University of Nigeria - USA Alumni & Friends Association 7th Annual Convention

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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

GreatLionsandLionesses,Dr.EmekaEnejere,ProChancellor and Chairman of the UNN Governing Council,Prof. BarthoOkolo,ViceChancellor,UNNanddistinguishedladies and gentlemen. All protocols observed. It is with great joy and gratitude to the Almighty that I, on behalfofthehardworkinganddedicatedLosAngelesLions and Lionesses warmly welcome you all to our 7th Annual Alumni Convention in the great city of Angels, Los Angeles. FirstIwouldliketothankmydearwifewhoencouragedme to bid for this convention and supported me all the way despite all the inconveniences, to ensure the success of this Convention. Darling, I shall always remain very grateful for this singular honor. My sincere thanks to the Leadership Team and the National Convention Committee for all their guidance and support. Thanks for your trust in me. I shall always remain very indebtedtothegreatlionsandlionessesofLosAngeleswho, without their meticulous efforts and material support, this convention could not have been possible. L.A.youarethebest. Ihaveneverbeenblessedtoworkwith suchdedicatedladiesandgentlemenwhoexhibitsomuch passion for their Alma Mater. We shall soon inaugurate the L.A.chapter. IcanproudlysaythattheheartofUNNUSAwill besounderanditshopesbrighterwiththeadditionofwhat is to be the L.A. chapter. My sincere thanks to all our sponsors. As everyone who has chaired a convention on any level knows,therecomesatimewhenyouarefacedwithminimal registrations, paltry number of room reservations, the hotel chefpushingyoufordinnercountandyouaresurethatyou are heading for a bust.

that I was on edge, under pressure, a bit touchy and overallstressedout. Hetold me to relax and shared an old Indian proverb: “Everythingwillbealrightin the end. And if it is not all right, it is not yet the end.” I believe everything will be alright during this convention. Given the challenges facing the stage of our Alma Mater today, I am confident that today’s convention will come up with far-reaching recommendations that would reposition UNN as a fertile environment for meaningful knowledge acquisition to enable it to compete effectively in the global arena. Fellowlionsandlionesses,thisisourchancetobean agent of positive change by helping UNN individually and collectively design its future. I wish you all a very successful convention and God’s travel mercies. If our preparations or actions do not in any way meet your expectations, please charge them to our heads and not to our hearts. Welcome once again. GOD BLESS UNN ! GOD BLESS NIGERIA ! GOD BLESS USA ! Paul Amuchie, Ph.D. Chairman, Convention Committee Los Angeles Convention

I shared my stress with a dear Indian friend. He could see

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

Greetings. August guests, (Pro-Chancellor and UNN Council representatives/members. UNN Vice, Deputy Chancellor, Registrar, Keynote Speaker and Chairman), Fellow Lions and Lionesses and our Distinguished Friends from all walks of life and various parts of the world: It is with inestimable pleasure, honor and pride that I welcome all of you to the 7th annual convention of our renowned organization, the University of Nigeria Alumni Association of the United States of America (UNN-USA). We are meeting for the first time in a city located in a state on the west coast of America - California – the golden state. Blazing this path became possible because Dr Paul Amuchie accepted the gauntlet of hosting a convention (without a bona fide chapter). Offering him the convention hosting mantle, was a manifestation of our confidence in his organizational ability. On his part, he knew he had able lieutenants and a reliable parent body to back him up. I wish to take this opportunity to thank Dr Amuchie, and his very supportive and dedicated cadre of assistants including Mr. Chike Nweke etc, who pooled their creativity, energy and resources together to make this convention in California possible. We trusted you with this mission; your accomplishments have made us proud. I wish to now pivot towards our distinguished keynote speaker, Dr Orjiakor. We welcome and are very proud of him. He is an alumnus of laudable accomplishments. When this lion roars from his ambassadorial plenipotentiary perch, the whole world listens. Yes, this internationally renowned intellectual and diplomat is a product of our alma mater, a university that used to enjoy enviable academic credentials and world renown. Our association with the university is the link that

binds us together and it is the reason that we are all gathered at this occasion. Our deep-seated desire is to do all in our power to ensure that it continues to occupy a prominent and permanent position in the firmament of institutional academic stars. It needs all stakeholders holding hands and working together to recapture, nurture and maintain high academic standards in this institution of higher learning. The journey to coalesce the efforts of the stakeholders – the administration, faculty, students and very importantly, alumni - is embarked on the opening day of any university and must endure throughout its life span. That is why it gives me great joy to note that for the first time after a few years of discordance, we have a full complement of the different arms of our alma mater’s administration representatives, including the registrar. Significantly, for the first time ever, we have in our midst, the Pro-Chancellor of our alma mater, Dr (Sir) Emeka Enejere. Space circumscription does not allow me to go into the details of his exemplary background. Suffice it to say that the

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


recently appointed Pro-chancellor is also the first alumnus to hold this strategic position and was a student union president during his heydays at the university. I wish to seize this opportunity to congratulate him for making it to the Golden State to join us in this annual serious retrospection which normally precedes a determined discussion on how to map out the way forward. It is my intention at this juncture to turn my attention to the Vice Chancellor, Professor Batho Okolo and commend him on his accomplishments so far as the executive head of our alma mater. I have not visited the campus recently; but reliable sources of information have indicated evidence of strong and undeniable face lift of the university infrastructure especially regarding buildings and the attendant environmental esthetics. He is a well published academic. The last but not of least importance in our many legged stakeholders’ cast, are our Nigeria and USA Alumni association conferees/delegates, as well as friends of our beloved university. I thank you for taking time off your busy schedules to help provide the necessary ambiance that puts the punctuation marks of importance, universality and purposefulness to the deliberations of these few days. Past UNN-USA Administration At this juncture, there is need to recognize my predecessors, Dr. Mike Okoroafor and Professor Oliver Ibe. Our organization is lucky to have had these two passionate, dedicated and selfless leaders at its inception and during its neophyte and formative years. These two leaders may have proven to be the difference between our survival and succumbing to the same SIDS (“sudden infant death syndrome”) that caused the demise of the earlier stillborn akin parent body in the USA. Yes, some of you may not be aware of it, but ours is not the first time a UNN alumni association was inaugurated in the USA. Now that we have made it through more than five years of existence, we should together express our gratitude to them for piloting the ship of our organization through the treacherous first five years of embryonic subsistence. Research scientists who are versed in the investigation of survivability of new businesses etc., posit that start-ups that survive the first five critical years have promising future and are


positioned to take their permanent place in the firmament of thriving organizations. We are now in such an enviable status - thanks to these two leaders. Current UNN-USA Administration The present UNN-USA administration took over the organization’s leadership responsibility about one year ago. The free and fair presidential election resulted in a peaceful leadership change at the top and was the first of its kind in the truncated annals of our association. Unfortunately, this fresh breeze of peaceful change also simultaneously ushered in a period of uncertainty immediately after the election. Thus we assumed office with a smile on our faces but uncomfortable lumps in our throats. The situation posed a difficult challenge because the administration had to operate short-handed in terms of not having the full complement of its officers on duty. First, the vice president submitted a terse email simply declaring that he had quit his office. Problems with the other two officers - the secretary and the financial secretary – then came next. Their issues were more subtle and comprehensible. Thus, I empathized with the secretary and the financial secretary, over the extenuating circumstances which precluded them from devoting themselves fully to their willingly accepted volunteer role as officers in our organization. But the resilient, outstandingly hardworking and dedicated significant others among us successfully took up the challenge of filling in the gaps. I am proud of our accomplishments (to be enumerated later) despite the unexpected drawbacks. I wish to thank the immediate past president, Professor (Dr.) Oliver Ibe , our public relations officer, Dr. Winny Nweke and our treasurer, Jonathan Okpukpara for their unwavering support for current administration. So what did we accomplish as an organization during this past year? Before I delve into this discussion, I wish to observe that it would be tragic for any organization to hoist atop its administrative echelon, a leader without attainable clear-cut mission and objectives while in office. In this regard, our objectives/goals were released for public consumption at the beginning of this administration. Here is an inclusive but not necessarily exhaustive list of our accomplishments during our first year in office.

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

Accomplishments 1. Rejuvenated and reconstituted the Legal and constitutional/bylaws review, education, financial and fund raising, projects, and convention committees. The membership, research and publications committees, as well as the board of directors were reconstituted but remain dormant. 2. Revamped and updated the UNN-USA web site in order to incooperate current information technology-required enhancements to enable possible interactive exchanges, as well as provide for web-based internet option for applicants seeking our proposed scholarship grants. 3. Sourced funds for our scholarship program. The Okoroafors led the way here. Enough fund has so far been generated to make promising the awarding of approximately fifty thousand naira per student scholarship to about five lucky students in the impending academic year. This “work is in progress”. In this regard, the submissions of the hardworking education committee are being awaited by the governing body of UNN-USA. 4. Seeking other financially manageable projects like the plan to inject updated/ cutting edge best practices’ into the clinical pharmacy aspect of UNN pharmacy department curriculum. 5. Collaborated financially with UNCOMMA (university of Nigeria college of medicine medical association) to fund the infusion of audio visual aids’ technology into the recently constructed lecture hall in the new college of medicine campus near Enugu. 6. Revamped monthly teleconference method of operation, including time management and minutes' reportage. There is still more work to be done in this sphere. 7. The reconstituted legal/bylaws/constitutional review committee completed and submitted their work on the bylaws revision mandate from the governing body of UNN-USA.

8. The convention committee with the help of UNNUSA governing body is set to convene one of the most memorable and successful conventions in the short history of our association – a first one on the west coast of the USA.. 9. Fund-raising/financial as well as the projects committees, got a belated start as it took a while to identify a chairperson for each group, It is however our hope that their presentation at the convention will be insightful and helpful in our bid to raise more funds and identify executable useful and immediately impactful UNN-based projects. 10. Sought to resurrect the UNN-USA New York chapter – thanks to Gladys Ozoude. Also, indications are that a new California chapter may be “chartered” in Los Angeles before the end of this convention thus extending our reach and presence nationwide. 11. Successfully worked to reopen communication channels and re-establish our relationships with the UNN top administrators including the Vice Chancellor and for the first time, the Pro-Chancellor.

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


I believe the registrar is also in attendance. Reflections on universal alumni concerns. The one year record of our association includes some challenges as the list below shows. 1. Membership – This is of grave concern. UNN alumni in the United States number in the hundreds but total UNN-USA official membership figure is in the tens and definitely under one hundred especially the financial members. What is the plan to enhance the membership roster? Here, we need help from our administrators at home and leaders present in the USA. Graduates with unacceptable or blighted undergraduate experience develop no uplifting emotional ties to the university and fellow alumni when they leave the institution. Many areas of improvement are indicated in this sphere but the most often quoted is the prevailing dehumanizing conditions of toilet facilities. Secondly, there used to be acceptably well maintained cafeterias where all of us inexorably met at least three times every day to hobnob and in the process develop a sense of spirit de corps. These refectories are now things of the past. 2. Transcript Issues – Graduates continue to bemoan their inability to smoothly obtain their transcripts on a timely basis. This ugly predicament sometimes leads to loss of job or graduate school admission opportunities. This problem did not exist in the earlier days of our alma mater. As long as it persists it will be difficult, for obvious reasons, to recruit new and younger alumni into our ranks. 3. Internal UNN/USA dynamics – there is need for a renewed focus on our mission and modus operandi regarding internal deliberations, decision making and implementation of chosen projects. There is need to embed the principles of democratic governance where transparency, acknowledgement of majority rule while respecting minority opinion, informs and guides our method of operation. 4. Relationship between the different pillars of support of our alma mater – the working relationship between the different administrative entities, faculty, staff , students and of necessity, the alumni associations must be streamlined and synchronized so that none works against or underutilizes the others when there is need for all to operate in


tandem in order to accomplish a specified goal. The present stand-off regarding financial relationship between UNAA and UNN-USA must be resolved as soon as possible. Way Forward Going forward, the operational and relationship cankerworms spotlighted above should be confronted and expunged from our organization’s fabric and interrelationships’ paradigms. This is necessary if we must grow in strength and attain our goals without any misgivings and/or mutual suspicion. I believe that we are a committed and resilient group who want to give back to the institution that nurtured us into becoming successful, globally competitive, educated and important contributing community members. The future is full of promise. It is up to us to frugally harness the bountiful human (alumni) as well as other relevant resources at our disposal. This will help us reach our goal of restoring our alma mater to its vaunted pinnacle of academic excellence. Finally, UNN is a resilient institution, and is located within the territorial ambit of an equally indomitable people. Only such a steely institution, can endure the rape, rampage and ravages it experienced during the Nigerian/Biafran civil war, and continue to battle to hold its own among comparable institutions of higher learning. So let us exercise patience and at the same time commend ourselves for our resourcefulness and positive attitude. Thank you for your attention. I hope the convention is rewarding and enjoyable and I wish all of you a safe return to whence you came from to join us on this occasion. Augustine E. Okocha PhD National President, UNN-USA Alumni Association

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

DATE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2013 | RECEPTION: VENUE: Four Points by Sheraton, Los Angeles Airport Boulevard 9:00 A.M. - 12 NOON 5:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. 6:00P.M. - 10:00P.M. 8:00P.M. - 8:30 P.M. 8:30P.M. - 9:30 P.M.

BUS TOURS ($65/PERSON HOTEL ARRANGED) Arrival and Registration Welcome Cocktail/Dinner and Networking UNN-USA Leadership Team meets with California Convention committee UNN-USA Executive Committee meets with UNAA Officers.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2013 | CONVENTION DAY VENUE: Four Points by Sheraton, Los Angeles Airport Boulevard 7:00 A.M. - 8:45 A.M. 9:00 A.M. - 10:15 A.M. Opening PrayerWelcome Welcome Greetings UNAA Address Address 10:15 AM -10:30 AM


Continental Breakfast Registration continues Plenary Session Co-Facilitators for Convention – Dr. Edith Okwandu & Dr. Uzo Okereke Rev. Romanus Muoneke By the California Coordinator – Dr. Paul Amuchie UNN-USA National President –Dr. Augustine Okocha National President of UNAA – Dr. Nwanne Chioke Pro Chancellor of UNN – Dr. Emeka Enejere Vice Chancellor of UNN – Professor Bartho Okolo Break

10:30 AM - 11:45 AM



Dr. Winifred Nweke, Publicity Secretary & Dr. Augustine Okocha, the President 1. leveraging alumni expertise to benefit our Alma Mater 2. University administration & Alumni: The need to work together for UNN to excel in learning and research


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



Dr. Emeka Enejere, Pro-Chancellor, UNN, Prof. Bartho Okolo, Vice Chancellor, UNN, Dr. Nwanne Chioke, President, UNAA Dr. Charmaine Emelife & Dr. Emma Enekwechi

Moderators: 11:45 A.M. - 12:30 PM

Round Table with LA Chamber of Commerce - Tentative Security - Tentative

12:30 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. 2:00 PM. - 2:15 PM 2:15 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.

Group Photographs Lunch Break Business Meeting - President, Dr. Augustine Okocha • Report of the Secretary (Minutes) – Dr. Dozie Amuzie • Financial Report by the Financial Secretary - Rev. Okechukwu Ogbuagu / Treasurer - Mr. Jonathan Okpukpara • Report on the Bylaws Revision/Ratification of the revised bylaws Attorney Onyi Ekwegbalu •Report of the Standing Committees • • • • • •


Membership Finance and Fund raising Research and Publications Projects and Infrastructure Education Committee - Scholarship program Legal Committee Standing Committee Membership and Leadership Recognition of Chapters and their Officers

Reports from the Chapters & Regions Chapters • Atlanta • New England • Houston • New Jersey • Mid-West • New York Regions • California • Canada • Memphis Date/Venue for 2014 Convention -- New Jersey Other Matters Arising


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

4:30 P.M. - 4:45 P.M. 5:00 P.M.

Announcements/Break UNCOMMA Meeting BANQUET PROGRAM

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2013 VENUE: Four Points by Sheraton, Los Angeles Airport Boulevard 6:00 PM Bar Opens 6:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. Welcome /Introduction of Masters of Ceremonies - Dr. Paul Amuchie MCs: Mr. Tyndale Opara & Dr. Uzo Diribe Opening Prayer Dr. Kate Okpupkara Anthems - USA, Nigeria, UNN Welcome address/Recognition of Guests of Honor & Attendees Dr. Augustine Okocha, National President UNN-USA Opening Remarks by the Chairman – Dr. Iheanacho Emeruwa Introduction of the Keynote Speaker by Dr. Oliver Ibe, Past President 7:30 P.M - 8:30 PM Keynote Speech by Ambassador Humphrey Ojiakor 8:31PM-9:45PM 9:00-9:10 PM 9:10-9:30PM 9:30-9:45 PM

Dinner/Performance by Omalicha Nwas Entertainment Special Presentations by Hon. Jim Dear, Mayor of Carson CA Proclamations Alumni Achievement Award to Dr. Bennett Omalu Fund raising Dance, Dance, Dance Recognition of Sponsors Charter to New Chapters

12:00 AM.

Vote of Thanks by Dr. Prudence Nwobi, Assistant Secretary

12:15 A.M.

Closing Prayer – Dr. Mike Okoroafor, Past President Dance, Dance, Dance

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2013 8:00 -11:00 A.M.

Breakfast by individual arrangements Meeting of the Leadership team Delegates check out

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


Lions and Lionesses, On behalf of the 14th Governing Council of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and the graduates of 50 years of your Alma Mater, that citadel of higher learning in the valley of the green hills of Nsukka, with a natural ambiance, second to none for contemplation and the search of knowledge, I bring you fraternal greetings. It gives me great pleasure to lead a delegation representing the Governing Council and Management of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka to the 7th Conference of UNN Alumni, USA holding at the city of Los Angeles, California from October 17 – 20, 2013. It is on record that UNN Administration has in the past attended some of your conferences, but certainly, not the Governing Council. This is perhaps the first time in the history of the activities of UNN Alumnus USA that the Council of your Alma Mater is directly participating. Let me crave your indulgence to inform you that since the Governing Council of 21 Federal Universities was inaugurated at the National Universities Commission on April 9, 2013 this Council has held 3 formal meetings and I have as Pro-Chancellor and Chairman attended 2 National Executive Committee meetings on the


UNN National Alumni Association hosted by Lagos and Owerri Chapters of our Alumni Association. The reason for engaging the Alumni Association is not farfetched. Any University that does not enter into a strategic partnership with the body of its graduates, “e don miss road be that”, in FelaAnikulapospeakesse. The Council and Management delegation of your Alma Mater to your Los Angeles 2013 Conference has come to engage you, in a frank and robust conversation, on what together we can do for the Risorgimento of our Alma Mater, the Varsity of Nigeria; and to restore the “restorer of human dignity”, to resume its march of destiny, to restore the dignity of man in Nigeria, Africa and the world. I most sincerely welcome all of us and wish us fruitful deliberations.

Sir, Dr. EmekaEnejere Pro-Chancellor/Chairman Governing Council University of Nigeria Nsukka.

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

Emeka Enejere, a 69 year-old Political Scientist, had his elementary school education partly at St. Andrew’s (CMS) School in his town, Ibagwa-Aka, in Enugu State of Nigeria, from 1950-54 and finished at St. Paul’s Practising School, Awka between 1955-57. He passed his First School Leaving Certificate with Distinction and passed entrance examinations to several Secondary Schools, but chose to go to Okongwu Memorial Grammar School, Nnewi for his Secondary School education because the college was built in honour of the 2nd Igbo medical doctor, Nnodu Okongwu, who died in the United States of America and about whose death, the great Zik, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, then student in United States had sent home a“celebrated telegram”to break the news of his demise to his people in Nigeria. At Okongwo Memorial Grammar School, Nnewi, Emeka was one of the youngest in the class that gained admission in 1958. He was active in athletics, football throughout his college years and also actively participated in the Debating Society, which was compulsory for all students of the College. In 1962, his last year at College, he was elected President of the Debating Society, the only position that all students of the College participated in choosing its leadership, unlike College Prefects that were appointed by the College Administration and tutors. Also, in his final year in 1962, Emeka sat for a number of entrance examinations to enable him be admitted to a 2year Higher School – post Secondary School training that was the only window for a 3-year direct entry programme to university education in Nigeria, at the time. He gained admission to a number of High Schools, but gave up the opportunity to risk the gamble of writing exam in 1963 to gain admission into a 4-year degree program in a Nigerian University during the 1964-65 academic session. Emeka had calculated that he could finish one year ahead of his classmates that went through the circuitous route of first acquiring Higher School Certificate in order to gain admission for a university degree program. The gamble

at the time was an experiment in university education that only courageous and self-confident kids could risk. Because in a class of 40 for a degree programme, only 4 were admitted through entrance exam, conducted for WAEC School Certificate holders. Emeka was one of 4 such kids admitted in the 1964/65 academic session to read Political Science at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. His choice of UNN over the 4 other existing universities in Nigeria at the time is instructive. Emeka was entranced by the mission and philosophy of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka as was enunciates by the vision of the Founder Father of the University, one of the foremost Nationalist Leaders of Nigeria’s Political Independence Struggle, and first civilian Governor-General in 1960, who subsequently became Ceremonial President of the Federal Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1963. In the same year, Emeka, a young Secondary School Certificate leaver, while working as Clerk of Court/Exhibit Clerk, to first, a white British Judge, Justice Palmer and later, the Chief Judge of Eastern Region, late Justice Louis Mbanefo, in the High Court of Enugu Judicial Division of Eastern Nigeria, travelled from Enugu to Nsukka just to listen to the great Zik deliver his prophetic public lecture captioned: Tribalism: A pragmatic instrument for National Unity, at the Princess Alexandra Auditorium of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. His group of Pioneer Secondary School Certificate holders who were admitted into degree programmes in 1964 – 65 academic year, did so well at the end of their program that, the admission policy into university education in Nigeria changed for good in favour of Secondary School Certificate holders over Higher School Certificate or Advanced Level GCE holders. In his 3rd year, during 1966/67 academic session, Emeka was elected President of the Students Union Government of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He also served

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


simultaneously as National Vice President of National Union of Nigerian Student, then was elected President of Eastern Nigerian Students Union (ENSU), in 1967 – an organization with Chapters in all institutions of Higher Learning in Eastern region of Nigeria, and also in UK, USA and Europe. This body became the National Union of Biafran Students (NUBS), at the outbreak of war between Nigeria and Biafra in July 1967. Emeka remained its leader and was re-elected in 1969 at the Owerri Convention of the NUBS during the war and remained in that capacity until the war ended in 1970. During the war, Emeka led youth and student delegations to America, Europe and Africe, that travelled with official Biafran passport to various countries of the world in order to generate support for the Biafran war effort. He also served inside Biafra as Secretary to the Public Enlightenment Committee of Biafra’s Directorate for Propaganda. He led the Biafran Rangers, a Paramilitary body that worked to mobilize civilian support for Biafran troops fighting in war fronts. The Rangers Football Club of Enugu took its name after this Pars-military organization in the immediate post-war years. Emeka served also as Secretary of the Military Propaganda Committee of Biafra with Proffessor O. C. Nwana and Mazi Anyaogu Okonu as Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively. He was a member of the Political Orientation and National Guidance Committee of Biafra under Professors Chinua Achebe and Emmanuel Obiechina as Chairman and Secretary respectively. This Committee was responsible for producing the Ahiara Declaration in Biafra. At the end of the war, Emeka went round Nigerian Universities to lobby for the reopening of the University of Nigera, Nsukka and other institutions of Higher Learning in the former Eastern region and made representation to Mr. Walker and Mr. George, 1st and 2nd Secretaries in the American Embassy, Lagos, Nigeria for a strong case to be made for re-opening UNN because of the role USAID and Michigan State University had played in founding the University. He and his generation paid great price for our today, including loss of lives in the war and spending altogether 2 extra years in addition to the 30 months the war lasted that they were not in session before graduating in 1971 instead of 1967/68 academic session, despite the war ending in January, 1970. He came for Graduate Studies at Howard University, Washington, D.C. in the fall of 1972 and transferred to Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research in New York in 1973, where he earned his Masters Degree in 1975


and in 1977 passed his PhD exam with Distinction. He taught in some American Colleges and Universities, i.e. Westbury College, westbury, USA, York College of the City University of New York in Queens and Adelphi University in Garden City, New York before returning to his Alma Mater, UNN to teach Political Science from February 1980 – December 1992, when he voluntarily retired to go into private business and Consultancy services. Since 1988 till now, he has served in various capacities, actively participating in national development processes in Nigeria, such as: * Consultant to the Directorate for Social Mobilization (MAMSER) 1988: * Deputy Director, Political Education, MAMSER, 1989 – 90 while on Sabbatical from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka: * Political Adviser, National Republican Convention (NRC) 1991 – 92 while on Leave of Absence from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka: * Secretary, Working Committee, All-Nigeria Congress (ANC) 1994 – 95; * Secretary, Working/Planning Committee, Politicians Summit 1995; * Special Adviser to Minister of Industry, Dr. Bamanga Tukur 1994 – 95 * Special Adviser, Democratic Party of Nigeria (DPN) 1996 – 98; * Political Consultant to Rivers State Government 1999 to the present. All after voluntarily retiring from UNN in December, 1992

He was appointed Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council of his Alma Mater, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka on April 9, 2013 for a 4-year tenure, by His Excellency, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Emeka Enejere is happily married for 39 years to Hon. Justice Pearl Enejere, a Judge of High Court of Engu State Judiciary, and they have 2 daughters and 2 sons, as well as 7 grand-children.

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

The President, University of Nigeria Alumni and friends, UNN –USA Alumni and Friends Association, USA. I congratulate you and all members of the USA Alumni and Friends Association, USA on this very happy occasion of yet another annual convention. The event of your 7th annual convention which is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles from October 18th – 20th, 2013 is a happy reminder that your association has come of age. You all deserve commendations for sustaining this important tradition of an annual convention despite the challenges of the times. The theme of this year’s convention:“Positioning UNN to compete in the global arena” is both apt and timely. It is a further reflection that you have stayed conscious of your relationship and responsibility towards your Alma mater, the University of Nigeria. This is both heart-warming and reassuring. I have no doubt that in the coming years, as your association grows in numbers and strength, you will be able to do more for your beloved Alma mater. I am personally delighted that you have chosen a passionate alumnus and proud Lion, a thoroughbred diplomat, Dr Humphrey Umunna Orjiakor, as your keynote speaker. If I had just one demand to make of you at this point, it would be to request that you intensify your drive for membership. I am aware that there are many more alumni of the University of Nigeria in the USA, whose membership will boost your strength and impact. You owe it as a duty to reach out to them and bring them into the membership of the association.

Finally, I wish you well with the preparations, while I continue to look forward to an eventful and successful convention in the beautiful city of Los Angeles. Best wishes, Professor Bartholomew N. Okolo Vice-Chancellor.

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


Professor Bartholomew N. Okolo, the 12th Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria (June 2009 – date) is a Professor of Bioprocess Physiology. He was educated at the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University, IleIfe), Nigeria, where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology in 1979, and the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom, where he obtained a doctorate degree in Applied Microbiology in 1986. Professor Okolo joined the services of the University of Nigeria in 1986 as a lecturer in the Department of Microbiology and rose to the rank of a full professor in 1999. His research focus is on biological process physiology. He has successfully supervised close to thirty postgraduate students, including 10 Doctorates. He has over 100 papers in reputable national and international journals, and presented many papers in local and international conferences/workshops. He is also a member of several academic societies, including the Institute of Guild and Brewing, UK, Nigerian Society for Microbiology and Foundation for African Development through International Biotechnology (FADIB) Before his appointment in 2009 as Vice Chancellor of University of Nigeria, Professor Okolo had served the university in various academic and administrative positions. These include, Head of Department of Microbiology


(1996 - 1999), Associate Dean of the Faculty of Biological Sciences (1999 – 2001), Dean of the Faculty of Bological Sciences (2006 – 2008). The other positions he occupied include Chairman of University Sports Council (2007 – 2009), Coordinator of the 22nd edition of The Nigerian Universities Games (NUGA) hosted by the University of Nigeria in 2009 and Deputy Vice - Chancellor (Administration) in 2009. He had also served as a member of many standing and ad-hoc committees of the university senate. As ViceChancellor, he seeks to place the university at the forefront of teaching, research, innovation, knowledge creation and manpower development, while promoting the core values which will ensure the restoration of the dignity of man. His priorities include infrastructural upgrade, human capacity development and internationalization. Under his watch, the university has witnessed an unprecedented investment in physical infrastructure, embraced internationalization and improved the efficiency of administration. His administration has offered automatic employment to over 200 first class graduates, many of whom have been sent abroad for further training and exposure. In his opinion, this new generation of scholars are being groomed to improve and sustain the standards of excellence which all stakeholders of the university desire.

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

American National Anthem Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming; Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there: Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In fully glory reflected now shines in the stream: 'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh, long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and a country should leave us no more? Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution! No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Oh, thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war's desolation! Bless with victory and peace, may the heav'rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust": And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

Nigerian National Anthem Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria's call obey To serve our Fatherland With love and strength and faith. The labor of our heroes past Shall never be in vain, To serve with heart and might One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity. O God of creation Direct our noble cause Guide our leaders right Help our youth the truth to know In love and honesty to grow And living just and true Great lofty heights attain To build a nation where peace And justice shall reign.

PROTOCOL On behalf of University of Nigeria Alumni Association world wide, I am pleased to welcome all of you to the 7th Annual Convention of the University of Nigeria Alumni and Friends Association (UNN – USA) in Los Angeles. I wish to thank God for journey mercies He has granted all of us. Please let me thank the President Augustine Okocha, his executive, and all the other members of UNN – USA Alumni and Friends Association who have contributed in one way or the other to make the 7th Convention in Los Angeles successful. I salute your passion, commitment and love for the Alumni Association and our Alma Mater. I want to let you know that we appreciate very much these conventions in USA because it affords us in Nigeria opportunity to obtain US VISAS that has continued to enable us attend the conventions and visit USA. Please permit me to specially thank Oliver Ibe, the immediate past President of UNN – USA Alumni, for painstakingly writing us letters of invitation with almost the speed of light. Let me also welcome all the Lions and Lionesses that have come from Nigeria and other places. Thank you for coming inspite of the huge cost involved in seeking for visa and airtickets. I want to assure you that your coming adds value, volume and support to our members in US. I welcome warmly the chairman and the key note speaker Dr. Humphrey Umunna Orjiako. Please allow me to commend UNN Alumni and


Friends Association USA for the huge contributions they have continued to make to our University. A few years ago they donated several containers of books. They have also donated computers. The latest is the establishment of a scholarship scheme to benefit the current students of the University. This goal was achieved at the 6th Convention in Memphis with the help of UNN - USA Alumni and Friends founding President, Dr. Michael Okoroafor who, with the involvement of his company – Heinz Corporation, lead a successful drive to raise substantial sum as seed money for the scholarship. The UNN – USA and Friends Association has done so much, and ever desirous of doing more for the University, but there is one area that UNN – USA Alumni and Friends Association have performed dismally, that is, in the payment of her dues to UNAA. UNN - USA is a fully registered branch of UNAA according to IRS. This registration makes UNN - USA responsible to UNAA and UNN. One of the

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

requirements for this affiliation is the payment of acceptable dues to the parent body.

voted for into international offices of UNAA. I hope we can look deeply into this and discus it.

I am aware that, at the inception of UNN – USA and Friends Association some patriotic, altruistic, passionate members like Michael Okoroafor, Oliver Ibe and a few others agreed to pay minimal amounts as your dues, which they paid in the first few years. Unfortunately in the last 4 years UNN – USA has failed to pay any dues to UNAA. A branch can not unilaterally decide to stop the payment of all legitimate dues and levies and other obligations to the parent body. I hope that this matter will be discussed and your dues and other financial obligations paid before we live Los Angeles.

LEADERSHIP - THE UNIVERSITY AND THE COUNCIL. ”Some Vice-Chancellors and, in some cases councils constitute a big stumbling block to the advancement of the university, and alumni efforts at mobilizing resources for the University”. (Okey Ewurum) “Some University Governing Councils from the chairman to members are most times part of the problem, they hardly think of planning: they come unprepared to council meetings – many of them become toys in the hands of unscrupulous Vice-Chancellor”. (asisi asobie)

NIGERIAN CONTINGENT Before we go further, let me at this juncture, Lions and Lionesses, observe that the numbers that come from Nigeria to UNN-USA convention are large enough to be accorded some recognition and status – since they pay convention levies and dinner fees, and since they also add value and volume to UNN-USA Alumni and Friends Association, they should not just be spectators only. They ought to have some say, some voting rights. As a matter of fact, in our meeting in Owerri and with the Pro-Chancellor, we decided to make UNAA global. We have International branches in US, Camerooms, and UK in the offing. We are looking at a situation where after every two or four years we would schedule an international convention where all the branches including those outside Nigeria would attend with their delegates to vote and be

Lions and Lionesses, that has changed with the appointment of a new council headed by Dr. Emeka Enejere – the Pro-Chancellor and the Chairman of the Governing Council. Emeka Enejere is academically and politically sound, highly committed and focused and so far he does not appear at all to be a man that can be messed up by any form of enticement or inducement. Indeed he was found and appointed by God to come and right the wrongs, clear the mess in our University, and reshape it in line with the vision of our founding fathers. He is a dye-in-the-wool alumni of University of Nigeria. He is very passionate about our alma mater, and his commitment to University of Nigeria and the University of Nigeria Alumni Association is matchless. Dr. Emeka Enejere’s appointment and

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


them its creed, abide by them to guide them in the choice, election and appointment of the NEXT Vice-Chancellor. On our own part, we must continue to insist and work towards the approval of a eminent and qualified alumnus as the next Vice-Chancellor of our University. We must not shirk this responsibility. I urge you all and, indeed, all distinguished alumni members in high and low places, to use every skill, knowledge and good will to achieve this dream. We shall not rest on our oars until this is achieved. disposition has become the game-changer in our University as crooked paths are being made straight, just within a few months of his stay in the saddle. I need not comment further, but to vouch, Sir, that we will give you our total support and co-operation in your onerous and arduous, yet fulfilling task of revamping our alma mater and bringing, it back on track to its enviable pedestal. Keep the fire burning, Sir, we are behind you. Alumni Vice-Chancellor: Our University needs a leader/leadership that has the following attributes – A Natural leader, and a team builder with excellent communication skills, commercial flair, judgment and the ability to enthuse, inspire and motivate, with passion and commitment to education, excellence and the development of people, coupled with personal presence at all times, politically sensitive, and willingness to take tough decisions when and where necessary and above all he must have great humility. The current council has so far shown that it understands these attributes, the Alumni Community would wish that it makes


1. Students Admission. The Alumni is still waxing strong, we still hold our conventions and NEC meetings regularly as scheduled. The turn out is beginning to dwindle. However, the fear is that whether in the near future we would still be able to speak about alumni branches existing outside the South Eastern part of Nigeria. This is because either consciously or unconsciously our University no longer attracts students from outside the CoreIgbo areas of Nigeria. In the 60s up to the 80s admission of students was consciously spread all over Nigeria and beyond in order to retain the ‘Nigerianess’ of the University of Nigeria and the vision of the founding fathers. The argument may be that there are Universities here and there, and therefore, prospective students from outside the catchment areas no longer apply. But I ask; Lions and Lionesses is University education really about proximity, if it is, why do world-Class Universities like Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge and some Universities in South Africa still attract the best students from

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

all over the world uptill today. However I still urge that the UNN makes conscious effort to admit students from all over Nigeria and Africa. The reason is to sustain the Alumni association and the spirit and the vision of the founding fathers who established the University as a citadel of learning for all black people. I believe you all know that one of the critical factors considered in modern ranking of Universities is the diversity of the students and the faculty of a University. You will agree with me that this is one of the reasons UNN still has very poor ranking. With the current mode of admission as evidenced by the recent admissions, our University can never become a world class University. What we have now will in the near future seriously deplete the number of Alumni branches as well as the ability to ganner funds to support the University. It may interest you to note as I have experienced, that those from outside the Core-Igbo areas seem to be more passionate and committed to our alma mater and therefore they even give more freely, examples abound.

1. Admission of Alumni Children/wards: You may all wish to know that this has become a very moony issue considering the fact that the current University administration has not been amendable in this regard. In-fact, the last time we submitted a list of qualified prospective Alumni children for admission to the University was three years ago. Nevertheless, we will not be deterred because of the time-tested advantages of encouraging the Alumni Spirit and tradition, and spread of admission process. There will soon be light at the end of the tunnel.

2. Students Union:- The University of Nigeria has gone on far sometime now without an elected students Union body. This is because it is convenient for the administration to run the University without the diverse views that make up a University. This is anomalous. Our youths cannot be leaders of today if they do not learn the art of governance. It is my view that the culture of impunity we have in Nigerian society today is as a result of the destruction of democratic tenets and ideals. I, therefore, appeal to the University authority to encourage and constitute a students Union through a free and fair election. 2. Certificate And Transcript Let me use this opportunity to commend the National Universities Commission for its current policy of no certificate, no graduation policy. However, we still have a back log of unsigned certificate in our University. Many of our graduates have continued to lose job opportunities because they are unable to present

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


their certificates. Obtaining a TRANSCRIPT is a very daunting task in our University. This is compounded by the deplorable attitude and conduct of the workers in the exams and records offices. Lions and Lionesses, it is just very difficult to obtain a transcript in our University, many of you may have lost admission chances because you failed to present your transcript on time, because you were unable to obtain your transcript from our alma mater. Issues like these undermine our Alumni movement, because many of our graduates, who have had such despicable experiences, find no reason at all to associate with us or the University. Can these graduates ever give back to the Alma Mater? Alumni Relations Officer I wish to use this platform, to once again urge the Vice-Chancellor to appoint an Alumni Relations Officer (ARO) who would become a bridge between the university and the Alumni; who would be able to build a lot of goodwill for the University. What the University is attracting now is infinitesimally small compared to what it would, if the University makes a conscious effort at cultivating its alumni. An articulate ARO will be invaluable in this regard. The University, for its own benefits, needs an (ARO) Alumni Relations Officer. The Alumni Relations Officer must be Alumnus/alumnae not below the rank of a deputy registrar. 3. The Alumni Centre Lions and Lionesses, the quest for the construction of a befitting Alumni Centre is on course and yielding fruits. Very soon, we will be laying the foundation for this structure. However, I urge you all to come alive to your responsibilities by contributing your time and money.

the toilets are in deplorable conditions. While calling on the University Authority to act immediately on this matter, it is my take, the Alumni has a great stake here because the students are our children and wards. We must resolve very strongly, even for our own sake, to renovate these hostels. ALUMNI WEBSITE Lions and Lionesses, I wish to inform you that we have created the University of Nigeria Alumni Website. This is in support of our belief that our own Website will stimulate great interest and interaction among UNAA members in the overall benefit of the Association and our Alma Mater. The Registration of our Members will hence forth be on line at the minimal cost of N1,000 per member. The modalities will be worked out immediately in the interest of the National body and the Branches. I use this opportunity to call on all graduates of the University of Nigeria worldwide to register on-line and be part of the biggest alumni movement in Africa. At this juncture, I want to thank each and every one of you who shelved all other engagements to come and who have in your prayers, efforts, and advice sustained our great Alumni and the University. I am convinced, by the special grace of God, that we will have fruitful deliberations in Los Angeles. Thank you. Dr. Nwanne Chioke National President.

4. Students Hostels The students Hostels in our University, especially,


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

Umunna Humphrey Orjiako, PhD, is the Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva, Switzerland. He has held many high profile diplomatic positions in and outside Nigeria, including Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Nigeria to the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein; Director/Chef du Cabinet in the Office of the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs; Director, of the Overseas Communication Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Director, Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Chairman of the Foreign Service Implementation Committee; and Director, Special Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Foreign Service Reforms. He has also served as professional Minister (Diplomatic), USA ẃ Nigeria Political Relations, the Organization of American States, and the Bretton Woods Institutions in Washington D.C., Director, Research and Planning in the Office of Special Presidential Envoy on Conflict Resolution in Africa; Minister (Diplomatic) of Political/Economic Affairs of Nigeria to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; Minister and Political/Economic Officer of Nigeria to the Kingdom of Belgium, the European Commission, Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group (ACP), North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO), and the World Customs Organization, all in Brussels, Belgium; Minister Counselor, Special Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs; and Senior Counselor, International Organizations Department. He has also held diplomatic positions in Helsinki ẃ Finland, Copenhagen ẃ Denmark, Oslo ẃ Norway, Stockholm ẃ Sweden and Madrid-

Spain. He was the best graduating student o the Nigerian Foreign Service Academy Class of 1990. Dr. Orjiako has been Plenipotentiary Diplomatic Negotiator and Conference Officer from 1991 till date. He has participated in a catalogue of high profile international diplomatic meetings, negotiations and specialized conferences including: • The United Nations General Assembly (1991 - Date), • Summits of the Non-Aligned Movement, around the world, • AU Summit Conferences around Africa, • Conference on Disarmament (CD) • Conferences of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) • World Health Organization (WHO) Conferences around the World • Currently President of the World Health Organization⁹s latest body, SSFFC ẃ for the Control of Substandard & Counterfeit Medical Products

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• Global Conferences on Climate Change/Environment • Represents Nigeria at the UN Conferences on Trade & Development • The Human Rights Council • The Global Fund for HIV/AIDs • International Telecommunication Union (ITU) • International Labor Organization (ILO) • International Parliamentary Union (IPU) • International Office of Migration (IOM) • UN High Commission for Refugees (UNCHR); to mention a few. In the course of these assignments, Ambassador Orjiako has travelled to well over 100 countries in four (4) continents. Dr. Orjiako received a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science with first class honors from the University of Nigeria in 1979. He received an MA degree from the University of Lagos in 1981 and the PhD degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts. He also received advanced Diplomas from the Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone, and the Ghana Institute of Management and Public


Administration, Achimota. Dr. Orjiako has authored a number of books, novels and publications in specialized journals including: 1. A Drop of Mercy ẃ Longman, Lagos 2. End of Dark Street ẃ Longman, Lagos 3. Shadows Across the Sea ẃ RoseDog, Pennsylvania 4. Killing Sub-Saharan Africa with Aid ẃ Nova Science, New York 5. Economic Diplomacy (contributor) ẃ Ministry of Foreign Affairs 6. Nigeria⁹s Foreign Policy Highlights (Researcher) ẃ Ministry of Foreign Affairs 7. Template for a new Foreign Service Academy ẃ Ministry of Foreign Affairs 8. Contending Issues in Nigeria⁹s Foreign Policy (Essays) NIIA He has also delivered numerous speeches and keynote statements on contemporary issues in international affairs. Dr. Orjiako and his wife, Mrs. Florence Kechi Orjiako, have four children. His hobbies include lawn tennis, reading, writing books and novels, and culture tourism.

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


The University of Nigeria was opened as a landgrant university on the eve of Nigeria’s independence in October 1960, making it Nigeria’s first indigenous and autonomous university. Its mandate, as prescribed by its founder and Nigeria’s first president, Rt. Hon. Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, was to provide the manpower needed to build the newly independent black nation. Benefitting from the mentorship and technical assistance of Michigan State University, USA and the University of Exeter, UK, The University of Nigeria built a reputation for excellence – and breakthroughs soon followed. Remarkable


among these were the discovery of the first cholera vaccine in 1970. Soon after, the university’s college of medicine became one of the first in Africa to successfully perform an open heart surgery. The University has since grown in leaps and bounds with campuses at Nsukka, Enugu and a teaching hospital at Utuku Ozalla- to become one of Nigeria’s most reputable universities, and, with a student enrolment of nearly 40,000, is also one of its largest. As a comprehensive university, degrees are offered in courses under 16 faculties including Agriculture, Arts, Biological Sciences, Business Administration,

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences, Law, Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Annual graduation figures currently stand at over 10,000 and 2500 for Bachelors and postgraduate degrees respectively. The University enjoys a reputation of excellence and is credited with many inventions and discoveries while her graduates often excel, even in the diaspora. The University is currently under the leadership of a visionary and dynamic Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bartholomew N. Okolo, who strives to place the university at the forefront of research and development, innovation, knowledge creation and dissemination, human capital, resource development and community service. The priorities of the administration include

upgrading of infrastructure, staff development and internationalization through collaborations with reputable institutions across the globe. Recent developments at the University include the establishment of a UNESCO Category II Biotechnology Institute, a new Centre for Financial and Capital Market Studies, an International Centre for Environmental Management and Control and a new Centre for Maritime Studies and Oceanography. Other developments include the Centre for Research on Climate Change Adaptation funded by a grant from the Open Society Institute, a grant from World Bank, African Development Bank and Tetfund for the Centre of Excellence in Vocational Technical Education, and the upgrading of the Institute of African Studies and a Centre for Igbo Studies.

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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


Congratulations to t Drr.. Emmanuel Ekwelundu and members of UNN-USA Alumni on the occcasion of your

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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention


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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention



University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA Alumni and Friends Association | 7th Annual Convention

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