Here are some things that we think are imperative to your journey here, as you explore what The Bridge has to offer you and your family.
Need information? You can find it all in this magazine, on our website, or through our mobile app, “MyBridge.” You can get details on all upcoming events, sign up for classes, and much more!
Stop by Starting Point after the service. Here you will find someone from our church who would like to meet you and answer any questions you may have about our church.
In a large church, the key to making friends and having community is joining a small group. We know you’re busy, so we offer small groups on Sundays at 9:30 and 10:45AM to make the most of your time here.
Our student’s and kid’s experiences are outstanding. Make sure your kids don’t miss out on the amazing things we have going on just for them.
WE WANT TO HELP YOU GET TO THE OTHER SIDE, SO CONNECT, GROW, AND SERVE WITH US. // Starting Point is located in the Lobby on the east side of the Worship Center
BEAST FEAST On January 19th, the Bridge Men hosted their annual Beast Feast in the Venue Building. What do you do at a Beast Feast you ask? Simple, you eat! Over 200 men showed up hungry for the event and left with stomachs full of deer, brisket, ribs, gator, duck, and even pigeon gumbo! It was a great evening of food and fellowship!
STUDENT REVIVAL For the second year in a row, Bridge Students has hosted a four night revival as a way to kick off the new year. This year was an amazing event, where students packed out the youth building and came with a great anticipation of what God was going to do in their lives in 2016.
BGMC CONNECT GROUPS Held every third Sunday of the month, these groups meet throughout the community. They present the perfect opportunity for you to meet new people and to build relationships with others. Here at The Bridge we value the family atmosphere that our church offers and believe strongly that these groups are a great way for you to become better “connected.” Be sure to join one next month, February 21st @ 6pm.
Friday night, January 15th, Bridge Kids hosted an awards ceremony celebrating all the kids who gave to the Boys and Girls Missionary Club (BGMC) this past year. Overall, 2015 was a huge success for our kids and missions as they gave over $41,000 to support missionaries all across the globe!
If you have a baby you would like to
If you have recently given your heart
In our membership class, you’ll learn
have dedicated, you can go online or
to the Lord or have rededicated your
the vision and values of The Bridge.
open our mobile app to get signed up.
life and want to be water baptized,
At the end of the class you’ll have an
We just need some basic information
there is a class we would like for you
opportunity to become a member.
about your child and a photo we can
to attend.
On February 28 we will
Membership Class is designed for
use at Family Night. Deadline for
offer a class at 9:30AM(Conference
16 year olds and up. This class is a
dedication sign-ups is February 21.
Room), 10:45AM (Conference Room),
requirement for membership. It will
and 5:00PM(RM100). This class is a
be offered on February 14 & 21 at 9:30 &
requirement for baptism.
10:45AM in RM102.
We believe it is vital that everyone who comes through our doors feels welcomed, connected with God, and connected with great people to do life with! So here we have a ton of avenues available for you to be a part of: small groups, special events, volunteer teams and more. We want to create ample opportunities for you to build incredibly fun, healthy friendships as well as help you flourish in your relationship with God! Your life is valuable! Get yourself connected today!
Rm 201 Kenny McGee | 30s-50s How does God’s timeless word apply to us in real life? Lets figure it out together! In this small group, find the support, friendships, encouragement, and Biblical answers that you need to face all that life may bring your way.
Rm 203 Roy Peck | 30s-50s Life can be unpredictable, but life can also be a blast! While the answers may not all be clear, we can definitely make sure you don’t have to go it alone. Join us as we discuss how to navigate life as God intended, applying his Word everyday, and making the most of every minute we have!
Rm 104 Elaine Arnold | 40s-60s Belonging to a community of believers who care is vital to our spiritual lives. Join this discussion based small group, where our priority is creating a positive atmosphere that encourages and challenges one another, so that daily we may implement our faith in God in practical ways.
Rm 202 Ed Damron | 40s-60s Faith moves mountains! We need to trust and believe that God is who He says He is, and He can do what the Bible says He can do! Join us a we explore
SUNDAYS / 10:45AM scripture and discover how to grow in Christ and learn to handle real life issues with prayer and deep rooted faith in God.
Rm 105 Kathleen Wilcoxson | 30s-60s When you study scripture, you discover that the Word of God truly is living and active! So, don’t miss this opportunity to join others in an in depth study of the Bible that will not only lead to great Biblical discussions, but will also educate and challenge you to a pursue a deeper knowledge of, and maturity in, Christ.
Rm 100 Kenneth McGee | 50s & up Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will be our counselor and our guide until He comes again. With that in mind, join this small group as we explore the Bible and discover what it means for us today and how we can daily rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us each day.
Chapel Ken Isom | 50s & up We believe that our Senior Adults are a vital part of our church! This small group provides an opportunity for our “Prime-Timers” (Senior Adults) to fellowship, worship with one another, and engage in Biblical discussion.
Rm 105
Helen Grace | Women’s Group We say it all the time, “Connected people do life together.” Ladies, come join this small group designed just for you, and together we will discover how God fits into and applies to our busy lives.
Rob McClure | All Ages We believe that scripture is incredibly relevant for our daily lives! Join with people of all ages and life stages to explore scripture, verse by verse, and then discuss how to practically apply them to our lives.
Rm 205 Cody Phillips | Young Adults There is no greater transition in life than the one that leads into adulthood. Join this discussion based small group as we explore how to establish a Biblical foundation to help you navigate that transition.
RM100 Erika Reddick | Women’s Group We say it all the time, “Connected people do life together.” Ladies, come join this small group designed just for you, and together we will discover how God fits into and applies to our busy lives.
Rm 104
Stephen Rosebrook | Young Marrieds Starting off a new life together can be an amazing adventure! Join other young couples in this small group as we discover how to set our marriages and future families up for happiness, just as God designed.
Ken Isom | Rm 105 Hey senior adults here is an opportunity to get out of the house, have fun, and enjoy fellowship with other senior adults.
Rm 201 Ernie Eidson | Young Families Finding balance in our marriages, families and careers can be tough. Don’t do it alone! Come laugh, fellowship and learn with us as we explore how God wants us to lead our marriages and families.
Mom’s Class Kathy McGee | Rm 100 Come hang out and grow with other mom’s while we watch your little ones! You know....a vacation.
Women’s Bible Study Carole Harrell | Rm 104 We are kicking off a brand new Beth Moore study on Daniel and would love for you to join us!
Boys & Girls Clubs Wednesdays at 7:00PM
Men’s Bible Study Mike Brown Wednesday’s at 7:00PM
We offer fun filled programs every week for boys (Royal Rangers) and girls (mPact) that help them grow with God.
Men come join us to grow together in being a better husband, father, brother, and son. This study and group discussion happens in RM100 at 7:00PM.
Women’s Bible Study Dorcas Schroeder Wednesday’s at 7:00PM The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure Victory. Join us for this Priscilla Shirer video assisted teaching in RM105 at 7:00PM.
Blended Families Marc & Denise Hader Wednesday’s at 7:00PM Come learn to recognize the unique personality and place of each family member, solve the everyday puzzles of stepparenting and stepchildren relationships, and learn communication skills to deal with ex-spouses. This group happens in RM102 at 7:00PM.
Living Free Addiction Recovery Wednesday’s at 7:00PM Come and let us help you on the road to overcoming addictions and breaking free from life controlling issues every Wednesday in The End Zone.
KIDS Bridge Kids Sundays at 8:15/9:30/10:45AM Join us every week for exciting worship, fun games, and Biblical lessons!
Bridge Kids Volunteer Meeting Sunday, February 7 If you volunteer in Bridge Kids make plans to join us for our first quarterly volunteer meeting with Pastor Carrie. She is going to be sharing her vision for Bridge Kids and implementing new policies and procedures. There are exciting changes coming to Bridge Kids and we can’t do it without you.
Parents Night Out Friday, February 12 Hey parents, looking for a night out? Drop your kids, ages birth 5th Grade, off with us and enjoy the evening off. From 6:30 til 10:00PM they will do activities and games for Valentines Day and enjoy a Ice Cream sundae bar! The cost is $15 for one child or $25 per family. Dinner is not provided. You must register online by February 5.
Gold Eagle / Honor Star Parent Meeting Wednesday, March 2
Rally Night Black Tie Event Wednesday, February 24
If your 5th grader is in the process of becoming a 2016 Honor Star or Gold Eagle candidate, please make every effort to attend this meeting at 6:00PM in the Bridge Kids Auditorium. We will be discussing important details and deadlines for this process.
Hey students get ready to dress to impress. Put on your suit and tie for our Rally Night this month. Games, prizes, and getting to hear Pastor Ryan Summers talk about all things love and dating.
MEN STUDENTS Bridge Students Wednesdays at 7:00PM Join us for our weekly worship experience in the Bridge Students building.
Sunday Grow Groups Sundays at 10:45AM
Men’s Breakfast Saturday, February 13 Come join us for an amazing breakfast and a short devotional at 7:30AM out in The Venue.
Get connected in a weekly small group! This time is designed to help your students grow in spiritual disciplines and have questions answered they are asking. 6th-7th Grade / RM200 8th-9th Grade / RM203 10-12th Grade / RM204
Comfy Chocolate Boutique Thursday, February 11
Open House Sunday, February 21
Looking for a way to grab a quick meal before service and support missions in the process? Join us for our BGMC Dinner out in The Venue at 6:00PM.
All Bridge Students are welcome to come to Pastor Ryan and Sarah’s house to hang out and spend time together. There will be games and fun. We hope to see you there at 6:30PM!
Magnolia Luncheon Thursday, February 11
Boys Club Lock In February 26 & 27
Student Leader Meeting Sunday, February 21
We want to invite all boys to a lock in on Friday, February 26 at 6:30PM. It will be a fun night full of pizza, laser tag, and nerf gun wars! The cost is $10 and be sure to bring a nerf gun. If your child is in 2nd grade or younger they must be accompanied by adult male to stay the night, otherwise they can be picked up at 10:30 PM. All kids staying the night must be picked up by 8:00AM on Saturday.
Student leaders join us at 5:30PM to discuss things from what we can improve on to where we can grow together to become the leaders God calls us to be. It’s happening at Ryan & Sarah’s Home.
BGMC Dinner Wednesday, February 24
Ladies, come dressed comfy & bring your favorite chocolate food item. Enjoy some “Girl” time! at 7:00PM out in The Venue. Childcare provided up to age 5.
If you are a single lady over 50 we want to honor you for being you! Come join us on Thursday, February 11 at 11:30 AM for a special meal and time of fellowship. It is happening in The Commons. Make sure to signup out at Starting Point.
Valentines Dinner Friday, February 12 You don’t want to miss our Valentine Dinner trip. We will be headed to Grill On The Hill in Capitol Hill for a great time of food and fellowship. Church vans will be leaving at 4:30PM.
TITUS 2:11
PSALM 139:23
JOSHUA 24:15
ACTS 15:19
ACTS 1:8
ACTS 2:42
1 THESS 5:12
JOHN 13:34
JOHN 8:32
For many of you the idea of Fasting may not be something that you are comfortable or even familiar with. Here is a little information to help you get the most from these next 21 days.
2 CORINTH 5:17
The goal of fasting is to draw nearer to God. Biblical fasting always has to do with eliminating distractions for a spiritual purpose; it hits the reset button of our soul and renews us from the inside out. It also enables us to celebrate the goodness and mercy of God and prepares our hearts for all the good things God desires to bring into our lives. Remember, your personal fast should present a level of challenge, but it is very important to know your body, your options, and most importantly, to seek God in prayer and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.
At the beginning of February we are encouraging everyone to join us for a 21 day prayer and fast! This will be a season of focused prayer as a church
2 CHRON 7:14
family and we are inviting all of you to join us. Praying and Fasting is a great opportunity for us to re-connect with God and re-center our lives around him. We hope that you will join us in being part of this 21 Day experience! To the left, to help you during this 21 Day Prayer and Fast we have included a simple calendar of prayer points for each day to go alongside what you may already be praying and believing for.
For those of you who would like to take the Prayer & Fast to another level,
watch the Church’s Facebook, Twitter & Instagram feeds for simple daily
1 JOHN 4:11-12
1 PETER 4:10
It’s going to be a great 21 days! We can’t wait to see what God has in store
PROV 11:24-25
Visit THEBRIDGEAG.ORG/21DAYS for worship playlists, how to get daily action steps, and more prayer and fasting resources.
action steps and challenges to put to practice your prayer focus that day. for each of your lives and for our church!
TYPES OF FASTS COMPLETE FAST Fast for drinking only liquids.
SELECTIVE FAST Fast that removes certain elements from your diet.
PARTIAL FAST Involves abstaining from eating any type of food in the daytime. (Sun-up to sun-down)
SOUL FAST For those who wish to refocus certain areas of their life that are out of balance. For instance, someone might abstain from social media or television or netflix throughout the duration of the fast. THEBRIDGEAG.ORG / 9
WEEKLY SCHEDULE Traditional Worship Experience Sundays at 8:15AM
This experience offers a variety of hymns and sacred songs.
Modern Worship Experience Sundays at 9:30AM
This experience has a more laid back atmosphere & guitar driven worship.
Blended Worship Experience Sundays at 10:45AM
This experience includes upbeat worship with a choir and orchestra.
PM Worship Experience Sundays at 6:30PM
During this experience we come together as a whole to worship.
Hispanic Worship Experience Sundays at 10:30AM
This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia . Children and Youth can take part in what is happening on our main campus.
Wed. Traditional Worship Experience Wednesdays at 7:00PM
This experience offers a variety of hymns and messages from Kenneth McGee in the Chapel.
Drive Worship Experience Wednesdays at 7:00PM
This experience has a more laid back atmosphere & messages from Rob McClure in the Worship Center.
Wed. Hispanic Worship Experience Wednesdays at 7:00PM
This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia
Our trained nursery staff is available during all worship experiences. For a full list of other opportunities, please check out the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Get Connectedâ&#x20AC;? section of Pulse. 10 / T H E B R I D G E A G . O R G
T H E B R I D G E A G . O R G / 11
12 / T H E B R I D G E A G . O R G