BSG Magazine February 2021

Page 1

VOL. 64, ISSUE 02, FEBRUARY, 2021


Hon’ble Shri Kalraj Mishra, Governor of Rajasthan State in a virtual meeting with officials of Rajasthan State BSG

World Thinking Day Celebration-2021







Creating a Better World



“ Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it.”.


Shri Kali Prasad Mishra Vice President Smt. Kempi Pakam Vice President Shri Satyanarayan Sharma Vice President Smt. Geetha Nataraj Vice President Shri Ashok Argal Vice President Smt. Vimla Meghwal Vice President Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.)

&jfcUnzukFk VSxksj


President's Message


v Republic Day Celebration



Personally Speaking


v Pulse Polio Immunization



Editor’s Desk


v Activities Reports



National Event


v Quiz No. 257



NTC, Pachmarhi


v Global Platform



NAI, Pachmarhi


v Upcoming Events




NYAI, Gadpuri


R.K. Kaushik Director


Regional Events


Chief National Commissioner

Ms. Razia Begum NHQ. Commissioner (Public Relation)

Managing Editor Rajesh Agarwal

Sub Editor D.R.K. Sarma Krishnaswamy .R Darshana Pawaskar THE BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES

Official Monthly Organ of THE BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES National Headquarters, Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16,Mahatama Gandhi Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 Tel.: 0091-11-23370724, 23378667 Fax : 23370126 E-mail : Website :

Price 19.50 per copy

Send your Subscription at


lc dqN gesa feyrk gS tks gels lacaf/kr gS]vxj gekjs vUnj mls izkIr djus dh {kerk gSaA



Creating a Better World

President’s Message

lans’k The Bharat Scouts and Guides always put nation before self on all occasion. We stood in front line for promoting the National Cause at the time of all adversities that our nation faced.

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us lnSo lHkh voljksa ij jk’Vª dks Lo;a ls iwoZ j[kk gS] ge gekjs ns”k ds lkeus vkus okyh lHkh çfrdwy ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa ftudk gekjs ns”k us lkeuk fd;k gS] esa jk’Vªh; fgr dks c<+kok nsus ds fy, vfxze iafDr esa [kM+s gq, gSaA

The Covid awareness and prevention efforts of our members received attention of the Government of India. Honourable Home Minister included Bharat Scouts and Guides as one of the pilot institutions in the fight against Covid.

gekjs lnL;ksa us dksfoM tkx:drk vkSj jksdFkke ds ç;klksa esa Hkkjr ljdkj dk /;ku vkdf’kZr fd;kA ekuuh; x`gea=h us dksfoM ds fo:) yM+kbZ esa ik;yV laLFkkuksa esa ls ,d ds :i esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks “kkfey fd;kA

Our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision and encouragement to produce a vaccine within our country is now a reality. Our scientists and medical researchers devoted their knowledge and expertise in producing an effective vaccine. The plans of Government to vaccinate the frontline workers are in the second stage. The members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides should take part in creating awareness on the usefulness of the vaccine and remove the doubts and misinformation being spread.

gekjs ç/kkuea=h Jh ujsanz eksnh dk gekjs ns”k esa ,d oSDlhu dk mRiknu djus gsrq mudk n`f’Vdks.k ,oa çksRlkgu vc ,d okLrfodrk gSA gekjs oSKkfudksa vkSj fpfdRlk “kks/kdrkZvksa us ,d çHkkoh Vhds ds fuekZ.k esa vius Kku vkSj fo”ks’kKrk dks lefiZr fd;kA ÝaVykbu odZlZ dks Vhdkdj.k djus dh ljdkj dh ;kstuk f}rh; pj.k esa gS] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lnL;ksa dks Vhds dh mi;ksfxrk ds ckjs esa tkx:drk iSnk djus vkSj blds ckjs esa QSyh “kadkvksa vkSj lwpukvksa dks nwj djus gsrq dk;ZØe esa Hkkx ysuk pkfg,A

The community especially, the school going students and teachers are now back to their institutions. The Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers should actively participate in continuing the efforts to keep vigil to spread the message of safe distance, use of masks and all efforts to maintain hygiene in the schools and other places where people gathers. The examinations are scheduled by the Boards for higher classes; you speak to young people and make them confident that they appear in their examinations without fear. Conduct study classes, do counseling over available Medias and help overcome the stress among the students who are appearing for examination. This is the best service you can do for the community.

leqnk; esa] fo”ks’k :i ls Ldwy tkus okys Nk= vkSj f”k{kd vius laLFkkuksa esa okil vk x;s gSa( LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks lqjf{kr nwjh] ekLd dk mi;ksx] Ldwyksa vkSj vU; LFkkuksa tgk¡ ij yksx ,df=r gksrs gSa ogk¡ LoPNrk cuk,a j[kus ds fy, lans”k dks QSykus ds fy, lfØ; :i ls Hkkx ysuk pkfg,A mPp d{kkvksa ds fy, cksMZ }kjk ijh{kk,a fu/kkZfjr dh tk pqdh gSa] vki ;qokvksa ls ckr djsa vkSj mUgsa fo”okl fnyk,a fd os fcuk fdlh Hk; ds viuh ijh{kkvksa esa Hkkx ysaA v/;;u d{kkvksa dk lapkyu djsa] miyC/k ehfM;k ij dkmafLfyax djas vkSj mu Nk=ksa ds chp ruko dks nwj djus esa enn djsa tks ijh{kk ns jgs gSaA ;g lcls vPNh lsok gS tks vki leqnk; ds fy, dj ldrs gSaA fpUru fnol dh “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA



MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu jk"Vªh; v/;{k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l



Creating a Better World

Personally Speaking

viuh ckr February is the border between winter and spring. If January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. January is for dreamers; February is for doers. In this month there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.

Qjojh “khr ,oa clar ds chp dh lhek gSA ;fn tuojh ifjorZu dk eghuk gS rks Qjojh LFkk;h ifjorZu dk eghuk gSA tuojh LoIu ns[kus okyks ds fy, gS( Qjojh drkZvksa ds fy, gSA bl ekg esa vk”kk ds fy, lc dqN gS ,oa vQlksl ds fy, dqN ughaA

You all are aware that we celebrate the joint Birthday of Lord & Lady Baden Powell on 22nd February every year as “Thinking Day” or “Founder’s Day” which is a regular feature of the Bharat Scouts and Guides Movement.“Thinking Day” is an important way for boys and girls to learn about the global action theme through fun activities in their communities. The theme for 2021 is ‘Peace building’. Peace building is in the heart of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting and is as vital and relevant today as for the last 100 years. The delegates chose 22 February as the date for Thinking Day because it is the birthday of both Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout Movement, and Olave Baden-Powell, who was World Chief Guide. The efforts of boys and girls around the world raising money for World Thinking Day also provides an essential source of funding for the gigantic work of the World Association in support.

vki lHkh tkurs gSa fd ge çfro’kZ 22 Qjojh dks ykMZ ,oa ysMh csMsu ikWosy ds la;qDr tUefnol dks ^^fpUru fnol^^ ;k ^^laLFkkid fnol^^ ds :i esa eukrs gSa tks fd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l vkUnksyu dk ,d fu;fer dk;ZØe gSA ^^fpUru fnol^^ yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa ds fy, vius leqnk;ksa esa vkuUnnk;d xfrfof/k;ksa ds ek/;e ls oSf”od dk;Z fo’k; ds ckjs esa tkuus dk ,d egRoiw.kZ rjhdk gSA 2021 dk fo’k; ^”kkafr fuekZ.k^ gSA “kkafr fuekZ.k xyZ xkbfMax vkSj xyZ LdkmfVax ds ân; esa gS ,oa fiNys 100 o’kksZa dh rjg vkt Hkh mruk gh egRoiw.kZ vkSj çklkafxd gSA çfrfuf/k;ksa us 22 Qjojh dks fpUru fnol dh rkjh[k ds :i esa blfy, pquk D;ksafd ;g Ovk; LdkmV vkUnksyu ds laLFkkid ykMZ csMsu ikWosy ,oa fo”o xkbM phQ vkWyso csMsu ikWosy dk tUefnu FkkA fo”o fpUru fnol ds fy, nqfu;k¡ Hkj esa yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa }kjk /ku tqVk, tkus ds ç;kl fo”o laxBu dks fo”kky dk;Z ds fy, /ku dk ,d vko”;d Lkzksr Hkh çnku djrs gSaA

To celebrate the World Thinking Day on 22nd February 2021, Bharat Scouts and Guides will organise various events at NHQ, New Delhi such as Cub and Bulbul Golden Arrow Award Rally and Felicitation of Friend to Bharat Scouts and Guides for donations and contributions given to support the Movement. Along with presenting COVID-19 related awards for exemplary and meritorious services rendered by the scouts and guides all across the country out of which three states stood out of the rest showcasing extreme dedication and enthusiasm to help the needy and destitute during the toughest time ever seen by the whole world altogether. The states which bagged first three positions are Rajasthan at first, Uttar Pradesh at second and Chhattisgarh being third, will be awarded by Bharat Scouts and Guides to reinforce such good practices and make the occasion a memorable one.This year also let us celebrate the Day with more

22 Qjojh 2021 dks fo”o fpUru fnol eukus ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky;] ubZ fnYyh ij dc ,oa cqycqy xksYMu ,sjks vokMZ jSyh] vkUnksyu dks lg;ksx djus gsrq nku ,oa ;ksxnku nsus gsrq ÝsUMl Vw Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk lEeku lekjksg tSls fofHkUu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr djsxkA lkFk gh lEiw.kZ ns”k esa LdkmV~l vkSj xkbM~l }kjk lcls dfBu le; ds nkSjku; vkSj es/kkoh lsok,sa çnku dh xbZ rkfd t:jreanks vkSj fujkfJrksa dks lgk;rk fey lds ftuesa ls rhu jkT; jgs tcfd “ks’k vR;Ur leiZ.k ,oa mRlkg ds lkFk [kM+s Fks] blds fy, dksfoM&19 lEcU/kh vokMZl çnku fd, x,A ftu jkT;ksa dks igys rhu LFkku çkIr gq, gSa] muesa jktLFkku çFke] mÙkj çns”k f}rh; vkSj NÙkhlx<+ r`rh; LFkku ij gS] bl rjg dh vPNh çFkkvksa dks lqn`~<+ djus vkSj bl volj dks ;knxkj cukus ds fy, Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk mUgsa lEekfur fd;k tk,xkA bl o’kZ Hkh ge bl fnol dks vkSj vf/kd g’kksZYykl ,oa çfrc)rk ds lkFk euk,aA fopkj] dk;Zokgh ,oa lk>k djus okyk ;g fnu çfro’kZ dh rjg lehi vkrk gSA




Creating a Better World

8 ekpZ] 2021 dks vUrjkZ’Vªh; efgyk fnol gSA vUrjkZ’Vªh; efgyk fnol 2021 gsrq oSf”od la;qDr jk’Vª efgyk fo’k; gS ^^usr`Ro ess efgyk% dksfoM&19 fo”o esa ,d leku Hkfo’; çkIr djuk^^A ;g International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2021. The global fo’k; lEiw.kZ fo”o esa vf/kd leku Hkfo’; dks vkdkj nsus esa UN Women theme for International Women's Day, 2021 is efgykvksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa ds tcjnLr ç;klksa dk t”u eukrk gSA commitment and in a joyful manner. This day of thought, action, and sharing comes closer like every year.

“Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”. This theme celebrates the tremendous efforts of women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future.

,d pqukSrh Hkjh nqfu;k¡ ,d lrZd nqfu;k¡ gS vkSj pqukSrh ls cnyko vkrk gS] blfy, vkb, lHkh pqukSrh dk p;u djsaA ge lHkh ySafxd i{kikr vkSj vlekurk dks pqukSrh nsus dk fodYi pqu ldrs gSa rFkk efgykvksa dh miyfC/k;ksa dk t”u euk ldrs gSaA ySafxd iwokZxzg ds A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge fo:) tkx:drk c<+k ldrs gSa vkSj lekurk gsrq dne mBk ldrs comes change, so let's all choose to challenge. We can all gSaA choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality and seek to celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness against gender bias and take action for equality.

;g o’kZ dk og {k.k gksrk gS ftls ge çxfr] tkx:drk c<+kus ds lkFk ySafxd lekurk ds çfr viuh çfrc)rk dks çnf”kZr djus gsrq mRlo ds fy, lefiZr djrs gSaA ;g mu efgykvksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa ij It is the moment every year which we dedicate to celebrating çdk”k Mkyus ds ckjs esa gS tks gekjs vkUnksyu dks vkxs c<+krh gSa vkSj progress, raising awareness as well as showcasing our lHkh dks crk,a fd os lHkh fdruh vn~Hkqr gSaA

commitment to gender equality. It’s about shining a light on the women and girls who make up our movement and tell everyone that how amazing they all are.

LdkmV@xkbM “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA

With Scout/Guide Greetings!


MkW- ds-ds-[k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼ls-fu-½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr





Creating a Better World

From Editor's Desk

lEiknd dh dye ls vçR;kf”kr dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds i”pkr vc Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us lqj{kk lko/kkfu;ksa] dksfoM çksVksdkWy vkSj LFkkuh; ljdkjksa }kjk tkjh fn”kk&funsZ”kksa dk ikyu djrs gq, çfrHkkfx;ksa dh lhfer la[;k ds lkFk ckyd@ckfydkvksa gsrq dk;ZØeksa rFkk o;Ld usrkvksa gsrq çf”k{k.k f”kfojksa dks “kkjhfjd :i ls “kq: dj fn;k gSA The Bharat Scouts and Guides also joined hand with After unforeseen Covid-19 pandemic, the Bharat Scouts and Guides has now initiated boy/girl programmes & adult leaders training physically with limited numbers of participants following safety precautions, Covid protocols and guidelines issued by the local governments.

scouting/guiding fraternity of the world in commemorating the Joint birthday of the founder of the Scout & Guide Movement Lord & Lady Baden Powel and was celebrated in a befitting manner all over the country at all levels by the members as World Thinking Day & Founder’s Day on 22nd February, 2021 on the theme ‘Stand Together for Peace”. The day was celebrated with full zeal and enthusiasm with commitment and vigour by organising various innovative programmes and competitions for the young people.

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us LdkmV ,oa xkbM vkUnksyu ds laLFkkid ykMZ ,oa ysMh csMsu ikWosy ds la;qDr tUefnu ds miy{; esa fo”o LdkmfVax@xkbfMax fcjknjh ls gkFk feyk;k ,oa 22 Qjojh dks lEiw.kZ ns”k esa lnL;ksa }kjk lHkh Lrjksa ij tUefnu dks fo”o fpUru fnol ,oa laLFkkid fnol ds :i esa ^^”kkafr ds fy, [kM+s gks tkvks^^ fo’k; ds lkFk lekjksg iwoZd euk;k x;kA ;qokvksa gsrq fofHkUu vfHkuo dk;ZØeksa ,oa çfr;ksfxrkvksa dk vk;kstu dj iw.kZ çfrc)rk ,oa mRlkg ds lkFk bl fnol dks euk;k x;kA

On the Occasion of Word Thinking Day/Founder’s Day, the Golden Arrow Award Presentation Ceremony for the year 2020 was held at the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi in which Dr. Anil Kumar Jain, Hon’ble President of the Bharat Scouts and Guides presented the Golden Arrow Award Certificates from his gracious hands to the Cub Masters and Flock Leaders who received the certificates on a representative basis of the State Association as the Cubs and Bulbuls were not invited for the award function due to prevailing covid pandemic.

fo”o fpUru fnol@laLFkkid fnol ds volj ij o’kZ 2020 gsrq xksYMu ,Sjks vokMZ çLrqfr lekjksg Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jk’Vªh; eq[;ky;] ubZ fnYyh esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa ekuuh; MkW- vfuy dqekj tSu] v/;+{k] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us vius dj&deyksa }kjk jkT; la?kksa ds çfrfuf/k ds :i esa dc ekLVlZ ,oa ¶ykWd yhMlZ dks çek.k&i= çnku fd, D;ksafd çpfyr dksfoM egkekjh ds dkj.k dCl ,oa cqycqYl dks iqjLdkj lekjksg gsqrq vkeaf=r ugha fd;k x;k FkkA

Well-wishers of the movement who enrolled themselves as ‘Friends of BSG’ and had contributed generouslytowards the Scout Guide Welfare Fund of the Bharat Scouts and Guides during the year 2019-20 were felicitated by presenting Gold, Silver & Bronze Pin and appreciation certificate by Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, IAS (Retd.), Hon’ble Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts and Guides. Hon’ble Chief National Commissioner also felicitated top three State Associations of the Bharat Scouts and Guides who had

vkUnksyu ds “kqHkfpUrd ftUgksaus Lo;a dks ^ch,lth ds fe=^ ds :i esa ukekafdr fd;k Fkk vkSj o’kZ 2019&20 ds nkSjku Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds LdkmV xkbM dY;k.k fuf/k gsrq mnkjrk ls ;ksxnku fn, Fkk] dks ekuuh; MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼lsokfuo`Ùk½] eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk Lo.kZ] jtr ,oa dkWL; fiu vkSj ç”kfLr çek.k&i= HkasV dj lEekfur fd;k x;kA fo”o fpUru fnol ds volj ij ekuuh; eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds mu rhu “kh’kZ jkT; la?kksa ftUgksaus dksfoM&19 egkekjh dh ykWdMkmu vof/k ds nkSjku




Creating a Better World

rendered remarkable services during the lock down period of Covid-19 pandemic by presenting a cheque of Rs 50,000/-, Rs 30,000/- and Rs 20,000/- respectively on the occasion of World Thinking Day/Founder’s Day. He also presented appreciation certificates to the staff of the National Headquarters for their committed service. The initiative of the Bharat Scouts and Guides towards membership growth strategy and retention of members during the Covid-19 pandemic is highly lauded by the World Organisation of the Scout Movement which is shared in WOSM website to inspire other National Scout Organisation. It is a proud moment to all of us in the organisation that two volunteer leaders of the Bharat Scouts and Guides viz. Hon’ble Chief National Commissioner Dr. K. K. Khandewal, is nominated by the Asia-Pacific Regional Award Committee to be conferred with “APR Chairman’s Award” the highest distinction for the year 2020. This award is conferred for good service and in contribution given to the APR operations and have provided invaluable services to the National Scout Organisation and Dr. Cyrus B. Wadia, Leader Trainer (S) of BSG Maharashtra is nominated for “APR Award for Distinguished Service” for the year 2020.This award is conferred for his distinguish Leadership and exceptional services to the Scout Movement on an international basis. I, congratulate the entire scouting/guiding fraternity in the country for this highest distinction conferred to the Bharat Scouts and Guides. ` The International Women’s Day will be celebrated on 8th March, 2021 with the theme “Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world. I, appeal each one of you to commemorate this day with commitment to empower young girls and women.

mYys[kuh; lsok,a çnku dh Fkh mudks Øe”k% 50]000@& :i;s] 30]000@& :i;s vkSj 20]000@& :i;s dk pSd çnku dj lEekfur fd;kA mUgksaus jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; ds deZpkfj;ksa dks mudh çfrc) lsokvksa gsrq ç”kalk çek.k&i= Hkh çnku fd,A dksfoM&19 egkekjh ds nkSjku lnL;rk o`f) dh j.kuhfr ,oa lnL;ksa dh vo/kkj.k dh fn”kk esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh igy dh fo”o LdkmV laxBu }kjk vR;Ur ljkguk dh xbZ ,oa vU; jk’Vªh; LdkmV laxBuksa dks çsfjr djus gsrq bls fo”o LdkmV laxBu dh osclkbV esa Hkh lk>k fd;k x;kA laxBu esa ge lHkh ds fy, ;g xoZ dh ckr gS fd Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds nks Lo;alsoh yhMlZ ekuuh; eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky dks ,f”k;k iSflfQd jhtuy vokMZ desVh }kjk o’kZ 2020 ds loksZPp iqjLdkj ^^,ihvkj ps;jeSu vokMZ^^ ls lEekfur djus gsrq ukfer fd;k x;k gSA ;g iqjLdkj ,ihvkj ifj;kstukvksa dks fn, x, ;ksxnku ,oa vPNh lsokvksa rFkk jk’Vªh; LdkmV laxBu dks vewY; lsok,a çnku djus gsrq çnku fd;k tkrk gSA MkW- lk;jl ch- okfM;k] yhMj Vªsuj ¼LdkmV½ dks o’kZ 2020 dh ^^çfrf’Br lsokvksa gsrq ,f”k;k ç”kkUr {ks=h; iqjLdkj^^ gsrq ukekafdr fd;k x;k gSA ;g iqjLdkj vUrjkZ’Vªh; Lrj ij LdkmV vkUnksyu esa fof”k’V usr`Ro ,oa vlk/kkj.k lsokvksa ds fy, çnku fd;k tkrk gSA eSa] Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks çnku fd, x, bl loksZPp lEeku ds fy, ns”k dh lEiw.kZ LdkmfVax@xkbfMax fcjknjh dks c/kkbZ nsrk gw¡A vUrjkZ’Vªh; efgyk fnol 8 ekpZ] 2021 dks ^^usr`Ro esa efgyk% dksfoM&19 fo”o esa ,d leku Hkfo’; dh çkfIr^^ fo’k; ds lkFk euk;k tk,xkA eS] vki esa ls çR;sd ls bl fnol dks yM+fd;ksa ,oa efgykvksa dks l”kDr cukus dh çfrc)rk ds lkFk eukus dh vihy djrk gw¡A LdkmV@xkbM “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA

With Scout/Guide Greetings.






Creating a Better World


1 Webinar – Tide Turners Plastic Challenge (09.01.2021) A National Level Virtual Webinar on “Tide Turners Plastic Challenge” was held on 09th January 2021 from 10 am onwards virtually through Zoom Webinar. The programme started with BSG Prayer followed by Welcome address given by Ms Ayantika Kundu, Regional Media Correspondent of Eastern Region. The opening remarks were delivered by Mr Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Dr Kali Prasad Mishra, National Vice President and State Chief Commissioner of Odisha graced the virtual gathering and blessed the participants. Session on Plastic Tide Turner was taken by Mr Shanmugan V, Research Scholar IIT-G in which he explained about the Tide turner’s programme. Mr Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director of Eastern Region explained the activity pack released by National Headquarters and also explained about the reporting format of the programme. The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms Jayashita Reddy, Ranger of Telangana state. Finally the programme came to an end by the National Anthem. The programme was coordinated by Ms Sananda Biswas, Ranger from West Bengal. nd

2 Webinar – Career Counseling (10.01.2021) A National Level Virtual Webinar on “Career Counseling” was organized on 10th January 2021 from 10 am onwards virtually through Zoom Webinar. The programme started with BSG Prayer followed by Welcome address given by Ms Ayantika Kundu, Regional Media Correspondent of Eastern Region. The programme was inaugurated by Mrs Geetha Nataraj, National Vice President of the Bharat Scouts and Guides and State Commissioner (Guide), BSG Karnataka with her inspiring words. Sessions on Career Counseling was taken by Col. Gurpreet Singh, Sena Medal for Gallantry in Kargil War, 1999, Shri Shasikumar BN, Public Administration, Maharaja College, University of Mysore, Shri Anil Kumar,




Creating a Better World

Faculty of Criminology, Maharaja College, Shri Yashraj Bhardawaj, Co-Founder, Zenith Vipers Group. The closing remark was given by Mr Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. The vote of thanks was given by Ms Deepanjali Pramanick, Ranger, Eastern Railway. Finally the programme came to an end by the National Anthem. The programme was coordinated by Ms Jayashita Reddy, Ranger from Telangana and Ms Deepanjali Pramanick, Ranger from Eastern Railway. rd

3 Webinar – Flash Mob Dance, Mock parliament and Declamation (11.01.2021) A National Level Virtual Webinar on “Flash Mob Dance, Mock Parliament and Declamation” was organized by National Headquarters as a part of the National Youth Week Celebration on 11th January 2021 from 04:00 PM onwards virtually through Zoom Webinar. The programme started with General Salute followed by BSG Prayer. The welcome address was delivered by Mr Shubham Singh, Regional Media Correspondent of Eastern Region. The opening remarks were presented by Mrs. Darshana Pawaskar, Joint Director of Guide (Programme& Training) of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Flash Mob dance, Mock Parliament and

Declamation were shown during the webinar which was performed by the young members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Session on U Report was taken by Mr. Analendra Sharma, Assistant Director, North Eastern region. The closing remark was given by Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. The vote of thanks was given by Ms Deepanjali Pramanick, UPS Coordinator, West Bengal. Finally the programme came to an end by the National Anthem. The programme was coordinated by Mr Shubham Singh from Eastern Railway, Ms Deepanjali Pramanick, from Eastern Railway and Ms Aalimaha Ali from North eastern Railway. The event concept and programme presentation was done under the dynamic leadership of Mr Arup Sarkar, Deputy Director of Scouts, NHQ ably assisted by Mr. Bablu Goswami, I/C Assistant Director, Eastern Region.




Creating a Better World

NATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE, PACHMARHI 4th Online Pre-ALT Course for Scout Wing Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters has conducted 4thOnline Pre-ALT Course for Scout Wing from 24th to 30th December, 2020 with 42 candidates from nine States. The course was inaugurated by Dr. H.P. Chhetri, Chief Commissioner (Scout) in the presence of Shri S. K. Biswas, National Commissioner Scout (Adult Resources), Shri R.K. Kaushik, Director, BSG and other NHQ Professionals. The Course was conducted as per SOT giving importance to share latest information about Scouting/Guiding at National and International Levels. A team of eminent facilitators supported this course. Apart from the regular staff members, the course was contributed by the guest speakers Mrs. Darshana Pawaskar, Jt. Director, BSG; Shri Amar B. Chettri, DD(BP), BSGfor various topics. Everyday activities started with morning inspection followed by Prayer, Reflection and sessions. Participants took part in group discussions on various topics as in physical courses. All the participants completed their Pre-Course assignments, Skill Test and Micro Teaching through breakout room during the course. Christmas was celebrated during the course virtually at national level. Goa, Meghalaya and Nagaland states contributed to the celebration by presenting programmes on Christmas. A visionary leader and educationist, Fr P.D. Johny, Rector & Executive Director of Don Bosco Institute (DBI) and Director of Don Bosco Institute of Management (DBIM), Guwahati graced the occasion. It was felt that standard of the course was developing every time with new topics in each course. Some of our trainers contributed to the S/G Welfare Fund and donated for Foundation Day. Post Course evaluation was conducted throughgoogle form. Closing ceremony of the course was held on30th December, 2020 which was graced by Shri P.R. Nadkarni, National Commissioner of Cubs, BSG & State Chief Commissioner, Goa State. Shri Rajkumar Kaushik, Director BSG and other NHQ Professionals were present in the ceremony. Shri Krishnaswamy R, Executive Director was present during the course and supported participants and staff for a better learning environment. 4th Online Pre-ALT Course for Guide Wing The Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters has organized 4th online Pre-ALT Course for guide wing




Creating a Better World

from 15th to 21st January 2021 in which 31 participants from 13 states- Assam, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, KVS, Madhya Pradesh, Eastern Railway, East Central Railway, East Coast Railway, N.E. Railway and West Bengal participated. The course was inaugurated by Ms. Seema Jansuri, National Headquarters Commissioner (Guide)& State Chief Commissioner, Uttarakhand State and Ms. Savithaben J. Patel, National Commissioner Guide (Adult Resources). The objectives of the course were introduced by the Leader of the Course.The guest speaker Ms. Indira Rani Roy LT(R) & Ms. M.N. Machamma DD(G) LT covered the important topics on scheme of training & support to leaders. Ms. Shivangi Saxena, Assistant Director, Central Region took session on PM Shield & Uparastrapathi Award Competitions. Session on WAGGGS and U-Report were covered by Ms. Darshana Pawaskar, Jt. Director (Guides). Shri Amar Chettri, Dy. Director (BP) took a session on WOSM, Smt. Surekha Shrivastava, Dy. Director, Guide (Projects) took a session on Chief National Commissioner Shield Competition & Lakshmi Majumdar Award. Dr. Shuba R, ALT (R) Assistant professor, Govt. Degree College, Karnataka took a session on Team Meeting & Team Council. Several spare time activities were organised patrol-wise, utilizing the breakout rooms. Micro teaching was presented by the participants. All Faith Prayer Meeting was organised. The Course came to an end with the National Anthem. The course was conducted by Smt. Kumud Mehra, Assistant Director, Southern Region. Special Basic Course for Commissioners The Special Basic Course for Commissioners of Chhattisgarh State Bharat Scouts and Guides was conducted at National Training Centre, Pachmarhi from 28th January and 01st February, 2021 in which 27 Commissioners of Scout and Guide wings from various districts of Chhattisgarh State attended. The course was conducted as per Scheme of Training with guidance and assistance from National Training Centre, Pachmarhi. The course was conducted by Shri Ashok Kumar Deshmukh, LT (Rover), Chhattisgarh with the assistance of Mrs. Sarita Pandey, STC (G), Shri Sadique Sheikh and Shri Hetram Dhruv of Chhattisgarh State.

Answer 1. 2. 3. 4.

Ralph Parlette Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell. National Training Centre, Pachmarhi A gathering of differently a bled Scouts and Guides. 5. A burn is an injury caused by dry heat. A scald is an injury caused by moist heat.



6. In 1945 7. South Africa 8. Endurance for Scouts – Chapter VI 9. 1930 10. A self-interested man



Creating a Better World

NATIONAL ADVENTURE INSTITUTE, PACHMARHI Special Adventure Programme from 1st to 5th February 2021 During the unlock period, sincere efforts have been made to restart our adventure programme at National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi following norms laid by local administration. Initially the programmes are for five days instead of seven days with reduced fees. In view of this a special adventure programme has been conducted with 55 participants from 1st to 5thFebruary 2021. Since all the participants are from the educational field of Haryana state and instrumental for deputation of students from their institution a special briefing was made about the programme, facilities and infrastructure of National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi. Beside regular trekking and other challenge programmes, they also had a firsthand experience of rock craft and adventure bases including zip line and sky cycling. The programme, infrastructure and food were appreciated by them. Sightseeing, boating, horse riding, Air rifle shooting, archery were also arranged. On 5th February, Mr. Krishnaswamy R. Executive Director was present at the closing ceremony and motivated the participants. The programme was conducted by Shri. S. S. Ray Assistant Director with the help of NAI and NTC staff. Special Adventure Programme from 8th to 12th February 2021 After the unlock, a special adventure programme was conducted with 17 participants from Mahatma Gandhi Inter college and NIIMS International School, Rajasthan from 8th to 12thFebruary 2021 at National Adventure Institute, Pachmarhi. It is a matter of satisfaction that Adventure Programme has been re started with small number of participants and gradually we are getting positive response from participants although schools are not opened. It is proposed to conduct adventure programme every week commencing on Monday and to conclude on Friday so that participants show their interest to participate. Beside regular trekking and other challenge programmes, they also have a firsthand experience of rock craft and adventure bases including zip line and sky cycling. The programme, infrastructure and food were appreciated by them. Sightseeing, boating, horse riding, Air rifle shooting, archery were also arranged. A day hike to Mahadev and Chouragarh was an opportunity to test the stamina of participants. Session on Free Being Me, U reporter, You tube channel, Friend of BSG were also taken during free time. On 11th February, Mr. Krishnaswamy R. Executive Director was present at the closing ceremony who motivated the participants. The programme was conducted by Shri S. S. Ray Assistant Director with the help of NAI and NTC staff.




Creating a Better World

NATIONAL YOUTH ADVENTURE INSTITUTE, GADPURI Special National Youth Adventure Programme The Special National Youth Adventure Programme was conducted at Bhopalpani, Dehradun from 11th to 15th January, 2021 in which 103 participants attended from Andhra Pradesh, Rajashtan, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh states. The programme was started with prayer and Flag ceremony on 11th January, 2021 at 03.00 PM. All the participants enjoyed the trekking to Bhopalpani village track, Hill Top and visited nearby places of Bhopalpani and Historical & Religious Places such as Shanti Kunj, Haridwar, Mussorie and Lal Bhadur Shastri Govt. Training Institute, Mussorie. The grand camp fire was organised on 14th January, 2021. The participants presented colourful cultural programmes. The programme came to an end after the closing ceremony on 15th January, 2021. The programme was conducted by Mr. Siddharth Mohanty, Assistant Director, NYC with the assistance of Ms. Renu of Uttrakhand state.

2nd Special National Youth Adventure Programme 2ndSpecial National Youth Adventure Programme was held at STC, Bhopalpani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand from 18th to 22nd January, 2021 in which 51 participants from Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh attended. The participants visited Mussoorie, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration and Dalai Hills. During the camp information regarding Free Being Me, U-Report, PTTC and Social Media was given to the participants. The grand camp fire was organized on 21st January, 2021. The participants presented cofourfulcultural programmes. The programme was conducted by Mr. Siddharth Mohanty, Assistant Director, NYC with the Assistance of Ms. Renu, Mr. Rahul Raturi and Mr. Monu Gupta of Uttarakhand State.




Creating a Better World

REGIONAL EVENTS Eastern Region Regional Level Workshop on Free Being Me and Action on Body Confidence was organized from 15th to 17th January 2021 at State Training Center, Ganganagar in which 45 Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders of Bihar, East Central Railway, Eastern Railway, Odisha and West Bengal participated taking all necessary Covid precautions following the guidelines of Govt of India. After Registration, the participants attended Flag Ceremony, Integration and Introductory Session. Various sessions on Free Being Me like – Image Myth, Beauty around the world, Take the Pledge, Where does Image Myth Come from, Airbrushing, spot the difference, Outside Inside Cost of Image Myth, Media Detective etc were delivered. The second day of the workshop started with Yoga with BSG followed by flag ceremony. Sessions on Action on Body Confidence – Introduction to ABC, Introduction to Advocacy, Taking Action, Project Planning and evaluation, were delivered. Mr Shyamal Kumar Biswas, National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources) graced the occasion and blessed the participants. He also visited various exhibition corners prepared by the participants of the workshop. The third day of the workshop started with All Faith Prayer followed by Flag Ceremony. The participants were asked to deliver their Action Plan which they will implement in their respective District/State Associations. Participants were given Free Being Me and Action on Body Confidence Badges after their successful completion of all the activities. After lunch, the closing ceremony was conducted. The Workshop was conducted under the leadership of Mr. Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director of Eastern Region with the assistance of four experienced staff members from Odisha and West Bengal.




Creating a Better World


homes along with neighbours. At the State Headquarters, National Flag was unfurled by Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary General, India and State Chief Commissioner, Karnataka; and a felicitation function was arranged to honour the employees of the organisation who attended office during Covid-19 Pandemic period for the smoothfunctioning of the System.

On the occasion of Republic Day celebrations, different Government departments in Anjaneya Towers, Ibrahimpatnam gathered together and celebrated Republic Day on 26th January, 2021. This programme was chaired by Sri V. Chinnaveerabhadrudu, I.A.S,Director of School Education. Sri P. Srinivasa Rao, SOC (S) organized theprogramme.Republic Day was also celebrated in Vizianagarm, Krishna, Guntur, Kadapa and Odisha Kurnool Districts of Andhra Pradesh State Bharat 72nd Republic Daywas celebrated by Odisha State Scouts and Guides. Bharat Scouts & Guides on 26th January 2021.NationalFlag was hoisted by Shri iwoZ e/; jsyos MihirRanjanPattanaik, jt. State Secretaryat State iwoZ e/; jsyos jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftyk la?k Headquarters, unit-03, Bhubaneswar. Different x<+gjk }kjk 26 tuojh] 2021 dks x.krU= fnol cM+s /kwe/kke Schools of different districts have also celebrated ds lkFk euk;k x;kA bl volj ij MkW- ih-ds- flag] ftyk Republic day.

vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½ ,oa MkW- “kkfyuh tSu] ftyk vk;qDr ¼xkbM½ us >.M+k Qgjk;k] ftlesa 54 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] e/; çns'k jksolZ ,oa jsUtlZ us Hkkx fy;kA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l laHkkxh; eq[;ky; ftyk lkxj eas 72osa x.krU= fnol ij /otkjksg.k fd;k x;kA loZçFke gfj;k.kk la;qDr lapkyd yksd f'k{k.k lapuky; ,oa dk;kZy; ftyk gfj;k.kk jkT; esa 26 tuojh] 2021 dks x.krU= fnol cM+s f'k{kk vf/kdkjh ftyk lkxj vkSj laHkkxh; eq[;ky; Hkkjr /kwe/kke ds lkFk euk;k x;kA bl volj ij dc~l ,oa LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l esa /otkjksg.k fd;k vkSj bl volj LdkmV~l VqdfM+;ksa us ^ekpZ ikLV çfr;ksfxrk^ esa “kkunkj ij laLFkk ds vU; x.kekU; inkf/kdkjh ,oa deZpkjhx.k Hkh çn'kZu djds çFke o f}rh; LFkku çkIr fd;k vkSj ftyk mifLFkr FksA ç'kklu ,oa n'kZdx.kksa dk eu eksg fy;kA lHkh ftyksa esa vk;ksftr lekjksg dh v/;{krk ftyksa ds mik;qDr egksn; us jktLFkku dh vksj vius dj&deyksa ls vokMZ çnku fd,A x.krU= jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV o xkbM ftyk eq[;ky; fnol lekjksg esa dq:{ks=] jksgrd] fljlk] lksuhir] lhdj ds RkRoko/kku esa x.krU= fnol ds volj ij fofHkUu Qjhnkckn ,oa ikuhir ftyksa dh xkbM~l VqdfM+;ksa us ekpZ dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA clUr dqekj ykVk] lhikLV esa Hkkx fy;kA vks- LdkmV] lhdj] ds usr`Ro esa Hkkjr dk uD'kk cukdj nhiksRlo euk;k x;k ftlesa vkxUrqd vfrfFk;ks )kjk Hkkjr Karnataka ds fp= ij lSdMks eksecRrh;k¡ tykdj 'kkUknkj nhiksRlo Republic Day was celebrated by Scouts and Guides euk;k ,oa nhiksRlo xhrksa dh izLrqfr nh xbZ ,oa Hkkjr ekrk all over the State by unfurling the National Flag and ds t;dkjs ,oa ukjks ls fla/kukn fd;k x;k rFkk ns'k ds vej reading the Preamble of the Constitution in their 'kghnks dks ;kn fd;k x;kA lqcg Jenku ls dk;ZØe izkjEHk




Creating a Better World

gqvk rRi”pkr ftyk eq[;ky; lhdj esa frjaxk Qgjk;k kabasurakudineer were distributed to the passenx;kA gers and locals in the presence ofJanarthan. D, Deputy SMR/KPD.

Sikkim Scouts and Guides of Govt. Secondary School of Mulukey, East District of Sikkim State organized the 72nd Republic Day in a grand manner at their school ground on 26th January, 2021. Scouts & Guides of the school presented impressive March Past followed by colourful cultural programme which entertained the audience and the guests. Sports and games were also programmed. Fashion Show was one of the attractive events. The whole programme of the Day was witnessed by the Chief Guest Panchayat President of the area, Mrs. Meena Bhutia, State Commissioner (G) and Mr. Suman Chhetri, ASOC(S). The program was appreciated one and all. It was conducted by Mrs. Mamta Chhetri, Guide Captain and Mr. Santosh Kumar Sharma, Scout Master of the school.

Telangana 72nd Republic Day was celebrated on 26th January, 2021 by hoisting the National Flag at the State headquarters by Ln. Dr. M.Vijayalaxmi in the presence of other state. Republic Day was also celebrated in Nagarkurnool, Nalgonda, Khammam, Secunderabad and SingareniCollories Districts of Telangana State Bharat Scouts and Guides.

mÙkj çns’k mÙkj çns”k Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l tuin lhrkiqj ds f”koe ekS;Z us dsnkjdBk ihd 12500 fQV dh Åpk¡bZ ij

Southern Railway Bharathidasan Scout Group and Kasturibai Guide Group celebrated 72nd Republic Day by hoisting the National flag and Bharat Scouts and Guides flag

jk’Vªh; frjaxk ,oa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dk /ot fnuk¡d 26 tuojh] 2021 dks Qgjk;kA Jh vouh”k dqekj] ftyk laxBu dfe”uj ¼LdkmV½ fdlku baVj dkWyst tuin lhrkiqj us f”koe ekS;Z dks jk’Vªh; frjaxk ,oa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l /ot nsdj 22tuojh] 2021 dks bl gsrq jokuk fd;kA blls igys Hkh f”koe dbZ ckj ioZrkjksg.k vkSj lkbdfyax dj pqds gSaA Western Railway

at Scout den Katpadi on 26th January, 2021. Members of the group assembled at Katpadi Railway station joined the officials of the station and RPF Katpadiin flag hoisting ceremony at Katpadi Railway Station. Masks and


On the occasion of Republic Day 26.01.2021, various programmes such as March Past,Renewal of Scout/Guide promise, Social services at hospitals and community centres,Community Singing programme, etc were conducted in State/District Association.



Creating a Better World

PULSE POLIO IMMUNIZATION gfj;k.kk gfj;k.kk jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds lHkh ftyksa ds dc~l] LdkmV~l ,oa Lo;alsodksa us LokLF; foHkkx }kjk vk;ksftr rhu fnolh; iYl iksfy;ks vfHk;ku esa ikap lky rd ds cPpksa dks iksfy;ks cwFk ij vuq”kkflr <ax ls nok fiykbZA

jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV o xkbM ftyk eq[;ky; lhdj ds RkRoko/kku esa 31 tuojh] 2021 dks jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ }kjk iYl iksfy;ks egkfHk;ku esa ftyk lhdj ds fofHkUu xk¡oksa esa lsok,¡ iznku dh xbZaA

N.F. Railway The Rangers of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Alipurduar Division joined a Pulse Polio Immunisation Programme organised by Railway Hospital, Alipurduar Junction on 31/01/2021 under the instructions of Asstt. District Commissioner (G) Mrs. Anjana Sikdar and GL (G) Mrs. Smriti Hore Debnath.19 members took part actively. The jhaxl esa fo".kq tks'kh lfpo LFkkuh; la/k jhaxl ,oa osnkUrk programme was conducted under the supervision xYlZ dkWyst jhxl dh jsUtj yhMj T;ksfr jktkor ds of Miss. Priya Ghosh, Ranger leader.

ekxZn'kZu esa LdkmV xkbM LFkkuh; la/k eq[;ky; jhxl ,oa cl LVS.M [kkVw eksM ij jksoj jsUtlZ us fnuHkj yxHkx 100 jktLFkku ls vf/kd cPPkksa dks iYl iksfy;ks dh nok fiykus es viuh iYl iksfy;ks fnol ds volj ij jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr lsok,¡ nhA Western Railway Under the Government of India Scheme “INDRADHANUSH” Pulse Polio Immunization Drive was undertaken by Scouts & Guides of Dahod District Association of Western Railway on 31.01.2021 at Dahod Railway Hospital.

LdkmV o xkbM e.My eq[;ky; dksVk ij yxs iksfy;ks cwFk ij cPpksa dks iksfy;ks dh nok fiykbZ xbZA e.My lfpo Jh ;K nRr gkM+k us crk;k fd LdkmV e.My eq[;ky; dksVk ij yxs iksfy;ks cwFk ij uflZax dfeZ;ksa] lhfu;j jksoj esV xqyke eqLrQk o mudh Vhe] pkbYM ykbu dksVk ls dYiuk o mudh Vhe us vusd cPpksa dks iksfy;ks dh nok fiykbZA cwFk fujh{kd Mk- HkwisUnz flag raoj] lh-,e-,p-vks- o mudh Vhe }kjk cwFk ij lsok ns jgs lHkh çfrHkkfx;ksa dh ljkguk dh xbZA




Creating a Better World

ACTIVITIES REPORTS Assam has marked his position in the India Book of The Bharat Scouts and Guides Andhra Pradesh Records 2021 for the MAXIMUM PORTRAITS OF State Association conducted Rajya Puraskar Testing FAMOUS PERSONALITIES MADE ON CHALK.

Andhra Pradesh

Basic Course for Scout Masters, Guide Captains, Rover Scout Leaders and Ranger Leaders was successfully conducted at Sapatgram College, Dhubri - Assam from 17th to 23rd January 2021 in which 86 candidates attended. Scouts and Guides of Shibsagar, Assam were invited for services during the rally of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modiji on 23rd Camp for Scouts in Visakhapatnam District from January 2021. The Deputy Commissioner of 20thto 24th January, 2021 under the leadership of Shibsagar invited the Scouts and Guides Leaders for Shri D.Venugopal ALT (Scout). 70 Scouts attended various duties in the Rally. 30 Unit Leaders took the camp. On the occasion of the birthday of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose on 23rd January, 2021 Scouters and Guiders of Guntur district association of Andhra Pradesh distributed breakfast and fruits to the patients and sanitary workers of Amaravati community Health Centre. Scouts and Guides also distributed fruits at Sai Old Age Home. part in the service under the leadership of Mr. The Scouts and Guides participated in National Paban Bora, District Secretary, Shibsagar. Voters’ Day on 25th January at Lower Dibang Valley Distt of Arunachal Pradesh. The Programme was fcgkj organised by the District Election Office, Lower fo|ky; pyks] ns'k x<+ks dk vk;kstu Hkkjr LdkmV ,oa xkbM oS”kkyh bdkbZ dh vksj ls ftys ds lHkh iz[kaMksa esa Dibang Valley District.

Arunachal Pradesh

vk;ksftr fd, x,A bl dk;Zdze ls ftys ds ,sls Ldwy tgkWa ij cPpksa dh mifLFkfr cgqr gh de gksrh Fkh ogk¡ ij LdkmV Assam xkbM us vfHk;ku pykdj cPpksa dh mifLFkfr c<+kbZA bl Shri Siddhartha Kalita, a Nipun Rover from Nalbari, vfHk;ku ds ek/;e ls Ldwyksa esa tgk¡ cPpksa dh mifLFkfr c<+h




Creating a Better World

ogh oPpksa dks LdkmV xkbM ;wfuV ls tksM+dj fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa ds ek/;e ls mUgsa vf/kd le; rd fo|ky; esa jksdus dk iz;kl fd;k x;kA LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk tkx#drk jSyh] Mksj Vw Mksj vfHk;ku] vfHkHkkod ladYi i=]

Workshop on Free Being Me and Action on Body Confidence was organized by South Group of Kanchrapara District Association of Eastern Railway Bharat Scouts and Guides on 23rd January

uqDdM+ ukVd tSlh fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa ds ek/;e ls vfHkHkkodkssa dks cPpksa dks Ldwy Hkstus gsrq izsfjr fd;k x;k rFkk ljdkj dh ,Slh fofHkUu tu dY;k.k ;kstukvksa ds ckjs esa yksxksa dks crk;k x;k ftlls i<+us ckys Nk=@Nk=kvksa dks mudk ykHk fey ldsA LdkmV@xkbM ;wfuV }kjk fd, x, bu dk;ksZa dks ftys ds lHkh inkf/kdkfj;ksa ,oa vke turk }kjk ljkgk x;kA

2021.Sessions on Free Being Me which included Image Myth, Beauty around the world, Take the Pledge, Where does Image Myth Come from, Airbrushing, spot the difference were delivered. Sessions on Action on Body such as Introduction to ABC, Take it home Challenge and Build me up were delivered.


37 Rovers, Rangers and Unit Leaders participated in the Workshop. The Workshop was conducted under the leadership of Mr Subhadeep Chatterjee, HWB (Scout) with the assistance of 03 trained and experienced Staff members.

District Balod of Chhattisgarh State BSG organised an Environment Awareness Bike Rally on 23rd Jan, 2 0 2 1 f ro m G a n ga M a i ya , J h a l m a l a t o Siyadevi,Naragaon. 150 Scouters & Guiders took part in the Rally to spread the message for safety of Environment.

Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l NÙkhlx<+ jkT; ftyk la?k dksjck ^^fQV bafM;k&fgV bafM;k^^ vfHk;ku gsrq ckbd jSyh o Vªsfdax ftys ds ujflag xaxk igkM+ dh pksVh rd fnuk¡d 16 tuojh] 2021 dks vk;ksftr dh x;h ftlesa ftys ds 42 LdkmVlZ] xkbMlZ] jksolZ ,oa jsUtlZ us Hkkx fy;kA Eastern Railway

Shri Sumit Sarkar, District President and DRM/Asansol inaugurated Competitive Library on the occasion of Netaji Jayanti at District Training Centre, Asansol District on 23rd January 2021 in the presence of Mr Neeraj Kumar Verma, District Commissioner (Scout) of Asansol District and other dignitaries for the benefit of the young aspiring youth.

On the occasion of 125th Birth Anniversary of East Central Railway Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, a Group Level On 27th January 2021, Rovers and Rangers of




Creating a Better World

Garhara District of East Central Railway organized Nukkad Natak on Level Crossing at Garhara Railway Station Level Crossing premises to make the local people aware under the leadership of Jivanand Mishra.

iwoZ e/; jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ftyk la?k xjgjk }kjk ;qok egksRlo ds vUrxZr ;qokuk dk;ZØe fnuk¡d 11 ls 12 tuojh dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 86 LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsUtlZ us Hkkx fy;kA bl volj ij çfrHkkfx;ksa }kjk gLrdyk] isafVax] Hkk’k.k] lkbZfdy jSyh] rEcw yxkuk ,oa fcuk crZu ds [kkuk cukuk

vkfn çfr;ksfxrk;sa vk;ksftr dh xbZA

gfj;k.kk Lokeh foosdkuUn ds tUe fnol dks 12 tuojh] 2021 dks ^;qok fnol^ ds :i esa euk;k x;kA bl volj ij gfj;k.kk jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ] jsUtlZ ,oa ;wfuV yhMlZ }kjk vius&vius ftyksa esa fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; ds vkns'kkuqlkj fnuk¡d 5&12 tuojh] 2021 rd ;qok lIrkg euk;k x;k] ftlesa djuky] jsokM+h] than] fHkokuh] iyoy ,oa xq:xzke ftyksa ds LdkmV~l VqdfM+;ksa us ekpZ ikLV esa Hkkx fy;kA

2021 dh vof/k esa bUVªksMDVjh dkslZ vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 39 çfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA Jammu and Kashmir The Primary school of Jullad Unit of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, in collaboration with the Horiculture Department, District Udhampur, planted and distributed fruit-yielding plants in Panchayat Uppar Bali and Modh on 16th January, 2021. During the period, 924 fruit plants were distributed to 154 farmers. Shri NarsooSubhash Chandra, member of District Development Council (DDC) was the Chief Guest. Shri Revati Raman Sharma, Horticulture Development Officer informed the farmers about various schemes of the Horticulture Department, motivating them to plant fruit trees, to handle them, to plant poison-free domestic orchards.During the inaugural ceremony, Health Cards were issued to the farmers by the Health Department of Bandipora in CD block,Bonakootdistt. On 21st January 2021, the volunteers and office bearers of BS&G distt. Bandipora distributed masks among the Poor and common people who assembled to get awareness of the plantation programme. Mr. M. Rajab Bhat, Distt. Secretary and Mr. M. Mubarak Baba, DOC Distt. Bandipora briefed the gathering about the importance of Health Cards being provided to the people by Health Department under AYUSH Maan Bharat scheme.

Bharat Scouts and Guides Udhampur organized fnuk¡d 3 tuojh] 2021 dks ftyk djuky esa vkWuykbu 32nd Road safety awareness campaign to make the ;wfuV yhMlZ ehV vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 10 xkbM public aware public about latest traffic rules and dSIVu~l us Hkkx fy;kA guidelines issued by Govt of India and appealed the general public to follow the traffic rules for their

ftyk lksuhir }kjk eukyh esa fnuk¡d 04 ls 06 tuojh]




Creating a Better World

safety as well as for the safety of pedlars. Shri Rakesh Singh while interacting with the media said that about 1 lakh people lost their lives every year due to accidents and it creates economic as well as Human resource loss to country and trauma to families. Scout master Vivek Gupta said that it is not the sole responsibility of Traffic police to implement the traffic rules but it is the fundamental duty of every good citizen to follow traffic rules to avoid serious road accidents.

makers along with various new innovative initiatives of Bharat Scouts and Guides which includes U-Report, OYMS etc were shared /discussed with all the unit leaders.

The programme was inaugurated by Mtr. Nasreen Khan (Administrator) Bharat Scouts and Guides, J&K and Ladakh UT the presence of other officials and trainers of the state. Shri. I.D Soni, Ex State Commissioner was the Chief Guest. Ms. Deepika, Leader of the workshop welcomed the gathering Shri Ajay Kumar, Scout master urged the public to and gave a brief report of the workshop. co-operate with the District Administration, Udhampur to celebrate the Road safety Monthly Scouters/Guiders also spoke on the closing day of campaign from 18 January to 17 February. Scout the workshop about the importance of “Free Being masters distributed pamphlets among public and Me” and it was followed by some cultural items drivers and also pasted the pamphlets at pertaining to the occasion. The Workshop was prominent places for awareness of General public. conceived and conducted under the directions of Mtr. Nasreen Khan, Administrator J&K and Ladakh The J&K Bharat Scouts and Guides, State UT Bharat Scouts and Guides. Headquarters, Gandhi Nagar Jammu, organized a three-day workshop from 28th to 30th January, Karnataka 2021on “Free Being Me” for 54 unit leaders of Master Rakesh Krishna a Scout of Dakshina government and private Institutions. The Kannada District of Karnataka Bharat Scouts and workshop was based on various informative Guides received "Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal activities. In the three days workshop various Puraskar" for the year 2021 as he invented issues prevailing in society to lower the body "Seedographer" for systematic cultivation. Rakesh confidence and how we overcome from this Krishna appreciated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister problem, build me up, Image myth, sources of of India Shri Narendra Modiji for his works. It's image myth, its consequences and how we can bring change in society etc were discussed. Concept of image myth revealed what we see in the media is just a myth; it does not exist at all. The sources of image myth like media, celebrities, Facebook etc. were discussed. Its consequences like depression, lack of confidence, how to build the confidence like influencers and decision




Creating a Better World

proud of Bharat Scouts and Guides. Newly constructed Scout Guide Bhavan of BBMP District Association of Karnataka State Bharat Scouts and Guides at Shanthi Gruha, Bengaluru was visited by Shri C.T. Ravi, National General Secretary, BJP and Former Minister for Kannada Culture and Tourism Govt of Karnataka on 23rd January, 2021. Various officials of the Karnataka State BSG were also present on the occasion.

Headquarters. The second part of the programme was at Raj Bhavan, Shillong hosted by the Governor of Meghalaya, Shri Satya Pal Malik. Due to pandemic protocol, limited invitees and departments were called to attend. The Bharat Scouts and Guides was represented by Mrs. A. Swer, State Secretary, Dr. C. Varghese, Commissioner of Scouts and also President of Meghalaya Scouts and Guides Fellowship and Ms. Catherine Nongkseh, SOC (G).

National Girl Child Day on 24th January 2021 Nagaland observed at VIDHANSOUDHA, Bangalore by BBMP State level workshop on Free Being Me and Action District Association of Karnataka State Bharat Scouts and Guides. An awareness route march was also organised at Vidhana Soudha. Dr. Shalini Rajesh, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government of Karnataka was the Chief Guest of the programme. Basic Course for Scout Master, Cub Master, Guide Captain and Flock Leaders were conducted at Koppal Training Centre and Kalaburagi from 18th to 24th January 2021 in which 354 Unit Leaders were on Body Confidence was successfully conducted trained. by Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides. 50 Unit Leaders actively took part in the workshop Meghalaya South West Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya State under the leadership of Ms. Imlikala, State CoBharat Scouts and Guides paid tributes to Late Shri ordinator, FBM-ABC & UPS. This was the 3rd state L.K. Sailo, former State Secretary and the founder level FBM-ABC workshop which was held at member of the Bharat Scouts and Guides in VidhyaBhawan Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur, Nagaland Meghalaya on16th January, 2021. Scouts and f r o m 2 6 t h t o 2 8 t h J a n . 2 0 2 1 . M r . Guides and Unit Leaders under the leadership of AtuoMezhurSekhose, SCC, Nagaland blessed the participants during inaugural session on 26th. Shri Elias Jyrwa, DOC (S) attended. “National Voter’s Day” was celebrated by the Chief Electoral Office. Meghalaya State Bharat Scouts and Guides was the partner for the National Voter’s Day on 25th January, 2021. A cycle rally was organised on the same day from the State


mÙkj jsyos mÙkj jsyos Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l] jkT; eq[;ky;] cMkSnk gkml] ubZ fnYyh }kjk ^^fgalk can djks^^ osfcukj fnuk¡d 11 Qjojh] 2021 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftldk eq[; mn~ns'; efgykvksa o yM+fd;ksa ij gks jgh ?kjsyw fgalk ds



Creating a Better World

District of Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides organized 32ndNational Road Safety Week to create Public Awareness on using helmet and safety measures to be taken. Mrs Monalisa Das, Unit leader led the event. A workshop on “Sanitizer Making” was organized by SB Sc H S of Ganjam District of Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides on 23rd January in which, f[kykQ tkx:drk QSykuk jgkA Jherh lksukyh “kekZ] jkT; proper method of making hand sanitizer was çf'k{k.k vk;qDr ¼xkbM½ us osfcukj dk lapkyu fd;kA demonstrated by Mrs. Monalisa Das, Unit Leader of the Unit

N. F. Railway 125th Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was celebrated by the Scouts and Guides of Katihar and NJP Division of N F Railway on 23rd January, 2021. Shri Bijoy Kumar Choudhury, VicePresident flagged off the Cycle Rally on 23rd at Katihar. About 75 Scouts and Guides took part in the Rally for creating awareness in the community about Covid-19 Vaccine. In NJP Investiture Ceremony of Guides and Rangers was organized by the unit leaders of Mother Teresa open Guide Company & Nibedita Ranger Team which was led by Mrs Krishna Badhai and Miss Naina’ Thapa.

With a new approach towards quality educationin view ofcovid 19, Odisha State Bharat Scouts and Guides started online Rajyapuraskar Teston 25th January 2021 under the leadership of Mrs. Anamika Das, SOC (G).More than 500 participants from Mayurbhanj and Puri Districts participated.

jktLFkku jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV o xkbM] jkT; eq[;ky;] t;iqj }kjk jk"Vª Lrjh; MstVZ Vsªfadxa f'kfoj tSlyesj esa fnuk¡d 18 ls 22 tuojh 2021 rd vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 133 jksolZ@jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us TkSlyesj 'kgj dk LFkkuh; Hkze.k fd;k rFkk ikfdLrku cksMZj] ruksV ekrk] duksbZ] dqy/kjk ,oa le ds /kksjksa esa iSny ekpZ djrs gq, MstVZ Vsªfadax dh o fcuk crZu ds Hkkstu cuk;kA rRi”pkr mUgksaus TkSlyesj ds yksxksa ds jgu lgu] [kku iku ,oa lkaLd`frd fojklr ds ckjs esa tkudkjh çkIr dhA f”kfoj dk lapkyu Jh fouksn nRr tks'kh] lgk;d jkT; laxBu vk;qDr ¼LdkmV½] tks/kiqj }kjk fd;k x;kA

To celebrate a Me-dam-me-phi on 31stJanuary 2021,Mariyani district of Northeast Frontier Railway BSG rendered volunteer service in “Cultural Procession” from Bapuji Stadium in Mariyani to Second Railway level crossing gate. Tai jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV o xkbM ftyk eq[;ky;] Ahom Santha, organized the event. Nearly 125 lhdj ds RkRoko/kku esa ns”k ds egku liwr usrkth lqHkk"k youth and leaders of the district participated. pUnz cksl dh t;arh ijkdze fnol ds :Ik esa LdkmV xkbM

ftyk eq[;ky; cMk rkykc lhdj ij lekjksg iwoZd eukbZ xbZA bl volj ij LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us usrkth lqHkk"k In collaboration with Golanthara Police, Ganjam pUnz cksl ds thou ls lh[k ysdj ns'k ds fy, dk;Z djus dh 'kiFk yhA dk;ZØe dk 'kqHkkjEHk usrkth ds fp= ij Odisha




Creating a Better World

ekY;kiZ.k dj fd;k x;kA izfrHkkfx;ksa }kjk usrkth ds thou jkT;iky ,oa jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV o xkbM ds eq[; ls tqMh dfork,a] Hkk"k.k rFkk vusd ns'k&HkfDr xhr izLrqr laj{kd Jh dyjkt feJ dh v/;{krk esa fnuk¡d 12 Qjojh] fd;s x;sA 2021 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ A cSBd esa egkefge jkT;iky Jh dyjkt feJ dk LdkmV xkbM ds v/;{k v:.k prqZosnh us jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV o xkbM ftyk eq[;ky; LdkQZ igukdj ,oa LVsV phQ dfe'uj Jh ts-lh- egkfUr us lhdj esa fnuk¡d 30 tuojh] 2021 dks 'kghn fnol ij LdkmV xkbM dk izrhd fpUg HksV dj Lokxr fd;kA Jh ts-lh- egkfUr] phQ dfe'uj us ih ih Vh ds ek/;e ls LdkmfVax ds bfrgkl] jkT; esa yxkrkj iq:Ldkj] x.kuk] la[;kRed ,oa xq.kkRed o`f}] dksfoM 19 esa nh xbZ lsokvksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh iznku djrs gq;s jkT; dh LdkmfVax ij foLrkj ls izdk'k MkykA

fofHkUu dk;ZØekas dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA blh dze esa 'kghn Lekjd ij loZ/keZ izkFkZuk lHkk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA rRi”pkr 100 ls vf/kd LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us lEiw.kZ 'kghn Lekjd ifjlj esa Jenku fd;k ,oa dbZ fDaoVy dpjk] ikWyhFkhu] iRrs] ,oa ikdZ ls [kjirokj fudky dj mls LoPN cuk;kA

blds lkFk gh egkefge jkT;iky egksn; us jktLFkku izkUr ds ftyk ,oa e.My eq[;ky; ij dk;Zjr lh vks ,oa , ,l vks lh LdkmV xkbM lnL;ks ls fofM;ks dkWUQzsUl ds ek/;e ls ckjh ckjh ls LdkmV xkbM dh la[;kRed] xq.kkRed] dksfOkM 19 dh lsokvks] fQV bf.M;k& fgV bf.M;k] lekt lsok ,oa lkeqnkf;d lsok] lMd lqj{kk thou j{kk] u'kk eqfDr ,oa LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku lfgr fofHkUu lkef;d fo"k;ksa ij ppkZ dh ,oa miyfC/k;k¡ dh tkudkjh ls voxr djk;k x;kA

lHkh ls ckr djus ds ckn egkefge jkT;iky Jh dyjkt LFkkuh; la?k dksVk nf{k.k }kjk Hkh 'kghn fnol ds volj ij feJ] us vius mn~cks/ku esa dgk fd eSa LdkmV xkbM fofHkUu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A vkUnksyu ls cgqr gh lfØ;rk ds lkFk ges'kk ls tqMk jgk gw¡A jktLFkku izkUr ds LdkmV xkbM lnL; cgqr gh jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV oxkbM ftyk eq[;ky;] 'kkunkj dk;Z dj jgs gS] jk"Vªh; ,oa vUrjkZ"Vª~h; Lrj ij lhdj ,oa nso ghjks] >wU>wuw ckbZ ikl] lhdj ds l;qDr cgqr Å¡pkbZ;ksa dks Nw dj ,okMZ izkIr djs jgs gSaA blds lkFk rRoko/kku esa nl yk[k LdkmV xkbM lMd lqj{kk dh vksj gh gj jk"Vª~h; vkink&foink esa turk dh gj lEHko Lo;a ls vfHk;ku ,oa lMd lqj{kk thou j{kk ekg egkvfHk;ku ds izsfjr gksdj lgk;rk djrs gSA LdkmV xkbM dk dk;Z ,oa vUrZxr t;iqj jksM lhdj ,oa >qU>quw ckbZ ikl vkfn LFkkuksa lsok ds izfr twuwu ns[krs gh curk gSA lsok djuk vklku ij VsªDVj Vªkfy;k] Å¡V xkfM+;ksa ,oa vU; okguksa ij ugh gSA cgqr gh dfBu dk;Z gSA ij lsok djus ds ckn vkRek fj¶ysDVj yxk;s x;s rkfd va/ksjs esa yksx nq?kZVukxzLr uk gks dks cgqr lq[k feyk gSA vke tu dks LdkmV xkbM ij rFkk VsªDVj ,oa Å¡V xkMh pkydkas dks lMd lqj{kk lEcU/kh Hkjkslk gSa ;g eSa ekurk gww¡ eSus Lo;a us vuqHko fd;k gS fd lko/kkuh cjrus gsrq fofHkUu izdkj dh tkudkjh iznku dh LdkmV xkbM tks Hkh dk;Z djrs gS ru eu ls djrs gS tks xbZA vksjks ds fy,; gSA LdkmV xkbM esa lsok Hkko iSnk djus ds fy, lHkh Lrjksa ij çf'k{k.k iznku dj izf'kf{kr jktLFkku jkT; Hkkjr LdkmV o xkbM dh xfrfof/k;ksa dh fd;k tkrk gS tks ,d Vhe odZ gSA vHkh dksjksuk egkekjh esa leh{kk gsrq cSBd dk vk;kstu jktHkou esa egkefge




Creating a Better World

xk¡o&xk¡o 'kgj&'kgj gh jkT; gj dksus dksus esa LdkmV xkbM jksoj jsatj ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us izlUluh; dk;Z fd;k gS ftlds fy, ftruh ç”kalk dh tk;s mruh gh de gSA jkT; dh ,sfrgkfld /kjksgj ,oa lkaLd`frd /kjksgj dks cpkus fy, Hkh LdkmV xkbM dk;Z djsxsa ,slh vis{kk djrk gw¡A

Rovers and Rangers of Telangana State Bharat Scouts and Guides rendered services at Necklace Road by sanitizing and distributing Masks for those who attended "Bharatha Matha Harati " a ritual of

Southern Railway In connection with Parakram Divas 125th Birthday of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, the Scouts, Rovers, & Scouters of Netaji Scout group rendered Shramdan in the group Headquarters and displayed an exhibition on the life history of Netaji. The 1st District Cultural Rally in connection with pongal festival was held on 26th January, 2021 at HCTC/Perambur. It was the first district event which was led after the COVID -19 with all safety precautions. The participants participated in colourful traditional dress. The rally was conducted under the leadership of Shri L. Kumaravel, (DOC/S) and Smt. S. Manjula, (DOC/G). Tamil Nadu Maharshi District of Tamilnadu State Bharat Scouts and Guides conducted 4th online Tritiya Sopan Testing Camp for Scouts and Guides from 22nd to 24th January, 2021 in which 60 Scouts, 55 Guides and 20 Unit Leaders participated. Telangana “Parakram Diwas- the birthday of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was celebrated at State Headquarters of Telangana State Bharat Scouts and Guides on 23rd January, 2021. Smt. M.V.C. Varalakshmi, State Secretary garlanded the statue of Netaji. The day was also observed in various districts of Telangana State.


giving haarati to the Mother India on the occasion of Republic Day. On 8th Jan ‘2021, Telangana State paid tributes to Lord Baden Powell on his 81st Death Anniversary at State Headquarters, Domalguda, Hyderabad. Smt. M.V.C. Varalaxmi,State Secretary. Smt. A.Suguna Rajendran, State Training Commissioner (G), Smt. G. Anantha Laxmi, State Organising Commissioner(G) and staff participated. On 31st January, 2021,Shri Lingam, ASOC, Kamareddy District, Joint Secretary Smt. Sandhya, G.Gopal, DTC and Scouts rendered their Service at Polio drops vaccination center.

Western Railway Post lockdown i.e. after 10 months 19 days of COVID-19 pandemic, Western Railway State Bharat Scouts & Guides has conducted its first physical camp “State Level Coastal Trekkingcum Service Camp” at State Training Centre, Gholvad from 27th to 31st January 2021 in which 51 Rovers, Rangers, Unit Leaders and Staff actively participated.



Creating a Better World

During the camp, Coastal Trekking too was organized with the aim of service. The participants enjoyed 8 km trek along the beach of Bordi and fulfilled thescouting spirit by removing un-natural waste from the beach. The above camp was organized under the supervision of ShriAijaz H. Mirza, SOC(Scout).

WORLD THINKING DAY – MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR I am so happy to be celebrating another World Thinking Day with you all, a day the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting movement has celebrated since 1926. Today, we come together to celebrate the joys of sisterhood, and the impact that we have around the world and in our communities. Each year we fundraise to support amazing projects which help to transform the lives of girls and young women, we take part in fun activities, and we connect with each other through post cards or emails. Although it will still be a day of celebration, World Thinking Day this year will look a little different for all of us. With the impact of COVID-19 still being felt around the world, most of the activities we would have been enjoying together in person will be taking place instead in online spaces. The global pandemic has brought many changes to our work, putting plans on hold and preventing us from meeting together as we always have. But despite this, as a Movement we are united and I have been so proud – though not surprised – to read about the amazing ways in which Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world have reacted to the pandemic, offering support and leadership to their communities. From sewing face masks, distributing much needed supplies to vulnerable communities, and conducting information sharing sessions, Guides and Scouts have stepped up to be amazing beacons of hope in a difficult time. The theme for World Thinking Day this year is Stand Together for Peace, and it is a wonderful opportunity for us to think about the importance of peace and conflict resolution, and the many strengths of Guiding and Scouting which unite us. We are united also with our brothers in the World Organization of the Scout Movement who join with us today in celebrating Founder’s Day. Since I joined the World Board in 2016 I have seen the Movement go through many changes, and am proud that we are always adaptable and always responding to what is going on in the world around us. I want to wish you a very happy World Thinking Day, and to thank all of you for working so hard this year to keep the flame of Guiding alive where you are. Heidi Jokinen Chair of the World Board




Creating a Better World

INDIAN SCOUT GUIDE FELLOWSHIP On 17th January 2021, Maharana Aero-Marine Scouts & Maitreyee Aero-Marine Guides Group & its SGF Fellowship Guild celebrated Youth-Day, 100 Years of Rangering & Rovering, Pongal, Bihu, Lohdi, MakerSankranti at GTC Naraina New Delhi. Maharana Aero-Marine Scouts & Guides Ambulance Division along with its Guild SGF, organized a Blood Donation Camp at NHQ Indian Red-Cross blood bank in memory martyrdom of St. John Ambulance Brigade New Delhi Officer Div. Cdr. Dinesh Kumar Shrivastav on 21st January 2021. ATAS India Vision Team met virtually on 22nd Jan 2021 chaired by Shri M A K Mecci & convened by Koushik Chatterjee. 7 members attended and discussed about Vision Document. 23rdJanuary,2021 was celebrated as Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's 125th Birth day. Members of Paschim Barddhaman District SGF, Andal, started celebrations by hoisting National Flag at SGF Den. Members celebrated Republic Day at Indira Nagar colony, Government Primary school, LD Palli. It was organized by HM. M. Jyothi Rani,in the presence of Kothagudem Guild SGF In-charge Mohammad Khasim and staff members. On 31.01.2021 Kharagpur district SGF members rendered service in Pulse Polio Vaccination at Kharagpur Railway platform. Logo was released for 15th National Gathering on 31st January 2021 in Alwar, Rajasthan during meeting conducted by Rajasthan State SGF with Key leaders, Working Team and National Head Quarter’s team.

Test your knowledge

255 257

(For below 25 years only)

Note: Your answers along with recent passport size photographs should reach us on or before 15th March., 2021 The names and photos of first five lucky winners with correct answers will be published in the magazine of March. 2021 issue. 1. In which year Boy Scouting came to India? 2. When was the Wolf Cub Handbook first published? 3. In Schafer`s method of artificial respiration, what will be the position of the patient? 4. What is the use of `The Cant Hook` in Pioneering? 5. What does the term `Rover Scout` stand for as given in Rovering to Success? 6. What is the theme of `Thinking Day` 2021? 7. Who laid the foundation stone of B.P. Memorial Bhawan at NTC,Pachmarhi and in which year ? 8. What was the name of the first of the tribes in South Africa? 9. What is the name of the knot for lowering a person from a height? 10. What is the average man`s measurement of a cubit?




Creating a Better World



As Scouting continues to adapt to the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, National Scout Organizations around the world are discovering ways to maintain and grow their membership. The Bharat Scouts and Guides in India is a shining example of an organisation- despite the challenges of the global health crisis, it is working to engage even more young people and volunteers in Scouting by establishing a clear and actionable growth strategy for their whole organisation. India is currently holding a fifth of the world’s youth, and more than half of the country’s 1.3 billion people are below the age of 25, representing a sizeable opportunity for the Bharat Scouts and Guides to equip the next generation of young leaders with the skills needed to be active




Creating a Better World

global citizens. Already this growth effort is underway in places such as Chennai, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Jaipur, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Shimla, Dehradun, Raipur and other communities where the Bharat Scouts and Guides aims to expand young people involved in Scouting from 3.7 million to more than 6 million in the next five years. The development and implementation of a national growth strategy for the Bharat Scouts and Guides began with a request through the WOSM Services platform to receive support. Using guidance provided in World Scouting’s Growth Toolkit, along with expertise offered by trained WOSM Services Consultant, the National Scout Organization was able to turn their national growth strategy from an administrative document into a collective call to action with buy-in from both leadership and Scouts. Key to the success of achieving membership growth for the Bharat Scouts and Guides was having a clear, actionable strategy with achievable targets that could be measured. Having a strong growth strategy in place also enabled the leadership of the National Scout Organization to share the impact of this effort with donors and other key stakeholders - helping to raise awareness and resources to engage more young people across India in becoming active citizens through community service projects. The growth agenda has also positioned Scouting in India as an ideal partner to contribute to the national government’s efforts to extend education for all and expand Skill India as a key initiative to provide more young people with 21st century skills for the future. The role that Dr. K.K. Khandelwal, Chief National Commissioner, has played in this area is remarkable. Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, is a true advocate for the support this National Scout Organization, sharing that “WOSM Services provided us with longterm and holistic support in various areas of our organisation’s work and was truly tailored to our needs.” Since the Growth Service was launched to all National Scout Organizations one year ago, as part of the WOSM Services platform, its resources and support have been helping Member Organizations to increase their capacity in managing membership growth. National Scout Organizations looking to strengthen or create an actionable strategy for membership growth are encouraged to explore the Growth Toolkit and request a service through the WOSM Services platform.




Creating a Better World


Scouts have now contributed an astonishing 2 billion hours of community service through the Messengers of Peace Initiative to improve the sustainability of our planet by promoting peace, acting as environmental leaders, and championingequality around the globe. The milestone puts Scouting half-way towards fulfilling its commitment to make the world’s largest youth contribution of 4 billion hours of community service towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Scouting has made an extraordinary contribution for more than a century to improve the sustainability of our planet through its unique brand of non-formal education that equips young people with the skills and competencies to be active global citizens. In 2010, Scouting pledged to inspire a culture of peace and dialogue through its flagship Messengers of Peace initiative by encouraging millions of young people to carry out peace-building projects in their communities and log their volunteer hours through Scouting’s online platform. Since then, Scouts have delivered more than 16 million local projects and actions throughout the world,




Creating a Better World

supporting communities devastated by natural floods and earthquakes in Haiti, leading peace-building efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, facilitating interfaith dialogues in Indonesia, standing up for gender equality in Saudi Arabia, and working to make refugees feel Welcomed in Turkey. “In this Decade of Action for the SDGs we need to accelerate community and youth-led solutions for sustainability over the next ten years if we are going to put our planet on a path towards peace and sustainable development. Our Messengers of Peace Initiative is proof of what youth movements like Scouting can do to achieve the SDGs,” said Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement. As the world adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Scout Movement continued its contribution towards the Global Goals through Scouts for SDGs, a global mobilisation effort to engage young people in taking action to end poverty, tackle climate change, reduce inequalities and more. “Scouts for SDGs has helped to mobilise young people around the world into collective action to tackle some of the most pressing social, economic and environmental challenges affecting our world. Through voluntary service and local projects, Scouts are building stronger, sustainable and more resilient communities one act at a time,” said Jemima Nartey, Vice-Chairperson of the World Scout Committee and the Committee liaison for the Messengers of Peace initiative. Through these efforts, Scouting is recognised globally as a vital force for humanitarian action and emergency response. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of thousands of Scouts around the world stepped up in different ways to ensure the safety of their communities and respond to their needs. Scouts have been registering these community service hours and local projects since 2013 through the Scouts for SDGs online hub, which are monitored and reported by 171 National Scout Organizations and featured on an interactive map showing how they contribute to each SDG. Scouting’s local actions and contributions towards the SDGs are being supported through a network of partners and supporters including the World Scout Foundation and its network of private donors, Alwaleed Philanthropies, United Nations agencies, development agencies and governments, namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is a heightened sense of responsibility and urgency now more than ever to take concrete, lasting actions to advance the SDGs. As a global Movement, 54 million Scouts will continue to take action, individually and collectively, to deliver on the 2030 promise.




Creating a Better World

MONTHLY STATISTICS This monthly statistical report shows the current progress of National Scout Organizations in the implementation of the Messengers of Peace Programme through the data populated at WOSM’s Global Network of Service – The results are primarily made on the basis of [a] the number of users registered, [b] the number of actual service hours rendered, and [c] the total number of projects posted.




Creating a Better World



424 13-17 APRIL, 2021

425 27-01 APRIL-MAY, 2021

426 04-08 MAY, 2021

427 09-13 MAY, 2021

428 18-22 MAY, 2021

429 01-05 MAY-JUNE, 2021

430 08-12 JUNE, 2021

431 15-19 JUNE, 2021




Creating a Better World







Creating a Better World

Date of Publication: 25/02/2021 Total Pages : 36

Regd. as Newspaper RNI-14418/58 Delhi Postal Regd. No. DL(C)-01/1222/2021-23 Licenced to post without Pre-payment U(C)-33/2021-23 Posted in New Delhi P.S.O. on 25/26-02-2021


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Printed and Published by : Shri R.K. Kaushik, Director, on behalf of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi and printed at Printco-Supreme, Ground Floor, 212, F.I.E., Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092 and Published at 16, M.G. Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 (India) Editor Shri R.K. Kaushik

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