2 minute read
from October 2022
by Bsg India
Scout Masters and Guide Captains of Diglipur Districts were given awareness speech on International Literacy day on 8th September, 2022.
Basic Course for Scout Masters and Guide Captains was conducted by Arunachal Pradesh
BSG at STC, Naharlagun from 22nd to 28th September, 2022 in which 117 Scout Masters and Guide Captains participated. The State Secretary of Arunachal Pradesh Mr. Shehang leadership of Mr. Siddheswar Sutradhar, Rover Scout Leader of Assam rendered their services during Vijaya Dashami in Guwahati and helped Police and administration to maintain peace amongthepilgrimson05thOctober2022.More than30Roversattended.
Rongrang,Dy.Director,DirectorateofSecondary Education Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh along with other office bearers visited the course on 23rd September, 2022 and encouraged the trainees.
Team of Rovers and Unit Leaders under the
TheBharatScoutsandGuides,Bihar,Madhubani District Association organized Testing Camp up to Tritiya Soapn at their District Headquarters from 30th August to 3rd September 2022. 50 Scouts and Guides participated. The testing camp was successfully conducted under the leadershipofShriAmanKumar&RajeshKumar.
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The Bharat Scouts And Guides
Creating - Better India OCTOBER, 2022 forfjr fd;sA jkT;iky egksn; us vius mn~cks/ku esa dgk fd
LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l }kjk ekuork dh lsok] fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa ds ek/;e ls dh tk jgh gSA lkFk gh LoPNrk vfHk;ku ds ek/;e ls Hkkjr dks LoPN] lqUnj cukus dk ;Fkk“kfDr viuk ;ksxnku vkSj ukxfjdksa dks tkx:drk dk lans“k ns jgs gSaA jktHkou dh vksj ls jkT;iky egksn;k us o’kZ
2021&2022 esa mRd`’V dk;Z djus okys LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l dks 10&10 gtkj :i;s] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ dks 5&5 gtkj :i;s ,oa loZJs’B LdkmVlZ ,oa xkbMlZ dks 10&10 gtkj :i;s dk psd ,oa ç“kfL= çek.ki= gLrk{kfjr dj çnku fd;ssA bl volj ij Jh lR;ukjk;.k “kekZ] jk’Vªh; mik/;{k] Hkkjr
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“kdqUryk lkgw] jkT; mik/;{k fo/kk;d ,oa jkT; eq[;ky; ds leLr inkf/kdkjh] deZpkjh ,oa fof“k’V ukxfjdx.k mifLFkr
FksA Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l NÙkhlx<+ jkT; ;qok eap }kjk ofj’B LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ gsrq f“kfoj dqnjx<+] vksM+xh ,oa lwjtiqj ftys esa fnuk¡d 13 ls 23 flrEcj] 2022 rd dh vof/k esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftlesa 150 ofj’B LdkmV~l] xkbM~l] jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us Hkkx fy;kA
Pulse Polio Service was rendered on 18th September at Sealdah Railway Colony and SealdahOfficer’sColonyareabythemembersof Sealdah District Association of Eastern Railway stateBharatScoutsandGuides.
Nukkad Natak on Stop Using single use plastic was performed at Sealdah, Khurdah and Naihati Railway Stations by members of Sealdah District Association of Eastern Railway State Bharat ScoutsandGuideson18thSeptember2022.
30 Rovers of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, East Central Railway, Mughalasarai (DDU) Division participated in the Mock Rally on train accident disaster with joint operation of NDRF on 28th September2022.
The Bharat Scouts and Guides, East Central Railway organised awareness rally on Swachhta Pakhwada in collaboration with Environment and HomeAffairsDepartment,Danapur 0n16th September 22. 35 Rovers and Rangers are participated in this rally Shivaji Open Group of Bharat Scouts and Guides, East Central Railway Danapur rendered service at Tilaiya station on 31.08.22, in the food arrangements for the employees with the collaboration of rail service work.
Pulse Polio Eradication Campaign was organised by Danapur Division of East Coast Railway State