Garden waste limits at Haute-Vienne tips Authorities have placed a household limit of ten green waste trips per year at the department's dĂŠchetteries
>> Page 3
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November 2016 - Issue #85
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August 2019 - Issue 118 - FREE!
France angers US with digital tax
>> continued on page 8
Famous chef in pickle over Cheddar - pg 12
Feature: French wine and Phylloxera - pg 14
Š Garry Knight (WikiCommons)
tax for years. The proposals have been met with resistance from countries that have low tax rates, such as Luxembourg and the Republic of Ireland, but also from Germany, who have argued for a less ambitious approach. Frustrated by inaction, France has now gone it alone. A new law, passed by the National Assembly in July, sees France become the first major economy to impose a digital tax based on turnover, not profit. Known as the GAFA tax - an acronym for Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon - the legislation will impose a 3% levy on the total annual revenues of the largest technology firms providing services to French consumers and will be applied retroactively from 1st January this year. It is believed that the tax will generate as much as
Giant dinosaur bone found near Cognac - pg 7
Boris Johnson: child of the Limousin - page 3
Frustrated at profits being funnelled through low-tax regimes, France has become the first major economy to introduce a tax on the turnover of the biggest digital companies. here has been increasing anger in recent years over the tax affairs of the world's largest digital companies. Most of the big online retailers and service providers funnel their profits through shell companies and into countries with low rates of corporation tax. Whilst this is not illegal under international law, the result is that in many countries across Europe these companies pay little or no tax, despite making huge profits. The European Commission estimates that, while traditional businesses face a 23% tax rate on their profits within the EU, internet companies typically pay as little as 8% or 9%. France is a particularly vocal critic of this practice and has been campaigning within the EU for a digital
INSIDE > > >
The Bugle Business Directory - pg 17-23
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o, the United Kingdom has a new leader. I keep getting in trouble for my comments on Brexit and the direction that the country of my birth appears to be taking, so all I'm going to say is strap in and adopt the crash position! Every time I think that calm heads will prevail, those calm heads are ignored, fired or frozen out by the media. When you look at who is now driving the bus after the recent reshuffle - and considering the bus now sports an equally misleading “No Deal means we'll have 39 billion to spend the next day” slogan on the side - it's hard to see how the next year ends well for the country as a whole. The overwhelming response from my French and European friends in recent months has been one of resigned sympathy. I remember quite a few years ago I had a slow motion crash at some traffic lights when, for a reason I still can't fathom, I had a mild panic and couldn't work out which peddle I needed to press. I'm still not quite sure what happened, but I do remember that as I rolled towards the car in front, I just stopped trying to avoid the crash and waited for the impact. That is what the current situation
feels like to me, but the obvious difference in the analogy is that I was travelling at no more than a gentle jog (we didn't even exchange insurance details), whereas with Brexit, the foot is flat to the floor, we're still shifting up through the gears and someone in the back seat is maniacally shouting “Brexit means Brexit!!” I appear to have done that classic thing of starting a sentence with “all I'm gong to say is”, before ending my rant several paragraphs later. On to other matters. You can't always choose the news, but when I sit down to write the paper each month, I try to take stories from a cross section of topics: practical, political, general interest, lighthearted, etc. One that I had pencilled in under light-hearted this month was the revelation that the government has put aside funding for a French Space Army. It caught my eye as I distinctly remember Donald Trump being ridiculed when he was touting his planned Space Force in the media a while back in a bid to distract from what had obviously been a bad news week for the administration. I thought that it would lend itself to some intergalactically cheesy puns (one note-to-self read: work up something involving 'zero
gravitas'), but the more I read around the subject, the more I realised that it was deadly serious and not really to be laughed at. Because, of course, Macron was not talking about a Starship Troopers world in which soldiers quantum leap around hyperspace at warp factor nine atomising alien bad guys (although I would definitely watch THAT film!), but rather about protecting geostationary satellites and essential national and international infrastructure. It's not something I've ever given that much thought to, but it has kept my mind busy during the sleepless nights of the recent heatwave. What would happen if you woke up one day and there was no internet, no GPS and no mobile phone signal? Having said that, some Orange customers may feel like they are already familiar with this world!! I know that, for the man on the street, at least two of those things don't currently necessarily rely on satellites, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did in the not too distant future and they probably already do for government communications. I think it was Lenin that said “Every society is only three meals from chaos” and the temptation is to think, “yeah, but not [insert stable western democracy]”. I can't remember when it was, a good fifteen years ago or so, but there was major flooding near Gloucester where a member of my family lives and a large portion of the area had no electricity or running water and I think loads of roads were also closed. He tells me that within 24 hours, the local shops had run out of many essentials and nearby streets were having to rely on a single stand pipe set up by the fire
brigade. In no time at all, scuffles and fights were breaking out as people fought over the perceived scarce resources, to the point where he sent his family away to live elsewhere briefly, fearing for their safety! It is frightening to think how quickly society probably would descend into anarchy if all our communications systems went down. I, for one, would be lost. So reliant am I on my smartphone to remind me where to go, when to get up and what to eat, that not only would I probably be unable to find the supermarket without the builtin SatNav, I wouldn't even be able to phone ahead to check whether or not they were open on a Sunday morning. Oh, the humanity!! Next year I really should get round to planting that veggie garden and unblocking the well... just in case!! On that cheery note, enjoy the rest of the summer... Until next month! Steve Martindale, Editor
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ith a new prime minister installed in Westminster and a no-deal Brexit increasingly looking the most likely outcome later this year, people on both sides of the Channel are nervous about what the future relationship between Britain and France might look like, and how close those links might be. In an effort to forge positive ties with the new British leader, a local genealogy company has unveiled a study that reveals Boris Johnson is in fact a son of the Limousin! The revelation was made by the association Les Amitiés généalogiques du Limousin in the 100th edition of their publication “Généalogie en Limousin”. BoJo has not always been known as Boris Johnson. His actual birth name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel-Johnson and he is still known as 'Al' amongst close friends and family. Boris - who, along with celebrities like Madonna, Prince and Cheryl, has achieved that rare feat of becoming identifiable by just one name - has made much political mileage from his grandfather's Turkish heritage. But it is from his grandmother's side - and the “de Pfeffel” part of his surname - that the UK's new leader derives his rural French roots. Born in New York in 1964, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel-Johnson is the son of former MEP Stanley Johnson and Charlotte Fawcett, a painter and the daughter of Sir James Fawcett, former president of the European Commission of Human Rights. Stanley's mother was Irène Williams, born
in Versailles in 1907, the niece of Yvonne de Pfeffel, herself a French tennis player who was the national mixed doubles champion, and the granddaughter of Hélène ArnousRivière. Hélène Arnous-Rivière, the great-greatgrandmother of the prime minister, was in turn the daughter of Joséphine de CoulhacMazérieux, from a family that had its roots in Nexon, a small town in the south of the Haute-Vienne. Incidentally, Hélène was married to Baron Hubert de Pfeffel of Munich, through whom Johnson is also distantly related to Queen Elizabeth II. With such close ties to Limousin firmly established, expats across the region are hoping that the new prime minister's government will look favourably upon those of us here when using our status as a bargaining chip in any future negotiations with the EU! ■
he group in charge of the déchetteries (rubbish tips) of the Haute-Vienne (SYDED 87) has surprised many by announcing a restriction on the amount of green waste that can be disposed of each year. From 1st July, every household in the department will be limited to 10 trips to the tip with garden waste and no more than 10 m3 in total per year. It is a restriction that at first glance seems somewhat counterintuitive given the current drive to encourage recycling and reduce fly tipping. “I really don't understand this quota,” said one frustrated local, who only learned of the new rules after planning a series of trips to clear his 2,000 m² garden. “I remember when people would dump stuff anywhere and everywhere and I'm worried we'll end up back there, or that people will start to burn again [which has been banned since 2011], while we make the effort to come here precisely to avoid that situation.” Workers for the local authority have been handing
Credit : Vill SAint-Advré
Boris Johnson's Ten trip tip limit on Limousin connections green waste disposal
out leaflets across the department to let people know about the new rules, educate them about the reasons behind the changes and give helpful advice, such as using woodchips and mulch to cover flowerbeds. “There are economic reasons behind the move because the cost of transporting and processing this waste is €720,000,” explained Pauline Jauget, one of those distributing the leaflets. “But there are also environmental reasons: green waste is an organic material that can enrich your garden. It's a resource and we are keen to highlight alternatives to simply throwing it away.” There are also financial incentives available to help members of the public mini-
mise green waste, such as €100 per year towards the cost of renting a chipper. If you would prefer to buy a chipper, you can claim back 30% of the cost (up to a maximum of €200) or 50% (up to a maximum of €400) if you are buying it to share with other individuals. Authorities also highlighted that whilst many people were angry when they first heard about the restrictions, in reality official figures suggest that 75% of people make six trips or fewer each year, with a further 10% visiting between 7 and 15 times. “So we need to work constructively with the remaining 15%,” concluded Alain Auzeméry, president of SYDED 87. ■
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Letters to
The Editor
The true cost of a stricter contrôle technique
am emailing in response to a recent article in The Bugle about the tougher contrôle technique rules. I had no idea it was going to be changed and picked up the July edition about 3 hours after my own contrôle technique... I am still in shock! I drive an old petrol Ford Focus 1.6. It is a 2004 model that I came over from the UK in, though I have since reregistered it here. I drive this old car because I cannot afford to get a brand new one, as I am sure a lot of other car owners do, most of whom seem to be the older generation like myself. And judging by the results of the checks on my car it would have
to be brand spanking new to pass, not second hand, as it seems everything has to now be perfect, and not not just emissions. Two screws on my front registration plate are in the wrong place, although they are in the same place as they were at my last CT. I also have to replace a wing for a tiny area that has rust. That also is not a new issue. I visited my trusted garage after the test for an estimate for the repairs AND changes I have to make in order for my car to pass and it amounts to €1,500. There is nothing that is obviously wrong as I am driving my car. Nothing that would alert me to get a repair done, although
yes it does have (to me anyway) minor issues or issues that do not prevent me being able to drive the car. I do not have €1,500. I will not have it in 2 months' time, or even 2 years' time. The car is worth nothing like that amount. I do need a car as I live in a rural area, the nearest shop is a 5-minute drive away. I am in a catch 22 situation. I do not know what I am to do. There is just me. No one to bail me out. I do not work. I live hand to mouth on a small pension. The people the worst off are, as usual, the ones suffering the most in all this. The garages are going to be doing a roaring trade off the back of these new rules, and I would not be surprised to see more of them appear in order to cash in. I came to France to live in a rural area as I could never afford it in the UK and the stress there was literally killing me if I did not escape. I need peace and quiet. Just a simpler life. It has not been perfect here but a lot better than before and I had started to enjoy life again. It feels like I am back where I started. Penalised for being poor, it's a great feeling!!
Anon - - 05 55 63 58 85
Another option for Limousin vegans Jan Fearnley, by Email Dear Editor,
just wanted to say how very much I have been enjoying reading your paper, in particular the recent May issue which was of great interest to me because you ran a piece about the emergence of vegetarianism and veganism in the Limousin. As a longterm plant-based eater married to a vegetarian, I found it very interesting, and dashed off to sample the delights of both of the restaurants you featured. I lived in London before I moved out to France, and have eaten some really great vegan food there and was interested to see how the Limoges restaurants would compare. I was impressed! Not a huge amount of choice, but that's okay when the food is good and thoughtfully prepared. And to be able to eat anything on a menu is a real luxury for me! But the reason I wanted to write to you is that I think you missed out a hidden gem of a place that really merited a mention: The Big V. I only discovered it this week. The Big V is an animal sanctuary that opens a café on Wednesdays and Sundays from 11h to 16h. All of the food there is plant-based and lovingly prepared, a lot of it from the sanctuary's own garden. It's based near Châteauponsac and run by an English lady Miranda and her French husband Jérôme who, amazingly, used to be a hunter and a butcher! All of the money made in the café goes to feed the many and varied residents, some of whom have been saved from the most appalling, cruel circumstances. Many have been so badly neglected that they are disabled and have
BigVSanctuary (Facebook)
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been lovingly nursed back to health at the sanctuary. For a small donation, it's possible to take a tour and meet the residents after lunch! I got to tickle a beautiful pig called Blossom... it was wonderful! It really is a magical place with a lovely energy about it, and I would encourage everyone to go for lunch and meet the animals. They rely on donations and volunteers to keep going, mostly from the British expat community. Finally, good causes aside, I have to say that their food was equally as good as the other two places you featured previously.
Jan Fearnley ED – For more information about The Big V, visit their Facebook page: The two Limoges restaurants featured in our May edition were the Greenville Boutique on rue Darnet and La Petite Graine on rue Dalesme.
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Bourganeuf bid for table signing world record
he bustling town of Bourganeuf is set to place the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region on the map by setting a world record for the number of signatures ever collected on a single table. The unique world record bid is the brainchild of Jacqueline Rose, owner of Jardin de la Maison Rose, a David Austin rose garden and tea room in the centre of the town. Jacqueline said: “We were planning to restore an old table for use in the tea room when I realised that we could make better use of it. By asking everyone who comes to the tea room to sign the table, they will all be part of making history and we’ll put the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region on the world map. We’re calling the table, La Table des Amis.” Jacqueline said she plans to collect at least 2,000 signatures to set the world record. She said: “We contacted The Guinness Book of Records and they confirmed that, as there’s no world record to beat, we’ll be the very first in the world to attempt this amazing feat.” The Ignorl family from Belgium
- Frank, Ellen, Dot and Filbmon were the first to sign La Table des Amis. The family are holidaying in France and staying with Saskia and Martijn, owners of the beautiful Abbaye du Palais, also in Bourganeuf. To be part of La Table des Amis world record, just visit Jardin de la Maison Rose, 2 rue de la Roche, Bourganeuf, and sign the table. ■ For more information, call: 07 68 21 47 65
Ceramic coral graft success
local ceramics company has been using its expertise to help solve the global coral crisis, as featured in March's edition of The Bugle. In recent decades, coral mining, pollution, blast fishing, rising sea temperatures and disease have all taken their toll on the delicate colonies: approximately 10% of the world's coral reefs are dead and a further 60% are at risk due to human-related activities. A trial, which began earlier this year at the Limoges Aquarium in association with local specialists I.Ceram, was focussed on the possibility of using ceramic plates as a support on which to grow coral cuttings, with the ultimate goal of then using these to help rejuvenate the world's reefs. “One of the main challenges is finding a support for young corals to grow on that is not the usual concrete or plastics, both of which pollute the environment,” explained David Branthôme, the aquarium's director, when the trial began. “Ceramic, which is both natural and inert, could be ideal!” Now, with the preliminary results in, the experiment looks to have exceeded all expectations. “Life seems to have established
itself very well indeed, better and faster than we had hoped,” said the director. “Apparently the species we have here have acclimatised rather well. Now I am waiting for feedback on the changes we have suggested. In a perfect world, we would be able to develop a type of ceramic for each size and type of coral.” With the world's coral reefs in such rapid decline, the aquarium is now planning to share the results of the trial with other scientists around the world and to make Limoges a hub for ceramic marine technology. Although coral may look like
rock, it is actually a living organism made up of thousands of tiny invertebrates called polyps. Each coral polyp is typically only a few millimetres in diameter and a few centimetres in length, but over many generations, the colony creates the large exoskeleton characteristic of the species. Coral reefs only account for around 0.2% of the seabed, but almost all coral is found at shallow depths along coastlines. The reefs help to absorb the energy of waves, protecting nearby land from coastal erosion and also creating valuable ecosystems for marine life. ■
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No more state-funded homeopathy MMA finally legalised in France
omeopathic remedies will no longer be reimbursed by the French social security system, after the government followed the advice of the National Authority for Health (HAS), which concluded in a study earlier this year that they could “not scientifically demonstrate sufficient effectiveness to justify a reimbursement”. Health Minister Agnès Buzyn, a former doctor who had previously vowed to place scientific rigour at the heart of government policy, announced the change, saying she had made the decision on the back of the damning verdict on homeopathy by the HAS study. Buzyn said the refunds paid by the social security system - currently 30% of the cost - would be phased down to 15% in 2020 and then to zero in 2021. Reimbursement for homeopathy currently costs the State €126.8 million per year, a significant sum of money, but still less than 1% of the total annual healthcare spend of €20 billion. Public health systems in other EU countries such as Sweden, Belgium and Austria have already phased out support for the treatments and in Britain, the NHS decided to stop funding homeopathic care in 2017, concluding that homeopathy was “at best a placebo and a misuse of scarce NHS funds”, while also warning that anyone can practise as a homeopath, even if they have no qualifications or experience. Buzyn said that she was aware the decision might prove unpopular in France, which is a huge consumer of homeopathic remedies, but defended it on scientific grounds: “I understand the attachment that the French people have for this type of treatment. But homeopathy
has not proven its benefit to public health nor to current pathologies. We should maybe focus more on the idea that it is not always necessary to take medicine. If homeopathy were useful, we would continue to reimburse it. We do it for new, innovative medicines, even though they are very expensive, but we do that because they are effective.” Not only is France a huge consumer of homeopathic remedies, it is also a world leader in their production. Lyon-based homeopathy company Boiron was quick to reject the health minister’s decision, calling it “incomprehensible and incoherent”, saying it would “do everything to fight” the move and calling on President Macron to react. Boiron had previously warned that if reimbursements were cancelled, as many as 1,000 jobs could be at threat and was forced to suspend trading in its shares following publication of the HAS study earlier this year. “We do not understand the measure from a public health stand millions of people use homeopathy,” said Bruno Bonnell, an MP for the Rhône. “We do not understand how it will save money, as people will just turn towards other medicines which will cost the same, and we don't understand the idea of not giving a chance to innovative products.” "This isn't the State pulling back,” countered Olivier Véran, an MP for the Isère department. “This money will instead go towards reimbursing effective medicine that is sometimes very expensive - to heal cancers, treat infections and to give money to hospitals in need.” ■
Giant dinosaur bone found near Cognac
screenshot: BBC
rchaeologists in south-western France have uncovered a dinosaur bone measuring 2 metres in length! The giant femur, which is believed to weigh as much as half a tonne, was found in what was marshland 140 million years ago, but is today a vineyard outside Cognac. The thigh bone belonged to a sauropod, a giant herbivorous dinosaur that is thought to be one of the largest animals that ever walked the earth. “This femur is huge! And in an exceptional state of conservation. It's very moving,” said Jean-François Tournepiche, a curator at the nearby Angoulême Museum. Palaeontologists have said that they are amazed at the state of preservation of the bone. “We can see the insertions of muscles and tendons, and scars,” explained Ronan Allain from the National History Museum in Paris. “This is rare for big pieces, which tend to collapse in on themselves and fragment.” Since excavations began in 2010, some 7,500 fossils from at least 40 species have been recovered from the site, where 70 scientists are currently working around the clock, making the former marsh one of the most important archaeological sites in Europe. Another sauropod femur uncovered in the area in 2010 measured 2.2 metres and weighed over 500 kg.
Over the last decade, scientists have managed to reconstitute more than 50 per cent of a sauropod, largely using bones excavated at the dig near Angeac. Palaeontologists believe that sauropods, which lived in the late Jurassic era, would have weighed as much as 50 tonnes. Unveiling the discovery to journalists, scientists said that they would need a further week - and the use of a crane - to safely extract the ancient bone.
hen the Ultimate Fighting Championship held its first event in 1993, MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) competitions were banned across much of the world. UFC 1 attracted a degree of media attention, but was dismissed by many as nothing more than a cartoon sideshow for bloodthirsty yokels. In the intervening years, however, MMA has established itself as a legitimate sport, making multimillionaires out of its highest-profile fighters, selling out arenas around the world and breaking box office records along the way. A number of French fighters have made their name in the UFC - which remains the pinnacle of the sport - most recently Francis Ngannou. Originally from Cameroon, “The Predator” has been tearing up the heavyweight division in recent years and has developed a fearsome reputation as a knockout specialist. Despite the mainstream acceptance of MMA, it has remained banned in France. That is until recently, when minister of sport Roxana Maracineanu announced that MMA will be allowed to take place as an amateur and professional sport from 1st January 2020. The news has been welcomed by the UFC and fans across the country and means that French fighters can finally compete in home events, alongside the sport's biggest names like Connor McGregor. “We put our global MMA expertise at the disposal of the French authorities to make this process a collective construction,” said Lawrence Epstein, chief operating officer at the UFC, adding that the change marks the first step towards “integrating the sport into the French sports ecosystem”. UFC has become big business globally in recent years, featuring fighters from over 60 countries, and advertisers and sponsors will be keen to get on board. Events take place around the world, often featuring local fighters on the main event card; with a number of prominent French fighters currently active in the UFC, it is now only a matter of time until a sell-out event is held on these shores. The most recent contract the UFC signed with broadcaster ESPN was worth $1.5 billion over 5 years. ■
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France angers US with new digital tax >> continued from pg 1 €500 million annually for the government. The new digital tax will be imposed on companies with more than €750 million in annual worldwide revenues, at least €25 million of which are generated in France, and will apply to income from digital business, including online advertising. The French finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, has said that the new law will target 30 companies, mostly American but also Chinese, German, Spanish and British, as well as one French firm and several with French origins that have been bought by foreign companies. “We are merely re-establishing fiscal justice. We want to create taxation for the 21st century that is fair and efficient,” Le Maire told senators. “We want to impose on these new business models the same rules that apply to all other economic activities.” As had been widely predicted, the US reacted angrily to the move and has threatened economic reprisals for France, with Donald Trump immediately ordering an investigation into the new tax. “The United States is very concerned that the digital services tax unfairly targets American companies,” US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said in a statement. In his customary manner, President Trump then took to Twitter to threaten reprisals for Macron's “foolishness”. “France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If
anybody taxes them, it should be their home country, the US. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron's foolishness shortly. I've always said American wine is better than French wine!” tweeted the president, who claims he has never drunk alcohol. When queried on this in the Oval Office later, Mr Trump clarified: “I've always liked American wines better than French wines. Even though I don't drink wine. I just like the way they look.” The US is the world's largest consumer of wine and the largest importer, with France consistently among the top suppliers and Le Maire looked to downplay the spat: “Between allies, I believe we can and must resolve our differences in another way than through threats. France is a sovereign country, its decisions on tax matters are sovereign and will continue to be sovereign.” A number of other countries are planning to introduce similar taxes and France has stated that, should EU or international agreements be made, these would supersede the GAFA tax. In the UK, a similar digital services tax of 2% on the revenues of search engines, social media platforms and online marketplaces serving UK customers, is due to come into force next year. The tax would be applied only to companies with global revenues in excess of £500 million and revenue of at least £25 million from UK activities. ■
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Man at centre of life support legal battle dies
incent Lambert, the man at the centre of a row over a right-to-die case, has passed away in hospital after doctors removed his hydration and nutrition tubes, following a lengthy legal battle, his family told Agence France-Presse. Following a motorbike accident in 2008, the 42-year-old had been left in a vegetative state with severe brain damage and his subsequent care has divided both his family and the country. Mr Lambert's medical team recommended in 2013 that care should stop, in consultation with his wife Rachel. Despite the doctor's advice, and because the rest of his family were not consulted, the decision was challenged in court and the lengthy legal battle over his care began. His wife, six of his siblings and his nephew were in favour of artificial life support being ended, but his devoutly Roman Catholic parents and two other siblings remained adamant it should continue. The case went as far as the European Court of Human Rights, which upheld the decision of a French court to allow Mr Lambert to be taken off life support in 2015. However, due to fears raised by Pierre Lambert that there was a plan to kidnap his son, doctors could not then proceed. In May of this year, following a final judicial ruling, a new medical team began to withdraw his care, but no sooner had his nutrition and hydration been removed, than a dramatic decision by a Paris Court of Appeal ordered doctors to resume life support for the quadriplegic patient. Finally, in July doctors began withdrawing his care following a further decision by France's highest appeal court. With all legal challenges extinguished, Vincent's parents were at his bedside in the days before his death, but denounced the court decision as “madness”; the pair still believe their son was merely disabled. Vincent's wife, Rachel, who is his legal guardian under French law, had said her husband made clear even before his accident that he would not want to be kept alive artificially, though this was never put in writing. Lambert worked as a psychiatric nurse and colleagues concurred that he had previously said that he would never want to be “artificially kept alive”. The case has divided the nation and once again re-ignited the debate over euthanasia and France’s right-to-die laws, which allow so-called “passive” euthanasia for severely ill or injured patients who are being kept alive artificially, but with no chance of recovery. ■
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Château de Beauvais : A residential Château with 3 large cottages located in Saint-Amand-Jartoudeix on a plot of 61,439 m2! Beautifully maintained and located in a stunning setting with panoramic views. The castle was built in 1760 on the ancient ruins dated 1190, part of which are still visible. Currently used as a B&B, cottages (gîtes) and restaurant. The cottages are very spacious and can accommodate large groups.
Amazing business opportunity or secluded riverside family home. Former watermill currently used as a Restaurant/Bar with two gîtes and an apartment as well as a house, barn and grounds of 6,510 m². Huge potential to renovate the old mill as an extra gîte. There is also the possibility to start a small campsite - a sanitary camping unit is already present. The restaurant seats 40 people, who can enjoy a beautiful view of the river.
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Eco-tax added to all flights leaving France
lying out of France is due to get more expensive from next year following the introduction of a new eco-tax on all outgoing flights. The move is expected to raise around €180 million per year, which the government says will be used to fund less polluting transport projects, most notably rail. Outlining the changes, Transport Minister Elisabeth Borne said the tax, which will take effect from 2020, will see €1.50 added to the cost of an economy class ticket within Europe, rising to €9 for business class travellers. This is then doubled for flights to destinations outside of the bloc: €3 for economy and €18 for business. France has previously proposed an EUwide eco-tariff on airlines, applied as either an extra tax on flights or a levy on airline fuel, as part of the global fight against climate change. “Different charges could be considered to reinforce the principle of 'polluter pays' and France believes that they should be weighed up in order to find the best way of achieving this,” a source in the French government said. “Given the scale of the climate challenge, France believes that we need to go further and more quickly.” France is not the first country to introduce such taxes. Sweden - where the concept of “Flygskam”, or “shame linked to flying”, is well established - introduced a
charge of up to €40 on all flights in April last year. The news was welcomed by environmental campaigners, with one MP, who quit the ruling LREM party in protest against a perceived lack of action on climate change, calling it a “victory... in the right direction”. Others, including Air France, have called the move “incomprehensible” and “extremely damaging”. The group, which says that 50% of its business departs from France, claimed it would harm its competitiveness internationally, saying in a statement: “This tax represents extra costs of more than €60 million per year for the group. France is already one of the countries that taxes airline transport the most in Europe.” A statement from the Syndicat des Compagnies Aériennes Autonomes (SCARA) read: “The government has just brutally, and with no consultation, announced a new tax on airline companies - which are already suffocating under taxes - for the profit of rail companies, which are already heavily subsidised.” These arguments were dismissed by the transport minister, who said that “The French are stunned that they have taxes on fuel, but that certain sectors, such as airlines, are asked to contribute less. These measures aim precisely not to penalise French companies.”
The news of the tax came in the same month that global warming campaigner Greta Thunberg received a frosty reception from some members of the French parliament. President Emmanuel Macron has sought to convince young voters that he is a champion in the fight against climate change, but the 16-year-old, whose school strike protest has sparked a worldwide movement, was dismissed as a “prophetess in shorts” and the “Justin Bieber of ecology” by some MPs ahead of her appearance at the National Assembly. Leadership
candidate for Les Républicains (LR), Guillaume Larrivé, called on MPs to boycott her appearance, saying that to fight climate change “what we need is scientific progress and political courage, not apocalyptic gurus”. Julien Aubert, another MP vying for leadership of the LR party, snapped: “Don't count on me to applaud a prophetess in shorts, a Nobel Prize for Fear.” Thunberg's address to the National Assembly came as Paris sweltered in temperatures reaching 42.6 °C, the hottest ever recorded in the capital. ■
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The dangers of inflatable unicorns Macron unveils
plans for French Space Army
Facebook : Gendarmerie du Var
ith temperatures soaring in July, many people took the decision to head to the beach to cool down, but one family from the Var in the south of France made the more questionable choice of first strapping a giant inflatable unicorn to the roof of their car! “During a patrol in the commune of Cavalaire-sur-Mer, the gendarmes of the motorized brigade of Gassin came across a rather imposing unicorn,” wrote the local Gendarmerie, showing a remarkable lack of sense of humour. “The driver, certainly impatient to reach the beach, was penalised for carrying a load exceeding the size of the vehicle. The unicorn was deflated so that he could continue his journey, for his safety as well as other road users.” For fans of the law, article R31219 of the Code de la route states that: “Any load which exceeds the size of
a vehicle, or which could exceed the size of a vehicle due to the motion of travel, must be securely tied down.” Not only did the unicorn block the view from the rear window of the car, but it was also significantly wider
than the vehicle, making it difficult for other drivers to pass. After being handed a €68 fine, the driver headed to the beach, although it is not known if he had enough puff left to refill the giant rainbow-coloured inflatable! ■
French chef in Cheddar spat
isgusted at being accused of using Cheddar in a recipe, an acclaimed French chef has demanded to be removed from the Michelin Guide. Whilst the hard cheese might be perfect for a slice of Welsh rarebit, it would be fair to say you won't find much of it in your average Michelin-starred kitchen! The accusation was just the latest incident in a longrunning feud with the famous restaurant guide, which began when Marc Veyrat lost one of his three stars at his La Maison des Bois restaurant in January, which the chef claims sent him into a six-month depression. “I have been depressed for six months. How dare you take the health of your chefs hostage?” Veyrat wrote in a scathing letter published by Le Point. Denouncing the “profound incompetence” of the guide’s inspectors, it seems the Cheddar allegation was the cheese straw that broke the camembert's back. “They dared to say that we put Cheddar in our soufflé of Reblochon, Beaufort and Tomme! They have insulted our region; my employees were furious. We have eggs from our chickens, milk from our cows, and two botanists collect our plants every morning!” Questioning whether the inspectors had even visited his restaurant, Veyrat demanded to see the receipts for their meal. “You should be able to find that evidence,” he wrote
to the publishers. “You are impostors who only want clashes for commercial reasons. They know absolutely nothing about cooking! Let them put on an apron and get in the kitchen! We are waiting. Let them show us what they know how to do. The Michelin, they’re basically amateurs. They couldn’t cook a decent dish.” The guide’s international director, Gwendal Poullennec, said Veyrat’s restaurant has been visited “several times every year since he reopened”, but that despite the chef’s request, La Maison des Bois would not be withdrawn. “The stars are awarded by Michelin on a yearly basis and they are not the property of the chefs. They are for readers and foodies to give them the opportunity to discover an experience.” It is not the first time a chef has asked to be removed from the annual guide. In 2018, French chef Sébastien Bras asked for his restaurant Le Suquet to be withdrawn, saying he did not want to cook under the “huge pressure” of a potential inspection. His request was initially met, but Le Suquet was re-listed in January this year, this time with two stars rather than three. Once listed in the guide, many chefs feel under tremendous pressure to maintain their status, often leading to financial and mental health issues. In 2003, the celebrated chef Bernard Loiseau famously committed suicide after learning that his restaurant was in danger of losing its third star. ■
espite US President Donald Trump facing global ridicule for a similar idea following his inauguration, French President Emmanuel Macron has himself unveiled plans for a military Space Army that will ultimately form part of the country's air force. “To assure the development and the reinforcement of our capacities in space, a high command for space will be created in September,” Macron told military leaders on the eve of the annual Bastille Day reception. Macron hailed the renewed military focus on space as a “true national security issue”, adding that Defence Minister Florence Parly would reveal funding details at a later date. “The new spatial and military doctrine that has been proposed to me by the defence ministry, and which I have approved, will allow us to ensure our defence of space,” the president said. “We will reinforce our knowledge of the situation in space and we will be proactive in better protecting our satellites.” Although many have already poked fun at the idea of astro-soldiers, the issue of space defence has become a serious one in recent years, with countries increasingly reliant on satellites for communications and essential infrastructure. France's declared interest in boosting its military readiness in space follows increased spending in the area by the United States, China and Russia. Experts agree that there has been a significant increase in the number of spy satellites and location tracing and jamming equipment being placed in orbit by various nations and many countries are now scrambling to avoid being left behind. France has a 2019-2025 military spending plan that allocates €3.6 billion to defence in space, in line with many other nations, an escalating situation that led to United Nations-backed talks in Geneva earlier this year aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space; the meeting would end without agreement. Elsewhere, the French army announced the creation of a “red team” of sci-fi writers tasked with predicting possible future threats. A report by the Defence Innovation Agency (DIA) said the visionaries will “propose scenarios of disruption” that purely military strategists may not think of. The team's highly confidential work will be important in the fight against “malicious elements”, the report concluded. If all of that sounds a bit far fetched, it may be worth considering the following: The Moon landing: In Jules Verne's 1865 novel From the Earth to the Moon, three people are sent to the Moon in a spacecraft launched from Florida. Video phones: Although significantly larger than a modern iPhone, a video phone features in the 1927 film Metropolis. Atomic bomb: HG Wells predicted the atomic bomb in his 1914 novel The World Set Free - which featured an “indefinitely” exploding device, based on the early theories of atomic science. ■
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Amputee finds picture of his own leg on a cigarette packet
man has lodged a complaint after discovering a picture of his amputated leg being used as part of an anti-smoking campaign. The 60-yearold man, who currently lives in Metz in eastern France, has claimed that the picture displayed on a packet of rolling tobacco alongside the message “smoking clogs your arteries” is actually of his leg, which he lost in 1997 after an attack in his native Albania. Six weeks before seeing his limb on the tobacco packet, the man had visited a hospital in France where a photograph of his leg was taken. “We will have no trouble in proving that this is my client,” said Antoine Fittante, a lawyer for the complainant, who added that he had written to the European Commission and to the French hospital said to have taken a photograph of his client’s leg. “It's rather incredible that a person finds themselves, without their agreement, on cigarette packets throughout the European Union. My client feels betrayed, wounded in his dignity to see his disability on cigarette packets in tobacco shops. One must admit this
isn’t very pleasant.” It was originally the man's son who discovered the picture, which bore recognisable burns and scars, when he bought a packet of rolling tobacco last year in Luxembourg. “He came back from Luxembourg and without saying a word, he put a big box of tobacco on the table,” the man's daughter told a regional newspaper. “We were stunned. We did not believe it. It's our father's. His scars are characteristic.” Under a 2014 law all cigarettes and rolling tobacco sold in the EU must carry a warning of the health problems caused by smoking, which should consist of text and a photograph covering
at least 65% of packaging. The European Union has cast doubts on the man's claims, stating that every person depicted in its library of 42 images had signed a consent form and that they dated from a collection compiled in 2014. “We can confirm that the individual mentioned is not depicted in the library of health warnings,” said a European Commission spokesperson for health and food safety. “Any similarity to other individuals not having given consent, however unfortunate, is purely coincidental.” The images are used on a rotating basis, so as not to reduce the shock value. ■
siret: 832 486 948 R.C.S. Limoges
Missing submarine finally found
French submarine that disappeared with 52 crew onboard has finally been found, ending a frustrating 50-year wait for the families of the missing sailors. La Minerve, which disappeared in January 1968, was discovered on the seabed in the Mediterranean, 45 kilometres from the port of Toulon. “It’s a success, a relief and a technical feat,” announced Florence Parly, France's defence minister, on Twitter. “I am thinking of the families who have waited for so long for this moment.” The submarine sank in just four minutes with the cause of the tragedy remaining a mystery ever since and families now hope the wreckage will provide long-awaited answers. The son of La Minerve’s commander, André Fauve, said it was a moment of “great emotion” for the families of the submariners who perished. “Many people told me they were supporting me during the search because they didn’t want me to feel alone, but they didn’t believe it would be found.” Despite numerous attempts to trace the wreckage over the years, the location of the submarine remained a mystery. After re-analysing data from the accident with the help of new technology, along with advanced techniques for mapping historical tides, the final discovery was made by a boat belonging to the private US company Ocean Infinity. At the time of the tragedy, initial reports suggested the submarine, which was engaged in an exercise with a military aircraft when it disappeared, may have suffered rudder problems before sinking. The alarm was raised when it failed to return to its base the following day. More than 20 boats, helicopters, aircraft - and even a diving vessel used by the French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau - were involved in the initial search effort. ■
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Phylloxera: Why all French wine is
rance is rightly famous for its wine industry and produces some of the most sought-after vintages in the world. Wine has formed an important part of this country's culture and economy for centuries, but 150 years ago a tiny American aphid brought the industry to its knees and very nearly signalled the end of French wine. Who 'invented' wine is a topic of heated debate, with a number of countries laying claim. As early as 7,000 BC, ancient tribes from the Yellow River Valley of China were drinking a fermented rice/honey/fruit wine which they stored in earthenware jars, but this would not be recognisable as wine as we know it today. Between 6,000 and 5,000 BC, there is increasing evidence of wine production in Georgia, then Armenia and Iran. As their empire grew, it is the Phoenicians who are credited with the westward spread of vineyards through the city states along the southern coast of the Mediterranean. Two recently discovered Phoenician shipwrecks from 750 BC were found to contain a cargo of wine that was still intact. It was then the Romans who brought wine to Western Europe as their empire spread north, planting vineyards near garrison towns so the drink could be produced locally rather than shipped over long distances. The French climate and terroir proved to be perfect for vineyards and in medieval France, the Roman Catholic Church supported wine production because the clergy required it for the Mass and monks took over the role, ageing it in caves; an industry had been born. By the early 19th century, France had garnered a reputation as one of the world’s greatest producers of wine. In much the same way as their Roman forebears, European colonialists brought their vines with them when they crossed the Atlantic to settle in the Americas. They took their prized vitis vinifera vines, a European species of wine grape, which was first planted in North America by French settlers in the 1600s. Unfortunately, vitis vinifera was not a happy traveller and most vines succumbed to local pests and pathogens. Undeterred, the early settlers began experimenting with local grape species, such as vitis riparia and vitis rotundifolia, plants which thrived in their native soil, but produced wines that could not compare to the great wines of Europe. The solution was to graft European vines onto the roots of native American species, ensuring a good-quality wine, while protecting the plants from the unknown diseases in the soil. The wine industries thrived on both sides of the Atlantic until the advent of steam drastically cut the time it took to cross the ocean. This new
technology resulted in the rapid establishment of experimental vineyards full of both American and hybrid vines all across France. At the time, very few people gave much thought to the potential dangers of such unregulated trade and it was this oversight that would set off a biological chain reaction that would forever change how grapes would be grown around the world. The first signs of trouble came in 1863 at a small vineyard in the village of Pujaut in the Gard department of southern France. A local Rhône Valley winemaker had imported and planted a number of American vines into his walled garden and the following year nearby vines started to die from a mysterious illness. Along with his American vines, the farmer had also unwittingly brought over a number of tiny passengers. The leaves of the infected vines turned yellow, then brown and the rootstock itself finally succumbed. When dug up, nothing could be detected except a fungal growth in some instances. It was a mystery. In the space of a few short seasons, entire vineyards collapsed, leaving many families struggling to make ends meet. The blight had begun. It would take almost five years for the source of the disease to be found, by which time there had already been widespread damage. The breakthrough was made by a pharmacist named Jules-Émile Planchon, who had joined a commission of politicians and winegrowers to investigate the looming national disaster. Planchon visited a sick vineyard in southern France, near Montpellier where the team initially dug up several sickly vines, but, apart from their apparent disease, saw nothing that looked amiss. The breakthrough came when a healthy vine was uprooted by chance and inspected, revealing a grotesque spectacle, which Planchon described as follows: “Loupes were trained with care upon the roots of uprooted vines: but there was no rot, no trace of cryptogams; but suddenly under the magnifying lens of the instrument appeared an insect, a plant louse of yellowish colour, tight on the wood, sucking the sap. One looked more attentively; it is not one, it is not ten, but hundreds, thousands of the lice that one perceived, all in various stages of development. They are everywhere...!” Although Planchon assumed he had identified the culprit, a number of hurdles remained. Experts cast doubts, questioning why the insects were not on the dead vine roots. Snobbery also played its part: southern France had a reputation for producing lower quality wines and vignerons from the north of France argued that the insects were simply preying on inferior,
Ingredients (serves 4-6) 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon leaves, plus 1 tablespoon roughly chopped, reserved 3/4 teaspoons Piment d’Espelette or cayenne pepper 1 large clove garlic, peeled and thinly sliced Zest and juice of 1 lemon 1kg chicken thighs or boneless chicken breasts 1/2 small head broccoli, broken into florets 175g haricot beans, topped and tailed Place first 7 ingredients into a plastic freezer bag. Boil haricots beans until al dente then refresh in ice cold water and reserve in a salad bowl. Rub the bag to massage the flavours into the chicken. Leave to marinate at least 4 hours or overnight. Bring to room temperature 30 minutes before cooking. Preheat oven to 200C. Spread the contents of freezer bag into a roasting tray and roast 20-30 minutes till chicken is brown and cooked through.
already weakened vines. The presence of the insects was a symptom of weak vines, not the cause. Fortunately, Planchon persevered and published his findings, suspecting that the pest may in some way be linked to an American species of aphid, Phylloxera. Then, a respected entomologist from Missouri, C.V. Riley, read Planchon's descriptions in 1870 and realised that these insects were indeed American phylloxera. This was despite the fact that the phylloxera Riley knew preferred to live on the leaves of American grape vines, whereas those found by Planchon had been found only on the roots of European varieties. Further experiments and studies would confirm that the insects were indeed the same, but simply preferred American leaves and European roots. With the enemy identified, the French
3 handfuls baby spinach leaves 2 handfuls rocket/arugula leaves or mixed salad leaves 4 spring onions, white and pale green part only 2 celery ribs 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 4 tablespoons walnut or vegetable oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 4 tablespoons walnuts or hazelnuts, toasted Borage, marigold or nasturtium flowers to decorate (optional) Slice spring onions and celery finely at an angle. To make the vinaigrette, beat vinegar into mustard, whisk in oil and season. Add the spinach and rocket to the salad bowl with the haricot beans. Add chicken to salad and with clean hands toss everything gently together. Pour vinaigrette into roasting pan, scraping up the caramel on the base, then quickly pour entire contents over the salad and toss. Fold in the spring onions, celery, walnuts and reserved tarragon and serve immediately. If you have any borage or nasturtiums growing in your garden, pick a few of their edible flowers and scatter them over.
wine industry set itself on a war footing and the government offered a 300,000 Franc reward for anyone that could invent an insecticide that would kill the invasive aphids. Flooding was found to work, but was prohibitively expensive and many winemakers turned to toxic chemicals such as carbon disulphide, which did kill the phylloxera, but also often killed the vines along with them! With all efforts to eradicate the insects failing, many vineyards surreptitiously planted American phylloxera-resistant vines, just so that they had something to sell each year to keep their businesses afloat. Eventually, by the early 1890s and with the industry on its knees, it was generally accepted that the fight against the insects had failed and that the only long-term solution was to replace the entire country's vines with phylloxera-resistant varieties.
by Julia Watson
y August, I can barely stand to cook. That is to say, I’m generally lying flat on my back on the cool tile kitchen floor. If we’re deep in canicule, I can barely stand to eat. Food settles on the stomach like a wad of hay slowly masticated by a placid cow. But people still need to eat, especially those guests, who have landed upon you for their holiday and who have spent a lovely day exploring a castle or swimming or floating down a river in a canoe, legs and hands trailing lazily in the limpid waters. When people come to stay, a bowl of popcorn with several glasses of chilled wine doesn’t constitute supper. They have hotel expectations of what I call ‘bracket’ courses - that is, a starter and a dessert on either side of a main course. That means dinner party cooking on a daily basis. It’s
really American
Seven things you need to consider when moving to France - Blevins Franks Thinking of moving to France or buying a property here? Or perhaps you have recently arrived and are still in the process of settling in. While foreign bureaucracy and tax legislation may seem off-putting, with early and careful planning you can prevent headaches and make the most of tax-efficient opportunities. Here are seven key considerations.
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1. Where you will pay tax
The industry was divided over its future: grafting local species onto American roots; or developing hybrid strains that were resistant to the aphids. Ultimately, both solutions were found and before long, production was back to pre-crisis levels. Hybrid vines would come to be associated with lower quality wines and they were eventually banned in France, a move that was also adopted across the EU in 1979. Today, nearly all the French wine you drink comes from vines grafted onto American roots, but not quite all. For reasons that remain unclear to this day, a few, rare French vineyards somehow escaped phylloxera's wrath, and wine from these vineyards is highly prized. The biological basis for their evasion is a complete mystery and as the owner of one of these vineyards explained
in 2006, “we have no scientific reason that I know of for why we don't have phylloxera... we might not be able to produce a single bottle next year”. The hard lessons learned by France would form the blueprint for dealing with phylloxera, which gradually made its way round the world, first travelling east through Europe to Croatia and Greece and ultimately reaching as far as Australia and New Zealand. The only major wine producer that has completely evaded phylloxera is Chile, possibly because the country is surrounded by high mountains. Although French winemakers must run the annual gauntlet of late frosts, drought and hail storms, it is the dark cloud of devastating blight that still keeps many awake at night. ■
de poulet estivale
not performed unwillingly - one of the joys of hosting friends is showing off just how glorious and diverse is our local produce, whether from a farmer’s market or from the vegetable and herb plot in the garden. But it is a commitment of time and effort. To balance the demands of animated visitors ravenous from the adventures of their day with the remains of energy-drained hosts (who as well as being chipper entertainers, have also had to clean, shop, launder, mend that broken fence, repaint the room that’s been waiting weeks for a fresh coat of emulsion), meals need to be undemanding in production without losing any saliva-inducing deliciousness. Guests have a tendency to forget that the people they’re staying with are not themselves entirely on holiday: as residents of whatever corner of Paradise they’re located in, they have the responsibilities of householders everywhere towards the up-
keep of their property, inside and out. So any dish that can be reduced in its preparation and execution to the minimal of effort is to be welcomed. Obviously a salad with a board of wonderful cheeses or charcuteries is a delicious option and the most basic of events. But a concoction of dressed leaves, however prinked up with herbs or interesting vinaigrette, isn’t going to satisfy the expectations of your friends. It needs a star performer. Here below is a substantial salad that takes a salad to a higher level and becomes a convincing main course. The chicken is easily exchanged for fillets of fish, particularly salmon. But don’t add them to the roasting mix until around 10 minutes before the end of cooking, first giving the vegetables a good toss before laying the fish over it. Take care in transferring the fillets with a wide fish slice to a serving dish so they don’t break up. ■
You need to establish exactly when you become liable for French tax on your worldwide income, gains, wealth and estate. Generally, once you arrive in France intending to live here permanently, you become French tax resident the following day. But it is not always so straightforward. You could be considered resident even if you do not live in France but your spouse does, or if your main home is in France. You also need to be wary of UK tax residence rules – you could, for example, unintentionally trigger UK tax residency by spending just 16 days back home. If you plan carefully and have some flexibility, you may be able to time your residency switch to minimise taxes. 2. How you will be taxed French taxation can be complicated… and high. Besides income tax rates up to 45%, you also face social charges on most income with rates generally between 9.1% and 17.2%, depending on the type of income. If you hold Form S1, these charges reduce to 7.5% on investment income and pension income escapes them completely. France also imposes an annual wealth tax on real estate assets if your property portfolio exceeds €1.3 million, but there is a €800,000 allowance. But with expert planning, it is possible to structure savings, investments and assets to be tax-efficient – and maybe even pay less tax in France than you did in the UK, depending on your circumstances. 3. Ways to structure your wealth Do not assume that what is tax-efficient at home will be the same in France. ISAs, for example, are fully taxable in France. Your circumstances and goals will change when you relocate too, so you need to take a fresh look at your financial planning to establish if affairs are set up in the most suitable way for your new life in France. Take professional advice to make sure your investment portfolio is specifically designed around your circumstances today, future goals, income needs and risk profile. An adviser experienced with French taxation can recommend compliant investment arrangements that provide considerable tax advantages in France. 4. Which currency works for you Many British expatriates tend to favour sterling for savings and investments, but this makes income vulnerable to exchange rate fluctuations. Ideally you should hold some assets in euros to avoid this risk. However, you may also want to spend money in the UK, return someday or leave an inheritance to UK residents. Ask your adviser about investment structures that let you diversify currencies or consider transferring UK pensions to arrangements offering currency flexibility.
5. Your property options Research and understand the tax implications before buying and selling property. Are you better off selling UK property while still resident there or waiting until you are living in France? Note that there are various ways of owning property in France, with different tax and succession implications, so if you have not bought your French home yet do your research first. The most suitable option will depend on your family situation, what you want to happen to the property on death and how you will use it – will you live there full-time, treat it as a holiday home or rent it out? 6. What to do with UK pensions Many British expatriates find it beneficial to transfer UK pension funds into a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) to enjoy tax efficiency, flexibility and estate planning advantages over UK pensions. Alternatively, you could potentially take out your UK pension fund as a lump sum and pay just 7.5% tax in France under certain circumstances. You could then re-invest the capital into tax-efficient arrangements. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. With something as important as your pension, it is vital to take regulated professional advice tailored for you and your situation. 7. How your legacy will be passed on French succession law and inheritance tax work very differently from the UK and can be particularly complicated, especially if you have children from previous relationships or want to leave assets to distant or non-relatives. Succession tax rates can be as high as 60%. The ‘forced heirship’ rules in French succession law can automatically pass on up to 75% of your estate to your children, regardless of your intentions. You can nominate the law of your nationality to apply instead, but take care to understand all the pros and cons first. Ultimately, you need professional advice to make the most of tax planning, pension and wealth management opportunities in France, and ensure you use compliant arrangements that suit your specific circumstances. An adviser based in France, who is up-todate with the intricacies of French taxation and frequent tax reforms, is best placed to assist you, ideally one who has specific crossborder experience with British expatriates. Take personalised advice sooner rather than later so you can have peace of mind that your financial affairs are in order and you can relax and enjoy your new life in France. Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual is advised to seek personalised advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at Tel: 05 53 63 49 19 Email:
Stephen Cullinane & son
• Small repairs to complete renovations • Stone & brick work • Partition walls • Plastering • Flooring • External and internal colour rendering finishes • Stone pointing • Decorating • Replacement of windows & doors • Roofing & roof construction • Covering Creuse, NE Haute-Vienne & S Indre
Tel: 05 55 81 00 53 - Mob: 06 74 33 97 79 - Email:
n July 14, 1789, the Bastille was stormed by the people of France. It was a direct attack on the government that would eventually mark the beginning of the French Revolution. The date remains a significant one in France and “Bastille Day” is celebrated each year across the country with fireworks and parades. But what exactly was the Bastille, why was it so symbolic and what made 1,000 ordinary people break down the gates and change the course of French history? The Bastille was originally a fortress, built in the late 14th century to protect Paris during the Hundred Years' War. By the late 1700s, the Bastille had effectively been converted into a prison by King Louis XVI. These were turbulent times in France: there was already widespread civil unrest and an economic crisis, caused in large part by the cost of intervening in the American Revolution. As had been the custom across much of Christian Europe, French society consisted of three Estates: the clergy (the First Estate); the nobles (the Second Estate); and the peasants and bourgeoisie (the Third Estate). Leaders among the Third Estate had become increasingly vocal in their demands that the king give the common people more of a say in government. Concerned that the king was planning to send the army in to Paris to crush their growing rebellion, locals took over the Hôtel des Invalides to arm themselves with the weapons stored there. Although they captured around 30,000 muskets, the 250 barrels of gunpowder had recently been moved to the nearby Bastille. On the morning of 14th July, around 1,000 people approached the Bastille and demanded that the military commander, Governor de Launay, surrender the prison and hand over the gunpowder. He refused. As negotiations continued into the afternoon the crowd became agitated, forced its way into the courtyard and began trying to break into the main fortress, defended by just over 100 soldiers. The soldiers became scared and fired into the crowd; the fighting had begun. There was widespread support for the protests across society and a major turning point in the fight came when some of the defending soldiers joined the side of the crowd. De Launay soon realised that the situation was hopeless and, fearing a bloodbath, surrendered the fort to the revolutionaries. During the fighting, 100 of the “Conquerors of the Bastille” (Vainqueurs de la Bastille) had fallen, along with one soldier. In the aftermath, de Launay was killed by the angry crowd, together with three of his officers, and his head was placed on a stake before being paraded across the capital! While the king would make peace with the protesters and give in to many of their demands, the storming of the Bastille gave courage to commoners across France to rise up against the nobles who had ruled them for centuries. Before long, the blade of the guillotine had been sharpened and the Revolution was in full swing! Rather than preserve the Bastille as a symbol of the Revolution, the fort was destroyed later that year. Today, one of the most important locations in French history is commemorated by a monument in the centre of a square in the capital, aptly named the Place de la Bastille. ■
Bastille Day
Many thanks to local French teacher, Sophie Arsac, for the translation of this month's bilingual article. Why not get in touch with Sophie to see how she can help improve your French! See her advert below.
Siret: 485 349 518
From the foundations to the roof - Established 13 years in France
e 14 juillet 1789, la Bastille fut prise d’assaut par le peuple français. Cette attaque directe contre le gouvernement devait finalement marquer le début de la Révolution Française. La date reste significative pour les Français et la fête nationale française est célébrée chaque année dans toute la France avec des feux d’artifice et des défilés. Mais qu’était exactement la Bastille, pourquoi était-elle si symbolique et qu’est-ce qui poussa mille personnes ordinaires à en enfoncer les portes et à changer le cours de l’histoire de France ? La Bastille était originalement une forteresse, bâtie à la fin du 14ème siècle pour protéger Paris durant la Guerre de Cent ans. A la fin du XVIIIème siècle, le roi Louis XVI avait converti la Bastille en prison. La France traversait en ces temps-là des périodes troublées : il y avait déjà une agitation sociale généralisée et une crise économique, causée en grande partie par le coût d’intervention dans la Révolution américaine. Comme il était alors de tradition dans une grande partie de l’Europe chrétienne, la société française était constituée de trois ordres hiérarchisés : le clergé (le premier ordre), la noblesse (le deuxième ordre) et les paysans et la bourgeoisie (le troisième ordre ou tiers état). Les meneurs au sein du tiers état haussaient de plus en plus la voix pour exiger que le roi donne plus la parole aux gens du peuple au sein du gouvernement. Inquiets que le roi ait l’intention d’envoyer l’armée dans Paris pour écraser la rébellion grandissante, des insurgés locaux assiégèrent l’hôtel des Invalides pour s’équiper avec les armes qui s’y trouvaient entreposées. Bien qu’ils dérobassent environ 30 000 mousquets, les 250 tonneaux de poudre à canon avaient été récemment déplacés à la Bastille située à proximité. Dans la matinée du 14 juillet, environ mille personnes s’avancèrent vers la Bastille et exigèrent du commandant militaire, le gouverneur de Launay, qu’il leur livrât la prison et leur remît la poudre à canon. Il refusa. Comme les négociations se prolongeaient dans l’aprèsmidi, la foule se mit à s’agiter et força le passage pour entrer dans la cour. Elle commença à essayer de pénétrer à l’intérieur de la forteresse principale, défendue seulement par une centaine de soldats. Ces derniers prirent peur et tirèrent sur la foule. La bataille avait commencé. Les protestations reçurent un large soutien au sein de la société et un tournant majeur dans la bataille intervint quand des soldats rejoignirent le camp des rebelles. De Launay réalisa bientôt que la situation était désespérée et craignant un bain de sang, il capitula et livra le fort aux révolutionnaires. Durant la bataille, cent des « Vainqueurs de la Bastille » tombèrent ainsi qu’un soldat. Par la suite, de Launay et trois de ses officiers furent tués par la foule en colère. La tête de Launay fut placée sur une pique et promenée dans toute la capitale ! Tandis que le roi faisait la paix avec les protestataires et cédait à nombre de leurs exigences, la prise de la Bastille donna du courage aux roturiers partout en France pour se soulever contre les nobles qui les avaient dirigés pendant des siècles. Sous peu la lame de la guillotine fut affûtée et la Révolution battit son plein ! Plutôt que de conserver la Bastille comme symbole de la Révolution, le fort fut détruit plus tard dans l’année. Aujourd’hui l’un des lieux les plus importants dans l’histoire de France est commémoré par un monument situé au centre d’une place de la capitale, appelée pertinemment la Place de la Bastille. ■
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Valhalla dog holidays
Animals & Pets
Dog Guest Home (NOT KENNELS)
Small, friendly English-run kennels in Bétête (23270)
Your dog(s) looked after indoors at our country home with a safe enclosed garden area. Walked twice a day in our woods and surrounding fields. Must be able to socialise with other dogs. Free introductory trial: morning or afternoon. Nr. Châteauneuf-La-Foret, Linards. 30 mins from Limoges airport.
15€ / night Call Jane:
05 55 00 34 79/06 18 58 93 88 or Emily: 06 71 15 15 65
Open 365 days a year Call Leanne on:
05 55 80 42 47 or email siret: 810 192 807 00016
Antiques/ Brocantes
Caring, quiet accommodation just for cats JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la Poste
LA BRAUDERIE BROCANTE Le Bourg, Chavanat 23250
Alison & Ray
Tel: 07 80 00 46 23 UK: +44 (0)7902 838 776
SIRET: 520 896 671 00010
siret: 803 910 942 00025
Tel: 05 55 60 27 83
Your advert here
06 04 17 80 93
Suppliers of Car & Van Spares & LHD headlights, anywhere in France JOHN SOWERSBY
All types Best Rates Available Immediately References available Call Mark:
+44 (0)7830 170761 06 04 17 80 93
At we can help guide you through your planning application in France. From initial feasibility to completed dossiers. We will compile all the relevant drawings and complete the necessary paperwork to ensure your application proceeds smoothly. We are equally at home working with clients here in France or those living abroad.
Tel: 05 55 80 72 83 Mob: 06 33 07 29 72 Email:
Registered Car Mechanic
See Display Ad Below
Pre-purchase & Structural Surveys. Verbal & written reports. Structural calculations & drawings. Redevelopment ideas & solutions. Tim Haw B.Eng C.Eng M.I.Struct.E
FR: 0033 (0)6 05 56 42 81 UK: 0044 (0)7448 466 662
Web: Email:
RING BILL! 05 55 81 31 85 ■ Services ■ Brakes ■ MOT Prep
ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: Plans, elevations, RT calculations, photo-realisations & all paperwork for planning applications (<150m2)
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Help with French system admin, translations, letter writing, etc.
06 59 04 27 31
based Bessines (87)
siret: 814 486 213 00014
Architectural DRAWING SERVICE Renovating your French property? New build? Dossiers prepared Permis de Construire Déclarations Préalables
Tel: 05 53 52 36 05 SIRET: 493 770 358 00015
QUALITY WORKMANSHIP SINCE 1986 Building • Roofing • Kitchens • Joinery
Portfolio available to view at Jeff Jones: 05 55 62 46 21 Mob: 06 38 25 74 62 email: siret: 810 322 123 00011
Mini Digger
Landscaping, Ditching, Land Clearance etc. Hedge Removal and Stone Wall Construction
Home renovations / Ground works Block works / Verandas, Abris & Terraces Barn doors & Shutters Also available: digger & driver Planning permission assistance and design available HNC and ONC qualified, 15 years experience & 7 in France Based near Lubersac (dept 19)
John Bonella
05 55 53 03 56
siret no. 523 183 580 00019
Siret 798 692 778 00011
ACCOUNTING SERVICES: Accounts, taxreturns, annual submissions, book-keeping, etc. for small businesses & MEs
87440 Marval
(contrôle technique)
SIRET: 494 617 798 00017
Siret: 498 843 051 00018
06 45 82 34 03
with Driver for Hire
Registered Car Mechanic
■ ... much more Dept. 23 & surrounding areas
Building Services Carpenters/Joiners
Siret: 790 016 984 00011
Auto Services
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Building Services Architects/Surveyors
Siret: 792 142 341 00017
Champlong Chatterie
Animals & Pets >> pg 17 Antiques/Brocantes >> pg 17 Auto Services >> pg 17 Building Services >> pg 17-19 Chimney Sweeps >> pg 19 Computers/Satellites >> pg 19 Counselling & Support Services >> pg 20 Food & Drink >> pg 20 Garden Services >> pg 20 Gifts & Crafts >> pg 20 Handholding Services >> pg 21
Tel: 05 55 98 24 12 - Mob: 07 82 78 01 31 Email:
18 ♦ DIRECTORY Furniture Repair, Restoration & Upholstery (Modern and Antique) Snooker/Pool/Billiard Table Specialist General Carpentry & Cabinet Making also undertaken
Tel: 05 44 30 16 78 Siret: 811 511 278 00020
Lumiere Service et Energie Steven Rofe 28 Years' experience
• UK NICEIC approved Electrician • Rewiring • External & garden lighting • All aspects of electrical works • Fully insured - (10 year Decennale) • Satellite Installation • Departments covered 87, 23 & 19 / email:
See full list of works carried out on the website Siret No. 501.792.386.00010
A. Wright
Carpenter & Joiner 06 35 12 10 66 see main ad - pg 13
Neuvialle Menuiserie
Mike Christie 05 55 64 35 11 / 07 61 76 97 41 see main ad below
Classical Carpentry 05 55 65 15 31 / 06 02 25 41 58 see main ad below
- Electricity - Plumbing - Small renovations (bathrooms, kitchens, etc.) - Fully Insured Dutch and English spoken Creuse / Puy-de-Dôme
Mob. 06 40 56 96 12 Tel. 05 55 67 57 64 Siret: 753 054 030 00014
Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93 Building Services Electricians
Electrician/Plumber 05 55 62 63 82 see main ad below
Pink Electrique
Ruth & Geoff Kowalczyk Project management. All electrical work, home automation & security. Please see our website for more information. French qualified and insured. 30+ years worldwide experience. Departments covered: 23, 36, 87.
Email: SIRET: 788 709 871 00016
électricité Keith SLOPER
Tel: 05 55 64 94 20 Mob: 07 86 38 09 61 * Qualified electrician * All types of electrical works carried out * Free estimates * Fault finding * Consuel certification arranged * Temporary and permanent EDF supplies arranged * Departments 23 and 87
SAS Masters 05 55 78 66 35 see main ad - pg 8
Building Services Fosses Septiques
Les Vidanges Limousines ▪ Emptying septic tanks ▪ Unblocking pipes ▪ Cleaning wells ▪ Group rates available between neighbours Call David - 24/24 7/7
06 49 66 44 25 87800 Jourgnac Siret N° 750 725 780 00019
Fosse Septique 23 Steve. JOHNS. SARL
Fosse Septique Specialists Planning permission arranged Design and installation Supply and servicing DIY and trade kits Free site visit and devis
• house/barn clearance (pre sale / post sale) • garden/land clearance • dechetterie runs • rubbish removal Specialist equipment available: • tractor with flail mower, rotavator, etc. • vehicle with 1.5 tonne crane
05 55 37 45 35 siret 532 981 198 00015
Davis & Davis
30 years' Experience in Construction, Renovation & Project Management Quality Workmanship Guaranteed Internal/ External Developments
For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:
06 04 17 80 93
Stephen Cullinane & Son From the foundations to the roof Established 13 years in France 05 55 81 00 53 - see pg 16
La Noneix
Construction & Property Services
Established, Professional and Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale insurance covering all works.
05 55 98 24 12
See our Display Ad pg 17
Travaux Publics 06 33 78 24 23 - pg 3
Paul Jones Renovation
Experienced and fully registered artisan, offering a high quality finish and service • 10yr Décennale Assurance • Plasterboarding walls and ceilings • Tape and Jointing • Kitchen Installation • Tiling • Carpentry • Patios/Decking
Tel: 05 55 69 28 12 Mob: 06 73 18 63 47 Email:
No job too big (or small). Give us a call for a free competitive quote.
Masonry & More
05 55 60 29 50 / 06 04 13 30 57 email:
Based Arnac-la-Poste - Covering depts 87, 23 & 19 Siret: 498 203 652 00017
Your advert here
Building Services General
Dave Cardwell - Builder
Barn conversions, loft conversions, new-build, drylining, plastering, rendering, spray rendering, tiling, installation of kitchens/ bathrooms, painting, carpentry, replacement doors & windows, velux installation, groundworks, landscaping, decking & much more...
siret: 824 706 444 00018
Tel: 05 55 63 10 68 Mob: 06 64 59 48 64
No Siret: 494 916 760 00015 ○ THE BUGLE ○ AUGUST 2019
siret no: 495 067 829 00020
General building Renovation , Roofing Reliable, good quality work 30 years exp Scaffold Hire Martin Sprague
05 55 61 93 07
06 04 17 80 93
Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts
Entreprise Hines
Building & Renovation
●Renovations ●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry ●Ground works
● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more
Large or small projects undertaken - please view our website. Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands
40 years qualified experience
SIRET: 501 144 596 00019
SIRET: 503 169 237 00016
SIRET: 531 768 182 00010
Roofing, Building, Renovations, Plastering & stud walls, ... and more! Fully insured. e:
t: 05 55 50 52 02 m: 07 66 52 33 47 siret: 842 233 108 00013
Au Savoir Faire Renovations & New Builds 06 38 10 71 78 - see main ad pg 2
To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93 Classical Carpentry
05 55 62 63 82
siret: 829 638 741 00019
Keith Brown Roofs, stairs, shutters, decking, gazebos... 30 years’ experience. Full décennale insurance guarantee.
T: 05 55 65 15 31
M: 06 02 25 41 58
no job too small - very competitive rates 30 Years’ Experience Joiner Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms Flooring & General 2nd Fix Finishing, Joinery & Decking Emergency Lock Services Mike Christie 05 55 64 35 11 (Home) 07 61 76 97 41 (Mobile)
Siret: 802 265 728
Visit our website
upvc-solutions uPVC windows, doors, porches & conservatories
Available in white, beige & oak woodgrain. We now offer a supply only service on our made to measure windows. Visit our website for more information. email: siret: 503 133 159 00015
Building Services Groundworks M&M EXCAVATION SERVICES
05 55 63 58 85 / 06 42 23 38 57 See main ad - pg 4
Building Services Painters/Decorators
Building Services Plumbing & Heating
Simon Carter
Painter & Decorator Qualified craftsman with over 25 years UK
High Ground Development
experience, now based in Haute-Vienne. Specialist services: Interior & exterior painting & decorating, wallpapering, plastering.
• Painting/Decorating • Labouring • Pressure Washing • General DIY No job too small, just give me a call!! All areas covered - Based nr Aubusson (23)
see main ad - pg 12
Can I help you with those jobs you don't want to do?
05 55 83 02 77 / 06 30 90 58 90 Siret: 523 955 151 00015
Harlequin Developments est. 2007
All aspects of renovation and refurbishment, big or small, undertaken. Kitchens fitted and tiled Replacement doors and windows Parquet flooring Oak framed porches Plasterboard and Insulation
Mini-Digger with driver See Main Ad pg 17
RSW Entreprises
Fosse Septiques/Micro stations
See our Display Ad - pg 12 06 04 17 80 93 Building Services Lifts & Scaffolding
Tel: 05 87 19 91 50 Mob: 07 81 26 88 65 Web: Email: siret: 792.130.932.00017
For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:
A. Wright
Carpenter & Joiner 06 35 12 10 66 see main ad - pg 13
Max Huggett
Experienced and fully registered builder with 10 year Décennale Insurance Offering a broad selection of building services in depts. 87, 19 & 23. From one off installations to complete renovations, construction, decorating, landscaping and ground works. E:
T: 05 55 69 37 64 M: 06 80 92 23 82
English & French spoken - Siret: 518 511 340 00011 06 04 17 80 93
Cherry Picker Services
14.5 metres on a van
Tel: 09 66 03 52 89 Call for a quote
ANGLO SCAFFOLDING HIRE UK scaffolding supplied and erected here in France Qualified and fully insured FREE no obligation quotes Call Ian on
06 34 24 64 11 or see
Email: SIRET: 799 067 939 00014
Electrician/Plumber 05 55 62 63 82 see main ad - pg 18
Chimney Sweeping
06 25 61 84 95 (SMS only) siret 504 218 454 00016
Roofing & Plastering/ Plasterboarding Service
25+ years roofing experience All aspects of roofing, large or small 15+ years experience plastering/boarding Fully registered and insured Trading in France since 2007 Call Mark for a free quotation
05 55 44 71 44 / 06 78 60 96 16 Siret No. 493 159 412 00011
Building Services Sandblasting
• Flue ways cleared • Birds nests, vermin & debris removed • Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests • Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage)
05 55 63 78 72 Siren: 502 409 949
Computers, Satellites & Web Design
We provide a fully operated
service for wood, stone and metal. Perfect for stripping away years of grime or paint. Contact us for a free quote, or see our website:
05 55 76 31 59 / 06 77 40 95 92 SIRET: 812 727 253 00013
For all your TV and satellite installations and repairs (Sky TV, Internet etc.) Call Patrice: Fast dependable service Based Séreilhac (87) siret: 353 613 227 00035
Chimney Sweeps
Tel: 05 55 62 05 61 Mob: 06 52 38 67 65 Email: siret: 453 067 910 00019
Big Dish Satellite
Tel: 05 55 62 12 39 Mobile: 06 06 41 10 30
05 55 78 72 98 see main ad - pg 8
Siret: 527 906 614 00013
Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts
Fully Insured
02 54 31 48 50
Sand and Blast
All internal and external works covered Plastering (English and French plaster) Rendering Concreting Floor Screeding Stud Partitioning Lime Mortar Pointing
All types of chimney Call Ruth Clear
Building Services Plasterers
French registered plasterer with over 30 years’ experience
Brush & Vacuum
Building Services Roofing
05 55 63 58 85 / 06 42 23 38 57
Able Plastering
THE LADY SWEEP Established since 1986
06 04 17 80 93
SIRET: 494.501.067.00016
Experienced, Registered & Fully Insured No mess, no fuss Email:
T: 07 68 76 39 99 siret: 484 768 700 00029
To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93
Purple Solutions Garden Maintenance Do you have a garden? Home, cottage or holiday home? Call us on 06 72 87 87 14 or contact us via Facebook or email. Leave your details and an idea of the job description. Covering 40 km from Cussac (87150)
purplesolutionsgardenmaintenance email: siret: 825 351 836 00010
“SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity
simple solar energy system that runs on its own, even when you are not there! – And provides a free heat supplement in winter. The Solarventi air panel was invented more than 20 years ago by Hans Jørgen Christensen, from Aidt Miljø, with the backing of the Danish government. He wanted to use the sun’s energy for airing and ventilation of the thousands of holiday homes on the West coast of Jutland, - houses that were left empty and unheated for long periods - houses with damp problems, mould and bad odours - houses that left their owners with discomfort, lots of work and expense. He wanted a system that would be safe, simple, without the need for radiators, water and/or mains electricity. Slowly but surely, the first Solarventi model came
How it works The principle behind Solarventi is simple: a small, builtin, solar cell powers a 12V fan that is connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/ off switch. Whenever the sun shines, the air in the solar panel is heated and the fan, receiving power from the solar cell, introduces warm, dry air into your home at the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour. The initial models were more than capable of keeping the cottages dry (and ventilated), even with the limited sunshine hours available in Denmark during the winter season. Since that time, the technology has really come along in leaps and bounds. Now, more than 20 years later, the 3rd and 4th generation Solarventi have exceed-
Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93 Counselling & Support Services COUNSELLING
& PSYCHOTHERAPY Lesley Kidd MSc & Martin Simpson MSc
• Meet in person or via skype • Borders 87/19/23 (87130) • Individuals & Couples SIREN: 818 604 654 06 04 17 80 93 Food & Drink ViensVienne
Bistro in Eymoutiers
ed all expectations. In Southern Europe, Solarventi is not only used for ventilation/dehumidification purposes; with far more winter sunshine hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. Several technical and governmental studies show that incoming air temperature can be increased by as much as 40°C. A DIY Solution? The installation process is very straightforward and should only take two or three hours. All that is needed is a drill, hammer and chisel to make a hole in the wall. Roof installations are also possible. In fact, the Solarventi was originally designed to be a DIY product - in Scandinavia it still is. There are no electrical or water connections and it can be safely left running, even when
26, Ecurat 23150
Le Restaurant Ecurat Atelier d'Art du Jardin
Restaurant du soir. Our menu changes monthly. Special occasions and parties welcome. Fish and chips and mushy peas €11,50 the last Friday of each month. Open Mon - Sat * Reservation in advance please* For more information:
tel: 05 55 81 31 85
email: 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix.
Le Petit Cafe Anglais
05 55 54 93 05 see main ad - pg 4
Try Something Different
Chez Jacques Marsac (23) • Cosy atmosphere • Speciality Crêpes • Large burger menu • Around 115 single malt whiskies • Selection of bottled British ales • Book corner, pool table • "Mouclade" nights • Curry nights
05 87 40 02 83
the property is empty. Solarventi requires no maintenance - if the property is unoccupied during the hot summer months, then it can be left running at low speeds for ventilation and dehumidification purposes or simply switched off. With a range of panel sizes, and the option for wall or roof mounting, Solarventi is suitable for all types of buildings, caravans or even boats!! Following the patenting of its design in 2001, Solarventi has only recently been actively commercialized. Over the last six years, Solarventi units have been installed in more than 24 countries and demand is increasing rapidly. From Greenland to Australia, Solarventi is finally getting the recognition it deserves. ■ Units start from €490 TTC.
Les Remparts Bénévent-l'Abbaye Tel: 0811 381 511 see main ad - pg 6
Le Creusois Bar/Restaurant
Les Genêts, Azerables
High quality British & French food at reasonable prices. Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens & Snack menus also available SIREN: 483 988 853
Allo Allo
1 rue Saint-Roch, Le Grand Bourg
Rés: 06 73 37 45 01 see main ad - pg 6
Garden Services Garden & Property Services Joseph and Samantha Geer Grass, hedge and tree cutting Fences, gates and stone walls Gite cleaning and changeovers ... and much more
Tel: 06 86 95 46 51
closed Wednesdays
Champsac 87230
Maintenance gardener
Mobile Curry Take Away For menus and venues:
Siret: 841 617 491 00011
Stephen Grendon
Need some advice? Too much like hard-work? 30 years of experience
Tel: 05 44 23 08 87 - see main ad, pg 8
British Market Stall
Follow us on facebook e :
TEL: 06 72 11 62 15
Parties 20+ & events catered for
Based in St-Julien-le-Petit (87460), covering St. Léonard, Peyrat, Eymoutiers, Bujaleuf. +33 (0)6 79 23 57 09 +33 (0)7 69 14 49 73 see main ad - pg 8
m : 07 70 39 12 23 siret: 498 199 306 00016 siret: 839 102 415 00016
SOLARVENTI - Available in the Limousin From Harlequin Developments Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97
‘Chou Chou’ Magnat-l’Etrange, Creuse (23)
RHS qualified horticulturalists Clearance, weeding, pruning, topiary, planting, maintenance, design. Day or half day rates. Excellent references. All work by hand. contact:
Team Jardin
Reliable, professional and friendly garden services. Garden Maintenance. Land Clearance. Garden Construction. Bespoke long-term maintenance plans. Tel: 05 55 37 18 03 Mob: 06 33 66 17 45 e-mail: Siret No. 752 549 907 00018
Grass Cutting Strimming General Maintenance Based La Souterraine (23)
Tel: 05 55 89 57 40 Siret: 483 059 242 00030
Purple Solutions Garden Maintenance
06 72 87 87 14 see main ad - pg 19
Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93
Gifts & Crafts 26, Ecurat 23150
Atelier d'Art du Jardin
Artisan art for your garden
2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix
tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email:
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Très Jolie
Ladies fashion accessories 05 55 53 03 56 / 06 04 08 29 53 see main ad pg 22
For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:
06 04 17 80 93
To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93
The keys to successful investing – Rosemary Sheppard, International Financial Adviser
he suspension of Woodford Equity Income a month ago sparked the biggest controversy in UK fund management for a decade, with hundreds of thousands of retail investors unable to reclaim their capital from a fund that has since been forced into a fire sale of its assets and while investors in this fund can only wait out the suspension for now, there are some important lessons that can be learnt for the future. Whether it’s reviewing your current investment portfolio or using this checklist next time you’re planning to invest in a new fund, the Woodford situation highlights the main areas
investors need to check before investing. Diversification of risk is key. You don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket: diversify, diversify, check that you have a good spread across different funds, sectors, countries, etc. etc. and review your investments each year and rebalance if needed so you don’t end up too concentrated. If you are invested in a portfolio, the portfolio manager should do this for you. Diversification is just common sense, as a reasonable spread of assets can potentially limit exposure to market downturns, fund suspensions, volatility, etc. Make sure you understand what you are investing in. This is especially true if you are selfinvesting - the guiding principle of the Warren Buffett school of investment. Buy blue-chips and brand names you know. Anything else, avoid. Know the difference between best buy tables and actual
advice. This could perhaps be the biggest lesson learnt from the Woodford saga. Mr Woodford was a firm favourite of fund ‘best buy’ lists; Hargreaves Lansdown, one of the most influential financial intermediaries, have received major criticism since the fund’s suspension for this reason. Understand liquidity. This is how quickly you can buy/sell an asset and as investors have found, investing in unquoted smaller companies via an openended fund can create a liquidity mismatch. Just because a fund says it offers daily dealing doesn’t mean it always will. There is the argument that a crackdown is needed on openended funds investing in illiquid assets. However, it does allow customers to invest in a diversity of fund options. Following a “Star”. No one fund manager has the secret to outperforming the market in all conditions and therefore you
Sophie Arsac
Handholding Services
French lessons & handholding services 05 55 89 15 74 - pg 16
Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93 Health & Beauty
Translation/interpretation Dealing with utilities/banks Permis de construire Sourcing/supervising artisans Notaire/tax/hospital meetings
Blevins Franks International tax and wealth management advisers See our main ad - pg 13
05 55 89 57 94 - see pg 3
Financial Managment Group
See our Display Ad - pg 3
06 38 86 99 70 - pg 7
Mobile hairdresser
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Grand-Bourg & surrounding area
Call Teddy:
Jonathan Critchley
06 15 78 18 04- pg 13
siret: 792 285 025 00013
Osteopathy & Acupuncture Linda & Paul Bodimeade
Back, Neck, Joint Pain, Arthritic conditions? Anxiety, Headaches, Sports Injuries? Insomnia, Stress, Sinus, Hayfever? Based in Châteauneuf-la-Forêt (87130)
siret: 793 539 826 00016
06 04 17 80 93
Language Services
Formerly La Petite Place
05 55 62 50 38
Your advert here
Insurance & Finance
Tony Farrell
Tel: 06 95 46 25 38
The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional 06 04 17 80 93
International Financial Adviser
Chez Boutique
diversified enough, or are being offered an investment with terms that seem too good to be true, or you are new to investing, getting advice from a financial advice company that has weathered more than one or two financial downturns is essential for your financial wellbeing and peace of mind. Blacktower Financial Management has been established for over 32 years and has worked with its clients through the good and the bad times, offering sound financial advice. For an independent, professional and impartial consultation please contact me by email: Rosemary.sheppard@ or call me on 06 38 86 99 70. Website: 06 04 17 80 93
The Spectrum IFA Group
siret: 791 847 429 00010
should expect everyone at some point to have bad performance. If someone has a good long-term track record, don’t just assume it will continue. Don’t have the herd mentally and just follow everyone else and a best buy list. Don’t be greedy. We would all love our investments to grow year on year, but that is not how it is in the real world, markets go down as well as up. If an investments offers you consistently good or above average returns, no matter what the market conditions are, it will end in tears and you will lose money (usually all your money invested) in the long run. Beware scammers and fraudsters love greed; people's wishes for unrealistic returns on an investment is music to their ears, it’s the way they make money, you lose, they win. If it seems too good to be true IT IS! If you are unsure if your current investments are
Rosemary Sheppard
06 04 17 80 93
Sophie Arsac
French lessons & handholding services 05 55 89 15 74 - pg 16 Jenny Homer BA hons, PGCE
French classes held in Eymoutiers In these uncertain times, 1 thing is certain... There is no better time to up the level of your french to get the most out of your life in Limousin ... and even obtain French citizenship!! • feel confident socially, cope at the doctor's or vet's • deal with emergencies, chat over the garden wall and make friends • help with phone calls and paperwork • feel comfortable speaking with French people and let your personality shine through • keep your brain active and fend off Alzheimer's Small groups with a level to suit yours. Free 3 hours as taster to include coffee & cake. Everyone CAN improve!! TERM STARTS W/C SEPTEMBER 9 To reserve your place in the appropriate group:
Email: siret: 490 323 243 00025
Pest Control
adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) through whom we have a registered branch and passport for financial services in France. License number 00805B.
Pools & Spas Dave Roberts
Fibreglass Specialist Fibreglass swimming pool linings that can be applied over all finishes: tiles, marbelite, concrete, etc. Perfect for new pools, old pools, or pools leaking water Laminated on site, one piece and seam free For more information or a quote, contact Dave: +44 (0)1903 893 451 +44 (0)7825 916 573
Limousin Spas
The region's leading distributor of Spas, Swim spas, Saunas & Hot tubs
New for 2019
We are pleased to announce our new range of over 80 Spas, Swim spas, Hot tubs & Saunas from top European and U.S. manufacturers. *Platinum Spas* *Superior Spas* *Tuff Spas* *Zen Spas* *BeSpa* *Durasport* *Superior Saunas* *Baltic Hot tubs* *Baltic Saunas*
Prices from €2,000 Web: Email: Tel: 05 55 63 26 20 Siret: 752 157 610 00011
Central France Pest Control
02 48 60 83 72 see main ad - pg 22
To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93
Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93 Property Maintenance Creuse Property Care
Caring for your home in France when you can’t be there
Garden & Pool Maintenance General Maintenance & Small Renovation work including plasterboarding, tiling, painting, etc. Changeovers/House Cleaning Ad-hoc Assistance References available Contact Mark or Trudy...
T: 05 55 67 90 47 / P: 06 40 75 74 47 E: W:
Leggett Immobilier
'Gite and Tidy'
Property management
All properties looked after, main residences, holiday homes & gîtes. Changeovers, cleaning, tidy ups, maintenance, gardening, swimming pools, etc. Single or regular visits. Fully insured. Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150). References available.
see main ad - pg 5 09 82 12 69 73 (Home) 06 06 40 81 07 (Portable)
Beaux Villages Immobilier
Freephone: 08 05 69 23 23 see main ad - pg 11
Retail & Commerce Naturalis Pools
Your advert here
06 31 17 25 60 see main ad - pg 7
06 04 17 80 93 Property Sales
Stove Sellers
See our Display Ad - pg 11 06 04 17 80 93
Siret: 479 965 758 00028
Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts
05 53 56 62 54
Houses on Internet
Moulin de Tintin
+31 (0)6 41 20 73 69 - see pg 3
See our Display Ad - pg 3
Furniture, interiors & gifts
Central France Storage
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Transport, Removals & Storage
Smart Moves For a fully insured, careful service
+44 (0)1253 725 414 Dry, safe & secure storage Brexit Busting Prices!! Vehicle storage options We also do internal moves! 14.5m cherry picker available
Tel: 09 66 03 52 89 Email: siret: 494 123 847 00019
Man & Van Transport
Genuine/Reliable/Honest Local + Europe + UK runs Now also available for House/Barn clearances! 14m3 capacity 4.2m load length English & French Spoken
VAN ROUGE Affordable Moves Europewide 18m3 Van / 4.5m load length 29m3 available on request Full loads/ part loads/ single items Regular UK runs.
09 82 12 69 73 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres Siret 530 213 644 00012
Franklins Removals 0044 121 353 7263 see main ad - pg 12
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Advertise here from just €36 HT / month
06 04 17 80 93
Très Jolie
Ladies Italian clothes and fashion accessoires Beautiful scarves, purses, handbags, jewellery & gifts
(See Notice Board for where to find me)
Paula Bonella
05 55 53 03 56 06 04 08 29 53 Facebook: search for “Tres Jolie Milhaguet” siret 753 125 061 00014
Family run business based in France which prides itself on a personal professional service 7 tonne truck to and from the UK and Europe, with a highly experienced staff. We provide a door-to-door service with packing and dry, secure storage. We are a professional furniture removal company and NOT a man and a van.
Granulés du Limousin
Phone: (+33) 05 55 34 19 46 - Mobile: (+33) 06 80 75 87 14 Email: - siret: 482 524 907 00011
Buggs Car Hire Bergerac & Limoges Airports see main ad - front page
Transition Removals (+33) 05 55 34 19 46 see main ad above
Your advert here
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06 04 17 80 93 General
06 04 17 80 93 Watson European International Removals see main ad - pg 11
Carrefour du Bois Limousin
05 55 63 72 45 - see above
Cash paid for scrap
All Limousin covered Anything considered Any quantity
Tel: 05 55 37 45 35 Mob: 06 74 21 47 71
FOR SALE: Commercial Lease
I will buy just about anything in your barn: agricultural machinery, cars, motorbikes, lorries, pushbikes, old wrought ironwork, oil cans, signs, timberwork and doors... in fact anything!! Just think, that rubbish could earn you cash!!
For a shop (all types of commerce) on main street in Limoges. Easy parking. 60m2. 2 large commercial spaces of 20m2 and 25m2 with a room to the rear kitchenette, WC. Very good condition. Contact for more information.
your junk
CALL: 06 33 84 76 33
siret 532 981 198 00015
siret: 511 127 763 00015
To raise funds for the SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret. High chair, buggy, travel cot (plus mattress/bedding), changing mat, etc. Each item will incur a hire charge of 10 euros, plus a refundable 10 euros deposit. For more INFO or to HIRE Call Vanessa: 05 55 64 32 08 or email:
Tel: 06 20 82 89 43
Businesses for Sale
Proxi Supermarket
A VENDRE: Pas-de-porte, boutique tous commerces. Immeuble de style dans avenue principale de Limoges. Parking facile. 60 m². 2 grandes salles 20 m2 & 25 m2. Une arrière salle, mini coin kitchenette, wc. Très bon état.
Tel: 06 20 82 89 43
In the heart of the market town of Ahun (23150) • Alimentation Générale • Tabac • Lotto/FDJ For more information call:
06 38 39 33 99
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CLUBS, CHARITIES & ASSOCIATIONS Charities The Hope Association Charity Shop 87 2 rue de la Vieille Tour, 87120 Eymoutiers The shop is run by a group of volunteers with the sole aim of raising funds for abused & abandoned animals. Opening hours: Sat 10h-13h, Wed & Fri 14h-17h, 1st & 3rd Thu morning 10h-12h. We offer a selection of items including pre-loved clothes, jewellery, greeting cards and much more. We are happy to accept anything in good sale condition either directly to the shop or email shopeightyseven4hope@gmail. com SPA Creuse The SPA Creuse dog refuge centre is based in Saint-Sulpice-le-Guérétois near Guéret and provides an invaluable service to the community by rescuing dogs that otherwise would have nowhere to go. Each year we re-home over 100 dogs which find themselves at the SPA though no fault of their own. We have dedicated staff who work alongside a network of French and British volunteers, all of whom have one aim in life, which is to do the best they can for the dogs until they find their forever homes. In order to do this they need to raise funds; along with walking the dogs every day, volunteers also organise fund-raising events and vide-greniers throughout the year. We are a friendly bunch and always on the lookout for more like-minded people and so if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, making a donation, or adopting one of our lovely dogs, then please visit our website Church Notices English-speaking Christian meeting in La Souterraine All are welcome to our meetings every Sunday at 10.30 am at La Souterraine. A talk will be given each week in English lasting 30 minutes on a variety of subjects. The purpose is to build up our spirituality and help us with dayto-day living. Our Kingdom Hall is located at 31 l’Age aux Roux, 23300 La Souterraine. Also please see our website: JW.ORG English-speaking church services Guéret "Come as you are" - This is an invitation to join us at our SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith or would just like to attend a church service, you are welcome at 3 pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at Église Évangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, 23000 Guéret. We welcome all who want to share in our fellowship and children are very welcome. For more details please visit Eglise Protestante Unie de France English Language services We look forward to giving a warm welcome to everyone from whatever Christian tradition (or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of the MONTH at 3 pm. (Two exceptions - August and December second Sunday) Where? At the “Temple” in Thiat (in the north of the HauteVienne) – the chapel is on the main road close to the Mairie. After worship there is tea/coffee and cake – and a chance to chat. (Services in French every Sunday morning). If you want to know more contact Rev Stephen Sawyer on 05 49 84 33 86 or Zoë Horlock on 05 55 68 59 95. Fitness & Fun La Chance de Danser New times for classes as follows: St-Léger-Magnazeix - Salle des fêtes (Adults): Tue 5-6 pm Stretch & Tone; 6-7 pm Beginners Tap; Thu 5-6 pm Elementary Tap; 6-7 pm Dancersize. La Souterraine - Batiment St Joseph (opp la mairie) (Adults): Sat 9-10 am Ballet. For more info please email or Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Printed by: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac Monthly circulation: 15,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited. Dépôt légal à parution.
tel 06 99 95 43 00. Bridge Club St. Junien Regular tournaments. Bridge lessons for beginners and intermediate levels (English-speaking teacher). Friendly welcome guaranteed. For further information don't hesitate to contact Mireille Drouet, President 06 30 20 45 13 / 05 44 24 10 92 / or John Slade 05 45 71 50 44 / Zumba Dept 18 & 36. Contact: Coralie tel 07 78 66 52 01 Web: fun-life-attitude. Facebook: Coco Zumba Email: Yoga Aubusson Classes at the Maison Sport et Danse, Dojo: Mon 15:45 Hatha 50+; Tue 17:30 Yin, 18:30 Hatha; Fri 14:30 Yoga for breast cancer or also very gentle yoga. 5 euro per class plus 10 euro adhesion. More info: Abbey 06 83 24 62 72 www. Cussac Bowls Club - Short mat indoor bowls If you’re a beginner or seasoned player come and join in with a friendly club. Weekly meetings starting Wednesdays 19:45 and Thursdays 9:45. Please call Peter on 05 55 78 66 45 for more info, email cussacbowlsclub@ or come along to one of our meetings at Cussac gymnasium. Indoor Bowling at Oradour-surVayres If you already play or have never tried indoor bowling then come along to a meeting. It's great fun and easy to play. If you have never played it before we will show you how. We meet every Monday evening starting at 18.30 hrs at La Chapelle, avenue des Chapelles, 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres. Come and try it - it's free. For further info tel 05 55 78 45 24 or email oradourbowlingclub@ Keep Fit Amazing abs, breathtaking buttocks! Come and join our group at the CAPE in Pontarion. We are all ages, all sizes, men & women, but are serious about keeping fit. Our “monitrice” is English and will happily provide bilingual instructions. We meet every Thursday at 8 pm in Pontarion Town Hall, for a one-hour workout. Come for a free trial, or call 05 55 64 98 87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more details. Drawing and painting classes At Saint-Junien with the CAPCC (art club). All levels welcome, every Monday and Thursday, English and French spoken, friendly atmosphere, materials provided by the club. 45€ / half-term. Contact: for brochure with full details. Chabanais Bowls Club As we roll into 2019, one thing you can rely on is the fact that short mat bowling at Chabanais Bowls Club is alive and well and all set to provide exercise and entertainment throughout the coming year. Our new mats are now in use, allowing the Club to carry out training and coaching sessions along with the normal members' games. Chabanais Bowls Club meets on Tuesday mornings, 10h-13h, and Thursday afternoons, 14h-17h, at the salle des fêtes in the centre of Chabanais. For further information ring Mike on 05 55 03 27 67 or Jane 05 45 30 63 10. INSPIRATIONS – Art & Craft Group We are a small group of artists and crafters who meet every Friday from 2 pm until 5 pm at the Salle Barbara, Droux 87. There is no formal tuition but we all help, advise and encourage each other to perfect our skills and learn new ones. New members welcome, from absolute beginners to experts. Materials can be supplied for try-outs. Contact: Art Classes Mainsat The class runs every Thurs (term time) at the Salle du temps libre in Mainsat from 14h-16h. We do a little bit of everything: pencil, charcoal, watercolour, pastel, acrylics, oils and sculpture, etc. Contact Susan Neill for more info: Tel 05 55 83 12 18 / Mob 06 87 99 31 37 / Email Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Imprimé par: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac Tirage mensuel: 15,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution.
The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world. Dordogne Short Mat Bowls Association Learn to play Indoor Short Mat Bowls in the heart of the Dordogne at Eyzerac, just off the N21, south of Thiviers. We are a small friendly inclusive club who meet every Thursday afternoon throughout the year at the Complex Sportif in Eyzerac 24300. We are looking forward to welcoming new members, both novices or experienced players. We have all the equipment you need to play, so why not join us any Thursday at 2 pm until 5 pm. To arrange a taster session or simply for more details contact Paul Boswell (Secretary) at boswellmoore@hotmail. com or call 05 53 56 99 75. Walking Football, Dun-le-Palestel If you think your footballing days are over, then think again! Our association, Entente Cordiale, is trying out a new venture – Walking Football, a slower version of the beautiful game! And it's for all adults over the age of 50. We meet every Monday from 16h-17h in the Gymnasium, just opposite The Apollo. Walking football is designed to give you the chance to play the game you love, but at a much slower pace. It's a great way to keep fit, learn skills, have fun, and socialise at the same time, so why not come along? If you used to play football, but now find the pace a bit too much, or if you’ve never had the chance to be involved before, Walking Football is the perfect introduction to playing football for you – no running allowed! At the moment, all sessions are indoors, so please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Also now – Badminton! Playing Badminton helps to improve your fitness, and is great fun too! Come and join in with us every Tuesday afternoon from 16h-17h in the Gymnasium. Everyone welcome. For more information email eccreuse@ Laurière Carpet Bowls Club Registered & insured. For some gentle exercise with a friendly social club, learn to play Indoor Bowls at Lauriere, 87370, in the Haute-Vienne. No experience required. Come and take a look. It is great fun and easy to play. Join us any Monday at 2 pm until 5.30 pm at La Maison des Jeunes (Community Centre), on the route de St Goussaud (D28) just off the D914 at Lauriere. Parking available. Session includes short refreshment break with home-made cakes (€2.50 per person). For info, please call 05 55 71 23 83. Currently, we have British, French, and Dutch members. We look forward to seeing you. American Line Dancing (French Style) * Our new programme will restart on 3rd September * The Phénix Country Club welcomes new members - men & women, beginners & experienced dancers - to the salle des fêtes at LACS, near LA CHÂTRE, dept 36. Learn French & learn to dance in a friendly environment every Tues & Fri evening from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. 1st 2 sessions are free. Annual subscription is 80 euros per person. For more information in English contact Annette on 06 85 39 83 41 or email our French Présidente at Art Classes in Bujaleuf in French and English Caroline welcomes you at her workshop in Bujaleuf for drawing and watercolour painting. 2 courses weekly: Tue and Wed afternoons, 10 euros per person for a two-and-a-half-hour session. The classes are in both French and English, a good way to share languages and cultures in a friendly atmosphere. New students welcome. For further information please contact Caroline on 06 72 08 26 15 or at Photo Club La Meteorite (87) Rochechouart All welcome, all levels; we meet fortnightly at 3-5 pm on Sundays. Field trips, friendly critique, conversation and competitions (to contact and more details go to Gardening Les petits jardiniers du Limousin Meet Thursday afternoons, dates below. 2.30 pm in the Mairie at St-AmandlePetit. Everyone welcome. Contact: 2019 Programme: Jan 17th - Bird
and song identification; Feb - No meeting; Mar 21st - Drought: sedums, sempervivums and succulents; Apr 18th Soil testing - knowing what to plant; May 16th - Gardening for the bees; Jun 20th - Car rally and lunch; Jul 18th - Fragrant plants for all year; Aug 15th - Very Berry shrubs; Sep 1st - Annual Show; Oct 17th - AGM followed by Plant Name Origins; Nov 21st - Natural dyeing using plants; Dec 12th - Christmas Party. Integration Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble We offer an easy-going and relaxing range of social functions to bring members of the French and English communities together, and a range of language courses for different levels of experience in English and French in Rochechouart (87) and Brigueil (16), as well as a Life & Culture in France course in Rochechouart. All lessons are in small groups with qualified teachers for just 7€ per hour; membership costs only 15€ per year. Visit www. or email for more information. For help and advice on choosing the right course telephone 05 55 58 02 88 or email frenchlessons. CLE – (Charente Limousine Exchange) Founded in 2003 The Charente Limousine Exchange (CLE) are a group of enthusiastic members who form a valuable resource for the exchange of information, ideas and experiences. Run by a small volunteer committee they provide help and support with many varied issues associated with living in France. CLE organise many social activities and regular trips, including monthly lunches, quizzes and (usually) friendly boules games. Forums on French tax and other relevant issues provide crucial membership support. Visit the website for more information and calendar of activities. President: Dave Brown. Web: Tel: 05 49 87 05 85 Email: Aubusson’s Network Each week, for 6 years now, we meet between 11.30 am and 1 pm every Saturday at the café "Aux Baladins" opposite Aubusson’s Gare Routière car park. We are a friendly group of French and English who enjoy conversation in both languages. We like to exchange views, make new friends, help and advise one another and help integrate newcomers. You can contact us by phone: Jo 09 72 41 40 47 - Jan 00 44 74 68 20 66 12 - John 05 55 67 37 60 Association Rencontres FrancoBritanniques The association of 120 members, based in Bourganeuf, aims to help British people become integrated in their communes and local life. We organise a range of cultural and social activities for our members. A list of our activities is on our website www. Our fortnightly conversation groups give the opportunity for British members to improve their spoken French, and our French colleagues their English. We would very much like to welcome new people, both French and English, into the association. The annual subscription for membership is €12 per person or €22 for a couple. Contact: Christine Gee 05 55 64 22 25 Email: French Conversation Group at Les Billanges (87340) We are a small group who meet fortnightly for an hour and a half on
Tuesday evenings during term time in Les Billanges, 87340, close to the Creuse/Haute-Vienne border. We are accompanied by a retired French schoolteacher and a current French teacher of English. Discussion is informal, loosely based on everyday topics, including some grammar plus general discussion. We need a few more people to help keep it vibrant and to cater for inevitable absences. The only cost is yearly membership of the local Association, about €16, which brings with it other social opportunities. To find out more please contact Chrissy Smith at Familles Rurales in Peyrat-le-Château Association Familles Rurales now offer assistance in English and Dutch to all non-French speaking people (British, Dutch, German, etc.) concerning all kinds of administrative steps. The service is available in Peyrat-le-Château and surrounding communes. We will try to provide information and help you find your way in social and administrative matters, as well as with practical matters where language is a problem. Find Heleen Tichler-Botermans at the AFR office in Peyrat-le-Château on Mondays from 9 am to 12 pm and Wednesdays from 9 am to 1 pm. You are welcome to drop in or make an appointment. E-mail: familles-rurales.infopeyrat@ Telephone: 06 41 20 06 83 Office address: 19 avenue de la Tour, 87470 Peyrat-le-Château Familles Rurales 2 in St-Yrieix-laPerche Weekly courses in French for foreigners (mainly English and Dutch) living in the area. Four levels taught: Level 1 Beginners - Mon 10h30 - 12h; Level 2 - Thu 10h30 - 12h; Intermediate - Tue 10h30 - 12h; Advanced – Wed 14h30 - 16h30. All courses are held at our premises 1, rue de la Piscine, St-Yrieixla-Perche 87500. For more info tel 05 55 09 30 86, email afr2.styrieix@wanadoo. fr or visit styrieix Les Franglais de Banize (23120) French and English people meet every Wednesday at 2-3 pm in the mairie in Banize to share English and French language and lots of laughter. We all learn from each other, in both languages and about aspects of both cultures. In general the English try to speak in French and vice versa. As far as possible! The meetings have been going on for ten years now but new arrivals are always welcome. For more information please contact Anne Chadwick at or tel 05 55 67 53 60. Bessines-Accueil Bessines-Accueil is a group based in Bessines-sur-Gartempe (87250) which seeks to welcome new arrivals both to the town and to the surrounding region and to assist them with integration in the community. The group is comprised both of French and English members and meets weekly, generally on Thursday afternoons, in Bessines-sur-Gartempe, when various activities take place, all aimed at promoting a friendly and welcoming ambiance. Through these activities, which include visits, talks, entertainment and much more, the group aims to discover and promote an appreciation of the life, the history and the heritage of the area and to help new arrivals settle. For more details or to join please contact the President, Bernadette Ruffenach, on 05 55 76 11 19. Café Franglais Organised by the Amitiés Internationales
Peyrat Film Club
The CINEMA in Peyrat-le-Château, run by the volunteers of the Association Bande Originale, regularly shows VOST films (original version with French subtitles), especially for all the non-French speakers in our region. In August we will be showing: Yesterday – Saturday 3 August, 17h Vita and Virginia – Saturday 10 August, 17h Wild Rose – Saturday 24 August, 17h The White Crow – Thursday 29 August, 17h The Hustle – Saturday 31 August, 17h Ticket price €5, but just €3.50 for members of the Association. See our website for dates & times, etc:
Charity Cream Tea Fundraiser For Twilight Elderly Dogs and Noahs Ark Animal Rescue and Re-home at the barn of Tina and Jane, 5 La Trigalle, 87360 Lussac-les-Eglises. Sunday 18th August from 3 pm - 6 pm. €5 per person for 2 scones, clotted cream, jam and tea/coffee. White elephant stall, raffle, books and handcrafted cards. Friendly, happy atmosphere. This will be our last charity cream tea for this year and we thank all those who have supported us. Contact 05 55 60 69 23 for further information or reservations. du Pays de Boussac (AIPB). Every Wednesday evening at 18h30 in la Maison des Associations, Quartier Pasteur, 23600 Boussac. Come and join us for an informal chat to improve your French or English with native speakers in a café atmosphere whilst enjoying a drink and nibbles. From 9th January until 24th April without stopping for Easter. Break for the summer, then recommence 4th September until 11th December. For more info please email Open Door Association – English Language Library & Cultural Exchange Group The Association organises a range of activities throughout the year aimed at bringing together French and Englishspeaking residents through cultural exchange. Our range of activities for 2019 include a Burns’ Supper, an Occitan Musical Evening, a bilingual guided bird-walk, Beaujolais Nouveau Evening, a Pub-Style Singalong and selected readings from the works of JRR Tolkien. See our website for a full list: www. In addition, Open Door operates an Englishlanguage library service with outlets in StPardoux-Morterolles and Bourganeuf, with a choice of around 5,000 fiction, non-fiction and children’s books as well as DVDs and jigsaw puzzles. See our website for opening hours. We welcome new members of all nationalities and offer individual and family membership as well as temporary membership for holiday visitors. Contact the Secretary on for details. Tea Time Cultural exchange workshop designed to bring together those who want to practise their French or their English in a friendly and fun environment. Held at the old school in Sussac (87) every Tuesday morning, 10 am till 11.30 am, except school holidays, the session includes group discussion/chat, structured role play and games for grammar practice, specific weekly topics, a small library of English/ French books, CDs and DVDs and an exchange of recipes, thoughts and ideas, followed by tea/coffee and cake. Cost: €144 for the year, plus €25 annual membership fee to the Foyer Rural. Contact: Jasmine (en français or in English) on 06 41 36 05 03. Bilingual Montessori Workshops At the Foyer Rural in Saint-Léonard-deNoblat for children aged 3 to 8 years old, run by Catherine Hutchinson and Sue Greenbank. The children are immersed in an atmosphere where both French and English are spoken. The workshops take place on Wednesdays from 13h30 to 15h30 and on Saturdays from 10h to 12h. The workshops take place without the parents. For further information please contact Catherine on 07 70 46 57 70 or Sue on 06 52 26 54 79. Libraries & Books Sale of Second-hand Books, La Croisillesur-Briance On the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance (87130), there is a sale of second-hand books (both English and French) from 9 am to 12 noon, at the former restaurant in La Place, opposite the bar/tabac. All proceeds go towards the local school funds (for La Croisille-sur-Briance and St-Méard RPI). La Souterraine English Library and Information Centre Located in the historic Porte de Puy Charraud, at 10 rue de Portail, La Souterraine, we are a lively, well-stocked English language library with almost 4,000 books and media available to borrow. We have an attractive cafe which serves tea, coffee and a range of home-made cakes. There is also a regularly changing display of works by local artists. The library hosts a lively mixed conversation group for French and English speakers and also organises Anglo-French conversation groups in association with the municipal library in La Souterraine. There are also a number of thriving special interest groups, such as the Gardening Group, Camera Club, Singing Group, etc. We also provide support & assistance in bureaucratic and administrative matters
Free confidential support for Englishspeaking people touched by cancer
CSF 24 HOUR HELPLINE - 0800 24 02 00 email:
Facebook : Cancer Support France - Charente-Plus for both existing British residents as well as newcomers to the area. Whatever your interests don’t hesitate to pay us a visit and you will be made most welcome. Mon, Tue, Wed - Closed. Thu 10 am - 3 pm, Fri 10 am - 1 pm, Sat 10 am - 3 pm. For more info tel 05 55 89 57 62 during opening hours, email or visit The English Library – La Bibliothèque Anglophone, Dun-le-Palestel The English Library, which has now been established for over 12 years, is part of the Anglo-French Association Entente Cordiale and is situated in the route des Ratteries, adjacent to the Bibliothèque Municipale, Parc Benjamin Bord. The Library is a very welcoming meeting place, where you can come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, whilst browsing through our extensive collection of around 10,000 books, talking books and DVDs. Thanks to donations and an active purchasing policy we are able to offer something for everyone. For our new acquisitions we concentrate on recent publications, as well as member requests for older books. Open Thu 10h-13h & Sat 10h-12h30. Entente Cordiale hosts a wide range of other groups and activities too, including English lessons, French lessons, Traditional Dance Group, Art Group, Theatre group, Les Troubadours, Traditional Embroidery Group, Walking Football and Badminton. For more information email Music OuiRock Choir Do you enjoy singing? Fancy being part of a great group of people who come together once a week? If you do, why not come along to a taster session. We meet every Wednesday evening at 18h at the salle des fêtes in StSulpice-les-Feuilles (87160). For further details contact us on Facebook @ouirock87 or via email on: ouirock87@ We look forward to welcoming you! L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La Souterraine If you or one of your family are interested in playing in an orchestra and think your standard might be adequate do get in contact with us. We meet weekly on Friday evenings in La Souterraine (apart from the summer holidays) to rehearse. Most of our concerts are around Xmas or May-July. Our members come from all over Limousin so lifts to and fro may be possible if necessary. Contacts: French language Marie-France Martinie 05 55 30 76 23 / English language Alan Kerr 05 55 56 34 52. Le Chambard du jeudi Organised by the association Nessgig this takes place every 2nd Thursday of the month, from 19h to 23h at “La Maison des Associations", place du 8 mai 1945, ChâteauChervix (87). All music lovers who would like to share and exchange information and stories around songs and singing, in French AND in English, or who might like to jam a little, are welcome. Free admission! For more information email or tel 05 55 09 99 34. JJ's Music Club Hosted by L'Authentique Restaurant, 25 rue Principale 23360 Lourdoueix-Saint-Pierre. Singers and musicians of all styles and levels will be warmly welcomed on the last Friday of the month. Free entry. Please reserve food in advance (05 55 80 21 67) - 17 euros for 3 courses. For more information email Jacky at Live music sessions, Rochechouart Our acoustic music sessions take place every second Friday of each month at Salle Jacques Brel in Rochechouart. You’ll hear all kinds
of music from celtic, country, jazz, music hall, pop, classical, comedy & swing. If you’re a singer or musician or just want to listen to some great music, why not join us? Doors open at 7.30 pm. Join our Facebook Group Folk-Galerie for more information or, if you would like to perform, contact: No session in August. We’re back in September. Support
Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there are now English-speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous at Limoges, Périgueux and Civray. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For details of the meetings or other information contact Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 (Périgueux) or Angela 05 49 87 79 09 (Civray). Other meetings in South-West France can be located on our website at www. Cancer Support France, Charente Plus Free confidential support for Englishspeaking people touched by cancer in departments 16, 17 & 86. CSF 24 hour helpline: 06 45 35 32 30, Email, Facebook: Cancer Support France - Charente Plus CSF Charity Shop open at 3 rue Nationale, 16150 Chabanais (entrance opposite the mairie – we are on the 1st floor upstairs) Tue & Wed from 10 am – 4 pm. Cancer Support Haute-Vienne We offer free and confidential support to English speakers affected by Cancer in the Haute-Vienne (87) and Creuse (23). Our helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87. If you would like more information or would like to become a member or help in any other way, please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15, or visit www. Association France Alzheimer in Dordogne We offer English-speaking support as a part of the national French charity supporting families affected by dementia. Our network of English speaking volunteers works across Dordogne. A support group meets near Bergerac on the first Tuesday of each month. Website: Email address: alzheimer.dordogne@orange. fr Telephone: 05 53 27 30 34
My name is Fleur and I am a beautiful 18-month-old Malinois cross. I have been at the refuge for 3 months now. It is the usual story, I was a very cute puppy but unfortunately, my previous owners didn't take the time to check the needs of my breed and as a result, as I grew, they were unable to cope with me. So here I am, starting my life over, learning new things every day at the refuge. Luckily I am smart, excellent with other dogs, love my walks and yes, I still have a way to go, but I am young and so very eager to learn. The SPA are looking for someone who knows my breed, a family with no young children is preferred and a house with a garden is essential. If you think you can help Fleur then please contact the SPA de Creuse (Guéret), 21 Le Clocher, 23000 Saint-Sulpice-le-Guérétois tel 05 55 81 99 31 (answering machine) or send an email in English to
Do please come in and visit us. We are located at: 3 rue Nationale, 16150 Chabanais (entrance opposite the mairie, directly behind Petticoat Lane – we are on the first floor upstairs)
OPENING HOURS: Tuesday & Wednesday 10 am – 4 pm Sorry – no books or electrical goods
26, Ecurat 23150
Le Restaurant Ecurat Atelier d'Art du Jardin
We are open serving our Plat du Jour every Monday to Friday.
Friday is fish day! Vendredi c'est poisson! Call for more information: tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email:
WANTED: Unfurnished house to let Looking for an unfurnished 3 bedroom house for rent with a fenced garden in Dun-le-Palestel or La Souterraine area. Please contact Sophie: 06 61 56 47 17-
We are looking for a cleaner & skilled estate gardener for an upscale manor house in 87430 Verneuil.
Please call:
06 78 86 14 41
Bugle Notice Board
Specials of the month: Rogan Josh & Chicken Shashlik (starter) Marsac, (Chez Jacques) - Friday 2nd (6.30pm) Le Vigen (87110), Chilled pre-orders only! - Saturday 3rd (6.30pm) Ste-Sévère-sur-Indre, Boussac, Gouzon and Guéret, Chilled pre-orders only! ... Wednesday 7th (3.15pm, 4pm, 4.30pm & 5.15pm) Peyrat-le-Château, Eymoutiers & St-Léonard-de-Noblat... Chilled pre-orders only! - Thursday 8th (12.30pm, 1pm & 1.45pm) Le Dorat, Bellac & Limoges, Chilled pre-orders only! ... Friday 9th (1pm, 1.30pm & 3pm) Bourganeuf, St-Dizier-Leyrenne, Le Grand-Bourg, Dun-le-Palestel & La Souterraine... Chilled pre-orders only! Thursday 15th (1.15pm, 1.30pm, 2pm, 2.30pm & 3.30pm) Sardent, (Auberge du lac, Masmangeas) - Saturday 17th (6pm)
Please contact me if you would like a chilled pre-order to anywhere that is not listed above!
Très Jolie
Italian Clothing & Fashion Accessories Fabulous Italian Linen and Cotton Clothing & Fashion Accessories including handbags, purses, scarves and jewellery. Postage available. Can't get to me, then I will come to you! Available for home parties, contact me for details.
All venues are weather permitting. Please check website & Facebook for updates. Email:
Tel: 07 70 39 12 23
Chez Jacques, Marsac
Piégut Market every Wednesday (weather permitting)
Fri 2nd August
See Facebook page for all other special event
Curry Night with mandyscurry2go
bookings -"Tres Jolie Milhaguet"
05 55 53 03 56 / 06 04 08 29 53
Promo Sangria €1.50 a glass Selection of british ales 50cl €4.00 05 87 40 02 83
The Bugle Film Club Thursday 8th August
What? Yesterday Where? Cinéma Sénéchal, 1 rue du Sénéchal, 23000 Guéret When? 19h00, Thursday 8th August How much? JUST €4 (mention The Bugle when purchasing your ticket)
For details of the Cinéma Sénéchal, visit Details of each month's screening will be included in The Bugle, but to receive emails about upcoming Film Club nights, please send an email to quoting “Film Club” in the subject line, and we will add you to our contact list. (We promise not to send you any spam!!)
WHAT’S ON ♦ 27
Mon 1st Jul to Sat 31st Aug COGNAC-LA-FORÊT Exposition - Plantes Sauvages Every day from 14h30 - 17h30 at the Musée du Chanvre et de la Ganterie. Tue 9th Jul to Thu 29th Aug CONFOLENS Beekeeping Taster Sessions Come and meet the bees! Spend an afternoon with us learning about and spending time with our bees here in Confolens. All equipment provided plus a free honey tasting for €25 per person. Sessions on 9, 21 July and 3, 12, 29 August. Sun 28th Jul to Thu 15th Aug Festival du Haut Limousin It’s Festival time again and this year we have some wonderful performances where music is combined with drama, story-telling and film; others where beautiful voices predominate. See July's edition of The Bugle for full details or visit
Takes place on the evenings of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th August with the performance starting as the sun sets around 10 pm. Tickets: Adults €20; Children €10. For more information and tickets visit Sun 4th Aug CREVANT Les Bergères en Folies Second edition of "Les Bergères en Folies" from 9 am to 6 pm. Various stands: 0% waste, naturopathy, art, craftworks, the funny side of science, games, music... and much more! The oil mill will also be open to visit. Snacks and refreshments available. Wed 7th to Sun 11th Aug FELLETIN 42e Festival Danses, Musiques et Voix du Monde
Fri 2nd to Mon 5th Aug LA SOUTERRAINE Fresque de Bridiers This year's music and folk dance festival welcomes 300 performers from all over the world. For more information & to view the festival programme visit: Fri 9th Aug BOUSSAC Guided conference Of the Collections at the Château de Boussac. Followed by a tasting of local products. €12; To reserve tel 06 25 25 37 02 before 5th August.
The annual Fresque Historique de Bridiers takes place before the magnificent scenery of the Tour de Bridiers, a historic site just outside La Souterraine dominated by the dramatic ruins of a 14th century castle. During the play, Bridiers becomes a gigantic open-air theatre with the action taking place across the arena, viewed by an audience of 2,000 people seated in a natural amphitheatre. For its fourteenth edition, the light and sound show will present “Cap sur la Liberté”.
Sun 11th to Sun 18th Aug Concerts with the Paris Symphonic Orchestra Sun 11th: Boussac church. 20h30. Viva l'Opéra. Mon 12th: La Celle Dunoise church. 20h30. Viva l'Opéra. Tue 13th: La Châtre church. 20h30. Passion Cinéma. Wed 14th: Abbatiale Chambon-sur-Voueize. 20h30. Viva l'Opéra. Thu 15th: Chéniers church. 20h30. Passion Cinéma. Sat 17th: La Celle Dunoise church. 20h30. Passion Cinéma. Sun 18th: Boussac Château. 20h30. Passion Cinéma. For more information and tickets contact local tourist offices. Mon 12th to Sun 18th Aug CONFOLENS Festival de Confolens Annual international festival of folk music and dance, attracting over 100,000 visitors. For over 60 years, Confolens has been organising the most popular traditional arts festival in the world. During the summer, the town becomes the 'home port' for like-minded travellers. Lovers of dance, music and singing all come together making music a universal lan-
guage, embracing different cultures. Entertaining this year will be hundreds of artists coming from all over the world! At a time when our societies seem to have lost their humanity, the Festival remains a moment to recognise and appreciate our differences. Visit for the full programme. Sun 18th Aug LUSSAC-LES-EGLISES Charity Cream Tea Fundraiser For Twilight Elderly Dogs and Noah's Ark Animal Rescue and Re-home at the barn of Tina and Jane, 5 La Trigalle, 87360 Lussac-les-Eglises. 3 pm - 6 pm. €5 per person for 2 scones, clotted cream, jam and tea/coffee. White elephant stall, raffle, books and handcrafted cards. This will be our last charity cream tea for this year and we thank all those who have supported us. Contact 05 55 60 69 23 for further information or reservation. Wed 21st to Sat 24th Aug Tour du Limousin - 52nd edition The Tour du Limousin is one of the most important sports events in the region... but it’s also a festive and popular event for more than 200,000 spectators. Stage 1: 21st August Condat-sur-Vienne (87) > Guéret (23) Stage 2: 22nd August Base Départementale de Rouffiac (24) > Trélissac (24) Stage 3: 23rd August Chamboulive (19) > Beynat (19) Stage 4: 24th August Confolens (16) > Limoges (87) For more information visit: Sun 25th to Fri 30th Aug SAINT-DIZIER-MASBARAUD Stage de chant Don't miss a fantastic opportunity to participate in a singing workshop offered by Isabelle Charles, singing teacher, vocal coach and well known for her stint on Star Academy, which takes place from 25 Aug to 30 Aug. All ages welcome and all styles possible. Learn to: - Develop your voice - Increase volume - Reach higher notes with ease - Gain in confidence - Sing for longer without getting tired There will be a concert to conclude the course at the Eglise de Saint-Dizier-Masbaraud on Fri 30 Aug at 19h30. 6 x 1hr individual session €360 (min 3 - €60 per session) or 6 x 1 1/2hr individual session €540 (min 3 - €90 per session) For more information tel 06 89 15 80 37 or visit Sun 1st Sep CHÉRONNAC Chéronnac Oyster Festival For lunch reservations, phone 05 55 48 60 80.