you for partnering together with us, for
a brand new series called Bridezillas to
the annual 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting.
a Women’s Craft Night, from a Marriage
It is said, “time is never wasted in
Retreat to Connect Groups, there will
prayer,” and I wholeheartedly believe
something for everyone! Hope to see
that to be true. God uses our prayers as
you there!
an opportunity to begin to change us, as we humbly place him as the center
I love being your pastor,
of our lives. Again, thank you for your
Jim & Linda
February has arrived! (Men, that means
dedication and commitment these past
you need to begin thinking NOW about
21 Days.
what you are going to do for Valentine’s Day).
February will be a great month here at the Bridge! Let me encourage you
2019 has gotten off to a great start! I
to be part of all the great ministry
would like to personally thank each of
opportunities offered this month. From
Experiences SUNDAYS
at 7:00PM
This experience offers a variety of hymns and messages from Kenneth McGee in the Chapel.
This experience offers a variety of hymns and sacred songs.
This experience has a more laid-back atmosphere & guitar-driven worship.
Meet in the auditorium for worship, then we will break out to a variety of great classes. Class descriptions are on Page 9.
BLENDED 10:50AM This experience includes upbeat worship with a choir and orchestra.
This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia.
This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia. Children and Youth can take part in what is happening on our main campus.
AFTER-HOURS CONTACT INFORMATION In case of emergency please contact our church office at 405.376.4538 and our answering service will contact us accordingly.
1. Need information?
2. Stop by Starting Point
3. Join a small group. In
4. Our students’ and
You can find it all in this
after the service. You will
a large church, the key to
kids’ experiences are
magazine, on our website, or
find someone to answer any
making friends and having
outstanding. Make sure
through our mobile app.
questions you may have
community is joining a small
your kids don’t miss out on
about our church.
the amazing things we have going on just for them.
What Does It Mean to Be Married to Christ? The New Testament calls Christ the “bridegroom” and the
does toward us in Christ. Jesus’ incarnation, ministry and
church his “bride.” To understand what this means can
death on our behalf is God’s declaration of love toward us. Yet,
change your life. We need to read this through the lens of
God doesn’t pledge his life toward us on the condition that
first century Jewish marriage. In what follows we’ll highlight
we reciprocate. Rather, “while we were yet sinners Christ died
six aspects of first century Jewish marriages to see how each
for us’ (Rom. 5:8). God makes the ultimate sacrifice up front,
sheds light on the New Testament’s understanding of our
in hopes that this will win the heart of his potential bride and
relationship with God.
she will reciprocate. Christ’s sacrifice is thus God’s invitation to join him at “the marriage supper of the lamb.”
The Proposal. In ancient Jewish culture a man initiated the process of getting married by pledging his life to his
Saying Yes. A marriage is entered into only when the
prospective bride on the condition that she will accept his
prospective bride accepts the invitation and pledges her
offer and reciprocate his love and pledge. This is what God
life to the groom. It’s true that in many ancient cultures,
including ancient Jewish culture, women could be forced to marry men they didn’t want to marry. But coerced marriages
The Betrothal Gift. It was customary for a first century
are an unfortunate consequence of the world’s oppression
Jewish groom to express the sincerity of his pledge to his
and do not reflect God’s ideal. Because love must be freely
newly betrothed bride by giving her a precious gift. It was the
chosen, God wants a bride who voluntarily pledges her life to
bride’s assurance while her groom was away that he would
him in response to loving sacrifice. We begin to belong to our
indeed return for her.
heavenly bridegroom the moment we genuinely say “yes” to his proposal by pledging to reciprocate his love and surrender
Jesus gives us the precious betrothal gift of the Holy Spirit
our life over to him.
(John 16). Jesus knows we cannot prepare ourselves for his return on our own, so he places his own Spirit inside of
The Betrothal Ceremony. Almost all covenants in
us to empower us and teach us how to live in his ways. He
the Bible begin with a public ceremony. This was certainly
also doesn’t want us to feel abandoned or distressed in his
true of first century Jewish marriages. While a full wedding
absence, so he gives us “the Comforter” (John 16:7) who is the
ceremony wouldn’t take place for some time, it was expected
assurance of our future inheritance in Christ (Eph 1:14).
that the couple would publicly declare their covenant pledges in a betrothal ceremony soon after the woman accepted the
The Consummation of the Marriage. Finally, when
the home was prepared and the bride had made herself ready, the groom would return for his bride. The whole community
This is the role baptism plays in the believer’s life. In baptism
would engage in a magnificent wedding celebration and the
an individual publicly declares their faith in Christ and
couple would consummate their marriage and become “one
pledges to live as a faithful covenant partner within the
flesh.” Given the marriage framework of the New Testament’s
community of God’s collective bride, the church.
understanding of our relationship with God, we’re not surprised to discover that this is precisely how heaven is
The Betrothal Period. Ancient Jewish couples were
depicted in the book of Revelation.
betrothed to one another for one or more years before they had a wedding ceremony and consummated their marriage.
After witnessing a symbolic portrayal of Gods’ victory over
Yet, this betrothal period was not anything like modern
the Powers, John heard a multitude proclaiming:
“engagements” that can be easily called of. The betrothal period was a time when the bride and groom were supposed
Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
to prepare themselves for the life they were going to soon
Let us rejoice and be glad
share together. The husband often went away and prepared
and give him glory!
a home for the future family while the woman would engage
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
in practices that prepared her for her future life as a wife and
and his bride has made herself ready (Rev. 19:6-7).
mother. This was followed by an angel telling John, “Write: ‘Blessed are This betrothal period is presupposed in many of Jesus’
those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’”
teachings, such as his parable about the virgins who hadn’t
(Rev. 19: 9).
prepared themselves for the returning bridegroom. Jesus was also alluding to this betrothal period when he told his
By Greg Boyd
disciple’s that he was “going away to prepare a place for them” so that they could always be where he was (Jn. 14). Once he’d made his declaration of love and pledge of life by dying on the cross, he would have to go away and prepare a place for he and his bride to live together. This betrothal period is also presupposed in the New Testament’s teaching about the need for the bride to “make herself ready” (Rev. 19).
RM 205
The goal of joining a group is growing in your walk with Jesus and surrounding yourself with people that can support you in taking your next steps. We believe life is better when you live in community. SUNDAYS AT 9:30AM
RM 201 KENNY MCGEE | 30s-50s How does God’s timeless word apply to us in real life? Let’s figure it out together! In this small group, find the support, friendships, encouragement, and biblical answers that you need to face all that life may bring your way.
RM 203
RM 105 KATHLEEN WILCOXSON | 30s-60s When you study scripture, you discover that the Word of God truly is living and active! So don’t miss this opportunity to join others in an indepth study of the Bible that will not only lead to great biblical discussions but will also educate and challenge you to pursue a deeper knowledge of Christ.
DOUG WYATT | YOUNG ADULTS There is no greater transition in life than the one that leads into adulthood. Join this discussion-based small group as we explore how to establish a biblical foundation to help you navigate that transition.
RM 104 KERRY & ROBBIE SHUCK | YOUNG MARRIEDS Starting off a new life together can be an amazing adventure! Join other young couples in this small group as we discover how to set our marriages and future families up for happiness, just as God designed.
RM 201 ERNIE EIDSON | YOUNG FAMILIES Finding balance in our marriages, families, and careers can be tough. Don’t do it alone! Come laugh, fellowship, and learn with us as we explore how God wants us to lead our marriages and families.
ROY PECK | 30s-50s Life can be unpredictable, but life can also be a blast! While the answers may not all be clear, we can definitely make sure you don’t have to go at it alone. Join us as we discuss how to navigate life as God intended, apply his Word every day, and make the most of every minute we have!
RM 100 KENNETH MCGEE | 50s & UP Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will be our counselor and our guide until He comes again. With that in mind, join this small group as we explore the Bible and discover what it means for us today and how we can rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us each day.
RM 105
RM 104
BROOKE CARRUTH | WOMEN’S GROUP We say it all the time, “Connected people do life together.” Ladies, come join this small group designed just for you, and together we will discover how God fits into our busy lives.
ARNOLD & PHILLIPS | 40s-60s Belonging to a community of believers who care is vital to our spiritual lives. Join this discussion-based small group that encourages, challenges, and shows each other how to implement our faith in God in practical ways.
KEN ISOM | 50s & UP We believe that our Senior Adults are a vital part of our church! This small group provides an opportunity for our “Prime-Timers” (Senior Adults) to fellowship, worship with one another, and engage in biblical discussion.
RM 202
ROB MCCLURE | ALL AGES Starting February 10 Join us as we go through the book “Love and Respect”. This group is for everyone! If you are in marital crisis... wanting to stay happily married.. feeling lonely. It’s for engaged couples...victims of affairs...We will learn how to stop the Crazy Cycle of conflict - initiate the Energizing Cycle of change - enjoy the Rewarded Cycle of new passion.
ED DAMRON | 40s-60s Faith moves mountains! We need to trust and believe that God is who He says He is and He can do what the Bible says He can do! Join us as we explore scripture and discover how to grow in Christ and learn to handle real-life issues with prayer and deeprooted faith in God.
ROB MCCLURE | ALL AGES We believe that scripture is incredibly relevant for our daily lives! Join with people of all ages and life stages to explore scripture verse by verse and discuss how to practically apply them to our lives.
RM204 BRIDGE STUDENTS Get connected in a weekly small group! This time is designed to help your students grow in spiritual disciplines.
TUESDAYS AT 9:30AM MOMS CLASS Come hang out and grow with other moms while we watch the little ones. You know...a vacation! RM100
LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY We are kicking off a brand new video-assisted series called “Beloved Disciple” by Beth Moore. RM104
PRIME TIMERS This is an opportunity for all of our senior adults to get out, have fun, learn, and fellowship with other seniors. RM105
THIRD SUNDAY AT 6:00PM DOUG WYATT | YOUNG ADULTS (405) 204-4569 / doug@thebridgeag.org
WRILEY & DAWN WEBSTER | NEWLYWEDS (405) 414-4119 / wriley@wearethebridge.church
Every 1st & 3rd Week Are you the family, partner, or caregiver of an individual living with mental illness? Come find support and friendship with others in the same situation. We will discuss critical information and strategies related to caregiving. RM200
(405) 830-5878 / jjack540@cox.net
LUKE & ANDREA PURKEY | 20s-40s (W/ KIDS) (405) 317-4560 / andrea.purkey@gmail.com
JASON & MARGIE TIMM | 30s-50s (W/ KIDS & TEENS) (405) 613-4547 / mazawill@yahoo.com
LIVING FREE ADDICTION RECOVERY Come and let us help you on the road to overcoming addictions and breaking free from life-controlling issues. The End Zone.
MARK & DIANE LEBSACK | 30s-50s (W/ KIDS & TEENS) (405) 830-0059 / mdlebsack@yahoo.com
(405) 517-8635 / rob@thebridgeag.org
on January 9th we will be launching Bridge University for our adults at 7:00PM. Bridge University will be a time of learning and fellowship for all who attend. The schedule in January and February is simple, meet in the sanctuary at 7pm for worship, then we will break out to a variety of great classes.
DONNELLY & GROVES | 30s-50s (405) 740-3631 / alidonnelly4@yahoo.com
ED & BRENDA DAMRON | 40s-60s (405) 823-7442 / brenda@brendadamron.com
Women’s Study / Join us as we study the book of Job together and discover God’s goodness even in difficulties! RM105
KATHLEEN & LYNDEN WILCOXSON | ALL AGES (405) 820-2990 / kathleenwilcoxson@sbcglobal.net
Men’s Study / Join us as look closely at Seven Decisions that we each can make that will turn any life around, no matter how hopeless a situation may seem to be. RM102
(405) 250-0619 / kenmcgee@thebridgeag.org Interest Based
Group Study / Be a part of our study as we look at the many ‘tests’ that God led Joseph through on his way to the Egyptian palace. RM100
(405) 830.0530 / stevensroger34@yahoo.com
Tips to a Long and Happy Marriage There may not be one secret to creating a long and successful
This never works. Put the energy you’d use trying to convince
marriage. However, there are some definite tips that could
your spouse to change into changing your own behavior. Not
begin to pave the way to one! Here are 7 helpful ideas to begin
sure where to begin? Go back to #1 on this list. Unless you’re
practicing in your marriage.
willing to give your life for your spouse, in spite of their flaws, you’ve got work to do.
1) Make God, first and last and best in everything / Marriages that put God at the center of those that don’t. They focus on God for the source of their
5) Show at least the same love and respect that you had for each other early in your relationship / After marriage, all the effort
happiness rather than their spouse.
we put into impressing our future spouse usually slips away.
their marriage are scientifically proven to be happier than
The less attractive aspects of our character take the stage.
2) Discover and focus on your spouse’s positive qualities instead of defects / Think
Why do we despise the salesman who lures us in with the bait-and-switch, but use the same tactic to land a husband
of your mood as an elevator with high moods and low moods.
or wife? If we’re not the person we pretended to be when we
Focusing on the negative qualities of a person takes the
convinced our partner to marry, we’re obligated to become
elevator down to the basement of low moods. Depression,
that person.
irritation, anger, stress, and fear are low moods. Curiosity floor. Be curious about your spouse’s positive qualities, and
6) Encourage each other in fighting life’s battles / We all appreciate having someone on outside
focus on them when you find them and you’ll have more of
when life gets difficult. Don’t just have your spouse’s back–
the high moods like gratitude, hope and happiness.
stand at his or her side and fight their battles with them. This
about a person, brings the mood elevator up to the ground
is the best encouragement you can give.
3) Never hold on to thoughts that your marriage is a mistake or disappointment / These thoughts may enter your mind when times are tough.
7) Learn what makes your spouse happy and do it often / This is the kind of thing you probably
Holding on to these thoughts will undermine your will to
used to your advantage before you and your spouse said “I
work at improving your marriage. Let these thoughts exit
do.” It shows you have a genuine interest in your spouse’s
your mind as quickly as they entered by going back to #2 on
happiness when you do the things that bring them joy.
this list.
Research has shown that happiness in a marriage flourishes when spouses give generously to each other. Noted marriage
4) Commit yourself to be the best that you can be for your spouse / Have you tried to
researcher John Gottman, Ph.D., discovered that couples whose ratio of saying or doing at least 5 positive things for
improve your marriage by trying to change your partner?
each negative interaction are the most successful.
If you have a child you would like to
If you have recently given your heart to
In our membership class you’ll learn
have dedicated, you can go online or
the Lord or have rededicated your life
the vision and values of The Bridge.
open our mobile app to get signed up.
and want to be water baptized, there is
At the end of the class you’ll have an
We just need some basic information
a class we would like for you to attend.
opportunity to become a member.
about your child and a photo. Deadline
On March 24 we will offer a class at
Membership Class is designed for
for dedication sign-ups is March 17.
9:30 & 10:50AM in RM102. This class is
16 year olds and up. This class is a
a requirement for baptism.
requirement for membership. It will be offered on March 3 & 10 at 9:30 & 10:50AM in RM102.
FEBRUARY 10 No PM Activities
Tuesday at 9:00AM Join us every week as we come together for a time of corporate prayer in the Chapel.
Wednesday, February 13 Statistics prove that eating around the table with family makes a difference. So we’re doing that. On our family dinner service nights we offer a free meal, have worship and a short devotional message. The best part is we do this all around round tables ending with a time of discussion and prayer. We hope your students will join us for this amazing experience at 7:00PM.
MEMBERSHIP CLASSES Sunday, March 3 & 10 In our membership class, you’ll learn the vision and values of The Bridge. At the end of the class you’ll have an opportunity to become a member. Membership Class is designed for 16 year olds and up. This class is a requirement for membership. It will be offered on March 3 & 10 at 9:30 & 10:50AM in RM102.
BAPTISM CLASSES Sunday, March 24 If you have recently given your heart to the Lord or have rededicated your life and want to be water baptized, there is a class we would like for you to attend. On March 24 we will offer a class at 9:30 & 10:50AM in RM102. This class is a requirement for baptism.
Bridge Kids BRIDGE KIDS EXPERIENCE Sundays at 8:15/9:30/10:50AM Join us every week for exciting worship, fun games, and biblical lessons!
FEBRUARY 17 Connect Groups
BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS Wednesdays at 7:00PM We offer fun-filled programs every week for boys (Royal Rangers) and girls (mPact) that help them grow with God.
FEBRUARY 24 No PM Activities
BRIDGE STUDENTS EXPERIENCE Wednesdays at 7:00PM Join us for our weekly service that your students do not want to miss. There is powerful worship, a life-impacting message, and a whole lot of fun!
All Church
FEBRUARY 3 No PM Activities
Bridge Students
Friday, February 22 We invite all boys in K thru 5th grade to come join us for this Ranger Fun Night. It will be from 6:00-10:30PM in the Bridge Kids auditorium.The cost is $5 and includes pizza, snacks, inflatables, and nerf gun battle obstacle courses. Bring your own nerf guns and ammo.
Bridge Men
FIVE DOLLAR FORMAL Wednesday, February 27 We challenge you to buy the best, fanciest, most formal outfit.... for $5! Check your local thrift stores and give it your best shot. We will have snacks, games and giveaways! We will serve snacks and hang out starting at 6:30PM. We can’t wait to see you there!
Bridge Women LADIES CRAFT NIGHT Thursday, February 7 We want to invite all ladies to come join us in creating wooden home decor signs. It’s going to be a lot of fun at 7:00PM! There will be snacks, free childcare, and as always great fellowship. The cost is $25 and you can get signed up at EventHUB or through our website & mobile app.
Bridge Seniors MAGNOLIA LUNCHEON Thursday, February 14 If you are a single lady over 50 we want to take time to honor you this Valentine’s Day. Come join us for a special meal in The Commons at 11:30AM. There will be food, fellowship, and time to honor you for being you!
VALENTINES DINNER Friday, February 15 We want to invite all senior adults to come celebrate Valentine’s Day with us at Grill on the Hill. Vans will leave the church at 4:15PM.
MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, February 9 Come join us for a man-sized breakfast, great fellowship, and a short devotional in The Venue at 7:30AM.