Broadview 110217

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November 2, 2017

Convent of the Sacred Heart HS • San Francisco, California

Rebuilding Sonoma County

Students help victims of disastrous fires in Northern California fires. Claire Kosewic Editor-in-Chief

In the aftermath of the devastating fires which whipped through Northern California at the beginning of October, residents of the affected areas must now face the difficult task of rebuilding their lives. Burning more than 223,000 acres, destroying 9,000 homes and killing 42 people, the fires are “truly one of the greatest tragedies that California has ever faced,” Gov. Jerry Brown said in an Oct. 14 press conference at Santa Rosa High School. The fires displaced 100,000

people and consumed 8,400 structures, most notably in Santa Rosa, where 3,000 homes burned. Fellow Catholic high school Cardinal Newman also suffered significant damage. As the tragedy unfolded, the Convent & Stuart Hall community came together to support the recovery efforts, by holding food drives, raising money and donating other items to the displaced residents. Some students who evacuated are temporarily attending the elementary schools. “We worked with both the parent committee and student government,” senior Luke

Chang, head of Students in Action at Stuart Hall, said, “and as a collaborative group we discussed ways we can give support to the North Bay fire victims.” SIA placed collection bins on both campuses, requesting donations of canned and nonperishable foods, to give to the Redwood Empire Food Bank. The club amassed more than 200 canned goods and more than 50 lbs. of pasta, according to Chang. Students have also taken advantage of individual opportunities to help victims of the fire. Juniors Sofia Pirri and Natalia

Varni helped to evacuate horses and other large animals, thousands of whom were displaced as the fires raged through heavily agricultural areas. “It’s [always] important to help people in a disaster, but [it’s even more important] when that disaster hits so close to home,” Pirri said. Student organizations will continue to make opportunities available for students to provide aid to affected areas. “I personally knew a victim of the fires,” Chang said, “and after hearing his story and how he’s been affected, I’ve been inspired to help his community.”

Vol. 24, Iss. 3



one done

Parent-teacher conferences take place Nov. 9-10, offering students, parents and teachers an opportunity to connect about and reflect on the first quarter. Parents were sent an email last week to sign up for a maximum of four conferences over the two days. ►►Fall


Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. Nov. 5, when clocks are set back one hour. With the decreased amounts of natural daylight available in the winter and the end of daylight saving time, it will start getting darker earlier in the evening. ►►Listen


George Saunders, Man Booker Prize winner for “Lincoln in the Bardo,” will visit campus Nov. 16 to give a presentation and facilitate classroom workshops for students. Parents, alumni and guests are invited to an evening reception and reading with Saunders from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online at


2 induction

Grace Ainslie | THE BROADVIEW

WILDFIRES Stornetta Dairy, on the side of Highway 12, burned down during the Sonoma Fires, which destroyed an estimated 8,400

National Honor Society inducts new members.

structures. The Dairy produced milk for the Clover Sonoma dairy company for 100 years.

Lights, curtains, action

‘Crucible’cast brews up spectacle. Gabriella Vulakh Reporter

Grace Ainslie | THE BROADVIEW

ACTION “The Cruicible” cast performs Act 2, Scene 2 during a rehearsal. The play opens Nov. 6.

With pastel lights and a few bone-chilling screams, Convent & Stuart Hall’s fall production of Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” will set the stage of Syufy Theatre to 17th century Salem, Massachusetts. The 1953 play dramatizes the Salem Witch Trials, which prosecuted people accused of witchcraft. The trials show the results of envy and dissolution in Salem, according to English teacher Ju-

lia Arce, who teaches “The Crucible” in her junior English class. “We are aiming to get the feel of old Salem,” stage manager Kelly Rosanelli said. “With the staging [of the play], we are really trying to show what went on [during the trials] since there are so many layers to the story.” The crew uses pastel colors to convey the atmosphere of Salem, according to junior Darrean Loy, who plays landowner Thomas Putman and slave Titiba. See Fall play, p. 2


►►Are Convent & Stuart Hall one school, two schools or four schools? ►►Why is Convent called “Convent”? ►►Which clubs became coed this year? Answers can be found on pages 6 and 7.

4 private eye

The personal side of Instagram accounts.

5 poke me

Students turn to acupuncture to help stress.

6-7 coed

One school, four divisions.

9 at the barre

Ballerina balances school and dance.

ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The Broadview Convent of the Sacred Heart HS Schools of the Sacred Heart 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115

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