The Pulse | November 2018

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of year though, isn’t it?

your life. Slowing down to pause and reflect on these things will allow this

Of course, as things get busier and we

season to carry even more meaning in

become more and more consumed with

your heart.

the holidays, it is so important that we find time to purposely slow down and

I love being your Pastor.


Make it a great month!

One way to do that, especially during

Jim & Linda

We have officially navigated into the 2018

the Thanksgiving season, is to pause and

Holiday Seasons! With Thanksgiving

remember what we really are thankful

only a few weeks away and Christmas

for. Bridge Family, let me encourage

quickly sneaking up, I know that if your

you all to daily, throughout the month

family is anything like mine, things are

of November, slow down to make time

about to get really busy! It is a great time

remember what you are thankful for in

Experiences SUNDAYS


at 7:00PM



This experience offers a variety of hymns and messages from Kenneth McGee in the Chapel.

This experience offers a variety of hymns and sacred songs.



This experience has a more laid-back atmosphere & guitar-driven worship.

This experience has a more laid-back atmosphere & messages from Rob McClure in the Worship Center.

BLENDED 10:50AM This experience includes upbeat worship with a choir and orchestra.



This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia.

This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia. Children and Youth can take part in what is happening on our main campus.

AFTER-HOURS CONTACT INFORMATION In case of emergency please contact our church office at 405.376.4538 and our answering service will contact us accordingly.

1. Need information?

2. Stop by Starting Point

3. Join a small group. In

4. Our students’ and

You can find it all in this

after the service. You will

a large church, the key to

kids’ experiences are

magazine, on our website, or

find someone to answer any

making friends and having

outstanding. Make sure

through our mobile app.

questions you may have

community is joining a small

your kids don’t miss out on

about our church.


the amazing things we have going on just for them.



13 Things I’ve Learned Writing 1,024 Gratitude Lists “Why did this have to happen to me?”

EVERYDAY. Sounds pretty easy; right? Well, it wasn’t. When you’ve lived most of your life NOT focusing on

Those words used to come out of my mouth or run through

gratitude, it’s not so simple to change that. Coming up with

my mind on a daily basis. It didn’t matter if it was something

lists during those early days was challenging. Especially if

big or something little. I was in a constant state of “poor me.”

I was having (what I thought) was a bad day. But I learned

I always wanted something more and couldn’t just be happy.


This all started to change once I began to cultivate a powerful feeling that had laid dormant in me for years…


Gratitude. (A feeling of appreciation or thanks. So simple yet

No matter what was going on in my life (business problems,

so mighty.)

I was sick, someone cut me off in traffic, whatever) there was ALWAYS something that I could find to be grateful for. My

You see, I was never someone to look for things to be grateful

health, my daughter’s smile, clean water to drink, how excited

for. I was always looking for the bad things that happened

my dog was to see me when I came home, having a phone to

to me rather than looking at all of the good things that were

text my gratitude list on, having someone to text it to, and on

happening in my life every single day.

and on, because I started to notice that…



Writing gratitude lists started as a challenge from my mentor.

I truly believe that you are the average of the 5 people you

He told me to text him three things that I am grateful for

spend the most time with. This applies to gratitude. Surround




yourself with people who are grateful, and it will be easier for

After 10 weeks, those who wrote about gratitude were more

you to cultivate your own gratitude. Speaking of that attitude

optimistic and felt better about their lives. Not only can it

of gratitude, I began to realize that…

help you become happier but…



My gratitude lists started off very basic, and I struggled to

According to the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, the average

find things to be grateful for, especially on the really tough

person has about 70,000 thoughts each day! Most of these

days. But once I consistently took action and just did them,

thoughts are very similar and simply repeat over and over in

it became easier and easier. My lists grew to 4 items and then

our heads each day. There’s one big problem with this — the

eventually to 6 and now they are usually more than 20 things.

vast majority of these thoughts are negative. It’s not always

But in order to do this, I had to change how I thought about

a matter of simply telling our minds DON’T THINK THIS

gratitude and came to realize that…

NEGATIVE THOUGHT NOW. Because guess what our minds do? They start to think about that negative thought (they


just ignore the don’t part). Gratitude can work to arrest and

Writing a gratitude list, and actually being thankful, slowly

replace these negative thought patterns by replacing it with

started to change my entire mind and my way of thinking. I

something positive. Which helps you discover that…

found that I could be grateful for just about anything, even the bad stuff. Sick with a cold? I could be grateful for my


health when I’m not sick. Someone is rude to me? I could be

I want you to think about two different people for a moment…

grateful that they were showing me a good example of who I

Bob is always complaining. Nothing ever seems to be good

don’t want to be. The funny thing about these examples and

enough for him. He’s always upset about something and

this line of thinking in general is that I don’t necessarily see

telling you about all the things that are wrong with the

these gifts as they are happening. But I’m often able to look

world. You know Bob pretty well. And the crazy thing is he

back and realize that they were all happening for a reason:

has so many good things in his life, but it doesn’t matter. It’s

to show me something. To teach me. And for that I can be

never enough.

grateful. Which led me to understanding that... Then there’s Gavin, the guy who always seems to be happy.


It doesn’t matter what’s going on in his life, he has this glow about him. He wants to tell you about the good stuff going on, not to brag but to share and lift you up.

When you focus on the things that you are grateful for, it opens you to the source of all those things that came into

On the outside, Gavin and Bob are pretty much the same

your life. Gratitude allows you to come into full harmony

person except Gavin has gratitude in his life. He is thankful

and awareness of God’s hand in the universe. It can best

for what he has.

be summed up with this simple statement: If you’re not thankful for what you have, why should you get anything

Which person do you enjoy being around more? Which

more? This led me to the discovery that…

person do you think enjoys their life more? And once you have gratitude, there is something else you need to do…



In a 2003 study, two psychologists asked participants in

Gratitude is a gift. One of the greatest joys that we get to

a study to write a few sentences each week, focusing on

experience in this world is giving gifts and making people’s

particular topics each week:

lives better. When you express your gratitude for someone or

• The first group wrote about things they were grateful for.

something, you are sharing that gift.

• The second group wrote about daily irritations or things that had displeased them. • The third group wrote about events that had affected them (with no emphasis on the positive or negative).





RM 205

The goal of joining a group is growing in your walk with Jesus and surrounding yourself with people that can support you in taking your next steps. We believe life is better when you live in community. SUNDAYS AT 9:30AM

RM 201 KENNY MCGEE | 30s-50s How does God’s timeless word apply to us in real life? Let’s figure it out together! In this small group, find the support, friendships, encouragement, and biblical answers that you need to face all that life may bring your way.

RM 203

RM 105 KATHLEEN WILCOXSON | 30s-60s When you study scripture, you discover that the Word of God truly is living and active! So don’t miss this opportunity to join others in an indepth study of the Bible that will not only lead to great biblical discussions but will also educate and challenge you to pursue a deeper knowledge of Christ.

DOUG WYATT | YOUNG ADULTS There is no greater transition in life than the one that leads into adulthood. Join this discussion-based small group as we explore how to establish a biblical foundation to help you navigate that transition.

RM 104 KERRY & ROBBIE SHUCK | YOUNG MARRIEDS Starting off a new life together can be an amazing adventure! Join other young couples in this small group as we discover how to set our marriages and future families up for happiness, just as God designed.

RM 201 ERNIE EIDSON | YOUNG FAMILIES Finding balance in our marriages, families, and careers can be tough. Don’t do it alone! Come laugh, fellowship, and learn with us as we explore how God wants us to lead our marriages and families.

ROY PECK | 30s-50s Life can be unpredictable, but life can also be a blast! While the answers may not all be clear, we can definitely make sure you don’t have to go at it alone. Join us as we discuss how to navigate life as God intended, apply his Word every day, and make the most of every minute we have!

RM 100 KENNETH MCGEE | 50s & UP Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will be our counselor and our guide until He comes again. With that in mind, join this small group as we explore the Bible and discover what it means for us today and how we can rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us each day.

RM 105

RM 104


BROOKE CARRUTH | WOMEN’S GROUP We say it all the time, “Connected people do life together.” Ladies, come join this small group designed just for you, and together we will discover how God fits into our busy lives.

ARNOLD & PHILLIPS | 40s-60s Belonging to a community of believers who care is vital to our spiritual lives. Join this discussion-based small group that encourages, challenges, and shows each other how to implement our faith in God in practical ways.

KEN ISOM | 50s & UP We believe that our Senior Adults are a vital part of our church! This small group provides an opportunity for our “Prime-Timers” (Senior Adults) to fellowship, worship with one another, and engage in biblical discussion.

RM 202

Starting September 9 Griefshare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. RM205

ED DAMRON | 40s-60s Faith moves mountains! We need to trust and believe that God is who He says He is and He can do what the Bible says He can do! Join us as we explore scripture and discover how to grow in Christ and learn to handle real-life issues with prayer and deeprooted faith in God.




ROB MCCLURE | ALL AGES We believe that scripture is incredibly relevant for our daily lives! Join with people of all ages and life stages to explore scripture verse by verse and discuss how to practically apply them to our lives.


RM204 BRIDGE STUDENTS Get connected in a weekly small group! This time is designed to help your students grow in spiritual disciplines.


TUESDAYS AT 9:30AM MOMS CLASS Starting September 11 Come hang out and grow with other moms while we watch the little ones. You know...a vacation! RM100

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY Starting September 11 We are kicking off a brand new video-assisted series called “Beloved Disciple” by Beth Moore. RM104

PRIMETIMERS Starting September 11 This is an opportunity for all of our senior adults to get out, have fun, learn, and fellowship with other seniors. RM105



WEDNESDAYS AT 7:00PM BATTLE PLAN FOR PRAYER The Battle Plan for Prayer begins with prayer’s core purpose, its biblical design, and its impact throughout history. We will be guided scripturally through the fundamentals of how effective prayer works. RM100

TAKING THE WEIRD OUT OF PROPHETIC MINISTRY Prophesy is part of the fivefold ministry described in scripture (Pastors, Evangelists, Apostles, Teachers, and Prophets). Of all these ministries, God tells us to seek prophecy above the others. Let’s find out why. RM105

NAMI SUPPORT GROUP Every 1st & 3rd Week Are you the family, partner, or caregiver of an individual living with mental illness? Come find support and friendship with others in the same situation. We will discuss critical information and strategies related to caregiving. RM200

LIVING FREE ADDICTION RECOVERY Come and let us help you on the road to overcoming addictions and breaking free from life-controlling issues. The End Zone.

JOSH & HOLLY JACKSON | 20s-40s (W/ KIDS) (405) 830-5878 /

LUKE & ANDREA PURKEY | 20s-40s (W/ KIDS) (405) 317-4560 /

ANNETTE HABEN | 30s-40s (W/ KIDS) (405) 323-9428 /

JASON & MARGIE TIMM | 30s-50s (W/ KIDS & TEENS) (405) 613-4547 /

ROB & SHERRI MCCLURE | 30s-50s (405) 517-8635 /

DONNELLY & GROVES | 30s-50s (405) 740-3631 /

ED & BRENDA DAMRON | 40s-60s (405) 823-7442 /

KATHLEEN & LYNDEN WILCOXSON | All Ages (405) 820-2990 /

KEN ISOM & KEN MCGEE | SENIOR ADULTS (405) 250-0619 / Interest Based








Hey, Bridge Family. This November we challenge you to take the Thanksgiving season to a whole other level! Rather than simply reserving your gratitude and thanks for just one day this month, consider joining us every day as we choose to daily create our own Gratitude List! As you may have read in the article located on page 4 of this month’s Pulse, giving thanks to God and identifying places that we can be thankful for is hugely beneficial for our lives. Gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness! So here are your simple instructions : First, find a place that you can collect your month’s gratitude list. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, it just has to be yours! (Journal, your phone, notepad, etc..) Second, lay it on your nightstand so you’ll see it before you go to sleep or when you wake up each morning, and remember to jot down what you are thankful for. Third, set a goal for how many things you will list daily. There is nothing wrong with choosing 3 or 5 things each day. And, of course, there is nothing wrong with doing more than that! The whole purpose of this is to simply get into the habit of identifying what we are thankful for, even in those moments when that feels like an impossible task. Finally, keep your items simple and challenge yourself each day to build on the list you have! Remember, starting each day with a commitment to thankfulness will create a ripple effect of positivity in your life that will help you, even on your worst day.




Happenings All Church

Bridge Students



Tuesday at 9:00AM Join us every week as we come together for a time of corporate prayer in the Chapel.


NOVEMBER 4 Refresh Night

Sunday, December 2 Come join us in The Venue at 6:00PM as we stuff 1,000 shoeboxes with gifts for kids who would otherwise get nothing this Christmas season.

Bridge Kids BRIDGE KIDS EXPERIENCE Sundays at 8:15/9:30/10:50AM Join us every week for exciting worship, fun games, and biblical lessons!

NOVEMBER 11 No PM Activities

Wednesdays at 7:00PM We offer fun-filled programs every week for boys (Royal Rangers) and girls (mPact) that help them grow with God.


CHRISTMAS PLAY Sunday, December 9 We want to invite everyone to come have a blast and bring in some Christmas cheer at our “Back to the Manger” kids Christmas musical.

Bridge Men MAN CAVE

OCTOBER 25 No PM Activities

FAMILY DINNER Wednesday, November 14 Here at Bridge Students, we believe in connecting. Statistics prove that eating around the table with family makes a difference. So we’re doing that. On our family dinner service nights we offer a free meal, have worship and a short devotional message. The best part is we do this all around round tables ending with a time of discussion and prayer. We hope your students will join us for this amazing experience.



Wednesdays at 5:30PM We meet each week in the Bridge Kids Auditorium from 5:30-6:30PM. The Program is December 9th at 6:00PM. For more information, pick up a Program Packet in Bridge Kids!

NOVEMBER 18 STL Pie Auction

Wednesdays at 7:00PM Join us for our weekly service that your students do not want to miss. There is powerful worship, a life-impacting message, and a whole lot of fun!

Thursday, November 8 Hey, men. Don’t miss our next Man Cave event on Thursday, November 8. We are going to meet out in The Venue, fry some turkeys, and talk about what we are thankful for. Starts at 6:30PM, and all you need to do is bring a side dish. We hope to see you there.

Sunday, November 18 Bridge Students will be holding our annual Speed The Light Pie Auction on Sunday, November 18, at 6:00PM. If you would like to make a dessert for the auction, please drop your dessert off at the EventHub on Sunday, November 18, during the morning services, or from 3:00-5:00PM in the Venue. There will also be a dinner provided! So come, enjoy a meal, and buy a pie or dessert to help us raise money for missions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kaisha Johnson at kaisha@wearethebridge. church or call (405)376-4538.

THANKSMAS DINNER Wednesday, December 5 Invite your friends and join us for Bridge Students’ 2nd annual Thanksmas Dinner - where we gather around the table together and eat a Thanksgiving/Christmas feast as a family! We can’t wait to see you there.

MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, November 10 Come join us for a man-sized breakfast, great fellowship, and a short devotional in The Venue at 7:30AM.









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