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May 27, 2014

Convent of the Sacred Heart HS • San Francisco, California

Vol. 20, Iss. 6

Elevator to undergo renovation Madison Riehle Editor-in-chief

Tatiana Gutierrez/The Broadview

UP WE GO Junior Talayah Hudson steps into the elevator in the

Main Hall before the renovation to take place in a few weeks. Hudson takes the elevator daily after multiple knee surgeries.

Ninety-nine years after the completion of the Flood Mansion, the historical Flood elevator is being renovated due to inconsistencies with the elevator’s daily functions. “I’ve been dependent on the elevator for a few years,” junior Talayah Hudson, who has had multiple knee surgeries, said. “With an elevator this old, it has its own problems that a normal elevator technician can’t fix.” The elevator often fails to level the car with the floor, the door fails to open, and the elevator sometimes goes to the wrong floor or doesn’t come at all if the doors are not fully closed, according to Hudson. The problems include the elevator not reaching the floor, the doors not opening, the elevator going to the wrong floor and the doors not fully closing, according to Hudson, who takes the elevator daily. “Ultimately we will have a working elevator which will be very helpful for people with disabilities and our facilities staff who needs to bring things up and down,” Head of School Rachel Simpson said. “This elevator right now is extremely temperamental.” The elevator, which will be renovated by Star Elevators, a San Francisco-based company, will include a new cab, motor,

landing openings and fixtures, according to Facilities Manager Geoff DeSantis. “We are making sure to take into consideration the amazing architecture of the Flood Mansion during the modernization,” DeSantis said. “We want to modernize without making the elevator look out of place.” The Flood elevator is the oldest working residential elevator in the City of San Francisco, as it was original to the building. “It’s pretty amazing,” Hudson said. “No other place, let alone school, in San Francisco can say that. I definitely take pride in the fact that we still have it.” James Leary Flood acquired his fortune from his father James Clair Flood, who was one of four people who owned the Comstock Lode, a vein of silver ore found in Nevada, according to San Francisco Genealogy. Flood took his fortune to San Francisco and built the original Flood Mansion at 1000 California Street, now the Pacific-Union Club, where James L. Flood took it over before it was damaged in the Great Earthquake of 1906. The current Flood Mansion was completed in 1915, just in time to view the Panama-Pacific World Exposition on the waterfront, which included the Palace of Fine Arts. Renovation will begin June 9 and continue through November. The attic will be closed during these times.

Universities scrutinized for sexual assault policies Madeleine Ainslie Design Editor

The day the federal government released a list of 55 colleges and universities under investigation for failing to respond to sexual assault on campus coincided with the deadline for seniors to formally accept offers of admissions from colleges and put down deposits, surprising many new enrollees that their future schools were on the list. Sitting in Harvard University’s Sanders Theater at the President’s Welcome for the incoming Class of 2018, Harvard President Drew Faust addressed questions from incoming freshmen, including inquiries about the university’s appearance on the list, according to senior Mika

Esquivel Varela. “I was shocked to find out that Harvard was on the list,” Esquivel Varela said. “When I was there at the visiting program, it was addressed and we were told they’re making a plan for prevention and having greater repercussions for perpetrators.” Schools are cited with violating Title IX, a federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender in federally funded schools. Title IX, commonly associated with providing equal opportunities for girls and women in athletics, also provides protection and a safe atmosphere for females. Schools appearing on the list range from small liberal arts colleges to multiple Ivy League

universities including, Princeton and Harvard. Several California colleges such as University of California at Berkeley, University of Southern California and Occidental College also made the list. “As an RA I found that often times firstyear students found the lines of consent to be really blurry,” Larkin Grant (’08), who graduated from Occidental in 2012 said. “A lot of people would go out to parties and think that whatever happened was okay — even if it wasn’t.” One in four women will be sexually assaulted in college, according to One in Four USA, a nonprofit organization striving to prevent rape through education. “Rape culture is definitely prevalent,” Izzy Borges (’13), who currently attends University of Colorado at Boulder, one of the 55 schools on the list, said. “We get emails when sexual assaults are reported. We usually get at least one, sometimes more, every weekend.”

Many assailants do not understand the parameters of sexual assault, according to One in Four. Of the men who committed rape, 84 percent said that they did not consider their sexual encounter as “rape.” “When I heard of rape or ‘rape culture,’ I thought that meant strangers coming out from behind bushes and raping others,” Grant said. “Most often the lines are blurred by parties and alcohol and people that you know or may like. Rape culture was present, but I don’t think I knew what that word meant as a first-year student.” Rape culture, which normalizes rape as part of a party scene, frequently blames the victim instead of the perpetrator. A verified, anonymous source recounted her battle with the administration in a recent oped piece in The Harvard Crimson about the measures taken — or not taken — after she was sexually assaulted by an acquaintance. See Universities p. 2

A lot of people would go out to parties and think that whatever happened was okay — even if it wasn’t.

2 AND THEN WHAT? Students attend a symposium focused on design thinking The Chronicle

4 EXTRA! EXTRA! News organizations focus on creating sharable content

S1 TEA TIME The Senior Class embarks on their graduation journey

S4 A TASTE OF HOME Ten local eateries to visit before moving away

7 HELPING HANDS Students travel with programs offering international service


Final exams start today and finish on Friday, May 30 before a week of ceremonies, closing the year with Commencement on June 6. ►►AN ENDING NOTE

High School Musician’s Showcase, a chance for Convent and Stuart Hall students to show their musical talents, is tonight at 6 p.m. at Stuart Hall High School in the Columbus Room. ►►PUT A RING ON IT

Juniors will receive their class rings at the annual Ring Ceremony on Tuesday, June 3. ►►WELCOME BACK

Broadway Alumnae of te Sacred Heart will hold the Alumnae Luncheon for the Class of 2014 is Wednesday, June 4 in the Reception Room. ►►BACCALAUREATE MASS

Baccalaureate Mass for the Class of 2014 is Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Chapel. ►►SUMMER FUN

The school year comes to an end Friday, June 6, giving students 11 weeks of summer break. ►►FAREWELL

Commencement for the Class of 2014 takes place on June 6 at 4 p.m. in the Main Hall. Tickets are required, and the event will be livestreamed on The Broadview’s website. ►►BACK AT IT

Freshmen begin orientation on Monday, Aug. 18, and classes begin for the entire student body on Wednesday, Aug. 20.

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The Broadview Convent of the Sacred Heart HS Schools of the Sacred Heart 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Entrepreneurial seminar promotes design thinking Aoife Devereux Web Editor

The Convent Elementary and Stuart Hall for Boys seventh and eighth graders joined the high schools last Wednesday for a design thinking workshop at the Palace of Fine Arts, where students learned how to be innovators who create their own future. Guests speakers include investor Ron Conway, artist Dana Hart-Stone, investor Sameer Gandhi, co-founder of Remind101 David Kopf and owner of Kara’s Cupcakes Kara Lind who elaborated on their careers and how they accomplished their goals. “I hoped that students would have the experience of a professional day off-campus replicating the type of professional workshop, that ultimately students will experience again when they are older and in their careers,” Head of School Rachel Simpson said. Each speaker described a different aspect of success in a variety of professional fields. The overarching message behind the symposiums was for the students to find something they love, push through the challenges and to be persistent in the midst of failure according to Simpson. “I learned that to get what you want and to be successful, you can’t work in the established system,” junior Sarah Niehaus said. “You have to create your own system and it might make some people unhappy, but it is hard to be successful otherwise.” In order to inspire students who attended the workshop to use their new knowledge of design thinking and innovation, the Schools are offering to fund a

The Broadview and

Student Body Officers for 2014-15 inducted The newly elected Student Body Officers and Student Activities Director talk about plans for dances, fundraisers and improving school enthusiasm for the upcoming school year.


My main goal is definitely to bring the community closer. By doing that I want to enhance the Senior Sister program so that instead of meeting just once or twice at the beginning of the year, they could meet once or twice a month to really build a relationship between them.

Vice President Franny Eklund

” ” ” ” ” ”

My goal is to increase the participation of school events like dances, so that we can have a greater community. We can also fundraise more for events like Congé and Prom. EKLUND

Treasurer Aoife Devereux

Aoife Devereux/The Broadview


THINKING Juniors Shirley Yang and Emily Hogan participate in a brainstorming activity created to promote design thinking at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre. startup with $2,500 to $3,000 to applicants whose entrepreneurship embodies the values of the Sacred Heart Goals. “The full process will involve providing information to the students during the school year, letting people know what the criteria would be, and coming to do a full pitch to an expert panel,” President Ann Marie Krejcarek said. “Anyone who pitches will have a good idea, and even if their idea is not chosen there is still the ability to advise them on what their next steps will be because this isn’t the end.” The symposium entailed exploring a design process through design thinking and discover-

ing how students can “dream up great ideas.” Students explored the steps behind design thinking through interactive experiences provided by the speakers. “We are very fortunate in being a school in the Bay Area where we are among people who are very successful in the field of innovation, and who are connected to and related to our schools,” Simpson said. “When one of the speakers was talking about entrepreneurs and I saw lots of male faces, so I think it is really critical that all the girls in the audience sit up, and dare I say, ‘Lean in’ and ask, ‘Where is the female face in that circle of influence?’”


tablished for college students about what rape is.” Other problems with rape education occurred through the transfer of information, according to Grant. “If you are under the influences of alcohol, technically you cannot give consent, so that could be considered rape,” Grant said. “They stated that at orientation, but it was presented in a comedic skit so students would go home making fun of the presentation they saw. The RAs tried to put out information, but I think that it needed to be laid out more sternly.” Although some schools have implemented safety measures taken to prevent assault, both sexual and otherwise, it is not enough, according to Borges. “We have these poles with a blue light at the top for emergencies,” Borges said. “They’re all around campus, so if people feel like they’re in danger they can press a button and campus police will come and escort them home. That’s one thing that school does to prevent rape, but that’s about it. Sexual assault happens pretty often, so I’m surprised that we don’t have more campus police around, especially on party nights.” Fifty percent of gang rapes on college campuses are commit-

ted by fraternities, 40 percent by sports teams and five percent are committed by other parties according to One in Four. Colleges have responded to increased sexual assault in fraternities at USC by monitoring some parties, according to Siegel. “Recently there’s been school security that keeps girls from going upstairs at frats at parties,” Siegel said. “It helps because no guy can randomly take a girl upstairs.” Preceding the announcement of the list of colleges under investigation, the Obama administration enumerated a series of actions it will take to combat sexual assault in colleges, one of which is a series of surveys evaluating attitudes and awareness regarding rape. Schools often do little to advocate for survivors of sexual assault, and frequently allow the perpetrator to live in the same housing complexes as those they assaulted, resulting in a feeling of disempowerment, according to the Crimson’s anonymous author. “My assailant will remain unpunished, and life on this campus will continue its course as if nothing had happened,” she wrote. “Today, Harvard, I am writing to let you know that you have won.”

My goal for next year is to find effective ways to raise money for an amazing Congé. Along with my co-treasurer Rachel Booth, I will track how much money the Student Council makes.

Treasurer Rachel Booth

Aoife and I want to raise money to make the school events as fun as possible, as well as being conscientious of where the school’s money goes.


Secretary Sabine Dahi

My goal for next year is to be the liason between Student Council and the Student Body by distributing the Cubby Hole on multiple medias.


Universities fail to report sexual assaults From Universities p. 1 “I’m exhausted from avoiding the laundry room, the House [sic] library and the mailroom because I’m scared of who I will run into,” the author wrote. “More than anything, I’m exhausted from living in the same House as the student who sexually assaulted me nine months ago.” Many of the 55 colleges and universities are accused reacting similarly, failing to report sexual assaults to police or law enforcement. Often times at Occidental, the assailant only received a slap on the wrist which sent out a bad message, according to Grant. “I disagreed most with how the reporting process happened,” Grant said. “It was a long drawnout process and often times their attacker would still be in their dorms and in their classes. It was extremely traumatizing for the survivor.” Many schools have mandatory seminars on sexual abuse education, but students often see them as ineffective or unclear, according to Rebecca Siegel (’13), who currently attends University of Southern California. “They didn’t make it very clear for college students,” Siegel said. “Especially things like what’s okay and what’s not. There needs to be a more definitive line es-

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

President Amanda Mah

Secretary Caroline Lo

I want to make people more aware of the great student events going on, because everything is more fun when everyone attends it.


Activities Director Madeleine Ainslie


We want to build a greater sense of independence within the social life at Convent. We really want to work individually with different clubs and brainstorm ways that they can put on events to raise spirit at Convent and raise money for their causes.

” ” ”

Activities Director Camilla Bykhovsky


My goals for next year are to promote dances and to get the attendance at them higher. Also to make thematic weeks to raise money for events in the future, especially to make Prom at an outside location, and to improve the spirit of the school. Publicity Director Christina Berardi

I really want to raise the school spirit within the students. I want everyone to get more excited about events, and to generally have more people at the things that we do.


— Compiled by Neely Metz

The Broadview and


Tuesday, May 27, 2014




Acceptance of rape culture normalizes assaults


espite social movements and advertising campaigns generated at educating the public about sexual assaults, there are still many different views on what constitutes “rape.” The idea of “gray rape,” emphasizes this confusion between consent and denial, as it describes a sexual encounter where “both parties are unsure of who wanted what.” “Rape culture” describes the social environment in which sexual assaults are considered normal, and rape victims are often judged harsher than the perpetrators. This culture negatively influences our opinions on rape and sexual harassment, and it is our responsibility to act against it. We need to accept the fact that rape culture exists. Sexual assaults are committed by everyday men, not fictional villains lying in wait in a parking lot behind an abandoned shopping center, and the awareness that these crimes are more common than we expect can help us better protect ourselves in the future. Rape culture permeates society. Derogatory vocabulary and imagery objectifying women

are present in many aspects of everyday life. Many consumeraimed advertisements oversexualize their products, such as those produced by Fiat, Carl’s Jr. and alcoholic beverage companies. Music, such as R. Kelly’s song “You Remind me of Something” frequently objectifies women through lyrics such as “You remind me of my jeep. I wanna ride it,” reducing women to objects. Girls themselves often use derogatory vocabulary towards each other, teasingly calling her terms that imply she is sexually promiscuous. Tweets and Facebook posts blaming rape victims contribute to rape culture as they create the idea the rapists are not accountable for their own actions. Victims are judged on their actions, attire, substance use and sobriety previous to their assaults. The presence of rape culture shows the need for education addressing rape. Instead of advising girls on how to avoid being raped, society needs to emphasize to boys that they should not rape in the first place. It is necessary to recognize the importance of an individual’s personal space and her

ability to make her own decisions. We need to stand up for ourselves and for others, and if we see someone being violated or harassed against her will, we need to possess the courage to

step in and defend her interests. We, as a community and a society, need to promote a larger awareness of this problem and make it clear that sexual harassment is not to be toler-

ated. Rape culture needs to be contained before it evolves any more, and it is our responsibility to take action by educating ourselves and others on this issue.


1. Warriors hire new head coach. “I see it in certain songs on the radio, in jokes that my peers make and when people are walking down the street and they get whistled at by guys.” — Corinne Sigmund, sophomore

“I see the victim is always blamed. When the story about two football players came out, the newscaster said they were ‘good students’ — making it seem they didn’t deserve punishment” —Hailey Cusack, junior

“I definitely see it when you’re walking down the street and you’re wearing something scandalous you can get called out or get rude comments.” — Camille Bolli-Thompson senior

LIVING BY THE BAY Tatiana Gutierrez Editor-in-Chief

Impressive impressions


efore my one-on-one interview for a volunteer job at a medical clinic, I was worried my future boss would not take me seriously since I was younger than most of the volunteers, so I wore glasses hoping I would come off as smart and put together. After I got the job, I kept wearing my glasses even though everything an armslength away was extremely blurry, hoping people would think I belonged in a professional environment. I doubt wearing glasses had any factor in determining whether or not I got the job, rather it was my Dad’s advice to make eye contact, have a firm handshake and avoid using the words “like,” “um” and ending responses with “so yeah” that allowed me to make a good first impression. First impressions usually

stick with people more than the brief conversations at the watercooler or making photocopies for them. Working in an office where the average employee is around 30 years old forces me to be more mindful of my actions and what I say because I never know who’s listening in or glancing over. It can be hard when I’m sitting at my desk to control urges to check Snapchat, Instagram and texts, but I don’t want to give the impression I’m the stereotypical teenage girl engrossed in my phone and completely disconnected from the world around me. It can be a little unsettling to feel like I’m being judged at work, but realistically wherever I go, whether or not I am formally introduced, I am making an impression on people. From what I say, to how I

act to what I wear all convey who I am to random strangers, people who might have connections that would give me an advantage in the future when applying to a school or job. Simply saying “I don’t care what people think about me,” shows a certain comfortableness with self expression, but this phrase doesn’t serve as an excuse to do whatever we please. It can be difficult to constantly monitor what I say especially when I am joking around with my friends, but I would rather refrain from saying something which can be misinterpreted than get a couple of laughs. Manners aren’t only meant for the dinner table. The little things like making eye contact and giving people your undivided attention can leave a positive lasting impression in any circumstance.

1. Mark Jackson fired despite breaking 50-year season win record.

2. Pennsylvania same-sex marriage ban ruled unconstitutional.

2. Thirty-one states still have bans.

3. Candice Glover wins “American Idol.”

3. Season 12 had the show’s lowest ratings.

4. Pope heads to Holy Land with interfaith entourage.

4. Visit leads to Israeli conservatives unrest 5. Exams are this week.

5. Summer is right around the corner.


Convent of the Sacred Heart High School 2222 Broadway St. | San Francisco, CA 94115 |



Tatiana Gutierrez Editor-in-Chief Madison Riehle Editor-in-Chief Madeleine Ainslie Design Editor Alice Jones Managing Editor Rachel Fung Cartoonist Aoife Devereux Web Editor Tracy Anne Sena, CJE, Adviser





Senior Reporters Camilla Bykhovsky, Kristina Cary, Ashley Latham, Liana Lum, Sarah Selzer Reporters Ariana Abdulmassih, Alyssa Alvarez, Julia-Rose Kibben, Neely Metz, Delaney Moslander, Madeleine Denebeim, Kendra Harvey, Makena House, Daniella Lucio, Sophia Slacik

“Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom,” (Goal 5), therefore The Broadview operates as an open forum for free speech and student expression without prior review. Unsigned pieces are the opinion of the editorial board. Reviews and personal columns are the opinions of the individual author and are not necessarily those of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School or Schools of the Sacred Heart. We encourage letters to the editor. The Broadview may publish independent opinion pieces 300 words or fewer. We may work with writers for clarity and to meet space limitations. All letters must have a means for verifying authorship.



Tuesday, May 27, 2014



The Broadview and

The Chronicle

Media Paper boys have been replaced by the click of a button, leaving many readers to get their news from social media sites instead of their front stoops, changing the way news is passed along. Bringing news to the newsfeed


The Wall Street Journal has over 1 million digital subscribers, 200,000 of whom read it on a tablet.

27.8% of Americans get their news primarily from social media, the top sites are:

Facebook 59.5%

Eight stories that broke on social media: Protesters killed in Bahrain Whitney Houston’s death







In today’s world, people get their news on a range of devices, often multiple ones.

51% 56% tablet

Death of Osama bin Laden


Egyptian revolution


Announcement of royal engagement


Hudson River plane crash Update Status

Add Photos/Video

48.9% of people hear about breaking news on social media before it appears on official news sources.

The Chronicle

News site traffic from social media has increased


60% of Americans read or

since 2009.

watch three to ten news stories every day.

Souces: Mashable,, News Limited

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2012, o nl


s surpassed t h ha

the top 22 Twitter users are news organizations like BBC.

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Madeleine Ainslie/ The Broadview

Tatiana Gutierrez Editor-in-chief

rticles ranging from “22 puppies who are annoyed with their owners” to “U.S. cluster bombs keep killing civilians in Yemen” makeup sites such as BuzzFeed, VICE and Mashable, all of whom focus on sharing news mainly through social media. Facebook, which has traditionally been a site for friends sharing their lives with one another, is pushing likewise into the news business. “I work with publishers to find ways that Facebook can help enhance their reporting,” Libby Brittain (’07) who works on Facebook’s News Partnership Team said. “That includes using the Facebook platform to connect journalists with their readers or viewers, and integrating Facebook into their products to make the content they produce more social and shareable.” Thirty percent of American adults get their news from Facebook, according to “The State of the News Media 2014” study published by the Pew Research. “Most of the time I don’t actually have to visit any site to keep informed on the news because chances are its already been shared by my Facebook friends,” sophomore Abby Dolan said. “Usually people post the relatable or funny articles — that include a lot of pictures and GIFs — and quizzes onto their friends walls, but it balances out with the serious articles shared multiple times by different people.” The sites cover the traditional news stories, but incorporate related videos, GIFs, photos and social media posts into their online articles. “It makes legitimate news more interesting,” junior Sabine Dahi said. “The articles are more exciting to read with the pictures and commentary provided by Buzzfeed. I feel like I’m not just reading the newspaper.” BuzzFeed provides a mix of breaking news, entertainment and shareable content and strives to intertwine advertising through storytelling rather than traditional banners. “I found it really relevant and relatable,” Dahi said. “They have recipes for clean eating, quizzes, random facts or commentary on funny, frustrating or

mundane everyday situations.” These news organizations track the articles favored by their readers depending on how many times a story is shared on different social media platforms, according to Brittain. “I also help publishers understand the types of content that gets shared by their audiences on Facebook, which helps them decide what type of content is resonating with their audience,” Brittain said. Mashable categorizes stories its homepage based on “The New Stuff,” “The Next Big Thing” and “What’s Hot” and includes the number of times an article is shared, as well as a velocity graph charting how quickly people share the article on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon and Pinterest.

Social media has made news more accessible and broadened the audience it can reach.

Madeleine Ainslie/The Broadview

In today’s world, people don’t have the attention span to read an entire article.

“Many newsrooms are seeing a bigger and bigger slice of their traffic coming from people using mobile phones,” Brittain said. “This has a big impact on which formats they choose. Longform articles make a lot more sense on a big browser window than they do on a tiny iPhone screen.” Fifty-four percent of Americans in 2013 reported they read the news on a mobile device, according to the Pew Research. “When I’m on the BuzzFeed and Mashable apps — as compared to scrolling through my Instagram or Facebook newsfeed — I definitely feel a lot more productive,” Dolan said. “I usually find myself on these apps when I’m waiting in line or for the bus because the articles are generally pretty short and don’t require a ton of reading.” Photos, videos and social media posts breaking up the text are meant to give readers a fuller understanding on the article while creating a more interactive experience, according to Parker Ehret, a former Yahoo Senior User

Experience Designer. “In today’s world people don’t have the attention span to read an entire article,” Ehret said. Yahoo’s News Digest app has a similar format to BuzzFeed, VICE and Mashable, but veers from the more relatable and “fluff ” articles. Yahoo utilizes the Summly platform which condenses articles into three paragraphs or fewer while incorporating any relative information. “Yahoo took the day’s top stories and had them all condensed using Summly,” Ehret said. “They also wanted to give you all the contextually relative information to help you understand more about the subject. That’s why you see additional photos, videos, relevant tweets and even Wikipedia articles, below to understand the subject you just read about.” Yahoo News Digest is similar to traditional news articles by taking an unbiased standpoint, whereas VICE incorporates more editorial commentary, according to junior Zoe Baker. “VICE uniquely captures the news,” Baker said. “They clearly take a stance on issues and will use any type of language to get the point across.” VICE began in Montreal as a magazine in 1994 and has become a global company functioning in 30 countries, as well as a TV series documenting VICE reporters around the world covering stories. “Technically it’s really like any other news network,” Baker said. “They’ve worked with print, online and TV, they just take a more innovative approach to sharing news, rather than reading off of a teleprompter.” The varying content coverage and use of multimedia throughout articles have promoted the influx of news in social media. “‘News’ means something different to everyone,” Brittain said. “Some people want to know what’s happening around them in their city or neighborhood. Others need to understand what’s happening inside a government on the other side of the world. That means it’s really important for news organizations to spend time understanding what kind of news they produce, who their audience is and how that audience tends to consume the news.”

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Convent of the Sacred Heart HS • San Francisco, California

Vol. 20, Iss. 6

Time for tea

Madaline Ainslie /The Broadview

DRESSED IN WHITE The Senior Class poses for a class portrait on the Cortile steps.

Traditional tea celebrates the Senior Class

T Delaney Moslander/The Broadview

SELFIE Francesca Dana and Addie Schieber pose in the Belvedere for a selfie before Senior Tea began.

Delaney MoslanderThe Broadview

CELEBRATE The Senior Class cheers during a photo taken from the balcony.

Delaney Moslander Reporter

hirty-seven young women in floorand tea-length white dresses and gloves with fuchsia gerberas in hand lined the Belvedere greeting guests at the 74th annual Senior Tea. “Every graduating Senior Class does it and it’s the first time you get to wear your dress,” senior Lizzie Whittles said. “It’s also on the day that you have to know what college you’re going to, you’re all done with high school.” The Senior Tea gives faculty, family members and friends an opportunity to congratulate seniors on their upcoming graduation and college choices. “When we go to the Senior Tea, I — and a lot of the faculty — all of a sudden see these students as young women,” Senior Class adviser Julia Arce said. “It’s a time for us to reflect on all the work we have put in.” Junior Class volunteers greeted guests, plated and served tea sandwiches and kept the line moving. “Generally the Junior Class helps with hosting, which is a way of being prepared for seeing ahead to what’s going to happen, sort of a foretaste,” theology teacher Kate McMichael said. A video of seniors discussing how the Five Goals have shaped their experiences

and education based on their senior projects played in the Main Hall throughout the tea. “I thought they were really reflective of the seniors and their personalities,” freshman Katie Newbold said. “I thought it was kind of cool that we got to see seniors in a different way because they were expressing themselves through art.” Seniors began their projects at the beginning of the year, choosing an individual medium to explain how the five Goals and Criteria for Sacred Heart Schools have impacted them. “I chose to do a mask because of how Convent changed my identity,” Francesca Dana said. “I used photos that depicted each goal and put them on the mask to show their influence in my life.” Head of School Rachel Simpson spoke to the seniors about etiquette, preparing them for the event season leading up to Commencement on June 6. “It’s the first event that celebrates the transition for seniors from their high school career into becoming independent from high school,” Arce said. This opportunity to start saying goodbye is moving for some friends and family, according to Lyons. “It’s really difficult to go to an event like that, because it’s actually telling you you’re not going to see them as much next year,” Lyons said.

It’s a time for us to reflect on all the work we have put in.

Delaney Moslander/The Broadview

PREPPING Sophia Kelley and Franc-

esca Dana help Camille Bolli-Thompson zip into her white dress in Maud Flood’s former dressing room.

Delaney Moslander/The Broadview

POSING Mikaela Esquivela Varela

and Addie Schieber pose with alumnae Eliza Klyce. Seniorsv wear their graduations dresses for the first time at the tea.



Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The Broadview and

Librarian gives advice to departing seniors

Williams librarian’s secret tradition sends seniors off to college with personalized words of wisdom.


Camilla Bykhovsky Senior Reporter

andwritten cursive signs posted around the school at the end of the year remind students to return their borrowed books from the library, but as seniors come in, librarian Cynthia Velante invites each one to have a one-on-one talk. “I have five guidelines to a good relationship,” Velante said about her annual meetings with each senior. “I always tell the senior girls that these guidelines are for relationships between all the people they will meet along the way.” Velante said she found her relationships with students much more personal when she started working in the Williams’ Library than when she worked in a school of 800 students. Being in a smaller community started her annual tradition. “Nobody requires me to do it,” Velante said. “I tell the seniors I

have experienced what they have experienced.” Velante, whom many students see as a woman of faith, can be found in the Chapel almost every school morning, which influences the message she gives the seniors. “The most important thing I took away from Mrs. Velante was that all things are possible with God,” Lauren Jung (’09) said. Velante says it is necessary to share her thoughts on life outside of the Sacred Heart with “her girls.” “I really felt that her words branched from a place of past experience,” senior Mckenna Eichler said of her chat with Velante. “She really showed how much she cared, which made me

Fiona GiarratanaYoung, University of San Francisco, San Francisco

“I loved the friendly and supportive campus. I also like being in a busy active city because there is always something to do.”

“ ”

feel that although I will not be here next year, I will always be welcomed back.” Velante did not want to discuss specifics of the themes of her message, as she wants to keep them private for her one on one conversations with the soon to be graduates. “When it was finally my chance to talk with her, I realized why what she says is kept a secret; it makes the moment all the more special,” Eichler said. “Mrs. Velante is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving people I have met,” Jung said. “When we did talk, I knew that the advice she was giving me was coming straight from her heart.”

When it was finally my chance to talk with her, I realized why what she says is kept a secret.

Madeleine Ainlsie/The Broadview

WORDS OF WISDOM Senior Addie Schieber hugs librarian

Cynthia Velante at Senior Tea weeks before having her one-on-one session with Velante. Schieber is one of the 38 seniors who will receive “life lessons” in the Williams Library by the end of May.

Seniors matriculate across United States The 38-member Class of 2014 chose 27 schools around the country. Here are 9 reasons for their decisions.

Salina Kamara, University of San Diego, San Diego

“My mom wanted me to be close, but I still wanted to be far away. Another thing that made me choose was the weather.”

Catherine Ames, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas

it “I loved the weather and how as Tex The d. col lly never gets rea pitalbarbeque and southern hos .“ eal ity also add to the app

Sophia K Duke U elley, niversit Durha m, N.C y, .

“The co mmunit y is sup and spir er active ited. I d idn’t wa have to nt to deal wit hs winters, it’s usua uper cold lly nice warm.” and

Jessica C hil Salve Re ds, gina Univers ity, Newport , R.I.

“I really liked that it was a sm all school with ar ound 2,500 un dergraduates and has a great nu rsing program. I also want to be ba ck in an East Coa st environmen t.“

Mika Esquivel Varela, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

“Cambridge is not as busy as Boston, but still has a small city feel. It is literally a 10 minute ride to Boston, so I have the best of both worlds.”

Niamh ns, o Fitzsim iversity, n U Pace rk City o Y New f comense o t s g n o tr a lo has a s ing in “Pace is miss laces. And t a th munity ls in urban p to offer o h of scho k has so muc u’re in.” r o y o Y ld w e Ne at fi tter wh a m o n

Julia Nemy, Bates College Lewiston, Maine

“I choose Bates for the small, tight knit community. I also liked how it was in a more rural place which adds to the closeness of the community.”

Tess Holland, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. “I wanted a li on the East beral arts college Coast. It is a lot like San Franc isco in a c ollege, bu on the east t coast, whic liked.” h I really Compiled by Alice Jones Madeleine Ainslie/The Broadview

The Broadview and

Tuesday, May 27, 2014




9 seniors, 3 colleges, 9 different reasons Orange County, Calif.

Washington D.C.

Abigail Newbold

Lauren Baum

Grace Hull

Madeline Schieber

“I already knew my major so I focused my college search based on it. It was mostly me following my career dream and a gut feeling I had about the school. I did multiple more college tours and every single college I went to I would start comparing it to GW — that’s how I knew I was really in love. I applied EDI.”

Scarlett Cinotti

Jaime Hum-Nishikado “I chose Chapman because I wanted to go to a school that would push me academically while giving me the opportunity to play college basketball, and after the whole college process Chapman seemed to be the perfect fit. I am so excited to join the basketball team next year and venture into the kinesiology program they have to offer me.”

“I’m looking to go into international relations and of the schools I applied, to it was the one that had the best programs. Also, I really liked the politically active community on campus.”

“It was the school of International Service that was awesome. The schedule is amazing because it allows for me to be in D.C. This is central to what I want to do in international relations. The people were from all kinds of different backgrounds. Everyone was really interested in learning and helping the community. We shared similar interests.”

Washington D.C.

“I found that Chapman has Division III track which is less competitive than Division I, so I would have a chance to stand out without it being as big of a commitment. They have small class sizes, which is similar to Convent and there are lots of opportunities for hands-on learning. ”

“I chose American because of all the schools I applied and was accepted to, it offered the most flexibility. I’ve entered a learning community called American University Scholars that puts me in special classes with other students and allows me to graduate in four years with honors in my major.”

Madalyn Trouton

George Washington University

Chapman University

American University

Elizabeth Whittles

“When I visited I felt a great vibe from everyone — the campus is beautiful. It’s a perfect distance away from home so that if I’m homesick I can get home in two hours, but I’m not in the San Francisco area. When I went to Admitted Students Day the people seemed so fun and welcoming.”

“They just built these classrooms that are designed to have small groups of students at different tables to work together, with white boards covering all of the walls. Having an administration and faculty that is equally excited and curious about the education they put out is what excites me the most.”

Caroline Coulter

“One thing I really liked about the school is their emphasis on internships and how they work them into their curriculum. I loved the urban campus because after growing up in San Francisco I cannot imagine not living in a city. I was also given the opportunity to run for a Division I cross country program at GWU.”

From Convent to college Alumnae talk about moving onto something bigger


Madison Riehle Editor-in-chief

oing to a university of 20,000 undergraduates can be overwhelming even for students from San Francisco when coming from a school of 200. For nine seniors, making the transition means figuring out how to be more than just another person in the crowd. “I chose University of Southern California because I wanted a school that wasn’t too big or too small,” senior Alyssa Viscio said, who plans on attending USC,with an undergraduate enrollment of 18,000, in the fall. “At the same time, USC is big enough so I will constantly be able to meet new people and make connections.” Most Convent students matriculate to medium-size schools, which the College Board defines as having an undergraduate enrollment of 5,000 to 14,000 students. Big schools are often characterized by large, lecture-style classes, making the college experience less personal, according to Dakota Chamberlin (’12). “At a large school like the University of Washington, the classes are over 500 people for general ed,” Chamberlin, who attended UW for part of her senior year, said. “Usually biology classes have large lecture that is video taped and posted online, with a discussion section at a separate time to learn the material in a smaller group.” Small discussion and study groups outside of class can be a good way to meet more people,

according to Chamberlin. “I originally picked University of Washington because I thought it was my dream school,” Chamberlain said. “It ended up not living up to my expectations and I could not make a concrete decision by the date to transfer, so I was forced to attend Santa Barbara City College and transfer to a university that way.” Chamberlain said she transferred during her freshman year to Santa Barbara City College for better weather, activities and a more personal college experience. She has been accepted to the University of California, Santa Barbara for the fall of 2014. “The classes at City College are more interesting because it’s not as general, it’s more like Convent — the passion the teachers have is incredible,” Chamberlin said. “They know what it’s like to strive and get good grades in order to transfer.” Large schools, like USC, often offer Division I sports, which have seven different competitive-level sports teams for men and women. “There are so many events, from football games to concerts to speakers,” Claire Fahy (’13) who studies at University of California, Los Angeles, said. “You really have to manage your time efficiently in order to stay on top of everything.” Getting involved in smaller communities at large school can also be beneficial to finding a niche, according to Fahy. “My best decision by far was joining Greek life and rushing a sorority,” Fahy said. “That immediately made the campus feel

much smaller. I also joined the Daily Bruin and started working as a sports contributor, which gave me a real sense of purpose and helped me feel anchored to something.” Nine million college students are involved in Greek life, according to USA Today. Fahy’s sorority, Tri Delta, has about 100 members and is considered a small sorority. “At a big school like UCLA, it takes a lot of discipline to find a balance between academics, extracurriculars and fun,” Fahy said. “Everyone here is heavily involved in campus life, especially the girls in my sorority.” Getting into activities, such as a job or a club sport can also create a small community outside of school. Seventy-one percent of the nation’s 19.7 million college students have a part time job, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. “It’s definitely a challenge to make sure I’m fitting everything in and am prepared for all my different responsibilities,” Fahy said. “Since I got very involved and very busy so early on, I didn’t really give myself time to feel lost or overwhelmed.” Going into office hours to meet with a teacher in a class that seems impersonal can make the difference, according to Fahy. “Though it may be a larger classroom, Convent students still have a strong sense of self and they are comfortable approaching the teacher or the teacher’s assistant and advocate for themselves when they need help,” College Counseling Director Rebecca Munda said.

Jackson Belcher/ with permission

COURT TIME Claire Fahy (’13) interviews UCLA Bruins outside volleyball hitter Gonzalo Quiroga for a story she was writing for the Daily Bruin. The variety of options offered at a large school are attractive to Convent students, whether the options students have are more people to interact with, more classes, or more activities, according to Munda. “For some of our students, they have been attending a small school all their life,” Munda said. “They want something completely new with a big football

team and a lot of school spirit.” Students who choose these large schools are usually looking for a different experience, according to Munda. “I’m excited to go to a big school because I want a change from Convent,” Viscio said. “I’ve loved my time here, but I’ve never gone to a school where I didn’t know everybody. I’m ready for that change.”



Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The Broadview and

Behind the napkin: A review on reviews

things to eat before leaving San Francisco Kimchee Burrito at HRD  521 3rd St. The Kimchee Burrito is filled with a unique combination of pickled daikon, seasoned sprouts, cucumber, kiwi, sour cream and a choice of Korean beef, spicy pork, chicken, tofu or grilled shrimp.

Strawberry Balsamic from Bi-Rite  550 Divisadero St. Grab a scoop of Straus Dairy ice cream or swirl a swirl of soft serve. Really any flavor is delicious, but the Strawberry Balsamic is refreshing on a hot summer day — if the fog clears.


Pan-seared scallops from Slanted Door 1 Ferry Building #3 These perfectly cooked, melt-in-yourmouth scallops taste so fresh and creamy in pineapple-coconut sauce, you’ll forget all about the crispy imperial rolls they’re know for.

Grilled cheese from Cowgirl Creamery’s Sidekick Cafe & Milk Bar  1 Ferry Building #17 Grab a warm grilled cheese (add balsamic onions) and tomato soup on a foggy day at the pier for a classic San Francisco experience.


locally-sourced and organic items for a high-quality price. Don’t get me wrong — there are a bunch of great places to eat for cheap and if you don’t care about where the produce came from or how long it took someone to make — you don’t have to. But if you’re like me, that extra care and quality make a long line or a high price worth it. It’s not the cheapest interest to pursue, but because I like to investigate new local businesses from sit-down restaurants to juice stands, I feel like my money is going back into one of the aspects of the City that makes San Francisco so special.

Lobster club sandwich from The Rotunda 150 Stockton St. Sometimes club sandwiches can be heavy with bread, but the light slices of toasted brioche hugs the juicy pieces of lobster, tomato, avocado, applewood smoked bacon, lemon aïoli and arugula making a deliciously unique sandwich.



review is distinguishing generic tastiness from the exceptional. Sometimes I know at first bite that this is something I’ve never tasted before. Making the distinctions, between the best bun-mee sandwich and an averagely delicious one comes with a lot of practice. I like to consider myself a foodie; sampling around town when I see the opportunity to get a snack with friends. A few of my Instagram followers have told me they even peruse my pictures for dining ideas. The City is filled with a plethora of artisanal food trucks, stands, carts and hole-in-the-wall restaurants that offer

Br oa dv

love food. In fact, I pitched a story about the Let’s be Frank hot dog cart near school on Thursdays when I was a sophomore, and I have been writing about the city’s culinary treasures and a few travesties ever since. Writing about food for three years has really changed how I perceive my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eating with texture and flavor adjectives in mind has transformed my meals into occasions of critique. I don’t expecting culinary mastery in the school cafeteria — which has

to cater to the pallet of a 6 year old — or from my mother (sorry, Mom), but judging food has become second nature. At first it was uncomfortable to whip out my phone and do a photo shoot with a burrito or a plate in a nice restaurant, making sure no bites were taken before I got the perfect shot. Food photography looks obnoxious to passersby, but to me it’s worth it to get a high-quality shot of a twist of cupcake frosting or capture the gooeyness of melting Gruyere. Often I’ve had to remind dining companions, “It’s not weird — I write reviews.” One of the toughest parts of eating for a



Alice Jones Food Reviewer

to P ho

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Eggs Benedict from Louis’  902 Point Lobos Ave. Enjoy the waves and an affordable brunch of either the classic Eggs Benedict with sliced ham or Louis’ with bacon and tomato.


KFC Sandwich from Hot Sauce and Panko 1545 Clement St. Although this hole-in-the-wall is known for the incredible chicken wings; this sandwich is completely unique with onion rings, coleslaw, and chicken stripes — occasionally offered in a waffle.

Sumo Crunch from Sushiritto  59 New Montgomery St. This Sushirito resembles a giant California roll packed with shrimp tempera, Surimi crab, shaved cabbage, cucumber, avocado and red tempera flakes.

 Frutta estiva pizza from Piccino 1001 Minnesota St. Although Dogpatch is a little off-the-beatenpath, this California-Italian place has an amazing sweet, seasonal thin-crust pizza. The nectarines are thinly sliced and the nettle is an out-of-the-ordinary crunchy green for the base. The pizza is usually served with mozzarella di bufala or ricotta.

The Broadview and

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

FEATURES Beautiful nails, damaging effect Julia-Rose Kibben Reporter


ike many young women, McKenna Eichler goes to the salon every three weeks to get a shellac manicure, and although more expensive, like gel manicures it can last up to four times longer than a regular service — but both types can expose customers to a variety of health risks. “In the past 10 years, gel manicures have become extremely popular,” independent nail technician Kristen Valdez said. “They are chip resistant and dry quickly, saving the client time and money by only having to visit the salon every two weeks.” Most nail polishes are solvent-based polishes and contain dibutyl phthalate, toluene and formaldehyde, all of which are considered toxic chemicals when used in large quantities, according to the Food and Drug Administration. These solvents, meant to dissolve solutions, are also found in paint thinners and detergents. “I get my nails painted with regular polish because gel makes my nails thinner and I don’t like the way they peel off,” freshman Bea Williams said. “When they peel off, it rips off half your nail.” As women become more aware, they are starting to use healthier alternatives such as 3-free nail polishes that do not contain potentially harmful chemicals and are healthier for nails according to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

These water-based polishes can be a safer alternative because they do not release irritating fumes or contain toluene to avoid exposure to toxic chemicals. “The acrylic powder and other chemicals they use in salons don’t affect my decisions to continue to get acrylics and gel nails because my nails will always grow back,” Kamara said. Dibutyl phthalate is an endocrine disruptor and is frequently linked to precocious puberty, obesity and genital deformities. Toluene is harmful to the nervous and respiratory systems, and it is the most toxic of the three chemicals. Formaldehyde is used as a preservative to prevent microbial growth. Nail products that contain less than 5 percent formaldehyde are considered to be formaldehyde-free and harmless according to the Food and Drug Administration. “Caring for and enhancing your nails can be very expensive,” Valdez said. “Always be wary of the price you’re paying for these services. If they’re too low — $25 for a full set of acrylics — it can indicate cheap products like MMA.” MMA, methyl methacrylate, is used as a bonding component in acrylic powder and is applied to the nail during an acrylic service. “Methyl methacrylate is a type of acrylic used to create dentures, bridges and bone cement,” Valdez said. “It is not designed for — or safe to use — on nails. It isn’t flexible and can leave your

nails with irreversible damage.” Long term effects from constant use of the solvent acetone, include cracking and damage to skin. Methyl methacrylates are responsible for permanent nail bed damage which can evolve into subungual melanoma, a potentially fatal cancer that affects nail beds. “I got gel specifically because I wanted to grow my nails out and was doing a show that demanded a character with longer, luxurious nails,” local actor Marilee Talkington said. “All throughout the show, two and a half months, I wore gel nails which made my nails paper thin when I got the gel taken off.” After nails with gel polish are sealed under an ultra violet light, the manicure can last up to six weeks. Fingers must be soaked in acetone for 10 to 15 minutes to remove the long-lasting manicure. “How long the manicure lasts is very important,” Eichler said. “I don’t have a lot of time after school with track and school in general. That’s why I pick gel and shellac because it stays for a really long time and it doesn’t chip immediately.” The most popular 3-free brands, Essie, OPI, Butter London and Wet n’ Wild, are safer for use on children, pregnant women and nail biters, according to Valdez. “I trust the more popular brands,” Valdez said. “Anything with a label where you can see all the ingredients, so I know exactly what I am exposing my clients to.”



Aoife Devereux/The Broadview

PAINTED Nail artists offer a range of nail styles and types of lacquers. Gel nails and acrylics can be detrimental to nail beds.

Bridging the gap Starting college right after high school isn’t for everyone, and taking a gap year can put things into perspective Sarah Seltzer Senior Reporter

Tass Jones / with permission

RIDING Hailey Schwab competes in the Golden State Horse

Show in Sacramento when she placed sixth. Schwab took a gap year to strengthen her equestrian skills.

Gap year programs Adventures Cross Country Programs examine five essential themes: Literacy & Education, Public Health, Urbanization & the Movement of Peoples, Environment & Conservation, and Microfinance & Economic Growth. Trips generally last 90 days.

UnCollege  The program entails 10 weeks of insensitive training in San Francisco with living accommodation, exclusive access to networks in Silicon Valley, one-on-one mentorship, a secured internship and three months of living abroad with $2,000 to spend.

Think Beyond Borders The program has global gap year option which includes living with host families, fieldwork with local experts, academic study, language learning and independent travel opportunities.

Waiting outside an office in hopes of acquiring a full-time job or walking into an airport terminal to head off to a foreign country are not typically academic activities in the freshman college curriculum, but they are not that uncommon for students taking a gap year before beginning their studies. Pursuing personal interests and gaining worldly experience are two key components behind the importance of gap years, according to College Counseling Director Rebecca Munda. “I think gap years have become more popular because students are more aware of their options,” Munda said. “The majority of colleges are supportive of gap year programs and support students who pursue these programs as they feel these students are that much more mature and prepared for college.” A gap year typically lasts from about three to 12 months depending on how long the students want to take time off, according to Munda. “I decided to take my freshman year off from school in order to ride horses competitively,” Haley Schwab (’13) said.

“While competing year-round in England and Spain, I was able to pursue my passion while working with Olympic champion Peter Charles at an international level. Taking a gap year was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made because gaining a professional and

Gap years have become more popular because students are more aware of their options.

international experience helped me realize I could competitively ride as a future career.” Students considering a gap year can apply to programs during their senior year of high school that cater to future goals, allowing them to explore different diplomatic affairs before they enter college. “Their application process won’t necessarily be any different,” Munda said. “Students will

still apply to colleges as other seniors will, and they will ask to defer their admission if they decide to choose a gap year and explore different interests.” Gap years can be planned out in advance, but sometimes students can decide to take a year off to travel and pursue other activities at the last minute. “After high school I had the opportunity to live in Chiang Mai for a new chapter in my life before I decided I wanted to go to college,” Yun Ji KimBertken (’13) said. “In Korea I met so many incredible people from around the world while observing surgeries and working at Nakornping Hospital, the experience was truly once-in-alifetime.” Ultimately students get to know themselves and what they want to do in life, according to Munda. “Students work very hard in high school and have so much on their plate that sometimes they need a moment to step back and pursue something of interest besides academic work,” Munda said. “If a student chooses to take a gap year it can be truly beneficial to help achieve their future goals.”



Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Michael Hong /with permission

DRIBBLING Senior Jaime Hum-Nishikado (right), varsity point guard, dribbles down the court during a game against the Urban School at Kezar Stadium. Hum-Nishikado played varsity all four years.

Varsity players commit ‘four’ life


Tatiana Gutierrez Editor-in-chief

eing one of the only freshmen on a varsity team can be an intimidating situation, but persevering through the initial anxiety has taught three seniors after four years of demanding and lengthy seasons, the importance of a cohesive team, leadership and time management. “Playing soccer has actually really helped me stay focused on my academics throughout high school,” soccer captain Margaux Gaede said. “It is definitely a big commitment, but I’ve been able to adjust my schedule around it and still manage to have free time.” Athletes are required to maintain a 2.0 or higher GPA and attend every practice in order to participate in games and tournaments, according to Athletic

Director Elena DeSantis. “Basketball has allowed me to schedule my time around practice,” basketball captain Jaime Hum-Nishikado said, “because of the practices I have, and the time I have available, basketball made me do my homework.” Varsity players take on a leadership role by sharing their insights from past seasons with younger teammates experiencing similar difficulties adjusting to the rigorous practices, according to track captain Tess Holland. “I have become a role model for the underclassmen on the team,” Holland said. “Setting examples for them is apart of my job as captain. As an upperclassmen, I tend to take charge of the freshman, helping them grow as athletes.” Players who have participated on varsity sports since freshman year often become captains

because of their experience and dedication to the sport. “Basketball has taught me to look out for other people,” HumNishikado said. “I have to make sure that not only I’m doing my job but that everyone else on the team is too. In basketball there is a lot of different terminology, and on our team we have so many people on different levels.” If anyone doesn’t know what they’re doing, I break it down or show them what to do.” Mentoring younger teammates has taught leadership skills, according to Gaede. “Playing a sport has taught me to think of others as well as myself,” Gaede said. “As captain, I have to make sure that everyone is on the same page. That teamwork and collaboration I learned is something I will carry with me into college.” — Makena House and Sophia Slacik contributed to this story.

ON THE RUN Camilla Bykhovsky Senior Reporter


I run like a girl

The Broadview and

SPORTS ROUND-UP Basketball Soccer Coaches: Anne Guina and Kierra Scalercio League: 0-10 Captains: Margaux Gaede and Christina Berardi

Coaches: Jen Hum-Traverso and Maya Fok League: 4-6 Captains: Lizzie Whittles and Jaime Hum-Nishikado

Christina Berardi: “Our team was really close this year, and this is the first year I’ve been captain so I’ve really enjoyed stepping up as a role model and being able to motivate all the girls. I’m very excited for the next season with this team.”

Jaime Hum-Nishikado: “I think our team did really well. We had a lot of incoming freshmen, so we were working on getting everyone on the same page — but it turned out really well. We made it to the playoffs and that was just unexpected from everyone.”

Anne Guina: “It was a growing year. We had seven freshmen on varsity so we didn’t win a lot of games, but we had improvements each game so it’s hopeful for the next seasons to build the program and be stronger.”


Jen Hum-Traverso: “Our team made incredible strides both as individuals and as a team. Our two greatest team accomplishments this season were beating IHS on Senior Night and advancing in the postseason to play the #1 ranked team in the Bay Area. All of the kids’ hard work day in and out truly showed in each game as we progressed through our season.”

Coaches: Scott Nicolos and Griffin Costello League: 6-8 Captains: Maya Melrose and Rebecca Stapleton


Rebecca Stapleton: “I think the season went very well. It was a great learning experience for me and it was really fun to see all the incoming freshmen and new players and how much they’ve grown. Also to see them at BCLs and to see how far our team has grown together.” Scott Nicolos: “The season went really well. Not so much from a record perspective, but from a growth perspective. We had a couple good doubles team and a couple good singles players. I think that next year — and the years going forward — the badminton program is going to be really strong.”

Coed team motivates, increasing positive results

printing to the finish and passing the cheering parents and team members on the sideline always sparks my competitive side, which is why I joined the cross-country team freshman year. To my surprise, the coed team was almost entirely made up of boys. I found their physical strength intimidating, and as I kept telling myself since they were boys, they were naturally going to be faster than me. This only led to making me anxious. The Convent and Stuart Hall cross-country teams are separate teams that practice together, which joins lanky, muscular, towering boys with the girls team on the Marina Green. Practices were harder than I was used to; my endurance was constantly low, and I always felt fatigued — a sensation I was not used to from years of competing on the nine-girl CES team. Although I felt that I had the ability to perform to my fullest potential and place well, the

boys were always ahead of me. As the distance grew between the last boy to cross the line who was at least 150 meters ahead of me, my confidence began to diminish. My image of myself as a strong athlete quickly deteriorated and I felt defeated, incapable, and more than anything, I wanted to give up. Determined to prove myself wrong, I persevered, tried harder at practice and pushed myself out of my comfort zone, exerting more energy than I had ever done before. I soon realized that because I was working harder than ever, my times were getting faster. After a deep swoop of soreness and non-stop pain for about a week, I was able to endure much more challenging practices, courses and longer distances. When I went out for the first all-girls race of the season, I hadn’t realized my potential and how much I had improved. The boys made me work harder, complain less, and run

faster. I set a personal record for that course, and surprisingly did not feel tired after the race. I knew that my abilities had undergone a drastic change for the better. This spring I joined the coed track and field team, but this time, I was prepared to work at the level of the boys and quite literally, go the extra mile. As my junior year and six seasons of coed sports is coming to a close, I have learned that without a pushing force behind me, I do not know what my fullest potential can be. The boys on my team encouraged me to work harder, which set my motivation on an uphill climb, and taught me an important lesson; the value of competitive encouragement. To persevere, even when faced with a greater challenge than thought possible to handle, is what proves to show that hard work and confidence in oneself ultimately will pay off in the “long run.”

Track Coaches: Michael Buckley, Creighton Helms, Johanna Thomas, Laura Dzida, Kevin Wong, Pablo Ngo, Andy Lee League: 3rd in the league Captains: Tess Holland, Amelia Baier and Caroline Coulter Amelia Baier: “Almost everyone had a personal best, which means they did better than last year so that’s a huge improvement for the team. Our team got really close this year, and it’s going to be hard to leave.” Michael Buckley: “I think that there’s ups and downs and sometimes I was a little disappointed and sometimes I was ecstatic, but overall its been positive. I love the sport and I love sharing the sport with the kids.”

Coach: Leo Bello League: 5-4 Captains: Addie Schieber and Bea Gee Bea Gee: “I think we did well considering most of our team were beginners. My favorite part was getting to know everyone better and it was really fun. We just had a really good team in general. I’m excited for next season to see how much I improve.” Leo Bello: “I think it was a very positive season considering the fact that we had six freshmen and only one senior. The enthusiasm of the team as a whole is good energy, a bright group, and they are very cohesive. They cheer for each other, good synergy.”

Swimming Coaches: Victoria Fernandez and Tristan Krautkramer League: 3-4 Captain: Siobhan Lewkowitz Siobhan Lewkowitz: “ The season was great. We’re a very close team. I really enjoyed swim meets and practices just because it’s fun to be able to be with people that you know well doing something that you love, especially since I made a lot of new friends on my team.” James Fernandez: “Over the course of the season, everybody on our team dropped time from their fastest time. I really like the home meets, everyone is super fun and happy and people come out to show their support. The track team even ran to one of our meets at Hamilton to cheer us on.”

The Broadview and


Tuesday, May 27, 2014



Getting cultured Global service trips offer teens an opportunity to help a community in need while gaining a cultural experience.


Liana Lum Senior Reporter

verseas service programs offer students a wide selection of volunteer experiences from working with children in Fiji to feeding and caring for animals in a Kenyan elephant orphanage and giraffe sanctuary. “Everyday was spent half teaching and half constructing the local Nasivikoso school,” junior Paloma Palmer, who worked in Fiji with Rustic Pathways, said. “It was very motivating because we’d teach these kids, and then they’d watch us build their school. We could see what we were building and how we were directly helping and impacting these kids.” Cultural immersion service trips reflect the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart Schools, specifically Three and Four, educating for “social awareness which impels to action” and “the building of community as a Christian value.” “I think that these service trips encapsulate a lot of our Goals,” Student Activities Director Devin DeMartini said. “Service definitely “impels to action” (Goal 4), but also applies to Goal 5 of “wise freedom.” A lot of students are immersing themselves in another culture, and there’s a lot of freedom that comes with that, learning how to be an independent person and still focusing on the goals of your service.” Summer, spring and winter break programs take place from Burma to Spain to Ghana. While most programs do not have a due date for registration, they do advise applying as soon as possible as spots fill up quickly. “We built aqueducts so villagers could have running water,” sophomore Laurel Cinti, who volunteered in the Dominican Republic also with Rustic Pathways last June, said. “Now they don’t have to walk three miles to get water for cooking or toilets.” Unlike other volunteering activities, global service trips allow students to gain new experiences by immersing themselves in a different culture, according to junior Connolly Steigerwald, who joined Palmer in Fiji and traveled to Costa Rica with Rustic Pathways two years ago. “For part of our service trip, we lived with the Maasai ethnic peoples in their village, helping them and building a boma for them,” sophomore Natalie Podell, who witnessed the slaughtering of a goat during her service-trip to Kenya and Tanzania with Adventures Cross Country, said. “I honestly don’t know how many people have been given the opportunity to actually live in a Maasai village and see how they live their lives.” Palmer and Steigerwald stayed with a host family during the second half of their trip, making the experience more meaningful and enhancing their cultural experience.

“As I got more comfortable with my host family, I began to ask more questions about their life and culture,” Steigerwald, whose favorite memory is drinking kava with her host family, said. “Some family members didn’t even know how to speak English, but they were really accepting and loving, giving us hugs and presents at the end. I think that’s a huge benefit because it reminds you of what you’re there for.” “The benefit of a global service trip is that you take service and put it in a different perspective,” DeMartini said. “You have students who are not only encountering an international experience, but they also feel like they are participating in a global community.” When students are taken out of the country, they become active global citizens and support local communities working to address local challenges, according to Ann Fuller, a Rustic Pathways Global Community Service Director. “The rewarding part of my trip was meeting a new family,” Palmer, who still contacts her

We could see what we were building and how we were directly helping and impacting these kids.

host family once every week through her uncle, who lives in Fiji, said. “We did a lot of community service, but I don’t think it’s the amount of help we offered the kids. I think it was the experience I took away from it and how I’m using that back here at home where I’m raising money and awareness for Fijians.” “The trip was very eye-opening because we weren’t traveling as tourists,” sophomore Megan McMicking, who volunteered with Podell, said. “We showered in cold water, ate their cultural food and had no access to electronics. To them, water fountains and toilets were amazing.” Although participants are often faced with challenges like a language barrier, service trips increase global awareness, according to Cinti. “It was very different to be in a culture where you can’t just call an Uber,” Cinti said. “You have to take a large, open truck everywhere you go, and everything is miles apart.” Service-learning abroad programs offer students the opportunity to connect with people around the world and to learn from different cultures and ways of life around the world, according to Fuller. “Students often reach out to us

to let us know that their experiences have had profound impacts on their lives,” Fuller said. “One of the most powerful is the new perspective they gain on their own lives and on their role in the global community.” Many high school volunteers alternatively participate in global service trips through local community organizations or their churches. “We gave kids a summer camp where we swam with them in the local river and taught simple English,” junior Kathryn Yu, who taught at a school in Na’an, a province in northern Thailand, with Grace Covenant Church, said. “My favorite part was when we got ice cream with the kids. It only cost 10 cents, but many of the kids could never afford it, and these kids who were 16 or 17-years old were having ice cream for the first time.” Convent and Stuart Hall’s service trip to Costa Rica in January whetted the appetite for more school immersion trips for some sophomores. “I enjoyed Costa Rica and love traveling so I decided to do another service trip with the school,” Gabby Gupta said. “In Mexico, we dug trenches and made wheat for their bread.” International service trips offer a balance between service and leisure, according to McMicking. “We were given two days to adjust to the time zone,” McMicking said. “We went on a safari and visited a giraffe sanctuary and elephant orphanage, then we drove across the border from Kenya to Tanzania where we volunteered at schools, became certified scuba divers and built bomas [fences].” Relationships are often created with participants from other U.S. and international schools and with local villagers. “The locals were some of the nicest people I have ever met,” sophomore Abby Dolan, who worked in a Haitian refugee camp in the Dominican Republic with Global Leadership Adventures, said. “I knew I would probably never see them again so any time I spent with them was very valuable.” Many volunteers continue to support the communities they visited after returning to the United States. “Paloma designed and made shirts to fundraise,” Steigerwald said, “and I spent the year putting together a benefit concert at a venue where some people from Convent and Marin Academy performed. The money we raised would be given to the Fijian villages through Rustic Pathways.” Many international volunteers say that these trips benefit them as much as the communities they helped. “I’ve always known that there are people who were less fortunate than us,” Yu said. “Really seeing it opens your eyes, and it becomes a reality for you.”

Kathryn Yu/with permission

Max Depatie/with permission

Megan McMicking/with permission


Katie Macone/with permission


Children in Thailand make rice cereal and marshmallow treats for the first time (top to bottom). Sophomore Gabriela Gupta works with another volunteer, placing bushels of wheat on tarps where berries will be removed. Wheat and other grains are the basics of Mexican diet. A volunteer blows bubbles with children at the Matunda Orphanage in Tanzania. Afterwards, the group enjoyed a traditional meal, painted murals and played games. Sophomores Isabelle Armstrong and Laurel Cinti dig trenches for the local Dominican Republic village. Working with 13 other high school girls, pipes were fitted into the trenches, forming aqueducts to provide running water for the village.



Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The Broadview and

FOOD FOR DAYS Alice Jones Food Reviewer

Pac Heights pizzeria impresses


OPTIONS Presidio

Pizza Company’s crusts are fluffy, yet still sturdy enough to hold the heavy helping of toppings. Flavor combinations are original without being too wacky, staying true to the Brooklyn and Sicilian fusion of influence.

y first thought when the Presidio Pizza Company sign was put up on the corner of Pine and Divisadero streets was, “Oh, no. Not another below average pizza-by-the-slice place that’ll overcharge students.” After a sampling of pizza, I am happy to say that I was too quick to judge. The Bianca is a simple, yet delicious slice of summer. The combination of ricotta, grana padano and calabro mozzarella blend seamlessly together as the base of the pizza welcomes the drizzle of pesto. Pesto can sometimes seem dry and boring, but the sharp, cheese flavors made this slice moist and rather exciting. The slice of the Frankie’s was my personal favorite. The unique use of rapini, better

Summer fun

What’s pumping in The City

Colorful kimonos

The San Francisco Union Street Festival

Stern Grove Festival

Sundays, June 22–Aug. 24

10 concerts with performances by Smokey Robinson, the San Francisco Symphony and others. Admission is free.

The best way to end your meal is ordering the Nutella pizza. Yes, it’s real! Drizzled with raspberry sauce and flaked with a few smashed walnuts, the dough transitions wonderfully from savory to sweet toppings, making a completely rare delicacy that must be tried. Presidio Pizza Company also offers a rare, gluten-free pizza that was pretty impressive. The crust was much thinner than the other regular slices, but it gave more of a focus to the perfect cheese to sauce ratio. Presidio Pizza Company is open Sunday to Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Thursday from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m., and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. More Presidio Pizza slices are reviewed at


No vacation is necessary with SF summer festivities

June 7 & 8 • 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Union Street between Gough and Steiner streets. Fashion, technology, arts and crafts, and fitness.

know as broccoli raab, added a chewy crunch to the moderately dense crust and soft toppings of sausage, garlic, onions, cherry peppers and grande Mozzarella. The Widow Maker is a meat lover’s dream pizza. Moist chunks of homemade meatballs mingle amongst sliced salami, Italian sausage, pepperoni and creamy Grande Mozzarella. Every bite of the slice is a perfect one because each ingredient seems strategically placed so you get a taste of everything all at once. The Morgan pizza is cooked flawlessly. Each piece of mushroom, onion, bell pepper, eggplant and cherry tomato is cut to the optimal size to be cooked thoroughly and perfectly. This slices is piled high with toppings with exceptional flavor to boot.

A cool and fun alternative to sweaters in the summer


odern kimonos, Japanese-inspired garments, come in satin, chiffon and lace. Some of these cardigan-like robes have a fringe trim, originating from Native American clothing.

The robes are available with short or long sleeves to provide a light cover on a cool night. Kimonos give an alternative to a simple sweater, and can be worn with dresses, shorts and tank tops.

San Francisco Gay Pride Parade & Celebration 10:30 a.m. • June 29

Starts at Market and Beale streets. Celebration at the Civic Center on June 28 & 29.

Fillmore Jazz Festival

July 5 & 6 • 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

Fillmore Street between Jackson and Eddy streets. No lineup for musicians yet.

Outside Lands Aug. 8–10

Performances begin at noon everyday. Kanye West, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, The Killers, Greensky Bluegrass, Aer and others. General admission and VIP tickets are sold out.

Hall & Heart: Drawn to Life

Urban Outfitters $79

Crossroads Trading Co. $35

Urban Outfitters $79

Rachel Fung

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