Volume 21, Issue 13 (April 18, 2011)

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Making a comeback - page 12

April 18, 2011

Volume 21. Issue 13




Fall semester brings higher unit costs The budget crisis leaves Community Colleges in California stressing every penny

A first-person experience of Japan’s tragedies Page 4 Summer session will offer fewer classes Page 5 Car Club Auto Show draws a crowd Pages 6-7 Broadcasting Department shows its stuff Page 9 All you have to lose is your fee increase Page 10

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Search for Chaffey Breeze This week’s question: Can you afford the new fee increases?


Students, staff and faculty join hands during an April 14 rehearsal of the Hands Across California. The main event on April 17 linked community college supporters in a show of unity against budget cuts and fee increases. JESSICA RUBIO


he budget deficit will be taking more than just classes away from students. Now their dollars are in jeopardy, too. For those attending California community colleges, the fall semester will bring fewer classes and higher unit costs. Gov. Jerry Brown recently signed the SB 70 bill, which will increase tuition fees from $26 to $36 per unit. “There are a lot of kids like me who have struggling parents,” undecided major, Steven Lujano said. “It’s going to affect Latinos, African Americans, practically everyone, especially with the budget crisis. It’s just an overall bad idea,”

With 10 percent of the state budget being cut, community colleges in California will have to deny 40,000 students next fall and offer fewer classes to those returning. For students outside of the state who will be attending a California community college rates will be even higher. Those students will be charged $219 per unit and then have to pay a capital outlay charge fee of $30. California community colleges may offer the lowest fees in the nation, but the 112 schools will take a drastic hit, leaving limited seats in the classrooms. “I’m not ready for the changes, but it’s happening. For some like me who have part time jobs, it’ll be hard to pay,” criminal justice major, Alfonso Garcia said.

The $10 fee increase will reduce state budget reductions by $10 million and allow 50,000 students to continue their schooling. On April 17, the Hands Across California was held to raise awareness of the importance of California Community Colleges. The event raised money for California community colleges scholarship endowment. Community colleges will all feel the effects of the SB 70 bill starting in the fall. Those who have priority registration and fee waivers will not suffer the drastic measures. If the budget supplement does not work students will be seeing even higher rates for units by the spring semester.

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