Nise Development Organisation Inauguration Brochure Brochure

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Los Angeles Chapter-President's

Welcome Address we were contemplating whether we would continue or not, but fortunately for us, things were moving smoothly despite little bumps and distractions. At this juncture, in July 2012, the women folks; that is our wives, married and adult single daughters of Nise indigene (“umuada”) joined us.

Our Esteemed Chairman, members of the High Table, our special guests, supporters and well-wishers, “NdiNzenaOzo”, distinguish ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome.

As our meeting (NDO SC Chapter) has continued to wax strong and stronger and grown from strength to strength since membership increased, in one of our bi-monthly meetings we brainstormed on several options but finally agreed first to create awareness in Southern California by having inauguration ceremony. To “create awareness” we mean, we want the Southern Californians to be aware and recognize that NDO SC is in existence. Also, at that meeting we deliberated and agreed to use the inauguration medium to raise funds to support the Central Body on their good course – Construction of Community Hospital, which is now at advanced stages, hence this inauguration and fund raising event.

It is with a deep sense of appreciation that I have the honor to welcome all of you to the Nise Development Organization (NDO) Southern California Chapter, inauguration and fund raising celebration, this 18th day of October 2014.

Distinguished guests, and friends, that is why we are asking for your support. I offer our appreciation for any measure of donation you would be making tonight and ask God to replenish and enrich you for your kindness.

I was made aware of the existence of the NDO Central Body in the year 2009 through one of our members here in Southern California. He briefed me about the NDO National Conventions he had attended and also the project at hand, which is the construction of a Community Hospital located at Nise Town, Awka South LGA, Anambra State. Since after the information coupled with impressive achievements by the executives of the National Body, I felt the need for us to have the NDO California Chapter.

With humility and sincere gratitude, I salute the NDO SC Chapter members for their dedication, effective planning and personal sacrifices that have produced the gigantic event we are having today.

After several unsuccessful efforts to have California Chapter, I took it upon myself and started making personal calls. As unexpected and by the grace of God everybody responded with excitement. In March 2011 we held our first meeting and this has been going on. Those present at the initial meeting were the following: Sam Ojiyi, Uche Ojiyi, Chuks Obue, Ugo Nwocha, Ekene Ezenwaka and myself; six of us. Men’s folks started first, because due to our small number, NDO Brochure 2014

On behalf of NDO SC Chapter, I thank and commend the National President of Nise Development Organization (NDO) USA, Dr Emma Enekwechi and members of his executive for the ways they pilot the affairs of the National Body especially conceptualizing the idea of Nise Cottage Hospital and courageously raising the funds for the construction of the hospital. Again, welcome to NDO SC Chapter inauguration and fund raising. Please relax, enjoy, eat, dance and make merry. I wish you safe trip back to your respective homes. Samuel Nnatu Ofobeze Chairman NDO SC Chapter. 3

National President


NDO Brochure 2014

NDO Brochure 2014


Program of Event

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.


Introduction of the Master of ceremonies Introduction of the chairman, Chief Launcher & members of the High Table. Opening prayer by Chief Peter Ochoifeoma Playing of the National Anthems: United States and Nigeria Inauguration chairman’s Opening Remarks Presentation and Traditional Breaking of Kola Nuts. Welcome Address by the President-NDO Southern California chapter Address by the President General-NDO, USA. Introduction of inaugural Members Serving of Dinner Opening of the Dance floor by the President-NDO Southern California Chapter Dance! Dance! Dance! Nise Cottage Hospital Fund Raising by the Chief Launcher & co- Launcher Enterainment:Ben EzeAmushie: writer/Director/Co-Producer.Versatile-African oral Traditionalist. Fund Raising & Donations. Nise Women’s Cultural Dance Umu-Asa Dance Group Dance! Dance! Dance! Ogene Masquerade/ Nise Men’s Dance Raffle ticket draw Inauguration Chairman’s closing Remarks Dance! Dance! Dance!

NDO Brochure 2014

NDO Southern California Chapter Members Collage

NDO Brochure 2014


Nise Town In Perspective Little is known of the history of the Nise Town. It was founded by Okpalaorikpaku, who was either the son of Ukabia or her husband. According to oral evidence of the elders, Nise was existing before the disastrous war (Ada War) that nearly wiped the inhabitants out of existence. The Ada warriors, some said, came from Abriba, others said from Izuogu and Ohaofia. The people of first Nise were celebrating the Ebe festival when a band of Warlike people from Abriba/Izuogu/Ohaofia, who were on a war expedition came; our elders are of the opinion that it annihilating the first people of Nise. Fortunately, a man called Okpalaorikpaku who later become the founder of the second Nise, escaped and hid in a hole in an oil bean tree (Ukolo-Akpaka). From this episode, we derived “Nise Akpaka,” because Okpalaorikpaku, the founder of the second Nise was saved by the oil bean. When these people, who were said to be great warriors and travelers left, he came out from the hallow bean tree and started wandering in a broad expanse of land between Nise and Mbaukwu. This area was then a wilderness of birds and animals. 8

As he was wandering, looking for food, he met a woman named Ukabia who also escaped from the same war in Nibo. This woman promised him that she would be helping in getting their daily meals. Okpalaorikpaku and Ukabia came out from the wilderness and settled at Aniyi, a small portion of land that now forms the Central School, Nise. As time went on, Ukabia gave birth to Ezeike (Nibo), Anunwa (Nise), and Akabor (Mbaukwu). Ukabia insisted on sending her first son to Nibo because she came from that area. Moreover, she wanted to build a town there, for her remembrance. Her first son started raising his own children. Ezeike was the father of Ezeawulu, Ezeonye, Ifite, and Umuanum village. Anunwa (Nise), the second son of Okpalaorikpakpu got married and started raising up his own children, he was the father of five children namely, in order of seniority Ngodo, Dumunso (Arah), Isiakpu, Azunakpa (Umuazu), and Aniyi. From these five children of Anunwa, five brothers of the same parent (Mother of five children) we got the name “Nise”. Ngodo, the first son of Anunwa gave birth to Gbulu and Ono. Gbulu raised his own children namely, in order of seniority Adumoji, Nwufo, Obunano, Umueze and Gbuluono. While the second son of Ngodo, was NDO Brochure 2014

Nise Town In Perspective continued the father of six children namely, Umuora, Umuirunwe, Umuono, Umezeigwe, Umuezenwoke, and Umuaghalunwa. Dumunso (Arah), the second son of Anunwa was the father of five children that make up of Arah village, namely in order of seniority Umuezealo, Ogboegolum (Agbani), Umuezeilo, Umuetolu and Umuenwuze. The third son of Anunwa was Isiakpu. Isiakpu had seven children namely, in order of seniority Umuonyia, Umunwoji, Umuosinam, Umuike, Umudunakuofor, Umuonyia obele and Amaenyi. Azunakpa (Umuazu), the fourth son of Anunwa was the father of six children that make up of Umuazu village namely, in order of seniority Umudomebelu, Umuezeanosike (Agbani), Ezunuenebo, Umueze, Umuefi, and Umudana Agbado. Aniyi, the last son of Anunwa did not make it on his own; he joined their elder brother, Ngodo NDO Brochure 2014

for his survival. Now Aniyi is in Ngodo village. Arah became the head of the villages due to the roles, they played during the Nise and Enugwu-ukwu War, which was fought in the mid 19th century. During the war, many Nise people were killed, until Arah joined the war with her Great War charm called Ekpu. But the preparation of Ekpu concoction demands human head, which Ngodo the eldest son was unable to provide. They decided that any village that could bring or provide the human head for the Ekpu concoction will be the head of the other villages, which Arah provided at last. That is why Arah village is now the head of the other three villages of Nise town, followed by Ngodo, Isiakpu, and last Umuazu village. Nise in Diaspora who’s who Sir Ezenwaka Ekene



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NDO Brochure 2014

NDO Brochure 2014



NDO Brochure 2014

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