Umuada Ndi Igbo Day in California Brochure

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Program of Events Umuada Ndi-Igbo California Chapter Fund Raising/Induction Event Program 10/11/14 Phase 1 1. Introduction Of The Master Of Ceremony By The Chapters’ Social Directors 2. Introduction Of Event Chairman/Chief Launcher 3. Introduction Of Members Of The High Table 4. Umuada Ndi-Igbo Procession Presented By The National Social Director And The National Secretary General 5. Opening Prayer By The National Spiritual Director 6. National Anthem-America And Nigeria 7. Brief Remarksby The West Coast Regional Coordinator, Inland Empire And Los Angeles Coordinators 8. Presentation Of Kolanut By The Los Angeles And Inland Empire Coordinators And The West Coast Regional Coordinator Accompanied By The Princesses 9. Chairman’s Opening Remarks 10. Dinner/Refreshments/Light Music 11. Founder/National President’s Address 12. Opening Of The Floor By The Chairman And Members Of The High Table 13. Launching!Launching!Launching! (To Benefit Breast Cancer Research And Our Childrens’ Education) 14. Umuada Ndi-Igbo Special Dance - Igbo States Folk Music Phase 2 15. National Induction Of New Members By The Founder And All The National Executives/Committee 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Raffle Ticket Drawing Vote Of Thanks By The National Vice-President Dance! Dance! Dance! Dance! Closing Prayers

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Address by Chief /Lady Ada Ozo Mrs. Nonye Agude Founder/National President UMUADA NDI IGBO IN DIASPORA, INC 2014 CALIFORNIA (LOS ANGELES & INLAND EMPIRE) DAY & INDUCTION CEREMONY October 11, 2014 The Hon. National Vice President, Chief Uloma Ihenachor (Obata uloadimma of Orlu), Hon National Secretary-General, Mrs. Chime Okafor, Hon. West Coast Regional Coordinator, Mrs. Ozo-Diche Agatha Ibekwe, Hon. East Coast Regional Coordinator, Lolo Christy Ejiogu (Ezenwanyi Umuada Ndi-Igbo) Hon. Inland Empire Chapter Coordinator, Mrs. Mary Meregini, Hon. Los Angeles Chapter Coordinator, Mrs. Nnenne Bosah, Hon. LA Chapter Event Planning Chairperson, Mrs. Amoge Ngwu, Hon. IE Chapter Event Planning Chairperson, Mrs. Blessing Njoku, Hon. Inland Empire Assistant Coordinator, Mrs. Lovelyn Anyanwu, Hon. Los Angeles Assistant Coordinator, Lolo Amaka Okpala, Hon. LA Chapter Event Planning Coordinator, Lady. Josephine Akametalu, Hon. National Executives; Regional/State/Chapter Executives, Hon. Event Planning Committee Members, Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Hon. Los Angeles & Inland Empire Members, Beloved Inductee members, Respected Guests, Ladies & Gentlemen: All protocol observed! Good evening to you all. It is with much grace and honor that I welcome our respected guests, VIPs/eminent personalities, beloved husbands/other family members, and especially you, the glamorous and honorable members and leaders, of this respected grassroots organization called Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. & Trademarked. I sincerely thank you all for taking time off your very busy 5

schedules, especially those that travelled a long way, to be here with us this evening. Your presence here today is eloquent testimony to how close to your hearts you hold Umuada Ndi-Igb in Diaspora and its core values. To all those who worked tirelessly, day and night, planning and putting everything in place to make this event a reality, I say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! My special thanks to members of the National, Regional, State and Chapter Executives for the selfless sacrifices you have made to keep this grassroots movement alive and ticking! To the heads & members of the Planning Committee: May the Lord Almighty Bless you and reward you abundantly for the time and other resources you have put in to give us this brilliantly gorgeous evening! Thank God too for transforming a mere dream into the huge reality we now see here today, as well as for guiding us and sustaining this organization since it was born some four years ago! Amen. Before I proceed I want to take a moment to reflect on our eventful journey from when we started this organization up until this very moment. When we started we gave ourselves these goals: 1) Mobilization of Igbo women towards Igbo unity and progress – ODINMA IGBO. 2) Preservation of our fast fading Igbo Language, Tradition and Culture. 3) Women Empowerment 4) Youth Development/Empowerment 5) Promoting Healthy Matrimonial Relationships / Fighting against domestic violence 6) Promoting Unity amongst Umuada with ultimate aim of bringing all Ndi Igbo in the Diaspora together. Benefits of UMUADA membership include: National Membership ID Cards, which is symbol of the Umuada Igbo Nigeria in Diaspora Inc. pride! Promote, empower, assist and patronize our members in business, politics, education, public service and other careers by way of networking. Fellow Umuada standing/identifying with, and supporting one another, in times of need or celebration. Providing/encouraging free flow of useful ideas and information within the Umuada family. This kind of information becomes useful and handy to those intending to set up businesses or other such projects, both here in Diaspora and back home. Our successes: The Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. story has been one of a miracle. In fact we started with absolutely nothing (not even a dime), but succeeded in making Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. a household name in the USA within less than two years. There is currently hardly any segment of the Igbo Community here in the USA 6

that Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. is not known. All this is thanks to our very hard working members and their leaders. Other successes include: Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. is duly registered & trademarked with the state of California and the US Federal Gov’t as a not for profit organization; We are one of a few organizations of similar standing with a physical International; A beautifully crafted and trademarked uniform; Fast growth/expansion in the USA —- 8 chapters and counting! Liaising with Arik Airline through Life & Time Magazine, and other potential sponsors to help us muster resources to help realize our goals and objectives; Liaising with women in Nigeria(thanks to the efforts of the West Coast Coordinator) with the intention of setting up chapters of Nigeria; Plans underway to establish cassava processing plants in Nigeria to assist and empower the local women; Plans to start writing grants to raise money needed to establish our LONG TERM VISION of setting an UMUADA CENTER NDI-IGBO CENTER for CULTURAL AWARENESS, WOMEN EMPOWERMRNT AND COUNSELLING CENTER FOR WOMEN/CHILDREN VICTIMS OF ABUSE AND NEGLECT, AND FOR SHORT-TERM HOUSING. Umuada Ndi-Igbo recently created waves in Nigeria National politics by weighing-in in the Child marriage Act at the Nigeria National Senate. Establishing and inaugurating the Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. Website (thanks to our able Vice President (Chief Uloma). Also, Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. has been represented (with flying colors) at the various national & international events, including Nwada Igbo dinma di ogo Beauty Contest in December of 2009, in Nigeria by the USA National Coordinator/Chairperson; WIC Board Meeting in Canada, June 2009. Other special events/activities include: * Participation in the Martin Luther King Day Parade in Los Angeles, by both the Los Angeles and Inland Empire Chapters in 2013; * Visit/presentation of gifts to the Los Angeles Children Hospital, as well as the Battered Women Shelter in 2012, by Los Angeles Chapter members; * Visit/presentation of gifts to the Battered Women Shelter in the Inland Empire by the Inland Empire Chapter members 2013; * Participation in the ABC News organized TOY DRIVE for Children in 2013 by the Los Angeles Chapter. This is just to name a few. I want to thank the wonderful women of the Los Angeles Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

and Inland Empire chapters for all the wonderful community service. I am very proud of you. Challenges: Our journey has not been smooth, though. We have had our own fair share of problems. There have been accusations and counter accusations; suspicion of one another as well as well as lack of trust by some elements of our great organization. It got so worse to the point where a few misguided members took the law into their own hands and decided to disregard every directive by the National Executive and the constitution. They ended up breaking away to form their own group. Unfortunately they did so with our funds. We did appeal several times for them to refund our money, but they refused. We also pleaded with community leaders to appeal to them to do what is right and refund our money but they ignored every piece of advice. We ended up in court and won. I thank the members and leaders of this wonderful organization for fighting hard for their rights. So long as we continue to stay strong and remain focused, only the sky will be our limit, God Willing! Our theme for the 2014 California Day is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS, RESEARCH & CURE. As women, there are few assets, if any, that we hold very dear and which deserve more of our attention than our breasts. Breast health is obviously an issue we cannot afford to ignore or take lightly. Breast Cancer awareness is definitely something every woman should take very seriously, especially knowing that cancer of the breast is the most common cancer in women, killing about half a million women every year world-wide. Unfortunately, most of us are still lagging behind other ethnic groups in the USA, as far as breast cancer awareness is concerned. The theme could not have been better, and it could not have come at any better time than now! It is for this reason that I consider tonight’s events to be history-making! We are here to raise funds and contribute in our little way towards the fight against breast cancer. We will also be raising money for scholarships/tuition for deserving students here. I thank you very much for coming, and pray you to donate generously to these worthy causes. The Lord will surely reward you abundantly. I wish to seize this opportunity to also remind our donors that Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) Status organization registered & trademarked with the state of California. This means you will be able to write-off any donations you will be making, when you file your taxes. Many thanks for your kind donations. We are also bound by law to account for any penny we receive. My beloved new inductees, I want to let you know that the National Executive Committee of Umuada NdiIgbo in Diaspora, Inc., has much faith and trust in you. In the same vein, we also appreciate your untainted desire to be members of this wonderful organization. Your loyalty and support for the leadership and structures of this organization is also much solicited and appreciated. Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

It is our hope that the enthusiasm you are bringing with you will inject a new dose of positive energy and hope for a brighter future for Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. We do welcome you all with open arms! Thank you very much for identifying with our stated goals and objectives. May your stay with us be a joyous one!! Thank you very much also, our respected guests. We remain indebted to you for all the support and contributions you make to the wellbeing of this organization. Our dear husbands and families, you are always there for us… day in and day out! We wouldn’t be talking about Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc., if it were not for your blessing, support and patronage. Thank you for all you do for us. We are, as usual, proud of you! To my beloved Umuada sisters: this organization is standing straight and growing taller every day because of the enormous sacrifices you make every day, in time, cash and kind! If it were possible, I would mention every single one of you by name. But that is impossible. So all I can say is THANK YOU VERY MUCH. My Special Thanks to our hardworking West Coast Regional Coordinator; our very able National Vice President; the ever ready National Secretary – General and all other National Executives! My sincere appreciation to the very capable Coordinators of the Los Angeles and Inland Empire Chapters and their respective Executive Committee Members! I am proud of all of you. Last but not least, I want to express my sincere gratitude to members of the Planning Committees of the two chapters (LA & IE) for a job well done! We would not be here this evening if it were not for your great organization and planning skills. Thank you very much for all the hard work. May the Lord continue to show us the way, as Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. has come to stay!! Long Live Umuada Ndi-Igbo Nigeria in the Diaspora, Inc. Long Live Ndi-Igbo Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Yours in service, Chief /Lady Ada Ozo Mrs Nonye Agude, Ada zuru Igbo gburugburu Founder/National President, Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. Cc: Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora, Inc. archives



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Address by Chief Uloma Ihenachor National Vice President have a safe journey when returning to your respective homes. UmuadaNdi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc. has never had an event that is minor, especially one that involves Induction of new members. Tonight, you will have the chance to witness our Traditional Induction ceremony performed by the Founder/National President Chief/Lady Adaozo Grace Nonye Agude and the National Executive members of Umuada NdiIgbo in Diaspora from all over the United States of America. We have the honor to have in our midst this evening some of the members of the National Executives who have travelled such long distances to be here to perform this Induction ceremony. I humbly acknowledge the presence of Mrs. Chime Okafor, the Secretary General. Lady/Mrs. Christy Ejiogy, the East Coast Regional Coordinator. Lady/Mrs. Ivy Onyejekwe, New Jersey State Coordinator. Mrs. Pat Mekamkwe, New York Assistant Coordinatorand Lady/Mrs. NnennaAnokwute, Maryland State Coordinator. I thank all of you for yourdedication and services toUmuadaNdi-Igbo inDiaspora Inc. My sincere congratulations to Mrs. Ozo Agatha Ibekwe the West Coast Regional Coordinator for her hard works in coordinating the two chapters in California. She works tirelessly to see that both chapters work in harmony to uphold ourset goals and objectives. I also congratulate the executive members of both chapters for diligence in their respective official duties. I have every hope they will continue the strong leadership expected of them by UmuadaNdi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc. UMUADA NDI-IGBO IN DIASPORA INC. TM – THE UNPARALLELED People alwayssay, “History was made” to refer to a spectacular once in a lifetime event but in UmuadaNdi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc. family, we make History more spectacular and extraordinary every day and every moment. Greetings, distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Chiefs, NdiNzenaOzo, friends and well-wisher. I welcome you to another historic day in the history of UmuadaNdi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc. Today, October 11 2014 is UmuadaNdi-Igbo Day in California. Inland Empire chapter and we Los Angeles chapter are hosting this great occasion and I promise you that you will enjoy every minute of your stay with us this evening. I am sure every moment you share with us today will make an immeasurable difference in the lives of many people in our society. Suffice to say, your presence this evening is a good reason for us to celebrate. Moreover, our determination to contribute to the course of breast cancer research and cure, and the paramount need for us to empower our children through education, are worthy of making you our special guests today.Thank you for honoring our invitation. I trust you will support us to realize our immediate goalas well as continue to walk with us in this journey of making a difference in the lives of the people in our community. I thank all of you in advance for your generosities and I pray that you Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Special thanks to the Planning committee for this event chaired by Mrs. Amoge Ngwu and Mrs. Blessing Njoku. You were excellent in your leadership to see that the event was well planned and executed. UmuadaNdi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc. will forever cherish your selfless service to humanity. I thank everyone as I pray to God to continue to guide and protect us. I pray to Him to bless our families and all of us. Amen! Chief Mrs. Uloma Ihenachor - Obatauloadimma National Vice-President UmuadaNdi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc.


Address by Mrs Agatha Ozo Diche Ibekwe West Coast Regional Coordinator The Chairman of the occasion, Members of the High table, all Titled men and women, Hon. Founder/NP Umuada NdiIgbo in Diaspora Inc,, ladies and gentlemen. With utmost humility and joy but with gratitude to God Almighty, on behalf of California (Los Angeles/Inland Empire) Chapters, I warmly welcome you all to this eventUmuada Ndi-Igbo Day/ Induction of New Members. First, I express and pour my loyalty to the Almighty God for his infinite mercy and blessing in making it possible for this Organization to sail and flourish. He surely made this day come through. All adoration and glory belong to him. The theme of this event is "Breast Cancer Research/Cure and Empowering our Children through Education". Due to the need to get the group involved in humanitarian act, both chapters decided to organize a fund raising event for the projects and at the same time our new members will be inducted so as to become full fledged member of the Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc. Congratulations to our new inductee members. You are highly welcomed to the family of this noble organization. As we are all aware that California Chapters(Los Angeles/Inland Empire) recently underwent a trail period through which we emerged successfully with the grace of God. It is with great pleasure that I congratulate these two Chapters for their focus, steadfastness, unity, hard work and in upholding the goals and objectives of Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc. The name Umuada Ndi-Igbo signifies success and empowerment of our children, our women, to foster development and to alleviate hardship to the less privileged in our communities. Over the years, the California Chapters had embarked in various philanthropic gestures not limited to the trip and donations to Children Hospital in Los Angeles, participation during a TOY Drive organized by the ABC Channel 7 where LA Chapter offered financial assistance to benefit the less privileged kids in Los Angeles. Both Chapters had organized and visited Women Shelters in the City of Los Angeles and City of Riverside where 10

they offered financial, personal hygiene items and moral assistance. Both Chapters also carried out a combined activities by participating at Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Day Parade in Los Angeles where they displayed our culture and supported the parade. The principle employed by Umuada Ndi-Igbo to larger extent to dedicate herself in providing succor to humanity is second to none. I implore all the members to continue with the humanitarian gestures and commitment which elevates us to the lime light and projection to an unprecedented magnitude. My Congratulations to all the members of Los Angeles/Inland Empire Chapters for the ways you have supported your chapters in making this day a success. Eziumuada Ndi Igbo you are the best. To all my colleagues on the National level, I thank you for your support, and all that you do for this organization. My heart goes to the Coordinators Mrs Nene Bosah and Mrs. Mary Meregini, the assistant Coordinators Mrs Amaka Okpala and Mrs Lovelyn Anyanwa and the entire members of both Chapters for their tireless effort in making this event a reality. My special thanks to the Chairpersons of this event Mrs Amoge Ngwu and Mrs Blessing Njoku and the able leaders of different committee. To the National Vice President Chief Uloma Iheanchor-Obata Uloadimma and my friend and sister the East Coast Regional Coordinator, Lolo Christy Ejiogu (Anaeliaku, Ezenwanyi of Umuada Ndi-Igbo in Diaspora Inc.). I thank you both for all you have done to see that new members in California branch under my leadership are now fully inducted into the Registry of Umuada Ndi Igbo In Diaspora Inc. To our honorable Founder and National President, Chief Adaozo Nnonye Agude (Ada zuru Igbo gburugburu). I thank you for standing behind me and my members through thick and thin. I know that we can always count on you. My special thanks to all our guests for honouring our invitation. I pray that the Almighty God will guide and protect you all and lead you back safely to your destinations. Our respective families are in the picture and I respect and thank them for their unflinching support of Umuada Ndi-Igbo mission and philosophy. I appreciate you and cannot thank you enough. Long LIve Umuada Ndi-Igbo, Long Live Nigeria, Long Live America. Mrs Agatha Ozo Diche Ibekwe West Coast Regional Coordinator. Thank You, Staples Copycenter Carson 250 E Sepulveda Blvd Tel: (310) 522-0810 Fax: (310) 522-0814

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Address by Lolo Christy Ejiogu East Coast Regional Coordinator

It is with great honor that I humbly congratulate my friend and sister, Lady Agatha Ozo Diche Ibekwe, the West Coast Regional Coordinator of Umuada Ndi Igbo in Diapora and her state coordinators (Mrs Nnene Bosah, (LA chapter coordinator), and Mrs Mary Meregini (Inland Empire coordinator), on the event of their Umuada Ndi Igbo Day/ Induction of New Members. Umuada Ndi Igbo in the state of California have proven that this organization has come to stay. I appreciate the hard work and dedications of all the executives and members, in making this event a success. I encourage you all to remain steadfast and keep up your faith and trust in God. Our goals and objectives should be our main focus in this organization, and our website is worthy of emulation. Remember that United we stand, and divided we fall, so let us continue to work together for the betterment of our children and Ndi Igbo. I also use this media to appreciate our honorable President/Founder, Adaozo Nnonye Agude, (Adazuru Igbo Gburugburu ), and her NVP Chief Uluma Ihenachor (Obatauloadima ), for their unconditional love and support to the members of this organization. Please, my sisters, keep up the good work. Long live Umuada Ndi Igbo Nile . Lolo Christy Ejiogu, ( Anaeliaku) The East Coast Regional Coordinator Ezenwanyi Umuada Ndi Igbo in Diapora.

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Address by Mrs. Nne Nne Bosah LA Chapter Coordinator

Good evening, first I must say to our Honorable Chairman, our loving husbands, special guests of honor, friends, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. It is with much humility and gratitude to God that I welcome you to this event our Umuada Ndi Day/Fundraising Night. I appreciate your time, presence and generosity. Umuada Ndi Igbo Los Chapter has been through trials in the past few years in which breakage as well as financial loss has occurred. For that reason, members have left to establish their own path. Notwithstanding all the trials, I wish them well. Umuada Ndi Igbo are still becoming stronger and increasing in numbers. I am proud to say that the Los Angeles Chapter has added over twenty new members. I am also proud to report that under my leadership and with the support of my respected SISTERS, Umuada Ndi Igbo Los Angeles chapter has reawakened our spirit of SISTERHOOD again. With the resurgence of this strong sisterhood, we have participated in many community events which are corner stone in making our community much stronger. • We started out by showing our presence at the Spark of Love – Channel 7 ABC Toy Drive in the City of Cerritos. There we delivered toys and made monetary donation for the children. • We also visited Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. We gave presents to the children along with some words of encouragement to help them through their time of illness and Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

to assure them that things were going to get better. This actually brought smiles to their faces, joy and hope to their hearts. • Also visited was the Sojourn Services for battered women in Santa Monica. We enjoyed visiting this place because we are women and want to be a support system for those who need to know that life can be beautiful and there will always be someone there for you. At the home we gave some monetary donation as well. • Finally was the Martin Luther King Parade Los Angeles on January 2013, where we in the parade dressed in our traditional clothing and played Nigerian music. This was done to promote Nigerian cultural spirit. Our plan is to utilize the proceeds from this event to support Breast Cancer Awareness at home (Nigeria) and here in Los Angeles and also give scholarship to our children. We will appreciate your generous donations and will assure you that your contributions will be judiciously utilized as per Umuada Ndi Igbos’ vision and initiatives. I would like to use this opportunity to thank all members of Umuada Ndi Igbo California for making this event possible. A special thanks to the event planning committee, our Matron Lolo B. Agu. Thank you for your support. My special thanks to our West Coast Regional Coordinator Lady Mrs Ozo Ibekwe for her leadership, and also making sure that our event is successful. To Chief & Mrs. Anayo Akametaluy, Chief and Mrs. Emma Obiorah, on behalf of LA Chapter, I must say a very BIG APPRECIATED THANK YOU for providing us with the space where we meet and hold our monthly meetings at no cost. I must not fail to recognize our National Committee members from the East Coast who left their busy schedule to come and be with us tonight. I say thank you for gracing our event. My sincere thanks go to our husbands, who are the stronghold and our back bones for all their support. Finally, to my husband, Mr. Matthew Ogomegbunam Bosah, Ifeadigo 1 of Ogbunike, I throw my sincere gratitude for all your support. To our guests, again, we appreciate your presence and your generous support. May the good Lord Jesus Christ, guide and protect you as you go back to your respective destinations. Thank you so much and God bless you all! Mrs. Nne Nne Bosah (Nwanyi Maluogo-Oligbuediya) LA Chapter Coordinator Umuada Ndi Igbo in Diaspora Inc.


IE and LA Chapters Assistant Coordinators

Amaka Okpala (LA Assistant Cordinator) (Asst. Coordinator of Umuada Ndi Igbo: LA Chapter) gladly congratulates the enter membership of Umuada Ndi Igbo in Southern California on their induction of new members and celebration of a beautiful association. Long live Umuada Ndi Igbo in Diaspora!!!

Mrs. Lovelyn Ugonma Anyanwu (Asst. Coordinator of Umuada Ndi Igbo: IE chapter) (Asst. Coordinator of Umuada Ndi Igbo: LA Chapter) gladly congratulates the enter membership of Umuada Ndi Igbo in Southern California on their induction of new members and celebration of a beautiful association. Long live Umuada Ndi Igbo in Diaspora!!!


Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi Igbo Chapters

The entire membership of Los Angeles Chapter wish to congratulate the National Executives, State and Chapter Executives and entire members of Umuada Ndi Igbo of Southern California on this great day of fundraising for scholarship for our children and cancer awrenesss/research and Induction of new members into our awesome organization. Umuada ndi Igbo!!! Chukwu chili anyi Eze!!! Group picture-Umuada ndi Igbo Los Angeles Chapter

The entire membership of Inland Empire chapter wish to congratulate Umuada Ndi Igbo of Southern California on this great day of fundraising, Induction of new members and celebration of who we are now and will continue to be. May God continue to bless us all in Jesus name!

Umuada Ndi Igbo-Inland Empire- General Membership

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi Igbo Chapter Executives Los Angeles Chapter Executives 1. Nnenne Bosah (LA Coordinator) 2. Amaka Okpala (LA Assistant Coordinator) 3. Silvia Alugbue (Secretary) 4. Evelyn Okafor (Assistant secretary) 5. Ngozi Ogeoke (Financial Secretary) 6. Joy Ochoifeoma (Assistant Financial Secretary) 7. Ngozi Nyenke (Treasurer) 8. Elechi Egeonuigwe (Protocol officer) 9. Adaku Muogboo (Spiritual director) 10. Lolo Ugoeze (Spiritual director) 11. Martha Iwuoma (Provost) 12. Amoge Ngwu (Social Director) 13. Amaka Enewali (Assistant Director). 14. Ngozi Akubuilo (Publicity Secretary)

Inland Empire Executive Mrs. Mary Meregini (Coordinator) Mrs. Lovelyn Ugonma Anyanwu (Assistant Coordinator) Mrs. Aku Chijoke (Publicity Secretary) Lolo Nkoli Nwufo (Secretary) Mrs. Ugu Afakala (Assistant Secretary) Mrs. Peace Aneke (Parliamentarian) Mrs. Juliet Ukeje (Assistant Parliamentarian) Mrs. Apollonia Ibewuiro (Financial Secretary) Mrs. Nkechi Ademoye (Treasurer) Mrs. Bene Chidume (Protocol Officer/Project Director) Mrs. Blessing Akinbayode (Social Director) Mrs. Edna Ibekwe (Spiritual Director) Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California


Umuada Ndi Igbo Planning Committee Members Los Angeles Chapter Nnenne Bosah Amaka Okpala Joy Ochoifeoma Ngozi Nyenke Elechi Egeonuigwe Amoge Ngwu (LA chairperson) Ngozi Akubuilo Josephine Akametalu (raffle and brochure chairperson) Amaka Okpala32\Wbem 14. Ngozi Akubuilo (Publicity Secretary)


Iyom Josephine Akametalu

Inland Empire Mrs. Blessing Njoku (Chairperson) Mrs. Mary Meregini Mrs. Lovelyn Ugonma Anyanwu Mrs. Aku Chijoke Mrs. Apollonia Ibewuiro Mrs. Nkechi Ademoye Mrs. Bene Chidume Mrs. Blessing Akinbayode Mrs. Anthonia Udo


Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ada Ndi Igbo in Southern California Event Planning & Fundraising Committee would like to thank all of you. Thank you for spending your valuable time and money in supporting this charitable organization. Your financial contribution will help Umuada Ndi Igbo in Diaspora Inc. (Los Angeles and Inland Empire chapters) to accomplish the goal of supporting breast cancer research and empowerment of children through academic enhancement and excellence. We thank our families, friends, and well-wishers; your overwhelming support helped us in making this occasion a big success: without you, we could not have achieved this. May God continue to bless us in Jesus name Signed: Mrs. Lovelyn Ugonma Anyanwu Mrs. Josephine Akametalu

Membership List for both LA and IE Chapters Los Angeles CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP LIST 1.Adaku Muogbo 2.Amaku Okpala 3.Ann Obi 4.Anita Anaduaka 5.Amoge Moju 6.Achihiefu Caroline 7.Angel Nwosu 8.Bridget Agu 9.Elechi Egeonuigwe 10.Evelyn Okafor 11.Eurail Anyanwu 12.Georgina Ukwu 13.Imelda Okoli 14.Ify Agubata 15.Joy Ochoifeoma 16.Josephine Akametalu 17.Justine Ogbodo 18.Kelechi Umunakwe 19Liz Obiefule Ugoeze 20.Magdelene Anyanwu 21.Martha Iwuoma 22.Ngozi Akubuilo 23.Ngozi Ogeoke 24.Ngozi Nyenke 25.Nkire Ogbodo 26.Ngozi Egbunkonye 27.Mma Udorji 28.Nonye Madu 29.Nwenne Bosah 30.Ozo Ibekwe 31.Peace Ebiriekwe 32.Rosemarie Ogumesi 33.Silvia Alugbue 34.Ulomma Iheanacho 35.Uzoamaka Enewali 36.Uche Rodriguez 37.Ukamaka Anago 38.Uchenna Nwfor 39.Chiagozie Igweze 40.Apolonia Ugbah 41.Chinyelugo Okpala 42.Amauche Ube 43.Dubem Anumba 44.Olive Ifeacho 45.Charity Maduike 46. Peace Ume 47. Imma Erimma 48. Nkechi Ojinnaka Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

49. Chinyere Iwu 50. Evelyn Mbaoje

INLAND EMPIRE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP LIST 1. Mrs. Mary Meregini 2. Mrs. Lovelyn Ugonma Anyanwu 3. Mrs. Aku Chijioke 4. Mrs. Anthonia Udo 5. Mrs. Blessing Akinbayode 6. Mrs. Chidi Duru 7. Mrs. Edna Ibekwe 8. Mrs. Ekwey Okeke 9. Mrs. Ethel Ifeoma Aneke 10. Mrs. Evelyn Okonkwo (Uba) 11. Mrs. Ify Akubuilo 12. Mrs. Jacinta Uju Afakalam 13. Mrs. Juliet Ukejie 14. Mrs. Mary Udengwu 15. Mrs. NkechiAdeyemo 16. Mrs. NkoliNwufo 17. Mrs. NnekaChidueme 18. Mrs.NzubeDuru 19. Mrs. Patience Okpala 20. Mrs.PeaceAneke 21. Mrs. AppoloniaIbewiro 22. Mrs. Victoria Okafor 23. Mrs. UcheAnigbogu 24. Mrs. OnyekachiOkere 25. Mrs. Blessing Njoku 26. Mrs. Tina Anene 27. Mrs. Racheal Aneke 28. Mrs. Esther Emerula 29. Mrs. UcheEnewally 30. Mrs. ChinweNgere 31. Mrs. Felicia Agbo 32. Mrs. Regina Agu 33. Mrs. Alice Echeta 34 Mrs. Agatha Okonkwo 35. Mrs. Carol Egbo 36. Mrs. Pat –OguAjetunmobi 37. Mrs. Ngozi C. Okeke



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California



Umuada Ndi-Igbo Day in California

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