2 minute read
from October 2022
by Bsg India
West Bengal State conducted a workshop on Membership Growth - Local States Team Building at StateTrainingCentre,Ganganagarfrom10thto11thSeptember,2022inwhich31participantsand 12stateofficialsparticipatedincludingstafffrom17revenuedistrictstookpart.
State Growth Coordinators updated about the Status of the Local Team Building and Basic Unit Leaders Training Courses. They also gave follow up on the Strategic Plan, OYMS and discussed on Census of 2021-2022.They also discussed on annual census with the targets assigned to each state fortheyear2022,andhowthisprogresswilladdontothenextyearofgrowthtargetandimpactof thecurrentyearachievements.
The Local State Workshop of Karnataka State was conducted at Dr. Annie Besant Bharat Scouts and Guides Training cum Camping Centre, Doddaballapura, Bangalore from 20th to 22nd September, 2022 in which 77 participants from 30 revenue districts took part. Mr. Madhusudan, NSO Growth Coordinator, Mr. Krishnaswamy R., Executive Director along with the State Coordinators, Mr. M.S. SatheeshandMs.H.K.JyothiRanganathtooksessionsphysically.
TheRailwayStatesNationalLevelMeetwasconductedatKettifrom22ndto24thSeptember,2022 in which Shri Krishnaswamy R., Executive Director, who is also secretary of Membership Growth addressed the gathering and presented the Growth targets. He discussed and planned the strategies and possibilities of Growth. 16 Members were present from all over India representing sevenZonalRailways.SouthernRailwayhostedthemeet.
A Meeting was conducted with all the State Growth Coordinators of the Civil States in which the State Growth Coordinators updated about the progress on the State Strategy, follow up action on division/district membership growth analysis and dashboards, target allocation with state growth targets 2025, planning for local team building, local coordinators training and developing local growth strategy, plan for 2022 and 2023 unit leaders training and also gave follow up on the StrategicPlanandOYMS.Addnl.ChiefNationalCommissionerattendedthemeetingandaddressed thestategrowthcoordinatorsontheimportanceofGrowthtoall.
Regional Events
The National Headquarters is conducting a National Level Series of Webinar on Enhance Your Knowledge Scouting Guiding Ko Jaane on every Sunday at 11:00AM. Started from 30th January 2022 through Zoom, they have completed 35 webinars. 36th Webinar of the series was delivered by various Resource Speakers from Eastern Railway, East Coast Railway, Delhi, Odisha, Maharashtra and West Bengal. ThewebinarswerebasedonAPROPartI&II and were conducted under the guidance of Shri BabluGoswamiAssistantDirector.
Team Yoga with BSG completed 500 Episodes of Virtual Fitness programmes – Yoga with BSG. This programme was started in August 2020 during the covid pandemic to enhance the immunity. The Programme is telecasted at Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters through Official YouTube Channel of Bharat Scouts and Guides at 07:00 AM in the Name of YOGA with BSG- Immunity to the Community Dr B. Islam, Dr Ashwani Kumar andMs.AlimaPH,yogaexpertswerepresentingthe programme. 500 episodes were completed under the Leadership of Shri Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director,I/C,EasternRegion.
With the Authorisation and Recognition of the National Training Centre of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, North East Regional Headquarters conducted Himalaya Wood Badge Course for Guides at State Training Centre, Chamatapathar Guwahati, Assam from 22nd to 28th September, 2022 with 23 Candidates and 05 Staff Members from Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland and North Frontier Railway Shri Analendra Sarma, Assistant Director,NER-BSGgracedtheopeningceremony.
The Course was conducted as per SOT and giving importance to skills of Scouting/Guiding like Pioneering, Mapping, First-Aid, Cooking, Camp Craft, Hiking etc. Everyday, activities started with Physical Jerks (B P Six Exercises, Yoga and Suryanamaskar) followed by morning inspection, Prayer and flag ceremony. With reflection, report andnews,morningsessionswerestarted.
Every evening, trainees came with various innovative ideas to present in the Sing Song/Campfire. On the last day All Faith Prayer was conducted in the morning followed by Prayer and Flag. After morning sessions, Evaluation, Open Session and other formalities,thecoursecametoanend.
The course was conducted under the leadership of Mrs. Arunima Debi, State Secretary and State TrainingCommissioner(Guide)AssamState.Shewas assistedbyseniortrainerslikeMrs.MaryKerketta,LT (S), Assam, Mrs. Irabati Sinha, LAT (S), KVS, Ms. Catherine Nongkesh, ALT (G) & SOC and STC (G), Meghalaya, Ms. Kiyakhrienuo, ALT (G) and ASTC (G) Nagaland.