University of Nigeria Alumni and Friends Association 8th Annual Convention Brochure

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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

Welcome Address by the New Jersey Chapter President The vicechancellor, Professor B.C Ozumba; the deputy vicechancellor (academics), Professor Polly Chigbu, the prochancellor; the mayor; distinguished guests; lions and lionesses; ladies and gentlemen, it is with great joy that I welcome you all to New Jersey, the garden state of America. The founding of the New Jersey chapter of this association was indeed not an easy feat. The 2009 initiative is a follow up of the pre-existing New York chapter. We started small with the New York alumni association, and have subsequently grown and branched out further to what is today known as the New Jersey chapter of UNNUSA Alumni Association. I, as the first president, have been the prime mover of this chapter of our alumni association. Having piloted the affairs of this chapter for 5 years, I am still sorely in search of a capable hand that will succeed me, and perpetuate the good works of this association. I single handedly installed Awka chapter of the UNN Alumni in 1997 and was the first Vice- President with Prof. Ogo Ibeneme as the President who was my colleague at the Post- Graduate school UNN.. I was there at Atlanta, 2007 when the UNN-USA alumni association kicked off, and I am still here as the national Assistant Secretary General of this great association. I am working on installing the DC Chapter and Florida Chapter. I must add, a couple of years back, I was approached by the then National President Professor Oliver Ibeh who requested I should host this convention in New Jersey. Sadly, I couldn't succumb to that request due to my preoccupation with nursing education and practice. However, it has dawned on me to face this obligation and get it over with. I would at this point wish to express my indepth gratitude to the Convention Planning Committee, at the national and local level, who toiled to ensure a successful convention in New Jersey. Having revealed all the aforementioned, we, the members of this association, would want to seize this avenue to

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

congratulate the vice-chancellor on his new and prestigious appointment. The vice-chancellor, having been wrongly denied this honor for long for reasons best known to "them", we think this is a due honor in due time. You deserve it; taking the first position in two V.C races is indeed not an easy task. Academic excellence, if I must opine, is what has aided you in attaining this feat; you are undoubtedly with an impressive portfolio. As my uncle, Prof. Bona Obiorah, former deputy vice-chancellor, UNIBEN AND MY MENTOR, would always say to me, so do I to you: "You are a guy with an intimidating C.V." In my opinion, there is nothing as gratifying as academic excellence amongst one's peers. Good education is the only legacy we can be proud of leaving behind for our children. My late father always said to us: "silver and gold have I not, but I will make sure I give you the best education I can afford." Now, in hind sight, I am grateful to my late parents for the good education they offered to me. The vice-chancellor, sir, I also wish to seize this opportunity to draw your attention to pertinent campus-related issues I would want you to tackle. These include issues pertaining to: i. Prevailing cultism; ii. Incessant strikes amongst staff and students; iii. Rearing of half-baked scholars; iv. Dearth of accommodation; v. Electricity and water shortage; vi. Uneasy access to transcripts; and vii. Lack of electronic signature to append on certificates. We need to encourage the young ones to work hard in life. Intelligence has no racial or social boundary. This is clearly corroborated by the growing number of Nigeria's children emerging as valedictorians in some universities in the United States. I am indeed proud of this, and we, the UNNUSA Alumni association has, in a quest to encourage intellectual advancement, been investing huge sums in scholarship funds in UNN. A first set of 6 students recently benefited from the funds last month. Ladies and gentle men, lions and lionesses, we appreciate your presence in this meeting, and we beseech your support to help make our alma-mater a citadel of academic excellence. To our sponsors, PNC Bank, Arik Air, and individuals, we say: "thank you, and please do continue to support us with your aids, and, most importantly, your presence." Thank you! Dr. Prudence C Nwobi PhD, Med, MBA, MSc, R.N. MACA, MINA, MNAPW, MCASSON.,MNANNNA. Chair, Convention planning Committee/ Assistant Secretary UNN-USA/ President, New Jersey chapter.


Welcome Address by President, UNN-USA , Dr. Augustine Okocha Compliments to fellow lions, lionesses and our distinguished guests: On behalf of UNN-USA, I am delighted to welcome all of you to the 8th annual convention of our reputable organization. Congratulations to our New Jersey local chapter members led by Dr. Prudence Nwobi for successfully hosting us. It is obvious from the results of their efforts that an unequivocal “thank you” for a job well done is definitely deserved. The rest of my welcome op-ed appears below in three tiers – comments on: (1) the UNN Administration (2) the umbrella body of University of Nigeria Alumni Association (UNAA) (3)our own UNN-USA. UNN Administration - I am gratified that after about four years of UNN Administration Chief Executive’s absence from our annual conventions, the recently inaugurated Vice Chancellor, Professor Benjamin Ozumba is here with us. His presence heralds high hopes for improvement in UNN governance as well as our relationship with our Alma Mater during his predictably promising tenure of office. The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Polycarp Chigbu, is also in attendance and we are glad to have him in our midst once more. He was always the welcome bridge between us and the past administration. I also take the chance to welcome other UNN Staff who are present at this convention. UNAA - We are pleased that the new UNAA president, Barrister (chief ) Andrew Oru is visiting with us at this time and I welcome him and his entourage. He has already taken remarkable steps to revamp UNAA’s operations. Prominent among these is the completed revision of UNAA constitution. A working constitution is the cornerstone for effective piloting of any organization. Recognizing that fact and taking action to steady what amounts to an association’s governance ship epitomizes visionary leadership. I look forward to the proposed review of our respective association’s twin relationship in the hope of reenergizing and possibly re-making it in order to ensure a more effective Alumni Association. UNN-USA - Ours is no longer a baby or neophyte organization. In our “adulthood” we are proud of our


accomplishments. However, compared to gigantic, powerful, financially wellendowed and entrepreneurial Alumni Associations especially in the USA, ours is a struggling mildly effective dwarf. This is the time for action if we are to rise up and live up to our promise. Thus, when I assumed office, none of the eight standing committees was active and almost none of them was even populated. Today, all of them are fully populated although one or two of them is/are dormant. Most importantly however, the executive committee now meets regularly. Furthermore, one more local chapter (California) has been established and the moribund New York chapter is being resuscitated – thanks to the indefatigability of our own Lioness, Gladys Ozude. We have also implemented our scholarship scheme and the approved seed fund for the proposed UNN Pharmacy Department’s “Precepts” program has been disbursed. Since time and space limit the trumpeting of our accomplishments, I’ll now turn to our challenges. These challenges Include the following: (a) inculcate respect for the practice of constitutional democracy (b) assert responsibility as well as inspire accountability and (c) emphasize transparency in our association’s modus operandi. Also, the dire need to grow our membership pool engenders an urgent need to revivify our leadership through incentivizing our younger and grass-root members, especially local presidents, their executives and other ranks, to become more active and prominent in the national executive cadre. Yes, we have a long way to go but we have come a long way in our bid to hone in our service to our Alma Mater in the hope of facilitating her drive to “Restore the Dignity of Man”. Augustine Okocha PhD President, UNN-USA (Class of 1974)

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention


Message of Goodwill By The Vice-Chancellor, University Of Nigeria, Nsukka To The University Of Nigeria, Alunmi Association, USA On The Occasion Of Her 8th Annual Convention Holding Friday Sept 12 To Sunday Sept 14, 2014 In New Jersey, USA It is my pleasure, in my capacity as the 14th Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, to felicitate with the University of Nigeria, Alumni Association USA on the occasion of her 8th Annual Convention holding at New Jersey from Friday September 12 to Sunday September 14, 2014. The theme of the 8th Annual Convention: TO RESTORETHE DIGNITY OF MAN-FIFTY YEARS LATER: EVALUATION OF THIS ASPIRATION OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS is not only edifying and apt but also inspiring and enriching. It is indeed a daring, audacious, courageous, heroic and an enterprising mission to set for yourselves a task no one else is in a better position to undertake than UNN-ALUMNI especially an alumni extraction of those who are leaving within the territory of the land and people who gave the highest mentorship to the dreams of the founding fathers of an Afrocentric university founded and charged with the responsibility of restoring the Dignity of Man - especially the African Man. The report on the Economic Rehabilitation of Eastern Nigeria clearly sets out the challenges and needs which the University of Nigeria was founded to meet. Section 146 of the reports declares it as follows: In order that the foundations of Nigerian leadership shall be securely laid, to the end that the country shall cease to imitate the excrescences of a civilization which is not rooted in African life, a full fledged university should be established in the Region without further delay. Such a higher institution of learning should not only be cultural, according to the classical concept of universities, but it should also be vocational in its objective and Nigerian in its content. During the celebration of her silver jubilee twenty-five years ago, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe himself had very encouraging and kind words for your alma mater. In his forward to the book entitled University of Nigeria 1960-1985: An Experiment in Higher Education published as part of the activities marking the silver jubilee celebrations Zik had declared University of Nigeria at the age of 25 as successful in its ideals which according to him are captured in its motto: “To restore the dignity of man” which he further describes as “a restitution of man’s inalienable birthright to social equality, economic security, political freedom and religious tolerance”


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

Message of Goodwill By The Vice-Chancellor continued His final judgment of UNN at 25 is succinctly captured as follows in his own words: “It has since become clear that the University of Nigeria is one of the success stories of our time. I salute the university and thank God particularly for keeping me alive to see the history of the institution being written on its attainment of 25 years of age.” Fifty years in an institution’s, and indeed anyone’s, life is an age of reckoning as male life expectancy itself, especially in Africa, oscillates around that age This means that although UNNwill remain immortal until the terminal end of this mortal world, fifty years is indicative of maturity, ripeness, realization, attainment, accomplishment, and fulfillment or then infertility, aridity, fruitlessness, damnation and failure? The ‘or’ alternative is absolutely ruled out with you and your other alumni peers in every part of the globe countless of which are exceptionally gifted/endowed and wielding tremendous impact and influence across the globe. As your outstanding and irrefutable contributions to solving societal conundrums, not to say, the undoubtable perspicacity with which you have engaged your respective endeavours in life enthuse the world the University is propelled into fame particularly at a time when you are doing self-evaluation of your achievements because as succinctly stated by Dr. George Marion Johnson, the first Vice- Chancellorof the University while addressing the pioneer alumni: the reputation of the University of Nigeria is in the hands of its graduates. By your success and failure, shall your university be known.... As the University of Nigeria attains stature and international recognition, you too shall enjoy prestige and stature... If the University falls by the wayside and remains not true to its basic philosophy, we shall all be ashamed. Just as the most outstanding founding father of the university, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe thanked Godfor keeping him alive to see the history of the institution being written on its attainment of 25 years of age, I thank God who has made me the historic Vice-Chancellor of your era of stock taking and self-evaluation. As I felicitate with you and wish you a very successful deliberation during your s” Annual Convention, I look forward to a more engaging and robust relationship between UNNALUMNI USAand, of course, the entire University of Nigeria Alumni Association (UNAA) as well as all alumnus/alumni and the University. Be assured of my warmest regards. PROFESSOR BENJAMIN CHUKWUMA OZUMBA Vice-Chancellor

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention


University Of Nigeria Alumni & Friends Association-USA 2014 Convention



“To Restore the Dignity of Man – Fifty Years Later: Evaluation of this Aspiration of the Founding Fathers“


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2014 RECEPTION: DOUBLETREE, by Hilton Newark Airport, 128 Frontage Rd

10:30 A.M. –5:30 P.M. – 5-HOUR BUS TOUR TO NEW YORK CITY ($80-90/ PERSON; ARRANGED BY THE HOTEL) 5:00P.M. - 9:00 P.M. ARRIVAL AND REGISTRATION 6:00P.M. –10:00P.M. Welcome Dinner and Networking Recognition of the Local NJ Chapter and the Officers Recognition of the National Executive Greetings & Reports from the Chapters & Regions Chapters Atlanta – Mr. Chinedum Igwe California – Dr. Paul Amuchie Houston – Dr. Nick Muoneke Mid-West - Dr. Emmanuel Enekwechi New England – Mr. Tyndale Opara New Jersey – Dr. Prudence Nwobi New York – Ms. Gladys Ozoude Regions Memphis - Dr. Emmanuel Ekwelundu Pittsburgh - Dr. Mike Okoroafor 8:00P.M. -8:30 P.M. UNN-USA Leadership Team meets with New Jersey Convention committee


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

8:30P.M. - 9:30 P.M.

UNN-USA Executive Committee meets with UNAA Officers.

9:30 P.M.-10:00 P.M. UNN-USA Executive Committee meets with the VC, Prof. Benjamin Ozumba

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 CONVENTION DAY DoubleTree by Hilton Newark Airport, VENUE: 7:00 A.M. – 8:45 A.M.

Continental Breakfast Registration continues

Plenary Session 9:00 A.M. – 10:15 A.M. Co-Facilitators for Convention – Dr. Ejike Okonkwo & Mrs. Gladys Ozoude Opening Prayer – Rev. (Dr.) Romanus Muoneke Welcome - By the New Jersey Chapter President – Dr. Prudence Nwobi Welcome UNN-USA National President –Dr. Augustine Okocha Greetings UNAA – National President of UNAA – Andrew Oru, Esq Introduction of the VC – By Mr. Okey Ukekwe Address Vice Chancellor of UNN – Professor Benjamin Ozumba 10:15 A.M. -10:30 AM 10:30 A.M. – 11:45 AM



Dr. Winifred Nweke, Publicity Secretary

Breakout Sessions

Breakout Sessions Membership Enthusiasm & Improvement – Membership Committee Moderator – Mr. Chike Nweke Recorder – Ms. Ezinma Onuigbo Deliverables: Plans for a comprehensive Database of UNN Alumni & Friends, etc. University administration & Alumni Relations: The need &ways to work together Moderator – Mr. Chinedum Igwe & Prof. Polycarp Chigbu Recorder – Ms. Chinwe Eze Deliverables: Actionable plans; Solutions to perennial problems of Certificates and Transcripts, Electronic signatures, Alumni office/officer Educational Linkages – Leveraging alumni expertise to benefit our Alma Mater to excel in learning and research Moderator- Dr. Dozie Amuzie & Dr. Kate Okpukpara Recorder – Dr. Emma Ekwelundu Deliverables: Actionable plans for Webinars, joint grant applications, online courses, Short summer courses, etc. Management, Operation of the Endowment Funds and the Elite Club: A Review Moderator – Mr. Jonathan Okpukpara, Dr. Nick Muoneke & Rev. Okey Ogbuagu

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention


Recorder Mr. Didacus Udeoji Deliverables: Fund raising plan; Individual and Corporate Sources of funds; formula for funds use and distribution; revisiting benefits for Elite Club Projects on Campus –Develop Criteria for Evaluating, Choosing and Funding Projects Moderator- Dr. Paul Amuchie & Dr. Charmaine Emelife Recorder – Dr. Kan Ottah Deliverables: Application process; Criteria for processing and selecting requests; Oversight and Evaluation process; Matching funds; Sustainability Plan

11:45 A.M. –12:30 PM

Second Plenary Session – Report of Deliverables from Breakout Sessions Moderator: Dr. Winifred Nweke

12:30 P.M. – 1:00 P.M. Group Photographs 1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Lunch 2:00 PM – 2:15 PM Break 2:15 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. Business Meeting – President, Dr. Augustine Okocha Report of the Secretary (Minutes) – Dr. Dozie Amuzie Financial Report by the Financial Secretary – Rev. Okechukwu Ogbuagu / Treasurer – Mr. Jonathan Okpukpara Report on the Bylaws Revision/Ratification of the revised bylaws –Attorney Onyi Ekwegbalu Report of the Standing Committees Education Committee – Scholarship program – Dr. Ngozi Okoroafor Projects and Infrastructure – Dr. Charmaine Emelife Membership – Mr. Chike Nweke Finance and Fund Raising- Dr. Kan Ottah Legal Committee – Attorney Onyi Ekwegbalu Board of Directors – Dr. Michael Okoroafor

Dissolution of the 2012-2014 Executive Committee by the President – Dr. Augustine Okocha

Introduction of the Electoral Committee by Chairman of Board of Directors: Dr. Michael Okoroafor Elections by the Electoral Committee: Rev. (Dr.) Romanus Muoneke, Dr. Charmaine Emelife & Mrs. Christie Ibe Date/Venue for 2015 Convention – Mid-West – City? Date/Venue for 2016 Convention?? Other Matters Arising 4:30 P.M. – 4:45 P.M.


5:00 P.M.

Business Meeting Adjourns


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention



University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention


Keynote Address Defining our Alma Mater’s Growth Path Professor Barineme Beke Fakae Vice Chancellor, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt

University of Nigeria Alumni and Friends’ Association (UNN-USA) 8th Annual Banquet on Saturday, September 13, 2014 Theme: “To Restore the Dignity of Man-Fifty Year later: Evaluation of this Aspiration of the Founding Fathers”. University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) was not establishedto balance a political equation but its inception came out of the genuine need to “Restore the Dignity of Man”. As said, the objectives of the University have their roots in a spirit & philosophy as old as man's search for his own fulfilment and the ancient universities of Bologna and Paris, and landgrant universities of America. The large contribution of UNN to manpower development in various fields of human endeavor globally speaks for the progress of the University towards the fulfilment of the dreams of the founding fathers. One of the founders, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, wrote nearly three decades ago, that "Universities have been responsible for shaping destinies of races and nations and individuals. They are mirrors which reflect their particular societal idiosyncrasies”. With globalization and international ranking of Universities, it has become necessary that the Universities in our Country, including our alma mater,define their individual paths of growth for development. There are general and specific aspirations. The specific aspirations which are peculiar to an institution make up the major driving force in the direction of its goal. This individual or regional thinking has become necessary following the recent pursuit of “collective bargaining”by the Staff Unions that


left our Universities in limbo for several months recently, thus resulting in the loss of a whole academic session. In the recent past, our Alma Mater has experienced a checkered growth pattern with unpredictable calendars following industrial disputes (strikes) by staff unions. The strikes have various descriptions/reasons. They are either‘sympathy strikes’ or ‘warning strikes’ or ‘local strikes’ or ‘national strikes’ and are usually total and indefinite in nature. A generation of “strike-happy” faculty has developed because no matter the length of time they down tools, their salaries are secured. Grave implications of failing calendars and international datelines are of no consequence in this arena. Exchanges between our Universities and collaborative studies which strengthen growth have been made to suffer, yet we still expect to meet the dreams of the founding fathers. When extreme unionism is extolled over academic excellence and the dreams of the founding founders, regression sets in. From 2000, the universities in Nigeria have experienced up to twenty one (21) forced closures leading to the loss of approximately three (3) academic sessions. As a Parasitologist, I have learnt that only a foolish parasite will kill its host. So if in agitation for a better welfare packages we destroy the very essence of one’s existence,

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

then we cannot be said to be wise. It has been envisaged recently that through a need assessment approach, the decay in our ivory towers couldbe stopped, but one may quickly add that institutionsare not made up of only tangible things but also the intangible which may not be provided by Governments but by the philosophy and ideology that initiated the institutions. No two Universities have the same starting goal even though the goals may be similar.No two universities can develop at the same rate. Every University is capable of its individual development as driven by the dreams and aspirations of its founding founders, its alumni and its environment. Once this natural autonomy is taken out of the life of the university by blind unionism under the cloak of “collective bargaining” as unions claim, the institutions may lose their goals and aspirations because these would have been hijacked. My journey in academic research and educational administration has being propelled by the desire to make a difference for good. As a Lion I strive to make good the local slogan that says “Naturally, a UNN graduate is always ahead of others”. At my first encounter with the Dr Peter Odili, former Governor of Rivers State and an illustrious alumnus of UNN, he asked what I thought about quality. I answered without sparing a thought by telling him that he knew what Lions think about quality. Being a Lion himself, he understood and quickly gave the job of combating academic corruption and cultism in the Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori. Following the unprecedented transformation of the institution within a very short time, he publicly declared at the convocationthat“of all the appointments we have made since we became Governor and Visitor, the appointment of the present Rector of Bori Polytechnic, is one of those appointments that has given us the greatest satisfaction and joy”. As for the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt (RSUST), the Visitor, Rt Hon ChibuikeRotimi Amaechi, described it as “dead and buried” and requested that I should lead a rescue mission. At the time, the University was at the bottom of the league table, having only eight (8) programme accredited out of thirty nine (39) with very deplorable learning environment. However, just five (5) years down the line, the University has risen from its depressing 76th position to an impressive 12th position, becoming the first State owned University to appear on the Webometric Ranking Table of Nigerian Universities. Today, the RSUST is the foremost e-varsity, running a paperless Senate with stable academic calendar and graduates receiving their certificates and transcripts on the day of graduation! Today, just like his predecessor, Governor Amaechi has also public declared “The Rivers State Government is satisfied with the appointment of Prof Fakae and I congratulate him for his numerous

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

achievements”. RSUST has adopted a regional thinking, focusing on the dreams and aspirations of the founding fathers. This has led Heads of Departments, Deans of Faculties and the Senate to take a resolve that strike action is no longer an option for the demand for better conditions of service or in the settling of disputes. This has not only taken the University out of the woods but has set it on a steady path of growth, on its way to recovery and meeting the world class standard. As for UNN, various administrations from its inception have contributed their quota but a large room remains for its graduates to fill by deliberately ploughing back into the Alma Mater. For the two institutions which God has graciously allowed me to lead successfully, it was the intervention with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that powered the transformation. Its introduction clearly changed the way the business of education was conducted. For us to benefit from the technological developments, a cadre of professionals has to be educated with sound ICT backgrounds, on various computer platforms and software environments. More so, the world is becoming more and more complex, forcing people to realize the inadequacy of manually operated information systems and hence becoming more dependent on computer technology. Our target should be towards the transformation of our University into a creative, information-based and productive agent of change that is modern, efficient and effective, being innovative rather than rule-bound. A University that is capable of forging constructive partnerships with outside groups rather than being insular. On this note, I urge all alumni to think in the direction of assisting UNN to adopt the e-approach in the administration, teaching and learning. The digital lifestyle and its mobile applications are imperatives for the new direction of development for faster recovery of our Alma Mater. Lastly, it is a pleasure to be with you this evening and a particular pleasure to be recognized for a life achievement award by products of my Alma Mater. This is coming in the heels of the 50th Anniversary Alumni Award that was handed to me and Dr. SamJajaby His Excellency, Sir GTG Toby and Professor Pat Utomi on behalf of the Port Harcourt Branch of the Alumni Association. I congratulate members of the planning committee and all who have thought so well about me. I commend your effort and promise that under God, I shall continue to do our Alma Mater proud in all my endeavors and to remain an illustrious LION! God bless you all!


Bio Page of Keynote Speaker

Professor BARINEME BEKE FAKAE DVM, MSc (Nigeria), CertRP, PhD (Edinburgh), MNSAP, MCVSN, MNYAS, MAAAS

Vice Chancellor Rivers State University of Science & Technology Nkpolu-Oroworokwo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Born on March 26, 1956, Professor Barineme Beke Fakae qualified as a Doctor of Vete-rinary Medicine (DVM) in 1982 with distinction in Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology and distinction in Veterinary Public Health and Jurisprudence obtained an MSc in Veterinary Parasitologyfrom University of Nigeria Nsukka. In 1993 he obtained PhD in Tropical Animal Health from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He was appointed Graduate Assistant on joining the services of the University of Nigeria Nsukka in 1983 and rose to rank of Professor of Veterinary Parasitology in October 2004. He headed the Department of Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology and is a Consultant Parasitologist in University of Nigeria Veterinary Teaching Hospital Nsukka. Appointed one term Rector of the Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori and a two term Vice Chancellor of the Rivers State University of Science & Technology, Nigeria. Prof Fakae has earned several international fellowships and research awards such as Wellcome Nigeria Fund Research Award, Sir Halley Steward Trust Awards, The Royal Society Third World Visiting Scientist Award and Wellcome Trust Traveling Fellowship. He is a member of several learned societies and professional bodies and a foundation member of College of Veterinary Surgeons, Nigeria (MCVSN). He has presented over 30 (thirty) papers at National and International Conferences and has to his credit over forty (40) publications in peer-reviewed and impact-factored Journals. Prof BB Fakae is a resource person to various fora on sustainable vocational and technical education in Nigeria with emphasis on the use of modern technologies for effective curriculum delivery.


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

Officers of the University of Nigeria Alumni and Friends Association USA, INC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. Augustine Okocha – Seating President Dr. Charmaine Emelife – Elected Member Dr. Paul Amuchie – Elected Member Dr. Mike Okoroafor - Chairman Dr. Nnaoke Ufere - Elected Mr. Tyndale Opara – President, New England Mr. Chinedum Igwe - President, Atlanta Chapter Dr. Nick Muoneke – President, Texas Chapter Dr. Emma Enekwechi – President, Mid-West Chapter Dr. Prudence Nwobi – President, New Jersey Chapter National Executive Committee PresidentDr. Augustine Okocha Vice President - Dr. Nick Muoneke Secretary - Dr. Dozie Amuzie Assistant Secretary - Dr. Prudence Nwobi Financial Secretary - Rev. Okechukwu Ogbuagu Treasurer - Mr. Jonathan Okpukpara Public Relations Officer - Dr. Winifred Nweke Legal Advisor - Attorney Onyi Ekwegbalu Ex-Officio Officer - Dr. Winifred Nweke

Atlanta Chapter Officers President Mr. Chinedum Igwe Vice President Dr. Kate Okpukpara

New England Chapter Officers President Mr. Benjamin Opara Vice President Mrs Chibuzor Chibueze

Secretary Dr. Kan Ottah Assistant Secretary Mr. Emmanuel Nwolisa

Secretary Mrs. Chioma Ogunedo Assistant Secretary Mr. George Ubaha

Financial Secretary Mr. Brian Ojibe Treasurer Mrs. Anastasia Anuforo Public Relations Officer Dr. Edith Okwandu Legal Advisor Attorney Onyi Ekwegbalu Ex-Officio Officer Dr. Winifred Nweke

Financial Secretary Mrs. Florence Woko Treasurer Mr. Owen Orakwue Public Relations Officer Mrs. Nneka Nduaguba Ex-Officio Member Dr. Oliver Ibe

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention


Officers of the University of Nigeria Alumni and Friends Association continued

Texas Chapter President Prof. Nick Muoneke Vice President Attorney Lawrence Nworah Secretary Dr. Mrs. Ethel Nneka Ike Assistant Secretary Mrs. Njideka Muoneke

New Jersey President Dr. Prudence Nwobi Vice President Dr. Mike Anazodo Secretary Mr. Obi Chife Assistant Secretary Mr. Obioma Achara

Financial Secretary

Financial Secretary/TreasurerMr. Sam Onuorah Public Relations Officer Dr. Ejike Okonkwo Provost Mr. Ike Oraedu

Dr. Mrs. Ifeyinwa Onwudiwe

Treasurer Mrs. Obiananma Nweke Public Relations Officer Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Okose Assistant PRO Dr. Mrs Bella Eni

Mid-West Chapter President Emma. Enekwechi Vice President Pete Enemuoh Secretary Chris Ogbondah

Assistant Provost Mr. Charles Ezeonyim Director of Socials Mrs. Ngozi Uzoka Assistant Director of Socials Ms. Ogoo Anukwu California Chapter

Assistant Secretary/Public Relations Officer Didacus Udeoji Financial Secretary Chris Ukaegbu

President Dr. Paul Amuchie Secretary Attorney Amaka Ada Akudinobi Financial Secretary Jude Njoku

Treasurer Ijeoma Nwabara Ex-Officio Officer Austin Okocha

Treasurer Paul Ike Ifediba Public Relations Officer Chike Nweke

New York Coordinator Mrs. Glayds Ozoude


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

Eligible UNN-USA 2014 Paid-Up Members

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention



University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

UNN-USA Maiden Scholarship Award Recepients

The University of Nigeria Alumni and friends Association(UNN-USA) awarded scholarships to lucky students of the University in an effort to encourage them to aspire for academic excellence. Six UNN students received the Maiden UNN-USA scholarship of N60,000 each for the 2013/2014 Academic year. The awards were presented by the VC, Prof B. C. Ozumba to each of the students on 08/20/2014 at the first official courtesy call of members of UNAA. The UNN-USA National Treasurer, Mr. Jonathan Okpukpara, represented the Association at the award ceremony at Nsukka. The names of the students are:

NAME STATE OF ORIGIN 1. Miss Ezengwa, Chidinma Perpetual ABIA 2. Mr. Nweze, Leonard Chinecherem EBONYI 3. Miss Okafor, Favour Chiom ANAMBRA 4. Miss Onuiri, Ijeoma Christiana ABIA 5. Miss Ozokolie, Rita Nkemjika ENUGU 6. Mr. Uyor, Orji Uwa ABIA

DEPT. Foreign Lang/Lit Study PHARMACY NURSING SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY Home Science & Nutrition Metallurgical/Material Engr.

Jonathan Okpukpara Treasurer, UNN-USA

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention


Minutes Of UNN-USA 2013 Convention Business meeting

People should pay dues on time to UNN USA. We need to define/prioritize the needs of UNN-USA so that we Jonathan Okpukpara said the opening prayer was said will have a clear message for fund raising. at 3:20 pm. Projects committee——Dr. Emelife (committee chair) Introductions-a written speech was read by Dr. reported that the clinical pharmacy program in Okocha (UNN-USA president) and he highlighted the Nsukka is not globally/nationally competitive and Dr. current issues facing UNN-USA (please refer to page 8 Kate Okpukpara is going to lead an effort to of the 2013 convention brochure). rehabilitate it. They will help improve capacity of Minutes—Dr. Amuzie (UNN-USA secretary) presented teachers and preceptors. The project committee is the minutes of 2012 convention and a motion for thinking about research infrastructure enhancement adoption was moved by Tyndale Opara, and seconded and awards to encourage creative activities. The by Winifred Nweke. The minutes was adopted clinical phamarcy program will need a bus to transport the students and this is what alumni can do in the unanimously. near/short term. Financial report—was presented by Rev. Ogbuagu (UNN-USA Financial secretary). The total fund (net Education committee—Dr. Ngozi Okoroafor and assets) is $82,960.33. Princess (a delegate from Abuja, Engineer Opara (committee chair and member) gave Nigeria) commended UNN-USA for transparency in a report on the scholarship application and review the presentation financial report and encouraged process. They received a lot of help from University Nigerian participants to emulate the transparency. administration, especially Professor Chigbu. Students Paul Amuchie moved a motion for acceptance and were verified by the university administration in was seconded by Mike Okoroafor. The report was conjunction with the committee. Tyndale Opara interviewed 17 students, made notes, discussed with unanimously accepted. the committee and they recommended six students Bye-laws—-The president indicated that Attorney for awards. The president will review the report with Onyi Ekwegbalu (UNN-USA Legal adviser and chair of leadership team and make awards before the end of constitution review committee) could not committee. October. Most participants from chapters suggested that the convention was a “full house” and we did not need to Chapter reports wait for the legal adviser. The president reiterated his Atlanta discomfort with proceeding in the absence of Mr. Ekwegbalu. After a long deliberation without Mr. Igwe (chapter president) said they are doing well. conclusion, Prof. Oliver Ibe proposed that we Twelve people attended and they are organizing a postpone the constitution discussion in the light of fundraising for UNN-USA scholarship on November 16 other activities and he was supported by Dr. Mike and invitations are open to everyone. Okoroafor. New England: Engr. Tyndale Opara (chapter president) Committee reports said that the state of association is good and they are doing well. Finance and Fund raising—-Dr. Kan Ottah (committee chair) mentioned areas of focus for fund raising. Houston: Prof. Nik Nmuoneke (chapter president) said


University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

that Houston is not doing as well as they could be. He was elaborated by the Pro chancellor. On inception, is working with the willing members to keep the the governing council was given a charge to check branch alive and active. decadence and impunity at Nigerian Universities. Dr. Enejere indicated that government support for New Jersey: Dr.Prudence Nwobi (chapter president) education is going down and that universities needed said they have about 35 members. The date for the to seek for alternative ways of funding. 2014 (New Jersey) convention was slated for September 12th 2014. Hi highlighted that council has a template that is guiding their activities and they are determined to: Midwest: Dozie Amuzie (member) said that chapter is ensure best governance practices, ensure legality, doing well and there are about 11 members in good ensure transparency, ensure openness, end impunity, standing. reduce unnecessary political portfolios and ensure New York: Ms. Gladys Ozoude is working to build the rule of law. The pro chancellor said that the university New York branch and needs names of alumni who is not suffering from fund problems but from reside in New York from the members in attendance. management issues. Therefore, the function of alumni and her re-engagement at LAX convention becomes California: Dr. Paul Amuchie (chapter president) critical. We need to reengage all willing volunteers. mentioned that they grew up to 57 members. Paul The Pro-chancellor got a standing ovation after his read the charter application from California and said speech. they have a check of $500. The charter application was approved and the California chapter became formal. Question: How is the administration dealing with insecurity at the University? Barrister Onwo (council Memphis: Dr. Ekwelundu (organizer) indicated that the member) said that security agents are disgruntled state of Memphis is not good and we need to make it because promotions were not being made on time. Recently, some security staff have been promoted and better. the security situation is expected to improve. Pittsburgh The Okoroafor family has started building a How will the administration ensure chapter in Pittsburgh. competitiveness? Matters arising Prof. Chigbu (vice chancellor’s representative) Ejike Orji suggested that we should have business explained that three things are critical for round table in our subsequent conventions, so that competitiveness (a) quality of students, (b) quality of business people in Nigeria and USA will have curriculum, and (c) quality of those delivering the additional incentive to come. curriculum. He said that less competent people were hired during the bad economic times in Nigeria. Over Dr. Ejike Orji made the motion to end convention and time, those less competent faculty have become was supported by Dr. Ngozi Okoroafor. leaders and are contributing to quality issues. One initiative by the current administration is student Rev Ogbuagu prayed at 5:37 pm and we dismissed. assessment of lecturers, which will commence next Dozie Amuzie DVM, PhD, DACVP. semester. Secretary Town hall meeting with Pro Chancellor

What is the current situation of transcripts; specifically some people paid and did not receive transcripts?

Moderators—Winifred Nweke and Charmaine Emelife

Prof. Chigbu explained that “itranscript” is available online now. It requires a Nigerian credit card. He Pro Chancellor’s address-Dr. Emeka Enejere will look into the issue of alumni who paid and did Historical background of founding UNN and the vision not receive transcripts and will continue working to to “seek truth, teach truth…restore the dignity of man” improve transcript issues overall.

University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention



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University of Nigeria (UNN)-USA 8th Annual Convention

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