Pulse | September 2019

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able to gather this past summer. Perhaps

our thinking, so that we can live the

it was a family vacation or weekend

Good News now, instead of waiting for

getaway. Stories shared by your kids

eternity. I feel this is a timely message, as

about their experiences at camp or on

we each have the opportunity to be used

a mission trip. Or maybe it was simply

by God and see his miraculous power

the long evenings playing and hanging

here on earth, daily!

out in the backyard with your friends or family. Regardless, these are all treasures

Join me this month and let’s learn

Hello Bridge Family! For many of you,

that we can hold onto and be reminded


routine is back in order as your kids

of what God has given us. We are blessed

have once again found themselves in


I love being your pastor, Jim & Linda

the classroom! Of course for the rest of us, its just time for a new month! As

This month, we will begin a new

we move on from the summer months,

series called, “From Heaven to Earth.”

please take a moment and reflect on

I am excited about this series, as it will

treasures that you and your family were

challenge each of us to let God renew

Experiences SUNDAYS


at 7:00PM



This experience offers a variety of hymns and messages from Kenneth McGee in the Chapel.

This experience offers a variety of hymns and sacred songs.



This experience has a more laid-back atmosphere & guitar-driven worship.

Meet in the auditorium for worship and message series. For series topic check out Page 9.

BLENDED 10:50AM This experience includes upbeat worship with a choir and orchestra.



This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia.

This experience takes place in The Connection building and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia. Children and Youth can take part in what is happening on our main campus.

AFTER-HOURS CONTACT INFORMATION In case of emergency please contact our church office at 405.376.4538 and our answering service will contact us accordingly.

1. Need information?

2. Stop by Starting Point

3. Join a small group. In

4. Our students’ and

You can find it all in this

after the service. You will

a large church, the key to

kids’ experiences are

magazine, on our website, or

find someone to answer any

making friends and having

outstanding. Make sure

through our mobile app.

questions you may have

community is joining a small

your kids don’t miss out on

about our church.


the amazing things we have going on just for them.









If you have a child you would like to

If you have recently given your heart to

In our membership class you’ll learn

have dedicated, you can go online or

the Lord or have rededicated your life

the vision and values of The Bridge.

open our mobile app to get signed up.

and want to be water baptized, there is

At the end of the class you’ll have an

We just need some basic information

a class we would like for you to attend.

opportunity to become a member.

about your child and a photo. Deadline

On September 22 we will offer a class at

Membership Class is designed for 16 year

for dedication sign-ups is September 15.

9:30 & 10:50AM in RM102. This class is a

olds and up. This class is a requirement

requirement for baptism.

for membership. It will be offered on September 8 & 15 at 9:30 & 10:50AM in RM102.





RM 205

The goal of joining a group is growing in your walk with Jesus and surrounding yourself with people that can support you in taking your next steps. We believe life is better when you live in community. SUNDAYS AT 9:30AM

RM 201 KENNY MCGEE | 30s-50s How does God’s timeless word apply to us in real life? Let’s figure it out together! In this small group, find the support, friendships, encouragement, and biblical answers that you need to face all that life may bring your way.

RM 203

RM 105 KATHLEEN WILCOXSON | All Ages When you study scripture, you discover that the Word of God truly is living and active! So don’t miss this opportunity to join others in an indepth study of the Bible that will not only lead to great biblical discussions but will also educate and challenge you to pursue a deeper knowledge of Christ.

DOUG WYATT | YOUNG ADULTS There is no greater transition in life than the one that leads into adulthood. Join this discussion-based small group as we explore how to establish a biblical foundation to help you navigate that transition.

RM 104 KERRY & ROBBIE SHUCK | YOUNG MARRIEDS Starting off a new life together can be an amazing adventure! Join other young couples in this small group as we discover how to set our marriages and future families up for happiness, just as God designed.

RM 201 YOUNG FAMILIES Finding balance in our marriages, families, and careers can be tough. Don’t do it alone! Come laugh, fellowship, and learn with us as we explore how God wants us to lead our marriages and families.

ROY PECK | 30s-50s Life can be unpredictable, but life can also be a blast! While the answers may not all be clear, we can definitely make sure you don’t have to go at it alone. Join us as we discuss how to navigate life as God intended, apply his Word every day, and make the most of every minute we have!

RM 100 KENNETH MCGEE | 50s & UP Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will be our counselor and our guide until He comes again. With that in mind, join this small group as we explore the Bible and discover what it means for us today and how we can rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us each day.

RM 105

RM 104


BROOKE CARRUTH | WOMEN’S GROUP We say it all the time, “Connected people do life together.” Ladies, come join this small group designed just for you, and together we will discover how God fits into our busy lives.

ARNOLD & PHILLIPS | 40s-60s Belonging to a community of believers who care is vital to our spiritual lives. Join this discussion-based small group that encourages, challenges, and shows each other how to implement our faith in God in practical ways.

KEN ISOM | 50s & UP We believe that our Senior Adults are a vital part of our church! This small group provides an opportunity for our “Prime-Timers” (Senior Adults) to fellowship, worship with one another, and engage in biblical discussion.

RM 202

ROB MCCLURE | ALL AGES We believe that scripture is incredibly relevant for our daily lives! Join with people of all ages and life stages to explore scripture verse by verse and discuss how to practically apply them to our lives.


RM204 BRIDGE STUDENTS Get connected in a weekly small group! This time is designed to help your students grow in spiritual disciplines.

ED DAMRON | 40s-60s Faith moves mountains! We need to trust and believe that God is who He says He is and He can do what the Bible says He can do! Join us as we explore scripture and discover how to grow in Christ and learn to handle real-life issues with prayer and deeprooted faith in God.




TUESDAYS AT 9:30AM MOMS CLASS Come hang out and grow with other moms while we watch the little ones. You know...a vacation! RM100

LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY We are kicking off a brand new video-assisted series called “Discerning The Voice of God” by Priscilla Shirer. We will discover how to recognize when God speaks.. RM204

PRIME TIMERS This is an opportunity for all of our senior adults to get out, have fun, learn, and fellowship with other seniors. RM105

THIRD SUNDAY AT 6:00PM DOUG WYATT | YOUNG ADULTS (405) 204-4569 / doug@thebridgeag.org

WRILEY & DAWN WEBSTER | NEWLYWEDS (405) 414-4119 / wriley@wearethebridge.church




(405) 830-5878 / jjack540@cox.net

Every 1st & 3rd Week Are you the family, partner, or caregiver of an individual living with mental illness? Come find support and friendship with others in the same situation. We will discuss critical information and strategies related to caregiving. RM200

LUKE & ANDREA PURKEY | 20s-40s (W/ KIDS) (405) 317-4560 / andrea.purkey@gmail.com

JASON & MARGIE TIMM | 30s-50s (W/ KIDS & TEENS) (405) 613-4547 / mazawill@yahoo.com



Come and let us help you on the road to overcoming addictions and breaking free from life-controlling issues. The End Zone.

(405) 830-0059 / mdlebsack@yahoo.com

ROB & SHERRI MCCLURE | 30s-50s (405) 517-8635 / rob@thebridgeag.org

BRIDGE UNIVERSITY For the months of September & October we will be coming together in the auditorium for a quick time of worship and then breaking up into classes. A listing of classes can be found on page 9.

DONNELLY & GROVES | 30s-50s (405) 740-3631 / alidonnelly4@yahoo.com

ED & BRENDA DAMRON | 40s-60s (405) 823-7442 / brenda@brendadamron.com

KATHLEEN & LYNDEN WILCOXSON | ALL AGES (405) 820-2990 / bibleteacherokc@gmail.com

KEN ISOM & KEN MCGEE | SENIOR ADULTS (405) 250-0619 / kenmcgee@thebridgeag.org Interest Based

BIKES & TRIKES | ROGER & RHONDA STEVENS (405) 830.0530 / stevensroger34@yahoo.com








When was the last time you had your vision checked?

Join us for a conversation about the Book of 1 John in the

Perhaps its time to develop a new understanding of how

Bible. As you know, we all live in a very uncertain world. Full

God sees you and has chosen you to help make Jesus’ name

of questions, trials and overall confusion. The good news, 1

famous on this planet! Ladies, join us as we study Christine

John walks us through and reminds us that as Christians,

Caine’s new bible study 20/20 and really discover how God

there are some “certainties” that we can each rely on! Join us

sees us! RM105

as we discover these things! RM102



Guys, don’t miss this class and important conversation about

Most people will tell you that separation and divorce are the

how Satan deceptively snares believers and leads them away

most painful and stressful experiences they’ve ever faced.

from God’s bigger plan for their life. The bait Satan is offense!

It’s a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of

Our response to it can determine our future! Come be part of

questions. Don’t go it alone! Join with others in this class who

the discussion! RM203

are navigating their own stories, all while discovering how to allow God to work through your brokenness. RM100



Author of so many incredible books, C.S. Lewis has become one of Christianity’s favorite writers! Join us as we dig into one more of his well known books, The Great Divorce. This classic is a Christian allegorical tale about a bus ride from hell to heaven, looking closely at good and evil and grace and judgment. RM201 9



Happenings All Church

SEPTEMBER 1 No PM Activities

CORPORATE PRAYER Tuesday at 9:00AM Join us every week as we come together for a time of corporate prayer in the Chapel.

Bridge Kids SEPTEMBER 8 No PM Activities

Sundays at 8:15/9:30/10:50AM Join us every week for exciting worship, fun games, and biblical lessons!

Wednesdays at 7:00PM We offer fun-filled programs every week for boys (Royal Rangers) and girls (mPact) that help them grow with God.

BRIDGE KIDS OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, September 4 Hey Parents! Ever wonder what is going on back in Bridge Kids. Come join us for our Open House at 7:00PM. You will be able to meet your childs Sunday & Wednesday Night small group leaders and get some insight into what your kids are doing each week.


SEPTEMBER 22 Taste of Missions

BRIDGE STUDENTS EXPERIENCE Wednesdays at 7:00PM Join us for our weekly service that your students do not want to miss. There is powerful worship, a life-impacting message, and a whole lot of fun!

Bridge Women DISTRICT WOMEN’S CONF September 13 & 14 Join us for the district wide women’s conference, “Unlock Your Spiritual Gifts.” The cost is $30 and you can signup over at okag.org/daughters.



SEPTEMBER 15 Connect Groups

Bridge Students

Wednesday, September 18 Rehearsals for the Bridge Kids Christmas Program begin September 25! We will meet each week in the Bridge Kids Auditorium from 6:00-7:00PM. Auditions for speaking roles and solos will be held September 18 at 6:00PM in the Bridge Kids Auditorium. The Program is December 8 at 6:00PM. More information will be handed out at the first practice!

Bridge Men MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, September 14 Come join us for a man-sized breakfast, great fellowship, and spend some time speaking into the lives of men who are currently incarcerated. Happening in The Venue at 7:30AM.

Bridge Women + Men BONFIRE Thursday, October 3 Come join us at 6:30pm for a night out at the Ramey Ranch. We are going to hang out under the stars. We’ll supply the hotdogs, smores, and fun. You bring along your friends and family. Childcare is provided. The cost is $5.

Bridge Seniors MEXICAN DINNER Friday, September 27 We want to invite all seniors to come join us for a time of food and fellowship. Just bring a Mexican dish. It’s happening out in The Venue at 6:30PM.

Looking Ahead

SEPTEMBER 29 Celebrate Sunday


October 3 / Bonfire October 12 / Men’s Breakfast October 16 / Bridge Kid’s Orr Family Farm Trip October 20 / Connect Groups October 25 / Bridge Senior’s The Gathering October 27 / Next Steps October 30 / Trunk or Treat November 2 / Man Cave November 3 / Prod/Crtv Team Meetup November 9 / Men’s Breakfast


November 18-21 / Bridge Senior’s Branson Trip November 24 / Next Steps November 24 / Pie Auction for Missions November 27 / No PM Activities December 4 / Operation Shoebox December 6 / Bridge Senior’s Christmas Dinner December 8 / Magnolia Luncheon December 8 / Bridge Kids Christmas Program December 13 / Bridge Senior’s Christmas Lights December 14 / Men’s Breakfast


We want to invite you to come join us for a safe and fun

their car trunks in our trunk or treat. We will be handing out

environment for families to enjoy the evening with their

prizes that night for the best trunk. Don’t feel like decorating?

children and get a TON of candy. This event is open to our

No prob. You don’t have too! We will still use your trunk. You

entire community…so invite your friends and family.

can get signed up through our mobile app or over at wearethebridge.church

Serving Opportunities Bridge Family if you are looking for a way to help and be a

Also there will be a donation box for candy setup in the

part. We need as many people as possible to sign up to use

Bridge Kids Check-In area.






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