The Color Run raises funds, page 8
February 11, 2013
Volume 23. Issue 9
Auto Tech students race to top For the Skills segment of the competition students are put in an instructors’ position and in turn must choose a topic relevant to the automotive industry and give a 5-7 minute speech explaining “how it works.” On top of that competitors must then enter a shop and demonstrate the ability to do automotive tasks such as computer diagnostics. This competition tests and improves the skill sets of students. Last year, seven of Chaffey’s students competed and two made it to state. This year, six of Chaffey’s students competed and five have advanced to state competition level. Alex Calderon, Donavan Caver, Joel Escobar, Mike Strack and Jonathon Torrealba will be representing Chaffey at the state competition. “All I expect from my students is their best effort. There’s no losing involved. It’s not important if they win or lose but, so far they’ve done great,” Taylor said. “Our region is huge. Just making it to state is an accomplishment. I just want to say congratulations.” Participants are anticipating the state competition. “It was my first SkillsUSA and I wasn’t sure how it would turn out, but it was pretty good in the end,” Torrelba said. “I won two bronze medals for the interviews I did and moved onto state, which I’m a little nervous about, because it’s a lot bigger, than the fist competitions. But I am looking forward to it.” The students will be competing in state competition on April 4-7 in San Diego.
CHRIS JOHNSON When put to the test Chaffey auto-tech team has been proven to be the best. Over the past two weeks students in our schools’ auto-tech program have been in a competition known as SkillsUSA which is a national competition that tries to improve ability and promote professionalism. Students must create a club to do different fundraising events that involve working with their community, school, and industry. The Chaffey College Car Club has events planned to raise funds for state. This competition does not just test to see who can do an oil change the fastest but, much more. “When you go to compete they have you enter both a leadership category and a skills category,” Sherm Taylor, automotive technology instructor, said, “The first weekend we went was leadership. For leadership the students were asked to do a job interview and were required to come prepared and dressed appropriately with resume in hand.” Students are judged on their demeanor, posture, vocabulary, and more. “They grade you on everything from the minute you walk in the door.” Taylor said. The SkillsUSA Leadership portion is designed to introduce students into the process and the requirements of obtaining a job in the real world work force, because just having the skills doesn’t always mean you get the job. During this segment students are interviewed and required to fill out an actual job application on a timer and are then judged on speed and accuracy.
Jonathan Torrealba, Greg Landrum, Mike Strack, Joel Escobar, and Alex Calderon dressed in their leadership attire with Auto-Tech Instructor Sherm Taylor, ready for the SkillsUSA competition. After winning at the regional level, they will be competing at the state competition April 4-7 in San Diego.
Opinion: Rights control?
News: Hope offered at Chaffey
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