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WELCOME TO BRIDGE KIDS! Welcome to Bridge Kids! We are honored to have the privilege of partnering with your family to establish a home built on the firm foundation of the Word of God. We have a simple vision in Bridge Kids and that is “building kids of faith and purpose.” God has a tender heart towards children and families. Two examples of this are, Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the scriptures of the power of God.” Matthew 22:29 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 My hearts desire is to instill in our Bridge Kids the knowledge and power of the WORD of God, to foster a deep love and hunger for reading the Bible and having a real, tangible, relationship with Jesus. When we start children off at a very young age learning and living Biblical truths, their God given purpose becomes clear to them at a tender age. Thank you for the honor of standing beside you, as a parent, to build kids of faith and purpose. For Bridge Kids, Pastor Carrie Moss wea re t heb r i dg e.chu rch / 3
SUNDAYS / PRESCHOOL Once your 3 year old child is fully potty trained, they have the opportunity to transition to Bridge Kids Preschool until they are in kindergarten,. In Bridge Kids Preschool it is our goal to introduce your kids to a loving God and His Word using teaching methods that reach little ones on there level. Basic Bible stories come to life through creative storytelling, crafts, music, and puppets!
9:30 AM Small Groups •
3 year olds
4 year olds
10:50 AM Kid’s Church
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SUNDAYS / K THRU 5TH We believe in building kids spiritually. In Bridge Kids our K through 5th graders receive a thorough Biblical education that will last their entire lives! Whether it is through great lessons, exciting worship, or interactive games, your child will gain the knowledge of worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.
9:30 AM Kid’s Church Our Kid’s Church service gives children a chance to experience a corporate worship setting that is on their level. Complete with worship, sermon on their level, and plenty of interactive options, the Bridge Kids Sunday morning service is a great opportunity for your kids to grow in their relationship with God.
10:50 AM Small Groups Keeping with our priority of teaching our children God’s word, all of our elementary small groups are designed to go through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in a calendar year. Each small group, which is grade specific, makes learning the bible fun and enjoyable for each child. •
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th & 5th Grade wea re t heb r i dg e.chu rch / 7
ROYAL RANGERS BOYS CLUB On Wednesday nights at 7:00PM, our Bridge Kids boys participate in Royal Rangers. Below you will find additional details about this ministry.
WHAT IS ROYAL RANGERS? Royal Rangers is a Nation wide program developed by the Assemblies of God. Each church (outpost) is an activity-based, small group Bible and life skills program for boys Preshool thru 5th grade. Similar in concept to Boy Scouts, the mission of Royal Rangers is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders.
HOW IT WORKS? Each boy will have the opportunity to earn badges after completing a unit. To earn these badges, boys will recite unit scripture, complete activities, and learn fun skills all while learning to apply God’s word to everyday life situations.
WHY IT’S IMPORTANT? Boys will learn to study and apply what the Bible says about integrity, doctrine, biblical worldview, cultural issues and manhood. In addition, the Royal Rangers ministry molds boys into servant leaders, teaching them vital social, attitude, leadership and service skills.
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MPACT GIRLS CLUB Our young ladies in Bridge Kids participate in Mpact Girls Ministries on Wednesday nights at 7:00PM. Mpact is the “sister” to Royal Rangers and was also developed by the Assemblies of God. Below you can find additional information about this ministry.
WHAT IS MPACT GIRLS MINISTRIES? Mpact Girls Ministries is a church-based discipleship program to guide girls on a path to move them toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, and to realize their importance and potential in the kingdom of God. Preschool thru 5th grade, girls will participate in a variety of activities and a focused discipleship track. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to earn badges and ultimately work towards the goal of becoming an “Honor Star.”
WHY GENDER-SPECIFIC? Research shows girls learn more quickly and deeply when they are taught by a role model. Girls need a real-life example. When a girl understands what it means to be a godly woman, she aspires to the design that God intended. A single-gender classroom has many benefits, but the greatest of these is for a girl to feel safe and secure in her discovery of who God intended her to be.
THE BOTTOM LINE: RELATIONSHIPS Girls encounter challenging situations as they grow up. By intentionally fostering relationships between girls and leaders through Girls Clubs, you can create a safe environment for girls to discuss issues they face and get godly counsel. wea re t heb r i dg e.chu rch / 1 1
BGMC The Bridge is a missions minded church. Through BGMC program, our Bridge Kids have been a top giving church in the Nation for the past 20 years.
WHAT IS BGMC BGMC, or Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge, is the Assemblies of God missions program for kids that instills a heart of compassion to reach the lost through praying, giving, and going.
Children giving in Buddy Barrels Children making faith promises and finding ways to earn money to meet their faith promise (ex.: cleaning, mowing, extra chores, etc.)
Our missionaries can use BGMC funds evangelism and discipleship supplies Puppets, music, and video tapes Tracts, Bibles, literature, and curriculum Sound systems, computers, and copy machines Feeding programs and water wells And a whole lot more!
WHY GIVE OFFERINGS TO BGMC? BGMC goes to where the need is the greatest, where the timing is the most urgent, and where people’s lives can be changed forever. When you give to BGMC, you are helping ministry teams around the world reach children for Jesus. 1 2 / wearetheb ridge.church
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CHECK-IN PROCESS The safety of our Bridge Kids is of the highest importance for us! In keeping with that priority, we have created a system for our families to check-in and drop off their kids in a safe and secure environment.
HOW TO • • • •
You may check in your child at any available station After finding your child’s name in the database, you and your child will be given matching identification tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you keep the matching tag After the service, you will return to your child’s room and show your tase in order for your child to be released back to you
In order to ensure the continued safety of our Bridge Kids, we are unable to allow non-approved parents/guardians back to our Bridge Kids Children’s area. That area is dedicated to pre-screened Bridge Kids Volunteers and Staff. Should you be interested in attending a Bridge Kids service, you may do that by contacting the Bridge Kids children’s office and obtaining permission by our Bridge Kids staff.
In the event that we need to contact you during the service we will text your phone or if your child is in the nursery your assigned pager will vibrate. We ask that you immediately return to Bridge Kids Check In and one of our volunteers will direct you on where to go.
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KID’S PASTO R ca r r i e @ weare t he b r i d g e.c hu rch
KID’S ASS I STAN T n i k k i @ weare t he b r i d g e.c hu rch
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