7 minute read

Personally Speaking viuh ckr

I am happy to note that The Bharat Scouts and Guides has almost completed 72 years of service in our nationbuilding by activating the youth to prepare themselves as efficient citizens. To mark its entry into 73rd year, Foundation Day will be celebrated on 07th November, 2022.Thisistheoccasionforustoexpressourgratitudeto allourwell-wishersforpromotingScoutingandGuiding.It is also the occasion to recollect the significant efforts and sacrifice displayed by our Veteran Scout-Guide Leaders who gave a solid foundation to the future. I appeal to all the members of the movement to make it financially strong by contributing to the Bharat Scouts and Guides WelfareFund.

It is a Historic Moment for The Bharat Scouts and Guides thatourHon’blePrimeMinisterShriNarendraModiJiand our Guides Ms. Shruti Mehta and Ms. Rani Vaghela of Gujarat State Bharat Scouts and Guides got a great opportunity to travel in Ahmedabad Metro with him. Our guides honoured the Prime Minister with the Bharat Scouts and Guides Salute. They both had a very amazing conversation with the Prime Minister regarding the steps taken by the Bharat Scouts and Guides in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and briefed him about Scouting Guiding Activitiesandrecentevents.


Recently, we observed the International Day of the Girl. This is the 10th Anniversary of the event. This year is a wake-up call to refocus attention on girls and solutions to their problems. Let us give them the opportunity to lead byputtingthemintheforefrontofactivities;hearingtheir voices; responding to their problems and welcoming them in decision-making spaces- it is one of the ways to investinthefuture.



OCTOBER, 2022 eq>s ;g tkudj izlUurk gks jgh gS fd jk"Vª fuekZ.k esa ;qokvksa dks l{ke ukxfjd ds :i esa rS;kj djrs gq;s Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us viuh 72 o"kZ dh lsok iw.kZ dj yh gSaA 73 o"kZ esa izos’k djus ds lkFk ge 07@11@2022 dks LFkkiuk fnol ¼>.Mk fnol½ euk;saxsaA ;gh og mfpr volj gS ftlesa ge vius 'kqHkfpardksa dks LdkmfVax XkkbfMax xfrfof/k;ksa dks izksRlkfgr djus ds fy;s vkHkkj Kkfir djsa RkFkk lkFk gh ;g og volj gSa] ftlesa ge vius izcq) LdkmV xkbM uk;d&ukf;dkvksa ds cfynku ,oa iz;klksa dk Lej.k djsa ftUgksaus Hkfo"; ds fy;s ,d etcwr uhao j[khA eSa vkanksyu ls tqM+s gq;s lHkh lnL;ksa ls vihy djrk g¡w fd laLFkk dks vkfFkZd :i ls lqn`<+ djus ds fy;s Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dY;k.k dks"k esa viuh lgHkkfxrk iznku djsaA

;g Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds fy;s ,sfrgkfld {k.k gSa] tc Hkkjr ds iz/kkuea=h ekuuh; Jh ujsUnz eksnh th ds lkFk gekjh xqtjkr dh xkbM~l dqekjh Jqfr esgrk o dqekjh jkuh ok?ksyk dks vgeknkckn esVªksa esa Hkze.k dk volj izkIr gqvkA gekjh xkbM~l us Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l lSY;wV ls ekuuh; iz/kkuea=h th dk vfHkoknu fd;k rFkk lkFk gh Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk pykbZ tk jgh xfrfof/k;ksa ,oa LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku esa Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ds ;ksxnku ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls mUgsa voxr djk;kA gky gh geusa vUrjkZ’Vªh; ckfydk fnol dh 10oha o"kZxkaB eukbZA ;g o"kZ ge lcds fy;s ckfydkvksa dks tkx:d djus o mudh leL;kvksa dk fujkdj.k djus dk mfpr le; gSaA vkb;s ge lc feydj ckfydkvksa dks gj xfrfof/k;ksa esa vxzlj o usr`Ro dk ekSdk nsa] mudh vkokt+ ij /;ku nsrs gq;s mudh leL;kvksa dk fujkdj.k o mUgsa fu.kZ; ysus dk ekSdk nsa tks gekjs Hkfo"; ds fuos”k gsrq ,d mfpr ekxZ gksxkA eSa vkanksyu ls tqM+s lHkh lnL;ksa dks LFkkiuk fnol ¼>.Mk fnol½ dh gkfnZd c/kkbZ nsrk g¡wA

MkW- ds-ds-[k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls-¼ls-fu-½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr


Creating - Better India

7th November 1950, the day when the Bharat Scouts andGuideswasformerlyannouncedaftermergingof all the Scout Guide organisations and Samities including Hindustan Scout Association. The Bharat Scouts and Guides organizes 7th November as Flag Day and Foundation Day and our members present flag stickers to each other and well-wishers of the organisation and contribute some amount as token of love for strengthening the organisation at District, State and National levels. Activities like exhibitions, route-march, hike, All Faith Prayer etc. are also organized. As the whole India is celebrating Azadi Ka AmritMahotsav,Irequestalltheyouths,UnitLeaders and members of the organisation to choose the activities from our circular no. 70 in addition to sharing of Flag Stickers for celebrating Foundation Day(FlagDay)andeveryoneofusmustbeinuniform forthevisibilityofthescoutingguidingmovement.

The Rules Committee and National Executive Committee has recommended new uniform pattern for all the members. The same has been circulated through circular no. 201 on 14th October with a survey in google form. I urge all the members to please go through the form and give your views on uniform so that the same can be put up before the National Council and also, we may present the same in the 18th National Jamboree to get the views from theyouths.

November 14th is Children`s Day. I wish all the bunnies, cubs and bulbuls a happy children`s Day This event may be celebrated by planning different creativeactivitiesatalllevels.



7 uoEcj] 1950 og fnu gS tc fgUnqLrku LdkmV~l ,lksfl,”ku lfgr lHkh LdkmV xkbM laxBuksa ,oa lfefr;ksa ds foy; ds i”pkr Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dh ?kks’k.kk dh xbZA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l 7 uoEcj dks >aMk fnol ,oa

LFkkiuk fnol ds :i esa vk;ksftr djrk gS vkSj gekjs lnL; ,d&nwljs ,oa laxBu ds “kqHkfpardks dks /ot LVhdj HksaV djrs gSaA ftyk] jkT; ,oa jk’Vªh; Lrj ij laxBu dks etcwr djus gsrq vius izse ds izrhd ds :i esa dqN jkf”k dk lg;ksx djrs gSaA xfrfof/k;k¡ tSls&izn”kZfu;k¡] :V&ekpZ] gkbd ,oa loZ/keZ izkFkZuk lHkk vkfn Hkh vk;ksftr dh tkrh gSaA pwafd leLr Hkkjr vktknh dk ve`r egksRlo euk jgk gS] eSa lHkh ;qokvksa] ;wfuV yhMlZ ,oa laxBu ds lnL;ksa ls vuqjks/k djrk gw¡ fd LFkkiuk fnol ¼>aMk fnol½ eukus gsrq >aMk LVhdj lk>k djus ads vykok os gekjs ldZqyj uEcj 70 ls xfrfof/k;ksa dk p;u djasA ge esa ls izR;sd dks LdkmfVaax xkbfMax vkUnksyu dh n`”;rk ds fy, onhZ esa gksuk pkfg,A fu;e ,oa jk’Vªh; dk;Zdkfj.kh lfefr esa lHkh lnL;ksa ds fy, ubZ onhZ iSVuZ dh flQkfj”k dh xbZA bldks ldZqyj uEcj 201 fnuk¡d 14 vDVwcj dks ,d losZ{k.k xwxy QkWeZ ds lkFk tkjh fd;k x;k gSA esjk lHkh lnL;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd d`i;k losZ{k.k dks ns[ksa vkSj onhZ ij vius fopkj nsa rkfd blss jk’Vªh; ifj’kn ds le{k j[kk tk lds vkSj ge ;qokvksa ls fopkj izkIr djus gsrq 18oha jk’Vªh; tEcwjh esa izpkj&izlkj dj ldsaA

14 uoEcj cky fnol gSA eSa lHkh cUuhl] dCl ,oa cqycqYl dks cky fnol dh “kqHkdkeuk,a nsrk gw¡aA bl vk;kstu dks lHkh Lrjksa ij fofHkUu jpukRed xfrfof/k;ksa dh ;kstuk cukdj euk;k tk ldrk gSA

LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA

International Events

Subham Singh of Kanchrapara, South Group, Eastern Railway State reports that the International DigitalJamboree2022–aneventtocommemorate100yearsofScoutinginKoreawasorganizedon and from 01st to 09th October 2022 online via website, zoom and metaverse in which more than 5000youngpeoplefromallovertheworldtookpart.Acontingentof36Scoutsand04UnitLeaders participatedactivelyfromSouthGroupwithfullenthusiasm.

TheOpeningCeremonywashostedbyScout,Dotty,AmbassadorofKoreaScoutAssociationon01st October, 2022. National Oath of the host country was presented. Dr. Gerinus Cheolwoo Lee, Camp Chief of the 2022 International Digital Jamboree. International Commissioner of KSA declared the openingoftheJamboree.Dr.Tae-SunKang,Chairpersonofthe2022InternationalDigitalJamboree and President of KSA delivered his speech where he highlighted the concept of the Jamboree and welcomed the participant countries. Mr. Simon Hang Bock Rhee, National Chief Commissioner of KSAgaveacongratulatorymessagetoalltheparticipants.

The participants experienced the unique metaverse filled with full of Jamboree Activities like – OX Quiz, Quiz Maze Escape Game, Scout Golden Bell, Superstar J, Better World Framework Village, Pioneering Skills, Make a Patrol Flag, Do a good turn daily, Let me introduce my friend, A digital Zip line, Scout Skit, Scout Bag Pack, Eco Challenge–Pick up the trash, Exhibition Hall and many more. A widerangeofactivitieswereheldonthemainstageoftheJamboreeinwhichScoutingvideoswere showcased. Our participants enjoyed them a lot as it was a lifetime learning opportunity for them. The Closing Ceremony was also hosted by Scout, Dotty, Ambassador of Korea Scout Association on 09th October 2022. After that, the National Oath of the host country was presented. Then, the Scout promise was repeated by all. The Flag flown at the metaverse was lowered. Dr Tae-Sun Kang, the Chairperson of the 2022 International Digital Jamboree and President of KSA delivered his speech where he thanked all the executives whose tremendous efforts made this Jamboree possible. Finally, it was time for the official declaration of the Jamboree. Dr Gerinus Cheolwoo Lee, Camp Chief of the 2022 International Digital Jamboree and the International Commissioner of KSA declaredtheclosingoftheJamboree.

National Events


UN commemorates the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl (IDG) with the theme "Ourtimeisnow—ourrights,ourfuture".Intheselast10years,therehasbeenincreasedattention on issues that matter girls amongst governments, policymakers and the general public, and more opportunities for girls to have their voices heard on the global stage. The members of BSG celebrated the day with various activities all over the nation.1005 participants viewers join in the webinar.

The National Headquarters of BSG has organized a three-hour webinar to celebrate the day and cover the stories from different parts of the country. The webinar was inaugurated by lighting the lamp and key note address by Ms. Darshana Pawaskar, Jt. Director of BSG. Ten states, namely, MadhyaPradesh,UttarPradesh,Assam,SouthernRailway,Chattishgarh,Meghalaya,Uttarakhand, N.F. Railway, Maharashtra and West Bengal presented their activities during the Webinar. Live interviews of Bulbul, Guide and Rangers were covered by Ms. Rittika Sharma, Chairperson of the National Youth Committee. Ms. Vandana & Ms. Shivani, Rangers from Delhi explained the activity package through puppet Show. Ms. Chempaka, Chairperson, Asia Pacific Committee of WAGGGS graced the occasion. A short presentationwasgivenbySangamTeamabouttheWAGGGSCentreinIndia.

Ms.SumanBalaSingh,UnitLeaderfromDelhiStateconductedthewebinarinan efficientway Ms. Shivangi Saxena, Assistant Director, Central and Western Region welcomed the Guest and viewers. Mr BabluGoswami,AssistantDirector,EasternRegionproposedvoteofthanks.WinneroftheQuiz wasannouncedandthewebinarcametoanendwithNationalAnthem.ATeamofYoungandAdult Leadersdedicatedtheirtimeandefforttomaketheeventmeaningfulandmemorableone.

The Bharat Scouts And Guides

Creating - Better India



65th Jamboree on the Air and 25th Jamboree on the Internet was organized by the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters at Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, NHQ, New Delhi on 15th and 16th October 2022. JOTA-JOTI, the world’s largest digital and radio Scout event promoting friendship and global citizenship, was celebrated with 127 participants and staff from Delhi, Haryana, Northern Railway, N.C. Railway, Jamiat Youth Club and Uttar Pradesh states on 15th Octoberand129participantsandstaffon16thOctober2022.

JOTA-JOTI is about the 21st century skills one can learn in Scouting and the values of global citizenship.Theeventisopentothemembersoftheorganizationaroundtheworld,enablingyoung people to connect and communicate with each other using the Internet and amateur radio. The BharatScoutsandGuidesengagedtheiryouthparticipantsintheseeducationalactivitiesthatbuild teamwork,cross-culturalunderstandingandskillsforthefuture. Eightstationswereestablishedto helpparticipantsbyusingthemethodofLearningbyDoing.Alltheparticipantswereintroducedto HAM Radio, Echo link, Morse Code, registration on scout.org, and Safe from Harm activities. Participants were given a chance to show their talent in yoga, dance,song,poem,rap,beatboxing,etc.Competitions such as Quiz, Jam Art, and Essay Writing were also organizedonthetopicAzadiKaAmritMahotsavduring theevent.

Dr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director, BSG inaugurated the event 0n 15th October by lighting the lamp. ShriShyamalKumarBiswas,ChiefCommissioner(Scout),ShriAlokGoel,Treasurer,BSG,ShriRanga Wishnu from Indonesia–WOSM Consultant, Humanitarian Action, Shri Sunny from BangladeshWOSMConsultant,HumanitarianAction,Ms.DarshanaPawaskar,JointDirector(SS)andShriAmar B. Chettri, Joint Director (S), were present on 16th October and inspired the participants with their encouraging and motivational speeches. Winners were awarded prizes by the Chief Guest and participationcertificatesweredistributed.

Shri Arup Sarkar, Deputy Director of Scouts (Boy Programme) conducted the event with the help of Shri Siddharth Mohanty, Project officer, BSG, Shri M.S. Kamath, HAM Expertand other staff of NHQ and invited staff from Haryana and Delhi states. The Bharat Scouts and Guides is always involved fromGroupLeveltoNationalLevelinvariousoccasionsatthetimeofdisastereithernaturalormanmade from the beginning of the organizing training for Adult as well as for Youth every year to

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