Project Staff Recruitment and conditions of Service Rule

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LORD ROBERT BADEN POWELL- CHIEF SCOUT OF THE WORLD I have over and over explained that the purpose of the boy scout and girl guide movement is to build men and women as ci zens endowed with three H’s namely: Health



The man or women who succeed in developing these three a ributes has secured the main steps to success this life. -Lord Robert Baden Powel

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PREAMBLE The Bharat Scouts & Guides is a voluntary, non- poli cal, educa onal Movement for young people, open to all without dis nc on of origin, race or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by the founder Lord Baden Powell. The Purpose of the Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social, emo onal and spiritual poten als as individuals, as responsible ci zens and as members of the local, na onal and interna onal communi es. The Scouts/Guides Movement is based on the following fundamental principles v Duty to God v Duty to Others v Duty to Self

THE MISSION OF THE SCOUT MOVEMENT is to contribute to the educa on of young people, through a valuebased system based on the Scout Promise and Law to help build a be er world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a construc ve role in society. VISION OF BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES By 2024, The Bharat Scouts and Guides, will be globally visible, consistently growing, self-reliant premium youth movement that is gender balance, vibrant and responsive to trends, providing young people with value based, a rac ve and challenging youth program through competent leaders, effec ve communica on, op mum use of technology and efficient management. Page- 02

GLOSSARY 1. Short Title: These rules are known as “The Bharat Scouts and Guides recruitment and condi ons of service rules (Project). 2. Applica on: These rules shall come into force on and from 1.02.2021 and shall apply to all the employees recruited /appointed under projects of Bharat Scouts and Guides. 3. Defini ons: For the purpose of these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or the context: (a) “Commissioner” means the Chief Na onal Commissioner of the Associa on. (b) “Director” means the Director of the Associa on. (c) “Employee” means any person recruited/appointed to any post in connec on with the project on s pend or on daily wages or on contractual basis. (d) “Appoin ng Authority” means a person competent to appoint the members of the staff in accordance with the authori es enumerated in rules of The Bharat Scouts and Guides. (e) “Office” means the office of the Na onal Headquarters, New Delhi and office at the Bharat Scouts and Guides. (f) “Month” means Calendar month according to Gregorian Calendar and calendar year means 1st of January to 31st December. (g) “Financial Year” means a period of twelve months commencing on 1st April every year and ending on 31st March of next calendar year. (h) “One year” means year consis ng of 12 months irrespec ve of calendar or financial year. (i) “Emoluments” for the purpose of these rules shall mean the Salary, which includes all the allowances if any. (j) unless expressly explained, ‘He” includes ‘She”. (k) “Projects” means any sponsored project like DDU-GKY, PMKVY, Seekho aur kamao etc, which runs with the Page- 03

support of government funds, CSR funds or the funds received through WOSM ,WAGGS or any other agency. Note: Any difficulty arising about the words and phrases not defined above shall be resolved by the Chief Na onal Commissioner whose decision shall be final in all respect.

SCOPE These rules have been framed to govern the terms and condi ons of the service of all the employees of the project. These shall be applicable to all categories of employees of the project/s.



Project Head Project Manager Coordinator (B)GRADE B

Accountant Recep onist Technician Data entry operator

Quality Head Center Head MIS Head Mobiliza on Head Finance Head WAGGS Coordinator (C)GRADE C

(E) GRADE E Janitor Peon Cook Sweeper Security Guard

Warden Mobiliza on Execu ve MIS Execu ve Trainer Quality Execu ve Asst. Growth manager Youth coordinator

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1. No. of posts required is to be finalized as per needs of the projects or as per standard opera ng procedure of the project. 2. Qualifica ons for each post to be finalized as per Standard Opera ng Procedure of the project. 3. Post as may be required as per specific project can be created by the project in charge with the approval of the Director & Commissioner.

APPOINTMENTS/MODE OF RECRUITMENT All appointments to be made following the Recruitment Process and the guidelines issued by The Bharat Scouts and Guides, NHQ. All Posts as stated above or needed as per the project guideline/standard opera ng procedure, shall be adver sed through appropriate channels including social media, Na onal Headquarters Magazine and website men oning the requisite qualifica ons, age, nature of job, etc. and shall be given wide publicity through State Organiza ons of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. No person shall be taken in service unless he/she has furnished: (I) A matricula on or Higher Secondary School Cer ficate showing his/her date of birth. (ii) Health Cer ficate from a registered medical prac oner or MBBS Doctor or Govt. Medical Officer. (iii) Tes monials regarding educa onal/Technical/ Professional qualifica ons required for the par cular post. (iv) Police Verifica on report (a) Qualifica ons for Appointment: Qualifica on and experience required for each category will be decided as per Standard Opera ng Procedure of the project. (b) Age Requirement. Recruitment: The age in case of direct recruitment/ Page- 05

appointment shall be minimum 21 and maximum 50 years or as per SOP of the project. which can be relaxed in excep onal cases by the Commissioner/Director. Scouts & Guides will be given preference (only based on competency)

RESIGNATION, TERMINATION OR DISMISSAL OF SERVICE (I) During the proba on period, an employee can resign from his post in the project only a er giving one month no ce from the date of resigna on or surrendering one month pay in lieu thereof. Considering the project nature, relaxa on can be considered by the Director. (ii) If the services of an employee during Proba on Period are not found sa sfactory, the Appoin ng Authority may terminate the service of an employee by giving two weeks’ no ce of termina on or two weeks salary in lieu thereof. However, the power to terminate the service of the employee shall be exercised by the Appoin ng Authority. Provided, however, in excep onal circumstances, this condi on can be waived by the Commissioner/Director.

EFFECTIVITY OF THESE EMPLOYEES’ RULES (I) Appointments made in the past prior to the enforcement of these rules shall be deemed to have been made under these rules and all the employees of the projects shall be governed by these rules. (ii) In case of any doubt or difficulty, the interpreta on or extent of the applica on of any of these rules, the decision of the Commissioner shall be final and binding on the employee in all respects. (iii) In respect of ma ers concerning, the service condi ons of the employees of the projects not referred to in these rules, may be looked into by the Commissioner in line with the BSG rules. Page- 06

EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT Employee Code of Conduct outlines our expecta ons regarding employees’ behaviour towards their colleagues, supervisors and overall organiza on. The employees are empowered and enjoys freedom of expression and open communica on with HOD & Director. It is expected all employees strictly follow this code of conduct. We also expect each one to foster a well-organized, respec ul and collabora ve environment. Scope This Code of conduct applies to all our employees of project regardless of employment agreement or rank. Code of conduct elements Employees are bound by their contract to follow BSG Code of Conduct while performing their du es. We outline the components of BSG Code of Conduct below:

1. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW All employees should strictly comply with law of the land, and procedures. BSG expect employees to be ethical and responsible when dealing with the organisa ons finances, products, partnerships and public image.

2. RESPECT IN THE WORK PLACE All employees should respect their colleagues and refrain from discriminatory behaviour, harassment or vic miza on. Each one shall ensure a cordial, friendly and professional environment at workplace and hostel. Scout values Promise and Law shall always be guiding principles. Employees should conform with govt. of India harassment policy** in all aspects of their work, from recruitment and performance evalua on to interpersonal rela ons. Page- 07

3. PROTECTION OF ORGANISATION PROPERTY All employees should treat BSG organisa ons property, whether material or intangible, with respect and care. Employees: © Shall ensure proper use of organisa on equipment and shall refrain using it frivolously. © Should respect all kinds of incorporeal property. This includes trademarks, copyright and other property (informa on, reports etc.) © Should use them only for the work of the SDC in accomplishing their job responsibili es © should protect organisa on facili es and other material property from damage and vandalism.

4. PROFESSIONALISM All employees must show integrity and professionalism in the workplace:

5. PERSONAL APPEARANCE All employees must follow Dress code*** and personal appearance guidelines.

6. SHARP PRACTICE We discourage employees from accep ng gi s from clients or partners. We prohibit briberies for the benefit of any external or internal party.

7. JOB DUTIES AND AUTHORITY All employees should fulfil their job du es with integrity and respect toward beneficiaries, stakeholders and the community. Supervisors and managers shall not abuse their authority. We expect them to delegate du es to their team members taking Page- 08

into account their competences and workload. Likewise, we expect team members to follow team leaders’ instruc ons and complete their du es with quality output and in a mely manner. We encourage men oning throughout our organisa on.

8. ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS All employees to be punctual when coming to and leaving from work.

9. CONFLICT OF INTEREST We expect employees to avoid any personal, financial or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their job du es. Shall there be any situa on of conflict of interest, the concern person shall announce it to his/her superior in advance.

10. COLLABORATION Employees should be friendly and collabora ve. They should try not to disrupt the workplace or present obstacles to their colleagues’ work.

11. COMMUNICATION All employees must be open for communica on with their colleagues, supervisors or team members, all communica on should be done through proper channel. No one is allowed to communicate with Director and CNC directly. In case of dispute with HOD, representa on can be made to the Director.

12. BENEFITS We expect employees to not abuse their employment benefits. This can refer to me off, insurance, facili es, subscrip ons or other benefits as may be offered by the organisa on.

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13. RULES All employees should read and follow BSG organisa on Rules.

14. DISCIPLINE AND PENALTY a. Every employee shall at all mes: Maintain absolute integrity, devo on to duty and do nothing against the Associa on or project which is unbecoming of an employee. b. Every employee holding a supervisory post shall take all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devo on to duty of all employees/team members under his/her control and authority. c. In the discharge of his/her duty or in the exercise of powers conferred on him/her, no employee shall act otherwise than in his/her best judgment except when he/she is ac ng under the direc on in wri ng. Where it is not prac cable to obtain the permission in wri ng, he/she shall obtain wri en confirma on/direc on there a er as soon as possible and failing that, report the ma er to the next higher authority within a reasonable me. Explana on: Nothing in clause (c) of above shall be construed as empowering an employee to evade his/her responsibility by seeking instruc ons from or approval of a superior officer or Authority when such instruc ons are not necessary under the Scheme of distribu on of power and responsibili es. d. An employee shall serve the project with commitment and faithfully and shall maintain the secrecy regarding the affairs of the Project and Associa on and its cons tuents. He/she shall strive to promote the interest of the Project or the Associa on. e. An employee shall not be absent from du es without prior Page- 10

permission of the competent authority empowered to allow casual/medical leave or as the case may be. f. No employee shall leave the headquarters /sta on where he/she is posted without obtaining prior approval from his/her superior. g. No employee shall (i) engage himself/herself or par cipate in any demonstra on which is prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly rela ons with foreign States, public order, decency or morality or which involves contempt of court, defama on or incitement to an offence or (ii) resort to or in any way abet in any form of strike in connec on with any ma er pertaining to his/her service or the service of any other employee. h. No employee shall except with the previous sanc on of the Commissioner, have recourse to any court or to the press for the vindica on of any official act which has been the subject ma er of adverse cri cism or an a ack of a defamatory character. i. No employee shall, except with prior sanc on of the Commissioner or the prescribed Authority engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or undertake any other employment. j. Provided that an employee may, without such sanc on, undertake honorary work of a literary, ar s c, scien fic or humanitarian character, subject to the condi ons that the official du es do not thereby suffer. k. Penalty and Disciplinary Authority: The following penal es may, for good and sufficient reasons and as hereina er provided, be imposed on an employee, namely: (a) MINOR PENALTIES: - Recovery from his/her pay of the full or Page- 11

part of pecuniary loss caused by him/her to the organiza on by negligence or breach of order (b) MAJOR PENALTIES: -Dismissal from service rendering on part of the employee a disqualifica on for future employment. (C) Termina on of service: *No no ce is required in case of major penalty to terminate for viola on of rule. Appeal: 1. An appeal against the order of the competent authority imposing minor or major penalty appeal shall be referred to the Chief Na onal Commissioner. 2. No appeal lies against the order of the appellant authority i.e. Chief Na onal Commissioner within the organiza on. 3. All the ma er of disputes will be se led in the Jurisdic on appropriate courts of Delhi only. Limita on of Appeal. An appeal can be filed within 30 days of the date of order imposing penalty.

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LEAVE RULES 1. GENERAL (a) The rules are framed for regula ng the grant of leave to all the employees of projects. (b) Leave shall be granted to all employees by the immediate superior / Repor ng authority (c) Leave cannot be claimed as a ma er of right and the sanc oning authority may at his discre on refuse or postpone grant of leave or curtail the period of leave based on the relevant requirement and needs of the SDC. (d) For calcula on of leave, the year shall correspond to the calendar year. e) Unauthorized absence from the duty without prior sanc on or availing excess of leave without pay may lead to disciplinary ac ons.

2. CASUAL LEAVE (a) Casual leave may be granted at the discre on of the authori es concerned up to 12 days during the year. Casual leave cannot be granted for more than 5 days at a me. If the casual leave period is overstayed, the whole period of absence shall be treated as leave without pay. Casual leave not availed within the year shall automa cally lapses at the end of the year. (b) The casual leave can be prefixed or sufficed with the gaze ed holidays or other holidays, but the total period of absence should not exceed more than 10 days.

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3. MEDICAL LEAVE Medical Leave for 12 days on full pay is admissible for every completed year of service in the Associa on. The Competent authority may issue direc ves to submit medical cer ficate from an appropriate authority. ** Medical facility: Accidental/Medical insurance of project staff to be done to the extent of maximum 24 month salary

4. COMBINATION OF LEAVE (i) No leave can be combined, except leave on loss of pay (E.O.L), when no other leave is admissible to the employee. (ii) While ge ng tour programme approved, only casual leave can be applied for. Daily allowance will be paid as admissible from place of duty to the place of Headquarter of the employee and not for the broken period of journey while on casual leave.

5. SPECIAL POWER Cases not covered by these rules will be referred to the Commissioner whose decision shall be final.

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HARASSMENT ANTI-HARASSMENT AND ANTI-DISCRIMINATION The Bharat Scouts and Guides promotes a workplace that is free of harassment and unlawful discrimina on based on sex, race, colour, religion, na onal origin, age, marital status, sexual orienta on, disability, protected ac vity, and any other basis protected by law which has jurisdic on over the employee. Any behaviour, which is considered offensive in the workplace by anyone, including senior management, line management, coworkers or non-employees is unacceptable. Anyone engaging in such harassment will be subject to disciplinary ac on. Any retalia on against a complainant, i.e. the person who accuses another of harass mentor individuals coopera ng with an inves ga on will not be tolerated. For purposes of this policy, “workplace” includes, but not limited to, The Bharat Scouts and Guides offices, work sites, events, and work-related travel.

HARASSMENT DEFINITION In general, harassment means persistent and unwelcome conduct of ac ons, which has the purpose or effect of viola ng a person’s dignity and crea ng an in mida ng, hos le, degrading, humilia ng or offensive environment for the person. The unwanted conduct may consist of acts, requests, spoken words, gestures or the produc on, display or circula on of wri en words, pictures or other material.

SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment is one type of harassment and includes unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature or unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a

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sexual nature. It does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature includes, but is not limited to: © The making of unsolicited, inappropriate gestures or

comments © The display of offensive sexually graphic materials not

necessary for work © Harassment on any basis (race, sex, age, disability, etc.) © Submission to harassing conduct is made, either explicitly or

implicitly, a term or condi on of an individual’s employment © Submission to or rejec on of such conduct is used as the basis for an adverse employment decision affec ng an individual © The conduct unreasonably interferes with an employee’s work or creates an in mida ng, hos le, or offensive work environment Employees are responsible for no fying their line manager if they are being harassed during the course of employment.

HARASSMENT/DISPUTE In case of harassment or any dispute at the work place an employee may contact Project head/Project manager or HOD. In case of non-redressal of the issue employee may contact Director and therea er to the Commissioner.

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DRESS CODE BRIEF & PURPOSE Dress code outlines how employees are expected to dress at work. Employees should note that their appearance ma ers when represen ng the organiza on. An employee’s appearance reflects organiza on’s culture and create a posi ve or nega ve impression about the organiza on

SCOPE These rules apply to all project employees.

CODE ELEMENTS These dress code rules always apply: © All employees must be clean and well-groomed. Grooming

styles dictated by religion and ethnicity aren’t restricted. © All clothes must be work-appropriate. © All clothes must project professionalism. Also, that the overall

dress shall be acceptable to the local culture and tradi on. © All clothes must be clean and in good shape. Discernible rips,

tears or holes aren’t allowed. © Employees must avoid clothes with stamps that are offensive

or inappropriate. The dress code could be flexible in special events. For example, special dress code when employees can wear more casual clothing like jeans, simple blouses and boots, semi-formal a re or outdoor ac vity, Scout/Guide uniform for Scou ng events.

DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES The employee should start respec ng our dress code accordingly.

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Consequences, in case of noncompliance: © Not accep ng on role for the day. © Leave without pay for the day. © If repeated for more than three mes, termina on from the

posi on.

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TRAVEL GUIDLINES OBJECTIVE The purpose of this guideline is to define the process for employees who travel for official purposes.

OBJECTIVE All project employees and Proba oners & Management Trainees are eligible.

GUIDELINE © Travel plan must be approved through the func onal head

/Opera onal head either on the prescribed tour program or through email . © For all daily travel allowances, boarding and lodging expenses

please refer the en tlement table. © All claims will require to be submi ed with proper suppor ng

documents, without suppor ng documents no claim will be admi ed. Any expense that is not according to this guideline, not jus fied and neither approved shall be borne by the individuals. © An employee can take travel advance before proceeding for

the travel as per his en tlement. Travel advance request has to be submi ed at least a week ahead and in case of last-minute decision 48 hours before to Finance department with duly approved tour program in the prescribed format. No Further travel advance will be payable to any employee who had not submi ed the previous travel expense bill/report. © On return from the travel, the employee will have to se le the

travelling advance within fi een days of return of his/her travel trip or else it will be considered as noncompliance and Page- 19

indiscipline. Necessary ac ons can be taken that may even result to deduc on of the said amount from the salary of the employee. © No reimbursement is permi ed for alcoholic beverages and

tobacco, or any such commodi es. © As per policy, employees are not expected to prefix or suffix

leave with an official tour unless specially approved. If an employee avails leaves in conjunc on with the tour, he/she will not be reimbursed any of the expenses during the leave period as well will not be en tled for the daily allowance for the leave days. © Laundry expenses and all related expenses shall form part of

boarding limit. © It is impera ve that employees carry their Iden ty card /

visi ng card with them at all the mes so that in the event of an accident on travel, the organisa on will get immediate and priority ac on. © Travel Insurance must be taken for each travel and to be borne

by the organiza on. © Employees found with fic

ous claim shall be liable for

disciplinary ac on. © Organisa on will not be liable for loss of money/ baggage on

tour. If employee loses any asset of the organisa on entrusted to him, a FIR shall be lodged at the local police sta on having jurisdic on over the area of accident. © Claims will be se led based on approvals only. Shall there be a

situa on where the employee has to extend the travel days to accomplish the travel objec ve or meet another assignment, due approval shall be sought from the appropriate authority. No expenses will be passed if approval is not taken for excess Page- 20

travelling days. Below is the eligibility of project staff v

Withdrawing Salary Above 30K to 60K:© Eligible for 3 er AC Rajdhani, Shatabdi (Economy Class) or

any other similar mode of transport is also permissible without claiming D.A. From Residence/Duty Place to Railway/Bus Sta on and back. Auto is permissible or Rs.15/per km. not exceeding 20 km. one side. Dynamic fare will also be deducted in case of travel performed by Rajdhani, Shatabdi or similar mode. © If there is no train/Bus service, Rs. 5/Km shall be payable for

such cases. v

Withdrawing Salary up to 29.99K:© By Sleeper Class. From Residence/Duty Place to

Railway/Bus Sta on and back: Bus fare actual. In case of journey for Tour purpose spending more than a week outside the Headquarter, auto fare is permissible as in above case. © In case of travelling by personal vehicle payment of T.E will

be paid @Rs. 5/Km. Journey DA - Salary Range between 40K to 60K:© Journey more than 8 hours and up to 24 hours: Full DA –

Rs. 300/© Journey more than 4 hours but less than 8 Hours: ½ Day DA –

Rs. 150/© In case of Tour Period, if free hospitality is not provided then

also Full DA can be claimed for the tour days.

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Journey DA - Salary Range between 20K to 40K:© Journey more than 8 hours and up to 24 hours: Full DA – Rs.

225/© Journey more than 4 hours but less than 8 Hours: ½ Day DA –

Rs. 112.50 In case of tour period, if free hospitality is not provided then full DA can be claimed for the Tour days. Journey DA - Salary up to 20K:© Journey more than 8 hours and up to 24 hours: Full DA – Rs.

150/© Journey more than 4 hours but less than 8 hours: ½ Day DA –

Rs. 75/In case of tour period, if free hospitality is not provided then also full DA can be claimed for the tour days. NO. OF DAYS

If Hospitality is not provided

Up to 15 days Above 15 days

Full D.A 50% D.A.

Ø Below is the Hotel Accommoda on eligibility of the staff

member © 2% of his/her salary or actual whichever is less, subject to

maximum limit of Rs. 800/- (Withdrawing Salary above 30K to 60K) © 3% of his/her salary or actual whichever is less, subject to

maximum limit of Rs. 500/- (Withdrawing Salary up to 30K). *will be paid on submission of bill from registered hotel. Ø Below is the Railway Sta on Halt eligibility in case of halt is more

than 04 hours:Page- 22

© Re ring Rooms (Non-AC) at railway sta on (Withdrawing

Salary above 30K to 60K) © Dormitory Rooms (Non-AC) at railway sta on (Withdrawing

Salary up to 30K

TRAVELLING RULES © Tour to be get approved in advance © Employees are required to se le all travel related claims i.e.

any expense incurred while on business tour - example conveyance, mee ng expenses, incidental etc., should be submi ed within 15 working days. In case employee does not claim in 15 working days a er the travel, the same will be disallowed. ©

Employees have to a ach the used boarding pass to the expense statement.

cket counterfoil /

© In case if transport/ hotel is being shared with another

employee, the claim should clearly specify the name and employee designa on of the person travelling/staying with. © Even when no amounts are due to be claimed by employee it is

necessary for the employee to submit the travel expense report and travel boarding pass within 15 days from the return date. © It is mandatory to complete the tour report before submi


the travel expense report. © Staff has to avoid unnecessary expenditure on hotel or taxis or

the way of expenditure not eligible. If required so, should be get approved over phone or in advance from the HOD/Director.

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TOUR PROGRAMME Name Designation Date of Leaving the Headquarters Date of Return to the Headquarters DETAILS Date & Time of Departure

Place of Departure

Date & time of Arrival

Place of Arrival

By Air/Train / Bus

Purpose of Visit

Date Signature


Recommended and forwarded


Ofcer In charge

(In case of Director)


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