M ONDAY, MAY 5, 2014 + V OL UME 24. ISS UE 15 NEWS
Earth Week activities aim to go green
The final chapter to the Street Art series
Paul Walker’s final starring film
Fire on the mountain! Brush fire shuts down Chaffey College, prompting mass evacuations SADIE GRIBBON What began as a small brush fire in Rancho Cucamonga soon turned into catastrophe, devouring 1,000 acres and counting of forest preserve. Rancho Cucamonga locals called in the fire on Wednesday morning, Aprl 30, as it began calling it the “Etiwanda Fire.” It spread rapidly as the warm weather and high winds continued. There was no helicopter support for most of Wednesday due to high wind advisory. By Thursday morning, only 10 percent of the fire had been contained. The cause of slow action can be pointed at the high winds, generating great momentum to spread the flames quickly. At one point gusts were reported to be up to 80 mph, and the several helicopters and air tankers were mandated to be on stand by until winds were below 30 mph. The firefighters were left to wait until conditions improved. The fire kept inching through the brush, leaving thick black smoke visible from outside Rancho Cucamonga. Many residents in Claremont—nearly eight miles away—could see and smell the horrendous event. Sixteen-hundred homes were evacuated on Wednesday along with nearly a dozen schools, including Chaffey's Rancho campus. The mandates on home evacuations were lifted Wednesday night, but most schools have cancelled classes for the remainder of the week. “Once we were notified at school that classes would be cancelled because of the fire, it was jam packed in the parking lot,” said student Paulina Mayorquin. “It took me an hour just to get out onto Haven, The
Fire burns across the North Etiwanda Preserve on Wednesday, April 30, 2014. The Etiwanda Fire caused campuses, including Chaffey College, to be closed on Wednesday and Thursday.
210 was packed too, mainly because of the mass amounts of the people going to one place, but also because we could see the smoke and everything.” Many students have been affected by this wind driven disaster, especially due to the timing. Finals start on May 15, and
those needed studying or assistance on Wednesday and Thursday met a disadvantage. “I have to go to the success centers for my English class as a mandatory assignment,” said student Bella Batista. “Now that they are closed down, getting it done
on time is going to be really hard." This tragic event left the library—suplying dozens of computers and helpful printers—and all success centers of the Rancho campus closed for students. Campus reopened on Friday, May 2 until further notice.
Pie throwing event proves successful AARON THORNTON
Fire burns near houses in the Rancho Etiwanda Estates at Day Creek Blvd. on April 30. The Etiwanda Fire caused campuses, including Chaffey College, to be closed on Wed. and Thurs. No homes were lost in the wind swept blaze, though one was reported damaged.
Many students have felt anger toward their professors, for many reasons, including giving mid-terms before spring break, assigning an uncountable number of pages for an essay or even, a final. For some, itmay seem as though professors live to torture. On April 23, students got a chance to torture back. The Pie Your Professor event took place in the Quad, and was a hit. A few of Chaffey’s professors cameout to participate in the event. They were then assaulted by several of the students they teach.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold,” sociology major Shawn Hughes said. Hughes had the esteemed pleasure to dish out a serving of pie to both English professor Neil Watkins and philosophy professor Ryan Falcioni. “He seemed to have some hidden rage,” Falcioni said. “Something about a 10-pager.” Although the professors were being assaulted by pies, no ill will was shown. “I definitely enjoyed letting them get some revenge,” Falconi said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5