The Bloor West Villager, December 31 2015.

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INSIDE Mayor Tory must address SmartTrack concerns in 2016 / 4

Junction-raised boxer has centre named after him/ 12

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What’s in the stars for Toronto next year? TORONTO MAYOR JOHN TORY


Traffic, transit and housing: The mayor’s priorities for 2016. What else is he thinking?

‘Does it concern me that people are using firearms as a decision maker? You bet it does.’

See our interview on page 3

See our interview on page 5

Photos that made the news in 2015 Check it out on page 10

Spend the first of January lakeside The Toronto Polar Bear Club is calling on Toronto’s bravest, who “dare to dip” into Lake Ontario on New Year’s Day in the name of charity. The 11th annual polar bear dip takes place at Sunnyside Pavilion Park on Friday, Annual Jan. 1. polar bear Registration dip benefi ts opens at 10 Habitat for a.m. The dip, which Humanity takes place at noon, is in support of Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area. More than 500 people braved the icy temperatures of Lake Ontario last year, raising approximately $75,000 for the organization. Since its inception in 2005, the Toronto Polar Bear Club has raised almost $200,000 for Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area. Its participant numbers have grown since then, when the event attracted 25 dippers and raised $6,000. Last year, approximately 400 took part, raising more than $50,000. Sunnyside Pavilion is at 1755 Lake Shore Blvd. W. For more details, visit www.

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BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015 |


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Mayor’s 2016 priority: making Toronto run better DAVID NICKLE


t’s the day after the launch of the 2016 budget process – really, the first full budget of Mayor John Tory’s term – and it’s fair to say the mayor is feeling the sting of his critics. The budget is not quite balanced – councillors will have to find $23 million in savings to just hold the line at inflation for property taxes, and find another $67 million if they want to keep the promises of service enhancements that council and the mayor have made through 2015. As Tory sits down for his end-of-year interview with Metroland Media Toronto, the bristling is barely noticeable. “It is the beginning – I have been working on it for months and this is the beginning of the process that is continuing,” Tory says. “We have eight weeks of hard work ahead.” Indeed, as 2016 unfolds, fixing the city’s budget and dealing with the city’s finances will be the first of a series of big jobs that Tory hopes to complete, to eventually make more sense of the mayoralty that Tory began just over a year ago on the heels of the tumultuous Rob Ford mayoralty. In many ways, Tory’s year in 2015 was about restoring calm to an office that had seen a bit too much tumult. Polling data may have told Tory that transportation and public transit are the biggest issue, but he says that in conversation, Torontonians are most grateful for the simple stability of a mayor that if anything tacks to the dull side.

“The number one thing they raise with me every day is how happy they are that I’m conducting the job in a responsible and balanced way,” Tory says. “It’s not just about not engaging in bad behaviour – but they also see that my comments on television are balanced. They see that I’m prepared to take into account the other side.”

spanning project, where there are no existing rail lines. “The studies will come early in the winter – and why would I have bothered to go through the time and money, especially the time, of having those studies done if I didn’t want to pay attention to what was said?” he says. ‘study’

understood Tory would like to be understood in this way: as a balanced, evidencebased politician who steps outside of the world of partisan politics that he himself once inhabited. He offers up evidence to that, in talking about one of the major debates at Toronto Council in 2015, over what to do with the eastern portion of the Gardiner Expressway. Tory advocated strongly against tearing that section of the highway down and instead building a ‘hybrid’ elevated highway – and in the end, he prevailed. “Once the vote was over I could have said I won that vote, that’s that, let’s get on with building it,” he says. “The first thing I did was to ask my staff to sit down with all the people that most vehemently opposed the position I took and ask them how we could make the so-called hybrid much better.” The result? Tory says that the modified hybrid is an improvement on the original plan, and what had begun as a relatively narrow victory at council – he only won by a 24-21 vote – has turned into a much broader consensus. He admits that consensus was not always the

Staff photo/DAVID NICKLE

Mayor John Tory’s priorities for 2016 are transit, traffic, housing and jobs. Mayor Tory sat down with Metroland Media Toronto reporter David Nickle to take a look back at the year that was, and a look ahead to next year.

result of what he termed an honest approach to issues. Taxi and limo drivers took Tory’s name in vain in early December when they blocked thoroughfares to protest the city’s slow action in curbing Uber-X drivers who collect fares via the unregulated Uber app. Tory has taken an agnostic approach to the issue – along with council directing staff to find a way to bring Uber-X under the city’s regulatory regime and acknowledging that apps like Uber will likely remain. “The truth is that when I said they’re here to stay it wasn’t a statement in favour of Uber – it was simply a statement of real-

ity,” Tory says. “They may not like the truth.” Going forward, Tory is bracing himself for dealing with more reality. Early in the new year, he and council will be shown reports on the efficacy of two inter-related transit projects: the extension of the Bloor-Danforth subway into Scarborough, and Tory’s own SmartTrack. Tory has been steadfast in his support of both projects, despite questions being raised about both the expenditure and the engineering possibilities. On SmartTrack, he acknowledges that there will be engineering problems – particularly in the western portion of the city-

“We’ll see what the study says and make adjustments if necessary. But there will be a smart track that will run from the Mississauga Corporate Centre through downtown and out to Markham. Can I tell you how many stations? No I can’t. But I put forward a proposal and it’s going to be a transformative transit project.” On the Scarborough Subway, Tory is anxious to take the discussion away from the one that his predecessor Rob Ford framed it as justice for Scarborough. Tory also refutes critics in the development industry and elsewhere who maintain the ridership simply won’t be there to support a subway. “The jobs will eventually develop in the Scarborough Centre and that’s going to be a good thing for Toronto,” Tory says. solution “And I’ve always said that my solution on transit should be a balanced solution that includes everything. It isn’t subways, subways, subways (as former Mayor Ford put it). It’s subways, LRTs, buses, bicycles, cars and trucks.” Tory says he hopes by the end of 2016 to have all


of the necessary approvals in place to move forward on SmartTrack and the subway project. He is also hoping for some movement on dealing with Toronto’s public housing repair backlog and the creation of new affordable housing, with the help of the new federal government. “We had set targets for affordable housing and missed them by a mile,” he says. “I hope we can get back closer to keeping those targets and over time catch up.” Overall, says Tory, his priorities for 2016 are “traffic and transit and housing,” and also creating jobs. Infrastructure As well, he will be moving forward with his plan to extend the Scarborough Subway levy into a 0.5 per cent annual levy to pay for infrastructure – one of what could be several new revenue tools to help the city deal with its long-term capital project backlog. “I would like you to say to me next year, well last year we sat here and discussed theoretically the levy, and discussed the budget which wasn’t yet completed, and you sit here and tell me that the city is better off both short term and in terms of its budgeting process and how it’s running itself, and that we’re achieving the kinds of efficiencies that I didn’t quite achieve this year, and you can also tell me that the longterm financial picture is better,” he says. “I hope I can look at you and say yes, both of those are substantially better measured by numbers, and not by my saying so.”

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| BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016: a look ahead

BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015 |


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Great things to be done in the coming year

Write us The Bloor West Villager welcomes letters of 400 words or less. All submissions must include name, address and a daytime telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Copyright in letters remains with the author but the publisher and affiliates may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. Letters can be sent to press@, or mailed to The Bloor West Villager, 175 Gordon Baker Rd. Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2.


t’s the eve of 2016. We’re all a year older and hopefully a little wiser. From the moment we’re born we begin to age. We’re cradled, we crawl, we stand, we walk, we run; always driven by our curiosity to know more, do more and be more. But how much is too much? Are we experiencing real value in our lives living in this fast-paced culture of technology and responsibility? We resolve to make changes, but most times these changes don’t stick. New year’s resolutions seem to be destined to fail. Maybe it’s because vowing to lose weight isn’t the real goal. But rather to be healthy have more energy to take our view and care of your family. Instead of saying you’re going Aim for a to go on a financial diet, how reframing the thought. life of value about Resolve to spend money only on and balance the things that bring you the most joy. You’ll soon realize you’ll save more money and accumulate fewer things. No one is asking you to come up with a grandiose plan for your future. But, of course, you could if you like. But how about simply resolving to slow down your busy life a bit and reflect on what’s important to you. Live a life of value and balance. Unplug. Increase face time with your favourite people. Find time to exercise. Take in what you’ve learned in the last 12 months and build on the good and be grateful for the bad, because the adversarial experiences no doubt taught you the most. We’re wired, tired and on the go non-stop. At least that’s how it must have seemed for many in 2015. Let’s not say the same next New Year’s Eve. If there’s something you want to do in 2016, don’t think, just do. Push through toward your goals, one foot in front of the other, because baby steps count too. There’s lots of great things that can be done in the coming year, including becoming more involved in your community or volunteering to help others. The best way to make change is to be the change and that’s the best new year’s resolution you could ever make.


Tory must address SmartTrack concerns If 2015 was simply about righting the ship of state in Toronto and restoring civility to civic life – and for many it was, as I argued in this space last week – the coming year is going to be a challenge for our new and agreeable city council. Indeed, looking at the new calendar, everything contained in the promise (and promises) of Mayor John Tory and his new council is going to be put to the test. There was a certain luxury to be had in the first year of this mandate, being able to set up not just the tone for a debate, but the factual basis for it. So two of Tory’s signature issues – the SmartTrack heavy rail transit system linking Markham to Scarborough and the downtown, and then Liberty Village and Etobicoke and eventually Markham, and the continued construction of the Scarborough Subway – could move slowly and

david nickle the city inconclusively through committee and council, blessed by open questions for another day. The day to answer those questions will come in 2016, probably sooner than later. Media reports have indicated there are problems with the implementation of SmartTrack, particularly in the west end where considerable tunnelling might be necessary. The question, until now avoided, of whether it makes sense to have SmartTrack run so near the Scarborough Subway extension will need to be addressed, definitively. Thanks to the new budget process, in which city finance staff don’t do the work of budget balancing but leave that to politicians, councillors will have to find ways to pay for $67 million worth of

programs that they cheerfully approved in 2015. The continuation of enhanced transit service, investment in poverty reduction strategies… something as simple as setting up safe ice-skating on Grenadier Pond… will all depend on the ability of councillors to make hard choices and take responsibility for their decisions. The city is going to need more money in any case, and councillors are going to have to have another look at that list of possible revenue tools they so neatly rejected during the Rob Ford mayoralty. In year-end interviews, Tory has made much of his indifference to ideology in his approach to governing the city and corralling council. It has served him well so far, and could serve him well this coming year. But it might be a terrifying time. Ideology, for good and for ill, can work as a kind of road map for a politician faced with making a

firm decision to deal with a complex problem. Without a notion of where one wants to be, it can be easy to confuse pragmatism with populism, to make a call that panders to a base rather than provides a solution. That’s not to say Tory should return to his Conservative roots or sign a New Democratic Party membership card – pick shirts or skins in an oldfashioned Toronto council mud fight. But he and the rest of council should remember that over the next year and the ones that follow, there are going to be debates and decisions that together will shape both the city and the legacy. Doing it right is going to require flexibility, and thoughtfulness – and in the end, a crystalline clarity of vision.


David Nickle is Metroland Media Toronto’s city hall reporter. His column runs every Thursday. Reach him on Twitter: @DavidNickle

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Chief weighs in on year to come for city’s police



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espite a rise in global terrorism, Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders says there’s no credible threat against the city. But the chief stresses that doesn’t mean all is well. “It’s a different world right now,” he said in a yearend interview earlier this month. “We need to be more alert. We need to be more vigilant in our day-to-day processes if we want to keep the city safe.” According to the 2015 Global Terrorism Index, there has been a dramatic rise in terrorism over the last 15 years with nine times more people being killed in terrorist attacks today than in 2000. The report, released last month by the Institute for Economics and Peace, found that terrorism spread significantly in the past year, with attacks and fatalities in more countries than ever. “We work on a provincial, national and international level. We’re in constant communication with law enforcement agencies around the world and we are kept up to speed with information in real time,” Saunders said. “We’ve got a very good machine when it comes to national security. ... I feel comfortable in knowing that if we do have to turn it on that we do have a good plan in place that will be effective.” According to a CNN report earlier this month, ISIS has conducted or inspired at least 50 terrorist attacks in 18 countries that have killed 1,100 people and injured more than 1,700 others since June 2014. “It’s always on the back of my mind,” Saunders said of a terrorist threat. “It’s not like we sit and wait for something to happen. There are things that are in the works on a dayto-day basis, 24 hours a day when it comes to national security.” Saunders, a married father of four, was appointed chief in April, making history as the city’s first black top cop. “If it serves as a role model




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Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders reflects on 2015, and looks ahead to challenges facing the Toronto Police Service in the coming year.

for any member of the community, then it’s a good thing,” he said. “I threw my hat in the ring because I was hoping to move the Toronto Police Service to the next level, the next generation of policing, and I have a particular vision in which I would like us to move in, so that’s the first and foremost reason why I was interested, and the history piece, I kind of stuck that more or less behind me, but I’m grateful that that’s how it has been considered.” At his swearing-in ceremony, Saunders called the cost of policing an “urgent” issue and vowed to “examine everything we do” in an effort to find efficiencies. modernize A recently formed task force, chaired by Saunders and Toronto Police Services Board chair Andy Pringle, will study ways to modernize the force, which has an annual budget of $1 billion. “This task force is going to look at what we can do to transform the existing model, what we can do to modernize the model of policing to make sure that we can be even more effective and efficient,” Saunders said. “Whether it’s looking at technology and using it to help us keep the city safe or it’s looking at the shift model in policing, how we can modify that to get the most out of the

assets that we have, I think are some critical components.” A 2011 efficiency report found that $35 million could be saved with a schedule change. There are currently as many officers on duty in the early morning hours as there are during the busy evening hours. “It’s going to take a tremendous amount of research. It’s not a matter of making change for the sake of making change,” Saunders said of the task force. “We really have to be careful in the approach that we take to make sure that what we do is the right thing to keep Toronto safe.” In May, Toronto police unveiled a body-worn camera pilot project involving nearly 100 officers. Saunders said the project is “going well” but wouldn’t reveal whether he thinks it should be expanded. “I don’t want to promote too much of what my feelings are,” he said. “I’m going to look at the research and see what the research tells me.” As of Dec. 21, there were 243 shootings involving 381 victims in the city in 2015, compared to 174 shootings and 231 victims at this time last year. “We have to be careful because the connotation is that this is now a pattern and it’s on the rise. It’s only compared to one year, which is last year. Last year is a bit of an anomaly year,” Saunders said.

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5 | BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016: a look ahead


BLOOR WEST in brief

BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015 |


Stay off Grenadier Pond ice when you see red flags Following Toronto City Council’s approval of skating on Grenadier Pond – a tradition since Confederation – a new flag system will be set up to let residents know when the ice is safe. When a red flag is up, the ice is not safe; when a yellow flag flies, the ice is use-atyour-own-risk. There will be a designated area to skate with access the pond, to help ensure the natural environment is not harmed by people walking through sensitive areas. The changes will help make the pond safer for skaters, safer for the environment, and users will no longer have the threat of tickets by bylaw officers. More at donor clinic at Swansea Town Hall wBlood

The Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave., hosts a blood

donor clinic, Saturday, Jan. 9, from 9:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m. If you can’t make it to the January clinic, another one will be held at the town hall Saturday, March 12 at the same time. To book an appointment online, visit the Canadian Blood Services’ website at Forge bond with your through rhymes wbaby

Story Planet, 1165 Bloor St. W., has announced the arrival of the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program. The program provides a group experience for parents, relatives, caregivers and their babies that focuses on the pleasure and power of using rhymes, songs, and stories together. Participants will gain the skills and confidence to use rhythm and oral storytelling to

help interact with and soothe their babies and forge strong bonds. Adults are encouraged to share their own traditional rhymes and stories as well as learn new ones. The program runs every Monday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. starting Jan. 11 for babies, newborn to 18 months old. This is a free program. To sign up, contact Michelle at learn how bike lanes benefit businesses Cycle Toronto will be hosting a Bike Lanes Mean Business event at Ciro’s Restaurant, 1316 Bloor St. W., Thursday, Jan. 14, to share how improving bike transit helps businesses near bike routes. The event starts at 7 p.m. To find out more, visit events/805074129615051


“ Yo u r F r a m i n g E x p e r t ”

Clutton play Lambton House watHelmers, Singer Randi Helmers returns to historic Lambton House and joins forces with bassist and composer Rob Clutton on the banjo, Friday, Jan. 15, from 6 to 11 p.m. Admission is free. Doors open at 6 with music starting at 8 p.m. For more details, visit www. around the world with your child wTravel

The Jane/Dundas library, 620 Jane St., presents ‘Around the World in Stories’ on Saturday, Jan. 16 from 2 to 3 p.m. Listen as stories from different countries introduce you to new heroes and adventures. Learn about different cultures, try some puzzles, and take home some books. This is open to families with children of all ages.

Call 416-394-1014 for more information. Park Zoo master plan discussed wHigh

A meeting to discuss a Master Plan process for High Park Zoo will take place Thursday, Jan. 28. The Friends of High Park Zoo, in partnership with the City of Toronto, have embarked on a Master Plan process, which aims to plan capital and experience enhancements over the next several years while respecting the heritage of High Park Zoo. The draft Master Plan will be presented at a public meeting at the Forest School, located just inside the High Park main entrance from Bloor Street West. The meeting runs from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. To find out more, visit www.


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You could win movie, dinner out It’s time for a Night Out. Metroland Media Toronto is hosting a Night Out contest, which people can enter for a chance to win two Cineplex movie tickets and a $100 Ultimate Dining gift card. No purchase is necessary. The contest is open to Toronto residents 18 years of age or older. The odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. One (1) prize will be awarded. The contest closes Thursday, Jan. 21 at 11:59 p.m. To enter and for complete contest rules, visit insidetoronto. com/contests

City ponders community centre downtown for creative people DAVID NICKLE Toronto could one day have a “Civic Hall” where hackers, artists, journalists, technology wonks and other “change-makers” can meet and collaborate, if councillors go along with a proposal at the Jan. 4 meeting of the Government Management Committee. Committee chair Paul Ainslie is asking the committee to direct city staff to study establishing a kind of community centre for creative types in the downtown core. The “hall” would be modelled on a similar space in New York City, where,

according to its website, “social entrepreneurs, change-makers, government employees, hackers, academics, journalists and artists can share knowledge, build tools, and solve problems, together.” world-bettering intent The project there is sponsored by various high-powered corporate players, including Microsoft and Google, with a generalized aim of giving people the resources for world-bettering projects. In his letter to the committee, Ainslie said he believed Toronto could use that kind of space.

Upcoming @ St. Olave’s Wednesday, Jan. 6, 6 p.m.

“Civic technology is at a moment of definition and growth, when a diverse set of actors is uniting around the idea of advancing the use of technology for the public good,” writes Ainslie. “These varied participants need a place to congregate, a daily home base in the heart of Toronto, whether they are based here or based elsewhere. This civic technology field needs a hub that is functionally more engaging than hackathons and less structured than an incubator.” Ainslie is asking that senior city staff review opportunities for creating a “Civic Hall” and report back on June 13.

Evensong for Epiphany, followed by light supper and “St. Olave’s Stained-Glass Windows by Yvonne Williams” with Janice Douglas and artist Sarah Hall.

Sunday, Jan. 24, 10:30 a.m. Archbishop Colin Johnson joins us for our annual joint service with the South Sudanese Community Church. African luncheon to follow. St. Olave’s Anglican | 360 Windermere Ave. Follow us on Twitter @StOlavesTO

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BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015 |


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Gorgeous Stunning Renovated 4+1 Backsplit, Modern Kitchen, S/S Appliances, Gleaming Hardwood Floors, Crown Mouldings, Open Concept Living Room, Huge Family Room, Separate Side Entrance to Finished Basement Ideal for Entertaining or In-Law Suite, Thousands Spent, Beautiful Professionally Landscaped Garden, Double Garage!

SoLd FaSt FoR toP doLLaR!

eR anoth d SoL

SoUGht aFteR StReetSvILLe

Power of Sale, Approx. 3,000 Sq Ft Plus Finished Bsmt, 4+1 Bedroom 2 Storey, Spacious Principle Rooms, Main Flr Family Room, Premium Lot, Inground Pool, Demand Neighbourhood, Amazing Value! SoLd FoR toP doLLaR!

eR anoth SoLd

CaBBaGetown LandmaRK

Totally Renovated Detached Toronto Home. Bright & Sunlit Architectural Masterpiece will Amaze You! 2 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Tempered Glass, 3 Balconies, Granite Floor, Custom Kitchen with B/I Appliances, Spacious & Open Concept with Approx. 1,000 Sq. Ft. of Living Space!, Sauna, Finished Basement, Beautiful Deck + Garden, One of a Kind! Simply Must be Seen! Only $699,900!

SoLd FoR toP doLLaR!

RIveR oaKS oaKvILLe


Prime Location, Gorgeous Victorian 3+1 Bedroom 3 Storey, Separate Entrances, 2 Hydro Meters, 2 Sundecks, Balcony, Thousands in Upgrades and Updates, Private Drive, Fabulous Opportunity, Close to All Amenities! $1,085,000!


Waterfront Location, Totally Redesigned & Professionally Renovated 3 Bedroom, 3,200 Sq. Ft. Suite with Lavish Finishes, Over 350K Spent, No Expense Spared, Top of the Line Appliances, Crown Mouldings, Custom Cabinetry, Gourmet Kitchen, Divine Bathrooms... the list goes on. A Spectacular Lifestyle awaits you. Call for a Confidential Viewing Today! SoLd FoR toP doLLaR!

eR anoth SoLd

Stone & BRICK eXeCUtIve 2 StoRey!!

RanCh BUnGaLow on 2.88 aCRe Lot

hIGh PaRK detaChed

Absolutely Gorgeous Totally Renovated 4+1 Bedroom. Fabulous Open Concept Layout, Gleaming Hardwood Floors, Huge Custom Kitchen With Quartz Counter, Centre Island, Stainless Steel Appliances, and Walkout To Deck. Master Bdrm With Full Ensuite & Walk-In Closet, Separate Side Entrance To Finished Basement In-Law Suite. Double Garage, Professionally Landscaped Lot, Large Veranda In Fantastic Location For Only $999,900!!

Simply Spectacular Renovated Home, Huge Family Room Addition, 3+1 Bdrm, Gourmet Kitchen, Skylights, Formal Dining Rm, Incredible Professionally Finished Basement Ideal for Entertaining, Theatre, Stage, Wet Bar or In-Law Suite, Detached 8 Car Garage, Ideal for Contractor, Warehouse For Home Based Business, Access to Walking Trails, Close to Hwy and Amenities! Must be seen! Only $999,900!

Gorgeous Original Wood, Filled With Character + Charm, 4+1 Bdrms, Large Living Room, Hardwood Floor, Highwood Baseboards +Trim, Solid Doors, Formal Dining Room, Separate Side Entrance, Spacious Backyard, Rare Private Drive, Garage, Amazing Value + Location, High Demand Neighbourhood! SoLd In 1 wK FoR 112% oF aSKInG!

eR anoth d SoL

eR anoth d SoL

eR anoth d SoL

JUnCtIon dUPLeX!!

Amazing Detached 2 Storey Located In The Junction Triangle!! Very Well Maintained 3+1 Bedroom, Great Curb Appeal, Perfect Turnkey Investment Property, Can Easily Be Converted Back To A Large Single Family Home. Many Recent Updates. 2-Car Garage With B/I Storage. Finished Basement W/ Separate Entrance. Private Backyard! Incredible Opportunity – Won’t Last!! SoLd FoR toP doLLaR!

eR anoth SoLd

Fabulous Opportunity, Detached 3 Bedroom 2 Storey, Quality Built, Large Foyer, Oak Staircase, Large Kitchen, Ceramic Floor, Open Concept Living Room, Formal Dining Room, Walkout to Huge Deck, Large Yard, Master Bedroom, Walk In Closet, 4 Pce Ensuite, Garage, Private Drive, High Demand Neighbourhood! SoLd FaSt FoR 100% oF aSKInG!

SoLd FoR toP doLLaR!

eR anoth d L o S

eR anoth d L So

Brand New Custom Home, Spectacular Brick & Stone, 4+1 Bedroom, 2 Storey, Situated on Premium 50 x 150 Ft. Lot on End of Cul-deSac, Premium Finishes, Quality Materials, Fantastic Layout, Over 5,600 Sq. Ft. of Living Space, Formal Dining Rm, Crown Mouldings, Coffered Ceilings, Gleaming Hardwood Floors, Gourmet Kitchen, Quartz Counter, S/S Appliances, Bright Sunlit, Skylight, Master Bdrm Retreat, Professionally Finished Bsmt, Plus Much More!

CooKSvILLe eState!!

Spectacular Stone Mansion Nestled On Sprawling Gated Lot!! Absolutely One-Of-A-Kind, Approximately 5000 sqft, This Grand 5 Bedroom Family Home Sits On Approximately ¾ Acres And Is Surrounded By Mature Trees. 221 ft Frontage Makes This Property Ideal For Potential Future Development With Many New Multi-Million Dollar Homes Already Built In The Area. Very Rare Opportunity – Must Be Seen!

veLLoRe vILLaGe 4+1 BdRm!!

Gorgeous 2-Storey Semi Detached With Walkout Bsmt Linked Only By Garage! Open Concept Living+Dining Rms, Spacious Eat-In Kitchen, Master Bedrm W/Full Ensuite & W/I Closet, Finished Basement With Spacious Rec Rm, Office, Kitchen & Bedrm, potential in-law suite. Landscaped Lot, Deck, Private Drive, Fabulous Neighbourhood, Steps To All Amenities! Incredible Value. SoLd FaSt FoR 113% oF aSKInG!

veLLoRe vILLaGe SUPeR vaLUe!

Spacious 4+1 Bdrm 2 Storey Masterpiece With Premium Finishes. Exceptional Craftsmanship, Open Concept Layout, Crown Molding ,Pot lights, Hardwood Floors, Gourmet Kitchen, Granite Counter Tops, Marble Floor, S/S Appliances, Master Bdrm Retreat, Luxurious Ensuite, W/I Closet, Prof Finished Basement, Ideal For Entertaining Or Nanny Suite. Close to all amenities, Steps to Vaughan Mills, Transit, Go, School, Future Subway & Hospital. Simply Must be seen! Amazing Value! SoLd FoR toP doLLaR!

PRIme aLdeRwood oPPoRtUnIty

Amazing Opportunity to Live/Work In Alderwood! Modern & Well Maintained Corner Store-Front Complete W/ Two Large Self Contained 2 Bed/2 Bath Apartment Units. Retail Area Features Large Foyer/Reception, Huge Open Workspace, Separate Office, 2 Washrooms, Recently Finished Basement & Rear Entrance. Great Location Close To Hwys & Transit. Won’t Last Long!!!

SoLd FoR toP doLLaR!

eR anoth SoLd

noRSeman BUnGaLow

Solid 3 Bdrm Home on a Large Premium Lot with Approx. 50 Foot Frontage, Home in Original Condition, Huge Potential to Renovate/Rebuild, Great for Renovators/Contractors or Developers, Rare Lot in Prime Norseman Area! Super Value! SoLd In 1 wK FoR 117% oF aSKInG!

QUIet CoURt LoCatIon Detached 4+1 Bedroom 2 Storey, Renovated Kitchen, Huge Family Rm, Fireplace, Open Concept Living & Dining Rm, Gleaming Hardwood Floor, Finished Basement Ideal for Entertaining, Double Garage, Walkout to Fenced Backyard, 2 Tier Deck, Fabulous Family Neighbourhood! $675,000!

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eR anoth d SoL

CentRaL etoBICoKe oPPoRtUnIty!!

Detached Bungalow on Large 40x133ft fully fenced lot. Needs some TLC, Huge Potential for Renovators, Contractors or Investors. Updated Windows& Doors, Furnace & A/C, Electrical Panel. Huge Basement, 6 Car Parking, Super Value. SoLd In 1 wK FoR 113% oF aSKInG!

detaChed BUnGaLow

Immaculately Maintained, 3+1 Bedrooms, Open Concept Living Rm, Formal Dining, Updated Family Size Kitchen, Separate Side Entrance to Finished Bsmt Ideal for In-Law Suite, Huge Rec Room, 2nd Kitchen Situated on Spacious Lot, Garage, Private Drive. SoLd FaSt FoR 104% oF aSKInG!


e anoth d L So

BRamPton RanCh BUnGaLow

Stunning Home with Double Car Garage on a Large Lot Backing onto Park Near Bramalea City Centre, Renovated Top to Bottom including Brand New Kitchen and Main Bath, Professionally Finished Bsmt, New 24 x 12 Deck, Fabulous 32 x 16 Salt Water Heated Pool, Updated Roof/Windows/Furnace, Parks 8 Cars, Stunning Curb Appeal! Close to 410/Transit! SoLd In 1 wK FoR 108% oF aSKInG!



GeoRGetown oPPoRtUnIty!!

Wonderful Family Neighborhood! Directly Across From Park. Detached 3 Bdrm Fernbrook Home On 54 x 120 Lot. Open Concept Living/Dining Room With Dark Laminate Flrs. Updated Kitchen with Walkout To Fully Fenced Backyard. Private Double Drive, Walking Distance To Schools/Shopping, Amazing Opportunity To Own! Must Be Seen! Only $485,900!!

e anoth SoLd

RemInGton BUILt

Fabulous Freehold 3 Bedroom in Credit Valley Neighbourhood, Large Foyer, Gleaming Hardwood Floors, Open Concept Living & Dining Room, Granite Countertop, Stainless Steel Appliances in Family Size Kitchen, Walkout to Spacious Yard, 4 Bathrooms, Finished Basement, Simply Must be Seen! SoLd In 1 wK FoR 100% oF aSKInG!

eR anoth SoLd


Spacious & Well Maintained 3+1 Bedroom SemiDetached Raised Bungalow!! Perfect For First Time Home Buyers And Large Families. Plenty Of Living Space, Separate Entrance To Finished Basement In-Law Suite, Large Backyard And Ample Parking. Close To Schools, Shopping & Transit. Amazing Value, Only $399,900!!

amazInG oPPoRtUnIty!!

Beautiful & Very Spacious 2-Story, 3 Bedrm Condo In The ‘Heart Of Mississauga’!! This Amazing Layout Is The Largest In The Building Featuring Approximately 1,750 S/F Of Living Space Plus 3 Separate Balconies! Panoramic Views Of The Lake And Downtown T.O.! Very Well Maintained – Newly Painted, Recently Refinished Floors, In ‘Move-In’ Condition. Large Bedrooms (2 Ensuites) And Living Room W/ Real Wood-Burning Fireplace. Perfect For First Time Buyers or Downsizers Looking For Amazing Location and Space -- Don’t Miss Out!! $249,900!

oCean CLUB CondomInIUmS

Brand New Luxurious Waterfront Resort Style Living, Fabulous 1+1 Bedroom Suite Loaded with Upgrades, Hardwood Floor, Built-in Appliances, Mirror Closet, Granite + Quartz Countertops, Large Balcony, Clear Gorgeous Views of Lake + Toronto Skyline, Amazing Value & Opportunity, Must Be Seen! Only $369,900!

amazInG vaLUe In weSton!! Bright And Charming 2-Storey Stacked Townhouse!! Very Well Maintained 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Perfect For First Time Buyers And Investors. Many Recent Updates. Includes Parking And Locker. Close To Transit. Shows Amazing And Priced To Sell, Only $249,900!

LUXURy wateRFRont Condo!!

Spacious open concept suite with 10ft ceilings, modern kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances, Elegant Laminate Floors, Floor to ceiling Windows, Walkout to Gorgeous 370sqft Terrace with Views of Lake and Park. Fabulous Amenities and Steps to Transit, Must Be Seen Only $549,900!!


e anoth SoLd

50 x 116 Ft Lot Near Port Credit, Current 3+2 Bdrm Bungalow with Basement Apt, Needs Some TLC. Comes with Huge 2.5 Car Detached Garage Built in 2012 with Furnace, Hydro and Washroom. Long Private Double Drive, Perfect for Builders or Renovators! Steps to Lake, Park and All Conveniences. Only $549,000!

hUGe PRemIUm PIe ShaPed Lot

Detached 3+1 Bedroom 2 Storey, Simply Fantastic Lot Professionally Landscaped Pattern Concrete Patio, Walkway & Driveway, Professionally Landscaped Garden, Custom Large Shed, Open Concept Living Room, Hardwood Floor, Family Size Kitchen, Walkout to Patio, Professionally Finished Bsmt, Close to Amenities! Only $549,900!

one PaRK toweR

Luxury Daniels Built almost 1,000 Sq Ft! Stunning 2+1 Split Bedroom Layout, Granite Countertop, Stainless Steele Appliances, Gorgeous Floors, Open Concept Living & Dining Room, Walkout to Balcony, Master Bedroom, Walk-in Closet + Ensuite, 24 Hr Concierge, Amazing Amenities! SoLd FoR toP doLLaR!

$119,900 - 3 BEDROOM CONDO!!

Large Corner Suite Complete With 2 Bathrooms & 2 Parking Spots! Located On A Quiet Street Surrounded By Green Space, Many Upgrades Including Renovated Kitchen, Renovated Main Bath And 3 Piece Master Ensuite. In-Suite Laundry/ Storage, Spacious Master Bedroom, Living & Dining Rooms. Priced To Sell -- Must Be Seen!!

ISLInGton/ QUeenSway Prime Etobicoke Location, Quiet Executive Townhome, 3 Bedrooms, Huge Living/Family Room, Formal Dining, Needs TLC, Amazing Value + Opportunity! SoLd In 1 wK FoR 103% oF aSKInG!

eXeCUtIve home

Rarely Available in Demand Complex Near Etobicoke Creek, Renovated Modern Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Spacious Open Concept Living Room, Walk Out to Large Deck Overlooking Tranquil Greenspace, Professionally Finished Basement, Wet Bar & Rec Room Ideal for Entertaining, Master Bedroom Retreat, High Demand Location! Only $479,900!

eR anoth SoLd

Renovated 2 StoRey townhome!! Beautiful & spacious 3 bedroom plus den on ground floor. 3 baths, Private gated patio. Great location close to TTC, shopping, hwys, parks, schools. Excellent amenities. Shows very well. Must be seen. SoLd FaSt FoR toP doLLaR!

LUXURy Condo aCRoSS FRom LaKe

Stunning 1 Bdrm Unit Across from Humber Bay Park in South Etobicoke, Wide Layout with Unobstructed West View, Gourmet Kitchen with Granite Counters, Upgraded Cabinets and S/S Appliances,Two Walkouts to Huge Balcony, Large Master, 9 Foot Ceilings, World Class Amenities, 10 Min to Downtown, TTC at Door, Parking and Locker Included! Only $269,900!

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful year to come!

SEE MORE PHOTOS: Call Today 416-917-LION (5466) and Start Packing! Not intended to solicit persons under contract. *Certain Conditions May Apply. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.

Copyright© 2009 Frank Leo

| BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015

Home SellinG SyStem


BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015 |


2015 in photos 2




A look back at the photos that made the news in 2015






Winter Feeding Helps Our Local Birds Survive

1. Canadian athletes march into the Pan Am Dome at the Games opening ceremony July 10. Staff photo/Dan Pearce 2. Lucas Spencer and the rest of the East York Hockey Association’s Little Stanley Cup peewee division hoists the trophy as they celebrate their victory March 28. Photo/Allen Agostino 3. Residents gather Feb. 21 to remember Elijah Marsh, the toddler who died after wandering from his North York home. Staff photo/Nick Perry 4. A dancer performs as a peacock during the Scarborough Tamil Festival Aug. 29. Photo/Manny Rodrigues 5. Dylan Grisell, 20, leaps off the platform during Dive Ontario’s demonstration at Summerville Pool Aug. 13. Staff photo/Andrew Lahodynskyj 6. Canada’s Jerret Llewellyn competes in the opening round of the Pan Am Games men’s waterskiing tricks competition at Ontario Place July 20. Photo/Peter C. McCusker 7. Dog owners venture out into the cold Feb. 13 for a walk near Lake Ontario in Etobicoke. Staff photo/Ian Kelso 8. Former Prime Minister Paul Martin, right, and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau (prior to his success in the federal election) visit Inspectech in Scarborough Aug. 25. Staff photo/Mike Adler

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| BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015


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12 BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015 |

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Courtesy/DOUG GRIFFIN - The Toronto Star

Junction-raised George Chuvalo in the ring with Muhammad Ali, 1966 at Maple Leaf Gardens.

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New Junction Triangle community centre to bear boxer’s name

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LISA RAINFORD B ox i n g l e g e n d G e o r g e Chuvalo’s name will officially adorn a new 7,000-squarefoot community centre that’s being built as part of a Junction Triangle townhouse development, voted Toronto City Council at its meeting earlier this month. “Now that it’s passed council, it’s a reality. It’s really going to happen,” said Junction Triangle resident Scott Dobson, who was instrumental in initiating a petition calling for a ‘George Chuvalo Neighbourhood Centre’. “It finally dawned on (Chuvalo) that it’s going to happen and I think he’s really moved.” The new community centre will be part of the ‘Wallace Walk’ townhouse development at 362 Wallace Ave. “The best part of this is how much positive support throughout the community this has,” Dobson said. “Everyone seems to like the idea and wants to recognize George and keep the history of the neighbourhood alive.” The five-time Canadian heavyweight champion, who fought during the golden era of heavyweight boxing in the 1960s and ’70s against heavyweights like Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier and George Foreman, was born into a working class immigrant

family on Hook Avenue in 1937. He went on to attend St. Rita’s School while his mother worked for Royce Dupont Chicken Packers at Dupont Street and Symington Avenue. Chuvalo lived, worked, and trained in the community for many years before his boxing career led him to international fame. The petition called on the general manager of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry, and Recreation department to consider naming the new community centre after Chuvalo. “I found (the process) to be unanimously positive,” Dobson told The Villager “The idea became a conversation piece. People were talking about it as if it was a reality months before it was approved.” Dobson credited Davenport Councillor Ana Bailao for her support “right from the getgo.” “The motion was seconded by the mayor,” he added. The story has garnered lots of attention from the sports media. Through his petitioning, Dobson said he found that very few people don’t know who Chuvalo is. “People are inspired and moved by his story postboxing. There’s more to him than boxing – his life has been a series of ups and downs,” Dobson said. In his quest to help others,

Chuvalo continues to share his story of loss as a cautionary tale. He speaks to elementary and high school students about the dangers of drug abuse. Three of his five children died as a result of drugs. “His story is bigger than boxing,” Dobson said. “Boxing is one part of a bigger story.” The community centre was made possible by Section 37 development funds. Following a Request for Proposals process earlier this year, operation of the new community centre was awarded to the Christie Ossington Neighbourhood Centre, a multi-service organization that provides community-based programming for everyone, including high-needs’ children, youthat-risk, homeless men and women, vulnerable community members, newcomers, or anyone who might require extra support ( In part because of his work with youth, local Councillor Ana Bailão said it is a fitting tribute to name the centre after Chuvalo. “Community members have played a major role in defining this centre, from its layout, to the type of programming that will be offered once it opens, and now the name of the centre itself,” the councillor told her constituents in a post on her website.


bloor west

Saturday Morning Knitting WHEN: 3 p.m. WHERE: Annette Street Library, 145 Annette St. CONTACT: 416-393-7692 COST: Free Meet with other knitters to chat as you knit. Bring your own supplies. Limited instruction. For lovers of knitting.

w Sunday, Jan. 3

High Park Stewards WHEN: 10:30 a.m. WHERE: High Park, 1873 Bloor St. W. CONTACT:, stewards@ COST: Free People are needed to help the High Park Stewards remove buckthorn, a highly invasive shrub that competes with native plants. Meet in front of Grenadier Restaurant at 10:30 a.m. Rain or shine, but not during lightning storms. Gloves and tools will be provided.

w Monday, Jan. 4

Yoga With Mat for Seniors WHEN: 9 to 10 a.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Swansea Area Seniors Association, 416-392-1943, COST: $40 for four weeks Enjoy instructor-led one hour sessions that are good for flexibility, balance and strength. No yoga

featured event

weights. Zumba sessions feature great music and lots of fun.

w Sunday, Jan. 10

PAIL Network Bloor West Peer Support WHEN: 7 to 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Bloor and Parkside area CONTACT: Lynn Davis, 1-888-301-7276,, COST: Free PAIL Network is an organization of volunteers who support families who have suffered pregnancy and infant loss, through education, peer and telephone support. Parents are invited to attend a Peer Support Group to discuss the shared grief experienced after a loss. Please inquire about the One to One Telephone Support if you are unable to attend.

Winter Tree ID Workshop WHEN: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. WHERE: High Park Nature Centre, 440 Parkside Dr. CONTACT: Julie, 416-392-1748, naturecentre@ COST: Free Build skills, knowledge and learn how to identify the trees of Ontario while they sleep. This course will begin indoors with a discussion of what to look for – bark, twigs, buds and tree shape. You will then go on a guided hike on some of the lesser known nature trails of High Park to practice your new skills by identifying a variety of trees. This course is recommended for the beginner-to-intermediate tree observer. Dress in layers for both indoor and outdoor learning. experience is necessary. Taoist Tai-Chi for Seniors - Beginners 1 WHEN: 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Swansea Area Seniors Association, 416-392-1953, COST: $45 for 12 weeks Instructor-led Tai-Chi sessions are good for balance, memory, co-ordination and circulation. And fun too. World Hypnotism Day Open House WHEN: 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. WHERE: Hypno Healing Institute, 355 Keele St. CONTACT: Debbie Papadakis,

416-760-8996, info@hypno-healing. com COST: Free Debbie Papadakis, BCH, CI, popular hypnosis expert and founder of Toronto’s Hypno Healing Institute invites everyone to join her in celebrating World Hypnotism Day. Discover the power and possibilities of hypnosis.

w Tuesday, Jan. 5

Zumba Toner for Seniors WHEN: 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Swansea Area Seniors Association, 416-3921953, swanseaareaseniors@gmail. com COST: $48 for 13 weeks Work out with an instructor and with

w Wednesday, January 6

Fundance for Seniors WHEN: 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Swansea Area Seniors Association, 416-3921953, swanseaareaseniors@gmail. com COST: $48 for 13 weeks With an instructor, learn the rhumba, salsa, waltz, samba, foxtrot and meringue. No partner needed and lots of fun!

w Friday, Jan. 8

Junction Seniors Gathering

WHEN: 2 to 3 p.m. WHERE: Pascal’s Baguette & Bagels, 2904 Dundas St. W. CONTACT: Eleanor Batchelder, 647-235-0843,, eob62@ COST: Free We meet twice a week at a local coffee shop for conversation, as a social network of neighbours. On Tuesdays at Agora Cafe, 3015 Dundas St. W, from 10 to 11a.m.

w Friday, Jan. 8

5th Annual Toronto Tango Marathon WHEN: 9 to 11 p.m. WHERE: Lithuanian Hall, 1573 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Elizabeth Sadowska, 416-240-0808,, COST: $100 Elizabeth Sadowska and Rhythm & Motion Dance Studio present the 5th Annual Toronto Tango Marathon. Three days and nights of tango.

get listed!

The Bloor West Villager wants your community listings. Sign up online at to submit your events (click the Sign Up link in the top right corner of the page).

© Johnson & Johnson Inc. 2015 To be sure this product is right for you, always read and follow the label.

happening in

w Saturday, Jan. 2



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| BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015

community calendar

BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015 |


Classifieds Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm • 905-853-2527 Toll Free 1-800-743-3353 • Fax 905-853-1765 For delivery questions, please contact 416-493-2284

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Legal Services

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Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm • 905-853-2527 Toll Free 1-800-743-3353 • Fax 905-853-1765 For delivery questions, please contact 416-493-2284

Travel & Vacations

Travel & Vacations

Articles Wanted

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Legal Services

Articles Wanted

Home Renovations


Flooring & Carpeting

HARDWOOD FLOOR sanding. Specializing in stain/ refinishing. Call for Free Estimate! Reasonable rates. Paul 416-330-1340 pager.

CEILINGS REPAIRED. Spray textures, plaster designs, stucco, drywall, paint. We fix them all! 416-242-8863

Carpet installation starting from $1.19/ sq.ft. Hardwood, laminate at low prices. 27 yrs experience. Free Estimates. Best Price!

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Waste Removal


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DO YOU FIND GOLF BALLS OR COLLECT THEM? We would like to purchase all of your golf balls. We will purchase all types of qty. No min. qty. No max. We pay between $0.10 to $0.25 per golf ball Don’t worry, keep collecting, as we buy all year long even after the season is over! Contact Peter direct 416-889-9365 or 905-542-0825

Vehicles Wanted/Wrecking

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416-493-4400 or Email:

Call 1-800-743-3353 to plan your advertising campaign today!

Home Improvement Directory Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm • 905-853-2527 • Toll Free 1-800-743-3353 • Fax 905-853-1765 For delivery questions, please contact 416-493-2284



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sUdOkU (Challenging)

| BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015


last Week’s ansWeRs

How to do it: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 by 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

What are you delaying because of the cost of high mutual fund fees?

w See answers to this week’s

puzzles in next Thursday’s edition

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BLOOR WEST VILLAGER | Thursday, December 31, 2015 |


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