Pulse | April 2015

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Here are some things that we think are imperative to your journey here, as you explore what The Bridge has to offer you and your family.


Need information? You can find it all in this magazine, on our website, or through our mobile app, “MyBridge.” You can get details on all upcoming events, sign up for classes, and much more!

BGMC 8 Your kids are making a difference!


find someone from our church who would like to meet you and answer any questions you may have about our church.


Stop by Starting Point after the service. Here you will


In a large church, the key to making friends and having community is joining a small group. We know you’re busy, so we offer small groups on Sundays at 9:30 and 10:45AM to make the most of your time here.


Our student’s and kid’s experiences are outstanding. Make sure your kids don’t miss out on the amazing things we have going on just for them.


WE WANT TO HELP YOU GET TO THE OTHER SIDE, SO CONNECT, GROW, AND SERVE WITH US. // Starting Point is located in the Lobby on the east side of the Worship Center


Joyland is an orphanage for disabled children who will benefit from the water well your kids are raising funds for.

As you may know, our church is very much a mission’s

wells in Kenya, Africa. These water wells will provide an

minded church. Annually, we take great joy in knowing that

entire community with clean water for drinking, bathing, and

the faithful giving of those who attend The Bridge enables

a better overall quality of life. Our Bridge Kids, who this year

missionaries all across the world to not only teach people

have already raised over $2,000 for soccer camps in Uruguay

about the love of Jesus Christ but to be an extension of that

and over $2,000 for an International Royal Ranger Project

love by serving and providing for the needs of those that they

to keep at risk boys off of the streets and out of gangs, are


pledging to raise an additional $10,000 for these clean water wells. There is no doubt that they will be able to accomplish

The best part, its not just the adults at The Bridge who

this goal by filling up their Yellow Buddy Barrels with lose

give actively to missions! Our Bridge Kids and Bridge

change, but you can be part of helping with this project too!

Students give regularly to BGMC & Speed the Light. Both of these outlets are part of the Assemblies of God mission’s

Consider joining us on Wednesday, April 29 for our monthly

program and provide missionaries with communication and

BGMC dinner. All proceeds will go directly towards this

transportation needs as well as ministry tools and resources

project. This is a great opportunity for our Bridge Kids to

to do the work that God has called them to do all across the

learn the value and importance of supporting missionaries


and spreading the message of Jesus Christ everywhere.

Currently our Bridge Kids are partnering with missionary JD Risner and are actively raising support for several water 4 / THEBRIDGEAG.ORG


IN CASE YOU DIDN’T HEAR ABOUT WHAT GOD HAS BEEN DOING AT THE BRIDGE… BRIDGE WOMEN’S NIGHT OF WORSHIP Thursday Night, March 12th the ladies in the church gathered together for a night of worship. It was a great opportunity for them to break away from routines and unite together in worship to God.

MARCH MADNESS March was a great month for Bridge Students! The month began with CAMPlive and special guest Joseph Kellogg, then they held a mid-week Spring Break Party, put on a Wednesday Night Live service, hosted illusionist Bryan Drake, and to top it all off ended the month with an all-nighter called “Insomnia.” And now you know why they called the month, “March Madness!”

MAN-DAY On Saturday, March 28, the men in our church gathered together at the Ramey Ranch for Man-Day! A day filled with great food, fishing, skeet shooting, and fellowship. As always, this was a great event.

BRIDGE OKC Our Bridge OKC church plant team, led by Rodney and Kate Wardwell, began PreLaunch services in March. These service are all in preparation for our big church plant launch date on Easter Sunday! Keep this church plant and the team in your prayers as they begin this new journey.



We believe it is vital that everyone who comes through our doors feels welcomed, connected with God, and connected with great people to do life with! So here we have a ton of avenues available for you to be a part of: small groups, special events, volunteer teams and more. We want to create ample opportunities for you to build incredibly fun, healthy friendships as well as help you flourish in your relationship with God! Your life is valuable! Get yourself connected today!


Rm 201 Kenny McGee | 30s-50s How does God’s timeless word apply to us in real life? Lets figure it out together! In this small group, find the support, friendships, encouragement, and Biblical answers that you need to face all that life may bring your way.

Rm 203 Roy Peck | 30s-50s Life can be unpredictable, but life can also be a blast! While the answers may not all be clear, we can definitely make sure you don’t have to go it alone. Join us as we discuss how to navigate life as God intended, applying his Word everyday, and making the most of every minute we have!

Rm 104 Elaine Arnold | 40s-60s Belonging to a community of believers who care is vital to our spiritual lives. Join this discussion based small group, where our priority is creating a positive atmosphere that encourages and challenges one another, so that daily we may implement our faith in God in practical ways.

Rm 202 Ed Damron | 40s-60s Faith moves mountains! We need to trust and believe that God is who He says He is, and He can do what the Bible says He can do! Join us a we explore


SUNDAYS / 10:45AM scripture and discover how to grow in Christ and learn to handle real life issues with prayer and deep rooted faith in God.

Rm 105 Kathleen Wilcoxson | 30s-60s When you study scripture, you discover that the Word of God truly is living and active! So, don’t miss this opportunity to join others in an in depth study of the Bible that will not only lead to great Biblical discussions, but will also educate and challenge you to a pursue a deeper knowledge of, and maturity in, Christ.

Rm 100 Kenneth McGee | 50s & up Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will be our counselor and our guide until He comes again. With that in mind, join this small group as we explore the Bible and discover what it means for us today and how we can daily rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us each day.

Chapel Ken Isom | 50s & up We believe that our Senior Adults are a vital part of our church! This small group provides an opportunity for our “Prime-Timers” (Senior Adults) to fellowship, worship with one another, and engage in Biblical discussion.





Helen Grace | Women’s Group We say it all the time, “Connected people do life together.” Ladies, come join this small group designed just for you, and together we will discover how God fits into and applies to our busy lives.

Erika Reddick | Women’s Group We say it all the time, “Connected people do life together.” Ladies, come join this small group designed just for you, and together we will discover how God fits into and applies to our busy lives.



Rm 205

Mom’s Group

Cody Phillips | Young Adults There is no greater transition in life than the one that leads into adulthood. Join this discussion based small group as we explore how to establish a Biblical foundation to help you navigate that transition.

Kathy McGee | Rm 100 Hey Moms, need a break during the week? Need conversation with other moms? This is the group for you! We have nursery available for your babies and a special class for your 3 to 5 yr olds ($15 for semester). We will be discussing the book “Love and Logic: Raising Children with Godly Discipline.”

Rm 201 Doug Wyatt | Young Families Finding balance in our marriages, families and careers can be tough. Don’t do it alone! Come laugh, fellowship and learn with us as we explore how God wants us to lead our marriages and families safely through all of life’s obstacles.

Women’s Bible Study Carole Harrell | Rm 104 This is an opportunity for women to come enjoy fellowship with other women from The Bridge and dig deeper into God’s Word.

Rm 105


Rob McClure | All Ages We believe that scripture is incredibly relevant for our daily lives! Join with people of all ages and life stages to explore scripture, verse by verse, and then discuss how to practically apply them to our lives.

Ken Isom | Rm 105 Hey senior adults here is an opportunity to get out of the house, have fun, and enjoy fellowship with other senior adults.

STARTING POINT Fresh Start Sunday, April 26 Have you recently started attending The Bridge? If so, we want to meet you. We know that coming to a new church and trying to navigate through getting plugged in can feel like a daunting task. So come meet our Connections Pastor Doug Wyatt, find out how we do church, and we will break down the easiest ways for you to get connected. It will be offered at 9:30 & 10:45AM in RM102

Membership Classes Sunday, April 12 & 19 Have you been attending The Bridge for a while, and are looking for the next step? Maybe its time for you to become a member of The Bridge. This class will be offered at 9:30 & 10:45AM in RM102. Sign up online, through our mobile app, or out at Starting Point.

Baptism Classes Sunday, April 26 If you have recently given your heart to the Lord and want to be water baptized, there is a class we would like for you to attend. It will happen at 9:30AM in RM200, 10:45AM in RM104, and 5:00PM in RM100. So stop by our website, open our mobile app, or visit Starting Point to sign up.

GROW HIS 24/7 Bible Discipleship Sunday’s at 10:45AM Come discover the basic spiritual disciplines to help you grow in your relationship with God. ie. how to use and study the Bible, pray, and witness. Happening in RM100.

Living Free Addiction Recovery Wednesday’s at 7:15PM Come and let us help you on the road to overcoming addictions and breaking free from life controlling issues every Wednesday in The End Zone.

Corporate Prayer Sundays at 6:00PM Tuesdays at 9:00AM Join us in the Chapel every week for a time of prayer.

Foundations of Freedom Starts Wednesday, April 1 We all need freedom! Freedom however, is not defined by what is absent, but by Who is present in our lives. Join our Foundations of Freedom classes as we discuss how you can re-align you life with Christ and become who you were created to be. Part 1 will be in RM 105 and Part 2 will be in RM 100 at 7:15PM.

Pinewood Derby Friday, April 17 Royal Rangers, our Wednesday night boy’s club, is hosting our annual pinewood derby. You can purchase car kits at Bridge Kids Check-In on Sundays and Wednesdays. There is no preregistration, just show up at 6:30PM in the Bridge Students Building with your car ready to go!

5th Grade Trip Thursday, May 28 It’s the last hoorah before the 5th graders graduate so we plan to celebrate! We want your 5th grader to come with us to Great Wolf Lodge. Stop by the Bridge Kids Check-In for more information.

STUDENTS Bridge Students Wednesdays at 7:15PM


Join us for our weekly worship experience in the Bridge Students building.

Bridge Kids Sundays at 8:15/9:30/10:45AM

Sunday Grow Groups Sundays at 10:45AM

Join us every week for exciting worship, fun games, and Biblical lessons!

Boys & Girls Clubs Wednesdays at 7:15PM We offer fun filled programs every week for boys (Royal Rangers) and girls (mPact) that help them grow with God.

BGMC Dinner Wednesday, April 29 Looking for a way to grab a quick meal before service and support missions in the process? Join us for our BGMC Dinner out in The Venue at 6:00PM.

Get connected in a weekly small group! This is a great way to learn more on specific topics throughout the Bible. 6th-12th Grade Bridge Students Building

MEN Men’s Breakfast Saturday, May 9 This is a great time for men to come and interact with men who are transitioning to life on the outside. So come join us for an amazing breakfast and a short devotional from Tom Pace at 7:30AM out in The Venue.

WOMEN Zumba Monday’s at 6:30PM We offer a ladies Zumba class every week. So come join us for a great time in the Bridge Kids auditorium.

Womens Conference Friday, April 24 We want all ladies to make plans to join us for our Women’s Conference. This is always an awesome time of powerful Praise & Worship, life impacting messages, and a lot of fun just hanging out with the girls! The cost is only $10 and it happens right here in our auditorium. You can sign up out in the lobby, online, or through our mobile app. Girls in high school and below are FREE!


Movie & Pizza Night Thursday, April 16

Friday Gathering Fridays at 7:00PM

We want to invite all senior adults to join us for pizza and a movie. All we need you to do is bring a side dish. Join us out in The Venue at 6:30PM.

Come enjoy food, fun, and discussion with other young adults. Contact Doug for more info at (405) 204.4569 Leader: Doug & Brittanie Wyatt

For more information on all of these groups and events you can visit our website thebridgeag.org


Come join us for a night of celebration as we welcome new lives into the world and new lives into Christ through baby dedications and water baptisms. Being a community of believers, this is a night we should not want to miss.

If you have recently given your heart to the Lord or have rededicated your life and want to be water baptized, there is a class we would like for you to attend. So stop by our website, open our mobile app, or visit a kiosk out in the lobby and sign up for a class.

If you have a baby you would like to have dedicated, you can go online or open our mobile app to get signed up. We just need some basic information about your child and a photo we can use at Family Night.

You must be signed up for Family Night by April 26 to participate. So sign up today!


“Now dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ.” 1 John 2:28 NLT I grow several kinds of grapes at my home. If those grapes are disconnected from the vine, they’re not going to grow or bear fruit. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NIV). You cannot bear fruit in your life if you’re not connected to Jesus on a regular basis. This is true in all your relationships. If you don’t spend time with your husband or your wife, you’re going to be disconnected. You’ve got to do what you did when you were first in love. You need to date your mate. If you don’t spend time with your spouse, you’re going to lose your intimacy

disconnected, you’re worthless. You have no power. You have no defense. You have no strength against his temptations. He doesn’t care if you do all kinds of good things as long as you don’t spend time with God, because it’s your number one purpose in life. You weren’t put on this planet to mark things off your “To Do” list. God didn’t create you just to do a bunch of activities. God created you so you could know him and love him and he could know and love you back. If you’re not spending time getting to know God, you are missing the number one purpose of your life. Satan knows that, so he’s going to try to keep you busy. If you’re too busy for God, it’s real simple: You’re too busy, because you’re putting everything else in front of the number one commandment — love God with all your heart and soul

because you’re disconnected.

and mind and strength.

This is also true with God. You have to spend time with God in

Talk It Over

order to be close to him, to feel his love, to sense his presence

To what activities or commitments do you give more of

in your life.

your time than you do to God?

I’ve been walking with the Lord for more than 40 years, and I will admit to you that the hardest thing in my life is to keep

What do your priorities say about your commitment to spiritual growth?

a consistent daily time with God because everything fights

What changes do you need to make so that you are

against it! Why? Because Satan knows if he can keep you

connected to Christ on a regular basis? THEBRIDGEAG.ORG / 9

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Traditional Worship Experience Sundays at 8:15AM

This experience offers a variety of hymns and sacred songs.

Modern Worship Experience Sundays at 9:30AM

This experience has a more laid back atmosphere & guitar driven worship.

Blended Worship Experience Sundays at 10:45AM

This experience includes upbeat worship with a choir and orchestra.

PM Worship Experience Sundays at 6:30PM

Have you been attending The Bridge for a while, and are looking for the next step? Maybe its time for you to become a member of The Bridge. So what does that mean? Membership at The Bridge involves serving, giving and participating in Biblical community. In our membership class, you’ll learn the vision and values of The Bridge. At the end of the class you’ll have an opportunity to become a member of The Bridge. Membership Class is designed for 16 year olds and up. Sign up online, through our mobile app, or at one of the information center kiosks out in the lobby. This class is a requirement for membership. thebridgeag.org/membership

During this experience we come together as a whole to worship.

Hispanic Worship Experience Sundays at 10:30AM

This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia . Children and Youth can take part in what is happening on our main campus.

Wed. Traditional Worship Experience Wednesdays at 7:15PM

This experience offers a variety of hymns and messages from Kenneth McGee in the Chapel.

Drive Worship Experience Wednesdays at 7:30PM

This experience has a more laid back atmosphere & messages from Rob McClure in the Worship Center.

Wed. Hispanic Worship Experience Wednesdays at 7:30PM

This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia

Our trained nursery staff is available during all worship experiences. For a full list of other opportunities, please check out the “Get Connected” section of Pulse. 10 / T H E B R I D G E A G . O R G

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