The Bugle - December 2012

Page 1

"Nutella Tax" introduced in fight against obesity In the continued fight against obesity levels, France is to quadruple the tax paid on palm oil, a key ingredient of the popular spread Nutella. >> Page 12

December 2012 Issue #38

VAT rate to rise to 20% from 2014

INSIDE > > > NEWS - Limoges shopkeepers to bare all Frustrated business owners in Limoges are threatening to run naked through the streets in protest >> Page 5

NEWS - CFE tax break for auto-entrepreneurs

♦ VAT rising to 20% from current 19.6% ♦ Intermediary VAT rate, which applies to house renovations, will rise from 7% to 10% ♦ The new move will raise an estimated €10 billion per year for the government in this bracket are restaurant meals, hotel or campsite stays, transport, home help, and cinema and museum visits. Restaurateurs’ group Umih reacted with anger to the rise in their tax, with president Roland Héguy calling it “a slap in the face”. In better news, the lowest current VAT rate of 5.5%, applied to “essentials” like food and energy, will be slightly lowered to 5%, giving back around €800 million to the general public. This measure is designed to help less welloff families who spend the

>> continued on page 7

BILINGUAL - The Full English Breakfast

We take a look at the iconic British breakfast and find out just what is in the 3kg Big One >> Page 15

© Ivonne Wierink -


ife could get a little bit more expensive in 2014 following an announcement that the rate of VAT in France will rise from 19.6% to 20%. The intermediary rate of VAT, currently 7%, will also rise to 10%. The move is expected to raise around €10 billion per year and will go towards funding tax credits worth €20 billion for companies that keep jobs in France. The hike in VAT will affect those renovating properties, an activity currently under the 7% bracket. Also affected

Auto-entrepreneurs are to be given a further year's relief from the CFE tax >> Page 8

The French cabinet adopts draft bill paving the way to legalise gay marriage >> Page 7

Your indispensible guide to the region's Businesses >> Centre Pages



Welcome to


The Bugle

ou better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout, I'm telling you why... Santa Claus is coming to town! I have not been this excited about Christmas since I was a kid. My eldest daughter is now fast approaching 4 years old and for the first time this year she is realising what Christmas is 'all about' and that presents could be on the cards. It's my own fault. I found myself explaining who Father Christmas was and doing the whole “he knows if you've been bad or good thing” at about the start of November. The idea was to have a carrot at the end of a metaphorical stick which I have been using to beat some good behaviour out of her. It worked in the sense that I can now threaten to telephone Father Christmas to tell him that she's been bad and I receive instant compliance with my every command. The flip side is she can't really do days and weeks yet, so saying that he'll be here in a couple of months hasn't been sinking in. She keeps looking at the chimney, expecting the arrival of Santa any second.

It is amazing to see Christmas again through a child's eyes. I absolutely loved Christmas as a child. It was the time of year when the whole family would get together and it was properly exciting and fun in a way that it can only be when you are that age. The older I got, the more cynical I became. For most of my twenties, I may well have just had “Bah, Humbug!” tattooed on my forehead. I hated the marketing onslaught that begins as soon as Hallowe'en ends... and Christmas themed pop songs!!! I have a

particular hatred for Christmas music. I did a lot of jobs as a student, most of them awful and for a pittance. The worst job I ever had did not pay badly, but was the longest month of my life.

It was working as 'security' on the door of a branch of Next in the runup to Christmas. I say 'security' as I had the uniform and the badge, but I was not allowed to actually do anything (insurance reasons). I was a purely visual deterrent - a human security mannequin if you will. So I stood in the doorway for 8 hours at a time with nothing to do... directly below a speaker. The store I was in owned one 90-minute cassette (remember those?!!) of Christmas themed songs which I had to listen to on loop for 8 hours a day for an entire month.

actual physical response whenever I hear Noddy Holder scream “IT'S CHRISTMAS” on the radio. But even the horror of this season's music is being wiped away by the sheer joy of seeing the excitement in my daughter's eyes. I can only imagine what she will be like when she finds out what an advent calendar is and when we put the tree up. Will the Santa threat be enough to keep her in check right up to Christmas? Only time will tell. Hopefully I can big up the Easter Bunny a bit and get her to behave until spring!! Season's greetings to all our readers. Until next year! Steve Martindale Editor

INSIDE this edition

1 & 3-5 Local News 7-11 National News 12-14 French Life 15 Bilingual 16 Notice Board 17 Clubs & Associations 18 Community 19-20 What's On B1-B9 Business Directory B10-11 Classifieds B12 Games


Guantanamo, pay attention: this stuff would work brilliantly I would have admitted to anything after week one!! I still have an

General: Advertising (EN): Publicité (FR): Subscriptions: Write to: The Bugle Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012


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iabetes is becoming an increasingly significant problem in France and particularly in the Limousin, where 4.7% of the population are now treated for the illness. This compares to a national average of 4%. While this may still be a small percentage of the population, it is up alarmingly from 2000 when the figure was just 2.6%. As diabetes becomes more and more prevalent, it is also becoming a factor in the workplace. There are certain jobs that are not suitable for people with diabetes, but according to the AFD (association française des diabétiques), discrimination is now rife. This discrimination was the focus of a recent conference held in the Haute-Vienne to talk about the issue. Speaking to La Montagne, diabetes sufferer Nicole says that she is luckier than some. She has always been open and honest with her work colleagues about her diabetes and it does not

impact her ability to do her job. Apparently, the aspect of diabetes in which her colleagues are most interested is not what she can and can't do, but in the injection that she has to give herself every day at work. Not everyone is so lucky, however. “When I was in hospital when I first needed to move onto insulin, I met a young girl with Type 1 diabetes who worked in a creche,” explained Nicole. “When the director of the creche found out she had diabetes, she moved her to a job in the kitchen to keep her away from the children. The hours of work in the kitchen suited her condition much less well and caused her more problems.” In the public sector, the rules are fairly well established as to workers' rights for diabetes sufferers, but in the private sector there is no legislation, a fact that the AFD believes is leading to increasing levels of discrimination in the workplace. ■

© 2009 Puuikibeach (Flickr)

Diabetes on the increase in Limousin

Weight is a significant contributory factor in type 2 diabetes Type 1 diabetes: An auto-immune disease where the body's immune system destroys the insulinproducing cells in the pancreas. This type of diabetes is most common in young adults and accounts for 10-15% of all people with the disease. People with type 1 diabetes must inject themselves with insulin several times a day and follow a careful diet and exercise plan.

Type 2 diabetes: Also known as late-onset diabetes, it is characterised by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. Excess weight, inactivity, high blood pressure and poor diet are major risk factors for its development. People with type 2 diabetes are twice as likely to suffer cardiovascular disease. Type 2 diabetes may be treated by dietary changes, exercise and/or tablets. Insulin injections may later be required.

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Drunk man tries to walk across the A20 A 60-year-old local man has narrowly avoided serious injury while trying to cross all 4 carriages of the A20 motorway... at rush hour and on foot!! The man, who had apparently enjoyed a drink or two that day, was trying to get home by the most direct route, which involved traversing the region's largest road. After jumping over the security barriers, worried motorists stopped to prevent the man attempting the suicidal crossing. The police were called and were quickly on the scene at just after 5 o'clock in the evening. The man, who was fortunately unharmed, was taken to the CHU hospital in Limoges by the sapeurspompiers. ■




landmark case is being fought in Limoges surrounding the rights of people to live in yurts. A yurt is a portable, bent wood-framed dwelling traditionally covered in animal felts and used by nomads in the steppes of Central Asia. Yurts have become popular in Europe in recent years, as they are relatively cheap, portable and sturdy dwellings. Many people have chosen a yurt as a permanent home. There is also a thriving tourist demand for 'glamping' - a word coined from 'glamour' and 'camping' to describe the market for a new wave of campers who feel the need for certain creature comforts. But what exactly is a yurt...? A tent, a semi-permanent structure, or a building? Traditional yurts used by nomads are regularly dismantled and carried across long distances as herds move between winter and summer pastures. Many modern, westernised models, on the other hand, as well as using cuttingedge fabrics for waterproofing and insulation rather than traditional animal felts, are also much harder to put up and

take down - they are not designed to be moved as often as a traditional yurt, although they are still portable. The question of what category a yurt falls into is being put to the test in the courts in Limoges after the mayor of the commune of Bussière-Boffy has taken legal action against seven members of his commune for illegally erecting 5 yurts. The affair has become a bitterly personal fight between the group of yurtdwellers and the man elected mayor in 2008, and has been running since shortly after his election. When the yurts were first installed in 2006, the group were in discussions with the previous mayor as to how they could be incorporated into the commune. Originally, all the yurts were on private land, apart from one, which had the permission of the land owner. The group also paid taxe d'habitation on their dwellings, which the mairie cashed in 2009 and 2010. In court, the group have pointed to a meeting in 2009 with the mayor, the prefecture and other local officials, where it was stated that an agreement would be

© 2006 - Adagio (WikiCommons)

Court case to decide the future of yurt community

reached. They say that by cashing the tax payments, the mayor was accepting that an agreement in principle was in the pipeline. Subsequently, however, the mayor passed a decree banning camping in the commune, citing the yurts as being 'insalubrious'. Three further pieces of legislation were then proposed by the mayor, all aimed at banning the yurts;

all were either rejected or suspended by the administrative tribunal. The case finally came before a judge in November, with the public prosecutor asking for an €800 suspended fine for each person, four months to remove the yurts and return the land to its original state and a fine of €15 per day for non compliance. The yurt-dwellers remain defiant,

however, saying, “We just want to live in peace without our children having the threat of eviction hanging over them. We are determined to defend our rights and to get all parties involved to face up to their responsibilities.” The verdict, due on 11th December, could have serious implications both for local tourism and for other yurt communities around the region. ■

The Bugle is now France's ONLY free English language newspaper. With News, Views, Features and Events from across the region, 13,000 copies of The Bugle are available FOR FREE from over 350 points across

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Central and Southwestern France: If you can't find a copy locally, get in touch and we will let you know your nearest distribution point. - ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012


Remembrance Day Limoges shopkeepers threaten to celebrations bring go 'the full monty' in fight against two commmunities Christmas Sunday trade restriction together


group of business owners from Limoges are preparing to run naked through the streets of the region's capital in protest against a rule that is stopping them from opening their shops on Sunday 23rd December. The mayor of Limoges has stipulated that Sunday trading will only be allowed on 16th December and not the Sunday before Christmas. Jean-Marc Renaudie, a jewellery shop owner and one of 73 signatories of a petition against the ruling, summed up the mood amongst the group. “In the end, I said to myself that only being allowed to open on Sunday 16th December was

no more ridiculous than running naked through Limoges.” “Besides the commercial aspect,” continued the irate shopkeeper, “there is also the need to have a vibrant city centre. What on earth are people who come to Limoges for the holidays going to think?!” But will they really follow through with their threat to run naked through the streets? “I am not a unionist, nor am I a nudist, but I think something has got to be done,” said Mr Renaudie. Jean-Michel Gillot, who runs a bookshop in Limoges, said that while he was happy to sign the petition, he would personally be keeping his t-

shirt on. “The Sunday before Christmas is a huge day for us. The image of the town centre is also at stake. Besides that, I have 18 employees who actively want to work that day

because they get paid double.” At the time of going to press, the mayor's office was still insisting that there will be no trading on Sunday 23rd December. ■

La Creuse is unimpressed by European woes


his month, expats across the region joined their French compatriots to remember those who died fighting during the First World War. Every commune in France has a war memorial for those who have died in the ine of duty. Pictured above is retired Colonel J P Wright, along with Monsieur Eric Loubeyre, mayor of the commune of SaintMartin-le-Mault, taken at the village war memorial. The locals were not only appreciative of the participation of an exserviceman from across the Channel, but were apparently also quite taken with his kilt! ■

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The Limousin is one of the poorer regions of France, and La Creuse is the poorest department in that region. For an area beset by problems of unemployment and depopulation for more than just the last few years, do its residents really care about the wider European financial crisis? If a recent protest in Guéret is any indication... then no. In November, a series of protests took place in towns and cities across the country against the current austerity measures being pushed through by European governments in response to expanding budget deficits. A call to arms was raised by all the major French unions to let the government know that the beleaguered population had endured enough. In Guéret, the capital of a department with over 120,000 residents, this call was answered by a mere 80 people!! It would appear that the Creusois have enough problems of their own, without worrying about the European economy. ■



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02 54 60 02 14 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012

NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 7 Septic tanks

systems designed with permissions & paperwork included and independent approval with certification.

New campaign targets mobile phone usage while driving A campaign has been launched in France to try and reduce the number of road accidents caused by mobile phones. Statistics released recently have shown that mobile phone usage while driving is behind 10% of all accidents on French roads. L'Association Prévention Routière has provided statistics showing that 58% of drivers admitted to having used a mobile phone at the wheel in 2011 - up from 23% in 2004 and 19% in 1999. The focus of the campaign will be on younger drivers: 76% of those questioned aged between 18 and 24 say they had used their phone whilst driving. If you are caught driving while using a mobile phone then you face a fine of €135 and three points off your licence. ■

Eurozone in double dip recession as France returns to growth The Eurozone has slipped into a double-dip recession after posting negative growth of 0.1% in the third quarter of 2012. Many Eurozone economies such as Greece and Italy have been in recession for a while now but this is the first time since 2009 that the zone has collectively posted consecutive quarters of economic contraction. France and Germany managed to buck the trend, with both managing 0.2% growth in the same period, but this was not sufficient to save the 17-country bloc from overall recession. Millions of people across Europe have protested against the government spending cuts that EU policymakers say are crucial to ending the debt crisis, but which others blame for the economic contraction. “We are now getting into a double dip recession which is entirely self-made,” said Paul De Grauwe, an economist with the London School of Economics. “It is a result of excessive austerity in southern countries and unwillingness in the north to do anything else.” The European Commission is predicting a 0.4% contraction for the Eurozone as a whole in 2012. Hopes for a recovery next year are also fading, with the European Commission saying the economy will grow just 0.1% in 2013. ■


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France set to approve same-sex marriage


rance is pressing ahead with plans to legalise gay marriage despite vocal opposition and widespread protests. A draft bill, approved in November by the French cabinet, has redefined marriage to stipulate that it is “contracted between two persons of different sex or of the same sex,” and the words “father” and “mother” in existing legislation are to be replaced by “parents”. The bill will also allow married gay couples to adopt children. To the disappointment of some left-wing politicians and gay campaigners, however, it does not give lesbian couples the legal right to have “medically assisted” children - i.e. the state will not fund IVF treatment for gay married couples. France already allows civil unions between same-sex couples, through the PACS (pacte civil de solidarité), although this does not grant the same rights as marriage. The legislation follows through on an election pledge by François Hollande

who had promised to legalise same-sex marriage during his presidential campaign. The president called the bill “progress for all of society”. Before becoming law, it will have to be passed by both houses of the French parliament when it is debated in January; since the Socialists hold a majority in both houses, this should proceed with relative ease. Although opinion polls indicate that a majority of the French public support gay marriage, only half approve of allowing gay couples to adopt and the proposals have proved to be controversial. Serge Dassault, an influential senator from the centreright UMP party, said the bill represented “the end of the family, the end of children’s development, the end of education.” He called it “an enormous danger to the nation”. More than 1,000 mayors have signed a petition against the proposed changes and there have been protests in 75 towns and cities. The largest of these

was in Paris, where police estimated that 70,000 people took to the streets. The most virulent opposition has come from religious leaders, with Cardinal André VingtTrois, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Paris, calling the bill an act of “deception”. In a speech before 120 bishops in Lourdes, the cardinal said the law would establish “the marriage of a few imposed on everyone”. Jewish, Muslim, Protestant and Orthodox Christian religious leaders have also opposed the bill. th The mayor of Paris' 8 arrondissement, François Lebel, went even further and warned that if the government broke the taboo of gay marriage, it would lead to the breaking of other taboos, like incest or polygamy. If the bill passes through parliament, France will become the 12th country to make its marriage laws gender neutral, joining a list that includes the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Spain. ■

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VAT rate will rise from 19.6% to 20% in 2014 >> continued from pg 1 largest proportion of their incomes on these products and services. The lowest rate applies to shop-bought food (excluding sweets and certain luxuries like foie gras and caviar), bottled water and non-alcoholic drinks and electricity and gas subscriptions, and it should also apply to books and live shows which are dropping to the 5% rate as of January. The changes come following a muchanticipated report by Louis Gallois, who was given the task of looking at ways to improve French business. The government has also announced that it will cut a further €10 billion from public spending in 2014-15. ■

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Tax break for auto-entrepreneurs


he government has announced that those registered under the auto-entrepreneur system will not have to pay the cotisation foncière des entreprises - CFE tax - in 2012. The previous government, which introduced the auto-entrepreneur status, granted an exoneration from CFE tax for a maximum of three years. After this time, all individual traders were to become subject to the tax, so auto-entrepreneurs who first declared their activity back in 2009 should in theory be required to pay the CFE contribution for the first time in 2012 - indeed, many will have received bills. According to the French finance ministry, those who receive or have already received a tax bill for the CFE payment this year should request tax relief either in person or in writing from the business tax service (SIE). They will then automatically be granted tax exemption, provided that they

fulfill all other conditions. François Hollande has been a vocal critic of the auto-entrepreneur system and has declared his intention to introduce reforms, so the news of further tax breaks has come as a surprise. Many established businesses registered under other legal structures complain that the auto-entrepreneur status grants an unfair competitive advantage, and Hollande would appear to agree with them. It would seem that the latest tax break is down more to the outgoing government failing to make any provision for how the tax would be imposed, rather than a tax break to small businesses. According to the finance minister, Pierre Moscovici: “It appears the levying of CFE on auto-entrepreneurs was not prepared or discussed by the previous government.” Despite the good news, all is not looking rosy for autoentrepreneurs. Ministers are currently awaiting the conclusions

of a report on the taxation of the system, due in December. Based on this report, it is widely believed that the government will change the rules for auto-entrepreneurs. The CFE tax is calculated based on the value of the business premises, which for autoentrepreneurs is often their home. Combined with the fact that many work part-time or declare very small turnovers, the CFE tax can become a significant portion of their turnover. Supporters of the scheme are looking for the CFE tax to be linked to turnover, keeping with the original principle of “no turnover, no tax”. According to IGAS, the body preparing the report, there are more than 800,000 autoentrepreneurs, but less than half have declared a turnover. An Insee study found that out of those which do produce an income, only 10% declare a turnover equivalent to more than the minimum wage. Someone declaring no turnover for 24 months loses their right to the status. ■

Hollande uses one English word in letter to Obama... and gets it wrong!


t was a case of “lost in translation” for President François Hollande this month as France's leader continued the great Gallic tradition of murdering the English language. Following Barack Obama's re-election for a second four-year term of office in the US, Hollande's office thought it would be good diplomacy to send a letter of congratulations to America's top man. The printed letter, written in French, contained just four hand-written words: “Cher Barack” “Dear Barack”... no problem there. However, Mr Hollande attempted to sign off the letter in English, writing “Friendly, Hollande” - a direct translation of “Amicalement, Hollande”, but unfortunately one with no discernible meaning in English. Showing a distinct lack of any English-speaking expertise amongst his staff, the letter was cleared, sent and even put up on the Elysée Palace's official Twitter feed... and within hours was doing the rounds on the internet. The gaffe raised a few laughs at the time amongst bloggers and the press, but it is very unlikely to have any impact on the Franco-American relationship. It does, however, highlight the dangers of working in someone else's language. “Ich bin ein Berliner”...? This lesson was also recently learned the hard way by France's prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, while addressing a group of businessmen in Germany in their own language. Attempting to patch up an increasingly frosty relationship between Hollande and Angela Merkel, Mr Ayrault wanted to describe their relationship as fruchtbaren, or 'fruitful'. Despite being a former German teacher, the word he instead used was furchtbaren, or 'dreadful'!! ■

Christmas & New Year @ Le Moulin Du Breuil 23140 PIONNAT Tel: 05 55 80 37 70 Email: Web:

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Monday 10th December - Friday 14th December 12h00-14h00 (Evening on request) Come and get into the festive spirit and enjoy a Christmas meal with friends and family 4 courses and a Christmas drink - €14.95 For any further information, please get in touch

New Year’s Day Menu Come and enjoy a New Year’s Day lunch at Le Moulin du Breuil 12h00 - 14h30 €28.00 Contact us for more details or to make a reservation ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012



nder plans to cut pollution in Paris, 'old bangers', lorries and classic cars will be banned from the streets of the nation's capital within 2 years. Socialist mayor Bertrand Delanoë intends to outlaw cars more than 17 years old as well as lorries and buses more than 18 years old by September 2014. Motorbikes built before 2004, which the mayor said were the “most polluting and noisiest”, will also be outlawed from all areas inside the A86 ring road. Along with the classic 2CV, the archetypal image of a young couple sputtering around Paris' cobbled streets on a Vespa could soon become a thing of the past. The ban has plenty of opposition, however, with claims it is “anti-social, anti-suburban and antimotorist”. One classic car owner told Le Parisien newspaper the move would “exclude the poorest people from driving in the capital” and turn Paris into an “island for the rich”. To counter this argument, authorities said that they would introduce “social” measures to help families and businesses update vehicles, including state subsidies to scrap old cars for new ones. Experts


immediately called this promise unrealistic, given the huge cost of such a measure at a time of budget cuts and austerity. The ban is the latest in Mr Delanoë's war on “the hegemony of the automobile”. In recent years he has introduced a raft of changes aimed at dissuading, or in some cases stopping, motorists from using the roads of the capital. He has introduced trams, bike and bus lanes, as well as the popular bicycle rental scheme. In the past year he has also launched Autolib', the electric car rental system and begun pedestrianising stretches of road along the banks of the Seine. Those who do not own a car - a population that today accounts for the majority of people living in central Paris - are delighted, but those drivers who remain claim that the congestion today is worse than ever. Other changes introduced as part of the mayor's pledge to “progressively and in a concerted manner” ban all heavy goods vehicles from using the capital's road network include creating toll barriers for lorries on cross-city motorways and eco taxes for those using le périphérique (Paris' inner ring road). Heavy goods vehicles will be tracked via satellite or number plate


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recognition. The measures require approval at ministerial level and the Paris Préfecture de Police before becoming law. Air pollution is responsible for 43,000 deaths per year in France and is estimated to take six months off Parisians' lives compared to those outside the capital. Elsewhere, the mayor has also announced a clampdown on cigarette butts. The number of people smoking has fallen in recent years, but since smokers were forced outdoors 5 years ago, the number of cigarette butts being thrown on the ground has exploded. “At the entrance to metros, at the entrances to cafés and restaurants... the situation isn't acceptable... the pavements are carpeted with cigarette butts,” said François Dagnaud, the deputy mayor of Paris in charge of cleanliness. “Our goal is of course not to put a police officer behind every smoker, but to encourage them to change their behaviour.” The city will provide 10,000 public ashtrays

Photo credit:

New efforts to clean up Paris

situated on a third of street bins throughout the city. As part of the campaign, which uses the slogan “Don't throw your cigarette butt, become a hero”, the mayor has

also asked the government to increase the fine for throwing cigarette butts on the streets from €35 to €68 - a fine which is currently largely un-enforced. ■


Father Christmas, or rather Père Noël, is expecting a busy time in the coming month after opening the doors to his online post office on La Poste's website: www. His 60 staff, based in the Gironde department, will be working flat out this year as they celebrate 50 years handling Santa's correspondence. It is estimated that 1.4 million children will get in touch with Père Noël this Christmas, a significant increase on the 5,000 letters he received when the service started in 1962. Father Christmas first went online in 1996. Visitors to his website can complete a short form and send a message to Santa - by entering postal details, children will also receive a personalised response from the man himself. ■




! ! W NE


Celotex Rigid Insulation Board B-Grade - all sizes available Delivery can be arranged

Father Christmas opens his online post office

******* ATP CERTIFIED *******



H2 0 Creuse HEATING




All forms of heating work undertaken: gas, oil & wood

Qualigaz certificates arranged Winterising of heating & plumbing systems Kitchens & bathrooms fitted and tiled Swimming pool maintenance. Advice given Jason Green: Email: Siret no: 487 425 639 00027

TVA No: FR86487425639

International online goods scam exposed


n internet scam has been unveiled involving a popular website, a fraudulent employment contract, a fake UK-based company, fake PayPal accounts and a gang from Ghana. Dozens of people fell into the trap, run through website www., which revolved around the buying and selling of electronic equipment. It began in the Var department in October when a lady complained to the site, which specialises in the private sale of items between individuals. Having sent a touch-screen device to a buyer in Brest on the western tip of France, she received an email receipt, apparently from PayPal, saying that the money had been sent... but she never received it. Following the complaint,

the police quickly established that 30 parcels had been sent to this same address, all electronic goods and all with the same problem of nonpayment. The net soon closed in on a 29-year-old lady in Brest, but when the police swooped, it transpired that the woman was herself also the victim of a con, this time an international one. Two weeks previously, she had been recruited over the internet by a UK-based company - she even had a signed employment contract to prove it. Her job was to receive parcels and to redirect them to an address in Ghana and for this she would receive a salary of €1,400 per month. However, the UK company did not exist and the contract was as fake as the PayPal account. Fortunately for all concerned, the authorities moved before most of the

goods had been shipped out to the fraudsters in Ghana - €20,000 worth of hightech equipment was found at the address, and is now being returned to the rightful owners. Officials said that they had little to no hope of tracking down the gang behind the fraud as co-operation with Ghanaian authorities is virtually non-existent. There have also been warnings that the address in Brest is probably only one of a number set up across the country for this kind of fraud and the police have again advised people of the dangers of PayPal related scams on popular buying and selling websites such as PayPal has a section on its website to help users avoid being defrauded and says that real PayPal emails “will always use your first and last name, or your business name”. ■


Ask at the reception desk for Erik


Keep warm this winter with one of our range of wood burning stoves

Ref: 560242 Supra «Gotham» - €790

Ref: 477671 Invicta «Mandor» - €849

Ref: 532299 Invicta «Antaya» - €1,299

Mr Bricolage, Rue Alexandre Guillon, 23000 Guéret - Tel: 05 55 52 10 01 Monday to Friday 9h00 - 12h15 & 14h00 - 19h00. Saturday 9h00 - 19h00 non-stop

The Bugle December 2012


12 Page Pull-out Section

Your indispensable guide to finding local businesses & artisans Accommodation Activities & Leisure Animals & Pets Antiques/Brocantes Auto Services Building Services Architects Carpenters/Joiners Electricians General Groundworks

Plasterers >> B4 Plumbers >> B5 Sandblasting >> B5 Chimney Sweeps >> B5 Computers & Satellites >> B5-6 Food & Drink >> B6-7 >> B2 Garden Services >> B7 >> B2 >> B7 >> B2 Gifts & Crafts >> B3-B4 Handholding Services >> B7 Health & Beauty >> B7-8 >> B4 >> B1 >> B1 >> B1 >> B2 >> B2

Accommodation La Petite Maison

Beautiful 2-person gîte in the heart of Creuse. Perfect for house-hunters & holidaymakers alike. SIRET: 518 135 009 00018

Beautiful 4 person gîte /chalet in a charming village Perfect for nature lovers, walkers. Available for weekends, week and monthly rentals from 70€. Special rate for the Christmas weekend and New Year.

Call Florence Godson for more details:

06 40 12 93 53

Chatelus-le-Marcheix, 23430

The Linden House Self-catering gîte in Creuse Sleeps 6-8 Prices from €250/week

La Courede Bed and Breakfast

Comfortable B&B. Two double rooms, en-suite. Guest lounge. Evening meal on request. 20 minutes from Limoges airport. 05 55 71 08 56 06 75 79 28 71

Holiday livery/pension for horses & ponies

Release stress and anxiety from your life. I am offering FREE discovery sessions to the first 20 people who contact me

Stabling, grazing, excellent facilities. Parking for trailers or lorries, safe & secure with 24-hour supervision. 07 87 68 51 44 : 02 54 24 56 98

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Animals & Pets


Certificat de capacité n° 87-203 RCS Limoges 750 912 057

Need help with your Puppy or Dog?

Dog Holidays

05 45 85 92 34

■ Pulls on lead ■ Recall bad ■ Jumps up at people ■ Generally misbehaving

05 55 68 67 56

Weekly classes & 1 to 1 siret: 753.130.855.00012


05 55 03 76 87 / 06 30 02 35 73

Only 30 mins from Limoges airport. Established, purpose built secure cattery. Large individual/family units, tiled floors, shelving, adjoining outside areas. Heated, individual needs catered for. NEW - purpose built isolation unit. Certificate of Capacity. Contact Barbara:

See page 4

SIRET: 494 125 016 00019

We make sure that “Ze Dog (& Cat) House” is a real home from home for your companions so that they, as well as you, spend a great time on holiday! June Altman, Le Puytren, 87800 Meilhac

Tel: 05 55 58 87 94 or Mob: 06 61 01 12 21 Email:

Call Elaine Smith:

The Caring Cattery Cosmo Flight School

€20 per day


Family, cage-free boarding for dogs and cats. Positive dog training and counseling.

Call for more info:

Good Citizens Dog Training

Activities & Leisure

Reclaim your natural state of balance!

SIRET: 511 679 011 00011

Insurance & Finance >> B8 Language Services >> B8 Online Shopping >> B8 Pest Control >> B8 Property Maintenance >> B8 Property Sales >> B8 Retail & Commerce >> B8-9 Transport/Removals /Storage >> B9 General >> B9

Champlong Chatterie

Caring, quiet accommodation just for cats JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la Poste Alison & Ray

Tel: 05 55 60 27 83 SIRET: 520 896 671 00010

at Valhalla Farm

5 Star Accommodation in our Home (Dept 23).

4 Walks each day & lots of T.L.C. Contact Karen & Darren Tel: Mob: +44 (0)7700 045 517 SIRET: 511 629 610 00011

The Orchard Kennels & Cattery (Farges, nr. Aubusson)

Small & friendly, English run. Viewings welcome. Certificat de capacité. Also available: Pet foods, treats & accessories.

Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 7.00

Contact Dave Grant: 05 55 67 58 87 siret: 504 584 228 00010




TTS is coming to France


ong established in the UK, the French sister company of TTS will be known as Electro-Sat. We have purchased a large commercial property (600 m²) at 5, rue de la République in the village of Sauviat-sur-Vige, between Limoges and Bourganeuf. We have been in the TV and Satellite installation business for 25 years within the Domestic and Commercial markets. As members of the Confederation of Aerial Industries (CAI), all our staff are fully qualified installers, able to plan and install systems from a single TV/Satellite point through to a complete re-wire throughout the home. Our client list includes UK broadcasters, film and TV stars, as well as housing associations, major builders and cable companies. FREESAT & SKY The Astra satellites which Sky

have been using for years are coming to the end of their lifespan and are being replaced with a new generation of satellites over the next few years. This next generation of satellites have some changes to what is called their 'satellite footprint' – a change that could have a major impact for viewers on the continent. The renewal programme started in September 2012. The new satellites have a dedicated UK beam and when the UK Sky channels move to this beam (as is planned) then much of France will not be able to receive UK programmes with their current dishes. The satellite footprint can be seen at (see the maps, right, taken from this site). The map shows reception on a 60 cm dish is possible to around Limoges. South of this zone no predictions are given. From our experience, the signal levels

Antiques/ Brocantes

at the perimeter of a footprint are not always accurate and the signal strength can drop very quickly. If signal strength drops, then receiving dish size goes up dramatically. This could have very major consequences for those living in the south of France and many in the centre may well have to increase dish size. Watch this space. Tooway Satellite Broadband Tooway Satellite Broadband is ideal for those who have limited or no broadband. As an Internet connection becomes more important to people, a reliable connection is needed. Unfortunately this is not always possible due to location. With Tooway you don’t need a telephone line, just an 80cm dish and a router (which can be purchased directly from Tooway or a Tooway Agent), installation

Le Mécanique Anglais 30 years’ experience

● All Makes & Models ● Repairs ● Servicing ● CT’s ● Specialist in: Vehicle Diagnostics and Auto Electrics Covering 87/24/16 - I can come to you





TEL: 05 53 62 50 46 SIREN: 514 423 532

The English Mechanic

Building Services

tel: 06 08 50 36 26

Architectural Services

Auto Services

Architectural DRAWING SERVICE Renovating your French property? New build?

Car Breakers - C.R.A.L.

Buy/Sell/Scrap Spare Parts for Sale - see pg 11


Registered Car Mechanic

See Display Ad - pg B5

Dossiers prepared Permis de Construire Déclarations Préalables

Tel: 05 53 52 36 05 SIRET: 493 770 358 00015

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

and a monthly subscription. The monthly subscription gives you a data allowance, so it is important to pick the correct usage subscription. There are several monthly data packages to choose from, priced according to speed and traffic allowance the upload and download speeds vary depending on the actual subscription. For example: Package: Tooway 8 Data Allowance: 8GB Upload Speed: 2Mps Download speed: 1Mps Price: £19.99pcm (excluding equipment and installation costs) With this package you could download 1000 emails, 210 documents, 65 music tracks, do 90 hours of browsing, watch 30 video clips and much more. Many extras are available to


Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Building Services

Existing Satellite

New Satellite customers at additional cost, such as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phones and wireless routers. We hope to be at our new

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Salamandre électricité

Building Services

* Qualified electrician * All types of electrical works carried out * Free estimates * Departments 23 and 87

SHUTTERS / VOLETS Made to Measure Woodwork

Pine Window Shutters from €35 Pine Ledge and Brace Doors from €69 Bespoke items made

05 55 14 12 43

Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150) Siren 527 854 749

Le Charme De Chêne Handmade solid oak joinery and furniture

Electricians Philip Evans

Fully Qualified French Electrician All electrical work covered, from a light switch to a full rewire Limousin, Charente & Dordogne covered Emergency Callouts 24/7

Tel: 06 36 35 56 44 or 05 55 78 16 28

Email: Siret: 533 235 016 00011

Robert Johnson

ELECTRICIAN SIRET: 493 084 974 00010

Registered in France since 2007 Banque Populaire La Souterraine Décennale Insurance All works to normes NF C15-100 ● Fault finding ● Small Works ● Complete rewires ● Consuel certification arranged ● Temporary EDF supplies arranged ● Permanent EDF supplies arranged ● Free quotations

SIRET: 510 156 763 00011

Email: Website:

Our joinery expertise includes barn doors, barn door frame openings, staircases, kitchens, windows & doors. We also make handmade furniture. Every item is bespoke and made to measure. Please visit our website for recent installations and references.

02 54 25 65 08 06 16 91 64 67

Keith Sloper Tel: 05 55 64 94 20 Mob: 07 86 38 09 61

No Siret: 494 916 760 00015

ELECTRICIAN Carpenters/Joiners

address in Sauviat-sur-Vige in the next few weeks, but have to overcome unforeseen issues which are taking time to resolve. For further information please contact us on 03 66 88 06 29 ■

Mobile No: 06 50 63 65 29

Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Lumiere Service et Energie

Steven Rofe - 20 Years experience

• NICEIC approved Electrician for 8 years in the UK • Wiring of new installations (including liaising with EDF) • Rewiring existing houses/barns • External & garden lighting • All aspects of electrical works • Fully insured - (10 year Decennale) • Departments covered 19,23 & 87 / email: Siret No. 501.792.386.00010 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012


Central France Pest Control - Applicateur3d


ne of the banes of second homes and living in France are the “nuisibles” (pests) that insist on making themselves at home in your house and garden. The mere mention of a rat or bed bug can send shivers down your spine - left untreated, you could soon be facing a large population in your home. Central France Pest Control “Applicateur3d”, run by Robert Moon, provides a professional pest control service for wasps, hornets, bed bugs, rats, cockroaches, flies and woodworm. To our knowledge, Robert Moon is the first and only British pest control business trading in France with the DAPA (Distribution et Application des Produits Antiparasitaires) certificate. British pest controllers can no longer trade under the UK diploma and must have the DAPA certificate, or work for a business who has. Established in central France for almost 6 years, Applicateur3d will travel to most areas of the country and offer an advice service by telephone or email. The following provides useful information regarding some of the most common pests:

Bed bugs Bed bugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon blood meals. They often hide in mattresses but they can also survive in furniture, behind wall coverings and pictures/paintings and they will crawl and nest inside tiny crevices. Their bites usually result in swollen red, itchy welts and are often confused with symptoms of scabies, allergic reactions or other insect bites, such as fleas or mosquitoes. Not everybody has a reaction to a bed bug bite and it can take up to 2 weeks to show any signs of a bite, so don't assume you were bitten the night before. Contrary to popular belief, they are not necessarily a sign of dirty homes or buildings. They cannot fly or jump, but can spread by hitch hiking from place to place on your

Building Services General La Noneix

Construction & Property Services Established, Professional and Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale insurance covering all works.

●Renovations ●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry ●Ground works

clothing or luggage. Bed bugs can survive for many months without feeding and are notoriously difficult to cure. We always assess and confirm an infestation prior to establishing the most appropriate method for rapid eradication. This confirmation is done through the identification of live insects, casts and blood spots. We don't recommend you attempt to treat bed bugs yourself as you could make the matter worse. Bed bugs are a specific problem which require specific treatment. Working with experts from around the world, we can treat bed bugs with natural products and you can reoccupy your room immediately.

Rodents Controlling rats or mice is not a quick fix. They are neophobic, which means they don't like new things. Mice and rats can take up to a couple of weeks to try a new food source, so don't expect an immediate result to the bait you put out for them. Contrary to the cheese-loving stereotype portrayed in Tom & Jerry, mice actually prefer sugary foods to savoury. Applicateur3d can instruct you on how to keep your property

rodent free. Inspection training are available.

Wasps and hornets The Pompiers no longer do callouts for wasp or hornet nests, they will give you the number of local pest controllers in your area. Contrary to popular belief, European hornets are less aggressive than wasps, they do a good job of killing other insects in your garden, it's the size and sound of them which puts the fear in everybody. Asian hornets are an invasive species. They were first discovered in the Bordeaux region in 2004 and since then spread to many southern and western departments. They are a problem because they prefer to build nests high in the trees, sometimes 30m high. A nest can contain many queens and have colonies of up to 20,000 hornets. They are much smaller than European hornets and can infiltrate and destroy a honey bee colony within hours. About 4% of the population will have an allergic reaction to wasps and hornet stings. If you have an immediate allergic reaction to stings, you should seek medical advice straight away. It is not advisable to approach a nest without adequate training or protective clothing.


Traditional Building Services

All aspects of renovation/ restoration covered including bespoke joinery and lime plastering. All work is fully insured. References available.

Ring Andy on 05 44 19 15 57 Ring Will on 05 55 37 45 35 siret: 532 981 198 00015

Double D

Renovations & Home Improvements 05 55 65 00 29 - pg 12

BURTON’s BUILDERS Renovation New Build High Finish Quality Work Reliable 8 years Limousin - Photos Refs available

Scaffold and Plant Hire Please ring Robert

05 55 89 69 46 SIRET: 503 169 237 00016

Blockwork Brickwork Stonework Repointing Rendering Plastering Tiling Walls Floors etc Now available in Bonnat area 23 also 03,18,36

Large or small projects undertaken - please view our website. Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands SIRET: 501 144 596 00019

05 55 62 48 15 / 06 33 17 17 54

Tel: 05 55 68 22 04

siret: 489 041 830 00030

Siret 789 209 236 00015

Advertise your business here

Why choose us? Central France Pest Control “Applicateur3d” only do pest control. We are an independent company, we are not a part of a larger chain. Our aim is to work with you to identify your pest, and show you how you can prevent reinfestation. We spend time searching for evidence and identifying your problem. We don't assume (nor, no offence, take your word for it!) We use natural treatments whenever

possible; when not, we use professional products which are not available in DIY stores or garden centres. If you have any queries or questions, please feel free to contact us: 02 48 60 83 72 Siret 498 544 741 00024 DAPA certificate


ROOFING, JOINERY, ELECTRICS, PLASTERING... ONE CALL COVERS ALL!! Tel: Dave - 05 55 37 74 06 Tel: Steve - 05 55 69 75 67 (Depts 23, 87 & 19)

siret: 501 792 386 00010

Lovejoy’s Steve Booth Scaffolding Hire Property maintenance

Strong, fully adjustable cup-lock scaffolding Collect and erect yourself to save costs or delivery and erection included



Haute-Vienne and surrounding area Project help. Renovations interior & exterior. General maintenance. Conservation and restoration trained in the UK.

Tel: 05Siret55 06 52 36 Registered

Inside & Out

Experience in Roofing, Tiling Floors & Walls, Plumbing, Fitting Kitchens & Bathrooms, Stonework & Rendering, Painting & Decorating

Tel: 05 55 63 88 70 Mob: 06 21 34 18 20 Siret no 507 516 748 00013

Entreprise Hines Building & Renovation ● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Equestrian Buildings ● Digger/Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more

28 years qualified experience SIRET: 503 169 237 00016


B4 ♦ DIRECTORY Septic tanks

systems designed with permissions & paperwork included and independent approval with certification.

Elegance Home Improvements Full, Comprehensive Building Service - see pg 7

BATIMENT SERVICES ROCHE Tailored solutions for your projects - big or small. Can do part or all of your jobs. • Painting (inside/outside) • Plaster boarding and insulation • Floor coverings (laminated floors, carpet, etc.) • Wall coverings (wallpaper, paper to paint, etc.) • Handyman jobs Phone Seán: 06-77-21-24-54 87800 Meilhac - Free quotations. SIRET: 788 841 021 00017

Albo Windows & Doors 07 86 95 18 90 - see pg 5

Kitchen & Bathroom Fitting Including Tiling and Plasterboarding Room construction to finishing touches

T: Ian 05 55 53 37 10 E: Siret. 484 206 624 00014

Your advert here

Dave Cardwell - Builder Mini Digger and dumper hire 05 55 98 24 12 See our Display Ad - pg 9 with driver From €120 per day

T J Renovations 30 years experience in building trade

Full refurbishments undertaken • Stone/Brickwork • Patios • Repointing • Studwork • General Repairs & Maintenance All areas in the Limousin covered Contact Tim

05 55 61 08 02 / 06 52 23 89 54 web: Email: Siret: 750 068 116 00011

LES VIDANGES LIMOUSINES ▪ Emptying septic tanks ▪ Unblocking pipes ▪ Cleaning wells ▪ Group rates available between neighbours Call David - 24/24 7/7

06 49 66 44 25 87800 Jourgnac Siret N° 750 725 780 00019


40yrs Experience in quality work, available for all your House Maintenance/Projects including Plumbing, Carpentry, Masonry, Structural Work, Decorating. Plus Key Holding service. Good References. Dept. 23/36

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

05 55 41 17 76

Quality Plasterwork, Internal & External

Harlequin Developments

Building Services

All aspects of renovation and refurbishment, big or small, undertaken.

Harlequin Developments are a Distributor and Installer for Solarventi, solar dehumidifying and water heating products, as well as a range of other renewable energies


Mini-Digger with driver

SIRET: 494.501.067.00016

See Main Ad - Pull-out pg B3

Michael Courtin

French Stonemason with 20 years Experience in ● Masonry ● Stonework ● Brickwork ● Pointing ● Structural Repairs

Major & Minor works undertaken throughout the Limousin 10% discount for new clients Free Devis/Estimates References Available

Building Services


Approved septic tank installer

497 962 001 00010


La Coterie Entreprise

See our main ad - pg 7


RSW Entreprises

• house and barn clearances • dechetterie runs • rubbish removal • cash paid for scrap • general labouring service • mini digger hire - with/without driver

05 55 37 45 35 06 74 21 47 71

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Magnetic Double Glazing

Fosse Septique Specialist See our Display Ad - pg 4

siret 532 981 198 00015 - see ad pg B3


PLASTERER Plasterboarding, Partitioning, Skiming, Solid Plastering, Floor Screeding, Rendering: Mono Couche/Coloured Render Waterproofing Render Systems

Tel: 06 45 18 86 10

(18 Years Experience) Email: Siret: 527 736 326 00010

Le Plâtrier du Limousin


Travaux Publics - pg 3

SIRET: 531 768 182 00010

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Graham Carter Plastering

Tel: Email: Web:

Your advert here

Masonry & More

05 55 61 93 07

bathrooms & kitchens from design to completion; ceilings; partition walls; drylining.


05 55 41 17 76



Call:Siret: 0952278 23 38 59 076 546 00012

Insulation Specialists - see pg 9

General building Renovation & maintenance Reliable, good quality work 30 years exp Based central 23 - will travel Martin Sprague


diagnostic report and remedial works – consuel approvals - liaison with ERDF for changes. full re-wires, new-build, additions, modifications.

Multiskilled Artisan

• Plastering • Rendering • Stud Walling • Tiling and associated works • Bespoke polished concrete surfaces for Window Sills, Shelves, Fire Surrounds etc. • General Renovation interior and exterior of buildings to customer's specification.

Tel: 05 55 76 69 32 Mob: 06 43 11 95 87 Siret No. 513 415 091 00018


The friendly and reliable plasterer Registered in France. Fully insured offering 10 year guarantee. Call Stuart on:

05 55 80 92 91 06 87 92 83 63 Siret: 534 396 908 00012



19 years experience in: ● Solid plastering ● Skimming ● Dry Lining ● Rendering ● Plasterboard Studwork

Specialising in both French lime plastering and English plastering techniques. 10 years tiling experience. Covering Creuse (23), Haute-Vienne (87), Northern Corrèze (19) & Southern Indre (36) For a free quotation & friendly advice call Mark or Mareike on

05 55 54 95 63 siret: 539 941 450 00014

Pro-Point Facades

Re-pointing - Rendering - Plastering

05 55 78 80 31 See our Display Ad - pg 11

Chris the Plasterer


Your advert here

A genuine plasterer French and English spoken Traditional Plastering Rendering, Floor Screeding Stud partition dry lining Lime mortar stone pointing

05 55 63 53 06 06 23 29 48 19 Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles SIRET: 504 612 441 00015

05 55 41 17 76 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012


Dave Cardwell - professional builder/designer


xperienced builder Dave Cardwell has been based in the Limousin for over 5 years and is able to offer a complete building package from planning right through to the finishing touches. With an HNC and ONC in building and engineering and over 20 years’ experience as a professional builder in France

and the UK, Dave Cardwell is able to oversee building projects from the design phase all the way to completion. As part of his day-today work, Dave regularly undertakes groundworks, block and brick work, roofing, plastering, stud work and tiling to name but a few. He can assist with arranging the necessary building permits and can even

help to set up appointments with your local Mairie. As well as covering all the traditional aspects of building, Dave also regularly works with wood to produce high quality doors and shutters, amongst other things. He produces a range of hand-made chicken coops that are custom-built to order and which can be yours for as little as €160, as well as

kennels and sheds! Dave has satisfied customers all over the region and is always happy to give references or show examples of his previous work. Here is what one happy customer had to say recently:

This year (2012) Dave Cardwell designed and built for us a combined carport/ shed/woodstore (see right), dealing with all the paperwork. He worked cheerfully and conscientiously through some very hot weather, consulting with us whenever necessary, showing a high level of skill and a true craftsman's attitude. We are very happy with the finished product which is both of the highest quality and very stylish. We would both unreservedly recommend Dave. It is rare to


Building Services Plumbers Rick Fife

Plumbing & Heating Engineer

All aspects of Plumbing and Heating work undertaken.

23 Years Qualified (Previously UK CORGI registered – Oil / Natural Gas / LPG) Established and registered in France for 7 years. Areas Covered: North Creuse (23) & South Indre (36)

Tel: 05 55 62 34 66

Email: Office Hours: 8:30 – 18:00 Please give us a call to discuss your requirements. If you get the answer machine we WILL return your call the same day.



Martin Walters


Caught out last winter? Don't worry! We can now offer winter checks, drain downs, caretaking, general DIY, key holding, as well as our usual friendly plumbing services.

Tel 02 54 24 84 62

siret: 494 380 264 00015

Siret 522 804 723 00016

Your advert here


05 55 41 17 76

Heating & Plumbing engineer

05 55 63 89 23 - see pg 10 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

find someone who takes such obvious interest and care in his work.

services on offer by Dave Cardwell, feel free to get in touch or check out his website:

Mr and Mrs Chambers, Milhac-de-Nontron, Dordogne

Dave Cardwell 05 55 98 24 12 - 06 45 99 42 09

To find out more about the

Chimney Sweeps

Your advert here


Chimney Sweep Service

* All types of chimneys cleaned * Brush & Vacuum * Smoke Tested * Fully Insured * HETAS Approved and member of NACS * Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage) * Clean, tidy, professional & friendly service

05 55 41 17 76 Building Services Sandblasting Sand and Blast Sandblasting &

Floor Sander hire

We provide a fully operated sandblasting service for wood, stone and metal. Perfect for stripping away years of grime or paint. Contact us for a free quote or see our website. / SIRET: 488 522 921 00037

Submissions Deadline 15th of the month


Contact Barry Manning

Tel: 05 55 66 14 11 Mob: 06 31 59 81 08


All types of chimneys cleaned

Clean and Efficient Certificat de Ramonage issued with every chimney swept Woodburner repairs/installation Accredited Flue liner Installer Chimney repairs/maintenance Fabrication & welding to E.N. 287

SIRET: 534 351 754 00013

Computers & Satellites

TEL. 02 54 06 40 80 siren 535 199 483

Chimney Sweeping • Flue ways cleared • Birds nests, vermin & debris removed • Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests • Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage)

05 55 63 78 72

Advertise your business here

Siren: 502 409 949


Big Dish Satellite

05 55 78 72 98

see main ad - pg 9


Sky TV Installations Satellite Engineer


Sky Subscriptions Available - no UK address necessary All needs, advice, help catered for. All depts covered

06 60 85 93 41

SIRET: 534 352 802 00019



Harlequin Easylifts

Suppliers of quality motorcycle lifts


e currently have a small lift for bikes up to 360kg, a large lift for bikes up to 450kg, and a minilift, with further products being added regularly. All our products have a 12 month parts warranty and are backed by our comprehensive stock of parts. The workbenches are delivered via our own transport, giving you more precise delivery information and the ability to pay the driver upon delivery. For more information and prices on our products please visit our website or telephone 06 06 60 46 97

Computers & Satellites


“SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity


simple solar energy system that runs on its own, even when you are not there and provides a free heat supplement in winter. The SolarVenti air panel was invented more than 20 years ago to use the sun’s energy for airing and ventilation of the thousands of holiday homes on the West coast of Jutland, houses that were left empty and unheated for long periods, houses with damp problems, mould and bad odours. How it works The principle behind SolarVenti is simple: a small, built-in solar cell powers a 12V fan that is connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/off switch. Whenever the sun shines, the air in the solar panel is heated and the fan, receiving power from the collar cell, introduces warm, dry air

Sky TV Installations Sky TV/Tous travaux satellite

into your home at the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour. In Southern Europe, SolarVenti is not only used for ventilation/ dehumidification purposes; with far more winter sunshine hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. A DIY Solution? The installation process is very straightforward and should only take two or three hours. All that is needed is a drill, hammer and chisel to make a hole in the wall. Roof installations are also possible. There are no electrical or water connections and it can be safely left running, even when the property is empty. With a range of panel sizes, and the option for wall or roof mounting, SolarVenti is suitable for all types of buildings, caravans or even boats!



Your advert here

05 55 68 47 33 / 06 82 26 31 54 see pg 12

05 55 41 17 76

IT Support for Creuse, HauteVienne, Indre and Vienne

For all your TV and satellite installations and repairs (Sky TV, Internet etc.)

Food & Drink

See Main Ad - Pull-out pg B5

computer services - pc • mac • network


We provide a fast and friendly service either at the client's home, via remote software or computers can be left with us and collected when the work is complete. ● Ordering/Installing wireless & broadband ● Fixing results of a virus attack ● PC healthchecks ● Virus , trojan , worm removal and protection ● Backups/Disaster recovery ● Hardware/software upgrades. ● Website and graphic design. ● Printer/scanner assistance.



Tel: 05 55 62 05 61 Mob: 06 06 47 89 66 Email: siret: 453 067 910 00019

Call Patrice:

"Tooway" High speed internet via satellite TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations. TV Receiver & Electronic Repairs. Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA. Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 covered. SIRET: 510 117 328 00011

LA veytiZoU, 87130 Neuvic-entier

▪ Menu du jour ▪ Carte ▪ Our famous Fish & Chips

Tel: 05 55 69 33 38 Open Monday to Saturday from 12pm to 2pm and from 6pm to 9pm

5 Rue de L’Abreuvoir Aubusson

siret: 353 613 227 00035

05 55 66 60 21


Bar & Restaurant

Based Séreilhac (87)



BAILEYS Fast dependable service

Satellite Systems

SOLARVENTI - Available in the Limousin From Harlequin Developments Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97


Restaurant & Bar - see pg 13 La ferme du Duc noir Free range, rare breed pork See our Display Ad - pg 3

Le Pub

Argenton-sur-Creuse -see pg 6

Traditional French and English dishes Menu du Jour 16€, 4 courses incl. wine Open Fri-Sat 12pm-2pm & from 7pm Open Sun 12pm-2pm Restaurant Menu

Book club open when bar is open

Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76


Menu du jour - €12 (coffee and wine included) Weekends Menu gourmand - €18.50 or Menu grill - €21 ... local Limousin meat grilled, while you watch, over an open wood fire in our chimney dating from 1732. Local, fresh and homemade produce. Evening meals by reservation.


C’est cheese

Find us at local markets selling a small and tasty selection of excellent quality english cheeses. Also available online. For more information, see our website: SIREN: 409 679 578

La Petite Fontaine 15 Grande Rue, Le Dorat

Café, Bar and Events Venue Lunch Menu Free WiFi SIRET: 489 218 636 00012 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012




ife used to be so easy and simple. You bought a house in France and enjoyed it for a number of years, either permanently or just for the holidays. Then you decided to it was time to sell it and you put up a sign, and asked the local agent to hang up a photo of the house in their window. Prospective buyers who happened to pass by showed their interest, and usually it was sold soon, so you could move on. As you know, times have changed. The French property market has become much more complex now and old school advertising simply does not do the job anymore. Today’s buyers do not have time to visit the region

of their choice regularly for a week to go window shopping or spotting houses while driving through the countryside all day. The country roads have now been replaced with the digital highway we all know as “the internetˮ and for over 98% of property buyers, the internet is the only medium they use when searching for their dream house. And they search from whatever location they want, whenever they want. Another thing that has changed is that these people are not just the “traditional” buyers like the French, British, Belgians or Dutch. Today’s market is truly a global one, with over 25 nationalities buying. A worldwide coverage when trying to sell your house in

Le Relais de l'Abloux Bar - Restaurant Pizzeria Pizzas to eat in or take away 36170 SACIERGES-ST-MARTIN

02 54 47 56 74

Le Snack Shack

see main ad - pg 13


France is therefore crucial. Houses on Internet has been successful in selling French properties for over 4 years now, to people from most parts of Europe, but also from other continents: The Americas, Australia, Africa and Asia. Richard Kroon, director of the company says: “We would never have achieved these results if we had not fully used the possibilities the internet has to offer. This year, in spite of the ongoing crisis, has even been our best sales year ever and our main website is visited by over 115,000 people from all over the world... each month.” Google ranking is key

Reaching today’s buyers simply cannot be done

Petticoat Lane 5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais

Tel: 05 45 29 03 99

Visit: E-mail: English groceries, Fresh British Beef & Steaks (to order only), Gammon Steak, Bacon, Sausage & Cheddar Cheese. Wide range of frozen items including vegetarian. Traditional English beers, Sherries & Wine. Cards for all occasions. We still have Christmas Stock available - You can pick up a Christmas price list / Order form from the shop Note: We will be at Panazol Sunday Market 2nd & 9th December

02 54 06 30 77 SIRET: 508 754 314 00013

Garden Services


Visit our website to get your house online as this is the time prospective buyers will be planning their early spring viewing trips.

Your advert here Gifts & Crafts

Open Late!! Sunday roast & pudding ONLY A TENNER (€) Fish + Chips + Mushy Peas, every Fri + Sat night Opening hours:

Grimpereau Elagage

Qualified Tree Surgeon Climber

02 54 60 02 14

Thu 12-2pm & 6pm-midnight Fri 12-2pm & 6pm-2am Sat 6pm-2am, Sun 12pm-11pm

Sophie Arsac

French lessons & handholding services - pg 15

Health & Beauty 3D Puzzle Maker

SIREN: 483 988 853

58, rue d'Orjon Argenton-sur-Creuse

Handholding Services

Ivan Petley

Le Pub

Richard Kroon Houses on Internet 05 55 65 12 19

05 55 41 17 76

Les Genêts, Azerables

High quality British & French food at reasonable prices. Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens & Snack menus also available

Daniel welcomes you at

● Italian Specialities ● Traditional Cuisine ● Home-made Desserts Moules de bouchot available from July to December High Quality Food, a Warm Welcome and a Friendly Atmosphere await Closed Sundays & Mondays

At last a comfortable place to sit and have coffee/tea/ other....... and cakes - yes cakes too ! - in Aigurande. 'Le Salon de l'Amitié' opening upstairs, chez JJ's Café Bar from Dec 1st. 39 Place du Champ de Foire, 36140 Aigurande

Le Creusois

RIVE DROITE Restaurant - Pizzeria

JJ’s Café Bar

A Comfortable Coffee Lounge !!!!!!

Visit us and compare our prices

Opening hours: Mon - Thur 10am – 6pm Fri 10am – 7pm, Sat 9am – 6pm

05 55 80 37 70 - see pg 8

02 54 24 01 06


Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

8 rue Ledru-Rollin 36200 Argenton-sur-Creuse

without a top ranking in Google. The Houses on Internet websites have had a page 1 ranking for more than a year now. Something that not many other companies can say. Richard: “Maintaining this level is hard work, but definitely worth it. It requires constant knowledge of the latest techniques, frequent updates of the websites and a lot of Google advertising. For example, just to give you an idea of what we are talking about: Our online adverts were shown over 3.1 million times last month on over 10,000 websites worldwide.” This means that anyone looking for French property, whether far away or living in the next village, is just one click away from looking at your house. Imagine that.

Handmade, fully interlocking, multi-layered 3D puzzles from just €9. Keyrings €2 plus other unique gift ideas. Customisation and personalisation possible. Come and visit the workshop by appointment.


See ad pg B6 (opposite)

Les Bregères, 23150 St-Martial-le-Mont

Cross Cut Tree Surgeons

The Exchange

for all your tree requirements / see main ad below

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts


English Hairdresser All aspects of hairdressing, in your home or mine Call Jane:

05 49 91 02 23 06 47 94 95 75


Based La Trimouille (86290)

05 55 78 19 24


Tue 2.30pm - 5pm Thu, Fri 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm Sat 9 - 12 9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin SIRET 484 479 480 00010

siret: 502 867 211 00018

Cross Cut Tree Surgeons

for all your tree requirements 27 years experience Free quotes and advice We will not be beaten on price or standard of work Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16 Reliability guaranteed /

siret: 530 840 958 00017



Spotlight your business to an estimated 30,000 readers


very month 13,000+ copies of The Bugle are printed and distributed across the region. Thanks to our targeted distribution where we personally visit each of our 350+ distributors every month, and adjust the number of papers left accordingly, we make sure that the right number of copies go in the right places. The Bugle has an estimated monthly readership of over 30,000 people!! That means as many as 30,000 pairs of eyes will be reading this text in the coming few weeks… and they could be reading about your business! An Advertorial like this one costs just €50, that’s 600 potential new customers or clients for your business for every euro spent!

As our newspaper has grown in popularity and The Bugle has established itself as the primary source of free local and national news in the region, our advertising has also become increasingly effective. Advertorials are just one of the advertising options we offer, but they have become a very cost-effective way of attracting new customers and raising the profile of your business. Because we only feature a handful of businesses each month, we highlight those businesses prominently and deliver your message in a targeted manner. Advertorials are now available in 4 sizes: • 1/6 page - €50 (this one) • 1/3 page - €100 • 2/3 page - €200


Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

• full page - €300. If you would like to find out more about our Advertorials, or any of our other advertising options, please feel free to get in touch with us on or drop us a line at ■

Insurance & Finance


From low-cost shutters to beautiful handmade staircases - made right here in the Limousin


rance is known for its colourful blend of shutters and doors, but like many external products they do deteriorate over time. Sometimes the cost of replacement is prohibitive, so we have developed a range of low-cost shutters (starting from only €35 each) to complement our standard range of Douglas Fir and Oak shutters. Our shutters are made to measure, so little or NO trimming is required. This makes fitting much easier than standard ‘brico’ kits that often require severe alteration and customisation. Although we use electrical machinery, we try our utmost to

Online Shopping

Hair salon, Le Dorat

Contact Debra on

05 55 53 37 10 06 15 63 70 22 Siret. 482 420 114 00019


coiffure à domicile mixte Mobile Hairdresser for all the family, in the comfort of your home or mine.


Financial Solutions & Expert Advice


International money transfer

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Blevins Franks

Pest Control

Integrated Tax Planning & Wealth Management

Property Maintenance

UK shopping delivered to your door

05 55 41 46 88 - pg 9

Property Sales

DOVE HOME CARE Care and maintenance for your home

Key Holding, Security Checks, Cleaning, Change-overs, General Gardening. References available

Language Services

Siret: 750 721 581 00015


Chénérailles Native qualified teacher

- Small groups - 1 to 1 Elisabeth Sicard

05 55 80 44 83 Free trial lesson!

See our Display Ad - pg 3

Retail & Commerce

Tel: 09 66 41 66 95 Mob: 06 62 95 78 43


Central France Pest Control

Location, 23800 Maison-Feyne

Houses on Internet Submissions Deadline 15th of the month

05 53 63 49 19 - see pg 5

05 55 89 31 79 06 62 32 41 76

05 55 41 17 76

La Maison Shopping

See our Display Ad - pg 14

Call UTOPIA today:

Your advert here

ADVERTORIAL or call us on: 05 55 14 12 43 E: Siret: 752 051 482 00012 Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150) ■

05 55 41 17 76

See our Display Ad - pg 12

meche-highlighting, tinting, cutting and weddings

as staircases, shutters, windows and doors for new or old properties. If you would like to know more about our services, please visit our website:

Your advert here

La Petite Place

Mobile Hairdresser

work within sustainable boundaries and our workshop is still powered using wind and solar as a result our carbon footprint is minimal. Much of the Oak we use is sourced from retired French joiners and other old hardwood stocks - this makes it more sustainable than felling additional mature Oak trees and also has the benefit of being nicely seasoned, so the quality and figure is unmatched compared to some saw mills. If you have a dry stock of timber we are happy to purchase or use it for your commission. We love to build crafted items and we are keen to be asked to create bespoke pieces such

Stress Free Property Services

Stove Sellers

See our Display Ad - pg 8

Security and Storm Damage Checks Housekeeping & Winter Care Key-holding & Changeovers Care & Maintenance Post Collection & Bill Paying References available

Email: - see pg 11

Submissions Deadline 15th of the month

Dératisation, Déinsectisation, Désinfection

02 48 60 83 72 / 06 74 33 02 38

05 55 81 35 95 / 06 74 03 07 05

Curative and preventative rats, mice, moles, flies, woodworm, bed bugs, fleas, wasps, hornets La Petite Barre, 18210 Bessais Le Fromental SIRET No. 498 544 741 00024

Eco Entrepot Get down The Shed

87230 Bussière-Poitevine ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012


A Window of Opportunity! How an enlightening experience led to a bright new opportunity for Mark Aston - by Des Sampson.


n 2008, Mark Aston, his wife Andrea, and their four-year-old daughter Aimee, left the UK and moved to France in search of a better life. Like many Brits, they bought a rundown house with an attached barn to renovate. The house had been empty for over 45 years and consequently needed everything doing to it, including the roof and windows. Determined to restore their granite farmhouse to its original glory, they visited local builder’s merchants for suitable materials but were surprised to discover just how expensive renovating a Creusoise house could be. Consequently, Mark searched the Internet to see if he could secure a better deal online and was amazed to discover they could buy traditional, French-manufactured roof tiles, at a fraction of their price, from their UK distributor, saving himself


Meuble & Déco see advert on pg 2

£2,500 in the process! When it came to sourcing the windows for their house, the Astons were equally ingenious – this time discovering a Czech manufacturer, Albo, who would happily deliver madeto-measure windows, in either wood or UPVC, direct to the door in France - at a very competitive price. “We wanted nice, natural oak windows for the house but were told that there were some restrictions on our property, including any wooden windows having to be painted in a regional colour,” explains Mark. “I wasn’t looking forward to painting 15 windows, so I searched for a company that could pre-paint the windows in one of the few colours we were allowed. That’s when I stumbled across Albo. Not only do they manufacture high quality windows and doors, but they can also paint them virtually any colour you want. We could even choose the colour of the sealant they used to glaze them with!

“Not only did I want to maintain the original look of the windows, but also to have highly-efficient windows that utilised modern-day technology. Albo’s windows offered us that and so much more,” adds Mark enthusiastically. “We wanted ‘tilt and turn’ windows which had glazing bars like the house’s original windows, and they were able to do that no problem. Being made to measure meant we could get a really good fit and didn’t have to make do with stock sizes. Also, because they are pre-painted in the factory before any glazing or hinges are fitted, the finish is superb. The time saved not painting them is a real bonus too!” In fact, Albo has been offering highquality, made-to-measure windows and doors for over 20 years, including their innovative triple-glazed wood-carbon and wood-aluminum Euro windows, Sliding Glass, French Doors and Bi-Fold Doors which meet current EU efficiency standards, in a vast range of traditional or contemporary designs. They can also factory-paint them in any RAL colour

you could desire. Not only is the quality of Albo’s windows spotless, says Mark, but the ordering and delivery has been hasslefree too. “They arrived the day they promised and were so well-packed, housed between chipboard sheets, that it took two of us over three hours to unpack all the windows,” he laughs. “I was even able to re-use the chipboard to make temporary kitchen cabinets and a sturdy workbench in my barn! “Fitting the windows was really easy too because they were clearly labeled from our original order, to say exactly where they went in the house. Honestly, I couldn’t be happier with the windows because they’re excellent.” In fact, Mark was so impressed by the quality of Albo’s windows and their professional service, he contacted the company to express his satisfaction and enquire if Albo windows and doors were

available in France through an Agent. After numerous discussions with Albo, Mark was invited to visit their state-ofthe-art factory in the Czech Republic and was then offered the chance to become their sole agent in France for Sales and Distribution because they’d been won over by his enthusiasm for their quality windows and doors. It’s an opportunity he’s relishing, along with the chance to bring an exciting range of high-quality, innovative, madeto-measure windows and doors to fellow Brits abroad! ■ by Des Sampson, a happy Albo customer!

Transport, Removals & Storage

A2B (Sussex) Removals Ltd


Your advert here

Soie et Bois

Depot Vente des Vêtements Dress agency and gallery, specialising in designer and high quality pre-owned clothes for women and children, together with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items, and hand made furniture. 4 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440 Tel: 05.55 48.28.89 SIRET: 510 995 681 00010

Moulin de Tintin Furniture, interiors & gifts - see pg 3

Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76

Parking For Limoges Airport

Cheaper parking for all types of vehicles Book now!!

05 55 03 37 96

MAN + VAN Fiat Ducato with 11m² load capacity Collections / Deliveries Removals / Brico Runs All over France. Competitve hourly rate incl fuel. Please ring or e-mail for a quote. Based nr Aubusson Dept 23

05 55 83 02 77 / 06 81 33 07 15 SIRET: 523 955 151 00015


France/UK UK/France

We move, collect and deliver anything. Vehicles and plant to a maximum of 2 tons. We operate 3 vehicles with a load space of 16m² and tail lift. We will match or beat any genuine printed quote. Our rates are the best.

If you would like to know more about Albo’s products please visit their website or give Mark a call - he would be happy to provide you with further information and a no obligation quote: Web: Tel: +33 (0) 786 95 18 90

05 55 41 17 76

0033 (0)2 54 37 76 24 0033 (0)6 87 66 31 41

Quality handmade wood furniture


See our main ad - pg 20

To raise funds for the SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret.

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Carrefour du bois Limousin

High chair, buggy, play pen, travel cot, fire guard, stair gate etc.

05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 5

Each item will incur a hire charge of 7 euros, plus a refundable 8 euros deposit.

The Man With A Van Who Can

Affordable Moves/ Single Items Regular UK runs - check website Europewide/ limousin based

E: W:

Tel: (+33) Siret : 532 526 001 00013

Ebénisterie Hemming 02 48 63 15 09


45cm Oak - €40/m3 45cm Mixed Hardwood - €35/m3 (poplar/cherry/hornbeam)

Buyer collects from 36160 Lignerolles

02 54 30 51 95 (evenings best) siret 508 166 642 00019

For more INFO or to HIRE Call Jean: 05 55 54 96 36

Submissions Deadline 15th of the month

To advertise in the Bugle Business Directory /


B10 ♦ CLASSIFIEDS The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM

Classified Adverts

Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than €500). For other types of classified adverts a small fee does apply:

● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month ● Accompanying photos are charged at €2.50 per month To place a classified advert, please phone, or email with the details you would like included in your advert.

FOR SALE ANIMALS & PETS FOR SALE: Free to a good home 3 Kittens - 2 girls one mostly white & one tabby, 1 boy mostly black - 12 weeks old, happy & healthy, well handled, used to dogs, live inside and out, good mousers already. Tel: 05 55 62 18 95 (between Bonnat & Aigurande) FOR SALE: Staywell 2-Way Pet Door Colour-Brown; SizeMedium, for dogs up to 18 Kg. (Overall dimensions 352mm x 294mm). New and unused. €20.00 Tel: 09 50 76 37 75 FOR SALE: Affectionate Young Male Parson Russell Terrier Fully house-trained and well socialised. Microchipped and fully vaccinated. L.O.S. €300.00 Tel: 06 78 29 32 61 / 02 54 24 07 76 Urgent Home Wanted -

Spaniel/Beagle X Forever home wanted for Ebony, please see the link give this lovely 3 year-old a happy home. Vaccinated, micro-chipped & neutered. For a donation to phoenix assoc or for more details please contact: 05 53 56 88 45 Email:

BUILDING MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Unopened Leyland blue undercoat and gloss paint 7.5 litres of each. €80.00 Tel. 05 17 23 61 12 FOR SALE: Solid Oak old parquet flooring 5 square metres 390 mm X 50 mm X 22 mm thick. T&G all edges. PLUS 1 metre 360 mm and 310 mm long, cut one end. 2.5 m X 2.5 m floor in all. €50.00ono Tel 05 55 69 79 71 (Eymoutiers ) FOR SALE: 7 Radiators, Brand New, Still Boxed 5 at 200 x 60 x 10, 2 at 60 x 60 x 10, 7 thermostats. EUR 300 the lot. Tel: 06 45 73 57 50 FOR SALE: 1500 old handmade roof slates (56x28cm/22x11') in good useable condition; 2 euros each. If taking all, a price can be arranged. Call 05 55 64 27 86

FOR SALE: Plaster 5 sacks of Thistle multi finish plaster. 9 euros each. Tel 05 55 60 05 01 FOR SALE: New RSJ girder Heavy section, 12.5 metres long x 25.5 x 27 cm. €1,000.00 Tel. 05 45 85 92 34 evenings


make. €40.00 Tel 055 69 79 71 FOR SALE: Rattan Armchair In good condition. Well made and strong. Sadly we don’t have space for it. We are in the Creuse, dept 23, 10 minutes South East of Gueret, direction Ahun. €60.00 Telephone 05 55 80 04 31 Email:

GARDEN FOR SALE: Technovert Garden Rotavator B & S 205 cc, excellent condition, little use. Buyer collects. €300.00ono Tel: FOR SALE: 2005 Topper Gyromass G1252 B40 1.2m

Solid teak, height at back 120cm (4ft). Never used. €40.00ono Tel 05 55 69 79 71 (Eymoutiers ) FOR SALE: Dressing table Sizes 170 x 113 x 50 cm. Made from reclaimed wood. From Bexleyheath Kent. E-mail for pictures or call to arrange a viewing. Based near Bonnat 23220. €500.00 Tel. 05 55 81 69 61 Email: FOR SALE: Pine Kitchen Trolley V.G.C. €15.00 Tel. 05 55 78 45 24 FOR SALE: 2 Seater Settee & Armchair Detachable Covers

+ Small Matching Cushions & Pouffe. V.G.C.Settee - H 87 x L 175 x W 92 Chair - H 90 x L 98 x W 99 Buyer Collects. €50.00 Tel: 02 54 25 39 79 Marie or Tony Wood FOR SALE: Pine table Round 77cm diam. €8.00 Tel: 05 55 03 87 56 FOR SALE: French Dresser with Ceramic Drawers €150.00 Tel: 06 76 52 26 47 Email: grandemaison-chenerailles@ FOR SALE: Antique 2 seater Chesterfield Deep buttoned back and arms in soft brown velvet dralon. Solid frame on castors dim: w156 x h74 x d84. Loc: Confolens 16 St Junien 87. €170.00 Tel: 0545 71 19 37 FOR SALE: SINGLE BED Modern 2 drawer divan wood / white finish 90 X 190. Complete with very clean spring interior mattress 19 cm deep " Prince "

width - excellent condition, hardly used. €900.00 Tel: 05 55 78 54 20 FOR SALE: New above ground steel wall swimming pool Still in package with assembly instructions. Cost 600 euros now 500 euros. To be collected (Bessines-surGartempe). €500.00 Phone 05 55 60 88 30 Email: ianmags@ FOR SALE: Baler for straw/ hay Claas - small square type, needs the stub axle repairing, also one wheel is missing. Everything else complete, but not tested. Old but stored inside so in good condition. Offers. Tel 05 55 61 05 65 (Located near Ahun) FOR SALE: Fleming Transport Box Suit compact tractor, very good condition. €250.00 Tel: 05 45 85 92 34 (eve) FOR SALE: Folding Chain Harrows 4 meters very good condition. €300.00 Tel: 05 45 85 92 34 (eve) FOR SALE: Flail Mower As new, suit compact tractor, c/w roller €800.00 Tel: 05 45 85 92 34 (eve)

GENERAL FOR SALE: Large Granite Chimney Lovely granite surround for integrated fire. Width: 1m85, height: 1m40, depth: 0m70. Very heavy collection only. Near Eymoutiers (dept 87). Selling for my French

Private sale

in Rochechouart Sunday, 30th December from 13h00 to 17h00

Furniture, antiques, paintings & prints, English books, oriental carpets, decorative objects and women's clothes and shoes. Near the chateau in Rochechouart. Call (after 16 December) or email for the address:

05 55 03 71 12

neighbours, price negotiable. €1,500.00 Tel: 05 55 42 56 44 (English) or 05 55 69 73 20 (French - midday and evenings) FOR SALE: Camping car guide to all the Aires in Spain and Portugal (in English) €10.00 Tel: 05 55 78 17 76 FOR SALE: Quantity of motorcycle clothing Including leather jackets and trousers, keprotec jackets and trousers, gloves, boots, helmets, etc. Various sizes and prices. South Haute-Vienne area. Call for more details. Tel: 05 55 78 17 76 FOR SALE: Poele à fioul/ Deville oil heater Description: Deville Roméo flamme bleu oil heater 8kw 88m2. Resevoir 12 litre (central heating oil)125mm rear fume outlet. Dim: h76 x l70 x p40. Loc: between Confolens 16 St Junien 87. €450.00 Tel: 0545 71 19 37 FOR SALE: ASUS EEE PC Netbook 2.00 Go Ram, 217G0 hard drive. WiFi and webcam integrated. Windows7 Starter Edition included. French keyboard. Bought 2011. Hardly used and excellent condition. Carry case included. Buyer to collect. €120.00 Phone: 05 55 64 22 25 Email: geeinfrance@ FOR SALE: Guitars 2 Fender Squier Affinity Stratocaster guitars: One Black, white pickguard, couple of small marks but plays fine - Euro 65 One maroon, white pickguard, skunk stipe neck, perfect condition - Euro 95 Yamaha Pacifica Guitar, black sparkle, black pickguard, refinished headstock, great player - Euro 85 Laney 120 watt amp head, built-in effects, footswitch, massive sound, perfect working order - Euro 150 Email for further details and pix rfloate@ FOR SALE: Various Singer treadle sewing machine to restore. 10€ Demijohns 1€ each. Full size tennis table; Coffee maker; Bread maker;

Cot mattress and sheet - Any reasonable offer accepted. Tel: 06 26 07 72 75 FOR SALE: Caravan Watertight, 17', 7 berth, towable with new tyres, suitable storage / temporary accommodation. 87130 Masleon. €100.00 Tel: 05 55 56 62 84 Email: pugsley. FOR SALE: Metal Gun Cabinet Height 154 cm; width 40 cm; depth 26 cm. Holds 6-7 guns with internal ammo box. €250.00 Tel: 05 55 42 56 44 FOR SALE: Vase x 2 Peacock design, blue, pink and white, 14 inches €10.00 Tel: 05 55 60 03 34 (87330 Nouic) FOR SALE: Step machine with counter €20.00 Tel: 05 55 60 03 34 (87330 Nouic) FOR SALE: Electric food steamer 2 tiers, never been used. €10.00 Tel: 05 55 60 03 34 (87330 Nouic) FOR SALE: Bike rack Fiama, takes 3 bikes, suitable for vehicles with a tail gate like the VW Caravelle, T4 or T5 or similar types. €20.00 Tel: 05 55 60 03 34 (87330 Nouic) FOR SALE: One ladies Halfords Apollo bike and one gents Apollo Mountain bike With panniers and storage. 20 Euros each. Tel: 05 55 60 03 34 (87330 Nouic) FOR SALE: English television with built in vhs video 21" Made by AIWA. Silver in colour. E-mail for pictures or call to arrange a viewing. Based near Bonnat 23220. €75.00 Tel. 05 55 81 69 61 Email: bridger.nigel@ FOR SALE: Large picture/print Sizes 134 x 106 cm. Framed by beckindale's of England. "spirit 1" of horsman and his horse. E-mail for pictures or call to arrange a viewing. Based near Bonnat 23220. €500.00 Tel. 05 55 81 69 61 Email: FOR SALE: Large mirror Sizes are 138 x 104 cm. Gold frame. E-mail for pictures or call to arrange a viewing. Based near Bonnat 23220. €500.00 Tel. 05 55 81 69 61 Email: bridger.nigel@ FOR SALE: Various clothes Size 22/24 tops, dresses, trousers going cheap. All enquiries and picture requests contact Helen at: Email: pimparola@wanadoo. fr FOR SALE: Boys Toys Michelin Navigon model 2310/2410 Sat nav with all the benefits, including radar warnings; covers 40 countries. Used successfully in Spain,

England and France. Very useful kit. 40 euros. Tablet disgo 6000 7°5 inch touch screen many features including YOUTUBE embedded. 2°2 Android so apps available. 35 euros. Motorola Digital photo display with two 4°5 inch screen for displaying your photos comes with 2gb SD card. 40 euros. Finally Lexmark Easy color printer Z640 model ready for use 15 euros. Call Viv 05 55 81 32 20 Creuse area FOR SALE: Brand new white cooker hood 90cms x 50cms with 3 speed fan, light and carbon filters. Bought new in the UK but never used. Still wrapped in box. €50.00 Phone 02 54 47 20 87 FOR SALE: Mirror 82 x 63 cm incl. Wrought iron surround. €10.00 Tel: 05 55 03 87 56 FOR SALE: Raclette New, boxed. €5.00 Tel: 05 55 03 87 56 FOR SALE: Ceiling light fitting As new. Gold/wood. Semi-modern design. Upward facing. Approx depth 500mm. Today's approx price 85 euros, will accept 40 euros. €40.00 Tel: 05 55 03 87 56 FOR SALE: Industrial Meat Slicer Good condition.

€150.00ono Tel: 06 76 52 26 47 Email: FOR SALE: Various 3 tier computer/printer stand 20 Euro. Mans bicycle black, perfect condition 50 Euro. Girls Bicycle mauve, perfect condition 50 Euro. Exercise bike with computerized monitor, perfect condition 100 Euro Tel: 05 55 69 39 04 FOR SALE: Cuisiniere à Bois Rosieres Woodburning cooker 10kw white. Logs: 36cm. Choice of top or rear flue 130mm. Dim: h900 x w776 x d600. Working when removed but in need of a clean. Loc: near Confolens 16 St Junien 87. €100.00 Tel: 0545 71 19 37 FOR SALE: Childs folding travel cot 120 x 60 with mattress and carry case. 2 weeks use only, as new condition. Loc: near Confolens 16 St Junien 87. €20.00 Tel: 0545 71 19 37 FOR SALE: Cast Iron Woodburner Invicta Le Cossu 8kw. Takes logs up to ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012

CLASSIFIEDS ♦ B11 The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM 60cm.153mm rear flue outlet. Dim: h830 x w710 x d450. Good working order only used 1 season. Loc: between Confolens 16 St Junien 87. €300.00 Tel: 0545 71 19 37 FOR SALE: Heaters 2 Portable gas heaters with regulators & empty gas bottles 60 euros each. 1 Oil filled electric heater with onoff timer 30 euros. 2 halogen rotating electric heaters 25 euros each Please phone 0545 30 23 71 for details FOR SALE: PEANUTS FOR WILD BIRDS 1kg bags 5 Euros Tel: 0555 60 62 97 Email: FOR SALE: Microsoft Media Desktop 1000 & Logitech querty keyboards Microsoft Media Desktop 1000 (querty ultra-thin keyboard and optical mouse). Unused, still in sealed box. €35. Logitech querty keyboard. Used, but in working order. €10. 10 minutes from Aubusson. Tel: 05 87 36 00 50 FOR SALE: 200+ framed pictures All sorts. From 3 to 10 Euros each. Contact for list. Phone 0555-64-48-35 Email: FOR SALE: Kenwood Combination microwave and grill Stainless steel. Good condition, full working order with complete instruction manual. €30 - buyer to collect. 36170 near Limoges border. €30.00 02 54 25 34 78 Email: FOR SALE: MICROSOFT desktop wired keyboard 600 In black with USB connection. English layout. Brandnew, never used in original packaging. €30 + €5 postage or collect. 36170 close to Limoges border. 02 54 25 34 78 Email: FOR SALE: 2 Black Iron 3-Armed Wall Hanging Candle Holders With candles and candle snuffer. Ideal for hanging on a patio or terrace. €10.00 Tel: 05 55 48 82 79 FOR SALE: 2 Straw Hats One mens, one ladies. €5 the pair. €5.00 Tel: 05 55 48 82 79 FOR SALE: Drizabone Ladies Full Length Waxed Coat Brown with caped shoulders. Chest 105cm. €40.00 Tel: 05 55 48 82 79 FOR SALE: Ikea oven White. Used only few times. V.G.C. Buyer collects. Phone Patricia for details. €30.00 Tel: 05 55 41 19 28 FOR SALE: White gas cooker Basic but in good working order. €20.00 Tel: 09 61 21 30 34 FOR SALE: 4 double glazed wood framed windows and wooden shutters Windows 50cm wide x 105cm long. €150.00 Tel: 09 61 21 30 34

FOR SALE: SINGER Sewing Machine Great for those ladies who know what they are doing. Old Industrial sewing machine in cabinet. Works needs some attention. Make Offer. To be collected (Mainsat). Tel: Sue 0555 675774 FOR SALE: SMALL BALES OF HAY Average 12 kilos, 2.20 euros per bale. Near Chenerailles. Deliveries possible up to 70 bales. Tel: 05 55 41 59 42 Email: stephen. FOR SALE: AVON REDCREST DINGHY Includes wooden floorboards, inflatable seat, fibreglass seat, 2 oars, electric pump, outboard bracket and storage bags. Dinghy:- Length 2.75m, Beam 1.32m. Capacity:- 4/5 persons , 320kgs. Ready to go and have lots of fun. Email for further details and photos €450.00 Email: haynes.peter@yahoo. FOR SALE: TWO GOOD QUALITY VERY WARM SLEEPING BAGS Used only a few times and in excellent condition. 55 euros for the two. Tel: 0555 787902 (near Rochechouart) FOR SALE: Hay Bales 1.3 metre (4 foot) bales, 110 in total, 10 € a bale, or 850€ the lot (less than 8€ a bale) approx 4 to the Tonne, Le Dorat area. Tel Greg: 05 55 47 39 98 FOR SALE: VAN VAULT 2 Size: 920 x 560 x 490mm (LxWxH), Weight: 46kg. High tensile steel storage box. 2mm sheet steel body & lid. Tamper proof single pin hinge. Antidrill 70mm disc lock. Gas strut for soft open/close lid action. Siren holes for optional antitheft alarm. Excellent condition. Email for further details and photos. €190.00 Email: haynes. FOR SALE: 6 rolls Laura Ashley Toile de Jouy wallpaper Pale lavender on white background. 6 metres matching curtain material - pale lavender. €70.00ono Tel: 05 55 60 46 33 FOR SALE: WULF, portable coal fired forge In very good condition. Email for further details and photos. €230.00 Email: haynes.peter@yahoo.

month plus chip in for wood. Call/ email for more information and pictures/video. Tel: 06 83 24 62 72 Email: abbeymassage@


petrol, 5 dr hatch, red with alloy wheels & air con. 2 private owners. 117 000 kms (70 000 miles) supported by service history. Cam belt changed Aug 2011. Recent service & new tyres. CT Oct 2014. Very well cared for genuine car. €2,500.00 Tel: 05 45 25 46 10 (Combiers 16320) Email:

Short-term rental Dec 15 - Mar 1. 3 bedroom, office, sauna, open floor kitchen living room, newly built 2 storey modern house. Wood burning stove and 2-storey windows heat entire house. Between Felletin and Aubusson in commune of Moutier Rozeille. 400 euros a

VEHICLES / PARTS FOR SALE: Volkswagen Golf Mk 2 1600 Auto English Registered 1990 4 door hatchback. Has been used for the last 2 years as a runabout. Now it’s surplus to requirements. Engine and Gearbox in very good condition. New radiator, heater matrix, battery plus brakes overhauled for C.T. 2 years ago. 185/60 R14 tyres on 6J wheels all in good condition. Interior and seats in above average condition. Body work in good condition. This is the twin headlight model fitted with a sunroof. Ideal for a cheap, reliable, easy start runabout, or use for spares. Near Azerables. €100.00ono Call 05 55 63 60 81 for details FOR SALE: Roof rack (Genuine part) to fit Peugeot Partner around year 2003 models, also Citroen Berlingo. Used 3 times. €65.00 Tel: 05 55 69 49 28 FOR SALE: Misubishi L200 4 Life Diesel. Double cab pickup. Aluminium lined carry boy. Year 2000. 1 owner. 193,000 miles. RHD. French registered. Grey/green with bull bar attached. CT until Aug 2013. Slight damage to bodywork. Interior in good condition. Stereo/ radio. Towing hitch. €3,000.00ono Tel: 02 54 36 94 17 Email: christine.baxter@ FOR SALE: Trailer Length 10 feet. Twin wheel with tail ramp. 1650/2750 kg. €1,500.00ono Tel: 05 55 42 56 44 FOR SALE: Citroen Xsara Picasso MPV Diesel. Air con. Removable seats. 50mpg+ Very economical. 2002. Tax & MOT. Very good condition. Very good running order. €950.00 Tel: 05 55 65 84 95 FOR SALE: Citroen C4 2005, RHD, French reg, 1.6 SX,

FOR SALE: DAF45/130 flatbed lorry LHD converted roadsweeper with new flatbed and rebuilt engine in last five years. GVW 7.5 tonnes (replated from 10 tonnes) on English plates. Recently replaced clutch slave cylinder (new master cylinder included in sale). €1,200.00ono Tel 05 35 00 54 03 for more info FOR SALE: Hyundai coupe TSIII Limited Edition Crystal




Established 15 years ago Sale due to retirement Full Training and Continuing Support will be given Knowledge of French useful but willingness to lear essential (help available) »» Fully supported by Accountants / Bankers (Information only available to serious parties) »» Ideally suited for a couple »» Further information available on request

+33 (0)5 55 60 04 79 / +33 (0)6 82 13 86 51

White, RHD, French Registered, Sunroof, 17" anthracite alloys, quad exhausts, sport suspension from the Eibach springs, quilted style leather seats with matching door-trims, high boot spoiler, 2.0 liter Beta engine badged chrome door sills, metal foot rest and pedals, iPod connectivity and heated seats, 30K. Contact for info or pictures. €11,000.00ono tel: 05 55 47 34 82 Email: jseretny@ FOR SALE: AUDI A6 2.5 TDI V6 Colour Green - Year 07/1999 manual transmission. 281,000 km. New MOT. Can be seen in Bourganeuf. Tel: 05 87 88 40 21 Email: chez.copley@ FOR SALE: H & K Bradley Trailer (Bingley, Yorks) 2 metres long, 2 metres high. Roller shutter door. Type No. HU4 & 5 MK Year DZA. Very good condition. €850.00ono Steve 05.55.6975.67/ Email: lsetenergie@yahoo. FOR SALE: Mobile Home English made 9 metres long x 3 metres wide. 2 Bedrooms, 1 shower room, dining room/ lounge, kitchen, fridge & oven. Gas fire, gas boiler. Good condition. €3,500.00ono Steve 05.55.6975.67/ Email: lsetenergie@yahoo. FOR SALE: Mahindra Tractor 2008 25 h.p. 140 hours

only. Front end loader, back hoe. Suitable for grass cutting attachments. Brakes need some attention. Buyer collects. €8,950.00 Tel: 05 55 60 06 19 (evenings only) / 05 55 60 10 56 (evenings only)

FOR SALE: Peugeot 307 Rapier 2.0 Hdi 2003. Right hand drive, French registered, 3 Door. Metallic blue. 48000 miles (very low for the year). Excellent condition. Power steering, air con, electric windows, CD/radio, alloy wheels, two brand new front tyres, regularly serviced, very economical, reliable car. €2,700.00 Tel 06 76 15 85 59 or 05 55 03 70 95

for a dynamic business person as agent or partner for the development and commercialisation of my 3D technologies. Interested in the new way of working? Email me at: Email: techagent2013@ FOR SALE: Licence 4 €4,000.00ono Tel: 06 76 52 26 47


If you are practical, hands on, selfmotivated and keen to earn in excess of 2000€ a month then this could be for you! Ideal for auto-entrepreneur. Can easily be done from home. Complete 'start-up' package only €1500. Includes full training, operations manual, specialist tools and publicity material. Sole geographical territory assured. If interested, please email your name, contact details and full address to:

FOR SALE: Fridge + Freezer Whirlpool upright fridge + separate Electronic freezer. EUR 300 for both. €300.00 Tel: 06 45 73 57 50 FOR SALE: Freezer 2 years old. An up-right freezer, Ariston A class. 23 inches wide, 22 inches deep, 66 inches high. Perfect working order, but does not self de-frost. Cost 680 Euros new, cheap price 200 Euros ovno. €200.00ono Phone 0555-64-48-35 Email: bigbob.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: Licence IV covering whole of Creuse area Enables sales of beverages and spirits in Bars/Restaurants etc Email: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY I am an engineer looking

Excellent Opportunity to Start Your Own Small Business

WANTED WANTED: House/Garden/ Garage Clearance Single items or entire contents. Tel: 05 55 65 84 95




Building Plots / Economic Activity Areas


The Brame Benaize Community of Communes would like to inform possible entrepreneurs in Limousin or elsewhere - interested in developing or setting up a business - that we have building plots / economic activity areas available for sale in JOUAC (87890) and MAGNAC-LAVAL (87190). Interested parties can email in English for enquiries.

15th of the month for the next edition


B12 ♦ GAMES Crossword

Caption Competition - December

© 2012 - macboozle (Flickr)

Clues and answers in English

Send your entries for this month's Caption Competition to: Winner receives a modicum of kudos.

Festive French Word Search Search for the following festive French words in the grid to the right. English translations are provided!



1. Gem (5) 4. Shade of yellow tinged with orange (7) 8. Symetrically arranged (7) 9. Pouch (3) 10. Two-wheeled vehicle (7) 11. Publish (5) 12. Patisserie (6) 14. Syntactic category (6) 17. Wanderer (5) 19. Stone pillar (7) 22. Mesh (3) 23. Floorshow (7) 24. Stayed clear from (7) 25. Groups of cattle (5)

1. Jests (5) 2. Male witch or demon (7) 3. Source of illumination (5) 4. Remuneration (6) 5. Surreptitious (7) 6. Hazards (5) 7. Type of power (7) 12. Very rich vein of precious ore (7) 13. Made smaller (7) 15. Vagrant (7) 16. Prohibit (6) 18. Slogan (5) 20. Planet (5) 21. Praise (5)

Please be aware that the deadline for all submissions for content and advertising is the 15th of the month for the following month’s print edition. SUDOKU - EASY

bûche de Noël - Christmas log cadeau - present chandelle - candle chant de Noël - Christmas carol crèche - manger Épiphanie- Epiphany Twelfth Night fleurs de papier - paper flowers fève - charm (hidden in the Galette des Rois) Fête de Lumières - Festival of lights Fête des Rois - Twelfth night Galette des Rois - Special cake eaten on Twelfth Night gui- mistletoe jeu - game jouet - toy Jour de l'An - New Year's


Day Messe de Minuit - Midnight Mass neige - snow Noël - Christmas peluche - stuffed toy pommes - apples Père Fouettard - Saint Nicholas' helper who gives lumps of coal to the

naughty children Père Noël - Father Christmas ruban - ribbon Réveillon- meal eaten after Midnight Mass santon - figurine sapin - Christmas tree Veille de Noël - Christmas Eve


The solutions to this month’s Crossword and Sudokus can be found on page 18 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012


Car Breakers - C.R.A.L.

Centre de Recyclages d’Automobiles du Limousin - Les Tourettes, 87440 SAINT-MATHIEU



Doubts over Dati's daughter's daddy

Sarkozy comeback song is YouTube sensation



teenager from Monaco has had a surprise hit with a song he wrote pleading for the return of former president Nicolas Sarkozy. Despite being much maligned during his time in office and comprehensively beaten in this year's elections, it would appear that a certain nostalgia is starting to emerge for France's 23rd president. The song, released on YouTube, was penned by 16-year-old Josh Stanley from his bedroom, but has now been listened to by over 1.3 million people worldwide since its release at the beginning of October. Entitled “Sarko”, the lyrics beg Nicolas Sarkozy to come back and save France. The teenager, the son of a British man, has claimed that he is not a member of the UMP party, nor does he have any political leaning. Speaking to NiceMatin, he said he had simply listened to radio news about the French elections and the new government “and I thought it was an opportunity for a song”. The viral success of this novelty internet flash in the pan is indicative of a growing discontent in France with the new Socialist government. Six months after he defeated Mr Sarkozy,

© 2007 - Simon Kirby (WikiCommons)

he former justice minister and current MEP, Rachida Dati, is embroiled in a legal battle over who is the father of her 3-year-old daughter. Revelations about Ms Dati's extraordinarily busy love life - it is alleged that she had up to eight lovers in the year she fell pregnant - have emerged in a bitter row with multi-millionaire businessman Dominique Desseigne. Ms Dati recently filed a paternity case against Mr Desseigne, a casino and hotel owner worth an estimated €500 million, to force him to acknowledge that he fathered Zohra. Mr Desseigne has refused, claiming that at the time her daughter was conceived, he was one of many who had an 'adventure' with Ms Dati. Mr Desseigne, 68, says he does not know who the father is, and is refusing to cooperate with Miss Dati’s demand for a paternity test. “I won’t give in on anything, because I have behaved correctly, and done nothing wrong,” he told friends, according to Le Monde. The explosive article went on to claim that the eight lovers she allegedly had around the time she fell pregnant included a television broadcaster, a minister, the Spanish Prime Minister, one of Mr Sarkozy’s brothers and a Qatari attorneygeneral. Others have even alleged that Sarkozy himself could be on the shortlist. Ms Dati, who comes from a North African immigrant background, shot to fame in 2007 as one of President Sarkozy's ethnically diverse 'rainbow cabinet', but was unceremoniously sacked in 2009 when it was claimed she was not up to the job. The paternity of her child has long been a topic of debate in France's gossip pages. Ms Dati, a notorious self-publicist,

has herself encouraged the speculation in a range of interviews in magazines like Paris Match, in which she also appeared in glamorous photo shoots. Mr Desseigne is well within his rights to refuse to take a DNA test. According to French law, anybody approached for a test can say no, although Ms Dati is said to have other proof, including sworn statements from her staff that Mr Desseigne constantly visited 'their' child soon after she was born. The latest revelations will not help the tarnished reputation of France's political elite as a group of philandering adulterers who never stop having illicit sex. This reputation has been fueled in recent years by scandals such as those that have engulfed former head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and effectively ended his political career. Just last month it emerged that Valérie Trierweiler, the current first lady,

was at one stage the mistress of both François Hollande, the new Socialist president, and Patrick Devedjian, the then Conservative minister. At the time, all three involved were married or in long-term relationships with other people. ■

President François Hollande’s approval ratings are continuing to drop, with many French believing he has been slow to get to grips with the economic crisis and rising unemployment. As part of their annual budget, his Socialist government recently unveiled unpopular tax hikes on businesses and the rich. Mr Sarkozy has not taken up a new job since losing the election, but is believed to want to break into the lucrative public speaking circuit, following in the footsteps of his friend Tony Blair. He is allegedly having at least three classes a week in English as he prepares for this latest career change. He has not ruled out a return to politics, however, and despite being embroiled in several legal battles, he recently hinted at a return. According to Le Canard Enchainé, the Paris investigative weekly, Mr Sarkozy reportedly said in October: “Given the disastrous state in which France risks finding itself in five years’ time, I will have no choice in 2017 [the date of the next presidential elections]. The question is not whether I return, but whether I have a choice morally in regards to France not to return. Morally I can not discard the French.” ■

“Nicolas Sarkozy, reviens je t’en prie, viens nous sauver la vie. M. le Président, les français sont pas contents, faut changer de gouvernement. Tout ce que t’as juré, tu n’y arriveras jamais, il est temps de dégager.” (Translation) “Nicolas Sarkozy, please come back, come back and save our lives. Mr President, the French are not happy, it’s time to change the government. All that you have promised, you will never deliver, it's time to get out.”

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lying in the face of the image of a nation who watch what they eat, portrayed by books such as Mireille Guiliano's best-seller, French Women Don’t Get Fat, new statistics show that 7 million of France's 63 million people are now considered obese and over 20 million are overweight. The number of obese people in France has doubled in the last 15 years. The figures come from a recent study and also show that the largest rise in obesity is being seen in France's youth, with 18- to 24-yearolds showing the most significant weight gains. Most do now acknowledge that France has a growing obesity problem and that the title of Mireille Guiliano's best-seller may need updating. The country's expanding waistline, especially amongst the younger generation, has also led many to look inward towards the changes in French culture that are causing so many to put on weight. Ten years ago, the average length of a French meal was 1 hour and 22 minutes. Today, it is around half an hour. Many young professionals and students are these days opting to have fast food or a sandwich as their meal of choice at lunchtime a phenomenon known as le snacking - rather than eat a cooked meal with friends or family. A recent Ipsos study found that six out of ten young French people say they eat at least half of their meals in front of a screen of some description. The disappearance of the sitdown family meal has not only had a social impact on families, but also on the nation's diet... and its waistline. Another factor is the rise of fast food. In a country that prides itself on its haute cuisine and that is for the most part vehemently antiAmerican and resistant to cultural imperialism, the success of McDonald’s has been a phenomenon. France is today the largest per capita consumer of McDonald’s in the world and the company’s second biggest market outside of the US. A key factor in McDo’s success has been its acceptance by France’s notoriously protective agricultural industry. By sourcing 80% of its produce locally, it has brought the French farmers onside and avoided any protests from that sector. It has continued to push healthier options in an attempt to shed its 'unhealthy' image and has even trialled a McBaguette in order to appeal to more French diners.

Despite salad on the McMenu, the fact still remains that repeated visits to McDonald's are going to have you loosening your belt faster than subsisting on home-cooked meals. The government is trying to act to save us from our own gluttony, however, with France’s food minister Guillaume Garot proposing traffic light-style warnings on food labels to indicate high sugar, salt or fat content. Adverts are already run on television and radio encouraging people to eat well and avoid snacking, vending machines have been taken out of schools and the government has raised taxes on sugary drinks. The latest move in the battle of the bulge is to quadruple the tax payable on palm oil. The “Nutella Tax”, so called because palm oil is one of the principle ingredients of the popular chocolate and hazelnut spread, is expected to raise €40 million per year for France. Nutella is Europe's favourite breakfast chocolate spread, with some 235,000 tonnes produced annually by Italian company Ferrero of Ferrero Rocher fame. In France alone, it is believed that 100 million jars of Nutella are consumed annually. Not only do many consider palm

oil to be bad for health, it is also a controversial ingredient for ecological reasons (see Arthur Smith's article on the opposite page). Malaysia is one of the world's top two palm oil exporters and alongside Indonesia, accounts for 85 per cent of global production. The Malaysian Palm Oil Council hit back at French claims that its product was detrimental to the environment and fuelling obesity. “Malaysia is deeply concerned with French Senator Yves Daudigny's proposed 300% tax increase on palm oil,” the council's chief executive said in a statement. “Palm oil is a healthy, natural and important product, which 240,000 small farmers in Malaysia are proud to produce. Contrary to Senator Daudigny's comments, every nutritional and food expert concludes that palm oil is in fact free of dangerous trans fats, free of GMOs and contains valuable vitamins.” The makers of Nutella said they would not change the recipe even if France, its biggest market, endorses proposals to quadruple the tax on palm oil. Frédéric Thil, French director for Ferrero told Le Parisien: “The arguments are unfair and the repercussions would be catastrophic.” ■

© 2008 - Rainer Zenz (WikiCommons)

France's growing obesity problem

The new "Nutella Tax" is one move aimed at tackling France's obesity problem

French town set to escape apocalypse


f you believe the Mayan calendar, the next big date for the end of the world is December 21, 2012. All is not lost, however, for those of us who live in France, as many believe that the sleepy town of Bugarach, near Carcassonne, will be the one place on earth to be saved. Bugarach, with a population of just 200, has long been considered magical, partly due to what locals claim is an “upside-down mountain” where the top layers of rock are older than the lower ones and the internet is awash with myths about the place: its mountain is surrounded by a magnetic force; it is the site of a concealed alien base; or even that it contains underground access to another world. Some online rumours claim that on December 21 the mountain will burst open to reveal an alien spaceship that will rescue those nearby from the apocalypse. As the date predicted by the Mayan calendar as the end of humanity approaches, a French government body set up to monitor

sects and cults has turned its focus on Bugarach. The watchdog, Miviludes, was set up in 2002 to track the activity of sects, after a law passed the previous year made it an offence to abuse vulnerable people using heavy pressure techniques, meaning cults can be outlawed if there is evidence of fraud or abuse. The influx of New Age visitors in recent years has pushed up property prices in the area, but also raised the threat of financial scams and psychological manipulation, Miviludes said in its report. “I think we need to be careful. We shouldn't get paranoid, but when you see what happened at Waco in the United States, we know this kind of thinking can influence vulnerable people,” Miviludes president Georges Fenech told Reuters. During a visit in 2011, Miviludes found six settlements in the surrounding countryside, set up by members of the American Ramtha School of Enlightenment and a number of other “gurus” and messianic groups have been organising fee-paying conferences

at local hotels. Those looking to join one of these cults and dodge the apocalypse will be disappointed, however, as French officials have now banned access to the Pic de Bugarach to avoid a rush of New Age fanatics, sightseers and above all... journalists. Eric Freysselinard, France's top official in the area, told AFP: “We are expecting a few visionaries, a few people who believe in this end of the world, but in extremely limited numbers. We are expecting greater numbers of people who are just curious, but in numbers we cannot determine. Above all, we are expecting lots of journalists.” A hundred police and firefighters will control approaches to the tiny village of the same name at the foot of the mountain, and if too many people turn up, they will block access there too. Over the years, films, documentaries and websites have promoted the idea that the ancient Mayan calendar, which is made up of 394-year periods called baktuns, predicts that doomsday

is on December 21 2012. Experts estimate the system starts counting at 3114 B.C. and will have run through 13 baktuns, or 5,125 years, around December 21 this year. ■

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Oil palm plantations vs orang-utans

Regular environment contributor, Arthur Smith from Harlequin Developments, takes a look at the palm oil industry and its effect on nature and also turns his eye towards Christmas.


everal Sumatran orang-utans, including three mother and baby pairs, were recently saved from a tiny patch of forest that was being bulldozed. Their home was being destroyed to make way for another oil palm plantation, and it was being done by a company which is a member of an industry group responsible (supposedly) for protecting their habitat. Palm oil is an ingredient found in up to half of processed foods, and is also increasingly being used as a biofuel in petrol tanks and power stations. The expansion of oil palm plantations into high conservation value forests is recognised as a leading threat to critically endangered species including orang-utans, elephants and tigers. Palm oil is everywhere you look these days and it's in so many food products. The reason for its popularity? It's not only versatile, but very, very cheap. Palm oil is a wonderful product, but it's how we obtain it and its widespread overuse that should be of concern. Palm oil can only be sourced in large quantities from several regions, the major producers being Indonesia and Malaysia. The demand for the product is furthering the destruction of tropical rainforest habitats that are cleared to be used as plantations. While many species are threatened through such clearing, the creature that gains the most attention is the associated plight of the orang-utan.

I'm a big supporter of renewable energy and currently work in the industry, but when I hear the words “palm oil” and “electricity” in the same sentence, it sends a chill down my spine. It seems that several companies in Europe have secured planning permission to burn palm oil to generate electricity. Usually it wouldn't be financially viable to do so, but biofuels gain green subsidies that triple the value of the electricity produced. Its supporters say that even growing, processing and transporting the oil to Europe still provides substantial reductions in greenhouse gases when measured against comparable fossil fuel oils. Greenpeace have labelled such power stations as “orang-utan incinerators”. Deforestation aside, using food as fuel is just not on in my opinion. A few years ago, a UN food expert went so far as to say that using food crops as fuel was a “crime against humanity”. In my modest opinion, people need to connect more with how their food is grown, and to connect more with their energy sources. With that connection often comes a greater appreciation. Destroying forests thousands of miles away removes that connection, a case of out of sight, out of mind. ------------------------ On the subject of fuel… It seems that, in the UK at

least, the high cost of fuel is encouraging people to live on benefits because driving to work makes it uneconomical to get a job. Travel-to-work costs reduce the extra income gained from getting a job by 40 per cent says a recent report by the Institute of Economic Affairs think tank. Crucially they say the costs involved in filling a tank make it less likely that people will abandon benefits and get a job. The report concludes, “Motoring taxes may increase welfare dependency by raising travel-to-work costs, meaning many potential workers may be better off on welfare benefits than entering employment”. Don’t you just love think tanks? Could it be that people have to travel further to get a job than was the case in the past, and that in itself increases the cost of commuting? Perhaps a better, more affordable, and reliable public transport system would help. Not only would it enable people to travel to work economically, but it might help stop some of the associated pollution that is becoming ever more noticeable in big towns and cities. -------------------------

60% to the wholesale price of the cheap imports. Some 80 per cent of all European imports of crockery come from China, which benefits from low wages and production costs. Presumably most go to Greece which has a long tradition of not doing the washing up! The move by the European Commission is the latest in a number of trade measures designed to protect manufacturers in Europe against competition from cheap Chinese imports.

So it seems that ‘food miles’has now escalated into ‘plate miles’. On that note, and with Christmas approaching, if you’re thinking about a gift for Aunt Agatha, what about a nice piece of Limoges porcelain? Support your local industry… I’d like to wish all the readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and remember, when someone asks you what you want for Christmas, think about what you actually need.

PS. I am assuming that if you are reading this, the

world hasn’t ended on 21st December, as the Mayan calendar predicted. It makes me smile to think that some Central American Indian lived and died not knowing how much concern he would cause to future generations, never mind the books, newsprint, and films his calendar spawned.■ Arthur Smith Harlequin Developments Tel: Mob:

Chestnut Soup with Bacon and Thyme Croutons This is a cheery and warming soup for Christmas, and if you do not want to prepare fresh chestnuts, tinned or jarred work just as well.

Ingredients (Serves 4):

225g Peeled and drained chestnuts (450g Unpeeled if using fresh chestnuts) 1 Small chopped onion 1 Small chopped carrot 1 Stick of celery, chopped 1.2l Pork stock, or vegetable stock Salt and pepper to season For the Croutons: 110g Stale white bead, cubed 4 tbsp Olive oil 2 Rashers smoked bacon, finely chopped ½ tsp Fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped 1. For the soup, place all the soup ingredients into a large saucepan on a medium heat. Bring up to a simmer, season, place a lid on the pan and simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes if using tinned or jarred chestnuts, 45 minutes for fresh. 2. While the soup is simmering, heat the oil in a large frying pan, cook the bacon for 3 minutes on a medium heat, then add the bread and thyme. Turn up the heat, stirring until the bread is golden brown and the bacon is crunchy. 3. Turn the contents of the pan onto kitchen paper and dab to remove the oil. Then when your soup is ready, blitz with a blender until it is smooth. Adjust the seasoning if necessary. Pour into bowls, sprinkle with bacon, croutons and thyme and serve.

It may be a storm in a tea cup (sorry), but some major European high street stores have slammed 'Brussels' over a decision to impose a 'Crockery Tax' on cheap cups, plates and bowls imported from China. A new duty is soon to come into force, and it will add up to

Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year from George & Mildred Recipes provided by Chef George. Written and compiled by Frances of La Grande Maison (Table et Chambres d'Hôte), Chénérailles

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Le Snack Shack is a traditional British ‘Fish and Chip Takeaway’, offering a varied menu direct from the U.K. We serve the best Icelandic Cod, cooked in a crispy, golden batter accompanied by chips and mushy peas or curry sauce. Our full menu can be found on our website - Take away and eat in the comfort of your own home or feel free to have a drink alongside your meal at the bar.

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In the garden - jobs for December

Grass: When to stop mowing depends so very much on the weather. Some years the grass carries on growing right the way through the winter, and other years it stops. Be prudent about mowing, and, if you must, choose a dry afternoon and make sure the mower blade is set on a high setting or else you are liable to pull clumps out and end up with a shorn, muddy patch! Leave some areas on the fringes of your garden longer, to shelter the littler members of the wildlife world. Garden waste: A healthy garden naturally produces a lot of waste: mowings, weeds, leaves, unwanted seedlings, clumps which need dividing up every few years, old potting compost, etc. Though I hate to admit it in public, I'm a terrible

one for leaving clumps of prunings & weeds in untidy piles 'to be collected later', which can stretch rather a long time! In the meantime, things can find these piles a great place to hibernate, thus forcing me to wait until the hibernation period is over. My resolution this year is to move any such piles into places where they won't be problematic. Then the hedgehogs and other charmers can sleep in safety. Be prudent also about lighting bonfires where the material has hung around for a while, for the same reason. Most other things can go on the compost heap, and if it's not ready for use, this is a good time of year to turn the heap. This speeds up decomposition and helps reactivate it. There should be a good layer of veg plants (tomatoes, courgettes, etc) and annuals from the flower borders. Don't forget to add some chicken manure from your hens, or a kindly neighbour. This is really quite concentrated, so a little goes a long way - ideal for those of us with a bad back who don't fancy humping barrow loads of horse manure around. Protect the soil surface in advance of it getting

Appeal I'm more and more concerned by the disappearance of old varieties of fruit trees. In the area where I live there seem to be no initiatives to preserve species for posterity. We can not all personally help save the polar bear, but we can do something that may stop a local variety of fruit tree disappearing for good. If you are interested, know of anything that is specific to your area, or has a particular history, or is just plain interesting, please contact me. Apples, pears and other types may need grafting, but plums can be grown perfectly well from suckers.

cold, with a layer of mulch, bracken, compost or manure. You can also just prune down perennials to about a foot high, and put the stems directly around the base of the plants. This gives a habitat to invertebrates and insects, and helps insulate the plants from the effect of cold. It can, of course, be composted in the late spring, when the weather has warmed up. Brambles are such lovely rogues - beautiful flowers, fruit, great for wildlife but like all their ilk, they need to be controlled, and the winter is a good time to stop new canes touching the ground and rooting to form new plants. The new roots are quite fragile, and can be pulled up easily by hand, so just mosey on out into the garden with a pair of good gardening gloves and see where they are encroaching. Same with nettles. Weeding: So far, round here, it has been really quite warm and humid, so the new crop of weed seedling are germinating & growing like crazy. Save yourself some work by hoeing them out small, or stifling them with a good mulch. Otherwise they'll have the advantage over you come the spring. In the next few weeks, more typical winter weather should arrive, leaving gardeners to admire the winter flowering shrubs, those with good stem colour or those with good berries. These include hollies, willows and dogwoods, amongst others. My personal favourites are Lonicera fragrantissima, a shrubby honeysuckle that is in flower by my front door from November to March, usually, and Viburnum bodnantense «Dawn». Candy pink girlie flowers on bare stems on a winter's day when the light is low. Lovely! Planning: Winter is also a very good moment to look at your garden with a critical eye. If you can't find anything of interest in it over the winter, then something needs changing! Browse seed, bulb and plant catalogues, look through your wish list of plants… and dream on! ■ Michelle Pierce Un Jardin en France plant nursery 05 45 89 36 54

Forest Gardening


his is the time of year where re-evaluating your garden can be advantageous, once the hustle of growing has slowed down. If you find that things are gradually getting too much, or that there is too much maintenance, then you may like to consider planting a 'forest garden'. This has become something of a buzz word this year in the gardening press, but what does it actually mean, who started it, and why do it? Wikipedia describes forest gardening as “a lowmaintenance sustainable plantbased food production and agroforestry system, based on woodland ecosystems incorporating fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines and perennial vegetables, which

have yields directly useful to humans. Making use of companion planting, these can be intermixed to grow in a succession of layers, to build a woodland habitat”. Basically, you plant your ground in such a way that you create, eventually, a woodland, where all the species have some use to you. The pioneer was Robert Hart, in Shropshire, in the sixties, who had started up a smallholding but found that it was too labour intensive. He realised that some things just took care of themselves, and so gradually replaced his animals with trees. He did a lot of research into gardening systems in other countries, and realised that in tropical countries gardens were very differently created. This led

to his tier system. Does this sound daunting? Well a little, until you realise that young trees grow reasonably quickly, and crops can be gained in three or four years for some species. Anyone planting an apple tree would expect to get some fruit in that kind of time frame. Since the whole idea is that you have a constantly evolving ecosystem, then currants and other fruiting shrubs will do the job much more quickly and with less effort on your part, hopefully, than a standard veg patch. ■ Michelle Pierce Un Jardin en France plant nursery 05 45 89 36 54

© 2006 - Graham Burnett (WikiCommons)


ho on earth knows what to do in the garden in December? So much depends on your soil, the position of the garden, the trees in it, the altitude, the weather of course… I wouldn't presume to give you any hard and fast pieces of advice, so the following are just suggestions.

Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Printed by: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Monthly circulation: 13,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited.

Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Imprimé par: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Tirage mensuel: 13,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution.

The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world. ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012


The Full English Breakfast


orsque les gens évoquent les Britanniques, ces derniers font vite l’objet d’un certain nombre de stéréotypes tels que: nous sommes très réservés, nous portons un respect tout religieux à notre thé… et nous aimons accompagner notre petit-déjeuner de bacon, saucisses et œufs tous les matins, ce que l’on appelle le «petit-déjeuner anglais complet». Traditionnellement, ce repas combine tout ou partie des ingrédients suivants: du bacon, des saucisses, des œufs (sur le plat ou brouillés), des haricots blancs à la sauce tomate, des champignons revenus à la poêle, des pommes de terre sautées, des tomates grillées, du boudin noir, du pain frit, du pain grillé … ça vous donne faim rien qu’en y pensant ! Il est vrai que c’est un repas populaire outre-manche, sachant qu’il est sujet à des variations selon si vous vous trouvez en Ecosse, au Pays

people is that we do not eat it every day. In fact, the British eat fewer breakfasts than most of the rest of Europe. A recent study revealed that 34% of the population in Britain regularly skip breakfast. That compares with just 17% in France. So where does the Full English Breakfast come from? This is very difficult to establish and many parts of the country claim that they 'invented' it. A popular explanation is a religious one. Historically, a religious calendar guided many people's lives. Each year at Lent, before the 40-day fast, people had to use up their meat - this is in the days before freezers! Pigs were a popular animal, so a lot of that meat was pork and bacon. The meat was often eaten with eggs, which also had to be used up. This gave rise to one enormous meal and

de Galles, en Angleterre ou en Irlande. Cependant, la déception est grande pour beaucoup de personnes lorsqu’elles apprennent que nous ne consommons pas ce petit-déjeuner tous les jours. En réalité, en comparaison avec la plupart des autres pays d’Europe, les Britanniques sont ceux qui prennent le moins souvent un petit-déjeuner et une étude récente révèle que 34 % de la population saute ce repas contre 17 % en France. Alors, qui a «inventé» ce petit-déjeuner complet? La réponse n’est pas simple et beaucoup de régions en revendiquent la paternité. Le respect du calendrier religieux qui, autrefois, ponctuait la vie de beaucoup de gens pourrait en être à l’origine. En effet, chaque année avant le carême et ses 40 jours de jeûne, les gens devaient terminer leurs réserves de viande et d’œufs car les congélateurs n’existaient pas à l’époque! Le cochon étant un animal populaire, ils mangeaient

the Full English Breakfast was born. The Full English Breakfast has had to adapt to survive in modern times. First, it moved away from a strictly morning meal by becoming 'brunch' - a combination of breakfast and lunch. Then it became a meal for all times of the day. Look on the menu in many pubs across the UK and you will see an “All Day Breakfast” for sale. On breakfast you may want to avoid is “The Big One” - Britain's unhealthiest breakfast. In 2011, Steven Magee became the first person

to conquer this giant 7,500 calorie breakfast on the menu at a cafe in Northamptonshire. Weighing 3kg, the huge plate holds three sausages, three beef burgers, three fried eggs, three rashers of bacon, three slices of black pudding, three portions of baked beans and three portions of mushrooms. Still hungry? Good, because it comes with three potato waffles, three potato scones, three hash browns, three portions of fried bread, three slices of bread and butter and three slices of toast. Perhaps our reputation is justified after all!! ■

© 2009 - Freaky Fries (WikiCommons)


hen people think of the British, a few stereotypes quickly emerge: we are very reserved, we treat tea like it is a religion... and we enjoy a breakfast of bacon, sausages and egg every morning - the “Full English Breakfast”. Traditionally, this meal will involve a combination of some or all of the following ingredients: bacon, sausages, eggs (fried and/or scrambled), baked beans, fried mushrooms, fried potatoes, grilled tomatoes, black pudding, fried bread, toast... it makes you hungry just thinking about it!! It is true that this is a popular meal across the Channel and as you travel around Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland, regional variations will appear. But what often comes as a disappointment to many

The Bugle thanks local French teacher, Sophie Arsac, for the translation of this month's bilingual article on another topical aspect of Franco-British culture.

Bilingual Crossword Clues in English - answers in French

Across: essentiellement de la viande de porc et des tranches de bacon. Ce repas gargantuesque a donné naissance au véritable petit-déjeuner anglais complet. Pour “survivre”, ce petitdéjeuner a dû se moderniser: initialement consommé le matin, il s’est transformé en «brunch», ce mot étant une combinaison des mots anglais «breakfast» et «lunch», jusqu’à devenir un repas pouvant être servi à toute heure de la journée. Jetez un coup d’œil sur le menu des pubs du Royaume-Uni et vous verrez que bon nombre d’entre eux proposent «un petit-déjeuner» tout au long de la journée. Cependant, vous préféreriez peut-être éviter le «petitdéjeuner géant», le pire exemple de malbouffe britannique… En 2011, Steven

Magee fut le premier à venir à bout d’un petit-déjeuner géant de 7 500 calories dans un café de Northamptonshire. Pesant 3 kg, l’immense assiette contenait trois saucisses, trois steaks de bœuf haché, trois œufs au plat, trois tranches de bacon, trois tranches de boudin noir, trois portions de haricots blancs à la sauce tomate et trois portions de champignons. Vous avez toujours faim? Oui? Tant mieux parce que ce n’est pas terminé: il y avait également trois gaufres aux pommes de terre, trois scones aux pommes de terre, trois galettes de pomme de terre, trois portions de pain frit, trois tranches de pain beurré et trois tranches de pain grillé. Peut-être que notre réputation est justifiée, après tout!! ■

The Bugle, live on France Bleu Creuse Tune in to our next show: 09h30 TUESDay 4th DECember

5. Donkey (3) 6. Insect (7) 8. Feather (5) 9. April (5) 11. Minutes (7) 14. Wharfs (5) 15. Useful (5) 17. Shoulders (7) 18. Friend (3)


1. Uncle (5) 2. Years (3) 3. Napkin (9) 4. Tin (5) 7. Ambitious (9) 10. Wall (3) 12. Wasp (5) 13. Lead (5) 16. Sea (3)

Bilingual crossword solution can be found on page 18

Please be aware that the deadline for all submissions for content and advertising is the 15th of the month for the following month’s print edition. -

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Bugle Notice Board JJ’s Café JJ’sAigurande Café Bar Bar Aigurande

Saturday 25th August

A Comfortable Lounge !!!!!! Soirée Chilli n BluesCoffee with 'Taurus Blues' At last a comfortable place in Aigurande to sit and (In aidcoffee/tea/other....... of the Association Sapeurs-Pompiers, Aigurande) have and cakes - yes cakes too!! This is going to be a fab evening and will be supporting a 'Le cause. Salon€1defrom l'Amitié' opening very good each meal will beupstairs, donated to the chez JJ's CafébeBar - December 1st. Association. We will also passing round a collection box

to relieve you of your small change!!!! A Very Merry Xmas and a Hugely Joyful New Year Concert (free entry) 9pm ToStarts You All - From team €12 JJ.pp Meal 7.30 - 9 pm Jon (Chilliand ConJacky Carne +and Tiramisu) Reservations optional but advisable

Music Club

2nd Sat of every month. Music Club 8.30 pm. event: December 2ndNext Sat of every8th month. 8.30 pm. JJ's Music club isNext for musicians of all August levels and genres. Entry is event: 11th free, there is no membership and is open to everyone who loves

JJ's Music club is for musicians of all levels and genres entry is music.there You can also buy fish andand chips fromto the van in the market free, is no membership is open everyone who loves square 6.30 - 8.30) andand eatchips them from in thethe comfort the bar. music. (from You can also buy fish van inof the market square 8.30) and eat in the JJ's (from Cafe 6.30 Bar,- 39 Place du them Champ de comfort Foire, of JJ's. The club starts36140 from 8:30, but we are open for all those Aigurande who want to comeTel: earlier02 to eat. hardly ever shut !!!! 54 In 06fact 30we77

JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire, Aigurande Email: 36140

Tel: 02 54 06 30 77 Email:

BAILEYS Bar Restaurant

We will be holding our Annual Christmas Dinner on the evening of Saturday 22nd December from 7pm. Traditional 4 course Christmas Dinner for €25 pp. Starter Prawn Cocktail: Succulent prawns in a cocktail sauce laced with Whiskey on a bed of crisp lettuce 0r A warming homemade Carrot and Coriander Soup Main Course Traditional Turkey Roast with all the trimmings Cheese course Dessert: A choice of homemade desserts, Christmas Pudding with brandy cream, Trifle or Cheesecake Will be a fun evening with Traditional Christmas carols. Reservations before 15th December.

5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir 23200 Aubusson Tel: 05 55 66 37 10 or 05 55 66 22 92

The Comité des Fêtes in Chéniers is organising an art exhibition called RENC'ARTS 2013 on May 1st 2013 in the salle polyvalente Pierre Laurent. Anyone interested in exhibiting is welcome. All kinds of art will be represented (painting, drawing, photography, caricatures, sculpture, floral art...) For further information and to sign up email

Le Bellerive

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On the main road (D979) Between Limoges & Eymoutiers

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Ivan Petley - 3D Puzzles

Find Ivan's puzzles in the following locations: La Vitrine des Artisans, 23 Grande Rue, Guéret Office de Tourisme, 12 Pl. Defumade, Ahun Or find Ivan at the following markets: 1-2nd December 23800 La Celle-Dunoise 2nd December 87370 Saint-Sulpice-Laurière 8-9th December 19250 Meymac 9th December 23200 Néoux 14-15th December 23500 Felletin 14-16th December 63804 Cournon-d'Auvergne 21st December 23210 Marsac 23rd December 23200 Aubusson

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La Coterie Entreprise

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Le Moulin du Breuil 23140 PIONNAT

Saturday 1st December 08h45-11h00 English Breakfast Club Come and enjoy a superb value 'Full English Breakfast' with tea, coffee and fruit juices Christmas Menu du Jour 10th to 14th December - €14.95 pp ** Closed Wed 26th & Thur 27th December ** New Year's Day Menu - 12h00-14h30 Come and enjoy a New Year's Day lunch at Le Moulin du Breuil - €28.00 Contact us for more details or to make a reservation Tel: 05 55 80 37 70 Mail: Web:

The Exchange Rochechouart

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29 Avenue de la Tour 87470 Peyrat-le-Château

05 55 78 19 24

Fri 14th December, 8pm - Jack Law entertains us with a Christmas Special and Disco Fri 21st December, 8.30pm - Punk it up Christmas with C.P.R. Sat 22nd December - 'Allo 'Allo it's Panto time! (phone for more details)

Phone: 05 55 36 20 63

Jane & Phil Nicholson ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012



Church Notices English-speaking church services Guéret Come as you are... This is an invitation to join us at our CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith or would just like to attend a church service you are welcome at 3pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Eglise Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret, 23000. We welcome all who want to join a group of English-speaking Christians for a time of worship and learning together. Children are very welcome. For more details contact Jim & Pat Scott on 05 55 67 54 78 / email or Ian & Becky Jefferies on 05 55 61 10 23 / email Christians together in Limousin La Souterraine Area We hold a time of fellowship and Bible study every Tuesday afternoon. Barbara and Cedric look forward to welcoming you. Tel: 05 55 71 09 04 The International Free Church in Creuse The church presently meets at 10, La Chaudronnière, a small hamlet mid-way between Crozant and Eguzon. Sunday worship meetings are held on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10.30am. Fellowship meetings, for mid-week prayer, bible study and discussion are at the same venue every Thursday at 7.30pm. For further information contact Eric Sutton tel 05 55 89 26 62 Fitness & Fun Cussac Bowls Club The new arrangements at Cussac gymnasium bring us new facilities and more sessions for Lawn-Bowling, Short-mat Bowling and Crown-green Bowling. We will now be able to accept members who have a preference for other types of bowling, so why not come along and see if we can satisfy your needs. If you have never played before or don't have your own bowls, don't worry. The club has a supply of bowls for your use and most of our now-competetive bowlers had never played before joining us a year ago. Session times: Mon morning OUTSIDE (synthetic lawn); Wed evening - inside short-mat bowling (4 mats available); Thurs morning - inside - short-mat; Friday morning OUTSIDE (synthetic lawn). CUSSAC (87150) is in southern Haute-Vienne, just 6km from the Dordogne and Charente borders and the gymnasium is easily found next to the school near the town centre. Ring Roger Hammond on 05 55 50 40 89 or mail for further information. Association Equilibre, le mouvement du corps Yoga for all levels: Tue 18:30 Aubusson, Pied au plancher (Espace Philips); Wed 18:30 Vallière, salle polyvalante. Pregnancy/Post Natal: Tue 17:00 Aubusson, Pied au Plancher (Espace Philips) For further information tel 06 83 24 62 72 or visit Chinese Gym & Karate Mondays & Thursdays 19h30-21h at the DOJO, Allée Jean-Marie Couturier, Aubusson. Warm and friendly atmosphere. For more info tel 06 08 92 30 53 Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue 18.15 - 19.45) and La Châtre (Thu 18.15 - 19.45). The first two lessons are free, the subscriptions are 36 euros per month and members can go to both venues having paid this fee. The style is that of Yang. All ages and abilities welcome, but folk must bear in mind that they will be on their feet, doing the equivalent of what one might classify as light exercise, for about an hour and a half. For more information contact 05 55 65 08 20. Gym Bien-être Would you enjoy an afternoon of gentle exercise with a cheerful, light-hearted group? Each week we exercise a different group of muscles, do a little country dancing & some floor exercise and laugh a lot. The aim of the activities is to increase suppleness and mental agility. We meet every Tuesday afternoon upstairs at the Capitole in Ro echouart between 2pm and 3.30pm. It isn’t necessary to speak French because you can copy but you will learn some. Come for 2 weeks’ free trial. For details contact: Learn to Meditate Learn to meditate and meet other like-minded people. Simple mindfulness technique. Dechen Choling, Le Mas Marvent, St-Yrieix-sous-Aixe, 87700. Also, ongoing regular group meetings and events. Contact tel Christina 05 55 03 82 01 Gardening Les petits jardiniers du Limousin Do you love gardening or are you keen to learn more about it? Then why not come along and join Les Petits Jardiniers? We’re a friendly group of English, French and Dutch residents and normally meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2.30pm in the salle de fêtes in St-Amand-lePetit, between Peyrat-le-Château and Eymoutiers. Our meetings are held mostly in English and we have guest speakers, organise garden visits and swap plants and seeds. Annual membership is 15 euros pp or 20 euros per couple or pay as you go for 3 euros per meeting. For more information or to be put on our mailing list for our quarterly newsletter or monthly agenda contact Carolyn at Carolyn@cnlees. eu or Gill at Agenda for 2012: 13th December Natural Christmas Decorations & party. Agenda for 2013: 17th Jan Decorating planters and making decorative objects for your garden; Feb No meeting; 21st Mar Raised beds, vertical planting; 18th Apr Clematis and ground cover planting; 16th May Visit to botanical gardens Limoges and also the vaulted caves under the city; 20th Jun Trees & Shrubs; 18th Jul Farm Visit; 15th Aug Annual BBQ; 14th Sept Flower & Vegetable Show – How does your garden grow; 17th Oct Barnhaven Primroses; 21st Nov Planting a wildflower meadow; 12th Dec Xmas party, Gardeners Question Time and Quiz. Club Liseron – Gardening Club Meets on the 2nd Mon evening of the month at 19.30 at the Salle des Fêtes in Massignac. We're a mixed bunch of English & French, who are united by a passion for gardens and gardening, sharing plants, seeds and information. More info contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45 89 36 54 or at Aux Plantes etc We are an association of independent, ethically-minded and passionate plant producers. Our aim is to encourage consumers to know more about the plants they buy, how they were produced and their needs, thereby avoiding the

"Castaways" We are pleased to announce that following a number of recent meetings new Drama Group, “Castaways” is now up and running. From January 10th rehearsals will take place every Wednesday at 7.30 pm at the “Ancienne Mairie”, Place Dr Emile Parrain, La Souterraine. Access up the steps in the front - the Rehearsal Room is on the ground floor. Park behind the building in the Rue du Coq - this is the road that runs down beside the present Hôtel de Ville/Mairie, or in the Mairie parking area opposite. We are aiming for our first production during October 2013. If you would like to have fun developing your theatre skills, whether it be acting, singing, dancing or backstage activities as part of a group of like-minded people at our workshops, run by an experienced director and actor, please come along. Hope to see you there!

disappointments that so often come with mass produced plants. It's not just about us selling you plants - we want them to thrive and do well for you! Current members include plantspeople specialising in unusual shrubs & trees, butterfly plants, heritage vegetables and flowers, irises, perennials and drought-tolerant plants. For more info contact Michelle Pierce 05 45 89 36 54 or vitist www.

Integration International Apero Reseau We meet each Saturday from 11.30am-1pm at Baileys Bar/Restaurant, 5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir, Aubusson. These meetings offer the opportunity to: exchange views - make new friends share experiences - have fun together - help and advise one another - help intergrate newcomers. Discussions in English (all nationalities welcome). For more information please contact Catherine 06 86 17 80 88 or Liz 05 55 66 22 92. Faceaface An association founded to facilitate and encourage interaction between all members of the local community. As our first venture we have created a library. Where? In the Mairie of St-Priest which is just off the D4 between Mainsat and Chénérailles. When? The 1st and 3rd Mon afternoon in every month between 2 5pm. To join all you have to do is donate six books and pay €5 per person or €8 per household. If you would like more information please contact us at: faceaface23@ or just come by and see us. Everyone is welcome! Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble Our main aim is to foster understanding and good relations amongst the local French-speaking and English-speaking populations. To this end we are offering courses of tuition in English and in French, and organising social and cultural events and visits. LANGUAGE CLASSES (take place at the Maison des Associations, Rochechouart) Beginners and Intermediate - Mon am; French/English Conversation – Tues am; Advanced and Children’s – Wed am; Conversation (St-Junien) - Thur. SOCIAL EVENTS Games Night (Rochechouart) 1st Thur; Games Night (St-Junien) 2nd Thur; Lunch Club – Last Thur. For more details visit or contact Mike or Christine ELLINGHAM 05 55 03 27 67 For your calendar: Xmas Dinner & Dance - 8th December at Le Beouf Rouge, St.Junien - still places available; Burns Night - End of Jan. The Melting Pot Members of the Ambassador's Club of the Welcome en Limousin Association. We are a group of around 70 members, both French and British, who meet with the aim of sharing things and trying to integrate with the French community. We meet every week at the Ancienne Ecole in Darnac, on a Wednesday morning from 10am - 12noon, except for the first Wednesday, when we meet in the evening at 8pm. We hold information meetings, plant swaps, BBQ's, games nights, visits and have guest speakers about topics relevant to living in France. Contact: info@ Charente Limousine Exchange The Charente-Limousine-Exchange (CLE), founded in 2003, aims to improve the provision of French language courses and to share experiences and skills among members who live in Charente, Vienne and Haute-Vienne. CLE provides information to members living and/or working in France and works with local communities and organisations to tackle practical issues through forums and workshops, as well as organising a wide range of cultural and social events throughout the year. The recent launch of English lessons has been well attended by Confolentais. If you would like to know more about this group of volunteers, please look on our new website or contact the Chairman, Barry Leech, on 06 35 96 77 46. Libraries & Books Baileys Book Exchange Baileys Bar/Restaurant, 5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir, Aubusson. Large selection of English books, plus a few French books and DVDs. Swap (for each swapped book a small charge of 20cts applies) or buy books from as little as 50cts.

Phoenix Campsegret Book Sale October 27th 2012

ALL money received donated to S.P.A. de la Creuse Dog Refuge Guéret. Books available during opening hours, please check Baileys Restaurant Ad for details. Sale of Second-hand Books, La Croisille-sur-Briance On the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance (87130), there is a sale of second-hand books (both English and French) from 9am to 12 noon, at the old garage in La Place - next door to the pharmacy. All proceeds towards the restoration of the church. St Jean English Library, La Souterraine The La Souterraine Library and Information Centre is now firmly installed in a beautiful medieval building at the Porte de Puy Charraud, Route de Portail, La Souterraine. The library has over 5,000 books, DVDs and other items, as well as its café, Caxtons, which serves English cakes. The Library also provides French lessons and organises Anglo-French conversation groups. The Information Centre provides support and assistance with bureaucratic, family and legal problems to British residents and new arrivals. The library is open from 9.30 -12.30 on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Contact Rodney Sabine on 05 55 63 03 87 or at Our website is The English Library, Dun-le-Palestel Located in the Route des Rateries, just behind the Biblithèque Municipale, you will find the Anglophone Library, which offers a wide variety of reading material, DVDs, talking books and videos. It is also a meeting point and arranges a host of activities including: Café Franglais; Club Scrabble; Café Philo; Sewing Group; Art Group. Library opening hours: Thu 10am – 4pm & Sat 10am – 12.30pm. For details of activities or general information visit or email Music Club de Musique Takes place on the last Fri of each month from 8pm at La Grange, Chassignolles (5mins from La Châtre). Open to all musicians, singers, groups and audience. PA and drum kit available. Bring your instrument, mic and join in a great French / English musical and social evening. Bar, hot and cold snacks. Meals available if reserved – see website for contact details of La Grange. For more info email: The Harmonics This is our 6th season of singing as a group. Our music is varied classical, madrigals, spiritual, songs from the shows etc and we sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin - whatever the music demands. Our concerts are in support of a variety of charities including the British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and Retina and thus non profit making. We meet Wed 14h – 16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in Civray. Interested? We'd love to see you so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53 93 email or Dolly Ait Boualou email

Support Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there is now an Englishspeaking meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous at 2 Avenue Pierre Traversat, Limoges Thu 7.30pm - 9.00pm. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Contact tel Roger 05 55 76 22 65 or Nancy 02 54 24 09 74 or visit Cancer Support France, Charente Plus Offers free and confidential support to English speakers affected by cancer in departments 16, 17 & 86. Our helpline number is 06 45 35 32 30. If you need any more information, please get in touch via Cancer Support France, Haute-Vienne We offer free and confidential support to English speakers affected by Cancer in the Haute-Vienne (87). Our helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87. If you would like more information or would like to become a member or help in any other way, please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15,

AIPB Battle of the Bands We are pleased to say that, due to the hard work of our members, the participating groups, the jury, Les Troubadours, the press, the wonderful audience and most of all the generosity of our sponsors, the AIPB Battle of the Bands 2012 was a great success and we are able to donate 1,000 euros to our chosen charity for this year – the “Centre d’Action Médico Sociale Précoce de la Creuse”, based in Guéret. The “CAMSP” is a centre for children with many differing handicaps who require special attention. The main principle of the centre is to diagnose the children’s disorders as soon as possible so that correct therapy can then be given. The centre also works very closely with the families to help them understand and care for their children. AIPB would like to thank all our supporters for helping to achieve this fantastic result.

If books could talk, they would have been saying “Crikey, we’re popular!” on 27th October, when a great many people congregated once again in search of books, bargains and a good day out at the Phoenix Campsegret book sale - the biggest Anglo-French charity event in south-west France. The book sorting takes places all year round, as some 15,000 books are presented for sale, as well as CDs, DVDs and a fabulous array of edible goodies, all lovingly prepared and donated by the supporters of Phoenix. Everyone was delighted that the day was an astounding success, no more so than Phoenix’s Treasurer, Roger, who spent the entire evening afterwards in front of the fire, counting all the coins, to announce that it was a record for the takings! One of the loveliest stories of the day is of possibly the fastest adoption ever known to Phoenix! Aurélie, Phoenix’s Associate at Bergerac SPA (, had kindly brought along one of the SPA dogs, Sally, in order to hand her over to Phoenix Foster Carer, Murielle. However, fate intervened. Word got back to the kitchen of this little cutie and catering team member, Russie, popped out to meet Sally. Sally jumped straight into her arms, and do we really need to tell you what happened next?! Sally is now called Tinkerbelle and will be moving into her new home once her sterilisation and paperwork are complete. The date of the next Phoenix Campsegret book sale will be announced very soon, so watch this space! For more photos of the book sale, please visit Phoenix’s Facebook page at


Peace - 7-month-old Calico Girl Poor Peace was dumped in a carrier bag, but luckily was found and is safely in Phoenix foster care. Peace is a confident girl, typically inquisitive, playful and mischievous. She gets on well with all the other cats and likes humans too, a lovely girl with very pretty markings. If you are interested in adopting Peace, please contact Lynda Atkins on 05 53 81 30 44 or at Check out our ADOPTION PAGE at www. or FACEBOOK www.facebook. com/PhoenixAssociationFrance for other Phoenix animals available for adoption.




would like to say a very public thank you to friends and family who have rallied around me during the difficult time due to the death of my father. I have always said that my French has improved with every new situation I have had to deal with and this is another one of those occasions; I have now added words like coffin and grave to my repetoire. I would like to say a special thank you to my husband Rob who went above and beyond the call of duty, helping to get my brother and sisters out to France for the funeral, finding accommodation and cooking for everyone over the week. He accompanied me to the funeral directors and Mairie asking important questions I would not even have thought of. My friends and family are very important to me and I would like to let them know how much I appreciate them through your paper. Many thanks,

Rick Lee will be signing copies of his new book, A Ripple of Lies, at The English Library, La Souterraine on Saturday December 8th 2012, 10h-12h30 June1981. A young girl is on the run after assaulting a teacher. An Italian ‘businessman’ and his bodyguards are killed in a violent shoot-out. Meanwhile DI Mick Fletcher is surprised to be invited to a society wedding only to find out it’s a cover for Special Branch to send him to Barrow-in-Furness – the ‘longest cul-de-sac in the world’. A new submarine is to be launched there on the 1st of July and undercover contacts have got wind that a terrorist attack is planned.

Vanda Johnson

Announcement from the Cancer Support France - Creuse Branch It is with great regret from the volunteers that we have had to cease the above association from the 1st of November due to lack of volunteers to help with administration and fund-raising. Many people have offered their assistance for which we have been very grateful but we needed fulltime volunteers to help with websites, distribution and hospital visiting. We have assisted many people, those with cancer, family members and also friends of cancer patients. We hope we have been helpful to those who needed translation, useful to those who wanted information and a comfort to those who needed someone to listen. The telephone number and email address (below) are going to continue as they are on the posters around the Creuse. The telephone support given by volunteers who are continuing in the Creuse area will be assisted by the Haute-Vienne branch of CSF. Thank you to all who have helped out and supported us in the past especially Steve from The Bugle. Helpline number: 06 06 47 18 60 Email address:

Fletcher insists on taking newly promoted DS Irene Garner along for the ride – but neither of them is ready for the mayhem which spirals out of their control as the day of the launch approaches. Too many players in a never-ending game of blind man’s bluff which reaches an unexpected and shocking conclusion. About the author: Rick Lee was born in North Yorkshire in 1948, went to study History in London in the late 60’s, but spent most of his time going to Jimi Hendrix and Cream concerts, whilst squatting in a series of elegant but condemned Edwardian mansions. He became a drama teacher in 1974 and later studied for a MEd in Education through Drama with Dorothy Heathcote. He worked in a variety of secondary




Auzances Bénévant-l’Abbaye Bussière-Poitevine Champagnac-la-Rivière Genouillac Gouzon Laurière Limoges (Le Vigenal) Peyrat-le-Château Rochechouart Royère-de-Vassivière Saint-Sulpice-lesFeuilles


Ahun Bourganeuf Chambon-sur-Voueize Cognac-la-Forêt Clugnat Le Dorat Isle Limoges (pont St Martial) Nantiat Séreilhac


Boussac Coussac-Bonneval Dun-le-Palestel Guéret Limoges Bastide et

Corgnac Magnac-Laval Oradour-sur-Vayres (except 3rd Thu) Peyrat-le-Château Saint-Sulpice-lesChamps Saint-Victurnien La Souterraine


Aigurande Aixe-sur-Vienne Ambazac Bessines-sur-Gartempe Bosmie l’Aiguille (16h - 19h30) Bujaleuf Châlus (except 2nd Fri) Châteauponsac Châtelus-Malvaleix Couzeix (16h30 19h30) Le Dorat Felletin Limoges (place des Bancs et Beaubreuil) Nexon Pierre-Buffière Rochechouart St-Etienne-de-Fursac Saint-Sulpice-Laurière Verneuil-surVienne(15h-18h30)




Aubusson Bellac Bonnat Bussière-Poitevine Châteauponsac Condat-sur-Vienne Eymoutiers Feytiat Flavignac Guéret La Châtre La Jonchère-St-Maurice La Souterraine Limoges (place des Bancs et place Marceau) Le Palais-sur-Vienne Mainsat (4th Sat only) Nantiat Peyrat-le-Château Rochechouart Saint-Junien St-Léonard-de-Noblat Saint-Mathieu Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche


Bessines-sur-Gartempe Blond Crocq (1st and 3rd Sun) Panazol Peyrat-le-Château Saint-Paul St-Sulpice-le-Guéretois (3rd Sun) Saint-Vaury (2nd Sun) Veyrac (2nd Sun)

schools, colleges, special needs departments and residential homes, after which he returned up north to be a Head of an Expressive Arts Department in Barrow-in-Furness, followed by 5 years working for the Barrow Education Action Zone and as an education consultant. As well as classroom drama, he was also writing and directing plays with students including several successful Edinburgh Fringe productions.


Aixe-sur-Vienne: 1st Fri Ambazac: 1st Wed Auzances: 2nd Tue Bourganeuf: 1st & 3rd Wed Boussac: 1st & 3rd Thu Bujaleuf: Last Mona Châlus: 2nd Thu Châteauneuf-la-Forêt: 2nd Sun Cognac-la-Forêt: 1st Tue Cussac: 4th Sun Domps: 2nd Tue Dun-le-Palestel: 1st Thu Evaux-les-Bains: 1st Mon Eymoutiers: 1st & 3rd Thu Feytiat: 1st Sat La Souterraine 2nd & 4th Sat Magnac-Bourg: 2nd Sat Meuzac: 4th Mon Mézières-sur-Issoire: 2nd & 4th Mon Nexon: 3rd Fri Oradour-sur-Vayres: 3rd Thu Peyrat-le-Château: 3rd Mon Peyrilhac: 3rd Sun Pierre-Buffière: 1st Fri Royère-de-Vassivière: 2nd Tue Saint-Germain-les-Belles: last Sat Saint-Jouvent: 1st Sun Saint-Junien: 3rd Sat Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat: 1st Mon Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche: 2nd & 4th Fri Sauviat-sur-Vige: 2nd Mon Veyrac: 2nd Sun



1 (day before if public holiday): Bellac 3: Bellegarde-en-Marche 3: Châteauponsac 5: Bussière-Poitevine 5: Chénérailles 6: Bussière-Boffy 8: Compreignac 9: Saint-Sulpice-Laurière 11 (Sat if 11 is a Sun): Bessines-surGartempe 13 (Sat if 13 is a Sun): Le Dorat 15: Oradour-sur-Glane 17: Mortemart 18: La Croisille-sur-Briance; La Jonchère-Saint-Maurice 20: Chénérailles 21: Ambazac; Saint-Sulpice-lesFeuilles 22 (Mon if 22 is a Sun): MagnacLaval 23: Razès; St Laurent sur Gorre 24: Nantiat 25: Blond - St Paul 26: Nouic; Rochechouart 28: Cieux 29: Laurière

All Markets & Foires are in the morning unless stated otherwise. If your local market is not listed, please let us know -


He has an MA in Writing Studies from Lancaster University and written many short stories and has published two volumes of poems. He moved to France in 2006 to enjoy retirement - although serious bouts of DIY and gardening have kept him busy! He began writing the Mick Fletcher suspense thrillers two years ago and has not been able to stop since! His first book Daughter of the Rose was published in April 2012. ■ ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2012

WHAT’S ON ♦ 19

Democratic Republic of Congo. The service will be followed by a 'verre d’amitié' sherry, mince pies and other festive refreshments. Sun 9th Dec LUSSAC-LES-EGLISES Marché de Noël Near Lussac-les-Eglises, Tina and Jane's barn, 5 La Trigalle, 87360. From 2p.m. Admission free. Special appearance at 3p.m. by Kevin Walker the Storyteller. Come along and enjoy mulled wine with mince pies. Christmas Carols. Stalls to fund-raise mainly for various charities in France. Cards, jewellery, tombola. Contact Karen 05 55 68 64 43 for further details. Sun 9th Dec NÉOUX Christmas Market Sun 9th Dec ROYERE-DE-VASSIVIÈRE Christmas Market 10h-16h place Pierre Ferrand (under marquee) Sun 9th Dec SAINT-LÉGER-MAGNAZEIX Marché de Noël From 10h in the salle socio éducative and under heated marquees. Exhibitors: Food, Pâtisserie, Chocolate, Wine etc... Jewellery, Toys, Floral compositions etc... 13h30 at the library: Drawing competition for children (3+). Restauration: Crêpes, Fish & Chips and drinks. Arrival of Father Christmas at 16h!! Sun 9th Dec SAINT-SULPICE-LES-FEUILLES Christmas Market Sun 9th Dec SAINT-VAURY Christmas Market Gymnase de Saint-Vaury. Sun 9th Dec SAINT-VICTURNIEN Christmas Market Wed 12th to Fri 14th Dec BOURGANEUF Christmas Market Fri 14th Dec BOUSSAC Anglo-French Christmas Carol Service The annual Chants de Noël Carol Service, held in English and French, with a Scottish piper joining in too, takes place on Friday 14th December at Boussac's Eglise Ste Anne. It starts at 19h30 and is followed by free traditional Christmas refreshments in la Maison Paroissiale offered by the AIPB. There’ll be mulled wine, mince pies, cupcakes and so on. Everyone is welcome. Donations will be given to a charity for severely handicapped children, CAMSP Creuse, based in Guéret, to enable them to go on an outing and to a show. For more info tel Wendy 05 55 65 03 69. Fri 14th Dec CONFOLENS Christmas Market Halle du marché from 17h-21h. Music with Smith & Jones. Fri 14th to Sat 15th Dec FELLETIN Christmas Market 40 local producers & artisans. Salle polyvalente from 10h-18h. Fri 14th to Mon 24th Dec LIMOGES Christmas Market Artisans & producers will be exhibiting in little wooden chalets around the ice rink installed at the place de la République. Fri 14th to Wed 19th Dec LIMOGES Christmas Market 70 exhibitors. Place de la Motte. Fri 14th Dec to Sun 6th Jan LIMOGES La patinoire de Noël

Ice rink - place de la République. Free skating & skate hire.

Sat 22nd Dec ARGENTON-SUR-CREUSE Christmas Market

Sun 23rd Dec MAINSAT Christmas Market

Fri 14th to Sat 15th Dec SAINT-YRIEIX-LAPERCHE Christmas Market Fri eve & Sat.

Sat 22nd Dec AUZANCES Christmas Market

Sun 23rd Dec PIERRE-BUFFIÈRE Christmas Market

Sat 22nd Dec CHÂLUS Christmas Market From 14h.

Mon 24th Dec LA CHÂTRE Christmas Market

Sat 15th Dec AIXE-SUR-VIENNE Concert Concert by male choir "Ahoz". 13 artists will sing traditional and contemporary Basque songs a cappella. Chapelle d'Arliquet. 20h30. Tickets: 7€ / 4€ (concessions) / 2 € (6-12s). Sat 15th Dec BELLAC Christmas Market In the streets of Bellac from 16h-22h. Sat 15th Dec BUJALEUF Christmas Market Local producers & artisans. Mulled wine and German beer. Sat 15th Dec COMPREIGNAC Christmas Market Sat 15th Dec MÉRINCHAL Christmas Market Salle des fêtes du château de la Mothe from 9h-18h. Sat 15th Dec SAINT-JUNIEN Christmas Market Sat 15th Dec SAINT-JUNIEN Balade gourmande Balade gourmande IN ENGLISH on the day of the Christmas market - RDV 16h30 at the tourist office. The visit will consist of sampling Christmas foods from the market and Christmas produce from the patisserie in Saint-Junien. To reserve please email or tel 06 88 91 80 63. Sun 16th Dec ARNAC-LA-POSTE Christmas Market Sun 16th Dec CHÂTEAUPONSAC Christmas Market Sun 16th Dec DOMPIERRE-LES-EGLISES Christmas Market Sun 16th Dec GOUZON Christmas Market Salle polyvalente from 9h-17h. Christmas storytelling throughout the day. Sun 16th Dec NEXON Christmas Market Wed 19th to Sun 23rd Dec SOUS-PARSAT La Maison du Père Noël As night falls in an enchanted setting meet Father Christmas with his sleigh and visit his house (18h1519h). Children are invited to write a letter to Father Christmas at the tourist office in Sous-Parsat and post it through the letterbox of Father Christmas' house. Thu 20th to Sun 23rd Dec GUÉRET Atelier de Noël Artisinal gifts. 10h-17h. Chambre des métiers. Fri 21st Dec CHÂTEAUNEUF-LA-FORÊT Christmas Market Salle Bartholdi from 18h. Fri 21st to Mon 24th Dec GUÉRET Marché de Noël gastronomique Place du Conventionnel Huguet.

Sat 22nd Dec DUN-LE-PALESTEL Christmas Market Sat 22nd Dec FLAVIGNAC Christmas Market Place du Général de Gaulle from 8h-13h. Sat 22nd Dec SAINT-LÉONARD-DE-NOBLAT Christmas Market Town centre & Halle Marchande from 17h. Sun 23rd Dec AUBUSSON Christmas Market Sun 23rd Dec CHASSENON 21e Foire de Noël Gourmet produce & crafts. 9h-18h. Sun 23rd Dec EYMOUTIERS Christmas Market Sun 23rd Dec LA SOUTERRAINE Christmas Market Christmas market with over 150 exhibitors, the perfect opportunity to find those last-minute Christmas gifts.

Mon 31st Dec SAINT-LÉGER-MAGNAZEIX Réveillon Celebrate New Year's Eve at the salle socio éducative from 20h. Menu Gastronomique (includes apéritif, wine & coffee). With music and dancing. For more information and to book please call 05 55 68 32 88 / 06 76 61 45 11. Sat 12th to Sun 13th Jan SAINT-MATHIEU Love Letters in the Haute Vienne Culture en Tête will be presenting Love Letters, a play by the American Playwright A. R. Gurney, on Saturday the 12th and on Sunday the 13th of January at Saint-Mathieu (87) in the Salle des Fêtes. Both performances will be at 15h30. The performance on the 12th will be in English and the performance on the 13th will be in French. Tickets are €8 (€6 for members of Culture en Tête). The two performers are Melinda Mullins and Joshua Bryant who before coming to live in France acted in a range of popular American TV shows and theatrical productions. Tickets can be reserved by phoning Pat or Peter on 05 55 78 40 65.


20 ♦ WHAT’S ON

UPCOMING EVENTS ACROSS THE REGION Sat 1st to Sun 2nd Dec Théâtre du Cloître Théâtre du Cloître is celebrating its 10th birthday with 10 shows across 10 communes in Haut-Limousin: a programme of song, storytelling, theatre, music & dance. Choose which shows you would like to see or get a Pass'anniversaire to see them all (!) - a free bus will be put on to take you from show to show. For the full programme and info on tickets visit Sat 1st Dec EYMOUTIERS German Christmas Market All morning in the halle. Sat 1st Dec JUMILHAC-LE-GRAND Marché de Noël Puygers, Jumilhac-Le-Grand 24630. 10.30-17.30. Come and see some original arts and crafts: Woodturnings, Jewellery, Sculpture, Porcelain, Bespoke furniture, Textiles and lots more. Support Twilight dogs home and the local garden club. Hot food and drinks available. Contact Mandy at for more information. Sat 1st to Sun 2nd Dec LA CELLE-DUNOISE Christmas Market L’association "Et au milieu coule la Creuse" organises a Christmas Market on 1 and 2 December (both days from 10.00 to 18.00) in the Salle des loisirs in La Celle-Dunoise. More than 20 French, English, Swiss and Dutch artists and crafts(wo)men will offer ideas for original Christmas gifts and decorations: personalised embroidery, oil paintings, watercolours, books, Christmas cards and decorations, decorated wooden and leather articles, dream catchers, costume jewellery, sculptures and many other surprises.

Several exhibitors will give demonstrations of their know-how during the two days. We look forward to seeing you there! Sat 1st to Sun 2nd Dec SAINTE-FEYRE Marché de Noël - Parc Animalier Les Loups de Chabrières Christmas market at the wolf park. Come and do a spot of Christmas shopping: games & toys, crafts, regional produce... Free entry to the park. From 10h. Contact: Tel - www.loups-chabrieres. com Sun 2nd Dec CHAILLAC-SUR-VIENNE Marché de la Saint-Nicolas Sun 2nd Dec LE DORAT Christmas Market Sun 2nd Dec LUSSAC-LES-EGLISES Christmas Market Salle des fêtes from 9h30. Sun 2nd Dec SAINT-LAURENT-SUR-GORRE Christmas Market Fri 7th Dec BESSINES-SUR-GARTEMPE Christmas Market Night market from 17h in and around the salle des fêtes. Fri 7th to Sat 8th Dec CHABANAIS Christmas Panto Theatre Chabanois presents a traditional British Panto "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" on Friday 7th December at 20.00 & Saturday 8th December at 15.00 at the Salle des Fêtes Chabanais. Adults 6€, Children 4€ (under 4yrs free). Reserve your seats in advance and grab a chance to win 2 free tickets - call 05 45 94 10 71 or email

Handmade joinery and woodwork at prices you can afford

Doors, Stairs, Shutters, Gates & Furniture... We can beat any like-for-like quote Qualified furniture restorer Trade enquiries welcome No job too small - Call us today for a FREE QUOTE Français parlé - English spoken

Find us on Facebook - search for “Ebenisterie Hemming” Covering central France - call for more information 02 48 63 15 09 Montgenoux Nicholas Hemming 18170, Maisonnais SIRET: 533 607 115 00011 Theatre Chabanois is a bilingual community theatre group formed in 2009 with about 30 members so far and a cast and crew of all ages (10yrs to over 80), abilities and talents. We are always looking for new members, not only those with thespian tendencies but those that are willing to help backstage and front of house. Everyone is welcome to join us. Whatever you bring to the group you will be sure of a warm welcome and much fun on a Monday evening at the Salle des Fêtes in Chabanais at 7pm. Sat 8th Dec BOUSSAC AIPB Cake Stall In the square opposite Simply Market, from 9am, the AIPB will be manning their cake stall as part of the Téléthon. There will be all the usual delicious homemade cakes, marmalade etc, plus tea and coffee. Come and enjoy the fare and cake donations will be welcome. Info phone Wendy 05 55 65 03 69. Sat 8th Dec BOUSSAC Christmas Market Sat 8th Dec FRESSELINES Marché de Noël From 10h at La Belardière. Toys, books, jewellery, wood turning, paintings, sculpture, chocolate, cheese, wine and more! Sat 8th to Sun 9th Dec NOUZERINES Christmas Market Sat from 14h-19h; Sun from 10h-19h. Salle polyvalente. Sat 8th Dec RANCON Christmas Market Sun 9th Dec BOSMIE L'AIGUILLE Marché de Noël et Foire à l'Orange

Organised by the Comité des fêtes et le Comité de Jumelage de Bosmie-l'Aiguille. Gourmet produce, crafts, sales of Spanish produce from the region of Pédralba (oranges, clementines, olive oil...) Paëlla to take away. Salle Georges Bizet from 9h-19h. Free entry. Sun 9th Dec GUÉRET Come as you are... Christmas Carol Service in English As part of our regular services we will be holding our Christmas Carol Service on Sunday 9th December at 3pm at the ADD Church, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret. We offer a warm welcome to you, whether you have a faith or just want to come and share in the joy and celebration of Christmas. All ages are welcome. Hot drinks and mince pies will be served following our time together. Contacts for further details: Ian and Becky Jefferies – tel: 05 55 61 10 23 or e-mail: Jim and Pat Scott- tel: 05 55 67 54 78 or e-mail: Sun 9th Dec LA SOUTERRAINE Anglo-French Christmas Carol Concert 15h30 at Chapelle du Sauveur, rue Lavaud, La Souterraine. St Jacques Parish Christmas choir singing English and French carols, plus organ, and other instrumental pieces, Christmas readings and poetry. The Choir is composed of English and French members of the Parish and surrounding areas, conducted by Marie-Jo Sapelier, 'Animatrice' at N. Dame de la Souterraine. The organ accompaniment will be Mr. Georges Lartigau, recently retired Professeur at the Conservatoire de Guéret. There is no entrance charge, instead we are asking for donations in aid of a Health Centre Project in


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