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April. 4, 2011
Volume 21. Issue 12
Lunch is served page 3 ASCC candidates are announced pages 6-7 Student is an eyewitness to Japan’s tragedy page 8 Hands Across America passes through Chaffey Page 9 Kurtis Watch Page 10
Power to the people: Follow Us On
ASCC candidates vie for student votes KELLY BOwEN
Richard Berlo (left) and Eddie Sanchez (right) both presented are running for ASCC Presidency. Both were able to tell students their plans of action and why they should choose them as their Associated Student president. ALYSSA rIGOLI
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Search for Chaffey Breeze this week’s question: Do you feel that the student election will have a positive impact on future school policy?
welve candidates for student government presented election statements during a candidate forum March 30 in the quad. Each candidate was given two minutes to speak to students and explain their goals if voted into their office. Eddie Sanchez is running for re-election as Associated Student president. “It is up to us to seize the moment,” he said. “I have no intention of delivering broken promises.” Running against Sanchez is Richard Berlo, president of the Civics Club. In Berlo’s speech, he said, “To be president requires political knowledge.” Berlo backed up his claim with the information that he regularly attends
Rancho Cucamonga city council meetings. “We have a lot of people who don’t know who we are,” he said, “and that is what I want to change.” One of the candidates who spoke was Anthony Grimm, pre-med major, running for senator. An advocate for tolerance at Chaffey, Grimm was the former vice president of the Gay Straight Alliance Club. “I’m trying to bring my compassion to ASCC,” Grimm said. “I am here to serve you.” Also running for senator positions are Justine Buelna, Eric Crowder, Aliza Nawaz, Rebekah Oliva, Linda Olmos, and Freddie Sanchez. Among the other candidates are Omar Palmerin, 20, a music business major
running for commissioner of Activities, and Sean Taitt, running for commissioner of Interclub Council. Running for vice president is current ASCC Senator Charmaine Goodwin. “I want to take on a bigger role… [and] …I will fulfill and surpass all the requirements of the office,” Goodwin said. Voting began Thursday on the Fontana campus and continues Monday, April 4 on the Chino campus. Voting for the main Rancho campus will take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, April 5-7 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and again from 4:30 to 7 p.m. in the Student Activities Lounge. For complete candidate coverage, including faculty and staff of the year hopefuls, see pages 6-7.