Sept. 14, 2009 volume 20, issue 1
Increased Attendance, Students Turned Away Justin Keller
haffey seems to be bursting at its seams this semester. With longer wait-lists for classes and congested parking lots, things are difficult for both students and instructors. Though tuition rose from $20 to $26 a unit this semester, it seems to have little or no effect on the continued increase in enrollment. Eleven hundred new students are attending Chaffey compared to last Fall, causing a fivepercent increase in the student head-count. This increase in students is causing Instructors to turn away more and more students trying to add classes. “It’s a mixed blessing.” said Dr. Avila-Teeguarden, a biology instructor on campus. “On one hand I’m happy to see people coming to school. On the other hand it’s sad that we can’t accommodate all of the students.” Avila-Teeguarden had to turn away 23 people trying to get into her biology-1 class. “As much as any of us
want to add every student,” added Avila-Teequarden, “it’s just not safe to cram that many students in a lab.” Aeronautics instructor Larry Hultgren has never had a wait-list for an aeronautics class in his nine years at Chaffey until this semester.
Eighteen people were on the wait-list, and to accommodate the extra students he had to turn half of a lab into a classroom. Janel Ly, a biological sciences major, has had some trouble adding classes this
semester. “Biology 22 [Human Physiology] — forget it! Couldn’t get in,” Ly said. “Way too crowded. Too many people, not enough classes,” Brittany Tarabeck, a biochemistry major, said. Along with crowded classrooms, parking is another issue on campus. “The first week I had to get to school two hours early to get a parking spot,” Tarabeck said. Ly also had a gripe about the parking situation. “If you [Chaffey] are going to sell parking permits, make sure there is adequate parking.” Chaffey is working on adding another parking lot and considering the removal of the two- week grace period for parking passes to try and alleviate this problem. With continued frustrations from both students and teachers, hopefully Chaffey will find ways to keep the campus an enjoyable learning environment.
Applewhite encourages student involvement KURTIS FROST
ames Applewhite II is the bridge between students and the programs run for students. He is the President of the Associated Students of Chaffey College and the Student Trustee. The ASCC is working hard on programs for students each semester. Working on several different programs to help students, the ASCC get their revenue from an eight-dollar student service fee each semester which is used for various programs such as $150,000 in scholarships, $80,000 in emergency book grants, and $65,000 in department grants. “I would like students to understand that their voices are not being ignored,” Applewhite said. “Everyday we push our
selves to come up with the next great thing for students. We are determined to assist students as much as possible especially due to the harsh economic times we face.” He is also excited to say that the ASCC has two new programs this year — a book rental program and a calculator rental program for the TI84 graphing calculator for only $25 a term. Information on these programs are found in the bookstore or student services. Most of these opportunities for students are at an all-time high this semester so students are encouraged to take part of these opportunities. These programs are thanks to the ASCC and Applewhite II’s hard work try-
ing to help students to get involved in college programs, financial help, and clubs to get the full college experience. He encourages students to enjoy college instead of just showing up, going to classes, and going home, as if it is a job. Information on ASCC and the programs they run are found at student services or contact them at their new email address at These programs are there for the students. If you have any need for any of these services, contact the ASCC and/or Student Activities.
Online Poll
Inside The Breeze Got Additives?
What alternative foods can we eat? Page 3
Flu Update
What is at the Wignall?
Check out two new thoughtprovoking art exhibits. Page 7
Panthers win opener
Defense leads the way in 17-12 What can you do to keep safe victory over Mt. San Jacinto. during the flu season? Page 12 Page 5
Poll Results
This weeks question:
Do you feel safe on campus after dark?
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