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Creating - Better India prepareandsupportcommunityduringvariousdisasters.DisasterManagementandPreparedness ispartoftheYouthProgrammeofBSG.



Stepping ahead BSG has planned to have its own policy for the effective and efficient training and delivery of the service during the need of the community. The workshop on Capacity Building Training and Policy Development in Humanitarian Action held at BSG-NHQ, New-Delhi from 17th to 19th October, 2022 is an historic event. The Workshop began with lighting the lamp on 17th October in a short and solemn opening ceremony in the presence of Mr. S. K. Biswas, Chief Commissioner of Scouts, Dr. K. Sukumara, National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources), Mr. U. Rajan, National Commissioner of Rovers, Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director, Bharat Scouts and Guides. WOSM Consultant on Humanitarian Action Mr. Rangga,Wisnu from Indonesia and Md. Shihab Uddin Sunny from Bangladesh led the workshop as resource persons.

25Participantsattendedfrom19Statesi.e.Assam,Chhattisgarh,Delhi,EastCoastRailway,Eastern Railway, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Jamiat Youth Club, Kerala, Maharashtra, N.E. Railway, N.F. Railway, N.W. Railway, Odisha, S.C. Railway, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West CentralRailway.VarioustopicslikeIntroductionofHumanitarianAction,Typesanddifferentphases ofDisaster,DisasterReductionRate,RiskManagementandsafefromHarminHumanitarianAction etc. were discussed. Participants have prepared initial draft policy on Humanitarian Action. The closing ceremony of the workshop was held on 19th October, 2022 in the afternoon in which Shri Madhusudan Awala, Addl. International Commissioner (S), Smt. Darshana Pawaskar, Joint Director (SS) were present and blessed the participants. Shri Amar B. Chettri, Joint Director (S) (Programme &Training)coordinatedtheworkshop.


TheNationallevelYogatrainingCoursewasconductedatShantikunj,Haridwar,Uttarakhandfrom 17thto21stSeptember,2022inwhich93participatedfrom Chhattisgarh,EasternRailway,Gujarat, Haryana,Kendriya VidyalayaSangathan, Maharashtra,MadhyaPradesh,NorthernRailway,North Central Railway, North Eastern Railway, Punjab, Rajasthan, South Central Railway, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh,Uttarakahnd,WestBengaland WesternRailway.



The course was inaugurated by Shri Baldev Devangan, Registrar, Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar. ShriSitaramSinha,PrincipalGayatriVidyapeeth,Shantikunjwasalsopresentontheoccasion.After personalobjectives,thecourseobjectivesweredealt.Duringthecourse,fundamentalsofYogaand its importance, its meaning and origin, demonstration of Yoga prayer, Shanti path, literature on yoga, kinds of yoga i.e. Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raj Yoga and Hatya Yoga etc. were discussed thoroughly and demonstrated by the various staff with explanation. Antrang Yoga like Pratyahar, Dharma, Dhyana, and Samadhi were explained by Prof. Vivek Subudhi, Dev Sanskriti University, Shanti Kunj. Bahirang Yoga i.e. Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandh and Sat karma werethoroughlydiscussedwithdemonstrationbyDr.MaheshMuchhalM.A.(Yoga),UttarPradesh. Asanas like inverted balancing, Sitting, Lying, and Standing Micro yoga practice kriya, Surya Namaskar, SudhiKiriya – Neti, Nauli, Dhoti etc. were completedbymostoftheparticipantsinthelabofDev Sanskriti University under the supervision of experts. Pranayam retention, Fast breathing, slow breathing, techniques of concentration, Yog nidra, Tratak, Meditation etc. were discussed during the course. Participants also enjoyed the holy bath in Ganga River atHarkiPoudiwhichtheydesired.

On 20th September 2022 Shri Ravindra Mohan Kala, State Secretary, BSG, Uttrakhand along with State Officials visited the course and interacted with the participants. Grand Camp Fire was inauguratedbyShriKamleshGupta,ChiefEducationOfficer,Hardwarwhoblessedtheparticipants. On21stafterAllFaithPrayer,participants metDr.ChinmayPandya,ViceChancellorofDevSanskriti UniversitywhoinspiredtheparticipantswithadvicethatTalent isinsidethehumanbutwehaveto developtheskilltotakeitoutforthebettermentofworld.

The course was conducted under the leadership of Shri Mahinder Sharma, Assistant Director I/C ably assisted by Dr. Mahesh Muchal, Professor and Yogacharya, M.A. in Yoga, Uttar Pradesh, Smt. VandanaTiwari,UttarPradesh,Smt.SumanBalaSingh,DelhiandHarishUniyal,Uttarakhand.After the open session, evaluation, final talk, lowering of flag,the course came to an end with National Anthem.

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