Buchtelite2016 09 20

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buchtelite the independent voice of The University of Akron

Tyese Kiper Senior | Middle Level Education “Outside where I am right now. Anywhere I can find a really nice, cozy-like nook — like somewhere outside for me to just curl up into. I like the scenery; it’s a lot of green space on campus and I enjoy that.”

Emma McCann Freshman | Early Childhood Education “I like to go to the library… sometimes in the morning because I go really early. I like to go buy Starbucks in the Union and sit there and do my homework and stuff because it’s very quiet.”

William Thompson Senior| Political Science “Usually the place I like to go is either in the library, go up to one of the top floors, find a little nook there, or same thing in any of the buildings. In any comfortable chair, you know, away from classes and people. That’s usually my hideaway.”

Chris Carozza Freshman | Political Science “[The] library… it’s quiet there.”

Sundeoy Odkunle Graduate Student | Public Administration “Right now I don’t really know my way around yet, but I normally go to the Student Union like downstairs just to chill out.”

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