BranchOut May 2015

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The Forum Sundays at 5:00 pm through May 31 Both Campuses Throughout the “Anti-Fragile Love” series, we’re hosting The Forum on Sunday nights at both campuses. The Forum is designed to help you dig deeper into the topics that Chris is preaching about. Each week, guest speakers offer wisdom and advice in a format that will bless you with information and inspiration. So come, raise questions, and discuss what God is revealing to you. Our starting point for diving into the Word each week will be Bible texts and principles from the sermon.

Vista Ridge Campus

Farmers Branch Campus

5/3 -

Marathon Marriages

What it takes to Go the Distance Eddy and Verlen Ketchersid

5/10 -

Love After First Sight

Commitment for a Lifetime Garrett and Katherine Woods

5/17 - Married Single Togetherness & Independence Randy and Janice Ingram 5/24 -

Marriage Myths Not True Love Brett and Renee Dunn

5/31 - When Relationships Change Larry Barber

5/3 -

Marriage 101 Read, Pray, Bless Bryan and Teresa Cook

5/10 - Married Single Togetherness & Independence Randy and Janice Ingram 5/17 - When Relationships Change Larry Barber 5/24 -

Love After First Sight

Commitment for a Lifetime Garrett and Katherine Woods

5/31 - Marriage Myths Not True Love Brett and Renee Dunn



Follow Chris on Twitter

Spring 2015 Women’s Event Fri & Sat, May 29-30 Vista Ridge Campus Cost: $45 per person

Learn more and register at:

Women, come hear the inspiring story of Esther, an unlikely heroine in impossible circumstances, who took a leap of faith to save her people. Learn how to practice fearless living in a fallen world. Lisa Durr of the Institute of Christian Spirituality at Lipscomb University will lead our time together. We’ll worship, break out into groups, have time for reflection, and of course, there’ll be lots of fellowship!


ORIENTATION Are you ready to take the next step and get more involved? Do you have questions about what we do and what we believe at The Branch Church? We want everyone who attends The Branch Church to engage in the activities we do together, and also to commit and submit to this body of believers. This is how we CONNECT, GROW, SERVE, and GO together! Whether you have attended for a short time, or have been here for years, make it official! Join us for The Branch Orientation. Upcoming dates:

• May 31 (10:45 am at the Farmers Branch Campus, 12:30 pm at the Vista Ridge Campus) RSVP at and let us know you’re coming. We look forward to having you!



Neighborhood Grill Tuesday, May 5 Farmers Branch Campus 6:30 - 8:00 pm Cost: FREE At the Neighborhood Grill, we open up the parking lot for a fun evening of food and fellowship with the community. FREE hot dogs and other food create an atmosphere for you to make connections with people from our surrounding community. We also have games and activities set up for the kids! Learn more at:

Dress Prep Crew Saturday, May 16 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Both Campuses Help our Go Team reach the goal of making 1000 dresses by July 1 for children in Catacamas, Honduras! Please bring sewing machines and scissors if you have them. Men, women, and children are all invited to come and participate in measuring, cutting, pinning, and sewing! You can also help to create kits for people to work on from home. Our dress prep crews will be meeting at both campuses. Learn more at:

Mommy Memories by Tim Scott


thankful for the special, quiet time moms and daughters spent together over tea and dolls this past April. They enjoyed laughter and conversation over a relaxing tea, and then explored every corner of the American Girl Store. (I can’t even guess how many new doll outfits went home with girls that day!) Our heart in the Family Ministry is to provide opportunities for parents and kids to have time and space together, to grow close together, and to grow closer to God. The Mother Daughter tea did just that! I want to encourage all of our mothers to find time in the chaos to bond with their little ones. Mothering can seem like it’s all work and no play, but it’s important for kids to have fun with their moms. Chuck Swindoll said it well, “Each day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.”

Rebecca DePauw and her daughters at the American Girl Tea Party

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I want to tell you how proud I am of our Branch Moms! You represent Jesus to your kids, and it’s such a joy for me to see your relationships growing stronger every day!


Graduate Weekend is a time to glorify God in celebration of a special milestone in the lives of students and families: high school graduation. Our graduates should know The Branch as a body of believers that loves and stands with them no matter what happens beyond this special season. Join us in praying for these high school graduates.


Omar Abdi

Logan Austin

Emily Baker

Johanna Baker

MacArthur High School Blinn College Friend of Logan Austin

MacArthur High School Undecided Son of Chris and Karla Austin

Frisco Centennial High School Oklahoma State University Daughter of Marvin and Leslie Baker

Early College High School Abilene Christian University Daughter of Wes and Esmie Baker

Mitchell Everett Bullock

Eric Camino

Analiese Crane

Maddie Crowell

Coram Deo Academy Texas A&M University Son of David and Melinda Bullock

Hebron High School Air Force Son of Jeff and Kim Camino

Trinity Christian Academy Texas A&M University Daughter of Jim and Nizie Whiddon

Frisco Centennial High School Texas A&M University Daughter of Blake and Amy Crowell

Sarah Johnson

Kenzie Krantz

Joshua Martin

Jake Patterson

Ranchview High School Texas A&M University Daughter of Rick and Liz Johnson

Trinity Christian Academy Samford University Daughter of John and Tracy Krantz

Early College High School University of Texas at Dallas Son of Tress Collins

Newman Smith High School Texas Tech University Son of Tim and Janet Patterson

Cody Phillips

Anna ter Kuile

Daniel Whiddon

Denton Ryan High School Marine Corps Son of Ric and Pam Phillips

Flower Mound High School Abilene Christian University Daughter of David and Liza ter Kuile

Trinity Christian Academy Blinn College / Texas A&M University

Son of Jim and Nizie Whiddon

What is the BSM? The letters “BSM” stand for The Branch Student Ministry, and is our ministry to 6th - 12th grade students. Students have the opportunity for community and discipleship at D-Groups. You can read more about that below. We also encourage our students to attend and serve at our weekend services with their families. There are several special events throughout the year, including summer camp, retreats, and other fun activities.

Discipleship Groups: “D-Groups” Middle School Vista Ridge Campus | Sundays | 9:30 am Farmers Branch Campus | Wednesdays | 6:30 pm

High School Both Campuses | Wednesdays

| 6:30 pm

Questions about the BSM? Ask us! Tim Scott

Kyle Poff

Family Minister

Student Minister



Third Campus

Prayer Specifics When it comes to the mission of God in the world, we often make our greatest advances on our knees. When the early church was waiting for the next move of the Spirit of God, they devoted themselves to a season of continual prayer (Acts 1:12-14). We are in such a season right now as we move toward the launch of our third campus. Please join us in several different prayers listed below. There is much to be done and, therefore, much to lift up in prayer. Thank you!

Our Focus

For Elders

• That we will keep it “front and center.” We are missionaries in a “land of religion” helping people to become, and live as, disciples of Jesus. (Matthew 28:18-20)

• That they would be identified for service at the third campus.

For 250 People For The Hearts In The Vicinity Of The Third Campus • That they will be open to respond to the message of Jesus. (Acts 16:14) • Prayerfully imagine the faces of those you personally know in the area.

For Our Hearts • That we have the vision of Jesus – see people as He sees them – and are filled with compassion for those who are spiritually lost. (Matthew 9:35-38)

• That we will be filled with the Spirit for the purpose of being His witnesses. (Acts 1:8) • That the Lord will stir up the spirit of His people at The Branch to engage in this effort, whether it be through serving in some capacity, praying, giving, being a part of the launch team, etc. (Haggai 1:13-14)

For Key Personnel • That we would discern the right people to fill the roles of Campus Minister, Worship Leader, Kids Branch Coordinator, and Student Minister.

• Adults and children who answer this call and make up the launch team. • That volunteers are identified, equipped, and cared for.

For Our Existing Campuses • That our existing campuses will continue to thrive, and new servants will rise up to fill the holes that are left by those who join the launch team.

For Funding And Wisdom In Regard To Funding • That our trust in God’s provision remains strong, as well as our faithfulness to go “first and ten.”

For The Location Of The Campus • That we would find the right place.

For The Facility • That it would be well-suited for our mission and approach.


Find out more at


If you missed a message or just want to hear it again, visit our website or download The Branch Church App to watch or listen to sermons. You will also find a digital version of the sermon notes alongside each message.

You will find the following in the lobby: Prayer Requests | Monthly Birthdays | Shower Info

Baptisms: 4/5/15 4/5/15

New Members: Robert Walton Jennifer Carter

Shannon and Marsha Bonneau Keaton and Casey Hougen Mary Kent Chris and Bren Reynolds Jan Smith

Branch Cares is a ministry designed to look after, and take care of, people within our church body. It is rooted in James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress….” The vision for this ministry is to reach out, help, and connect with:

Widows • Widowers • Single parents • Shut-ins • Caregivers • Those who are grieving Ministry volunteers will also deliver communion to shut-ins and any others who are unable to attend services.

How Do We Reach Out? One or more of our volunteer ministry members will call and/or visit the person. The ministry member will attempt to find out how the person is doing, if they have any needs (house repairs, help with transportation to the store, doctor visits, etc.), and also offer to pray for/with them if they so desire. If you are interested in becoming a Branch Cares ministry volunteer, or if you know of someone who is connected to The Branch Church and may be interested in having one of our ministry members contact them, you can fill out the Volunteer Application or Referral Form on our website listed below.

Questions? Farmers Branch Email: Vista Ridge Email: Church Office: (972) 247-2109


Go Weekend Fri - Sun, June 12 - 14 We’re calling everyone who attends The Branch Church to serve in our community this June. Our hope is that you are finding ways to share the love of Christ with people throughout the year. In addition, Go Weekend is a way for us to all pool our resources at once to make a greater impact than any of us could do on our own. These acts of kindness reflect His love to our community and can open doors for people to hear the Good News.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these . . . you did for me.” ~Matthew 25:40 By the second weekend in June, we will have hundreds of opportunities for:

Serving Widows, the Elderly, and Disabled:

Serving Children, the Homeless, and Impoverished:

• Yard work

• Preparing care packages

• Painting

• Serving and delivering food

• Cleaning

• Sewing dresses

• Various forms of manual labor

• Organizing donated items

• Food preparation and delivery

. . . and More!

Jesus calls us to help the weak and to remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Put your hands and feet to good use in our community this summer! We will have projects available all weekend, so please reserve time in your schedule for this important effort. Learn more at:


Branch Camp 2015: ROOTED Sun - Fri, June 21 - 26 Camp Akiva Cost: $395 per person

(Students are selling Bingo Tickets to help with this cost! See page 7.)

Spend a week away from the clutter and noise of the big city with all your middle school and high school friends. Branch Camp is a time of building friendships, having fun in the sunshine, and growing closer to Jesus. Branch Camp 2015 will be at Camp Akiva in Point, Texas. We have the entire camp to ourselves! We’ll depart The Branch Church on Sunday, June 21 at 2:00 pm, and return Friday, June 26 by 3:00 pm. Our theme this year is ROOTED. We’ll learn and explore who we are in Jesus; how we want to be “rooted and established in love;” how much Jesus loves us; and how to realize all that He has for us, both individually, and as the church. We want you to start your summer off right with a week of drawing closer together, and closer to God. Register today!

12 Learn more and register at:

Spotlight 2015: iAM Sun - Fri, July 12 - 17 Farmers Branch Campus Cost: $135 per camper

Spotlight Music Camp is one of the best weeks of the year in the life of The Branch Church! We take over the entire Farmers Branch Campus, and our kids have fun learning about God as they produce a musical to perform at the end of the week. This year, we are doing the musical “iAM,” where we learn that God has “the real life APP for all that we need.” Our heart for the Family Ministry at The Branch Church is to grow closer to each other, closer to God, and to be overflowing with more kids, more disciples, and more leaders. Spotlight is the perfect example of this: kids coming together to make friends and learn about Jesus, while being led by our high school students. Make plans to be a part of Spotlight!

Registration is now open! Learn more and register at:

VBS 2015: Kingdom Quest Mon - Fri, August 3 - 7 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Both Campuses Cost: Free

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun week when kids learn about God. It’s also a great opportunity to invite more kids and families into the life of The Branch Church. We design VBS with the visitor in mind, and we want all our families to bring their friends! Our theme this year is “Kingdom Quest,” and we’ll learn how we need to put on the whole armor of God in order to step boldly into the quest God has for us. VBS is Monday through Thursday mornings, with a special event on Friday. Invite friends, and make plans for your kids to attend! Learn more and register at:


Honduras Mission Trip July 2 - 12 As of the beginning of May, there are still a few spots left on the team going to Catacamas, Honduras this summer. We will build houses, dig a water well, run a VBS, love on the kids at the CRF Children’s Home, and bless the people of the city in the name of Jesus. If you’re interested in joining this mission, don’t wait! The cost of the trip per person is estimated to be in the range of $2500-3000, and we hope to build five to ten houses. Questions? Contact Chip Bloecher: or 972-232-9722

Please Donate These Items For the Children’s Home, boys and girls ages 2-17:

For the Clinic run by the Villa Verde Congregation:


Over the counter medications: Advil, Tylenol, PeptoBismol, Band-Aids, Metamucil, vitamins, first aid cream, etc.

Socks New T-shirts Twin Sheets Towels New toys and games School supplies: Pencils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, construction and notebook paper, glue sticks, scissors, new backpacks

Reading glasses Contact Linda Havins if you have questions: 972-307-3477

Kenyan Mission Opportunities Change A Life Ministry with Tony Mauldin

May 19-28

June 10-21

Please be in prayer for Dewanna Faulkner, Marsha Holm, and others as they make home visits, set up Bible studies, encourage, and invite locals to worship services at the Mathare North Church of Christ in Kenya this month.

Accompany eight members from Southern Hills Church of Christ in Abilene. Assist with a ladies retreat where they will study the Fruits of the Spirit. Go on a magnificent three-day safari. Assist in the Saturday program with Bible lessons and making PB&J sandwiches for over 3000 children. The cost of the trip is $3500, which includes airfare, hotel, food, and safari.

Please cover both missions in your prayers.


For more information:

The Celebrate Recovery Ministry Needs Your Help We’re looking for friendly and outgoing people to host and serve in the Celebrate Recovery Ministry. Needs include: • Setting up tables and chairs on Thursday nights • Serving the meals • Kitchen clean-up It is approximately two hours of service every other, or every third, Thursday, depending on availability. With this being a weekly ministry and because of the upcoming erratic summer months, we could use some extra hands. We look forward to meeting some new friends and volunteers! We’re also inviting Small Groups to bring meals, serve as a group, or simply donate funds. Contact the Celebrate Recovery leadership:

Single Branches Single Branches is our ministry for active widowed, divorced and single adults who are 50+ years of age. The aim of the ministry is to provide a variety of monthly social events so that Branch singles may meet each other and build friendships. Next Event: Saturday, June 27 We’ll spend the day at a lake house on Lake Whitney. Enjoy the woods, sun, shade, relaxation, lake view, deer, games, and a late lunch. Questions? Contact Paulette Travis Learn more at:

Men’s Life Prayer Breakfast Every Saturday Farmers Branch Campus 7:30 am

Men’s Bible Study: Mighty Men Saturdays through May 30 Vista Ridge Campus 7:30 - 8:45 am

Spend your Saturday morning with other men from The Branch! All men are welcome for breakfast and Bible study in the Branch Café at the Farmers Branch Campus.

Mighty Men is Bible study for men at the Vista Ridge Campus. We will be doing “BASIC,” a seven-week study by Francis Chan. Learn to grow in the fundamentals of the faith while learning and growing with other men.

This ministry has been meeting together for years, and serves to encourage men in their faith and strengthen them in Christ. If you would like to know more about Men’s Life, contact: Bro. Eddy Ketchersid: Phone: (972) 345-1645

At the end of seven weeks, we will do a group trip to a Rangers or Roughriders game. Questions? Email Terry Grimm:


Upcoming Events Calendar Days


Event (Location)




Honduras Info Meeting (Vista Ridge Campus)

12:30 pm



Neighborhood Grill

6:30 - 8:00 pm



National Day of Prayer



Bingo Night (Farmers Branch Campus)



Mother’s Day



Family Night Out (Farmers Branch Campus)

7:00 - 9:00 pm



Dress Prep Crew

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

(Farmers Branch Campus)

(Both Campuses)

5/29 & 30 Spring Women’s Event

Fri & Sat

7:00 - 10:00 pm

2 Days

(Vista Ridge Campus)



The Branch Orientation (Both Campuses)

10:45 FB, 12:30 VR



Neighborhood Chill Begins

7:00 - 8:30 pm

Fri-Sun Sun Sun-Fri

Go Weekend


Father’s Day


Thurs-Sun Sun


7/2-12 7/5



(Farmers Branch Campus)

3 Days

Branch Camp: “Rooted”

6 Days

Honduras Mission Trip

11 Days

Rosemeade Rainforest Family Night

6:30 - 10:30 pm

Spotlight Music Camp: “iAM” (Farmers Branch Campus)

6 Days

Weekly Events Calendar Sun

9:30 am

Middle School D-Groups


5:00 pm

The Branch Forum

(Both Campuses)

*Ends May 31


6:30 pm

Ladies Bible Study

(Vista Ridge Campus)

*Ends May 25


6:30 pm

Middle School D-Groups (Farmers Branch Campus)


6:30 pm

High School D-Groups (Both Campuses)


7:00 pm

Celebrate Recovery (Vista Ridge Campus)


7:30 am

Mighty Men Bible Study (Vista Ridge Campus)


7:30 am

Men’s Life (Farmers Branch Campus)

(Vista Ridge Campus)

*Ends May 30

972-247-2109 | FAX 972-243-6009 |

TheBranch C h u r c h

Farmers Branch Campus 3035 Valley View Lane Dallas, TX 75234

Vista Ridge Campus 3601 Huffines Boulevard Carrollton, TX 75010

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