Volume 23, Issue 5 (October 29, 2012)

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All shook up - Page 5


Think you can dance?


October 29, 2012

Volume 23. Issue 5

DIEGO CERVANTES The Center for the Arts lit up for the third annual student dance showcase on Oct. 19. Student choreographers were given the freedom of unraveling a spark of inspiration into a sizzling work of art over a period of eight weeks. Students were able to choose the theme, costumes, dancers, rehearsal times, as well as the choreography. “The most difficult thing for me as a dancer would be getting as much exposure without overexposing myself,” dance major David “Braulio” Martinez said as he warmed up prior to his performance of “Perdido” just outside the CAA building. The show opened with Autumn Crayon’s performance of “Dreaming,” which featured a girl surrounded by colorful characters that came to life and danced with her to an instrumental of “Moment for Life” by Nicki Minaj. T h e characters w o u l d burst into dance and suddenly stop

with the music, leaving her distressed with the question of whether or not the main character was living a dream or just dreaming. “After Hours,” choreographed by Amber Hayes, told the story of a working businesswoman who knew how to let go of the daily grind and express herself. Michael Bublé’s “Feeling Good” accompanied the dancers as they came home from work wearing coats and hats and slipped into more comfortable clothing. Havana Brown’s “We Run the Night” joined in and gave a hiphopish segment to the routine and ended with the return of “Feeling Good,” which gave the number a sexy finish that conveyed the message to the audience flawlessly. “Slimnastic Swank,” choreographed by Habeel Abdulhusain, brought a censored version of Eric Prydz’s “Call On Me” video to the showcase audience. Dancers sported neon-colored workout clothing that screamed ‘80s. The well-received performance brought energy, a foot-tapping audience and crotch toweling. Next up was Braulio’s performance titled “Perdido,” meaning “lost” in Spanish. The performance portrayed his life story in the form of modern-based ballet. Despair, angst and perseverance was communicated to the audience as he danced with Christiana Powell. Occasionally they seemed to pick each other up out of kneeling positions in order to keep dancing. The dancing was very smooth and fluid, which went well with the music and theme. “The hardest part of the whole thing would have to be the actual performance itself,” Andy Carballo, dance major said. “I have adrenaline going, the crowd cheering, and I’m vulnerable for four minutes.” [Continued on page 6]


Christine Jackman danced to a piece titled “After hours” that was choreographed by Amber Hayes. Jackman danced as part of a quartet performing at the 2012 Fall Student Choreography Showcase on Oct. 19 in the Center of the Arts building Room 206.


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Dance major David “Baulio” Martinez warms up prior to his performance of “Perdido” just outside the CAA building for the Student Dance Showcase on Oct. 19.

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