January 31

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thurs jan 31, 2013


Councillor Ana Bailão makes plea deal, licence suspended

Get to know the wildlife living just beyond your backyard. Read our special feature on page 13

LISA RAINFORD lrainford@insidetoronto.com Davenport Councillor Ana Bailão apologized to her family and constituents of Ward 18 as she tearfully announced she had plead guilty to driving with a blood alcohol concentration of greater than 80 mg, during a press conference at city hall, Monday. Bailão’s driver’s licence has been suspended for 12 months and she must pay a fine of $1,000. She said, she will not step down as city councillor. “I made a bad choice,” admitted Bailão from behind a podium. “I do not and have never condoned drinking and driving,” continued the councillor. “I want people to learn from my mistake.” Bailão said she wanted to thank residents of Ward 18 “and anyone else I’ve let down.” “Today, I appeared in court and entered a plea of guilty,” she said. Last October, Bailão was charged with impaired driving and driving over the legal limit of 80 mg of blood alcohol. The councillor was stopped by police at Bathurst and Harbord streets at 1:47 a.m. after officers observed unusual driving, according to Toronto police spokesperson Const. Wendy Drummond. She was stopped and charged. Bailão said she felt in control as she got behind the wheel that night, however, “one drink is too many,” she said. – With files from David Nickle

IN THE CITY West Toronto legal clinic supporters launch petition to keep service funded LISA RAINFORD lrainford@insidetoronto.com Some of the neighbourhood’s most vulnerable residents will be put even more at risk should West Toronto Community Legal Services (WTCLS)

MPAC Town Hall Meeting

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be forced to close, argues Davenport MPP Jonah Schein. For almost three decades, WTCLS has been providing free legal services to low-income residents living near Bloor West and Dundas West and its surrounding areas, but was


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Learn what to do if you are having issues with your property value assessment

recently notified by its principal funding agency, Legal Aid Ontario (LAO), that its funding will cease as of March. “West Toronto Community Legal Services provides important legal assistance, housing help, public edu-

cation and mental health support to a broad spectrum of low-income and marginalized individuals,” said Schein. “Removing a permanent clinic like WTCLS that offers vital services to our community will >>>PETITION, page 10

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THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013 |




Mirror mirror

Staff photo/IAN KELSO

Police officers from 11 Division took on Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton students in a friendly game of hockey at McCormick Arena last Thursday. The school recently formed a co-ed team. Here, a Bishop Marrocco player takes to the air while trying to score.

Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton scores its own co-ed hockey team Inaugural game pits students against police officers LISA RAINFORD lrainford@insidetoronto.com For the first time in 14 years, Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic Secondary School has a hockey team and it tested its mettle against 11 Division police officers in a game on last Thursday afternoon at McCormick Arena. The co-ed game pitted students ages 14 to 17 against officers, some of whom have played on National Hockey League (NHL) feeder teams. This fact didn’t seem to faze Dante Orfao, a Grade 10 student on the brand new high school team. “I’m not sure we’ll beat them, but I think it’ll be a good game,” said Orfao mere hours before the students and cops went head-to-head at the Brock Avenue arena. “I think we’ll do okay.” The students came up short losing

5-1, but they got some respect from their opponents. “Some of those kids are amazing,” said 11 Division resource officer Candy Graham, who along with colleague, school liaison officer Eric Berridge, and teachers Theodore Dickie and Alex Simandl, was instrumental in creating and coaching the team. “The goalies (especially) were amazing.” No slouch himself on a pair of skates, Ortao has been playing hockey since he was four. A double ‘A’ hockey player for the Toronto Royals, he’s on the ice five days a week. This in addition to the high school’s practices every Thursday and a regular game of shinny, too. Ortao said he is psyched his school now has a hockey team. By the time the team was formed in November, it was too late to enter the non-contact Catholic District





FESTIVAL FUN: The Bloor West Kids Fest was held at Runnymede Public School Saturday, with entertainment for everyone. Above, Sara Best checks out the horse painted on her cheek. Right, Splash and Boots had the kids rockin’ in their seats during their performance while Jennifer of the Jelly Pops, below, keeps the kids’ attention focus on her giant spider and the spider song. Staff photos/IAN KELSO

School Board league, explained Graham. “We wanted to get them some exhibition games,” said Graham, who approached her colleagues about playing against the students, most of whom were more than willing to play. “We had to make sure we had a good bench (of players),” said Graham. “Some of the officers have been on NHL farm teams.” Bishop Marrocco students were not required to try out, she added. “We’ve just taken everyone,” said Graham. “We had 36 kids sign up. It’s cool to see them on the ice. We’ve got some really talented kids.” Even Graham said she would be getting in on the action, despite never having played a formal game of hockey with equipment. “I’m the comic relief,” she quipped to The Villager.





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| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013


THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013 |




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Let 905ers pay for repairs to Gardiner

The Villager is a member of the Ontario Press Council. Visit ontpress.com

The Bloor West Villager is published every Thursday at 175 Gordon Baker Rd., Toronto, ON M2H 0A2, by Toronto Community News, a Division of Metroland Media Group Ltd.

To the editor: The majority of people who live in the 905 area work in Toronto. Most of them drive on our roads on a daily basis to and from work. I do hope the relevant authorities let the people who use the Gardiner Expressway shoulder the responsibility by paying for its repairs. This burden shouldn’t be on Torontonians, most of whom do not travel on that road. Kenneth Singh

Co-existing with wildlife is now city’s new normal


hile it may be hard to believe, we share Toronto with a large number of wild animals: raccoons, squirrels, geese, deer, coyotes, possums and even wild turkeys. The reasons for this are many. Increasing development in what were once rural areas are forcing animals such as deer and coyotes into the watersheds that run from north of Toronto down to Lake Ontario. The Humber, Don and Rouge valleys are refuges for many animals fleeing the loss of habitat outside the city. Our many rail corridors make for relatively safe pathways.Toronto is also a major source of food for wild animals, much of which is created by people. We all play a role in making the city so desirable, and animals have learned that in Toronto they our view have little to fear from humans and lots to gain. Use common The city is also home to numerous birds of prey includsense when ing hawks, falcons and owls. But it’s not just in the parks and encountering ravines where they are making their homes. Downtown office wildlife towers and the more built-up areas of Scarborough, Etobicoke and North York have birds nesting on their roofs – or in many cases specially made nesting boxes. People are not just helping the wildlife in the city by being sources of food, in the cases of the hawks and falcons, we’re making a direct contribution to their wellbeing. Not all residents, though, love the idea of sharing our parks and ravine trails with such a variety of wildlife. Concerns about foxes and coyotes have been heard from all parts of the city. According to the experts, we can safely live with these predators. We just need to use some common sense and remember they are not the friendly, neighbourhood dog. As the wildlife numbers grow, Toronto can become an example for other large cities on how residents and wildlife can safely co-exist. We do, however, need to take steps to ensure we continue to live safely together. Too high numbers of any animal can lead to problems. Taking steps such as not making food sources easily accessible, taking care to protect small pets and being aware of how to deal with predatory animals, can make Toronto a great place for people and wild animals alike. newsroom

Student shines light on typical school day To the editor: Here is the day in the life of a Bill 115 casualty: 8 a.m.: Arrive at school to see teachers pacing the sidewalk with “Kill the Bill!” signs. 8:30 a.m.: Knock on the office door of the English department with no response. The door is locked and students will be ignored until 8:45 a.m. 8:45 to 8:50 a.m.: The time slot given for communication with teachers outside of class. 8:55 a.m.: (Not a minute sooner): Teachers arrive to class wearing black to signify “the death of democracy”. 10:15 a.m.: Music classes are informed the concert they have been preparing for since September has been cancelled. 11:35 a.m.: Lunch period starts. Classrooms and offices are locked tight and staff members disappear. Noon: The atmosphere in the school is tense. The cafeteria and hallways are filled with frustrated students whose normal lunchtime activities have been cancelled abruptly. 12:25 p.m.: Students pre-

pare for the possibility school may be cancelled next class so the teachers can participate in a “day of protest”. 1:45 p.m.: On the way to fourth period, a gym teacher announces to another staff member: ‘If they wanted extra-curriculars so bad, they should’ve joined them outside of school’. The other staff member is quick to agree. 2 p.m.: The Grade 12 World Issues class discusses Bill 115. It is told about how rough the teachers have it and how horrible the Liberal government has always been to them. 3 p.m.: The ski trip that was organized in October is cancelled. Participants are told that they will get their money back soon. 3:15 p.m.: The gym doors are locked and the teachers are gone. All teams have been cancelled indefinitely. On Monday mornings, school is never a particularly welcome thing. But after waking up every day for six months to the sound of your educators protesting coming to teach you, Monday mornings past don’t seem to be complaintworthy at all. Though students are told

that Bill 115 is not an issue that concerns them, I hope the timeline above shows that it does. This bill is something students can see, feel and hear at school. We can see it in the doors that are closed in our faces after class time, feel it in the frustration and anger that comes with having clubs and sports teams cancelled and hear it in comments like ‘If they wanted extra-curriculars so bad, they should’ve joined them outside of school’ from our ‘supposed’ role models. I understand the frustration toward Bill 115 from the teachers, and I understand that it is the union, not the teachers making these decisions. What I cannot understand is comments such as this and the attitudes behind them that are so belittling and disrespectful to the students, the very people protesters of the bill should be seeking support from. Students are constantly told the bill is not our issue and that we’ll never understand. But it is our issue and we do understand. R. McCulloch

Time to cap politicians’ terms in office To the editor: The political picture over the past 30 to 40 years has brought the same old names and faces. Why? Because where else do you get paid mega-bucks and really do not have to have any experience or qualifications and answer to no one? Come on fellow voters, it is time we smartened up. Remember there is no rule that says you need a law degree to be a politician. And of course it is high time we put into law the maximum time for all politicians be set at two terms of office. W.D. Adamson

Write us The Bloor West Villager welcomes letters of 400 words or less. All submissions must include name, address and a daytime telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Copyright in letters remains with the author but the publisher and affiliates may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. Letters can be sent to contactus@insidetoronto. com, or mailed to The Bloor West Villager, 175 Gordon Baker Rd., Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2.

416-493-4400 | distribution ph: 416-493-4400 fax: 416-675-3066 | display advertising ph: 416-493-4400 fax: 416-675-5665 | classifieds ph: 416-493-4660 fax: 416-495-6629 | administration ph: 416-493-4400 fax: 416-495-6629

n Friday, Feb. 1

Junction Seniors’ Gathering WHEN: 2 p.m. WHERE: Pascal’s Baguette and Bagels, 2904 Dundas St. W. CONTACT: Eleanor Batchelder, 647-235-0843, seniors@junctionra.ca, junctionra. ca/junction-seniors The group meets twice a week at a local coffee shop for conversation, as a social network of neighbours. Tuesday mornings 10 to 11 a.m. Agora Cafe, 3015 Dundas St. W. All welcome. Constituency Hours WHEN: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. WHERE: Annette Street Library, 145 Annette St. CONTACT: Irmgard, 416-392-4072, www. ward13.ca, councillor_doucette@ toronto.ca COST: Free Ward 13 city Councillor Sarah Doucette meets with constituents in person. All Ward 13 residents welcome. Call or email to make an appointment.

n Saturday, Feb. 2

19th Annual Heritage York Dinner and Dance WHEN: 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Lambton House, 4066 Old Dundas St. CONTACT: 416-767-5472/416767-7633 COST: $35 Help fundraise for the historic Lambton House at this annual dinner and dance and silent auction. Cocktails at 6:30 p.m.; dinner at 7:15 p.m.; silent auction 6:30 to 9 p.m.; guest speaker Lou Wise, pilot, photographer, educator and conservationist, will speak to the crowd at 8:15 p.m.

n Sunday, Feb. 3

The Naked Trees of Winter WHEN: 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. WHERE: High Park, 1873 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: ajalberti@ gmail.com COST: Free Toronto Urban Forestry staff lead a tour of High Park showing how to identify trees in their winter state of undress. Meet at the benches across the road from the Grenadier Restaurant. Collaborative Mapping WHEN: 2 to 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Academy of the Impossible, 231 Wallace Ave. CONTACT: Paul Baines, 647-831-4525, paul@ greatlakescommonsmap.org COST: Free Paul Baines (founder of the Great Lakes Commons Map) details how to use maps, digital tools, and storytelling to shift into a new possibility for water stewardship.

n Monday, Feb. 4

Scrabble Club WHEN: 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. WHERE: Jane/Dundas Library, 620 Jane St. CONTACT: 416-3941014, jdstaff@torontopubliclibrary.ca COST: Free Do you enjoy playing the popular board game Scrabble? Have fun and meet new people while enhancing your Scrabble skills at our weekly club. Ages 18 and up.

Call the branch to register. Seniors Art Class – MultiMedia WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Swansea Area Seniors’ Association, 416392-1953, swanseaareaseniors@ gmail.com COST: $30/per month Weekly sessions let you choose your medium, in oils, water colours or acrylics and discover your talent.

n Tuesday, Feb. 5

Exercises for Seniors WHEN: 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. WHERE: Ukrainian Canadian Social Services, 2445 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Olena, 416-763-4982, toroffice@ucss.info COST: Free Exercises are conducted under the guidance of a professional trainer. Takes place again on Thursdays. Vegetarians of High Park Dinner at The Beet WHEN: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WHERE: The Beet Organic Cafe and Market, 2945 Dundas St. W. CONTACT: highpark@veg.ca COST: Pay your own way Vegetarians of High Park, a social group supported by the Toronto Vegetarian Association, meet for its bi-monthly social dinner. Join us for dinner at the Beet Organic Cafe and Market. Email to confirm attendance.

n Wednesday, Feb. 6

Osteofit Classes WHEN: 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Swansea Area Seniors’ Association, 416392-1953, swanseaareaseniors@ gmail.com COST: $40 for eight weeks Osteofit is a fun exercise to maintain and build bone strength in weekly one-hour sessions. ESL English Classes WHEN: 10 a.m. to noon WHERE: Ukrainian Canadian Social Services, Toronto, 2445 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Olena, 416-7634982, toroffice@ucss.info COST: Free Free English classes offered. Everyone welcome, regardless of status. Seniors Line Dancing WHEN: 11 a.m. to noon WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Swansea Area Seniors Association, 416-3921953, swanseaareaseniors@ gmail.com COST: $40 for 12 weeks Beginners are welcome for weekly one-hour classes – no partner needed and lots of fun. Babyn Borscht WHEN: 1 to 2 p.m. WHERE: Ukrainian Canadian Social

insidetoronto.com Services, Toronto, 2445 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Olena, 416-7634982, toroffice@ucss.info COST: $5 Traditional Ukrainian Dinner includes Borscht with garlic bread, perogies, coffee and sweets. Help support the group’s social assistance programs serving people in need by buying our tasty varenyky (perogies) and cabbage rolls . Swansea Historical Society February Meeting WHEN: 7:30 to 9 p.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: Kathleen Krisciunas, 647-859-3901, swancnews@gmail.com COST: Free Dave Cook, a local author and storyteller, will discuss the main chapters in two of his published books (Fading History Volumes 1+2), with topics including: the Lancaster Bomber, the AVRO Arrow, British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, The Music Fair, the Last Grand Duchess of Russia, Franklin Roosevelt’s top secret train trip, Gordon Sinclair’s radio commentary that interested President Ronald Reagan plus a number of local stories and significant events.

n Thursday, Feb. 7

Rotary Meeting WHEN: 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. WHERE: Grenadier Cafe, 200 Parkside Dr. CONTACT: Scott Bartle, 416-710-4383 COST: Free The Rotary Club of Parkdale - High Park hosts its weekly breakfast meeting with guest speaker. The Meeting: Free Live Theatre Presentation for Black History Month WHEN: 6:45 to 9 p.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: 416 392 1954, frontdesk@swanseatownhall.ca COST: Free Can you imagine what would have happened if Malcolm X met Martin Luther King? Come join us for a Black History Month Celebration to see the African Theatre Ensemble’s staging of the fascinating play “The Meeting” written by Jeff Stetson. A joint presentation of Swansea Town Hall and Swansea Memorial Library.

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5 | THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013

It’s Happening

Real estate

THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013 |


The Bloor West Villager is delivered to 32,650 homes. Call 416-493-4400 to advertise in the #1 read newspaper in Bloor.

Bank of Canada signals rates are likely on hold until 2014 Insulate your investment A growing number of homeowners are investing in spray foam insulation since it offers an array of benefits that traditional insulation materials cannot provide. With longevity and ecofriendly qualities, spray foam insulation is an energy-efficient material that minimizes heating and cooling costs. Here are a few more details: It stays in place: – Expanding up to 100 times its volume when applied, spray foam insulation fills in gaps that might otherwise cause air leakage. Traditional insulation types such as cellulose and fibreglass are usually loosely packed, which could lead to drafty spots throughout the home. Such spots can lead to higher

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The Bank of Canada announced on January 23rd, 2013 that it is keeping its key policy interest rate at 1 per cent, where it has been held for more than two years. In providing guidance on where interest rates are heading, the Bank said interest rate hikes are “less imminent than previously anticipated.” The Bank acknowledged that Canadian economic growth slowed more abruptly in the second half of 2012 than it had previously anticipated. It also recognized a marked deceleration in the growth of household debt, moderation in the housing sector, and softer than expected inflation. The Bank now expects inflation to return to its 2 per cent target sometime in the second half of 2014. That represents a significant weakening in the Bank’s outlook for inflation; in October, the Bank expected inflation to return to target by the end of 2013. Consumer Price Inflation rose by 0.8 per cent in November 2012. The Bank said it still expects the Canadian economy to gain strength this year, but it lowered its forecast for economic growth to just 2 per cent in

As of January 23rd, 2012, the advertised five-year lending rate stood at 5.24 per cent.

2013. By contrast, its growth forecast for 2014 was raised to 2.7 per cent versus its previous forecast reading of 2.4 per cent contained in its previous Monetary Policy Report (MPR) published in October 2012. The bottom line is that economic growth is expected to remain modest but positive, consistent with low inflation and low interest rates. At the



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7 | THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013


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THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013 |


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2012 Award Winner Petition calls for attorney general,

Legal Aid Ontario to stop closure

On behalf of Royal LePage West Realty Group, we congratulate our Award Winner Nutan Brown for her outstanding accomplishments and wish Nutan continued success throughout 2013

>>>from page 1 disadvantage the very clients Legal Aid Ontario is supposed to serve.” The NDP MPP is circulating a petition (www. jonahscheinmpp.ca/wtcls/) while launching a campaign calling on Ontario Attorney General John Gerretsen and LAO’s president and CEO Bob Ward to stop the closure of the community legal clinic, located at 2333 Dundas St. W. Instead of the local clinic, LAO’s plan is to open a regional centre in downtown Toronto with satellite offices operated by rotating staff, but it would no longer offer housing and community outreach services that are currently provided by WTCLS. “We house a homeless prevention program, which is funded by the city, in our location,” said Kier Munn,

co-chair of WTCLS board of directors. “There’s no way the city could continue to house this program in this location.” Should WTCLS close in March, its clients would have to seek support through the Social Benefits Tribunal and Landlord and Tenant Tribunal, he said. “We help those facing eviction; we do some employment work for those wrongly dismissed. We do referrals to other agencies,” Munn said, adding that WTCLS employs 10 to 12 staff members, including lawyers. CONTESTING DECISION WTCLS is contesting the de-funding decision, said Munn. LAO and WTCLS are involved in a formal funding decision process, which includes a request by

WTCLS for LAO to reconsider its 2012-2013 funding request. “LAO cannot comment while this process is underway,” said spokesperson Kristian Justesen. “There has been no final decision on the reconsideration. Funding continues in the normal course and there is no disruption to services for clients.” HUNDREDS IN SUPPORT In the meantime, hundreds of people have signed the petition in support of WTCLS, said Schein. “Residents should not have their community legal clinic closed and their access to justice unfairly limited,” he said. “The attorney general and the LAO need to work with WTCLS and find a solution that puts the needs of our community first.”

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| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013





LISA RAINFORD lrainford@insidetoronto.com Two short years ago, the alley and yard behind Art Works Art School was a desolate space – empty save for a garage with a rotting peeling wall – until artist-in-residence Browen Parker got her hands on it. She, along with the many kids she teaches, have transformed it into an oasis using recycled materials, particularly coloured bottles, to create a mosaic not only along the garage wall, but on an archway into the re-christened garden. Inside it is also a “wishing tree” made from a discarded Christmas tree that has been painted and adorned with colourful recycled pieces, which include the children’s wishes. Parker, who has been teaching at Art Works Art School, a communitybased art school, whose mandate is to “introduce adults, teens, and children to art in a supportive and healthy environment,” for the past eight years, has always been fascinated by mosaics. She stumbled upon renowned mosaic mural artist Isaiah Zagar, whose work can be found on more than 100 public walls throughout Philadelphia and around the world. “This man is an incredible teacher

Courtesy photo

Artist-in-residence Browen Parker along with many of her students at Art Works Art School helped tranform the alley and yard behind the school into an oasis using recycled materials.

and inspiration,” Parker told The Villager during a conversation at Art Works Art School recently. In September of 2010, Parker convinced a friend – whom she was heading to Long Island, New York with – to stop in Philadelphia so she could see for herself Zagar’s largest South Street mosaic, ‘Magic Gardens.’ It’s an indoor/outdoor maze of mosaics inlaid with various

pieces of poetry. As luck would have it, Zagar himself was there. “The Magic Garden is unreal. It’s so cool. Isaiah was very friendly. It was just luck or wonderful coincidence that he was there,” she said. Parker, who lived for the first six years of her life in the High Park area, used to work for years in retail, but the job became increasingly chal-

lenging because Parker is legally blind. The 48-year-old was diagnosed with Presumed Ocular H i s t o p l a s m o s i s Sy n d r o m e . Histoplasmosis is a disease caused when airborne spores of a fungus called Histoplasma capsulatum are inhaled into the lungs. Parker has no idea how she could have contracted the degenerative disease, however, she does know that growing up her eyes were always “a little off.” Now, she can’t see to read – she relies on a magnifying glass. Despite this challenge, Parker says “I’ve always had a creative imagination and liked making things.” “The kind of art I like is not precise. I like fun, it’s whimsy,” she said. “The serious stuff I have no interest in. I love breaking the rules – go ahead, paint your giraffe purple.” Parker says she wants the garden to become a place where people visit and to be inspired. She is always on the look out for coloured bottles and old plates. If anyone would like to make a donation, the only request Parker has is that the bottles be rinsed out. They can be dropped off at 238 Jane St., behind Art Works Art School, in the garden under the table.


Learn about First Nations history, culture at meeting An authority on First/Native Nations history and culture, specifically Haudenosaunee (Six Nations/ Iroquois), author Zig Misiak will be the guest speaker during the West Toronto Junction Historical Society’s (WTJHS) Feb. 7 meeting. Misiak’s mission is to write and produce books that enlighten teachers, students and the general public around First/Native Nations and the War of 1812. Misiak stresses that he speaks about, but not for the First/ Native Nations. author’s latest book His latest book is called War of 1812: Highlighting Native Nations. Misiak will be at the WTJHS’s Thursday, Feb. 7 meeting at Annette Library, 145 Annette St. (west of Keele Street), in the lower level, Committee Room One. Visit www.wtjhs.ca for further details.

| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013

Redefining art school property with mosaic

THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013 |




Decades-old tradition returns to High Park LISA RAINFORD lrainford@insidetoronto.com The mood was light for Canadian and Scottish curlers just moments before they took to the ice at the High Park Club last Wednesday The two teams were about to compete for the Strathcona Cup, a longsstanding grudge match between Canada and Scotland. The historic bonspiel is held once every five years – in alternate nations – and involves 61 curlers from the visiting country taking on curlers from various clubs in the host nation. This year, Canada played host, with 20 Scottish players heading west, 20 to the east and 20 staying in central Canada. “You’re holding up well,” said High Park Club President Ross Turney, complimenting the opposing team on its success since arriving in Toronto, Jan. 9. Since then, they have played at clubs in Lindsay, Scarborough and Milton, to name a few, and were heading to Mississauga Wednesday afternoon. “Looks can be deceiving,” quipped one Scot. The tournament fell two days before the Strathcona Cup would celebrate its 90th anniversary. “We’re all looking good for 90,” joked another Scottish player as Turney welcomed the team and wished players “good sportsmanship and good curling.” “Welcome to Canada,” he said. Scottish Club President Mike Ferguson commended the High Park Club and the other clubs in Ontario who hosted for their friendly demeanor. Every club hosted a

luncheon or dinner following the games. “It’s been fantastic,” said Scot Richard MacKenzie, who’s been part of the Scottish club since 1992. “Our team’s been playing very well.” The Scottish team arrived at the High Park Club on Indian Road, in the Parkside Drive and Queensway area, around 9:30 a.m. Four curling matches began at 10 a.m. Club members were invited to come out to enjoy some friendly competition while witnessing an important moment in the High Park Club’s century-long history. The Strathcona Cup match originated through correspondence from Scottish natives who had immigrated to Toronto and wrote letters home, explained High Park Club historian Al White, who has been curling for more than 20 years. The High Park Club had two wins, one loss and one tie at the bonspiel. The Scottish team continues its tour until Feb. 1.

FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE FUTURE SHOP JANUARY 25 CORPORATE FLYER We regret to inform customers that the following products, advertised on the January 25 flyer, page 11, show incorrect pricing. Please be advised that the Linksys N300/300 Wireless Router (WebCode: 10198846) is in fact priced at $79.99, and the Linksys N300/450 Wireless Router (WebCode: 10198841) price is $119.99.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.


Staff photos/MARY GAUDET

Scotland's Alistair Henry, left, Mark Turnbull, and Jimmy Raeburn take on Canada, defended by the members of the High Park Curling Club last Wednesday. The Strathcona Cup, a friendly tournament now in its 90th year, is played every five years with alternating hosts, as the visiting players compete in rinks across the country. The High Park Club had two wins, one loss and one tie at the bonspiel. The Scottish team continues its tour until Feb. 1.



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Seven years ago, Junmar Emon was 20 years old, 5’6”, and 225 lbs. The young man found he couldn’t make it up a flight of stairs without stopping to catch his breath. Determined to make a change, Emon started boxing at Stockyards Boxing and Fitness, and the out-of-shape man he remembers from 2004 seems like nothing more than a distant memory. Emon, who is now an instructor at Stockyards, just won his second professional boxing match in the welterweight division (147lbs). That’s right -147lbs. A High Park resident that grew

up in Parkdale, Emon had initially started boxing as a way to get into shape and lose weight, but as he shed the weight, he decided he wanted to compete. His first bout was in 2006 at 180lbs. He ended his amateur career in February of this year, boxing at 152lbs with an amateur record of 28 wins and 12 losses. Trained and managed by Stockyards owner Rick Souce, Emon’s first professional bout was in May 2012 at the Hershey Center in Mississauga, where he won a lopsided unanimous decision against Hamilton’s Daryl Perron. He has since built an impressive

professional record of four wins and one loss. Emon’s next fprofessional bout will be held March 4 at the Ritz-Carleton in Toronto. Emon’s goal is to become Canadian Professional boxing champion with three years and all reviews point that he is on the right track. The Stockyards Boxing and Fitness Center is located conveniently in the George Bell Arena with plenty of free parking and easily accessible by TTC. Registered with Boxing Ontario, part of the Provincial Governing Athletic Commission, it is

a class-oriented gym with classes for kids to adults who just want to have fun and get in shape while learning the pugilistic arts. Classes include Boxfit, Bootcamp, pilates, and Standup MMA. Stockyards is also for the competitive boxer. The centre’s quickly growing boxing team has hosted 11 competitive boxing events at the facility since opening its doors in September 2011. Stockyards will be hosting its next amateur boxing event on February 16. For more information on Stockyards Boxing and Fitness, visitstockyardsboxingandfitness.com

Special Report


From coyotes to beavers, High Park plays host and home to various wildlife LISA RAINFORD lrainford@insidetoronto.com Even though it is situated in the heart of a densely populated urban centre, High Park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, but just how many species inhabit its 400 acres comes as a surprise to many people living within the City of Toronto’s limits. Animals who live in High Park are those that can thrive in a small setting, according to Katie Krelove, a co-ordinator and a lead nature interpreter at the High Park Nature Centre, yet larger species, such as the coyote and white-tailed deer have arrived in the park by making their way through Toronto’s ravine system and along the Humber River, she said. An area resident reported seeing two coyotes recently, but Krelove said she doesn’t believe any are living in the park at the moment. People are amazed to learn that beavers have laid claim to High Park. In fact, they’ve built a lodge in Grenadier Pond, pointed out Jon Hayes, co-ordinator of family programs at the High Park Nature Centre. The redback salamander, a creature that seeks refuge in forested areas under rocks, logs, bark and the like, calls High Park home as does the snapping turtle. “We’ve received a lot of reports of people seeing snapping turtle nests,” Krelove told The Villager during a midJanuary conversation at the nature centre, on the edge of High Park, along Parkside Drive, just south of Bloor Street West. However, the ideal animals to see during the winter are birds, she said, even though

Did you know... Toronto Wildlife Centre has admitted for care and rehabilitated in its hospital more than 70,000 wild animals representing 270 different species. Some of the animals Toronto Wildlife Centre has treated include: PEREGRINE FALCON Peregrines are a species at risk in Canada. The falcons are known for returning to their favourite nesting sites. They can dive at more than 300 kilometres per hour when attacking. Peregrines inspired conservation efforts after DDT was banned.

Courtesy photo/JON HAYES

The green frog, pictured here in High Park, is a familiar sight in Grenadier Pond and Spring Creek along with the American toad and leopard frogs.

most birds migrate. Red-breasted nuthatch , the “They’re easier to see in the cardinal, the goldfinch, the winter because there’s less foliwoodpecker and the robin, yet age and they’ll travel in flocks,” as many as 250 types can be she said, adding that many will seen in High Park in the spring. eat at bird feeders in homThere’s been a lot of sighteowners’ yards. “Chickadees ings recently of the common are really popular. They’ll eat redpoll, an arctic tundra bird that comes here when there’s out of your hand.” The North American songa shortage of food in its native bird, while remaining cautious, home. They feed on conifer will eat from people’s seeds. hands because they’re “Often in a flock hungry, Krelove said. you’ll have all these a “We feed them pretty birds – they’ll be folcloser much every day here in lowing the chickadee look the winter. We have out because they’re good Inside in our fenced-in field a at finding food (at this Toronto time of year). They’ll feeder station,” she said, adding that the feeder travel together to station, new to the nature protect themselves against hawks.” centre this year, was made possible through a partnership The Greater Toronto Hawk with Wild Birds Unlimited. Watch, another group the Approximately 50 species nature centre is affiliated of birds call Toronto home with, hosts an annual hawk watch in September on “Hawk year-round, including the

Hill,” which is just north of the Grenadier Cafe in the park. Kids love finding garter snakes in the summer and love watching the turtles, she noted. The American toad, the green and leopard frogs are a familiar sight in Grenadier Pond and Spring Creek. Possums can be seen yearround in Toronto, although less so in winter. “You might find them in your yard trying to find a warm spot,” said Krelove. “They’re not native to Toronto. One of the ways they travel is on transport trucks. They come from southern United States. They don’t tolerate the cold weather.” If you would like further details about High Park’s wildlife, contact the High Park Nature Centre at www. highparknaturecentre.com or 416-392-1748 ext. 2.

GREAT BLUE HERON It is among the species at risk in Canada and is the country’s largest heron. Adults show brighter colours during the breeding season and change to duller colours in winter. Some live as long as 17 years.

GREAT HORNED OWL One of Canada’s most common large birds of prey is known for its “horns” or tufts and enormous yellow eyes. The great horned owl are regularly seen throughout woods in the city. BEAVER The largest rodent in North America, an adult beaver weighs between 16 and 32 kilograms. Slow on land, the beaver is a graceful, strong swimmer that can use its tail as a rudder. Its most common habitat is forested areas. Beavers only build dams when they need to enlarge the underwater habitat open to them in winter. TRUMPETER SWAN Well adapted to the harsh environments in which they live with an unusually dense layer of down. They are found in Canada year-round. In summer, trumpeters feed on leaves and roots of aquatic plants. When freshwater areas freeze, swans congregate on estuaries.

Tips for the animal watcher in city’s west end Roncesvalles resident Doug Bennet, along with Tim Tiner, have penned Up North and Up North Again, a bestselling guidebook to Ontario’s wilderness, and offers his tips for the urban animal watcher. n Feed chickadees niger seeds from your hand while in High Park, Bennet said. Listen for chickadees in brambles and trees at about eye level. They need a place to approach you cautiously. Stay just a few feet away from the trees and hold out your hand with niger seeds close to your fingertips. Stay still and don’t move your head. n Winter is a great time

to look for bird and squirrel nests, easily spotted in leafless trees in High Park. n Downy woodpeckers, white-breasted nuthatches, Cooper’s hawks, sharpshinned hawks and red-tailed hawks can be seen in High Park, along with the usual Canada Geese, pigeons and mallards in winter. A good place to catch a glimpse of the Downy woodpecker and

chickadees is at the feeder behind the emu cage at the High Park Zoo. Bennet said he also recently spotted a robin. Not all robins fly south in winter; some hunker down in secluded areas in southern Ontario. n Grenadier Pond, once the ice is gone, is a fantastic place to see migrating waterfowl such as hooded mergansers, buffleheads,

wood ducks and loons, Bennet said. n Laneways and backyards are another place urban wildlife can be seen. Bennet said foxes and coyotes mate in late January and early February, and he has seen fox in his laneway in Roncesvalles Village. Laneways, backyards also attract dark-eyed juncos and other birds who winter in Toronto.

COYOTE Coyotes are being increasingly reported along waterways and hydro corridors across the city. It can run at speeds up to 40 kilometres per hour. Coyotes do not usually prey on domestic animals or pets. Residents who see a coyote are urged to report it to Toronto Animal Services at 416-338-7297.

RED FOX Red foxes inhabit home ranges of four to eight square kilometres around den sites. From autumn until March, foxes take shelter in thickets and heavy bush. Red foxes eat small mammals, including voles, mice, squirrels and rabbits. They hunt by smell, sight and sound.

COOPER’S HAWK Nests primarily in deciduous woodlands in the hardwood forests of southern Ontario. The hawks return to traditional nesting areas of tall, mature trees in mid-April to early May. Densely foliaged trees hide their nests.

Courtesy photos/TORONTO WILDLIFE CENTRE Source of animal natural history details: Hinterland Who’s Who

| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013


THE VILLAGER |Thursday, January 31, 2013 |


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Articles Wanted


WHAT WE NEED YOU TO DO • Develop and cultivate leads using multiple sources including cold calling • Continuously set up face-to-face meetings with qualified prospects to present our marketing solutions • Develop customized proposals and solutions that best fit the needs of the client • Consistently meet and/or exceed monthly, quarterly and annual targets ABOUT YOU • Proven track record as a hunter, exclusively focused on acquiring new clients and converting new business leads • Previous sales experience, preferably in a digital space with special consideration given to Google Certified candidates • Top notch presentation/communication skills, with a natural ability to build positive relationships and close sales • Competitive, self-motivated and driven by results • Energized by deadlines/pressure with a passion for exceeding targets WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? • The opportunity to be part of a company at the cutting edge of the digital media industry • Ongoing development and opportunities for advancement • We’ve got your health in mind; you’ll get a comprehensive benefits package, including 3 weeks vacation and a group RRSP plan Interested candidates are requested to forward their resume, cover letter and salary expectations to dcoleman@metroland.com by February 15, 2013.. Please reference “Digital Solutions Representative - Peel” in the subject line. Metroland is an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Dental

Adult Personals

Career Development

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General Help


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$$MONEY$$ CONSOLIDATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgage ontario.com


General Help GARAN FARMS LTD. Cutknife, Saskatchewan, Canada – HIRING FullTime Permanent Careers, (NOC#) Farm Supervisor (8253) Oversee all operations, agronomic advice. Equipment Operators (8431) Operation, Maintenance, upkeep of all farm machinery. Wage Range $18-$25 hour by position and experience. Email resume to: garewerts@sasktel.net

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Domestic Help Available GOLDEN BROOM Cleaning Service. Homes, Apartments, Offices. After party cleanups and renovations too. Call 416-820-0555

Tax/Financial $$$NEED MONEY$$$ Do you have a pension plan from an ex-employer? (LIRA) or (locked in RRSP). Call NOW! 1-416-357-9585

& Collectibles Wanted Cash for Older: Coins, Jewelry, Military, Watches, Toys, Barbies, Silver, Gold & old advertising etc. 25 years experience. Richard & Janet 416-431-7180 416-566-7373 Pools, Hot Tubs, Supplies HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colors Available. Call 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper

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Astrology/Psychics TRUE PSYCHICS 4 Answers CALL NOW 24/7 Toll FREE 1-877-342-3032 Mobile: #4486 www.truepsychics.ca

Articles for Sale

Apartments & Flats for Rent

JANE/ DUNDAS- 2 bedroom- separate entrance, $850 utilities included, parking available. Available immediately. 416-763-4484

Articles for Sale (Misc.) HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. All shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837 w w w. t h e c o v e r guy.com/newspaper

Home Renovations

EMERGENCY? Clogged drain, camera inspection Leaky pipes Reasonable price, 25 years experience Licensed/ Insured credit card accepted

Free estimate James Chen

647-519-9506 Handy Person SMALL & Odd Jobs Carpentry, Drywall, Tiles, Painting, Plumbing, Electrical. Honest & Reliable. Mark 416-937-0693

Moving & Storage APPLE MOVING and Storage. Residential/ office moving. Packing services. In business 30 years. Reliable & courteous. Insured & licensed. 416-533-4162

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THE VILLAGER | Thursday, January 31, 2013 |


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