BSG Magazine June 2021

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VOL. 64, ISSUE 06, JUNE, 2021






JUNE, 2021


VOL. 64 ISSUE NO. 06 JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India




Shri Kali Prasad Mishra Vice President Smt. Kempi Pakam Vice President Shri Satyanarayan Sharma Vice President Smt. Geetha Nataraj Vice President Shri Ashok Argal Vice President Smt. Vimla Meghwal Vice President Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.) Chief National Commissioner


President's Message



Trainer’s Corner



Personally Speaking



Yaas Cyclone


Ms. Razia Begum NHQ. Commissioner (Public Relation)


Editor’s Desk



No Tobacco Day


Managing Editor


International Event



World Environment Day


Rajesh Agarwal


Quiz No. 261



Activities Reports




National Event



BSG News


R.K. Kaushik Director

Sub Editor D.R.K. Sarma Krishnaswamy .R Darshana Pawaskar THE BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES

Official Monthly Organ of THE BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES National Headquarters, Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16,Mahatama Gandhi Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 Tel.: 0091-11-23370724, 23378667 Fax : 23370126 E-mail : Website :

Price 19.50 per copy

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JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

President’s Message

lans’k The Covid –19 second waves created lots of hardships to the common people all over the country, however, a silver lining in the cloud was the services rendered by the volunteers in service of the people who were distressed due to shortage of oxygen. I am really proud of the services rendered by the scouts and guides across the country to support the community to provide oxygen, our unit leaders found partners to get the required instruments and oxygen cylinders to needy people and delivered them at the door steps.

dksfoM&19 dh nwljh ygj us iwjs ns'k esa vke yksxksa ds fy, cgqr lkjh dfBukb;k¡ iSnk dh] gkykafd Lo;alsodksa tks vkWDlhtu dh deh ds dkj.k O;fFkr Fks nh xbZ mudh lsok;sa cknyksa esa vk'kk dh fdj.k tSlh FkhA eq>s ns'k Hkj esa LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk leqnk; dks vkWDlhtu çnku djus esa dh xbZ enn ,oa mudh lsokvkas ij xoZ gS] gekjs ;wfuV yhMlZ us t:jrean yksxksa ds fy, vko”;d midj.k ,oa vkWDlhtu flysaMj çkIr djds Hkkxhnkjksa ds ek/;e ls mudss njokts rd igq¡pk;kA

nwljh vPNh [kcj tks eq>s çkIr gqbZ] og Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds onhZ/kkjh lnL;ksa }kjk Vhdkdj.k dsUnzksa ij Vhds Another good news that reached me was the ds lqpk: ç'kklu ds fy, nh tkus okyh lsok;sa FkhA services rendered by the uniformed members of fu%'kDrtuksa dks is;ty vkfn miyC/k djkus ds vykok the Bharat Scouts and Guides at the vaccination mUgsa ifjogu vkfn dh lgk;rk çnku dh xbZA

centers for smooth administration of vaccine. Differently abled people were supported for Ldwyksa ds nksckjk [kqyus] cksMZ dh ijh{kk vkfn esa vfuf'prk transportation etc. in addition to providing ds dkj.k ;qok ladV esa gS] dkmalfyax ds fy, gekjs ç;klksa drinking water etc.

dks c<+kus dh vko”;drk gS] çR;sd ;qfuV yhMj ,oa ftyk Lrj ds vf/kdkjh dks viuh bdkbZ vkSj ftys ds ;qokvksa ls lEidZ djus dk ç;kl djuk pkfg, vkSj muls Ldwy fQj ls u [kqyus ,oa vU; “kS{kf.kd eqn~nksa ds dkj.k muds }kjk lkeuk dh tkus okyh leL;kvksa ij ppkZ djuh pkfg,A ftyk la?k ;qokvksa dks vkxs ds “kS{kf.kd ikB~;Øeksa ds p;u ekxZn”kZu djus ds fy, mu LoSfPNd ijke”kZnkrkvksa dks lwphc) dj ldrs gSa( tks dfj;j esa enn djrs gSa tks mUgsa vkSj muds ifjokjksa dks lgk;d gksxhA

The young people are at distress due to uncertainty in the reopening of schools, board examinations etc, our efforts for counselling needs to be increased, every unit leader and district level official should try to contact young people belonging to their unit and district and discuss with them the problems that they face due to non-reopening of schools and other academic issues. Districts may enlist voluntary counsellors to guide the youth in selecting further academic courses, avenues which jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us dfj;j ijke”kZ ij ,d osfcukj dk help in careers that help them and their families. vk;kstu fd;k] ;g ns”k ds ;qokvksa dks l”kDr cukus ds fy,



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

National headquarters organized a webinar on career counseling, this is one among many other initiatives to empower youth of the country. All states should look into how webinars can help the youth of the country especially the members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides in shaping their career, especially in the field of self employment, making the youth skilled and employable is our duty. In this we need to go a long way. I wish in addition to the regular Scouting/Guiding activities and webinars of service natures, we need to focus on skilling and career development.

dh xbZ dbZ vU; igyksa esa ls ,d gSA lHkh jkT;ksa dks ;g ns[kuk pkfg, dh osfcukj ns”k ds ;qokvksa vkSj fo”ks’kdj Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lnL;ksa dks fo”ks’k :i ls Lojkstxkj ds {ks= esa vius dfj;j dks vkdkj nsus esa enn dj ldrh gSA ;qokvksa dks dq”ky vkSj jkstxkj ijd cukuk gekjk drZO; gSA blesa gesa cgqr vkxs tkus dh vko”;drk gSA eSa pkgrk g¡w fd fu;fer LdkmfVax@xkbfMax xfrfof/k;ksa ,oa lsok çd`fr dh osfcukj ds vfrfjDr gesa dkS”ky vkSj dfj;j fodkl ij /;ku nsus dh vko”;drk gSA

gekjs lnL;ksa }kjk lEiw.kZ ns”k esa fo”o i;kZoj.k fnol The world environment day was celebrated by our euk;k x;k( vkb, ge vius nSfud thou esa ^^udkjus] de members all over the country; let us commit djus ,oa iqu% mi;ksx djus^^ ds ukjs dks viukdj çd`fr ourselves to protect the nature and environment vkSj i;kZoj.k dh j{kk ds fy, Lo;a dks çfrc) djsaA

by adopting the slogan in our daily life ‘Refuse, Reduce and reuse”. “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA With best wishes. DR. ANIL KUMAR JAIN NATIONAL PRESIDENT THE BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES


MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu jk"Vªh; v/;{k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l


JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

Personally Speaking

viuh ckr This season keeps everyone busy with the tree plantation as the monsoons have been active in many parts of the country. Scouts and Guides, Rovers and Rangers including the Cubs and bulbuls can share in the efforts to a clean environment. On the other side, this is the month of depressions, cyclones and floods in some other parts of the country. Youth should make their best efforts to extend the best possible services in the affected areas. I am happy that our scouts and guides, rovers and rangers have extended timely help to the people, affected by the cyclone `Yaash` in Odisha, West Bengal and other coastal states. Whatever might be the nature of service, self-protection should be given paramount importance.

;g ekSle lHkh dks o`{kkjksi.k esa O;Lr j[krk gS] D;ksafd ns”k ds dbZ Hkkxksa esa ekulwu lfØ; gSA dc] cqycqy] LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ LoPN i;kZoj.k ds ç;klksa esa lg;ksx dj ldrs gSaA nwljh vksj] ns”k ds dqN vU; fgLlksa esa ;g ijs”kkuh pØokr vkSj ck<+ dk eghuk gSA çHkkfor {ks=ksa esa gj lEHko ,oa loksZÙke lsok,a çnku djus gsrq ;qokvksa dks vius loZJs’B ç;kl djus pkfg,A eq>s çlUurk gS fd gekjs LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us vksfM”kk] if”pe caxky ,oa vU; rVh; jkT;ksa esa pØokr ^;kl^ ls çHkkfor yksxksa dh le; ij enn dhA lsok dk Lo:i dqN Hkh gks vkRej{kk dks loksZifj egRo nsuk pkfg,A ;ksx gekjh ikjaifjd xfrfof/k;ksa esa ls ,d gS] tks gesa LoLFk j[krk gSA egkekjh dh bl vof/k ds nkSjku ^?kj ij ;ksx vkSj ifjokj ds lkFk ;ksx^ fo’k; dk ikyu djuk pkfg,A jk’Vªh; eq[;ky;] laxBu ds lnL;ksa dks LoLFk vkSj jksxçfrjks/kd cuk, j[kus ds fy, vkHkklh ;ksx d{kkvksa dk vk;kstu djrk jgk gSA

Yoga is one of our traditional activity which keeps us healthy. `Yoga at home and Yoga with family` is the theme to be followed during this period of Pandemic. National Headquarters has been organizing Yoga classes virtually to keep the members of the organization healthy and immune. cky Je lkekftd cqjkb;ksa esa ls ,d gS vkSj gesa ^cky Je Child Labour is one of the social evils and we have to do our best to `Act now: End Child Labour`. Scouts and Guides have increasingly become involved in many activities which reach out to children in or at risk of Child labour, through `Ticket to Life` which is a flagship project of Asia-Pacific Region of the WOSM. In connection with the World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June, let us pledge to take action to help end child labour and make sure every child has the opportunity to attend


dks lekir djus ds fy,^ viuk loZJs’B ç;kl djuk gksxkA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ^fVdV Vw ykbQ^ tks fd fo”o LdkmV laxBu ds ,f”k;k ç”kkar {ks= dh ,d çeq[k ifj;kstuk gS] dh fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa ds ek/;e ls cky Je ;k tksf[ke xzLr cPpksa rd igq¡prs gSaA vkb,] ge 12 twu ^fo”o cky Je fojks/kh fnol^ ds miy{; esa cky Je dks lekIr djus ds fy, dk;Zokgh djus dk ladYi ysa vkSj lqfuf”pr djsa fd çR;sd cPpsa dks Ldwy tkus ,oa vkSipkfjd rFkk vukSipkfjd f”k{kk çkIr djus dk volj feysaA vkb, ge lc feydj vius cPpksa ,oa vkus okyh


JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

school and receive formal and non-formal education. Let us all work together to say “NO to child labour, YES to quality education” to create a better world for our children and the generations to come. I call upon the Rovers and Rangers units to prepare action plans to end this social evil in our country.

ihf<+;ksa gsrq ^^cky Je dks uk] ,oa xq.koÙkkiw.kZ f”k{kk ds fy, gk¡^^ dgsaA eSa jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ bdkb;ksa ls gekjs ns”k esa bl lkekftd cqjkbZ dks lekIr djus ds fy, dk;Z ;kstuk rS;kj djus dk vkOàku djrk gw¡A Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; dh ;qok lfefr us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lkFk dke djus ds vfrfjDr ;qokvksa dks vius dfj;j ds ckjs esa tkx:d djus ds fy, ,d dk;ZØe cuk;kA 4 twu] 2021 dks dfj;j dkmalfyax ij ,d opZqvy osfcukj dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k] ftlesa MkW- fodkl fnO; d`fr ¼çcU/k funs”kd] n`f’V vkbZ,,l dksfpax½ tSls çfrf’Br oDrkvksa dks ;qokvksa ds ykHk gsrq ekxZn”kZu nsus ds fy, vkeaf=r fd;k x;kA eq>s çlUurk gS fd osfcukj esa 1700 ls vf/kd çfrHkkxh lfEefyr gq,A

The National Youth Committee of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters had made out an event to keep the youth aware of their career in life besides working with the BSG. A virtual webinar was organised on career counselling on 4th June, 21 inviting reputed resource speakers like Dr. Vikas Divya Kriti, Managing Director of Drishti, IAS coaching to deliver inputs for the benefit of the youth. I am glad to find more vkus okys fnuksa esa Hkkjr ljdkj ;qokvksa dks oSDlhu ysus dh than 1700 participants joined the webinar.

vuqefr çnku djsxhA eSa pkgrk gw¡ fd ;qok oSDlhu ysa vkSj

In the days to come, Government of India will be ljdkj ds çksVksdkWy dk ikyu djrs gq, lqjf{kr jgsaA allowing the youth to take vaccines. I wish the youth to take the vaccine and get protected lkekU; thou esa O;o/kku ds ckotwn] gekjs jkT; la?k dbZ vkHkklh dk;ZØeksa dh ;kstuk ,oa vk;kstu djds ;qokvksa following the Govt. of India protocols.

dks lfØ; j[kus ds fy, vPNk dke dj jgs gSaA eSa pkgrk

In spite of the disturbance to the normal life, our gw¡ fd gesa dqN vkSj vof/k ds fy, ,sls vkHkklh dk;ZØeksa state associations are doing well to keep the youth dh ;kstuk cukuh pkfg,A active by planning and organising a number of virtual programmes. I wish we have to plan such ?kj esa jgsa] lqjf{kr jgsaA virtual programmes for some more period.

LdkmV xkbM “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA

Stay home- Stay safe. With Scout/Guide Greetings. DR. K.K. KHANDELWAL, IAS (RETD.) CHIEF NATIONAL COMMISSIONER


MkW- ds-ds-[k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼ls-fu-½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr


JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

From Editor's Desk

lEiknd dh dye ls At present the cases of Covid19 are on the decreasing side there is some relief for everyone and that does not mean that we are free from virus threat. We are hearing that third wave is ahead. Everyone should take the vaccine as per Government of India protocol and get protected from Corona. Unless we work for a clean environment, we cannot put an end to the hazardous life. Our scouts and guides observed World Environment Day to work fo r ` E c o s y s t e m R e s t o ra t i o n ` . N a t i o n a l Headquarters conducted National Level Art Competition for all sections virtually and the response was encouraging. The Bharat Scouts and Guides has been working towards Sustainable Development Goals through the State Associations. I am very happy to hear good efforts taken by the states in this direction. In this connection, National Headquarters has organised a series of webinars on SDGs `I am a global citizen` from 7th to 13th June, 2021. More than 3000 Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers registered for the webinars from all over the nation. As part of development of youth, BSG and UNICEF have been working closely to take the movement to a next level. As a further step, we have launched ‘BSG-UNICEF Partnership Launch’ officially on 15th June. The launch is full of results of celebration, Change makers and exciting upcoming actions in future.


orZeku esa dksfoM&19 ds ekeys de gksrs tk jgs gSa] lHkh ds fy, dqN jkgr gS ysfdu bldk eryc ;g ugha fd ge ok;jl ds [krjs ls eqDr gSaA ge lqu jgs gSa fd vkxs rhljh ygj gSA lHkh dks Hkkjr ljdkj ds çksVksdkWy ds vuqlkj oSDlhu ysuh pkfg, vkSj dksjksuk ls cpko djuk pkfg,A tc rd ge LoPN i;kZoj.k ds fy, dk;Z ugha djrs] ge vlarqfyr thou dk var ugha dj ldrsA gekjs LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us ^ikfjfLFkfrdh ra= dh cgkyh^ gsrq dk;Z djus ds fy, fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol euk;kA jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us lHkh oxksZa ds fy, jk’Vªh; Lrj dh vkHkklh dyk çfr;ksfxrk vk;ksftr dh ftldh çfrfØ;k mRlkgtud jghA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l jkT; la?kksa ds ek/;e ls lrr fodkl y{;ksa dh fn'kk esa dk;Z dj jgk gSA bl fn”kk esa jkT;ksa }kjk fd, x, vPNs ç;klksa dks lqudj eq>s vR;ar çlUurk gks jgh gSA bl lEcU/k esa jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us 7 ls 13 tu] 2021 rd lrr fodkl y{; vk/kkfjr ^eSa ,d oSf”od ukxfjd gw¡^ fo’k; ij osfcukj dh ,d J`a[yk dk vk;kstu fd;kA iwjs ns”k ls 3000 ls Hkh vf/kd LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ vkSj jastlZ us osfcukj ds fy, viuk iathdj.k djk;kA ;qokvksa ds fodkl esa Hkkxhnkjh ds :i esa vkUnksyu dks vxys Lrj ij ys tkus ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l vkSj ;wfulsQ feydj dk;Z dj jgs gSaA ,d vksj dne ds :i esa geus 15 twu] dks vkf/kdkfjd :i ls ^^Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l vkSj ;wfulsQ^^ lk>snkjh “kqHkkjEHk^ dhA ;g “kqHkkjEHk Hkkoh ifj.kkeksa] cnyko ykus okys yksxksa vkSj vkxkeh jksekapd dk;Zokfg;ksa ds mRlo ls ifjiw.kZ gSA


JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

A good number of programmes are conducted by many state associations through webinars and the response from the youth as well as from adult leaders is very good. Such programmes are necessary to keep entertaining everyone in the family as both young and old have been locked at homes most of the time due to the situation of the Pandemic. In view of this situation, NHQ is sending live BSG news in Hindi and English in You tube on every Sunday at 8.00 p.m. & 8.30 p.m. Virtual Talent Show was organised on 29th May where large number of youth participated. Every Sunday, All Faiths Prayer is conducted at 9a.m. in BSG you tube. Sankalp 2.0 was launched to create a better tomorrow. It is a pack of 17 activities for the scouts, guides, rovers, rangers and unit leaders. The last date for reporting has been extended to 31st August, 2021.

dbZ jkT; la?kksa }kjk osfcukj ds ek/;e ls vPNh la[;k essa dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s x;s ftl ij ;qokvksa ds lkFk&lkFk o;Ld usrkvksa dh çfrfØ;k cgqr vPNh jghA ifjokj esa lHkh ds euksjatu ds fy, bl çdkj ds dk;ZØe vko”;d gS] D;ksafd egkekjh dh fLFkfr ds dkj.k ;qok ,oa o`) nksuksa gh vf/kdrj le; ?kjksa esa cUn jgrs gSaA bl fLFkfr dks ns[krs gq, jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; çR;sd jfookj dks jkf= 8%00 cts ,oa 8%30 cts Øe”k% vaxzsth vkSj fgUnh esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l lekpkjksa dks ;wV;wc ij lh/kk çlkfjr dj jgk gSA 29 ebZ dks vkHkklh çfrHkk “kks dk vk;kstu fd;k ftlesa cM+h la[;k esa ;qokvksa us Hkkx fy;kA çR;sd jfookj dks lqcg 9%00 cts Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ;wV;wc ij loZ/keZ çkFkZuk vk;ksftr dh tkrh gSA csgrj dk;Z fuekZ.k ds fy, ladYi 2-0 dk “kqHkkjEHk fd;k x;kA ;g LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ ds fy, 17 xfrfof/k;ksa dk ,d iSd gS ftldh fjiksfVZax dh vafre frfFk 31 vxLr] 2021 rd c<+k nh xbZ gSA

I am happy to inform the readers that our website has been developed by our IT team at NHQ as advised by our Chief National Commissioner and daily pages will be designed and developed as valuable documentation for future generations.

eq>s ikBdksa dks ;g lwfpr djrs gq, çlUurk gks jgh gSA fd gekjh osclkbV dks gekjs eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr egksn; dh lykg ds vuqlkj jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; dh vkbZ-Vh- Vhe }kjk fodflr fd;k x;k gS ,oa nSfud i`’Bksa dks Hkfo’; dh ihf<+;ksa ds fy, ewY;oku nLrkost ds :i esa It is time that all the State Associations will show fMtkbu vkSj fodflr fd;k tk,xkA considerable improvement in the census taking the ;g le; gS fd lHkh jkT; la?k] mu lHkh jkT; fodkl services of Growth Co-ordinators of all states who leUo;dksa ftUgsa gky gh esa jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; esa çf”kf{kr fd;k have been trained recently at NHQ.

x;k gS] dh lsok,a ysdj x.kuk esa Lrjh; lq/kkj çnf”kZr djsaxsA

Wear mask – Maintain social distance – use ekLd igusa&lkekftd nwjh cuk, j[ksa&lSfuVkbtj dk ç;ksx sanitizer and keep safe at home.

djas vkSj ?kj ij lqjf{kr jgsaA

With Scout/Guide greetings,

LdkmV@xkbM “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA





JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

INTERNATIONAL EVENTS Scout Conference For Sustainable Development, Dhaka 2021 Dhaka OIC Youth Capital of Bangladesh organised a Virtual International Scout Conference from 27thto 31st May 2021 with the motto "Scouting for Better Environment". 250 Rovers and Rangers participated from 38 different countries took part in the conference out of which 100 were from the host country i.e. Bangladesh. The Chief Guest was Hon’ble Minister of Education of Bangladesh Dr. Dipu Moni. Special Guests for this evening were Mr. Taha Ayhan- the president of ICYF, Mr. Muhammad Zahid Ahsan Russel- MP State Minister of Ministry of youth and Sports, Mr. Fathallah Abdul Latif Al- Zans- Minister of Ministry of youth in the state of Libya, Bangladesh. Guest of honours were Mr. Ahmad Rusdi, the Chairperson of Asia-Pacific Region and Mr. Mohammed Mehboob Hussain, the Secretary of Secondary And Higher Secondary Division Ministry of Education. The Chair for the opening ceremony was Dr. Mohammed Mozammel Haque Khan, Chief National Commissioner, Bangladesh. The opening ceremony started with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the welcome note, speeches by dignitaries and songs. It ended with a dance performance.After the opening ceremony, the virtual platform was open for the sessions on various topics. The first session was on "Education for Sustainable Development and Scouts". The moderator for this session was Mr. Iddi Ahmed, Professional Officer in the Department of Foreign Affairs- Islamic Corporation Youth Forum (ICYF). The speakers were Dr. Evren Tok, Assistant Dean of Education and Community Development- College of Islamic Studies, HBKU and Muhammad Abdul Karim, Chairman of IPDC Finance Limited. They discussed about what is education for sustainable development and what a developing country can do to improve their education in these times. The moderator was Ms. Sohair Aljahlani and the speakers were Ms. Aicha Hanna Agrane, Club Coordinator, USA, MOIC and Mr. Enes Yalman, Director of International Office IBN Haldun University. Ms.



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

Aicha Honna spoke about the Muslim scholars of Algeria and told about the role of Muslim scouts in the independence of Algeria from the clutches of French. Mr. Enes Yalman discussed about the role of scouting, how scouting makes students responsible, how it makes them to live away from their parents and also said that Scouting is playing a very important role in the International relationships. It was once again a very informative session. The next session was on "Education for the Youth and Scouts" wherein the moderator was Mrs. Amel Ouchenane. The speaker Dr. Hana Albanna spoke on Sustainable Development Goal 4- Quality Education and how education can be empowered among youth. She said that it can be done by increasing youth's knowledge, by fostering creativity among young people and encouraging them to speak unique and by giving entrepreneurial opportunities. In the second session, the speaker Mokammel Hussain discussed about the importance of Education for the development of a better society. He also showed some of the activities of Bangladesh for SDG 4. Another Session was “Climate Change: Role of Youth and Scouts” for which the moderator was Mr Farid Zakir, Professional Officer in the Department of Foreign Affairs, ICYF Secretariat, Istanbul, Turkey. Mr. Nahim Razzaq spoke about the climatic change and how the scouts should reach out to the needy people during the natural disasters. They were divided into 5 groups with the names of the rivers in Bangladesh, namely, Padma, Surma , Meghna, Jamuna and Karnaphuli . Each group had 50 participants and each group was assigned a different topic to discuss and come out with 10 recommendations. All the groups had made a primary committee for the presentation. It consisted of a Chair, 5 Rapporteurs and 2 presenters. The chair from our group that is Karnaphuli was Mr. Omar Ahmed from Bangladesh. The first presenter was Ms. Rifah Tasnia Purbita from Bangladesh and the second presenter was Master Raj Majhi from India. They both presented the recommendations on behalf of Karnaphuli group. The 5 rapporteurs from Karnaphuli group were Mr. Jason Gibrich from Canada, Mr. Shah Meer from Pakistan, Ms. Nivine Akil Nasrallah from Lebenon, Ms. Nikita Sharma from India and Ms. Sadia Kabir Piritha from Bangladesh. The moderator of this session was Md. Mahmudur Rahman, the Deputy National Commissioner.



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

The participants were given one minute to share the experiences about the conference and also the Role of Scouts in their particular countries. One speaker from each country was selected. Ranger Nikita Sharma from India shared her views on her experience about the conference. She also shared the information about various activities conducted by the Bharat Scouts and Guides in India for the welfare of the people. The moderators in these sessions were Dr. Mohammed Rahman, Deputy National Commissioner, Bangladesh Scouts and Architect Tahseen Alam, Deputy National Commissioner, Bangladesh scouts. These sessions were indeed great sessions. We got to know about 38 different countries and their activities conducted by NSO for the betterment of the people in their country. On 31st May, 2021 Closing Ceremony of this conference was held Dr. A. K Abul Momen, the Hon'ble Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Member of Parliament was the Chief Guest. Mr. Ahmed Alhendawi, Secretary General, World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM); Mr. Mohibul Hassan Chowdhury, M.P., Hon'ble Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh & Mr. Zakir Hossen, Hon'ble Minister of State, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh were also present. Mr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, President, Bangladesh Scouts & Distinguished Fellow, Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA), Special Envoy, Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), Presidency and Commissioner, Commission on Biodiversity had presided over the closing ceremony.



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

“WAGGGS FOR GENERATION EQUALITY FORUM (GEF)” The Generation Equality Forum (GEF) convened by UN Women and co-chaired by Governments of Mexico and France in collaboration with Civil Society and Youth is ground breaking, integrational and multistakeholder global process which will launch concrete, ambitious, and transformative actions and commitments to accelerate the achievement of gender equality. Four Young Women from The Bharat Scouts & Guides have been selected as Core Team Representatives WAGGGS for Generation Equality Forum (GEF). Abinaya P. (, Ritika Sharma (Jammu), Ayantika Kundu (West Bengal), Himanshi (NHQ). All of them would be a focal point of all the communication and trainings for WAGGGS GEF team India. Also, 47 girls from BSG India have been selected as WAGGGS Team Members for Generation Equality. All of them have started working in 6 different thematic committees – 1) Gender based violence 2) Feminist Action for Climate Justice 3) Economic Justice & Rights 4) Technology and innovation for Gender Equality 5) Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 6) Feminist Movements and leadership. The girls and young women actively participated in Generation Equality Forum: Young Feminist Unconference on 11th, 12th & 13th June 2021. Reported: – Ms. Darshana Pawaskar Joint Director Guides (BSG)



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Creating - Better India

BSG-YUWAAH PARTNERSHIP LAUNCH The Bharat Scouts and Guides (BSG), Largest Youth movement of India has partnered with Yuwaah (Generation Unlimited India) and UNICEF India to ensure persistent growth of the young people. The launch began with an excitement on 15th June 2021 @ 18:00 Hours (IST). We celebrated youth actions & global partnerships, and future expanding potential. The event was witnessed and graced by the presence of our fellow member organizations from various countries as Argentina, Bangladesh, Oman, and Portugal. At initial stage the Yuwaah BSG team will be working on Lakshya & Jagrik portal with UNICEF Yuwaah team. The launch was also live on BSG & UNICEF official FB page Ms. Candela González, Vice President in Asociación Guías Argentinas Quoted – Thank you very much for the invitation. It was amazing to hear from you and all the work you are doing. It was so inspirational and very grateful to see all of you. Apart from my volunteering at Guiding, I work for UNICEF in Argentina and it is so great to see many Member Organizations working together on Generation Unlimited and U-REPORT. The Asociación Guías Argentinas and UNICEF has a Memorandum of Understanding to work on U-Report. It would be great to share experiences and work together to move forward this alliance with UNICEF worldwide. Reported: – Ms. Darshana Pawaskar Joint Director Guides (BSG)

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(For below 25 years only)

Note: Your answers along with recent passport size photographs should reach us on or before 15th July, 2021 The names and photos of first five lucky winners with correct answers will be published in the magazine of July, 2021 issue. 1. What is `Kalrav`? 2. Name the knot that is used to tie the ropes of different sizes. 3. What is the meaning of `Engonyma` in English? 4. How many camp fire yarns do you find in Scouting for Boys in India/ 5. Why is head of the Pack called `Akela`? 6. Where was Grameen Rangering initiated as a pilot project in India? 7. Who is popularly known as `Father of Indian Scouting`? 8. Name the five Ds of Map Reading. 9. What is the theme of the 42nd World Scout Conference which is going to be held virtually in August 2021? 10. In which year `100 years of Scout Movement` in India was celebrated?



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

NATIONAL EVENTS CAREER COUNSELLING The National Youth Committee of The Bharat Scouts and Guides organised a virtual career counselling event - "How to choose the best career for you?" on 4th June,2021. BSG was extremely honoured to have Dr Vikas Divyakirti , Director and CEO of Drishti IAS as the Guest Speaker of the event. We also had Col Vembu Shankar, a Rashtrapati Scout who was the Guest for the evening. Honourable M A Khalid, Additional CNC, BSG India, blessed the event by his wonderful encouraging address to the youth. This webinar by National Youth Committee broke all the records and got more than 10,500 registrations and maximum number of viewers watching live. It was a wonderful webinar where several career opportunities were discussed and a vivid session on UPSC was also taken. CAREER COUNSELLING WEBINAR - 2 “HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST CAREER FOR YOU?” The Bharat Scouts and Guides in perpetuation of its services to the youth of our country has now created an opportunity to keep them following the absolute path in their life through this event via Digital platform. The event was based on providing a clear vision for the forthcoming generation of our movement to decide their future in a comprehensive perspective and it is our moral responsibility to look after our youth and their personal development. This event is for Scouts, Guides, Rovers, and Rangers, to get their views as well as guide them towards choosing a career which provides the opportunity to express their skills and talents in the correct field so that Youth will start their career with utmost confidence and positivity.This webinar was organized on 4th June,2021 at 7p.m. via Zoom and YouTube channel of BSG. The Programme was focused on UPSC aspirants as the speaker of the day was Dr. Vikas Divyakriti, Director, Drishti IAS, and one other guest was Colonel Vembu Shankar, an Indian Army Leader to address the youth leaders. Miss Rakshita welcomed the participants and stated that the purpose of the webinar was to initiate the bright future of our incredible youth. The programme started with BSG prayer followed by a welcome address presented by Mr. Amar B Chhetri, Joint Director (Scouts) Bharat Scouts and Guides & National co-ordinator MOP. He welcomed Dr. Vikas Divyakriti, Col. Vembu Shankar, and the webinar organizer of The Bharat Scouts and Guides and every office bearer and the participants of zoom and viewers of the webinar on YouTube. He talked about the enlightenment of the strength and reach out of Bharat Scouts and Guides by explaining the role and achievement of Bharat



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Creating - Better India

Scouts and Guides including the benefits the youth derive by joining Bharat Scouts and Guides.He also spoke about the objectives of Bharat Scouts and Guides. He welcomed Shri M.A. Khalid, Addl. Chief National Commissioner, Smt. Amelia Swear, International Commissioner (G), Shri Rajkumar Kaushik, Director, Bharat Scouts and Guides all the Honorable office Bureaucrats of the Bharat Scouts and Guides National Association. Then holy lamp was lighted and a video was shared about Scouting and Guiding activity with the Guest speaker and Guest of Honor. Shri M.A. Khalid appreciated the youth through his motivating speech. Then the session on Career Counseling was commenced by Dr. Vikas Divyakriti. He discussed the values and benefits of Bharat Scouts and Guides. Talked about helping youth to decide to choose a career and how they need to understand one's basic personality while choosing a career. Further, he discussed the three things that make a career perfect, that is Aptitude, Interest, and Environment. If we can find out these three things then we can find out what kind of matrix would work for us. The Bharat Scouts and Guides had almost received 10,500+ registrations and the Zoom meeting was full of attendees andthere are 26k+ views. After his session, there was a question and answer round with Dr. Vikas Divyakriti, which was conducted by Miss Ayantika Kundu, Co-Chair National Youth Committee, and Mr. Ashvanee Srivastava, Secretary National Youth Committee. The speaker replied the questions of students and gave tips to clear entrance exams. This session was followed by Col.Vembu Shankar, Indian Army leader. He gave a beautiful message to `Be passionate about what we do in life`. Later Shri Rajkumar Kaushik gave words of blessings and thanked the three hosts and The speaker of the day Dr. Vikas Divyakriti, Colonel Vembu Shankar, all the youths, Smt. Amelia Swer and Shri M.A. Khalid. In the end, Mr. Manish Chandra Upadhyay, member of NYC delivered Vote of thanks. The event had created history with the amazing response from the overall registrations and to date, we have received 1400+ reports of the event. It is like one more feather is added to the cap of the National Youth Committee. "I AM A GLOBAL CITIZEN” - A SERIES OF WEBINARS ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters has designed specially "I am a global citizen” - a series of webinars on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to orient the members of BSG and guide to adopt SDG as per the needs of the community and give exposure to the members of BSG who are already working on it from 7th to 13th June from 4 to 5 p.m everyday. The webinar was inaugurated by Dr. Ranoj Pegu, Hon'ble Minister of Education, Welfare of Plain Tribe & Backward Classes (non-BTC), Govt. of Assam on 7th June in the presence of, Shri M. A. Khalid, KAS (Retd.) Addl. Chief National Commissioner, BSG Mr.



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Creating - Better India

P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary General, President in Council, BSG & State Chief Commissioner, BSG, Karnataka State and Shri Chandrajit Saikia, Principal Chief Personal Officer, NFR & State Chief Commissioner BSG N. F. Rly.& National Advisor (Railway Affairs), BSG, Mr. A. K. Absar Hazarika, ACS (Retd.) State Chief Commissioner, BSG, Assam State and Mrs. Amelia Swer, International Commissioner (G), BSG and State Secretary, BSG, Meghalaya State, Shri Rajkumar Kaushik, Director, BSG and others. Young people around the world are transforming their communities by taking action for peace and sustainability. The Members of the BSG also contributed lots in the field of community service and community development. For this BSG always recognized in the community. During the webinar various topics especially considering the importance of the implementation of SDGs were delivered by eminent speakers. First session on SDGs was delivered by Shri Madhusudhan A.S.`, Dy. International Commissioner of Scouts, BSG & WOSM Consultant, in WOSM point of view. Resource Speakers from WAGGGS had taken a session on WAGGGS & SDGs, Ankita Pandey from N F Railway delivered session along with WAGGGS Team on day 2. On the 3rd day, Ms. NEHA SHAW, Director & CEO - Dame & Earl LLP Co-Founder, Board of Directors - YSI spoke on the topic `Role of Young People in implementation of SDG`. On day 4, Prof. Anirudha Deshpande, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, Osmanabad, Solapur, Maharashtra and Ms. Shweta Shinde , Project Assistant, UNDP-India have taken sessions on Role of Young People in Sustainable Environment & Quality Education. Mr. Jeevan Babu, IAS, State Chief Commissioner of BSG, Kerala& Director of General Education, Govt. of Kerala delivered lecture on `Implementation of SDGs in Community Development and Role of Scouts & Guides (Young People)` on day 5. After getting lots of information by the participants from the resource speakers specially about implementation of SDGs, during the webinar on day 6, our Executive Director, BSG, NHQ Mr. Krishnaswamy R. explained how BSG can support in the implementation of SDG and help the participants to select the SDGs as per need of the community. Mr. Jitesh Seth, Dy. National Commissioner of Rovers, BSG highlighted the need of OYMS and AD/ER



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Creating - Better India

Bablu Goswamy informed how to register for it. The Webinar was blessed by DR. Pankaj Mittal, National Commissioner (Ranger), Dr. J. C. Mohanty, IAS (Retd.), International Commissioner (S), Smt. Amelia Swer, International Commissioner (G), Dr.(Smt.) V. Vijayalakshmi National Commissioner(G) and other state officials. About 2.5 K viewers attended the webinars regularly. The webinar also created an opportunity to the members of BSG to expose the actions on SDGs through short presentation by young people which can motivate others to adopt SDG as per the need of the community. Daily Quiz was the most interesting part of the webinar. The closing ceremony was graced by Mr. P.G.R. Sindhia, State Chief Commissioner, Karnataka and Secretary General, President-in-Council, BSG and other distinguished dignitaries. The Director, BSG Shri Rajkumar Kaushik planted a sapling in the National Headquarters complex at New Delhi to mark the webinar as unique and motivated young people to continue the work on SDGs. The new website of BSG was also launched in the closing ceremony by Hon’ble Mr. P.G.R. Sindhia. With the lots of hope for a better community and better nation and a step towards creating better India the webinar came to end with National Anthem. The Webinar was conducted by Shri Analendra Sarma, AD/NER with the support of the team#BSG4SDG and supervision of Mrs. Darshana Pawaskar, Jt. Director (G), BSG. MENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY 2021 DAY 1ST: IT’S TIME TO KNOW - The Inauguration was done by Ms. Darshana Pawaskar, Joint Director Guides (Training Program) and our guest of honour, Mr. M.A. Khalid (Additional Chief National Commissioner) welcomed everyone by showering his blessings followed by Ms. Chamathya Former World Board Member, WAGGGS. The session began with a beautiful video presentation about Menstruation followed by a polling session giving the program a kick start. To further highlight the celebration, we had dynamic Young Girls & Leaders joining us across the scouting-guiding world who shared stories about their First period experience. There were interactive activities such as, MythBusters & sessions on U-REPORT enrollment, Natural remedies for period related diseases, etc. Finally, everything was



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Creating - Better India

summed up with a Question and Answer Session and successfully concluded the Programme with blessings and vote of thanks by Mr. Rajkumar Kaushik, Director of BSG India. Day 2nd: We are in this together – Session began with double energy and blessings of our guest of honours, Ms. Vimla Meghwal, Vice President of BSG and Mr. Paul Bigmore Global Programmes Head from WAGGGS. The highlights of the wonderful event – Menstrual Hygiene is not only for women but also for all other genders that bleed, role of men in menstruation, fun activities as cross word 7 young warrior, Yoga during periods, an outstanding and Very beneficial session by Dr. Nutan Pakhare, Ayurveda & Yoga Expert. The session closed with blessings & vote of thanks by Mr. Jitesh Seth, deputy National commissioner and Ms. M. N. Machamma, Deputy Director Guide (Leader Training). Day 3rd: Being the Change – As the name suggests after two days webinar everyone came together to be the change they want to see in the world. The final day began by inspiring words of our guest of honours Ms. Anna Segall CEO of WAGGGS and Comrade Malini Film maker and social activist. Everyone was engrossed in the informative, marvelous and in a very simple way explained session taken by Dr. Aradhana Garg (MBBS), Physician, gynecologist, and life style management expert. Spell bounded sessions like Low-cost and eco friendly pad making, Safe and healthy pads, Natural treatment for menstrual disorders (after a thorough research from forests, tribal communities being used from ages now- by Dr. Kondrathi Rajyalaxmi), First menstruation celebration in different cultures and fundoo. Finally the successful webinar sessions were wrapped up with more than 548 participants on zoom call and 2k+ live participants on YouTube and beautiful blessings by Ms. Darshana Pawaskar, Joint Director Guides BSG India. BSG also created and launched their first ever Menstrual Hygiene quiz on U-Report making sure to keep it personalized for men, women, and other gender menstruates as well. 1,894 BSG members and 9,547 other members total = 11,441 took the quiz. Reported By:Himanshi Tomar, Leader of the Event



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

TRAINER’S CORNER Essential Characteristics of Scouting: 4. Symbolic Framework One of the seven elements of Scouting characteristics is Symbolic Framework. The symbolic framework in the Scout Method is intended to make Scouting activities more appealing to the Scouts and Guides and more effective as they build upon the Scout s' imagination. A symbolic framework also provides a sense of identity for an individual and a sense of solidarity for the group. Symbolic Framework is the formalization of a process that happens naturally within a society. In a society, things are given meaning by people and this meaning greatly effects how people think about a given thing. In Scouting, Symbolic Framework refers to the outline of the organisation consisting of all the elements (symbols)which reflects the name of a section, the uniform, badges, songs, stories, ceremonies etc. All these elements help to form a setting, an atmosphere and bears the values of the Scouting Organisation. Scouting provides a set of meanings for its symbols. The meanings are designed to be both attractive to young people and consistent with Scouting values that contained in the Scout Law. Thus symbolic framework is like a mould with all the values and activities for personal progression of the youth besides the growth of the organisation itself that is reflected in the society. Scouting uses a set of symbols, themes and stories which develop a sense of belonging, help convey a certain educational message, and stimulate Unity and Solidarity within the group and in the global movement. The purpose of symbolic framework is to build on young people`s capacity for imagination, adventure, creativity and innovations. In a way the symbolic framework stimulates their development.



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Creating - Better India

The very name of the movement ` Scouting` is an element of a symbolic framework adopted by Baden Powell. A number of elements in our movement form the symbolic framework. The Scarf, Left Hand Shake, Cub/Scout Salute, Scout sign, Uniform and the badges thereon, Coloured triangular patches of Cubs and Bulbuls, Patrol symbols, Cub greeting, Jungle stories, woodcraft signs, various badges that the scouts and guides are awarded at the end of tests, proficiency badges with different colour background as per section, horse-shoe formation, campfire and so on reveal the identity for which they stand and the meaning of such symbols. Even the beads presented to the trainers are symbolic and speak of a story and convey a meaning. History of wood badge finds a place in our HWB course. The elements present in each badge have a meaning, theme or story to convey which should be explained to the scouts and guides so that they feel the value and significance of such badge. Even the scarfs we release on various occasions carry significance. To cite an example, Red Flower in Cubbing which is commonly used in place of campfire for scouts and guides. Why the term Red Flower is used? It is again symbolic. If we recollect Mowgli`s story, Bagheera, the black panther, asks Mowgli to get the Red Flower which he meant fire. Humans know how to make it and animals cannot; but the animals are scared at fire. Every beast in the jungle lives in deadly fear of it. So, Red Flower symbolizes the power that humans have, to ultimately protect themselves from animals. It is a symbol of courage and happiness for the cubs and they enjoy in its presence.So, we have to use `Red Flower` to create an occasion for the cubs to show their cultural and other talents. `Pow Wow` is an action-packed training event originally for Cubmasters. Sometimes, parents of cubs and Group committee members are involved. So in training events for Cubmasters, `Pow Wow` is used in place of campfire. Think of the word `Kalrav`. It is the chirping sound of birds. For Bulbul gatherings, in place of campfire, we have to use `Kalrav`. If we do not use these terms at the proper place, we lose the tradition of Indian Scouting. Here comes the role of trainers to keep the adult leaders to follow such traditions. Otherwise these symbolic terms will be out of touch for the future generations. In this way, if the meaning, significance or story etc for every symbol is explained linking them to the Law and Promise, the scouts and guides carry the age-old tradition of such a great movement, making the symbolic framework of our organization safe and strong.

- D. R. K. Sarma, LT (C) South Central Railway /Mo:- 9866048096



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

YAAS CYCLONE We know that most of the people in the Sundarbans are facing a natural disaster for Yaas cyclone and high tide on 26thMay, 2021. They lost everything including home and food. In this worst situation, Swamiji Rover Crew organised a community service ‘Pashey Achi Sundarban’a relief work for the affected people of Sundarbans with the help of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Howrah District Association, Service from Heart, Phanindranath Kinder Garten House, Phanindranath Nursery School, Nishana Foundation, Teachers of Swaika Girls High School, Surer Tari and well-wishers of the Scout Movement. On the World Environment Day, a team of 15 members reached Pakhiralay Island village, Sundarbans to extend relief work. They distributed raw food materials, Clothes, and Mineral water bottles to the 200 affected people. ‘Yaas’, was a relatively strong and very damaging tropical cyclone that made landfall in Odisha and brought significant impacts to West Bengal during late May 2021. The cyclone made a deep impact on the coastal areas and other areas around Mednipore, Hooghly, Kolkata, Jhargram, North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas. West Bengal State Bharat Scouts and Guides have helped the rural children near Ganganagar campus and many other extremely rural places which have been hit severely by the Yaas cyclone. We have served 750 children who are below the poverty line, with necessary materials like school bags, books, pens and water bottles. On 12th June, 2021 we had our journey to widely Yesh effected area Khejuri , East Mednipur, West Bengal. There we visited two ancient village area and distributed relief kit for the people out there. The kit contained: Rice, Pulses, Potato, Mustered Oil, Chili Powder, Turmeric Powder, Salt, Nutrila, Chattu, Sugar, Biscuits, ORS, Drinking Water, Soap, Sanitary Napkin & Musk etc. We could help around 200 families. There we experienced some unforgettable lessons of life. We have experienced how helpless people can be, sometimes the nature is too cruel to human. We tried our best to help them with our materials. We are very thankful to all the people who has donated us the resource for this mission. We are also thankful to the villagers for accepting our help and co-operating with us.



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

NO TOBACCO DAY Andhra Pradesh Scouters and Guiders from Guntur District conducted Anti Tobacco day on 31St May, 2021 awareness campaign Shri P. Srinivasarao, SOC, Shri Stallen Babu, Cub Master, Shri Ankamarao, Cub Master and Smt. Varakalakumari, Guide Captain were participated.

health, especially in the Covid period. Scout Master Rakesh Sharma said that this year's theme is "Committed to Quit Tobacco". This campaign encourages people to give up tobacco for a healthy life. Mr. Aamir Ali, Director General, Disaster Management was the chief guest and Mr. Muzaffar Tramboo, SOC/S and Mr. Imran Khan, DOC/S organised the programme. Many exhibitions and Jammu and Kashmir programmes were organized to create awareness On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, KC about the harmful effects of tobacco to the people. Gurukul Unit of Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Ppublic campaign could not be taken up in view of Udhampur organized a virtual drawing competition Covid. for public awareness on 31st May, 2021 in which45 Scouts and Guides participated. Students made e/; çns'k different pictures on the masks and made people Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] e/; çns'k ftyk fcykliqj }kjk aware of the harm caused by tobacco consump- rEckdw mUewyu vfHk;ku opqZvy ehV ds ek/;e ls vk;ksftr tion. Its goal is that people should be aware of their fd;k x;kA bl volj ij LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us u”kk eqDr health and keep distance from things that can harm Hkkjr fo’k; ij vius fopkj fp=dyk] fucU/k] Lyksxu ,oa

dfork vkfn çfr;ksfxrkvksa ds ek/;e ls O;Dr fd;sA

“HER WORLD HER VOICE” (UPS) PROJECT Dr. Kondrathi Rajyalaxmi, State Project Coordinator, Telangana was selected Star of the April month as she came up with creative ideas to overcome challenges in her work. (attach star of the April month image here). Ms. Deepanjali Pramanik, State Project Coordinator, West Bengal has been selected to get trained and work as a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Champion with World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) under HWHV project. Discerning the current situation “Her World Her Voice” Project has been suspended for the next three months in India. However, the team is determined to continue the work, considering their spirit of work they have been given U-Report Registration targets to achieve for guide wing in their states. Regular meetings and follow ups have been taking place with states and districts by the team. 1,849 U-Report registrations been done from 1st April to 16th May 2021.

Report by:Himanshi Tomar, Project Manager



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY state. World Environment Day was also observed in Bihar State Bharat Scouts and Guides organized a Raipur and Janjgir districts. Tree Plantation Programme virtually on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] NÙkhlx<+ jkT; }kjk fnuk¡d 2021. Mr. Shriniwas Kumar, State Secretary of Bihar 05 twu] 2021 dks fo”o i;kZoj.k fnol ds volj ij Jh State virtually inaugurated the Webinar. Mr Bablu dSykl lksuh] jkT; lfpo o eq[;ky; LVkWQ dh mifLFkfr esas Goswami, Assistant Director of Eastern Region was present as Chief Guest and Mr. Alok Ranjan, District Organizing Commissioner (Scout) of Saran was present as a Special Guest who graced the gathering. Virtual Poster Making was organized on the theme “Ecosystem Restoration” and also Tree Plantation drive.


fcgkj jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] ftyk oS”kkyh }kjk fo”o i;kZoj.k fnol ds volj ij vkWuykbu fDot] fp=dyk ,oa osfcukj fnuk¡d 05 twu] 2021 dks vk;ksftr fd;s x;s] ftlesa 175 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA bl volj ij çfrHkkfx;ksa us fucU/k ys[ku] fp=dyk] osfcukj] Lyksxu o jSyh ds ek/;e ls yksxksa dks i;kZoj.k ds çfr tkx:d fd;kA

jkT; çf”k{k.k dsUnz >hiu rFkk ftyk la?k jktukanxkao] jk;iqj] nqxZ] fHkykbZ] xfj;kcan] csesrjk] dksjck] dchj/kke o cyjkeiqj esa ftyk f”k{kk vf/kdkjh dh v/;{krk esa Ldwy LVkWQ ,oa ftyk la?k inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds ek/;e ls ikS/kkjksi.k fd;k x;kA



On the occasion of World Environment Day Raipur District Association has planted Moulshree, Neem, Karanj, Badam, Sisam, Teak and Ashok trees at Government Higher Secondary School, Fundahar, Police Public School, Baron Bazar, District Education Officer and Office Complex. World Environment Day was also observed in various districts of the


Groups celebrated World Environment Day, 05-062021 at Group Training Centre and planted 6 saplings. We always make sure that saplings develop into a sustainable tree. On the occasion all the members reaffirmed the pledge to keep our Planet clean and green.


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Creating - Better India

making people aware of environmental protection. Scouts and Guides of Carmona, Goa celebrated the Online poster, drawing, poetry and short video World Environment Day by preparing posters to competitions were organized. Scouts, Guides, create awareness about environment and Rovers and Rangers participated enthusiastically. Children were given the message through poems significance. that the protection of the earth is the first priority of man. Himachal Pradesh Rovers and Rangers of Himachal Pradesh State Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated World teh;r ;wFk Dyc Environment Day with the theme “Ecosystem Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] teh;r ;wFk Dyc cukjl }kjk Restoration” on 05th June, 2021. They adopted fo”o i;kZoj.k fnol ij “kS[kqy fgan Vªsfuax lsaVj csykSM+h ,oa more than 30 plants near their places. Some csykSM+h xk¡o esa fnuk¡d 05 twu] 2021 dks ikS/kkjksi.k fd;k x;kA bl volj ij Jh xqykc pan] ,-Mh-,e- flVh cukjl dk;ZØe handmade posters were also created to raise esa eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA LdkmV~l us eq[; awareness in community about environment loss and how to control it and importance of ecosystem restoration in today’s world by planting at least 5 trees per person in a year. World Environment Day was also observed in Kullu district.


Jammu and Kashmir Tree plantation programme was conducted by J&K Bharat Scouts and Guides District Udhampur at Women's College on World Environment Day. District Training Commissioner Mrs. Veena Sharma vfrfFk;ksa dk Lokxr Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l LdkQZ

igukdj fd;kA Jh eqgEen fjtoku us vius mn~cks/ku esa crk;k fd teh;r ;wFk Dyc cukjl us csykSM+h xk¡o dks xksn ysus dk QSlyk fd;k gS ,o f”k{kk] LoPNrk] LokLFk vkSj fodkl ds fofHkUu fcUnqvksa ij tu tkx:drk dk;ZØe vk;ksftr djds tu çfrfuf/k;ksa ,oa ftyk ç”kklu ds dk;ksZa esa LdkmV~l ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ viuk lg;ksx ns jgs gSaA Kerala

57th Rabindranath Tagore Open Rover Crew of Velur, Kerala has collected 1000 plants from the Kerala Forest Department on June 5th- World said that on the occasion of Environment Day, Environment Day and distributed among the youth various activities were organised with the aim of and community by obeying covid - 19 protocol. The



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Creating - Better India

rovers planted the saplings in their homes and community, surrounding areas for creating a better environment. The activity reminded the community that a tree can save many lives.

Northern Railway

Bharat Scouts and Guides Madhya Pradesh launched Vayu Mitra scheme on the occasion of World Environment Day and planted saplings of Fruits and Medicinal Plants at State Training Centre, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopa. World Environment Day was also observed in Sagar, Indore, Ratlam and Dewas districts.

Northern Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides organized online Painting competition on the occasion of World Environment Day on 05th June 2021 in which 162 members participated. This competition was organized to bring awareness about the environment among the people in the society. Scouts and Guidesof Firozpur, Ambala, Delhi, Moradabad, Lucknow, Headquarters, RCF/Kapurthala, Oakgrove School, Z.R.T.I./ Chandausi, R.D. Members of SO/Lucknow, MCF/Rae Bareli participated. The theme of the painting competition was Ecosystem Restoration.

North Central Railway


Madhya Pradesh

On the occasion of World Environment Day, North Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides organized a Central Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides, Agra Webinar on “Ecology on Environment” on 5th June Division organised tree plantation in the District 2021 in which more than 100 members participated and learnt the importance of restoring our ecosystem. The virtual gathering was inaugurated by Dr Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice President and State Chief Commissioner of Odisha. Dr Jaya Krushna Panigrahi, Educationist and Environmentalist and Sj Pravat Mohan Dash were the resource speakers of the Webinar.

Punjab Training Centre, Mathura on 5th June 2021. 20 saplings of Amaltas, Banyan, Kadamba, Arjun and Jamun were planted by Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers.The Day was observed in Prayagraj district also

Punjab state association, Bharat Scouts and Guides, celebrated World Environment Day on 05th June 2021 at Guide House Jalandhar.


Rovers and Rangers of Rajasthan State Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated World Environment North Eastern Railway Tree plantation programme was organized by Day with the theme “Ecosystem Restoration” on Gonda District Association on the occasion of 05th June, 2021. The district associations Sikar and “World Environment Day” on 05th June 2021.



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

Jodhpur has planted saplings and arranged bird dh vksj ls fo”o i;kZoj.k fnol ds volj ij 5 twu] 2021 dks water & food feeder.

South Western Railway To commemorate observation of World Environment Day 2021 on 05.06.2021 and 07.06.2021 Shri P. Ravi Kumar, State Chief Commissioner and Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer/SWR along with Sri Alok Kumar, President/BSG and Principal Chief Personnel Officer/SWR, Sri K Harikrishanan State Commissioner /Scouts and CPO/Admin, Sri Shuja Mahamood State Secretary and Dy. CPO/Gaz/UBL along with Smt Uma Sharma Sr.DPO/SBC planted 300 Samplings at General Manager`s Office, Rail Soudha/Hubballi.

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Bharat Scouts and Guides Uttarakhand State Bangalore Division also planted Samplings at Headquarters organized online webinar on the SBC,BNC,YPR and KJM Sri Keshavulu/APO/SBC and occasion of World Environment Day at State Level Scouts/Guides/Rover/Rangers from Hubballi and on 05th June, 2021. Tree plantation and awareness programme was done by the members of the Bengaluru participated. organisation in all the Districts of Uttarakhand.

Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh, Bharat Scouts and Guides organised a virtual meeting to bring awareness about the environment among the people in the society on the occasion of World Environment Day on 05th June 2021.

Western Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides, Vadodara District celebrated World Environment Day virtually in which Forest officer Nilesh Shah, State Chief

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Commissioner Manoj Arora, State Commissioner (S) Rajesh Chaudhary were present and 50 saplings were


JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India



Scouts and Guides, Rovers and Rangers of Guntur Groups members are providing their services in district freely distributed masks to the public during the traffic hours daily during May,2021. Shri G. Mahesh Babu, RSL and E. Pratap Reddy, Cubmaster distributed masks to the public at Mangalagiri. Shri Srinivasa Rao, SOC (S) organized the service. Guntur District Association Scouts and Guides, National Level Control Room functioning at Indian Red Cross Society National Headquarter since 12 April 2020 and have completed one year of continuous 24x7 services. The services of Maharana Scouts Ambulance Division and Maitreyee Guides Nursing Division were appreciated by the Health Minister of India. Scouters and Guiders conducted awareness Groups organised an online Leadership Training campaign on Covid-19 and distributed free masks. Workshop for their adult leaders on 06-06-2021. This workshop was followed by Group-In-Council where agenda was discussed and further plan was NÙkhlx<+ Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] NÙkhlx<+ jkT; ftyk jk;iqj made for the betterment of activities.

}kjk fnuk¡d 05 ls 31 ebZ] 2021 rd dksfoM&19 xkbM ykbu dk ikyu djrs gq, LdkV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ] LdkmVlZ Himachal Pradesh ,oa xkbMlZ ds ek/;e ls vusd lsok dk;Z fd;s x;s tSls if{k;ksa Rovers & Rangers of Snow Land Scouts Guides ds fy, nkuk&ikuh dh O;oLFkk] vius vkl&ikl ds bykdksa dks lSfuVkbt djuk] ekLd forj.k ,oa iksLVj ds ek/;e ls yksxksa dks tkx:d djuk ,oa t:jreanksa dks jk’ku ck¡Vuk vkfn ;g lsok dk;Z fodkl [k.M lfpoksa dh mifLFkfr esa fd;s x;s vkSj buesa ftyk jk;iqj] jktuknxk¡o] dks.Mkxk¡o] cLrj ,oa tkatxhj&pEik LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsatlZ] LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ us lfØ; :i ls Hkkx fy;kA



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

Open Group, Kullu of BSG Himachal Pradesh, completed 25 successful days of service to make people aware about COVID-19 and curfew protocols in crowded places of Kullu in this Second Wave of COVID-19.

Jammu and Kashmir Scouts-Guides have been visiting villages at various places in the district to appeal to the public to follow the lockdown by staying in their homes. Along with this, awareness campaigns are also being run regarding Corona.

was led by Mr Subhah Tamang, SOC (S) and Mr D. R. Gurung L. T. (S).

Southern Railway On 27th May, 2021, t he Central District of Southern Railway State Bharat Scouts & Guides organised District Officials and Unit Leaders Virtual Meeting to discuss about online unit. stration, submission of monthly reports, Advancement activities, managing group activities during pandemic, promoting awareness on COVID Vaccination.

South Western Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Pulwama mobilized an initiative to support the community during these testing times and add strength and cohesiveness to the fight of the district administration against the pandemic. They have planned a series of initiatives and in this connection the J&K BSG, Pulwama organized a one day social service camp in Dist Hospital, Pulwama on 6th June 2021 for covid patients. More than 15Rovers and Scouts drawn from various units of the districtparticipated in the event. A healthy lunch,sanitizers/masks were distributed to the covid patients and their attendants. People in general and hospital administration in particular appreciated the efforts.

On 12.06.2021, Rovers and Rangers distributed 1500 food grains kits in Arlikatti colony slum to the people who are below the poverty line by Shri Dr. Ch.V.S.V. Prasad Managing Director Swarna Groups of companies and Sri Dorairaj Kallakuntala.

Tripura Tripura state Bharat Scouts and Guides organized

Sikkim Sikkim State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted Virtual All Faith Prayer Meet. Dr. H.P. Chhetri, State Chief Commissioner in his message asked all the members to remain safe and healthy during this Pandemic situation. Shri D. B Cintury, Vice President and Shri T. P. Dhungel, State Commissioner (S) were present. The programme


Vaccination camp for Scouts and Guides, Rovers and Rangers at West Dist. YAS Office, Badharghat, Agartala. More than 70 doses ofvaccine were given as they are performing duties as the Frontline Warriors during the pandemic period.


JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

conducted “Messengers of Peace” Virtual Ambattur District conducted1st Virtual Beginners Workshop on 31st May, 2021 in which 18 members Course from 21st to 22nd May, 2021 in which 180 participated. teachers from Schools & B.Ed Colleges attended. Shri Krishnaswamy R., Executive Director NHQ Virtual Talent show was organized by The Bharat inaugurated the Course and Ms. Selvi, State Scouts and Guides, Southern Region on 29th May Training Commissioner (G), was the Guestof 2021from Telangana State. 4 members particiHonour. Mr. Poorachandran, LT (C), Maharishi pated. District had taken a session for the participants in the Course. Dr. P.E.R. Premchand, Pre (ALT) was the “Menstrual Hygiene Day” was virtually organised on 24th, 26th & 28th May 2021 in which 78 Leader of the Course. members participated.


Telangana Telangana State Bharat Scouts and Guides West Bengal To help all the front-line warriors, the members of Bharat Scouts and Guides, West Bengal State Association, came out on the streets to put in their effort to help stop the Covid 19 pandemic. Young adults, Rovers, Rangers and Unit leaders distributed free masks, sanitizers, groceries to the needy public and sanitized several public areas on 30th May, 2021.




1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1922.

6. To tie a rope to a rod, pole etc.

2. Association of Top Achiever Scouts

7. To create a Better Tomorrow.

3. London, England.

8. At Kurseong, Darjeeling, West Bengal.

4. William Hillcourt.

9. 05 June

5. Veerdev Veer (duration of 85-90 seconds)

10. Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden Powell.


JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

INDIAN SCOUT GUIDE FELLOWSHIP Second Quarterly Newsletter of ATAS India was released on 17th May 2021. ATAS India Team meeting was organized virtually on 19th May 2021, at 11 AM, with State Key Leaders with single agenda of installing Covid -19 helpline all over India. Meeting was chaired by Shri M.A.K. Mecci and convened by Kaushik Chatterjee ATAS National Convener attended by 12 members including Dr. Pradeep from Kerala & Seema Rathi. ATAS India released All India Helpline Numbers for Covid 19 on 27th May 2021. Members of the lonavala guild collected clothes like sarees, uniforms etc. and decided to distribute it to the tribal areas near lonavala where no help was reachable, hence the guild distributed the clothes to phanaswadi tribal areas which is 7kms away from kune village. As the quantity of clothes collected was huge, the guild also distributed the clothes to the construction labourers of thakarwadi and une village also. Activities held in the month of May 2021, The Municipality Staff of village Panchayat Babucamp along with the poor Muslim brothers and sisters, were distributed New Clothes by our Vice President of TELANGANA STATE SGF, Md. Khasim garu in memory of his parents on the eve of RAMZAN , followed by the SGF team . In this pandemic situation as we all know the 2nd wave is going on. The members of Chhattisgarh SGF worked on for beds, plasma, food, medicine, blood and oxygen. In this work some heart touching moment came, like a Youngster who donate plasma and save the life as he was corona positive and fight with disease on that day he decided to donate plasma as he felt that pain and call me for this donation. This young boy is Anirban Sen. On the occasion of Mother's Day arranged a free health camp for old age Home ladies & provide medicine to them.

Gone Home With profound grief we announce the sad demise of the following in the month of June, 2021 : 1. Shri A.M. Manjunath, District Training Commissioner (S), The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Bengaluru East, Karnataka. 2. Mrs. Buelah Ananth, District Training Commissioner (G), The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Salem District Tamilnadu. 3. Shri I. Srinivasarao, Joint State Organising Commissioner, The Bharat Scouts and Guides Andhra Pradesh State. We pray for eternal peace of the departed souls.



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India


01 DAY

02 DAY

03 DAY

DAKSHANA INDUMATHI Tamil Nadu State Maharishi District

SHASHANK D. MURKI Karnataka State Bangalore South District

SREEJITH SREENATH Tamil Nadu State Chennai Coorporation Dist.

04 DAY

05 DAY

06 DAY

B. VANSHIKA Tamil Nadu State Chennai City CBSC Schools Dist.

DAKSHANA INDUMATHI Tamil Nadu State Maharishi District

SHASHANK D. MURKI Karnataka State Bangalore South District

07 DAY

SHASHANK D. MURKI Karnataka State Bangalore South District



JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India




JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India






JUNE, 2021


JUNE, 2021

Creating - Better India

Date of Publication: 25/06/2021 Total Pages : 36

Regd. as Newspaper RNI-14418/58 Delhi Postal Regd. No. DL(C)-01/1222/2021-23 Licenced to post without Pre-payment U(C)-33/2021-23 L.P.C R.M.S Posted in New Delhi on 25/26-06-2021


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The Bharat Scouts and Guides Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi -110 002 E-mail: Website:

Printed and Published by : Shri R.K. Kaushik, Director, on behalf of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi and printed at Printco-Supreme, Ground Floor, 212, F.I.E., Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092 and Published at 16, M.G. Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 (India) Editor Shri R.K. Kaushik

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