September 27

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thurs sept 27, 2012

people will rush ahead of you like itʼs the last subway train on earth


Transit riders complain about the rude ride on the TTC, courtesy of other passengers



The Bloor West Villager - A Metroland Community Newspaper



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Learn what species call Grenadier Pond home Informative signs teach visitors how pond supports local wildlife LISA RAINFORD Grenadier Pond is a “lovely” spot, says the co-chair of the High Park Nature Centre, yet few people fully realize just how many creatures and plant life rely on its resources. Scenic and serene, the pond is an ideal place to walk to decompress after a long day, says Karen Yukich. “It’s such a special place that we wanted to share some of its interesting features with all the people who visit it,” she said. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources has des-

ignated the pond an ‘Area of Natural and Scientific Interest’ within High Park, yet its rich biodiversity is often overlooked. That’s why High Park Nature, a volunteer group in the park, has been developing interpretive signs that will encourage park users to give the pond and its inhabitants a closer look. The nine signs – thus far – will paint a picture of the mixes of birds, mammals and plants that are part of the pond’s geological history, said Yukich. Questions, like: ‘What is that big black bird out there with its wings spread out?’ or ‘What are those tall reeds that block my view’ will be answered by these signs. “We’ve tried to provide interesting points that people wouldn’t already know,” said Yukich. The signs also refer people to the website (, which is loaded with information about the park’s wildlife and plant species, geology and history, volunteer opportunities and nature events. The group hopes these signs,

together with the website, will foster a deeper appreciation of High Park as a natural treasure and a greater desire to protect it. In celebration of these signs which have been in the works since 2009, High Park Nature is hosting a special walking tour on Sunday, Sept. 30 called ‘Grenadier Pond: More than meets the eye,’ which will start at the circle of benches south of the Grenadier Restaurant at 11 a.m. and will end at Colborne Lodge during the Harvest Festival around 12:30 p.m. Many of the volunteers who helped create the signs will be on hand to talk about their chosen subjects. The majority of the signs was funded by a TD Friends of the Environment grant. City staff reviewed proposed locations and content, provided the layout and coordinated manufacturing and installation. Financial administration was provided by the Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation. More signs are in the planning stages. Anyone interested in helping can contact

Subway vibrations meeting postponed until Oct. 18 A meeting to discuss the TTC subway vibrations that are disrupting residents living along the Bloor subway line has been rescheduled. Hosted by ParkdaleHigh Park Sarah Doucette, Etobicoke Lakeshore Councillor Peter Milcyzn and the TTC, the meeting will now take place on Thursday, Oct. 18. Residents have complained that the vibrations, being felt along the line between Royal York Road and Keele Street, are making it hard for them to sleep and in some cases, causing their homes to shake. In the spring, the transit commission hired an outside contractor to measure the vibration and to look for any further issues. The TTC will provide the results of this report, conducted by Aerocoustics Engineering

NEWS IN BRIEF Limited, and will explain the work that the TTC will be undertaking moving forward. The meeting will take place at the Old Mill Inn, in the Westminster Room on the third floor, from 7 to 9 p.m. To view the report, visit www.

n Harvest Festival set

Colborne Lodge and the High Park Nature Centre host the annual Harvest Festival, a family-friendly event Sunday, Sept. 30 from noon until 4:30 p.m. A free harvest lunch will be served from the new Children’s Teaching Kitchen (while it lasts). There will be music, arts and crafts, gardening and more. There is plenty to do, from

sounds of the junction

set-up and take down to running activities and serving food. Volunteers are needed between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Shifts can be as short as two hours or for the whole day. Email for more information. Colborne Lodge is located in High Park on Colborne Lodge Drive.

nBuilding a better brain

Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will share her story of how she built herself a better brain during a talk at Runnymede Library, 2178 Bloor St. W. on Oct. 10 from 7 to 8 p.m. Arrowsmith-Young will share how she began life severely learning disabled, built herself a better brain and created a program that has helped others do the same. Call 416-393-7697 for details.

MUSIC MAKERS: Clockwise from top: The Junction Music Festival took place Saturday with live bands and music lessons for visitors. Here, guitarist in the making Arlo sits on mom Robyn’s knee while strumming the ukelele at the BIA-sponsored event. Abbey Tran tries her hand at playing the ukelele while professional musicians The Lying Cheats kick off the festival at the main stage. Staff photos/IAN KELSO

| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012

THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


Opinion Ian Proudfoot Marg Middleton Peter Haggert Clark Kim Warren Elder Jamie Munoz

Your View

Publisher General Manager Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Regional Dir. of Advertising Director of Distribution

Leave transit planning to the experts

The Bloor West Villager is published every Thursday at 175 Gordon Baker Rd., Toronto, ON M2H 0A2, by Toronto Community News, a Division of Metroland Media Group Ltd.

Rider rudeness not acceptable conduct on TTC T

aking transit in this city is not easy at the best of the times. Long trips and a crowded system are a daily challenge for many, so we shouldn’t be surprised incidents of rudeness and bad behaviour by other passengers are becoming a growing concern for many transit users. Part of this is simply a reflection of the society we live in. We see rudeness everywhere. People are always in a hurry, be it while driving or trying to get on a subway train. They put themselves first and care nothing for the people around them. In our special report in today’s paper we look at the Rude Rides experienced by a number of TTC riders. Clearly, there are a lot of issues out there. Riders told us of having to deal with intoxicated, swearing our view passengers themselves; being pushed aside by those charging Responsibility the doors of trains and streetof TTC to curb cars; being bumped by backpacks; or of not being able to sit bad behaviour down due to people sprawling over several seats. And don’t even get them started on the loud cellphone conversations shared with every other passenger. Riders are dealing with this stuff everyday, but it doesn’t appear as if they’ll be getting help anytime soon from the TTC itself. “We have a number of areas of concern, but customer behaviour isn’t even in our Top 10. It’s not what we focus on,” Chris Upfold, the TTC’s chief customer care officer, told us for this week’s story. The focus for the TTC is on serving its riders by running on time, and having polite and helpful employees. If the riders cannot behave or have bad manners, the TTC’s position is that it is not up to its employees to scold them. “I would argue the obligation of the operator is no greater than anybody else on that vehicle,” said Uphold when it comes to dealing with a rude passenger. We disagree. TTC passengers have a right to expect a ride free from obnoxious behaviour. We know most riders are courteous and respectful, but it only takes a few to leave a lasting impression on visitors, get already stressed passengers upset and lead to unfair perceptions of a TTC ride. Other countries promote courtesy on their transit systems with public awareness campaigns. The TTC should do the same. A campaign that makes people think about their behaviour and the impact it has on other passengers is much needed and should be a priority. Toronto Community News is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. The Villager is a member of the Ontario Press Council. Visit newsroom

To the editor: Re: ‘Back to school; back to transit talk for Toronto,’ Editorial, Sept. 20. It is not really a transit policy that is required, but simply a transit funding policy, funding that should be coming from the provincial general revenues and not from municipal taxpayers. Yes, we need a common vision and plan for transit within the regional scope, however, that plan has to be adjustable to differing regions and user volumes. Leave transit planning and transit vision up to the people that get paid for their expertise. Keep the politicians out of this process, other than to approve the plans and ascertain and maintain funding. Clifford J. Layne

Media not there to be friends with politicians


t has come to this: two hours of simian chestthumping radio on a Sunday afternoon by the mayor and his brother has become the official response to questions and criticism here in the largest city in the nation. As I write this on Tuesday morning here in the Toronto City Hall Press Gallery, my fellow scribes are reeling from a tirade from our chief magistrate and his immediate family: we have been branded “pathological liars,” embarrassments to our city, and most pointedly perhaps, as “a bunch of pricks,” by city councillor Doug Ford as he fled questions following a Monday budget committee meeting. The outbursts are a response to a spate of bad press for the Ford brothers. Reports have alleged the mayor used city resources to help with his high-school football coaching duties, in violation of Toronto Council’s code of conduct. In the summer, the mayor met with city staff to urge them to hurry up and repair potholes in front of his family’s business, in advance of a 50th anniversary celebration. He justified it


david nickle

by explaining that if those repairs weren’t done, someone might have twisted an ankle and sued. And it all comes in the context of a pending decision by Ontario Chief Justice Charles Hackland, on a conflict of interest matter that could see Mayor Ford removed from office. Vaguely obscene invective is probably not the best response to all those allegations, but it’s certainly understandable. And it’s not without precedent. Sometimes, tempers flare. Former Mayor Mel Lastman, for instance, once famously and publicly threatened to have thentelevision reporter Adam

Write us The Bloor West Villager welcomes letters of 400 words or less. All submissions must include name,

Vaughan killed, because he believed that Vaughan was responsible for leaking a story about his wife to the satirical political magazine Frank. (For the record, Adam Vaughan was never killed by Mel Lastman or any of his staff in the weeks and months that followed.) Mayor David Miller was a bit more sophisticated about it. He avoided death-threats and cuss-outs, but he had a way of eviscerating reporters who dared to ask ill-informed or too-pointed questions that stung deep. As a journalist covering this beat, I’ve been on the frosty end of freeze-outs by politicians who haven’t appreciated stories I’ve written about them. Sometimes, I’ve been called names. Sometimes — and this is probably hardest to take — I’ve been simply told that the story has hurt their feelings. But it’s all an occupational hazard. The fact is that none of us in the media are here to be friends

and confidantes to the politicians we cover. As far as the Ford brothers go, the fact is that Rob, at least, is in trouble. Details have emerged that call into question his political character as he’s presented it to voters. Where now is the harsh critic of councillors who feather their nests with public money, the everyman who vows to ensure that residents get fair treatment from city bureaucrats, when he’s accused of using his office budget for football and encouraging staff to put his own family’s needs ahead of others? Absent good, comprehensible answers to those questions, the Fords’ response is to pose their own, rhetorical question: How dare any of us pose such disrespectful questions in the first place? n David Nickle is The Villager’s city hall reporter. His column appears every Thursday. Contact him at

address and a daytime telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Letters can

be sent to letters@insidetoronto. com, or mailed to The Bloor West Villager, 175 Gordon Baker Rd., Toronto, ON, M2H 0A2.

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Upcoming barbecue celebrates completion of renovations at St. Pius X LISA RAINFORD This year marks an extra special return to school for students at St. Pius X Catholic School. After two years of renovations, the Bloor West and Jane streets-area elementary school is celebrating with a welcome back barbecue and blessing of its new addition on Saturday, Sept. 29, starting at 11 a.m. To accommodate St. Pius X school’s growing enrolment and full-day kindergarten while ensuring that kids have the most ideal space to learn, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) embarked on an “ambitious” and “challenging” capital plan, according to the board. “A significant amount of funding came from the Ministry of Education while the remainder came from the board,” the associate director of planning and facilities Angelo Sangiorgio told The Villager. The result is seven new classrooms with upgrades to four existing rooms to accom-

modate full-day kindergarten; barrier-free accessibility with provision of an elevator and barrier-free washrooms; redesign of parking to separate students from cars; a dedicated junior and senior kindergarten exterior play area with hard and soft landscaping; a redesigned outdoor playground with well-defined, purpose-built play areas; trees to provide shade and added windows to provide increased daylight in classrooms. “Everyone’s excited,” said parent council co-chair Joanne Noble. “The kids are thrilled.” The barbecue will include activities for kids, tours of the new building for parents as well as guest speakers, including the school’s former principal who spearheaded the renovations. The renovation did not come without its disruptions. Many students had to be bussed to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School on Fermanagh Avenue in Roncesvalles Village for a period. “St. Pius is grateful to St. Vincent for accomodating our

students. I was a parent whose children went to St. Vincent,” said Noble. “We had to give a little to get something back. We had to get to school a little earlier to get on the bus to Roncesvalles. It was all part of the bigger picture.” The students were treated really well at St. Vincent’s, added Noble. “We had our own space where the kids really bonded,” said Noble. “(St. Vincent de Paul) included us in their masses. They made it work. Our vice-principal was stationed at that school.” Everyone “went above and beyond” to make sure kids from St. Pius felt “comfortable” and “included,” she added. St. Pius’ event is just one of many sod turnings and school openings that have been taking place across the TCDSB recently. Its capital plan included 16 additions to existing elementary schools to address growth and population. St. Pius X Catholic School is located at 71 Jane St., just north of Bloor Street West.

Youth attend We Day Toronto tomorrow Free The Children’s signature youth empowerment event, We Day Toronto, is set for Friday, Sept. 28. We Day – a cutting edge movement of social change – ignites a year-long action program that educates, engages and empowers youth

to become active global citizens. Free The Children’s We Day is free for all youth and educators to attend but in exchange, they are asked to make a commitment to take action on at least one local and one global issue of their choice throughout the school

year. International activists Craig and Marc Kielburger, along with award-winning performers and global leaders, will take to the stage at 9 a.m. at the Air Canada Centre, 40 Bay St. Visit

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5 | THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012


THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


Special Report


Transit users speak out against bad behaviour RAHUL GUPTA


he woman who spoke so loudly during her phone conversation her words could be heard in excruciating detail all the way from the back of the streetcar. The patron who charged the closing subway doors without a care for anyone around him. The time when a fight nearly broke out over a seat during rush hour. When it comes to rude behaviour on the TTC, nearly every rider, it seems, has a story. Some say they tolerate inconsiderate behaviour because it’s not worth getting into a potential altercation. Others have spoken up on behalf of fellow patrons being subjected to rudeness. Amanda Hiebert recalls a time on board a Parkdale bus when an extremely intoxicated patron spewed non-stop profanities in front of small children and their parents during the heart of rush hour. “She was cussing like she invented swear words,” said Hiebert. “I turned around and said, ‘Can you clean up your mouth?’” For intervening, Hiebert says she received a fresh volley of abuse from the inebriated woman, who finally decamped the bus a few stops later. “I’m not one of those people who can just sit there and say nothing,” she said. Most patrons who spoke with Toronto Community News said the TTC should act more proactively to deal with rude riders, whether that means an awareness campaign or directing staff to intervene. “If there was an ad campaign with some kind of statistic or something, it might strike a

Commuters vent about hostile interactions on the TTC RAHUL GUPTA

Staff photo/Nick Perry

TTC chief customer service officer Chris Upfold calls rudeness on the transit system a ‘societal’ issue.

chord with me,” said Hassan Ibrahim, a passenger on the 501 Queen streetcar last week. “It’s happening in their stations, on their vehicles,” said commuter Sunny Wong, waiting for a bus at Victoria Park and Sheppard Avenue. “There should be standards for whenever a closer you take the look TTC.” Inside But while Toronto the TTC does make announcements related to transit etiquette, such as asking riders to remove their large knapsacks during rush hour, spokesperson Chris Upfold said there are no plans to deal with the issue much more than that. “We have a number of areas of concern, but customer behaviour isn’t even in our Top 10. It’s not what we focus on,” said Upfold, the TTC’s chief customer care officer. “Rudeness is not something that catches my attention as being high.”

Upfold, who was hired by the TTC to improve customer care, said the transit agency’s employees shouldn’t be required to improve what he termed a “societal” issue. “I would argue the obligation of the operator is no greater than anybody else on that vehicle,” said Upfold. He said riders should alter their travel patterns and the times they travel in order to reduce potential disputes. “Let’s say you travel at 8:30 a.m. and it’s tough to find a seat. Leave 15 minutes earlier and there’s a better chance you’re getting on the train,” said Upfold. Transit agencies in other cities have taken steps to reduce rude behaviour by riders. For the last seven years, New York City subway riders face a $50 ticket, and in some cases can even be arrested, for sitting “improperly” on a seat or taking up more than one seat. More recently, the Paris, France rapid transit authority RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) launched a

publicity campaign targeting rude patrons of the Metro. Phil Wood, who retired recently from the London Underground where he was manager of operational analysis, said the rudeness of patrons riding the subway was never considered much of a problem, though laws targeting certain behaviours have proved effective. He said Underground workers are directed not to get into confrontations with transit users, and instead are to alert the transport police responsible for patrolling the system’s 402 kilometres of track. He recalled a regulation adopted by British lawmakers a couple of years ago that made it illegal for riders to travel the Underground with open containers of alcohol. “It’s more of a perception issue, really,

and they made a rule that put people at ease,” said Wood, who was in Toronto last week. Upfold said the TTC is set to examine the findings from a study that examined nearly 5,000 rider complaints in hopes of offering better service. But he said rudeness on the TTC, just as it exists in other places in the city, would remain a reality. “TTC is part of society,” he said. “The problems we face are the same as what society faces.” Valentino Assenza, who commutes to work downtown from the Beach via the TTC, said while he’d like to see steps taken to address the issue of rudeness, he was unsure how it should proceed. “It’s hard to legislate courtesy,” he said. “How we go about enforcing this, I don’t really know.”

ON THE COVER: Transit user Valentino Assenza says he is exasperated with the lack of respect passengers on the TTC have for each other. (Photo by Nick Perry) TWITTER: Read tweets from transit users pinpointing their pet peeves about impolite TTC passengers;, search keyword: TTC_Rude_Riders

Standing in a makeshift line of impatient afternoon commuters awaiting the bus just outside Dufferin Station, Carmen Szabo claimed to have no issue with the often-contrary behaviour of her fellow TTC riders. “I’m not the person that is complaining, I have absolutely no problems,” insisted the middle-aged mother who was on her way home from her manufacturing job in the west end. Behind Szabo, the mood was less rosy, with riders eager to vent about frequent hostile interactions they’ve had while on the TTC. Lamia Joseph said an aggressive commuter shoved her when she refused to let him cut ahead of her. “It’s vexing, all the time, just a hassle,” said the teenager of her usual TTC experience. She said she doesn’t like to take the TTC after 9 p.m. because “the music is louder and the people are sometimes drunk.” One commuter blamed “Toronto culture” for the lack of respect for fellow transit takers. “It makes me so angry,” said the middle-aged man who wished to remain anonymous. “I don’t do anything about it, but I get mad.” Though he noticed rude behaviour lately, Daniel Jay said he wasn’t too concerned about it. “I have my headphones and I just zone out,” he said. It’s the bystander effect, that phenomenon where people in public spaces opt not to offer aid to others in clear need, that particularly rankles High Park resident Amanda Hiebert. Hiebert, who lives on Quebec Avenue, said she’s intervened on behalf of commuters too timid to speak up for themselves – with little backup. “People don’t want to make a scene,” said Hiebert. “They’re more worried about being embarrassed or shamed.” She believes the TTC should be doing more to encourage civility among public transit users. “They tell us all about the hazard of littering on the track,” said Hiebert. “Maybe we should know the consequences of not speaking up.”

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| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012

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Prepare properly for cold weather To make sure your home is properly prepared for the elements, do a few simple checks. Protect pipes: Cold weather time is the prime season for freezing or cracking pipes. Protect your exposed pipes with foam insulated pipe covers to prevent damage during the winter. Check the furnace: Make sure your furnace is functioning properly before the cold weather sets in. Have a technician

stop by to make sure it's in good shape, or, at the least, install a new filter to ensure high performance during the cold weather. Seal out drafts: Keep your heating bill down by sealing up drafts around doors and windows. Install foam seals or re-caulk around doors, and add insulating film over windows. Cover up your patio furniture: Make sure grills, patio furniture and air conditioning units are properly sealed up in plastic to

protect them from damage during the winter. If possible – put them in the garage. Stock up on cold weather supplies: Pick up plenty of salt for the driveway, buy a few new shovels and put some extra antifreeze in your car so you're prepared for the cold weather. Don't wait until the temperature drops to get your home in shape – act now and you'll be relaxed and cozy when the first snow falls. –

The Top Sales LADY with Sutton Group Realty Systems Inc., Brokerage Sales Representative YOU ARE WITH ME






$699,900 Cozy & Gorgeous Updated Detached In Swansea. New Electrical & Mostly New Windows. New Hardwood Fl. Reno Open Concept Kitchen, S/S Appliances, Granite Counter, Breakfast Bar, W/Out To Lrg Deck & Gorgeous Fenced Perennial Yard. 2Pc Powder Rm. Original Charm - Fireplace, Plate Railing, Original Wood Trim Plus Stained & Leaded Glass Windows. New Spa - Bath W/ Sep Glass Shower, Freestanding Claws Bathtub, Marble Fl. Finished Basement: New Broadloom & 4Pc Bath, Pot Lights. Near Bloor St & Swansea School & Rennie Prk

OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 2-4 PM 155 PACIFIC AVENUE – Bloor St & High Park

$829,900 Absolutely Spectacular Renovated 3 Storey Detached, 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bath. Open Concept Main Level W/ Gourmet Kit, Pot Lights, Granite Counters, S/S Appliances, Centre Island, French Doors to Huge Deck, Perennial Garden & Garage.New Hdwd Fl. New Electrical, Posh Master With W/O To Terrace & Huge Chic Ensuite W/ Separate Glass Shower & Free Standing Soaker Tub, Marble Fl. & Walls + Pot Light. 3rd Fl – Family Rm. Finished Basement. Near Bloor, High Park, Good Schools, Subway & Bloor W Village.

ROYAL YORK & THE KINGSWAY $1,088,000 Unique Reno’d Huge 5 Bedrooms & 3 Bathroom Bungalow. Large Formal Principal Rooms. Reno’d Eat-in Kitchen With New Counters & S/S Appliances. New Windows & Hardwood Fl. Over 2000 SF, Finished Basement W/ Built-in Book Shelves, Fireplace, Large Windows & W/Out To Solarium & Yard. Park - like Setting. Double Drive & 2 Car Garage. Very Convenient Location. Across From The Humbertown Plaza In Prestigious Edgehill Park. 55 GOTHIC AVE “Fabulous Reno” $699,900. Outstanding Professional Reno. Over 2100 SF. 4 Bedrooms 3 Storey Semi. Private Drive. 25’ Frontage. Open Concept. 9 Ft Beamed Ceilings, Wainscoting, Fireplace, Hardwood Fl, Crown Moulding, Pot Lights, Marble & Granite. By Olympia Chic Kitchen W/ Sub Zero Appliances & W/O To Deck. 3 Modern Baths.Master With W/O To Terrace.


$345,000 Extraordinary Upgraded 1+1 Bdrm Condo. S/W Exposure & Lake View. Open Concept Living/Dining Rm. W/ Out To Balcony. Kit. With Granite Counters, Breakfast Bar & S/S Appliances. 1 Parking & Locker. Lux Condo: Pool & Gym, Meeting & Party Room, Roof-Top Deck & 24 Hr Concierge.

103 THE QUEENSWAY # 1814 “Windermere by The Lake” $449,900 Lux Corner Open Concept 1000 SF 2 Bdrms 2 Bath. Panoramic Lake/High Park/ City Views. Wrap-Around Balcony. Flr To Ceiling Wndws. $30,000 In Upgrades. Kit With S/S Appls & Granite Counters. Master With W/O To Balcony + 4 Pc Ensuite. Locker & Prking. 2 Pools, Concierge & Gym. The Best Buy - $50K Below The Builders Price. Near Lake, High Park, TTC & BWV.

9 | THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012

#1 Agent 2007 through 2011 *Remax Central Corp. now known as Remax Ultimate Realty Inc.


First Time Being Offered, Pride Of Ownership, Fully Detached bungalow in I m m a c u l a te C o n d i t i o n , big private lot, double car garage and so much more. Walking Distance To Trendy Shops, Great Schools, T.T.C, And Much More.





Gorgeous detached 3 bedroom home. Completely renovated, 9 ft ceiling, open concept main floor. Kitchen w/Central island+marble floors + walkout to huge backyard. Bsmt great for in-law suite, private drive for 5 cars + 1 1/2 car garage..Hurry this beauty won’t last. Call now 416-654-7653.

Fully detached bungalow consists of 4 bdrms including in-law suite in bsmt with separate entrance. Massive lot, huge oversized dble car garage + ample parking. Why would you pass this one up? 416-654-7653

Fully detached 2 storey home with 2 kitchens,3 baths,in-law suite w/ separate entrance to basement. Big lot.Call today tomorrow might be too late. 416-654-7653

Fully Detached,2 -storey home,private drive, close to all major highways, walking distance to ttc, shops, parks, schools, call now - if you wait might be too late. 416-654-7653.





Great Neighbourhood, Dead end street, Massive home, 3 bdrms, In law suite in bsmt, huge double oversized garage and sooo much more. What a deal 416-654-7653.

Charming And Cozy 3 Bedroom Home, Large Principal Rooms, Recently Renovated, 3 Separate Entrances, Fabulous Location, StepsToT.T.C,Trendy Corso Italia Shops,Great Schools, Minutes To All Major Highways.


ABOVE Fully detached 4 bed bungalow, 3 kitchens, 3 baths in the cosro italia. Private back yard with Jacuzzi. Don’t wait call today 416-654-7653


Massive bungalow,6 bedrooms including in-law suite in basement with separate entrance,open concept and completely renovated from top to bottom. Completely private backyard great for entertaining with a brick BBQ and deck and huge shed.What a deal. 416-654-7653.





Everytime We Sell A Home A Person Benefits


Sales Representative

Ultimate Realty Inc., Brokerage

Independently Owned and Operated 1272 Dundas Street West Toronto Ontario M6J 1X7


Sales Representative

Office 416-530-1080, Fax 416-530-4733

THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


PROVEN RESULTS!!! Frank Leo FANTASTIC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!! Large restaurant with drive thru on a ¾ acres lot, in the heart of Bolton, zoned for fast food national chain, completely renovated (09) seats 75, 35 parking spaces, currently very successful business also included for $2,200,000!!

INCREDIBLE 82’ X 208’ ESTATE!! Prestigious executive 5+2 bdrm 2 storey, gorgeous stone & brick exterior, professionally landscaped lot, backing onto Conservation lands, absolutely a must see, beautifully finished thru-out, Jatoba hardwood & granite flrs, custom kitchen inground pool, & much more for $1,990,000 Call to view!!


Sponsor of

Children's Miracle Network & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation PREMIUM RAVINE LOT!! Gorgeous Property 90’ x 143’ lot backing onto the Humber River & situated on quiet dead end street. Custom built 2 storey with addition & walkout bsmnt. Fabulous layout, granite countertop & floors, 5+1 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, finished basement with second kitchen ideal for entertaining or nanny suite, w/o to professionally landscaped lot with inground salt water pool, patio, deck, & spectacular ravine views. Meticulously well maintained property offered at only $1,699,900!!

#1 in West and Central Toronto combined by units of listings sold for all Companies of all Brokers & Sales Representatives 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, according to a study of MLS data prepared by an independent auditor of real estate statistics.


Custom built 4+2 bdrm 2 storey with addition, gorgeous renovated kitchen & baths, granite counter tops, gleaming hardwood floor, 4 full baths, main floor. Family room & den, 2nd floor laundry, finished basement with separate entrance, quality craftsmanship through-out, thousands spent must be seen for $1,100,000!!


Fabulous High Demand Location, builders model home, gorgeous curb appeal. Stone front exterior, extra wide garage doors, interlock drive, double door entry, large foyer, gleaming hardwood flrs, centre hall plan, large principle rm. Massive kitchen, granite countertop, s/s appliances, marvelous master bedroom, full ensuite & w/i closet, finished basement, 2 staircases, 9ft ceilings, crown moulding. Plus much more $999,888!!

Custom built Classic Victorian inspired all brick 4 bdrm homes in south Etobicoke. Incredible imported high end finishes thru-out, state of the art automation system. Definitely a must see located just minutes to the airport or downtown Toronto from $988,000 & $1,058,000!!


Fabulous design, great curb appeal, Large 4 bdrm with 4 washrooms, finished basement. Stunning classic combination of hardwood, marble & ceramic floors, high ceilings, skylight, Oak stairs, family size kitchen with breakfast area, granite countertop, centre island, stainless steel appliances & many extras for $888,800!!

BACKING ONTO GOLF COURSE!!! Large detached 4 bdrm 2 storey, finished basement, huge 50’ x 199’ lot! Located close to all conveniences, quick access to Hwys, many upgrades thru-out, Well maintained home Must be seen for $849,900!!

KEELE &401!! Fabulous detached 4+1 bdrm 2 storey, double garage, interlock, large verandah, double door entry, centre hall plan, 4 wshrms, combined living and dining rm, cathedral ceiling, gas fireplace, gleaming hardwood floors in family rm, wonderful family size kitchen, w/o to large deck & heated inground pool, gorgeous prof. landscaped lot, finished bsmnt and many extras for only $849,000!!

FREE Confidential Home Evaluations WEST REALTY INC., Brokerage

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

Call Today And Start Packing!!!

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• Your Home Advertised 24 Hours a Day Until Sold • Your Home Advertised to Millions on • Learn the Secrets of Selling your Home, without ineffective Open Houses • Your Home Listed in Full Colour Print Ads Until It’s Sold • Our team of Professionals for the same price as hiring a single broker

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Simply Stunning Custom built property, gorgeous open concept layout, dream kitchen, stainless steel appliances, breakfast bar, Quartz countertop, gleaming hardwood floors, magnificent master bedroom, w/i closet 5 pc ensuite, finished basement, fenced yard, great location only $769,900!!


Totally renovated Etobicoke beauty, gorgeous stone exterior finish & curb appeal. Custom kitchen, granite counter top, stainless steel appliances, skylight, gleaming hardwood flrs, prof. finished basement with separate in-law suite, garage, large back yard only $599,900!!



Sprawling ranch style bungalow. Large foyer, open concept Living and formal Dining room, coffered ceiling. Massive family size kitchen, walkout to backyard, circular stairs to finished basement. Ideal for entertaining or possible in-law suite. Fabulous opportunity only $719,900



Incredible luxury condo, great location close to Vaughan Mills shopping centre, Canada’s Wonderland, restaurants, and all conveniences. Fabulous gated community, 24hr concierge, Fantastic facilities, spacious 2 bdrm condo, stainless steel appl. Granite countertop, gleaming ceramic & hardwood flrs thru-out. A must see for $619,900!!

Highly sought after Weston & Major Mackenzie opportunity, Spacious 4 + 1 bedroom, 5 wshrms, 2 storey, large combined living & dining rm, separate family rm with fireplace, family - size kitchen, finished basement with kitchen & washroom ideal for in- law suite, loaded with upgrades & extras must be seen. 11 Rusty Trail $599,900!!


INVESTMENT PROPERTY!! Multiple unit property in The Junction, Main floor store with 3 apartments 4 separate meters, 2 bachelor suites and a 1 bedroom suite. St. Clair & Runnymede, Opportunity knocks. Call to view only $469,900!!!

Luxury Tridel building at Wellesley and Sherbourne, spacious and bright 2 bedroom, open concept layout with stunning city view. Fabulous kitchen with granite countertop & Centre Island. Upgraded floors throughout. Master bedroom includes w/in closet and 4 pc ensuite, plus roof top pool, exercise room, sauna, billiard room, party room, concierge & much more for $469,900!!!

Rare huge 1,590 sq. ft. 2 + 1 bdrm corner unit in the exclusive Manhattan Place. Spacious open concept layout, gleaming parquet floors, Large master bdrom with gorgeous 5 piece ensuite & walk- in closet, modern family size kitchen, unobstructed South West view, voted North York Condo of the Year in 2009, a must see for $499,000!!

Spacious and bright, open concept Oakville 3bdrm 2stry end unit. Diagnally laid hardwood throughout, family size kitchen granite countertop, high end Bosche appliances & gas range, main flr family rm with gas fireplace, 2nd flr laundry & den, beautiful oak open spiral staircase, w/ Iron pickets, large master with ensuite and many extras for only $564,900!!


Fabulous neighborhood. Close to all amenities, detached Investment property. Live in & rent or just rent all out. Large addition at back. 4 separate hydro meters, 4 kitchens, 5 bathrooms, detached double garage, huge balcony & veranda. Amazing Value only $699,900!!



High demand nieghbourhood, 4 bedroom brick 2 ½ storey home, large living room, separate formal dining room, enclosed front porch/ sunroom, garden, detached garage, located close to amenities, only $449,900!!



Totally renovated top to bottom 3 bedroom bungalow with quality finishing thru-out. New stainless steel appliances on main flr., spacious principal rms, separate entrance to in-law suite or apartment, huge lot, park-like setting with easy access to all amenities, loaded with extras for only $389,000!!!

High demand location, spacious 3 bedroom 2 storey, enclosed sun room, open concept living and dining room, family size kitchen, detached garage, garden, and much more!! SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!!



Great Income potential! 4 bedroom, 2 storey semi, well layed out, spacious principal rms, 2 kitchens, 2 full bathrooms, many updates thru-out, located close to all conveniences. Just steps to shops & transit for only $379,900!!

Stunning corner suite, Pacific model, 2 bdrm. 2 bath, open concept layout, granite countertop in modern upgraded kitchen, spacious open concept living/dining room, w/o to balcony, views of Lake Ontario, Humber Park & Toronto skyline. Call to view only $359,900!!


Rare Investment opportunity, at affordable price. Store with a 2 bdrm apt, above. Previously a convenience store, 4 car parking & lrg basement, high traffic area, great central location, close to all conveniences & transportation for $349,000!!



NUVO 2!! Luxurious Tridel built, immaculate 1 bedroom plus den, bright open concept layout, French doors, laminate floors, W/O to balcony, modern kitchen granite countertop, breakfast bar, 24 hr concierge, world class amenities, steps to Subway and Go Train, only $299,900!!

RUNNYMEDE / ST CLAIR Only $299,900, detached bungalow, eatin kitchen, 2 bedroom, enclosed front porch/ sunroom, detached garage, fenced backyard, close to all amenities & transit, Amazing Value!!


(L (L



Detached 3+1 bedroom bungalow with separate side entrance to finished basement in-law suite, large 50’ x 110’ lot, private drive, Liverpool and Krosno, Pickering location. SOLD FAST FOR TOP $$$!!


LAKESHORE OPPORTUNITY!! Spacious open concept ground floor layout, Large principal rms, 2 bedrooms, 1 washroom, 1 parking spot, great location close to all conveniences, steps to parks, shops, transit, & the Lake. Super Value for only $169,000!!

N N) )

5 4 6 6

SEE MORE PHOTOS : Not intended to solicit persons under contract. *Certain Conditions May Apply. ReMax West Realty Inc. does not guarantee the sale of your home. Exclusively offered by Frank Leo.

Copyright© 2009 Frank Leo

| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012



Real estate

zello jovanovic

sales representative


b e c a u s e home m e a n s e v e r y t h i n g t o y o u Professionals Inc., Brokerage

Custom Built Family Home In Prime Etobicoke Neighborhood! Gourmet Eat-In Kit W/ Centre Island, Br Area & W/O to Patio! Lrg 2 Storey Grt Rm W/ Stone Fp, Bar & Fr Dr W/O. Elegant Master W/ His & Hers Closets, 6 Pc Ens & Balcony O/looking Back Yrd & Grdn. Newly Finished Bsmnt W/4th Br, Lg Rec Area, 2 Pc & W/up! Walk to Parks & Schools! $1,448,000 | 7 Dorlen Ave



New Stunning Custom Built 4 + 1 Br Swansea/BWV Home With Private Drive & Double Garage! Bright Only The Finest Finishes Throughout. Eat-In Kit W/ Stainless Steel & Imported Marble, Large Centre Island & W/O! Lg Master W/ Lux 5 Pc Ens. Fin Bsmt W/ Rec Rm, 5th Br & 4 Pc Bath. Landscaped Yrd. Walk to Bloor W Shops, Cafes & Transit! $1,298,000 | 215 South Kingsway

Broker | Your Real Estate Specialist

T: 416-769-1616 C: 416-616-2985

West Realty Inc. Brokerage

101-20 FOUNDARY AVE. Newer 2 Level Condo Townhouse in the Dovercourt-Wallace Emerson-Junction Area. 2 Bedroom Corner Unit with South Exposure Facing the Park, Granite Kitchen Counters, Rich Espresso Kitchen Cabinets & Stained Hardwood Floors. Must be Seen! $339,000. For More Information, contact Maria Vieira 416-616-2985.

STUART SANKEY 416-669-9090

Sales Representative

Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage |

Prime Swansea/BWV Renovated 4+1 Bedroom. Spacious Family Home W/ Character & Charm! Bright Kitchen W/ Gas Fp, Bay Window Breakfast Area & Wall-toWall B/In Storage. Lg Master W/ Custom B/I Wardrobes & Skylit Ensuite Bath! Finished Basement W/ 5th Br & 4pc Bath. Beautifully Landscaped Yard W/ Mature Trees! Walk to Parks, Schools, Shopping & Transit! $998,000 | 55 Kennedy Ave Roncesvalles Village 3 Br W/ Mn Flr Family Rm Addition! Liv/Din W/ Rich New Hrdwd Flrs, Crown Mldngs & Bay Window! Updated Kitchen W/ Stainless Steel Applncs & Br Area. Family Rm W/ Built-Ins, Gas Fp & W/Out to Deck & Private Yrd. Master W/ Elegant 5 Pc Ensuite! Mud Rm Leads to Back Yard/ Garage. Lane Access to Double Garage! $828,000 | 158 Pearson Ave


Park Lake Residences Luxury Waterfront Living! 2+1 Br Suite W/ S/W Lake Views! Desirable Split Br Flr Plan. Modern Kit W/ Gleaming Granite, Br Bar, Glass B/S & S/S Applncs! Spacious Master W/ W/In Closet & 3 Pc Bath! Designer Finishes: Rich Oak Hardwood Flrs, Stunning Marble Baths & Contemporary Lighting. Fantastic Building Amenities! $418,000 | 1900 Lake Shore Blvd W #1605

THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


New Pemberton Built ‘Palais At Port Royal Place’! Spacious 2 Br Corner Unit W/ Quality Finishes Throughout! Open Concept Living/Dining Area W/ W/O To Balcony. Granite & S/S Kitchen W/ Br Bar. Bright Master W/ 3Pc Ensuite Bath! Deluxe Amenities Include 24 Hr Concierge, Party Rm, Gym & Pool! Prime Location Just Steps To Parks, Schools, Islington Village Shopping & Ttc! $319,000 | 3 Michael Power Pl #302

tel cell

416.236.1241 416.880.4442


The featured Home of the Week is a lovely 2+1 bedroom and 3 bathroom corner suite condominium. It has a great design layout, featuring about 1700 square feet of luxury. There is an open balcony offering a picturesque garden view. The den can be used as a third bedroom. This great suite also has 2 full ensuites plus a 2 pc powder room. The building has great amenities including pool, gym, bowling, recreation centre and 24hour friendly and personal concierge. The owner of this terrific suite is close to all amenities

including shopping and public transportation. Our featured Home of the Week is being offered for $498,880 Micheal Turk, Broker Of Royal Lepage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage. Micheal can be reached at

416-762-2020 or visit for more information, pictures and a virtual tour.


| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012

THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


It’s Happening n Thursday, Sept. 27

Epicure’s Revue WHEN: 6:30 p.m. WHERE: The Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles Ave. CONTACT: The next Epicure’s Revue, the Revue Cinema’s bi-monthly food and film program, features the Mexican movie Like Water for Chocolate. At the bi-monthly Epicure’s Revue, the theatre screens a film with a food theme and invites local restaurants and shops to provide free samples inspired by the movie. On the menu so far are tostadas and chocolate tasting bars flavoured with Mexican spices. This event will be licensed, featuring Mexican beer and drinks. (Beverages cost extra. Food samples are free.) Italian Film: Baaria WHEN: 1:30 to 4 p.m. WHERE: Dufferin/St. Clair Library, 1625 Dufferin St. Enjoy a screening of the Italian film Baaria. Baaria is Sicilian slang for Bagheria where filmmaker Giuseppe Tornatore was born and this is an autobio-

graphic epic of three generations in the Sicilian village.

stituents in person. An appointment is required.

n Friday, Sept. 28

n Saturday, Sept. 29

Junction Seniors’ Gathering WHEN: 2 p.m. WHERE: Pascal’s Baguette and Bagels, 2904 Dundas St. W. CONTACT: Eleanor Batchelder, 647-235-0843,, junctionra. ca/junction-seniors The group meets twice a week at a local coffee shop for conversation, as a social network of neighbours. Tuesday’s gathering takes place from 10 to 11 a.m. at Agora Cafe, 3015 Dundas St. W. All welcome. Constituency Hours with Councillor Sarah Doucette WHEN: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. WHERE: Runnymede Public Library, 2178 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: Irmgard, 416-392-4072,, COST: Free Ward 13 city Councillor Sarah Doucette holds constituency hours regularly to meet with con-

Culture Days - Aboriginal Artist Collective RED SLAM in performance WHEN: 1 to 4:30 p.m. WHERE: Annette Street Library, 145 Annette St. CONTACT:, mail@highparknature. org COST: Free RED SLAM is a collective of aboriginal artists who express their creativity through contemporary spoken word/music performance, in the spirit of indigenous oral traditions. Their goal is to uplift self, identify and promote unity through spoken lyricism which arranges meaning (SLAM).

n Sunday, Sept. 30

Grenadier Pond - More than meets the eye! WHEN: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. WHERE: Grenadier Cafe, 200 Parkside Dr. CONTACT:, COST: Free Take part in a walk along the


shores of Grenadier Pond to check out the new interpretive signs and learn more about the pond’s origins and diverse plants and wildlife. Meet at the circle of benches south of Grenadier Restaurant (south side of the road). The walk will end at the Harvest Festival at Colborne Lodge.

n Wednesday, Oct. 10

Barbara Arrowsmith-Young: The woman who changed her brain WHEN: 7 to 8 p.m. WHERE: Runnymede Library, 2178 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: 416-393-7697 The incredible story and miraculous work of a remarkable woman. Though she began life severely learning disabled, she built herself a better brain and a brain training program that has helped thousands of others do the same.

n Tuesday, Oct. 16

Writer’s Group WHEN: 6:30 to 8 p.m. WHERE: Runnymede Library, 2178 Bloor St. W. CONTACT: 416-393-7697 Join a dynamic writers group. Read from and discuss work in progress, and inspire each other. Registration required.

n Ongoing

Yoga for Seniors WHEN: 9 to 10 a.m. WHERE:

Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: 416-392-1953 Monday morning yoga sessions for seniors, either on a mat or with the use of a chair. Taoist Tai-Chi – Beginners WHEN: 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: 416392-1953 Tai-Chi class for seniors, may join at any time. Takes place every Monday. Call for cost and other details. Taoist Tai-Chi – Intermediate WHEN: 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: 416392-1953 Tai-Chi class for seniors runs every Monday morning. Art Class – Multi Media WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to noon WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: 416392-1953 Art class for seniors. Oils, watercolours, acrylics. Choose your medium and discover your talent every Tuesday. Preschool Time WHEN: 2 to 2:45 p.m. WHERE: Jane/Dundas Library, 620 Jane St. COST: Free Stories, songs and rhymes for

children ages three to five years with their parents and caregivers every Tuesday afternoon. Osteofit WHEN: 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: 416392-1953 COST: $5 single class Fun exercise for seniors, through weekly sessions held on Wednesday mornings. Line Dancing WHEN: 11 a.m. to noon WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: 416-392-1953 Line dancing for seniors on Wednesdays. Beginners welcome, no partner needed, good exercise and fun. Scottish Country Dancing WHEN: 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. WHERE: Humbercrest United Church, 16 Baby Point Rd. CONTACT: Barbara, 416-766-3879 COST: Cost $5 per night Scottish Country Dancing classes take place every Wednesday evening. Chinese Brush Painting WHEN: 9 a.m. to noon WHERE: Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave. CONTACT: 416-392-1953 Seniors art class: discover your talent working in this delicate art form every Thursday morning.

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LOBLAWS’TURKEY DRIVE BRINGS THANKSGIVING DINNER TO TORONTO FAMILIES IN NEED On Saturday,volunteers and employees at Loblaws at 2280 Dundas St.W.,hit the aisles to promote itsThanksgiving Turkey Drive benefiting Canada’s largest food rescue program, Second Harvest. Shoppers purchased turkeys that will be distributed through Second Harvest to local families in need,just in time forThanksgiving dinner.The store will hosting another Turkey Drive this Saturday,September 29 and Sunday,September 30.

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SUNDA AY, OCT TOBE ER 28 8, 20 012 What will you be? Register your team today for Toronto’s newest, best and most exciting Halloween event! Join the best-dressed neighbourhood parade for kids of all ages starting at 3pm. Participate in the most amazing family-friendly Halloween party ever – with lots of treats! Register now!


Join our event host Dina Pugliese from on



ST. JOSEPH’S /mystjoes



Arts & Entertainment


Mexican classic screened at tonight’s Epicure’s Revue Love story ‘Like Water for Chocolate’ shown The next Epicure’s Revue, the Revue Cinema’s bi-monthly food and film program, features the Mexican movie Like Water for Chocolate Thursday, Sept. 27 at 6:30 p.m. At the bi-monthly Epicure’s Revue, the theatre screens a film with a food theme and invites local restaurants and shops to provide free samples inspired by the movie. On the menu so far are tostadas and chocolate tasting bars flavoured with Mexican spices. This event will be licensed, featuring Mexican beer and drinks. Beverages cost extra. Food samples are free. Guest expert Joshna Maharaj, a regular on CBC TV’s Steven and Chris show, hospital-menu redesigner and 2012 TED Toronto speaker, is a fervent locavore. “I remember seeing this movie for the first time and being blown away at the thought that we can infuse food with emotion and energy,” she said in a statement. “This story is tragic and romantic... and hilarious. It’s such a beautiful example of both the power that food has and the almost sacred importance of the role of the cook.” Like Water or Chocolate tells the story of a young woman, gifted in the kitchen, who cannot marry the love of her life. Instead, she must remain at home and look after her aging mother. To cope with her heartache,

she pours her feelings into her food. The Revue marks its 100th anniversary. It is now operated by the community-based not-for-profit Revue Film Society. Tickets are $10 for Revue members and seniors; $13 for non-members. Visit for details.

This Bruce Trail Day, join us on Canada’s oldest and longest footpath. Discover how the Trail began while enjoying free guided hikes, fun family activities and the amazing variety of life along the Niagara Escarpment.

Sunday, September 30 For locations and more details, please visit

FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE FUTURE SHOP SEPTEMBER 21 CORPORATE FLYER On the September 21 flyer, page 21, these products: 16GB and 32GB SanDisk UHS-1 Extreme Pro SDHC Memory Cards (WebCodes: 10182099 & 10182104) were advertised with incorrect pricing. Please be advised that the 32GB price is $119.99, and the 16GB price is $59.99.

Seniors & Caregivers Town Hall

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.


Carrierof the

Rabina has been a reliable carrier for almost a year and likes her job very much. She enjoys meeting her neighbours, whom she doesn’t regularly see, and takes pride in her work. Rabina and her kids enjoy the time spent together delivering and appreciate what the job affords them. Keep up the great job Rabina!



If you wish to be a carrier, please call


Carrierof the

Elmer has been delivering the Villager newspaper and flyers since 2008. During this time he has used his earnings for transportation and other items. Elmer does well in physics and aspires to go to university when he is finished high school. Because of his hard work and dedication, his customers are happy and the community benefits. We thank you for all your hard work Elmer!


If you wish to be a carrier, please call


dŚŽƵƐĂŶĚƐ ŽĨ ƌĂŵƉƚŽŶ ƐĞŶŝŽƌƐ ĚŽ ŶŽƚ ŚĂǀĞ ĂĐĐĞƐƐ ƚŽ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ŚŽŵĞ ĐĂƌĞ͘ dŚĞ ǁĂŝƚůŝƐƚ ĨŽƌ ĐĂƌĞ ŝƐ ĞdžƉĞĐƚĞĚ ƚŽ ĚŽƵďůĞ͘ ^Ž ǁŚLJ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ 'ŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚ ŽĨ KŶƚĂƌŝŽ ĐƵƫŶŐ ĨƵŶĚŝŶŐ ƚŽ Ă ůŽĐĂů ŶŽŶͲƉƌŽĮƚ ŚŽŵĞ ĐĂƌĞ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƌ ƌĞƐƉĞĐƚĞĚ ĨŽƌ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĐĂƌĞ͍ īĞĐƟǀĞ KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϭ͕ ϮϬϭϮ͕ ŵĂŶLJ ƌĂŵƉƚŽŶ ƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚƐ ǁŝůů ůŽƐĞ ƚŚĞ ĐĂƌĞŐŝǀĞƌ ƚŚĞLJ ĚĞƉĞŶĚ ŽŶ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ũŽŝŶ ƚŚĞ Quality Care Alliance at an ŽƉĞŶ ĨŽƌƵŵ ƚŽ ĚŝƐĐƵƐƐ ŚŽŵĞ ĐĂƌĞ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ͕ ĂŶĚ ŚŽǁ ƐĞŶŝŽƌƐ ĐĂŶ ĐŽŶƟŶƵĞ ƚŽ ƌĞĐĞŝǀĞ ŚŝŐŚͲƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĐĂƌĞ͘ Date: Friday, September 28, 2012 Time: 7pm - 9pm (refreshments served) >ŽĐĂƟŽŶ͗ >ŽĂĨĞƌ͛Ɛ >ĂŬĞ ZĞĐƌĞĂƟŽŶ ĞŶƚƌĞ ϯϬ >ŽĂĨĞƌ͛Ɛ >ĂŬĞ >ĂŶĞ͕ ƌĂŵƉƚŽŶ ;<ĞŶŶĞĚLJ ZŽĂĚ Θ ^ĂŶĚĂůǁŽŽĚ WĂƌŬǁĂLJͿ

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| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012

Celebrate the Bruce Trail with OPG!

THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |



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Arts & Entertainment

17 | THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012

BROWSING ALONG THE BOARDWALK ORIGINALITY: Art lovers and curious creative types browse works at the juried art show and sale at Sunnyside Pavilion on Sunday. Over two dozen tents featured artwork along the broadwalk. Staff photos/IAN KELSO


Best Buy CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE BEST BUY SEPTEMBER 21 CORPORATE FLYER We would like to clarify the Bose CineMate Series II Digital Home Theatre System (Bose CineMate SII) (WebCode: 10131232) found on page 6 of the September 21 flyer. Please be advised that the advertised price of $552.99 is applicable only when purchased WITH an HDTV, WITHOUT the HDTV, the home theatre system is $649.99.

for nominating us!

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.

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Music and Dancing Instruction PIANO LESSONS Learn to play the piano and make music! Experienced instructor and pianist, 13 years teaching experience. All ages welcome, children to adults. Non- intimidating environment, beginner to intermediate. Preliminary rudiments. High Park Junction area. $20 1/2 hour lesson. 1st lesson free. CALL MARIA 416-766-8530 or email: mvanzoomeren

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Career Development

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BED, ALL new in plastic, Queen Orthopedic. Mattress, boxspring. Warranty. Cost $1,000, Sell $275. 416-779-0563 CEDAR TREES for Privacy Hedging. 2- 8ft tall. Planting & delivery included. Hedge removal. 647-235-5644

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9am - 2pm Sat. Sept. 29th

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Home Renovations GENERAL CONTRACTORS RESIDENTIAL/ COMMERCIAL. Finished basements. Painting. Bathrooms. Ceramic tiles. Flat roofs. Leaking basements. Drywall. Carpentry. Brick/chimney repairs. 9 0 5 - 7 6 4 - 6 6 6 7 , 416-823-5120 STUMPO Contracting. General Contractor. Renovations, basements, bathrooms, kitchens, additions. Plumbing, Electrical. Decks, fencing, concrete. All Flooring. Seniors Discount. Licensed/ Insured. Free estimates. Call Gino 416-524-2168


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PETER’S DEPENDABLE JUNK REMOVAL From home or business, including furniture/ appliances, construction waste. Quick & careful!

HANDYMAN- HOME Repairs, Carpentry, Drywall, Tiles, Painting, Doors, Trimming, Plumbing. Basement, Bathroom, Kitchen Renovation. Quality work. Seniors discount Please call George 416-906-0623

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647-519-9506 Handy Person JOB DONE RIGHT. The home improvements you don’t have time for. Reasonable rates. References available. Call John 416-604-5169


THE VILLAGER |Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


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Police and Fire


A 65-year-old man has reportedly died after being struck by a taxi outside Dufferin Mall Monday. Police say the man was hit when a cab driver drove into a wall around 2:40 p.m. The driver, at the wheel of an orange and black vehicle, also drove into two other vehicles causing a gas leak, according to Toronto police Const. Tony Vella. Investigators remained on scene just before 5 p.m.

| THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012

Three-alarm blaze engulfs Junction house

Man, 65, dies after being pinned by cab against wall “The cabbie reversed into two cars and struck the pedestrian,” he said. “There was lots of commotion.” The victim’s legs were pinned against the wall, according to Toronto EMS. The man suffered leg fractures and was unconscious at the scene. He was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries. He is said to have later died from his injuries.

Firefighters spent hours battling a “stubborn” blaze that broke out in a three-storey house on Keele Street at Humberside Avenue early Tuesday morning. It took 50 firefighters to knock down the three-alarm fire that originated on the back porch and spread rapidly through the home before flames shot up through the roof. Emergency crews were

notified by a passerby, who called 911 around 2 a.m., said Toronto Fire Services District Chief Stephan Powell. “It was a tough fire to put out,” he said. No one was in the house at the time, Powell added. And no one was hurt. The fire is still under investigation. Its cause is still unknown as of Tuesday morning.

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THE VILLAGER | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |


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