth Day were celebrated by all the districts. Rovers and Rangers rendered service during Railway week, safety at un-manned level crossings etc. East Central Railway Rajya Puraskar Selection Camp was organised at State Headquarter Hajipur, District Garhara from 8th to 12th June, 2018 in which 102 Scouts and Guides participated. Basic Course for Cub Master, Rover Scout Leader and Advanced Course for Scout Master was organised at District Association Garhara from 16th to 22nd August, 2018 and attended by 44 participants. State Level Kartik Purnima Mela Service Camp was held from 1st to 5th November, 2018 at District Sonpur in which 133 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Tree Plantation, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, World Scarf Day were celebrated in all the districts of the State. East Coast Railway 1st Basic Training Course for Scout masters and Guide Captains of East Coast Railway was held at State Training Center, Puri from 6th to 12th August, 2018 in which 36 participants attended. District Camp & Rally of the Bharat Scouts and Guides of East Coast Railway Khurda Road Division was held in which 250 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders actively participated. Workshop on Skill Development was organised at District Training Centre of Khurda Road in which 28 Scouts and Guides participated. To create the awareness on Nature and Social issues, a painting competition was organised in which 50 Scouts and Guides participated. National Youth Day was celebrated with participation of 40 Rovers and Rangers. District Level Testing camp was organised 33
hich was participated by180 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers. State Level Testing Camp for Scouts/Guides was organised. 100 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers attended the camp. A Blood Donation camp was organised. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Foundation Day, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, Tree Plantation, World Scarf Day were celebrated at district level of the State.
Goa State Level Award Ceremony for Rajya Puraskar and other distinguished services was held on 14th April, 2018. 15 Scouts were graded outstanding. Scout Guide Units were awarded for activities conducted in 2017-18. Disaster Management Course was conducted to face the emergency.50 Scouts and Guides were benefitted from the course. Six Free Being Me Workshops were conducted in four districts of the State. 300 Unit Leaders were benefitted from the programme. State Rally was held at Vasco-deGama in which 600 Scouts/Guides from different districts participated. Thinking Day, Independence Day and Republic Day were celebrated at all districts of the State.
Gujarat Rajya Puraskar Award Ceremony was held at Raj Bhawan, Gandhi Nagar. H.E. Shri O.P. Kohli, Governor of Gujarat presented awards to representatives of selected Scouts/Guides. 21 District Rallies and 19 District Level Patrol Leaders Trainings were organised. Refresher Course for Unit Leaders were organised in 27 districts. State Level Patrol Leader Course were organised at Rajkot, Vadodara and Kutch. Badge Instructors Course was held at Boriavi, Anand. State organised Mass Plastic Ban programme, Republic Day, Independence Day and Thinking Day were Celebrated in the State.
Haryana 1019 Camps for Guide Wing and 1080 Camps for Scout Wing were organised in which 51,515 Bulbuls, Guides, Rangers and 78,690 Cubs, Scouts, Rovers and Unit Leaders participated. 1222 Scouts and Guides received Rajyapuraskar and 439 Cubs and Bulbuls received Golden Arrow Award. 18 Standard Judging Camps were organised in various districts. Blood Donation, Cleanliness Drive, District Rally, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Social Service, Free Water Service and Tree Plantation programmes were organised. Himachal Pradesh State Level Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp for Scouts and Guides was organised. Preparatory camp for Rashtrapati Award for Guides was conducted. Advanced course for Scout Masters and Guide Captains were conducted which was attended by 36 Scout Masters and 29 Guide Captains. State Level Yoga Day was organised with 164 Scouts and Guides. Scouts/Guides participated in Ceremonial Parade in connection with Independence Day and Republic Day at state capital Shimla. World Health Day, World Scout Scarf Day, International Peace Day; etc. were observed. Jharkhand State level trekking cum nature study camp was held under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. All districts adopted markets and public places for creating awareness on cleanliness. World Environment Day, World Health Day, World No Tobacco Day were observed in addition to Republic Day, Thinking day and Independence Day. Scouts and Guides participated in Pulse Polio Programme on designated days in their localities. World Forest Day was observed in collaboration with the State Forest Department and saplings were planted. Jammu and Kashmir H.E. Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Shri Satyapal Mallik was inducted as Patron of the State Association. Rajyapuraskar Rally was held at Raj
Bhawan Jammu. 329 Rajyapuraskar awardees received certificates from the Hon’ble Governor. Special campaign to enrol more schools under Scouting/Guiding was launched during the year. State organised a number of training courses for Adult Leaders during the year; hosted Northern Regional Youth Forum. The State Headquarters at Jammu received grant from MPL AO of Hon’ble Shri B.S. Man for Infrastructure Development. Kerala Rajyapuraskar testing camps were organised at different centers. Scouts and Guides participated in a fortnight long road safety awareness programme from southern end (Neyyattinkara) to north end on the National Highway (Kasargod) in partnership with club D2S and Hella lamps. Scouts and Guide actively participated in rescue and relief operations during floods in August 2018 and also continued their services for cleaning wells and other sources of potable water in flood affected areas. All funds which were kept for campooree and camps of scouts, were diverted to relief work throughout the state. The President of the State and Hon’ble Minister of Education personally supervised the service activities. Karnataka 8 Rajyapuraskar testing camps for Scouts and 7 camps for Guides, 1 camp for Rovers and one for Rangers were held. Summer Workshop for Art and Culture with 117 Scouts and Guides; 7 Badge Workshops for Cubs/Bulbuls; 4 Divisional Level Disaster Preparedness; training for Rovers/Rangers; 4 Divisional Level Nature Study programmes; 2 Coastal Trekking programmes for Rovers/Rangers; 3 Special orientation programmes for Rangers; Mapping cum Star Gazing programme; HAM Course; Pioneering Course for Rovers were organized in the State. State Level Strategic Plan Workshop, World Environment Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, World Peace Day and Women’s Day were observed. Special orientation on Rovering to Success and Bhagvad Geeta were also organized.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 3850 Scouts and 2880 Guides were selected for Rajyapuraskar and 463 Scouts and 401 Guide Units were registered and participated in Community Development activities through Prime Minister Shield. 946 Cubs and 677 Bulbuls were selected for Golden Arrow. 80 Cubs, 64 Scout, 24 Flock and 31 Guide Unit Leaders were trained. Himalaya Wood Badge courses in all sections were conducted. All Regions of KVS, organised Advanced Training for Unit Leaders. Flag Day, Thinking Day, World Environment, Earth Day were observed by all Units. Madhya Pradesh 11 Basic Cub master, 19 Basic Scout master, 02 Basic Rover Leaders, 02 Advanced Cub masters, 02 Advanced Scout masters and 02 Advanced Rover Leaders training courses were conducted in Scout Wing in which 855 participants were trained. 03 Specialised courses were conducted. 11 Basic Flock Leaders, 16 Basic Guide Captains, 02 Basic Ranger Leaders, 02 Advanced Guide Captains, 01 Advanced Flock Leader and 01 Advanced Ranger Leader training courses were conducted in Guide Wing in which 613 participants were trained. Hobby centres, drinking water service, cleanliness campaign, Tree plantation, Patrol training camps, Disaster Management training, BSG Foundation Day; etc. were organised at district and divisional level. Maharashtra 14 Rajyapuraskar Testing Camps for Scouts, 13 Rajyapuraskar Testing Camps for Guides were held conducted. 2001 Scouts and 1744 Guides were selected for Rajyapurakar. 22 Districts organised District Rallies. Cub Bulbul Utsav was organised in 24 Districts. Monsoon hikes were conducted by various Districts. “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” was organised in all districts. State Rally was organised at “Avtar Meherbaba Trust” Arangaon, District Ahmednagar in which 5469 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders participated. JOTA and JOTI was organised in various Districts. 69 Training camps were conducted for Scouts and 1908 Unit Leaders were 37
trained. 62 Training Camps were held for Guides and 1541 Unit Leaders were trained. Khari Kamai festival was undertaken all over the State from 10th December 2018 to 10th January 2019 to generate income and to encourage the concept of dignity of labour. International Yoga Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, Flag Day, Tree Plantation and Thinking Day were observed all over the State. Manipur Two combined district hikes were conducted. Summer Testing Camps for Scouts /Guides were conducted at various districts. World Environment Day, International Peace Day, Thinking Day were observed. Scouts and Guides participated in ceremonial parade on the occasion of Independence Day and Republic Day at State and District Headquarters. Social service programmes were organised at ISKON, Imphal and Tamanglong town by Scouts and Guides. Rovers rendered service at state level science exhibition held at Imphal. Mizoram H.E. Governor of Mizoram was nominated as Patron of State Association on 28th February, 2019. The Rajyapuraskar Award Presentation Ceremony was conducted at Raj Bhawan, Aizwal on 3rd April, 2018. State Level Rajyapuraskar and Tritiya Sopan camps were conducted in which142 Scouts/Guides were in attendance. 93 Golden Arrow Awards were received by Cubs/ Bulbuls of the State. 02 Basic Courses for Unit Leaders were conducted. Meghalaya International Youth Exchange between Hong Kong and India was organised wherein 22 Youth and 6 Adults participated. District Level Executives Meet; Joint Meet with Department of Tourism for development of State Training Course; Meets of the Units for Interaction with Unit Leaders and SHQ Officials was conducted regularly. Group Leaders Meet, Scouters Guiders orientation programmes were also conducted. Rovers/Rangers rendered service at Sports Meet. 38
Workshop on Electoral Literacy; Right of a disabled person; contribution for under privileged children, Inter Scout Meet; Olympic Day. Workshop on “International Humanitarian Law”; Disaster Preparedness training; Cycle Rally for awareness of the people about cleanliness; EVM and VVPAT awareness were organised. One basic course for Scout Masters with 34 participants, two basic courses for Guide Captains with 68 participants, One advanced course for Scoutmasters with 27 participants and One advanced course for Guide Captains with 15 participants were conducted. N o To b a c c o D a y, Wo r l d E n v i r o n m e n t D a y, Independence Day, Teacher's Day, Foundation Day of BSG and Thinking Day were observed all over the State. Nagaland Rajyapuraskar Scout/Guide testing camp was held in which 57 Scouts and Guides took part. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Nagaland Shri Neiphiu Rio was nominated as the Patron of Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides on 8th May 2018. H.E. Governor of Nagaland Shri P.B. Acharya was nominated as Chief Patron of Nagaland State on 22nd June 2018. Rajyapuraskar Ceremony was held on 7th August 2018. 02 Basic Courses for Scout Master and Guide Captain were held in which 24 Scout Masters and 29 Guide Captains participated. National Road Safety Week was attended by Kiphire and Wokha Districts. District Organising Commissioner’s Performance Review Meet was held. 70 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers, District and State Officials attended the “1st North East Multimedia Campaign” against HIV/AIDS at Kohima. 6 Rangers, 2 Rovers, 2 Senior Scouts, 1 Ranger Leader along with 5 State Officials attended Cultural Exchange programme held at Raj Bhavan Kohima on 27th March 2019. World No Tobacco Day, World Environment Day, Independence Day, Teacher’s Day, Foundation Day of BSG and Thinking Day were observed all over the State.
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti State Level Rajyapuraskar testing camps for Scouts and Guides and Nipun testing camp for Rovers/Rangers were conducted. Patrol Leaders training camp for Scouts/Guides was conducted. Chaturtha Charan Golden Arrow award testing for Cubs was conducted. One Basic course each for Scout masters, Guide Captains and Rover Scout Leaders were conducted. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Foundation Day, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, Tree Plantation, “Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao”, Sadbhawana Diwas, World Scarf Day, were celebrated all districts of the State. Northern Railway District level officers meet was held at State Headquarters Baroda House. Special camp under “Swachh Bharat” was organised at Raiwala in May 2018. Rajyapuraskar Testing camps for Scout, Guide, Rover and Ranger were conducted. Two Workshops on “Free Being Me” were organised. 275 members participated in Yoga Day at Dehradun attended by Prime Minister of India. Specialised for “No Plastic” was organised at Uttarkashi. One basic course each in Cub, Scout, Rover, Flock, Guide and Ranger sections were conducted. One advanced course for Scout Masters, Rover Leaders, Guide Captains and Ranger Leaders were conducted. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day were observed. Programme on “unmanned level crossing” were conducted. Special workshop on Yoga was held in connection with Kumbh Mela. A First aid booths were operated at Major Railway Stations. North Central Railway Basic Course for Guide Captains, Advanced Course for Guide Captains, Basic Course for Ranger Leaders and Basic Course Rover Leaders were organised in which 42 unit leaders were trained. Basic Course for Rover Leaders, Advanced Course for Scout Masters were organised in which 54 unit leaders were trained. North Central Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides 40
organised Drinking water service campaign at most of the Railway Stations of Allahabad, Agra and Jhansi districts in which about 500 Scouts, Guides took part daily. Yoga training camps were organised by Allahabad, Agra and Jhansi District of North Central Railway on the occasion of World Yoga Day. Swachh Bharat campaign was organised with the participations of 75 members. Tree Plantation programme was organised on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June, 2018 in which 280 Scouts and Guides took part. Dwitiya Sopan and Tritiya Sopan Testing Camps were organised. North Eastern Railway Scout Master Basic and Rover Scout Leader Advanced Courses were conducted at State Training Centre, Katra from 8th to 14th April, 2018 in which 32 Unit leaders were trained. Traffic Awareness Rally was organised at Gorakhpur on 3rd May, 2018 in which 500 Scouts and Guides participated. Free Drinking Water service camp was organised at Railway Stations by different districts of the State. Unit Leaders Workshop was organised by Gorakhpur District on 17th May, 2018 in which 120 members participated. State Level Youth Conference was organised at Scout Kuteer, Gorakhpur from 27th to 31st July, 2018 in which 225 Senior Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers participated. District Level Seminar and Trainers Meet was held at District Training Centre, Aishbagh Lucknow from 23rd to 25th September, 2018 in which Officials and trainers from all district associations of the State participated. “Swachhta Hi Sewa Pakhwada” was organised at Gorakhpur, Lucknow, Varansi, Izzatnagar and Gonda; etc. in which 385 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders participated. Workshop on Swachh Bharat Sunder Bharat was organised at State Training Centre, Katra from 24th to 28th March, 2019 in which 130 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers took part. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Foundation Day, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, Tree Plantation, “Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao”, Sadbhawana Diwas, World Scarf Day, were celebrated in all districts of the State. North Western Railway 41
Pratham, Tritiya Sopan Camp was organised at Bikaner Division from 12th to 16th May, 2018 in which Scouts and Guides participated. Tritiya Sopan, Rajya Puraskar and Nipun Testing Camps were organised at State Training Centre, Bandikui from 23rd to 27th May, 2018 in which Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers from four divisions participated. Handicraft Vocational Training Course was organised at State Training Centre, Bandikui from 25th to 29th September, 2018 in which Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers from four divisions participated. Ramlila and Dushera Mela Service Camp was organised on 19th October, 2018 in which 27 Scouts and Guides participated. District level Rally was organised in Bikaner from 27th to 31st December, 2018. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, World Women's Day, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Tree Plantation, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, World Scarf Day were celebrated in all districts of the State. North Frontier Railway N.F. Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides organised State Level Advanced Course for Rover Scout Leaders from 1st to 4th April, 2018 at District NJP. Rajyapuraskar Testing Camp was organised from 15th to 19th May, 2018 at District NBQ. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Foundation Day, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, Tree Plantation, “Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao”, Sadbhawana Diwas, World Scarf Day were celebrated at all districts of the State. Odisha The State conducted 07 Basic Training Courses for Cub Masters and Flock Leaders, Scout Masters & Guide Captains, in which total 188 were trained. 07 Advanced Training courses for Scout Masters and Guide Captains were held, in which 155 were trained. Also 03 Himalaya Wood Badge Training Course for Scout Masters & Guide Captains, Rover Scout Leaders were conducted in which 67 were trained. 42
Thinking Day & Foundation Day was celebrated all over the state. State conducted Advocacy Project i.e. Free Being Me, Surf Smart, Messenger of Peace, Stop the Violence. Cub Bulbul Utsav, National Integration camp, Rover/Ranger Samagam, National Tribal/Grameen Rover Ranger Carnival was organised in the state. Skill Development training for Rovers/Rangers was organised. Disaster Preparedness courses & adventure activities were organised in the state with the support of ITBP and BSF. Rajya Puraskar Award Rally was organized. 33 Districts conducted District Rallies. Re-Orientation Courses were conducted at district level. Massive plantations were done. Awareness campaign on Literacy, Pulse Polio, Malaria, Safe Drinking Water etc. were also conducted. Summer Service camps were organised and Scouts, Guides rendered services during Mela. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan activities were organised round the state and summer Service camps (Jalachhatra) for continuous 4 months. Puducherry Patrol Leader Camps were conducted in 3 phases in which total 430 Patrol Leaders were given leadership training. To improve saving skills among youth; First Aid cum Ambulance training was organised. 270 Scouts and Guides benefited from the training in 3 phases. One contingent each of Scouts and Guides participated in Ceremonial Parade in connection with Independence Day and Republic Day which was organised by State Administration and received best Marching contingent from Hon'ble Governor and Hon'ble Chief Minister of Puducherry. Thinking Day was celebrated throughout the State.
Punjab District rallies were organised for the awareness about environment in which 1805 Scouts and Guides participated in different programmes. Diwitiya Sopan 43
and Tritiya Sopan testing camp were organised at district and division level in all the districts of Punjab State in which 15000 Scouts and Guides participated. State Headquarters organised Rajyapuraskar testing camps/ Hiking Trekking camp/ Nipun testing camp/ Pre-Rashtrapati camp, Yoga camp, Service camp, Personality development progamme, Nature Study & Environment Programme in which 2997 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers participated. 04 Basic courses for Adult Leaders of Scouts and Guides (both wings) were conducted in which 168 participants participated. 02 Advanced courses for Scouts and Guides (both wings) were conducted in which 55 participants were trained. Rajasthan 40 Youth festivals, special events for Tribal Scout and Guide Units, programmes for differently abled children, children of orphanages. 8350 Units of National Green Core was organised by Scouts and Guides. Various Social Service camps were organised in connection with major festivals, Melas throughout the State. State Adventure Centre provided 21 programmes with 942 participants. Special events for training of girls on Self Defence, Jamborette for Tribal Units, Patrol Leaders trainings were conducted. State Level Cub/Bulbul Utsav was conducted. Rajyapuraskar award presentation was led with 285 Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers in attendance. During State Council held at Kota, the State decided to fight against problems of Drug, Road safety, Participation in water conservation, Cleanliness, Service at old age homes etc. Sikkim Rajyapuraskar Award presentation was held at Raj Bhawan Gangtok, Shri Sriniwas Patil, Hon'ble Governor of Sikkim presented the awards. 2nd Rajyapuraskar was held in March 2019. Hon'ble Governor was also inducted as Patron of State Association. Hikes and environment study programmes were organised by the units. Efforts to have pollution free environment were made by planting saplings. 9th State Rally was held with participation of guest contingents from Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. Basic and Advanced 44
Courses for Unit Leaders were organised in January, 2019. Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers of the state took part in activities to promote. “Swachh Bharat”. Republic Day, Independence Day, World Environment Day, World No Tobacoo Day, Thinking Day were observed. Southern Railway Rashtrapati/Rajyapuraskar Award Testing Camps were organised. Training on Self Defence and Band Instruments was organised. Youth Meeting of Rovers and Rangers was organised. Study Circles for Prospective Himalaya Wood Badge Holders course was conducted. Adult Leader Training Course for Scout Wing and Guide Wing were organised. Chaturtha Charan/Heerak Pankh Training Camp and Disaster Preparedness and Management Training were conducted. 14th RASSAG (Railway School Scouts & Guides) Camporee & 12th RASCAB (Railway School Cubs & Bulbuls) Utsav was organised at Railway Sports Stadium. Refresher Course for Scouters & Guiders and DOC/DTC/Asst. Secretary Meeting were organised. 48th State Rally & 21st Camporee, Cub Bulbul Utsav were organised at Railway Sports Stadium, Perambur from 27th to 30th January, 2019. Swachhta Awareness Campaign was conducted at Chennai Egmore Railway Station on 2nd October, 2018. South Eastern Railway Rajyapuraskar testing camps for Scouts, Guides and Nipun testing camp for Rovers/Rangers was conducted. One Basic course each for Cub masters, Scout masters and Guide captains was held. Two vocational training courses for youth were conducted. Rover Centenary Celebrations were held at Sundarban. State Level Rover Ranger Moot, Adventure programme were conducted. Awareness programmes on Cleanliness, Environment, Communal Harmony were organised. 2 Meetings of State and District Level office bearers were organised for planning and evaluation of activities. Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, 45
Gandhi Jayanti, Yoga Day, Foundation Day of BSG were organised. South East Central Railway State Level Rajyapuraskar testing camps for Scouts and Guides and Nipun testing camp for Rovers / Ranger were organised. Patrol Leaders training camp for Scouts/Guides was conducted. Chaturtha Charan Golden Arrow award testing for Cub was conducted. One Basic course each for Scout masters, Guide captains and Rover Scout Leaders were conducted. Advanced courses for Scout masters and Guide captains were conducted. Service programmes for drinking water supply, Tree plantations were organised. Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Yoga Day, Foundation Day of BSG were organised. South Western Railway State Level Rajyapuraskar testing camps for Scouts and Guides and Nipun testing camp for Rovers/Rangers were organised. Patrol Leaders training camp for Scouts/Guides was conducted. Chaturtha Charan Golden Arrow award testing for Cub was conducted. One Basic course each for Scout masters, Guide captains and Rover Scout Leaders were conducted. Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Yoga Day, Foundation Day of BSG were organised. TAMILNADU Rajyapuraskar Rally 2018 was held at Main Lawn in Raj Bhawan on 14th June, 2018. 34,400 Scouts and Guides were awarded Rajya Puraskar by the Hon'ble Governor of Tamilnadu for the year 2016 and 2017. Himalaya Wood Badge Course for Scout Wing was conducted at the State Training Centre, Stanley Park, Coonoor from 2nd to 8th May, 2018 in which 64 participants took part. State Level Rover Rangers Meet was conducted at the State Training Centre, Stanley Park, Coonoor from 27th to 30th June, 2018 in which 152 Rovers, 45 Rangers and 20 Adult Leaders, participated. Mayiladudurai District 46
conducted Patrol Leaders Training Course at Thiyagi G. Narayanasamy, MPL Hr. Sec. School from 13th to 15th July, 2018 in which 552 Scouts and 159 Guides participated. Basic Training Course was conducted at Ilakkumi Alaimal Hr. Sec. School from 8th to 14th November, 2018 in which 22 Scout Masters and 147 Guide Captains participated. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Foundation Day, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, World Scarf Day were celebrated in all the districts of the State. Tripura State Level Rajyapuraskar Selection Camp with 80 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers was conducted. Advanced Course for Scout masters and Guide captains was conducted in which 40 Adult Leaders were trained. Annual Training Camp 2019 for Scout, Guide, Rover and Ranger with 180 participants was conducted. Service Camp during Ratha Jatra at Melaghar, Social Service camp during Kharchipuja a weeklong traditional festival at Chaturdash Devatabari, Disaster Preparedness Training Progamme for Senior Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers in collaboration with Fire Service & Police Department were organised. Durgapuja Social Service Camp was held at Jirania. Deepawali Social Service Camp was conducted at Tripureswari Mandir. International Yoga Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, Flag Day and Thinking Day were observed all over the State. Telangana 5 Patrol Leaders Training Camps, 2 Tritiya Sopan testing camps, one Rajyapuraskar testing camp for Scouts, Guides and Nipun camps for Rovers and Rangers were organised. Scouts, Guides Talent search, march past and colour party training programmes were organized. 6 Basic courses for Scout Master, 9 Basic courses for Guide Captains, one Basic course each for Flock Leaders, Rovers and Rangers were conducted. 6 Study Workshops for Unit Leaders and one HWB course for Scout masters were conducted. 47
Independence Day, Yoga Day, Foundation Day, Republic Day, Thinking Day were observed. Scouts and Guides also participated in various awareness programmes on Voter’s Day, Swachh Bharat, Metro Railway Safety etc. Uttar Pradesh Prime Minister Shield and Up-Rashtrapati Workshop were organised at State Training Centre, Allahabad from 10th to 12th May, 2018 which was attended by 31 participants. Nature Study Trekking Programme was conducted at State Training Centre, Shitlakhet from 4th to 8th June, 2018 in which 455 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers actively participated. Nipun Rover and Ranger Testing Camp was conducted at State Training Centre, Shitlakhet Almora from 4th to 8th June, 2018 which 46 Rovers and Ranger attended. Pioneering cum Estimation Course was conducted at State Training Centre, Shitlakhet Almora from 9th to 11th June, 2018 in which 296 Scouts and Guides participated. Rajypuraskar Rover Ranger Testing Camp was conducted at State Training Centre, Shitlakhet Almora from 12th to 16th June, 218 in which 82 Rovers and Rangers participated. Vocational Training and Handicraft Course, State Level Cultural Exchange Programmes were organised. State Level Rover Ranger Samagam was organised at Baghpat. “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” was held throughout the State. Republic Day, Independence Day, World Environment Day, World No Tobacoo Day, Thinking Day and Voter’s Day were observed. Uttarakhand Rajyapuraskar testing camp, Rover/Ranger Nipun camps were organised in which 915 Scouts and 865 Guides participated. 304 Scout masters and 317 Guide captains from various districts of Uttarakhand State participated in Basic, Advanced, HWB courses (Cub/Bulbul, Scout/Guide, Rover/Ranger). First Aid medical responder programme was organised in which 36 participants participated. 77 Rovers and Rangers of SAI Institute, Dehradun participated in the camping programme from 29th March to 2nd April, 2019 at the State Camping Centre Bhopalpani in Dehradun. Information letter relating to the activities of 48
Scouts/Guides activities of the State is being published from the year 2018. State has launched the Website of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Provision for 100 beds has been made at the State Camping Centre. West Central Railway State level Strategic Planning Workshop, district level competitions and standard judging camps were organised. Rajyapuraskar and Pre-Rashtrapati Award testing camps, Specialized course on First aid were conducted for Scouts and Guides. Republic Day, Thinking Day, International Day of Yoga, Independence Day, Youth Day were celebrated by all the districts. Rovers and Rangers rendered service during Railway Week, Safety of Un-manned Level Crossings etc. West Bengal Rajyapuraskar Award Presentation Ceremony was held at Raj Bhawan Kolkata, West Bengal on 27th July, 2018. Shri Keshri Nath Tripathi, Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal awarded Certificates and Badges to 147 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers a nd 21 Unit Leaders. Bharat Scouts and Guides West Bengal organised a Motorcycle Rally as a part of the celebration of Centenary Year of Rovering and as such a team of twelve adult leaders including three guides started its journey on 7th March 2019. To celebrate the Centenary year of Rovering, The Bharat Scouts and Guides West Bengal State Headquarters organised five days Rover Samagam at Padima M.P.C.S. at Digha from 26th to 30th December, 2018 in which 203 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Adult Leaders actively participated. Western Railway State Level Rajyapuraskar camp was held at State Training Centre, Gholvad from 27th to 31st May, 2018 in which 77 participants took part. State Level Rashtrapati Award testing camp was held at District Scout, Ratlam from 14th to 18th July, 2018 which was attended by 51 participants. Adult Leader Course for Scout Wing was conducted at Farmer’s Training Centre, Silvasa, DNH in which 61 Unit Leaders 49
actively participated. State Level Rover Ranger Service Camp was organised in which 48 Rovers and Rangers attended the camp. Handicraft & Vocational Course was conducted at Sabarmati, Ahmedabad from 29th August to 2nd September, 2018 in which 51 Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders took part. State Level Specialised Course for Pioneering was conducted in which 52 members participated. Blood Donation camp, Cleanliness Drive, District Rally, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Social Service, Free Water Service and Tree Plantation programmes were organised. World Environment Day, World AIDS Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day, Thinking Day, Republic Day, Independence Day, Foundation Day, Gandhi Jayanti, International Peace Day, World Scarf Day were celebrated in all districts of the State.
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
SUPPLY SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUPPLY SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Supply Services Department of National Headquarters is an entity to support uniform and equipment needs of the members of the Association. The Motto is “quality services at affordable cost”. The Department serves the state associations by supply of materials on credit and free of cost delivery at their door steps. To promote the accessibility to the individual members and units from far flung areas, the department also provides online services with scoutshopindia. The online portal was launched by Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, Honourable President of The Bharat Scouts and Guides on 1st December, 2018. The department encourage cashless transactions and accepts all credit and debit cards without any cost. We have come up with many designer products with BSG logo and have supplied customised products to Special Jamborees held in Japan, Bangladesh and 26th APR Scout Conference Indian Contingent and specialised events in India. We also provide tailor made full uniform for scouts at affordable price. As per orders of the National Headquarters, the department also publishes English and Hindi literature, certificates, test cards etc in high quality multi-colour prints. Long pending demand of books and literature for members could be met with the whole hearted support of Chief National Commissioner and his team of volunteers. The Trainers of Bharat Scouts and Guides extended their honorary services to update the literature and proof reading of technical subjects. We thank all the State Associations for their valuable support in promoting the supply of authentic materials and removing private players from making benefits out of our uniformed members. We welcome you to visit for all your uniform needs. Our aim is not to make profit out of supplies. However, we support the activities of scouts and guides by providing better quality materials at affordable prices.
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
The annual total income of the Bharat Scouts and Guides during the year 2018-2019 was Rs. 1067.05 lakh.
The annual expenses during the year 2018-19 was Rs. 1237.12 lakh including Rs, 246.94 lakh towards purchase of grous gratuity policy from LIC of India.
Receipts from our units for conducting activities, events at NAI, NTC, NYC during the year 2018-2019 was Rs.253.82 lakh.
The expenses during the year 2018-2019 to conduct events at NTC/NAI/NYC other than government grant was Rs. 139.07 lakh (including, wages, salaries etc.,).
The total amount of grant in aid received during 2018-19 was Rs. 150.00 lakh which was 100% increase in comparison to the previous year 2017-18 which was Rs.75.00 lakh.
The National Youth Complex generated revenue from adventure programme during the year 2018-19 amounting to Rs. 69.82 lakh.
First CSR grant was received from HP world for a computer mobile lab for Rs. 63.75 lakh in the year 2018-19.
For the first time we received grant for skill development programme under PMKVY from Ministry of Skill development amounting Rs.75.39 lakh. We are implementing this programme through professional service providers.
Under foreign contribution, we received grants from WOSM and WAGGGS :-
Subsidy for young people for participating in International Events.
Conducting educational programmes under Free Being Me (FBM), Action on Body Confidence(ACB), National Leadership Development Programme (NLDP), etc., of WAGGGS
Training and workshops on Messenger of Peace initiatives (MOP), better world format, sustainable development goals (SDG), world scout environment programme (WSEP) etc., of WOSM
The Asia Pacific foundation of Scout Guide Fellowship also provided grant for leadership development programmes of Guide Leaders. (NLDP)
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
GROWTHOF OF CENSUS CENSUS 2018-19 GROWTH 2018-19 SCOUT WING The Membership Census in respect of Scout Wing has been increased from 34,19,055 in 2017-2018 to 35,77,452 in 2018-2019. There is an increase of 1,58,397 members in the year i.e 4.63%. There are 19 States whose census has gone down compared to the last year, this is a matter of great concern.
GUIDE WING The Membership Census of Guide Wing has been increased from 21,38,448 in 2017-2018 to 22,45,217 in 2018-2019. There is an increase of 1,06,769 members in the year i.e 4.99%. The Censes of 14 States has gone down compared to the previous year, this is a matter of great concern. The Overall figures shown there is a total increase of 2,65,166 in membership together i.e. 4.77% which is against the National Target of 10% growth of Census in the year 2018-2019.
TOTAL 2018-2019
Andaman & Nikobar
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Central Railway
Chandigarh U.T.
Dadra Nagar Haveli
Daman & Diu
Eastern Railway
East Coast Railway
East Central Railway
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
N. E. Railway
N. F.Railway
Northern Railway
North Central. Rly.
North Westn. Rly.
S. C. Railway
S. W. Railway
S. E. Railway
S.E. Central Rly.
Southern Railway
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
50 51 52
(13,946) (3,842)
West Bengal
Western Railway
West Central Rly.
District Unit 55
Jamiat Youth Club TOTAL
TOTAL 2018-2019
Andaman & Nikobar
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Central Railway
Chandigarh U.T.
Dadra Nagar Haveli
Daman & Diu
12 13
Eastern Railway
East Coast Railway
East Central Railway
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
21 22
Madhya Pradesh
N. E. Railway
Northern Railway
North Central. Rly.
North Westn. Rly.
S.C. Railway
S.W. Railway
S. E. Railway
S.E. Central Rly.
Southern Railway
Tamil Nadu
47 48 49
Uttar Pradesh
50 51 52 53 54
West Bengal
Western Railway
West Central Rly.
District Unit 55
Jamiat Youth Club TOTAL
Sr. Mary Luke, Leader Trainer of Tamil Nadu State Bharat Scouts and Guides.
Shri Ashok Kumar Mohapatra, Assistant Director, National Training Centre, Pachmarhi Bharat Scouts and Guides.
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former Prime Minister Government of India.
Shri Mahendra Kumar Agarwal, former State Secretary of Madhya Pradesh State Bharat Scouts and Guides.
Shri J.S. Rishi, former State Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir State Bharat Scouts and Guides.
Shri M.P.S. Malik, founder member of Ramjas Scout Foundation Delhi.
H.E. The President of India.
H.E. The Vice President of India.
H.E. The Prime Minister of India.
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.
Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India.
Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.
Ministry of Railway, Government of India.
Hon’ble Chief Ministers of All the States.
All State Governments and State Associations for their continued co-operation.
10. World Scout Bureau, World Organisation of Scout Movement (WOSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 11. World Bureau, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), London, UK. 12. Regional Director, WOSM, Asia Pacific Regional Support Centre. 13. Regional Director, WAGGGS, Asia Pacific Region. 14. SANGAM, World Centre, Pune. 15. World Scout Foundation, Geneva. 16. Consulate General and Embassies of different Countries. 17. Press, Radio and Doordarshan and Electronic Media. 18. Commissioner of Police, New Delhi. 19. Members of Bharat Scouts and Guides Foundation. 20. Youth Hostels Association of India. 21. Vishwa Yuvak Kendra. 22. Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan. 23. All the Advisors and Consultants. 24. Gandhi Peace Foundation. 25. Tea Board of India. 26. Donors and well wishers of the Movement.
Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l
okf"kZd çfrosnu
jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; LAKSHMI MAZUMDAR BHAWAN,16, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi-110 002
y{eh etwenkj Hkou] 16] egkRek xk¡/kh ekxZ] bUnzçLFk ,LVsV] ubZ fnYyh&110 002 Phone: +91-11-23370724, 23378667 | Fax: 011-23370126. Email, website
okf"kZd izfrosnu 2018&2019 Øe la[;k
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jk"Vªh; dk; lfefr
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jk"Vªh; eq[;ky;] jk"Vªh; izf'k{k.k dsUæ ,oa {ks=h; dk;kZy;ksa ds depkZjhx.k
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gekjk lknj vkHkkj
1&8 9&17 18
rdj.k izLçLrq rqffrdj.k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh jk"Vªh; dk; lfefr dks o"kZ 2018&2019 dh viuh miyfC/;ksa dh vk[;k çLrqr djrs gq, vR;Ur g"kZ dk vuqHko gks jgk gSA çfrosnu o"kZ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fy, ,d ,sfrgkfld o"kZ gSA jkT; eq[;k;qDrksa ,oa jkT; lfpoksa dk jk"Vªh; lEesyu 20 ebZ 2018 dks MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr dh v/;{krk esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; esa vk;ksftr gqvk ftlesa 30 jkT;ksa ds çfrfuf/k;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA 221 çfrHkkfx;ksa ,oa yhMlZ ds Hkkjrh; ny us 8 ls 14 ekpZ] 2019 rd jk"Vªh; LdkmV çf'k{k.k dsUnz] eÅpd] xkthiqj] ckaXykns'k esa vk;ksftr r`rh; lkUlks ,oa 10oha ckaXykns'k jk"Vªh; LdkmV tEcwjh esa Hkkx fy;kA o"kZ 2018&19 Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds bfrgkl esa vUrjkZ"Vªh; dk;ZØeksa esa viuh vf/kdre Hkkxhnkjh ds fy, ,d egRoiw.kZ o"kZ gSA lEiw.kZ ns'k esa jksofjax ij fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa dk vk;kstu dj jksofjax ds lkS o"kZ lekjksg euk;k x;kA ge mu jkT; la?kksa dh ljkguk djrs gSa ftUgksaus jk"Vªh; ;kstuk dh çkFkfedrkvksa dks çkIr djus ds fy, viuh jkT; ;kstuk cukbZ] lnL;rk o`f¼ vHkh Hkh laxBu ds fy, ,d fpark dk fo"k; gS] gesa lEHkkoukvkas dh igpku djus vkSj o`f¼ lqfuf'pr djus dh vko';drk gSA Nfo ,oa n`';rk ds {ks= esas jkT; laLFkkvksa us; ifj.kke cuk;s gSaA ;|fi gesa fodkl vkSj xq.koÙkk ds {ks= esa cgqr dqN djus dh vko';drk gSA ge lHkh jkT;ksa dks xr o"kZ dh rqyuk esa csgrj ifj.kke ykus gsrq muds vFkd ç;klksa ds fy;s mUgsa /kU;okn nsrs gSaA
MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu Lkkaln ¼jkT; lHkk½ i
Jh ds-ih feJk
Jherh dsEih ikde
Jh lR; ukjk;.k 'kekZ
Jherh xhrk uVjkt
Jh v'kksd vxZy
MkW- ¼Jherh½ foeyk es?koky ii
jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½
jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½
MkW- ds-ds-[k.Msyoky] Hkk-iz-ls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½
Jh ,e-,-[kkfyn
MkW- ¼Jherh½ ekfud clZys
vUrjkZ"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½
mi&jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½
vUrjkZ"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½
mi&jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½
MkW- ts-lh-egkfUr
MkW- gjh'k esFkk
Jherh vesfy;k Losj
Jherh ds-la/;k jkuh
jk"Vªh; dks"kk/;{k
Jherh uferk xks;y iii
jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; vk;qDr 1 Jh euh"k dqekj vkj- esgrk
2 Jh ch-,u- 'kekZ] Hkk-ç-ls-
jktdh; dk;ZØe
3 MkW- çHkkr dqekj] Hkk-ç-ls-
4 Jh Mh-vkj-ds- 'kekZ
5 Jh ,l- nhfiUnj flag] Hkk-ç-ls-
6 Jherh lhek tkSalkjh
MkW- ¼Jherh½ f'k[kk cuthZ
lqJh jft;k csxe
tu lEidZ
9 Jh ds- lqdqekjk
10 Jh vk'kqrks"k xxZ
jsyos ekeys
11 Jh iou caly
çca/k&lEiknd ch,lth if=dk 1 Jh jkts'k vxzoky
çca/k lEiknd
lykgdkj 1 tuknZu Mh- ikaM~;k
2 ,MoksdsV Jh vfHkuo ctkt
3 Jh vk'kqqrks'k dqekj
jk"Vªh; dk; lfefr ¼2016&2021½ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Jh v'kksd dqekj JhokLro MkW- ts-,l- usxh Jh tksxsUnz çlkn Jh ds-ch- 'k.keq[kIik ,MoksdsV oh-ds- ukjosdj Jh th- ijes'oj Jh guqeku çlkn Jh eukst vkj- uk;j Jh vksadkj flag Jh çdk'k fnlkSfj;k Jh jke ewfrZ nksjk Jh vkj-,l- 'ks[kkor Jh ,l-ds- lkthFk Jh ,l-,l-,p- tSnh Jh lUrks"k dqekj nhf{kr Jh Fku[kqek Jh fo".kq HkkbZ Mh- mik/;k; Jherh vukfedk nkl Jherh tkudh osuqxksiky Jherh ds- yfy;uRokaxh Jherh fdju Bkdqj Jherh uljhu [kku Jherh oUnuk frokjh MkW- ¼Jherh½ oh.kk ç/kku] Hkk-ç-lsjk"Vªh; foÙk lfefr ¼2016&2021½
1 Jh v'kksd dqekj [kUuk 2 Jh txnh'k HkkbZ ch- Hkkolkj 3 Jherh ek/kqjh Vh- nso/kj
Jh d`".kkLokeh-vkj dq- lqeu yrk vjksjk Jh jktdqekj dkSf'kd Jh vej cgknqj {ks=h Jherh lqjs[kk JhokLro Jh v:i ljdkj Jh vkuUn dqekj Jh nhid esgjk
Jh ,e-,l- dqjS'kh lqJh ,e-,u- ekpEek Jh fl)kFkZ eksgUrh Jh ,l-,l- jk;
Jh v:i ljdkj Jh v:.k pUnz ikrj Jherh dqeqn esgjk Jh ,l-,l- jk; Jh v'kksd dqekj egkik=k
Jh vusl dqekj lqJh f'kokaxh lDlsuk Jh vuysUnz 'kekZ lqJh d`fr pkanokuh Jh efgUnj 'kekZ Jh ccyw xksLokeh lqJh :ch icZr Jh fp- fcjsUnz dqekj flag
jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; deZpkjh & funs'kd ¼dk;Zokgd½ & la;qDr funs'kd ¼xkbM~l½ & la;qDr funs'kd ,oa ç'kklfud vf/kdkjh & mifuns'kd ¼ch-ih-½ & mifuns'kd xkbM ¼ifj;kstuk½ & çHkkjh mifuns'kd LdkmV ¼ifj;kstuk½ & ys[kkf/kdkjh & vkiwfrZ lsok vf/kdkjh jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h deZpkjh & la;qDr funs'kd] jk-ç- dsUnz & mifuns'kd xkbM ¼yhMlZ Vªsfuax½ & lgk;d funs'kd] jk"Vªh; lkgfld laLFkku & lgk;d funs'kd] jk"Vªh; lkgfld laLFkku {ks=h; eq[;ky; deZpkjh lgk;d funs'kd & mÙkj {ks= & nf{k.k {ks= & if'pe {ks= & iwoZ {ks= & mÙkj iwoZ {ks=@jk-ç-dsUnz] ipe<+h {ks=h; laxBu vk;qDr & ¼LdkmV½] mÙkj {ks= & ¼xkbM½] mÙkj {ks= & ¼LdkmV½] nf{k.k {ks= & ¼xkbM½] nf{k.k {ks= & ¼LdkmV½] if'pe {ks= & ¼LdkmV½] iwoZ {ks= & ¼xkbM½] iwoZ {ks= & ¼LdkmV½] mÙkj iwoZ {ks=
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
vUrjkZvUrjkZ "Vªh"Vª;h; xfrfof/k;k¡ xfrfof/k;k¡ ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; foÙkh; lalk/ku mi lfefr cSBd ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; foÙkh; lalk/ku mi lfefr dh cSBd 31 ekpZ ,oa 1 vçSy] 2018 dks euhyk] fQyhihal esa gqbZA MkW- dsds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr tks fd ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; foÙkh; lalk/ku milfefr ds lnL; Hkh gS us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo djrs gq, cSBd esa Hkkx fy;kA
prqFkZ ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; 'kkfUrnwr jk"Vªh; LdkmV laxBu leUo;d cSBd] dqvkykyEiqj] eysf'k;k prqFkZ ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; 'kfUrnwr jk"Vªh; LdkmV laxBu leUo;d cSBd] fnuk¡d 9 ls 13 vçSy] 2018 dh vof/k esa dqvkykyEiqj] eysf'k;k esa gqbZA fo'o LdkmV laxBu ds 17 ls vf/kd jk"Vªh; LdkmV laxBuksa us blesa Hkkx fy;kA cSBd 9 vçSy] 2018 dks çkjEHk gqbZA Jh vgen vygunkch] egklfpo ¼oksTe½ eq[; vfrfFk Fks ftUgksaus çfrHkkfx;ksa dks lacksf/kr fd;kA Jh vej ch- {ks=h] mifuns'kd ¼ckyd dk;ZØe½ us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA 6ok¡ vUrjkZ"Vªh; lkeqnkf;d fodkl f'kfoj 6ok¡ vUrjkZ"Vªh; lkeqnkf;d fodkl f'kfoj <+kdk ls 200 fdyksehVj nwj] pk¡niqj ckaXykns'k esa 1 ls 5 vçSy] 2018 rd vk;ksftr gqvkA ik¡p jsatlZ us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA MkW- fNUnkbZ t;jkeu] dfUVUtsaV yhMj FksA ekuuh; ç/kkuea=h 'ks[k glhuk us f'kfoj dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA 1
Ckfydkvksa ds usrkvksa gsrq ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; lEesyu Ckfydkvksa ds usrkvksa gsrq ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; lEesyu 18 ls 23 vçSy] 2018 rd rxk;rk; flVh] fQyhihal esa gqvkA ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks= ds 16 ns'kksa ds 42 ls vf/kd lnL;ksa us lEesyu esa Hkkx fy;kA dsUnzh; fo|ky; laxBu dh Jherh ds-oh- jkek y{eh ,oa Jherh thdkes'ojh us lEesyu esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA oSXl dh ,f'k;k iSlsfQd desVh dh v/;{kk fel- eSjh cSy Mh- eSjhukl us lEesyu dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA ^^o;Ldksa ds xq.koÙkk çf'k{k.k^^ ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk ^^o;Ldksa ds xq.koÙkk çf'k{k.k^^ ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk 2 ls 5 ebZ] 2018 rd lkjhEcw LdkmV dSEi tkyku ckgrsjk] fyEpw dkax] flaxkiqj esa gqbZA dukZVd jkT; ls Jh ,y-Vh- yksds'k ,oa Jh ,e- çHkkdj HkkV rFkk jktLFkku ls Jh vHk; flag 'ks[kkor ,oa Jh tkaxhj çgykn jk; us bl dk;Z'kkyk esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA
'kkjhfjd vkRe fo'okl çf'k{k.k ij dk;Z 'kkjhfjd vkRe fo'okl çf'k{k.k 4 ls 6 egZ] 2018 dh vof/k esa uSjksch] dsU;k esa vk;ksftr gqvkA 15 ns'kksa ds 44 çfrHkkfx;ksa us çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA fel- ,e-,u- ekpEek] mifuns'kd xkbM ¼usrk çf'k{k.k½ us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA
czkaM iksft'kfuax ,oa ,Moksdslh ds ek/;e ls çHkko cukus ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk czkaM iksft'kfuax ,oa ,Moksdslh ds ek/;e ls çHkko cukus ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk fnuk¡d 7 ls 10 ebZ 2018 rd dqvkykyEiqj esa gqbZA 14 jk"Vªh; LdkmV laxBuksa ds 40 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA nf{k.k e/; jsyos ls Jh vysDts.Mj vyksf'kljkt] jkT; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½] Jh iqooqyk ukxk ujsUnz dqekj] lgk;d ftyk vk;qDr ¼dc½ ,oa dukZVd jkT; ls Jh lqjs'k d`".kkjkt] LdkmV ekLVj us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA
rhljh jk"Vªh; LdkmV~l tEcwjh usiky rhljh jk"Vªh; LdkmV~l tEcwjh usiky fnuk¡d 30 ebZ ls 4 twu] 2018 rd dadjh uodksj usiky esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA bl tEcwjh esa Hkkjr ds 35 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds ny dk usr`Ro mÙkj çns'k ds Jh ,p-lhJhokLro us fd;kA ekuuh; Jh ds-ih- 'kekZ vksyh ç/kkuea=h usiky us tEcwjh dk 'kqHkkjEHk fd;kA bl lqvolj ij ekuuh; ç/kkuea=h dks Hkkjr dk jk"Vªh; fpUà vkSj Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk LdkQZ çnku fd;k x;kA lkdZ ns'kksa ds lkgfld xfrfof/k;k¡ lk¡Ld`frd dk;ZØe rFkk ;qok vknku çnku tEcwjh ds e/; eq[; vkd"kZ.k FksA ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; vkink çcU/ku dk;Z'kkyk] cqvku] nf{k.k dksfj;k ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; vkink çcU/ku dk;Z'kkyk fnuk¡d 21 ls 25 twu] 2018 rd cqvku] nf{k.k dksfj;k esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA rfeyukMq jkT; ds Jh ds- t;kjkeu us bl dk;Z'kkyk esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA
fofo/krk vkSj lekos'ku ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk fofo/krk vkSj lekos'ku ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk 22 ls 26 twu] 2018 rd ch-ihvUrjkZ"Vªh; gksVy] euhyk fQyhihal essa vk;ksftr dh xbZA Jh vuysUnz 'kekZ] {ks=h; laxBu ¼LdkmV½] nf{k.k {ks=] gfj;k.kk ls lqJh ljkst ckyk xkSM] Jh fl;k jke ,oa jktLFkku ls Jh fouksn dqekj esgjk ,oa /kesZanz flag ,oa dukZVd ls MkW- HkkjlsVVh geku us bl dk;Z'kkyk esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA
;qokvksa dh Hkkxhnkjh ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk] vkLVsªfy;k ;qokvksa dh Hkkxhnkjh ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk fnuk¡d 7 ls 10 tqykbZ] 2018 dh vof/k esa iSDl fgy] cYyjr] esycksZu] vkLVsªfy;k esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA fetksje ls lqJh ykyQkafdeh ,oa v:.kkpy çns'k ls Jherh dsEih ikde us bl dk;Z'kkyk esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; 'kkfUr lw=/kkj çf'k{k.k laokn ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; 'kkfUr lw=/kkj çf'k{k.k laokn fnuk¡d 22 ls 25 tqykbZ] 2018 dh vof/k esa xksYM dSEi uS;firks] E;kaekj esa vk;ksftr gqvkA Jh b- 'kjFkjkt] lgk;d vkiwfrZ lsok vf/kdkjh us çf'k{k.k esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA
vUrjkZ"Vªh; ukSekMl f'kfoj tEew d'ehj ds Jh gk:u efyd tks fd lq¡pksu LdkmV dsUnz] ij bUVZuf'ki esa Fks dk 6 ls 8 vxLr 2018 dh vof/k esa vaLVkuk flVh] dtkfdLrku esa gksus okys vUrjkZ"Vªh; ukSekMl dSEi 2018 esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo djus ds fy;s p;u fd;k x;kA ;g f'kfoj ikjaifjd dt+k[k ç.kkyh czsM cksldZ esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k Fkk] blesa CykbaM] Hkwy HkqyS;k] nyny] ØkWflax vkSj isaMqye tSls [ksy Hkh 'kkfey FksA
17oha fuIiksu LdkmV tEcwjh&2018 17oha fuIiksu LdkmV tEcwjh&2018 fnuk¡d 4 ls 10 vxLr 2018 dh vof/k esa Vksfd;ks] lwtw flVh esa vk;ksftr gqbZ ftlesa dukZVd] e/; çns'k] egkjk"Vªª vkSj rfeyukMq ls 45 çfrHkkfx;kas us Hkkx fy;kA ;g vc rd dk lcls cM+k ny Fkk ftlus tkiku tEcwjh esa Hkkjr dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA
fdfyeatkjks dh Vªsfdax fdfyeatkjks Vªsfdax dk;ZØe fnuk¡d 24 tqykbZ ls 6 vxLr] 2018 rd vQzhdk esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA vkU/kz çns'k ls Jh th- Hkokuh 'kadj ,oa Jh ih- çlUuk dqekj us dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA
i;kZoj.k f'k{kk ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk i;kZoj.k f'k{kk ij ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; dk;Z'kkyk fnuk¡d 21 ls 25 vxLr] 2018 rd gksVy] fexekj fFkEiw] HkwVku esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA Jh ccyw xksLokeh] {ks=h; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ iwoZ {ks=] Jh dUuhvIiu t;kjkeu] nhik euhyky xksfgy ,oa gkfnZd 'ks[kok us dk;Z'kkyk esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA 9ok¡ ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; LdkmV ;qok eap 9ok¡ ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; LdkmV ;qok eap fnuk¡d 9 ls 12 vDVwcj] 2018 rd fQyhihal esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA nf{k.k jsyos ls Jh y{eh fdju ,oa Jh f'ko gjh] dukZVd ls Jh gj'kn b'kekbZy] if'pe caxky ls Jh jkgqy :axVk] Jh vfej gqlSu] Jh dqekj fjrs'k vxzoky] dqekjh iYyoh fcLokl ,oa dqekjh nsokfUork gynj us ;qok eap esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk usr`Ro fd;kA dqekj fjrs'k dks ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; LdkmV lfefr dh lykgdkj lfefr gsrq pquk x;kA ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; LdkmV lEesyu ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; LdkmV lEesyu fnuk¡d 15 ls 20 vDVwcj 2018 rd vUrjkZ"Vªh; lEesyu dsUnz] fQyhihal esa gqvkA Hkkjrh; ny dk usr`Ro MkW- d`".k dqekj [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½ us fd;k ftlesa 6 çfrfuf/k] 10 i;Zos{kd ,oa 2 iqjLdkj fotsrk lfEefyr FksA ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; lEesyu ds bfrgkl esa çFke ckj Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh vksj ls bruh cM+h la[;k esa ;qok çfrfuf/kRo 6
ntZ fd;k x;kA Jh ch-vkbZ- uxjkys] jkT; eq[;k;qDr] egkjk"Vªª us ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; LdkmV lfefr ds lnL; :i esa lEesyu esa Hkkx fy;kA lEesyu ds nkSjku gekjs ;qok çfrfuf/k;ksa dks ;qok o;Ld çcU/k lewg esa lfEefyr fd;k x;kA Jh dqekj fjrs'k vxzoky dks ;qok eap ls ;qok o;Ld çcU/k lewg ds fy;s ;quk x;k] tks lEesyu ls igys FkkA gekjs nks lnL;ksa dks 'kkfUr nwr uk;d iqjLdkj çnku fd;k x;kA fgekpy çns'k ds Jh T;ksfrpj.k pkSgku ,oa iatkc dh dqekjh ve`r iky dkSj us iqjLdkj çkIr fd;sA mM+hlk dh Jherh vukfedk nkl ,oa mÙkj çns'k ds Jh vf'ouh JhokLro us nks ç'kfL= çek.k i= Hkh çkIr fd;sA eSlw:] dukZVd ds MkW- vt; tSu dh ifj;kstuk us vkfnoklh {ks=ksa essa LdkmfVax dk foLrkj djus ds gsrq Mk;ofVZax vkSj lekos'ku esa iqjLdkj çkIr fd;kA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fuEufyf[kr lnL; ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks= dh fofHkUu lfefr;ksa esa ukfer fd;s x;sA 1 Jh d`".k dqekj [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½ 2 Jh ,e-,- [kkfyn 3 MkW- ¼Jherh½ oh.kk ç/kku fujUrj lnL;rk o`f) ,oa r`rh; eSlsUtj vkWQ ihl leUo;d xSnfjax dh estckuh djus gsrq Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks ç'kalk ifVVdk çnku dh xbZA gekjs çfrfuf/k;ksa us jk"Vªh; LdkmV laxBu Lrj ij fu.kZ; ysus esa ;qokvksa dh Hkkxhnkjh ds fy, lEesyu çLrko esa okaNuh; ifjorZu ykus esa lQyrk çkIr dhA ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; yhMj VªsulZ dkslZ] ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; ;qok eap ,oa ,f'k;k ç'kkar {ks=h; lEesyu esa gekjh çfrHkkfxrk dks Hkkjr esa LdkmfVax dh thoarrk ds :i esa ns[kk x;kA 5ok¡ oqM cSt dkslZ 5ok¡ oqM cSt dkslZ 12 ls 19 uoEcj] 2018 rd ikjlk LdkmV~l çf'k{k.k dsUnz] dkcqy] vQxkfuLrku esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk f'kfoj esa lgk;rkFkZ Jh ,e-,l- dqjS'kh] la;qDr funs'kd ¼jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz½ dks çfrfu;qDr fd;k x;kA Jh eksgEEn rehe f'kfoj çeq[k FksA
LdkmV ewV jksoj 'krkCnh] gk¡xdk¡x LdkmV ewV jksoj 'krkCnh] gk¡xdk¡x LdkmV ,s'kksfl;s'ku }kjk 23 ls 26 fnlEcj] 2018 rd vk;ksftr dh xbZA xqtjkr jkT; ls vkdka{kh ,l- ijekj] vkse ih- f=osnh] çkph ,e- mik/;k; ,oa es?kky; ls MsfQu vkbZ- Mk[kj us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA rhljh lkUlkas rFkk 10oha jk"Vªh; LdkmV tEcwjh ckaXykns'k rhljh lkUlkas rFkk 10oha jk"Vªh; LdkmV tEcwjh 08 ls 14 ekpZ 2019 rd jk"Vªh; LdkmV çf'k{k.k dsUnz] empkd xkthiqj ckaXykns'k esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA Hkkjrh; ny ftlesa 17 jkT;ksa ds 221 çfrHkkxh ,oa yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA gesa rktqnnhu vgen xk¡o ds tSflemnnhu rFkk bejku uwj mi f'kfojksa esa Bgjk;k x;kA 9 ekpZ dks çkr%dky gekjs çfrHkkfx;ksa dks 'kS{kf.kd Hkze.k ij ys tk;k x;kA 'kke dks mi f'kfoj Lrj ij dSEi Qk;j vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 10 ekpZ dks egkefge jk"Vªªifr ckaXykns'k }kjk tEcwjh dk mn~?kkVu fd;k x;kA gekjs eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ Jh ,e-,- [kkfyn ,oa MkW- ts-lh- egkfUr] vUrjkZ"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ mn~?kkVu lekjksg esa fo'ks"k vkefU=r FksA lk;a dky esa xzhu fMcsV dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa Hkkjrh; çfrHkkxh ny us çFke iqjLdkj çkIr fd;kA 11 ekpZ dks lqcg Hkkjrh; ny us gkbZfdax rFkk cSdoqM dqfdax vk;kstu esa Hkkx fy;kA lk;adky Hkkjrh; çfrHkkxh;ksa us QsFk ,oa fcyhQ vlsEcyh esa Hkkx fy;kA çkFkfed lgk;rk] xk¡B fo|k esa 4 LdkmV rFkk 4 xkbM Vksfy;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA 'kke dks xzkeh.k dSEi Qk;j dk Hkh vk;kstu fd;k x;kA 13 ekpZ dks ^^djds lh[kksa^^ ,l-Mh-th gsrq vk;ksftr gq, xkzUM Qk;j ds fy, Hkkjr ds rhu dk;ZØeksa dk p;u fd;k x;kA; f'k{kk ea=h ckaXykns'k us eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa vk;kstu dh 'kksHkk c<+kbZA 14 ekpZ dks gekjs çfrHkkfx;ksa us ck/kkvksa ,oa etsnkj fBdkuksa dk vkuUn fy;k ,oa vUrjkZ"Vªh; jkf= vk;kstu esa Hkkx fy;kA bl volj ij Jh v:i ljdkj] çHkkjh mifuns'kd LdkmV ¼ifj;kstuk½ us çfrHkkxh ny dk usr`Ro fd;k vkSj lqJh :ch icZr] vkj-vks-lh- ¼xkbM½ lgk;d yhMj FkhA
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
xfrfof/k;k¡ jk"Vªhjk"Vª ;h;xfrfof/k;k¡
xksYMu ,sjks vokMZ jSyh xksYMu ,Sjks vokMZ jSyh 19 ls 21 ebZ 2018 dh vof/k esa jk"Vªh; ;qok ifjlj] xniqjh] gfj;k.kk esa vk;ksftr gqbZ ftlesa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh 15 jkT; laLFkkvksa ds 129 dc~l ,oa cqycqYl us çfrfuf/kRo fd;kA jk"Vªª Lrjh; xksYMu ,Sjks vokMZ jSyh dh 'kq:vkr dfacax ,oa ¶ykWd ds {ks= esa xq.kkRed fodkl dks çksRlkgu nsus gsrq o"kZ 2003 esa dh xbZA ;g vk;kstu fofHkUu /kkfeZd] Hkk'kkbZ vkSj lk¡Ld`frd i`'BHkwfe dk çfrfuf/kRo djus okys ;qok dc~l ,oa cqycqYl ds chp fe=rk ,oa HkkbZpkjs dks c<+kok nsrk gSSA xksYMu ,Sjks vokMZ lekjksg Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; dss lHkkxkj esa vk;ksftr gqvkA MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu] v/;+{k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa Jh ds-ih- feJk] Jh lR;ukjk;.k 'kekZ ¼nksuksa gh mik/;{k½ ,oa MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr us 20 ebZ] 2018 dks çfrfuf/k vk/kkj ij iqjLdkj fotsrkvksa dks xksYMu ,Sjks vokMZ çek.k i= çnku fd;sA fofHkUu {ks=ksa dk çfrfuf/kRo djus okys dc~l ,oa cqycqYl us lk¡Ld`frd dk;ZØe çLrqr fd;sA xksYMu ,Sjks vokMZ jSyh 2018 fnuk¡d 19 ls 23 Qjojh 2019 dh vof/k esa jk"Vªh; ;qok ifjlj] xniqjh esa vk;ksftr dh xbZ] ftlesa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh 14 jkT; laLFkkvksa ls 295 dc~l] cqycqYl ,oa bdkbZ usrkvksa us lfØ;rkiwoZd Hkkx fy;kA xksYMu ,Sjks vokMZ çek.k i= çtsUVs'ku lekjksg 22 Qjojh 2019 dks gqvkA MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-çls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l lekjksg ds eq[; vfrfFk Fks ,oa Jh euhjke 'kekZ] Hkk-ç-ls-] mik;qDr] iyoy us lekjksg dh v/;{krk dhA dc~l ,oa cqycqYl us ekuuh; MkWds-ds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ds gkFkksa ls çek.k i= çkIr fd;sA jkT; eq[; vk;qDrksa ,oa lfpoksa dk jk"Vªh; lEesyu jkT; eq[; vk;qDrksa ,oa lfpoksa dk jk"Vªh; lEesyu 20 ebZ 2018 dks Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; esa vk;ksftr gqvkA MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr us cSBd dh v/;{krk dhA blesa 30 jkT;ksa ds çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA 10 jkT;ksa eq[; vk;qDrksa] 21 jkT;ksa lfpoksa] 02 jkT; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½] 01 jkT; vk;qDr ¼xkbM½] 01 jkT; vk;qDr ¼ih-½ 05 jkT; laxBu vk;qDrksa rFkk jkT; çf'k{k.k vk;qDrksa us cSBd esa Hkkx fy;kA jk"Vªh; vk;qDr LdkmV ,oa xkbM] mi&jk"Vªh; vk;qDr xkbM rFkk vUrjkZ"Vªh; vk;qDr xkbM Hkh mifLFkr jgs] cSBd eas çR;sd çkFkfedrk {ks= esa y{; dks çkIr djus gsrq Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fotu 2024 ,oa dk;Z;ktuk ij ppkZ gqbZA lnL;rk o`f) gsrq ifCyd rFkk ljdkjh Ldwy ds nyksa dks LdkmV o xkbM fØ;kdykiksa esa iw.kZ x.kos'k dk mi;ksx djus esa NwV nsus ds lEesyu ds çLrko dh leh{kk dh xbZA 9
Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fu;eksa esa cnyko gsrq çLrko vk, vkSj mu ij xgu fopkj&foe'kZ Hkh gqvk rkfd Hkkjr esa LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l {ks=] esa vkSj vf/kd lqO;oLFkk vk ldsA lEesyu esa ns'k dh vukf/kd`r LdkmV laLFkkvksa dh psrkouh ,oa [krjksa ij fopkj foe'kZ gqvk tks yksxksa esa LdkmfVax ds uke ij ;qokvksa dks /kks[kk nsus dk dke dj jgh gSA jk"Vªh; ;qok eap jksofjax ds 100 o"kZ ¼'krkCnh½ rFkk vk;kstuksa esa ;qokvksas dks usr`Ro çnku djus gsrq jk"Vªh; ;qok eap dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA eap 26 ls 30 ebZ 2018 rd MkW- ,uh cslsUV LdkmV çf'k{k.k dsUnz] MksM~Mkckykiqj dukZVd esa vk;ksftr gqvkA ftlesa 34 jkT; laLFkkvksa dk çfrfuf/kRo dj jgs 352 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA eap ds vk;kstu dh ;kstuk 10 ;qokvksa dh ;qok fuxjkuh Vhe }kjk çcaf/kr dh xbZ FkhA eap dk mn~?kkVu Jh ih-th-vkj- flaf/k;k] egklfpo çslhMsUV&bu&dkmafly }kjk Jh ,e-,- [kkfyn] jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ dh mifLFkfr esa fd;k x;kA ekuuh; eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky }kjk 'krkCnh o"kZ dh fo'ks"k Vh 'kVZ tkjh dh xbZ rFkk jksofjax ds 100 o"kksZa ds miy{; esa ,d ikS/ks dk jksi.k Hkh fd;kA eap dks Jh JhukFk Vh-oh-] iwoZ dk;Zokgd funs'kd oksTe (WOSM) dqvkykyEiqj ¼orZeku {ks=h; funs'kd ;wjsf'k;k½ us fo'o LdkmV laxBu dh igy rFkk vUrjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij ;qokvksa dks LdkmfVax esa miyC/k voljksa ds ckjs esa lEcksf/kr fd;kA geus ,-ih-vkj- ;wFk Qksje euhyk fQyhihal vDVwcj 2018 esa Hkkjr dk çfrfuf/kRo djus gsrq ,d Vhe cukbZ gSA bl eap ds ifj.kke ds :i esa geus ;qokvksa dh ,d Vhe cuk;h tks ;qokvksa ds dk;ZØeksa dh ;kstuk ,oa mudk fØ;kUo;u djsxhA dqekj fjrs'k vxzoky dks ;qok çfrHkkxh pquk tks ,-ih-vkj- ;kax esa Hkkx ysxsaA fu.kZ; ysus ,oa ;qokvksa dks l'kDr cukus esa ;g eap ehy dk iRFkj lkfcr gqvkA jk"V Lrjh; ij i;kZoj.k tkx:drk lg rVh; dksLVy VªSfdax dk;ZØe Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; us jk"Vªª Lrjh; i;kZoj.k tkx:drk lg rVh; dksLVy VSªfdax dk vk;kstu 5 ls 9 flrEcj] 2018 rd fd;k ftlesa 25 jkT; laLFkkvksa ds 182 çfrHkkfx;ksa ,oa LVkQ us Hkkx fy;kA dk;ZØe dh estckuh iqnqpsjh jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk dh xbZA 06 flrEcj 2018 dks dksifyax ls enkohiqFkqdqIie osyqiqje rd leqUnz rV ij yxHkx 17 fdeh- dh VSªfdax vk;ksftr dh xbZA 7 flrEcj 2018 dks] lqcg ,d okLrfod ,oa lq[kn VªSd] leqnz fdukjs 'kq: fd;k x;k ftlus xgjs 10
rVh; {ks= vkSj eNqvkjksa ds xk¡o ls xqtjrs gq, 19 fdeh- dh nwjh r; dhA Lk;adky lekiu lekjksg vkSj xzkaM dSEi Qk;j dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA Jh ,y- dqekj vkbZ-,-,l-] funs'kd] Ldwy f'k{kk] iqnqpsjh jkT; eq[; vk;qDr] iqnqpsjh jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l vk;kstu ds eq[; vfrfFk FksA çfrHkkfx;ksa us ikjaifjd laLd`frd dks n'kkZrs gq, lqUnj jaxkjax lkaLd`fr dk;ZØe çLrqr fd;sA Hkkjr LdkmV ,oa xkbM }kjk lkeqnkf;d fodkl ifj;kstuk ij n'kkZ;s x;s ukVd dh cgqr ljkguk dh xbZA Jh vej ch- {ks=h] mifuns'kd ¼ch-ih-½ dk;ZØe ds lapkyd FksA jk"Vªh; ;qok eap 12 ls 16 flrEcj 2018 rd jk"Vªh; ;qok eap dk vk;kstu txriqjk t;iqj ¼jktFkku½ esa lEiUu gqvkA ftlesa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds 23 jkT;ksa ds 245 jksolZ o jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu /otkjksg.k ds i'pkr gqvkA bl volj ij Jh ,u- iaokj] jkT; vk;qDr ¼jksoj½] Jh ,l-,e- oekZ] vkbZ-,-,l-] jkT; vk;qDr ¼gsMDokVj½] Jh HkkLdj ,- lkoar] vkbZ-,-,l- jkT; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ rFkk vU; x.kekU; O;fDr mifLFkr FksA Jh vej ch- {ks=h] mifuns'kd ¼ch-ih-½ us ;qok eap dk ifjp; çLrqr fd;kA ftlds i'pkr Jh flM dSLVhyks] funs'kd f'k{kk eSFkM ,-ih-vkj- ¼okSTe½ us çkjEfHkd dhA LFkkuh; jktLFkku lk¡Ld`frd lewg }kjk lk¡Ld`frd dk;ZØe çLrqr fd;s x;sA fnuk¡d 14 flrEcj 2018 dks Jh vuysUnz 'kekZ] vkj-vks-lh- ¼LdkmV½ us fofo/krk ,oa lekos'ku ij l= vk;ksftr fd;k rRi'pkr Jh y{eh fdju us ,l-Mh-th- ¼lr~r fodkl y{;ksa½ ij çfrHkkfx;ksa dks voxr djk;kA lk;adky esa çfrHkkfx;ksa us VSysaV ukbV o ,Fkfud QS'ku 'kks vkuUn fy;kA fnuk¡d 15 flrEcj 2018 ds fnu lkr vyx&vyx LVs'kuksa esa ,e-vks-ih- dh 'kq:vkr djds eap dh 'kq:vkr gqbZ] ftldk usr`Ro Jh e/kqlwnu vokyk }kjk fd;k x;kA blds mijkUr Jh cCkyw xksLokeh] vkj-vks-lh-¼LdkmV½ }kjk MCY;w,lbZih ¼fo'o LdkmV i;kZoj.k dk;ZØe½ esa buiqV l= vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ,d egkf'kfojkfXu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa Jh ts-lh- egkfUr] vkbZ-,-,l-] jkT; eq[; vk;qDr jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa vUrjkZ"Vªh; vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l eq[; vfrfFk Fks ,oa jktLFkku Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds vU; x.kekU; O;fDr Hkh ekStwn FksA bl vk;kstu ds volj ij Jh vej ch- {ks=h] mi funs'kd ¼ch-ih-½ eap ds lapkyd FksA ;qok eap dk vk;kstu 'kkafr nwr igy ds vUrxZr fd;k x;kA jk"Vª Lrjh; vkink çcU/ku izf'k{k.k f'kfoj] Hkksiky jk"Vªh; vkink çcU/ku çf'k{k.k dk vk;kstu i;kZoj.k ifjlj vjsjk dkWyksuh Hkksiky e/; çns'k esa fnuk¡d 24 ls 28 vDVwcj 2018 rd fd;k x;kA Hkkjrh; la?k ds 18 jkT;ksa ds 42 ;wfuV yhMlZ us çkd`frd vkink ck<] 11
HkwL[kyu o Hkwdai ,oa lqukeh ls iSnk gksus okyh fLFkfr ds çcU/ku ij çf'k{k.k izkIr fd;kA vkink ds le; jkgr dsUnz [kksyuk ,oa mUgsa lapkfyr djuk 'kgjh vkSj xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa vkx o lM+d nq?kZVuk] bekjrksa ds fxjus vkfn ls fuiVus ds fy, çf'k{k.k fn;k x;kA ;g vk;kstu {ks=h; vkink çcU/ku laLFkku Hkksiky ,oa jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; }kjk la;qDr :i ls çk;ksftr FkkA jk"Vªª Lrjh; jksoj jsatj ewV jk"Vª Lrjh; jksoj jsatj ewV dk vk;sktu fnuk¡d 01 ls 05 uoEcj 2018 rd eqMsykgYyh fpDdoykiqjk ¼dukZVd½ esa vk;ksftr gqvk bl vk;kstu esa 27 jkT;ksa ds 1500 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA çfrHkkfx;ksa dk Lokxr ,d ystj 'kks rFkk dukZVd jkT;ksRlo }kjk fd;k x;kA Hkxoku Jh lR;k lkbZa ckck Jh e/kqlwnu th] dukZVd jkT; ds egkefge jkT;iky Jh ostqHkkbZ okyk] Jh ih-th-vkj- flaf/k;k] jkT; eq[; vk;qDr vkSj Hkh dbZ x.kekU; yksxksa dh fnO; mifLFkfr esa bl ewV dk mn~?kkVu fd;k x;kA ekuuh; jkT;iky us vius Hkk"k.k ls ;qokvksa dks fny] fnekx vkSj vkRek }kjk ns'k çse dh Hkkouk fodflr djus ds fy;s çsfjr fd;kA bl ewV esa fofHkUu laoknkRed l=] lewg ppkZ] ekWMwYl xfrfof/k;k¡] Qu ,oa ckSf)d xfrfof/k;k¡ fid ,oa Lihd WAGGGS igy xfrfof/k;ksa ds lkFk WOSM igy Hkh çeq[k FkhA lkewnkf;d fodkl xfrfof/k ds ,d fgLls ds :i esa jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us vkl ikl ds Ldwyksa dk nkSjk fd;k tgk¡ mUgksaus LdkmfVax ,oa xkbfMax ds xkus fl[kk;sA lkabZ ,axYl cksuZ cSaM }kjk laxhre; dk;ZØe ea=eqX/k dj jgk Fkk ,oa dSEi HkO; f'kfojkfXu cgqr jaxhu FkhA jk"Vªª Lrjh; lk¡Ld`frd vknku çnku dk;ZØe jk"Vªª Lrjh; lk¡Ld`frd vknku çnku dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu fnuk¡d 15 ls 19 uoEcj 2018 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz txriqjk] jktLFkku esa fd;k x;k ftlesa 19 jkT;ksa ds 315 jksolZ] jsatlZ vkSj LVkQ us Hkkx fy;kA dk;ZØe dk 'kqHkkjEHk Jherh eqx/kk flUgk] vkbZ-,-,l- jktLFkku ljdkj us jksolZ o jsatlZ dks fn;s x;s vius çsj.kk Hkk"k.k ls fd;kA jkT;ksa }kjk jkT; çn'kZuh] QwM Iyktk] fookg fofHkUu jkT;ksa ds R;kSgkj] yksdxhr] yksd u`R; ,dhdj.k [ksy vkfn tSlh xfrfof/k;ksa dks çsj.kknk;d rjhds ls çLrqr fd;k x;kA çfrHkkfx;ksa us ç mn~;ku vtesj dh ;k=k dk vkuUn fy;kA xfrfof/k;ksa ds vfrfjDr lQZ LekVZ losZ{k.k vkSj dk;Z'kkyk dk Hkh vk;kstu fd;k x;kA bl volj ij 12
Jh lkaoj ey oekZ] vkbZ-,-,l- jktLFkku jksM+ost lekiu lekjksg esa eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa fojkteku FksA eq[; vfrfFk }kjk lHkh çfrHkkfx;ksa dks çek.k i= ,oa Le`fr fpUg çnku fd;s x;s fofHkUu çfr;ksfxrkvksa ds fotsrkvksa dks iqjLdkj Hkh fn;s x;sA jk"Vªh; ,drk f'kfoj fjiksZV ds vUrxZr o"kZ ds nkSjku geus jk"Vªh; ,drk f'kfoj 05 ls 09 fnlEcj 2018 rd fljlk ¼gfj;k.kk½] 14 ls 19 fnlEcj 2018 rd [kqnkZ ¼vksfM+lk½] 15 ls 19 fnlEcj 2018 rd ekyhxkao ¼vle½] 27 ls 31 fnlEcj 2018 rd iyDdM] dsjy rFkk 05 ls 07 ekpZ 2019 rd xaxkuxj ¼if'pe caxky½ esa vk;ksftr fd;ssA Hkkjr ds igkM+h] eSnkuh] rVh; {ks= rFkk jsfxLrku ls vkus okys rFkk Hkkjr dh fofo/krk dks çnf'kZr djus okys 3313 ;qok Hkkjr dh fojklr ,oa laLd`fr dk vknku çnku djus ds fy, vkil essa ,d nwljs ls feysA f'kfoj esa ns'kHkfDr xhr] yksdxhr] yksdu`R;] laxhr ok|;a=] çn'kZuh ,oa os'kHkw'kk vius {ks=ksa dh [kk| fo'ks"krk,a Hkh çnf'kZr dh xbZA Hkwxksy] vFkZO;oLFkk] laLd`fr] m|ksxksa vkfn dks jkT; çn'kZuh ds :i es çLrqr fd;k x;kA xzke cktkj] /kkfeZd R;kSgkj] dbZ ,d {ks=ksa ,oa /keksZa dh 'kkfn;k¡ fLdy ds :i esa çnf'kZr fd;s x;ssA çks- txnh'k eq[kh egkefge jkT;iky vle us ekyhxkao esa f'kfoj dk mn~?kkVu dj “kksHkk c<+kbZA bl volj ij çks- x.ks'kh yky] egkegfe jkT;iky vksfMlk] us [kqnkZ rFkk; Jh ds- ckcw] fo/kk;d us iyDdM esa vk;ksftr f'kfoj dh 'kksHkk c<+kus c<+kbZA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds ikl jk"Vªh; ,drk f'kfoj vk;kstu gsrq iqfLrdk ds :i esa ,d eSuqvy gS ^^jk"Vªh; ,drk gsrq 100 fopkj^^A jk"Vªh; ;qok lIrkg lekjksg f'kfoj jk"Vªh; ;qok lIrkg lekjksg dk vk;kstu 09 ls 13 tuojh 2019 rd ftyk çf'k{k.k dsUnz] vkSjaxkckn fcgkj esa gqvk ftlesa 23 jkT; laLFkkvksa ds 194 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ ,oa 09 LVkQ lnL;ksa us lfØ; :i ls Hkkx fy;kA ;qok lIrkg lekjksg dk 'kqHkkjEHk eq[; vfrfFk; Jh v'kksd dqekj flUgk] fo/kk;d jQhdxat] }kjk Jh jktu dqekj flag] ,e-,y-,vkSjaxkckn] MkW- çnhi dqekj lc fMfotuy vkWfQlj vkSjaxkckn rFkk vU; x.kekU; foHkwfr;ksa dh 'kkunkj mifLFkfr esa ikjEifjd nhi çTtofyr dj fd;k x;kA mn~?kkVu lekjksg esa çfrHkkfx;ksa us mPp ds jaxkjax lk¡Ld`frd dk;ZØe çLrqr fd;sA bu xfrfof/k;ksa ds lkFk&lkFk ^^lQZ LekVZ^^ ,oa ^^eSlastj vkWQ ihl^^ dk vk;kstu Hkh fd;k x;kA 13
lkeqnkf;d fodkl ij vk/kkfjr dk;ZØe tSls ,D'ku vkWu dE;wfuVh MsoyiesaV] ukVd ,oa çglu dks gekjs ;qok ÅtkZoku jksolZ rFkk jsatlZ us çLrqr fd;kA lk;adky esa ukVd ,oa çglu dk mn~?kkVu Jh vkuUn 'kadj] fo/kk;d vkSjaxkckn }kjk ikjEifjd nhi çTtofyr dj fd;k x;kA bl volj ij Jh lat; ;kno] eqf[k;k ?kkVªsu iapk;r enuiqj lEekfur vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA lekiu lekjksg dk mn~?kkVu eq[; vfrfFk; Jh jkgqy jatu] vkbZ-,-,l- ftyk eftLVªsV vkSjaxkckn] }kjk Jh gfjoa'k flag] ftyk lfpo rFkk vU; x.kekU;ksa dh xfjeke;h mifLFkfr esa ikjaifjd nhi tykdj 'kqHkkjEHk fd;k x;kA jk"Vªh; tutkrh;@xzkeh.k jksoj jsatj dkfuZoky Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; us çFke jk"Vªª Lrjh; tutkrh;@xzkeh.k jksoj jsatj dkfuZoky dk vk;kstu 09 ls 13 tuojh 2019 rd vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ-]ojxk¡o] lqUnjx<+ ftyk] vksfM+lk esa fd;kA bl vk;kstu esa ns'k dh 18 jkT; laLFkkvksa ds 450 jksolZ] jastlZ ,oa LVkQ us Hkkx fy;kA dkfuZoky dk 'kqHkkjEHk 09 tuojh 2019 dks lk;adky Jh çQqYy ek>h] fo/kk;d] }kjk Jh ds-ih- feJk] mik/;{k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l rFkk jkT; eq[; vk;qDr vksfM+lk jkT; vkSj Jh jkepUnz uk;d laLFkkid lfpo] vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- cMxk¡o dh xfjeke;h mifLFkfr esa ijEijkxr nhi tyk dj fd;k x;kA bl lekjksg esa cMxk¡o ds LFkkuh; vf/kdkfj;ksa ds vykok vU; x.kekU; O;fDr Hkh mifLFkr FkssA mn~?kkVu lekjksg esa estcku vksfM+lk jkT; laLFkk] fgekpy çns'k rFkk mÙkjk[k.M+ }kjk jaxkjax lk¡Ld`frd dk;ZØe çLrqr fd;s x;sA 10 tuojh 2019 lqcg Jh tqvy vksje ekuuh; ea=h tutkrh; ekeys Hkkjr ljdkj us vkfnoklh@ xzkeh.k cktkj] jkT; çn'kZuh vkSj QwM Iyktk çfr;ksfxrk ds nkSjku dkfuZoky dk nkSjk fd;kA mUgksaus lHkh jkT; LVkyksa ij jksolZ jsatlZ }kjk ekSds ij gh rS;kj fd;s x;s ikjEifjd O;tuksa dks p[kkA vius vk'khoZpu esa mUgksaus Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh Hkwfj&Hkwfj ç'kalk dhs rFkk laxBu dks viuk leFkZu Hkh lqfu'fpr fd;kA mlh fnu jsatfjax 'krkCnh eukbZ xbZ ftlesa >kj[k.M jkT; dh egkefge efgyk jkT;iky Jherh nzksinh eqewZ] eq[; vfrfFk FkhA jsatfjax 'krkCnh o"kZ dk 'kqHkkjEHk egkefge jkT;iky }kjk dsd dkVdj] vkleku esa xqCckjs mM+kdj fd;k x;k rFkk vkbZ-Vh-vkbZ- cMxk¡o esa fufeZr ifV~Vdk mn~?kkVu djds jsatfjax 'krkCnh dh Le`fr ds :i esa fd;k x;kA ekuuh; jkT;iky us jksoj ,oa jsatlZ dks vk'khokZn fn;k rFkk çfrHkkfx;ksa }kjk çLrqr fd;s x;s lk¡Ld`frd dh ljkguk dhA 13 tuojh 2019 dks loZ/keZ çkFkZuk ds ckn dk;ZØe dk lekiu lekjksg vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa Jh çQqYy efyd] ekuuh; ea=h] bLikr ,oa [kku vksfM+'kk ljdkj eq[; vfrfFk ds :i eas mifLFkr FksA lqJh lksukyh pan] rglhynkj vkSj ch-Mh-vks- cM+xk¡o vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA ekuuh; ea=h us dkfuZoy ds nkSjku vk;ksftr fofHkUu çfr;ksfxrkvksa ds iqjLdkj vkSj çek.k i= çfrHkkfx;ksa dks forfjr fd;s rFkk viuk vk'khokZn fn;kA
jk"Vªh; vksiu ;wfuV jSyh Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld laLFkku us ^^jk"Vªh; vksiu ;wfuV jSyh^^ jk"Vªh; ;qok ifjlj xniqjh] gfj;k.kk esa fnuk¡d 9 ls 13 tuojh 2019 dh vof/k eas vk;ksftr dh ftlesa 20 jkT; laLFkkvkas ds 193 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ dkWfUVtsaV yhMlZ vkSj LVkQ us lfØ; :i ls Hkkx fy;kA dk;ZØe ds nkSjku lewg ppkZ] ;qok eap] Mªkbax@isafVax çfr;ksfxrk] lkeqnkf;d fodkl ifj;kstuk vkSj lsok ifj;kstuk] fuf/k LFkkiuk tSls fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ij ppkZ vk;ksftr dh xbZA blds vfrfjDr ç/kkuea=h 'khYM+ çfr;ksfxrk ,oa mi jk"Vªªifr iqjLdkj] yksd u`R; çfr;ksfxrk] yksd xhr] Vsªfdax] dfBukbZ;ksa@lkgfld vk/kkjksa dks ikj djuk] rhjankth] jkbQy 'kwfVax] ?kqM+lokjh] Qu xfrfof/k;k¡] LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku] dSEi Qk;j ,oa lk¡Ld`frd dk;ZØe Hkh vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ^^;qok fnol^^ ds volj ij dSfEiax {ks= esa ,d HkO; lekjksg vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA efgUnzk VsfyQksu ls ,d ;qok Vhe Hkh 'kkfey gqbZ vkSj xfrfof/k;ksa dk vkuUn fy;kA lqJh lqeuyrk vjksM+k] çHkkjh funs'kd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ,oa Jh jke dqekj] dk;ZØe vf/kdkjh gfj;k.kk Hkh ;qok fnol ij xzSaM dSEi Qk;j esa mifLFkr FksA dqaHk esyk lsok f'kfoj & 2019 jk"Vªª Lrjh; dqaHk esyk lsok f'kfoj dk çFke pj.k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk ç;kxjkt] mÙkj çns'k esa 13 ls 22 tuojh] 2019 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 11 jkT; la?kksa ds 80 jksolZ ,oa jksoj yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA 23 tuojh ls 1 Qjojh] 2019 rd fnO; dqaHk HkO; dqaHk ds lkFk f}rh; pj.k dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftles 11 jkT;ksa ds 82 jksolZ us Hkkx fy;kA Jh vks-ih- flag] iqfyl v/kh{kd ¼;krk;kr½] ç;kxjkt] mÙkj çns'k us f'kfoj dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA r`rh; pj.k dk vk;kstu laxe ¼csl dSEi 14] laxe yksvj ekxZ½ ç;kxjkt] mÙkj çns'k esa 2 ls 11 Qjojh] 2019 rd fd;k x;k ftlesa 16 jkT;ksa lss 122 jksolZ us Hkkx fy;kA MkW- ¼Jherh½ lq/kk çdk'k] iwoZ mik/;{k ch,lth] jk"Vªh; laxBu us f'kfoj dk nkSjk fd;k ,oa jksolZ dh lsokvksa dh ljkguk dhA prqFkZ pj.k dk vk;kstu 12 ls 21 Qjojh] 2019 rd fd;k x;k ftlesa 12 jkT; la?kksa ds 67 jksolZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA 15
Hkkjr ds mi jk"Vªªifr Jh osadS;k uk;Mw dks xkMZ vkWQ vkWujA jksolZ us ifo= lqpk: dqaHk Luku ds vk;kstu esa rhFkZ;kf=;kssa ,oa iqfyl ç'kklu dks viuh lsok,a çnku dhA jksolZ dks mudh lsokvksa ds çfriknu ds fy, isVªksy vuqlkj foHkkftr fd;k x;k FkkA uekfe xaxs ds vUrxZr unh dh lQkbZ] LFkkuh; yksxksa esa tkx:drk vfHk;ku pyk;k x;kA jksolZ dks fofHkUu dqaHk esyk pkSjkgksa ij ;krk;kr fu;U=.k gsrq yxk;k x;k ,oa dqaHk esyk ifo= Luku LFky laxe ij HkDrksa dh enn djus ds fy, [kM+s FksA [kks, ,oa ik, tkus dh ?kks"k.kk djrs gq,] o`) yksxksa dks mBkus o ys tkus esa enn djus o ?kk;yksa dks vLirky ys tkus eas enn djukA Jherh gsek ekfyuh] ekuuh; lkaln lnL; ¼yksdlHkk½ us f'kfoj dk Hkze.k fd;k rFkk vPNs dk;ksZa ds fy, jksolZ dh ljkguk dhA eksgEen bczkfge] mifuns'kd] ç;kxjkt e.My ,oa Jh cqyUn çrki jk;] {ks=h; [ksy leUo;d mifLFkr FksA Jh vus'k dqekj] {ks=h; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ mÙkj {ks=] Jh ccyw xksLokeh] {ks=h; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ iwoZ {ks=] Jh v:.k pUnz ikrj] lgk;d funs'kd] nf{k.k {ks= ,oa fp- chjsUnz dqekj flag] {ks=h; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ m-iw- {ks=] dqEHk esyk f'kfojksa ds lapkyd FksA 'kkafr ,oa csgrj fo'o <k¡ps ds lw=/kkj ds çf'k{k.k gsrq laokn 'kkafr ,oa csgrj fo'o <k¡ps ds lw=/kkj ds çf'k{k.k gsrq laokn 18 ls 22 flrEcj 2018 rd jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV foHkkx ds 29 çfrHkkfx;ksa dks Jh flM dkfLVyks] funs'kd 'kSf{kd i|fr] fo'o LdkmV laxBu@,f'k;k ç'kkUr {ks= rFkk usiky] flaxkiqj o Hkkjr ds fo'ks"k LVkQ dh ,d Vhe }kjk 'kkafr dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, çf'k{k.k fn;k x;kA dk;ZØe ^^eSlsatj vkWQ ihl^^ ds vUrxZr vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA {ks=h; 'kkafrnwr ewY;kadu Vhe dk Hkze.k fo'o LdkmV lfefr lnL; Jh ihVj Cysp ds usr`Ro esa vkSj fo'o LdkmV laxBu dsUnzh; dk;kZy;] dqvkykyEiqj ds çfrfuf/k;ksa ,oa {ks=h; lgk;rk dsUnz] euhyk ds ,d ny us gekjs lfØ; Lo;a lsodksa ds lkFk ckrphr djus ,oa eSlsatj vkWQ ihl igy esa ;ksxnku nsus gsrq Hkkjr dk Hkze.k fd;kA Vhe us mÙkj çns'k dh lqJh fjadq rksej }kjk vk;ksftr Lye Ldwy ,oa gekjs jk"Vªh; ;qok ifjlj] xniqjh dk Hkze.k fd;kA mUgksaus MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] vkbZ-,-,l- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr dss ^^eSlastj vkWQ ihl ds ek/;e ls ,d csgrj fo'o cukus esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks muds vuqHkoksa vkSj ;ksxnku dh ç'kalk dhA
jk"Vªh; ifj"kn~ cSBd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh jk"Vªh; ifj"kn~ dh cSBd jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; ubZ fnYyh esa 01 fnlEcj 2018 dks ekuuh; v/;{k ,oa lkaln ¼jkT; lHkk½ MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu dh v/;{krk esa vk;ksftr dh x;hA Jh d`".kkLokeh- vkj dk;Zokgd funs'kd us; v/;{k] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ,oa jk"Vªh; ifj"kn~ ds lnL;ksa dk Lokxr fd;kA MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr us laxBu dh orZeku o"kZ dh miyfC/k;ksa ij çdk'k MkykA mUgksaus dgk fd LdkmV xkbM xfrfof/k;ksa esa ;qokvksa dh Hkkxhnkjh c<+kus gsrq fo'ks"k ç;kl fd;s tk jgs gSa ,oa jkT; la?kksa ds iw.kZ leFkZu ls ,d djksM+ dh lnL;rk rd igq¡pus dk y{; çkIr fd;k tk;sxkA ekuuh; v/;{k MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu us orZeku o"kZ ds nkSjku laxBu }kjk fd;s x;s vPNs dk;ksZa dh ljkguk dh vkSj dgk fd ;qokvksa ls lEcfU/kr xfrfof/k;ksa gsrq ;qok ekeys ,oa [ksy ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ls vf/kd foÙkh; lgk;rk çkIr djus gsrq fujarj ç;kl fd;s tk jgs gSA MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu }kjk Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l Mk;jh] dSysaMj] çxfr&iFk ¼fgUnh½ ,oa fuiqu jksoj jsatj tkjh dh xbZ rFkk Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh vkWu ykbu 'kkWi dk 'kqHkkjEHk fd;k x;kA nksuksa foHkkxksa dh tux.kuk esa lexz oqf) gsrq jkT;ksa dks iqjLdkj çnku fd;s x;sA cSBd ds nkSjku fotsrk jkT;ksa dks y{eh etwenkj iqjLdkj vkSj eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr iqjLdkj Hkh çnku fd;s x;sA /kU;okn Kkiu ds lkFk cSBd lekIr gqbZA
bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf'ki bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf'ki ^^o;Ldksa^^ ds fy, ,d laxBu gS tks LdkmfVax xkbfMax dh xfrfof/k;ksa dk lfØ; :i ls leFkZu dj jgs gSa] fjiksZV ds vUrxZr o"kZ ds nkSjku gekjs laca/k dks fQj ls tksMk x;kA bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf'ki us nknjk uxj gosyh vkSj neu ,oa nho esa jkT; la?k ds xBu vkSj fodkl dk leFkZu fd;kA QSyksf'ki dh ,f'k;k iSflfQd QkamMs'ku dk mn~?kkVu vgenkckn esa ,d lekjksg esa fd;k x;kA bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf'ki dh vke lHkk flrEcj] 2018 esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf'ki lfØ; ;qok vkSj o;Ld lnL;ksa dh lsokvksa dks fofHkUu iqjLdkjksa ls lEekfur djds ekU;rk nsrh gSA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lfØ; lnL;ksa iwoZ LdkmV xkbM] bafM;u LdkmV xkbM QSyksf'ki ds lnL;ksa dh lhek u;s f{kfrt ij igq¡p xbZ gSA
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
=h; mRlo {ks={ksh; mRlo
{ks=h; dc cqycqy mRlo Ikk¡p {ks=h; dc cqycqy mRlo perkiRrj] xqogkVh] xjgjk] iwoZ e/; jsyos ¼fcgkj½] fnYyh] dksye ¼dsjy½ ,oa jkeVsd ukxiqj ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 864 dc~l] cqycqYl ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA dc cqycqy dh Xkzk.M xksy xfrfof/k;k¡ dc xzhfVax cqycqy cky xzhfVax] VksVe iksy vkSj cqycqy Vªh ltkuk] ukVd] taxy [ksy] u`R; çfrLi/kkZRed FksA çfrHkkfx;ksa }kjk çn'kZuh] Mªkabx isfUVax rFkk gLrdyk dk Hkjiwj vkuUn fy;k x;k rFkk n'kZdksa }kjk ç'kalk dh xbZA yky Qwy vkSj dyjo us ;qokvksa dks viuh lk¡Ld`frd çfrHkkvksa dks çLrqr djus dk volj çnku fd;kA dc cqycqy mRlo dsoy HkkoukRed ,dhdj.k dk gh volj çnku ugha djrk vfirq cgqr ls yksxksa dks çFke ckj jsy ;k=k dk vuqHko vFkok vius jkT; ds vykok nwljs jkT; dks ns[kus dk volj çnku djrk gSA ,MoksdsV ds- jktw ekuuh; ou ea=h dsjy jkT; us mRlo dk vkSipkfjd mn~?kkVu fd;kA Jherh tselhZ dqVV;Eek] ekuuh; ea=h eRL; ikyu] dsjy ljdkj lekiu lekjksg dh eq[; vfrfFk FkhA {ks=h; vkink çcU/ku dk;Z'kkyk,a lr~r fodkl y{;&11 dk mnn~s'; lrr 'kgjksa vkSj leqnk;ksa ds fy, gSA tyok;q ifjorZu vkSj çd`fr dk voSKkfud mi;ksx ekuo fufeZr vkSj çkd`frd vkinkvksa dks vkefU=r djrk gSA geus tkx:drk gsrq ^^vkink çcU/ku cSt^^ dh 'kq:vkr dh rFkk lalk/ku Vhe cukbZA {ks=h; vkink çcU/ku rS;kjh dk;Z'kkyk,a pSUubZ ¼rfeyukMq½] nsgjknwu ¼mÙkjk[k.M½] dksjck ¼NÙkhlx<+½ vkSj xaxkuxj ¼if'pe caxky½ esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; vfXu lqj{kk ,oa cpko ds vfrfjDr jk"Vªh; Lrj dh ,stsafl;ksa tSls vfXu ,oa lqj{kk] ekSle foHkkx dks Hkh vkeaf=r fd;k x;k FkkA lsaV tkWu ,EcqySal fcxzsM us viuh çf'k{k.k fo'ks"kKrk Hkh miyC/k djkbZA 402 jksolZ] jsatlZ vkSj ;wfuV bdkbZ usrkvksa dks ,slh lkekU; ,oa LFkkuh; vkinkvkas ds çcU/ku ,oa tkx:drk dk çf'k{k.k fn;k x;k ftudk Hkkjr lkeuk djrk gSA dkS'ky fodkl dk;ZØe eqjknkckn ¼mÙkj jsyos½] x<+gjk ¼iwoZ e/; jsyos½ vkSj csaxyw: esa dkS'ky fodkl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s 19
x;s ftlesa iwohZ] nf{ ,oa mÙkjh {ks=h; jkT;ksa ds 321 ;qokvksa us O;kolkf;d fn'kk funsZ'ku djus okys fofHkUu dkS'ky ftlessa gs;j Mªsflax] QS'ku fMtkbfuax] QSfczds'ku] [kkn~; çlaLdj.k] ikjaifjd diMksa ds ewY;o/kZu] d`f"k mRiknu vkfn dk çf'k{k.k çkIr fd;kA Kku ds fodkl dks le`) djus gsrq O;kolkf;d ekxZn'kZu çf'k{k.k vkSj O;fDrRo fodkl ds fo'ks"kK lfEefyr FksA gLdyk ,oa O;kolkf;d çf'k{k.k oMksnjk ¼xqtjkr½] fo'kk[kkiVVue ¼vka/kz çns'k½ vkSj iqnqpsjh esa gLrf'kYi vkSj O;kolkf;d çf'k{k.k ikB~;Øe vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ,oa 427 ;qok LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks mi;ksxh gkse xStsV~l] vkWfQl ,oa Ldwy LVs'kujh] ?kM+h fjis;fjax] lksi esfdax] Xykl isafVax] LØhu fçafVax ,oa MkbZ O;kolkf;d dkS'kyksa dk çf'k{k.k fn;k x;k] tks çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe ds fgLlk cu x,A ;g vkthfodk dekus esa iq:"k vkSj efgyk nksuksa dks l'kDr cukus esa ;ksxnku nsxkA ekuuh; U;k;ewfrZ Jh ,l-lh- oekZ] ¼iwoZ yksdk;qDr½ ç'kkld] mÙkj çns'k jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l eq[; vfrfFk Fks ftUgkssaus f'kfoj dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA {ks=h; ;qok eap lr~r fodkl y{; 4 ,oa 5 f'k{kk ,oa ySafxd lekurk esa xq.koÙkk ds fy, gSA gekjs laxBu esa jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gekjh Hkkoh ihf<+;ksa dh vkdka{kkvksa dk çfrfuf/kRo djrs gSaA ;qok dk;ZØeksa dh ;kstuk cukrs gSa ,oa mudk lapkyu Hkh djrs gSa rFkk ,d csgrj nqfu;k cukus ds fy, Hkfo"; ds dk;ksZa dks rS;kj djrs gSaA geus rok] tEew ¼tEew ,oa d'ehj½] dMIik ¼vka/kz çns'k½] e/kqiqj ¼iwoZ jsyos½ vkSj neu ,oa nho esa pkj {ks=h; Lrj ds ;qok eap vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ;qok eap ds nkSjku jk"Vªh; ifj;kstuk] ;qok dk;ZØeksa vkSj fu.kZ; ysus esa ;qok yksxksa dh Hkkxhnkjh ds lEcU/k esa 13 jkT;ksa la?kksa ds 346 ;qok lnL;ksa ls ijke'kZ fy;k x;kA
MkW- jkds'k feUgkl] Hkk-ç-ls-] ftyk dysDVj }kjk O;fDrRo fodkl ij ,d l= fy;k x;kA {ks=h; Lrj ij ekud tk¡p f'kfoj {ks=h; Lrj ij LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq ekud tk¡p f'kfoj >kalh ¼iwoZ e/; jsyos½ ,oa tsMhesVyk ¼rsyaxkuk½ esa vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 209 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us ;wfuV yhMlZ ds lkFk dSEi Øk¶V] ik;fu;fjax] çkFkfed lgk;rk] ,LVhes'ku] eSi esfdax ,o dqfdax ij çn'kZu dkS'ky esa Hkkx fy;kA dSEi Qk;j ,oa gLrdyk çn'kZuh çfr;ksfxrk LVSaMMZ tftax dk ,d fgLlk FksA 4 flrEcj 2018 dks lk;adky jaxkjax HkO; dSEi Qk;j dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k] ftlesa e.My jsy çcU/kd] >kalh eaMy] mÙkj e/; jsyos us eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa bl volj dh 'kksHkk c<+kbZ vkSj mUgksaus jkT;ksa dks xzsM çek.k i= ,oa çfrHkkfxrk çek.k i= çnku fd;sA vU; fof'k"V vfrfFk;ksa ds lkFk lgk;d e.My jsy çcU/kd >kalh eaMy] mÙkj e/; jsyos us lEekfur vfrfFk ds :i esa volj dh 'kksHkk c<+kbZA ;ksx mRlo 4Fks vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol ds vUrxZr gkthiqj ¼oS'kkyh½ fcgkj] xksok] vEckyk ¼gfj;k.kk½ ,oaa MkseyxqMk ¼gSnjkckn½ rsyaxkuk esa 720 lnL;ksa ds lkFk pkj ;ksx mRlo vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LoLFk thou ds fy, nSfud thou esa ;ksx dk fl)kar ,oa vH;kl lcls vPNk gSA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] ds ;ksx çf'k{kd] cSt ikB~;Øe ,oa ;qok dk;ZØeksa esa ;ksx dh mifLFkfr] f'kfojksa esa ;ksx çFkkvksa ds rjhds] dk;ZØe fy, lkexzh FksA x.kekU; O;fDr;ksa dh mifLFkfr esa vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol euk;k x;kA dsUnzh; ea=h Jh jke foykl
ikloku us oS'kkyh esa ;ksx dk;ZØe dh 'kksHkk c<+kbZA lEiw.kZ ns'k esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol es Hkkx fy;kA jksofjax ds 100 o"kZ eukus gsrq jksoj jsatj ewV jksofjax ds 100 o"kZ eukus gsrq jksoj jsatj ewV jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] vknzk] ,l-bZ- jsyos esa fnuk¡d 16 ls 20 tuojh] 2019 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr dh x;h ftlesa 8 jkT;ksa ds 166 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk 10 LVkQ lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA ewV dk mn~?kkVu eq[; vfrfFk Jh ,l-ds- JhokLro] e.My jsy çcU/kd }kjk fd;k x;kA 100 o"kZ jksofjax fp=.k okys jaxhu xqCckjs gok esa mMk;s x;sA QwM Iyktk ,oa jkT; çn'kZuh lekiu dk eq[; vkd"kZ.k QwM Iyktk FkkA lHkh jkT;ksa us vius jkT;ksa ds Lokfn"V ikjaifjd O;atu rS;kj fd;sA lk;adky jkT; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ n-iw- jsyos }kjk Jh tsds- lkgk] jkT; eq[;k;qDr@ih-lh-,e-bZ dh mifLFkfr esa xzakM dSEi Qk;j vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA eq[; vfrfFk }kjk fofHkUu çfr;ksfxrkvksa ds fotsrkvksa dks çek.k i= ,oa iqjLdkj forfjr fd;sA
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
; çf'k{k.k dsds UnzU] nzipe<+ h jk"Vªh;jk"Vªhçf'k{k.k ] ipe<+ h LdkmV foHkkx jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k Vhe Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l esa 1347 lgk;d yhMj çf'k{kd] 185 dc] 1057 LdkmV ,oa 102 jksoj foHkkx esa lfØ; gSaA gekjs ;gk¡ 521 lfØ; yhMj çf'k{kd gSa ftuesa 73 dc 413 LdkmV rFkk 35 jksoj foHkkx ls gSaA lEiw.kZ o"kZ ds nkSjku 146 LdkmVj fu;qDr fd;s x;s ftuesa lgk;d yhMj ¼25 dc] 96 LdkmV rFkk 25 jksoj½ gSaA leku :i ls yhMj Vªsuj gsrq 36 vkWujscy pktZ 07 dc] 26 LdkmV ekLVj rFkk 03 jksoj foHkkx gsrq tkjh fd;s x;sA 112 dc ekLVj] 561 LdkmV ekLVj vkSj 88 jksoj yhMlZ dks fgeky; oqM cSt dkslZ çek.k i= tkjh fd;sA dqy 759 ikpZesaV o"kZ 2018&2019 esa çnku fd;s x;sA 127 dc] 572 LdkmV rFkk 60 jksoj yhMj us bUgsa çkIr fd;kA jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ij 5 oqMcSt dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA dc vkSj jksoj foHkkx gsrq ,d ,d rFkk LdkmV foHkkx gsrq 3 A 42 dc ekLVj] 39 jksoj yhMj rFkk 104 LdkmV ekLVj us çfrHkkfxrk dhA 90 Hkkoh çf'k{kdksa us 2 çh lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj dkslZ vkSj 184 LdkmVlZ us lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj dkslZ 4 f'kfojksa esa iw.kZ fd;sA o"kZ 2018&2019 esa 43 yksxksa us yhMj Vªsuj dkslZ esa Hkkxhnkjh dhA jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ipe<+h esa vk;ksftr iqujko`fÙk dkslZ eas 43 çf'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA
xkbM foHkkx jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k Vhe Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l essa 782 lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj 113 ¶ykWd] 640 xkbM vkSj 29 jsatj foHkkx esa gSaA gekjs ;gk¡ 365 lfØ; yhMj Vªsuj gSaA ftuesa ls 47 ¶ykWd 300 xkbM vkSj 18 jsatj foHkkx ls gSA lEiw.kZ o"kZ ds nkSjku 113 xkbMlZ lgk;d yhMj Vªsuj fu;qDr dh xbZ ftuesa ls ¼14 cqycqy] 91 xkbM vkSj 8 jsatj½ gSA leku :i ls 31 yhMj Vªsuj dks vkWujscy pktZ gsrq tkjh fd;s x;s ftuesa ls 5 cqycqy rFkk 26 xkbM foHkkx ls gSaA 77 ¶ykWd yhMj] 274 xkbM dsIVu~l] 39 jsatj yhMj dks fgeky; oqM cSt dkslZ çek.k i= çnku fd;s x;ssA dqy 317 ikpZesaV çnku f;d x;s ftUgsa o"kZ 2018&2019 ds nkSjku 41 ¶ykWd yhMj] 228 xkbM 23
dSIVu rFkk 48 jsatj yhMj us çkIr fd;sA jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ij 04 oqM cSt dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ¶ykWd yhMj vkSj jsatj foHkkx ds fy, ,d ,d vkSj 02 xkbM foHkkx ds fy, FksA ftuesa 24 ¶ykWWd yhMj] 27 jsatj yhMj vkSj 54 xkbM dSIVu us Hkkx fy;kA 60 Hkkoh çf'k{kdksa us 2 çh-,-,y- Vh dkslZ esa Hkkx fy;k vkSj 52 xkbMj us ,-,y-Vh- dkslZ iw.kZ fd;kA jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h esa 16 çf'k{kdksa us iqujko`fÙk dkslZ esa Hkkx fy;kA o;Ld usrk çf'k{k.k esa jkT;ksa dh miyfC/k;k¡A 48 Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k f'kfoj esa 32752 çfrHkkfx;ksa us] 02 vk;qDr dkslZ esa 08 çfrHkkfx;ksa us] 03 çf'k{k.k dkmUlyj dkslZ esa 50 çfrHkkfx;ksa us] 45 cSt baLVªDVj dkslZ esa 2048 çfrHkkfx;ksa us] 02 laxBu dkslZ esa 85 çfrHkkfx;ksa us] 72 fjÝs'kj@iqujko`fÙk dkslZ esa 5208 çfrHkkfx;kas us] 52 vU; f'kfojksa esa 15336 çfrHkkfx;ksa us ,oa 62 laxksf"B;ksa esa 2129 çfrHkkfx;kas us Hkkx fy;kA 01 eap esa 55 çfrHkkfx;ksa us] 86 dk;Z'kkykvksa esa 6424 çfrHkkfx;ksa us] 05 fopkj laxks"Bh esa 270 çfrHkkfx;ksa us] çnZ'kZuh esa 10]089 çfrHkkxh us ,oa 52 vkSipkfjd çf'k{k.k dk;ZØeksa esa 15]336 lnL;ksa us çfrHkkfxrk dhA çkS<+ uk;dksa dh enn gsrq vukSipkfjd çf'k{k.k] 568 ftyk çf'k{k.k vk;qDr vkSj 425 çf'k{k.k dkmUlyj Hkh jkT; }kjk fu;qDr fd;s x;sA
jk"Vªh; lkgfld dk;ZØe o"kZ ds nkSjku 25 lkgfld dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 15 fu;fer jk"Vªh; lkgfld dk;ZØeksa ds vfrfjDr NÙkhlx<+] e/; çns'k vkSj xqtjkr jkT;ksa ds Ldwyh Nk=ksa ,oa LdkmV~l xkbM~l ds fy, 10 fo'ks"k jk"Vªªh; lkgfld dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ou foHkkx] e/; çns'k ljdkj ds vuqjks/k ij] fo'ks"k :i ls ou foHkkx ds deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, ,d cpko çf'k{k.k f'kfoj Hkh vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa e/; çns'k ds fofHkUu ftyksa ds 34 deZpkfj;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA dqy çfrHkkfxrk 5838 Fkh ftlesa ns'k Hkj ls 2713 LdkmV~l] 748 ukWu&LdkmV~l] 2380 xkbM~l] 267 ukWu xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA bu lkr fnuksa ds dk;ZØe esa lh[kus ds i;kZIr volj miyC/k djk;s x;s] gkbfdax] lriqMk jsat ds vUnj lqUnj o yksdfç; LFkkuksa dh VªSfdax] y{eh etwenkj ikdZ esa fti ykbu] 'kwfVax] rhjankth] ?kqM+lokjh] ukSdk fogkj] jkWd Dykabfcax ck/kk dkslZ vkfn xfrfof/k;k¡ vk;ksftr dh xbZA çFke lkalks ,oa 21ok¡ vUrjkZ"Vªh; lkgfld dk;ZØe 21osa vUrjkZ"Vªh; lkgfld dk;ZØe ds la;kstu ds lkFk çFke lkalks lkgfld dk;ZØe 2 ls 8 Qjojh 2019 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftleas ckaXykns'k] Jhyadk vkSj Hkkjr ds 17 jkT;ksa ds 464 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA mUur lkgfld dk;ZØeksa ds :i esa çfrHkkfx;kssa dks iSjk'kwfVax] gkWV ,;j cSywfuax ,oa ipe<+h >hy ds Åij fti ykbu lfgr pqukSrhiw.kZ vkSj vkd"kZd dk;ZØe is'k fd;s x;sA bl dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk 2 Qjojh 2019 dks fd;k x;k vkSj Jh lR;e eksgu] lhbZvks] dSaVksuesaV cksMZ ipe<+h 7 Qjojh 2019 dks xzSaM dSEi Qk;j ds eq[; vfrfFk FksA laLFkku us vius lHkh dk;ZØeksa esa LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku] 'kjhfjd vkRe fo'okl dk;ZØe ¼Qzh chbZax eh½ ,oa i;kZoj.k f'k{kk dks c<+kok nsus gsrq ;ksxnku fn;kA
jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld laLFkku Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk"Vªh; ;qok ifjlj] xniqjh] iyoy] gfj;k.kk jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld laLFkku 22 Qjojh] 2018 dks Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk"Vªh; ;qok dkWEiySDl] xniqjh] iyoy] gfj;k.kk esa çkjEHk gqvkA ;qokvksa ds lkFk&lkFk mu yksxksa esa Hkh jksekap dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, çfrc) gS tks LdkmV ,oa xkbM ughsa gSaA jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld laLFkku] xniqjh gfj;k.kk us 18 jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe] 2 fo'ks"k jk"Vªh; ;qok lkgfld dk;ZØe] 01 rhu fnolh; lkgfld xfrfof/k;k¡ vkSj 02 ,d fnolh; lkgfld xfrfof/k vk;ksftr dhA ftlesa lEiw.kZ ns'k ds 2872 ;qokvksa us Hkkx fy;kA gfj;k.kk f'k{kk foHkkx] iapdwyk ds vuqjks/k ij f'k{kdksa ds fy, ,d fnolh; dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA lkgfld dk;ZØeksa esa gfj;k.kk ds 490 f'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr] Jh ef.k jke 'kekZ] mik;qDr] iyoy] Jh ihVj Cyspj] lnL; fo'o LdkmV lfefr] Jh flM dkfLVyks] funs'kd] 'kSf{kd rjhds vkSj Jh VkWe] çcU/kd] ewY;kadu fo'o LdkmV laxBu us dsUnz dk Hkze.k fd;k rFkk gekjh xfrfof/k;ksa dks ns[kkA o"kZ 2018&19 ds nkSjku geus vius ifjlj esa 300 ikS/ks yxk;sA lh,lvkj fe'ku ds vUrxZr efgUnzk VsfyQksfuDl dEiuh us gekjs ifjlj esa o`{kkjksi.k ds fy, viuk lg;ksx fn;kA lHkh dk;ZØeksa ds nkSjku ^^Qzh chbZa eh^^ vkSj LoPN Hkkjr lqUnj Hkkjr xfrfof/k;k¡ vk;ksftr dh xbZA
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
çkUrh; çfros nu nu çkUrh; çfros v.Meku vkSj fudksckj }hi lHkh 9 ftyksa }kjk 150 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lkFk vapy Lrjh; okf"kZd çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ljdkjh dkWyst ds v/;kidksa gsrq LdkmfVax@xkbfMax ij vfHkfoU;kl vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA çFke lksiku gsrq 165 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l lQy gq,A iksVZ Cys;j ds jksolZ o jsatlZ us x.krU= fnol ,oa LorU=rk fnol ijsM esa Hkkx fy;kA lEiw.kZ }hi esa fpUru fnol euk;k x;kA vkU/kz çns'k LdkmV~l gsrq 6 jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj] 05 Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe] 4 r`rh; lksiku tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA leku :i ls xkbM~l gsrq 2 jkT; iqjLdkj 3 Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k ,oa 5 r`rh; lksiku tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 7 LdkmV ekLVj csfld dkslZ] 2 jksoj LdkmV yhMj csfld vkSj 2 dc ekLVj csfld vkSj 5 ,Mokal LdkmV ekLVj dkslZ rFkk ,d dc ekLVj ,Mokal çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA xkbM~l foHkkx gsrq 6 xkbM dSIVu csfld vkSj ,d f'kfoj ¶ykWd yhMj gsrq vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ,d xkbM dSIVu ,Mokal dkslZ Hkh vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; ,oa ftyk Lrj ij LorU=rk fnol] x.krU= fnol rFkk fpUru fnol vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA dbZ ftyk laLFkkvksa us i`Foh fnol] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o LokLF; fnol] o`{kkjks.k rFkk LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku ds vUrxZr Lekjdksa dks xksn ysuk dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;sA v:.kkpy çns'k 21 twu 2018 dks Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ij ns'k ds ckdh fgLlksa ds lkFk 4Fkk vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol euk;k x;kA 19ok¡ jkT; iqjLdkj vokMZ lekjksg 22 twu 2018 dks jktHkou esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA egkefge jkT;iky v:.kkpy çns'k MkW- ch-Mh- feJk us 69 LdkmV~l rFkk 75 xkbM~l dks çek.k i= çnku fd;sA jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj 24 ls 28 tqykbZ 2018 rd jkT; 27
eq[;ky;] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l iksyks dkWyksuh ukgjykxqu esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 50 LdkmV~l ,oa 42 xkbM~l tk¡p f'kfoj esa mÙkh.k gq,A jkT; Lrjh; r`rh; lksiku çf'k{k.k ,oa tk¡p f'kfoj 20 ls 25 vxLr 2018 rd vk;ksftr gqvkA 222 çfrHkkfx;ksa us f'kfoj esa Hkkx fy;kA 29 LdkmVlZ rFkk xkbMlZ ds lkFk ,Mokal çf'kf{kr rFkk fgeky; oqM cSt /kkjdksa gsrq dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; Lrjh; lkefjd ;kstuk dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr dh xbZA LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM~ dSIVu~l gsrq csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 23 LdkmVlZ rFkk 17 xkbMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA f}rh; jkT; Lrjh; LVS.MMZ tftax f'kfoj jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] iksyks dkWyksuh] ukgjykxqu esa fnuk¡d 6 ls 10 fnlEcj 2018 dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 350 çfrHkkxh lfEefyr gq,A vle jkT; iqjLdkj jSyh 24 vçSy 2018 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA egkefge jkT;iky çks- txnh'k eq[kh us 351 jkT; iqjLdkj fotsrkvksa dks iqjLdkj çnku fd;sA dNkj o /kqojh esa nks ftyk Lrjh; Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA flclkxj ftyk jSyh vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; eq[; vk;qDr ds lkFk vkthou lnL;ksa dh cSBd gqbZA dkek[;k efUnj esa 250 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ ds lkFk vEcqckNh lsok f'kfoj vk;ksftr gqvkA LdkmV~l xkbM~l us jkT; Lrjh; x.krU= fnol ,oa LorU=rk fnol lekjksg eas Hkkx fy;kA jkT; }kjk fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] jDrnku rFkk cky laj{k.k laxks"Bh dk Hkh vk;kstu fd;k x;kA fcgkj oS'kkyh rFkk lkj.k esa ftyk jSyh vk;ksftr dh xbZA uekfe xaxs dk;ZØe ds vUrxZr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk xaxk rFkk ukjk;.kh unh ds fdukjksa dh lQkbZ dk dk;Z fd;k x;kA jkT; esa fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij egkf'kojkf=] NB iwtk o dkfrZd iwf.kZek ds volj ij lsok f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ftyksa }kjk LorU=rk fnol] x.krU= fnol] fpUru fnol] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o LdkmV LdkQZ fnol] f'k{kd fnol euk;s x;sA vk;q"k ea=ky; ds lg;ksx ls vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol euk;k x;kA NÙkhlx<+ jkT; Lrjh; jksoj jsatj lekxe nqxZ esa vk;ksftr fd;k 28
x;kA jksoj 'krkCnh lekjksg dk 'kqHkkjEHk Jh dsnkj d';i] Ldwy f'k{kk ea=h NÙkhlx<+] ljdkj }kjk fd;k x;kA bl jksoj 'krkCnh lekjksg esa 2000 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us yksxksa dks LdkmfVax ls tqM+us gsrq çksRlkfgr djus ds fy, 'kgj ds fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij viuh lsok;sa nhA jkT; Lrjh; cSt ijh{kd ,oa cSt çf'k{kd f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 88 LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; Lrjh; ioZrkjksg.k] dkS'ky fodkl rFkk vkink çcU/ku f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 50 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA 05 jkT; iqjLdkj LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 1159 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr gqvk ftlesa 246 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us çfrHkkfxrk dhA dc ekLVj] LdkmV ekLVj] jksoj yhMj] ¶ykWd yhMj] xkbM dSIVu vkSj jsatj yhMlZ gsrq csfld vkSj ,Mokal çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 506 ;wfuV yhMlZ dkss çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h esa 04 jkT; Lrjh; lkgfld dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftuesa 2681 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ rFkk bdkbZ usrkvksa us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol] o`{kkjksi.k] ^^csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks^^] lnHkkouk fnol rFkk fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA p.Mhx<+ ¼;w-Vh-½ jkT; la?k us 56 laLFkku çeq[kksa] 128 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dsIVu~l ds lkFk xzqi yhMlZ ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl ikB~;Øe dk vk;kstu dj viuh bZdbkZ;ksa dk uohuhdj.k fd;kA LdkmV ekLVlZ rFkk xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq csfld dkslZ rkjknsoh esa 62 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq r`rh; lksiku esa çkFkfed fpfdRlk çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ou egksRlo] fpUru fnol] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] vUrjkZ"Vªh; efgyk fnol] f'k{kd fnol rFkk Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LFkkiuk fnol dk euk;s x;sA 29
e/; jsyos e/; jsyos us 37 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;kA LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku lsok f'kfoj ds vUrxZr lkeqnkf;d xk;u f'kfoj dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA e/; jsyos ds lHkh eaMyksa] jkT; la?kksa ds lnL;ksa us jsyos esa jsy ;kf=;ksa dh lqfo/kkvkas ij rhljs i{k dh çfrfØ;k esa Hkkx fy;kA jsyos lIrkg ds vUrxZr LdkmV dkS'ky çn'kZuh dk vk;kstu ukxiqj esa fd;k x;kA e/; jsyos ds egkçcU/kd us dk;ZØe dk nkSjk fd;kA o"kZ ds nkSjku 14 u;s bdkbZ usrkvkssa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA nknj uxj gosyh eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky }kjk jkT; LdkQZ tkjh fd;k x;kA jkT; us LorU=rk fnol] fpUru fnol] lM+d lqj{kk lIrkg] ;qok fnol] x.krU= fnol euk;s o xk¡/kh t;arh ds lqvolj ij jksVjh bUVjus'kuy ds lkFk feydj diMs+ ck¡Vus dk dk;Z fd;kA jkT; Lrjh; ;qok eap dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA u;h jksoj jsatj bdkbZ rFkk fo'ks"k t:jrksa okys cPpksa ds fy, bdkbZ dk mn~?kkVu fd;k x;kA fnYyh LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV~l] xkbM~l jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ ds fy, 28 ,oa 29 tqykbZ 2018 dks iwoZ jk"Vªªifr tk¡p f'kfoj jkT; eq[;ky; 113&, nfj;kxat] ubZ fnYyh ij vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 62 çfrHkkfx;ksa us çfrHkkfxrk dhA jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol] o`{kjksi.k] ^^csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks]^^ ln~Hkkouk fnol o fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA iwoZ jsyos LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku lHkh ftyksa }kjk ykxw fd;k x;k ,oa jsyos tksu ds vUrxZr lHkh çeq[k jsyos LVs'kuksa] jsyos dkWyksfu;kas esa LoPN Hkkjr tkx:drk vfHk;ku eghus Hkj pyk;k x;kA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us IykfLVd ds mi;ksx rFkk gekjs i;kZoj.k ij blds nq"çHkko ds ckjs esa tkx:drk 30
vfHk;ku pyk;kA jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us ;qok fnol ij jDrnku f'kfoj esa Hkkx fy;kA if'pe caxky ds ck<+ çHkkfor {ks=ksa esa vksjy&fjgkbMªs'ku tkx:drk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA dc cqycqy xfrfof/k;kas dks çksRlkfgr djus gsrq dc ,oa cqycqy ds fy, ftyk Lrjh; çfr;ksfxrk;sa vk;ksftr dh xbZA lHkh ftyksa }kjk x.krU= fnol] fpUru fnol] vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol] LorU=rk fnol rFkk ;qok fnol euk;s x;sA jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us jsy lIrkg ds nkSjku rFkk ekuo jfgr leikj Øksflax ij lqj{kk gsrq viuh lsok;sa çnku dhA iwoZ e/; jsyos 08 ls 12 twu 2018 rd jkT; iqjLdkj p;u f'kfoj jkT; eq[;ky; gkthiqj] ftyk x<+gjk esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 102 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us çfrHkkfxrk dhA dc ekLVj rFkk jksoj LdkmV yhMj gsrq csfld dkslZ ,oa LdkmV ekLVj gsrq ,Mokal dkslZ fnuk¡d 16 ls 22 vxLr 2018 rd ftyk laLFkk x<+gjk esa vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 44 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; Lrjh; dkfrZd iwf.kZek esyk lsok f'kfoj lksuiqj ftys esa 01 ls 05 uoEcj 2018 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 133 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa eas fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] o`{kkjksi.k] xk¡/kh t;arh] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol] fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA iwoZ rVh; jsyos iwoZ rVh; jsyos ds LdkmV ekLVlZ rFkk xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq çFke csfld çf'k{k.k f'kfoj 06 ls 12 vxLr 2018 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz iqjh esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 36 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l iwoZ rVh; jsyos ds [kqnkZ jksM+ fMohtu dk ftyk f'kfoj rFkk jSyh vk;ksftr gqbZ ftlesa 250 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ rFkk bdkbZ usrkvksa us lfØ;rk iwoZd Hkkx fy;kA dkS'ky fodkl ij dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu ftyk çf'k{k.k dsUnz [kqnkZ jksM+ ij fd;k x;k ftlesa 28 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA çd`fr rFkk lkekftd eqn~nksa ds çfr tkx:drk iSnk djus 31
gsrq ,d isfVax çfr;ksfxrk vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 50 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA 40 jksolZ rFkk jsatlZ dh çfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk jk"Vªh; ;qok fnol euk;k x;kA ftyk Lrjh; tk¡p f'kfoj dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa 180 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ o jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA LdkmV~l rFkk xkbM~l ds fy, jkT; Lrjh; tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 100 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us f'kfoj esa Hkkx fy;kA ,d jDrnku f'kfoj Hkh yxk;k x;kA jkT; esa ftyk Lrj ij fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol] o`{kkjksi.k rFkk fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA xksok jkT; iqjLdkj ,oa vU; fof'k"V lsokvksa gsrq jkT; Lrjh; iqjLdkj lekjksg 14 vçSy 2018 dks vk;ksftr gqvkA 15 LdkmV~l dks vkmV LVsafMax xzsM fn;k x;kA 2017 & 2018 esa vk;ksftr xfrfof/k;ksa gsrq LdkmV xkbM bdkbZ;ksa dks iqjLd`r fd;k x;kA vkikrdky dk lkeuk djus gsrq vkink çcU/ku f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA f'kfoj ls 50 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ykHkkfUor gq,A jkT; ds pkj ftyksa esa 6 Qzh chbZax eh dk;Z'kkyk;sa vk;ksftr dh xbZA dk;ZØe ls 300 bdkbZ usrk ykHkkfUor gq,A jkT; jSyh ckLdks&fM&xkek esa vk;ksftr gqbZ ftlesa fofHkUu ftyksa ds 600 LdkmV~l@xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa fpUru fnol] LorU=rk fnol ,oa x.krU= fnol euk;s x;sA xqtjkr jkT; iqjLdkj vokMZ lekjksg jktHkou xk¡/kh uxj esa vk;ksftr gqvkA egkefge Jh vks-ih- dksgyh] jkT;iky xqtjkr us p;fur LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds çfrfuf/k;ksa dks iqjLdkj çnku fd;sA 21 ftyk jSfy;k¡ ,oa 19 ftyk Lrjh; isVªksy yhMlZ çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 27 ftyksa }kjk bdkbZ usrkvksa gsrq fjQzs'kj dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jktdksV] oMksnjk ,oa dPN essa jkT; Lrjh; Vksyh uk;d f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA cksfj;koh rFkk vkuUn esa cSt vuqns'kd f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; esa cM+s 32
iSekus ij IykfLVd çfrcU/k dk;ZØe] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol ,oa fpUru fnol euk;s x;sA gfj;k.kk jkT; us xkbM foHkkx esa 1019 f'kfoj rFkk LdkmV foHkkx esa 1080 f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s ftuesa 51515 cqycqYl] xkbM~l] jsatlZ ,oa 78690 dc~l] LdkmV~l] jksolZ ,oa bdkbZ usrkvksa us Hkkx fy;kA 1222 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us jkT; iqjLdkj rFkk 439 dc~l ,oa cqycqYl us Lo.kZ rhj iqjLdkj çkIr fd;sA fofHkUu ftyksa esa 18 LVS.MMZ tftax dSEi vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jDrnku] lQkbZ vfHk;ku] ftyk jSyh] LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku] lekt lsok] fu%'kqYd ty lsok ,oa o`{kkjksi.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA fgekpy çns'k LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA xkbM~l gsrq jk"Vªªifr iqjLdkj rS;kjh f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq mPp çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 36 LdkmV ekLVj ,oa 29 xkbM dSIVu us çfrHkkx fd;kA 164 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lkFk jkT; Lrjh; ;ksx fnol vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV~l xkbM~l us jkT; dh jkt/kkuh f'keyk esa LorU=rk fnol ,oa x.krU= fnol lekjksg ijsM esa Hkkx fy;kA fo'o LokLF; fnol] fo'o LdkmV LdkQZ fnol] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol vkfn euk;s x;sA >kj[k.M LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku ds vUrxZr jkT; Lrjh; VSªfdax lg çd`fr v/;;u f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA lQkbZ ds ckjs esa tkx:drk mRiUu djus gsrq lHkh ftyksa }kjk LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku ds vUrxZr cktkjkas ,oa lkoZtfud LFkkuksa dks xksn fy;k x;kA x.krU= fnol] fpUru fnol ,oa LorU=rk fnol ds lkFk&lkFk fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o LokLF; fnol] rEckdw fu"ks/k fnol euk;s x;sA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us fu/kkZfjr fnuksa esa vius LFkkuh; {ks=ksa eas iYl iksfy;ks Vhdkdj.k dk;ZØe eas Hkkx fy;kA jkT; ou foHkkx ds lg;ksx ls fo'o ou fnol euk;k x;k ,oa o`{kkjksi.k fd;k x;kA 33
tEew ,oa d'ehj egkefge jkT;iky tEew ,oa d'ehj Jh lR;iky efyd dks jkT; laLFkk dk laj{kd cuk;k x;kA jkT; iqjLdkj jSyh jktHkou tEew esa vk;ksftr gqbZ 329 jkT; iqjLdkj vokMhZt us ekuuh; jkT;iky egksn; ls çek.k i= çkIr fd;sA o"kZ ds vUrxZr LdkmfVax xkbfMax esa vkSj vf/kd Ldwyksa dk ukekadu djus gsrq fo'ks"k vfHk;ku dk 'kqHkkjEHk fd;k x;kA jkT; us o"kZ esa o;Ld usrkvksa ds fy, dbZ çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;sA mÙkj {ks=h; ;qok eap dh estckuh dhA jkT; eq[;ky; dks cqfu;knh <k¡ps ds fodkl gsrq Jh ch-,leku dh ,e-ih- ykvks fuf/k ls vuqnku çkIr gqvkA dsjy fofHkUu dsUnzksa ij jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us nf{ Nksj ¼uS;fradkjk½ ls jk"Vªh; jktekxZ ij mÙkjh Nksj ¼dkljxksM½ rd Dyc Mh2,l ,oa gSYyk ySEil dh Hkkxhnkjh ls lM+d lqj{kk tkx:drk i[kokM+s esa Hkkx fy;kA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us vxLr 2018 dh ck<+ ds nkSjku jkgr ,oa cpko dk;Z esa Hkkx fy;k ,oa ck<+ çHkkfor ftyksa esa dqvksa dh lQkbZ ,oa ihus ;ksX; ikuh ds lk/kuksa dh lQkbZ ds lsok dk;Z dks fujUrj tkjh j[kkA lEiw.kZ jkT; esa dSEiwjh ,oa f'kfojksa ds fy, j[ks gq, dks"k dks jkgr dk;Z gsrq ns fn;k x;kA jkT; ds v/;{k ,oa ekuuh; f'k{kk ea=h us O;fDrxr :i ls lsok dk;ksZa dh fuxjkuh dhA dukZVd LdkmV~l gsrq 8 ,oa xkbM~l gsrq 7] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq 1&1 jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 117 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l çfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk xzh"edkyhu dyk ,oa lk¡Ld`frd o dk;Z'kkyk] dc~l@cqycqYl gsrq 7 cSt dk;Z'kkyk;sa] jksolZ@jsatlZ gsrq 4 eaMy Lrjh; vkink çcU/ku rS;kjh çf'k{k.k] 4 eaMy Lrjh; çd`fr v/;;u dk;ZØe] jksolZ jsatlZ gsrq 2 rVh; VSªfdax dk;ZØe] jastlZ gsrq 3 fo'ks"k mUueq[khdj.k dk;ZØe] ekufp=.k lg LVkj xsftax dk;ZØe] gse dkslZ] jksolZ gsrq ik;fu;fjax dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jkT; Lrjh; lkefjd ;kstuk dk;Z'kkyk] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] LorU=rk fnol] x.krU= fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] fo'o 'kkafr fnol ,oa efgyk fnol euk;s x;sA jksofjax Vw lDlsl 34
,oa Hkxon~xhrk ij fo'ks"k vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;sA dsUnzh; fo|ky; laxBu 3850 LdkmV~l ,oa 2880 xkbM~l dks jkT; iqjLdkj gsrq pquk x;k ,oa 463 LdkmV~l ,oa 401 xkbM~l bdkbZ;ksa us ç/kkuea=h 'khYM esa iathdj.k dj lkeqnkf;d fodkl dk;ksZa esa Hkkx fy;kA 946 dc~l ,oa 677 cqycqYl Lo.kZ rhj gsrq pqus x;sA 80 dc] 64 LdkmV] 24 ¶ykWd ,oa 31 xkbM bdkbZ usrk çf'kf{kr fd;s x;sA lHkh vuqHkkxksa esa fgeky; oqM cSt f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA dsUnzh; fo|ky; ds lHkh {ks=ksa esa bdkbZ usrkvksa ds fy;s mPp çf'k{k.k vk;ksftr fd;sA lHkh bdkbZ;ksa }kjk /ot fnol] fpUru fnol] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] i`Foh fnol euk;s x;sA e/; çns'k LdkmV foHkkx esa 11 csfld dc ekLVj] 19 csfld LdkmV ekLVj] 2 csfld jksoj yhMj] 2 ,Mokal dc ekLVj] 2 ,Mokal LdkmV ekLVj ,oa 2 ,Mokal jksoj yhMj çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftuesa 855 çfrHkkxh çf'kf{kr fd;s x;sA 3 fo'ks"k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA xkbM foHkkx esa 11 csfld ¶ykWd yhMj] 16 csfld xkbM dSIVu] 2 csfld jsatj yhMj] 2 ,Mokal xkbM dSIVu] 1 ,Mokal ¶ykWd yhMj ,oa 1 ,Mokal jsatj yhMj çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftuesa 613 çfrHkkxh çf'kf{kr fd;s x;sA ftyk ,oa lEHkkxh; Lrj ij :fp dsUnzksa] is;ty lsok] LoPNrk vfHk;ku] o`{kkjksi.k] Vksyh çf'k{k.k f'kfojksa] vkink çcU/ku çf'k{k.k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LFkkiuk fnol vkfn vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA egkjk"Vªª LdkmV gsrq 14 jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj] xkbM gsrq 13 jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jkT; iqjLdkj gsrq 2001 LdkmV~l ,oa 1744 xkbM~l pqus x;sA 22 ftyksa ussa ftyk jSfy;k¡ vk;ksftr dhA 24 ftyksa esa dc cqycqy mRlo vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA fofHkUu ftyksa }kjk ekulwu gkbZd vk;ksftr dh xbZA lHkh ftyksa esa LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; jSyh ^^vorkj esgsjckck VªLV^^ vjuxkao ftyk vgenuxj esa vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 5469 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] 35
jsatlZ ,oa bdkbZ usrkvksa us Hkkx fy;kA fofHkUu ftyksa esa tksVk@tksVh vk;ksftr dh xbZA LdkmV foHkkx gsrq 69 çf'k{k.k f'kfojksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ,oa 1908 bdkbZ usrkvksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA xkbM foHkkx gsrq 62 çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ,oa 1541 bdkbZ usrk çf'kf{kr fd;s x;sA vk; mRiUu djus vkSj Je dh xfjek dh vo/kkj.kk dks çksRlkfgr djus ds fy;s jkT; Hkj esa 10 fnlEcj 2018 ls 10 tuojh 2019 rd [kjh dekbZ R;kSgkj euk;k x;kA lEiw.kZ jkT; esa vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol] LorU=rk fnol] x.krU= fnol] /ot fnol] o`{kkjksi.k ,oa fpUru fnol euk;s x;sA ef.kiqj nks la;qDr ftyk gkbd vk;ksftr dh xbZA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fy;s fofHkUu ftyksa esa xzh"edkyhu tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA fo'o i;kZoj.k] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol] fpUru fnol euk;s x;sA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us jkT; ,oa ftyk eq[;ky;ksa ij LorU=rk fnol ,oa x.krU= fnol ij vk;ksftr ijsM lekjksg esa Hkkx fy;kA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk bLdkWu] bEQky ,oa rekaxykWx uxj esa lekt lsok dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;sA jksolZ us bEQky esa vk;ksftr jkT; Lrjh; foKku çn'kZuh esa lsok dk;Z fd;kA fetksje egkefge jkT;iky fetksje dks 28 Qjojh 2019 dks jkT; laLFkk dk laj{kd cuk;k x;kA jkT; iqjLdkj forj.k lekjksg 3 vçSy 2018 dks jktHkou] vkbZtksy esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj ,oa r`rh; lksiku f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 142 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l mifLFkr FksA jkT; ds 93 dc~l ,oa cqycqYl us Lo.kZ rhj iqjLdkj çkIr fd;sA bdkbZ usrkvksa gsrq 02 csfld f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA es?kky; gk¡x dk¡x ,oa Hkkjr ds chp vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;qok vknku&çnku dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa 22 ;qok ,oa 6 o;Ld usrkvksa us Hkkx fy;kA ftyk Lrjh; dk; cSBd] jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ds fodkl gsrq i;ZVu foHkkx ds lkFk la;qDr cSBd] bdkbZ usrk ,oa jkT; eq[;ky; 36
vf/kdkfj;ksa ds lkFk fopkj&foe'kZ gsrq bdkbZ;ksa dh cSBd fujUrj vk;ksftr dh xbZA xzqi yhMj cSBd] LdkmVlZ xkbMlZ vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe Hkh vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jksolZ@jsatlZ }kjk [ksy cSBd esa lsok dk;Z fd;k x;kA pqukoh lk{kjrk ij dk;Z'kkyk] fnO;kax O;fDr dk vf/kdkj] fo'ks"kkf/kdkj çkIr cPpksa ds fy, ;ksxnku] baVj LdkmV ehV] vksyafid fnol] ^^vUrjkZ"Vªh; ekuoh; dkuwu^^] ij dk;Z'kkyk] vkink rS;kjh çf'k{k.k] yksxksa dks LoPNrk ds ckjs esa tkx:d djus gsrq lkbfdy jSyh] boh,e ,oa ohohih,Vh tkx:drk dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 34 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk LdkmV ekLVlZ ds fy;s ,d csfld dkslZ] 68 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk xkbM dSIVu ds fy, 2 csfld dkslZ] 27 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk ,d LdkmV ekLVlZ mPp çf'k{k.k f'kfoj ,oa 15 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk xkbM dSIVu~l ds fy;s ,d mPp çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA lEiw.kZ jkT; eas rEckdw fu"ks/k fnol] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] LorU=rk fnol] f'k{kd fnol] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LFkkiuk fnol ,oa fpUru fnol euk;s x;sA ukxkyS.M jkT; iqjLdkj LdkmV@xkbM tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 57 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA ukxkyS.M ds eq[;ea=h Jh uhf¶;w fjvks dks 8 ebZ 2018 dks ukxkyS.M jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk laj{kd cuk;k x;kA ukxkyS.M ds ekuuh; jkT;iky Jh ih-chvkpk;Z dks 22 twu 2018 dks ukxkyS.M jkT; dk eq[; laj{kd cuk;k x;kA 7 vxLr 2018 dks jkT; iqjLdkj lekjksg vk;ksftr gqvkA LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l ds fy;s nks csfld f'kfoj vk;ksftr gq, ftuesa 24 LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa 29 xkbM dSIVu~l us Hkkx fy;kA jk"Vªh; lM+d lqj{kk lIrkg esa fdfQjs ,oa oks[kk ftyksa us Hkkx fy;kA ftyk laxBu vk;qDrksa dh çn'kZu leh{kk cSBd vk;ksftr gqbZA 70 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ] ftyk ,oa jkT; vf/kdkfj;ksa us dksfgek esa ,pvkbZoh@,M~l ds fo:) vk;ksftr ^^çFke mÙkj iwoZ eYVhehfM;k vfHk;ku^^ esa Hkkx fy;kA 6 jsatlZ] 2 jksolZ] 2 lhfu;j LdkmV~l] ,d jsatj yhMj lfgr ik¡p jkT; vf/kdkfj;ksa us 27 ekpZ 2019 dks 37
jktHkou dksfgek esa vk;ksftr lk¡Ld`frd vknku çnku dk;ZØe eas Hkkx fy;kA lEiw.kZ jkT; essa fo'o rEckdw fu"ks/k fnol] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] LorU=rk fnol] f'k{kd fnol] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LFkkiuk fnol ,oa fpUru fnol euk;s x;sA uoksn; fo|kky; lfefr jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj LdkmV~l xkbM~l tk¡p f'kfoj rFkk jksoj jsatlZ gsrq fuiq.k tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA dc gsrq prqFkZ pj.k] Lo.kZ rhj iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV ekLVj] xkbM dSIVu ,oa jksoj LdkmV yhMj çR;sd gsrq ,d csfld f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; ds lHkh ftykssa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol] o`{kkjksi.k] ^^csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks^^] ln~Hkkouk fnol ,oa fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA mÙkj jsyos ftyk Lrjh; vf/kdkfj;ksa dh cSBd jkT; eq[;ky; cM+kSnk gkml esa gqbZA ^^LoPN Hkkjr^^ ds vUrxZr fo'ks"k f'kfoj jk;okyk esa ebZ 2018 esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV] xkbM] jksoj ,oa jsatj gsrq jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ^^Qzh chbZax eh^^ gsrq nks dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA 275 lnL;ksa us nsgjknwu esa vk;ksftr ;ksx fnol esa Hkkx fy;k ftlesa Hkkjr ds ç/kkuea=h us Hkkx fy;k FkkA mÙkjdka'kh esa ^^uks IykfLVd^^ vfHk;ku pyk;k x;kA dc] LdkmV] jksoj] ¶ykWd] xkbM rFkk jsatlZ çR;sd gsrq ,d csfld f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV] jksoj yhMlZ] xkbM ,oa jsatj yhMlZ gsrq ,d&,d ,Mokal çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol rFkk LorU=rk fnol dk;ZØe euk;s x;sA ^^ekuo jfgr leikj ØkWflax^^ ij dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA dqHk esyk ds lUnHkZ esa ;ksx ij fo'ks"k dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr gqbZA çeq[k jsyos LVs'kuksa ij çkFkfed lgk;rk dsUnzksa ¼cwFk½ dk lapkyu fd;k x;kA 38
mÙkj e/; jsyos csfld xkbM dSIVu] ,Mokal xkbM dSIVu] csfld jsatj yhMj rFkk csfld jksoj yhMj dkslZ vk;kstu vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftuesa 42 bdkbZ usrkvksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA csfld jksoj yhMj] ,Mokal LdkmV ekLVj dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftueas 54 bdkbZ usrkvksa us çf'k{k.k çkIr fd;kA mÙkj e/; jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us bykgkckn] vkxjk o >k¡lh ftyksa ds vf/kdka'k jsyos LVs'kuksa ij is;ty lsok vfHk;ku vk;ksftr fd;k ftlesa çfrfnu 500 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA fo'o ;ksx fnol ds volj ij mÙkj e/; jsyos ds bykgkckn] vkxjk ,oa >k¡lh ftyksa }kjk ;ksx çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku esa 75 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA 5 twu] 2018 dks fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol ds volj ij o`{kkjksi.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 280 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA f}rh; lksiku rFkk r`rh; lksiku tk¡p f'kfojksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA iwoksZÙkj jsyos jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] dVjk esa 8 ls 14 vçSy 2018 rd LdkmV ekLVj csfld rFkk jksoj LdkmV yhMj ,Mokal çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 32 bdkbZ usrkvksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA ;krk;kr tkx:drk jSyh 03 ebZ 2018 dks xksj[kiqj esa vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftleas 500 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; ds fofHkUu ftyksa }kjk jsyos LVs'kuksa ij is; fu%'kqYd ty lsok vk;ksftr dh xbZA bdkbZ usrkvksa gsrq ,d dk;Z'kkyk xksj[kiqj esa 17 ebZ 2018 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 120 lnL;ksa us çfrHkkfxrk dhA jkT; Lrjh; ;qok lEesyu dk vk;kstu 27 ls 31 tqykbZ 2018 rd LdkmV dqVhj xksj[kiqj esa gqvk ftlesa 225 ofj"B LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA ftyk Lrjh; laxks"Bh ,oa çf'k{kd cSBd ftyk çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ,s'kckx y[kuÅ esa fnuk¡d 23 ls 25 flrEcj 2018 rd vk;ksftr gqbZ ftlesa jkT; dh lHkh ftyk laLFkkvksa ds vf/kdkfj;ksa rFkk çf'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA ^^LoPNrk gh lsok i[kokM+k^^ dk vk;kstu xksj[kiqj] y[kuÅ] okjk.klh] bTtruxj rFkk xksaMk vkfn esa fd;k x;k ftlessa 385 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa bdkbZ uk;dksa us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] dVjk esa 24 ls 28 ekpZ 2018 rd LoPN Hkkjr lqUnj Hkkjr dk;Z'kkyk 39
vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 130 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us çfrHkkx fd;kA jkT; ds lEiw.kZ ftyksa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol] o`{kkjksi.k] ^^csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks^^] ln~Hkkouk fnol ,oa fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA mÙkj if'pe jsyos chdkusj eaMy esa 12 ls 16 ebZ 2018 rd çFke o r`rh; lksiku f'kfojksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa LdkmV~l o xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA r`rh; lksiku jkT; iqjLdkj rFkk fuiq.k tk¡p f'kfojksa dk vk;kstu 23 ls 27 ebZ 2018 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] cknhdqbZ ij fd;k x;k ftlesa 4 eaMy ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA gLrdyk O;olkf;d çf'k{k.k f'kfoj jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ckanhdqbZ ij 25 ls 29 flrEcj 2018 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 4 eaMy ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jkeyhyk o n'kgjk esys esa lsok f'kfoj 19 vDVwcj] 2018 dks vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 27 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA ftyk jSyh 27 ls 31 fnlEcj 2018 rd chdkusj esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] fo'o efgyk fnol] LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] o`{kkjksi.k] xk¡/kh t;arh] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol ,oa fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA iwoksZÙkj lhekUr jsyos iwoksZÙkj lhekUr jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk jkT; Lrjh; jksoj LdkmV yhMj ,Mokal dkslZ 01 ls 04 vçSy 2018 rd ,u-ts-ih- ftyk laLFkk esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj ,u-ch-D;w- ftyk laLFkk esa 15 ls 19 ebZ 2018 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] 40
vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol] o`{kkjksi.k] ^^csVh cpkvks csVh i<+kvks^^] ln~Hkkouk fnol ,oa fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA vksfM+'kk jkT; us dc ekLVj] ¶ykWd yhMj] yhMj LdkmV ekLVj ,oa xkbM dSIVu gsrq 07 csfld çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s ftlesa dqy 188 yksxksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA LdkmV ekLVj ,oa xkbM dSIVu gsrq 07 ,Mokal çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 155 yksxksa yksxksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA 03 fgeky; oqM cSt çf'k{k.k f'kfoj LdkmV ekLVj] xkbM dSIVu ,oa jksoj LdkmV yhMj gsrq vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 67 yksxksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA fpUru fnol ,oa LFkkiuk fnol euk;s x;sA Qzh chbZax eh] lQZ LekVZ] 'kkfUrnrw] fgalk fu"ks/k tSlh ,Moksdslh ifj;kstuk vk;ksftr dh xbZA dc cqycqy mRlo] jk"Vª h ; ,drk f'kfoj] jks o j lekxe] jk"Vª h ; vkfnoklh@xzkeh.k jksolZ@jsatlZ dkfuZoy cM+h /kwe/kke ls lekjksg iwoZd euk;k x;kA jksolZ o jsatlZ gsrq dkS'ky fodkl çf'k{k.k vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA vkbZVhchih rFkk ch-,l-,Q- dh enn ls jk"Vªh; vkink çcU/ku rS;kjh f'kfojksa ,oa lkgfld xfrfof/k;ksa dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA jkT; iqjLdkj jSyh vk;ksftr dh xbZA 33 ftyksa us ftyk jSfy;k¡ vk;ksftr dhA ftyk Lrj ij iquZewY;kadu f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA O;kid o`{kkjksi.k fd;k x;kA lk{kjrk] iYl iksfy;ks] eysfj;k rFkk LoPN is;ty ds lEcU/k esa tkx:rk vfHk;ku pyk;k x;kA lEiw.kZ jkT; esa esyk rFkk LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku ds vUrxZr xzh"e dkyhu lsok f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;s rFkk xzh"e lsok ¼ty N=½ fujUrj 4 ekg rd dh xbZA iqnqpsjh iSVªksy yhMj çf'k{k.k f'kfoj 03 pj.kkas esa vk;ksftr fd;s ftlesa 430 Vksyh uk;dksa dks usr`Ro çf'k{k.k fn;k x;kA ;qokvksa esa cpr çksRlkgu gsrq çkFkfed lgk;rk ,EcqySal çf'k{k.k vk;ksftr fd;k x;k rhu pj.kksa ds çf'k{k.k ls 270 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ykHkkfUor gq,A LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds ,d ,d ny us jkT; ç'kklu 41
}kjk vk;ksftr x.krU= fnol o LorU=rk fnol ijsM esa Hkkx fy;k ,oa ekuuh; eq[;ea=h th rFkk egkefge jkT;iky iqnqpsjh ls loZJs"B ijsM dk iqjLdkj çkIr fd;kA lEiw.kZ jkT; esa fpUru fnol euk;k x;kA iatkc i;kZoj.k tkx:drk gsrq ftyk jSfy;k¡ vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 1805 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa eas Hkkx fy;kA ftyk ,oa e.My Lrj ij f}rh; rFkk r`rh; lksiku tk¡p f'kfoj lEiw.kZ iatkc esa vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftlesa 15000 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us çfrHkkfxrk dhA jkT; eq[;ky; }kjk jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj gkbfdax] VªSfdax dSEi@fuiq.k tk¡p f'kfoj@iwoZ jk"Vªªifr f'kfoj] ;ksx f'kfoj] lsok f'kfoj O;fDrRo fodkl dk;ZØe] çd`fr v/;;u ,oa i;kZoj.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftuesa 2997 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA o;Ld usrkvksa gsrq 04 csfld çf'k{k.k LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ¼nksuksa foHkkxksa½ gsrq vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftuesa 168 çfrHkkxh lfEefyr gq,A 02 ,Mokal dkslZ LdkmV ,oa xkbM ¼nksuksa foHkkxksa½ gsrq vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftuesa 55 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA jktLFkku 40 ;qok mRlo] vkfnoklh LdkmV ,oa xkbM bdkbZ;ks gsrq fo'ks"k dk;ZØe] vlkekU; cPpksa ,oa vukFkky; ds cPpksa gsrq dk;ZØe fo'ks"k ç;kl FksA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk jk"Vªh; xzhu dksj dh 8350 bdkbZ;ksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA lEiw.kZ jkT; esa çeq[k R;kSgkjksa o esyk ij fofHkUu lekt lsok;sa vk;ksftr dh xbZA jkT; lkgfld dsUnz esa 21 dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s ftlesa 942 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA Ckfydkvkssa dh vkRe lqj{kk gsrq çf'k{k.k rFkk tutkfr tEcwjSV] xkbM Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jkT; Lrjh; dc cqycqy mRlo vkfn vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 285 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ ds lkFk jkT; iqjLdkj vokMZ vk;ksftr gqvkA dksVk eas vk;ksftr jkT; ifj"kn~ esa jkT; us Mªx] lM+d lqj{kk] ty laj{k.k] LoPNrk vfHk;ku ,oa o`)kJe dh leL;kvksa ls fuiVus dk fu.kZ; fy;kA
flfDde jkT; iqjLdkj vokMZ lekjksg jktHkou xSaxVksd esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA egkefge jkT;iky flfDde Jh Jhfuokl ikfVy us iqjLdkj çnku fd;sA f}rh; jkT; iqjLdkj ekpZ 2019 esa vk;ksftr gqvkA egkefge jkT;iky egksn; dks jkT; laLFkk dk laj{kd Hkh cuk;k x;kA bdkbZ;ksa }kjk gkbd vkSj i;kZoj.k v/;;u dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ikS/kkjksi.k dj çnw"k.k eqDr i;kZoj.k cukus gsrq ç;kl fd;s x;sA vle] v:.kkpy ,oa ef.kiqj jkT;ksa ds vfrfFk nyksa dh çfrHkkfxrk ds lkFk 09oha jkT; jSyh vk;ksftr dh xbZA bdkbZ usrkvksa gsrq csfld ,oa ,Mokal dkslZ tuojh 2019 esa vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jkT; ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l ,oa jsatlZ us LoPN Hkkjr xfrfof/k;ksa dks çksRlkgu nsus gsrq xfrfof/k;ksa esa Hkkx fy;kA x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o rEckdw fu"ks/k fnol ,oa fpUru fnol euk;s x;sA nf{k.k jsyos jk"Vªªifr ,oa jkT; iqjLdkj ¼vokMZ½ tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA vkRe lqj{kk o caSM midj.k ij çf'k{k.k vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ;qok jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dh cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA Hkkoh fgeky; oqM gksYMlZ dkslZ gsrq LVMh ldZy vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM foHkkx gsrq lgk;d yhMj Vsªuj f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA prqFkZ pj.k@ghjd ia[k çf'k{k.k f'kfoj ,oa vkiknk çcU/ku rS;kjh çf'k{k.k dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA 14oha jsyos Ldwy LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l (RASSAG) dSEiwjh rFkk 12oha jsyos Ldwy dc~l ,oa cqycqYl (RASCAB) mRlo jsyos LiksZV LVsfM;e esa vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ gsrq iqu'p;kZ ikB~;Øe ,oa ftyk laxBu vk;qDrksa ftyk çf'k{k.k vk;qDrksa rFkk lgk;d lfpokas dh cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA 48oha jkT; jSyh ,oa 21oha dSEiwjh] dc cqycqy mRlo dk vk;kstu LiksZV LVsfM;e] isjkEcqj esa 27 ls 30 tuojh 2019 rd gqvkA LoPNrk tkx:drk vfHk;ku 02 vDVwcj 2018 dks pSUubZ bxeksj jsyos LVs'ku ij vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA nf{k.k iwoZ jsyos LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj rFkk jksolZ@jsatlZ gsrq fuiq.k tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 43
dc ekLVj] LdkmV ekLVj rFkk xkbM dSIVu gsrq ,d ,d csfld f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ;qokvksa gsrq nks O;olkf;d çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jksoj 'krkCnh lekjksg lqUnj ou esa vk;ksftr gqvkA jkT; Lrjh; jksoj jsatj ewV] lkgfld dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA lQkbZ] i;kZoj.k] lkaçnkf;d lkSgknZ tkx:drk dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA xfrfof/k;ksa dh ;kstuk ,oa ewY;kadu gsrq jkT; ,oa ftyk Lrjh; inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh 2 cSBdsa vk;ksftr gqbZA fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] ;ksx fnol Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LFkkiuk fnol vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA nf{k.k iwoZ e/; jsyos LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj rFkk jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq fuiq.k tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA dc~l gsrq prqFkZ pj.k xksYMu ,Sjks vokMZ tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV ekLVj] xkbM dSIVu] jksoj LdkmV yhMj gsrq ,d ,d csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV ekLVj rFkk xkbM dSIVu ds fy, ,Mokal dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA is;ty vkiwfrZ lsok dk;ZØe rFkk o`{kkjksi.k dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] ;ksx fnol Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LFkkiuk fnol vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA nf{k.k if'pe jsyos LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vkSj jksolZ jsatlZ&gsrq fuiq.k tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq Vksyh uk;d f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA dc ds fy, prqFkZ pj.k Lo.kZ rhj iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV ekLVj] xkbM dSIVu o jksoj LdkmV yhMlZ gsrq ,d ,d csfld dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] ;ksx fnol ,oa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LFkkiuk fnol vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA 44
rfeyukMq jkT; iqjLdkj jSyh 2018 dk vk;kstu jkT; Hkou ds eq[; ykWu esa 14 twu 2018 dks fd;k x;kA egkefge jkT;iky rfeyukMq us 34]400 LdkmV~l xkbM~l dks 2016 o 2017 ds fy, jkT; iqjLdkj çnku fd;sA jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz LVSuys ikdZ dquwj esa 02 ls 08 ebZ 2018 rd fgeky; oqM cSt çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 64 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] LVSuys ikdZ dquwj ij 27 ls 30 twu 2018 rd jkT; Lrjh; jksoj jsatlZ cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 152 jksoj] 45 jsatlZ rFkk 20 o;Ld usrkvksa us Hkkx fy;kA fFk;kxh th- ukjk;.klkeh ,eih,y gk;j lSdsUMjh Ldwy esa 13 ls 15 tqykbZ 2018 rd ekbZynqnSjbZ ftys us Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k ftlesa 552 LdkmV~l 159 xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA bykdqeh vykbey gk;j lSdsUMjh Ldwy esa 08 ls 14 uoEcj 2018 rd csfld çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr gqvk ftlesa 22 LdkmV ekLVlZ vkSj 147 xkbM dSIVu~l us çfrHkkfxrk dhA jkT; ds leLr ftyksa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] fo'o 'kkafr fnol ,oa fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA f=iqjk 80 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj p;u f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA LdkmV ekLVlZ ,oa xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq ,Mokal dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftuesa 40 o;Ld usrkvksa dks çf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA okf"kZd LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ çf'k{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 180 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA jFk ;k=k] esyk?kj] jFk;k=k lsok f'kfoj] prqnZ'k nsorkckjh ijaijkxr R;kSgkj ij ,d lIrkg pyus okys djNh iwtk ij lekt lsok f'kfoj vkfn ij lsok çnku dh xbZA lhfu;j LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq vkink çcU/ku çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe vfXu 'keu lsok rFkk iqfyl foHkkx ds lg;ksx ls vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA ftjkfu;k¡ esa nqxkZ iwtk lekt lsok f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA nhikoyh ij f=iqjs'ojh efUnj esa lekt lsok f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 45
lEiw.kZ jkT; esa vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol] LorU=rk fnol] x.krU= fnol] /ot fnol ,oa fpUru fnol euk;s x;sA rsyaxkuk 05 Vksyh uk;d çf'k{k.k f'kfoj] 02 r`rh; lksiku tk¡p f'kfoj] 01 jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq rFkk jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq fuiq.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l çfrHkk [kkst] ekpZ ikLV rFkk dyj ikVhZ çf'k{k.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LdkmV ekLVlZ gsrq 06 csfld dkslZ] xkbM dSIVu~l gsrq 09 csfld dkslZ ,d&,d csfld dkslZ ¶ykWd yhMlZ] jksoj yhMlZ ,oa jsatlZ yhMlZ gsrq vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA bdkbZ usrkvksa gsrq 06 çf'k{k.k dk;Z'kkyk;sa rFkk LdkmV ekLVj gsrq ,d fgeky; oqM cSt dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA LorU=rk fnol] ;ksx fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] x.krU= fnol] fpUru fnol euk;s x;sA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us ernkrk fnol] LoPN Hkkjr] esVªks jsy lqj{kk gsrq fofHkUu tkx:drk dk;ZØeksa esa Hkkx fy;kA mÙkj çns'k ç/kkuea=h 'khYM vkSj mijk"Vªªifr dk;Z'kkyk 10 ls 12 ebZ 2018 dh vof/k esa jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] bykgkckn esa lEiUu gqbZ ftlesa 31 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA çd`fr v/;;u VªSfdax dk;ZØe 4 ls 8 twu 2018 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] 'khryk[ksr esa vk;ksftr gqvk ftlesa 455 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us lfØ;rk iwoZd Hkkx fy;kA fuiq.k jksoj ,oa jsatj tk¡p f'kfoj 4 ls 8 twu 2018 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] 'khryk[ksr vYeksM+k esa vk;ksftr gqvk ftlesa 46 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA xk¡B fo|k lg vuqeku f'kfoj 9 ls 11 twu 2018 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] 'khryk[ksr] vYeksM+k essa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 296 LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; iqjLdkj jksoj jsatj tk¡p f'kfoj 12 ls 16 twu 2018 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] 'khryk[ksr vYeksM+k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 82 jksoj ,oa jsatj us Hkkx fy;kA O;olkf;d çf'k{k.k ,oa gLrdyk f'kfoj] jkT; Lrjh; lk¡Ld`frd vknku çnku dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jkT; Lrjh; jksoj jsatj lekxe ckxir esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA lEiw.kZ jkT; esa LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o 46
rEckdw fu"ks/k fnol] fpUru fnol rFkk ernkrk fnol euk;ss x;sA mÙkjk[k.M+ jkT; iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj] jksoj@jsatj fuiq.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr gq, ftlesa 915 LdkmV~l ,oa 865 xkbM~l us Hkkx fy;kA mÙkjk[k.M+ ds fofHkUu ftyksa ls 304 LdkmV ekLVlZ 317 xkbM dSIVu~l us csfld] ,Mokal] fgeky; oqM cSt dkslZ ¼dc] cqycqy] LdkmV] xkbM] jksoj ,oa jsatj½ f'kfojksa esa Hkkx fy;kA çkFkfed fpfdRlk çfrfØ;k dk;ZØe 36 çfrHkkfx;ksa ds lkFk lEiUu gqvkA ,l-,-vkbZ- bULVhV;wV nsgjknwu ds 77 jksoj jsatj us 29 ekpZ ls 2 vçSy 2019 rd jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] Hkksikyikuh nsgjknwu esa vk;ksftr f'kfoj dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA jkT; dh LdkmV~l@xkbM~l xfrfof/k;ksa ls lEcfU/kr lwpuk i= o"kZ 2018 ls çdkf'kr fd;k tk jgk gSA jkT; us Hkkjr LdkmV ,oa xkbM dh osclkbM dh Hkh 'kq:vkr dh gSA jkT; dSfEiax dsUnz ij 100 fcLrjksa dk çko/kku fd;k x;k gSA if'pe e/; jsyos jkT; Lrjh; lkefjd ;kstuk dk;Z'kkyk] ftyk Lrjh; çfr;ksfxrk;sa rFkk LVS.MMZ tftax f'kfojksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA jkT; iqjLdkj ,oa iwoZ jk"Vªªifr iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj] LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gsrq çkFkfed lgk;rk ij fo'ks"k dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA lHkh ftyksa esa x.krU= fnol] fpUru fnol] vUrjkZ"Vªh; ;ksx fnol] LorU=rk fnol ,oa ;qok fnol vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us jsy lIrkg ds nkSjku ^^ekuo jfgr leikj ØkWflax^^ lqj{kk esa viuh lsok;sa nhA if'pe caxky jkT; iqjLdkj forj.k lekjksg jktHkou dksydrk] if'pe caxky esa fnuk¡d 27 tqykbZ 2018 dks vk;ksftr gqvkA Jh dsljh ukFk f=ikBh] ekuuh; jkT;iky if'pe caxky us 147 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jastlZ ,oa 21 ;wfuV yhMlZ dks çek.k i= vkSj cSt çnku fd;sA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l if'pe caxky us jksofjax 'krkCnh o"kZ lekjksg ds miy{; esa ,d eksVj lkbfdy jSyh dk vk;kstu fd;k ftlesa 3 xkbM~l lfgr 12 o;Ld yhMlZ dh ,d Vhe us 7 ekpZ 2019 dks viuh ;k=k 'kq: dhA 47
Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l if'pe caxky us jksofjax dh 'krkCnh eukus gsrq 05 fnu ds jksoj lekxe dk vk;kstu 26 ls 30 fnlEcj 2018 rd inhek ,e-ih-lh-,l- nh?kk ij fd;k ftlesa 203 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa o;Ld usrkvksa us lfØ;rk iwoZd Hkkx fy;kA if'pe jsyos jkT; Lrjh; jkT; iqjLdkj f'kfoj jkT; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ?kksyokM ij 27 ls 31 ebZ 2018 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 77 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA jkT; Lrjh; jk"Vªªifr iqjLdkj tk¡p f'kfoj dk v;kstu 14 ls 18 tqykbZ 2018 rd ftyk LdkmV Msu ij fd;k x;k ftlesa 51 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA LdkmV foHkkx gsrq o;Ld yhMlZ çf'k{k.k f'kfoj fdlku çf'k{k.k dsUnz] flyoklk] nknj uxj gosyh esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 61 çfrHkkfx;ksa us lfØ;rk iwoZd Hkkx fy;kA jkT; Lrjh; jksoj jsatj lsok f'kfoj esa 48 jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA 29 vxLr ls 2 flrEcj 2018 rd lkcjerh vgenkckn esa gLrdyk rFkk O;olkf;d çf'k{k.k dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftleas 51 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa o;Ld yhMlZ us Hkkx fy;kA ik;fu;fjax gsrq jkT; Lrjh; fo'ks"k ikB~;Øe vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 52 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA jDrnku f'kfoj] LoPNrk vfHk;ku] ftyk jSyh] LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku] lekt lsok] fu%'kqYd is;ty lsok rFkk o`{kkjksi.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;sA jkT; ds lHkh ftyksa esa fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol] fo'o ,M~l fnol] i`Foh fnol] ;ksx fnol] fpUru fnol] x.krU= fnol] LorU=rk fnol] LFkkiuk fnol] xk¡/kh t;arh] vUrjkZ"Vªh; 'kkafr fnol ,oa fo'o LdkQZ fnol euk;s x;sA
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
ok kfoHkkx vkiwfvkiw rZ frZlslso foHkkx
jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; dk lsok vkiwfrZ foHkkx ,d ,slh bdkbZ gS tks laLFkk ds lnL;ksa dh x.kos'k rFkk lTtk lkexzh dh vko';drkvksa dh iwfrZ esa lg;ksx gsrq gSA bldk /;s; gS ^^lLrh dher ij xq.koÙkkiw.kZ lsok;sa^^A foHkkx jkT; laLFkkvksa dks ØsfMV ij lkexzh çnku djrs gq, ?kj ij fu%'kqYd vkiwfrZ nsdj lsok;sa nsrk gSA nwj njkt {ks=ksa esa lnL;ksa dks O;fDrxr rFkk bdkbZ;ksa dks çksRlkgu nsus gsrq foHkkx LdkmV 'kkWi bf.M;k ds ek/;e ls vkWu ykbu lsok;sa Hkh çnku djrk gSA vkWu ykbu iksVZy dk 'kqHkkjEHk MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu] ekuuh; v/;{k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk 1 fnlEcj 2018 dks fd;k x;kA foHkkx uxnh jfgr ysu&nsu dks çksRlkfgr dj fcuk fdlh ykxr ds lHkh ØsfMV vkSj MsfcV dkMZ Lohdkj djrk gSA ge ch-,l-th- yksxksa ds lkFk dbZ fMtkbuj mRikn ds lkFk vk;s gSa ,oa geus tkiku] ckaXykns'k esa vk;ksftr tEcwfj;ksa 26oha ,f'k;k ç'kkUr {ks=h; LdkmV lEesyu ds Hkkjrh; ny ,oa Hkkjr esa vk;ksftr fo'ks"khd`r dk;ZØeksa esa vuqdwfyr mRiknksa dh vkiwfrZ dh gSA ge lLrh dher ij LdkmV~l gsrq iwjh rjg ls rS;kj nthZ fufeZr ;wuhQkeZ Hkh miyC/k djkrs gSaA jk"Vªh; eq[;ky; ds vkns'kkuqlkj foHkkx mPp xq.koÙkk okys cgqjax fçaV esa vaxzsth ,oa fgUnh lkfgR;] çek.k i=] VsLV dkMZ vkfn Hkh çdkf'kr djrk gSA lnL;ksa dh iqLrdksa ,oa lkfgR; dh yEcs le; ls yafcr ek¡x dks eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr ,oa mudh Lo;alsoh Vhe ds fnyh leFkZu ds lkFk iwjk fd;k tk ldkA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds çf'k{kdksa us lkfgR; dks v|ru djus rFkk rduhdh fo"k;ksa dh çwQ jhfMax djus gsrq viuh voSrfud lsok;sa çnku dhA ge lHkh jkT; laLFkkvksa dks çekf.kd lkexzh dh vkiwfrZ dks çksRlkgu nsus ,oa gekjs x.kos'k/kkjh lnL;ksa ls ykHk dekus okys futh f[kykfM;ksa dks gVkus gsrq muds leFkZu ds fy, /kU;okn nsrs gSaA vkidh x.kos'k lEcU/kh lHkh vko';drkvksa gsrq ge ij Hkze.k gsrq vkidk Lokxr djrs gSaA gekjk mnns'; vkiwfrZ ls ykHk dekuk ugha gSA ;|fi] ge lLrh dher ij mPp xq.koÙkkiw.kZ lkexzh miyC/k djkds LdkmV xkbM xfrfof/k;ksa dk leFkZu djrs gSaA
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
,d o`fo` ) f) foÙkfoÙk,d •
o"kZ 2018&2019 esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh dqy okf"kZd vk; 1067-05 yk[k :i;s FkhA
o"kZ 2017&18 dk okf"kZd O;; 1237-12 yk[k :i;s Fkk ftlesa 246-94 yk[k :i;s ,y-vkbZ-lh- vkWQ bf.M;k ls xzsT;wVh ikWfylh dh [kjhn Hkh lfEefyr gSA
o"kZ 2018&2019 ds nkSjku gekjh bdkbZ;ksa ,u-,-vkbZ-] ,u-Vh-lh-] ,u-okbZ-lh- }kjk vk;ksftr xfrfof/k;ksa ls 256-82 yk[k :i;s dh çkfIr gqbZA
o"kZ 2018&19 ds nkSjku vk;kstu ,u-Vh-lh-] ,u-,-vkbZ-] ,u-okbZ-lh- esa xfrfof/k;ksa dks vk;kstu djus esa ljdkjh vuqnku ds vykok 139-07 yk[k :i;s ¼osru] ikfjJfed lfgr½ O;; gqvkA
o"kZ 2018&2019 ds nkSjku çkIr dqy vuqnku jkf'k 150-00 yk[k :i;s Fkh tks fd o"kZ 2017&2018 dh vuqnku jkf'k 75-00 yk[k :i;s dh rqyuk esa 100 çfr'kr o`f) iw.kZ FkhA jk"Vªh; ;qok ifjlj us o"kZ 2018&2019 ds nkSjku lkgfld dk;ZØeksa ls 69-82 yk[k :i;s dk jktLo vftZr fd;kA
o"kZ 2018&2019 esa ,p-ih- oYMZ ls 63-75 yk[k :i;s dh dEi;wVj eksckby ySc çFke lh-,l-vkjvuqnku ds :i esa çkIr gqbZA
dkS'ky fodkl ea=ky; ls çFke ckj ç/kkuea=h dkS'ky fodkl ;kstuk ds vUrxZr gesa dkS'ky fodkl dk;ZØe gsrq 75-39 yk[k :i;s dh vuqnku jkf'k çkIr gqbZ] ge is'ksoj lsok çnkrkvksa ds ek/;e ls bl dk;ZØe dks ykxw dj jgs gSaA
fons'kh ;ksxnku ds vUrxZr gesa oksTe ,oa oSXl ls vuqnku çkIr gqvkA 1- vUrjkZ"Vªh; dk;ZØeksa esa Hkkx ysus gsrq ;qokvksa ds fy, lfClMhA 2- oSXl dh Qzh chbZax eh ¼,Q-ch-,e-½] 'kjhfjd vkRe fo'okl ij dk;Zokgh ¼,-ch-lh-½] jk"Vªh; usr`Ro fodkl dk;ZØe ¼,u-,y-Mh-ih-½ vkfn 'kSf{kd dk;ZØe lapkfyr fd;s x;sA 3- oksTe dh eSlastj vkWQ ihl igy ¼,e-vks-ih-½] csgrj fo'o çk:i] lrr fodkl y{; ¼,l-Mhth-½] fo'o LdkmV i;kZoj.k dk;ZØe ¼MCY;w-,l-bZ-ih-½ vkfn ij çf'k{k.k ,oa dk;Z'kkyk;sa vk;ksftr dh xbZA
LdkmV xkbM QSyksf'ki dh ,f'k;k ç'kkUr QkmMs'ku us Hkh xkbM~l yhMlZ ds usr`Ro fodkl dk;ZØe gsrq vuqnku çnku fd;kA
Annual Report for The Year 2018-2019
LdkmV@xkbM x.kuk o`f) o`f) LdkmV@xkbM x.kuk LdkmV foHkkx o"kZ 2017&2018 dh 34]19]055 x.kd lnL;ksa ls c<+dj 2018&2019 esa dqy 35]77]452 x.kuk gqbZ gSA o"kZ eaas dqqy 1]58]397 lnL;ksa dh c<+Ùkksjh gqbZ gS tksfd dqy x.kuk dh 4-63 çfr'kr jgh gSA 19 çns'k ,sls gSa ftudh x.kuk esa xr o"kZ dh vis{kk deh gqbZ gS tksa fpark dk fo"k; gSA xkbM foHkkx o"kZ 2017&2018 dh 21]38]448 x.kd lnL;ksa ls c<+dj 2018&2019 esa dqy 22]45]217 x.kuk gqbZ gSA o"kZ esa dqqy 1]06]769 lnL;ksa dh c<+Ùkksjh gqbZ gS tksfd dqy x.kuk dh 4-99 çfr'kr jgh gSA 14 çns'k ,sls gSa ftudh x.kuk eas xr o"kZ dh vis{kk deh gqbZ gS tksa fpark dk fo"k; gSA dqy feykdj nksuksa foHkkxksa esa 2]65]166 lnL;ksa dh c<+ksÙkjh gqbZ gS tksfd dqy x.kuk dk 4-77 çfr'kr gSA ;g o"kZ 2018&2019 ds jk"Vªh; y{; 10 çfr'kr ds foijhr gSA
'kksdkfHkO;fDr 1- flLVj esjh yqds] yhMj Vªsuj rfeyukMq jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~~l 2- Jh v'kksd dqekj egkik=k] lgk;d funs'kd] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l jk"Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h 3- Jh vVy fcgkjh oktis;h] HkwriwoZ ç/kkuea=h Hkkjr ljdkj 4- Jh egsUnz dqekj vxzoky] HkwriwoZ jkT; lfpo e/; çns'k jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l 5- Jh ts-lh- fj"kh] HkwriwoZ jkT; lfpo tEew d'ehj jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l 6- Jh ,e-ih-,l- efyd] laLFkkid lnL; jketl LdkmV QkmUMs'ku fnYyhA
gekjk lknj vkHkkj 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526-
egkefge jk"Vªªifr] Hkkjr x.kekU; egkefge mi&jk"Vªªifr] Hkkjr x.kekU; ekuuh; ç/kkuea=h] Hkkjr ljdkj xzg ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ;qok ekeys ,oa [ksy ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj fons'k ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj jsy ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj lHkh jkT;ksa ds ekuuh; eq[;ea=h lHkh jkT; ljdkjsa ,oa jkT; laxBu] muds fujUrj lg;ksx ds fy;sA fo'o LdkmV C;wjks] fo'o LdkmV laxBu ¼okSTe½]dqvkykyEiqj] eysf'k;k fo'o xkbM C;wjks] xyZ xkbM ,oa xyZ LdkmV fo'o laxBu ¼oSXl½] yUnu ;w-ds{ks=h; funs'kd] fo'o LdkmV C;wjks] ,f'k;k ç'kkUr {ks= liksZV dsUnz {ks=h; funs'kd] oSXl] ,f'k;k ç'kkUr {ks= laxe] fo'o dsUnz] iw.ks fo'o LdkmV QkmUMs'ku] tsusok lHkh jktnwrkoklksa ds okf.kT; nwrkokl foHkkx çsl] jsfM;ks ,oa nwjn'kZu rFkk bysDVªkWfud ehfM;k iqfyl vk;qDr] ubZ fnYyh Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l QkmUMs'ku ds lnL;x.k ;wFk gkWLVy ,lksfl;s'ku vkWQ bafM;k fo'o iqjd dsUnz usg: ;qok dsUnz laxBu lHkh ijke'kZnkrk ,oa lykgdkj xk¡/kh ihl QkmUMs'ku Vh cksMZ vkWQ bafM;k vkUnksyu ds nkunkrk ,oa 'kqHkfpUrd