Honoring a fallen hero, see page 2
February 25, 2013
Volume 23. Issue 10
Club Rush celebrates new year and students DIEGO CERVANTES Chaffey Club spirit arrived in the quad midday, on Feb. 13. Clubs gathered to grow in membership and make themselves known to the student body. Club Rush also featured the Chinese New Year celebration, which included musical and acrobatic performances by East West Entertainment and a dance number by Chaffey students. The celebration lured students to the quad to see what the commotion was about.
“I was just walking by and noticed the event taking place and came to see what was going on,” Christina Mitchell, dance said. “It’s good to see all the clubs out here and I became more aware as to what clubs are on campus.” Among the collection of clubs was Christians of Chaffey College, which seeks to spread the Christian Word to students. “I joined because I felt like I wanted to make a commitment to spread the Word and be a part of a club that shares the same beliefs as me,” Maria Ramos, mathematics major, said. The Engineering Club put the sun to work with the debut of their solar oven and used it to warm brownies, Rice Krispie Treats, and s’mores. “We try informing students on the various types of engineering and what it takes to actually become one,” Gerald Santos, mechanical engineering major and club president, said. The club also aids the local community through volunteer work, most recently volunteerline, which serves as a transitional home for women and children. The Muslim Student Association was recruiting members in hopes of educating the campus population on what Islam
really is. The club also focuses on dissolving prejudices and replacing stereotypes about the Muslim community with facts. Just because a woman wears a hijab, doesn’t mean she is oppressed. “I wear my hijab because I want to. It preserves modesty and makes me feel protected,” Fatima Hasan, dietetics major, said. The event took on a new beat as the 909 Breakers (break-dancing club) hit the concrete and in a stunning display, gave students a taste of what it means to break. The moves were on beat, smooth, and spot on. The look on members’ faces communicated to the audience that they were having fun and enjoying every second they were performing. and expressing yourself through dance,” Ray Moreno, psychology major and president of the 909 Breakers, said. was started by Ryan Eslava, business major and 2012 alumni. Eslava was looking to start building a non-judgmental community that focused positive energy and had break-dancing as the foundation. “I love seeing the smiles on people’s faces when I perform, we are always posi-
Paper lanterns hang in the trees of the quad, creating a festive atmosphere for Club Rush on Feb. 13.
tive, never negative and anyone can do it,” said Eslava. During the Breaker’s performances a lot of joking took place, which gave it a light hearted feel, giving each of the Breaker’s personalities a chance to surface and achieve their goals of self expression. “Ryan taught me not to worry about what other people think and that whatever happens in the moment, stays in the moment,” Moreno said. “There’s also the reassurance that if you mess up you’ll always have friends backing you up,” The club has been steadily growing and is always looking for new recruits. Meetings are in CAA room 218 Fridays from 6-8 p.m., where members choreograph With various performances and lots of clubs participating, Club Rush was an event everyone enjoyed.
The lion dance is performed in celebration of the Chinese Lunar New year. The celebration, which was sponsored by the International Student Center, EOPS, ASCC and Student Activities, took place in the Campus Center East Quad on Feb. 13, 2013.
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