March 2016

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R aleigh, Nort h C aro l i n a (9 19 ) 964-4113 www. t hebossmagazi n e.n et Welcome to another issue of The Boss Magazine. The Boss Magazine is a men’s editorial that shines a light on men in business, ministry or simply making a difference in the community. This magazine will be a platform for men building empires and succesful businesses. Thank you for visiting our magazine. Be sure to share it with your friends, family and co-workers. Martin Dawkins

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to S e d u c e W o m e n a n d H a v e T h e m L o v e You 3 Tips fo r It. S i m p l y t h e i d e a of seducing wo m e n m ig h t ca use t h e ma j o r i ty o f m e n f eel un co mfo r t a b l e , o r e v e n s cared. Perhaps y o u c o u l d b e f e eling the same. Ar e y o u e x p e rien cin g t r o ub l e se a r c h i n g f or the class of w o m a n y o u f i n d appealing? I n o r d e r t o b e t riumphant with wo m e n y o u sh o u ld lea r n t h ese i n c r ed i b l y e f f o r t less seduction t i p s f o r m e n . B ut, understand t h i s , it w i l l b e y o ur choice to go t o w o r k o n t h e s e st r a t eg ies.

Numb e r o n e T ip : P r esen t yo ur s e l f a s g r e a t e r t ha n ‘ a ver a g e. ’ Y o u b y n o m e a ns need to be cl as s i f ie d in t h e r o le o f t h e ‘ a ve r a g e m a l e . ’ I t i s important for y o u t o c o m p r e hen d t h is st r a t e g y i n o r d e r t o s educe women. I f y ou a r e c o n c en t r a t ed o n a t t r ac t in g w o m e n w it h lit t le eff o r t , t h e n y o u should place y o u r s e l f i n t h e role of a man w h o i s c o n s i d erably beyond av e r a g e .

Also, dwell of the man you would prefer to become, and grow to be t h a t man. To put i t one more way, d r ess yours el f i n the s tyl e of cl othes t h a t wi l l make you feel s el f-confi dent and will impress women; you must be concerned about your appearance and aspire to look g r o o med. Women wi l l be qui te impressed by this. An additional strategy to catch the attention of w o men wi l l be to di s pl ay yours el f a s a man wi th fl ai r - i n order to a ch iev e thi s , you ought to be polite, courteous and well-mannered. By doing this, women will not just be impres s ed but they wi l l addi t io n a lly be extra comfortabl e and willing to satisfy your desires, even inside the bedroom. An excellent tip would furthermore be for you to take a look at a few of the actors on television or in the big screen; notice these men not merely by t h eir outward outer s hel l , but notice how they carry themselves, notice what style of clothing they wear, notice how they deal

with women. I w o u l d n ’ t a d v i s e choosing the lar g e l y f o r m u l a i c person; as a sub s t i t u t e , s e a r c h for the class of p e r s o n t h a t y o u would choose to g r o w t o b e . These seduction t i p s f o r m e n , wi th the addi ti on o f a sm al l number of others, w i l l be o f enormous applica t i o n t o y o u b y preparing you to d e v e l o p i n t o a v ery chari s mati c, asse rti ve pe rson who will effo r t l e s s l y c a t c h the attenti on of wo me n . Second Ti p: B e Rom an ti c In your journey for val u abl e se duction tips for m e n , y o u o u g h t to furthermore pro du c e th e e f fort to create r o m a n c e . T h e majori ty of wome n w i l l c e rtai n ly recognize the v a l u e o f t h i s , and this will take y o u o n e s t e p further to your g o a l . Y o u m u s t try bringing her f l o w e r s , m a y b e cooki ng her di n n e r o r tak i n g her for a night ou t o n t h e t o w n .

06 W o m e n f i n d t h e s e plain things to be very romantic, and this will without doubt make th i n g s e a s i e r t o y o u t o m o v e a step further. B y c r e a t i n g r o m ance, women will find it easier to open up to you. This is an excellent s i g n . T h i s i s tr u l y o n e o f t h e la r g ely va lua ble sed uct ion ti ps for men. To take thi ngs a s tep more, you may po ss i b l y a c q u i r e a b ottle of wine (don’t think you need to purchase expensive wine), may b e p u t o n s e l e c t e d r o m a n t i c song and, if you are comfortable dancing, you can ask her to dance w i t h y o u . By d a n c in g w it h a w o ma n , t h is w ill a llo w you to create an added i nti mate connecti on. T h i r d T i p : P r o v e t o Her That You are Interested Ye t an a dd e d w ay t o effect ively sed uce women woul d be to demons trate an attracti on i n h e r an d s how o f f a f a sc in at io n in w h a t sh e h a s t o s ay. A l though you mi ght hol d one goal i n mi nd, i t i s si gn i f i c a n t t o s h o w h e r that you are interested in her as a person. Be certain to grant her eve r y c h a n c e t o s p e a k w h i l e y o u can practice your listening skills. The majority women will be quite co m f o r t a b l e d o i n g a l i t t l e o f t he chatting, and this will make them feel valuable. If she is enjoying h e r s e l f a n d s h e b e c o m e s m o re comfortable, at that moment it will be a whole lot easier to move he r i n t o b e d with you. S u b s eq u e n t t o f o llowing these seduction tips for men you will guarantee incredible res u l t s . T h e s e s t r ate g ie s w ill w o rk o ut w it h ever y w o ma n and i n ev ery type of ci rcums tance.


Social entrepreneurship is a rapidly growing field. Social entrepreneurs are those individuals who develop big business purposed to address a larger social problem. Donnel Baird, a graduate of Duke University and Columbia Business School, and CEO of Bloc Power began his journey into entrepreneurship with a passion to be a change agent in his community. Donnel, like many young males in Brooklyn, witnessed neighborhood fatality. The unfortunate experience motivated him to become a community organizer, targeting the violence-ridden communities in Brooklyn. He went on to study at Duke University and Columbia with a strong concentration in violence associated with the inner-city drug trade. During this time he was also active with President Obama’s green energy efforts. He became the National Field Director for “Change To Win,” advocating for 5-million workers internationally in the development of workforce for residential energy efficiency. Many jobs were created. In hindsight, his field work was significant. In retrospect, Donnel grew

up in a neighboring community where families were dependent on the use of stove and kerosene heaters to subsidize the substandard heating in older residences. This problem was magnified in the public housing areas as taxpayer dollars floated out of the raised windows for ventilation in dead of winter. Subsequently, he identified a comprehensive need for resolve. According to Baird, it was apparent that many of the violence-involved offenders of the drug trade would have given anything for a steady, safe employment. Along these same lines, many of the impoverished families in the neighborhood would give anything for efficient energy, reduced energy costs, and safe heating. It became apparent that the concern for climate change would drive the benefit of efficient energy that green provides. Smart vetting allowed Baird to ask a series of “What if’s?” that led to initiating and implementing a plan for change where society would benefit from efficient energy, reduced energy bills, job creation and reduced crime. Hence, Bloc Power was born. Baird with his natural love to organize for change, honed in on his natural transferable skills to own his own stage in business.

Today, Donnel Baird, CEO of Bloc Power and his team focuses on building an online platform to connect investors who are concerned about climate changing to solar energy efficiency projects in inner cities. Feasibility studies have identified nearly 40 billion dollars in projects across the country with high costs and low revenues that would benefit from solar energy. Costs and risks concerns for investors are reduced in an already streaming market of revenue savings through the commercialization of solar energy. For more information about how you can write the vision and make it plain and identify the compass to your stage, visit to explore you potential to own your stage. Dr. Eveangel Savage is the Provost & Social Enterprise Strategist for Audacity Leadership Institute offering a slate of instructorled affordable distance education courses for those interested in entrepreneurship.



T h e M en of A LL N A T I ONS TV the world an opportunity to stand tall and reach out and share their gifts. What is your inspiration and driving force? The inspiration and driving force behind our success is to obey God and become the number one television network in the country while introducing and training the masses on the new technology available that will save them money and give them easy access. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? The best advice given to us has been to always do your best. You get one chance to do the right thing so make the best of it. Strive for excellence and expect it out of the people you work with.

Having the distinct honor of interviewing the men behind All Nations TV we found them all to be quite interesting. The mission and goal of All Nations TVLLC is to change the way the world views television by setting a standard of excellence and quality in programming.

What do you do to relax and unwind? The three of us have various other side activities that we do to unwind or get away from the stress in the media world. Mark is involved in photography and sports, Clarence loves photography and spends time with family and Milton spends time bowling or traveling.

Tell us something about you that people would be surprised to know. Prior to working with All Nations TV LLC, Milton Wallace was a high school principal Partners Name: Mark Martin, Clar- for over 25 years. He ence Shackelford, & Milton Wallace worked Hometown: Tyler, Texas and Chanin educadler, Texas tion for Profession: Television Executives 30 years Company: All Nations TV LLC before he Length of time in business: 4 years retired. What is your greatest accomplishment about the business you are in? Our greatest accomplishment has been to create and build an internet television network that reaches all corners of the earth and involve ministries from all over the world. Tell us about you, what motivates you, who are you, father, husband, business entrepreneur? The motivating factor is the lives that we can change by sharing the word of God all over the world. The platform has given many who were unknown to

W h a t advice would you give to a young man just starting out or have a desire to go in business but have no idea what to do with his hopes and dreams? Research and find out information about the business. Interview people in that business and get the true untold story. Find out about the educational requirements and certifications that go with the business. Make sure you understand the financial obligation but never forget about the time element. Is there anything in particular that was not asked that you would like my readers to know about you? All Nations TV LLC is composed of many different media outlets. All Nations leads the way as a 24/7 Christian Internet Television Network. It broadcast worldwide and can be

seen on desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones. It also has a public Roku Channel. Roku is the latest technology out sweeping the nation. It provides opportunities for those who own a box to view over 2000 channels without paying the high cost of cable. Ministries are broadcast at least 4 times each week at different times of the day so that people all over the world are able to view shows at reasonable times during the week. There is an additional 24/7 Network that is owned by All Nations TV LLC. It is known as The CHH stands for Christian Hip Hop and is leading the way on creating a standard for what great programming is for the Christian Hip Hop world. Artists from all over the world are reaching out to to have their music videos and short movies broadcast on CHHTV. com. created the first Christian Hip Hop Top 50 countdown and is still going strong week in and week out. Only the best are shown on the network and Excellence is the standard. can be viewed on the Roku Channel. Video on Demand Networks have taken a life of their own. Leading the way is Preachville. com is an online directory that allows ministers to create a 30 minute

video that tells who they are, their ministry location, how to reach them. Each video page will serve as a mini website and be picked up by search engines around the world. is a great place for ministers new in the profession as well as those looking for advancement. Next is was created to provide ministry for those who are hearing impaired. All sermons and songs on this site are done in American Sign Language. This powerful site leads the way in creating innovative ways for ministry to reach the world. The Women Inspirational Network or was created to bring attention to the needs and concerns of women in their daily life and in ministry. This network has sermons and creative programming by women or about women. is an alternative site to YouTube. Artist can place their music on this site and know that their music will not be preempted by commercial and other information. is a website created to provide ministry for those people who speak Spanish. All sermons and songs will be performed in Spanish.



Life Amo ng Th e N e rds By: S a m Ma r o n ie

My name is Sam Maronie. And I am a Nerd. There, I said it! Acknowledging your addiction is the first step toward recovery. That is, if you really want to recover. I don’t go around with my pants pulled up to my chest, nor do I sport a pencil pocket-protector. My glasses do not have a piece of masking tape at the bridge, holding them together. Rather, I am a considerably well-socialized individual who just still happens to be addicted to science-fiction, comic-books, old movies—especially old monster movies--and other geeky pastimes. I became a nerd long before the word ever existed. Back in the mid-1960s, if you were interested in reading sci-fi, watched old horror films, or collected comic-books, then society placed an invisible Dunce cap on your head. You were considered a mental misfit. Your parents lay awake at night and worried how much all this stuff was rotting your minds, while their friends clicked their tongues and gave them sympathetic, concerned looks. They had no doubt we would one day end

up in reform school---or worse. It wasn’t until the mid-1970s, particularly with the advent of films like Star Wars, did it become rather cool to be a nerd. Folks who would not previously be caught dead reading a sci-fi novel or comic book, suddenly found it trendy and acceptable. Millions were flocking to the avalanche of new fantastic films like Superman, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and other way-out fare. It now became ok to enthuse about such things…and for the producers, it was Big Business My personal journey into nerdiness comes to full blossom during this time of the year. For this is when I start planning my spring and summer schedule and select what comicons, movie fanfestivals and other geeky events I plan to attend. I went to my very first convention—in New York City of all places---in 1975. I was 21 at the time. It was my first comicon and my first trip to The Big Apple. Back then, in those primeval dinosaur days, we were truly an isolated group of lost souls. But in this venue we could celebrate our individuality and be accepted in a world where society didn’t understand us---and really didn’t want

to. We could not have cared less. For this particular young man, it was heaven just to be around others who were exactly like me. We were all united and clung to each other against the slings and arrows of society. I forged some great friendships during that week-end, some 40 years ago— many which continue today. At this convention we got to meet a lot of the creative folk who made the comics we devoured. Most of them had labored in the business for many years anonymously. Some were a little ashamed of what they did for a living, and were bemused that us young people took such a passionate interest in their work. Some 40 years later, I still remember a lot about that convention. I recall that a room at the fine Manhattan Hotel Commodore, where the event was being held, was a whopping $32 a night! Who could afford that? There were maybe a thousand or so people in attendance that weekend---which was then con-

Cont. on pa ge 1 6 15 sidered an astronomical turn-out. Besides rubbing shoulders with famous folks like Stan Lee and other comic’s creators, the convention’s dealer’s room was literally an avalanche of riches. There were mounds of old comic-books, movie posters, photos, original artwork---all in large supply and cheaply priced. Flash-forward to today, when the famous San Diego Comicon (aka Comicon International) routinely draws crowds of nearly 100,000 attendees (if you’re lucky enough to get a ticket before they sell out). So little of it even has anything to do with comics anymore. Hollywood has taken it over and high-powered celebrities and movie studios use it for a marketing device for their films. The lines are endless, the admission is expensive, and the focus is too splintered. Too many people and too many things tugging for your attention. Anyway, so little has to do with comics anymore. It’s all about the latest high-profile movies, costuming, gaming, weaponry, etc. People who know my love of such events are shocked when I tell them A) I have never attended this show and B) I have no intention of ever attending. My explanation to them is that all of what made such conventions fun and special has been systematically squeezed out. It’s just too much hassle and expense for any pleasure I would derive. This same malady has hit almost all the other comicons, as well. I can remember that having a couple hundred attendees at local shows was considered a smashing success. I am happy these nerdy things have reached a huge audience, but so many of these shows have become so top-heavy and so crowded that they have become ugly behemoths. Film fan-conventions are another animal entirely. I went to my first movie festival around the first time I made my first comicon. They were nothing like the classy film festivals that are held in such trendy venues like Aspen and Telluride. The events I went to were threadbare affairs, usually featuring appearances about a dozen ‘stars’ from low-budget, B-movies from Hollywood’s past. Players attending the show worked in films that played the lower-half of double-bills at neighborhood theaters. Mainly they were budget Westerns and other screen junk that played for a week and then was

quickly consigned to the cinematic trashcan. That’s not to say that they still couldn’t be amusing. During the question-and-answer sessions it was fun to hear some grizzled old-timer talk about their career ups and downs. They may not have been a Capital-S Star, but their unique perspective made for some great listening. The most interesting thing about these affairs was that the guests were completely accessible. You would see them in the hotel lounge and walking in the dealer’s room. You could easily walk up to one of them, have a conversation, and ask for an autograph—of which they would never dream of charging you for. More often than not, you would find them in the hotel bar---allowing some awe-struck fan to ply them with free drinks. It got more than a little interesting from time to time as some of the guests had nursed long-time grudges against some of their cinematic co-workers. These conventions often threw them back into each other’s orbits and, fueled by some alcohol, resulted into some name-calling, cursing, and an occasional shoving match. Sometimes it got rowdy. As time went on, the pool of available guests dwindled as these veterans began to pass on to Boot Hill. The promoters switched to TV stars from the 1950s. Then they, too, eventually began to leave this mortal coil. What has replaced these fan-conventions are what are known as Celebrity Shows’ These are events where a couple dozen ‘stars’ will make an appearance. They are not there to schmooze with their fans and talk about their career. They are there solely to make money. B and C level actors show up, schlepping a suitcase full of 8x10 photos. They will gladly autograph these for fans at anywhere from $20-$80 dollars each. If you want a photo op (picture of yourself taken with that celebrity) add in (at least) another $40. This is all transacted in cash and by the end of the day, even a moderately successful take can amount in a fair amount of green stuff. Please don’t expect to see Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lawrence or stars of their caliber at these events. ‘Stars’ who sell their wares at these shows are usually those on their way up (a new celebrity from some currently trendy show) or those on their way down (a former leading man or lady who has made a couple of ill-advised career choices and now on the skids). What you will also see are one-hit wonders---stars who were popular from some beloved TV series---often as long as 50 years back. They have worked relatively little since, and even then with no great distinction. But, they have parlayed their one shot at fame into a cottage

16 industry. They are still riding that one role for all they can milk it for. It’s ok….I sure don’t begrudge a person for making a buck. Many of these stars from yesteryear were not paid the big salaries like those are today. Their product continues to be rerun on nostalgia networks and released to DVDs and they do not receive a penny. However, the whole celebrity/fan experience has ended up resembling a whore/john transaction. As a fan, you are paying said celebrity to interact and be nice to you. Sometimes it can feel a bit creepy. Please don’t assume all celebrities are happy to be there, despite the money they can earn. The majority put on a good face with their fans, but there are those attending who are clearly grumpy. Many veteran stars are clearly sick and tired of talking about that one role that made them popular—and they testily let you know it. There are also colossal egos involved. Many feel that appearing at these events is clearly beneath them—although they are still more than happy to dirty their hands by taking your filthy $20s. Conversely, it is sad to see the shape some our beloved celebs from yesteryear are in today. I suppose we all hold that mental image of how a particular actor looked in our favorite film or TV series. But time marches on. I’ll never forget the physical shock I felt when I saw a handsome, muscular actor who portrayed a famous super-hero on screen, now 40 pounds overweight, sloppy, and unkempt. Do I enjoy going to these events? Of course I do! While I may not be particularly interested in the motley gaggle of ‘stars’ attending, it’s still fun to wander the aisles and watch the interaction between celebrity and fan. Many enthusiastic admirers are literally reduced to blubbering tears when they meet their idols. It’s human drama at the most ridiculous.

Ca l f E xe rc i se s fo r M e n The first portion of a complete body sculpting routine for men is the upper body routine. Because many men are already comfortable with exercise for this area of the body, it’s generally the part of the body that’s well-defined and toned. The calf is made of two main muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, nicknamed in some languages “the twins”. They manipulate the Achilles tendon - that’s the big tendon just above your heel, behind the ankle - to produce the movements of the foot and toes. One of the problems with bodyweight training programs is that your weight can sometimes be too heavy or too light. Take squats for instance. For most people their body weight won’t provide enough resistance to get a good workout within a ‘normal’ repetition range. Toning is something that both men and women strive to accomplish with their workouts. Women

want to tone their trouble areas to create a leaner look that gives them a strong feminine shape, while men strive to tone their larger muscle groups to make them appear more cut and ripped. The best exercises for toning target individual areas of the body, and provide exceptional results at a fast rate. These exercises for skinny guys emphasize working on the whole body, using compound exercises to build up several muscle groups at the same time. Compound exercises are more efficient in building muscle mass since no muscle group is left behind in the work out. Another way to tone up and bulk up your lower body muscles is to do dead lifts. The concept is simple. Just lift the weight with both your arms. Dead lifts are a great way to tone your arms, shoulders, chest, back, hips, butts, abs, thighs, calf muscles and everything in between. One of the best leg exercise that you can do with

18 your bodyweight. This will make you become more stable and challenge your leg strength, endurance, balance and agility. In a standing position, raise one leg out as straight as possible in front of you, and squat down on one leg until your thigh touches your calf. Not everybody has a jump rope on them right now, but a jump rope can be one of the best weight loss exercises because you use your arms, your calf’s, legs, and explosive movements. People who jump rope tend to break a sweat rather quickly, so why not start today and start jumping rope! Movements that involve deep concentration and create lots of burn are the best leg exercises for women. These include: leg extensions, leg curls, abductors, lunges (side and front), calf raises. Squats and leg presses are popular leg movements, but if you get too over-zealous you might be looking at a larger set of legs or bigger butt. Studies done at the Baylor University Exercise and Sports Nutrition Laboratory showed that 30-minute workouts raised the heart rate of women and men to about 65 percent of their maximum. Thirty minutes was enough time to improve cardiovascular fitness. Begin your fitness session with a five to ten minute stretching and warm up, and finish by cooling off for another five minutes. And then in the course of the rest of that session, make your workouts relatively brief. Your standard exercise sessions ought not last greater than 30 to 45 minutes. The main reason why most people fail to build calves is they simply do not train them hard enough. Think about it. Your calves handle your body weight while standing, running, and walking and doing just about any other physical activity. This means they are already used to lots of stimulation and will only respond to super heavy weights.


Can an U n b e l i e v e r b e a p a r t o f Y o u r Wo rs hi p Pro gram ? As a worship leader it will be significant that you simply contemplate the question of whether or not an unbeliever might be a part of your worship program. I’m typically asked this question when two situations happen in a church: there are few team members obtainable for the worship program, and the person who just isn’t a Christian is a very proficient individual. You probably have a large church with many proficient musicians then the question could not have an effect on you as much, but if your team is small and a very gifted musician or singer is in the wings, are you able to willingly accept them into your worship program with a clear conscience? What is the Worship Program Really About? When considering your team, it’s essential to cease for a second and ask yourself what the worship program is all about. Is it about having an important sound, or being professional or rocking the congregation’s socks off? Or is it about leading your church family right into a deeper, more meaningful

relationship with the Lord? I might counsel to you that the worship program must be about leading people to God in worship. Certain, we want to be professional and to play and sing to a high and exquisite standard, but I might suggest that these are secondary concerns in your worship program. A worship program is a spiritual occasion, not a live performance, so the concept a non-believer can be part of your team is unquestionably out of phase with the goals of your worship program team. Who Qualifies Somebody to Take Half in the Worship Program? In groups that I’ve lead, one of many core requirements of crew members is that they know Jesus and have a relationship with Him. Non-believers can undoubtedly play effectively, sing well, and doubtless perform properly, however they haven’t any idea of the very central concept of the worship program: nearer communion with the Lord. Yes, we

20 wish it played and sung brilliantly, however we do not want to compromise the spirit of our worship program simply to sound a bit better. One of the first main worship program teams I assembled featured an excellent drummer who was not a Christian, but who proved to be a demanding and slightly aggressive team member. We had a backup drummer who was relegated to percussion, and who was just happy to be a part of the worship program at all. When the unbelieving drummer didn’t trouble to show up to observe twice over because he mentioned he was ok, I appointed the Christian guy. He could not play as properly, however he had an amazing spirit and understood what humility and serving within the worship program was all about. Can the Worship Program Be an Instrument To Reach Team Members? In most fashionable churches, the pressure is on worship leaders to sound great and act professional (and this implies accepting talented people whose lives should not proper with the Lord) and I consider that worship leaders have to make a stand in their worship program. I have heard of non-believers becoming Christians due to their involvement within the worship band, but I don’t really feel that that is the way we should be operating. Why not lead them to the Lord first (when there isn’t any ego opportunity at stake), then introduce them to the entire idea of worship, both personal and corporate. Using worship team involvement to win a proficient unbeliever to Christ is a bit like marrying an unbeliever to witness to them and lead them to Christ. It’s across the wrong way! It’s troublesome to seize a true spirit of worship when the workforce to your worship program is unequally yoked! So, worship leaders and pastors, let us make a stand for what is right and ensure our worship crew is focused on the true activity of leading folks to Christ. We must worship in Spirit and in reality, not simply have skilled music and presentation. Don’t permit your worship program to be held to ransom by talented non-believers.


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