BranchOut November 2015

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Sack Thanksgiving Hunger Saturday, November 21 Farmers Branch Campus 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Come help us Sack Thanksgiving Hunger! With no school for the whole week of Thanksgiving, students in our community who usually receive free/reduced breakfast and lunch can use some help. Like we do with Sack Summer Hunger, we partner with Metrocrest Social Services to deliver food to these families during the Thanksgiving holiday. Show up or donate if you want to help. A family can eat for a week for $10. Checks can be made out to The Branch Church with “Sack Thanksgiving Hunger” in the memo line.

How it works Come to the Farmers Branch Campus on Saturday morning, November 21. Enter the building through the double doors under the car port, and walk into the Family Life Center. Volunteers will organize the food into an assembly line. You will grab a sack with a unique label and go through the line, filling your sack with the allotted food items such as cereal, bread, peanut butter, and vegetables. When that sack is full, you will take it to the designated spot with the corresponding label. Once all the bags are filled, everyone will help check these bags to make sure they have the appropriate items in them. Once the bags are filled and checked, teams will be formed and will travel to homes in the area for distribution. Team leaders will be given a map and a route with the family names and corresponding labelled sacks. Learn more at:

Angel Tree Gift Drive November 14 - December 6 Each Christmas season, we partner with area schools to identify children who may be in extra need. Through the Angel Trees located in the lobby, you can “adopt” children and help provide them with an outfit and a toy. Starting the weekend of November 14-15, you will be able to take a name from the tree that is set up in the lobby. Each child has a wish list. Please purchase the items on the list and return them no later than Sunday, December 6. Thank you for your participation! Learn more at:


Christmas Movie Night Friday, December 4 7:00 pm Cost: Free Everyone is invited to the Vista Ridge Campus to watch the modern Christmas classic, “Elf.” The movie will start at 7:00 pm, and we will be watching it using a service called that filters out the not-sonice words so our church family can enjoy the comedy! Wear your Christmas PJ’s and bring your favorite holiday dessert. We will have popcorn, homemade hot chocolate, and sugar cookies which you can decorate with the provided supplies. Bring your kids, bring a date, or invite your family! Learn more at:

Young at Heart Christmas Luncheon Sunday, December 6 Farmers Branch Campus (Family Life Center) 12:00 pm (following the Sunday services) Cost: $10 per person (pay at your table) This “social event of the year” includes a sit-down, full course Christmas lunch with all the holiday trimmings. There will be entertainment, recognitions, and door prizes. Please bring a door prize if possible. Bring guests! Please make your reservations in one of these ways: 1) Mark your Communication Card with the number attending. 2) Or Email: 3) Or call Eddy Ketchersid at 972-345-1645, or Kay Fox at 972-284-7826. Learn more at:


It’s never too late to start a discussion group! Did you enjoy the Explore God series? Would you like to talk about the topics with someone you know? You can start a discussion anytime using the powerful conversation starter videos and materials available at the website. There you can find everything you need to get a conversation going with friends, family, or anyone you meet!

Find videos and resources at

W A T C H + L I S T E N Did you miss a message or just want to hear it again? Visit our website or download The Branch Church App to your device. There you can find audio and video content of our previous messages. 4

Follow Chris on Twitter

THE BRANCH FAMILY NEWS You will find the following in the lobby: Prayer Requests | Monthly Birthdays | Shower Info

We Mourn With:


• Mike Capshaw and his family in the loss of his


mother, Nadine Capshaw, on September 30.

Caleb Turner (M) Bryce Turner (M) Parents: Jason and Shannon Turner



10/4/15 10/11/15 10/11/15 10/11/15 10/11/15 10/18/15 10/18/15

Karol-Anne Beatty Brad Smith Christina Jiminez Thomas Jiminez Alexander Centeno Alicia Sanchez Colette Levy

Micah Dillon Stone (M) Parents: Bryan and Courtney Stone

New Members: Vista Ridge Campus

Matt and Ashlin Bowman (Child: Finley) Leza Mayes Mark and Tammi Korb

Weekend Stats - October 2015: Attendance Average: 1725 Contribution Total: $267,511

Job Opening: Administrative Assistant We are currently seeking someone to work alongside Campus Minister Tim Ketchersid as an Administrative Assistant at the Farmers Branch Campus. If you have experience in task management, are detail oriented, and have a heart for ministry, please visit our website to view a job description for this position and fill out an application. Please email Mona Swofford with any questions: Learn more:

Have you found your Small Group? Whether you are checking out Christianity for the first time, or you have been a believer for years, our small groups are places where you will find friendship and a safe place to experience personal spiritual growth. Ask us to help you find a group that’s right for you!

Tim Ketchersid

Ryan Rainey

FB Campus Minister

VR Campus Minister

You can find a list of current groups online. Finding a group that is a good fit can sometimes be a challenge. Please, don’t be afraid to visit a few different groups before committing to one. It is a good idea to contact the leader ahead of time to confirm the times and locations of meetings and childcare options.


CCA to Purchase Portion of Vista Ridge Property Chris Seidman One of the things we have been prayerful about regarding the launch of a third campus concerns the financial aspect of it. We’ve been very blessed to be debt-free as a church for the last couple of years, and desire to continue in this rhythm. A few months ago, we were contacted by Carrollton Christian Academy regarding their desire to relocate, and inquiring about a small portion of our Vista Ridge property. Our eldership and their board had a lengthy meeting as well as prayer about this possibility. We recently entered into an agreement to sell CCA 3.5 acres of the Vista Ridge property along Huffines Road for $1.2 million. We will still retain 16 acres. This transaction will not close until January. In the meantime, both leaderships are encouraged that this agreement will serve to bless both CCA and The Branch Church in the roles we seek to play in the mission of God in our city. We are anticipating the cost of a facility for the third campus being in the neighborhood of $3.5 million. Presently, we have $560,000 set aside toward the third campus. The additional $1.2 million in January will help us get closer to our goal of launching the third campus in a way that is financially responsible. Let us stay prayerful, thankful, and watchful for the ways God is working and the opportunities He puts before us in our daily lives. For more details about the third campus or the sale of the acreage, please contact our Executive Minister, David Teutsch:

Our Exciting Partnership with Liverpool FC The Branch would like to welcome the Liverpool FC International Academy to our family. Liverpool FC has leased a portion of our land at the Vista Ridge Campus to use for practice and training. They have installed several soccer fields complete with goals, fences, lights, and a smaller turf area. They will primarily be using their facility on weeknights, and we couldn’t be happier with the idea of more new friends on our property. It is also a wonderful thing for us to be able to use these fields for various church and ministry events. This is a beautiful arrangement. Liverpool FC America is a youth soccer club dedicated to creating a supportive, positive environment which challenges athletes to recognize and realize both their potential as a soccer player, athlete, student, and part of a community, as well as the power they hold inside each of them to reach their goals. Liverpool FC America is committed to their players, their community, and their pledge to conduct their actions and words with character, a continuous turn toward quality, and to honor the history and traditions of Liverpool FC England. Questions? Contact Ryan Rainey:


Third Campus

Prayer Specifics When it comes to the mission of God in the world, we often make our greatest advances on our knees. When the early church was waiting for the next move of the Spirit of God, they devoted themselves to a season of continual prayer (Acts 1:12-14). We are in such a season right now as we move toward the launch of our third campus. Please join us in several different prayers listed below. There is much to be done and, therefore, much to lift up in prayer. Thank you!

Our Focus

For Elders

• That we will keep it “front and center.” We are missionaries in a “land of religion” helping people to become, and live as, disciples of Jesus. (Matthew 28:18-20)

• That they would be identified for service at the third campus.

For 250 People For The Hearts In The Vicinity Of The Third Campus • That they will be open to respond to the message of Jesus. (Acts 16:14) • Prayerfully imagine the faces of those you personally know in the area.

For Our Hearts • That we have the vision of Jesus – see people as He sees them – and are filled with compassion for those who are spiritually lost. (Matthew 9:35-38)

• That we will be filled with the Spirit for the purpose of being His witnesses. (Acts 1:8) • That the Lord will stir up the spirit of His people at The Branch to engage in this effort, whether it be through serving in some capacity, praying, giving, being a part of the launch team, etc. (Haggai 1:13-14)

For Key Personnel • That we would discern the right people to fill the roles of Campus Minister, Worship Leader, Kids Branch Coordinator, and Student Minister.

• Adults and children who answer this call and make up the launch team. • That volunteers are identified, equipped, and cared for.

For Our Existing Campuses • That our existing campuses will continue to thrive, and new servants will rise up to fill the holes that are left by those who join the launch team.

For Funding And Wisdom In Regard To Funding • That our trust in God’s provision remains strong, as well as our faithfulness to go “first and ten.”

For The Location Of The Campus • That we would find the right place.

For The Facility • That it would be well-suited for our mission and approach.


Student Body Campout High School: November 13-15 Eisenhower State Park Cost: $50 per person All high school students are invited to go camping with us! Our middle school students had a blast in October. The campout will be at the beautiful Eisenhower State Park with hiking, s’mores, other outdoor activities, and powerful moments of teaching and worship. Don’t miss it! Students must register at:


The Branch Student Body is our ministry to 6th - 12th grade students. This is an important time of transition into maturity in Christ, and we encourage all of our students to attend and serve in our weekend services with their families. The primary way The Branch Student Body meets is in weekly Discipleship Groups (D-Groups), where students grow closer to God, their peers, and to their leaders. This is critical to their development as followers of Christ. There are also several special events throughout the year, such as Branch Camp, retreats, and other fun activities.

Discipleship Groups: D/Groups Middle School Vista Ridge Campus | Sundays | 9:30 am Farmers Branch Campus | Wednesdays | 6:30 pm

High School Both Campuses | Wednesdays

| 6:30 pm

Questions? Ask us! Kyle Poff

Josh Brake

Student Minister Vista Ridge Campus

Kids Branch is what we do to teach kids about Jesus every weekend at The Branch Church. Our committed volunteers reinforce the values and teachings you work so hard to instill in your kids. We worship, play, and dive directly into the Bible each and every week. Your kids will grow to love engaging with God, while making great friends!

Student Minister Farmers Branch Campus

Interested in serving in Kids Branch? Go to, or simply send us an email.

Tim Scott Family Minister

Kristan Renshaw Brittany Moore Kids Branch Coordinator Farmers Branch Campus

Kids Branch Coordinator Vista Ridge Campus



Men’s Life Prayer Breakfast Saturdays through November 21 Farmers Branch Campus 7:30 am Spend your Saturday morning with other men from The Branch! All men are welcome for breakfast and Bible study in the Branch Café at the Farmers Branch Campus. This ministry has been meeting together for years, and serves to encourage men in their faith and strengthen them in Christ. If you would like to know more about Men’s Life, contact: Bro. Eddy Ketchersid: Phone: 972-345-1645

Men’s Bible Study: Mighty Men Saturdays through December 5 Vista Ridge Campus 7:30 - 8:45 am Mighty Men is a Bible study group for men at the Vista Ridge Campus. Learn to grow in the fundamentals of the faith alongside other men. This is a great opportunity for you to strengthen your walk with the Lord and become a mighty man of God. No need to register, just come join us! Questions? Email Terry Grimm:

Branch Cares Branch Cares is a ministry designed to look after, and take care of, people within our church body. The vision for this ministry is to reach out, help, and connect with: Widows • Widowers • Single parents • Shut-ins • Caregivers • Those who are grieving If you are interested in becoming a Branch Cares ministry volunteer, or if you know of someone who is connected to The Branch Church and may be interested in having one of our ministry members contact them, you can fill out the Volunteer Application or Referral Form online.

Learn more:

Single Branches Single Branches is our ministry for active widowed, divorced, and single adults who are 50+ years of age. The aim of the ministry is to provide a variety of monthly social events so that Branch singles may meet each other and build friendships. November Event: Please join us for an evening of thanksgiving. Our very special Single Branches member, Sabrina White, invites you to a Fall-themed potluck Saturday, November 14 at her home in southeast Garland; we will meet at the Farmers Branch Campus at 4:45 pm and ride together or caravan. Her home is approximately 21.5 miles from church -- about 25 minutes depending on traffic. Because of the time change, we are starting earlier since it will be dark sooner; we will leave her house by 9:00. If you prefer to meet us there, we can furnish you the address and telephone number. Please suggest a favorite table game that you are willing to bring, i.e., a word game (like Taboo) or a guessing game (like Charades). Are you willing to drive the church van? If we have a driver, based on responses, we can see if the van is available that evening. Please RSVP as soon as possible for planning purposes. To RSVP, email Paulette Travis: Learn more and see updates at:


Find out more at

Vista Ridge:

Farmers Branch:

Join us for the study, “Hearing God: The Adventure of Listening, Discerning, and Obeying His Voice.” Janice will talk about hearing God in the Word using the iStudy, while Tara will focus on the other different and fun ways God speaks, and the discernment process of such. We will have times of practice in the class.

Join us for a study of The Sermon on the Mount. Materials are $15.

Mondays through Nov. 16 6:30 - 8:00 pm Hosted by Janice Ingram and Tara Seidman

Wednesdays through Nov. 18 9:30 - 11:30 am Hosted by Stephanie Scott

Registration for Children’s Bible Study at the Farmers Branch Campus is now closed. But we welcome you to add your child to our waiting list. Please contact Lisa Castello:

Learn more at

The Branch en Español es una iglesia para toda la familia, guiada por el Espíritu Santo para alcanzar la comunidad latina para Cristo. Si te sientes más cómodo adorando a Dios y fortaleciendo tu fe en el idioma español, acompáñanos en nuestras actividades:

The Branch Church En Español Farmers Branch Campus • Domingos de Adoración – 9:00 am (clases bíblicas para niños de 3 meses hasta quinto grado) • Martes de Oración – 7:00 pm • Miércoles de Estudio Bíblico – 7:00 pm (clases bíblicas para niños) Esperamos verte pronto. ¡Nos encantará saludarte en persona!

Luis y Schalee Sánchez


Upcoming Events Calendar Days


Event (Location)




High School Campout

3 Days



Angel Tree Gift Drive Begins




Sack Thanksgiving Hunger

9:30 am



Christmas Movie Night (Vista Ridge Campus)

7:00 - 9:00 pm



Angel Tree Gift Deadline




Young at Heart: Christmas Luncheon (Farmers Branch Campus)

12:00 pm



Angel Tree Wrap Party + Sack Christmas Hunger (Farmers Branch Campus)

9:30 am



Student Body Christmas Parties

12:30 - 3:00 pm



Christmas Candlelight Service (Farmers Branch Campus)

6:00 pm



Christmas Candlelight Services (Vista Ridge Campus)

4:30 pm & 6:00 pm



Christmas Candlelight Service (Farmers Branch Campus)

6:00 pm



No Saturday Service (Vista Ridge Campus)




9:30 am Service/No Kids Branch (Farmers Branch Campus)

9:30 am only



10:30 am Service/No Kids Branch (Vista Ridge Campus)

10:30 am only



New Year’s Eve Party (Both Campuses)


Small Group Leader Summit (Both Campuses)

6:30p - 9:00p



Weekly Events Calendar Sun

9:30 am

Middle School D/Groups


6:30 pm

Ladies Bible Study (Vista Ridge)

*Ends November 16


9:30 am

Ladies Bible Study (Farmers Branch)

*Ends November 18


6:30 pm

Middle School D/Groups (Farmers Branch Campus)

*Not meeting November 25


6:30 pm

High School D/Groups (Both Campuses)

*Not meeting November 25


7:00 pm

Celebrate Recovery (Vista Ridge Campus)


7:30 am

Men’s Life Prayer Breakfast


7:30 am

Mighty Men Bible Study (Vista Ridge Campus)

(Vista Ridge Campus)

(Farmers Branch Campus)

*Not meeting November 29

*Ends November 21 *Ends December 5

Office: 972-247-2109 | Email: Farmers Branch Campus 3035 Valley View Lane Dallas, TX 75234

Vista Ridge Campus 3601 Huffines Boulevard Carrollton, TX 75010

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