R aleigh, Nort h C aro l i n a (9 19 ) 964-4113 www. t hebossmagazi n e.n et Welcome to another issue of The Boss Magazine. The Boss Magazine is a men’s editorial that shines a light on men in business, ministry or simply making a difference in the com munity. This magazine will be a platform for men building empires and succesful businesses. Thank you for visiting our magazine. Be sure to share it with your friends, family and co-workers. Martin Dawkins
For General Ad verti si ng I nq ui r i e s Pl ease emai l or c al l us at : ubossm agazi ne@ gm ai l . c om (91 9) 964-4113 Disclaimer: The Boss Magazine is published bi-monthly. No reproduction of any part of this publication without written permission from the publisher prior to doing so. The Boss Magazine does not accept responsibility for statements made by individuals featured or advertisers. Comments concerning this publication should be submitted to the editor by email at ubossmagazine@ gmail.com The Boss Magazine’s publisher, staff and other persons involved in the creation, production or delivery of the magazine (in whatever format) or it’s content, do not assum e any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information provided in the maga zine, nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, conse quential or punitive damages arising out of the magazine.
Wha t Mo th e r’s A re M a d e O f M o t h e r s a r e n o t rare to find. G o o d m o t h e r s are. Have you e v e r w o n d e r e d what goes on t o m a k e a g o o d mother? The H o l i da y S p o t p r ovides you with t h e a n s w e r . R e a d our splendid a r t i c l e o n m o t h ers and good m o t h e r s . G e t t o know about what lie s in t h e h ea r t o f a n i d e a l m o t h e r . I f you like this p a g e ( a n d w e don’t see why y o u w o n ’ t ) , p l e ase click here t o r ef e r i t t o y o ur friends and a c q u a i n t a n c e s . Have a great Moth e r ’s D a y ! W h a t m a k e s g o od mothers? It i s a p e r t i n e n t q uestion whose a n s w e r c a n n o t be contained w i t h i n a f e w words. Mothers comp r is e o f a b un d le o f emot i ons t h a t s o m e t i mes d efy r ea s o n . S o t h i s g o e s out to all the m o t h e r s w h o h a ve kept awake al l nig h t w it h t h eir sick t o d d l e r s i n t h e i r a r ms, constantly u t t e r in g t h o se co mpa ssio n a t e wo r ds, “It ’s O K h o n ey, Mo m-
my’ s h ere.” F o r a ll the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and sew Hallow een costumes. And all the mo t h ers who don’t. For those who show up at work with milk st ai ns on thei r dres s and di a per s in thei r handbags . F o r t h os e mothers who cannot restrain tears from trickling down t h eir cheeks when they hol d thei r babies for the first time in their arms; and for the mothers who give bir t h t o babi es they’l l nev er s ee. For the mothers who gave homes t o ba bi es and gi fted them a fam ily. F o r t h e mothers who yel l at thei r kid s w ho cl amor for i ce cream be fo r e d inner. F o r t h e mothers who defy al l odds just t o watch her ki d perform and
repeat to thems e l ve s “That’s my chi l d!! ” For al l the mothe rs w h o re ad “Goodnight, Mo o n ” t w i c e a night for a year, a n d t h e n r e a d i t agai n. “Jus t one m o re ti m e . ” For the mothers w h o t a u g h t thei r chi l dren to ti e th e sh o e laces even befor e t h e y s t a r t e d goi ng to s chool . For the mothers w h o i n c o n tinentl y turn thei r h e ads w h e n they hear the wo r d “ M o m ” , even though th e y k n o w t h a t thei r ki ds are nowh e re aro u n d. For the mothers w h o si l e n tl y s hed tears for the i r c h i l dre n w h o hav e gone as tray. For all those m o t h e r s w h o s e heart aches to wa t c h h e r s o n o r daughter disapp e a r d o w n t h e street, walking to s c h o o l a l o n e for the v ery fi rs t ti m e . For al l the mothe rs o f th e vi c-
www.thebossmagazine.net ti ms o f a ll t h e se sch o o l sh o o t in g s, a n d t he mothers of thos e who were i nv ol v ed i n the s h o o ti n g. F o r t he m o t h e r s of the Survivors, and the mothers who sat in front of their TVs in horror, c l i n g i n g t o the i r c h ild w h o j u st a r r ived fr o m sch o o l safel y. So, th is is m e a n t fo r a ll t h e yo un g a n d aged mothers , worki ng mothers and hous ewi v es, marri e d m o t h e r s a n d t h e single mothers, those with money and without and for those without w h o m l i f e w o u l d h a ve b e e n in suffer a ble. Wish yo u a v ery Happy Mother’s Day!!
Ma ny Thou gh t I W o u l d N ot M a k e I t b y : D r. E v e a n g e l S avage
Audacity affirms human social value for all people through its flagship programs targeting social entrepreneurs who have a passion for solving problems that affect the masses. This month’s highlight is on 28-year old, Ryan Savage, Amoeba Manager of Hindsight2020, Spoken Word Magazine for Artists. For nearly a decade, Savage, like, other young men of this day have endured insurmountable degrees of hardship, some self- inflicted and inflicted by others. Young Savage has decided that he is not what he has done, but what he has overcome. Coaching helped Ryan to hone is craft of writing, music, and helping others to provide a platform that does just that—affirm human social value. His new spoken word magazine, Hindsight2020 has gained significant recognition among artists in poetry, dance, music, songwriters and the like. The emphasis of the magazine is to provide a platform to expose artists on a global platform while providing resources they
being patient. need to grow as Artist-Preneurs and reI humbly accept the role of Amoespected members of society. ba Manager of Hindsight2020 SpoThe Visionsary… ken Word Magazine It is my hope and dream to continue the legacy “Many, thought I would not make it, that you designed for us by also and there were times when I considered keeping with the philosophy of “we the same. It was a thought. I chose to must deliberately consider what have another thought. I learned that we teach and practices as it travwe must all learn to live together as els into ever-widening concentric brothers or perish together like fools. I circles”— Dr. S.” used my silent thoughts, to speak to my soul—that place where only God and As an independent entity under the my family lives. leadership of Audacity Group SoTo my daughters, Aliyah, Saviyah, Serenity, & Ryan, I love you forever. I love you for always. In the words of Tupac Shakur, “Reality was wrong, dreams are for real.” A special thank you to my earth, who never ceased to keep me in a place of safety—in her thoughts and prayers where only God and my father lives. You are an example like no other, thank you for loving me, your first-born and to my father who made all the daily deposits that a boy needs to grow into a man. If there is a defining characteristic of a man as opposed to a boy, maybe it is patience. Thanks for
cial Enterprise, Hindsight2020 Spoken Word Magazine is a place of empowerment for voices to grow and thrive through spoken word, art, song, & dance. Hindsight2020 is an “understanding of events after they happen” with hope for healing through spoken word. The new magazine offers an international platform for individuals to pen their situations and transformations. For more information on how you can connect with this amazing entrepreneurial spirit, contact Ryan Savage at hindsight20twty@gmail. com.
www.thebossmagazine.net Upon being introduced to Dr. Lawrence Wood it became very evident that he is more than deserving of holding the title BOSS. Dr. Wood has a host of titles which have been well earned, but if we had to pull out a few they would be, Retired Eye Surgeon, Author, President/Co-founder and Entrepreneur, but his highest and most esteemed title would be Child of God. Having a strong foundation, Lawrence has been able to build many successful businesses standing on the promises of God. He presently owns and operates, with his wife, Vanessa Fan of the Feather, an organization developed to provide a safe and caring environment for homeless veterans in North San Diego County. Fan of the Feather is a 501(c) (3) organization which provides a myriad of services including counseling and referral, substance abuse prevention, work skills development and veteran crisis intervention. With his lovely wife Vanessa, they are able to help homeless veterans who need assistance to restore them to a normal functioning life-be it physically mentally socially, spiritually or vocationally. FAN OF THE FEATHER was founded as a tribute and a recognition of the dedication, sacrifice and hard work America’s veterans have endured to protect the United States and other countries. Dr. Wood attributes his success to his wife, whom he says is his greatest life partner, business partner, and motivator. His desire is to be a great mentor and role model for their four sons, Aaron, Alan, Lawrence and Seth. Lawrence has achieved a vast number of accomplishments, but being only one of two blacks to enter the Navy Ophthalmolo-
gy residency program. The first was actually graduating as he entered the program. For the next 26 years Lawrence was the only black eye surgeon in the US Navy and there have only been two, to this day. He has written a stage play entitled, No Marks Just Memories, which was performed to sold-out audiences in Okinawa, Japan. He has also written two crime novels, Among Pigeons a sequel and Love and Death Among Pigeons. He is also adapted Among Pigeons for the screen with his co-writer, Gina Robinson of YLP Productions. With his usual modesty, Dr Wood, expresses that his greatest accomplishment is being successfully and happily married to Vanessa Wood who will be featured in this month’s Diamond Diva Magazine. Lawrence has a long list of motivation, which include, but not limited to; “to confront and conquer my fears, to be a great example to our sons, to be financially free, to prove my detractors wrong and my supporters’ right, to see Roman Barnes on the big screen, to walk the red carpet, and to travel the world with my wife”. With a list like that you can’t help but to be motivated. After hearing about all Lawrence has accomplished and the desires he still has to succeed it was hard to believe he has low selfesteem, “I have been driven to prove to people I can be a person of achievement”. Well Lawrence I think you have already proven that, Congratulations!
sense to me at the time, but now I understand the concept very well. All of my worries, fears and complaints are solved by helping someone else.” Dr. Wood demonstrated his dry humor by adding, “That and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich”. Excellent advice, especially that of the PB&J sandwich. People who receive great advice tend to give excellent advice. When asked what advice he would give to someone on the rise he said, “If you want to do something find those who have done it and follow their path. Success leaves clues, but so does failure. Find the successful people and hang with them. Avoid the wannabes. They are fake. They talk a good game, but lead you nowhere. Don’t waste time. I can lose money and make it again. I can lose sleep and go take a nap. I can lose a goldfish and go buy another one. I can’t make anymore time. Whatever time I don’t use, I lose forever! Always ask yourself, is what I’m doing, right now, getting me any closer to my dreams? If the answer is no, then you know what to do. Be with positive people, only. Misery loves company, but so does Love, Peace, Joy”. A mouthful for sure, but excellent words of wisdom given by a man who has done just that. Dr Wood left us with one last nugget. “I did not allow my low self-esteem to define me. My achievements have made it possible to say to the world, “See, I am somebody”.
Every successful business man has received advice from those willing to help and see you sore. When asked what was the best advice he had ever been given he said it would have to be from his father, “When I would complain about anything, my father would say, “Go help somebody.” It made no
Gy m Ra ts
By: S a m Ma r o n ie
I love going to the gym. In fact, I go every day. I could sit here and give you all those pat, flowery phrases that the gym is my ‘temple’….my ‘sanctuary’ and all that other crapola. But simply put, I just like going there. I enjoy the gym experience not only for the obvious reasons—to get some exercise, improve my appearance, promote good health, etc. Going to the gym also satisfies a social need. I like that contact with others that I would not get by schlepping around with some equipment in my basement. I have never been ‘into’ using a home gym. I’d be the type to use the handles on my elliptical machine for a clothes rack, rather than a good work-out. I come into contact with all kinds of people there. Not always directly. With everyone plugged into their ear-buds, it is nigh-impossible to have an actual conversation with a fellow gym-rat. But it’s fun to sit back and observe the different types who come to the gym. Many are there for a variety of purposes---often, the least of which is to work out. Since Day One, the gym has been a place where the opposite sex seeks one another. The bulls are there to
grunt and groan and show off their athletic process. Women can often match the men in athletic skill, but do so in leotards and spandex gear that accentuates the positive. I was at the gym one day working out with a group of studs. One very attractive young lady made her umpteenth circuit in front of us, making sure we could notice her form-fitting yoga pants and top. Each time my posse seemed to stop in mid-exercise to hypnotically give her the once-over. One of her admirers next to me muttered, to no one in particular, “Boy, I’d love to slap her between two slices of bread!” Trying to be clever, I asked, “…white or rye?” He answered, without missing a beat, “…It doesn’t matter….” I’ve admitted that much of my gym attendance has to do with social interaction. But I always try to be respectful of others’ boundaries and never disturb their workout. There are many there, however, who know no such politeness. And they all seem to zero right in on me. I must have a sympathetic face! There’s a handful of guys at my gym
that my simple ‘hello’ will prompt a barrage of conversation that lasts for a seeming eternity. One innocent nod of acknowledgement, and I’m sunk! Please don’t say this is a trait of lonely older folks. I get the same verbal avalanche from young and old alike. I’ve caught myself actually hiding from some of them. A desperate measure? Sometimes it’s necessary. Simply plugging in my earphones and pretending to be occupied doesn’t work. One man at my gym, a really nice guy, seems to have been vaccinated with the proverbial phonograph needle. The poor man will talk to any animate (or inanimate) object in his path. He talks to the other members, he talks to the maintenance staff, and he talks to the trainers. No one escapes. He’s actually pulled out newspaper clippings to give me that were related to previous conversations we’ve had.
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www.thebossmagazine.net I don’t know if he technically falls under the category ‘stalker,’ but there have been times I’ve contemplated dousing him with Holy Water to keep him away. I’m not even sure that would work! Oh, there’s all kinds of other gym pests as well! There’s The Loud Telephone Talker. These folks haven’t yet figured out that it’s the phone that carries your voice. Shouting doesn’t help your conversation get there any faster. The Equipment Hog commandeers a piece of work-out gear and refuses to leave until they are good and ready. They violate the premier rule of gym etiquette: Allow another user to work in while you are taking a rest between sets. A variation of the Equipment Hog is a user who sits on the equipment and texts in between sets. They are tunedin and tuned-out to anyone but themselves. They are essentially not bad chaps—just a tad self-absorbed. And last, but certainly not least, are The Entitled Ones. TEOs are usually long-time gym members who treat the facility as their own private haven. TEOs give you the hairy eyeball if you happen to be using one of ‘their’ pieces of equipment. They ask how long you are going to be on it and wait impatiently as you finish your set. It can be quite interesting when two of the TEOs are in competition for the same piece of equipment. I’ve witnessed shouting matches, shoving incidents and other alpha-male antics. It can be sort of like King Kong versus Godzilla. Ah, it takes all kinds to make a world—or a gym, for that matter! Can’t we all just get along?