The Bugle Limousin - Jan 2019

Page 1

Limoges-Bénédictins voted second best station The iconic train station has been voted the second most beautiful in France in a recent internet competition >> Page 4

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January 2019 - Issue 111 - FREE!

Brexit Bill voted through by France The birth of the French whisky industry - page 5

With the deadline for Britain to leave the EU just a few months away, France has voted through a Bill which will allow the government to take swift action in the event


In the wake of May's decision to try to renegotiate the Brexit agreement, France's National Assembly voted through a bill that allows the government to take emergency measures to handle the fallout of a no-deal Brexit, including protecting the lives of Britons living and working in France. Speaking after the vote, France's minister for European affairs, Nathalie Loiseau, said: “Our collective responsibility is to ensure that France is ready for all the possibilities on March 29th at midnight. As the results of the vote showed last night, this bill goes

When it's OK to drink from the bowl - pg 3

Guéret on front page of New York Times - pg 4

of a no-deal Brexit.

French women win European gold - pg 8

The Bugle Business Directory - pg 14-20

>> continued on page 9

© Obier (WikiCommons)

s a new year dawns, and with fewer than 100 days to go before 29 March 2019, there is still much uncertainty as to how, when or even if Britain will leave the European Union. Following Theresa May's decision to delay the vote on the Brexit deal negotiated with the EU, leaders across Europe are preparing for many people's worst case scenario - a nodeal Brexit. With so much still unknown, expats find themselves in a particularly difficult situation; in less than three months, nothing could change, or everything could be different.

INSIDE > > >


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irst of all, I would like to wish a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all and let's hope that, one way or another, we will soon be able to stop talking about Brexit and just get on with wherever we find ourselves at the end of March. The mind boggles to think that after two and a half years of talks and far fewer than one hundred days before the deadline, we still have no idea where we stand, how our lives will change or indeed whether we will even leave! It reminds me of a story from 2017 when Nottingham’s Black Iris Brewery decided to hold a party at its headquarters and labelled the event “The Piss Up In A Brewery”. Unfortunately, as the big day approached, organisers were forced to relocate it to a pub a few doors down the road as they had not correctly applied for the relevant licence. Faced with the irony of their failure to organise a piss up in a brewery, they renamed the event “The Piss Up Near A Brewery”! At least they managed to get the party started in the end, however; you rather get the impression that Johnson, Davis, Gove et al have not only failed to apply for the licence, but also forgotten to order any beer or invite any

guests. What they appear to have, flying in the face of all available evidence, are promises that their's will be the best party ever thrown, will be free for all, feature no foreigners, boast a gourmet allyou-can-eat buffet and come with the guarantee of no hangovers! It will be interesting to see how the next few months pan out. Personally, my family had a very eventful Christmas. We took the decision a few months ago to travel back to the UK, the first time we have attempted such a trip by plane as a family of five. We were expecting stress, tantrums and logistical challenges, but what we had not banked on was a rogue drone! We were due to fly on the Friday evening before Christmas, but 24 hours before take off, Gatwick airport remained closed and we were rapidly losing hope that we would make it back in time for turkey. The presents were already in the UK and all looked decidedly bleak. I checked the Gatwick website at 5 in the morning on our day of travel and it was being suggested that there would be no flights all day, so I resigned myself to fate and went back to sleep. Then at 6:30 when I next checked, flights had suddenly started up again and I could allow myself to dream of stuffing balls

and paper hats. We made the trip to Bordeaux airport, parked the car, checked in, wrestled the kids through security and took our seats... it was a Christmas miracle! Then my phone pinged, the dastardly drone had been seen again and Gatwick's runways were closed once more. The minutes ticked past before the captain finally came on the intercom to announce our flight had been cancelled and we must all disembark. To say my kids were gutted would be the understatement of all time. Devastated, bereft, heartbroken... a combination of the above. The Christmas rug had been pulled from underneath their feet and what should have been the happiest day of the year was cruelly taken away. We travelled back home to the soundtrack of snivels and sniffs. To rub salt into the wound, Gatwick was only closed for a short amount of time and as we left the plane, flights had already resumed. I tried to plead this case with the cabin crew, but apparently, once your flight has been cancelled, there is no going back. Fortunately, this tale has a happy ending. We were able to rebook the red-eye on Christmas Eve, which although it involved a 3 am start would at least get us there in time for Christmas pudding. At this point I should say that I have only ever flown low-cost with Ryanair in the past. My Nan told me if you have nothing good to say about someone, don't say anything. So I will move on from Ryanair. Our flights were with EasyJet this time and credit

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where it is due, the rebooking process for our cancelled flights could not have been easier or more straightforward. Tout est bien qui finit bien and suffice it to say a fine time was had by all. We do not get back to the UK very often and while my children may appear English on the surface, they have only been north of the Channel a few times in their lives and are probably more French than British. So we decided to cram in some of the most important cultural experiences during our brief stay in Blighty: pubs were visited, fish and chips were eaten on the pier, 99 cornets were purchased (for £2.80 a pop – what happened there?!) and several hours were spent feeding coins into twopenny pushers. We did stop short of the jellied eels, however!! I have wished them luck explaining to their classmates what they did at Christmas! Until next month! Steve Martindale, Editor

INSIDE this edition 3-4 Local News 5-11 National News 12-13 French Life 14-20 Directory 21 Games 22-23 Community 24 What’s On

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When it's OK to drink from the bowl Region's radars targeted by the gilets jaunes


very region of France has its local customs and the Limousin is no exception. One you may have seen out and about, and which some say is the reason behind the area's large number of centenarians, is to pour a splash of red wine into your empty soup bowl before picking it up, swilling it around and draining the contents, or more concisely, faire chabrol. The tradition originates from the Périgord just to the south, and although your grandmother may have always told you never to drink from the bowl, the opposite is the case with this old ritual. Whilst some say chabrol and others chabrot, most agree that the expression means “boire comme une chabrette” - to drink like a goat. “You put your spoon back in the bowl and fill up the spoon with a splash of wine,” explained Régine Rossi-Lagorce, a former chef and author of several books on the history of cooking. “Alternatively, if you are a bit greedy, you can turn the spoon upside down and pour the wine over the back of the spoon, although with this technique, you will often have more wine than soup!” The idea behind chabrol is to finish the meal and clean your plate, although others swear by the health benefits, believing that the splash of wine, mixed with the dregs of the soup provides a tonic. Whilst the British may say “An apple a


day keeps the doctor away”, the local equivalent is “Chabrol quotidien éloigne le médecin” - “Chabrol every day keeps the doctor at bay”. Indeed these purported health benefits are behind a different, perhaps more poetic origin of this tradition. The Académie du Chabrol, based in the Dordogne, believes that the ritual dates back to 1580 when the famous essayist Michel de Montaigne was trying to escape the deadly plague sweeping across the region. Only one farm would give him refuge, the Cha-

brot household. The head of the family would pour wine into the remains of his broth after each meal. Believing that this was what had kept the family safe from disease, Montaigne took to drinking wine after his soup “comme le Père Chabrot”. Whatever origin you choose to believe, it is a nice way to finish a good bowl of broth and not only will you not be scolded for drinking from the bowl, you will actually be helping to keep an ancient local tradition alive. ■

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lthough the recent civil unrest in France is no longer just about fuel prices, protesters have continued to target petrol stations, toll booths and speed cameras. The latter have proved to be a particularly soft target and some reports estimate that more than half of the country's 4,500 speed cameras were out of action in the run-up to Christmas, with the Limousin no exception. By 6th December, for example, ten out of the fifteen radars in the Creuse department were out of service. Many protesters see the recent reduction in the national speed limit to 80 km/h as just the latest move by the government to collect money from those that can least afford it and have vented their frustration on the nation's speed cameras, much to the consternation of local officials and road safety campaigners. The vandalism ranges from painting the screens, wrapping them in clingfilm or covering them with a gilet jaune through to dousing them in petrol and setting them alight. “More than half of our radars are damaged,” explained the prefecture of one, unnamed central France department. “But we have been advised to no longer comment on these figures for fear that it will provoke more attacks.” Whilst there may be no official figures for the number of damaged radars, the repair costs will certainly run into the millions. A glass screen costs around €500 to repair, but to replace a burnt-out radar costs between €60-80,000. Add to this the lost earnings from speeding fines and the damage is another costly result for the government of the Yellow Vests movement. ■

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siret: 832 486 948 R.C.S. Limoges ○ THE BUGLE ○ JANUARY 2019

Unrest puts Guéret in the international spotlight


s one of the smallest, poorest and least populated departments of France, the Creuse does not often find itself in the international news, but December saw its capital Guéret hit the front page of the New York Times, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Whilst the images of thousands of gilets jaunes clashing with riot police on the Champs-Elysées were a regular feature of the world's news bulletins, the prestigious American newspaper headed to Guéret to highlight what it believes is at the heart of the problem in France and the source of the discontent that has led to the Yellow Vests uprising. Describing Guéret, home to some 13,000 people, as a “grim provincial town in southcentral France”, the article focussed on several working class families, struggling to make ends meet each month and frustrated with their standard of living. One such man was Florian Dou, who told the newspaper that his 9-year-old son has never been on holiday and his gross salary of €1,300 euros a month “disappears immediately on bills”. So fed up by life on the breadline, Mr Dou gathered together the small amount of mon-

ey he had left and was one of thousands of people who headed up to Paris to protest in the early weeks of the movement. Whilst some may argue that any publicity is good publicity, many of us who have chosen to live in this beautiful part of central France will not recognise the picture painted by the NYT: “The cafe in the main square is empty by mid-afternoon. The hulks of burned-out cars dot the moribund train station’s tiny parking lot, abandoned by citizens too poor to maintain them”, although the article does go on to stress that “It is not deep poverty, but ever-present unease in the small cities, towns and villages over what is becoming known as 'the other France', away from the glitzy Parisian boulevards”. It is true that the grass roots of the recent protests are in rural France, and there remains strong support for the gilets jaunes among residents of the Creuse. As a remote department with limited infrastructure - like much of rural France - tax increases on petrol and diesel have a far greater impact here where wages are already low and unemployment high. The movement has evolved to be about more than fuel prices, however, and instead about general anger at politics

and politicians. This last point was raised in the article, where the author highlighted that “None of the Guéret protesters expressed allegiance to any politician... most said politics disgusted them”. When the town’s mayor, Michel Vergnier, a veteran Socialist politician, went to see the protesters, they were not welcoming. “There’s a rejection of poli-

ticians,” Mr. Vergnier said. “They are outside all political and union organizations.” Although the strength of the protests diminished somewhat in the lead up to Christmas, anger remains high across the country and only time will tell if Guéret emerges as the poster child for the poor, disenfranchised and marginalised citizens of the next revolution. ■

HGV numbers on the rise Limoges-Bénédictins voted second best Whilst the government raises taxes on diesel in its bid to dissuade car usage and meet carbon dioxide emissions targets, the number of heavy goods vehicles on the roads continues to grow. Located as it is in the centre of the country, many of these trucks pass through the Limousin on their way to and from southwestern France and Spain. With the help of dozens of cameras on the motorway, the centre d'ingénierie et de gestion du trafic (CIGT) has been able to follow traffic numbers in real time and establish more accurate statistics for road usage. “We have recorded 8,000 every day, in both directions,” confirmed Gilles Pascaud, head of the CIGT in Feytiat. “This figure represents one thousand more HGVs than just a year ago.” Further south in Corrèze, at the junction of the A20 and the A89, more than 16 per cent of the 40,000 vehicles recorded were HGVs and these increasing numbers mean that the region often does not have enough space for truck drivers to stop and rest, with dedicated parking areas regularly overflowing onto the road network. “At certain aires, there is a very high volume of drivers and we do not have enough space,” explained Jean-Christophe Relier from the transport authority who also confirmed that a five-year investment plan is being implemented to tackle this growing problem. ■


he city of Limoges may not be celebrated around the world for its architecture, but if it is famous for one thing, it is the stunning Limoges-Bénédictins train station. First opened in the 1850s, Limoges-Bénédictins now carries over 1.5 million passengers every year and if you take the time to look up as you pass through the terminal, you will soon understand why it is regularly featured on lists of the most beautiful stations in the world. Most recently, the terminal narrowly missed out on being voted “la plus belle gare de France”, losing to Metz in the final. The competition was run by SNCF subsidiary SNCF Gares et Connexions and took place on Facebook, where the public could vote for one of two stations in a series of knock-out rounds. It is the second time Metz has lifted the trophy after also winning the inaugural competition in 2017. As a relatively small city and with the winners decided by often partisan Facebook votes, Limoges did well to reach the final. Indeed, the famous sta-

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tion only just squeezed past Tours in the semi-final, beating the northwestern city by just 21 votes out of more than 33,000 cast. In the final, Limoges-Bénédictins was soundly beaten 21,900 votes to 17,740 by Metz. The original station at the site in Limoges was a functional wooden building. The terminal as we know it today was designed by Roger Gonthier shortly after the turn of the last century, with work finally completed in 1929. The building largely escaped the Second World War unscathed, despite Italian aerial bombardment and Nazi occupation. A huge fire in 1998 did destroy large parts of its famous dome, but a 30 million franc project quickly restored the roof to its former glory. The station has appeared in a number of documentaries and films, but perhaps most famously was the setting for an iconic advert for Chanel Nº 5 from 2008 entitled “Train de nuit”. The advert featured Audrey Tautou running into the station to catch a train before being seduced by a handsome stranger. ■

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hilst you may not associate France with whisky production, the country is in fact the largest consumer per capita in the world, with each person drinking a staggering 2.15 litres on average every year. Whilst much of the whisky is the cheaper, blended variety, typically drunk with a mixer, tastes are changing and the country is starting to distill increasing amounts of the golden liquid. Over recent times, Japan has exploded into a market so long dominated by Scotland and Ireland, and France has taken its first tentative steps to follow their example. Today there are 33 operating distilleries producing 79 brands, with a further 30 waiting for their whiskies to mature in the barrel for the minimum three years before they can be sold. Production has shot up from 215,000 bottles in 2010 to almost one million today, the majority of which currently heads to the domestic market. It is a relatively new industry, however - the first whisky was distilled here in 1987, by Warenghem in Brittany - although experts suggest that the conditions and distilling know-how in France could soon see it become a bigger player on the international stage. “There is good whisky in France,” explained Jim Murray, author of the bestselling Whisky Bible. “But producing sufficient quantities, and with con-

sistent quality, is a major problem. We need to invest in them and believe a bit more in their future.” “France can make very good whiskies because it has all the required raw materials - barley, malt, and pure water - along with well-honed skills in distillation and ageing,” agreed Christophe Fargier, founder of the Lyon-based brewery Ninkasi which has just launched its own whisky. Three of the world's five biggest producers of malt, the special mix of germinated grains used to make the spirit, are based in France and the country also has huge numbers of used, aged barrels. Traditional whisky-makers typically use former bourbon or sherry casks to age their creations, but French distillers have begun experimenting with the rich aromatic palette of casks that once aged wine, something that Warenghem boss David Roussier believes means French whiskies can offer something no others can. “What people look for in a whisky is a degree of authenticity,” he explained. “They want us to speak to them of terroir. In Brittany, we are well equipped for that. Now that people have accepted that we can make whisky in Brittany, we can allow ourselves to be more original.” Terroir is the expression usually used to describe the natural environment in which a wine is produced, including the soil, climate, and topography of the land.

© Grégoire Sarafian (WikiCommons)

France entering the whisky market

Despite the impressive growth of this emerging industry, it remains relatively small on the international scene. Warenghem currently produces around 200,000 litres of pure-alcohol equivalent - a measure of quantity used in the spirits industry - per year. By comparison, a medium-sized Scottish distillery will produce around 7 million litres! “There are no more than four or five distilleries in France today capable of largescale production,” explained Xavier Bre-

vet, who co-founded the blog Le Whisky Français. “The profit margin requirements of the global spirits giants are too high for newcomer producers to meet at this stage of the industry's development.” With many of the higher-quality whiskies maturing in the barrel for 10, 12 or 15 years, it may be a while until French producers can take on the big guns, but if you are a fan of the golden spirit, why not go local and track down a bottle of Frenchdistilled whisky this New Year. ■


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he iconic clock on one of Paris' most celebrated monuments has been revealed to the public after being restored by the man charged a decade ago with illegally working on the timepiece. “It’s a lovely story,” said a spokeswoman for the Panthéon in central Paris. “The circle has been completed.” The tale began when the clock, which had been abandoned and left to rust in the 1960s, was identified by the underground “cultural guerrilla” movement known as the Untergunther. The group, who see it as their job to covertly restore France's cultural heritage, first turned their attention to the building's clock thirteen years ago. For a year from September 2005, under the nose of the Panthéon's unsuspecting security officials, the group of intrepid “illegal restorers” set up a secret workshop and lounge in a cavity under the building's famous dome. Under the supervision of group member Jean-Baptiste Viot, a professional clock-

maker, they picked apart and repaired the antique clock. Getting into the building was the easiest part, according to Lazar Klausmann, a spokesperson for the Untergunther. The squad allowed themselves to be locked into the Panthéon one night, and then identified a side entrance near some stairs leading up to their future hiding place. “Opening a lock is the easiest thing for a clockmaker,” said Klausmann. From then on, they entered at will, day or night, unbeknown to the Panthéon's officials. The hardest part of the scheme was apparently sneaking in the planks the group used to make chairs and tables to furnish their cosy squat cum workshop, which had sweeping views over the Paris skyline. The workshop was eventually hooked up to the electricity grid and even boasted a computer connected to the internet. Only when their clandestine revamp of the elaborate timepiece had been completed did the group reveal themselves. “When we had finished the

repairs, we had a big debate on whether we should let the Panthéon's officials know or not,” said Klausmann at the time. “We decided to tell them in the end so that they would know to wind the clock up so it would still work. The Panthéon's administrator thought it was a hoax at first, but when we showed him the clock, and then took him up to our workshop, he had to take a deep breath and sit down!” All did not go according to plan, however, and embarrassed by the way the group had entered the building so easily, the Centre of National Monuments filed a complaint against them for trespassing. This was ultimately dismissed, but the clock was not put back into service and its hands have remained still ever since. A change of management at the Panthéon has finally brought about a change in attitude to the “illegally” restored clock. Following a recent restoration project on the building's dome, attention turned once again to the clock and it was

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© Moonik (WikiCommons)

The bell finally tolls for illegal clock restorers

only natural that Jean-Baptiste Viot, the man who had been instrumental in restoring it just over a decade ago, was brought back to oversee the work. In the summer of 2018, the clock of the Panthéon began ticking once again. “We hear it! It does not always ring at the right time and the hands are not always in exactly the right place, but it works,” joked David Madec, the building's new administrator. “We were

far from worried about this at first, especially since this clock is more famous for its history than for its history of telling the truth!” Following a final round of restoration work in December, relating to the weight of the pendulum and the effect of cold on the mechanism, the building's clock is now fully operational and a valuable piece of the capital's culture has finally been restored. ■



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Women's handball team Free piano offered lift European trophy to gifted teenager

led from start to finish, cheered on by 14,000 fans - including football star Kylian Mbappé - at a packed Accor Hotels Arena in Paris. France went into the final on a high after thrashing the Netherlands 27-21 to end a run of three failures at the semi-final stage. “What we did was incredible, considering that we lost Allison Pineau... we have written history!” said Lacrabère. Pineau was sent off in the 36th minute for dangerous play, after throwing the ball at a long distance and striking the Russian goalkeeper in the face. The 2009 player of the year left the pitch in tears, leaving her fellow players with a scoreboard that read 16-13. “We deserve this medal, because we worked so hard,” coach Olivier Krumbholz told reporters after the match. “I told them in the dressing room that in life, you have to know how to appreciate the little things. And this match has certainly been the most exceptional in terms of emotions.” ■

Screenshot (France Bleu Provence)


he French women's handball team won their first ever European championships in December, securing qualification for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics at the same time. The historic win in the final against Russia goes some way to avenge their defeat by the same opponents in the 2016 Olympic final. Although the sport may not be that familiar to many British people, it is huge in France and the victory of Les Bleues was big news nationally. After football, handball is the second most popular sport in France in terms of the number of registered players and no other national team sport has won more medals on the international stage. The French team added the European crown to the World title they won in 2017, and the 24-21 win over Russia, the only major nation they have not beaten in recent years, makes them hot favourites for next year's Olympics. Left-back Alexandra Lacrabère was the team's top scorer as they

Screenshot (France3)


young French piano prodigy received an early Christmas present in December when he was gifted a free piano after a video of him playing went viral. 14-year-old Mourad Tsimpou, who lives in the suburbs of Marseille, would regularly make the trek to a public piano in the nearby Timone hospital where, according to locals, he would practise for up to seven hours at a time. It was during one of these practice sessions that Rayan Guerra filmed the video clip that would ultimately go viral. “I have just seen this young guy, who plays from 1 pm until 8 pm twice a week,” he tweeted, along with a video of the teenager playing Chopin. The clip was seen by hundreds of thousands of people, including the town's mayor, who in turn contacted the owner of a local music shop, Éric Scotto. In response, Mr Scotto decided to give the teenager his very own piano for free, to enable him to practice even more. “Now it is time to provide the tools to allow him to work, and that is why we are here,” explained the shop owner. “Because talent that is not harnessed counts for nothing!”

The budding virtuoso comes from a modest background in the cité de la Castellane area of Marseille and began his musical journey at a young age. His parents explained to reporters that their son had always sung, but discovered instruments at primary school, where he was encouraged to play the piano by his music teacher. In order to develop his prodigious talent as he grew older, but without a piano of his own, Mourad would seek out free public pianos around the city for his practice sessions. Now with his own piano at home, the modest musician, who still describes himself as a beginner, is hoping to hone his craft and one day go on to become a music teacher himself. ■

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>> continued from pg 1

06 04 17 80 93 -

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beyond partisan debate and has one goal: the protection of our national interests and those of our fellow citizens. We hope that the British government can, in the same way as we have done vis-à-vis their nationals living in France, guarantee the rights of French and European citizens. The French people of the United Kingdom can count on the unfailing commitment of the government. I want to say to Britons who live in France that they will be welcome tomorrow, as they are today. They must not become hostages of a no-deal Brexit.” The so-called Brexit Bill will grant the French government emergency powers to quickly pass legislation to handle the situation of British expats in the event of a no-deal Brexit. “This means that in the event of no deal, the French government can quickly act to bring into effect decrees to ensure that we don't become illegal residents overnight,” explained Kalba Meadows from Remain in France Together (RIFT), reacting to the news that the bill had been voted through parliament. “It will almost certainly include some kind of transition or grace period to allow everyone to 'regularise' their situation under whatever new rules would be implemented. It also means that teachers and other fonctionnaires won't lose their status or be downgraded to contractual workers.” The UK also released a paper

detailing the effects of no deal for expats, as well as allocating £2 billion to government agencies to help prepare for the cliff-edge scenario. The paper confirmed, as had previously been stated, that the UK would aim for healthcare arrangements for British state pensioners in the EU to continue to operate via reciprocal agreements, whether with the EU as a whole or individual member countries such as France. The UK also stated that it would continue to seek agreements with EU states giving UK nationals the right to vote and stand in local elections, as it will also do in the case of a deal. As a show of good faith, the paper confirmed that EU citizens in the UK will be able to vote and stand in local British elections in May 2019. Also relevant to British expats in France is the fact that the paper confirms that the UK aims to maintain most of the benefits of the draft withdrawal agreement for EU citizens settled in the UK before Brexit Day. “They will be able to stay and carry on with their lives broadly as now,” the paper says. “They will continue to be able to work, study, and access benefits and services in the UK on the same basis after we exit the EU as they do now.” In other developments, the EU has revealed that while British citizens will not need a visa to travel to EU countries, they will need to apply for an ETIAS (European Travel Information

© Euseson (WikiCommons)

Uncertainty continues as Brexit Day approaches

and Authorisation System), which is due to come into force in 2021. Under the scheme, travellers will have to apply online and pay €7 for the travel document, which will be valid for three years and checked at border crossings. The EU says the ETIAS system will “strengthen security checks on those persons who travel visa-free to the EU”. Whilst many wait nervously to see what will happen when Theresa May finally puts the draft agreement before parliament later this month, the British Ambassador to France, Edward Llewellyn, has insisted that everything is being done to protect the rights of expats in France. “It is important to underline that the UK and France have both said that people should be able to continue to live their lives in each other’s countries whatever happens,”

the ambassador highlighted in a recent email to The Bugle. “On our side we have published information on how we will provide for the full rights of EU nationals in the UK in all scenarios.” The ambassador also pointed expats towards the Brexit section of the French government's website (French only at time of going to print) – http:// “This website confirms that a new registration system will soon be brought in and that people will be able to apply from March 2019 (in the event of no deal) or until the end of June 2021 in the event of a deal. While we await that system their advice to us remains that British citizens should apply for a carte de séjour (residency permit) under the existing EU rules so that they are in the system, though this is of course your decision.” ■

10 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS M&M EXCAVATION SERVICES 05 55 63 58 85 / 06 42 23 38 57 -

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ith the emergence of companies like Ancestry and 23andMe, increasing numbers of people are having their DNA sequenced, and these DIY kits were a best-selling gift across the world this Christmas. For as little as €79, you can swab the inside of your cheek, send off the sample and just a few weeks later receive information on where your ancestors came from. You can also, however, find out if you carry genetic markers for certain illnesses, or, as is increasingly the case, expose dark secrets in your family tree! This is one of the reasons that do-ityourself DNA testing kits are actually illegal in France, although that has not stopped nearly 100,000 people so far having their DNA sequenced in this country. Despite being banned in 1994 under the loi de bioéthique (bioethics law), the kits are very easy to acquire from nearby countries, such as Switzerland or the Netherlands, where they are perfectly legal. In France, the only way you can take a DNA test legally is by getting medical approval or a court order allowing you to undergo one, and anyone who breaks the law theoretically faces a fine of up to €3,750! On the whole, the medical profession in France is against these home DNA kits as they can create anxiety in people who often receive more information than they

were expecting. “We regularly have consultations with people armed with bundles of paper who did not know what they were getting involved in,” explained Professor Stanislas Lyonnet, director of an institute on genetic diseases. “They took a test they thought was frivolous, but are actually receiving crucial and sometimes important medical information. They say things like: I am a carrier of cystic fibrosis, I have a risk of getting Huntington's disease, I have a risk of breast cancer or ovarian cancer... This is information that is poorly presented, lacking context and with no follow-up. So to find it under the Christmas tree is really rather ridiculous!” One such person was Paul, who spoke to Europe1 about his own test results. “What it said was that people of my genotype have a higher than average likelihood of heroine addiction and an increased craving for alcohol. Now that I've got this information, I can't look at an alcoholic drink in the same way. Just because I have a 72% higher than average risk of developing schizophrenia, that doesn't necessarily mean that I will. For anything below a 50% increased risk, I will not question my doctor, because there are about thirty diseases detected. On the other hand, on some things that may worry me, I'm going to talk to him about it. But maybe he'll just laugh at me...” ■

Photo: Alexandre Gagné

The potential problems with home DNA kits


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siret: 821 846 318 00011 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JANUARY 2019




The New Year Hangover Cure!


by Julia Watson

ew Year’s Eve you recited the whole of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” sang “Bye bye, Miss American Pie” to the end without garbling a single word, and demonstrated precisely how Fred Astaire tapped his way through “Top Hat”. Now it's the first morning of a fresh New Year. Except you're not feeling so fresh and you don't know if you'll be making it through to Day Two. What happened? Apart from several too many cocktails, that is. Primarily, you've become dehydrated by the ethanol in alcohol, so your brain has shrunk away a little from its casing and is now thumping painfully between your ears. The increased blood flow to the skin that first gave you that lovely party glow last night has brought on a mild case of hypothermia this morning, and you're shivering cold. You thought your third martini was the best you'd ever had. Your stomach thought it just another dose of poison it was forced to metabolize. Enzymes made by cells in the liver worked to convert the ethanol to acetaldehyde, then other enzymes changed the acetaldehyde to acetic acid. Acetaldehyde sounds like a product used by your dry cleaner to spruce up your winter coat. It's certainly not spruced you up because it's mildly toxic, which doesn't help your hangover. Basically, you're thoroughly dehydrated. Not enough glucose is getting to your brain, and your blood sugar is low. If all this information is too much to take in while your brain is being hammered, just absorb what you can do to mitigate the feeling of imminent death in which you are floundering. First, do NOT rely on the hair of the dog. More alcohol will simply postpone the painful cure. Drink lots of water - alcohol has badly dehydrated you. Eat something easily digestible to raise your blood sugar level. Dry toast at the very least - with scrambled eggs would be better. Some people swear by a full fried breakfast, believing the fat coats the stomach with a barrier that fights

those feelings of nausea. There's no science to back that, but if it works for you... Beware coffee or tea. Both are diuretics, so you'll not cure your dehydration unless you keep up your water intake while knocking back those sugary espressos. What of pharmacy remedies? A journalist at one British newspaper was commanded by his editor to get himself drunk several times over a pre-Christmas week to try out several over-the-counter hangover medicines. That this was a cruel assignment was confirmed by his conclusion that nothing worked. Of eight hangover cures reviewed in the British Medical Journal, vitamin B6 and prostaglandin inhibitors were deemed effective in promoting rehydration. Medications containing paracetamol (acetaminophen) must be avoided, they established, because they might cause potentially fatal liver damage. Medicines containing codeine, dihydrocodeine and tilidine were deemed helpful, but they shouldn't be taken along with alcohol or even shortly after the end of drinking or they too could cause damage. For nausea, they suggested over-the-counter motion-sickness or allergy medicine. Dioralyte, or other over-the-counter rehydration salts, are an effective act-quickly remedy. Nature may come to the rescue. Lashings of hot chilli pepper deliver a natural feel-good factor. Some enthusiasts spread spicy sauces and salsas on toast. Others jigger them onto scrambled eggs. A cheat version of the Vietnamese beef soup Pho should do the trick without issuing a challenge to the digestive system because the difficult-to-digest cuts of meat usually included have been left out. Here it's been made from chicken stock because in this condition you are in no state to make your own delicate-flavoured beef stock, and a bought beef stock has far too imposing a taste. Julia Watson has been a long-time Food Writer for newspapers and magazines in the US and the UK.

False Pho Soup

Serves 1 hung-over individual with several bowlfuls until cured Ingredients:

½ litre chicken stock Juice of ½ small fresh lime 1 star anise 1 tablespoon Nam Pla fish sauce (optional) 1 small handful fresh cilantro, left whole ½ small handful fresh mint leaves 250g bean sprouts 250g fine rice noodles 1 teaspoon sugar (preferably dark brown) As much as you can take of 1 fresh red chilli pepper, finely chopped, or Sriracha sauce to taste Put the rice noodles in almost boiling water and leave to soften, about 4 minutes, then drain and set aside. Bring the chicken stock slowly to a boil over low heat with the star anise and red chilli pepper, then take off the heat, remove the star anise and add the noodles, lime juice, fish sauce and sugar. With a pair of tongs, put a good helping of noodles into a warmed soup bowl, pour over chicken stock to cover by an inch, then add the bean sprouts, breaking them up in your hands, the cilantro stalks and the mint leaves. Eat with extra heat from a squeeze-bottle of Sriracha sauce or any other hot sauce or more chillies, as often as you must until you feel back on your feet and your brain is comfy in its skull.


06 04 17 80 93



Review your finances for the new yearBlevins Franks


he new year is a good time to reflect on the previous 12 months and look ahead to what the coming year may bring. Make sure one new year’s resolution is to review your financial planning to check it is up to date and on track to protect your family’s longterm wealth. Preparing for Brexit Although the official Brexit date is just weeks away, there is still much uncertainty about what it will actually mean for UK nationals living in the EU and when any changes will take effect. Whatever happens, if you are already formally resident in France, your right to remain should be secure. You can continue receiving the same access to healthcare and other benefits as you do today for as long as you are settled here. But if you still plan to move to France or have not yet registered as tax resident, time is running out. Even if a transition period is guaranteed, it is sensible to work towards the shortest possible cut-off date, so take steps to establish your settled status before 29 March 2019. Tax planning Regular tax reviews are crucial to ensure your investments and wealth are arranged in the most suitable way to limit your liabilities, while meeting your obligations. Today, with the ‘automatic exchange of information’ regime well

under way, it is more important than ever to get it right. Over 100 countries – including France and the UK – are already sharing data on residents’ overseas income and assets, with more joining each year. Your local tax office will receive financial information about you without having to ask for it. Last October, the UK government introduced tougher penalties for failing to declare offshore income, assets or activities accurately and on time. Now they can impose an unlimited fine (maximum of £5,000 in Scotland and Ireland) and up to six months in prison where undeclared tax exceeds £25,000 in any tax year. Cross-border tax planning is complex, so take specialist advice to achieve peace of mind and potentially secure significant tax savings. Savings and investments The Bank of England (BoE) increased the UK interest rate to 0.75% in August – the first time in over nine years that rates reached over half a per cent. While some banks eventually passed on an increase to savers, rates remain relatively low. Keeping savings in cash can be risky if you are not earning enough to keep pace with the increased cost of living. With the current rate of inflation still hovering above the BoE’s target of 2% – reaching as high as 2.7% last August – many savers are actually earning a negative real rate of return. British expatriates have the added concern of exchange currency risk in what is currently a highly volatile time for Sterling. Successful investing is about having

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a strategy specifically based around your personal circumstances, time horizon, needs, aims and risk tolerance. You should ensure you have adequate diversification to avoid over-exposure to any given country (including the UK), asset type, sector or company. Using investment structures that allow multi-currency flexibility can help minimise exchange rate risk. In any case, review your portfolio annually to take market developments into account, address any changes in your circumstances and take advantage of opportunities for residents in France. Pensions Today’s pension landscape offers more choices than ever, but this may change with Brexit. For example, it is possible that tax-free transfers to Qualified Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) may be targeted once the UK sheds its EU obligations. Carefully weigh up all your options, as well as the tax implications in France and the UK, to establish the best course of action for you. Make sure you take regulated advice to protect your retirement savings from pension scams and do what is right for your personal circumstances and aims.

planning when living in France, as both succession law and tax work differently to the UK. For example, France’s ‘forced heirship’ rules could automatically pass a significant proportion of your worldwide estate to your direct family, whatever your intentions. You can specify in your will for the EU regulation ‘Brussels IV’ to apply relevant British law to your estate instead, but first understand your options and any tax implications. Your estate plan should be set up to achieve your wishes in the most tax-efficient way possible. Speaking of heirs, do not forget to take into account any new additions to your family this year! Whether it is investments, tax, pensions or estate planning, take personalised advice to establish the most suitable approach for you. Spending a little time on a financial health-check now can provide peace of mind that you and your family are in the best financial position to enjoy a prosperous 2019 and beyond ■ Tel: 05 53 63 49 19 Email: Web:

Estate planning

Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page:

It is important to review your estate


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M: 06 02 25 41 58

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Experienced and fully registered builder with 10 year Décennale Insurance Offering a broad selection of building services in depts. 87, 19 & 23. From one off installations to complete renovations, construction, decorating, landscaping and ground works. E:

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SIRET: 504 612 441 00015

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Building Services Painters/Decorators

High Ground Development

Simon Carter

For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email: see main ad - pg 4

Painter & Decorator Qualified craftsman with over 25 years UK

Mini-Digger with driver

English & French spoken - Siret: 518 511 340 00011

See Main Ad pg 14


Can I help you with those jobs you don't want to do?

• Painting/Decorating • Labouring • Pressure Washing • General DIY No job too small, just give me a call!! All areas covered - Based nr Aubusson (23)

05 55 83 02 77 / 06 30 90 58 90 Siret: 523 955 151 00015 06 04 17 80 93 STEVE'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Roofing, Building, Renovations, Plastering & stud walls, ... and more! e:

SIRET: 799 067 939 00014

T: 05 55 69 37 64 M: 06 80 92 23 82



05 55 63 53 06 06 23 29 48 19

06 34 24 64 11

experience, now based in Haute-Vienne. Specialist services: Interior & exterior painting & decorating, wallpapering, plastering.

French and English spoken Traditional Plastering Rendering, Stud partition dry lining Lime mortar stone pointing

Building Services Lifts & Scaffolding

Cherry Picker Services

14.5 metres on a van

Tel: 09 66 03 52 89 Call for a quote

KWIKSTAGE Scaffold Hire DIY or Full Scaffold Service See our website or phone for details

05 55 89 69 46

t: 05 55 50 52 02 m: 07 66 52 33 47

siret: 842 233 108 00013

SIRET: 503 169 237 00016

Tel: 05 87 19 91 50 Mob: 07 81 26 88 65 Web: Email: siret: 792.130.932.00017 06 04 17 80 93 Building Services Plasterers

Able Plastering

French registered plasterer with over 30 years’ experience All internal and external works covered Plastering (English and French plaster) Rendering Concreting Floor Screeding Stud Partitioning Lime Mortar Pointing

Tel: 05 55 62 12 39 Mobile: 06 06 41 10 30

06 04 17 80 93 Building Services Plumbing & Heating

15+ years experience plastering/boarding
 Fully registered and insured Trading in France since 2007
 Call Mark for a free quotation

05 55 44 71 44 / 06 78 60 96 16 Siret No. 493 159 412 00011

Building Services Sandblasting M&M SANDBLASTING SERVICES

05 55 63 58 85 / 06 42 23 38 57 See main ad - pg 10

Sand and Blast We provide a fully operated


service for wood, stone and metal. Perfect for stripping away years of grime or paint. Contact us for a free quote, or see our website:

05 55 76 31 59 / 06 77 40 95 92 SIRET: 812 727 253 00013

Chimney Sweeps


Electrician/Plumber 05 55 62 63 82 see main ad - pg 15

Experienced, Registered & Fully Insured No mess, no fuss

Building Services Roofing


T: 05 53 62 48 44 siret: 484 768 700 00011

Eurl Réno-Gén

ROOFING SPECIALISTS All types of roofing External insulation Carpentry work Dormer windows Velux windows Zinc guttering Chimney repoints Lead flashing, etc. Contact Phil Andrews:


THE LADY SWEEP Established since 1986

Brush & Vacuum All types of chimney Fully Insured Call Ruth Clear

Mob: 06 42 38 54 22 Tel: 02 54 30 11 20

02 54 31 48 50

siret: 509 180 410 00011

siret 504 218 454 00016

Siret: 527 906 614 00013


06 25 61 84 95 (SMS only)

To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93 50,000 sq ft of covered showrooms, large external areas with constantly changing stock

- P5 18mm tongue & grooved water repellent chipboard. Available in 8ft x 2ft sheets. - C.L.S. stud work: 2.4, 3 & 4.8m lengths. - OSB 8ft x 4ft sheets, 9mm and 18mm in stock - Rigid board insulation. - PLYWOOD All in 8ft x 4ft sheets. External grade, suitable for construction uses with high quality finishes on both sides. Held in 5.5mm, 9mm, 12mm, 18mm, 25mm. All Malaysian WBP BB/CC. - Marine ply also in 12mm & 18mm - Skirting board & Architrave in stock. - ROLL OUT INSULATION in stock (100 & 150mm). - If you use hydraulic oil search on Google: reclamationyard Facebook. Open Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6pm - - Only 1km from Confolens on the D952 Ansac-sur-Vienne road

Purple Solutions Garden Maintenance Do you have a garden? Home, cottage or holiday home? Call us on 06 72 87 87 14 or contact us via Facebook or email. Leave your details and an idea of the job description. Covering 40 km from Cussac (87150)

purplesolutionsgardenmaintenance email: siret: 825 351 836 00010




HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the team at Blacktower Rosemary Sheppard, International Financial Adviser


New Year, a brand new start and potentially big changes on the horizon for all us expats. Whilst writing this article and not having a crystal ball, there was a great deal of turmoil going on within the UK and Prime Minister May had just survived a vote of no confidence from her party. Whilst not wishing to get into politics, the big ‘Brexit’ is looming and this is going to affect all us expats one way or another.

Recent conversations with clients have ranged from those that take the attitude that the Brexit vote will have far-reaching consequences for years to come to those that are taking the attitude ‘Que será será’. In reality, at this moment in time, none of us really know what 29th March 2019 will bring. That said, it’s not necessarily all doom and gloom and now may be a really good time to plan ahead. One thing we can say with some certainty is that the financial markets have been anything but boring during 2018, with volatility at the fore. Lately, mainly down to political uncertainty in Europe and the UK and the American/Chinese trade war. On the monetary front the

Chimney Sweeping • Flue ways cleared • Birds nests, vermin & debris removed • Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests • Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage)

05 55 63 78 72 Siren: 502 409 949

Cleaning Services Nicky... à la maison

belief is that US interest rate expectations are peaking and that we will possibly have two more hikes in 2019 at 0.25% each. With little chance of interest rate rises in Europe it means little respite for hard pressed savers. In these uncertain times, many savers and investors are holding large sums as cash within their bank accounts and investments. Yet they are invariably getting no interest on these deposits. So action is required if they want the potential to at least meet inflation, currently standing at over 2.5%. The expectation is that the way the financial markets have performed in 2018 should be a reasonable guide to what lies ahead in 2019, with greater

Computers, Satellites & Web Design

Counselling & Support Services

"Les Combrailles" Fast dependable service


MIMI HOME CARE Bilingual home care near Guéret (23) - Cleaning & Ironing - Grocery shopping - Tutoring (for children under 11) - Baby-sitting (for children over 3) - Pet-sitting - Help for elderly or impaired people (walks, meals, conviviality...) - English and French lessons - House maintenance during absence (watering the plants, emptying mailbox, looking after pets...)

Tel: 06 21 33 60 99 Email: siret: 818 225 526 00016


Based Séreilhac (87) siret: 353 613 227 00035

Lesley Kidd MSc & Martin Simpson MSc


• Meet in person or via skype • Borders 87/19/23 (87130) • Individuals & Couples

Dept 23 & surrounding areas

Siret 841 476 526 00014

Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial

For all your TV and satellite installations and repairs (Sky TV, Internet etc.) Call Patrice:

from €12 ph

Based in central Creuse (23)

The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity.

Food & Drink



both now and in the future. I am here to help you weather the potential storms ahead. To arrange a professional and impartial consultation please contact me by email R o s e m a r y. s h e p p a r d @ or call me on 06 38 86 99 70. Website:

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

A cleaning business tailored to your needs Weekly/fornightly or gîte changeover

Call Nicola: 06 04 14 29 25

volatility playing a major role. The feeling is that Equities will lead the way in 2019, all be it via a bumpy road. Investors should expect lower and more variable returns than those seen in 2017 and the sentiment is that buy and hold is the best strategy, but to weather the storms ahead investors need to hold a well-diversified portfolio that is actively managed. Management of volatility is key so Multi-asset funds should be of interest to investors. Blacktower Financial Management has been established for over 32 years and worked with clients through the good and the bad times, offering sound financial advice. We will be by your side

Tel: 05 55 62 05 61 Mob: 06 52 38 67 65 Email: siret: 453 067 910 00019



- Free quote / discussion / meeting / assessment of current site during

- Refresh / redesign your existing site - Create new one page / multipage / shop / gite booking system site afterwards

- Update your own site if you like! - Enjoy a fully maintained site - Enjoy full website support

06 38 75 32 97 Siret: 80493524500014

SIREN: 818 604 654

Evelina Vuillemin English speaking psychotherapist in Limousin Face to face and online sessions

06 41 46 14 58

Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93

Conduct Authority. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) through whom we have a registered branch and passport for financial services in France. License number 00805B.

Try Something Different

Chez Jacques

St-Maurice-près-Pionsat (63330) Open: Tue to Sun, 10am - 2pm Tue/Wed, 5pm - 9pm. Fri/Sat, 5pm - 10pm Evening and weekend reservation recommended for restaurant Hotel rooms - call for info

Marsac (23) • Cosy atmosphere • Speciality Crêpes • Large burger menu • Around 115 single malt whiskies • Selection of bottled British ales • Book corner, pool table • "Mouclade" nights • Curry nights

Follow us on Facebook for events: "Hotel les Combrailles"

closed Wednesdays

Bar, restaurant, hotel

Tel: 09 86 28 41 88

Mandys-curry-2-go Mobile Curry Take Away For menus and venues:

05 87 40 02 83

Le Creusois Bar/Restaurant

Les Genêts, Azerables

Follow us on facebook e :

High quality British & French food at reasonable prices. Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens & Snack menus also available

Parties 20+ & events catered for

m : 07 70 39 12 23 siret: 498 199 306 00016

26, Ecurat 23150

Le Restaurant Ecurat Atelier d'Art du Jardin SIREN: 483 988 853

Allo Allo

1 rue Saint-Roch, Le Grand Bourg

Rés: 06 73 37 45 01

Restaurant du soir. Our menu changes monthly. Special occasions and parties welcome. Fish and chips and mushy peas €11,50 the last Friday of each month. Open Mon - Sat * Reservation in advance please* For more information:



tel: 05 55 81 31 85 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix.

see main ad - pg 6

British Market Stall +33 (0)6 79 23 57 09 +33 (0)7 69 14 49 73 see main ad - pg 3

To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93



“SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity How it works The principle behind Solarventi is simple: a small, builtin, solar cell powers a 12V fan that is connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/ off switch. Whenever the sun shines, the air in the solar panel is heated and the fan, receiving power from the solar cell, introduces warm, dry air into your home at the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour. The initial models were more than capable of keeping the cottages dry (and ventilated), even with the limited sunshine hours available in Denmark during the winter season. Since that time, the technology has really come along in leaps and bounds. Now, more than 20 years later, the 3rd and 4th generation Solarventi have exceed-

Garden Services

A DIY Solution? The installation process is very straightforward and should only take two or three hours. All that is needed is a drill, hammer and chisel to make a hole in the wall. Roof installations are also possible. In fact, the Solarventi was originally designed to be a DIY product - in Scandinavia it still is. There are no electrical or water connections and it can be safely left running, even when

Purple Solutions Garden Maintenance

06 72 87 87 14 see main ad - pg 16


All gardening work: Grass Cutting Strimming Hedge Trimming General Maintenance Dept 23 & Surrounding Areas

Tel: 05 55 89 57 40

Cross Cut Tree Surgeons

for all your tree requirements /

see main ad below

Gifts & Crafts

All general

Gardening Undertaken

No job too small. Reasonable prices. Contact Steve or Sherrie

M: 06 58 72 03 43 E: Siret No: 811 161 835 00001

T.A.D. 23 (Travaux d'Accès Difficiles) All aspects of garden maintenance • Tree Surgery • Garden Clearance • Strimming • Pruning

T: 05 55 81 14 51 M: 06 85 78 81 32 siret: 788 438 562 00019

Units start from €490 TTC.

Très Jolie

Ladies fashion accessories 05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53 see main ad pg 19 Ivan Petley

3D Puzzle Maker Handmade, fully interlocking, multi-layered 3D puzzles from just €9. Keyrings €2 plus other unique gift ideas. Customisation and personalisation possible. Come and visit the workshop by appointment.

Tel: Les Bregères, 23150 St-Martial-le-Mont

Siret: 483 059 242 00030

Sherrie et Steve Jardiniers

the property is empty. Solarventi requires no maintenance - if the property is unoccupied during the hot summer months, then it can be left running at low speeds for ventilation and dehumidification purposes or simply switched off. With a range of panel sizes, and the option for wall or roof mounting, Solarventi is suitable for all types of buildings, caravans or even boats!! Following the patenting of its design in 2001, Solarventi has only recently been actively commercialized. Over the last six years, Solarventi units have been installed in more than 24 countries and demand is increasing rapidly. From Greenland to Australia, Solarventi is finally getting the recognition it deserves. ■

Handmade Gifts

Handholding Services

Hand painted silk accessories, candles, jewellery & more. Available to buy online

SOLARVENTI - Available in the Limousin From Harlequin Developments Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97

A HELPING HAND Translation/interpretation Dealing with utilities/banks Permis de construire Sourcing/supervising artisans Notaire/tax/hospital meetings

05 55 62 50 38 Jonathan Critchley

Gaitway Help Professional and efficient service, confidentiality guaranteed Providing assistance with: • Small business registration • CAF • Healthcare cover • Emails and letter writing • Translation, interpretation and negotiation for all your needs

Siret: 811 512 094 00020

siren: 515 187 151

26, Ecurat 23150

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Atelier d'Art du Jardin

Artisan art for your garden

2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix

tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email:

Health & Beauty

Sophie Arsac

Mobile hairdresser

05 55 89 15 74 - pg 6

06 15 78 18 04- pg 10

French lessons & handholding services

See our Display Ad - pg 4

Osteopathy & Acupuncture Linda & Paul Bodimeade

Back, Neck, Joint Pain, Arthritic conditions? Anxiety, Headaches, Sports Injuries? Insomnia, Stress, Sinus, Hayfever? Based in Châteauneuf-la-Forêt (87130)

siret: 792 285 025 00013

Chez Boutique

Formerly La Petite Place

Grand-Bourg & surrounding area

Call Teddy:

Tel: 09 52 32 34 87 or 06 95 46 25 38

siret: 791 847 429 00010

ed all expectations. In Southern Europe, Solarventi is not only used for ventilation/dehumidification purposes; with far more winter sunshine hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. Several technical and governmental studies show that incoming air temperature can be increased by as much as 40°C.


siret: 793 539 826 00016


simple solar energy system that runs on its own, even when you are not there! – And provides a free heat supplement in winter. The Solarventi air panel was invented more than 20 years ago by Hans Jørgen Christensen, from Aidt Miljø, with the backing of the Danish government. He wanted to use the sun’s energy for airing and ventilation of the thousands of holiday homes on the West coast of Jutland, - houses that were left empty and unheated for long periods - houses with damp problems, mould and bad odours - houses that left their owners with discomfort, lots of work and expense. He wanted a system that would be safe, simple, without the need for radiators, water and/or mains electricity. Slowly but surely, the first Solarventi model came

Insurance & Finance Blevins Franks International tax and wealth management advisers See our main ad - pg 13

The Spectrum IFA Group

Tony Farrell

International Financial Adviser

05 55 89 57 94 - see pg 3


Financial Managment Group

Rosemary Sheppard 06 38 86 99 70 - pg 12 06 04 17 80 93

To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 06 04 17 80 93

Cross Cut Tree Surgeons

for all your tree requirements 30+ years experience Free quotes and advice We will not be beaten on price or standard of work Reliability guaranteed Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16 /

siret: 530 840 958 00017



Would you like to receive an electronic copy of The Bugle each month? We can deliver a copy to your inbox, hot off the press

Simply email - For more details visit

Language Services Jenny Homer BA hons, PGCE Proud of your French? or ashamed? Make a Fresh Start this September!

My lessons, held in Eymoutiers: • help you to speak and understand better • focus on real life, at the vet's, dinner invites, emergencies, over the garden wall chat • help keep Alzheimer's at bay! Small groups with a level to suit yours. Free taster class: 3 hours and includes coffee and cake. Email: If you have French friends who would like to improve their English, maybe they would like to join my TEFL classes. All levels.

Sophie Arsac

French lessons & handholding services 05 55 89 15 74 - pg 6

For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:

06 04 17 80 93 Pest Control

Pools & Spas Dave Roberts

Fibreglass Specialist Fibreglass swimming pool linings that can be applied over all finishes: tiles, marbelite, concrete, etc.

Perfect for new pools, old pools, or pools leaking water Laminated on site, one piece and seam free For more information or a quote, contact Dave:

06 04 17 80 93

+44 (0)1903 893 451 +44 (0)7825 916 573


Property Maintenance

Dératisation, Déinsectisation, Désinfection

02 48 60 83 72 / 06 74 33 02 38 Email: Curative and preventative rats, mice, moles, flies, woodworm, bed bugs, fleas, wasps, hornets

La Petite Barre, 18210 Bessais Le Fromental SIRET No. 498 544 741 00024

Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts

Creuse Property Care

Caring for your home in France when you can’t be there

'Gite and Tidy'

Property management All properties looked after, main residences, holiday homes & gîtes. Changeovers, cleaning, tidy ups, maintenance, gardening, swimming pools, etc. Single or regular visits. Fully insured. Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150). References available. 09 82 12 69 73 (Home) 06 06 40 81 07 (Portable)

Freephone: 08 05 69 23 23 see main ad - pg 10

Dress agency and gallery, specialising in designer and high quality pre-owned clothes for women and children, together with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items, and hand made furniture. 8 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440

Email: Web: Tel: 05.55 48.28.89 SIRET: 510 995 681 00010


Leggett Immobilier

Your advert here

05 53 56 62 54

06 04 17 80 93

Agencies across Central France see main ad - pg 7 see main ad - pg 5

Transport, Removals & Storage

50km radius from Boussac

Franklins Removals

Stove Sellers

siret: 838 728 145 00015

See our Display Ad - pg 9

Richard Charlie Collier 06 04 17 80 93

T: 05 55 67 90 47 / P: 06 40 75 74 47 E: W:

Beaux Villages Immobilier

Chez Amanda Depot Vente des Vêtements

Retail & Commerce

06 43 92 28 37

Garden & Pool Maintenance General Maintenance & Small Renovation work including plasterboarding, tiling, painting, etc. Changeovers/House Cleaning Ad-hoc Assistance References available Contact Mark or Trudy...

Property Sales

Creuse Gardien

Landscaping, Gardening Gîte Maintenance Property Clearance Environmental Construction

Siret: 479 965 758 00028

Central France Pest Control

For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:

Moulin de Tintin

Buggs Car Hire - see pg 3

Furniture, interiors & gifts

Inside Out Property Services Offering a wide range of building/joinery/fencing services We pride ourselves on the quality of our workmanship, providing the client with a high quality finish at competitive prices. Servicing 23 and surrounding areas. Ring Dave: 05 55 64 22 98 Email: Siret No. 821 348 323 00014

Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93

0044 121 353 7263

Naturalis Pools

06 31 17 25 60 see main ad - pg 2


Now delivering Mattresses Every 1st / 2nd Mon & Tue of each month From Angoulême to Ribérac area and Limoges to Sarlande area Go to our website for more information


Tel: 05 49 87 67 34

Advertise here from just €36 HT / month

06 04 17 80 93

Siret 531 167 443 00013

see main ad - pg 4

Bergerac & Limoges Airports

see main ad - front page

VAN ROUGE Affordable Moves Europewide 18m3 Van / 4.5m load length 29m3 available on request Full loads/ part loads/ single items Regular UK runs.


Watson European International Removals see main ad - pg 5


Très Jolie

Ladies Italian clothes and fashion accessoires Beautiful scarves, purses, handbags, jewellery & gifts

(See Notice Board for where to find me)

Paula Bonella

05 55 53 03 56 06 04 08 29 53 Facebook: search for “Tres Jolie Milhaguet” siret 753 125 061 00014


Advertising in The Bugle Business Directory Advertising your business couldn’t be easier. Text only, boxed listings are available in our Business Directory from just €12.50/month. Alternatively, why not spotlight your business with an Advertorial, available from 1/6 Page (€50 HT) up to Full Page (€300 HT). Both Directory Adverts and Advertorials represent a cost effective way to put your brand in front of more than 30,000 pairs of eyes each month!!

For more information on any of our advertising options, please feel free to give us a call on 06 04 17 80 93 or send an email to

6-Month Contract

12-Month Contract

Small b&w Directory Ad



Large b&w Directory Ad



Small Colour Directory Ad



Large Colour Directory Ad



All prices exclude TVA (20%)

Large Directory Ad 46mm x 71mm (Actual Size) 45 words max Small Directory Ad 46mm x 46mm (Actual Size)

30 words max

Directory Advertising is available either in black and white or colour, and in either small (30 words max) or large (45 words max) format. Directory adverts may only contain text (small logos may be allowed when supplied). The minimum contract length is 6 months. Advertising is payable on publication. All prices are HT.

Transport, Removals & Storage

Smart Moves



Central France Storage

For a fully insured, careful service

Secure self storage units in Guéret

Whether you are a business or a household, we are here to make your storage a worry free experience at affordable prices. Dry, safe & secure storage Brexit Busting Prices!! Vehicle storage options We also do internal moves! 14.5m cherry picker available

Tel: 09 66 03 52 89

+44 (0)1253 725 414

Why not take a look at our website or give us a call... we are here to help you!

Transition Removals

05 55 63 58 85

(+33) 05 55 34 19 46

Genuine/Reliable/Honest Local + Europe + UK runs Now also available for House/Barn clearances! 14m3 capacity 4.2m load length English & French Spoken

09 82 12 69 73 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres Siret 530 213 644 00012 06 04 17 80 93

siret: 494 123 847 00019 see main ad below

siret: 821 846 318 00011

Man & Van Transport

Email: 06 04 17 80 93 For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:

06 04 17 80 93

Your advert here 06 04 17 80 93 General

Cash paid for scrap

All Limousin covered Anything considered Any quantity

Tel: 05 55 37 45 35 Mob: 06 74 21 47 71 siret 532 981 198 00015


To raise funds for the SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret. High chair, buggy, travel cot (plus mattress/bedding), changing mat, etc. Each item will incur a hire charge of 10 euros, plus a refundable 10 euros deposit. For more INFO or to HIRE Call Vanessa: 05 55 64 32 08 or email:

Carrefour du Bois Limousin

05 55 63 72 45 - see below

Businesses for Sale FOR SALE:

Proxi Supermarket In the heart of the market town of Ahun (23150) • Alimentation Générale • Tabac • Lotto/FDJ For more information call:

06 38 39 33 99 06 04 17 80 93 FOR SALE: Commercial Lease For a shop (all types of commerce) on main street in Limoges. Easy parking. 60m2. 2 large commercial spaces of 20m2 and 25m2 with a room to the rear kitchenette, WC. Very good condition. Contact for more information.

Tel: 06 20 82 89 43

A VENDRE: Pas-de-porte, boutique tous commerces. Immeuble de style dans avenue principale de Limoges. Parking facile. 60 m². 2 grandes salles 20 m2 & 25 m2. Une arrière salle, mini coin kitchenette, wc. Très bon état.

Tel: 06 20 82 89 43

For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email:

06 04 17 80 93

Family run business based in France which prides itself on a personal professional service 7.5 tonne truck to and from the UK and Europe, with a highly experienced staff. We provide a door-to-door service with packing and dry, secure storage. We are a professional furniture removal company and NOT a man and a van.

Granulés du Limousin


Phone: (+33) 05 55 34 19 46 - Mobile: (+33) 06 80 75 87 14 Email: - siret: 482 524 907 00011



French Wordsearch - at the bakery The below French words relate to shopping at the bakery. Can you find them all in the grid to the left...?

baguette beignet boulangerie brioche chocolatine croissant croquembouche eclair ficelle flan SUDOKU - EASY


macaron madeleine meringue millefeuille pain patisserie profiterole religieuse viennoiserie


The solutions to this month’s sudokus can be found on page 22

Bugle Notice Board Très Jolie Fashion Accessories

A very Happy and Healthy 2019 to all our customers!!!


Curry & Side Dish of the month: Garlic prawn curry, Lamb & veg samosas Ste-Sévère-sur-Indre, Boussac, Gouzon and Guéret, Chilled pre-orders only! ... Wednesday 9th (3.15pm, 4pm, 4.30pm & 5.15pm) Aubusson, Chilled only! (place de la gare routière) - Thursday 10th (4pm-5pm) Marsac, (Chez Jacques) - Friday 11th (6.30pm) Sardent, (Auberge du lac, Masmangeas) - Saturday 12th (6pm) Peyrat-le-Château & St-Léonard-de-Noblat Chilled pre-orders only! ... Thursday 17th (12.30pm & 1.30pm) Le Dorat, Bellac & Limoges, Chilled pre-orders only! ... Friday 18th (1pm, 1.30pm & 3pm) Bourganeuf, St-Dizier-Leyrenne, Le Grand-Bourg, Dun-le-Palestel & La Souterraine... Chilled pre-orders only! Thursday 24th (1.15pm, 1.30pm, 2pm, 2.30pm & 3.30pm)

Please contact me if you would like a chilled pre-order

Très Jolie is thrilled to inform you that in addition to to anywhere that is not listed above! the other outlets my Beautiful Collection of All venues are weather permitting. Please check website & Facebook for updates. Ladies Italian Clothing & Accessories are now available from my new Boutique in Rochechouart. Tel: 07 70 39 12 23 Located at 4 rue Romain Rolland, 87600 Rochechouart Email: next door to the Equilibre Naturellement. Opening hours are 10h to 17h Monday to Friday, Saturday 10h to 12h. Closed Wednesday.

Don't forget to pop into the Gift Shop next door to the 1-4 Euro Store in Piégut for a large range of my everyday accessories

05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53

Purple Solutions Garden Maintenance

Many thanks to all our customers for their support in 2018 and we look forward to meeting new customers in 2019!

m: 06 72 87 87 14 e:

26, Ecurat 23150

Le Restaurant Ecurat Atelier d'Art du Jardin

Happy New Year to all our customers, old and new! Come and enjoy our Plat du Jour every Mon, Tue & Wed Call for more information: tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email:


CLUBS, CHARITIES & ASSOCIATIONS Charities The Hope Association Charity Shop 87 2 rue de la Vieille Tour, 87120 Eymoutiers The shop is run by a group of volunteers with the sole aim of raising funds for abused & abandoned animals. Opening hours: Sat 10h-13h, Wed & Fri 14h-17h, 1st & 3rd Thu morning 10h-12h. We offer a selection of items including pre-loved clothes, jewellery, greeting cards and much more. We are happy to accept anything in good sale condition either directly to the shop or email shopeightyseven4hope@ SPA Creuse The SPA Creuse dog refuge centre is based in Saint-Sulpice-le-Guérétois near Guéret and provides an invaluable service to the community by rescuing dogs that otherwise would have nowhere to go. Each year we re-home over 100 dogs which find themselves at the SPA though no fault of their own. We have dedicated staff who work alongside a network of French and British volunteers, all of whom have one aim in life, which is to do the best they can for the dogs until they find their forever homes. In order to do this they need to raise funds; along with walking the dogs every day, volunteers also organise fund-raising events and vide-greniers throughout the year. We are a friendly bunch and always on the lookout for more like-minded people and so if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, making a donation, or adopting one of our lovely dogs, then please visit our website Church Notices English-speaking church services Guéret "Come as you are" - This is an invitation to join us at our SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith or would just like to attend a church service, you are welcome at 3 pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at Église Évangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, 23000 Guéret. We welcome all who want to share in our fellowship and children are very welcome. For more details please visit Eglise Protestante Unie de France English Language services We look forward to giving a warm welcome to everyone from whatever Christian tradition (or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of the MONTH at 3 pm. (Two exceptions - August and December - second Sunday) Where? At the “Temple” in Thiat (in the north of the Haute-Vienne) – the chapel is on the main road close to the Mairie. After worship there is tea/coffee and cake – and a chance to chat. (Services in French every Sunday morning). If you want to know more contact Rev Stephen Sawyer on 05 49 84 33 86 or Zoë Horlock on 05 55 68 59 95. Fitness & Fun Bridge Club St. Junien Regular tournaments. Bridge lessons for beginners and intermediate levels (English-speaking teacher). Friendly welcome guaranteed. For further information don't hesitate to contact Mireille Drouet, President 06 30 20 45 13 / 05 44 24 10 92 / or John Slade 05 45 71 50 44 / Yoga Aubusson Classes at the Maison Sport et Danse, Dojo: Mon 15:45 Hatha 50+; Tue 17:30 Yin, 18:30 Hatha; Fri 14:30 Yoga for breast cancer or also very gentle yoga. 5 euro per class plus 10 euro adhesion. More info: Abbey 06 83 24 62 72 www. Cussac Bowls Club - Short mat indoor bowls If you’re a beginner or seasoned player come and join in with a friendly club. Weekly meetings starting Wednesdays 19:45 and Thursdays 9:45. Please call Peter on 05 55 78 66 45 for more info, email cussacbowlsclub@ or come along to one of our meetings at Cussac gymnasium. Indoor Bowling at Oradour-surVayres If you already play or have never tried indoor bowling then come along to a meeting. It's great fun and easy to play. If you have never played it before we will show you how. We meet every

Monday evening starting at 18.30 hrs at La Chapelle, avenue des Chapelles, 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres. Come and try it - it's free. For further info tel 05 55 78 45 24 or email oradourbowlingclub@ Zumba Dept 18 & 36. Contact: Coralie tel 07 78 66 52 01 Web: fun-life-attitude. Facebook: Coco Zumba Email: Keep Fit Amazing abs, breathtaking buttocks! Come and join our group at the CAPE in Pontarion. We are all ages, all sizes, men & women, but are serious about keeping fit. Our “monitrice” is English and will happily provide bilingual instructions. We meet every Thursday at 8 pm in Pontarion Town Hall, for a one-hour workout. Come for a free trial, or call 05 55 64 98 87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more details. Drawing and painting classes At Saint-Junien with the CAPCC (art club). All levels welcome, every Monday and Thursday, English and French spoken, friendly atmosphere, materials provided by the club. 45€ / half-term. Contact: for brochure with full details. Chabanais Bowls Club Chabanais Bowls Club offers gentle, convivial exercise together with a social programme to suit all tastes. Sessions of 3 hours duration take place at the salle des fêtes every Tuesday starting at 10 am and every Thursday commencing at 2 pm with a 30-minute tea/coffee break during each session. The Club has all the equipment that new bowlers require to get started or old hands can use their own indoor or outdoor bowls. There is a one-off joining fee of 10 euros, a yearly fee of 25 euros and a rink fee of just 2 euros. The first two ‘sampler’ sessions are free, only the rink fee to be paid. For more information contact Brian on 05 45 29 05 73 or Jane on 05 45 30 63 10. Photo Club La Meteorite (87) Rochechouart All welcome, all levels; we meet fortnightly at 3-5 pm on Sundays. Field trips, friendly critique, conversation and competitions (to contact and more details go to La Chance de Danser (Adults) St-Léger-Magnazeix – Salle des fêtes: Tue 9.15-10 Beginners Tap; 10-11 Stretch & Tone; Thu eve 5-6 Advanced Tap; 6-7 Dancersize. La Souterraine - 29 bd Mestadier, Gymnasium: Mon eve 6.30-7.30 Dancersize; Wed morning 10.30-11.30 Ballet. Email - tel 09 66 96 44 85. Art Classes Mainsat The class runs every Thurs (term time) at the Salle du temps libre in Mainsat from 14h-16h. We do a little bit of everything: pencil, charcoal, watercolour, pastel, acrylics, oils and sculpture, etc. Contact Susan Neill for more info: Tel 05 55 83 12 18 / Mob 06 87 99 31 37 / Email INSPIRATIONS – Art & Craft Group We are a small group of artists and crafters who meet every Friday from 2 pm until 5 pm at the Salle Barbara, Droux 87. There is no formal tuition but we all help, advise and encourage each other to perfect our skills and learn new ones. New members welcome, from absolute beginners to experts. Materials can be supplied for try-outs. Contact: Dordogne Short Mat Bowls Association Learn to play Indoor Short Mat Bowls in the heart of the Dordogne at Eyzerac, just off the N21, south of Thiviers. We are a small friendly inclusive club who meet every Thursday afternoon throughout the year at the Complex Sportif in Eyzerac 24300. We are looking forward to welcoming new members, both novices or experienced players. We have all the equipment you need to play, so why not join us any Thursday at 2 pm until 5 pm. To arrange a taster session or simply for more details contact Paul Boswell (Secretary) at boswellmoore@hotmail. com or call 05 53 56 99 75. Walking Football, Dun-le-Palestel If you think your footballing days are over, then think again! Our association, Entente Cordiale, is trying out a new venture – Walking Football, a slower version of the beautiful game! And it's for all adults over the age of 50. We meet every Monday from 16h-17h in the Gymnasium, just opposite The Apollo. Walking football is designed to give you the chance to play the game you love, but at a much slower pace. It's a great way to keep fit, learn skills, have fun,

Les petits jardiniers du Limousin Meet Thursday afternoons, dates below. 2.30 pm in the Mairie at St-AmandlePetit. Everyone welcome. Contact: 2019 Programme: Jan 17th - Bird

Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble We offer an easy-going and relaxing range of social functions to bring members of the French and English communities together, and a range of language courses for different levels of experience in English and French in Rochechouart (87) and Brigueil (16), as well as a Life & Culture in France course in Rochechouart. All lessons are in small groups with qualified teachers for just 7€ per hour; membership costs only 15€ per year. Visit www. or email apprenonsensemble@orange. fr for more information. For help and advice on choosing the right course telephone 05 55 58 02 88 or email frenchlessons.learningtogether@gmail. com CLE – (Charente Limousine Exchange) CLE is a not-for-profit organisation whose members form a valuable resource for the exchange of news, views, ideas and information. We lobby and work with key organisations to help protect our members' best interests, particularly when Government or other proposals threaten to impact the wellbeing of expatriate citizens. We organise a range of events, workshops and seminars throughout the year, plus social activities including coach trips, activity days, charity events and regular lunches - all activities to help members make new expatriate and French friends. If you already live in the PoitouCharentes or Limousin regions of France or are thinking of moving here, CLE is your key to unlocking the secrets to a happy and comfortable lifestyle. Web: Email: Aubusson’s Network Each week, for 5 years now, we meet between 11.30 am and 1 pm every Saturday at the café "Aux Baladins" opposite Aubusson’s Gare Routière car park. We are a friendly group of French and English who enjoy conversation in both languages. We like to exchange views, make new friends, help and advise one another and help integrate newcomers. You can contact us by phone: Viviane 06 32 96 54 2 - Jo 09 72 41 40 47 Catherine 06 86 17 80 88 - Jan 00 44 74 68 20 66 12 - John 05 55 67 37 60 Association Rencontres FrancoBritanniques Based in Bourganeuf and created in January 2012 ARFB aims to help British people, resident in the Communautés de Communes surrounding Bourganeuf, to become integrated in their communes and local life. We organize a range of cultural and social activities for our members. The fortnightly conversation groups

are an important part of our association where British members can improve their spoken French, and our French colleagues may improve their English. We would very much like to welcome new people, both French and English, into the association. We currently have 90 members. The annual subscription for membership is €12 per person. For further information contact: Christine Gee 05 55 64 22 25 - email: French Conversation Group at Les Billanges (87340) We are a small group who meet fortnightly for an hour and a half on Tuesday evenings during term time in Les Billanges, 87340, close to the Creuse/Haute-Vienne border. We are accompanied by a retired French schoolteacher and a current French teacher of English. Discussion is informal, loosely based on everyday topics, including some grammar plus general discussion. We need a few more people to help keep it vibrant and to cater for inevitable absences. The only cost is yearly membership of the local Association, about €16, which brings with it other social opportunities. To find out more please contact Chrissy Smith at Familles Rurales in Peyrat-leChâteau Association Familles Rurales now offer assistance in English and Dutch to all non-French speaking people (British, Dutch, German, etc.) concerning all kinds of administrative steps. The service is available in Peyrat-le-Château and surrounding communes. We will try to provide information and help you find your way in social and administrative matters, as well as with practical matters where language is a problem. Find Heleen Tichler-Botermans at the AFR office in Peyrat-le-Château on Mondays from 9 am to 12 pm and Wednesdays from 9 am to 1 pm. You are welcome to drop in or make an appointment. E-mail: familles-rurales.infopeyrat@ Telephone: 06 41 20 06 83 Office address: 19 avenue de la Tour, 87470 Peyrat-le-Château Familles Rurales 2 in St-Yrieix-laPerche Weekly courses in French for foreigners (mainly English and Dutch) living in the area. Four levels taught: Level 1 Beginners - Mon 10h30 - 12h; Level 2 - Thu 10h30 - 12h; Intermediate - Tue 10h30 - 12h; Advanced – Wed 14h30 - 16h30. All courses are held at our premises 1, rue de la Piscine, St-Yrieixla-Perche 87500. For more info tel 05 55 09 30 86, email afr2.styrieix@wanadoo. fr or visit styrieix Les Franglais de Banize (23120) French and English people meet every Wednesday at 2-3 pm in the mairie in Banize to share English and French language and lots of laughter. We all learn from each other, in both languages and about aspects of both cultures. In general the English try to speak in French and vice versa. As far as possible! The meetings have been going on for ten years now but new arrivals are always welcome. For more information please contact Anne Chadwick at




and socialise at the same time, so why not come along? If you used to play football, but now find the pace a bit too much, or if you’ve never had the chance to be involved before, Walking Football is the perfect introduction to playing football for you – no running allowed! At the moment, all sessions are indoors, so please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Also now – Badminton! Playing Badminton helps to improve your fitness, and is great fun too! Come and join in with us every Tuesday afternoon from 16h-17h in the Gymnasium. Everyone welcome. For more information email eccreuse@ Laurière Carpet Bowls Club Registered & insured. For some gentle exercise with a friendly social club, learn to play Indoor Bowls at Lauriere, 87370, in the Haute-Vienne. No experience required. Come and take a look. It is great fun and easy to play. Join us any Monday at 2 pm until 5.30 pm at La Maison des Jeunes (Community Centre), on the route de St Goussaud (D28) just off the D914 at Lauriere. Parking available. Session includes short refreshment break with home-made cakes (€2.50 per person). For info, please call 05 55 71 23 83. Currently, we have British, French, and Dutch members. We look forward to seeing you. American Line Dancing (French Style) The Phénix Country Club welcomes new members - men & women, beginners & experienced dancers - to the salle des fêtes at LACS, near LA CHÂTRE, dept 36. Learn French & learn to dance in a friendly environment every Tues & Fri evening from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. 1st 2 sessions are free. Annual subscription is 80 euros per person. For more information in English contact Annette on 06 85 39 83 41 or email our French Présidente at

Phénix Country Club Bal CD Country Dance - Sunday 27th January Salle des fêtes, Lacs (36400) From 14h. Entry €6. Refreshments available. For more information and reservations tel 06 87 57 69 63 or email

Art Classes in Bujaleuf in French and English Caroline welcomes you at the Espace Gorceix in Bujaleuf every Wednesday afternoon to teach you drawing and watercolour painting. The classes are in both French and English, a good way to share languages and cultures in a friendly atmosphere. 15 euros per person for a 2-hour class. For further information please contact Caroline on 06 72 08 26 15. Gardening

and song identification; Feb - No meeting; Mar 21st - Drought: sedums, sempervivums and succulents; Apr 18th - Soil testing - knowing what to plant; May 16th - Gardening for the bees; Jun 20th - Car rally and lunch; Jul 18th - Fragrant plants for all year; Aug 15th - Very Berry shrubs; Sep 1st - Annual Show; Oct 17th - AGM followed by Plant Name Origins; Nov 21st - Natural dyeing using plants; Dec 12th - Christmas Party. Integration

Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Printed by: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac Monthly circulation: 15,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited. Dépôt légal à parution.

Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Imprimé par: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac Tirage mensuel: 15,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution.

The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world.


JANUARY 2019 ○ THE BUGLE ○ or tel 05 55 67 53 60. Bessines-Accueil Bessines-Accueil is a group based in Bessines-sur-Gartempe (87250) which seeks to welcome new arrivals both to the town and to the surrounding region and to assist them with integration in the community. The group is comprised both of French and English members and meets weekly, generally on Thursday afternoons, in Bessines-sur-Gartempe, when various activities take place, all aimed at promoting a friendly and welcoming ambiance. Through these activities, which include visits, talks, entertainment and much more, the group aims to discover and promote an appreciation of the life, the history and the heritage of the area and to help new arrivals settle. For more details or to join please contact the President, Bernadette Ruffenach, on 05 55 76 11 19. Café Franglais Organised by the Amitiés Internationales du Pays de Boussac (AIPB). Every Wednesday evening at 18h30 in la Maison des Associations, Quartier Pasteur, 23600 Boussac. Come and join us for an informal chat to improve your French or English with native speakers in a café atmosphere whilst enjoying a drink and nibbles. From 9th January until 24th April without stopping for Easter. Break for the summer, then recommence 4th September until 11th December. For more info please call 05 55 65 03 69. Open Door Association – English Language Library & Cultural Exchange Group The association organises a variety of cultural activities throughout the year. These have included events such as a Burns' Supper, Afternoon Tea and Art Exhibition as well as visits to vineyards, sites of historic and artistic interest and sites of natural beauty. Our programme is constantly being updated. We also run an English-language library based in the Old Mairie at Morterolles, commune of St. Pardoux-Morterolles where we have a selection of around 5,000 books, DVDs, jigsaws, etc. The library is open Mondays and Saturdays from 2-4 pm. Feel free to drop in and browse, borrow, chat, enjoy a free tea/coffee or join in the jigsaw that's always in progress! We welcome new members of all nationalities. For further information, visit our website at or contact the President, Peter Edmondson, on 06 47 54 20 09 or peter.edmondson@orange. fr Tea Time Cultural exchange workshop designed to bring together those who want to practise their French or their English in a friendly and fun environment. Held at the old school in Sussac (87) every Tuesday morning, 10 am till 11.30 am, except school holidays, the session includes group discussion/chat, structured role play and games for grammar practice, specific weekly topics, a small library of English/ French books, CDs and DVDs and an exchange of recipes, thoughts and ideas, followed by tea/coffee and cake. Cost: €144 for the year, plus €25 annual membership fee to the Foyer Rural. Contact: Jasmine (en français or in English) on 06 41 36 05 03. Bilingual Montessori Workshops At the Foyer Rural in Saint-Léonard-deNoblat for children aged 3 to 8 years old, run by Catherine Hutchinson and Sue Greenbank. The children are immersed in an atmosphere where both French and English are spoken. The workshops take place on Wednesdays from 13h30 to 15h30 and on Saturdays from 10h to 12h. The workshops take place without the parents. For further information please contact Catherine on 07 70 46 57 70 or Sue on 06 52 26 54 79. Libraries & Books Sale of Second-hand Books, La Croisillesur-Briance On the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance (87130), there is a sale of second-hand books (both English and French) from 9 am to 12 noon, at the former restaurant in La Place, opposite the bar/tabac. All proceeds go towards the local school funds (for La Croisille-sur-Briance and St-Méard RPI). La Souterraine English Library and Information Centre Located in the historic Porte de Puy Charraud, at 10 rue de Portail, La Souterraine, we are a lively, well-stocked English language library with almost 4,000 books and media available to borrow. We have an attractive cafe which serves tea, coffee and a range of home-made cakes. There is also a regularly changing display of works by local artists. The library hosts a lively mixed conversation group for French and English speakers and also organises Anglo-French conversation groups in association with the municipal library in La Souterraine. There are also a number of thriving special interest groups, such as the Gardening Group, Camera Club, Singing Group, etc. We also provide support & assistance in

CANCER SUPPORT FRANCE Charente Plus Free confidential support for Englishspeaking people touched by cancer

CSF 24 HOUR HELPLINE - 0800 24 02 00 email:

Facebook : Cancer Support France - Charente-Plus bureaucratic and administrative matters for both existing British residents as well as newcomers to the area. Whatever your interests don’t hesitate to pay us a visit and you will be made most welcome. We are open from 9.30 am until 12.30 pm, Mon, Fri & Sat and 2 pm until 4.30 pm on Thurs. For more info tel 05 55 89 57 62 during opening hours, email info@ or visit www. The English Library – La Bibliothèque Anglophone, Dun-le-Palestel The English Library, which has now been established for over 12 years, is part of the Anglo-French Association Entente Cordiale and is situated in the route des Ratteries, adjacent to the Bibliothèque Municipale, Parc Benjamin Bord. The Library is a very welcoming meeting place, where you can come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, whilst browsing through our extensive collection of around 10,000 books, talking books and DVDs. Thanks to donations and an active purchasing policy we are able to offer something for everyone. For our new acquisitions we concentrate on recent publications, as well as member requests for older books. Open Thu 10h-13h & Sat 10h-12h30. Entente Cordiale hosts a wide range of other groups and activities too, including English lessons, French lessons, Traditional Dance Group, Art Group, Theatre group, Les Troubadours, Traditional Embroidery Group, Walking Football and Badminton. For more information email eccreuse@ Music L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La Souterraine If you or one of your family are interested in playing in an orchestra and think your standard might be adequate do get in contact with us. We meet weekly on Friday evenings in La Souterraine (apart from the summer holidays) to rehearse. Most of our concerts are around Xmas or May-July. Our members come from all over Limousin so lifts to and fro may be possible if necessary. Contacts: French language Marie-France Martinie 05 55 30 76 23 / English language Alan Kerr 05 55 56 34 52. Le Chambard du jeudi Organised by the association Nessgig this takes place every 2nd Thursday of the month, from 19h to 23h at “La Maison des Associations", place du 8 mai 1945, ChâteauChervix (87). All music lovers who would like to share and exchange information and stories around songs and singing, in French AND in English, or who might like to jam a little, are welcome. Free admission! For more information email nessgig87@gmail. com or tel 05 55 09 99 34. JJ's Music Club Hosted by L'Authentique Restaurant, 25 rue Principale 23360 Lourdoueix-Saint-Pierre. Singers and musicians of all styles and levels will be warmly welcomed on the last Friday of the month. Free entry. Please reserve food in advance (05 55 80 21 67) - 17 euros for 3 courses. For more information email Jacky at Live music sessions, Rochechouart Our acoustic music sessions take place every second Friday of each month at the Salle Jacques Brel in Rochechouart where singers and musicians can come along to sing or play their own compositions or covers. All styles are welcome... celtic, classical, comedy, country, folk, jazz, music hall, pop, swing, etc. Why not join us? Alternatively, just come along and listen along with the evergrowing enthusiastic audience. Doors open at 7.30 pm. Join our Facebook Group - FolkGalerie - for more information or contact if you would like to take part.


Django This lovely boy was found tied to a tree in the woods near Boussac Bourg. He was very underweight and had been tethered for three days without food or water until some kind lady heard him crying and rescued him. Why someone would do this is unbelievable, as he is such a kind dog and just loves people and gets on well with other dogs and even cats. He is still a little inexperienced as is the case with all 1-year-old dogs, but with time and patience this boy will prove to be a very loyal companion. If you think you you can help Django then please contact the SPA de Creuse (Guéret), 21 Le Clocher, 23000 Saint-Sulpice-le-Guérétois tel 05 55 81 99 31 (answering machine) or email

Sparo Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there are now English-speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous at Limoges, Périgueux and Civray. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For details of the meetings or other information contact James 06 07 57 51 10 (Limoges), Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 (Périgueux) or Angela 05 49 87 79 09 (Civray). Other meetings in South-West France can be located on our website at Cancer Support France, Charente Plus Free confidential support for Englishspeaking people touched by cancer in departments 16, 17 & 86. CSF 24 hour helpline: 06 45 35 32 30, Email, Facebook: Cancer Support France - Charente Plus CSF Charity Shop open at 3 rue Nationale, 16150 Chabanais (entrance opposite the mairie – we are on the 1st floor upstairs) Tue & Wed from 10 am – 4 pm. Cancer Support Haute-Vienne We offer free and confidential support to English speakers affected by Cancer in the Haute-Vienne (87) and Creuse (23). Our helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87. If you would like more information or would like to become a member or help in any other way, please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15, or visit

Cancer Support Haute-Vienne would like to thank everyone who has supported us in the past year - attending an event, holding an event or buying a calendar. Thank you very much and I know the people we support thank you as well. Best wishes for 2019. Sue Ware, President

Association France Alzheimer in Dordogne We offer English-speaking support as a part of the national French charity supporting families affected by dementia. Our network of English speaking volunteers works across Dordogne. A support group meets near Bergerac on the first Tuesday of each month. Website: www.francealzheimer. org/dordogne Email address: alzheimer. Telephone: 05 53 27 30 34

This funny lad has had a life on the edge, spending three years in various shelters. Thanks to a lovely lady, he is today staying at a pension in Montrollet. Here he has been playing with the other doggies and the owner is enthusiastic about his future, saying now is a perfect time for him to leave for a good home. You can meet Sparo in Montrollet (16420) during opening hours. He is castrated, microchipped (250269810643026) and even has his rabies vaccination and EU passport. The SPA is only asking for a tiny donation of your choice, since he has been waiting so long. He is five now and has, apart from the pension, never had a real chance in life. Please give him a home. If you need language support for your visit, please call Katharina on 06 66 24 85 49 or call the pension directly on 06 10 76 23 23 (only French).

Peyrat Film Club The CINEMA in Peyrat-le-Château, run by the volunteers of the Association Bande Originale, regularly shows VOST films (original version with French subtitles), especially for all the non-French speakers in our region. In January we will be showing: Galveston - A crime drama with Elle Fanning and Ben Foster The Bookshop - Based on the novel by Penelope Fitzgerald, with Emily Mortimer, Bill Nighy, Patricia Clarkson Mary Poppins Returns - The most famous nanny in the world is back, with Emily Blunt and many other stars Johnny English Strikes Again - Rowan Atkinson is back as Johnny English Ticket price €5, but just €3.50 for members of the Association. See our website for dates & times, etc:


Do please come in and visit us. We are located at: 3 rue Nationale, 16150 Chabanais (entrance opposite the mairie, directly behind Petticoat Lane – we are on the first floor upstairs)

OPENING HOURS: Tuesday & Wednesday 10 am – 4 pm Sorry – no books or electrical goods

24 ♦ WHAT’S ON

The Bugle Film Club Thursday 10th January ○ THE BUGLE ○ JANUARY 2019

Fri 11th Jan DUN-LE-PALESTEL Let's Zep'In Tribute to one of the most influential and legendary rock bands in the history of music: Led Zeppelin. Salle Apollo. 21h. Tickets: €15; Concessions €12. Contact: tel 05 55 89 23 07. Sat 12th Jan to Sun 31st Mar Les Bistrots d’hiver 2019 The Bistrots d'hiver are back to liven up winter Sundays in and around the Plateau de Millevaches. Organised by the association Pays'Sage, this season celebrates 20 years of the Bistrots d'hiver and sees a diverse programme with something for everyone!! Events take place in auberges and cafes across the region and take the form of an apéro-tchatche (debate on something topical or related to the territory) before lunch featuring local produce and dishes, followed by an afternoon show (French song, cabaret, circus, folk, blues, theatre...) For full details visit

What? Mary Poppins Returns Where? Cinéma Sénéchal, 1 rue du Sénéchal, 23000 Guéret When? 19h00, Thursday 10th January How much? JUST €4

Thu 24th to Sun 27th Jan ANGOULÊME 46e Festival International de la Bande Dessinée The Angoulême International Comics Festival is the second-largest comics festival in Europe and the third-largest in the world and has run every year since 1974. More than 220,000 visitors come each year to the fair, including 6,000 professionals and 800 journalists. The four-day festival, which takes place at over 20 locations all over the city, is also notable for awarding several prestigious industry prizes. Opening times: Thursday and Friday from 10 am to 7 pm / Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm / Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm. Reduced price tickets available by advance purchase. Free for Under 10s. For more information visit

Do you run a local business?

(mention The Bugle when purchasing your ticket)

Do you need to find more customers and clients in 2019?

For details of the Cinéma Sénéchal, visit Details of each month's screening will be included in The Bugle, but to receive emails about upcoming Film Club nights, please send an email to quoting “Film Club” in the subject line, and we will add you to our contact list. (We promise not to send you any spam!!)

Why not give us a call to find out how we can put your business in front of 30,000 pairs of eyes each month!! Directory Adverts available from just €12.50 HT / month Display Advertising options from €36 HT / month

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