Volume 24, Issue 13 (March 31, 2014)

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MO NDAY, M ARCH 31, 2014 + VOLU M E 24. IS S U E 13




GSA draws first blood

Graffiti culture in the Inland Empire

Chaffey Baseball and Swimming

Career Expo attracts large crowd JOSE REYES Choosing a career is one of the biggest decisions one can make. Students were able to sample careers at the Career Expo March 11. The Career Expo had representatives from multiple departments present, such as the business and medical departments. Other notable organizations present were the U.S. Navy, the local police department and Fusion Medical Corps. The expo featured the Chaffey Campus helicopter and a pair of mascots for the medical department: a toothbrush and toothpaste costume. Students said the helicopter was the big attraction that gathered the most people. “The helicopter drew me in,” said Alex Chacon, an undecided major. “Now I’m gonna go learn about the careers.” Students and faculty from Fontana High School attending the event. “We brought freshmen to try and get to them early, hoping that they can pick a career and stick to it,” said George Ventura, a teacher at Fontana High School. Overall, students are encouraged to reach out and learn more about possible careers. If anything, they might meet a potential employer at one of these events.


Nursing majors Laura Martinez, Jasmine Cook and Samantha Tovar discuss career opportunities during the Career Expo on March 11.


Engineering instructor Stu Egli discusses educational options with Ethan Moreland, an undecided major, during the Career Expo on March 11.


During the Career Expo on March 11, business major Sidney Robinson discusses available academic programs with Marti Dutton, design program Instructional assistant.

Chaffey baseball can’t be stopped... ...read more on page 12! Photo by Michelle Menes

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