The Broadview May 28, 2013

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Inside 2 May 28, 2013

Convent of the Sacred Heart High School • San Francisco, California

Volume 18, Issue 6

Convent_Prom_2013 Flood Mansion

Meet the ’14 Student Council

S1 Class of ’13 ready to graduate


go greek

Sorority Breakdown

8 New Fillmore restuarant a hit





Caroline Coulter, Ethan Hawkins, Ron Valencia and Javier Vasquez don props for photo booth pictures in the Main Hall (left). Bianka QuintanillaWhye and Chris Mah dance on the Belevedere to music DJed by theology teacher Paul PriorLorentz (top). Going along with the James Bond theme, Alice Jones sings “Skyfall” by Adele to the attentive audience in the Belvedere (bottom). #Prom #JamesBond #Convent #May24

Convent_Cub Alice also sung “Young and Beautful” by Lana Del Rey, so great!

Dean position to not be filled

Rachel Simpson transitions to head; school moves to collaborative administration


Madison Riehle Senior Reporter

he position of dean will not be filled in the coming school year when Dean Rachel Simpson transitions to head of school, as CSH is moving to a more collaborative form of administration.

The decision to not replace the dean is based on the desire to maintain the relationship between the head of school and students, according to President Anne Marie Krejcarek. During the search for the new head, Krejcarek talked with Interim Head of school Mary Forsyth

about eliminating the position. “We were thinking about the needs of the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors,” Krejcarek said. “We wanted the head to have lots of direct contact with the students, parents and teachers, with special attention on the students.” Curriculum coordinator Doug Grant and administrative assistant Jeanne Asdourian will increase their roles in the administration. Grant will become the director of academic programming and Asadorian will become the lead student conduct adviser. “I honestly don’t know what approach we are going to take next year, but it may be that we are going to have to research the whole uniform aspect,” Asdourian said, referring to students’ broad interpretation of the dress code. “It is going to have to be something that everyone can get

along with, something recognizable to the school.” Two teachers will be selected as grade level leaders, representing the upperclassmen and the lowerclassmen, similar to the former dean’s duties. The involvement of students in the school is also being increased. An academic group, different from Student Council and Student Body Officers is being added to help with student policies and procedures. The yet unnamed council will specifically help the administration with disciplinary consequences, uniform infractions and minor problems, according to Simpson “Part of having an interim [head of school] is to stop and look at the system and how it is serving the students,” Krejcarek said of Forsyth’s role this year. “So if we were to start from scratch, we would to do what is most beneficial to the students.”

▶ Science Department Chair Ray Cinti bis recognized in Bio-Rad Laboratories’ Biotechnology Explorer Newsletter for his Conservation of Biology class’ research on redwood tree diversity. Cinti created an ongoing research project and elective course. Using Bio-Rad’s Cloning and Sequencing Explorer Series, his class is sequencing the DNA of coastal redwoods and examining their genetic diversity, sharing this data with researchers at Save the Redwoods League and the National Park Service. ▶ Dress uniform is required for the last week of school. Classes A, B, E and F take place for 15 minutes on Tuesday with school ending at 1:30 p.m. Classes C, D, G and H take place for 40 minutes on Wednesday with school dismissing at noon. Prize Day practice in the Chapel and Closing Assembly in Syufy is scheduled for Thursday with school dismissing at 12:30 p.m. ▶ Prize Day is planned for Friday on the Main Hall, and school dismisses at noon. ▶ The Ring Ceremony, in which graduates present class rings to rising seniors, is scheduled at 9 a.m. in the Chapel on Tuesday, June 4. ▶ Baccalaureate Mass and Reception takes place at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5 in the Chapel and Reception Room. ▶ Graduation is scheduled for 4 p.m. in the Main Hall on Friday, June 7. Tickets are required. The ceremony will be live streamed at http://

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May 28, 2013

Firm redesigning spaces Madeleine Ainsley Reporter


lassrooms and communal spaces in both CSH and CES are being reimagined with the help of an educational design firm conducting focus groups with students and teachers. A team of architects and designers from Third Teacher Plus observed how students use spaces in the Flood Mansion and Grant House. The firm plans to redesign spaces to stimulate learning, creativity and community through improving interior design aspects such as lighting and furniture. “We are trying to get feedback on the spaces that work and bring people together,” President Anne Krajeric said. “It’s more looking around and measuring the quality of the environment and the experiences to optimize the space in a way that will best suit our community.” While much of the project aims to make spaces more aesthetically pleasing, the main goal is to create spaces where Convent students of all grades can work, learn, relax, and establish stronger relationships with one another, according to Melanie Kah, Third Teacher Plus’s organizational strategist. “My hope is that it will promote more interaction and engage students with their learning environment, but that it will also inspire and be more interactive and will tell about our identity as a school,” said Rachel McIntire, who teaches Art and Architecture. “There’s not currently one spot where everyone goes for lunch or at long passing periods,” sophomore Christina Berardi said. “We feel disconnected from other classes due to our lack of interaction.” Others agree that the lack of a “home base” creates distance between classes. “Our school ‘gathering place’ used to be the Center, but now sophomores eat by their lock-


he Class of 2013 is poised to increase in the percentage of women in STEM fields with one-third of CSH’s graduates planning to pursue science or mathematics degrees, according to a Broadview survey. STEM — an acronym for science, technology, engineering and math subjects — fields see a disproportionately high number of men to women in the postgraduation workforce. Women hold 24 percent of jobs in STEM fields, but make up 48 percent of the total work force, according to an Economics and Statistics Administration study. “The foundation of computer science provided at Convent instilled in me a love of programming and computer science in general,” Kimmy Pace, who plans to major in computer science at Boston College, said. Pace will be a minority in her field. Only 18 percent of graduates are awarded a degree in computer and information sciences, according to a 2010 study by the National Center for Women & Information Technology. “People need women in these fields to shed a new light on the material as well as to give more

Student Body Officers for 2013–14 inducted Student Body Officers, who were inducted Friday morning at a special assembly, articulate their goals for the coming school year.

President Sophia Kelley

My main goal for next year is o work on our relationship with Stuart Hall and make sure we’re very cohesive in our decisions and on the same page by planning things ahead of time.

Vice President Francesca Dana

We were really connected in San Francisco and the community. I want to get back into different events in San Francisco and feel more connected to our city.

ALICE JONES | The Broadview

Freshmen Audrey Brooke (left to right), Cole Fuetsch and Isabelle Armstrong participate in a focus group on creating communal spaces thoughout the school, conducted by Third Teacher Plus who will reference students’ ideas when designing new spaces.

ers downstairs [in Siboni] and no one besides seniors go to the Center, so we kind of lost the Center as a communal spot,” sophomore Alex Wood said in a focus group targeting Convent’s spaces which need improvement. Students frequently mentioned the Center would require some adjustments before it could regain its old role. “The Center is a beautiful space, but the doesn’t furniture lend itself to all that it could be,” Krajeric said. “The students said it was the place they most often gathered, but when [the design team] went to the Center it wasn’t a space where people really were. Instead, people were scattered throughout the school.” In addition to readdressing the Center, Third Teacher Plus is also assisting the administration in choosing other areas which

most need to be redesigned. “We wanted [the design team] to study the school and then talk to us about how we can optimize and use our space better,” said Krajeric. “We had some [target spaces] in mind, but we wanted them to tell us so we weren’t too bias. They gathered data about how people use our space and how people would like to use our space.” The project is still in the early stages of development and will potentially launch this summer or early this fall. “I think that space and design is extremely important to learning, my hope is that these modifications will make our spaces more conducive to learning because things like lighting, color, space planning, and furniture often determines how students engage with spaces,” said McIntire.

Grads to go into STEM fields Elizabeth Smith Editor-in-Chief

The Broadview

diversity and inspire other women and girls to be interested in the field,” Pace said. “Taking classes like advanced math, advanced science or computer science helps girls to see ‘Hey, this is something I can do,’” Doug Grant, who has taught computer science for 43 years, said. “If we didn’t have those opportunities, the girls would never know.” Convent students are required to take three years of sciences, four years of math and at least a semester of computer programming. The availability of courses — and their teachers — have had a strong impact on what students desire to pursue, according to senior Danielle Pulizzano. “After junior year, I realized the sciences were my passion,” Pulizzano, who will be studying environmental science next fall at the University of San Francisco, said. “Freshman year I fell in absolute love with [Marissa Orso’s] biology class, which sparked my initial love for the life sciences. In my junior year, I took AP Environmental Science, which really alerted me to all the environmental problems that our world faces.” Despite sexual biases in maledominated fields, women should feel confident enough to pursue

a degree in STEM, according to Alison Groeger, Ph.D. (’00), who works as a regulatory documentation scientist in pharmacovigilance at Genentech. “Women tend to approach things differently in general,” Groeger said. “Part of it may be social conditioning and part of it is genetic makeup — the way the female brain is wired. Women are much better multitaskers in the lab.” Finding a mentor is one of the biggest challenges for women in STEM occupations, according to Groeger. “Young women don’t see many successful role models in higher positions in STEM fields,” Groeger said. “This sends messages that are unconsciously or consciously internalized as signs that women are either not fully accepted in these higher positions or that women do not like the personal lifestyle dictated by advancing in these career paths.” A female mentor who has been in the field can explain the ways of getting along in a maledominated profession, according to Groeger. “She’ll inspire you to move forward, will have had experiences that are similar to yours, will use her experience and insight to help you succeed,” Groeger said.

Treasurer Natalie Helms

We definitely want to have a lot of fundraisers to make the school money. This year we want to try and keep the student body informed about how much money we’ve made and what the money’s going towards.

Treasurer Ayesha Sayeed

We want to make sure that we’re one of the most efficient treasurers that this school has ever had. Also we want to make sure we don’t go into any debt and that we spend the money properly.

Secretary Scarlet Cinotti

The thing about the Cubby Hole is that it changes from year to year with everyone’s own flair. We’re also going to have a tumblr page with funny gifs and memes, which will be on the back of the page.

Secretary Mikaela Esquivel Varela

We’re going to try to make an app for the Cubby Hole. We’re aiming to get the app up by the beginning of the school year but if that doesn’t work than the beginning of the second semester.

Activity Director Catherine Ames

We want to make sure the dances are entertaining with different themes. We also want to get people to go to the different events at the school, like sports events.

Activity Director Tess Holand

Having prom at a cool venue is our main goal. We want to have a really good dance at the beginning of the year because we want to have something that’s fun and spirited.

Publicity Fiona Giarratana Young

We really want to imporve publicity by keeping people informed on whats happening when communities are informed events tend to go along smoother.

Publicity Janet Kim

We were thinking more social media like instagram and twitter. Twitter would be like a second cubby hole and you could tweet us any questions and we’ll update it often. Also videos to promote events.

— Compiled by Kristina Cary



The Broadview

May 28, 2013

Staff Editorial


Choose schools on academics, not parties

fter the tiring college search is over, all the letters have been sent, tears shed and congratulations given, arguably the most stressful part of the process begins — making a decision. Students pore over long lists of reasons complete with detailed statistics on graduation rates in particular majors and the percentages of students who get internships halfway through their sophomore year. What they fail to mention is the tireless research they do into the other side of college, the student life side. Through not-so-sanctioned forums like “College Confidential” and “College Prowler” and revealing video series such as “College Culture” and “I’m Shmacked,”

students can learn about student activities, legal or not, from current student perspectives. While the College Confidential and College Prowler websites offer a view of more well-rounded extracurricular activities, the controversial “culture” videos are marketed toward students looking for a “certain” college experience. College Culture presents “the other side of college” — not just tours of residential life and dining halls, but also parties that get slightly out of hand, showcasing illicit drug use and other inappropriate and illegal behavior. Scantily-clad girls and bro-tank-wearing guys chug beer and smoke marijuana

while explicit rap lyrics play in the background. For many students, this is not what they picture for their undergraduate experience. Not only are these videos inaccurate, as the students who participate in the “I’m Shmacked” videos are aware that the film crew will be coming beforehand, leading to a more dramatized version of the parties at the school — but they also lead to a fallacious understanding of the college. Another trending video stream that mocks the fraternity lifestyle, which emphasizes a high focus on drunken antics, takes place at Arizona State University by college student Jimmy Tatro. Although the videos known as “Life According to

You’re wasting your life.

Fresh Take Claire Fahy

I’m so wasted …


1. Japan is notorious for its resistance to change.

2. Oklahoma teachers bravely protected their students during an EF5 tornado.

2. Few schools have tornado shelters and 10 students died.

3. “Man of Steel” premiers June 14. 4. Rules of the America’s Cup are becoming stricter in an attempt to make the event safer.

3. Can it compete with the seven other Superman movies? 4. Result of a Swiss sailor dying. 5. Let the summer homework begin.

5. Summer vacation starts in eight days.

Elizabeth Smith


Reporters Madeleine Ainslie, Camilla Bykhovsky, Zoe Baker, Kristina Cary, Aoife Devereux, Maya Greenhill, Jamie Hum-Nishikado, Hanae Nakajima, Ashley Lathum, Liana Lum,Shannan Lum, Emily Seeley, Sarah Selzer, Shirley Yang Tracy Anne Sena, CJE, Adviser “Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom,” (Goal 5), therefore The Broadview operates as an open forum for free speech and student expression without prior review.





Unsigned pieces are the opinion of the editorial board. Reviews and personal columns are the opinions of the author. Letters to The Broadview should be 400 words or fewer and are subject to editing for clarity and space.

When I was in the seventh grade, I sent a Christmas care package to a Marine stationed in Iraq. I used my pocket money to fill a box so full of treats and magazines and ornaments that it was too large to ship with the rest of my classmates’ packages and had to be shipped separately. In return for my effort, I received a handwritten letter from Lt. Col. Nicholas Hale, carefully printed in all capitals and signed off with “Semper Fidelis.” “I think you will find that bravery comes in many forms,” he wrote. “If you challenge yourself and those around you and seek opportunity in life in addition to having genuine care and concern for the people in your life, you will discover that you possess bravery in ample supply.” Change is, quite frankly, terrifying. I was afraid of the change sophomore year would bring, just as I am afraid of moving to Los Angeles and going to school with 26,000 people after attending a school of 200. But change gives us the opportunity to be brave, to find the courage we all possess and apply it to life’s many challenges. We are all courageous, and as we embark on our next adventures, we must remember and embrace this.

A new perspective

The Broadview

Convent of the Sacred Heart High School 2222 Broadway • San Francisco, CA 94115 Claire Fahy Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Smith Editor-in-Chief Rebecca Siegel Design Editor Jewel Devora Photo & Web Editor Rachel Fung Cartoonist Alice Jones Food Columnist Tatiana Guiterrez Senior Reporter Madison Riehle Senior Reporter

Using courage to move on

ll the movies we watched this year in Theology 4 shared a common thread: the idea of courage. Through “An Education,” we saw the courage of choosing adventure over prudence, the courage of admitting when wrong and the courage of starting over. “Step into Water,” a surfing documentary, showed a much more typical and physical type of bravery that one must possess when going to battle with the unpredictability of nature. Even in “Babette’s Feast,” a Scandinavian film about two elderly sisters who lead a religious sect in an isolated region of Denmark, the courage of breaking convention presented itself through the housekeeper Babette’s determination to provide the ascetic women with a true French feast. As illustrated by this curriculum, courage has many forms. While bravery is integral at every stage in life, it is especially crucial in times of transition. Whether it is embarking on the adventure that is sophomore year with its Symposium and introduction to Advanced Placement courses, gearing up for the madness of college tours and tough course loads that come with being a junior, preparing for the senior year application frenzy or readying for college, courage is a must.

RACHEL FUNG | The Broadview

1. Japanese Prime Minister outlines a plan to close the country’s workforce gender gap.

Jimmy,” are created in a less than authentic spirit, high school students still strive to emulate the parties shown in the videos. Getting an accurate view of students’ social lives should rely on more than just the outrageous parties advertised on these websites. Instead, prospective students should talk with current students about their experiences academically, athletically and socially. Choosing a college is a daunting task, complicated by the fact that many third party groups are marketing colleges not as safe educational institutions, but as crazy party places. Students seeking this lifestyle might find themselves falling short on graduation day.

Leaving home changes perspective

ollege has me thinking about my hometown and seeing it in a new light. Now that I know I will be spending the next four years in Minnesota, I see the Bay Area like a tourist does. One of my favorite parts of the day is my commute back to Marin. If I’m fortunate enough to catch an early bus, I often get to interact with tourists, even serving as an unofficial tour guide every so often on my way home. I will surely miss the diversity of San Francisco, which is sorely lacking in the tiny college town I will soon call home. Just standing on the corner of Fillmore and Lombard streets, I often hear at least two other languages beside English. On a recent bus ride home, I chatted with a couple from Germany sitting behind me and overheard a group of boys from Denmark a few seats in front of me. They debated the architecture and beauty of San Francisco and Denmark, which got me ponder-

ing the place where I’ve grown up. I’m taking special notice of everything I pass for myself — the steady destruction of the old Doyle Drive throughway, checking the day-by-day updates, the garish lights in the Waldo Tunnel — most of which are turned off — or the muddy houseboat docks in Sausalito. When I see the local scenery through the lens of someone else — quite literally, as I notice a lot of people taking pictures through the tinted bus windows — it helps me appreciate more where I’m from more. I never thought much about San Francisco, even California for that matter. I knew it had to at least be a little special. After all, there are at least two major songs about “California girls” — one of which plays on the hits stations, the other an oldie — but nothing opened my eyes to it like traveling to the Midwest did. My future town in Minnesota is exactly what I wanted it to be, and

that’s small and snowy. The difference is quite substantial, however. The city of San Francisco alone has about 812,000 people — substantially more than Northfield’s 20,000 — and averages about 50 degrees in the winter, whereas the Minnesotan snows will have me bundled up in the 10 degree snowstorms. As terrible as that sounds, I want to have an experience that is more different than what I can get in California in college. The fact that Northfield has only one Indian food restaurant makes me nervous, but I can manage. When I come home, I will appreciate the Bay Area even more. And if college is for nothing else, it’s for adventure. In the words of Mark Twain, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”



May 28, 2013

Spontaneous decisions can lead to regret and expensive, painful removal procedures


Hanae Nakajima Jaime Hum-Nikishado

unior Camille Bolli-Thompson says she is planning on getting a professional tattoo of a leukemia ribbon this summer, having been diagnosed with the disease in August of 2007, but is now in remission. “I have wanted to get a tattoo since I was 10 because I thought they were a cool thing to get,” Bolli-Thompson said. “Now it is way more meaningful to me to get a symbol of strength.” But not every young person puts as much thought into a permanent body modification. Allison Sloan (’07) has about a dozen tattoos, one of which includes the face of George Clooney located on her upper thigh. “I got them all done when I was 18,” Sloan said. “It was crazy — no one at CSH had them, and I guess I wanted to be different.” Another alumna, Rachel Forbes (’08) did her own stick-and-poke tattoo of “SFC” exhibiting her San Francisco pride, when she was a sophomore at Sarah Lawrence College, using a needle dipped in

Sunless tanning alternatives Neutrogena Micro-Mist airbrush sunless tan spray Walgreens $14.49

Walgreens Self Tanning Lotion Walgreens $7.99

L’Oreal Sublime Bronze self-tanning mist Walgreens $13.99

Tan Towel self-tan towelette for face and body PureBeauty $5.50 MADELEINE AINSLIE | The Broadview

ink to pierce her skin. “It was a spur-of-the-moment and I decided to tattoo myself because I wanted something unchanging about myself,” Forbes said. Although Forbes gave herself a small tattoo of only a few letters, the California Department of Public Health has higher safety standards and requires licensed tattoo artists to sterilize all tools before use to avoid infection and spreading hepatitis or the HIV virus. Bolli-Thompson’s decision to get a tattoo marks a significant life event, yet some young women get tattoos as a fashion statement — and later have second thoughts. Rachel McIntire, who chairs the Performing, Fine & Graphic Art Department, had a rose with “Veritus” (Latin for “respect”) tattooed on her upper bicep and an anchor on her inner arm when she was an art history major at Harvard University. McIntire was studying iconography at the time and said she thought if her tattoos were “important enough” she would not later second-guess her decision.

“I’ve considered removing my tattoos, but not because I regret them,” McIntire said. “They don’t bother me that much, [but] I would consider getting them removed because they promote a lot of really boring conversations. People always want to talk to you about why you got the tattoos and what the tattoos are about, and you don’t want to talk about that with strangers, so I end up making up stories or just don’t answer them.” Strangers’ interest in her tattoos often do not end with just a conversation. “It’s an excuse for creepy guys to touch you,” McIntire said. “So often, if your tattoo is exposed, they’ll literally touch my arm and try to talk to me about tattoos. It’s horrible.” Sloan sees her tattoos differently. “I actually like my George Clooney tattoo because I think it’s really funny,” Sloan said. “I don’t think I would get my tattoos removed because it’s supposed to be very painful, expensive, and the process takes a really long time. If the whole process becomes easier,

The Broadview

RACHEL FORBES | With permission

Rachel Forbes (’08) displays her self-inked SFC tattoo, a practice that is frowned upon by health professionals as self-inked tattoos are more prone to infection and other complications.

I would get them removed.” Most people who have their tattoos removed do so because they are joining the military, have names of former partners on them, or they just do not like how the tattoo turned out, according to Kristy Miranda, tattoo removal assistant at Wellskin, located in Orange County. “Laser tattoo removal shatters the ink that is located in the dermal layer of your skin,” Miranda said. “Once the ink is shattered, it is then up to your body’s immune system to flush the ink out.” It takes on average from five to 15 treatments to fully remove a tattoo. Numbing cream can make the process less painful and antibiotic ointment can aid the healing process. Despite the pain and risks of getting and removing a tattoo, Bolli-Thompson still wants to go through with getting inked. “I want to get the ribbon on either my ribs or my ankle,” said Bolli-Thompson. “I don’t think I will regret it because leukemia was, and is, a huge part of my life and it shows what I have been through.”

ALLISON SLOAN | with permission

A tattoo of George Clooney, located on Allison Sloan’s inner thigh, has a stethoscope around the actor’s neck and the words “Diagnosis Handsome” beneath it. Intricate designs can be especially painful because there are more details, so numbing creams are often used to lessen the pain.

Sun poses threat to healthy skin Sunscreen application is important to avoid negative effects of the sun as summer inches closer


Tatiana Gutierrez Senior Reporter

ike most teens, sophomore Paloma Palmer strives to get a tan during the summer months, whether by laying out on the beach or just hanging out in the sun. “I try to tan as much as possible when I am on vacation,” Palmer said. “If I am desperate to get a tan, I usually just apply sunscreen once a day.” But applying sunscreen once a day isn’t enough, according to the American Cancer Society that recommends applying sunscreen every four hours in direct sunlight since over-tanning and sunburns lead to skin damage, skin cancer and DNA damage in some severe cases. “There is no such thing as a safe tan,” Kathleen Welsh, MD, who practices dermatology in San Francisco, said. “It’s a sign of skin damage.” A tan is the result of pigment produced in the melanocyte cell as a reaction to the ultraviolet radiation. The skin becomes darker as more pigment is produced. “The only good thing about tans are they protect you from sunburns,” Welsh said. Sunburns and over-tanning both cause skin damage and skin cancer and can age a person’s appearance five to 10 years. The

diagnosis of melanoma, an aggressive and sometimes fatal skin cancer, has increased eightfold in women under the age of 40, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Tanning is like smoking for your’s only going to cause problems later

Daily application of waterproof and sweatproof sunscreen containing titanium and zinc oxide reflects ultraviolet radiation and protects against skin damage, blocking ultraviolet radiation produced by the sun, according to Welsh. “When I am out on the bay, I always make sure to apply sunscreen,” Claire Mohun, who is on the sailing team, said. “There have been times where I have gotten burned even on a cloudy day.” Regardless of the weather, Welsh advises applying teaspoon of sunscreen to the face and a one-eighth to one-fourth of a cup

to the rest of the body. “I try to put on sunscreen as much as possible because I am particularly pale,” Mohun who is susceptible to sunburns, said. Aerosol sunscreens easily rub off, but rubbing them in thoroughly after spraying can be as protective as lotion sunscreens, according to Welsh. “The best way to protect from the sun is clothing,” Welsh said. “Whenever you have the chance, get under an umbrella and cover your face.” UV rays reflected off of shiny or reflective surfaces can cause skin damage and are not always avoidable in the shade, according to the American Cancer Society. “I know sunburns are damaging, but they are also extremely irritating,” Mohun said. “I hate having to deal with the pain and my skin peeling afterwards, so I usually just avoid tanning all together.” Alternatives to skin damage are spray tans and self-tanning lotions. “Spray tans are great, they look natural and are evenly applied,” Palmer said. “It doesn’t require laying out in the sun for days trying to look as tan as I would with a spray tan.” Spray tans are usually safe, although the tanning additive DHA, found in spray tan mist

and self-tanning lotions, can be dangerous when ingested and can cause allergic reactions, but are otherwise harmless when used externally, according to the Mayo Clinic. “I try not to breathe while they are spraying the mist, but I can’t hold my breath the whole time,” Palmer said. “There isn’t an option to wear a mask even though the person spraying the mist wears one. The mask isn’t offered because my face is sprayed to be the same shade as the rest of my body.” Self tanners do not cause skin damage because the lotion is applied to the outer dead skin cells, staining the skin. As the dead skin cells slough off, the artificial tan begins to fade, according to the Mayo Clinic. “Exfoliate really well beforehand,” Welsh said. “Then start using the self tanner.” Welsh recommends applying self tanning lotion to the ankles and the knees at the last because buildup can cause the tan to look uneven or tint an unnatural color. Over tanning and sunburns in childhood and adolescence contribute to skin damage and possible skin cancers, as damage by the sun is permanent. “Tanning is like smoking for your skin,” Welsh said. “It’s only going to cause problems later.”

May 28, 2013

Volume 18, Issue 6

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Tea T ime

Convent of the Sacred Heart High School • San Francisco, California

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Graduating seniors experience first ceremony Jewel Devora Photo & Web editor


ASHLEY LATHAM | The Broadview

ALICE JONES | The Broadview

ALICE JONES | The Broadview

ASHLEY LATHAM | The Broadview

ASHLEY LATHAM | The Broadview

eventy-three years of tradition continued May 2 with the annual Senior Tea. This year, 39 young women lined the Main Hall in white dresses holding pink peonies and daisies as they introduced themselves to over 200 family members and friends attending the event. “Senior Tea for me was actually one of the highlights of my year because it really felt like a great start to saying goodbye to Convent,” Brooke Thomas (’12), who attends the University of Denver, said. “There’s something really special about putting your dress on and shaking hands with your teachers that makes you feel like an adult and that you’re ready to leave.” Senior Tea was instituted by the Religious of the Sacred Heart as way to recognize members of the graduating class, according to Dean Rachel Simpson. The sisters once prepared and served the entire tea, but the absence of active RSCJ members on campus has left the task of serving to parents of the graduating class. “Serving at Senior Tea was a nice way for a parent to participate in such a rich tradition,” George Borges, father of graduate Isabella, said. “I personally enjoyed being able to serve so many faculty members and thank them in that way for their tremendous work with my daughter.” Administrative assistant Jeanne Asadorian and members of the Junior Class were responsible for moving the flow of the line and keeping movement at a steady pace. “The people who experience going through the line are always struck by how poised and gratuitous each senior is in line,” school counselor Annie Egan said. “I see it as wonderful tradition with a great deal of potential in highlighting a graduate-to-be’s intellectual imprint on the school.” The tradition of Senior Tea can be seen as outdated and unnecessary, but Simpson views the tea in another way. “The skills of being able to shake hands, meet someone face-to-face, particularly someone you haven’t met before, introduce yourself and introduce your neighbor all of little used skills that count for some social currency of our world,” Simpson said. Simpson summed up the Class of 2013 at Senior Tea as, “Ready.” “Ready in the best sense of the word, as in, when [they] leave Convent [they] are ready to go to the next place.” The Class of 2013 (top) congregates in the Belvedere for a traditional class photograph before Senior Tea on May 2. This graduation tradition began in 1940 and has been celebrated each year ever since. Cate Svendson (middle, left) helps Danielle Pulizzano with her dress in the Center. Bianka Quintanilla-Whye (middle, right) takes a “selfie” photo with math teacher Miriam Symonds. Gina Domergue embraces English teacher Anne Guina (bottom, left). Theology teacher Kate McMichael (bottom, right) congratulates Eliza Klyce (left to right) and Sara Svartvasmo as she makes her way down the receiving line, while Claire Hudes, Casey Stuart and Claudia Tropp greet faculty lined up behind McMichael.


May 28, 2013


The Broadview

Dorm life

Decor on budget

CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview

Stores help students save on dorm decor, create unique living space



Claire Fahy Editor-in-Chief

CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview

y August, all incoming college freshmen receive their rooming assignments and roommates. Options for housing include singles, doubles — a dorm with one roommate — triples, —rooms with two roommates— or apartment and suite-style living. Decorating these new environments is made more affordable by back-to-school sales offered at department stores such as the Container Store, Walmart and Target. Respective colleges provide lists of necessary equipment which can usually be found on housing websites or in student portals. Most stores, such as Bed Bath and Beyond offer options to order items and pick them up at locations closer to your future school to avoid expensive shipping costs.

Bay Area superstores Target

789 Mission St., San Francisco

Wall decal and frame from Target (top). Bedding and pillow from Walmart; flag from campus bookstore (above).

Bed Bath & Beyond Emma Fahy (’09) used the same Target duvet throughout her four years in college. Many department stores offer discounts for students with ID.

555 9th St., San Francisco


8400 Edgewater Dr., Oakland

RAs can mediate with roomies Jewel Devora Photo & Web editor


uring Larkin Grant’s (‘08) three years as a resident adviser while she attended Occidental College, she says she’s mediated about a hundred roommate conflicts. “I think there’s only been one roommate mediation where we’ve had to switch the roommates out of their room,” Larkin said. “Everything can be solved with communication.” The college counseling office reciently brought Grant back to spend an hour talking with graduating seniors about dealing with roommate difficulties and dorm room living. “The biggest problems I see with roommates are a lack of communication and no ground rules for four issues,” Grant said, “the lights, music and significant others in the room, and maybe being really mess or clean are also problems.” Grant provided tips on how to deal with awkward shower situations and inconvenient lock-outs. As an RA, Grant’s job was to make the students in her dorm feel as comfortable and safe as possible. She was trained to deal with eating disorders, suicide, depression, homesickness, disagreements between roommates and a wide range of

medical issues. In selecting college roommates, many colleges are using Facebook as a tool, with pages allowing students to post facts about themselves as a way of pairing themselves for the next year. There has been a lot of chatter in the college community and beyond about the effectiveness of using Facebook as a roommate tool. “If someone writes ‘I respect others, I’m empathetic towards others,’ those are important things, more so, than your sleep schedule.” Grant says when picking her own roommate she filled out a simple survey about her music tastes and sleep patterns. “Looking on Facebook is hard its really easy to judge someone right away,” Grant said. “I think that people can be a lot different then their Facebook profiles.” “I think it’s cool but I’d rather be paired up with someone random,” senior Isabella Borges, who was recently paired with a roommate for her first year at the University of Colorado at Bouldersaid about the Facebook pairings. Borges has been texting her roommate and talking with her on Facebook, but still has some fears.

“I was a little nervous when I first saw who my roommate was,” Borges said. “My roommate likes country music and I’m afraid we’re not going to get along.” Grant has mediated many musical taste arguments, says the solution can be resolved by headphones. “There is a compromise for everything, said Grant. “The problems come when there is no communication or no respect, and a lack of ground rules,” College counselor Lauren Blears has been giving roommate and dorm advice to seniors since May 1. “Sometimes you are best friends with your roommate sometimes you are not and both are okay,” Blears said. Blears and Grant both caution students about rooming with someone who is very similar to in tastes. “If you’re very similar to somebody or if you’re really close it can provide difficulties in ways that you might not have imagined,” Blears said “If you’re living with someone you’re just cordial with and you just get along with sometimes, that’s a little bit easier. When you’re just getting to know everybody it’s so important to be the girl thats including everybody.”

When should you find a new roommate? Does she snore really loudly? +1 Have your things gone missing? +3 Does she ask to borrow your money? +2


CLAIRE FAHY | The Broadview

Is she very loud? +2 Does she come home too late? +1 Does she leave her clothes around? +1 Does she leave food and dirty dishes around? +2 Does she borrow your things without asking? +3 Does her partner spend as much time in the room as she does? +3 Does she come home too late? +1 Does she bring home a new partner every night? +3

Have a

0-7 conversation with your roomie Talk it out with

resident 8-17 your adviser

Talk to your RA

getting a 18-22 about new room ASAP



The Broadview



May 28, 2013

k e e gr College students look to Greek life as a way to make new friends, gain connections and create community in larger college environments.

Rushrushrushrush Rushrushrushru


Grads find comfort in Greek life Rushrushrushrush CSH graduates find comfort in small, all-female communities sister is also a member of the same sorority. “Coming from Convent, it was easy to rush because I loved the girls and they reminded me of my friends back at home,” Kennedy said. “I have met great people, but being part of a sorority is a time commitment. If you don’t make the most of it, it could definitely be a drag.” In some cases, the social commitments sororities demand of its members distract from academics, but some sororities have programs to support academic success. At most universities, potential new members must meet a grade point average minimum in order to undergo formal Recruitment. Some sororities keep their GPA minimum high so members are motivated to succeed. “At my sorority, the minimum GPA is a lot higher than that of my university,” Emily Bloch (’12), a member of Delta Gamma at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, said. “It keeps me doing my work, because I love participating in Greek life.” Bloch went through formal Recruitment this past fall. Her sorority has monitored study hour requirements for members who fall beneath the GPA minimum, according to Bloch. Sororities offer a wide avenue for freshmen to meet other students, but those who choose not to be involved in Greek organizations have more time to focus on other parts of the college experience, according to college counselor Rebecca Munda. “Students who are not involved usually spend more time on their academics and explore other activities,” Munda said. In schools where Greek life

Rebecca Siegel Design Editor


hile most CSH graduates matriculate to coed universities, many still seek the familiarity of a small, all-female community. Greek organizations can offer that intimate environment within a larger setting — a good compromise for students searching for both. Sororities and fraternities are social organizations for female and male undergraduates. These organizations are named with Greek letters and sponsor activities that are commonly referred to under the umbrella of “Greek life.” “Coming from Convent, I was used to the close, all-female community, and I loved it,” Annie De Lancie (’12) said. “I always assumed that wherever I went to college I would be involved in a sorority.” De Lancie went through Recruitment at the University of Oregon this past fall. She chose Chi Omega, the same sorority her sister, Sophie De Lancie (’11) joined at Pennsylvania’s Villanova University. “I was a legacy for Chi Omega, meaning someone in my family is a part of the same sorority,” De Lancie said. “During rush they paid a little extra attention to me, but mostly I was just myself, and it worked perfectly.” Students, especially those at larger schools, may look for a similar environment to the one they came from. Kristen Kennedy (’12), who recently finished her freshman year at Colorado University at Boulder is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, and like De Lancie, her older

has a large presence, it can become difficult to get involved in other groups outside the Greek umbrella. “The girls I know who are involved in Greek life don’t do much else besides sorority activities,” Meghan Helms (’12) said. “There is so much more you can do and be a part of when you’re not ‘Greek.’” Helms is finishing her freshman year at the University of Washington at Seattle and spends her weekends sailing with the campus’ yacht club, studying and occasionally participating in Greek events. “I don’t feel like I’m missing out on socializing at all, not being in a sorority,” Helms said. “I have had the freedom to find some awesome people, and get involved with other clubs and groups on campus. At the same time, most Greek events are not exclusive, so my friends and I have the opportunity to participate in Greek activities as well.” Helms said she avoided joining a sorority due to a demanding rush schedule. Formal Recruitment at UW is held two weeks before classes start, according to the University of Washington Panhellenic Society, a schedule similar to many other universities. Some colleges hold formal Recruitment during school, so interested students have to skip classes. “Even though I chose not to be involved, I can see how coming from Convent — a tightknit community like that of a sorority — could be great,” Helms said. “Despite the various drawbacks, being a part of that similar environment could be a wonderful addition to a college experience.”

Students interested in Greek life go through “rush” a week long mutual selection process put on by the university’s Panhellenic council. Throughout the week young women go to events in order to familiarize themselves with the different sororities. At the end of rush, sororities give out bids to students they invite to join their chapter. What students wear and how they conduct themselves often play a large part in the success of their rush experience.


What to wear

A dress or skirt is always a safe choice. Always bring a sweater or jacket and an extra pair of comfortable shoes to wear between parties. Stay away from anything too tight or short. Avoid Uggs, leggings, sweatshirts, ripped jeans or anything too casual.

What to say

Have a few questions ready about the sorority, campus life or even how to avoid being nervous during rush week and pledges. Steer clear of intimate questions about underage drinking, boys or the sorority’s parties.

How to choose

Use your gut instinct to choose the right sorority for you — it should feel right. Get a feel for what each sorority’s focus is: dancers, athletes, socialites, academics, and choose the sorority that best fits your personality. Do not choose a sorority based on your friends, because it’s all about choosing a home that best matches you. Graphics: RACHEL FUNG Compiled by EMILY SEELEY Sourcs:

g in G o eek



Eating Disorders Young women who are a part of the Greek system are more likely to develop body image issues than those who did not choose to join a sorority. Many freshmen that participated in sorority rushes had both body image issues and dysfunctional eating behavior.

Sexual Assault Almost a quarter of sexual assault victims are sorority members, according to the National Institute of Justice. Young women in sororities are also subject to violence in their dating relationships than other female students on campus.

Alcohol Abuse Parties hosted by fraternity and sorority houses have been proven to have a higher percentage of alcohol abuse instances. Graphics: REBECCA SIEGEL& MADELEINE AINSLIE Compiled by EMILY SEELEY Sources:,



May 28, 2013

What’s pumping in the residence halls

The Broadview


New school means new supplies. Moving into dorm rooms and residence halls requires different accessories than living at home.

shower shoes Adidas store $34.99

school lanyards campus store $8.99

college sweatshirts campus store $30 — $60

kettle Target $30.99

black flats H&M $29

drawstring gym bag campus store $15

microwave Target $69.99

Undergrads navigate new dining options Claire Fahy Editor-in-Chief


hile many students don’t get excited at the thought of industrial college dining halls, these facilities are convenient options for undergraduates just getting used to living on their own. Dining options can be supplemented at some schools by using meal points offered by certain meal plans and stocking up on snacks for dorm rooms. Meal plans come in three basic varieties, according to About. com’s “College Life” blog. Students can purchase a designated number of meals that allow entry into the dining hall for unlimited food selection. Debit systems deduct charges from a prepaid account based on the specific items purchased. Schools also offer various combinations of these two plans. Aside from navigating

through choices — ranging between American, Mexican, Asian and Italian at most dining halls — some students also have to conserve their meal plan points, equivalent to dollars on a debit card, to last them through the quarter or semester. “My boyfriend and I would get strawberry banana smoothies (from the dining hall), so often we basically went broke a month before school was out,” Kirsten GunnGraffy (’12), who attends Suffolk University in Boston, said. “Once I went broke, Kraft Easy Mac was my dinner for two weeks.” Learning to eat out on a budget is an adjustment for many college freshmen. “Budgeting on the weekend is very difficult,” Sophia Redfern (’12), who attends the University of California at Santa Cruz, said.

“I have a five-day meal plan, so I go out to eat on weekends downtown and it’s very easy to get

You don’t realize how ... easy it is to spend money.

carried away. Especially if you’re eating with friends.” Most colleges offer meal plans that allow for “swipes” into dining halls with a student ID acting as a debit card with extra points for alternative on-campus options such as cafés. “You don’t realize how fast (the plan) goes and easy it is to spend money,” AnnMarie Ide (’10), whose school, Seattle University, is ranked in the top 20 dining programs nationwide by College Prowler, said. “So at

least for me, I ate on campus a lot because the meal plan feels like Monopoly money, so I was much less frugal with that.” In the eventuality that points or swipes run out, furnishing dorm rooms with snacks is an alternative. “My go-to snack is cashews,” Redfern said. “Costco is perfect for getting them in bulk.” Many matriculating students have yet to consider the challenges of dining on or off campus. “I have never budgeted for food before,” senior Allie DeAnda said. “I don’t anticipate it truly becoming an issue and if it does I may have to re-prioritize my lifestyle. Right now that’s a non-issue for me.” Regardless of which meal plan respective colleges offer, living away from home is daunting, especially when it comes to food.

“Either I’m going to love the dining halls or I’m going to hate them,” DeAnda said. “When I say love, I’m talking ‘Freshman 15,’ and when I say hate I mean ‘starvation.’” The Freshman 15 is a common phenomenon amongst college freshmen who gain weight when presented with the variety of food and higher-calorie options available in dining halls. Colleges have begun posting nutrition facts alongside their meals to help students make informed decisions, according to an article by the U.S. News and World Report. Choosing healthy options at the dining hall, not eating late at night and only keeping healthy snacks in the dorm can help students maintain a healthy weight, according to Freshman 15 Healthy Eating Guide, a website with tips for avoiding first year weight gain.



The Broadview

May 28, 2013

Shot of ‘success’

Web videos uncover party scene of college


Ashley Latham Reporter

he “other side” of college is now being portrayed in a series non-school related web videos featuring campus views, alcohol, marijuana and scantily-clad girls. I’m Shmacked and College Culture videos are centered around major collegiate events like football games and holidays such as Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day in which students are seen gulping shots, playing beer pong, launching into keg stands and smoking marijuana. “Most people don’t drink in excess, but that’s what people want to see,” senior Stephanie Gee, who recently committed to University of California, Los Angeles, said. “I’ve only seen the UCLA one, but I don’t feel it is a proper representation of the entire student body — it is only a small representation of the people that actually go there.” The videos begin with a college-age looking couple wearing gear representing the university they are introducing, and then immediately cuts to students drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana, often wearing T-shirts and other apparel with their schools’ logos. UCLA, Uni-

versity of West Virginia, University of Oregon and Pennsylvania State University are among the large universities featured on both the I’m Shmacked and College Culture websites. “Of course I’ve seen the College Culture video for the University of Oregon,” Cassidy Lewallen, who has enrolled at Oregon next year, said. “Although it provided insight to what part of the social life at Oregon is like, it did not affect my decision to go there.” Every I’m Shmacked video carries a disclaimer stating no real alcohol or drugs were used while filming, yet students from Louisiana State University are seen holding up minor in possession citations (MIP), which are a misdemeanor crime, while yelling profanities about the police. “As a junior I’ve started the college process — and yes I’ve watched I’m Shmacked,” Elio Casinelli, who attends Stuart Hall High School, said. “Although I get a different view of the school, the colleges that make my list are in no way affected by my viewing of the videos.” None of the universities who were contacted for comment on the videos chose to respond to

RACHEL FUNG l The Broadview

I’m Shmacked and College Culture Internet videos capture wild parties featuring college students, but the footage fails to account for other aspects of college life. Professional film crews rarely have the permission of the colleges the young adults claim to be representing.

phone calls and emails. Although students interviewed said they did not solely base their college choices and decisions from I’m Shmacked and College Culture, the videos do have an effect on potential applicant’s view of the school. “I would not encourage students to watch I’m Shmacked

or College Culture as a form of research,” college counselor Lauren Blears said. “I believe that there are other third-party resources that students can use to view student life.” Students seem to be taking Blears’ advice. “I did look to the videos as a form of research in combina-

tion with visiting and doing extra research,” De Anda said. “After getting into Penn State, I watched the I’m Shmacked and it actually scared me. I chose Penn State because I am really interested in their architecture program. My choice was based on academics not the social life.”

Goodbye, Ms. Swamp English Department chair retires after 45 years in the classroom


Becca Siegel design editor

midst music from the soundtrack of the latest film depiction of “The Great Gatsby” and begrudging seniors chatting just a few feet away, retiring English teacher Karen Randall reflected on 45 years in the classroom Randall started her teaching career in the early 1960s after attempting to enter the male-dominated world of radio broadcasting and later, film, were stymied. Teaching was not Randall’s first choice, but it ended up being the only way she could truly do what she loved — read. “I tried to apply to the film school at the University of Southern California, but I was told by a very close professor that I was dreaming,” Randall said. “There were no women in film, so I asked myself the most important question of my life, ‘What else do I like to do?’ I love to read.” For Randall, teaching was the third option and the best choice, coming after rejections and gender discrimination. “Here I was facing all this sexism, and it actually helped me find my true career,” Randall said. “How ironic is that?” Randall spent her first year in the classroom in a socio-economically depressed community across the bay in East Oakland, teaching an all-black, all-male, junior-year American literature course. The young men had absolutely no interest in what she had to teach, according to Randall.

“When I bonded with that first class, I got them interested in learning,” Randall said. “It was a triumph. I had managed to connect with those students who had a completely different culture than my own through humor, humility and respect. That was the formula that laid the groundwork for the rest of my teaching career.” Randall later taught at coed, public Los Gatos High School and now-closed St. Rose Academy in San Francisco before coming to CSH. The wide range of students in her workplaces has contributed to the flexibility and dexterity Randall shows in the classroom. “The extraordinary thing about my career is that I have worked in so many different places,” Randall said. “Blue Ribbon, college prep, public high schools; schools like Convent, the school in East Oakland. I have seen it and dealt with it all. That has been invaluable.” Randall has spent 17 years teaching at CSH, where she says she hopes to leave a strong legacy on not only the English Department but on all the students she has taught. “I hope that I have left students with the idea that teaching is a higher calling,” Randall said. “There is a very precious dynamic in all Convent classrooms that surrounds educating the child as a whole, and focusing on the spark of divinity within each student.” The spirit of acceptance and

Karen Randall’s allusive Viola Swamp stamp appears on students’ “A” papers. Randall compares her teaching philosophy to the teacher in the children’s book “Miss Nelson Is Missing” ­­— tough, but forgiving.

love that is bound in the curriculum of her American Literature course has helped Randall bridge the gap between teacher and mentor. Students are able to learn in an environment that is challenging, but also full of love and support, according to Elena Dudum (’11). “I use her techniques now, at college,” Dudum said. “What makes Ms. Randall so special is that she became a mentor and showed a support to me during high school that was irreplaceable.” Randall prefers to call this next stage in her life a “transition” rather than a “retirement,” saying she is looking forward to new adventures and opportunities that will allow her to use her gifts. “I need more adventures, but I will never stop teaching,” Randall said. “I have years left in me, and I am looking forward to having the freedom to use all of my gifts I have discovered through my time as an educator.”

ALICE JONES| The Broadview

In her characteristic animated style, retiring English teacher Karen Randall teaches a final Honors American Literature class last Thursday, discussing the movie “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992.”



May 28, 2013

The Broadview

Sports Energy chews can be bad news

Roundup Fencing Coach: Leo Bello Captain: Eliza Klyce Record: 4-4 “Fencing isn’t a super popular sport,” Captain Eliza Klyce said. “I am really proud of those people who were willing to come, participate and try something new.We had a high win count in the season and both Addie [Scheiber] and I made top eight.”

Swimming Coach: Victoria Fenandez Captain: Cate Svendsen, Katie Stableford Record: 3-3 “This season was a big improvement from years past,” co-captain Cate Svendson said. “Everyone has worked very hard and it has been showing in the meets. The record is a huge improvement from the previous years. Everyone has broken their records and have even placed in first or second places.”

Soccer Coaches: Anne Guina, Elena DeSantis Captains: Bianka Quintanilla-Whye, SaraSvartvasmo “We didn’t do as well as we were hoping when it comes to wins during the season, but out of my four years of playing soccer for Convent, I definitely think this season we have had the closest team,” varsity soccer captain Bianka QuintanillaWhye said. “The team just had such a great group of girls that all got along well with each other.”

Sailing Coaches: Adam Corpus-Lahne, Brent Harril Captains: Francesca Dana “We have the strongest sailing team yet,” captain Francesca Dana said. “We won the statewide regatta at Treasure Island, and it represents the progress we have made.”


Coaches: Michael Buckley Captains: Amelia Baier, Tess Holland “Our season has been one of the best ever. We have broken many records and set times we never thought we would break,” captain Tess Holland said.


Coach: Sarah Garlinghouse, Christy Cinti Captains: Kimmy Pace, Casey Stuart Record: 8-6 “I think the team did wonderfully this season,” captain Kimmy Pace said. “People who have never played before and people who had been playing for years all improved so much while still managing to have a great time.”

Student athletes replace sleep and rest with small candy-like chews


Zoe Baker Reporter

tudent athletes who are getting fewer hours of sleep due to demanding academic loads and athletics are combating lethargy by turning to gummy-type energy supplements to get them through daily practices and games. “I started taking [supplements] when I got larger amounts of homework,” Izzie Panasci, who plays soccer, basketball and runs cross-country, said. “They allowed me to focus on the field a lot better and gave me more stamina when I was lacking sleep.” Sports beverage and food companies have added energy supplements to their lists of products geared to help athletes reach peak performance levels. Popular choices among students are Gatorade’s Energy Chews and Carb Energy Chews, Clif Bar and Company’s Shot Bloks and Gu Chomps. “[Energy chews] are appropriate in small amounts when running long distance races or participating in physical activity for long periods of time, but I would not recommend them to replace sleep,” Jerusalem Makonnen, RN said. “Your body needs to get a certain amount of sleep, and no energy supplement can make up for that.” Most teens need nine hours of sleep each night to reach their full potential throughout the day, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Student athletes are increasingly using a variety of energy chews intended to boost athletic endurance for focusing on their studies. Flavors include fruit punch, blueberry and strawberry.

The supplements contain concentrated amounts of carbohydrates, electrolytes, Vitamin B, caffeine and frequently have high fructose corn syrup or cane sugar as their main ingredients. Despite the large amounts of sugar added to the chews, used partly to enhance the flavor, taste still deters some athletes from using the product.

Your body needs to get a certain amount of sleep, and no energy supplement can make up for that.

Good Call Claire Fahy

Moving on

High school athletics open doors for more non-athletic-activities


have spent two years writing this column about my experiences in high school sports — 3600 words and 12 columns — all highlighting the opportunities that have enhanced and defined four years of my life. Looking to next year, it’s hard to imagine fall without cross-country meets or Christmas break without basketball tournaments. There will no longer be city championships or state qualifications to aspire to. For a naturally competitive and driven person, this new reality is difficult to imagine. Since I’m matriculating to a Division I institution, a school with a sizeable student population that competes at the highest level of college athletics, the extracurricular sports experience I have known is effectively over. I have taken a lot of classes over the past four years, but the most unexpected lessons came on the track or on the court. My participation in these extracurriculars taught me determination and gave me a work ethic that got me to where I am, ready to graduate and continue on to college. Sports were always an outlet in which I could work to improve myself regardless

“They taste disgusting,” Alanna Hu, who rows for Pacific Rowing team said. “The few benefits they give me aren’t worth their terrible flavor.” Energy chews can cause jitteriness followed by significant drops in energy levels once the consumer has peaked from her sugar and or caffeine high, due to the body’s need to compensate for the amount of

of what was happening in the classroom. Now that my sports career has reached its end, I have to redefine what it means to work hard and find new opportunities to continue experiencing the success I found through sports. College requires a lot of self reimagining, but the absence of what has been a source of passion, pride and identity for me presents its own unique challenge that extends past just the next four years. It is said that “change is good.” When I became a high schooler, change inspired me to break out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to try out for sports teams. While I will miss those valuable communities and experiences, I look forward to the opportunities I will discover in their absence. I hope to continue my experience with sports through intramural leagues, but also relish the opportunity to invest my time in other areas. I’m applying to join my college newspaper and expand my community service and volunteer work. I want to take what I learned from my invaluable high school sports experience and apply those lessons to other aspects of my life.

sugar and caffeine ingested, according to Makonnen. “I had to stop eating them before games because I would get extremely hyper and crash within an hour,” varsity soccer cocaptain Sara Svartvosmo said. The chews are advertised as giving consumers temporary amounts of energy to carry them through physically demanding and exerting activities, but they do not to replace sleep. “I would not recommend using them over long periods of time, they are appropriate every once in awhile,” Makonnen said. “I think they are appropriate, but using them regularly can be detrimental over time.”

Athletes honored at annual banquet Shirley Yang Reporter


wimming, soccer, fencing and badminton players gathered in Syufy Theatre Thursday night and were recognized by fellow players, parents and teachers for excellence in games and practices. “It is important to come together at the end of the season and celebrate as a team and community not worrying about a game or race,” athletic director Elena DeSantis said. “It is a time to recognize accomplishments throughout the season, some obvious and some not.” Coaches and team captains stood at the podium, summarizing the season and acknowledging athletes who led the team, displayed exceptional sportsmanship, or improved skills in their sport. “We had a great season even though we had 11 players,” JV soccer coach Antonella Carrera said. “They never gave up. Even if they were hurting, crying on the field, they wanted to

stay there and help the rest of the team out. Everyone worked hard, and that’s what we love.” Prior to meeting in the theater, teams met separately to acknowledge accomplishments of each athlete. “It was a super fun event and it wrapped up the spring sports season nicely,” swimmer Siobhan Lewkowitz said. “It was a great way to see my team again and congratulate each other on our achievements this season.” Coaches usually give two of the three awards — the standard being Most Valuable Player, Most Improved and Spirit, according to DeSantis. “It’s more than the awards — it’s what is said when you’re with your team,” DeSantis said. “When the team really recognizes a senior who has done a great job, not just because she’s an amazing athlete, but because she is always there, giving her 100 percent. The younger players look up to that and want to change. Everyone wants to be an MVP, and its something to work for.”

SHIRLEY YANG| The Broadview

Senior Stephanie Gee (center) hugs coach Ann Guina a s s h e a c c ep t s her varsity soccer award announced by athletic director Elena DeSantis. G e e h a s p l aye d soccer all four years of high school.

The Broadview



May 28, 2013

ZOE BAKER|The Broadview

Four schools show art Elementary to high school students show work in annual show


Zoe Baker Reporter

culptures, paintings, self portraits and cityscapes created by kindergarteners to high school seniors filled the Main Hall for two weeks earlier this month, attracting teachers, students and parents. The 13th annual Four School Art Show aims to teach students the value of art education by bringing the community together to celebrate the creativity of each other’s creations, according to Rachel McIntire, Performing, Fine and Graphic Arts Department chair. “There is something really beautiful about seeing the creative expression of all of our students,” McIntire said. “You see a side of the students you may not have known about before.” Sophomore Sabine Kelly has

been participating in the art show since she was in kindergarten at CES and has seen her and her classmates’ artistic growth over the years. “Now that I am in high school, I see a lot more advanced art,” Kelly said. “In grammar school I really looked up to the upperclassmen projects, and this year’s show has really opened my eyes to how talented all of the members of our Sacred Heart community are.” CSH and Stuart Hall High School students selected work they wanted to showcase, including pieces integrating art into Women’s Studies, Computer Applications and theology classes as well as regular art classes. Women’s Studies focused on the theme of identity after visiting the Cyndy Sherman exhibit at the San Francisco Museum of

Modern Art in the fall. “Sherman is known for creating portraits of herself in different characters and they often don’t have titles or descriptions,” Sarah Garlinghouse, who teaches Women’s Studies said. “They were asked to create their own Sherman inspired-image and write a short story about the character they are portraying.” The show allowed students to see their work come to fruition, giving some a sense of pride and accomplishment, according to sophomore Rachel Booth. “I think that high school art is important because there’s a lot of stress that comes with being a teenager and art is a great outlet,” Booth said. “Having a way to display your art motivates you to work harder and create more pieces.”


Senior MaryKatherine Michiels-Kibler (above) steps off of a Market Street antique trolley in a photograph taken by her mother as part of Michiels-Kibler’s Women Studies project focusing on the concept of identity and inspired by the Cindy Sherman exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art. Womens Studies students displayed their projects in the Art Show. Sophomore Rachel Booth (above left) prepares her Honors Studio Art project that was displayed in the art show featuring work created by students from all four schools.

‘Mary’s Children’ meet monthly Children of Mary sodality reconnects alumnae spiritually Camilla Bykhovsky Reporter

An intimate group of seasoned Convent alumnae, some with canes, gather outside the Chapel the first Tuesday of every month to discuss Catholicism in relation to the Sacred Heart Network. The Children of Mary is a sodality founded by Madeline Sophie Barat in 1835. The group originally consisting of Sacred Heart alumnae, but now is open to all women. “The Children of Mary is for women who want to help the Religious carry on the work of the Society of the Sacred Heart through keeping the spirit of Jesus alive,” Sister Mary Mardel, RSCJ, said. The sodality originally provided Sacred Heart young women with opportunities to have more spiritual growth

outside of a theology classroom, according to Interim Head of School Mary Forsyth. “Joining the Children of Mary as a Sacred Heart student was once considered an honor but now is no longer part of the daily lives of students, and is most often forgotten,” Forsyth said. Various levels of membership allowed students to join the sodality at any age, especially those attending Sacred Heart schools at the time. “The Children of Mary was the premier sodality,” Joanna Gallegos, who attended Convent of the Sacred Heart in New York City, but now teaches at CES, said. “In lower school, there was a Child Jesus sodality, followed by St. Aloysius in middle school, then Aspirants to the Children in early high school.” The practice of sodalities

dropped off in the 1970s, but up until then, seniors in high school requested admittance to the Children of Mary, and upon acceptance, could add “E. de M.” after her name, according to Gallegos. “When I was a senior in high school, it was the last year you could be in the Children of Mary as a high school student, so it meant a lot to receive that medal,” sodality member Mary Ashe, ’48 said. The Children of Mary is still a means for alumnae to stay in touch with the Society of the Sacred Heart and to allows the women to participate in events while contributing to the Sacred Heart Network. “We had a number of groups in both the elementary school and the high school by the year I graduated” Ashe said. “It was a way for people to carry on some work in the Society.”

Children of Mar y sodality member Mary Ashe (top left) lights the Christ Candle before the group’s monthly Mass as Rosemary McFadden (left, bottom) plays the piano. Clara Kutter (near left) gives a summary of the meeting agenda that will follow after Mass. Photos CAMILLA BYKHOVSKY The Broadview

Alice Jones




The Broadview

May 28, 2013

Food for days Fillmore has a new taste

eattle-style teriyaki has made its way to the Bay Area and moved to the corner of Fillmore and Polk streets. Swinging its doors open late last month, Glaze was met with hoards of hungry local dental students and high schoolers eager to get a taste of the Korean spice infused, Japanese teriyaki. A wooden bar wraps around the kitchen, serving as a combined seating and order pickup area. Patrons waiting in line can hear the sizzle of the meats and watch food being prepared as they decide on their meal. Thin strips of chicken breast or thigh, hanger steak, organic salmon and boneless pork loin are charcoal grilled and doused in sweet teriyaki sauce and sprinkled with sesame seeds. The meats can be ordered individually, in a combo with a second meat or a $2 side, or on a salad. Although each meat has its own texture, they all end up tasting alike after being slathered in the same sweet teriyaki. All meats additionally can be doused in one of three spicy sauce options. The Spicy

and Extra Spicy are relatively similar and contrary to their titles are not hot, despite trying them on several occasions. The cashier issued a warning about trying “the hottest teriyaki sauce” which is spicy, but doesn’t overwhelm the mouth and overpower the dish. Glaze provides vegetarian options, serving tofu or woktossed vegetables. The vegetables are cooked perfectly, crisp yet without the raw taste. The light zest of lemon yuzu added during cooking brings out the individual flavors of each vegetable and adds a citrusy contrast to the sweet teriyaki drizzle. The menu allows customers to mix and match dressings, meats, rices and sauces to create custom meals. All plates include a salad with the choice of the savory sesame, crisp and fresh carrot ginger or sweet honey lemon dressing. Each creates a different and delicious blend with the sweet teriyaki meats. The tofu lightly marinated in soy sauce is relatively lackluster and isn’t cooked in the customer’s sauce preference; the sauces

What’s pumping in The City


Knotted hair ties


notted hair ties have shown up wrapped around students’ ponytails and around their wrists. Unlike most hair ties with metal edges that snag and cause split ends, knotted hair ties are less likely to damage the hair and won’t leave a crease. Knotted hair ties lack the tension of other ties that can be strong enough to cause painful headaches and tight indents around the wrist. The dyed elastic comes in a wide variety of colors and run $3 to $15 for a packet of three to 10 ties.

Knotted hair ties can be found at Target, Forever 21, Walgreens, Sephora and most mall and drug stores.

Hall & Heart: Drawn To Life

is just drizzled on after. The squares of organic tofu have a weak flavor, even when it is covered with the hottest sauce. All sides are under $5 and the steamed edamame, shishito peppers and cucumber salad in a rice vinegar are gluten free. A popular side is the bowl of four crispy deep fried pot stickers with a juicy inside of pork, chicken or veggie, but the cashier recommend trying the pork — which were far more flavorful after trying the chicken. A pricey, but delicious, side is the charred pork ribs coated in Glaze’s special Asian barbecue sauce spiced with sriracha. The meat is fall-off-the-bone tender. Glaze is just getting its sea legs dealing with the bustling lunch crowd, but the friendly cooks manage to get orders out in under 10 minutes. Glaze’s has filled a niche in restaurant-heavy Pacific Heights that was lacking a fastserve, to-go teriyaki with succulent originality. Glaze is open Monday through Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., weekends noon to 10 p.m..

ALICE JONES | The Broadview

Glaze patrons can customize their meal by mixing and matching their meats, teriyaki sauce spice and salad dressing. Customers can have their meals in the house or get a speedy takeaway.

Student self-repairs cell phone Shannan Lum Reporter



hile hopping out of a car last Memorial Day weekend, I heard a crack and looked down to see my precious iPhone 4 on the uneven asphalt. The entire back glass was shattered in a spider web pattern. I was upset about the possible $100 repair in the moment, but I soon remembered a classmate from Stuart Hall High School had replaced his white back glass with an electric lime green. He explained how changing the back glass was a simple process I could perform myself with a special screw driver. I’m the type of person who enjoys tinkering with technology. The thought of doing a selfrepair on my phone at a fraction of the cost, which would have cost $99 at the Apple Store, was a relief, so I immediately started looking online for parts. I purchased the 5-star pentalobe screw driver and goldcolored back for $10, using my mother’s Amazon Prime account, which provided free shipping. Without any skill level or experience than an average CSH student, all had to do was remove two screws on the bottom of the phone and slide the broken back glass off, then replaced it with the new gold-colored glass. Although the procedure was

simple, that was the end of my luck. A few months later, my phone slipped off the theater armrest during a school assembly, cracking the front screen. I assumed the procedure to fix my screen would be a breeze, but I was mistaken. Spending a whole class period on the website, I was guided through 35 steps to taking apart the phone. With the completion of each step, I logged where every small screw came from, taping each one to my notepad where I scribbled the steps, while keeping the delicate logic board that stores data and the thin metal sheet that holds the circuit board on the notepad. I took my time — an hour and a half — only to realize the front glass I bought was in for a different model, so I attempted to put my old cracked front screen back temporarily until I ordered and received the right iPhone 4 screen. I refused to go any further in putting my phone back together, worried that my logic board would snap in half. After three days of having my iPhone in pieces, a parent who is techy himself told me he could fix it. I passed my phone onto him, and he MacGyvered on the screen I had originally purchased. This experience made me cautious about tinkering with my iPhone again, especially because the Apple product warranty is voided when there is any

upgrade or modification on a product by anyone not licensed or affiliated with Apple. Tom Funkhouser, an Applecertified computer technician for the four schools recommends not working on your phone unless you have the proper credentials. Replacing an iPhone back glass is a no brainer. I suggest a self-repair instead of paying outrageous prices as it allows phone users to add originality to their phones like color or designs. But repairing the front of an iPhone is a lot of work. I don’t advise anyone who has as little experience as I did. I was fortunate enough to have an adult bail me out of having to buy a new iPhone— others might not be that lucky.

SHANNAN LUM| The Broadview

Junior Shannan Lum documented a 35-step process she found online to repair her cracked iPhone screen.

Rachel Fung

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