the broadview

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the broadview

September 24, 2009

Convent of the Sacred Heart High School | San Francisco, California

Mural promotes SF diversity Ina Herlihy Editor-in-Chief


he jury assembly room of the San Francisco Hall of Justice hosted the unveiling of two, three-paneled murals last Thursday personifing peace and San Francisco’s diversity in a design created by a group of teen muralists from a variety of backgrounds. “In this room, I see the future leaders of America,” said District Attorney Kamala Harris, who spoke at the unveiling of the murals. “You are doing your civic duty now by being engaged and being involved. You are bringing this idea of peace to a center of justice through the artwork and the experience of creating it.” The Music Mural & Arts Project (MMAP) that took place in San Francisco and East Palo Alto this summer is a culmination of work by 100 paid youth artists and volunteers, according to MMAP co-founder Rachel McIntire. “The original mission was to work with disadvantaged youth,” said McIntire, who teaches art at CSH. “If you’re not in an independent school, you don’t

have access to the arts. This is a way for teens to have access to the arts and to be employed.” MMAP first began in East Palo Alto, whose population is mostly African American, Latino and Polynesian. The project has since branched out to include a San Francisco location. “The sheer diversity of the group was really impressive,” said intern Marisa Conroy (’09). “Some [artists] were starting high school and some were starting college. They were from different parts of the city. It was also shocking that people so different could get along really well.” MMAP’s Teen Mural Project seeks to reduce the teen high school drop out rate, which is 50 percent for Latino and African American men according to the Urban Institute. “We had a student named Angel who was having a really hard time,” said McIntire. “We paired him up with a student from Stanford who worked with him day by day to make sure he was able to pass [his class].” During the nine years since it’s founding , MMAP artists have ▶ see MURAL p. 2

ANJALI SHRESTHA | the broadview

Devin Ruiz (’09) works on the Community Mural depicting the faces of the muralists along the Potrero Hill skyline and will be housed at a community center in the Outer Mission. Ruiz worked as a summer art intern for the Music Mural & Arts Project, teaching students about the process of mural making.

City addresses health reform Jovel Quierolo Managing Editor



Uniform fashion


Teens & money

INA HERLIHY | the broadview


Outside Lands

Sophomore Nicola Forbes reads a pamphlet about health at California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC). CPMC is one of many non-profit hospitals in San Francisco that provide free medical care for people who can demonstrate need.

ore than 82,000 San Franciscans have no health insurance, according to the San Francisco Medical Society, but the City and County of San Francisco provide some basic coverage that proposed national health care reform would extend. “We really don’t know how the president’s programs will affect us, but any help we can get will certainly be utilized,” said Bob Menezes, Director of Marketing & Communications for Healthy San Francisco, a non-profit begun two years ago to make health care services accessible and affordable to uninsured. There is a need for health insurance in low to middle-income citizens with the worst cases being families living in Single Room Occupancy Hotels (SROs) without substantial health care. “There are an awful lot of people living in poverty who are not getting adequate medical treatment,” said Dr. Andrea Sello, who teaches pediatric medicine at UCSF. “Often the state does not have enough money to provide care for people who cannot pay.” The average SRO family consists

of three to four people living in a 10-by-10 room without a kitchen or bathroom, according to a report on the Census of Families with Children Living in Single Room Occupancy Hotels in San Francisco. Half the parents living in an SRO reported health problems for them and their children that correlate with their living conditions including respiratory problems and disease due to overcrowding and poor lifestyle. Families in SROs often lack access to, public services or a regular doctor. “Families in poverty who don’t have health insurance or parents who have lost insurance find it hard to pay for expensive accidents insurance can cover,” said Dr. Barry Egener, who works at a nonprofit clinic. Low and middle-income citizens cannot legally be turned away from the emergency room. For those who cannot pay their hospital bills, the county provides millions of dollars to maintain a safety net for only patients below the poverty line while paying for city policy and supporting free clinics, according to Menezes. “Those who fall slightly above that line are out of luck,” said Menezes. “What we need and what Healthy San Francisco strives to do is not insurance mentored teens as they became adults. ▶ see HEALTH p. 2

Volume 14, Issue 1

▶ CSH will participate in Sunday’s annual Susan G. Komen Foundation Race for the Cure as part of the Team Convent/Stuart Hall, marking the 15th consecutive year the school has supported the event for breast cancer research. “I go with my mom to Race for the Cure as a reminder of what she went through and for a chance to show how grateful we are,” said sophomore Nini Maine of the 5K walk or run at the Embarcadero. CSH’s goal for this year is to raise at least $5,000 for the Komen Foundation, according to Dean of Students Celine Curran. The fundraiser raised over $1 million last year in San Francisco, celebrating breast cancer survivors, honors those who have lost the fight and raises awareness, according to the Komen Foundation. “My mom [Kim Baltzell] survived breast cancer two different times,” said Maine. “The first time was when I was 10 months old and the second time was when I was in eighth grade. [We are] volunteering at Race for the Cure to support other women who are going through the same experience today.” — Emily Bloch ▶ The College Board announced AP Scholar awards Sept. 16, honoring 41 Convent students. Class of 2009 graduates Katherine Eaneman and Kristie La are AP scholars, achieving scores of 4 or higher on at least four AP exams. Scholars with Distinction, given to students who receive an average grade of 3.5 or higher on all exams or a score of 3 or higher on five, are seniors Katherine Armstrong, Megan Choi and Jovel Queirolo and graduates Alexandra Casserly, Katherine Eaneman, Jocelyn Friday, Amanda James, Alana Jesse, Margaret Johnson, Rebecca Kelliher, Kristie La and Arendse Lund. Scholars with Honor, students who received at least a 3.25 on all exams or three or higher on 4 exams, are seniors Daisy Chung and Kelsey Vickery, and graduates Annick BrettKearns, Savannah Carroll, Marisa Conroy, Maxine Gaspar, Lauren Jung, Natassia Pearlman, Danielle Sabalvaro and Elizabeth Woo. Scholars, students who receive a 3 or higher on three or more exams, are seniors Stephanie Bittlingmeier, Margaret Flannery, Sophie Gilchrist, Rebecca Halloran, Scarlett Kirk, Susie Lee, Katharine Noakes and Laura Venner and graduates Elisa Asdourian, Emily Boschwitz, Claire Cannon, Kristen Chan, Rena Hunt, Margaret Keehan, Gabriela Kirkland, Devin Ruiz, Joelle Santos and Jess Zablah. — Zoë Newcomb

Community Day Convent teachers Michael Steinbrecher (left) and Michael Stafford grill hot dogs in the courtyard of Stuart Hall High School dur ing a communit y barbecue last Friday. Following the annual four-school blessing in the morning, students participated in activities focused on prayer and art, culminating in the release of ladybugs and worms in Layfette Park. The day ended with Mass of The Holy Spirit and a barbecue.

MAGGIE CUMMINGS | the broadview

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED the broadview Convent of the Sacred Heart HS Schools of the Sacred Heart 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115

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September 24, 2009

Renovations begin on Doyle Drive, 101 Zoë Newcomb News Editor


onstruction has begun on the $1 billion, 9-year replacement of Doyle Drive that will continue through early 2013 and will affect traffic in the Presidio district and people who commute across the Golden Gate Bridge. Doyle Drive currently rates 2 out of 100 in structural sufficiency and will be replaced with a new structurally sound and earthquake-safe road called Presidio Parkway, according to the Doyle Drive Replacement Project. Also known as Route 101, Doyle Drive is the south entrance to the Golden Gate Bridge and is unequipped to handle increasing traffic volume. “I like to take Doyle Drive to get to school because it’s prettier and faster,” said junior Kristy Harty-Connell. “But sometimes the traffic is crazy, and so hopefully the construction will make things better.” In addition to the rebuilding of

Doyle Drive, roads throughout the Presidio will temporarily be cut off in order to reduce traffic. These changes may be made permanent depending on their effects on the traffic routes. Originally, construction on Doyle Drive was put off until politicians could reach an agreement. However, an accelerated construction process was put into effect in order to prevent a major economic crisis in the event that a large-scale earthquake damaged the roadway. Doyle Drive has been the subject of debate for over 50 years. In 1955 California legislatures attempted to widen the highway to eight lanes, 1991 saw the formation of a Doyle Drive Task force, and in 1994 the National Park service release the Final General Management Plan Amendment, which laid out the main goals for Doyle Drive. Despite the rush to start work, developers are working to create a new roadway that will be long lasting and safe for the environment. Along with using environmentally

Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza

San Francisco Bay

Doyle Drive

Palace of Fine Arts

Key At-Grade Roadway High Viaduct

become more rounded individuals because of all these different aspects.” Intern Devin Ruiz (’09) also inadvertently helped teenagers become more independent through the mural program when she was an hour late to lead the painting class. “I went to where we usually were painting and nothing was there,” said Ruiz. “I walked around the corner and four or five of the teens had set up all the painting stuff and laid out all the tarp and were going for it without any help. [When the project started] we heard over and over again ‘I can’t draw. I can’t paint.’ We were like, ‘Yes, we can give you the technique and the skills to do it.”

EMMA HERLIHY| the broadview

sustainable building materials and mak making the road safer for bicyclists and pedestrians, the roadway will also “restore some of the scenic beauty and views of the Presidio and San Francisco Bay,” according to the Doyle Drive Replace-


hemistry teacher Christina Cinti leaves the lab room quickly, grabing her Sigg bottle before she walks out the door with her tennis team and unaware the inner liner of her water bottle can seep a hormone-disrupting chemical known as BPA into her water. Many people turned to Sigg bottles as an alternative to plastic water bottles containing BPA. “I use my Sigg bottle because it’s environmentally friendly, safe to drink from and I won’t have to keep recycling plastic bottles or throw away cans,” said sophomore Nicole Kristen Hvid. Consumers were not aware Sigg bottles contained BPA until tests had revealed positive levels of BPA in Sigg’s inner liner in 2006. “I always thought that Sigg bottles are really useful, and I drink out of mine all the time,” said freshman Kimmy Pace. “Now I am not so sure about drinking out of my Sigg anymore because of the BPA issue.”

Almost 3 tons of BPA has been mass produced globally, according to the Chemical Market Associates, Inc. (CMAI), and used as a base for mak making polycarbonate plastic, which is in almost every manufactured product because it is lightweight, tough, heat and electricity resistant.

I am not so sure about drinking out of my Sigg anymore because of the BPA issue.

– Kimmy Pace The chemical can interfere with normal functioning of the hormone system by blocking or exaggerating hormonal responses, which can affect the reproductive system and can cause behavioral problems. Epoxy resins commonly line metal cans as a means of maintaining the quality of the products inside. These resins and polycarbonates are also in the inner linings of the Sigg drinking bottles.

ment Project. The pre-construction process began in Dec. 2005 with the removal and collection of native plants as well as the relocation of utilities that ran along the roadway. The project coincides

with a large-scale reconstruction of the Golden Gate Bridge. “All this construction is really annoying,” said Harty-Connell. “Too bad that it’s not going to be finished until I’m in college.”

Health reform would provide care for all

ANJALI SHRESTHA | the broadview

Students from the mural project create a face on the Community Mural. The mural celebrates SF’s unique culture.

Sigg’s liner threaten safety from BPA Isabelle Pinard Reporter

Tunnel Causeway

The Doyle Drive construction project will replace the viaduct structures already in place as well as construct new tunnels and causeways. The project will also modify the Route 101/Route 1 interchange and restore the current atgrade roadway.

Murals much more than just SF artwork from Mural p. 1 mentored teens as they become adults. “Through the mural project [teens] can connect with professionals who really care about them,” said McIntire. “They have someone who can help them with their homework and take them to get a dress for prom.” The project also boosts the teens’ confidence by teaching them new skills. “The research and discussion that we do not only educates them but also helps with their communication skills and vocal and artistic expression as well,” said Allie Kruse (’08), TMP worker for summer 2008. “[The teens]

Crissy Marsh

Industrial researchers worldwide, studying the potential for BPA to migrate from polycarbonate products into food and beverages, say the potential migration of BPA is extremely low. BPA seepage into food is less than five parts per million. Consumers would have to ingest more than 1,300 pounds of food and beverages containing BPA everyday for the chemical to affect their health, according to National Institutes of Health. “These health issues are a problem, but I think that I would still drink out of the one that I already have because I already have it so why not use it,” said freshman Kimmy Pace. The Sigg Company has been trying to get back on track since August 2008 by manufacturing new Sigg bottles with a BPA-free liner since that is tasteless, scentless, leach-free and just as durable as the old liner. Consumers who want to replace previous bottles containing BPA can take advantage of Sigg’s exchange program for their customers that last until Oct 31. Customers can obtain the procedures for the program from Sigg’s Web site, .

from City p. 1 but a way for mostly middle income people to access routine check ups that are many times more beneficial than waiting until they get to the emergency room.” Even with a sliding scale that allows some citizens to pay for care based on their income, the county continues to explore means of paying for those who cannot pay to support themselves. “Healthy San Francisco has 46,000 people in the program, but we along with other city and private programs can’t cover everyone,” said Menezes. “It is possible that the federal programs could supplement our work and grow upon it.” The health of children and teens specifically depends on their access to health services, as defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Their access involves both the availability of a regular source of care and the ability of the child’s family, or someone else, to pay for it. “The health care debate going on in their city and country applies

to them,” said Egere. “How they get their vaccines or where they have their accidents treated should be important to them.” Teens should but do not often think about their health care or the dynamics of health care availability, according to senior Alexa Collins. “I think about my healthcare when I injure myself, and because I have physical therapy,” said senior Alexa Collins, who gets treatment for her joints. “Teens are concerned with college and boys and homework. Healthcare is important, but it’s hard to get teens interested.” All age groups will be affected by Barack Obama plan to provide insurance for those who do not. “Most doctors support the health care reform because Obama’s program could ensure care so anyone can get treated on an ongoing basis wherever you need it, wherever you are,” said Sello. “I support it because as physicians we believe everyone should have access to care. We advocate for the patient. The plan is not specific but, it would provide care.”

Staying healthy during flu season With sickness spreading through the school community, here are a few recommendations to keep the germs away

• Cover sneezes and coughs with a tissue. • Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.

• Avoid contact with eyes, nose or mouth because germs spread easily this way. • Do not have contact with sick people.

• Stay at home for at least 24 hours after recovering from a fever. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

sacred heart

the broadview

Fashion on Broadway the evolution of the uniform



The original uniform consisted of a black floor-length dress with pleats on the torso in the front and back.

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Convent moved to the Flood Mansion and the everyday uniform changed to light blue. Students wore wavy skirts instead of pleated and white socks and Oxford shoes.

mid-calf length for their everyday uniform. The girls wore dark stockings and shoes because the dresses no longer covered their legs.

Today, skirts are worn shorter, but no more than four inches above the knee. Opaque, solid tights or leggings may be worn in white, gray, burgundy, blue or black, but not sheer or pattern hosiery. Students may wear school sweatshirts and boots during cold weather.




1930s This decade sparked a major change in the uniform and had girls wearing skirts instead of dresses. The dress uniform consisted of white, collared blouses and a long white pleated skirt. The students also wore cardigans and pleated black skirts worn


Saddle sh uniform oes were intr oduced in the m religiou to the s servic id 1940s. Sch ool es not separa on te veils as white dress u ly required a niform well. but wh ite



e as a blu niform w irt, a white u y a d ry k The eve herringbone s dy r. A mid ts ite te h a w e w d s n a e en c lu c b a a d and ith re w s y a blouse d rn on Fri was wo ars. oll c on the

Students were no longer required to wear white on Fridays, as the everyday and dress uniforms started to resemble each other. The uniforms consisted of heather gray skirts, white polo shirt, and burgundy-colored sweater. Seniors had the privilege of wearing navy sweaters. The dress uniform was not much differ different from the everyday uniform with the exception of dark tights and shoes. The uniform became more casual allowing khaki pants, school sweatpants and sweatshirts in cold weather. – compiled by Sophie Gilchrist Illustrations NATALIE GARNETT | the broadview 1887 – 1960s SSH ARCHIVES | with permission 2009 photo INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Spanish exchange student adjusts to CSH community “I miss my friends and my family a lot,” said Raventós. “I especially miss my brother and my two best friends because they are really special to me.” ophomore Maria Raventós arrives at school Raventós has been getting involved in the Sagreeting her friends just like any cred Heart community in San Francisco other girl, but her Catalan accent by joining the JV tennis team and going gives her away. to the recent boat dance. Raventós attends the Sacred Heart “My school [in Spain] doesn’t have school in Barcelona, Spain — which is regular dances, so I enjoy [Convent’s] coed and includes a preschool, middle a lot,” said Raventós. “We just have a school and high school. Raventós says charity event every year for African kids she’s enjoying wearing uniforms at Conthat is like a party.” vent, which she doesn’t wear at home, Raventós says she hopes to gain RAVENTOS because a new outfit does not need to maturity, responsibility and friends out be chosen every morning. of this exchange. “We have all our subjects in the same class, “The people and culture are absolutely differexcept art in a different room and chemistry in ent,” said Raventós. “I think that the people here the laboratory,” said Raventós, whose class of 100 mature earlier than in Spain. I think that people our is divided into four sections. “We also have a half age in San Francisco know all their responsibilities, an hour free in the morning and an hour free in but in Spain people know them once they are 20 the afternoon.” years old.” Raventós’s school day is about the same as Although Raventós admits the beginning of Convent’s, although her day starts at 8:30 a.m. and her transition to life in San Francisco was compliends at 4:40 p.m. cated in terms of the different language and not Raventós is living with Sophia Favia during knowing many people, she has adjusted well and her stay in San Francisco. But living with a classmate made many new friends. does not replace her family. “I can tell that Maria is already comfortable Emma Herlihy Asst. News Editor


MAGGIE CUMMINGS | the broadview

Maria Raventós discusses an assignment with sophomore theology teacher Kate McMichael in the Den. She is still taking a normal sophomore course load with the exception of chemistry. here,” said sophomore Nicola Forbes. “She has “It was always something that was interesting made her own friends and not just stayed with to me, so I talked to [Dean of Students Celine] CurSophia because she is living with her, but reached ran about it,” said Favia. “I lived in Argentina for a out and made friends with others.” year and a half, so I am fluent in Spanish.” Favia will attend Raventós’ school in BarceSophia will travel to Spain in January and lona second semester while living with Raventós’s stay until March — with her California accent as family. a reminder of where she comes from.

4 op-ed


September 24, 2009

Society pushes teens to go with the crowd

t is hard not to stereotype. Everybody does it. A girl walks by wearing big hoop earrings and colorful high top Nikes. Someone says, “Oh, she’s so ghetto.” Everybody says it. Anyone with bling or saggy pants or a tiny back pack becomes “ghetto.”

Those living in true poverty might not agree with the American teen’s definition of the word “ghetto.” While it seems harmless, stereotyping is offensive and disrespectful. What is frustrating is that it stems from a greater problem – society’s push for everybody to go with the flow. This is not peer pressure. This is the societal pressure to fit in and to sound cool. Just because someone does or says something – no matter how cool

she is – does not make it right. But it is hard not to resist fitting in. Humans need each other – when and when not to fit in becomes tricky. People should think about how their actions or words affect people. When a friend says, “That’s so retarded” or “That’s so gay” they are not being funny. That treatment of the language is not fair to people with Down syndrome or gay parents. These colloquial expressions de-

stroy the meaning of the original words. It is a common mistake for people to say things without realizing how hurtful they may be, but being common is all part of fitting in. The pressure is contagious. Thousands of people went to the recent Outside Lands concert in Golden Gate Park. There were people who went just to say they went. They may not have known or cared who was playing. They simply echoed the cheers of those around them. At a concert that big any fan would not be expected to know every artist, but a concert is for enjoying the art for art’s sake, not to go nuts with a crowd. This mob mentality is a serious problem. The kids involved in the Mural

Music and Arts Project are using art as a way to escape the gangs and negativity they were born into. They are encour-

It is a common mistake for people to say things without realizing how hurtful they may be. aged to fight against the pressure from their families and communities to rise out of their difficult situations.

The term may ghetto truly apply to their lives, but they do not let the violence or racial tensions in their neighborhoods define them. Instead of going with the flow they participate in something outside their comfort zone – an exploration of the arts for peace. Going with the flow is not always necessarily right. To understand how one’s actions will effect someone, it is important to stay informed – to stand still and evaluate whether or not to succumb to what society demands. It is often difficult to question the status quo. It can be difficult not to follow. But it is never too late to shrug off societal pressure and to think with an open mind.

Cutting to the chase Ina Herlihy

Credit cards create debt for younger generations


went shopping last weekend with my sister and at every store the salesperson tried to get me to sign up for the store credit card. It’s been happening since I was fourteen. Clothing salespeople can act like robots at the counter. They give their speech and don’t look at the person in front of them to see if they qualify. I am not 18-years-old, and I don’t look it, either. The persuasive sales pitch of “Would you like to save 10 percent today?” is hard for many people to turn down. The Macy’s credit card offers 20 percent off purchases for the first two

and can encourage the accumulation of debt. These “great deals” seem like a great way to save money, but they don’t take into account how a new credit card may affect the credit score. Opening a credit card to achieve these savings, and immediately closing it after the transaction, will negatively impact a credit score — and it decreases each time a card is rapidly opened and closed. Many teens don’t even know what a credit score is. No wonder debt among 18 – 24-year-olds has risen over the last decade by 104 percent according to a report by Demos, a nonprofit research organization.

THERESA GRANUCCI the broadview

1. Lots of days off and special schedules. 2. Beyonce gives Taylor Swift the spotlight. 3. Mayor Gavin Newsom named his daughter Montanna. days after signing up for the credit card. J.Crew offers a 10 percent discount on the first purchase with a J.Crew credit card. The Bloomingdales credit card offers free shipping for online purchases over $150, and 15 percent off purchases for the first two days after the card has been activated. These stores also offer points for every dollar spent earning a gift card, when a certain number of points is reached. This gives the cardholder an incentive to spend more,

When a salesperson asks if you would like to sign up for their card, ask questions. They aren’t all credit cards. Some stores like Sephora and Safeway offer discounts and gifts after spending a certain amount. Then you don’t have to worry about how this choice will effect your future, but instead just indulge in the free goodies. I’m just going to politely say no to the credit cards, even when I turn 18 next summer.

the broadview invites letters the broadview invites comments, additiona or corrections on stories in the paper. Letters to the Editor should be 400 words or fewer and must include the writer’s name and a method of verification. Submissions should be e-mailed to and are subject to editing for clarity and space.

4. Barack Obama is a rock star in Canada. 5. PETA wants to create a chicken empathy museum.

the broadview Convent of theSacred Heart HighSchool 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115 Ina Herlihy Editor-in-Chief Jovel Queirolo Managing Editor Sara Kloepfer A & E Editor Zoë Newcomb News Editor Anjali shrestha Feature Editor Sophie Gilchrist Sports Editor

1. School has not had a regular Monday in weeks. 2. What would Kanye’s mother say? 3. Too bad he’s running for Govenor of California. 4. Obama is being accused of being a socialist in his own country. 5. What’s in your chicken? Reporters Sara Blaza | Emily Bloch | Claire Fahy Katie Ghotbi | Katy Hallowell | Caroline Hearst Sarah Hegarty | Aggie Kruse | Ava Martinez Ta’lynn Mitchell | Isabelle Pinard | Elizabeth Smith | Colleen Scullion Theresa Granucci Cartoonist Michaela Wilton | Natalie Garnett Graphics Maggie Cummings Photographer Tracy Anne Sena, CJE Adviser

Meghan Helms Asst. A & E Editor Emma Herlihy Asst. News Editor Unsigned pieces are the opinion of the editorial board. Reviews and personal columns are the opinions of the author. Letters to the broadview should be 400 words or less and are subject to editing for clarity and space.

op -ed

the broadview


Health fight slows change Zoë Newcomb News Editor


merica has reached a low point. During President Obama’s recent address to Congress in which he attempted to dispel myths surrounding his health care plan, a representative stood and angrily shouted, “You lie!” at the President of the United States of America. This foolish act from American leadership displays how outrageous the national health care debate has become. The country has forgotten this issue is not about ludicrous political disputes, but rather the health and well being of 46 million Americans. The fact that one of the most

powerful countries in the world cannot protect its citizens is ridiculous. But even more outrageous are the arguments in opposition of healthcare legislation. While some people have legitimate concerns, so many arguments are rooted plain ol’ selfishness. Health care reform currently under fire meets the needs of a country that is struggling to protect everyone. The legislation will provide affordable health care to anyone who wants it, promote healthy competition among independent health insurance companies, and improve the overall quality of healthcare — still leaving Americans free to make any choice they would like. The problem is not in the content of H.R. 3200, but rather in the egotism that is deeply rooted in the hearts of

Americans. Those who have health care don’t care about people who don’t, they just care about not paying taxes. Ironically, this bill would universally decrease health care costs — but that’s not important. Health care should not be a controversial, partisan issue. Gay marriage, abortion, medical marijuana — these are controversial issues. Health care is the most basic foundation for society. Americans need to rally together to protect those who can’t help themselves. Americans have long been known to lend a helping hand to those in need. Instead, most Americans insist on demanding a plan that perfectly caters to their own needs — something obviously impossible for a country of 300 million. A nationalized health care plan is

the best bet that America has for protecting everyone while still maintaining freedom and choice. Th i s c o untr y provides aid to humanitarian crises and to natural disasters in foreign countries around the world. It should not be so impossible to provide support to those in our own backyard. American health care should not just be for those who can afford it, but it should be an illustration of just how much each human life is valued.

Health care plan frustrates doctors Ina Herlihy Editor-in-Chief


he health care plan described by President Barack Obama during his address to Congress on Sept. 9 is not the universal health care Americans have been expecting. The American Medical Association (AMA), America’s largest organization of doctors, with 250,000 members, opposes Obama’s health care plan. “The introduction of a new plan threatens to restrict patient choice by driving out private insures, which currently provide coverage for nearly 70 percent of Americans,” a representative said in comments to the Senate Finance Committee. Obama’s proposed plan is to provide universal health insurance to all United States citizens. Instead of Obama’s plan being the

THERESA GRANUCCI | the broadview

With all due respect Jovel Quierolo


Americans need better manners

ighty-three percent of countries in 2002 had a plurality of citizens judging the United States favorably, but by 2006 only 23 percent of countries had a plurality saying that United States influence is positive, according to a 2008 report by the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The United States is a country of workaholics with soaring obesity levels. Other stereotypes that citizens from other nations associate with “We the People” include flashy Hollywood an aggressive bipartisan elite. Overseas, the United States is labeled as a bully in international politics with 82 percent in Arab countries and 86 percent of Latin American elites now rate United States relations negatively, according to the same report. That sometimes rude cockiness might have other nations questioning our integrity and legitimacy as one of the world’s most powerful states. It doesn’t help that the United States of America are growing increasingly less “United.” In the past few weeks, the president was accused of

being a liar during an address to Congress and of indoctrinating the youth with a speech to America’s children on education. America needs to calm it down. Any hopes of maintaining its dignity should not involve discouraging a president the world’s nations are waiting to mess up. President Obama promised change, but change is gradual and slow. The wooden-headedness of Congress isn’t allowing for much progress. And the movement is just too slow for a population that expects the world to move as fast as its drive-thrus, e-mail and instant this or that. America prides itself with its inclusion of the ordinary citizens to offer constructive criticism about the imperfect systems we call government. But radio talk show hosts, political commentators and bloggers can’t get enough of the president’s flaws to poke fun at. The hype isn’t encouraging wellinformed opinions in citizens. In a political debate chat room on AOL, one chatter called Obama “a master snake oil salesman and lying self-

serving big time racist anti-American communist-loving scum bag.” This is not the American that put a man on the moon. This is not the America united against the spread of communism and embraced their patriotism in the face of war. This is not the America that inspired and encouraged the Wright Brothers. That America loved its flag and its people. Obama’s speech on the importance of education and trying one’s hardest as well as his address to Congress should remind Americans of the values of hard work and rewards the country was built on. If Americans want to avoid Obama’s “socialist” tendencies he is being accused of in his nation-wide health plan, maybe they should move to another country. Other nations know us for our values of liberty, freedom and tolerance. But increasingly, they see our current inability to fulfill those values. Let us not be defined by outbursts by rude congressmen or the manners of Kanye West.

THERESA GRANUCCI | the broadview

“public option,” it might soon become the only option if the plan passes. The private option will have difficulty competing with the government’s public option because it is funded by taxes. “We will reduce costs for business and their workers by picking up the tab for some of the most expensive illnesses and conditions,” said Obama in a campaign stump speech at the University of Iowa. The administration says the health care plan should, “save $2,500 for the typical family,” according to an Obama campaign ad in Iowa. Although the new health care plan is supposed to save people money, it would not protect them like it should. Doctors and nurses will be paid less because they will be put on the government’s payroll. This may cause many to retire early or to change their professions. Since there will be fewer medical


practitioners available, there could be a waiting list to make appointments just like in Canada. President Obama has said he is modeling the U.S. health care bill on Canada’s universal health care plan. But that’s not the best idea. Canada’s breast cancer mortality rate is 9 percent higher than the United States’ and prostate cancer is 184 higher, according to the National Center for Policy Analysis. A better option for health reform would be former House Majority Leader Newt Gingrich’s suggestion to pass smaller bills. For tort reform, and cutting fraud and monetary waste out of Medicare and Medicaid. These smaller bills would be more efficient than combining everything into one bill that is over 1,000 pages long. Since Canada’s health care isn’t system isn’t successful, we shouldn’t base our health care on it.

Are you financially literate? “A little. I can pay a bill and write a check, but none of the other important stuff like balancing a checkbook.” — Stephanie Gee, freshman

“I’ve made my own bank account and deposit everything myself, so I guess I am.” — Mariah Campana, sophomore

“It’s sad because I’m going to college next year and I need to learn, and I don’t know how I will. I don’t even understand how the bank works.”

— Rebecca Halloran, senior — Compiled by Katy Hallowell



September 24, 2009

Another day, another

Teenage $penders throw money down the drain jovel quierolo sacred heart editor


unior Juliana Wetmore tears open an envelope from the Pacific Service Credit Union every month revealing a statement for the debit and checking account she opened for her summer earnings. She glances over how much she spent, checks the balance and tosses it into the recycling. “I don’t really think about my finances,” said Wetmore. “It’s not really on my mind, but sometimes I think it should be. Maybe schools should be teaching us about money because the only way I’d learn would be on my own, and without my parents help that’s just scary.” Even though high school students are growing closer to an age when they may assume full responsibility of their own money, financial literacy among teens is lacking in the United States. Only one in three teens know how to read a bank statement, balance a checkbook and pay bills, according to 2007 Charles Schwab survey on teens and money. Barely one in five had an idea how to invest. “There is a struggle going on with how to educate the youth in managing their finances,” said Donna Dunbar, Institutional Retirement and Trust vice president at Wells Fargo Bank. “Young people should be learning how to manage their finances as soon as they start mak making money.” According to the same Schwab survey, 45 percent of teens know how to use a credit card, while just 26 percent understand credit-card interest and fees. “I have a bank account and use a credit card, but I’ve never had anyone really explain how everything works,” said senior Kat Armstrong. Armstrong is not alone. Only nine states require testing of student knowledge on personal finance content and seven states require students to take a personal finance course to graduate, according to the National Council on Economic Education. “I have a credit card, but I don’t know what a credit score is or how interest works,” said sophomore Alexis Glaros. “It’s not a main concern right now. But then again, I don’t really know when I’d like to start learning.” A lack of financial literacy correlates with disturbing statistics on the country’s financial health. The number of 18 to 24 year olds declaring bankruptcy has increased 96

percent in 10 years, according to the Richmond Credit Abuse Resistant Education (CARE) program. “In this culture, sometimes we spend without think thinking about long term investments,” said Dunbar. “For teens, that could be buying a car. High school seniors should be thinking about college. They really should begin to learn how to manage their money on their own.” Financial illiteracy is apparent in the adult population as well. “Parents aren’t necessarily as smart as you think they are,” said Jocelyn Friday (’09), who is currently pursuing a dual major in computer science and economics at the University of St. Andrews. “There are plenty of adults in debt.” About 49 percent of adults said they were concerned they had not paid enough attention to managing their finances, according to a 2007 Harris Poll. With a minority of the nation’s states requiring a financial education and inconsistent parent involvement, teens can turn directly to financial institutions for help. “It’s OK to go to a favorite financial institution, like Wells Fargo, and start talking to people in the branches,” said Dunbar. The need for financial education in classrooms is growing exponentially across the country, according to the National Institute of Financial & Economic Literacy. “There should be some kind of financial education in schools,” said Dunbar. “If people had better financial awareness, we could avoid instances like the various crises we’ve been going through.” Financial literacy would benefit everyone with more responsible investors and better understanding of financial systems in today’s consumer society, according to Friday. “Most professions revolve around global economies and their financial situations,” said Friday. “No matter what you end up in, we all end up having to manage our own finances.” A safe option for students is to begin researching basic financial processes and learning about aspects of saving and budgeting, according to Dunbar. “The advice and knowledge are readily available, but teens aren’t getting the information,” said Dunbar. “It is up to them to search out help to develop their financial independence.”






50 5 1 $ 0 5 .

7 3 $

gas and car expenses







itunes and music


shows and concerts




Tullys and Starbucks





food (ecxluding lunch)

How much money do you spend?

0 Source: Juniors and seniors via Survey Monkey link from Facebook.

– Compiled by Anjali Shrestha


the broadview


How old are you?

Over 18

Under 18

0 5 . 23

Do you have a (good) credit history?


5 7 . $2 5 4 $1

Parent Authorized Card

No credit history or bad credit history

Secured Credit Card

Department Store Credit Card

ANJALI SHRESTHA | the broadview


Accounts may be created for minors though the account is held and managed under a parent or guardian’s name.

5 3 $

Secured credit cards are those backed up by a deposit equal to the credit card – usually a $200 to $300 amount parents can use to train their children on credit card use. www.

To get a card at a department store fill out general information including full name, birthday, social security number, address, phone number and mother’s maiden name. For verification, you need provide the information for a previous credit card you had.

Good credit history

Visa, Mastercard, AmeX Card

Cards pay for goods or services on credit that will be paid back at a later time. It is important to pay bills on time or late fees will be charged often accumulating debt. – compiled by Caroline Hearst

Teens try to balance savings and spending sara kloepfer reporter


he bell rings, signifying not only lunch period but the mad rush of students racing to Fillmore Street to purchase their food. Junior Bridgette Hanley remains in the Center, taking out her brown paper bag. “If you buy from the lunch line it’s usually $8 and just a sandwich at Mayflower [Market] costs at least $5,” said Hanley. “Anywhere less expensive is too far to walk to before class starts. Most of the time I bring a lunch just because it’s cheaper. I would rather spend that extra $20 a week on new clothes.” Hanley is not the only teenager who should think wisely when it comes to spending. In an economy that makes it difficult for teens to find available jobs, most rely on their parents for money and should learn how to handle it on their own. “Sometimes [I’m responsible with my money], but sometimes

I just spend it on anything,” said sophomore Solana Boboschi, who gets a monthly allowance from her parents. “I think that I have more money than I actually do, and then by the time the next allowance comes I have zero money left.” Boboschi spends an average of $60-80 a week, most of it on clothes in addition to meals when she goes out with her friends. Trevor Brown, lead barista at Tully’s on Fillmore, says about a third of their customers are teenagers. “They usually get milkshakes so it’s around $4-5,” said Brown. “We have lots of milk shake rushes when school gets out.” Ashley, who does not want her last name published, works as a make-up artist at a popular store near school. She says the recession has caused a decrease in teenage shoppers, but one trend remains the same — teens are more likely to purchase something if they come in with a group. “Sometimes when I go shopping with my friends I feel more inclined to buy stuff because we’re all shopping together,” said Hanley. “I know it’s a bad habit, so I try not to bring all my money with me

when I go downtown so I don’t end up spending it all.” When it comes to shopping, some teens resist the temptation of department stores in favor of saving. “I’d rather pay for things that are cheaper than more expensive,” said junior Maya Sycip. “If there is a tank top at Neiman Marcus for $50 and then if there is a similar tank top at H&M or Forever 21 for $5, I would get it there instead.” Knowing the balance between saving and spending is the biggest difficulty for most teens. “I try and save somewhat, but if I really like something I’ll buy it,” said junior Shannon Smith. Smith puts half of her money into a savings account that her mother handles for her. When it comes to saving, some teens are already planning for the future. “Every time I get money I put some aside to save for an emergency if I really need money,” said Sycip. “Usually I save it for college. Say we run out of money or something, I’ll use the money for college.” In light of the recession, this approach begs the question whether to have a weekly Tully’s fix or a growing college fund.



September 24, 2009

Project Kaisei explores waste in Pacific Ocean Emma Herlihy Asst. News Editor


bandoned fishing nets, empty plastic bottles and everyday trash make up a floating dump commonly know as the north Pacific Gyre or the Plastic Vortex in the North Pacific Ocean which is estimated to be twice the size of Texas — and is still growing. Project Kaisei, an organization whose mission is to study how to capture the accumulation of garbage and recycle it into diesel fuel, sent its 150-foot ship equipped with researchers, scientists and environmentalists to the plastic vortex in August. “Everybody on board was actually saddened on the first few days because of the amount of garbage out there,” said Project Kaisei co-founder Mary Crowley. “It made us quite sad that we as a civilization are letting our garbage get out there.” Strong currents in the Pacific Ocean keep the water in a circular motion know as the Oceanic Gyres. Garbage drifts into this gyre and gets stuck in the swirling currents. “We intend to stop the flow of garbage into the ocean and clean up what is there,” said Crowley.

An estimated 85 million plastic bottles are used every three minutes and less than five percent of the world’s plastics are recycled, according to National Geographic. Over 60 percent of the waste in the North Pacific Gyre is from land-based sources and the plastic materials are

I think project Kaisei is a long term project and we really need everybody’s help with what they do with their garbage – Mary Crowley easily broken down into smaller pieces from weather and ultraviolet rays. “The best thing we can do is not allow it to get any bigger,” said Marissa Kendall, AP Environmental Science teacher. “We hope for time and technology to come up with ways to clean up such small bits of plastic.” Some of the plastic pieces are as small as zooplankton, a staple food for many fishes and birds. Scientists suspect the plastic toxins are poisoning fish and

marine life. “What is really exciting about it is that [Project Kaisei] actually went to do something about it,” said Project Kaisei volunteer Amanda Coffee (’04). “They actually went out there to get their hands dirty.” Birds and fish eat the floating plastic rather than sustainable food, which results in starvation. Ghost nets are frequently found in the gyre. The abandoned fishing nets kill coral reefs when they make contact, and marine life frequently gets caught inside the nets and die. “I think project Kaisei is a long term project and we really need everybody’s help with what they do with their garbage,” said Crowley. Researchers are still trying to figure out how all the garbage has accumulated in the gyre, but people can reduce their use of plastic products and be aware of recycling what they can, according to Earth 911. “We can be more mindful about what we do with our trash,” said sophomore theology teacher Kate McMichael. “If we see the earth as just a resource then it just has use value. If we see the earth as a sacred trust, then we care for it like another.” Kaisei’s stern is docked at the Embarcadero after returning from their latest voyage (above) . Project Kaisei has been working to clean up the plastic vortex in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Mary T. Crowley, President Ocean Voyages Institute & Project Kaisei Founder gives a press conference about Kaisei’s goals (far left). Crowley has sailed to the Galapagos 17 times, and has sailed over 70,000 miles in her lifetime. Kaisei’s bow bobs in calm afternoon water. Only weeks before, the boat was roughing in the middle of the Pacific ocean dipping through films of different plastics and garbage.

photos INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Rugged old style makes hip new comeback Zoë Newcomb News Editor


eventeen magazine boasts the best tips for how to get that perfect “ghetto-fabulous look.” Girls shriek through the halls, laughing about their ghetto car. World history classes study the poverty-stricken ghettos of World War II. The word “ghetto” has evolved from a simple meaning to encompassing an entire complex community. A word derived from a place of poverty is now associated with mass consumerism and wealth, which some people find offensive. “The correct definition of ghetto is a section of a city where people who are economically troubled lived,” said junior Farah Fouladi. “But that’s the noun definition. The adjective ghetto is more popular, and has turned into a fashion movement and culture.”

The “ghetto culture” Fouladi mentions has a widespread influence on society. From clothing brands like “Baby Phat” to song lyrics and movies, the word ghetto is intertwined into everyday life. The traditional definition of the word ghetto has arguably become obsolete in modern society — replaced with a definition that better suits a new generation with a changing worldview. “I don’t think its bad to talk about or sing about something you have experience with,” said Fouladi. “But when you just throw around a word like ghetto lightly and without thinking, it can really hurt people.” Historic uses of the word ghetto don’t apply to the modern uses. Students say that they look to culture and society to define the word. “Ghetto is like its own culture,” said sophomore Natalie Sullivan. “It has

its own music, its own clothing styles, its own dancing. I associate it with hip-hop and bling.” While some argue the culture con-

Ghetto is like its own culture. It has its own music, its own clothing styles, its own dancing. I associate it with hip-hop and bling – sophomore Natalie


sists of light-hearted fun, other say that the culture, particularly song lyrics, blur the lines between right and wrong. Junior Christina Perkins says

that she thinks it’s insulting to call an inanimate object “ghetto,” because some people actually have to live in ghettos. “Historically, people have struggled economically and socially to make ends meet,” said Perkins. “Its rude to compare a group of people to, say, an old broken phone.” Perkins says that hip-hop culture in particular has influenced society into using ghetto in a way that isn’t respectful, but that use of the word is also associated with race. “Its more acceptable for an ethnic minority to use ghetto, which is really unfair,” said Perkins. Despite being unfair, that seems to be an opinion that many people agree with. On the popular Web site www.urbandictionary. com, a place where anyone can publish a definition for any word, ghetto has over 100 definitions. “Now if a white suburban kid is

speakin the ghetto lingo and glamorizing bein ‘gangsta’... like bein a blood or crip... tats different... those people dont know who they are and still need to think really hard about what they are doin with themselves,” wrote Guarani, a contributer using spelling and colloquialisms acceptable on the Web site. Guarani’s opinion seems to match Perkin’s, in that the word ghetto has heavy undertones that are not often addressed. For a word so common in society, its often hard to distinguish when the proper and improper times to use it. “Ghetto is unnecessary, has the potential to be offensive, and doesn’t convey my point well,” said Perkins. “Words are better when they actually have a universal definition. If nobody really knows what it means or when to use it, then they won’t understand the point.”


the broadview


Avant-garde jewelry, handmade for 60 years jovel quierolo managing editor Passers-by often peek at the elegant displays of hand-crafted modern jewelry in the windows of Macchiarini Creative Design and Metalworks Gallery on Grant Avenue. Those curious enough to ring a small bell for assistance will find themselves greeted by Daniel Macchiarini straight from his workshop, brushing metal dust off his hands onto a thick green apron. Inside, cases display avant-garde jewelry hand-crafted by locally-based and nationally recognized artists. A large, weathered case holds the work of the Macchiarini family. Their studio has produced jewelry, sketches and sculpture for over 60 years. Customers can work with Macchiarini to create custom pieces, but owner Daniel Macchiarini emphasizes customer participation in the artistic process. “It’s important for a guy to see the rings cast that he and his wife will wear forever,” said Macchiarini, about a pair of wedding bands he was working on. “Each piece of hand crafted work is different and is affected by the expression of the artist and who it’s being made for.” Customers are greeted with en-

thusiasm at what is the oldest working modernist design house in the United States. One walks in. She eyes a gold ring with dark and light inlays. Daniel Macchiarini explains the piece and its design. “I didn’t even think of that, the concept of ebony and ivory, it’s beautiful,” said the customer, staring at the piece. Macchiarini laughs. He takes the ring out of the case and hands it to her. “Looks like a perfect fit,” said Macchiarini. “If you want to come back, I’ll probably be here. I work long hours. I’m a slave to art.” The legacy began with his father who Macchiarini describes as a messenger of Modernism. In 1933, Peter Macchiarini opened his first studio on Telegraph Hill by the Peter Macchiarini Steps, named after the Italian jeweler himself. The older Macchiarini came during the middle of the depression along with other visual, performing and literary artists brought in by former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration. The Nazi party’s crack down on Bauhaus artists in Germany brought more artists into San Francisco’s own Modernist Art Movement.

INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Macchiarini guards his eyes with black glasses from the blue-white glare of hot white metal for wedding rings. He allows customers to dunk their still hot rings into a cooling liquid, completeing the casting process.

“This was a generation of egotists – the art was all about them,” said Macchiarini. “Their work was determined by form and design, created with the finished work in mind. My father was part of this iconoclast movement that invented this new kind of original sculptural jewelry.” When Macchiarini was six, he snuck under a table and listened to his father argue over the mass production of art with Margaret De Patta, a founding member of the San Francisco Metal Arts Guild and figure in the Modernist Jewelry Movement. It was then Macchiarini realized early on the importance of hand-crafted work. “Mass production was actually a socialist idea – art for the masses,” said Macchiarini, “but it quickly became corporate. What hurt art and jewelry work was the beginning of mass production. Art became objectified. My father used to say, ‘It stops being art.’ Machines can’t feel. They can’t create art. The fight against mass production was really a fight to maintain the idea that there is something unique about human expression.” Macchiarini’s Neomodernist perspective involves reformation and transformation as opposed to the form-focused Modernist theory and the anti-form Modernist theory. The design object matters, yet it can be varied in the process. Macchiarini has recently been working on a piece with the customer’s own melted down metal – old jewelry. They worked together on a design, and he is working on soldering a dragon onto a personalized bracelet. “When I work, I think about the functionality of the pieces and who I’m creating it for,” said Macchiarini. “The process itself is important, but the pieces also have their permanence.” Macchiarini spends most of his time behind the gallery working on individual and commissioned projects in his studio filled with metal dust, pliers, kilns, wires and both finished and unfinished projects. A wire dinosaur he made when he was nine years old hangs above his work desk. “It’s hard to tell when one project ends and another one begins,” said Macchiarini. “They become a part of you, and don’t let you go.” Macchiarini works with kinds of

INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Macchiarini sets his kiln to heat for an upcoming casting. Covered with shards of ceramic and metal, he uses the same model kiln he used as a boy. metal, and for color he uses stones. “Sketches are frustrating because I was taught in three dimensions,” said Macchiarini. “I grew up knowing this. There are pictures of me soldering when I was just a boy.” Contemporary jewelry is unique in that it plays with space and structure, breaking space and light, according to Macchiarini. “You can’t do that with two dimensions,” said Macchiarini, rolling a stone in his hand to show how the cut of the stone could make the light move spirals. “Sometimes my stonecutter tears his hair out because it really is a constant struggle to get what you’re after.” Macchiarini’s work has been on display at shows around the world, and he is a sponsored artist with The Burning Man Project. During one festival, Macchiarini worked with artists in the

middle of the dessert to melt down beer cans and cast pieces that now hang on his wall. The metal plates were created in a dragon-shaped furnace that Macchiarini built on the site out of 60 percent recycled materials. “I really try to bring people into the process to create something permanent out of what people consider waste,” said Macchiarini. “Both the creation and the experience matter.” Macchiarini offers jewelry-making classes and welcomes anyone curious as to the pieces of sculptural jewelry in the window. “Here we are fulfilling our practice and theory,” said Macchiarini, torch in hand. “Nothing can replace the uniqueness of a hand-crafted piece. The act of human expression in creating a piece and its permanence is connected. Art is life.”

General admission


sara kloepfer

what’s pumping in the halls


1 - Black suede boots, $50 (Urban Outfitters)

2 - Dark brown leather boots, $27.80 1


(Forever 21)

3 - Grey suede boots, $50 (Macy’s)

4 - Brown leather boots, $30 3



Concerts should be more accessible In the summer concert season that just came to a close, music lovers flocked to see their favorite artists perform in settings as varied as festivals and small venues. As I joined my fellow concertgoers the past few months, one thing I noticed was the radical difference in pricing. In June I attended BFD, sponsored by local radio station Live 105, which showcased over 20 alternative artists. Tickets cost about $30. Fast forward to August and I was purchasing a single day ticket for Outside Lands, featuring over 100 artists including a handful of Top 40 acts. That ticket cost $90. And that was the price after adding Ticketmaster’s “service fees.” Both festivals drew huge crowds, but the price gap was made obvious when observing the attendees. The affordable BFD appealed to teenagers and college-age fans while Outside Lands attracted more of the 30 and 40-something crowd. Had the pricing of Outside Lands been similar to BFD’s, younger audiences could have afforded to go, allowing for a different atmosphere at the show. Age shouldn’t be a restriction when it comes to music, but unfortunately high prices are preventing the mostly jobless youth

from attending their desired concerts. In the spring, tickets for the Jonas Brothers concert went on sale starting from $30-60. By the next day, the cheapest available third row seats were $275. Each. The Jonas Brothers’ main demographic is pubescent girls. How many 11 year olds can shell out that much cash for a night with their teen idols? As a 16 year old with a regular paying babysitting job, I had to back out because I couldn’t afford the astronomical prices. It is not the Jonas Brother’s fault that scalpers raised the prices, but shouldn’t their tickets be more accessible to those who the show is aimed at – their fans? However, well-known bands like the Jonas Brothers are not the only artists playing shows. Many people overlook the accessibility of cheap local music. Amoeba Music hosts free shows weekly featuring new artists. Bon Iver is playing at the Fox Theater in Oakland for $22.50. Concerts at The Fillmore are normally in the $20-30 price range. San Francisco is full of small, inexpensive venues that can introduce you to new music. An open mind can save you an empty wallet.

10 health & fitness

September 24, 2009

‘Slow food’ grows quickly Caroline Hearst Reporter


MAGGIE CUMMINGS | the broadview

Two-year old Natalia reaches for a rasberry from her mother at the Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market on Sept. 19. Fresh picked blackberries, along with assortments of other berries, are sold at Farmer’s Markets around the city.

ast food is practically synonymous with the American diet, but a new generation of foodies advocates an opposite approach to meals, a less hectic pace and an understanding that food is not manufactured but grown. The name of this movement is Slow Food. “Slow Food USA seeks to create dramatic and lasting change in the food system,” the group states in its mission statement. “We reconnect Americans with the people, traditions, plants, animals, fertile soils and waters that produce our food. We seek to inspire a transformation in food policy, production practices and market forces so that they ensure equity, sustainability and pleasure in the food we eat.” More than a way of eating, the Slow Food movement is also a way of life. “It’s learning about caring for something,” said Marsha Guerrero, director of special projects for the Edible Schoolyard, a Berkeley nonprofit that teaches students at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School how to grow, prepare and eat food from a garden in the school’s backyard, and is aligned with Slow Food ideals. “It teaches patience. It’s a different way of relating to food. It’s not fast, quick and easy. It’s about real work.” In the Edible Schoolyard program, which is required for all students and is fully integrated into the school schedule, students are encouraged to challenge their notion of food. “Slow Food tastes different,” said

Guerrero. “It’s something that you have an attachment to, [and] a relationship with. You take the time, you put it together, and you share it with friends. It’s a way of living. It grounds you.” Many find the principles of Slow Food to be positive and constructive. “I can see how Slow Food makes people more resourceful,” said senior

Be conscious about what you eat,” said Guerrero. “Remember that food should be healthy, nutritious and above all, delicious. – Marsha Guerrero Alexandra Martin. “I think it can also give people a greater respect for nature, and also a greater respect for the environment and the process of growing things. People take it for granted. I can just walk down the street and buy vegetables at the supermarket. At the very least, Slow Food makes you appreciate the work of others.” The Slow Food movement is also contributing to the larger “green” and “eco-conscious” movements by countering fast food giants like McDonald’s, Burger King and Taco Bell, which mass produce food that is fast, cheap and often high in fat and calories. “Whether you have it in Italy or Texas it is the same, and food isn’t

really like that,” said Guerrero of fast food. “In the fast food world, you don’t clean up after yourself. Resources are inexhaustible.” Slow Food opposes both the fast pace and unsustainability of the fast food culture. “If you were to think of the world as your house, you wouldn’t be filling it up with all kinds of waste,” said Ellen Pearce, professional gardener and beekeeper. “We have to protect our world because it’s definitely finite. Anything that eliminates the chemicals that are so bad for us and gives us food that really gives us enjoyment has to be good.” Yet some argue that Slow Food cannot be a universal reality. “I think slow food is a luxury,” said Martin. “Not everyone has the resources to cultivate their own garden and sow their own crops. It truly is the exact opposite of fast food. It takes time and effort. You can’t just drop in and go. You can’t really rely on it to feed yourself.” For others, Slow Food is a facet, but not the whole of their diet and lifestyle. “Everything in moderation,” said Pearce. “I wouldn’t rule out buying asparagus from Peru. I’m not a fanatic in this way. But I love having a garden and growing tomatoes and cucumbers. A lot of time gardening seems like an extravagance. But for me it’s not; it’s really a necessity.” Slow Food can be practiced in simple ways, as well. “Be conscious about what you eat,” said Guerrero. “Remember that food should be healthy, nutritious and above all, delicious.”

Frozen yogurt can be a healthy snack food


Snack Attack!

Isabelle Pinard Reporter

enior Meghan Choi walks out of class with a craving for an after school snack. She could go for a bag of Funions or a large Carmel Macchiato at Starbucks, but she walks to a shop with her sister for a small frozen yogurt. “I would choose frozen yogurt because it’s a better choice than eating a big Mac or a donut,” said Choi with a broad smile. Frozen yogurt can be a nutritious alternative to heavier, greasy snacks. “It’s nice and tart, not too sweet

and is absolutely delicious,” said Nicole Daly, 24, grinning while finishing her yogurt sample at Tuttimelon Chestnut Street frozen yogurt and gelato store. Frozen yogurt is high in calcium, Vitamin B12 and protein, supports a healthy immune system and regulates digestion, according to the National Yogurt Association. “Frozen yogurt used to be harder to find,” said freshman Allegra Spinoso. “Now I go to Tuttimelon every other week and it tastes great.” The creamy treat can satisfy the sweet tooth with only 30 calories per ounce. “I prefer frozen yogurt over ice

cream because I think it’s a better food choice than ice cream,” said sophomore Madeleine Kelly. Customers can pick and choose different flavors like Original tart, strawberry or chocolate. The brave can experiment with less traditional tastes like green tea, pomegranate or other exotic fruit flavors. Toppings of fruit or bits of candy can be added at an additional charge, but they can add extra fat and calories. “Eating frozen yogurt is refreshing for me because it’s less creamy, lighter and you won’t get as full,” said sophomore Lauren Choi. “I just love eating it.”

MAGGIE CUMMINGS | the broadview

Constant texting may lead future hand problems in teens Anjali Shrestha Feature Editor


he familiar generic ringtone went off and junior Monica Rodriguez reached into her pocket and within 10 seconds answered her recent texts. Rodriguez averages 80 texts a day. “I text my friends about different things during the day and random occurrences,” said Rodriguez. “Texting is faster and more efficient I do not feel like it runs my life, but my phone definitely keeps me connected and I feel like I am missing something when I don’t have it with me.” The average teenager sends about 2,272 texts a month according to a report by the Nielsen Company. People do not really think that responding to a conversation has long-term effects. “Texting can cause muscle repetitive injuries,” said Margaret Stafford, M.D. “It stresses muscles and tendons of

the thumbs more then anything else.” The Blackberry, which is mostly operated by thumbs, can cause arthritis or hurt tendons in the thumb. The thumb is not a very flexible bone structure and increased use can cause damage. “Blackberry thumb” is a new term for stress on a thumb and originates from the boom of Blackberry’s and hand-held keypads. Another more serious complication that often will not be diagnosed until the patient is older is arthritis. “Arthritis is basically inflammation or damage to joints,” said Stafford. “The two most common kinds are inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis, which is inflation, pain or swelling. The other type is osteo-arthritis and that is more wear and tear arthritis, like after a lot of injuries or using that joint or body for a long time.” The effects on muscles will be come more apparent as the texting generation ages. “Any motion that you do re-

MAGGIE CUMMINGS | the broadview

Senior Nadeen Shatara texts during her free peroiod in the Center. It has become common for teenagers to send quick text messages rather than make a phone call.

petitively, whether its texting typing, or other activities can cause what is called repetitive strain injuries,” said Stafford. “If they are done a lot and without a lot of attention to what they are doing the body they can become harmful.” The medical problem with texting is a recent issue but other innovations in technology have caused similar muscle concerns. Carpal tunnel is another syndrome caused by people continually typing in a compromising position. “It is an entrapment of the nerves called the ulnar nerve that runs through the carpel tunnel, which is a particular section on the top of your wrist,” said Stafford. “This nerve is connected to the fourth and fifth fingers. When people do repetitive things like typing and do not have hands in a very good position it can put strain and so area around ulnar nerve gets inflamed and puts stress on nerve. This causes symptoms like pain, tingling and numbness in fourth and fifth fingers.” Another condition based from

technolog y is cubitle tunnel syndrome. “Cubitle tunnel syndrome is when the ulnar nerve passes around the elbow and this is sometimes called cell phone elbow,” said Stafford. “If an arm is bent and holding the phone to the ear this can cause compression of ulnar nerve.” Many teenagers do not see these repercussions as a good enough reason to stop texting. Many people do not want to turn on their computers and shoot an email, or pick up their phones, when they can spit out a quick text and convey everything in abbreviated language. Major wireless carriers such as Verizon Wireless and Cingular offer an unlimited texting plan ranging from $20 to $34.99. This may encourage people to text more. “If people think they are texting too much and are worried about long term effects they could mellow down on texting,” said junior Brooke McLennan. “But personally I would not stop because it is not affecting me now.”



the broadview

Fall sports begin





INA HERLIHY | the broadview

Freshman Claire Wohlers practices her swing at the Presidio Club Golf Range. The golf team practices here three times a week at the driving range.



he addition of a new coach and three new captains has made the varsity volleyball players optimistic about their upcoming season, despite a losing streak last year. “This year is a changing year with a new coach [Kelly Patterson] and only six returning girls out of the team of 14,” said co-captain Caitie Sullivan. “It takes a while to get things moving, however with this team everything comes together perfectly.” In a recent match against Waldorf, the team won the game in first three sets. The players say the efforts of the captains contributed to the win. “Because there are three captains who are all very different types of leaders we have become a stronger team,” said junior Kelsey Green. Sullivan says that she and her co-captains Katharine Noakes and Sara Solorzano work together to create an organized and unified team. “In tough situations Katharine, Sara and I have to push our team to be better, but we don’t usually have to do that because everyone expects the best of each other and we rise to the occasion,” said Sullivan. The captains will lead the team in upcoming matches against Urban on Sept. 30 and Marin Academy on Oct. 2. — Ava Martinez

he golf team sees itself as having an advantage over its competitors as it has the comfort of having the same coachers and a number of returning players. “Everyone coming back already knowing each other allows the team to get started on improvements more quickly because the coaches are already familiar with our ability as golfers,” said co-captain Solana Boboschi. The team is spending less time on relearning skills covered last year and more time learning new strategies and techniques at a slower pace. “The team is less intense, and I am used to a more demanding type of coaching from my dad,” said freshman Kate Stableford. “Now I do not have as much pressure and am able to focus on driving the ball and developing my short game.” The relaxed pace and familiar faces allow players to develop their own individual skills for upcoming tournaments. “We are able to play at an actual course every Thursday, whereas in the past we were only able to go the range,“ said co-captain Kristen Kennedy. “This has allowed us to hone in on our skills and focus.” – TaLynn Mitchell

MAGGIE CUMMINGS | the broadview

Junior Maya Sycip practices her forehand swing. Sycip has been playing tennis since the age of five.

wo freshmen runners placed at the College Prep Invitational on Sept. 10, the first cross country meet of the season. Jane Stephens placed second at 0:15:50 and Mary Katherine Michels placed 23rd at 0:19:24, their success helping the team build its new image of a more dedicated team. “I think of the decision to change the view on cross country as a fork in the road,” said coach Susan Kang. “You can either continue to have fun and jog with your friends, or you can step up and try your hardest.” The team is focusing on form and pace while developing current freshmen to run with good posture and quick times by their senior year. “The technical aspect of our vision is to work on our skill,” said Kang. “The theme for this year is about mental togetherness and running with our hearts. These changes will help us thrive.” The two races are the Stanford Invitational on Sept. 26 at 7 a.m. and the Race for the Cure on Sept. 27 at 8 a.m. — Sarah Hegarty



he varsity tennis squad of eight is confident and prepared to start the league under a returning coach and new captains. “Julia [Papale] and Charlotte [Kiaie] have been on varsity for two years so they know what the games are like,” said sophomore Taylor Carlson. “I am reassured that come game time [the captains] will be able to ease my pregame jitters.” Christina Cinti has returned to coach after a two-year break and has created a program to develop a skilled, fit and bonded team. “Mrs. Cinti has set us up with a rigorous practice schedule,” said Kiaie. “We have conditioning days, we had bonding days and on game days we meet at lunch to discuss game strategy. All of this preparation will result in a team that will be able to support each other in matches and when we face obstacles as a team.” The captains are each trying to bring a dif different aspect the team. While Kiaie is focused on spirit, co-captain Julia Papale is working on making the new teammates feel comfortable transitioning from JV to varsity. “We want to make the players from JV feel like they have always been a part of varsity and eliminate any gap between the different grades,” said Papale. – Sophie Gilchrist

KATY HALLOWELL | the broadview

Junior Kelsey Green works on her serve during practice on Sept. 21. Before practice the team decided on their team varsity sweatshirts.

on the sideline sophie gilchrist

‘Sports’ defined by 3 elements


MAGGIE CUMMINGS | the broadview MAGGIE CUMMINGS | the broadview

Co-captain Katharine Noakes prepares to block at the net. Noakes has been on varsity her four years in high school.

Senior Emily Ward works on her strokes during practice at Moscone in the marina. Ward works out every day in order to stay in shape for tennis.

golf player with a protruding belly may not look like an athlete, but once he stands over the ball with his 9-iron in hand, his exact precision shows his true talent and athleticism. Many scoff in disgust when golf, cheerleading and NASCAR are mentioned as sports. In defining sports, the three most important elements of a sport are mental skill, physical skill and competition. Golfers need to be strong not only in order to hit the ball over 200 yards, but in order to control one’s strength in the sand trap or on the putting green. Professional golfer John Daly, even at his peak at 300 pounds, showed the world that unlike other sports, you could still play it without the typical athletic body. Cheerleaders do more than just increase

the team spirit, but use skills and athleticism to compete gymnastic tricks and must be strong enough to physically support their teammates during routines that require carrying and balancing each other. Their physical skills and mental strength make these women and men the best of athletes. Automobile racing may appear to be simply driving a car at top speeds, but drivers need to withstand G-forces as they steer a 3,000 pound car around a track for hours on end. It takes athleticism to sustain physical pressure and mental strength to strategically maneuver around potentially fatal situations. The term “sport” needs to be properly defined before judging whether or not the game is one. The definition is a competition that exerts physical skill and mental strength.

12 city life

September 24, 2009

Concert in the park brings summer in the city to a close at

Outside Lands


ands and heads bob back and forth in unison as thousands of excited fans swayed to the music at the second annual Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival in Golden Gate Park the last weekend of August.

A celebration of the people, arts and technology of the Bay Area drew 100 bands and more than 100,000 people, according to Outside Lands organizer Rick Farman. The seven stages of the festival kept Speedway Meadow constantly Sara Kloepfer & awash in sound. Meghan Helms On the second day of the festival, Saturday, Aug. 29, sun-toasted concertgoers began the day with Raphel Saadiq’s jazzy music, leading up to performances by Jason Mraz, Black Eyed Peas and The Dave Mathews Band. Jason Mraz’s performance of “I’m Yours,” which made history a day later with a 71-week run on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, delighted the crowed, enticing them to wave their arms and scream “Encore!” as Mraz and his band came out linking arms and bowing to the audience. Huge video monitors mounted on either side of the main stage magnified the performances, making every fan feel like they had a front row seat. The Black Eyed Peas performed later in the afternoon, attracting the largest crowd of the day so far with an onscreen robot declaring their performance to be “the beginning of sound.” Despite the lazy-day atmosphere of the crowd that was scattered along the green on picnic blankets or standing around stage, the Black Eyed Pea’s energy pulsed through the entire audience. Even police officers brought in for security swayed to the music and took pictures from their posts. The number of people paying the $90 fee to view the performances was down this year, and security was tightened with double fences to discourage the number of crashers —who despite the precautions made it in anyway. The Dave Mathews Band and The Mars Volta closed the day on opposite sides of the park. While Cedric Bixler-Zavala, lead singer of The Mars Volta, destroyed the band sign on stage and danced around to screaming guitar solos, The Dave Mathews Band entertained its huge crowd with a fantastic light show and its light rock music. The fog rolled in on the last day of Outside Lands, dampening the air but not the atmosphere of the final shows. M.I.A. came on to the fast paced dancing of a blue-suited man on center stage. Her performance radiated with energy as dancers ran around onstage, playing Guitar Hero guitars along to the music and throwing glow-in-the-dark horns out to the audience.

M.I.A. paid tribute to the Beastie Boys with a mash-up of “Sabotage” and “Intergalactic” mixed with her lyrics of “Bird Flu.” Originally scheduled to headline Sunday evening, the Beastie Boys dropped out due to member Adam Yauch’s cancer diagnosis after doctors found a tumor in his throat. Modest Mouse played midday, acting more like modest mice than a hit band onstage. The six-man band started its show without introducing themselves or even acknowledging the crowd, staying in a tight clump for the entire show only briefly loosening up a bit during the middle of the performance and engaging with the crowd. Unlike the other bands, Modest Mouse seemed to play for itself and not the crowd, making it a boring show. The Beastie Boys’ replacement headliner, Tenacious D, was much anticipated by the crowd who cheered and chanted “D – D – D!” even before the band came on. Tenacious D’s performance in front of an apocalyptic back-drop including skits between songs seemed scripted and out of place in a weekend that had been filled with solely musical performances on the main stage. Besides music, Outside Lands featured food by San Francisco restaurants Dosa and Maverick. Maverick, located in the Mission, teamed up with Taste Catering — the very same company that staffs Convent’s cafeteria — to feed the crowds. More than 100 local restaurants contributed to the diverse selection of low-cost, high-quality fare. Eco Lands, a program devised last year to minimize waste and the carbon imprint, this year featured an area where people could refill water bottles, buy from a local Farmers Market and even charge a cell phone with solar power. The park was filled with compost and recycling containers and all the foodware and even the cups were 100 percent compostable. Solar panels surrounded one of the smaller stages and a wind turbine with a solar panel stood on the side of the green, providing energy to some of the vendors. Outside Lands also teamed up with popular Internet sites such as YouTube and Facebook to promote the performances, streaming live video onto the sites and allowing users to share their festival schedule with other sit users. “Since it was in a place that I was familiar with and with musicians that I loved, it was a more memorable experience,” said sophomore Annie De Lancie.

The Dave Matthews Band closes Saturday of Outside Lands (top). The band featured cameos by Fergie and of the Black Eyed Peas. M.I.A. snaps her fingers to the music during a rare performance since giving birth in February (above). M.I.A. introduced new song “Born Free” amid fan favorites “Galang” and closer “Paper Planes.” Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas sang many of the group’s hit songs, beginning with “Let’s Get It Started” (left). The Peas recently released their fifth studio record. Seniors Miranda Remmer, Rachel Beck, Rebecca Halloran, and Taylor Booth chat between bands at the Aug. 29 show (bottom). — photos by Ina Herlihy

What was your favorite moment of Outside Lands? Tenacious D was great. I was excited to see what they were about. I knew that Jack Black had a band but I had never heard them.” — Emma Shepler, freshman

When Fergie and went back onstage during the Dave Matthews Band and Dave danced with them and let them use the mic.” — Annie De Lancie, sophomore

When the lead singer from Cage the Elephant ran through the crowd mid-song.” — Chloe Froom, senior

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