The Broadview May 25, 2012

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Inside 2 May 25, 2012

Convent of the Sacred Heart High School • San Francisco, California

Volume 16, Issue 5`

Class of ’12 looks ahead Student Body President Colleen Scullion looks out from the Belvedere facing San Francisco Bay before Senior Tea begins on May 3. Seniors — in white dresses and gloves with bouquets in hand — stood in a receiving line and were congratulated by guests on their achievements during the event. For more pictures from Senior Tea, see the Senior Section, page 1.

Bridge celebrates 75th Anniversary

5 Captains lead teams through spring season

6 Science department teacher retires

CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview

School schedule remains unchanged

At a glance:

isabelle pinard managing editor

Block schedule research ▶ In block periods,

foreign language teachers report difficulty covering the equivalent of two classes of material during a double-length period. ▶ The number of class

tardies is reduced.

▶ About 80 percent of

the teachers lecture less and gradually engage students in more active learning structures. Therefore, students become less passive in their learning. ▶ The class environment

becomes less stressful for both students and teachers as instructors become more accustomed to teaching in larger blocks of time.

source: — Compiled by Isabelle Pinard

The school’s administration has decided to stick with four 80-minute classes each day on a rotating block schedule of red and blue days next year. “We continue to see the benefit of the extended classroom experience and the students ability to focus on three or four classes of homework a day,” head of school Andrea Shurley said. The longer class times, instituted last year, offer students a chance to engage in the class by asking more questions or getting help from their teachers, according to Shurley. “I had block periods at my old school,” sophomore Jessica Childs said. “The classes are longer and the reduction of classes a day gives me fewer classes to prepare for, and fewer books to lug around.” The alternating blue and red days allow students to maintain a schedule because homework for each class is usually due every other day, allowing students to keep track of homework and projects. “At first the schedule was a little tough to get used to because I wasn’t use to having a block schedule and alternating homework days, but block periods are reasonable and helpful,” freshman Ashley Osorio said. “I can organize homework and I have learned time management and scheduled my time for projects or essays which take longer than one day.”

Up until last fall the schedule had all classes taught in 40-minute periods on Monday with block schedules on Tuesday through Friday. Seniors remember this old schedule and agree the block periods are more relaxing and helpful for schoolwork than the 40-minute periods. “These block periods give you less homework than the days when we had all classes on one day. I think with these 80 minutes students can accomplish so much more,” senior Quinn Reno said. “The amount of time gained by having a block schedule really helps both students and teachers.” The schedule offers more time for students to communicate with teachers and gives each student a chance to concentrate on her studies in chunks according to librarian Cynthia Velante, who sees students use the library during their free periods of the block schedule. “It’s excellent, this schedule, because it really helps my girls,” Velante said. “I’ve been at this school for 11 years and I’ve seen a lot of schedules, but the block is the best.” Teachers also benefit from this schedule with more useable and instructional time each day, but some teachers, find the block periods strain their student’s time. “The block periods are a sound system schools use, but for language courses it limits the amount of exposure to the language students receive, and

limits the amount of practice they should be given as language learners,” French teacher Clemence Richard said. Having a block period is good, but it presents challenges. “Block scheduling works for some classes, but not for others,” history teacher Michael Stafford said. “Most of the time teachers only see their students two times a week, which means students who are absent or leave early for sports are missing 80 of the 160 minutes we get a week.” Block periods are used in most college curriculums. Elisa Asdourian, who attends Pitzer College (’10), says Convent prepared her well for her college class schedules. “I remember when we had all classes on Mondays, and then decided to change to block periods,” Asadourian said. “I am glad they changed to block periods because it gave me more of a chance to focus on one or more classes a day, which prepared me for college because in college there is usually one class twice a week, or a seminar once a week. ” The similarity of how classes were spaced out in Pitzer helped Asadourian get adjusted to her college curriculum and stay on top of her courses as well as give her time to enjoy college life. “The concern will always be the student experience, so the conversation on how the student days are structured will be ongoing with faculty and administrators,” Shurley said.

8 Small treats make major feat

QuickReads ▶ Dress uniform is required all week when school resumes on Tuesday. ▶ Ring Ceremony will be held in the Chapel on Tuesday. Rising seniors will receive class rings from the current Senior Class. ▶ CSH Alumnae Luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday in the Main Hall for past and current graduates. ▶ The Baccalaureate Mass & Reception honoring the Graduating Class begins at 6 p.m. on Wednesday in the Chapel. ▶ Prize Day Practice begins with a meeting in homeroom, then students will proceed to the Chapel at 8:20 a.m. on Thursday. ▶ Closing Assembly begins at 9:30 a.m. in Syufy Theatre. Faculty will recap the school year and share memories with the student body. ▶ Prize Day will begin in homeroom where teachers will take roll at 8 a.m. on Friday. Prize Day commences in the Main Hall after a brief ceremony in the Chapel. The faculty will recognize students for academic achievements with prizes and distinctions.

CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview

▶ Graduation begins at 4 p.m. on Friday. Seniors must be on campus by 2:30. Tickets are required for the Main Hall. Unticketed seating is available at the telecast in Syufy Theatre.

Juniors Casey Stuart and Claudia Tropp listen to Jennifer Siebel Newsom at the 2012 PBWC Young Women’s Summit. The Junior Class attended the conference to learn about leadership and female empowerment .

▶ Heart to Heart Summer Program begins Monday, June 18.

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The Broadview

Local icon turns 75 San Franciscans celebrate 75th anniversary Sunday

BridgeFacts ▶ The Golden Gate Bridge is the 9th longest suspension bridge in the world.

▶ The bridge spans 1.7 miles. ▶ Construction took just over four years, beginning Jan. 5, 1933 and opening May 27, 1937.

▶ Eleven men died in the con-

Madison Riehle reporter


hen the Golden Gate Bridge opened on May 27, 1937, locals walked across the span, celebrating the first non-ferry connection between San Francisco and Marin counties. Fifty years later, over 750,000 celebrants surged onto the bridge, causing the crowd to gridlock. This weekend’s celebration of the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge will skip the walk, but will incorporate music, dancing, food and exhibits along the waterfront. “We plan to have tens of thousands of people at the celebration because the bridge is very popular all around the United States,” David Shaw, Director of Communications for the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy said. “We expect many people from San Francisco and out of state — we have had a lot of publicity advertising the event.” Tents will be set up along the waterfront to display the history of and future plans for the Golden Gate Bridge and surrounding area. Historic cars and motorcycles from 1937 to present will create a motor-vehicle timeline along Crissy Field, according to the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. Thirty-eight different bands and DJs are scheduled to play music on four different stages and dancers will perform their contemporary pieces celebrating oral histories, poetry, memories and stories about the bridge. The celebration concludes with fireworks highlighting the bridge at 9:30. Unlike previous celebrations, there are no plans to stop traffic for a pedestrian bridge walk due to a ban from the Office of Homeland Security, according to Shaw. “We wanted everyone to have a good time on Sunday, and the bridge walk would not be possible for everyone to participate in,” Shaw said. Some native San Franciscans are hoping to a 100th celebration walk, though. “When I was five my dad made a deal with me,” admissions director Caitlin Kavanagh said. “He said he would push me in my stroller if I would pushed him a wheelchair across the bridge for the 100th anniversary.”

struction of the bridge when a safety net failed after support beam fell.

▶ Construction cost $35 million, $1.2 billion in 2003 currency.

▶ Each tower contains 21,500

tons of steel, weighs 44,000 tons and supports a 61,500-ton load from the main cables.

▶ Approximately 1.2 million

rivets are embedded in the two towers of the golden gate bridge.

▶ As of April 2011, almost 2

billion vehicles have crossed the Golden Gate Bridge in the northbound and southbound directions.

▶ The term “Golden Gate” refers

to the entrance to the San Francisco Bay. The name was influenced by Army Captain John C. Fremont (c. 1846) who said the entrance to San Francisco reminded him of the Golden Horn harbor in Istanbul.

▶ The U.S. Navy wanted the

bridge to be painted black with yellow stripes, as it would be easier to see in the thick fog, but settled with orange.

▶ The color of the Golden Gate

Bridge is International Orange: 0 percent cyan, 69 percent magenta, 100 percent yellow and 6 percent black.

▶ Irving Morrow chose the color International Orange for the bridge because it fits with the warm colors of the bay.

▶ The bridge has only been

painted twice. It took 30 years to take off the original lead based paint and repaint it, starting in 1965

▶ An estimated 750,00people

surged onto the bridge for the 50th anniversary walk.

▶ The “rainbow tunnel” into

Marin was painted in 1970 so San Franciscan’s could view the tunnel from their homes. Caltrans have maintain the rainbow paint. Source:

A short history of the Golden Gate Bridge

California legislature passes Golden Gate Bridge & Hwy District Act Great Depression begins

1935 S.F. tower completed Marin tower completed 1933 Work begins on Presidio roadway Construction begins at Fort Baker 1930 Voters approve $35 million bond for bridge

1937 Ribbon is cut, bridge opens East & west sections of span are joined

Bridge starts Suspenders 1981 Toll rises collecting 50 replaced to $1, cent toll into then to $2 San Francisco 25th anniversary Huge rainstorm causes record 1957 A 5.3 low traffic earthquake hits Cars with San Francisco; 3 or more bridge quivers passengers without damage get free toll

Billionth vehicle crosses bridge

Bridge toll rises to $3

Loma Prieta earthquake causes highest traffic to date due to partial collapse of Bay Bridge

Bridge closed for 50th anniversary walk

Bridge toll rises to $5

Bridge toll rises to $6 Bridge celebrates 75 years

Source: Graphics: MADISION RIEHLE | The Broadview

The Broadview

Staff Editorial New social media options keep popping up where you least expect them, from new ways to edit photos on-the-go to virtual pin boards. Now that almost everyone has a smart phone teens are wired in to these new networks 24/7 with almost no time to sit back and appreciate the less plugged-in aspects of life. It’s hard to convince members of our generation to turn their phones off, power down their laptops, and not check in on Facebook — or Foursquare. Social media has become such a prevalent part of our lives that people consider being unplugged or off the grid to be a foreign concept.

These new electronic time drains can have benefits. Freshman and Sophomore Classes have Facebook homework groups where they can receive updates from their teachers and ask questions. Another legitimate Facebook group is “Convent Clothes,” a student group focused on selling used clothing at affordable prices. As useful these two groups can be, they’re both still on Facebook and they both make procrastination too easy. Instead of spending time with our parents, going outside with our little siblings or even opening a book we waste our time mindlessly scrolling up and down through our newsfeeds, Tweetdecks, dashboards

Rebecca Lee

Equality ≠ Fairness


friend recently told me a simple joke, “If you have women’s studies, what do you call men’s studies?” His answer: “History.” I laughed at first but quickly realized the blatant sexism in the joke. After attending an all girls school for 13 years, I felt annoyed his “light hearted” joke was a little insulting. Countless assemblies and numerous guest speakers have taught me how to make my voice heard in a male-dominated workplace. The stereotypical feminist bra-burning, man-hating image was shattered my freshman year and replaced by the memory of the entire faculty standing on stage to show who feminists are. Even though equal rights between men and women have improved since women gained the right to vote, they aren’t ideal and more can still be done. Women make 77 cents for every $1 that a man does for the same job, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) attempted to change this disparity by introducing the Paycheck Fairness Act — legislation to enforce equal pay between the sexes — in 2010 to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, but it did not pass. Greater improvement, although it is not perfect, is seen in the media’s portrayal of women. In my lifetime, I’ve witnessed fewer stick thin models in commercials and in magazines. World-renowned magazine Vogue announced in its June edition that it would stop hiring models who appear to have

an eating disorder and instead will work with models who are healthy to promote healthy body image. Although the magazine does not mention its use of Photoshop to touch-up or “enhance” a model’s looks, it is a first step in the right direction. Gender equality is also improving in the political arena, all three female U.S. Secretaries of State who have served during my lifetime are women. Yet, only 17 percent of senators and 16.8 percent of representatives are women, according to the Center for American Women and Politics. Considering women make up 50.8 percent of United States’ population, according to the 2010 U.S. Census, the country could benefit with an increase of females in political roles to voice our opinion on issues that affect us, such as women’s health, equal pay and fairness in the workforce. With an increase of women in politics it is possible to have a female president of the United States, just as the United Kingdom, Liberia, India, the Philippines, Germany and Sri Lanka have had women leaders. Even though women’s status has improved, we’re not done yet. Women making history should not be joke-worthy.

Rebecca Lee Editor-in-Chief Isabelle Pinard Managing Editor Elizabeth Smith News Editor Claire Fahy Sports Editor Nikki Hvid Illustrator Rebecca Siegel Design Editor Rachel Fung Cartoonist Reporters Elizabeth Burkett, Tatiana Gutierrez, Alice Jones Sophia Redfern, Madison Riehle, Shirley Yang



Unsigned pieces are the opinion of the editorial board. Reviews and personal columns are the opinions of the author. Letters to The Broadview should be 400 words or fewer and are subject to editing for clarity and space.

and Pinboards. Students often complain about not having enough hours in the day to complete all their assignments and to take care of their responsibilities. In reality, we would probably have just enough time to get everything done if we were not permanently procrastinating with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr — or anything else. We might miss out on the latest breaking news of who is “in a relationship” or an item that has been reblogged 570,000 times. We might not be up to date on what Justin Bieber wants us to “Belieb” on our Tweetdecks, but we just might do something that’s worthwhile with our time.

Facebook Status Update: I’m totally enjoying the sun right now! :) Text me!

No offense to those who think “Beliebing” is worthwhile ­— and after his new music video for “Boyfriend” few would disagree. But opening a new book may be slightly more beneficial for the brain, considering how there aren’t any college degrees with a concentration in Justin Bieber. Taking time to unplug is about more than just doing homework — it’s about mental health. Everyone should take a few hours every night to hop off the grid, and think of it as a mini vacation or an escape to the beach — where there’s no cell service.

Ahhh, warm sun and cool surf feels absolutely fantastic!

NIKKI HVID | The Broadview

1. Al Qaeda is linked to Yemen suicide bombing. 2. Former Rutgers student is convicted for gay bullying. 3. There are only seven days until graduation. 4. Paul Deen’s 30 lb weight loss improves her health 5. Mark Zuckerberg got married.

a day in these sandals

The Broadview

Convent of the Sacred Heart High School 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115

May 25, 2012

Teens need to tune out social media

when i think about it...




1. More than 100 soldiers died and 220 injured. 2. He is only sentenced to 30 days in prison. 3. There are only 74 days before AP week. 4. Has her love of butter diminished? 5. Hopefully his marriage fares better than his stock.

Isabelle Pinard

Teens lose familiarity with texting


he other day I came home from school and saw a phone bill on the dinner table with my name on it. I rolled my eyes and picked it up, thinking “Oh great. My dad thinks I text too much,” but I found myself horrified at the numbers on the page. I text at least 56 messages a day. That’s 20,440 texts a year. This is a lot of texts — and I’m starting to worry about how reliant I’ve become on technological communication. My sister asked me to play with her the other day, and I remember telling her to wait just a few more minutes while I was finishing up a text. Those few minutes became hours. I gave up face-to-face communication with my own sister to continue a message conversation. This artificial connection is not enough to keep a relationship healthy, nor should be used as the main form of communication. Studies show texting is the dominant daily mode of communication for teens, with the volume of texting rising from 50 texts a day in 2009 to 60 texts for the me-

dian teen text user in 2012, according to Pew Research Center. This should be a warning to teens because even though we believe texting doesn’t take much of our time, it’s an addiction and it does. In fact, one in three teens sends more than 100 text messages a day, or 3,000 texts a month according to Pew. This loss of in-person communication through messaging over the phone frightens me because face-to-face interaction, or even phone calls, are how I learned social behaviors. During phone calls I learned delight, excitement, sarcasm and other feelings which were important building blocks for my social development. Miscommunication and emotional breakdowns always seem to accompany certain text conversations because words on a screen cannot convey the tone of the sender and can cause unnecessary emotional responses from the receiver. I am a good example. I sometimes overreact when texting because I cannot tell what the person really means.

When I see a friend in person, gestures and facial movements can usually give me a hint to how he or she wants me to take their phrase — but black, Helvetica type on an illuminated screen doesn’t give me much to work with. Most technology, like cell phones, offer “low friction” opportunities to create, enhance, and rediscover social ties which make a difference in people’s lives, according to Pew. The need to text is an excuse not to talk or call someone. The purpose of texting is to have as little interaction as possible, to be efficient. Teens, like me, who text to a large extent, are sometimes more focused on the message portion and are missing the emotional and social value of interaction with other people. I’m glad my father showed me my phone bill because I started thinking about all of the time I spent on texting when I could actually use that time with people. I’m finding myself truly appreciating the interactions I have with others.



May 25, 2012

The Broadview

Exchange builds community


RACHEL FUNG | The Broadview

Requirements for Sacred Heart Exchanges

 No GPA stipulation —

expectation that the students will be in good academic standing with general good conduct

Elizabeth Smith news editor

fter hosting a student from the Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, sophomore Paige Biderman decided to reciprocate and make the journey to Omaha, Neb. as a part of the Network exchange program to experience living in the Midwest. “My host family really focused on religion, and being Jewish, I had never seen how things might be different in a Catholic household,” Biderman said. “It gave me a new perspective on their religion and helped me understand a lot about their faith.” The 22 Sacred Heart schools in the United States offer students the chance to live and attend school with a Sacred Heart girl on her campus. The geographical change — from California to Nebraska — was appealing, according to Biderman. “I really wanted to see what a different part of the country was like, and I had never been to the Midwest,” Biderman said. Despite being 1,665 miles away from San Francisco, Biderman’s teachers relied on her dedication to her work because her keeping up with her own curriculum was essential, according to dean Rachel Simpson. “We recommend a two-tothree-week stay,” Simpson said. “Teachers have been flexible about work. They expect students to stay in contact, but understand that they may not be able to stay caught up on every single assignment.” Aside from going to school

The application is a basic biographical form with paragraph essays about why the students want to go on exchange and what they want to get out of it

with a host, there is a lot for a to visit my host family,” Mcstudent to learn by attending Gahey said. “I was set up with another Sacred Heart school, aca girl who wanted to come and cording to Biderman. visit San Francisco, and since I “Even the little things were have always liked Princeton, Ms. interesting,” Biderman said, reSimpson gave me an application ferring to living in a town that packet and I filled it out within did not have a transit the night.” system. McGahey’s interest Simpson says there in the program was have been more exsparked on her first changes across the visit to Convent. Network this year “Christie talked to than in recent past me about it the day I years, giving students shadowed at Convent the opportunity to as an eighth grader,” stay with a family in Biderman McGahey said, referanother state and atring to admissions astend another school. sistant Christie CheBecause of the greater covic. “I have always emphasis placed on loved the East Coast, exchanges this year, so I decided to go.” more students have The decision to live utilized this opportuand go to school in nity. another state for a few “The strategic focus weeks is not always an to build connections McGahey easy one, according to with the other NetSimpson. work schools has contributed “Trust the fact that initially to a growing interest,” Simpson the exchange might be scary, said. “That, and students have but to take the plunge is the best been saying ‘We want to do this.’” thing,” Simpson said. “Anytime Leaving behind the familiaryou open yourself up to meeting ity of San Francisco allowed for people and a different culture, it’s personal growth, according to amazing. You’re learning differsophomore Robin McGahey, ent habits, and that’s a great kind who attended Stuart Country of learning.” Day School of the Sacred Heart The openness to learn from in New Jersey. new people and new things is “I learned how to quickly what makes the exchange a lastadapt to a new experience, and ing experience, says McGahey. I became much more indepen“It builds community because dent,” McGahey said. I was able to interact with differMcGahey said the relationship ent people from across the counthat is built during an exchange try through the Sacred Heart extends beyond the time spent in system,” McGahey said. “I have the host’s house. bonded with people that I won’t “I’m going back this summer forget for the rest of my life.”

Students should have a desire to make contact wtih the exchange student to begin a relationship between the students and families

Students should be very open to wanting to meet other people Students only have to pay for airfare and incidentals

Alumnae use Trés Bíen cards logo emblazoned on the back in deep red can serve as a means of introduction and even help he fresco of Mater Adin the 44 countries where Relimerablis that is signifigious of the Sacred Heart prescant to the Sacred Heart ently serves. Young used hers the community is housed in a primost to visit vate school at the top of the the original Spanish Steps in Rome. The painting building is closed off with a of Mater. sign that reads, “Private all girls The fresco school. No tourists,” but its doors was proare always open to a Convent duced by alumna who carries her Sacred the young Heart International Passport. nun, PauBroadway alumna Hallie Young line Perdrau (’09) used her International in 1844, Passport four times in the eight and today months she spent studying a painting abroad in Italy. The card is usuof statue ally given to every Sacred Heart of Mater Graduate internationally, and hangs in evacts as a “passport” into any Saery Sacred Heart institution. cred Heart affiliated institution The Trés Bíen card can even around the world. Young used assist alumnae is gaining access hers to visit the original painting to institutions no longer affiliatof Mater in Rome. ed with the Society of the Sacred “At first, someone tried to tell Heart. me to leave, but as soon as they “The school in Rome is now saw my Trés Bíen card, they run by a different religious orgaopened the doors and asked if I nization and the building has alwanted to see Mater,” Young said. ways been owned by the French “It happened the same way every Government,” Sister Wachter, time.” RSCJ, said. “But they know us. The passport, a small piece of They know how close Mater is cardstock with the Sacred Heart to us, so they always let our girls


rebecca siegel design editor

in.” Many different Sacred Heart students from all over the world have used their Trés Bíen cards and recorded their visits to see Mater. Young advises other Sacred Heart alumnae to always keep their Trés Bíen card with them, because the chance to use it may come as a surprise. “My favorite story about my Trés Bíen Card was when I was having a lecture at the Spanish Steps,” Young narrates. “My professor pointed to the school and said, ‘There’s some incredible art in there, but no one is allowed to see it because it is a private school!’ Later in the in the day I told him I went to CSH and I could get in whenever I wanted, he was impressed and super jealous.”

Someone tried to tell me to leave, but as soon as they saw my Trés Bíen card, they opened the doors.

EMMA FAHY | with permission Emma Fahy (’09) and Hallie Young (’09) visit Instituto Sacro Cuore della Trinita dei Monti in Rome, the home of the original fresco of Mater Admerablis.

Senior Section Class of ’12 dresses in white rebecca lee editor-in-cheif

Forty-five seniors dressed in different-styled, tea-length white dresses are scheduled to receive their high school diplomas next Friday during Commencement as friends and family watch from both the Main Hall and the Syufy Theatre. Each graduate usually receives six tickets for guests, depending on the class size. Guests who do not have a ticket will be accommodated to watch a broadcast of the ceremony from Syufy Theatre, according to dean Rachel Simpson. “The Main Hall is very small and it is has a very limited number of seats for families,” Paul Pryor Lorentz, who is in charge of the broadcast, said. “If a family, for instance, isn’t able to get a ticket or lives on the other side of the country they’re still able to tune in and watch it live. They’ll be here afterwards to celebrate even if there aren’t enough seats in the Main Hall.” The webcast will be created through Ustream, a free broad-

casting platform, and will be available on The Broadview homepage ( “I really like the tradition of [Commencement] and being able to listen to the guest speaker and see everyone in their white dresses again,” Briana Wilvert, who plans to attend New York University, said. Seniors wore their white dresses for the first time during the Senior Tea on May 3 and will wear them again during the Ring Ceremony, Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement on May 29, 30 and June 1 respectively. Sister Anne Wachter, RSCJ, head of Convent of the Sacred Heart Elementary School, is the scheduled Commencement speaker. “Sister Wachter is a tremendously impressive female leader,” Andrea Shurley, CSH head of School, said. “She’s also been a strong advocate for girls education all of her life and she will continue to do that. With her connection to the history of our school, she has been a literal tie to the Religious of the Sacred

Heart and I could not think of anyone better to address a class of graduates.” Wachter will leave to be head of Convent of the Sacred Heart of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada. Next academic year will be the Schools of the Sacred Heart’s first without an active RSCJ on campus, according to Wachter. “I feel a connection with the high school because I was lucky to get a Sacred Heart high school experience,” Wachter, who graduated from Duschesne Academy of the Sacred Heart in Omaha, Neb. in 1980, said. “I’m happy to address the graduates. It’s an honor and a privilege.” Commencement is scheduled for June 1 at 4 p.m. “I’m excited to go to college and hear the Trojan marching band, do research that makes a difference and having a dead week before final exams so I will have more time to study,” Caitlin Martin, who plans to attend University of Southern California said, “but I’m going to miss Convent and its traditions, especially Congé and Prize Day.”

CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview

CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview

REBECCA SIEGEL | The Broadview

The Senior Class (top) lines up along the Belvedere while waiting to greet family and friends. The graduates held their green and white bouquets as Director of Schools Gordon Sharafinski offered his congratulations. Brooke Thomas and Isabella Holland (above) help hand out bouquets to fellow seniors before the ceremony. Jordan Carter (center) hugs her friend while posing for a picture. Mariah Campania and Caroline Welsh grin and laugh as they are greeted by invited guests. Sarah Hegarty and Natalie Sullivan (bottom right) shake hands with visitors while telling them where they are going to college next year.

125 years of girls in white dresses


CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview

Large puffy sleves diappear as do garlands The girls continue to receive Prize Day sashes that they wear across their chests.

Girls pose for their class photo wearing long puffy sleeves, sashes, pinned up hairdos and PrizeDay garlands.

Photos from the Schools of the Sacred Heart’s Archive show 125 years of graduation tradition.


CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview


The long sleeved dresses are out of fashion, replaced by thick shoulder straps, floor lengthgowns and wrist-length gloves.




May 25, 2012

The Broadview

Alumnae tell what to pack for college

Beth Levin

Light Rain Jacket Whitman College & Blue Tape Walla Walla, Wash.

REBECCA LEE | The Broadview

The Broadview asks alumnae from 2009 – 2011 what they wished they brought to college their freshman year.

Anjali Shrestha

Syracuse University Syracuse, N.Y.

Maggie Cummings Mills College Oakland, Calif.

Home Decor


Katie Carlson

Stanford University Stanford, Calif. Medicine

Pearl Plonsker

Gracie Hays

University of Cincinatti Cincinatti, Ohio

Wesleyan University Middletown, Conn.

Ina Herlihy

Scripps College Claremont, Calif.

Katie Carlson (’11)

“I brought pretty much everything. I wish I brought medicine and school supplies but luckily since I live so close my parents could bring me stuff.”

you go to school on the East Coast. It’s easy to underestimate how pricey it can be to buy a new one and it’s not so fun to have your hair freeze in clumps when it’s below 30 degrees.”

Maggie Cummings (’10)

“I wish I’d brought more food. Not having food in your room was a bummer.”

Gracie Hays (’09)

“Bring a blow dryer for sure if

Ina Herlihy (’10) “I wish I stole more of Emma’s [my sister’s] clothes. Last year I wish that I brought a water heater to make tea, so I was sure to bring one this year.”

Hair Dryer Electric Tea Kettle

Beth Levin (’10)

“Probably one of the biggest surpises clothing-wise was that I needed a very light rain jacket. The spring can be warm, but still rain. I never had need of one in San Francisco, but that padded rain jacket just was not going to cut it hope that helps. Also blue tape — I have posters all over my walls and we are not supposed to put tacks in the walls, so blue tape is great. Also, [use it] to put signs around the halls for

Water Filter

different events I am involved in or posters. It comes in very handy.”

Pearl Plonsker (’11)

“I wish I had brought a Brita water filter. Instead I had to go buy one because nothing tastes like our beautiful Hetch Hetchy water.”

Anjali Shrestha (’11)

“I wish I brought a lot more things to decorate my wall like

picture frames. I go to school on the East Coast, so I had to really organize and be judicious with what I brought. It was good for packing but I had to buy a lot of things to make my room seem more ‘homey.’ Also random things I needed — umbrellas, lounge clothes and sweatshirts. I brought a lot of my ‘cute’ clothes but then realized around the dorms and dining halls, I had nothing to wear.”

Items to Pack (and not to Pack) for College Necessary to have

Nice to Have

Buy It There

Leave It at Home


ӹӹ ӹӹ


ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ

ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ

Flip flops or any type of shower shoe Case for toiletries Duct Tape USB flash drive Vitamins Powerstrip


ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ

Earplugs Door hangers/Hooks with adhesive backing Hammer, Screwdriver and Pliers Air fresheners Ethernet cord

Wrap neckline dresses cover the front and shoulders of the graduates who wear floor-length dresses and wrist length gloves or no gloves at all. They hold short stemmed bouquets while lining up along the Main Hall’s walls, leading up to the Belvedere to greet their relatives and friends.

ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ

Storage containers/ Crates Linens and extra sheets Microwave (if not provided by school) A safe Extra pairs of socks



Expensive jewelery Pets Birth certificate More than one pair of high heels Childhood keepsakes

Graduates hold shortstemmed bouquets while posing for a class photo on the Flood Mansion steps. Many seniors wear circle dresses with high collar necklines at tealength. Graduate’s ankles are no longer covered and they wear white high-heel shoes.

Easy Food Prep (check if allowed in dorm) ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ ӹӹ

Microwave Rice cooker Toaster oven Mini fridge



Seniors pose for their class photo wearing sweetheart cut necklines and a ball gown-style, tea-length dresses. Graduates still wear white wrist length gloves.


The Broadview

May 25, 2012

Why they will miss home


Seniors share what they will miss most about home, CSH and the San Francisco Bay Area.

Photos: SOPHIA REDFERN | The Broadview

Kira Rosenbaum, who plans to attend the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, shares a video of herself at crew with learning resource teacher Patricia Kievlan. Rosenbaum plans to row crew while at university. “I’ll miss all of my teachers, especially Ms. Kievlan because she has been a great role model and person for me to talk to.”

Tips to Overcome Homesickness ӹӹ Bring familiar items from home ӹӹ Think positively about the new surrounding ӹӹ Accept feeling homesick, do not bury it — talk to someone (i.e. resident assistant or school counselor) ӹӹ Participate in student activities on campus ӹӹ Focus on relaxing activities ӹӹ Exercise Sources:,

Brooke Thomas, who plans to attend Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, N.Y., walks her golden retriever Lizzie along Hazel Avenue in Mill Valley. “I’m especially sad about leaving my dog because she’s the only family member who can’t visit.”

Rehyeuh Dabis-Loy, who plans to attend Santa Barbara City College, stands at the toll plaza parking lot and looks at the Golden Gate Bridge. “I will especially miss the views San Francisco has to offer such as the Golden Gate Bridge. I’m also going to miss seeing my high school friends and family every day and eating home cooked meals.”

Caroline Welsh dribbles around a Lick Wilmerding High School basketball player in the Herbert Center. Welsh plans to attend Loyola University, New Orleans. “I’m going to miss playing volleyball, basketball and soccer with the friends I’ve met at Convent.”


Girls wear elbow-length, wrist-length gloves or no gloves at all. Off the shoulder or spaghetti straps are in style and small flower arrangements are worn on their shoulders or held in their hands.


One graduate wears a tier, layered dress with spaghetti straps while posing with her mother for a photo. She wears elbow length gloves, instead of wrist length gloves and wears a lei of flowers around her neck.


Three girls wear tea-length dresses with cap sleeves. The short-stemmed bouquets are held with curled ribbons and each graduate wears wrist-length gloves.



The Broadview May 25, 2012


Caitlin Martin University of Southern California Los Angeles Colors: Gold and cardinal Mascot: Taveler the (Trojan) Horse

Seniors shares their colleges and the experiences they anticipate this fall.

“My final two schools both had excellent academic programs, so I had to decide what kind of college experience I wanted. I decided USC was that match.”

Jordan Carter Princeton University Princeton, N.J. Colors: Orange and black Mascot: Tiger

“Princeton had been my dream school for awhile. It is very well balanced and is full of well rounded people.”

Natalie Sullivan Berklee College of Music Boston Colors: Red and gray Mascot: Mingus the Cat “There’s nothing I’ve ever wanted to do more than pursue a music career, and I knew that was the ideal and perfect place to pursue it.”

Leslie Lambert Fairfield University Fairfield, Conn. Dakota Chamberlin University of Washington Seattle

Colors: Red and white Mascot: Stag

Colors: Purple and gold Mascot: Husky “The professors cared about me and I’m not even a student yet. The campus is beautiful and an hour from New York City and five minutes from the beach.”

A 1897 look was brought back by girls with the high collar buttoned up to the neck and seniors also held yellow and white bouquets.

Spaghetti straps and low shoulder sleeves were the style of the dresses, and students all wore wrist length gloves.


“I decided to attend because I have been in love with it the moment I stepped onto the campus. It is a great research university which is what I would like to go into.”


Floor length dresses, thicker shoulder straps and a white and green bouquet were seen on this graduating class.

Ankle length dresses, square cut necklines, elbow length sleeves and the yellow and white bouquets were used.





The Broadview

May 25, 2012

Spring Sports Roundup

Captains’ Q&A

REBECCA SIEGEL | The Broadview

Juniors Sara Svartvasmo and Jane Stephens left to right and seniors Dakota Chamberlin, Quinn Reno, Lauren Choi and Meghan Helms led varsity teams this spring season, which concluded with an awards banquet last Thursday.

Sara Svartvasmo

Dakota Chamberlin

Jane Stephens

Soccer 12 years experience

Track 6 years experience

Challenges: “Keeping your head up and motivating your team before and especially during a rough game against a tough team.”

Challenges: “There aren’t many challenges because our coach is very organized and takes care of everything.”

On motiviation: “I give them positive feedback on things that they do well and by keeping them talking.” Season Record: 4-8-1; The Cubs did not qualify for the BCL play-offs.

Lauren Choi

Meghan Helms

Swimming 9 years experience

Badminton 4 years experience

Also Pictured: Quinn Reno Not Pictured: Taylor Carlson

Challenges: “We have a big team this year so coordinating with everyone can get a bit difficult.”

Challenges: “Helping others learn and improve while also focusing on your own sailing skills.”

Challenges: “Organization and balancing between being a leader and being at the friend level.”

On motiviation: “Unlike in cross-country we all race at different times so there are no pre-game rituals and it makes motivating the team very hard.”

On motiviation: “Having a really good, positive attitude as well as being a good example.”

Season Record: Seven Cubs runners qualified for NCS.

Season Record: 3-2

TORN UP Athletes struggle with damaged ACLs

ophomore Sarah Bloch was making a routine play during a JV soccer match when an injury ended her season. “I was passing the ball when I bent [my knee] and it twisted outwards,” Bloch said. “I heard a pop and it really hurt. I had to be helped off the field.” Block tore her anterior cruciate ligament ACL, one of the two rings of tissue connecting the femur to the tibia that crosses in the middle of the knee and helps to support it. “I can’t do any sports other than light swimming and biking,” junior Isabella Borges, who tore her ACL right before North Coast Section basketball playoffs this year, said. “I used play basketball everyday, but I couldn’t even run after tearing my ACL.” The ACL is one the most commonly injured ligaments of the knee and may result from non-contact injury, such as landing awkwardly, according to UCSF Medical Center. The risk of ACL injury is highest in sports requiring pivoting, jumping, cutting or a rapid change of direction, like in soccer, basketball, volleyball and gymnastics. Females are more vulnerable to non-contact ACL injuries than males because females have smaller ACLs, wider pelvises, more flexible ligaments, and slower reflex times, according to The Hughston Clinic. Both Borges and Bloch had surgery to replace the torn liga-

ment with a piece of tendon from another part of her leg. The injury requires nine months to one year to fully heal. “My knee is still weaker than the other one,” Bloch said. “It needs more muscle, even if I am fully recovered. After the surgery, my right leg was skinny and weak, so I had to build more strength

|T he G


anterior cruciate ligament

after an ACL repair and rehabilitation. “A person undergoes physical therapy to restore normal function,” Marantz, said. “You can put a new hinge on a door, and you might have done a great job at the carpentry, but if the door doesn’t close to keep out the cold, then it doesn’t matter how good the hinge is, the door is considered non-functional. The rehab is really as important as the surgery, just a different element of the recovery process, and often the more challenging aspect.” Basic warm-up activities, stretching techniques, strengthening exercises and soccer-specific agility drills led to 88 percent less ACL injuries in the first year and 74 percent less injuries in the second year, according to a 2005 University of California study. “Girls grow up playing one sport, so only muscles that are used in the sport are developed,” varsity soccer coach Anne Guina, who was part of the National Soccer Coaches Association of America All-American First Team while playing soccer in college, said. “They have to develop a variety of muscles to prevent injuries.” Guina has the varsity soccer team warm up by jogging, ballistic stretching, static stretching and passing the ball using several surfaces of their feet, legs, chest and head so the muscles warm before being stretched in order to prevent injury.

Broad view


Shirley Yang reporter



into it through physical therapy, which consists of leg crunches, squats, jumping and leg lifts for 5-10 minutes every day.” Physical therapy after an ACL joint repair surgery is critical to restore normal range of motion, strength, coordination and balance, according to Mindy Marantz, director of Healthwell Physical Therapy Group. Patients are generally about 60-80 percent normal in 3 to 6 months

On motiviation: “We just warm up then do introductions. We wish the other team good luck and do our group huddle/cheer.” Season Record: 3-8; Junior Casey Stuart qualified for NCS

Sailing 5 years experience

On motiviation: “We just gear up and go sailing.” Season Wrap-Up: The team participated in 13 regattas from January to April. This year-round sport has an atypical scoring system, making records nonapplicable.

Good Call

Ordinary Olympians

claire fahy


lthough the Olympic Games have evolved since their mythological founding by Hercules and Zeus, their participants are still widely viewed as gods. When I was younger, I idolized Olympians whose battles captivated my attention for a few summer weeks every four years.

As I have gotten older, the athletes’ halos seem to have dimmed. My favorites have disappointed me and I lost my enamor with the Olympics’ great stars. Their fall from Mount Olympus however, has helped me to focus on the true point of the games. Michael Phelps made a splash in my life when I was 10 years old and became my hero in the 2004 Athens Olympics, the first games that truly captured my attention. Phelps seemingly burst into the international swimming scene, winning six gold and two bronze medals, all at the age of nineteen. I took up swimming lessons soon after, promising myself that in Beijing in 2008, I would stand next to Phelps as a member of the U.S. Olympics swim team. Just a few months after his success, Michael was arrested for a DUI, causing cracks to run through his heroic statue. Four years later, I was still on the other side of the TV screen, watching as once again Michael Phelps made a splash on the Olympic stage — this time breaking the record pre-

viously held by Mark Spitz by winning eight gold medals in a single Olympics. My dream was renewed, as was my faith in the Olympic god that was Michael Phelps. A few months following this history-making performance, Michael was pictured in a British tabloid smoking marijuana. These were human mistakes, and Phelps was not supposed to be human — he was meant to be so much more than that. My mistake was not in being inspired by Michael Phelps’ feats, but in tying those aspirations to the success of a man who was, at the end of the day, a regular human being. The divine factor of the Olympics is not the athletes themselves, but in the way they can make us believe in ourselves. When I watch beach volleyball star Misty MayTreanor elevate for the kill, or Shawn Johnson nail a balance beam routine, I start to believe anything is possible. If these seemingly ordinary people can push themselves to such greatness, then so can I.



May 25, 2012

Child hunger by San Francisco districts Percentages represents number of children living below the U.S. Poverty Level Line, according the 2010 Census.


Cow Hollow/ Marina/ Pacific Heights N/A





6% Castro/ Haight



13% Park Merced/ Twin Peaks

Mission/ Bernal Heights



Bayview/Hunters Point


Excelsior/ Ocean View/ Ingleside/Vistacion Valley


Source: San Francisco Food Bank Graphic: CLAIRE FAHY and ELIZABETH BURKETT | The Broadview

Effects of hunger on children Hunger affects people of every age from leading healthy and productive lives. Hunger is detrimental to a child’s ability to learn, grow and stay healthy.

Hunger worsens chronic health problems and quickens the onset of degenerative diseases. 12,962 families with children are threatened by hunger.

Hunger has negative effects on adults caring for families and focussing at work or new skills. The S.F. Food Bank distributes food through its many food pantries. Source: San Francisco Food Bank

The Broadview

Hunger prevalent amongst S.F. kids Summer worsens city wide crisis for children living below poverty line. Because schools are out for the summer children are no longer able to rely on assistance programs provided by the institutions, a void the S.F. Food Bank is attempting to fill with its programs.


claire fahy sports editor

t isn’t just the children in UNICEF ads who aren’t getting the proper food and nutrition they need to survive due to lack of resources. Twenty-five percent of San Francisco’s own children go hungry every day. “People don’t immediately think of kids as facing this problem,” Lisa Mizokami, Marketing and Communications Manager at the San Francisco Food Bank, said. “They are a vulnerable population because they don’t have access to jobs. We need to take care of them as a community.” Many organizations are stepping up and adopting new tactics to try and meet the apparent crisis. The Boys and Girls Clubs and the San Francisco Food Bank are introducing organizations with initiatives to help fill the void of nutrition in young people’s lives. “Hunger impedes people of every age from leading healthy and productive lives,” Paul Ash, San Francisco Food Bank Executive Director, stated in the food bank’s profile on chi ldhood hunger. “It impairs a child’s ability to learn, grow and stay healthy.” Summer presents a new challenge for these struggling families, according the San Francisco Food Bank. With schools out for up to three months, food programs that supply children with breakfast, lunch and snacks are no longer available. This requires the food bank to double

its efforts and apply resources to keeping school food pantries open. This increase in demand creates a greater need for volunteers, according to Mizokami. Twenty-two percent of children under the age of 18 in the United States do not have secure and guaranteed access to food, according to a 2010 report by the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. This reportedly leads to embarrassment and stress experienced by these children and also makes a child more likely to require special education, have to repeat a grade level, and receive mental health consultation, according to the American Psychology Association. In San Francisco and Marin Counties, one in five kids is facing hunger, resulting in the majority of public schools having high participation in fee reduced food programs that provide breakfast and lunch, according to Mizokami. The SF Food Bank distributes 27 pounds of food a year through 500 local non-profits such as food kitchens as well as 220 food pantries. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 150,000 San Francisco residents live below the poverty line, 17 percent of which are children. “A lot of people think the people who live here are wealthy, and so its a hidden problem,” Mizokami said. “The high cost of living means a lot of families are strapped and need resources.”

Science teacher to retire ElizabethBurkett reporter

With his quiet Southern drawl, Charles Rooney stands tall by the white board in front of his classroom and in a low voice inserts quick jokes into his lecture material, chuckling to himself. Some students — those closest enough to hear him — laugh along with him. Calculus and physics teacher Charles Rooney is retiring at the end of the 2012 school year, ending a teaching career spanning over 40 years. “I wanted to work at a Catholic high school — I was a lapsed Catholic,” Rooney said. “I was inspired by raising my daughter, but also by teaching physics because it questions many religious beliefs.” In turn, students such as junior Caite McGrath say Rooney has influenced them. “I don’t know exactly what I want to do in college yet, but I definitely want to do something with science and psychology,” said Caite McGrath. “Rooney made science interesting and inspired me to continue with it in the future,” said McGrath. Rooney stimulates students

who are in his class to be motivated, according to senior Kira Rosenbaum. “Mr. Rooney is interactive and animated about problems we are solving,” said Rosenbaum, who took both calculus and honors physics. He is very passionate and makes class engaging — he makes us want to learn.” Rooney has fostered relation-

Rooney made science interesting and inspired me to continue with it in the future.

ships with his fellow colleagues during his 12 years at Convent that go beyond the classroom setting. “We were colleagues even before CSH at the College of San Mateo back in the ’90s,” Marisa Kendall who teaches marine biology and AP Environmental Science said. “I think his absolute mastery of the topic of physics has lent a very assured air to the science department. He has added a solidness and stability

that will be sorely missed.” Kendall says students don’t know about Rooney’s outside interest because of his quiet demeanour. “He is a master pool player and master barman with stories and facts about every type of drink, a master musician who can talk bands and theory, and a virtual computer on so many topics,” Kendall said. “He is always quiet about it, always humble — but get him talking and your jaw will hit the floor.” Rooney says he has already made initial plans for retirement. “I have many guitar projects, some great history readings — and I will need to find some other ways to get into trouble,” chuckles Rooney. “My wife and I also hope to do some traveling.” Even so, Rooney says the relationships he has made at CSH have made the decision to leave difficult. “I will miss my colleagues — this is the best teaching community I have ever been in,” said Rooney. “And of course, I will miss my students. They are the best part of teaching.”

SOFIA REDFORD | The Broadview

Charles Rooney helps physics student Caitlin Martin with a circuit lab. Rooney will retire next week after 40 years of teaching, 12 at Convent.



The Broadview

May 25, 2012

Social Media has teens all tied up

73% of American

teens ages 12-17 are using social networking sites.


There are even more options for social media. Teens can be plugged in to more than three different social media sites at a time. However appealing all these new social media options may be the true social media king remains to be Facebook.

Social Networking and blogs now account for

Facebook dominates competition despite social media start-ups


Rebecca siegel Design editor

umblr, Twitter and YouTube may be dynamic options for social media allowing access 24/7 via a smartphone, but the majority of American teens have crowned Facebook as the social media King. Eighty-nine percent of social media users between the ages of 12 and 18 use only Facebook regardless of the other options, according to Pew Research Center. “I use Facebook the most, mainly to connect with my friends who I don’t go to school with or who aren’t even in this country,” senior Emma Herlihy said. The Facebook login page displays a world map showing The Social Media Giant’s presence on six continents, with the slogan, “Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.” This type of marketing has brought millions to the social network. By April 2007, there were 20 million active users on Facebook. Today the site boasts 800 million active users. “Besides Facebook, I use Instagram,” senior Annie Delancie said. “I’m basically on Facebook all the time, and I use Instagram when I need to post a picture.” Instagram — a photo sharing application available for the

iPhone and Android platforms, provides filters to apply on pictures, giving them a vintage vibe, was purchased by Facebook for $1 billion in cash and stocks in April. “I love the editing options on Instagram, and I love that it’s instant,” Delancie said. “I don’t have to wait until I get home and mess around on iPhoto to achieve those cool light filters.” Instagram allows users to share photos through Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Foursquare, making connecting with friends easier. “On Instagram, it’s not just who is following you,” junior Isabella Borges said. “You can upload your Instagram pics to Facebook and all your Facebook friends can check them out.” Less than 1 percent of teens use the popular social networking site Twitter, according to Pew Research Center. “I don’t use Twitter, because I don’t really need to,” Delancie said. “Not a lot of my friends are on it.” While Twitter sparked a youth revolution in spring 2011 in Egypt, it hasn’t reached that level of popularity among teens in the United States. Even smaller numbers of teens regularly maintain accounts on Youtube. “I use Youtube to watch videos, but I don’t have an account and I don’t upload videos,”

Herlihy said. Google’s video sharing site Youtube boasts 62 percent of online adult users with less than 10 percent of online teen users, according to Pew Research Center. Last Friday Facebook, an originally private company, opened its doors to public trading at an Initial Public Offering price of $38. “The company went public because the original investors of the company wanted to see a profit,” Eddy Guiterrez, Vice PresidentSenior Financial Advisor with Merrill Lynch said. The social media’s share trading fell flat however due to a lot of stock and not as much demand for the shares. “It’s pretty expensive, and it might not be a good investment because the likelihood of it devaluing is pretty high,” Guiterrez said. “I would not advise my clients to invest in Facebook.” Despite average performance in the stock market, Facebook is still the star among its competition. Even though Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr — a blogging engine — all have made impacts on the new world of social media, Facebook continues to hold the largest teen audience. “I know people who use all these different social media sites, but Facebook is really all I need to get involved in,” Herlihy said.


What new social media are you using — or not? “Twitter is dramatic. People get angry and use it as an excuse to be mean.” — Isabella Borges, junior

“Instagram is a fun way to express what you’re doing and to feel artistic with your photos.” — Fiona GiarratanaYoung Sophomore

“Twitter is either a way to personally communicate with other people or a better way to see what’s happening with celebrities.” — Hannah Jones, Sophomore

“I find it easier to share photos with, and to see what photos my friends are sharing because it’s only pictures.” — Alana Hu Freshman

nearly 25% of the time Americans spend online.

Mobile Web will

replace wired internet access by 2015.


38% of colleges

making use of students online profiles said what they saw “negatively affected” their views of the applicant.

44% of teen internet users said they were older than they really were in order to access a website.

1 in 3 online

teens have experienced online harrassment.

Source: Graphics: REBECCA SIEGEL | The Broadview Cartoons: RACHEL FUNG | The Broadview


The Broadview

May 25, 2012


Local bakeries put twists on favorites


Alice Jones reporter

onvent girls are blessed and cursed to have four bakeries specializing in cupcakes within walking distance of school. A rich, sugary and moist cupcake sounds like the perfect sugar boost after a long day of school, but the hardest decision is choosing which shop to go to. 
 SusieCakes Bakery on Chestnut and Steiner streets offers consistently moist, thick cakes topped with a rich slow-churned butter frosting with satisfying, yet subtle flavors. The Mocha is a perfect example of Susie Cakes’ elegant muted flavors, finished off with a big swirl of chocolate frosting with hints of coffee and topped with chocolate jimmies. 
 Most bakeries in the Cow Hollow–Pacific Heights–Marina triangle have a low-key Red

Velvet cupcake and each puts its own spin on the chocolaty bottom, but they all seem to stay away from a strong cream cheese frosting. What should be a bold, smooth, yet tangy taste usually is sweet cream with only a cream cheese aftertaste. 
The best Red Velvet cupcake is at American Cupcake on Union and Laguna streets. All its cupcakes follow a similar pattern with a very light, whipped frosting and a thick moist cake. The Red Velvet has a very chocolaty cake and an airy yet sugary whipped cream cheese frosting topped with chocolate chips. Some may find the frosting too sweet, so you may want to use it to finish off a meal from the shop’s lunch menu. 
 American Cupcake’s best cupcake is the Salted Caramel. The cake’s whipped frosting is almost tasteless underneath the caramel drizzle that makes the cup-

What’s pumping in The City

Hall & Heart: Drawn to Life

Another notable cupcake is the Sweet ’Smores at Kara’s. With one of their signature fondant cutouts on top of a fluffy whipped marshmallow frosting, the cake is super chocolaty but light and surprisingly moist cake on top of a graham cracker crust.
 Each bakery brings its own spin and own signature ideas to the collective Cow Hollow– Pacific Heights–Marina foodie community and all deserve to be tried. It’s a fight to keep a successful business going in these pricey neighborhoods, and it is up to loyal customers to make sure the best cupcakes stay standing.

ALICE JONES | The Broadview

Cupcake shops are springing up around the city. American Cupcake’s Red Velvet was amoung the best we tasted.

PULSE Tickets going fast for Outside Lands Colored Jeans

Urban Outfitters Cigarette High-rise jeans — Pink $58

cake consisting of spongy thick chocolate bottom with hints of sea salt and a delightful caramel dollop in the center. 
 The best use of salt and caramel in cupcakes is at Kara’s Cupcakes on Scott at Chestnut Street. It’s Fleur De Sel tops all local cupcakes with a super thick, dark chocolate frosting topped with sea salt artfully piped on top of a perfectly baked, not-too-moist and not-too-dry thick chocolate cake with a surprisingly gooey salted caramel center.
 A close challenger is the bold but genuinely named No Competition at That Takes the Cake on Union at Steiner streets. Although the No Competition is very similar to Kara’s Fleur De Sel in concept, the thick dark chocolate frosting is less rich than Kara’s. The gooey caramel center is delicious but heavily salted, yet surprisingly works well with the cake.

American Apparel High-waist side zipper pant — Dark sienna $78


Tatiana Gutierrez Reporter

he sound of bands warming up and performing will reverberate all throughout Golden Gate Park in mid-August during the three-day Outside Lands festival. Attendees can expect to hear a diverse lineup of artists and experience a wide array of attractions. “We try to book a variety of bands that have great fan bases in San Francisco,” Ken Weinstein, director of media relations for Outside Lands, said. “We also like to turn our fans onto new artists every year.” Performers vary from Metallica and Neil Young & Crazy Horse — both new to Golden Gate Park — to Stevie Wonder, who is returning to the stage after several years. All three are headliners for this year’s festival. “We choose the artists in different ways,” Weinstein said. “We always have our dream artists that we try to book every year — the legends that you always want playing in your city.” Weinstein said he expects the festival to sell out this year because of the lineup.

Eager Beaver, special threeday and advance three-day tickets, are already sold out. Threeday $225 and VIP $495 tickets are now the only tickets available. Tickets will only be harder to get as it gets closer to the festival, according to Weinstein. “What ticket I buy really depends on the lineup, but I think its worth it,” freshman Sabine Kelly, who attended last year and plans to go again this year, said. “Being able to go with friends for a whole day or even two or three days is a great experience because the atmosphere is really relaxing, which is perfect for the summertime.” Outside Lands raised a total of $4.3 million for the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department last year and had a $68 million impact on the city through tourism as a whole, according to the Outside Lands press release. Outside Lands takes place Aug. 10–12 on stages all over Golden Gate Park. Tickets are available online as well as The Independent box office on Divisadero Street and the Fox Theater in Oakland.

“We strive every year to improve on what we’ve done in the past,” Weinstein said. “We tweak all the systems and try to make the event run as smoothly as possible.”

Cheaper alternatives Stern Grove­Festival 19th Avenue Sloat Boulevard SF FREE July 1 The Stone Foxes

July 8 San Francisco Symphony July 15 Nitin Sawhney Meshell Ndegeocello July 22 The E Family Aug. 19 San Francisco Opera

Rachel Fung

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