July issue

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R aleigh, Nort h C aro l i n a (9 19 ) 964-4113 www. t hebossmagazi n e.n et Welcome to another issue of The Boss Magazine. The Boss Magazine is a men’s editorial that shines a light on men in business, ministry or simply making a difference in the com munity. This magazine will be a platform for men building empires and succesful businesses. Thank you for visiting our magazine. Be sure to share it with your friends, family and co-workers. Martin Dawkins

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H e Wro te Th e B o o k B y: S a m u e l James M ar on ie I c a n’ t t e l l y o u h ow many times I ’ v e b e e n i n a social situation w h e r e d u r i n g t he course of c o n ve r s a t i o n , someone tells m e : “ I t h i n k I ’ d like to write a b o o k! ” M o s t o f t h e t i m e it is just idle chi t- c h a t . B u t in t o d a y’ s t echn o - s a v v y w o r l d , writing and a c t u a l l y p u b l i s h ing that book not o n ly p o ssib le , but r ela t ively easy. N o w t h e r e a r e avenues where b u d d i n g a u t h o r s can find a r e ad y o u t le t f o r th eir ba d po et r y , cl u n ky f ic t io n a n d d ubio usl y -i nte r e st in g a u t o bio g r a ph ies. Ab ou t a y e a r a nd a h a lf a g o , I d e c id e d t o w r it e a bo o k. I d i d n ’ t h a v e t o l ook far to find an ad e q u a t e s u bject - ma t t er . I hav e b e e n a n en t er t a in men t r e p o r t e r f o r t h e past 40-plus y e a r s . H o w i n t e r esting, I mused, w o u l d i t b e t o write about my

a d ven tures i n thi s profes s i on? I had tons of behind-the-scenes, person al stories about the film and television celebrities I encountered a lo n g the way. I a lso had dozens of ori gi nal photographs of these famous folks that I shot during interviews and press conferences. All I had to do was o r g a n ize i t al l and put i nto a cohesive fo rm. Ever the pragmatist, I sat down at t h e kit chen tabl e one ev eni ng and wrote an outline—which is what a n y a uthor s houl d do at the s tart of any project. I ma d e a l i s t of ten chapter headings. Underneath each one, I listed t h e st o ri es I wanted to tel l that per t a in ed to that parti cul ar chapter. I spent the next couple of days writing and re-writing this outline. I ch a nged chapter ti tl es , re-ordered the sequences and added

and subtracted t h e s t o r i e s t h a t I wanted to includ e . S o m e t a l e s were must-haves , a n d w i l l i n g l y sacrificed those t h a t w e r e n ’ t quite as interestin g a s o r i g i n a l l y thought. I real i zed from th e o u tse t th at I was not writing a p i e c e o f f i n e l i terature. My goal w as to del i v er my tal es i n a c h atty , c o n versational style t h a t , I h o p e d , would convey th e s e n s e o f f u n and adventure I e x p e r i e n c e d wi th thes e s peci a l pe o pl e . Taki ng the extra ti me to f i n e tune the outl i ne pai d o f f h an ds omel y. I s ai l ed th ro u gh th e actual writing with r e l a t i v e e a s e . The toughest part w a s t h e s a m e as with any proje c t - - - t h e a c t o f getting started. O n c e I d o v e i n and made a beg i n n i n g , w o r d s fl owed l i ke the pro ve rbi al f o u ntain. In a coupl e of w e e k s, I w as


www.thebossmagazine.net d o n e . I d e c i d e d to call my memoir ‘Tripping through Pop-Culture.’ I felt this would co v e r a l l t h e s u b j e c t s I w a s w r iting about: classic television, movies, music, comic-books. It also prov i d e d w h a t I thou g h t w a s a clever pla y o n w o r d s. I a l w a y s t e l l t h o s e who ask what it was like writing a book: “Writing it was the easiest part . ” B y t h a t I m e a n t h a t t h e p ublishing platform I used for creating my work placed a lot of the produ c t i o n w o r k s q u ar ely u p o n m y in exper ien ced sh o uld ers . W hat s iz e w a s m y bo o k g o in g t o be a n d how woul d i t fl ow on the actual pri nted pages ? I n e e de d a n e y e - c a t c h i n g cover…but I am no artist. I had hundreds of the old-fashioned black- a n d - w h i t e ne gat ive f ilm s- - - but n o w a y t o pr in t t h em. I was i n techni cal l y ov er my head. I r o l l e d u p m y s l e eves and spent hours poring through YouTube ‘how-to’ videos. I f o u n d h o w t o c r ea t e t empla t es t h a t pr es cri bed what s i ze the pages s houl d be for the pri n te d e di t i o n . T h i s w a s a n i mportant techno task to nail down, as the copy had to stay within ‘live ’ a r e a s s o that i t w o u ld n o t exceed t h e len g t h o f t he pri nted page. W h a t a b o u t t h e pictures? As I mentioned, I did not have actual prints, but I did have a s c a n n e r t h a t u t i l i z e d a s p ecial negative holder. I placed the film on the scanner, and voila! Posit i v e i m a g e s w e nt r ig h t t o m y c o mput er h a r d d r ive a nd l ooked beauti ful ! It was as s i mpl e as that! O h, b u t t h e r e w e r e ma n y sleepless n ig h t s as wel l ! Many ev eni ngs I tos s ed and turned i n be d, w o nd e r i n g h o w I w a s going to accomplish some technical task. But calmness and level-he a d e d n e s s p r e v a i l e d a n d I a lways found some way to get the job done. It may have not been the m o s t d i r e c t or e xpe die n c e m et h o d - - - but I g o t t h e jo b done, and that was the i mportant thi ng! Bu t th e r e w e r e m a n y t h in g s I h a d lit t le or no di rect control ov er. I began reachi ng ou t to o th e rs w ho h a d t h e e x p er t ise t h a t I la cked . S o meti mes i t came from the mos t unexpected pl a c e s an d as T e nne sse e Willia ms sa id , “…fr o m t h e kin dnes s of s trangers …..” I w a s s p e a k i n g t o my good friend, illustra tor Joe Philips, about my project. Out of the blu e , w i t h o u t any ‘ h in t in g ’ o n my pa r t , h e vo lun t eer ed: “I’d be gl ad to do the cov er for you!” I wa s f l abbe rgas t e d. H a vin g h is n a me a sso cia t ed w it h my l owl y book woul d al s o be a great s el l i ng p o i n t. I a l s o n e e d e d a Foreword and some blurbs by influential media folks. I got out my ro l o d e x a n d s t ar te d w o r kin g t h e ph o n e. A c a s u a l f r i e n d , graphic novelist and Hollywood TV writer Howard Chaykin was more tha n g r a c i o u s a b o u t p r o v i d i n g an introduction. Other media contacts like filmmaker Kevin Willmott ga v e m e a n e nt hu s ia s t ic b lu r b fo r t h e ba ck co ver . I was ov erwhel med by peopl es ’ great generos i ty an d su pp or t. I r e a l i z e t h a t t h i s sounds corny, however, I cannot describe the great joy that came when I h e l d t h e f i r s t c o p y o f m y pr in t ed w o r k in my h a n ds . It was my baby and whi l e the chi l d-bi rth had i ts ro u gh s p o t s , t h e s e n s e of pride was tremendous. I did it! Co p i e s o f S a m Ma r o n ie: Tr ippin g Th r o ug h Pop Cul ture are av ai l abl e i n pri nted and el ec tro n i c ve r s i ons f r o m A m a z o n . co m.



W h a t’ s U p N e x t f o r Ca r C u s t om Ent hus ia s t ? b y : D r. E v e a n g e l S avage Three years ago, I had the privilege to mentor a group of young men that were trying to figure out this thing called life. We spent many long nights and interrupted days, trying to navigate resolve for one problem after another. The goal was to offer guidance for the future. The decisions made did not always align with my teaching philosophy. Amazingly, the teaching eventually fell on fertile ground. Audacity Group Social Enterprise is proud to introduce, Kent Smith, the proud owner of Kountry Boi Kustoms, LLC. . “I just had to figure out what I wanted to do”, --Kent Smith. Six-months ago, Kent made the decision to take steps towards self-mastery to identify, initiate, and implement strategies for distinction in business with his skills in car customization –the COMPASS to his stage. Taking up a trade is a great direction for individuals to hone in on an interest and begin developing a

is experiencing a demand according to the research. For more information on how you can own your stage and plan with excellence, contact, Dr. Eveangel H. Savage, Investment Readiness Coach | Author | Entrepreneur Institute Instructor. www.audacitygroupsocialenterprise.com

path for independence. Kent explored his love for customizing cars. He is developing and securing a legacy for his children, and his children’s children. Customizing cars is a great industry when you consider first, the demand for cars, and then, the human’s natural desire to do “things” to cars. While in training, Kent decided to take some necessary When asked, “what’s up next for steps to own his stage through business Kent”, he quickly replied, “business ownership. growth through Audacity’s Entrepreneur Institute to Launch like a Congratulations are in order for Kent Rocket to improve the visibility of Smith, Owner of Kountry Boi Kustoms, my brand and increase my customLLC. Kent is a limited liability partner er base as an authority”. Launch with a trucking company, delivering like a Rocket & Clients Everywhere quality custom designs for car custom e-learning courses begin Tuesday, enthusiast. Kent‘s business model is the July 5, 2016. For more information epitome of Audacity’s strategies of dis- call 252.347.5916. tinction. Identify your transferable skills, initiate a plan that will position you as the authority and implement your plan with investment readiness strategies. Investment-ready business is driven by customer experience. In 2013, the car customization industry slowed down because of the recession. As conditions improve with car sales, the industry







Dr. Norman L. Collins, Sr., is a Mississippi native, an accomplished speaker, a licensed and ordained minister, a former pastor, a gospel music clinician, and the founder/CEO of Collins Coaching and Consulting LLC and H4U2 Motivational Speaking. His educational accomplishments include degrees Bachelor of Business degree, Master of Christian Education, Doctorate of Christian Counseling, and further studies towards an MBA. His greatest accomplishment is his role as a proud father of seven children and as a grandfather. To Me, From Me, With Love … Always is Dr. Collins’ first published literary work which is a a personal and transparent journey experienced by the author towards becoming self-empowered and developing strong self-efficacy. Dr. Collins employs a practical, Biblical approach with humorous interjections as he shares his some of his lowest moments that infused mountain-top experiences. His objective is to help the readers to understand and embrace the necessity of giving to themselves which enables them to give to others. His unique style of blending ministry, motivation, and information assist to develop much needed affirmation and makes his book a great read for personal growth and development in both individual and group settings. Some commentaries from readers of his book include: “To Me From Me With Love Always” is authentically powerful and transformative. - Lawayne Childrey, Author of Peeling Back the Layers: A Story of Trauma Grace and Triumph “To Me From Me With Love Always” by Norman Lee Van Collins, Sr, PhD is an excellent book for anyone who has not become their “ideal self” yet. This book is like an old friend and earnestly works toward achieving what you truly want in life – a better sense of self-worth. It teaches that loving yourself comes first. It offers amazing wisdom and insight into WHY we behave in certain ways when in a relationship. The truth is going to hurt, but it is for your own good. This book really makes you LOVE yourself.” - Anderecco, Award winning author of Family Values and The Beginning of Forever “To Me From Me With Love Always” is a page turner that takes you on a spiritual experience from secrets, hurt and anger to strength, courage and love! This book takes you on one man’s journey that will connect with you and inspire you to begin finding and loving the inner you!” - Auturo M. Cummings, M.S. AEd, PMC-E Executive Director, Artise Creative Solutions, LLC Dr. Collins is currently preparing to release his second book entitled “Get Your Life - Seven Necessity Principles to Live By.” It is scheduled to be released in early Fall. Anyone desiring to purchase any of Dr. Collins’ books and/or to contact him for speaking engagements can do so by visiting his website at www.h4u2.org. You can also visit his FaceBook pages: H4U2 Motivational and Consulting, Norman L V Collins, Sr, PhD, and of course To Me From Me with Love, Always. You can also follow him on Instagram @drcollins06 and Twitter @drcollins14.




www.thebossmagazine.net Pittsburgh and created so many opportunities for him. Hearing this story, we can really begin to feel what Forever Loyal means to him and gain a better understanding as to where he sees his product and brand going. Forever Loyal was trademarked in April 2016 following the brand being made into a LLC in October of 2015 and this was all thanks to their lawyer/partner Andrew. With all of this being set into place, this now gives Forever Loyal the ability to expand with no limitations as to how far we are able and willing to go to spread the word and get the brand to the highest level of achievement and success.

When you hear the name Forever Loyal you can’t help but to think of Donald Johnson, the man with the dream and vision behind the Forever Loyal brand. Learning of Forever Loyal, it almost seemed like it quickly became an overnight sensation. From hats, to shirts you libel to see this brand on anything that can be worn. Donald tells us that Forever Loyal was a phrase that he used in other words meaning being able to rely, have dependability, devotion and faithfulness. Believing that he could be successful in anything he set his mind to, brought out the meaning of Forever Loyal. The design came to fruition when he and his partner Pierre was looking for something to symbolize something strong and meaningful (loyal).

Donald is very passionate in saying that he would like to provide a brand that has meaning and something that a lot of people can relate to. He has a strong belief in saying, “You never fail if you don’t stop trying”, and this has been the foundation of what Forever Loyal has been built on. Based from Loyalty and trust Don-

Donald began his business venture by selling items such as shoes, shirts, sweatshirts, as that began to quickly takeoff he began to want more, “I wanted something I could say was mine”. Lacking the Resources and having minimal help, He reached out to his friend Pierre, pitched his idea and the plans that he himself could see for the vision and basically asked if he was willing to take a chance with something they had no clue would become successful over a short period of time or not. As things began quickly taking off Donald suffered three major losses, the loss of his sister, brother and then his cousin. Going through the emotions and dealing with a state of depression Donald resorted to Forever Loyal to cope with all he was going through .With all this happening within a matter of months his focus became more intense, that is when he realized that loyalty stood its ground. “It doesn’t matter how long you know someone, it’s their character of trust and loyalty that makes them who they are”. Donald states that having the opportunity of working with his partner has been a true blessing, “We have been working on this for over a year and still I have yet to meet my partner Pierre but together we have accomplished so much”. There is one more partner, Christopher who came aboard by just being a loyal customer who believed in the product and helped Donald expand the brand though

ald was able to start a company with Pierre and they have never even met in person, “Research find someone that is already accomplished in what she or he wants to do, get advice and surround yourself with positive people that will support you”.












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