Convent of the Sacred Heart HS | San Francisco, California
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Vol. 28, Iss. 1
Starting Fresh
The new year brings shifted COVID-19 protocols
Keira Blattberg Senior Reporter
s students return for the in-person school year, COVID-19 protocols continue to change in order to keep up with the dynamic nature of the virus. Given that this school year has no virtual option, the Department of Public Health allows a “modified quarantine” which means that students in close contact with the virus can remain at school with testing. “Last year we had to take an entire class and quarantine them for ten days so this modified quarantine is going to really help eliminate that,” Geoff De Santis, Director of Physical Plant/ Strategic Design Facilitator, said. “However, those who do test positive will stay home/quarantine for the 10 days.”
I see us having another successful school year.
— De Santis
“Because of the dynamic of the virus, our protocols always change according to that,” Head of School Rachel Simpson said. “My understand-
ing is that all indoor activities require a mask, but for outdoor engagement you do not need to be masked at this stage in the protocols.” This year frequent testing is not required, as there is a large portion of vaccinated students and faculty, and there are many safety measures in place. “I do feel better now that I know we are keeping the mask rule because as much as I dislike wearing them in class, they really do help,” senior Celeste Salvadori-Roam said. “I think a better safe than sorry approach is always good.” The only exception to testing may be athletics, given that sports teams are exposed to people outside the community while competing, but those guidelines remain undecided. Sports have returned to their regular seasons, and home spectators can attend both indoor and outdoor games. “As of now, masking is required for all indoor sports and all spectators have to show proof of vaccination,” Dana Kuwahara, Head of Athletics & Physical Education said. “We are only allowing home spectators for games, and every athlete that started before school had to submit a negative COVID test to participate.” Though current plans and protocols to ensure safety in the community are in place, the
Olivia Rounsaville | THE BROADVIEW
WARM UP Sophomores Melanie Koch, Jardin Davis and Sage Swartz warmup with their team before practice. The practice, which takes place outside at Margaret S. Hayward Field, does not require masks.
rules may change according to news and updates from the Department of Public Health. The present implemented protocols at school include HVAC air filtration, hand hygiene teaching, sanitizing and cleaning all surfaces constantly. “We were fortunate enough to be in-person last year for a solid 75% - 85% of the school year with great success,” De Santis said. “That just shows the diligence our students took and our faculty and staff took on making sure that everyone is safe… I see us having another successful school year.”
BUMP, SET, SPIKE The Frosh-Soph Volleyball team scrimmages in the Herbet Center. Though home fans can attend games, everyone — including players — must wear masks.
> RECALL ELECTION California Gov. Gavin Newsom will face a recall election on Sept. 14. Newsom has come under fire because of the increasing statewide crime rates and his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
> SIMONE BILES Olympic gymnast Simon Biles made headlines during the Tokyo Olympics after withdrawing from the all-around team competition and other events for mental health reasons. Biles did compete in the balance beam competition, winning a bronze medal.
> COVID-19 National COVID-19 cases are increasing at their highest rate in six months. The surge is primarily fueled by unvaccinated people contracting the more contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus, according to the CDC.
> INFRASTRUCTURE BILLS The Senate voted 69-30 on Aug. 10 to pass a bill that will invest $1 trillion in infrastructure over the next 10 years. While President Joe Biden celebrated its passing, some Republicans such as House Minority Leader Mitch McConnel have raised concerns over the bill’s cost.