April 3, 2009

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the broadview

april 3, 2009

convent of the sacred heart high school | san francisco, california

in brief ▶ As a follow-up to the March 30 Principal’s Meeting on women’s self defense, freshmen and sophomores took self-defense classes during the week. I’m Worth Defending, the organization responsible for the presentation and classes on self defense, is based in Nairobi and grew out of a project intended to prevent rape and attack on Kenyan women. At the assembly students pledged to respect themselves and take a self-defense class at some point in their life to reduce their chance of being victimized. For more information go to http:// www.imworthdefending.org. — Caroline Hearst ▶ Activists Deng Jongkuch and Esther Sprague spoke about the genocide in Sudan at an assembly sponsored by STAND, a student anti-genocide coalition, on March 20. Jongkuch, a graduate of San Jose State University (’07), was one of 30,000 boys displaced by the civil war in Sudan. He discussed his teenage journey from south Sudan to Ethiopia, and his career goal — to improve medical care and education in his native country through his organization, Impact A Village. San Francisco resident Esther Sprague co-heads the Bay Area Darfur Coalition and founded Darfur Unlimited, which recently sent 500 mattresses to a small-town hospital, replacing 50-year-old ones that are currently in place. “The issue of genocide is very real for me and it is something that we all should be involved with,” said STAND co-head Elisa Asdourian whose family is Armenian and survived a genocide in 1915. “I don’t want to wait until it’s too late. We need to reach out and show the Sudanese that there is hope and that we are trying to help stop this catastrophe.” ­— Caroline Hearst


vol. 13, is. 5

National print industry dwindles, moves online 5

facebook effects:


artist profile:

Behavior on social networking sites can effect user’s future.

Senior Marisa Conroy expresses her artistic talents.

photo illustration | INA HERLIHY

The newspaper racks outside The San Francisco Chronicle building at 901 Mission Street at 9 a.m. last Saturday had few people buy papers. More readers are getting their news online, causing a decrease in circulation for newspapers country-wide.



ewspapers nation-wide are dying left and right and the San Francisco Chronicle might be the next casualty. Hearst Corporation, which owns the Chronicle along with 15 other newspapers across the United sara kloepfer States, anreporter nounced Feb. 29 if its unions were unable to provide concessions, the company would seek a buyer for the

Research Funds

Eating disorders:

10 million

$12 million*

Alzheimer’s disease:

4.5 million

$647 million


2.2 million

$350 million

*Research funds solely for anorexia Source: National Eating Disorders Association

paper. Union members voted to compromise by cutting at least 150 union jobs, eliminating seniority rights, reducing vacation time, sick leave, and maternity and paternity leave, and expanding workweek hours. If the savings from these

see print p. 4

The San Francisco Chronicle by the numbers

12 50 275 1865


harmful heels:


Warhol exhibit:

Constantly wearing heels negatively affects the body.

th largest daily newspaper in the country million dollars lost in 2008 newsroom staff founded by Charles & Michael de Young

Sources: Reuters, Hearst Corporation

Warhol art at the de Young is reviewed.

Unheard epidemic: Not eating ina herlihy & zoë newcomb


In a world where being unhealthily skinny is now considered normal, discussing eating disorders has become a social taboo, despite the fact an estimated 7 million American women suffer from one. “Most times in human history, thinness was not something that was considered attractive,” said clinical psychologist Deb Burgard. “When it is harder to get food, people who are heavier are considered higher status and more attractive. What can happen is that in order to feel like a success, people will try to be as thin as they can get.” Some people consider eating disorders simply a type of diet, a way to lose weight and something that can be quit at anytime. Eating disorders are defined by National Eating Disorders Association

(NEDA) as a mental illness, and often times develop after years of already flawed eating habits. How Eating Disorders Start Advertising featuring models who suffer from eating disorders is prevalent from billboards on the freeway to magazine inserts. Peers believe it has become difficult to not believe in these messages about body image. A group of women living in a remote area in Fiji were interviewed before satellite television was installed in the 1990s. The women were re-interviewed three years later as part of a study on the effects of media on their society. “[The study found that] more of the girls had eating disorders,” said Charlotte McCall, who holds a certificate in treating eating disorders. “They were watching a lot of 90210. Girls tried to change their mood, exercise and eating habits to be more like the television movie stars.”

Hollywood has made some adolescents believe in Peter Pan’s Neverland. Some think that it is possible to never grow up if you are anorexic. “Anorexia is a state of trying to keep a girlish body,” said family therapist Matt Keck. “It is a state that we say of not wanting to grow up.” Clinical psychologist Joyce Nash profiles girls with eating disorders as perfectionists with high expectations for themselves. “Young girls get involved in anorexia because they need to control something in an environment that is out of control,” said Nash. “They are overachievers. These girls are the best students. They know how to control what they eat, and force themselves to exercise excessively.” Developing an eating disorder is due to people not knowing what is normal eating because of

see eating p. 6-7

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED the broadview Convent of the Sacred Heart HS Schools of the Sacred Heart 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115

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april 3, 2009

Inner beauty is most important

omen before and throughout recorded history have sacrificed, even mutilated, their bodies for the sake of fashion. When women look good, they feel good, but they should not sacrifice their mental and physical health just to fulfill ­­­ societal pressures. Catherine de Medici is accredited with the invention of the very first high heel shoe back in the 1500s. She was getting ready to marry the Duke of Orleans, but at the age of 14 she was a little on the short side. Riding shoes at the time had heels for the rider to stay in the stirrup, but she started

an unrelenting trend making heels more fashionable than functional. Society’s definition of beauty is stereotypically physical and changes erratically — often pushing women to ignore themselves to fill in the status quo. They ignore their bodies and minds to fit societal molds.

From foot binding to corsets to the Wonderbra, feminists and non-feminists can agree that women have gone to extremes to impress a man or show respect at a social occasion. Wearing heels for a dance every once in a while or buying a light dress for summer can be harmless, but allowing an obsession with one’s looks can be fatal. There is nothing beautiful about a woman so skinny her bones are visible beneath pale stretched skin. A woman is not respected for how big she can make her bosom

vantage point lauren jung

Acceptance letters come; College ‘Confidential’ goes


ow that college decisions are out, I have a confession to make. I am a College Confidential junkie. I don’t even have an account on the Web site, but for the past four months, I’ve read countless threads on the forums, slurping up the latest speculation on college admissions from other college-bound-crazed students and parents. And now looking back, although there is some legitimate advice and information buried among the forums, I have to always remind myself to take what I read with a grain of salt. CollegeConfidential.com, Inc. is a college admissions counseling company founded in 2001 “to demystify many aspects of the college admissions process, and to help even ‘first timer’ students and parents understand the process like ‘old pros.’” The company runs online discussion forums, which include topics covering everything about college from admissions chances, financial aid, standardized testing to school life. However helpful College Confidential is, though, its name is a misnomer because there is nothing confidential about it. Confidential means done or communicated in secret, and anything posted on College Confidential is not a secret anymore — it’s out there for the whole world to see, including college admissions offices. And they do read it. Sometimes one finds a “chance me” post from a student asking other members to guess whether or not they might get into a certain college based on test scores, AP classes, extra-curriculars and hooks. These students are looking for an ego boost more than anything

else because they obviously don’t want to hear they can’t get in. Perhaps the student is looking for some honest feedback, but when one lists she is taking 13 AP classes, is captain of the national debate team, is a published scientific researcher, has completed 1000 hours of community service and has scored a perfect score on the SAT, I find that hard to believe. And at that point, they are asking the advice of people who aren’t even admissions officers. College Confidential members who post on the forums are not the normal college-bound students and parents. They are a very small percentage of those applying to college — namely the more obsessive, anxious type, attentive to every little detail and analytical of every single word choice whether it be from letters sent from colleges or talks given by admission representatives. The information posted is coming from a very small sample of the whole population of collegebound students, and there is inevitably going to be some bias.

I thought I would never become obsessed with anything except Pokémon (which was back in third grade), but there’s just something terribly addictive about reading five pages of posts about where I might be spending my next four years.

But now as the college admissions process has come to a close, I am no longer going to press the refresh button on College Confidential. I’m done, but I won’t forget all the anxiety, nervousness and pent-up anticipation exasperated by reading posts from other college-bound students in the same position as me.


The following errors were made in the Feb. 6 edition: The photo accompanying “Convent greets Obama” on Page 1 misspells Kristy Harty-Connell.

The correction box on Page 2 incorrectly spells the name of Elisa Asdourian, who should be credited with the editorial cartoon from the Dec. 18 edition.


ity to work with society as a system matter more than caring about how a woman is seen physically. At the end of the day, women are still ultimately judged by the way they look, but they do not have to go to extremes to maintain their role in the home and pursue their rising presence as leaders. The modern woman can take care of the children, hold a job and look beautiful all the same. Trade the heels for flats. Do not skip lunch. Innerbeauty is not a fair trade for looking cute.


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s l bu


look. A woman’s appearance does not define her relationships, and her beauty does not necessarily convey her decency as a person. On CSH’s homepage, the school’s purpose is summarized. “Convent is dedicated to the education of young women and their intellectual, spiritual & social development.” A woman’s inner-beauty, the factors that decide how she will be accepted beyond society’s demands for pretty women, are what will determine their happiness. Intellect, spiritual balance and an abil-





BIG B USINESS Bailout money goes here THERESA GRANUCCI | the broadview

Please, Sir, may I have some more?

1. Obama promised to pull out of Iraq on campaign trail. 2. Federal government is seeking to expand regulation over private financial institutions. 3. Federal economic stimulus set to help California economy. 4. Spring break is coming. 5. Angels & Demons set to release on May 18.

the broadview convent of the sacred heart high school 2222 broadway san francisco, ca 94115 broadview@sacredsf.org lauren jung editor in chief rebecca kelliher editor in chief gracie hays a & e editor ina herlihy news editor rena hunt photography editor jovel queirolo sacred heart editor sophie gilchrist sports editor

1. Four thousand troops are being deployed to Afghanistan. 2. Big Brother may be on industries’ horizon. 3. Stimulus won’t be enough to avoid $3 billion in additional tax increases and cuts. 4. Seniors are stressing where to spend their next four years. 5. Vatican is organizing boycott against another Dan Brown movie. reporters emily bloch | sarah hegarty | emma herlihy caroline hearst | sara kloepfer | susie lee zoë newcomb | isabelle pinard colleen scullion | anjali shrestha meghan helms theresa granucci illustrator tracy anne sena, cje adviser

amanda james web master Unsigned pieces are the opinion of the editorial board. Reviews and personal columns are the opinions of the author. Letters to the broadview should be 400 words or less and are subject to editing for clarity and space.



the broadview

Schools should require eating disorder classes


ina herlihy news editor

rom glossy magazine covers to Hollywood movies, media are inundated with images of women without a pinch of extra skin, and men with six-pack abs. Bombarded with these images everyday, most people have come to accept them as normal. But they’re not. The fact is eating disorders are prevalent in the modeling industry. Models literally starve themselves to have the “perfect” figure. CSH has integrated sessions into freshmen and sophomore community programs to address eating disorders, but this should be a requirement in elementary and high schools across the country. Although schools cannot provide informational programs

for every important issue, eating disorders is a vital and necessary topic. Girls 15 to 19 years old account for 40 percent of newly identified cases of anorexia, according to The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). This topic is every bit as important as alcohol and drug abuse education, which is already in place in schools. Such a program needs to provide a distinction between a peer suffering from an eating disorder, and someone who is naturally skinny. Many adolescents cannot comprehend eating disorders, and quickly label peers with having this disorder if they look very slim. People have different eating habits, and even though someone eats small portions of food, it could simply mean she doesn’t have an appetite. However, eating disorders are not a chosen way of life, like

many assume. An eating disorder is a psychological condition that takes on average six years to recover, according to clinical psychologist Joyce Nash, Ph.D. A s t ro n g e r f o c u s should be placed on prevention because recovery is such a long and involved process. For those who are not successful in recovering from anorexia, the mortality rate is 12 times higher than any other cause of death for females between the ages of 15 and 24, according to NEDA — higher than depression. A crucial part of any program is teaching adolescents to exercise control by becoming involved in their community. Adolescents

THERESA GRANUCCI | the broadview

often develop eating disorders because they feel a lack of control in their lives. Eating disorders gives them the mentality that they are controlling something, when they are just causing themselves harm. Understanding eating disorders and feeling powerful may lead to a decrease in the number of people diagnosed. Only by establishing a mandatory educational program about eating disorders will adolescents be less likely to buy into the media’s images of unrealistic body types.

Many adolescents cannot comprehend eating disorders and label peers if they look very slim.

Declining economy threatens print media industry


gracie hays a & e editor

lthough newspapers have been the cornerstones of democracy, countless publications’ sustainability are being threatened by the declining economy. Throughout the downfall of print media, the accessibility has been overlooked and underestimated with the notion that only the fittest survive and progress will provide a more efficient way to obtain news.

Only 4 percent of low-income children own computers, according to National Public Radio. Moving media online shortchanges the accessibility that is accomplished by print media. Much of America’s youth who is already underserved by the public educational system is at a further disadvantage in comparison to their high-income peers, 83 percent of whom have access to computers. The switch from print media to Web-based media will only serve to un-inform lower-income citizens, who rep-

Government passions need checks, balances


he current economic crisis may have the public looking for a scapegoat, but the mass hysteria as of late is threatening to infect the very institution that is meant to calm the people’s outrage — the federal government, most notably Congress. Congress as of late has started to point fingers at whomever appears responsible for the downturn in the economy. Politicians need to recognize the importance of governing with a cool, collected mind — not one flooded with passions. When it was learned that employees of American International Group (AIG) shared in the company’s federal bailout with $165 million paid out in bonuses — rewarding the very people who had helped drive the company as well as the economy into distress — Congress was all too eager to respond. They immediately demanded the names of those who received the bonuses to be released publicly. Yet, with AIG employees receiving death threats — one of which demanded executives and their families to be executed with piano wire — it is completely irrational for Congress to require the release of these names. Such an act

would only provoke and antagonize an already unruly public. Continuing to reflect their inability to separate rising emotions from cool, rational reasoning, Congress recently sought to pass a piece of legislation that would tax 90 percent of the bonuses em-

[The] idea of slowing down legislation in order to govern with reason, not anger, is crucial when considering the fate of the nation. ployees received. However, taxing AIG employees so heavily would only lead top executives to resign. Thus, the tax could potentially hurt the economy even more, leaving the nation struggling to survive this crisis without the necessary leadership. President Obama even realized that the tempers of Capitol Hill needed to be calmed when, in response to the 90 percent tax on bonuses, he said, “We can’t govern out of anger.” This idea of slowing down legislation in order to govern with

resent the majority of the U.S. population. If the lower class is not educated or informed they are not fully equipped to escape the binds of poverty. Even American citizens who are privileged enough to gain access to Web media will be underserved and at a disadvantage in the absence of the viability found in respected print media. Because bloggers do not have a track record, identity or reputation for objectivity, media consumers who turn to them for information could

just a thought rebecca kelliher

reason, not anger, is crucial when considering the fate of the nation. Nowhere is the danger of governing irrationally more evident as a threat to the American people as in the federal government’s new plans to expand their role in regulating the economy. The government may soon have the power to take over floundering private financial institutions, completely blurring the line between the economy and government. There may be a fine line between underregulating and over-regulating the economy, but that doesn’t mean the line does not exist. A drastic expansion of regulation is deliberately stepping over this boundary between a free economy and an economy controlled by the government. Held as one of the tenants of our nation as implied in the Constitution, the separation of the government and the economy is the foundation of capitalism. Without a clear delineation between the government and the economy, and with politicians acting upon impulses rather than upon reason, the emergence of a Big Brother government may be just around the corner. It’s a tired criticism, but a legitimate one.

be misled or misinformed. Local newspapers serve as the voice for the people by monitoring government and keeping it honest. Recently, The San Francisco Chronicle reported Mayor Gavin Newsom is lobbying to rename Third Street after his predecessor Willie Brown. The Chronicle uncovered potential costs reaching nearly $200,000 to replace signs. After learning the facts, over half of Chronicle readers were against the renaming of Third Street in a poll created by the


paper. Without print media’s due diligence, checks and balances are lost and citizens have no access to decisions that impact their lives. Print media is the foundation of media literacy and a struggling economy should not chip away at it. If 2009 is going to represent the era of bailouts and the faulty auto industry is an example of a worthy recipient, then America’s newspapers should be treated with the same amount of urgency, if not more.

What will become of the newspaper print industry? “My family gets the news online and from the radio. I think the newspaper industry will probably be declining because of modern technology.” — Sophia Redfern, freshman

“My family gets the news from TV because it’s much faster and easier than having to go out and buy a newspaper. I predict that only the best newspapers will still exist.” — Shannon Smith, sophomore

“I predict that the newspaper industry will be non-existent because nowadays everything is so Web-oriented. The amount of news distributed is diminishing and people would rather go online to get their news.” — Ann Marie Ide, junior

“I think that newspapers will have all their news online, which is a shame because I believe that newspapers are classic. I get the news from the San Francisco Chronicle.” — Annick Brett-Kearns, senior — Compiled by Sarah Hegarty



april 3, 2009

Celebrating springtime This summer, jobs

may be hard to get p.m. Monday through Friday for a month taking care of young children. “I helped the little kids eat Freshman Brooke Thomas their lunch — making sure that scooped 30 flavors of ice cream at they ate it and didn’t throw it on the Tea Shop on Squirrel Island in the floor,” said Levin. “I cleaned Maine for eight weeks last sumfloors and tables and watched mer. Only 14 years old, she made them nap.” $130 per week at the small grill Teens like sophomore Elena and ice cream store totaling $1,040 Dudum who choose not to look for the summer. for jobs by word of mouth can start “It’s the best job in the world,” carefully filling out applications at said Thomas. “Free ice cream for anytime. Dudum is currently fillthe rest of your life, learning how ing out forms to work at a makeup to work with people, and a stroncounter this summer. ger arm from all the scooping. “I enjoy buying, wearing What more could you want?” and playing with makeup,” said Thomas says she hopes to be Dudum. “I want to make money working this year along with miland enjoy the work I do, and I lions of other American teens who enjoy makeup.” are planning to find a summer job To be hired, Dudum has to to put aside money for college or to undergo a mock makeup session. pay for books or clothes. The curMost jobs require the learning of rent economic downturn is making a skill or, more importantly, deretail jobs harder to get, but talking velopment of general good work to friends now or applying early habits. with a careful résumé can make “The worst résumé to get is finding a summer job easier. a sloppy one or one that is practiThomas visits Squirrel Island cally blank,” said Trevor Brown, a every year and got her job from lead barista at Tully’s on Fillmore the Tea Shop’s manager whom she street who looks over résumés befriended on her regular trips. of perspective employees before “Almost every teen works choosing. “You can still make there at some point because the a simple clean résumé without community is so small and he tons of experience. Regardless knows us all,” said Thomas. “It of experience, we want someone was pretty easy because I didn’t responsible — someone who can have to interview.” take directions and is willing to For the rest of the country, learn.” finding a job has become more difEmployers look for applicants ficult. New data from the Bureau of who will enjoy the work and comLabor Statistics (BLS) shows an mit to the hours they choose. “A person needs to like the job or they will not be able to commit,” said Pets Unlimited volunteer coordinator Pat Boyd, who looks at applications much like an employer does. “The application is important because we want a good mix of responsible people willing to learn.” Whether o r n o t s t udents take jobs for money, they take away experience from fillTHERESA GRANUCCI | the broadview ing out résumés to being upward trend in unemployment active in the work place. for American teenagers at 21.6 “I had to work at a desk with percent in February — higher than cubicle and computer and clockedit has been in 17 years. in on a time sheet every day,” said Working teens are most often senior Joelle Santos, who worked found behind cashiers, at food establishments or in retail sales, at the California Public Utilities the BLS reports. With the national commission (PUC) as a student number of layoffs averaging 25,712 aid earning $10 per hour. “My per season, a student would be dad referred me, but I still had to most competitive getting a job apply. I worked 8-hour days filing through someone she knows rather complaints and inquiries, and atthan competing for jobs already tending meetings. Being exposed to the work place and work hours hard to get. “When you’re looking, make was interesting, but it was hard sure you mention people you know work.” According to Thomas, firstthat have worked for whatever job time job experience is unforgettayou’re applying for,” said junior Beth Levin, who spent a month as ble and teaches important lessons a camp-counselor for preschoolers by trial-and-error. “It was an incredibly scary at The Children’s Day School. Even though she attended middle school first day on my first job — I didn’t there, she still applied in March for want to screw up,” said Thomas. “A college girl trained me and the position. “On my résumé, I put down showed me the ropes. Scooping that I was Red Cross certified and ice cream is a much more complihad a history as a good babysitter,” cated job than you think. It was a challenge at first — tough to said Levin. Levin made $10 per hour remember those orders — but I working from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 finally got it.”

jovel quierolo sacred heart editor

INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Sophomore Lauren Arnold (left) helps 2-year-old Tate Fairchild-Coppoletti with his father Derek FairchildCoppoletti paint a picture using centrifugal force. The paint wheel was one of the many booths at Celebrate Spring’s Family Fest on Saturday.

Print industry dwindles from national p 1.

concessions are not enough, and consequently no buyer is found, the Bay Area’s largest and oldest newspaper will close. “I think it’s messed up that no one can afford to support the paper anymore,” said sophomore Julianna Wetmore. “It’s wrong to stop supporting it now just because there’s a rough economy. The Chronicle is part of San Francisco.” The Chronicle intends to maintain its Web site, SFGate.com, but without a print edition to rely on for its information, the site cannot continue to thrive as it has. “Moving the paper online shows how technology has advanced and is taking over the news industry,” said Wetmore. Hearst must undergo serious cost reductions in order to save the Chronicle. According to a statement issued by Hearst, the Chronicle lost over $50 million last year and is expected to lose even more in 2009. One of the Chronicle’s main challenges is production and delivery of the newspaper to a weekly subscriber is more than double the cost of the subscription. The Chronicle has raised its home delivery and single-copy prices, outsourced its printing, and considered selling its building. However, in order to break even, the Chronicle must balance its profits from advertising and circulation with its expenses. “It’s important to keep the paper because even though I don’t read it everyday, when I do read it, it’s very interesting and informative, especially the Datebook section,” said sophomore Bridgette Hanley. “I get so much information from there about concerts, movies, and exhibits in the Bay Area. The promotion of cultural events in the Bay Area from the Datebook helps the art economy, so that might be affected if the Chronicle closes.” One potential solution to the paper’s financial struggles is to turn the Chronicle into a nonprofit corporation with some continued financial support from Hearst. Public Relations at the Chron-

icle declined to comment on this story due to ongoing financial negotiations. Other companies in charge of major newspapers have struggled to stay afloat financially. E.W. Scripps, a company owning 17 newspapers across the country, announced Feb. 18 it was introducing widespread pay cuts and suspending some retirement benefits. In other efforts to alleviate the company’s financial stress, Scripps’ senior managers took pay cuts in January and Scripps will temporarily stop matching employees’ 401(k) plan starting

Hearst fought for years to keep [the Seattle PI] going, but time and these rotten economic conditions finally caught up with us. – Seattle Post-Intelligencer Editor and publisher Roger Oglesby

in April. The Scripps pension plan will be frozen so employees can no longer bolster their retirement payments with service time or higher salaries. Despite these measures, Scripps was unable to continue to finance the Rocky Mountain News, which had to print its last edition Feb. 27. In the widely popular online video documenting the Rocky’s closing, Rich Boehne, President and CEO of Scripps, addressed a full newsroom with the announcement that the almost 150-year-old paper would be put up for sale. Boehne said the closing was “something that would’ve been unthinkable just a few months ago, but I think we’ve suddenly found a time in this industry and in this economy when the unthinkable has become the commonplace, unfortunately.” Editor and publisher John Temple acknowledges that not even the state of the economy could have prepared the staff for

the announcement. “Everybody knew that the newspaper industry is having its troubles, but the actual prospect of losing something that they love, and losing the job that they depend on, was brutal,” said Temple in the video. Allen Klosowski, formerly of Red Blue America, a Web site that discusses news and politics, agrees that the sudden decline of the newspaper industry has caught people by surprise. “Obviously there are challenges in the newspaper industry that 20 years ago, nobody anticipated, 10 years ago, were starting to show their head, five years ago, by the time that most newspapers saw it coming, it’s pretty difficult to change their business model that quickly and to adapt,” said Klosowski in the video. Another newspaper taken down by the economy is the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Hearst announced the closure of the 146-year old newspaper, Seattle’s oldest business, March 16. In the online video documenting editor and publisher Roger Oglesby’s speech the morning of its closure, Oglesby addressed the newsroom, saying, “Tonight we’ll be putting the paper to bed for the last time. But the bloodline will live on.” Olgesby was referring to the 40-person staff that continues its online publication, SeattlePI. com. “Hearst fought for years to keep this place going, but time and these rotten economic conditions finally caught up with us,” said Oglesby in the video. “But there’s another part to this story and I’m not going to let you forget it. It’s the part that has to do with what will live on, and who’s responsible for it.” In a time when newsprint is being replaced by downloadable stories, Oglesby’s parting words to his staff set a positive example for other papers facing possible termination: “This is a great newspaper, and has been for a long time. Let’s show the world it still is. Let’s show them what we can do. One more time.”


the broadview


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Cyberbullying brought to a new personal level


o one likes you because you’re an ugly b****,” read the Honesty Box message Samantha received upon logging onto her Facebook one day. “I never responded, but they kept sending me mean messages like that until I finally deleted my Honesty Box,” said Samantha, who asked her name be changed. “I was so upset that someone would go out of their way to hurt me and the worst part is I still don’t know who did it and I probably never will.” Honesty Box, a Facebook application that allows users to send anonymous messages, is just one of the many weapons in a cyberbully’s arsenal these days. “I think that Honesty Boxes are okay because you don’t have to have one, but Bathroom Wall is awful and hurtful and addicting,” said Allison, who also asked her name to be changed. “Many of my friends and people I know have become addicted to reading Bathroom Wall and writing on it. It is the worst feeling to have a rumor spread about you for everyone to see and comment on and have no idea who started it and why they would [do that].” Bathroom Wall is a Facebook application with an anonymous message board on which users can post and reply to discussion topics. “Using Bathroom Wall is the easy way out if you have something you want to say but don’t want people to know it was you,” said Allison. “People also post things like ‘Who’s the hottest girl in the freshman class?’ so then some girls are being complimented while some end up getting criticized, and it’s really bad for people’s self-esteem.” Facebook and similar social networking Web sites such as Myspace have quickly be-

come the most common forums for cyberbullying due to their popularity. “By cyberbullying, people abuse the point of having a Facebook. It’s for socializing with friends online, not using it as a way to bully people,” said sophomore Sophie DeLancie. Cyberbullying can range from sending and posting pictures that the victim does not want on the Internet to establishing a fake profile in order to impersonate the victim. “Almost everybody cyberbullies, especially girls,” said Allison. “It’s just that some people do it in more aggressive ways.” Nancy Willard, Executive Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use, said the prevalence of cyberbullying is due to the widespread popularity of electronic communications. “Young people have always had difficulties with interpersonal relationships and aggression,” said Willard. “This is due to their development path – hormones, brain development, and being put together in groups of hundreds of other youth. Think of the number of individuals teens must interact with compared to most adults. Now teens are simply engaging in these interpersonal difficulties using their new medium of communication.” Jessica, who asked her name be changed to protect her sister, witnessed this behavior in action. “My sister was cyberbullied in eighth grade by people who she thought were her friends,” said Jessica. “It was horrible; they used Facebook as a way to talk about her so that she couldn’t see it because she didn’t have one. She was really affected by [the bullying] and cried all the time just because these girls were using the Internet to be mean.”

Active users

photos added monthly Source: Facebook

Scenarios like Jessica’s are becoming more and more common, and sometimes they can have extreme results. “Whatever a young person posts or sends can be used for bullying purposes,” said Willard. “I just read a story about a young girl who sent nude pictures of herself to her boyfriend, who promptly sent them on. So this girl then began to be bullied as a slut and a whore. She actually committed suicide.” In order to avoid dangerous situations as a result of cyberbullying, Willard advises that teens be wary of posting material that could be used against them. “I think we need to help young people learn what kinds of behaviors might trigger others to engage in aggressive behavior towards them,” said Willard. Willard says the worst thing for teens to do is retaliate. “The important things for teens who are receiving online aggression is to not immediately react; this often just adds fuel to the fire,” said Willard. “They should wait until they have calmed down, then calmly and strongly tell the person to stop, file an abuse report or complaint with the site, simply block the person from communicating, or perhaps ask a friend for assistance in defusing the situation.” According to Willard, teens who witness the cyberbullying can help their friend in a variety of ways. “They can advise the teen who is being targeted, try to negotiate a truce, file a complaint or abuse report, show an adult what is happening, and even some will be brave enough to speak out publicly against the harm,” said Willard.

‘Private’ Facebook profiles, photos are never confidential susie lee reporter


any Facebook users assume it is safe to post any photos and comments on profiles, thinking only their online friends will see them, but they may be unaware that even private data can become public and can cause conflicts in the future. “The idea that you’re secure is a fallacy because anything online is very accessible,” said Nora Barnes, director of the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. One out of four public and private schools check students’ Facebook profiles, according to a recent study at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. “Colleges don’t have to search hard. They can simply Google and Facebook a student’s name and see what comes up,” said Barnes. Although many universities may not

directly check Facebook profiles, students may bring questionable content to the attention of administrators. “We have seen cases that started when administrators saw pictures of students breaking rules on Facebook,” said Bailey Douglass (’06), who served on the Judicial Peer Board at the University of Puget Sound last year. “Although the university’s policy is not to check students’ Facebooks, sometimes other students bring these pictures to the administration’s attention, and then the university may take disciplinary action.” Businesses also care about first impressions and a picture of an applicant drinking alcohol can cost her an interview, according to Michelle Ban, a job recruiter at Influx Partners. “While some companies may have policies that forbid any type of judgment based on what someone finds on a social networking profile, most don’t — and even if they do, many folks in hiring positions these days do it anyway,” said information manger Scott Wilson at Indiana University.

Private profiles can reveal personal data to outside sources through Facebook applications, which are add-on programs that allow users to customize their pages. These programs require users to allow application developers full access to their all her profile data — private and public. “This is usually an even exchange,” said Wilson. “The user must allow the application access to their profile data in order to benefit from being able to use the application. It’s the decision of the user whether to make that exchange or not.” Facebook requires in its Terms of Service that developers discard any data they receive from Facebook within 24 hours. However, Facebook does not check to confirm if this policy is followed, stating, “each application has not been approved, endorsed, or reviewed in any manner by Facebook … we are not responsible for … the privacy practices or other policies of the Developer. You use such developer applications at your own risk.” While completely removing informa-

tion online is difficult, there are ways to reduce risks of revealing private information according to Wilson. Users must take a proactive approach to details they post about themselves and information posted about them. Users should also use caution with regard to privacy settings, and to whom their profile is visible. “Trying to remove something from the Internet is like trying to correct a typo in a newspaper after it hits the newsstands in the morning,” said Wilson. But Facebook’s publicity can actually work to the student’s advantage if online information is moderated, says Barnes.

“I’m not saying people shouldn’t use Facebook. Students should just use it more carefully. Maybe they could put up pictures of them doing public service projects,” said Barnes. “If they know college admissions might look at their profiles, why not put something up that’ll make them attractive candidates?” said Barnes. “Be smarter about it.”



april 3, 2009

My Miss Perfe

Eating disorders compromise health, way of life, self-esteem from unheard epidemic p. 1 mixed messages that surround us, according to Burgard. “If I am giving a speaking engagement, I’ll ask the people in the audience what they think is normal eating,” said Burgarb. “They’ll look at me and they don’t know what to say.” Life-long repercussions Eating disorders, in particular anorexia, can have life-long health effects. “As people starve themselves, the body tries to survive by eating up the muscles in the body for nutrients,” said Deborah BrennerLiss Ph.D., Director of the Association of Professionals Treating Disorders. “People get more and more muscle wasting, including the muscle of the heart. The amount of effort from sitting to standing and lying to standing becomes dangerous and people need to be hospitalized.” Eating disorders can particularly weaken the heart, and can lead to bone weakness from a lack of nutrients in food. “Many people with anorexia die of heart failure,” said Nash. “The electrolytes, the substances in the blood that send signals to the heart, keep the heart beating on a regular basis. When the electrolytes go unbalanced then the heart has an irregular beat. When the heart does that, it starts to shake. It is almost having a seizure. That is when you die. The heart stops.” The body tries to protect itself when it is malnourished and on the verge of dying. “When people are so under weight, the body is cold,” said Brenner-Liss. “It can grow hair all over the body to keep warm.” One of the major effects of bulimia is tooth decay because hydrochloric acid in vomit causes

tooth enamel to break down, leaving the teeth unprotected. “People can also have broken blood vessels in the eye if they are vomiting very forcefully,” said Brenner-Liss. Recovery often difficult Many people who struggle with eating disorders ignore the severe consequences of the illness, while others have no education on how the illness can affect their body. Those who suffer from an eating disorder are bombarded with images from the media and a distorted view of their own body that cause them to feel that they are never skinny enough. “When I was 4 years old I quit ballet because I felt fat in my leotard,” said “Amy” a high school student who struggled with eating disorders issues and asked her real name not to be used. “That same feeling about my body followed me for the rest of my life until it developed into a full-blown eating disorder.” Amy said she believed she would never get an eating disorder, she was “stronger than that,” but after entering a recovery program and learning to separate “the part of my brain that has an eating disorder and the part that is healthy,” she was able to realize the effect that skinny models and peer pressure had on her. “Now, when I see the world and the way diets and being skinny are made to seem normal, I get angry,” said Amy. “I want to go to them and ask them why they are trying to kill these poor girls.” Students start ‘Biting Back’ club Distorted body images among her friends and classmates led sophomore B Krasnoff to form Biting Back, a club whose goal is to give girls a place to discuss image struggles and to teach them about healthy eating.

“We don’t talk about eating disorders directly because they are so competitive,” said Krasnoff. “Instead, we discuss media literacy and why society’s idea of women doesn’t make sense.” Through personal experiences, club members provide a support system for people who “want help and those who need help,” said Krasnoff. While she says anyone with an eating disorder should get professional help, Krasnoff wants the club to be another safe place for girls to come get help. “Sometimes it’s really hard to get the help you need,” said sophomore Lauren Arnold. “When there isn’t the option to get support from an adult, a few friends can make all the difference.” Arnold and Krasnoff, who are both well-versed in eating disorders and body image issues, have very different views on how to handle and prevent eating disorders. Arnold’s philosophy is professional help can be beneficial, but not always necessary. Krasnoff emphasizes the importance of specialists in overcoming eating disorders, because friends tend to find someone skinny and misdiagnose them as being sick. “Eating disorders are not and should not be defined as being too skinny or below a certain weight but rather disordered thinking about eating,” said Krasnoff. However, both girls agree Biting Back provides necessary resources to students who don’t understand what healthy eating is and how to separate true facts from information that comes from the media. “Our goal is to help girls realize they are okay the way they are,” said Krasnoff. “Hopefully we can help girls with body image issues.”

My Anna Rex

Measuring Up: Eating disorders 7 million women estimated to be affected by eating disorders

percentage of American girls between the ages of 11-13 who view themselves as overweight

8 million people estimated to be affected by eating disorders

percentage of American 13-year-olds have tried to lose weight

10 percentage of Americans with eating disorders who get the treatment they need

percentage of all Americans know of a family member or friend who has an eating disorder


percentage o with eating between ag

50 percentage of anorexics estimated to recover



Source: The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Diso


the broadview

In a struggle fueled by media and societal notions of what is 'beautiful,' over 7 million women in the United States live with eating disorders



DA JAMES | the broadview

of Americans g disorders ges 12-25




Young woman journeys to recovery from bulimia lauren jung editor in chief


verything was perfect. Macee Bates had friends to hang out with, a good job at a local restaurant and a boyfriend she loved. But it all came crashing down one day and life was never the same. “All on one day BATES I lost my job and found out my boyfriend cheated on me,” said Bates. “I was in the bathroom crying, I looked over at the toilet and it was just all too much at once — I threw up. ” That was the first time she vomited, but there were factors that had gradually led up to it, including the people who surrounded her. “I guess you could say I hung out with the party crowd and popular people in high school,” said Bates. “I know I’m pretty and I know I’m not fat, but I would look at my friends while getting ready to go out, and I would compare myself to them. I had no self-confidence and no self-esteem, and I would feel ugly. Sometimes my friends would get competitive in the sense that one would say, ‘Oh, I’m fat. I’m going to lose some weight,’ and another would say, ‘Oh, well then I’ll lose more weight than you.’” After that first time, she would continue self-induced vomiting for three years. “A million things were running through my head,” said Bates. “I don’t know really why I did it, but at that moment, I realized I felt a little better. When you throw up you get a kind of high from it — it’s relieving and you feel really calm, peaceful. It’s a release of sorts, and it starts all over again.” Bates began to purge more frequently, and she began to spiral out of control. “I got to the point where I didn’t digest anything anymore, and I could throw up in five seconds,” said Bates. “It wasn’t that I wanted to throw up, but I

had to do it. I did it so much, I didn’t even think about it.” To support her routine of purging five to seven times a day, Bates settled into an out-of-control binging and purging cycle. “I lost 35 pounds in a matter of a month and a half,” said Bates. “I became obsessed with food, and I would eat while I was in class, while I was driving. I would go to Taco Bell and buy everything on the menu. I would enjoy eating the food, and then I would throw it all up. It got to the point where I was no longer gaining or losing weight, but I would still eat and throw up because I was addicted.” Bates’ lowest point came when she won homecoming queen in her senior year. At five feet and one inch tall, she only weighed 99 pounds. “The week before homecoming, I really did not eat anything, and when I did eat, I would throw up,” said Bates. “I didn’t want people to look at me and say, ‘Ew, she looks fat.’ I look at pictures of myself from those times, and it’s hard to look at.” Two weeks after homecoming, Bates’s mother caught her throwing up and took her to see a doctor, who diagnosed Bates with bulimia nervosa. Her parents sent her counseling, but it did not help. “There was only one counselor in town and she didn’t have much experience with eating disorders,” said Bates. “She would ask me questions like ‘Did you throw up this week?’ and I would straight up lie to her because I didn’t want to be there, and out of everybody, she wasn’t going to fix me.” The lack of nourishment and nutrition caused Bates’s hair to break off and not grow. Her nails wouldn’t grow either, and her face drained of all color. She always felt cold, and even on hot days, she wore a big sweatshirt. She had headaches and felt nauseous and light-headed. “A couple times I would black out,” said Bates. “One time I was driving home from school — I don’t exactly remember what happened — but my vision started

How bulimia affects the body Brain depression, fear of gaining weight, anxiety, dizziness, shame, low self-esteem

Cheeks swelling, soreness

Mouth Blood anemia

Heart irregular heart beat, heart muscle weakened, heart failure, low pulse and blood pressure

cavities, tooth enamel erosion, gum disease, teeth sensitive to hot and cold foods

Throat & Esophagus sore, irritated, can tear and rupture, blood in vomit

Body Fluids

dehydration, low potassium, magnesium, and sodium

Muscles fatigue


constipation, irregular bowel movements (BM), bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramping

Hormones irregular or absent period

Stomach ulcers, pain, can rupture, delayed emptying


abrasion of knuckles, dry skin Source: http://womenshealth.gov

to get blurry, and then all of a sudden, I was surrounded by blackness. Next thing I knew, I woke up half-passed out and in the driveway of my house. I have no idea how I got there, but it was really scary.” If she did not vomit when her body wanted to, she would suffer from panic and anxiety attacks. “My mind would freak out and get me all worked up,” said Bates. “The feeling that I had a solid in my stomach felt horrible and I just had to get rid of it.” Bulimics can strain muscles in their stomachs while purging, according to Bates. “One time when I threw up, I pulled a muscle in my stomach, and there was something sticking out of my side,” said Bates. “I thought I had some kind of growth, but it was because I was throwing up so hard, my body couldn’t handle it.”

It got to the point where I didn’t digest anything anymore, and I could throw up in five seconds. – Macee Bates Bates’s parents gave her an ultimatum when she turned 18 — either go to rehab or live on the streets. In August of last year, she entered a rehab facility in Reno, Nevada. “All I wanted to do was get out of there,” said Bates. “I didn’t try to get better, I didn’t want to learn about anything — I didn’t care. All I knew was that I hated being there, and I just wanted to do my 30 days, go home, and pick up right where I left off. I just wasn’t ready yet, and you have to be ready, because no one changes unless you want yourself to change.” Bates lasted for three weeks after that rehab experience before she started purging again. “I moved to Oregon to live with my aunt because I thought that if I got away, things would get better,” said Bates. “But it didn’t really help. I had no car, and I didn’t have a best friend or a person I could just talk to — I felt alone. I thought

I could run away, but it just followed me. After a month, my aunt told me I couldn’t live there anymore until I got fixed.” Bates was admitted to rehab for a second time on Nov. 11 at the Center for Discovery in Menlo Park. “I think I just had grown up a little bit and it was the first time that I really and truly wanted to get better; it became all that I wanted,” said Bates. “I had missed the first semester of college because there was no way I could succeed or even pass my classes while I was dealing with bulimia. I knew there was going to be a new semester in January, and I really wanted to go to college.” While Bates was at the center, she met a counselor, Michelle, who had suffered from bulimia, and was in her seventh year of recovery. “She changed my life,” said Bates. “I had never met someone who was in recovery for that long. She showed me that you could live through and survive an eating disorder. It was inspiring, and everything changed there. I stopped worrying about what my friends were doing. I didn’t want to live like I had been living anymore. It took a big toll on me and on my family, and I thought I was going to die, but I didn’t want that anymore.” Bates went through intense oneon-one therapy, group sessions and classes covering subjects including body acceptance, health, nutrition and self-esteem. Bates also received medication for her severe Attention Deficit Disorder, which had never had been treated before. Bates, now 19 years old, has been in recovery for five months and is in college studying to become a clinical eating disorder psychologist. “I know that if someone tried to give me advice in the beginning, I would’ve said, ‘I don’t care’ or something,” said Bates. “But I know that an eating disorder is another person living inside of you — like an abusive boyfriend you can’t leave. I’ve been through three years of fighting this, and I know every cheat, every trick, every lie. I want to help people who are struggling. “I tell everybody I can about what I’ve gone through because I feel it is something people should know about me. It’s a part of me, and if someone wants to be my friend, they have to know who I am.”

Bates' recommended reading list for eating disorders Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery by Lindsey Hall $14.95 Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia by Marya Hornbacher $13.95

Life Without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too by Jenni Schaefer $16.95

Desperately Seeking Self: An Inner Guidebook for People with Eating Problems by Viola Fodor $12.95 Stick Figure: A Diary of My Former Self by Lori Gottlieb $14.00



april 3, 2009

Senior explores artistic talent Arts develop confidence, provide media of self-expression


isabelle pinard reporter

veryone cleared the decks and lit the lights as senior Marisa Conroy stormed on stage playing the relentless stage mother Madam Rose in the school’s production of the Broadway musical Gypsy last month. “Marisa has a lot of skills that you normally don’t see in a 17-year-old high school student,” said music teacher Billy Philadelphia. “She has confidence and does a lot of work on and off the stage.” Conroy started acting at the age of seven at Kids Stock, a summer camp that gives children a chance to enhance their acting abilities. Conroy says there she immediately fell in love with the performing arts. “It was a great release from school and was a real confidence builder,” said Conroy. Conroy performs in the musicals and plays in school and as well as participates in the Young People’s Teen Musical Theater Company sponsored by the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department. “Acting is like a game,” said Conroy. “I wanted to see how good I can get so I never stop trying to be better.” Aside from acting and drama, Conroy works with different styles of art. This past summer Conroy worked with other students who do not have art programs in their schools at the Mural Music & Arts Project. “It was a project where I could reach out to other people through my art work and it was interesting to see how different other people’s lives were,” said Conroy. Conroy has also been organizing Women with a Voice, an AP studio art class project about how

photos INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Senior Marisa Conroy (left to right) plays Madam Rose in Gypsy with freshman Peter Melling as Weber (left, clockwise). Conroy plays Golde in Fiddler on the Roof with senior Amanda James, Allie Kruse (‘08) and sophomore Elana Dudum playing Golda’s daughters . Conroy plays Golde with Senior Eugene Ma as Tevye, Golde’s husband. women have been involved in the world and made changes. “I want to show people what women have been doing for this world through my art work,” said Conroy. Her skill in performing arts allows Conroy to express herself by using her artwork to send messages to the audience. “Through visual arts you can put your own personal twist on an object and everyday things and through the performing arts you can put a twist on the character that you are given to play, so that you can show a little bit of yourself in the things you do,” said Conroy.

Small performance rocks shelves at Amoeba


meghan helms reporter

ive bearded men carrying covered drums, guitars and a keyboard walked through a small crowd patiently waiting in the large room covered in posters and other music memorabilia that is Amoeba Music. After a 45-minute delay, customers slowly made their way through rows of CDs and vinyl to the blue corner stage where Phosphorescent was pulling sound check together with one of their most popular songs, “At Death, a Proclamation.” Phosphorescent promoted its new album, To Willie, by playing six songs to a crowd of about 70 people consisting of young couples and a few children fitted with pink and green fluorescent earplugs at Amoeba Music on March 13. To Willie features interpretations of some of the bands favorite songs by American country singersongwriter, actor, activist and author Willie Nelson. The band started off swaying around awkwardly onstage, having just gotten off the highway and were still shaking off carsickness

and the weariness of travel. There was a comical edge to the performance. Lead Matthew Houck was confused when engaging with the crowd as to where and when his band was playing next — relying on the crowd to provide the missing information. Despite the low scale atmosphere of the event, shelves closest to the stage rocked as the band played the last song. The performance had the desired effect prompting members of the crowd to disperse to buy the album at the multiple cash registers in the store and come back to have members of the band sign newly purchased copies of the album. Phosphorescent didn’t seem bothered by its tight schedule, hanging around onstage instead of running off to its next gig at the Café Du Nord, right after its short performance at Amoeba Music, where a majority of the crowd was following to see the band perform with The Donkeys later that night. Phosphoroscent’s music is available on iTunes and select music stores. For more information visit http://www.myspace.com/ phosphorescent .

Upcoming shows at

Amoeba San Francisco 1855 Haight St. Aceyalone

April 3 @ 6 p.m.

The Grouch & Eligh

April 27 @ 6 p.m.

Amoeba Berkeley 2455 Telegraph Ave. Dex Romweber Duo April 9 @ 6 p.m.

No age restrictions. All shows are free. INA HERLIHY |the broadview

Phosphorscent’s drummer Chris Marine bangs to “Wolves” on stage at Amoeba. Marine has the longest beard among all five band members.

For more information go online to http://www.amoeba.com

sacred heart

the broadview


Classes take time together on retreats C

colleen scullion reporter

lass retreats offered students a variety of experiences at different locations around the Bay Area last week. The Class of 2009 went on a traditional 2-day overnight at Bishop Ranch, a retreat center in Sonoma County. “Our 8-hour community circle helped us realize how much we’ve grown together since freshman year,” said senior Cody Luke. “We all knew that our class had a special connection, but this trip made us even closer and truly showed

INA HERLIHY | the broadview

EMMA HERLIHY | the broadview

Network exchange program globally connects SH schools jovel quierolo sacred heart editor


f every student at CSH spoke fluent Spanish, the school would look, sound and feel like Colegio Sagrado Corazon (Sacred Heart High School) in Mexico City, Mexico. “[The school] is surprisingly just like ours,” said junior Caitie Sullivan, who recently returned from an immersion and service trip to Mexico. “I would definitely go for a semester to a Sacred Heart school. The girls would be the reason I would go back. I didn’t feel like an outsider.” Students from schools connected with the Society of the Sacred Heart are getting a chance to interact with students around the world from schools like CSC through a new Network program, Papalotzin. “Papalotzin is an international

program that promotes intercultural dialogue between Sacred Heart schools around the world,” said Martha Najera, Director of the International Department at CSC. “Our international program is a symbol of the unity of interests of the participating countries in our society to preserve a shared heritage.” The program was created by Martha Baca, Principal of Colegio Sagrado Corazón — Mexico. The message of the program is wellrepresented by its name, according to Najera. Papalotzin is the Aztec word for Royal or Monarch butterfly — “papalotl” meaning butterfly and “tzin” meaning royal. The small insects make a famous but unlikely migration of thousands of miles. “Like the butterflies, we are trying to cross borders regardless of barriers or challenges,” said Najera, who helps run Papalotzin and works with interested

ELO REGEART | with permission

Elo Regeart and Vitzy Argüelles prepare for class at their exchange school in Connecticut thousands of miles from their homes and school in Mexico.

how much we will miss each other after high school.” The Freshmen Class visited Religious of the Sacred Heart Oakwood, a retirement home for sisters located on the Sacred Heart Preparatory campus in Atherton. The sisters shared their personnel experiences about teaching in other Sacred Heart schools around the world. “This experience caused me to step out of my comfort zone, and I put in the effort to speak Mandarin with the other Chinese sisters,” said Nicola Forbes. Sophomores rock climbed at Planet Granite in the Marina

schools. “The butterflies are born in Canada and come through the U.S. to Mexico in the winter. They are in a new place, and yet they are home.” Schools participate in any of the program’s three areas of work for faculty, student academics or exchanges. The center of the program is its online platform that shares ideas and pictures. “My school and the education are special because they gave me the opportunity to visit another Sacred Heart School, with shared values and points of view,” said junior Elo Regaert Candás at Colegio de Sagrado Corazon who recently returned from Convent of the Sacred Heart, in Greenwich, Conn. last February. The academic portion encourages students from different Network schools to engage in projects, contests and aid campaigns. Faculties are encouraged to share administrative procedure, technology and teaching methodologies. “In some aspects, the program acts as a virtual classroom,” said Najera. “It has also shown a similar creative spirit among schools concerning international aid. Student organizations like Jump for Africa have worked with branches at other schools in the Network.” Most popular for students are the exchanges like the one Regeart went on. Some of the 21 schools who have joined Papalotzin have exchanged their students to and from Taiwan, Scottland, Mexico, the United States and the United Kingdom. Junior Alejandra Elvira Borja at Colegio de Sagrado Corazon spent three weeks at Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart in Newton, Mass. last February. “In the beginning being in

and explored Crissy Field in the Presidio. “Going to Planet Granite was really exciting since I enjoy rock climbing,” said Erin Minuth. “I practiced leadership skills in a different form by trusting my classmates.” The Junior Class participated in a ropes course at Fort Miley by the Cliff House. “Personally, I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through the course at times, but my friends and other classmates were very supportive and encouraged me to make it until the end,” said Laura Venner. Junior Katie Lowell (far left) watches junior Maggie Cummings, who is attached to a zipline linked to a dozen trees, leap off a small platform several stories off the ground. Cummings reached the zipline after climbing one of the five elements at the ropes course. She zipped back and forth until she slowed to a complete stop when spotters then set a ladder down for her to climb down. Freshman Alexis Glaros (right) chats with a Religious of the Sacred Heart at the class retreat in Atherton at the RSCJ’s home, Oakwood. The class shared a prayer service, conversation and dinner.

International Network schools currently part of Papalotzin The Sacred Heart School of Montreal • Montreal, Quebec, Canada Coleigo Sagrado Corazon • San Luis Potosi, Mexico Mount Anville School • Dublin, Ireland Colegio Sagrado Corazon • Mexico City, Mexico Colegio Guadalajara, A.C. • Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Instituto Mater, A.C. • Col. Carrizalejo, Garza Garcia, Mexico Escuela, Colegio Guadalupe • Col. San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Colegio Trinidad del Monte • Chia, Cundinamarca, Colombia Sacred Heart Girls Jr. and Sr. High School • Pali Hsiang Taipei County, Taiwan Colegio del Sagrado Corazon • Apoquindo, Chile Convent of the Sacred Heart Foundation • Malta

a classroom in a different place was weird because we had new classmates, teacher, subjects and a different language, but with the time I got used to it and learned how to get involved,” said Borja, who like Regeart speaks English as a second language. A press release by American Field Service Intercultural Programs (AFS) reported 47 percent of students became fluent in the language of their host culture with 12 percent achieving the bilingual fluency level after long periods of

studying abroad. Papalotzin’s goal is to give students the ability to communicate beyond the physical, language and cultural boundaries, according to Najera, “We want students to experience other cultures, develop tolerance and diversity and to have a really good experience,” said Najera. “Madeline Sophie once said, ‘The mission is great — it includes the whole world.’” For more information, visit http://www.papalotzin-csc.com. mx/.

10 sports

april 3, 2009

Captains reach dream S

eniors Michaela Figari and Gabby Tringali have achieved their goal of becoming varsity captains, a goal each say she dreamed of since freshman year try-outs. “When I first tried out for the soccer team, I remember the captains leading the stretches, always being first in line and just being complete leaders,” said Figari. “I’ve wanted to be captain ever since.”

INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Senior Gabby Tringali heads a soccer ball. Tringali has played on varsity for three years.

While Figari plays soccer throughout the year, Tringali only plays during the spring season and says she has a harder time getting her soccer touches back although she has to find other ways to stay fit. “When FIGARI I’m not playing soccer, I jog almost every day and do Pilates twice a week,” said Tringali. “Constantly trying to keep in shape not only helps me when soccer season comes, but I also tend to think things through the best when I’m on a long jog.” Tringali attributes her close chemistry with Figari on the soccer field to having known her since kindergarten. “We both usually play midfield, which I think is a good dynamic because we know each other ’s playing styles and can anticipate what the other person is going to do,” said Tringali. “We’ve grown up together so we know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, which makes it easy to communicate on the field.” “Those two have an amaz-

ing amount of chemistry,” said sophomore Elizabeth Leighton. “They somehow manage to find each other on the field for a pass and know how to play with each other.” Te a m mates agree Figari and Tringali cenTRINGALI ter and connect the team. “They are true leaders of the team,” said Leighton. “When the team starts to goof off and we need to focus, Gabby and Michaela are the people that tie the team back together; they keep us focused but amused.” Tringali says it is going to be strange not playing with Figari and the team after graduation. “Both Michaela and I have played for Convent since elementary school,” said Tringali. “Many of the people I play with on the school team are my friends from elementary school. It is going to be really weird not playing for Convent next year.” ­­— Sophie Gilchrist

On The Sideline sophie gilchrist

Mixing politics, entertainment S ports are recreational games that should be an escape from political and social issues, not used as a pawn in diplomatic battles. Politics, however, conflicted with sports this February during Barclays Dubai Tennis Championships when Israeli player Shahar Pe’er was refused a visa to participate in the men’s and women’s tournament in the United Arab Emirates. While athletes should represent their countries and be a source of pride for their nation, they should not be pawns in their country’s international affairs like Pe’er was. While Pe’er’s appearance might incite anger in the Arab country, it is an international tournament and therefore all nations should be accepted, no matter what their political views may be. This is not the first time Pe’er’s participation in a tournament has been a factor in the Arab-Israeli conflict. She faced protests at the international women’s ASB Classic in Auckland, New Zealand in January over the 2008-2009 Israel-Arab conflict as well. Pe’er, however, is a professional athlete, not a political diplomat. She should not be held responsible and punished for her country’s international actions. In a press conference, Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) chief executive Larry Scott said the women’s tour was “deeply disappointed” by the refusal

and that Pe’er “earned the right to play in the tournament and it’s regrettable that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is denying her this right.” Five of the top men including defending champion Andy Roddick backed out of the tournament in protest while four other players including Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal also dropped out of the tournament, saying it was due to injuries. “I really didn’t agree with what went on over [in Dubai],” said Roddick in a press interview. “I don’t know if it’s the best thing to mix politics and sports, and that was probably a big part of it.” Politics have been a part of sports recently in Asia where members of both the Sri Lanka and Indian cricket teams were victims of a number of terrorist attacks. Earlier in March, a number of gunmen ambushed the Sri Lankan team when they traveled to a stadium in Pakistan. Many cricket teams are reconsidering traveling to other countries now to compete. This would diminish the quality of cricket and, in a larger picture, would end the reason of playing sports for entertainment and therefore change the reason the world plays sports. There is a fine line between sports and politics. If the two mix, the very premise of sports would change from a source of entertainment to an arena for political conflict.

Politics and sports

INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Junior Beth Levin (above, right) competes in a varsity fencing bout at Stuart Hall High School against Lincoln High School (left). Levin is also a member of the San Francisco Fencers Club in the Outer Richmond district. This is her third year on the team.

INA HERLIHY | the broadview


Record: 1-5-6 Next bout: April 14 Washington HS @ Home 3:30 p.m.

BADMINTON Record: 0-0-4 Next match: April 6 International HS @ International HS 4 p.m.

Sophomore Julianna Wetmore (left, left) and senior Charlotte Parsons (left, right) warm up by doing sprints in front of Stuart Hall High School. This is both Parson’s and Wetmore’s first year on the track team.

SWIMMING Record: 0-2-2 Next meet: April 7 Mercy Burlingame @ Mercy Burlingame 4 p.m.

Hitler used Olympics as a stage to promote Aryan superiority for Germany


The exchange of ping pong players from the United States and China helped relations between the two countries


Soviet invasion of Afghanistan led to boycott of Moscow Olympics by some countries including United States Beijing Olympics led to protests in other parts of the world due to China’s violation of human rights in Tibet




Record: 2-3-1 Next game: Today University @ Polo Fields #4 4 p.m.


Black Power salute was performed by Tommie Smith and John Carlos during medal ceremony of Olympics


Israeli Olympic team in Munich was massacred by Palestinian gunmen


The Soviet Bloc led a boycott at the Los Angeles Olympics in response to the American-led 1980 boycott

Compiled by Sophie Gilchrist

TRACK Record: Claire Cannon 2 Mile • Time: 12:24.92 Next meet: to be announced


health & fitness

the broadview

High heels can lead to more than sore feet anjali shrestha reporter


alking into the shoe section of Bloomingdale’s and spying racks of new high heels, sophomore Charlotte Coover selects a black satin pair of pumps with a small bow at the toe and a 3-inch heel. They feel comfortable for the few minutes when she tries them on, but weeks later after returning from a dance, the heels now in hand, the shoes have left her feet swollen and sore. “When I tried them on they were easy to walk on and I imagined myself keeping them on for the entire dance,” said Coover. “After 20 minutes my feet were in pain and I went barefoot for the rest of the night.” High heels may be considered elegant and sophisticated, but they are one of the leading causes for painful and irreversible bone and foot problems. “When you walk up on your toes it shortens the muscles of the calf,” said physical therapist Patricia Quinn. “It creates postules problems and throws off your

balance and causes back-pain because you shift your weight to accommodate standing on your toes. It also increases the arch in your back.” Television shows such as Sex and the City women show wearing high heels to the pool, to work, in the rain and even while nine-months pregnant. In popular sitcoms like Gossip Girl, characters wear stilettos opposed to ballet flats to school daily. When celebrities are interviewed for style magazines geared towards teens they incessantly say high heels are their favorite way to complete an outfit. It is easy for women to forget warnings from doctors, parents and studies showing high heels’ harmful effects on the body when ads on TV and in magazines endorse pumps. “Although my mom now has foot problems from heels and unsupportive shoes, I still wear heels all the time because they not only complete my outfit but they also make me taller and more confident,” said sophomore Elena Dudum, who is just over 5-feet tall.

How to do the mountain climber

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Place hands on the floor about shoulder length apart. Move feet behind your hands into a push-up position. Bring the right leg forward, having the knee touching your chest and your left leg extended out. Alternate between legs so that the left leg is now bent forward to the chest and the right leg is straightened out back. Keep the knees tight and hips low to the ground. Spread out body weight equally throughout body. Repeat 20-30 times.

ANJALI SHRESTHA | the broadview Compiled by Emily Bloch Source: www.tryingexercise.com

“In the long run, I know about the harmful effects, but right now I am not thinking about that.” High heels adversely affect feet, ankles and knees. The higher the heel of a shoe, the pressure on knee joints increases. High heels can cause immediate harm such as bone breaks and sprains. The most dangerous consequences are problems such as osteoarthritis, which develops after years of wearing heels and is diagnosed decades after as the bones start to grind together. “[When wearing high heels] you are putting your body in a biomechanically abnormal position,” said Quinn. “Arthritis, bunions, hammer toes, metatarsalgia, joint problems, Morton’s neuroma and plantar fasciitis are problems resulting from heels.” Osteoarthritis is the breaking of articular cartilage in the joints. Cartilage is a rubbery material that covers the end of the bone and cushions the bones from grinding together. Once the cartilage has been broken down there is no way to heal and the only alternative is a knee replacement.

Metatarsalgia is pain in the ball of the foot caused by the breakdown of metatarsalgia pad and standing constantly on the tips of toes. High heels redistribute body weight, concentrating pressure on the joints of the foot specifically the metatarsal. “Walking on your toes forces the joint in your foot to plantar flex and can also cause hammer toes,” said Quinn. High heels can also cause bunions, bone growth at the joint of the big toe. Often occurring from the pressure of tight-fitting shoes this can force the toe to curve the opposite direction. Mortons neuroma, another condition that creates tissue around the third and fourth toes to thicken, can cause numbness and discomfort. “On occasions I have seen women who cannot wear flat shoes because they have been wearing high heels all their life. They can-

Wearing high heels can lead to life-long and irreversible foot problems that cause side-effects such as numbness, pain and osteoarthritis. photo illustration: ZOE NEWCOMB & ANJALI SHRESTHA | the broadview

not get their feet flat again,” said Quinn. “You are changing the biomechanics basically which changes things all the way up the chain.”

Excessive vitamin intake can lead to serious illness, death


emma herlihy reporter

ike many health conscious Californians, sophomore Nora Wilkinson takes an array of vitamins every day, but mixing them in the wrong combination or with prescription drugs can cause illness or even death. “I take a multivitamin, stinging nettle, fruit and vitamin supplements, vitamin C, calcium and a few others,” said Wilkinson. “If I don’t take the vitamins for a week or two then I get sick more easily.” Wilkinson’s experience is not uncommon, which makes overdosing on vitamins more probable because many supplements contain more than one vitamin or nutritional element. “Iron can become toxic if you take too much of it and calcium can cause kidney stones,” said pharmacist Aashna Satija. “ T h i s only happens if you take huge amounts of them and do not drink enough water with them.” Iron also affects hemoglobin levels in the blood stream. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that delivers oxygen from the lungs and to the peripheral tissues of the body. “Iron raises the hemoglobin in your blood,” said pharmacist Tom Feroze. “If you have too much hemoglobin, it can make you go into a coma.” Excessive amounts of iron can also stunt growth, cause constipation, fatigue, weight loss and muscle weakness.

“Iron saturates your blood and too much of it causes the iron to build up in your liver and shut down,” said pharmacist Marc Mitchell. “Your liver is like a vacuum cleaner and when it shuts down it can’t do its job of filtering out bad chemicals.” Vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat-soluble vitamins. They dissolve very easily in oil, but not in water. They can accumulate in the body if large quantities and cause problems. “A lot of the time when people take too many vitamins, it can change their skin tone and hair texture depending on how much they take and what they take the vitamins with,” said holistic nutritionist Deeann Bruno at Dee’s Whole Nutrition. The vitamin zinc momentarily strengthens the immune system, but when taken with antibiotics it causes the immune system to work against the antibiotics depending on the combination and dosage of each, according to Feroze. “If your doctor prescribes you with a certain medication, and let’s say you can’t have any calcium with that, then taking calcium with it will work against the medication and could cancel it out,” said Feroze.

The intake of calcium supplements has been linked to an increase in kidney stones in children and young adults, which may be caused by taking calcium vitamins on an empty stomach according to Satija. “Taking calcium can cause the kidneys to become overworked and burns them out,” said Mitchell. It is recommended to take vitamins if one has health problems, follows a vegetarian or vegan diet, or is pregnant or breastfeeding, according to familydoctor.org.






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“Vitamins are just like chemicals,” said Mitchell. “If you take too much of anything, it isn’t good. It is too much for your body to handle.” When taken with care, however, vitamins can complement a healthy diet. “I try to eat as balanced as possible and just in case I don’t get as much vegetable-wise or in the lunch line, I get what I need through my vitamins,” said Wilkinson.


city life

april 3, 2009 roll over, beethoven gracie hays

Rock band tributes deceased front man


aving been pegged as a one-hit-wonder (“No Rain”) ever since the tragic, untimely death of original front man Shannon Hoon in ’95, few would believe that Blind Melon has sold out nearly every show of their tour in the past year.

RENA HUNT | the broadview

Senior Hallie Young views Andy Warhol’s series of flower prints at the Warhol Live exhibit in the de Young Museum. The exhibition features various artwork by Warhol depicting musical artists such as the Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and Liza Minnelli.

Father of pop art comes to de Young rebecca kelliher editor in chief


he multi-faceted, dizzyingly unique world of Andy Warhol is explored through the lens of music in Warhol Live, an exhibition at the de Young Museum that showcases the quintessential pop artist’s silkscreen paintings, films and sound recordings, illustrations, album covers and photographs inspired by the performing arts and music. The multimedia exhibit synthesizes the visual and audio senses to offer its viewers a glimpse into the monumental work and life of Andy Warhol — artist, music producer, celebrity night-clubber, devout Catholic and icon. Warhol Live recreates the artist’s famous Silver Factory, Warhol’s New York City loft decorated with silver paint and tin foil. There Warhol and his favorite “Superstars,” such as Edie Sedgwick, partied and produced artwork. The exhibit also offers visitors an opportunity to experience the musical ambiance of a reproduced Studio 54. The exhibit highlights Warhol’s relationships with and artworks of such musicians and bands as The Velvet Underground, whom he produced, Bob Dylan, Da-


vid Bowie, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones and Aretha Franklin. It includes a collection of the 51 album covers Warhol illustrated, as varied as Diana Ross, Blondie, and Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake. Throughout his career as an artist, Warhol strove to turn the mundane and the omnipresent into the iconic and glamorous, from paintings of Coca-Cola bottles and Campbell’s soup cans to those of celebrities and rock stars. After an early successful career as a commercial artist and illustrator, Warhol utilized his knowledge of the visual rhetoric of advertising and mass media, most notably that of repetition, within his art. On display in the exhibit is the painting Green Coca-Cola Bottles, in which Warhol deliberately turned an everyday product of American culture into an icon. “What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you can know that the president drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can

drink Coke, too,” Warhol is recalled saying in one of many quotes displayed on the walls throughout the exhibit. Warhol understood the power of repetition and used redundancy of images to convey the omnipresence and dominance of symbols of pop culture in American society. The repetition of celebrities’ faces, such as Judy Garland, Elvis Presley and Mick Jagger, in many of Warhol’s works on display in the exhibit rein-

of Christ as the powerful, all-mighty Byzantine Pantokrator. Warhol has elevated himself to the status of Christ, rewriting the traditional tenants of art as he has done with all of his works, turning the worldly into the iconic once again — only this time not with a can of Campbell’s soup but with his own self. The music played around this artwork reinforces the connection between Warhol and Christ. Warhol was a reverent Catholic You can be watching his entire life, and surrounded himself by the TV and see Coca-Cola, same powerful chamber and you can know music every Sunday that the president until the day he died in 1987. This music is now drinks Coke, Liz Taylor played around his selfdrinks Coke, and just portrait in the exhibit. The final room of think, you can drink Warhol Live brilliantly Coke, too. reflects the exhibit’s focus on drawing the — Andy Warhol powerful link between the pop artist and the forces their status as consumer music of his life. products. Warhol Live continues The final image visitors until May 17 at the de Young are left with as they leave Museum in Golden Gate Park. Warhol Live represents the cul- Admission is $20 for adults, mination of Warhol’s vision, $17 for seniors 65 and over, genius and musical inspira- $16 for youth ages 13 to17 tion — a towering, looming and students with ID. The self-portrait accompanied museum is open Tuesday by ominous, Byzantine-like, through Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to chanting music. Warhol’s 5:15 p.m. and on Fridays it is self-portrait evokes images open until 8:45 p.m.

It’s hard to tell if Blind Melon really was ahead of its time or if Hoon’s fatal cocaine overdose really did cutoff a musical career that would be renowned as defining the musical era alongside similar ’90s grunge/alternative bands like Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, and Nirvana. With its biggest success “No Rain” sounding dissimilar to the rest of their songs, outsiders can only wonder if this mellow, loner anthem—partly famous for the heartfelt music video featuring a pudgy, glasses-wearing preadolescent girl in a bee costume — was just an out of character fluke for the band. Still, Blind Melon and its fans don’t deny the disparity between the worldwide hit and its lesser-known songs, which have hardly ever come into contact with the airwaves. In fact, many argue that “No Rain” doesn’t even do the band justice. Unlike the majority of Blind Melon songs, often written by a drug-fueled Hoon, “No Rain,” written by bassist Brad Smith, is lyrically simple and straightforward, yet maintains the poignancy with lyrics like “all I can do is read a book to stay awake/ and it rips my life away/ but it’s a great escape.” Despite the cohesiveness of the song, both lyrically and musically, die-hard fans are drawn to the seemingly spontaneous, wandering guitar riffs alongside Hoon’s zigzagging, poetic lyrics that take time for the listeners ears to absorb. It is problematic calling Blind Melon a one hit wonder because their style is hard to label, alternating somewhere between an acoustic, hippie-dippy style — reminiscent of the Grateful Dead and Janis Joplin — and a frantic, drum pounding, screeching grunge sound. Although the band tried to capture the old sound in 2008 when it recorded For my Friends with short lived vocalist Travis Warren (kicked out from the band less than a year after the album’s release), the album lacked Hoon’s emotion. In all the technical senses, Warren sounds exactly like Hoon, hitting the notes perfectly, almost morphing his voice into Hoon’s. Still, Warren is unable capture the tweak of desperation and self-destruction in Hoon’s voice as he sings his own written words. Unlike Hoon who lit up on the stage, spurring the fans along, Warren seemed more stationary and somewhat stiff. Despite Warren’s departure from the band, Blind Melon is already on the lookout for a new singer and is writing new material for an upcoming album. Alhough Hoon fanatics argue the deceased front man’s shoes are too big to fill, future tour dates continue to sell out. While Blind Melon fans are getting split up between those who only remain loyal to the old, Hoon era and those who are open to change, the majority of music listeners aren’t even aware of who Blind Melon is.

What’s pumping in the halls bandanas 1. Light Purple paisley bandana $4 (Aaardvark’s) 2. Light purple paisley bandana $4 (Aaardvark’s) 3. Dark purple paisley bandana $3.75 (Crossroads Trading Co.) 4. Blue paisley bandana $4.99 (Wasteland)

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