buchtelite the independent voice of The University of Akron
Beavers- 0
Divya Melachuri Senior | Natural Sciences Pre-med “The Rec Center because it’s a great way to relieve stress and just kind of get away from studying [and] have a good time.”
William Killmer Sophomore | Education
Gabriela Santiago Freshman | Anthropolog “I think the most important resource is Information in the Student Union because they can help you with locating the buildings that you need and easier routes to take.”
Samantha Taylor Junior | Nursing “The math and writing labs down at Bierce and at Polsky. Everybody’s afraid to get help and then when I went up there with my paper I got an A on it. And I was struggling with it.”
Razan Matar Junior | Nursing “The computer helping center at Bierce because if you have anything, like you can’t connect to the Internet or your laptop is broken, they’ll help you figure it out. It’s quick and fast.”
Tanner Smith Media Studies | Freshman
“I’d say the Bierce Library because you can print stuff out.”
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